#But this emt has questions
1moreoffkeyanthem · 2 months
Say what you will abt those of us who write whump, but the availability of medical knowledge that comes with it kicks ass
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milf-harrington · 11 months
i love finding old fanfic ideas in my notes app
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dorkylittleweirdo · 1 year
so my prof and i were talking the other day and she goes “yeah i think you’d do good in research, you’d probably like microbiology” and i was like “ehhh i probably wouldn’t be that great at it tho” and she fucking reminded me of the fact that over a year ago she drew lungs on the board and what were allegedly blood vessels and asked if any of us knew what was going on and i said “parasitic infection, looks like threadworms, you can probably treat it with ivermectin” and she was like “wtaf are you talking about”. naturally once she’d explained that they were blood vessels and not parasites my dumb ass had no idea what was happening and i told her as much
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slowparts · 1 month
venting some bits about my newly-realized chronic illness. i’ve been having POTS symptoms for years, but it happens so rarely (1-2 times a year) and almost always without injury. whenever i get dizzy and faint from standing too long, it’s immediately relieved by laying down—which usually occurs naturally from the fainting. usually a little bruise here and there. followed by extreme fatigue, sweating, etc. and no doctor has ever really taken me seriously when i just present the symptoms because of their infrequency. But! come to find out that that’s part of why POTS is so difficult to diagnose, because the symptoms can come and go over a period of years. infuriating to say the least. i’ve just been passing out at concerts and thinking it’s a low blood pressure issue, which. it kind of is, but. Damn
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ghcstao3 · 19 days
something something civilian AU. something something johnny ends needing an ambulance after breaking his leg and they put him on painkillers that make him woozy and even more bold with his speech than usual.
something something the emt that helps him is tommy, and johnny flirts with him the entire way to the hospital because all he’s thinking beyond the dulling pain in his leg and the floaty feeling of his body is wow, blond. tommy just laughs him off, used to having been flirted with by patients before, only entertaining johnny’s advances to get him to cooperate with their checks. it’s as he’s wheeled off to get proper care that he asks for tommy’s number, to which tommy shakes his head and says sorry, i’m taken, flashing the gold wedding ring now that his gloves have been removed.
johnny frowns at that. goes quiet a long moment. then asks, d’you have a brother then?
tommy snorts but doesn’t dignify johnny with an answer, merely sending him on his way. but johnny clings onto the fact that this emt never said no to his question.
and apparently tommy telling simon the story later is enough to have him intrigued, only half joking when he offers to visit johnny in hospital before he’d likely be discharged the next day—but tommy won’t give up the man’s name because he’s still professional, and besides, johnny likely wouldn’t remember the interaction just a few hours from when he had made it.
but he does, of course. he still wonders if the emt would do him a kindness and send his brother johnny’s way, but it never happens. what does happen, however, is days later at a grocery store, as johnny struggles on his crutches to reach something on a higher shelf, simon ends up helping him as he is coincidentally wandering down that aisle. johnny thanks him, then does a double take, squinting.
aren’t you the emt that brought me to hospital the other day? i asked about your brother, right? he says. i’m really sorry about—
i’m not, simon interrupts. and just as johnny’s face falls, but i do happen to be said brother.
oh. johnny’s eyes go wide. oh!
simon grins, his smile endearingly shy as it is lopsided. yeah. here, i’ll help you out. in the meantime you can repeat everything you told my brother.
johnny goes bright red, initially sputtering out his responses, not at all confident like he was while on painkillers. but by the end of the shopping trip, as simon helps load bags into johnny’s car (he’d been so lucky to break his non-driving leg), his flirting has returned full swing, this time with simon’s reciprocation. of course, they plan for a first date.
(and years down the line, much to johnny’s chagrin, tommy already has his best man speech fully prepared with the story that started it all.)
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fadedncity · 9 months
safety net
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wc: 4.6k
pairing: jeno x fem!reader
cw: smut, bsf!jeno, friends to lovers, non idol au, haunted attractions, reader has coulrophobia (a fear of clowns), use of fake blood, (soft)dom!jeno, teasing, pet names, multiple orgasms, choking, manhandling, spanking, fingering, praise kink, oral sex (receiving/giving), protected sex, aftercare…pretty sure that’s it
You could hear the screams coming from inside as you and your friends moved up in the line. You nervously bounced on the balls of your feet, glancing at every person passing, keeping an eye out for the horror actors who were going around jump-scaring patrons.
Jeno noticed you become more anxious, unable to stop fidgeting.
"You're not too thrilled about this, are you?" he asks.
"What would make you say that?" you furrow your brows, clearly unaware of it written all over you.
"You seem a little on edge."
"What? No, I'm fine-" You turn to find the presence you felt creeping up behind you. You're face to face with a clown mask and almost jump out of your skin, letting out a small shriek.
But hearing Haechan's laugh, your fear quickly turns into anger as the boy pulls the mask away.
"Donghyeok, I swear I'm gonna fucking-" You lunged at him, only to be stopped by two strong arms.
"We don't need you laying him out here in the park before we even get to the door," Jeno says.
You grumbled, "Fine, but if he's missing from the headcount after this you know what happened," you glared at the Gemini, flipping him off as he stuck his tongue out at you.
"You know we don't have to do this you know, you and I can get off the line now." Jeno offers you one last out as the line continues to grow behind you.
"I know. I'll be fine. I just hate clowns," you peer over Jeno's shoulder at the actor in the clown costume standing across the lot, scaring other passersby in the park.
"I won't let anything happen to you, alright? I promise." Jeno says reassuringly.
"Thank you, Jen," you smile at him.
Your friends were the next group in line to enter the attraction. The big glaring neon letters in bright red, reading Hollow's Horror above the entrance, followed by a disclaimer of what could happen once you're inside. 
"So you gonna make a move tonight?" Minjeong whispers.
"What?" you ask.
"You and Jeno," she nods to the boy ahead of you, talking to Jaemin.
"Me and Jeno are just friends."
"Yeah, okay," Minjeong sarcastically nodded, "'I won't let anything happen to you. I promise.'" She mimicked Jeno's voice, and you elbow her.
"Hey, Johnny, you sure no one's ever died inside this thing?" Renjun asks the seasonal employee.
"Few people have passed out or accidentally injured themselves running and tripping over something, so the EMTs are on standby," Johnny answers. "All I'll say is the more scared you are, the more they're likely to go after you," he says, looking your way like he's talking to you directly. "But no, no one has died. Yet," Johnny says with a wicked grin as the doors open and your group is ushered inside. 
"Yet?? Did he just say yet?" Ningning questions as Jimin drags her along inside. 
You all stood in the dimly lit room, listening to Ten as he went over the rules and guidelines of the attraction. Minjeong unsubtly nudged you in Jeno's direction, causing you to stumble into him, and you shoot her a death glare over your shoulder.
"You ready?" Jeno asks you.
"As ready as I'll ever be," you sigh, following everyone else into the haunted house. 
. . .
"How'd I even get talked into this? Everyone else could be dead for all we know."
"You know damn well everyone's fine. We just got separated." Jeno says, continuing to lead the way, "Look, Chenle's still on live with Jisung and Ningning," he shows his phone, and you see Chenle hysterically laughing as the three of them are chased through a corn maze by an actor with a chainsaw.
"Of course he is, he loves this shit," you shake your head, peering around the corner on the lookout for another scarer.
"Come on, we're almost out," Jeno nodded in the direction of another doorway.
"How are you sure?"
"Yangyang's been raving about this thing since Hendery went last year. He's watched all the vlogs and read all the reviews. He practically has his own blueprint of this place, and I'm pretty sure the funhouse is one of the last."
The first three letters were scratched out and replaced with others to spell out Bloodhouse instead, and you glare at Jeno.
"Oh come on, you gotta be shitting me," you protest, hearing the circus-themed music grow louder. 
"You can do this, I have faith in you," Jeno holds out his hand, "And I'll be with you the entire time."
You let out a displeased sigh as you take Jeno's hand and follow him into the hall of mirrors. 
"Just try to relax and stay calm. If they smell your fear they'll come for you," Jeno whispers dramatically.
"And that's supposed to make me feel better?"
"Maybe. But if it didn't, you know I still got you," Jeno reassuringly squeezed your hand. 
You let Jeno take the lead, holding his hand firmly as he guided you through the maze of electronic attractions, jumping out at the both of you as you passed them by. 
Jeno was seemingly moving fast through the poorly lit room, wanting to get you out as soon as possible. But the next corner you turn, you find two actors dressed as killer clowns shuffling around, awaiting their next victims.
Jeno feels your body tense up as you lock eyes with one of them.
"Stay calm," he says as both clowns stalk toward you.
"I can't," you say, your breathing becoming heavy. 
"Okay, so we run," he says.
Still holding hands, the maniacal laughter follows you both down a narrow hallway, where you feel hands grab at you both through the railings. But just as you both escape the hands grabbing at you, the sprinklers above your heads go off, spraying you and Jeno in fake blood.
Still processing all the red you're seeing, neither of you has the chance to react as another clown jumps out at you, yelling, "Give Lucky a big smile!"
You instantly grab Jeno, screaming bloody murder as a bright flash goes off. The actor shoved the Polaroid into Jeno's hands as the evil laughter grew louder and louder, more actors swarming you both. With his arms around you, Jeno takes you the rest of the way out of the haunted walk-through.
Complimentary towels were offered to you and Jeno as you exited the attraction with I Survived the Night at Hollow's Horror embroidered into the fabric. 
Still, in a bit of shock, it takes a second for you to register that it's over, and you're now back in the crowd of the theme park.
"Oh thank god, we're done," you practically collapse into Jeno's arms, "I couldn't take anymore of that."
"You okay?"
"Might have nightmares for a few days, but I'll live," you wipe your face clean of the fake blood.
"Well guess what, you did it. I'm proud of you," Jeno says, causing warmth to bloom in your chest.
"Holy shit, what the hell happened to you guys?" a familiar voice grabs both of your attention.
You and Jeno find most of your friends crowded outside, waiting for you and the few others still inside.
"They definitely got the bloodhouse," Jaemin said.
Haechan erupted into laughter, "Of course you did out of all people."
"You know Haechan just cause you made it through the haunted house doesn't guarantee you'll make it through the rest of the night." you started, but Jeno immediately put himself between you both.
"We survived!" Chenle yells triumphantly.
He runs toward your group with Jisung and Ningning not too far behind, all three of them wrapped up in their own complementary towels.
"Why are you guys wet?" Jimin asks.
"We ended up in the shark tank," Jisung says, chittering his teeth.
"Shark tank!? And this thing is legal??" Aeri asks.
"They definitely weren't real sharks," Yangyang says.
"You sure about that? Cause the teeth on that thing looked pretty real," Ningning said, hugging the towel tighter around herself. 
"Who cares? We're definitely coming back next year." Chenle declares.
"Yeah, we'll see about that."
. . .
"You didn't have to drive me home. I could've gone with Jimin," you say once on the front steps of your house.
"I know I didn't have to," Jeno shrugs, "But I wanted to."
"Well, thank you. Not just the ride but everything tonight. I don't know if I would've survived without you," you say lightheartedly.
"I promised you I wouldn't let anything happen to you, didn't I?"
You laugh, "Goodnight, Jeno."
"Goodnight," he says.
But neither of you move, your hand resting on the doorknob, wordlessly staring at Jeno.
"Everything okay?" Jeno asks.
"Yeah," you nod.
"Cause this is the part where you take out your keys and unlock the door so I know you've made it inside safely before I leave," he says, "Unless you don't want me to leave-" you cut him off with your lips on his.
Jeno's hands reach for your waist and pull you closer. You curl your arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. Your hands find his hair, raking your fingers through the stiff strands dried with food dye and corn syrup.
"Do you wanna come in?" you ask.
"Do you want me to come in?" he retorts.
"You could at least come inside to wash up. It's the least I can offer."
. . .
The steam left from your shower poured out of the bathroom the second you opened the door and stepped into your bedroom, now wearing clean clothes.
"Whatcha looking at?" you ask, rubbing the last of your moisturizer into your hands.
You find Jeno on your bed, redressed in new clothes; a shirt, and some sweatpants he left at your place a while ago. You climb onto your bed, sit beside him, and see the Polaroid picture Jeno's looking at in his hands.
"Oh my god, I can't believe this," you take the picture as Jeno hands it to you.
"This is officially my favorite picture."
"Why? I look crazy!" you point to the terrified expression the photographer caught while you were mid-scream.
"I kinda think it's cute, I mean look at us. You're clinging onto me for dear life. I thought I was gonna lose my arm," Jeno jokes.
"Alright, you know what, I've had enough of you," you playfully roll your eyes, ready to stand and walk away. But Jeno doesn't give you the chance to get too far, grabbing your waist and pulling you back down into his lap.
"Well, that's too bad, because I definitely haven't gotten enough of you," he rubs his hands over your thighs as you lean closer.
You smile against Jeno's lips, cupping his face as you kiss him. Jeno rests his hand on your lower back, pressing firmly against your spine. You comb your fingers through his damp hair and swipe your tongue along the seam of his lips. As your tongues clash, Jeno's hands cup your ass, subtly directing you to roll your hips into his allowing you to feel the bulge in his pants.
"Wait-" Jeno stops kissing you.
"Oh my god, did I completely miss read this?" you drop your hands from his face.
"No, no," Jeno quickly clarifies, taking your hands in his, "It's just I don't want you to think I just wanna sleep with you."
"I mean, no, trust me I do—god knows how bad I want to. But I wanna be clear that I like you, y/n. Like really like you. And I need you to know that I'm not just using you—"
"Hey," you cut off his rambling, "I know you're not like that," you stroke his cheek, and Jeno sheepishly smiles, "So you like me, huh? Like really like me?" you teasingly smirk, resting your arms over his shoulders.
"You really think I would've just let Haechan drag me out tonight if you weren't gonna be there. You know I don't really care for that type of stuff. But for you…" he trails off.
"It's funny you say that, because I was pretty adamant about not going until Aeri told me you were."
"Sounds like we're pretty perfect for each other," Jeno says with a laugh.
"I mean it's not like nothing good came out of this," you smile, kissing his lips.
"No, lie there."
You softly nibble down on his bottom lip, making him quietly groan. You feel his fingers dig into your hips, lightly scratching his nails down your exposed thighs, causing you to gasp against his lips. Jeno takes the opportunity to slip his tongue into your mouth. He tastes the remaining fruity flavor of the gummies you were chewing on in the car on your lips.
Your hips drag against Jeno's, and you feel his cock through your shorts.
Jeno pulls you flush against his body and begins softly pressing kisses down the side of your neck, making you moan and arch into his touch.
"Jen," you call his name.
"Yeah, princess?" you almost moan as the pet name rolls off his tongue.
"I need you."
"I'm right here, baby. Can't think to be anywhere else right now. I'm all yours."
Jeno switches places with you, laying you down on the bed, your lips still attached.
"Gonna let me have a taste of you, angel?"
"Please," you nod.
Jeno admired you as you lay beneath him. "Just tell me if it's too much, you wanna stop, or even if you just need a break, okay?"
You nod, just hoping he'd touch you already.
"I'm gonna need words, pretty."
"Okay," you reassuringly nod again.
Jeno softly kisses your lips, and you feel his hand roam your body, kneading every place he can reach except where you want him most.
"You're so beautiful, princess," Jeno smirks, slipping his hands under your shirt and palming your breasts. You mewl into his touch as he started lifting your shirt. "So, so pretty," he hums, eyeing your perky nipples before he lowers himself and takes one into his mouth.
With his tongue swirling around your areola, Jeno had his hand occupied with your other nipple, rolling and tweaking it between his fingers.
Curling your fingers into the short hairs at the nape of his neck, you moan and arch your back into his mouth. You squirm beneath his body, the ache between your legs growing even stronger.
"Patience, baby," Jeno pulls away from you, "I like taking my time," he runs his hands up your thighs, softly squeezing your flesh.
"You know I'm not known for my patience," you say.
"Guess you better learn quickly then."
One of his fingers lightly trailed up your inner thigh. He took his finger and traced your clothed slit with a feather-light touch. You tried to raise your hips against his hand. But he pins your hips to the bed.
Jeno tsks, shaking his head. "You want something, angel, you gotta ask for it."
"Touch me," you breathe out.
"I am, aren't I?"
"You know what I mean," you say, irritation evident in your tone.
"No, I'm not sure. You want me to touch you here?" Jeno asks, rubbing your clit through your shorts.
"Yes," you buck your hips into his hand.
"Yes, what?"
"Please, Jeno," you frustratedly fist the sheets.
"Come on, sweetheart. I wanna hear you say it," his tone is soft as he applies more pressure to your clit.
"Fuck. Just fucking touch my pussy, Jen, please," you beg.
"Atta girl," he praised. "Wasn't so hard just using your words, now was it." he smiled as he removed your shorts along with your underwear.
"Fuck off-" your words are choked up by a moan as Jeno's fingers sink inside you.
"What was that?" Jeno asks, but you can't respond other than with another moan, "That's what I thought."
Jeno scissors his two fingers against your soft walls. The muscles in his arms flex every time he pumps his digits in and out of you.
"Feels good, huh, baby?" he watches your face twist up in pleasure as he curls his fingers.
He plants a few kisses on your face, "You want more?"
"Please, Jen, I need more. It feels so good," 
"That's it, princess. Taking my fingers like such a good girl."
"Don't stop. Please-" The stretch of Jeno's three fingers made it harder to think. Jeno watched his fingers disappear inside you, reappearing with a layer of slick coating them.
"Shh, it's okay, sweetheart. I've got you," Jeno talks you through it.
You weren't watching him, but you felt the bed shift.
"Oh my god!" you cry.
The most beautiful sound Jeno's ever heard came from your lips as he took your clit into his mouth. He directed one of your legs over his shoulder as he buried his face deeper between your legs.
"Come on, sweetness, say my name. Tell me who's making you feel so good."
He purred before dropping his head back down. Jeno wrapped his arms under your thighs, spreading your legs further apart. You writhed and thrashed in his hold, attempting to grind your hips against his mouth, but his strength never let up. Jeno's strong arms held you right where he wanted you. He lapped at your folds, using his fingers to part your lips, revealing your leaking hole, clenching around nothing.
Jeno hummed before delving back in. His eyes fluttered shut as he wiggled his tongue inside of you.
"Jen—fuck. I'm gonna-"
"Cum? You wanna cum for me?" he slipped his fingers back into your pussy.
"Yes, please, Jeno! I wanna cum for you," you whine.
You grab Jeno's wrist, rolling your hips against his hand as he curls his fingers just right, hitting that spongy spot inside you.
"Please-" you gasp.
Jeno kissed your thigh. "Cum," he practically growled.
Jeno sucked on your clit as your noises got louder. His fingers curled against your soft, gummy walls, and the obscene squelching of your juices mixing with his saliva filled your ears.
Your back arched off the bed, your fingers pulling at the roots of Jeno's hair. Your legs fought against his strength, threatening to close around his head.
You quietly whimper when his fingers easily slip out of you. Your eyes blinked in and out of focus as Jeno licked his fingers clean with a delighted hum. He checks on you, softly cradling your face.
"Look at me," Jeno says, "Are you alright?" 
"Mhm," you nod, "You know it's been a minute since someone else has made me cum. That hard, especially."
"Which is why I was more than happy to do for you, baby," He kisses your lips, "I don't know if I would've been able to handle hearing about another one of your pathetic hookups," he mumbled.
You raise your brows and kiss your teeth, "You're one to talk. I'd rather have brunch with Pennywise than hear one more story about someone else's mind blowing orgasm from your supposed magic tongue."
"Are you saying my magic tongue didn't just give you a mind blowing orgasm?" Jeno raises an eyebrow.
"Shut up," you cross your arms over your chest.
"Aww, don't get like that, angel," Jeno uncrosses your arms. "Would it make you feel better to know I've never been that close to cumming untouched. Just from eating you out," he says, motioning toward the prominent outline in his shorts, and you notice the darkened spot of precum staining the material.
"How close?" you ask, sitting up with a smile threatening to spread on your face.
"Very close."
"Yeah?" you place your hand in his lap and start palming him over his clothes. "At least let me return the favor, you've been so good to me, Jen, let me make you feel good too," you gently trace the outline of his cock, and the corner of his mouth twitches.
He gave you a nod, and you pulled his cock out of his pants, grasping his length in his hand. Jeno hisses as you slowly jerk your wrist, teasing his tip with your thumb. Wasting no more time, you took his cock into your mouth, welcoming the weight of him on your tongue. You hummed around him, letting the salty precum coat your tastebuds.
You look up at him through your lashes, seeing him intently watching your ministrations. You lick a long stripe along the underside of his cock, his eyes refusing to leave your face, and they threaten to shut.
Spit dribbled out of your mouth onto his cock, assisting your hand in pumping the base. You swirled your tongue around the head of his cock, softly sucking the angry red tip.
"Holy shit," Jeno groaned. The hand resting on your head gently grasped your hair, lightly tugging your head back. "I'm gonna fucking spoil you," he said, pulling you in for a kiss.
You collapse back onto your bed to watch as Jeno grabs the back of his shirt, tearing it over his head, and you can't stop the moan coming out of your mouth seeing his adonis-like figure above you.
Jeno smiles, his ego definitively inflated a bit as he kicks off his sweats along with his boxers. Hooking his arms under your thighs, Jeno pulls you away from the head of the bed and back toward him.
As Jeno looked at you, the most unholy thoughts ran rampant through his mind.
"God, I love seeing you like this," he kissed your chest, "All I wanna do is ruin you," he darkly smiled.
"Please do," you grin before he sinks two fingers into your pussy.
Your eyes roll back, feeling his fingers wiggle against your soft walls.
"Such a needy little thing you are," Jeno said as he added another finger.
"Just for you," you moan.
You let out a small whine in protest when Jeno removes his fingers, using your juices on his hand to pump his cock.
"Get on your hands and knees for me?" Jeno's question comes out more like a gentle order, and you roll over onto your stomach, raising your hips into the air.
While you reposition yourself, having familiarized himself with your room, Jeno reaches into your nightstand, retrieving a condom for himself.
"This is definitely a view I can get used to," Jeno runs his hand down your spine before harshly bringing his hand down on your right asscheek, making you moan.
"Come on, Jen," you mewl, pushing your hips back into his as he rolls the condom onto his length.
"So impatient," he tsked, "Can't even properly admire you, baby," he smacked the other side of your ass.
His laugh melted into a deep groan as he slid his cock into you. 
"Oh my god," your eyes roll back, and your jaw clenches.
"You feel so fucking deep. Feels so good,"
"Pussy feels so goddamn good around me. It's like you're perfectly meant to take my cock, princess."
Jeno pulled both of your arms behind your back, holding your wrists with only one of his hands, using them to pull you back onto his cock repeatedly. You whined shamelessly into the sheets as Jeno continued to fuck you into the mattress.
You know right here and now isn't the ideal time for this thought to occur to you, but knowing Jeno's heard about every aspect of your sex life, and has remembered things you've mindlessly mentioned being into in passing, only causes you to lose any sort of composure you had left. You hold onto his wrist, moaning carelessly, your pussy choking Jeno's cock as it moves rhythmically in and out of your soaking cunt.
Jeno's movements started to pick up, and the harsh sound of his hips slamming into yours filled your ears beyond your own cries and whimpers.
"Jen, please I'm-"
"Yeah, come on, baby, give it to me," he rasped in your ear, "Cum for me."
You could feel Jeno's cock twitching inside your pulsating pussy. Jeno quickly pulled out of you before he also came, flaring his nostrils and clenching his jaw when he denied himself from cumming just yet.
Pressing kisses up your spine, Jeno asks, "Think you got one more for me?" slipping his middle finger into your overstimulated cunt.
A moan squeals out of your lips, and you nod. With ease, Jeno rolls you back over, pulling your legs apart to settle between them.
"Such a needy little cock slut. You already love the way I fill you up, don't you?" he asks, running the tip of his cock up your slit.
"Love it so much." you nod eagerly.
Your eyes roll back as Jeno bottoms out once more. 
"If only you could see yourself, princess," Jeno softly wraps his hand around your throat, "All fucked out and taking all of me like a good girl." Between Jeno's fingers lightly squeezing the sides of your neck and his words, your head was spinning.
The intense pleasure came over you, you couldn't piece together words anymore. Jeno smiled, hearing your incoherent babbling.
"J-Jeno..oh my god, ple-ease!" you cried.
You blinked your glossy eyes up at Jeno as he slowed down but deepened his strokes. You smiled, feeling how deep he was inside you, and you could feel your body teetering the edges of your third orgasm of the night.
"Dumb little princess," he crooned, "Have I already fucked you stupid, baby?"
Flustered by his words, you laugh, "Yes, yes, yes, Jen! please don't stop," you arch your back.
"That's my pretty girl," Jeno deeply rolled his hips into yours. "Let me know how good I'm making you feel."
"It's so good, it's so go-ood, Jeno, m'gonna cum," you whine.
"Go ahead and soak my cock, angel," he grunted.
Red streaks decorate Jeno's arm as your nails dig into his skin, another earth-shattering orgasm slamming into you.
"Th-thank you—fuck—thank you," you cried, tears of pleasure pricking at your eyes. You could hear how heavy Jeno's breathing has become and know he's not too far behind you.
"Mhm, such a good girl," Jeno's voice drops a few octaves as his hips stutter, filling the latex with his cum.
Your legs were trembling as they fell against Jeno's. He gently caressed your face, waiting for you to come back down to him.
"You okay?" he asks.
"Much more than," you smile.
"Happy to hear. Just give me a minute." Jeno says, softly kissing your lips before slipping out of your pussy, disposing of the condom, and pulling his sweatpants back on as he disappeared into the bathroom.
Jeno quickly returned with a wet cloth to wipe away the stickiness clinging to your skin.
Once he was done, you sat up and let Jeno pull you into his arms. The usual annoyance of your clammy skin sticking to his hadn't bothered you much as you just wanted to be in his arms.
"What're you thinking about?" Jeno's voice breaks the silence.
"Hm?" you snap out of your thoughts.
"You're quiet. I can tell there's a lot going through your mind right now."
"A lot of things pertaining you, yes."
"I meant what I said earlier. I really do like you."
"I know…I kinda really like you too."
You swear his eyes sparkled as a smile broke out on his face, "You have no idea how much it means to hear that. I was too afraid I would've messed something up between us."
"And I thought I was the only one here who faces their fears tonight," you say before planting a kiss on his lips.
"Are you sure there isn't anything you need I can get for you?" he asks.
"I'm all good right here." You wrap your arms around his neck, resting your forehead against his, "This is all I need."
a/n: this was especially for the five of you that had already seen this last week when I accidentally posted 😭😭 thank you for reading!! feedback is appreciated <33
edit: i can’t believe i let all of y’all read this with this many typos and shit 😭 i swear i wasn’t done editing but this was the second time it accidentally posted from my drafts and i just said fuck it 🚶🏽‍♀️
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loaksky · 9 months
Hi I was wondering if you wrote or if you will write a part 2 to neighbour Ellie x reader, cause I would love to see how their relationship will progress and maybe there can be a bit of jealous Ellie and insecure reader, in like maybe they meet their exes or something like that
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neighbor!ellie x sunshine!fem reader, hurt + comfort / fluff / smut MDNI!! or we’re beefing!! / established relationship, wc: 5.2k
synopsis: things between you and ellie seem to be going great! that is until you pay her a visit at work to drop off lunch and find that the threads that tie her and an overfriendly coworker tangle too much for your liking.
content warnings: language, slightly mean!ellie makes a return, reader isn’t necessarily insecure, but a little unsure of the circumstances, 18 + content / filthy make-up sex that consists of: brief shower-sex, scissoring, fingering / oral (reader & ellie!receiving), thigh-riding, so much kissing and mushy feelings.
author’s note: in love with this idea ! been mulling over how to expand on their relationship & i feel like this is a great segue ! hcs below; leave some more scenarios for existing couples (emt!abby, collegebff!ellie or others) and i’ll answer them ! (also not proofread well like usual lmao)
main masterlist | tlou masterlist
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jealous!ellie & jealous!reader are SO different, but i feel like the outcome would be so…YUM.
feel like you’d be more reserved about being jealous.
like lately, it seems like things between you and ellie seem like they can’t get any better.
the two of you spend so much time together, whether it’s having picnics in the park with some pastries you make, testing out recipes after close at your cafe or having sleepovers at one or the other’s apartment.
ellie’s lowkey obsessed with you and at times it makes you blush because after the initial stages of feeling your relationship out, you find that ellie’s extremely vocal and outright with her affection for you.
and for the longest time, you don’t question it. don’t really say much because ellie’s particularly good at reassuring you even if you don’t ask.
it’s why you think you’re overreacting when you decide to surprise her and bring her lunch on a random afternoon in the middle of the week.
the top half of her coveralls hangs around her hips, dirtied white tank exposing tanned, inked flesh and lean muscle when you enter the lobby.
she’s leaning against one of the tool carts with her arms crossed over her chest, gaze unwavering.
when you trace her eyeline, you realize there’s another girl nearby bent under the hood of a shiny red car.
she says something imperceptible and suddenly ellie’s throwing her head back with a laugh, sound muffled by the sliding plexiglass.
“hey, receptionist is on break, can i help you with something?” a mechanic is poking his head into the lobby from an adjoining office.
“uh, i’m here for ellie?” the mechanic’s glancing through the glass into the main garage before standing from his rolling chair to dust his hands on his coveralls.
“yeah, she’s supposed to be watching the front,” he laughs. “too busy flirting with her lil girlfriend to pay attention.”
he doesn’t notice the way your face falls or how you almost drop the little canvas bag altogether.
you chance another glance at the two, find that the girl has emerged from under the hood and you swallow hard because god, she’s so fucking pretty.
doesn’t help that seeing her and ellie side-by-side makes you wonder if the two of you look that good together.
they look like they were made for each other and they even share similar interests! you don’t know a damned thing about cars and ellie’s gaze nearly glazes over every time you’re talking about your recipes and coffee pairings.
“uh, actually,” you stop him. “i don’t think she was expecting me, so i’ll just drop this off.”
he pauses.
“you sure? i can get her real quick, she’s not busy.”
ellie still hasn’t clocked you, so you shake your head.
“it’s fine,” you assure him. “i’ll talk to her later.”
he merely shrugs, meets you halfway for the canvas bag, and you’re quickly ducking out of the garage.
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ellie’s right on the dot, you realize, when you hear her through the cracked sliding door to the balcony.
you’ve just finished watering your plants and now you’re jotting down a quick brainstorm for the upcoming spring launch.
through the window, you see ellie kicking her shoes off at the entrance before assessing her surroundings and poking her head into your bedroom for good measure.
“babe?” she calls out.
you stand, tucking the little notebook under your arm before sliding back inside.
she seems to light up when she sees you, crossing the living room to meet you halfway.
“hey, els.”
you’re letting her engulf you in a hug, arms wrapping around your waist as she buries her face in the crook of your neck.
“missed you today,” she hums, rocking your weight from side to side.
“missed you too,” you say gently.
ellie’s pulling away a short distance, finger bumping under your chin so you’ll look up at her.
“why didn’t you say hi when you stopped in today?” she nearly pouts. “zack came in when we were slow and said that someone dropped something off for me.”
you shrug, unable to tell her that insecurity was rearing its ugly head and you didn’t know how to deal with it in that moment.
“my girl didn’t wanna eat with me?”
“sorry,” you mumble, burning up under the heat of her gaze. “i couldn’t stay long.”
her brows are furrowing, hands coming up to smooth your hair from your face and brush over your shoulders.
“everything okay, babe?”
you nod once, then twice.
“yeah, why wouldn’t i be?”
ellie’s watching you closely, fingers cupping your neck.
“talk to me,” she encourages softly. “did something happen?”
you swallow, shake your head, and put on your most convincing smile before leaning up to give her a peck on the lips.
“m’okay,” you tell her.
she doesn’t look convinced, but she also doesn’t wanna pry.
changes the subject instead.
“so does this mean, you’ll swing by and actually hang out with me soon?” she asks, body relaxing when you start smoothing over the wrinkles in her coveralls as a distraction.
you nod, smile widening when she starts peppering kisses all over your face.
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for a little bit, you forget about ellie’s coworker and you forget about the comment that zack made, but then you’re popping in again almost two weeks later.
they’re shoulder to shoulder in the body shop, looking at something under the hood of a silver pick up truck. ellie’s engrossed, but the girl’s fullblown staring, paying no mind to whatever ellie’s explaining in the engine bed.
makes you sick to your stomach thinking that if ellie so much as chances a glance, their noses could brush.
“hey receptionist is— oh.”
it’s zack, the same mechanic from last time.
he’s wiping his hands on an old towel as he emerges from one of the bays.
“ellie!” he shouts past the propped open door.
she nearly jumps out of her skin, parting from her coworker as she throws a cross look over her shoulder.
“your girl’s here,” he announces.
ellie’s straightening up, craning her neck even more before her face splits into a bright smile.
she’s abandoning the girl by the truck, jogging across the body shop to duck into the lobby.
“hi, angel.”
your cheeks warm when she slides her arm around your waist to pull you into her.
“gonna go on lunch break, don’t wait up,” she calls & you’re sparing the girl near the truck a glance.
her name’s emma if the stitching on the right breast of her coveralls is anything to go by.
she makes a show of taking you in from head to toe before her gaze cuts to zack and they seemingly share a wordless exchange.
you have no clue what to make of that, but ellie’s steering you from the lobby and out into the crisp air.
it’s still a little chilly outside, but you’re wearing one of ellie’s favorite sweatshirts and she’s shrugging on a hoodie hanging from a coatrack by the door.
“my truck?” she offers when a chill rips down your spine.
you only hum.
when the two of you are settled, her in the driver’s seat and you in the passenger’s, she’s taking the little bag with lunch containers and setting it on her dash before pulling you towards her to eliminate every inch of space between the two of you.
“whaddya doing?” you sigh out a laugh.
“i missed you,” ellie says simply.
“ellie, you slept over last night,” you squeak out a breathy laugh when her ice cold hands slide under the warmth of the red fleece. “we saw each other this morning.”
“so?” she replies petulantly. “wanna be with you all the time.”
you’re wearing a turtleneck underneath the sweatshirt so she’s nosing along your jaw before pressing a few soft kisses there.
“you’re so clingy recently, els,” you giggle, arms winding around her neck.
“duh.” and your belly flips when she doesn’t even deny it. “you’re so fucking cute and i just wanna keep you in my pocket all the time.”
that earns her a full-hearted laugh and you really begin to wonder why you let that girl with her stupidly perfect blown out hair and stupidly rounded ass and the most stupidly pretty face ever make you question your ellie.
you live in bliss for the duration of her forty-five minute break where she does a whole lot of eating, but not necessarily the food you made for her.
the windows are equal parts fogged and frosted by the time she’s done with you and you’re shimmying your jeans back up in the back seat of her truck as she shrugging the top half of her discard coveralls and her hoodie back on again.
“you didn’t even touch to food i made you,” you whine.
“i’ll eat it on my ten,” she assures you, and your toes curl when she wipes her lips with the back of her hand.
“liked what i had for lunch better,” she says so casually, your cheeks are on fire.
“definitely need dessert when i get home,” she insinuates, leaning her weight over your blissed out body.
she plants a kiss on your mouth before climbing back into the front seat.
but, in the lobby, when she’s bidding you a farewell with another peck on the lips, promising she’ll try to come home early, you notice emma’s eyes again. they’re searing, laced with obvious annoyance.
ellie’s returning to her duties and you’re ducking into their restroom for a moment to splash your face with cool water.
ellie’s never given you a reason to doubt her, has been a perfect girlfriend since the beginning, but you can’t help yourself.
especially not when you’re ducking out and you hear it.
“so i’m not the only one surprised that her girl looks like that?” you think it’s zack, but you can’t be so sure.
“i dunno, she’s hot, but they don’t really match,” another voice sounds. “especially since her last…thing was with emma.”
and, wow, fuck, you hadn’t been expecting that.
“damn, i forgot about that,” maybe zack says. “it was at the party mel and them threw, right? when they fucked?”
you’d wanted to give the benefit of the doubt. maybe they’d been a thing once upon a time, kissed on occasion, but hearing it put so crassly makes you feel like you’re gonna throw up.
the bell’s tinkling hard against the glass when you throw the door open.
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and perhaps the situation with finding out about ellie and emma goes hand-in-hand with the way ellie experiences her jealousy.
maybe the fact that ellie still works closely with a previous situationship and is obviously on friendly terms with makes you withdraw a little.
you’re spending a lot more time at your cafe, readying for spring launch and brainstorming new recipes.
you don’t want to bore ellie, especially when you’ve been so in your head about everything lately, so you’re putting in more hours, coming home late at night.
truthfully, ellie’s devastated because she misses her girl :/ why are you always so busy suddenly?
so when a familiar face comes poking into the cafe a few weeks down the line, your eyes are as wide as saucers.
“wow, alex, is that you?”
she’s an ex who’d moved abroad for work a few years back. and the break up had been amicable enough, but she’d moved on and so had you.
the only contact the two of you keep is the occasional comment on social media and a text or two during the holidays.
she’s grinning ear-to-ear.
“what are you doing here?” you ask incredulously, setting the rag down on the bartop to round the counter.
you’d been in the middle of prepping to close up shop when the bells chimed against the glass.
“visiting my parents for a few weeks,” she answers. “thought i’d stop by and see how you’re doing.”
“great, i’m doing great,” you assure her with a warm smile. “what about you? how’s germany?”
“definitely miss the food here sometimes, but you know,” she shrugs and you’re letting out a laugh. “and...julia’s pregnant.”
and your brows are shooting up, arms wrapping around her middle.
“alex, that’s so exciting!” you cheer. “congratulations.”
her cheeks are red when you pull away.
“yeah,” she says softly, eyes gentle. “i’m so excited.”
and you’re glad to hear that things are working out for her, that she’s established herself well and she’s building the family she’s always dreamed of.
“and you?” she asks.
“what about me?”
“are you seeing anyone?”
it’s your turn to warm, fidgeting under her expectant gaze.
“i am,” you confirm.
her smile widens
“that’s great,” she says genuinely. “i’m glad. i hope they make you happy.”
and it really makes you draw into yourself for a moment because ellie does. she makes you so fucking happy, you don’t know what to do with yourself sometimes.
“yeah,” you hum. “she’s great.”
the two of you end up catching up a little as you close, and she even takes you up on your offer of visiting again for a tasting before she leaves!
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and this is most likely what sends ellie over the edge.
at first she didn’t know why you were suddenly so distant, knew you were dedicated, but didn’t know why you were so invested as of late.
recently, it’s been her popping into your apartment, but being disappointed to find that you’re not even home.
and the days that she does catch you, you’re pecking her on the lips and rushing out the door.
makes ellie question if there’s something she should be paying closer attention to.
honestly, she’s just really worried that she did something wrong, so as she’s trekking up the sidewalk to approach your little cafe with a bundle of cute flowers around 10 in the evening, she’s feeling a weird sense of deja vu.
finds that the open sign has been flipped and that the lights are dim, but nearly trips over her steps when she peers inside and sees you behind the counter.
you’re not alone, a tall figure leaned up against the bartop, obviously deeply interested in whatever you’re animatedly talking about.
you’re still wearing your apron, hair falling from its hold and a lump is lodging its way into ellie’s throat.
tugs gently on the handle to see that it’s locked and the motion catches both you and your company’s attention.
god, whoever you’re with is an absolute stunner and ellie’s swallowing hard as you round the counter and flit through the tables to come let her in.
“els, what are you doing here?” you ask, smiling softly.
barely registers what you’re saying because the girl you’re with has straightened and there’s something so put together and elegant about the brunette that makes a pang of insecurity begin to coil in ellie’s stomach.
“wanted to see you,” she says simply.
“oh,” you reply. “we were just finishing up here, i would’ve been home in like an hour.”
and that leaves such a sour taste in her mouth because a lot can happen in an hour, in forty-five minutes even.
“great, i’ll walk you home,” ellie says, tone pinched.
your brows furrow and you’re opening your mouth to ask ellie if everything’s fine, but alex is placing a casual hand on your shoulder to remind you she’s there and ellie can’t help but zero in on the way her slender fingers curl.
“alex,” she introduces, offering her other hand.
“ellie,” your girlfriend bites back, glancing at alex’s outstretched palm before glancing back up at her.
there’s a twinkle of knowing in alex’s eye as she nods thoughtfully.
“heard a lot about you,” she says simply.
ellie merely hums.
and god, you’re mortified because you’d spent the entire night raving about ellie even though alex was supposed to be giving you feedback on launch ideas.
you’d told her how kind and great ellie was. instead, here she is, ice cold and glaring.
“well...” alex turns her attention to you. “i really appreciate tonight, everything was phenomenal.”
you preen under the praise and ellie’s rolling her eyes, fist tightening around the stems of the flowers.
“of course, anytime,” you assure her. “thank you for visiting me again.”
and seeing the two of you side-by-side, ellie feels so small. because you’ve always been so pretty, so out of her league and the two of you look like a match made in heaven.
“always,” alex replies, and ever the instigator, she adds, “text me when you get home?”
“i will,” you tell her, brushing past ellie to lock her out. “goodnight, alex, be safe!”
she says something in return that evades ellie’s hearing, but she’s far too livid to even tune in.
you’ve barely locked the door behind her when ellie’s voice cuts through the tense air.
“who the fuck was that?” she asks sharply.
you turn on your heel, brows dipping because ellie’s rarely let her anger get the best of her.
“ellie, what are—”
“i asked you a question,” she says firmly.
you roll your lips, gaze downcast because such a good moment has been obliterated by ellie’s fiery temper.
“we dated a few years ago,” you answer honestly. “she was back in town for the next few weeks and i wanted to do something nice.”
ellie lets out a humorless laugh.
“so i’ve been worried sick for weeks because you wanna ghost me when you’ve really been parading around with your ex?” ellie huffs.
and okay, wow, you hadn’t really expected that from her because your ellie is usually relatively level-headed.
“this is only the second time i’ve seen her, ellie,” you argue. “we were friends way before we even dated and it was a clean break up. we were just catching up.”
ellie’s tossing the bouquet of flowers, now crushed by her unrelenting fist, onto the nearest table top.
“just catching up, huh?” she mocks. “so a romantic set up, just the two of you, is just catching up? you said not to wait up for you because you’d be caught up with work. good to know that screwing your ex is—”
“this is work,” you bite back. “i’ve been trying to get my bearings for this upcoming launch and she was kind enough to put up with all my crazy ideas and all my rambling,” then quietly, “given ninety percent of it was about you.”
“what, you couldn’t ask me?” ellie huffs. “you know i’d help you if you wanted me to!”
“i didn’t ask because i know all this shit bores you,” you say weakly. “alex was just being nice.”
that shuts ellie up, douses her anger like a bucket of ice cold water on a fire. and now she feels like a piece of shit because she hadn’t known that you felt that way.
“and she’s engaged,” you add, pulling away from her when she takes a step towards you. instead you busy yourself with gathering your spread and all the silverware. “they’re expecting a child.”
and fuck, ellie wishes she’d slowed down. wishes that she hadn’t talked out of her ass.
“i didn't—”
“you’re one to talk, ellie,” you add coldly. “you work in close proximity with a girl you used to fuck regularly. you’re still friends with her, and it’s obvious to every single soul imaginable that i’m just an obstacle to her and that she’s still interested. but i didn’t say anything even if it fucking ate away at me because i know you. you’ve never given me a reason to doubt us.”
that knocks that wind from ellie’s lungs because she hadn’t realized that you knew. just wanted to sweep it under the rug because her and emma were never serious and she didn’t want you worrying.
“wait, angel, i’m sorry,” ellie says. “i—”
you shake your head.
“whatever, ellie,” you whisper. “i have to close up.”
“c’mon, babe, don’t—”
“i don’t wanna talk about this anymore,” you cut her off. “i’ll be home soon, but i wanna be alone right now.”
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when you get home and see ellie’s sneakers by the door, you take in a deep breath and try to mentally prepare yourself for the inevitable conversation, but instead, you’re met with the smell of your favorite take out and a soft murmur from your vinyl player in the living room.
when you make it to the end of the corridor to peer into the kitchen, you see ellie taking down a few plates.
she’s glancing over her shoulder, body seemingly relaxing when she finds you standing in the archway of the kitchen.
“hey,” she greets softly, and you belatedly realize that her voice is hoarse.
“hi,” you reply.
“wanna eat first?” she asks you, but you don’t answer, too busy analyzing her.
you put two and two together; figure that she’s been crying if the red bags under her eyes and the dying flush on her cheeks is anything to go by.
she takes a step towards you and you seem to snap out of it.
“wanna shower first,” you tell her.
you hear her gulp.
“okay,” she says.
and you hate this. you hate being upset and you hate that she’s upset and knowing that ellie cried makes you wanna cry, so you’re taking a step towards her.
she’s glancing at you.
“shower with me?” you offer timidly.
ellie’s pushing off the counter, nodding eagerly.
and truthfully, ellie had every intention of keeping her hands to herself, but then you were asking her to help work the soap down your back.
then you were turning to face her to rinse under the stream of the showerhead. the sudsy water’s making its way down the column of your throat and the curves of your body and ellie’s tongue is so dry, she feels like it could crack in her mouth.
her hands settle on the narrow of your waist, right over the swell of your hips as she presses open-mouthed kisses on your shoulder.
“i’m so sorry, angel,” she whispers, hands sliding to rest against the small of your back.
you give in even though you’re still in your head, arms looping around her neck as she brushes your hair to one side and starts paying a lot more attention to the spot right behind your ear.
“s’okay, els,” you assure her softly. “i’m sorry, too. i was being a brat.”
your fingers tangle in the hair at the nape of her neck, breath hitching when she grabs a palmful of your ass and breaks away from your neck to catch your lips between her own.
“you don’t know how much i love you,” she murmurs between kisses, sighing brokenly when the plush of your tits presses against her sensitive nipples.
you moan when one of her hands slides down your front and gently brushes over your clit.
“ellie,” you whimper.
“let me show you?”
your head is lolling back when the pads of her calloused fingers circle your entrance to gather the slick that’s accumulating there.
you nod.
“yeah, yeah, ellie, please,” you choke.
she’s reaching behind you to turn the shower off, ducking outside of the tiled space to grab your towel.
and she’s slow, meticulous as she dries you off, mouth watering when the cool air of the bathroom makes gooseflesh ripple over your smooth skin.
“you’re so fucking perfect,” ellie whispers, standing behind you in the mirror. “so fucking perfect and all mine.”
your eyelids are drooping shut as she discards the towel, hands wandering as her teeth sink into your neck.
“oh, fuuu—”
ellie’s jostling you back into your bedroom. when she’s about to push you back against the mattress, you’re spinning so that she’s falling against the unmade duvet, taking you with her.
and ellie’s gaze is glazing over when you spread her legs to reveal a pussy slick with need and a clit so swollen, it makes you salivate.
“what are you doing?” she whispers, fingertips denting the fat of your thighs.
“wanna ride you, els,” you whimper, climbing to straddle her heat. “wanna take care of you.”
one of her legs stretches to settle over your shoulder and you’re kissing her calf as your clits bump.
“fuck,” ellie chokes when you start rolling your hips. “fuck, wait, angel, just—”
the slip is delicious, obscene sound of your combined arousal echoing through the room to mingle with ellie’s throaty moans.
ellie’s used to watching you ride her strap, used to fucking you and giving you everything because it’s one of the things that makes her the happiest, but, fuck, she could get used to this.
“you gonna cream all over my pussy, ellie?” you whine, pace relentless as you ride her.
she lets out a breathy laugh.
“you feel how wet i am?” ellie gasps, thumb coming to nestle between your heat. the friction feels so fucking good against your clit, has you throwing your head back as you fuck her. “god, you’re fucking delusional if you think i’m not a hundred and ten percent obsessed with you.”
“oh fuck, ellie, your pussy feels s’good,” you whine, eyes watering when her other hand settles on your hip to guide you.
“does it, angel?” she moans breathily. “only you can get me like this.”
“you’re so wet, els,” you marvel. “your cunt’s so soft and so...so—”
“it’s all yours,” she whispers shakily, hips jerking because she’s close. “all yours, angel.”
and she’s crying out when you slip off of her, hands grabbing for you desperately.
she’s throwing her head back against your pillows when your lips latch onto her clit.
“oh, shit,” she moans. “wait, wait.”
but you don’t wait, in fact, your ministrations quicken, tongue lapping at the slick that gushes from ellie’s cunt.
“fuck, angel, i’m gonna—”
the broken moan that leaves ellie’s lithe body has you clenching your thighs. and you think she’s gonna cum, but her palm is firm against your forehead to push you away gently.
her eyes nearly roll to the back of her head when a string of spit webs from your chin to her clit.
“m’not cumming before you do,” she swallows. “this was supposed to be about you.”
“it is,” you assure her. “all i care about right now is making you cum.”
“jesus, you’re actually something else,” ellie sighs shakily, combing a tattooed hand through her damp locks.
you’re making a move to close in on her pussy again, but she’s pushing you onto your back, settling her achey cunt over your thigh as she circles both of your wrists in one hand.
“let me take care of you and you can do whatever you want with me for the rest of the night,” ellie promises, sloppy kiss turning into her licking into your mouth.
her fingers waste no time finding your folds, pads eager against your bud before dipping lower to tease at your entrance.
“how could you think i’d want any other pussy other than yours, angel?” she whispers against your mouth as she stuffs you knuckles deep. “this is all mine, you hear me? all fuckin’ mine.”
you nod, squirming against where she’s still got you confined with a bruising grip around your wrists.
“s’all yours, els,” you whimper.
“just like this pussy’s all yours,” she husks, hips rolling over the swell of your thigh. “would never fucking dream of giving myself to anyone but you.”
and god, ellie knows all the right things to say to have you winding tight.
you’re arching into her, jaw slack and eyes crossing as she hits that spot inside you that has you feeling fucking boneless.
“c’mon, angel,” she encourages you. “just once all over my fingers, then you can do whatever you want to me.”
the squelch has ellie’s thighs shaking as she rolls her hips, knuckles curling hard inside the warm heat of your needy pussy.
“don’t stop, els,” you beg her. “i’m gonna—”
she’s freeing your wrists, climbing from your thigh to settle on her knees at the end of the bed.
“wait, els, i’m gonna—”
and the moan that leaves you can be heard by the entire apartment block, no doubt, because ellie’s sucking your clit past her lips and eating you out like it’s the last thing she’ll ever do.
the shit she’s murmuring against your folds is filthy, has you trying to squeeze your knees together because ellie’s that good.
“ohfuckohfuckohfuck,” you cry out when she adds a third finger.
it’s all it takes because a few moments later, your back’s arching all the way off the bed, thighs vibrating as she continues to toy with you through your orgasm.
“that’s it, angel,” ellie whispers. “ride it out.”
your chest heaves through the final waves, a sheen of sweat making your dewy skin look like it’s glistening under the lowlight of your bedside lamp.
“you did so fuckin’ good for me,” ellie says gently, standing naked between your parted legs as your arm drapes over your eyes in embarrassment.
“stop hiding,” she scolds, climbing to straddle you.
her hands are wandering, smoothing over every available expanse of skin as you cover your face and shy away from her.
she’s shocked when she pries your arm away and finds tears welling in your eyes.
“babe,” she calls incredulously. “why are you—”
“we wouldn’t have been in this situation if i wasn’t so immature and just talked to you about it,” you hiccup.
ellie’s face is falling, pulling you up to wrap you in her arms.
“babe, stop,” she whines softly, rocking you as a shudder rips down your spine. “i should’ve said something and i definitely shouldn’t have acted the way i did earlier. if anything i was immature.”
“you’re such a good girlfriend, ellie,” you whimper. “and i’m...i’m sorry, i—”
“hey, hey,” she stops you firmly, peeling away from you to thumb at your chin. “don’t do that.”
and you feel like such a big fucking baby as ellie repositions the two of you so that she’s leaning against your headboard and she’s pulling you against her sweaty chest.
“i’m sorry, ellie,” you choke again.
“stop apologizing,” ellie croaks, and you realize that the emotions are welling inside of her as well. “none of this was your fault, angel. i should’ve been honest and just told you, but i was scared.”
you’re still hiccuping, ear pressed over her heart.
“you’re my first real girlfriend in a really long time, and it doesn’t help that you’re so grossly out of my league, and—”
“ellie,” you chide.
“i don’t wanna mess things up with you,” she admits softly. “especially after the way we started.”
“i’d never hold that against you,” you swallow.
“and that’s what makes it worse. i know you wouldn’t even if you should,” ellie whispers. “and then today, i saw you with someone else and it made me so fucking mad because the two of you look so good together. it made me feel like i don’t deserve you.”
“els.” and you’re crying harder now, arms winding so tight around her waist, she feels like she’ll burst.
“i’m sorry,” ellie says gently. “you’ve always been so fucking good to me and—”
you’re leaning up, kissing her to shut her up before she starts crying and she’s cradling your face like you’re the most fragile thing.
“i love you so fucking much, ellie,” you tell her between kisses. “let’s just...let’s just put this behind us, okay?”
she nods, pulls from your lips to nestle her face in your neck.
“i love you more, angel,” she murmurs against your skin. “you don’t even know.”
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neng © 2023
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caesium-55 · 3 months
—seven days. [ iv ]
pairing: max verstappen x manager! reader.
summary: as the third time world champion, max verstappen's manager, you function on the belief that whatever max verstappen wanted, max verstappen shall get. but this time, after four years of working as his manager, you can't give him what he wants anymore and that was to stay.
warning/s: sexual content but it's nothing too explicit. also angst angst angst.
author's note: NOT BETA READ. NOT EDITED. also, lemme know what u guys think!! would love to read it honestly. it was what had been keeping me inspired.
tags: @whatamidoingwithmylife-ramdom @eugene-emt-roe @bellezaycafe @barnestatic @theseerbetweenus @wcnorris @notyouraveragemochii @lpab @vildetry06 @a-beaverhausen @formula1mount @loloekie @alucardsdaddyissues @leclercdream
You have three philosophies in life.
Pussies do not get the good stuff. If you want the good stuff, don't be a pussy.
Hard work will pay off one day. In the meantime, work hard but don't work too hard. You work smart and make it seem like you're working hard so by the time your “hard” work pays off, you’re not too tired from working and still have energy to enjoy your reward, you know? Does that make sense?
Whatever Max Verstappen wanted, Max Verstappen would get.
Now let us focus on philosophy number three. It's a shitty philosophy to have, but when you're working as the manager of Red Bull’s golden boy—after Sebastian Vettel, of course—that philosophy sort of becomes the job description. It's your job to give whatever Max Verstappen wanted, whatever he needed.
When he asks you that question, sounding so innocent as if he hasn't just yanked your entire world off its axis by saying those words, your first reaction is to pull up the middle finger. Fuck you, Max. Max is an asshole for asking you that. Max is an absolute asshole for asking you for a kiss. For the five years you've worked for him, he should already be aware of the power he holds over your head. Should be aware that you'll give anything he'll ask. That's why he should be careful with what he's asking from you.
Said asshole has the audacity to pout. He resembled the pet duck who lived in your Abuelo's farm that you were very fond of in your childhood. Her name was Maria and she was a menace. Your Abuelo even tied a pink bow to the duck’s neck so it could be easily recognizable. A 181-cm tall, broad-shouldered, blond-brown-haired Dutch duck with a blue-eyed gaze that will never fail to make your bones tremble and your heart stutter once you let yourself stare at it. You can put a bow around his neck, too, like what your Abuelo did to that duck. Then, use the bow to choke him in a way that is definitely not sexy or kinky but in a way that screams murder, murder, murder.
“That's not nice.”
“‘M not a nice person.”
“You're a nice person, you just don't do nice things.”
You give him a weird look.
“If you weren't a nice person, you would not be here with me right now,” he continues, in a manner that made him seem like a hundred-old sage imparting wisdom. “But you're here and you're not leaving and you're not hurting me so you're nice.”
His words cause something rotten to bloom in your ribs, “How are you so certain that ‘m not gonna end up hurtin’ you? For all you know, I'm gonna use this billiard stick to make you a human skewer right now.”
He laughs. God. The sound is absolutely beautiful that it terrifies you.
“You're you, [Name]. You would never hurt me.”
In a sense, he's right. You will never hurt him. Not intentionally, at least. If you wanted him to hurt, you'll be leaving right now and flying to Texas the same way Kelly did in Abu Dhabi. Because, for someone like Max, nothing in this world is more painful than to be left alone when all you yearned for is someone to be there for you.
“So……will you?” he asks again. “Will you kiss me?”
He's drunk, your brain reasons. Your fingers gently reach for his jaw—very angular, you belatedly realize—and Max chases the warmth of your skin. He does not know what he's asking, your brain reasons again. You tug him towards you and your mouth meets his, immediately registering the taste of the beer on his tongue. He’s stupid, your brain added. I’m stupid, too, you argue mentally and pushes him against the side of the billiard table and toss your stick to the floor and let yourself take everything from Max Verstappen. Fuck you Max, you think with finality. Your brain replies: You’re also fucked.
He took what he wanted from you. Every day. Every single day. He will ask and you will give. Now, it is your turn to take. One last time before the inevitable goodbye that you know will break both of your hearts.
Anger. Frustration. That's what you feel right now. Anger because this is going to make things more complicated for you and goddammit, why are you making things hard for yourself? Frustrated because you’re not supposed to do this but you cannot fucking stop. Thank fuck you resigned before pulling this shit because this is soooooo unprofessional.
You read somewhere that said something like all people are driven to the point of eating their gods after a time. And is this situation not a perfect demonstration of this? Max is your god. Max was your god. And you are going to devour him—fueled by five years of frustration and anger and a series of why, why, why didn't you talk to Horner? Now it's too late because I'm leaving all because you didn't talk to fucking Horner.
You've forgiven 2021. 2022 made your grudge grow. And you're not stupid to continue staying after his 2023 victory when it's clearly not happening—the dream that will be given to you with Max's power. You will never forgive yourself if you stayed here and be continuously reminded of what you could become, what you failed to become.
Max is surprisingly pliant under your hands. A rare occasion. One would expect Max Verstappen to take the lead because that's what he did in the race tracks. A 20-second lead from everyone else. He's also the type to just do whatever he wanted, you know? And people would let him. Because he's Max Verstappen.
Dominance. Total dominance.
“Wait,” he squeezes your arms and you do not hear him clearly the first time because you're so concentrated on his lips and how it feels and tastes against yours. “Wait, wait. Slow down.”
You pull away and you hear him take a gasp of air, “Somethin’ wrong?”
He looks so beautiful like this. Beneath you. Lips swollen. Blue eyes wide with desire. Hair perfectly messy. Grip on your arm so tight that you're sure will definitely leave a hand-shaped bruise tomorrow.
“Can’t breathe,” he says with a light laugh and you resist the urge to violently bash your head against the billiard table because what the fuck? That's not good for your heart. It's too… too… adorable. Max is not supposed to be an adorable person.
You suck in a breath and lower your head until your forehead meets Max’s firm chest.
“Fuck you,” you mumble.
You raise your head and meet Max’s eyes, the culprit behind your insanity right now.
(Your Abuela said that blue eyes were just blue eyes. Until you fall in love with someone with blue eyes and blue becomes a color that consumed your world whole. You appreciated the sky more because it reminded you of his eyes. You appreciated the color of the seas more because it reminded you of his eyes. Blue became the color of love.)
Now what? Do you continue or…?
“Can you do me a favor?”
“Do you even need to ask?” you deadpan. Max’s hands circle around your waist and he gently guides you away from him. He dusts his shirt once he has fully risen from the billiard table before his hand finds yours. Fingers intertwining together, he leads you out of the entertainment room.
Your heart drums with anticipation. Numerous questions circle around your head but it all disappears in a flash when Max brings you to the room where you found him that morning. You wince when you walk past the broken door.
Making a payment plan will be hell. You're unemployed at the current moment, too. The first thing you have to do when you land in Texas is find a job.
He makes you sit on his bed, the soft mattress dipping down on your weight. You can only stare at him, brows furrowing in confusion and a question sitting on the tip of your tongue that you are yet to voice out. Max makes a beeline to his closet, throwing it open and procuring a box.
A box.
He walks back to you, dropping on his knees and that action makes you panic. Then, Max opens the box, pulling out the most gorgeous pair of five-inch block heels you have ever laid eyes upon and gently slips them onto your feet. The straps have pearls and satin bows and it has tiny white diamonds, elegantly cut, as the centerpiece. Not even the YSL Opyum heels you own can compare to its elegance and beauty.
You almost kick him in the face because you do not expect that he’ll do that.
I bought shoes and they don't fit her. Max has told you. You feel bile rise up your throat.
The shoes. They fit you. Perfectly. As if it was made to be yours. As if it was bought to be yours. As if he was thinking of you, who is nothing but his manager and somewhat friend, when he bought the gorgeous heels instead of Kelly Piquet, his fucking girlfriend of three years whom he had been living with in this fucking penthouse, and parenting little P with.
“They're perfect,” Max whispers and he looks up with that smile playing on his lips. You feel tears sting your eyes and you press your lips into a thin line before moving your gaze away, blinking rapidly.
Max is doing this because he thought you were Kelly.
“They're custom, you know? They're the only pair in the world.”
His words make the taste of bile a hundred times worse. You stare at the shoes on your feet as if it's a sin to have the shoes fit you. No wonder Kelly is mad at Max. If Leo has commissioned custom heels with another woman in mind and got your shoe size wrong after three years of being together, you'll feel hurt, too.
You feel the need to apologize to Kelly. Maybe a quick message to her IG? You also follow each other’s private account.
“You’re thinking,” he says and his voice snaps you out of the rabbit hole known as your thoughts. “What are you thinking?”
“Nothin’,” you lie. The feeling of wanting to puke intensifies so you grab Max by his collar and plant your lips against his to push back the imaginary bile stuck on your throat and from there, the situation escalates to the point that clothes are removed. One by one. When you reach to unstrap the heels, Max grabbed your wrists, almost panicked.
“What are you doin’?” you ask.
“Don't take them off please.”
Whatever Max wanted, Max would get.
Your name built a home in Max’s mouth, the syllables rolling off his tongue with ease at every pleasure he felt, while your fingers explore every inch of Max’s skin. You're only allowed to watch back then. Now, you're allowed to touch.
Hearing his whimpers and little groans and shudders—all done by your hands—you feel nothing but satisfaction. He chants your name like it's a prayer and you're his god and if that is not love then you do not what is.
You wait for Max to utter Kelly’s name midway.
He never did.
“What are you doing?” his voice is groggy with sleep. After doing it, he immediately passes out. Weak ass bitch. You're still waiting for the horror once the realization of what you’ve done sinks into your system. The annoying headache, too. For now, none of them have arrived yet. Probably because you still have enough alcohol in your system to numb things out for you. While waiting, you're on your phone.
Ha, it's past 12 midnight now. You have three days to tell Max before you fly to Texas.
“Talkin' to someone,” you reply cryptically. His brows knit together.
“Just Logan.”
“The American in Williams?”
You roll your eyes, “Yes, the American in Williams.”
You notice how his arms on your waist tighten, pulling you a little closer to him, but you say nothing. This action causes flowers to bloom in your lungs and you hope he hasn't noticed how your breath hitched.
“He’s my friend. Friends talk,” you deadpan.
Logan Sargeant is an absolute sweetheart. He reminds you a lot of your little brother and you both share the same sentiments regarding the feeling of being unwelcomed in Formula One. You suppose he has it worse though. Nobody in the grid really makes an effort to befriend the young racer and you're fifty percent sure that the fact he's American made a contribution to that.
None of the other racers even follow him on Insta.
“Well, what are you two talking about?” Grumpy and bratty Max is back. Welcome back, asshole.
“He’s in Texas right now and he was askin’ if I was back home, too. Said we should grab a drink together. I promised to show him around Austin.”
“You never invited me to Austin.”
“Why would you even go to Austin?” your nose scrunch a little. “You visit your mother for Christmas.”
He rolls his eyes.
“You're befriending too much racers.”
“Excuse me? I only have Logan as a friend. Charles, too, by extension because he's your friend,” you point out. “Checo and Daniel and Yuki and Liam because they work with you.”
“And me.”
“You're not my friend.”
“What am I then? Your dog?”
“I work for you.”
“You work with me, not for me,” he corrects.
You do not know why your heart skipped a beat at that.
“I’m just trynna be a good friend here and you're bein’ unreasonably grumpy,” you try to shift the subject to save your own sanity. “None of you even tried to befriend Logan.”
Max abruptly reaches for his phone on the bedside table and unlocks it. You watch as he opens his Instagram, the public one, and added Logan's account. You gape. He switches to his private account and searches for Logan’s account in your profile's list of followers and adds him, too.
“What the fuck, Max?”
“I’m befriending him,” he says simply. “I’ll invite him over if he ever comes by in Monaco during the off-season.”
You blink.
“Now say goodbye to him and go back to sleep.”
He tosses his phone to the bedside table and turn his back on you in a manner that reminded you of a very petulant child.
You glance at your phone only to see Logan’s freaked out messages.
logan: maybe it's the texas heat??
logan: *sent a screenshot*
you: congrats child
logan: is this your doing??!?
logan: are you with him now?
logan: wait that's impossible, itd be 2 am in monaco now there's no way youd be together rn
If only he knows.
you: how bout we talk later once the sun rises here in monaco?
you: or maybe once i arrive in the us?
logan: sure sure
you: stay safe out there kid
You toss your phone aside and inch closer to Max, looping your arms around him and falling asleep in his warmth.
Your phone rings and it's not the Max Max Max Super Max Max ringtone. It's the default one.
Mama, the caller ID indicates. 4:31 AM is written on the upper right corner of your phone screen. You press the answer button.
“Your Papa…… It was a dangerous call. He needs to see you before he… He might not make it.”
That alone is enough for you to jump out of bed. You scramble to grab last night’s clothes and slip them on. Fuck, they still smell like alcohol.
“Hey, hey, what's wrong?” Max, who's rudely awakened when you abruptly jumped out of bed, looks so lost and when he sees you run your way out of his bedroom and to the stairs, he panics. The poor man panicked. He falls down the bed and runs after you, having the decency to only grab a towel to cover his lower half. He stops you, grabbing your wrist just as you're at the lowest step of the stairs.
“Wait, where are you going?” his voice is still rough with sleep and he's aggressively rubbing out his grogginess from his eyes. You stop, letting out a breath that you don't realize you're holding before turning around to face him. Then, the guilt rushes in. Max looks so…you don't have the words to describe it. His hair is a mess and he still looks sleepy but he also looks wide awake and kind of panicking and confused.
This is a face that's equally endearing and heartbreaking. You can't believe this will be the last time you'll be seeing him. You're still supposed to have three days left but now it's cut short and you—
You'll miss him.
“Sorry, baby,” you come up a few steps and cup his cheeks, bringing his face down so you can kiss his forehead. His hand comes up to lay on top of yours, eyes fluttering close.
“Where are you going?” he asks again.
“Texas,” you reply. “Dad… he… 'Twas a bad call and I need to see him. I need—I need to go home now.”
This is the reality of being family with a firefighter. You're always in danger of losing your father in one of the calls. And that is happening now.
Max understands because he knows your father's line of work.
“Do you need me to come with you?”
You shake your head.
“Then, I’ll drive you.”
“No,” you shoot him down quickly. “You drank last night. It’s dangerous.”
“I’m not drunk now.”
“Max,” you breathe through your nose to calm yourself down. “I’ll take the next flight available to the US. You stay here.”
“Take my jet.”
“No, Max,” you say. “Thank you for the offer but you’ll use the jet when you visit your mother.”
“I can fly commercial,” he squeezes your hands. “You don't want me to drive you. You don't want me to come with you. At least take the jet.”
You open your mouth to protest.
“Just take the jet, please, [Name].”
Whatever Max wanted, Max would get. So you nod your head slowly because it looks like he'll argue just to get you seated in his jet. And you'll argue with him if it was any other day but not today because you need to leave quickly. Time is becoming too precious. You can lose your Dad any second. You just wish you can see him and talk to him before he went.
You pull away, whipping around to head to the door but Max doesn't let your wrist go. You turn back to him.
“What is it, Max?”
“Text me when you land in Texas?”
“Of course.”
“One last thing. Wait here.”
He runs back to his room and you tap your foot impatiently, eyes trained on the mismatched shoes that covered your feet. Max returns not even five minutes later and now, he's wearing clothes and he’s carrying the shoe box from last night.
You swallow the lump on your throat.
“Take this with you.”
With shaking hands, you take the box.
“See you around, [Name].”
“Goodbye, Max.”
It's a good thing that you spent the entire morning yesterday packing because this makes everything smoother for you. It is a little past 5 am now and the outside world is still enveloped in total darkness. You gaze at the apartment one last time, three suitcases in tow. The keys feel heavy in your hands as you lock the door behind you.
In the middle of your apartment living room sits a lone shoe box with a letter that says: Sorry, Max. I can't steal more from Kelly.
Beside the box is a folder.
An unfinished guide on becoming Max Verstappen’s manager. (I’ll have the final copy printed, binded, and sent before the 2024 pre-season. Haha, I’m channeling my inner Toto Wolff.)
The first paper you’ll see after you open the folder reads:
Max, I know you’d be the one who’d find this one day. By that time, I’ll be in Texas already. I don't know if I’d have told you that I resigned already. If I didn't, that's because I’m a pussy. Sorry.
Anyways, I will say this as straightforwardly as I can because I think I had been a pussy long enough.
I resigned, Max. I won't be your manager by 2024 and honestly, I am worried. Not for you, of course. You’d win WDC whether I am your manager or not. That's how good you are. I am worried for your future manager. I’m afraid it would take someone with guts like me to work for with someone like you. A powerhouse manager for a powerhouse athlete.
Inside, you can find the following things:
How to bake my abuela’s special cheesecake.
How to make Red Bull vodka
How to make Max’s favorite pasta for lunch
List of Max Verstappen’s favorite places in each city
How to iron Max Verstappen’s clothes
What to do when Max accidentally sets the kitchen on fire
What to do when Max has a bad race
How to protect Max Verstappen from angry Hamilton fans
How to deal with a drunk Max Verstappen
I will still be watching your journey, not from the Red Bull garage but from another continent. We worked five amazing years together and now it is time for us to fly on different skies. As much as I liked working with you, you can't be the only one reaching your dreams. Don’t worry, I’ll always reach out.
Thank you, Max. For giving me a home. I’m not talking about the apartment. I don't believe that home are establishments. Home is the people you love and Max, you are someone I love.
In the last page of this folder, you’d see a handmade bracelet tucked inside. It's small and it's made of cheap beads and I do not care if you don't think it's worthy enough to be worn on your wrist. Not even going to be offended. It's dirt compared to the Cartier bracelets you wear everyday. I bought the beads while roaming in Brazil and I just thought I’d make you one.
I cannot give you any gift that you already cannot buy with your money so I went ahead and made this. Money cannot buy anything made by my own hands.
Thank you again, Max.
And I’m so fucking sorry.
Please don't be angry.
I love you.
You watch the sun rise inside Max's jet as you fly over Monaco to Texas.
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foone · 6 days
at the moment my desk has a small pile of things on it that I need to clean up:
raspberry pi I scavenged from a COVID scanner
EMT Safety Shears
some mechanical parts: screw rods, nuts, servo
bag of thc gummies
broken power supply from a computer
barcode scanner
spare keycaps
a naked barbie
a ball mouse
now I want you to answer one question before I try to clean up my desk:
ONE of these things is on my desk for BDSM reasons. Which one is it?
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luveline · 7 months
Jade, if you don't mind, I'd love to see more of Spencer with a badass!reader who doesn't want to show much emotion bc it's a bit hard for her :)
Have a nice day<33
thank u!
cw graphic imagery + minor character death 
The gunshot is loud. It's deafening. It's deja vu. 
Spencer watches the body collapse in on itself with ears ringing, a pitching forward, a mess where a head used to be hitting the tiled floor. Barely a teenager, snuffed to nothing. You collapse onto your knees beside it, the sound of your knee caps connecting with the floor the only distinctive sound to his ears. He can't hear Hotch, rarely pissed, and he can't hear the sirens outside. He can't hear any of it. 
Blood spray on your cheek transfers to his hand as he remembers himself, falling onto his knees beside you, gore sinking into his pants. It's hot in its pool, colder where it's painted your face, the spray metallic as he swipes it away from your eyelashes. "Are you okay?" he asks, trying to meet your eyes. 
Your gaze is a thousand miles away. You won't look at him. He forces your chin up and it doesn't matter; you aren't present, no you behind your eyes. 
He applies pressure to your face. Nothing cruel, enough to drag you back to the present as his thumb sets about stroking a soft line, the only softness he can offer right now. "Are you okay?" he asks again. He says your name. 
You barely blink. 
"Take her outside, Reid," Hotch says, pointless EMTs creeping into the room. They're there to confirm death. Nothing else. "Just take her out." 
Spencer hooks you under the arms and drags you up against his chest. You're rigid, dead weight, and he has to plead with you to get you moving. "Come on," he says, his arm behind your back. 
Morgan sees the struggle. He has questions of his own, but all his off-kilter teasing and pet names fall on deaf ears as the two men help you outside and onto a low flower bed wall. You seem to snap back into action, then, breath suddenly quick and hands stretching out to touch your blood slick knees. You visibly fret at the staining of your palms and wipe your hands down your calves, a bundle of harsh movements. 
"It's okay," Spencer says. 
"Does she need a medic?" Morgan asks. He sounds angry, somehow. Spencer knows it to be a manifestation of his worry for you in your reluctant friendship. 
You turn to Spencer, eyes imploring. 
"No," Spencer says, "just give us a minute." 
Morgan squints. A minute, he seems to agree, and not a second longer. You're quick to anger, sure, but quicker to logic, and your shock is catching everyone unprepared. You've never reacted like this. Spencer has never seen you on your knees like that. 
"I'm sorry," you say, touching his thigh. Your voice is barely your own, thready and hoarse. "I tried." 
"I know you tried. I know you did, you have nothing to be sorry for." Spencer's reeling himself. They haven't had a case like this in years, and it hits the same. Another bullied kid failed by the people around him, who could've hurt hundreds of people, who could've killed them, and killed you. It's complicated but remarkably simple. "He was going to hurt you." 
"We could've–" You choke on something, some suggestion of a what-if.
You don't let yourself connect to people on cases. You have sympathy for victims, empathy, but you don't react like this. You're like Emily in that you compartmentalise everything you can. You've never spoken about past cases and what you might change, never even suggested to him that you think about your failings after they've happened, until now. 
"I don't know what happened," you say, your voice near whining, high-pitched and logged with panic as you stare down at your legs and cover your face, as though you don't want him to see you. 
You turn away from him. 
"It's okay," he says. He tries to be soft but his adrenaline is coasting, his reassurance panicked. You sound like you're in pain. 
"I don't know what happened," you insist, covering the back of your head with your hands as you curl in on yourself. 
You don't cry. Spencer wasn't expecting you too. You just panic, tensed, turned away from him, and flinch at his attempts to touch you. "Don't. I'm fine," you force out. 
"You're not fine. You don't have to be fine," he stands up and you flicker, hands pushing down harder. Spencer covers them with his own and sighs. "It's okay. It's okay." He drops to a whisper. "It's okay, you're okay." 
You're hard to comfort, but it's not impossible. Spencer isn't stupid. He knows if this were anyone else touching you, you'd have sprung from your makeshift seat or pushed them away, but he's lucky in that you seem to have this tender spot for him, a sweetness that never wanes. He drifts in closer and hugs your head to his abdomen, one arm covering your hands until they fall, the other across your back. 
Your job is your job, but there is nothing wrong with needing comfort after seeing something horrific. "It's okay if you don't feel how you were expecting," he says, rubbing a half-circle into your back.
"It's hard… for me. This is…" 
You don't finish. It doesn't matter. Spencer paused any action to hold you, his eyes shuttering closed, dumb to any sound beside the strange shudder in your breath as you catch it. You've always had a talent for removing Spencer from his surroundings; you've looked at him and snagged him out of time. He never knew it could happen like this, though. You struggle to fall apart and Spencer doesn't know if he should hold you together or let it hurt. 
Whatever you do… "I'm here," he says, rubbing your back. 
You wrap your arms around his waist. 
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faithshouseofchaos · 3 months
My Dear, My Dear it is I 🦌. Hi darling how are you, how’s mars and well done on your recent works. Normally I just pop in for a chat but today I do have a request (if you want to write it, no pressure though darl)
Okay so after Kimi’s retirement and during Oscars rookie season Kimi and his wife come to see one of the races. They had been watching the races and took a fascination in Oscar because he is similar to Kimi. So they go to the race and practically adopt the young Aussie. Mark and Kimi just having this custody battle because he can have only one dad.
And you can pick the ending my deer
Please and thank you darl
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Grid kid — Kimi raikkonen x reader ft Oscar piastri and Mark Webber
Tagged— @ashy-kit @astraeaworld @alwayzbeenale @a-casual-romantic @amatswimming @67-angelofthelordme-67 @badassturtle13 @bblouifford @bbtoni @barcelonaloverf1life @charlesf1leclerc @clowngirlsstuff @crashingwavesofeuphoria @dark-night-sky-99 @dudenhaaa27 @eugene-emt-roe @embrosegraves @faithsotherhouseofchaos @formulas-bitch @f1ln4dr3cl16mv33 @hangmandruigandmav @hollie911 @hrts4scarr @ironcowboycopnickel @jeffs77 @kimiracing07 @lollypop90907 @lightdragonrayne @laura-naruto-fan1998 @llando4norris @moss-on-tmblr @omgsuperstarg @oconswrld @otako5811 @purplephantomwolf @reidsworld @scotlynaurora @starkwlkr @taylorswifts-cardigan @toasttt11 @vellicora @venusisnothere @vivwritesfics
“What are you going to do about Mark when you manage to take Oscar under your wing?” You asked Kimi when he parked the car.
“Who?” Kimi asked
“Mark, Mark Webber, Oscar's manager, his Hero. You know that Mark used to be Seb's teammate” you say.
“I forgot about Mark”
“How did you forget about him?” You replied
“I don't know he’s always talking about something,” Kimi said “I didn't pay attention”
“Well, Oscar is like a son to Mark, and he is trying to make a name for himself around the paddock,” you replied.
“Oh... well I guess, but do you think Mark will let me take him under my wing?” Kimi asked
“Do you think he has a say?” You asked
“Well he’s his manager, so yeah he has a say,” Kimi said.
“No he doesn’t, Mark knows that Oscar could benefit from the help of a legend such as yourself Kimi.” You reply.
“Well I mean you kinda are,” you tell him
“I guess, but Mark can’t act like he has the final say on whether or not I can help Oscar” Kimi says “And that brings us to my next question....”
“And that is?” You ask
“What if I just kidnap Oscar? Take him into the wilderness and take him under my wing there, that way Mark can’t do anything about it?” Kimi asks.
“I don’t think it would be weird at all.” You reply “You would be able to share a lot of tips and tricks with him about racing. Your experience would be helpful to him as well”
“That is true,” Kimi says, giggling. “Oscar would benefit more from my help and experience rather than Marks”
“So do you think that I should ask Oscar if he wants to work with me? If so, how do I go about doing that exactly? Should I just walk up to him and be straightforward about it?” Kimi says
“There’s no other way than to just be straightforward with him. Just go up and ask if he wants your help, if he wants your advice and tips about the sport.” You reply
“And you think he’ll say yes?” Kimi asks
“Of course he will, who would say no to advice from a Formula One legend” you reply “He is going to say yes”
“Yeah you are probably right, alright I’ll go talk to him,” Kimi says as he starts walking away.
“Remember to be straightforward with him”
“Right,” he says, walking towards the paddock to find Mark.
Kimi continues his search for Mark. After a few minutes of walking, he eventually sees Mark standing outside his trailer looking at his laptop.
“There you are Mark, I wanted to talk to you about something,” Kimi says as he approaches Mark and stops in front of him.
“What is it?” Mark asks while looking up from his laptop.
“I’m planning on offering my assistance to Oscar,” Kimi says “I’ve noticed that he’s a pretty decent kid and he could benefit from having my mentorship.”
Mark raises an eyebrow and has a look of suspicion on his face “So… you want to mentor the new kid?” Mark asks
“Yes, that’s correct” Kimi replies with a confident tone in his voice.
“So you expect me to let you take my grid kid away from me?” Mark responds “After all I spent all of this effort getting him a seat in Formula 1 and you just expect me to hand him over to you?”
“I’m not asking you to hand him over to me” Kimi clarifies “I’m just letting you know that I’ve offered Oscar my mentorship in hopes of helping him become a better driver.”
“And is Oscar planning on accepting your mentorship?” Mark asks
“Yes, I’d assume so. I talked to him and it seemed like he was going to accept my offer” Kimi tells him.
“Well even if he does want to work with you... you know that I’m not just going to let that happen easily. I’ll do whatever it takes to keep that kid under my wing” Mark says sternly.
“How exactly are you going to stop that?” Kimi asks “Oscar is his person and he has a choice. He can choose if he wants me or you as his mentor.”
“He’s my new client that I spent all of this time and effort getting on to the grid. He isn’t just going to ditch me in favor of someone else.” Mark says “I have every right to be his mentor, not you…”
“Really?” Kimi says “So you’re saying I would be wasting my time by trying to mentor the kid? You are just going to keep a kid from growing and learning because he is “your client”?”
“Well, yes....” Mark says not to seem fazed by Kimi's comment at all. “He is a talented kid and I want what’s best for him.... which is me....not you.”
“So you just want me to walk away and let you do your thing?” Kimi asks “Just so you know I’m not going to let that happen, I have every right to help him…”
“He’s my kid if you want a grid kid rookie go talk to Logan Sargent he needs all the help he can get,” Mark says
“Excuse me?” Kimi says “Did you just call Oscar your kid? He isn’t even your son...”
“No he may not be my son, but he’s the closest I have to one, as weird as that may sound.” Mark says “I’m not going to just give him up just like that, no matter how good you are.
“So I guess I should just give up on helping the new kid?” Kimi says with a hint of disappointment in his voice.
“Well it doesn’t seem like I’m going to be able to change your mind, so I guess I don’t have much of a choice,” Kimi says, turning around and beginning to walk away.
Kimi walks through the paddock and eventually finds Oscar standing alone outside his team's trailer.
“Hey, can I talk to you for a minute?” Kimi says as he walks up next to Oscar.
“Yeah sure” Oscar replies “What’s up?”
“Well..you know... I’ve been noticing you around the paddock for a while now since you are a rookie and all... and I just wanted to let you know I’m willing to help you if you need any advice or tips to help with your racing career” Kimi says
“Are you saying that you want to be my mentor or something?” Oscar asks
“Well.. yes I guess you could say that” Kimi answers “If you don’t mind that is”
“As much as I would love that I can’t do that to Mark,” Oscar says
“Why not?” Kimi asks
“He’s my Hero and it would be wrong” Oscar says with a shrug of his shoulders
Kimi chuckles at Oscar’s loyalty to Mark.
“You a good kid Oscar,” Kimi says
“Why thank you, that means a lot coming from a Formula One Champion such as yourself,” Oscar says with a sincere smile on his face.
“Of course, you are a talented kid, it’s just a matter of learning from the best to make your way to the top,” Kimi says with a smile on his face.
“I’m sure that I will get there someday”. Oscar says with confidence in his voice “I still have years left in this sport, I’ll prove to everyone that I can be a World Champion.”
“And I have faith in you that you can do that.” Kimi replies “Just stay motivated and don’t give up, that’s the biggest factor to success.”
“And I have faith in you that you can do that.” Kimi replies “Just stay motivated and don’t give up, that’s the biggest factor to success.”
“Thank you, I will remember that.” Oscar says “Just having this conversation with you already helps a ton”.
“No problem, kid,” Kimi says with a chuckle on his face. “Anytime you want advice, or you need a few tips and tricks you know where to find me.”
“Alright, I’ll keep that in mind,” Oscar says. “Thanks again Kimi”, he says with a smile.
“Of course, no problem,” Kimi says with a chuckle. “Now I have to find Mark to tell him some important news”.
“Oh it’s nothing really,” Kimi says, now walking away “Just go and get some practice in, you have a session to get ready for”.
“Alright...will do,” Oscar says as he turns around and walks away.
“Hey Oscar,” Kimi called out.
“Mark called you didn’t he?” Kimi asked
“Yeah he did,” Oscar says
“Well my offer still stands,” Kimi told him
“I know” Osacr says and Kimi nodded and began to walk away.
Bonus scene….
You were outside the Mercedes Motorhome caring up with Lewis when you saw Sebastian,Fernando and Jenson running.
“Whoa boys where’s the fire!” You called out and Lewis laughed
“I have to get to Logan before Kimi steals him” Jenson says before running off
“Okay.. and what about you two?”
“Charles and Mick I can’t let him take Charles and Mick ” Seb says
“And you Nando?” You asked
“I need to check on Oscar, I'm his mother,” Nando says, running off also.
“What was that all about?” Lewis asked.
“You don’t wanna know”
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chaosandmarigolds · 3 days
Could we see a "Beauty and the Beast"-style plot, where the protagonist is a sweet new doctor at the base, and Simon falls in love with her for her kindness? And everyone else at the base is just stunned by the performances she gives to her and no one else.
Anyway, so this will be in the same lil format as Eek has been in- short lil segments whenever I get time to bc I HAVE PLOT and I’m just too busy to sit down and write a whole whooping 20,000 word story so instead-
As an EMT I feel qualified to write a medic (kinda sorta) but all the same, if I mess something up that’s my bad yall, I’m just dumb
Let’s begin!
“And any medical history I should know about?” He stared down at you, almost bewildered by the standard question you had probably been trained to ask for years. He didn’t want to have to call ems however since Johnny had been an idiot and crashed the car they didn’t get much choice, he had patiently waited with his slightly bruised arm and a cigarette. Since the accident was so close to base they had just dispatched the medic team. What he didn’t expect was you, bright eyed even thought is was early morn and your voice oh so soft.
“nothin that’s not on ma file.”
you hum to the answer and warm your stethoscope back around your neck, as the answer wasn’t exactly wrong, as you were very well accustomed with all of their fields. You nod, “I’m just gonna give you a quick little assessment, will you tell me if it hurts anywhere?”
Simon nods to that, straightening his posture as you stand, blue latex gloves feeling down his spine and quickly frisking his legs before going back to his arm. Your touch was gentle, experienced- he respected that.
“Okie dokey,” you mumbles and then kneel back down, looking at your bag and then back to the man, “I’ll give you some meds and splint when we back base. Is there anything buggin ya?”
he then nods, “Yes there is.”
to that you immediately look up from your bag, waiting for what he was going to say.
“When did you start?”
“I was transferred from New York about a week ago, it’s so pretty. Anyway! Let’s get you to the ambulance, would you like to get me the stretcher?”
“no no, Johnny need it more.”
you let out a little laugh to that comment, as it was a good joke taking how Johnny was very dramatically playing up the minor laceration on his forehead. “Perhaps so, Lieutenant, however you are my patient so you are my priority- please, how can I help you?” You smile at the end, a sweet gleam in your eyes and genuine intention shining.
If his pupils weren’t already dilated they were then, if he wasn’t already tachycardic he would be then, if he could induce psychogenic shock just to make sure you wouldn’t leave his side he might just do so. He certain…he was certain within that moment you would be the death of him.
(Um….yeah, I’m eepy, but!!! This had been brewing for so long and I felt bad so I’m so sorry!! I hope this is kinda what you were looking for! Toodles!)
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ddejavvu · 1 year
ok pls i need you tp write this bc i can’t - reader gets into a fight with an unsub and ends up with a nosebleed she doesn’t notice afterward, and hotch tenderly holds her face and wipes it away
if you're interested in hotch holding reader's face to wipe away her nosebleed i'd recommend this lovely story from the equally lovely @luveline, several lines of which i think about daily ("Oh, honey." 💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗💗)
You can only breathe easy once the doors to the cop car shut, and the unsub is driven away. He's out of sight and out of mind, and your shoulders sag with the weight of the worries sliding off of them. You're exhausted, and hearing Hotch's voice directing your team members is a welcome sound to your ears that have been ringing with sirens for far too long.
"Dave, you make sure Morgan gets checked out by the EMTs. He is not okay, no matter what he tells you."
"Will do," Rossi nods, wandering over to where Morgan is rubbing at his sore shoulder. Bashing through doors hurts, and you know he's probably feeling a deep ache in his muscles.
"Prentiss, you and JJ head back to the precinct and start filling out your paperwork, Reid can help once you fill him in. And Y/L/N," Hotch turns to you finally, addressing you as the last of the group. But he loses steam, falling silent when he sees you.
You don't know why, and it makes you tense. You're sure you look a sight, sweat-slicked hair and chest heaving from running to capture the unsub, but he's never been one to judge appearances.
After a quick moment of silence, one that seems like he's waiting for the answer to a question he hasn't asked, he speaks: "Come here."
You pause for a moment, but once you register his odd words, the last thing you'd have expected him to say, you race off on unstable footing. You linger a few feet away from him, brows raised cautiously.
"Yes, sir?"
"No come- here." He mumbles, closing the gap between you two so that the toes of his shoes almost bump your own. Your stomach tenses, and he digs into the inside pocket of his windbreaker to retrieve a packet of tissues.
"Sir-?" You ask, but before you can complete any further question, his hand lifts to cradle your jaw. Your chin rests on the side of his pointer finger as he angles your face upwards, towards the light of the moon that you're bathed in.
"Sir," You repeat, breathless this time. He smooths his hand up the side of your jaw, cupping your cheek as he takes a tissue and raises it to your lips.
"Your nose is bleeding," He murmurs, keeping his voice just as soft as your own. Your team members have dispersed, but if Morgan and Rossi glance over, they'll see the hottest gossip the BAU has had in years.
"Did you get hit?" Hotch asks, eyes focused on the space between your lip and your nose. The bridge of your nose wrinkles slightly as he presses the tissue gently into your nostril, wedging it tightly so that the blood can't escape again.
"No," You want to shake your head, but Hotch is holding it, so you can only speak. Your voice is weak, and muffled slightly by the press of the tissue against your lip.
"Do you usually get nosebleeds?" He presses, brows furrowing.
"No." You repeat, "Uh, maybe just- just adrenaline. Or something."
"Alright," Hotch nods, withdrawing the tissue from your face. It's stained crimson and it leaves a miniscule stain on his hand, something you'll be embarrassed about until the end of time. He hands it off to you and you stuff it back over your face, desperate to hide your flustered expression.
"Thank you, sir." You speak, voice nasally from the tissue obstruction.
He nods, tilting his head sideways towards the ambulance on duty, "I think we should get you checked out. Just in case, I know you said it wasn't an injury. But it's hard remembering what happened after the fact, and I'd rather be safe than sorry."
"Um- okay." You agree, easier than you normally would. You're fine, you know you are, but Hotch just had his hands all over your face, so you might be on the verge of a heart attack, and medical attention when it happens would be ideal.
"Come on," He starts walking when you don't, his large hand against the small of your back to urge you forwards. Your feet crunch against twigs, leaves, and dirt alike, but you can't worry about getting them dirty, not when Hotch is guiding you to an ambulance after cupping your cheek.
You're in a haze when you step up to the ambulance, and Hotch answers for you when the EMT raises his eyebrows expectantly at you.
"Agent Y/L/N has a nosebleed." Hotch informs him, nudging you forward still with his large hand, "I just want to make sure they're okay."
"Alright, let's check that out," The EMT nods, leading you over to perch against the open bed of the van, "Agent, are you feeling faint?"
"No," You shake your head, moving more freely as you walk away from Hotch, "Um, I'm alright."
Two gloved fingers press into your neck and the EMT's face twists into a frown, "Your heart is beating very fast."
"Adrenaline." You blurt, seeing Hotch's face darken in a concerned frown from where he's listening in. It makes things worse, and you have to look away from him to lie to the EMT, "From- uh, the chase."
The EMT"s face stays pinched in a frown for a moment, but he studies your heaving chest, faraway gaze, and shaky hands, ultimately deciding that you're right.
"I think that's a safe bet. But keep an eye on that nose, if it starts swelling you should get it checked out."
"Will do, thank you." Hotch speaks for you once again, stepping in to walk you towards the SUVs. You're sure he's only being kind, that he's worried about your hazy demeanor, but he's only making it worse.
"I want you to sit down," He orders, but it doesn't feel like one because it's so kind. He offers you the front seat of his car, and you're sure you'll get a teasingly scathing remark from Morgan about it later.
Hotch reaches across you to snag a water bottle from the center console of the car, and you think your breath might never return to your lungs. Maybe you really do need an ambulance, especially when he holds the half-empty bottle out to you.
"I want you to drink this," He watches you take it with shaky hands, "All of it. And we'll get you more back at the precinct. Y/N," He ducks his head slightly to meet your eyes, "Are you sure you're alright?"
Your heart is hammering in your chest, your head is foggy and your ears are ringing with voices telling you to just kiss him already. But you nod instead, raising the bottle to your lips the second after you speak so that you don't have to say more, "Yeah, Hotch. I'm good."
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 11 days
Dean Winchester & little!sister reader
Requested by anonymous
Synopsis: you crash Baby…somebody has to tell Dean
Warnings: car accident, injury, panic
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You couldn’t help the easy smile that lifted your lips as you cruised along the road, Baby’s gentle purr comforting you as you cranked up your favorite cassette tape. You’d definitely be in trouble if Dean found out, but he was finally getting some much needed sleep in the bunker, so this was your chance. Besides, he’d never specifically said that you couldn’t drive Baby—it was just a definite unwritten rule.
You were so lost in your own enjoyment that you weren’t paying much attention to the road—after all, you’d been on this road a thousand times with Dean. But the other thousand times, there’d never been a deer in the middle of the road.
You saw it too late. You swerved the wheel with all your might, and by some miracle you missed the deer—but there was no missing the ditch that skirted the side of the road. You actually felt the wheels leave the ground before a stomach-turning crunch preceded the jarring jolt that came when the car hit down on the bottom of the ditch. Your head lurched forward, slamming against the steering wheel and turning everything to darkness.
You were being lifted by strong hands when you awoke. Your eyes blinked open to find a man in an EMT uniform placing you on the ground away from the Impala.
“Hey kid,” he greeted gently when he saw that you were awake. “How are you feeling?”
“My head hurts,” you groaned. “But I’m ok.”
“Ok, that’s good.” He kept up his soothing voice even as he examined you for more injuries. “Looks like you just have a few cuts and bruises. But you could have a concussion from hitting your head on the wheel. The officers over there found your phone, and they’re gonna call someone for you, ok?”
Before you could answer, one of the police officers stepped up in front of you.
“The first number on your phone is Dean, can I call him for you kid?”
“No, no!” You panicked. “Not-not Dean.” Your eyes drifted to the Impala—the front was completely smashed in from where you’d hit a tree, and there were scratches everywhere. “Dean, he-he can’t see the car like this, he’s gonna kill me!”
“Kid, we’re worried about you, not the car,” the officer said. “We’ve gotta call a guardian.”
“Sam,” you said. “Call Sammy.”
Even as the officer pressed Sam’s name on your contact list, your panic continued to course through you. Dean was going to find out, it was only a matter of time. You were so, so dead.
“Kid.” A hand on your shoulder snapped you out of your thoughts. “You’ve gotta calm down, you’ve gotta take deep breaths.”
It was only after the EMT’s words that you felt the tears trickling down your cheeks, and the haggard wheezing of your breath
“I’ve got your brother, do you want to talk to him?” The officer was holding out the phone to you, and you took it.
“S-Sammy?” You sniffled, rubbing at your eyes.
“Y/N? What’s going on? Who was that that just had your phone, who are you with?”
Not Sam. Dean.
“De?” Your hands were fumbling with the phone, they were shaking so bad. “Dean, th-this is Sam’s phone…”
“He went to the bathroom, now answer the question!” Dean snapped. “You’re starting to freak me out.”
“De, I’m…” the tears wouldn’t be stifled any longer. You were all but sobbing as you managed to say- “Dean, I’m so sorry, I’m sorry.”
Dean’s voice was getting more frantic every second.
“Honey, what’s wrong? Where are you, I’ll come get you.”
“I-I screwed up, Dean,” you whimpered. “I cra-I crashed Baby.”
“You what?!” You misunderstood Dean’s panic for anger, and it only made you cry harder. “Where are you?”
“We’re going to take you to the hospital, just to be safe,” the EMT cut in gently. He told you the address, and you repeated it to Dean.
“Don’t move when you get there.”
He hung up before you could respond.
You were sitting in an observation room when Dean came barging in. The doctor who had just finished examining you looked up, startled.
“There you are.” You missed Dean’s sigh of relief as you ducked your head in shame. He strode into the room, straight for you. His big hand gently lifted your chin.
“Are you ok?” He demanded. You nodded pitifully. Dean gave you a once-over to be sure, before nodding, satisfied.
“We brought her here just to be sure,” the doctor spoke up. “I believe she has a minor concussion.”
“But she’s gonna be ok?” Dean probed.
“Oh yes,” the doctor assured him. “You’re free to check her out whenever you feel ready.” The doctor pulled out a card and held it out for Dean. “This is the mechanic that they towed your car to.”
Dean stuck it in his back pocket without even glancing at it.
“Yeah, thanks. I’m gonna take her home now.”
You were next to Dean in the back of a cab when you finally spoke again.
“I’m sorry about Baby, Dean.”
“Would you stop saying that?” Dean huffed. “This is about more than just the Impala. You could’ve been seriously hurt, you could’ve been killed! And all you can talk about is the car.”
“So…” you swallowed. “So you’re not mad about the car?”
“I’m not more mad about that than I am worried about you,” Dean said. “You come first, always. That’s why you called Sam, isn’t it? You were scared that I’d be pissed about the car.”
You nodded feebly, and Dean sighed.
“Honey, that car is never going to be as important to me as you are. I want you to know that you can come to me, you can tell me stuff like this. You should never be so worried about me being mad that you can’t tell me when you get hurt, ever. Baby being in an accident will never scare me more than you being in an accident. Baby can always get a new engine, but this-“ Dean poked at your chest, right above your heart, and you giggled and pushed his hand away. “This needs to be protected. You understanding me?”
“I understand,” you said. “I’m sorry I didn’t call you.”
“I forgive you,” Dean said. “Now we’re going to talk about how you’re gonna never sneak out like that again, and how you’re gonna make it up to me for stealing my baby.”
“You said you weren’t angry,” you argued.
“No, I said that you were more important,” Dean countered. “But now that I know you’re ok…
“You are in so much trouble.”
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl @chocorade @aestheticdaisies @inlovewhithafairytale @that-wannabe-vangoghgurl
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rosemarydisaster · 6 days
Batkids but instead of being pigs they're first responders.
Obviously Dick should be a firefighter, I'm not the first to come up with this and it's so brilliant. Overworked, underappreciated, the backbone of society. I get that he was a cop so he could investigate the corruption at BHPD, but there are other ways. I just think that the self sacrificial part would call to him.
Barbara would obviously be a 911 operator. That one is self explanatory, it's half her job.
Cass could also be on the Firefighter team, probably in the maritime rescue unit. She's vibing in her little boat zooming around the toxic waste of Gotham Harbor. Unbothered queen.
Jason would be specialized in dealing with shock victims and handling the psychological part. I'm not sure who handles that in US, but some time of on site counselor/therapist. You know, the guy that talks to victims before the police starts questioning. He is the most emotional of the Batkids and I want to see him channel it towards compassion more often (kinda like how he's always kind to prostitutes, the homeless and children in canon).
Steph would be in CPS handling the victims that are minors, especially providing legal advice and helping to protect them from police bullshit. Either that or EMT with Tim.
Tim would be a very stressed EMT. I'm a sucker for Tim working in the medical field. Based on what? Vibes. Also he's been physically fucked up so much in canon I think he could get a degree from personal experience. That or 911 operator with Barbara
Duke would be Firefighter, but particularly the search and rescue expert. In hard cases with little to no evidence he uses his powers to find out where the missing person went. He has to be careful not to get caught tho.
I think Damian would want to be either a 911 coordinator (he is the natural choice of a leader of course TT) or an actual ER doctor because his father never finished school and Alfred (grandpa) already had a place saved for the degree so someone has to graduate. If he actually got it he would give so much shit to the others for dropping out.
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gglitch1dd · 9 days
There's a question I've been thinking about
We know that Izuku no cannon went through a war, right? Right. And until the current chapter of the manga, he's not doing very... well. As being visibly more depressed, not sharing your thoughts, once again lying and saying he's fine when he clearly isn't, a few more things.
So I've been wondering, did your Izuku go through all the cannon stuff? If so, did he have any after-effects? After all these years, are there still things that bother him? Did it take him a while to deal with everything?
I am not gonna comment on the new chapters, but I have seen them and understand what you are saying.
First off, I hate tiktok and Tumblr for spoiling MHA for me. Genuinely. Like i have no will to continue past season 4/5 in the anime that I am at because of all the spoilers and everything going on. I already know what's going to happen and all the juicy bits so why bother. so honestly, I have very little to say on it because i prefer my fictional timeline to Horikoshi's.
But yes.
He has gone through those canon stuff, but Izuku realises that he was just a kid that was robbed from him from horrible inhumane villains and incompetent adults that were relying on children to win a war.
Izuku never wanted Toshinori to dorm at UA. He wanted him to go there for school but not live there. Just cause he wanted to be able to see and make sure his son was fine, so that Toshinori never felt the pressure he felt all on him like Izuku did.
Izuku never allows UA, as well as the other hero parents, to allow the kids to do more than a level D/C threat villains, so petty thieves and bank robberies is for them. Anything higher than that is for their parents to do and for them to do only once they are adult sidekicks at their parents side. Even when interning with their parents, anything higher than a B level threat, they are sent right back to the agency to watch from the side-lines like everyone else.
Izuku doesn't sleep well after the war, and I think he's on medication for a long time but he learns to get off of it.
However, when he starts a family with Y/N Izuku becomes paranoid. But not bad paranoid. Like he does EVERYTHING to ensure his family's safety. Its the reason why he NEVER talks about when reader is pregnant to the media.
He also sincerely, hates the public. He feeds into them, makes sure he looks good, makes sure that he gets their approval to stay top of the charts, but Izuku quickly pushes for legislation to protect heroes against the public and keep their rights as human beings.
For example,
Something in my The Contract universe is that Izuku was the one to pitch the idea of the Horikoshi Heroes' Hospital which is ONLY for heroes and their families to give them guaranteed privacy.
I also have a headcanon that the public gets angry over government spending particularly, how much heroes get paid and Izuku literally comes out as the Number One hero and says.
"If you don't like how much we get paid to risk our lives to save yours, that's fine. Every hero in japan will be granted paid leave for the next week by the Deku Agency and the Hero Commission. No hero services will be available and only the police, EMTs, firefighters and other none hero emergency services will be available."
Leaves the press briefing and he goes back home, switches off his phone and takes a long nap.
Does he care that after he comes back downstairs after only 4 hours of being off on forced leave, that Japan is already in upheaval?
Does he care the next day that his phone is blowing up with people begging heroes to come back?
Not at all.
That man only comes back to hero work sooner than planned because you force him to.
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