#But idgaf
futurealchemy · 3 days
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template credits: @p1ctur3
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harritudur · 2 months
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the Kiss by Klimt, zoro/nami version 🍊⚔️
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rlbbackup · 2 years
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delicatepointofview · 10 months
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Approved (kinda lmao) by the larents
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2knightt · 4 months
5 things dallas winston hated about you.
—even when you were on his last goddamn nerve, you were still everything to him. is he still everything to you? after all he’s put you through?
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-> in no way is this me changing my style nor should this be taken seriously…i’m just bored. and sad. and bored. and i miss my boyfriend. posted on queue!! i’m probably either studying, working on asks + event, or sleeping. either one.
(I.your snarky remarks.)
“did nobody ever teach you how to properly play uno of all games?”
you asked, a chuckle in your voice as you held your one card in hand. dallas glared at you from across your table, holding 12 cards. this was the 5th game you two played. he was never one to accept defeat easily.
“this game is just fuckin’ stupid. n’ you’re a dirty lil’ cheater.” he grumbled, staring down at his all red cards, eyes shifting back to the green 3 that you had placed down. dallas wanted to say more not-so-nice words, but knowing you fully, you’d say something even worse back. he hated that about you. you always said that it was apart of your charm, he always disagreed.
“why would i ever need to cheat when you can’t seem to count?” you snapped back, brows furrowed. you referenced the fact that dallas tried to pick up only 4 when he had to pick up 6, thinking he was slick.
dallas just huffed, picking up another card from the pile before mumbling a small, ‘go.’ there was a tug at the corners of your mouth, causing you to grin a little too hard as you placed down the winning card. for the 5th time in a row. dallas threw his cards down, clicking his tongue in annoyance. he leaned back into the chair, his head turned away from you as his arms hung off the chair.
“stop bein’ a baby and help me clean this up.”
“no. it’s your house.”
“and you’re the one who’s bumming around in it. clean up with me before i let you walk those streets. again.”
(II.how important your looks were to you.)
you stopped in the middle of the sidewalk, fingers running through your hair as you starred at yourself in the window of a convenience store.
“are you serious, y/n?” he asked, pockets in hand. he stopped walking when you did. he said it was so nobody hit on you. in reality, he liked it better when he had his eyes on you 24/7. he likes knowing you were safe. even for a second.
“yes, dallas. i am.” you replied with an eye roll. you grabbed your pink lip gloss, re-applying it for the 4th time today. sure, you were willing to admit it slowed you down—your focus on your looks. but were you gonna change? no! if someone doesn’t like it, who cares?
once you were done, you continued walking, leaving dallas to rush to catch up. he walked beside you after speed walking behind you for a few seconds. your lips shined under the hot tulsa sun, eyes glowing along with them. dally couldn’t help but wrap an arm around your waist.
he grew more and more aware of the men around. he held you closer, even when they paid no mind to neither you or him. he felt almost threatened for a moment.
“are you even listening?”
you chimed in, breaking his train of thought. dallas nodded, head empty. he didn’t hear a single thing you said. was he going to admit it? no. he didn’t want these other guys to know about how terrible of a boyfriend he was.
you just hummed, walking to your house in silence. any insults, compliments, comments, or cries would fall to deaf ears as of now.
(III.how you were blindly loyal.)
“i cannot believe you right now.”
“i jus’ said she was pretty. god forbid.”
he muttered as he entered your car, sitting in the passenger seat. dallas knew it’d be a terrible idea to try and make you jealous. boundaries, you’d shout. boundaries!
“i’ve told you how many times on how uncomfortable that makes me.”
“m’sorry, doll. i…i know. it was the alcohol.”
dallas lied right through his teeth. in all honesty—he’d been hoping it’d make you want to show him off. he was stupid for ever thinking you’d so something like that.
your silence scared him. you usually would’ve spat something back at him without a single thought. a sigh left your lips as you started the car, finally speaking up.
“i know.”
you muttered quietly. goddamn, maybe loyalty was gonna be the death of you. he didn’t mind much, though. at least you knew where home was. with him…right? right, y/n? he wanted to ask over and over again. dallas wanted the reassurance. he needed the support.
for what? he didn’t know. he just wanted to make sure you still felt the same way he does.
(IV.the way you fought.)
“she got you good, y/n.”
“oh, shut up, dal.”
you muttered, washing your bloodied and bruised hands under the faucet. you stood there, spacing out, letting the water run off your hands. dallas tapped you on your shoulder, snapping you out of it.
he handed you a clean shirt, a couple of bandaids in the other. you ushered him out of your bathroom, closing the door to put the clean shirt on. ‘she got you good.’ what does that even mean? was there seriously no, ‘are you okay?’ you wondered to yourself as you opened the door.
dallas sat you down on the toilet, brushing the fresh blood that slowly streamed down your cheeks with his thumb as he placed bandaids all over your face. he kissed every single one after doing so.
he wanted to make sure you still knew he likes you. that dallas winston liked you a whole lot.
“you’ll be alright, doll.” he comforted, patting your head. he thought back to your several other fights. you fought strategically and with honour. something he’d never do. but, recently, you’d been fighting just for the fun of it.
when you fought before—he felt a little angry. he didn’t like seeing you fight, but he didn’t like knowing you were good at it. knowing you were at the same level as he was at something he took pride in hurt him. dallas was frustrated at you and himself.
maybe his bad habits were rubbing off on you. a way to remember him, as dallas thought about it. he said he’d talk to you later about it. he never did.
(V.how quickly you were able to move on. faster than he ever could.)
you realized you needed better. dallas didn’t treat you like he used to. why? you didn’t know. you tried to be the best girlfriend he’d ever have, so why did he have to ruin it? was it your fault?
you kept on asking yourself questions like this when the reality of it all sunk in. that same day, you left dallas winston.
he felt his world crumble before him. this whole, self-sabotaging thing that pony warned him about was catching up to him. dallas felt hatred for you. well, at least he wanted to. he wanted to feel angry. hatred for you.
he couldn’t no matter how hard he tried. even when he watched you move onto another guy. from afar, he’d see you giggle and flirt with him. like how you used to do with him.
even when you’re with someone else, you’re still everything ti dallas. would you ever forgive him if he said sorry? would sorry even fix the way he treated you?
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dewsgremlin · 2 months
*Dewdrop and Swiss argumenting*
Dew: "I don't give a fuck!"
Phantom: "What does that mean?"
Rain: "Uhm, not giving a fuck means...not caring about something."
*later that day*
Cirrus: "Oh no! I broke my favourite mug..."
Phantom: "I would give a fuck but I'm afraid, I won't get it back."
Cirrus: ...
Rain: ...
Dewdrop: ...
Swiss: ...
Phantom: "What?! I care about your broken mug but i don't want to give a fuck. It's mine! I'll keep it!"
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dontronick · 9 months
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doomed yuri
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bookwxrmish · 8 months
Kotlc match list headcannons
-Sophie(if she could be registered) has Fitz at the top of her list with Tam second
-Keefe giving Tam the side-eye because he ranked above him by one spot on Sophie's list
-Keefe deciding that he doesn't need a match list because his Foster wouldn't be on it(but Sophie would def be first on his list)
-Biana having Tam and Dex as the top two positions, Maruca in third(no complaints)
-Linh and Marella being at the top of each others' lists and just going with it
-Dex didn't have anyone he knew on his list the first time(except for Stina, but he would never)
-Dex's next list had Tam, Fitz, and Biana- in that order. He's still panicking and hiding his list.
-Sophie found Dex's list and said she'd support his choice and she especially ships him and Biana.
-Fitz found out during a telepathy lesson and started blushing
-Fitz had Linh as number four on his list and no one else he knew(except Stina- but like Dex, ew)
-Fitz decided he may be better off as a Councillor
-Stina had Maruca in the 10th spot and started blushing furiously
-Maruca had Stina in her 7th and rumors say they went on a date(rumors also say it went very well)
-Nobody knows whats on Jensi's list, but they speculate Fitz may have been on it
-Tam got a list, but he has yet to show anyone. Though Fitz was rumored to be in the mix.
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When anonym people try to tell me what i can't post on the internet:
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Idgaf about strangers .
Dont like it , don't read it .
I am not yo Mama
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cowboylikejesper · 3 months
every time a book that altered my brain chemistry and changed the entire trajectory of my life in my early teens gets watered down to a “booktok book” i lose 10 years off of my life
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saladelektra · 4 months
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Literally HURTS my soul and heart that I can’t actually at the very least talk to this man bruh, I’m over here SOBBING IM COPING SO HARD DUDE PLEASE JERRY STOKES YOU’RE ALL I WANT YOURE ALL I NEED HAVE DINNER WITH ME PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE AGHHHHHHHH FUCK IM ACTUALLY GOING INSANE‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️😿😿😿
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irisesforyoureyes · 3 months
enough with the enemies to lovers where in fact it turns out character b was in love with character a all along where is the peeling of layers and the slow burn in that GIVE ME AN ENEMIES TO LOVERS WHERE THEY ACTUALLY WANT TO KILL EACH OTHER and fall for each other during the duration of the media im consuming like I want to see them actually fall in love over the time and not just dealing with the denial of loving each other from the start i want “I HATE YOU” from both sides I want them to spend time together take the time to know each other not the bullshit “I was an asshole to you all this time because I have always loved you” shut up bro you should be an asshole because you HATED them
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lesbianhughie · 2 months
who up remembering when hughie was the main character
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brie-annwyl · 9 months
Timothy Drake not realizing he was neglected in childhood until he sees the love and care Bruce shows his children is EVERYTHING to me.
Like those little fics where Tim is the rich next door neighbour that the Wayne’s have met a handful of times at various galas and they all immediately know
This child is being neglected.
It’s genuinely one of my favourite tropes and I have re read probably every single one on AO3 like 5 separate times.
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redmaple-goblin · 11 months
Honestly? I think maybe jaiden was both raised in the federation and raised a cucurucho(?) while being a federation worker
The daycare that had the new cucurucho and the old one saying “ you helped us, me”
Maybe referencing that she helped raise older cucurucho
the daycare having a purple tree also struck me as something to look at more, the bobby tree being purple and maybe she finds that subconsciously comforting (not my theory but its cool right?!)
Also the way only cucurucho allows jaiden to pet him, maybe referencing her being mother figure to him?
Jaiden has a special relationship with him, no other person (that i know of) has that kind of bond with him.
She sees the good in him, like she did with bobby
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weivern · 1 year
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