#But yeah; not all badass women have to be able to throw a punch
fastfists · 10 months
Cause, I have to add...I do love me strong female characters BUT I also like when they have personalities and arn't just 'one of the guys but with boobs'/'not like other girls' type. Like, the reason all the Sonic girls are awesome? Yes, they all can fight BUT they all have distinct personalities — we got Amy who sweet, kind, and a hopeless romantic than we have someone like Rouge who is flirty, confident, and sassy. And that is just two of them, all them are distinct and badass. And other examples outside Sonic characters? Sailor Moon is a badass too; Sally the Ragdoll is a badass; Jessica Rabbit is a badass— why? Because they all are allowed to be characters that happen to be women and they're not shamed for that. And yes, not all of them are 'fighters' but Sally was willing to risk her self to help save Santa, Jessica was putting her career and self in harms way for her husband, and Sailor Moon whole thing is about protecting the world through love; most might not be fighters in the traditional sense but they can fight when needed. In conclusion, please stop making 'badass women' the 'not like other girls' trope. No one likes it, let them be bad asses by being good characters and strong ladies without having to basically shaming other women.
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virtuouscandlelight · 3 years
Ooooo, does Morwenna have opinions on her badass older sisters(love the threads between Candle and her daughters)
Jackie, a colored woman in a white man's world(in a time of legal slavery, no less. Tho pirates didn't really care, her being colored should not be ignored considering the time), is a pirate captain who not only has an extremely male-dominated profession, but is both infamous and thrives in it. She doesn't seem to let anyone walk over her and more importantly, carries the power and cruelty(based on @sparrowofmyheart describing her crew) to actually have this make people listen(again, white man's world with a colored woman thriving)
Carina, a scientist in a place where women are outright written off for any ideas at all, who has not only managed to become extremely educated by all standards, especially an orphan, but also manages to be somewhat kind despite her upbringing. Extremely impressive, and unlike her sister, she goes through a legal channels to get any notoriety, which considering just how smart she is, I'd say at least somewhat worked.
(Honestly, both Carina and Jackie are both such badasses in different was, with neither feeling like Mary Sues. Same goes for Mama Candle, but this is about Morwenna's opinion on her siblings)
{ 🌊 }
“ Jackie knows how to throw her fists like RAPID FIRE ! “
Imitating rapid fire punches on a pillow, Morwenna added in extra sound effects, finally kicking the distorted fabric of fluff aside with her boot,
“ PAH ~ ! I’ve seen her in action before, she knows the moves dad has ! Both of ‘em know how to kick MAJOR butt, the Black Pearl’s never gonna sink, never ! Sometimes they’ll fight side by side and it looks SO cool, I wanna be able to kick major butt like them too ! But ma says ‘ not everything is about violence ‘ , so I can’t fight everybody that I meet. But I really, REALLY wanna kick someone’s butt — like, enough that I wanna start a fight with one of the crew just ‘cause.
So instead, dad lets me play with Sparrow ! He’s as dumb as rocks anyway. “
Yeah, and that goes so well. A+ parenting on his end.
“ Carina is more like mum. Pretty, gentle, sometimes we go out and shop for herbs and clothes together. She knows a LOT about the stars. I don’t really see what the stars can do for us aside from light up the night, but she thinks they’re SUPER important. Kinda like how mum talks about heaven, but I’ve never been to heaven yet even though I keep asking her to take me. “
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Stone cold- B. Hargrove
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Contemplating a pt.2. Let me know if y’all want a second one!! Hope you like it!
For the lovely @winter-captain-01!!
Original story by sarcastically-defensive17
Y/N was rough.
She was the type of girl to punch a guy in the face if he dared touch her ass without her permission.
She was the type of girl to give as good as she gets, against both men and women.
She was dangerous, she was intimidating, and she did it all with her staple black heels on her small feet.
Yet still, Billy couldn’t get enough of the girl who challenged him every step of the way.
Their first meeting sent his heart rate skyrocketing along with his anger levels.
She had parked her Canary Yellow ‘57 Chevy Bel Air a tad too close to his Camaro and without looking he flicked his half done cigarette right on to the hood of her car.
She saw red when she saw him do so.
Naturally, she picked the cigarette up, ensuring it was no longer burning before proceeding to crumble it into his perfectly combed mullet.
He felt the crumbles hit his scalp, still slightly warm from being lit and he turned to thump whoever had the audacity to try something smart with him. Until his eyes fell on the girl.
The first thing he noticed was the height difference. He concluded that the only reason she was able to stretch her arms high enough to reach above his head was on account of the high stilettos her feet were resting in.
“Who the fuck do you think you-“
“Listen here, asswipe,” she snarled at him, stepping a fraction of an inch closer to appear more threatening. Despite the further incline the action placed on her neck. “That ‘Bitch’ crown on your head isn’t too heavy for me to knock off, so flick a dart at my car again, and it’ll go flying.”
Billy smirked at her, rolling his tongue along his teeth in a way he knew captured many girls in the past.
Not this one.
Y/N turned on her heels, sauntering back to her car.
Billy shamelessly watched her behind and her legs as she walked, mind racing with all of the ways he was going to get her to fall to her knees for him.
She turned her head as she opened the door, noticing his gaze. She whistled loudly, snapping his attention from her ass to her face, where he was met with the sight of her middle finger.
Billy practically groaned at the sound of her Chevy starting up, and speeding out of the school parking lot.
What he didn’t notice was the same car stop at the middle school where his sister went to retrieve a certain curly haired boy.
And his friends.
She leaned her head out of the window, eyeing the group.
“Turd burgers!” They all peaked their head up at the sound of her voice, knowing it well. “Asses in seats, feet better be clean.”
She leaned inside, pulling a stick of gum from
The center console and popping it into her mouth as she watched the four boys wave goodbye to a girl.
They climbed in and she remained, skateboard in hand and a frustrated expression on her face.
“Whose that, Dust?”
“That’s our friend, Max,” he announced.
“She’s awesome! Total badass,” Mike continued, stating her name at the same time as his friend.
She looked at her little brother before turning back to the girl whose hair was as fiery as as a sunset.
Y/N eyed her with concern before whistling to her the same way she whistled at the asshole who threw the cancer stick on her car.
She gestured her head to walk closer and the girl obliged, a weary look plastered on her freckled face.
Y/N definitely didn’t miss the way her little brothers face brightened when Max walked near.
Nor did she miss the same expression on Lucas’ face.
“You alright, kiddo? You need a ride?” Max turned to see that most of the kids had piled into their own parents’ cars, or the bus.
The girl huffed, standing on her toes to peak over the car towards the high school.
“Thank you, but I’m okay. My asshole brother should be here soon. He’s meant to pick me up.”
Y/N fixed her with a look, frowning.
She was tough with people her own age and older, but she had a soft spot for kids.
“Okay, but if you need a ride home any day, let me know.” Max nodded softly, a small smile on her face. “Lord knows I need another female around with these dorks.”
She earned a smack to her shoulder from her little brother as payment, and a chorus of offended exclamations from the boys in the back.
“Catcha, kiddo,” Y/N winked at the girl, not leaving until she waved back and stepped away from the curb.
When she did, the Chevy was pulled away from the curb and sped away.
The next day she left the school with intentions of dropping her (basically adopted) kids at the arcade while she makes a beeline first the record shop.
Her and Dustin were in need of some new albums, and she wanted to find something for her mum.
What she didn’t expect was to run into a certain curly haired asshole in the rock section.
“Well,” she heard from behind her, far too close to her ear. “If I had have known you’d be here, I would have dressed nicer.” Y/N turned to meet Billy Hargrove, standing way too close to her with a smirk plastered on his face. “Or I would have dressed down. Whatever you please, princess.”
She rolled her eyes at the wink he sent her, turning around.
“Call me that again, Hargrove, and I’ll shove your mullet down your throat.”
“Then what should I call you? You haven’t told me your name,” his smirk was still in full force, as well as the pinch in his brow. He didn’t like when people were rude to him, but he felt the challenge in the girl, and it was drawing him in.
“Y/N.” She huffed, “I would love to stay and chat but, I actually wouldn’t.”
She want to walk away, only to be stopped by a hand on her wrist.
“Well, Y/N,” he loved the way her name sounded on his tongue. “How about you and I catch up soon? Spend a little time together?”
She scoffed, laughing obnoxiously and pulling her wrist from his grip. Thankfully, she had already paid for her vinyls and was free to leave.
“Call me when you get an attitude adjustment, asswipe.”
She quickly hustled back to the arcade, as fast as her heels would allow and found comfort with the fiery headed girl.
“They’re still trying to beat your high score, huh?” Y/N chirped, tossing a piece of popcorn into her mouth.
Max made a sound of acknowledgement, watching them with tired eyes.
“Gets a bit boring when you’ve got the high score on the decent games,” her smirk was proud, and awfully familiar in manner to Y/N, but she chose to ignore it.
“Here,” Y/N nudged the shoulder of the girl, “come have a look at the records I bought.”
Max’ eyes lit up. She loved the arcade, but she simply wanted to be at home.
The desire in its own was unnatural to her, as she despised being around Neil, but she was worried about her mum. And her step-brother.
The night before was rough. Billy had gotten into it with Neil because their ‘father’ had put his hands on Max’ mum.
Billy didn’t like that one bit and stood up for the woman, only to earn a visit from Neil’s belt.
Y/N let the boys know they would be outside, before leading the girl to her car.
They sat for who knows how long talking, and Max quickly grew to admire the older girl.
Y/N was halfway through a story detailing the time her and Dustin had a three-hour-long marathon of some dancing arcade game she couldn’t remember the name of, when a blue Camaro pulled up.
Both girls ignored the sound of the engine, as Y/N continued her wholesome story.
By the end of it, she was so tired that her little brother (who was half the dancer she was) ended up whooping her ass.
The only thing that caught their attention was the sound of a husky voice that had Y/N groaning in frustration.
“Well, well, well,” Billy said. “If it isn’t the stone cold broad herself.”
“I feel like every time you open your mouth, something else boring comes out,” Y/N whispered, throwing her head back to the sky.
“Keep telling yourself that, honey.” Billy maneuvered around Y/N, heading to stand next to Max. “You ready, shithead? Neil gets home soon, so we need to be back.”
“Yeah, sure,” Max answered after a minute. Her eyes were downcast in fear, and Y/N found herself wondering if she was afraid of the man standing next to her.
The realization clicked in her head. “Oh! He’s your brother?” Her tone started off high, lowering as she got to the end of her sentence while her face shifted into a frown.
“Step-brother,” Max and Billy said at the same time.
Y/N nodded, looking up from her position seated on the hood of her car, as she saw the door to the arcade open.
She shouted loudly towards the opening, catching the attention of the four boys to signal their leave.
“Alright, Maxie, gotta give you something before you go,” Y/N stood before reaching into her car, bent over the window. She could feel the way Billy gazed at her backside. She handed the girl a piece of paper with a number scribbled on the side. “That’s my number. You need anything, or a lift to school just give me a ring.”
Max fixed her with a small smile. A grateful one that shone through her eyes.
“Where’s my number?” Billy winked at her.
“Stare at my ass again and you won’t have fingers left to dial anybody,” Y/N halted her words to look the man up and down. She couldn’t deny that she liked what she saw, but she refused to allow her mind to wander. “Or to flog your log, asswipe.”
“Ooh, feisty. You get more attractive as the days pass,” Billy winked, turning around and nudging his sister again. “In the car, shithead.”
The boys piled into her car, and she sped off as soon as they were all clear of the road.
She was flustered from Billy’s words, and annoyed at the mullet headed man.
Days passed, random calls from Max, and requests for a lift to school when Billy was unavailable.
Y/N didn’t know what was meant by the term, but whenever he was unavailable, he was also absent from school.
She hated herself for caring what happened to the boy, but she found herself developing an attraction to him.
According to Max, her obnoxious step-brother had developed quite the infatuation with the older Henderson.
Despite this, Y/N was still shocked to great extents when her home phone blared to life at 3AM one Saturday morning, and Y/N answered in a bleary state to her soft sobbing on the other end.
“Y/N?” She heard a masculine voice that she instantly recognized to be Billy. Her heart race picked up. “You busy?”
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nightwingshero · 3 years
1, 15, 25, 35, 45, 55, 65, 75, 85, 95, 100 for the OC(s) of your choice.
Thank you, love!!! 
1. Does your character have good aim?
Wren: She does, actually. She’s excellent at throwing knives and such, which shocks the hell out of her. 
Whitney: NOPE. Not even a little bit. She wouldn’t try, she would either embarrass herself and say breaking her nail as the excuse not to. 
Blair: Not...really. It got somewhat better with training with Oliver, but...there’s a reason she never played any sports. It’s not really her thing.
Camille: She does now, after training with Clint and Natasha at S.H.I.E.L.D. It took her a bit longer to get it, but she did get there eventually.
Naomi: Yes! She used to play softball when she was in high school, she’s rather athletic. Good luck challenging her to a game of darts. Just saying.  
15. Did your character ever want to be a cowboy?
Wren: No, not at all. She wanted to be a rockstar astronaut at first, something her mother thought was hilarious. Wren swore up and down that Rocketman was about her, but uh...she didn’t really get the lyrics at that young of an age. 
Whitney: Absolutely not. She was definitely a princess kind of girl. Being a cowboy was never her thing, she would rather be the princess or damsel in distress that gets swept off her feet. 
Blair: Not really. She wanted to live on Mars and be an astronaut too. She loves space and always has. Blair grew up to be an astrophysicist though...close enough. 
Camille: I could see that, sure. I don’t think it was specifically a cowboy, I think she wanted to be the Lone Ranger, like the show her father watches. She would make her dad pretend to be a bank robber so she could go after him. 
Naomi: Nope. Not at all. She was more into cops and robbers or princesses, to be honest. Cowboys just didn’t really hold her attention. The only one that could was Woody from Toy Story. 
25. Does your character experience sexism for the job/title they hold? (ie: she’s a girl, she can’t be x,y,z because only boys can be)
Wren: Not necessarily sexism, but Pratt does hit on her and stupid ass comments that piss her off. It’s borderline sexist and she’s borderline ready to punch him in the face.
Whitney: Yes, she does. She was raised treated like that, honestly, and she was raised to believe it’s okay. Joseph definitely treats her like a housewife, even as Mother of Eden’s Gate. She doesn’t know better, even though it really does piss her off. 
Blair: No, not at all. Her coworkers love her and don’t at all think that she shouldn’t be doing what they’re doing. She’s smart and well-respected in her field. And that doesn’t change with the teams at all. Blair isn’t disrespected like that, that’s a big no no. She also helps Mick with being politically correct. 
Camille: It depends on which job we’re talking about. She’s had her fair share as a doctor, her knowledge and rep questioned because she’s female. Now, in S.H.I.E.L.D., she has had moments, but not nearly that many. S.H.I.E.L.D. is known for having diverse agents, and the very few she’s witnessed be assholes, she’s corrected (or Nat has rather quickly.) With the Avengers, it’s a hard no. Her place was earned and she’s respected by members of the team, and those members are quick to address those issues when they witness someone treating her that way (they drink their respect women juice.)
Naomi: As a war correspondent, absolutely. Being told that “this is no place for a girl” was something she received a lot. But she did a badass job at it. Now, S.H.I.E.L.D. was a lot better, for sure. They welcomed her and her skills for gaining intelligence with open arms, she’s a resident badass. Once S.H.I.E.L.D. is taken down, she becomes the PR for the Avengers, in which she’s someone you don’t wanna cross. She becomes highly respected. 
35. Naptime, yes or no?
Wren: YESSSS! That girl loves naps! Give her a slice of cheesecake or some ice cream right before, and she’ll curl up on the couch and nap while watching The Twilight Zone. 
Whitney: Eh, not really. Whit is normally busy with something, and she would rather be doing something productive than nap. 
Blair: Yes! Most of it is because she’s working all hours of the night on something in the lab, so when she gets home, she’s not getting enough sleep. So! Yummy hot cocoa and naps!
Camille: Eh, she’s not known for it because she works a lot during the day, but if it happens, it’s because she’s pulling long hours and needs a break. But Camille isn’t really a frequent napper, it makes her more tired, if she’s being honest.
Naomi: Nah, that’s not really her thing. She’s used to long hours, and knows that if she naps, she won’t be able to sleep that night. So she’ll power through and maybe just go to bed a bit earlier to catch up on sleep. 
45. Would your character kill someone to get what they want?
Wren: Ehhhh...that’s a hard maybe, depending of if we’re talking pre-cult or not. Wren is morally grey, and if she had to have it, she would once she’s joined Eden’s Gate. But before? Not as likely. 
Whitney: Yes! She actually has, to be honest. Joseph and the others pretty much numb her to killing someone, so she’ll poison someone who crosses her. She literally kills with kindness. 
Blair: Absolutely not. Blair doesn’t put her personal needs/wants above the value of others and their lives. She’s very much against that and couldn’t live with herself if she did. 
Camille: I have a hard time seeing it, unless it was a mission in which it needed to be done (her wanting peace, killing bad guys for it, etc), but those are few and far between because she doesn’t do a lot of the things Natasha does. But she is a S.H.I.E.L.D. agent.
Naomi: Eh, not really. If it is a “want”, its going to be revenge. But it’ll be with the right intentions and in the name of doing what’s right. She’s not as scared or worried about getting her hands dirty as long as it’s for the right reasons, not necessarily because of something she wants. 
55. Do you have any characters who despite trying their best ended up being horrible parents?
Wren: I think it would depend on how you define ‘horrible’. Because Wren tries her best to be the best mother she can be, but feels as though she’s become her father and failed Harper. Mostly because Wren kept a lot of the Wrath and Judge stuff a secret, and Harper doesn’t take kindly to that. It’s not her being a horrible mom, just making bad decisions that affect her kids (mostly Harper) negatively. 
Whitney: Yes and no. While yes, she protected her son and put him in hiding with Ivy, she still stands by Joseph for the longest time instead of leaving to be with her son and to take her daughter and sister away from danger and toxic relationships. She is able to redeem it, though. Her and Wren both, actually. 
The other three (that I chose to do this for) are good moms, so I don’t think this really applies.
65. Is your character energetic?
Wren: Oh yeah, she definitely can be when she’s comfortable. She can get pretty excited and pumped up, often making Jane, Ivy, and Whit a bit tired. Randy, Gray, and Ro just go along with it, Mel and Quinn join in and encourage it. 
Whitney: Yes and no. She really is, but she tries to keep it on a leash and not show it, because she was raised being told that it wasn’t lady like. The more she grows (as a character) and hangs with the rest of the group, she loosens up a bit. 
Blair: She can be when she’s had too much coffee. Blair is naturally mellowed out though, often being more calm. She’s not reserved at all, she just...has more of a calming upbeat presence. 
Camille: Sorta! It depends on the situation, she’s more reserved when you first meet her. There are moments when she’s with friends that she does absolutely get energetic, but she’s mostly energetic after working out or going for her morning jog. 
Naomi: No, not particularly. Like Camille, she’ll get amped up for a workout, and there may come a time where she’ll get energetic over a big event, but she’s not one to get super energetic. 
75: Do any of your characters wear glasses, sunglasses, goggles, or monocles?
Wren: She’s obsessed with aviators. She collects them, and they’re usually blue, silver, or black. She eventually steals John’s because she digs them. 
Whitney: If she’s gonna wear sunglasses, they’re either the 50′s or 60′s kind. Some cat-eyed, or those bigger glamorous butterfly styled ones. But she does have some nice Gucci and Coach glasses she’ll wear. It depends on what matches. 
Blair: She’ll wear regular sunglasses, mostly Ray Bans. She wears reading glasses from time to time, but she mainly uses contacts. Blair has a pair of backup glasses that have the tinted lens. 
Camille: She used to wear glasses when she was younger, but she eventually got Lasik, so she doesn’t wear them anymore. As for sunglasses, she wears modern cat-eyed or just rectangle ones. Anything that looks good and is her style. 
Naomi: Aviators, and that’s really it. She’s not really big into them, she has one pair of brown aviators, and that’s it. They do the job. 
85. Has your character ever been led down the wrong path because of their anger?
Wren: Absolutely. That’s the whole point of her canon, actually. The Wrath leads to her joining Eden’s Gate and becoming the Judge. She eventually redeems herself, but it does lead her down a dark path. 
Whitney: Yep. She starts killing for Eden’s Gate because of it, but it’s funny, because it’s her anger that actually helps her redeem herself and gain her freedom: killing Joseph and Ethan. 
Blair: Yes and no...? Kinda...? Like, when she woke up from her coma, she found out Carmen had left her for someone else, essentially moving on. The anger is what led to her maybe running into some unfavorable company (Leonard), where she decided to just give him her engagement ring instead of running the risk of him robbing her at the bar they happened to run into each in (his favorite bar). In her anger, she purposefully went to a bar that was known to be a frequent place for criminals. But that anger also had her moving to Star City, where she became a hero. Sometimes her anger can get her in trouble with her powers, but that gets better. It all depends on how you look at it. 
Camille: Sort of. The Civil War incident really...was something else. Camille didn’t see it as a dark path, it was what she believed was right. She was angry that something so wrong went down in Lagos, so she sees the need for restrictions and boundaries. Her siding with Tony caused turmoil between her and the others, even Steve, and it led to a huge fight at the airport while trying to bring them in. Rhodes getting hurt added salt to injury. Later, it’s shown to her that perhaps choosing the Accords was the wrong path after all. 
Naomi: Depends on how you look at it, honestly. As head of Public Relations for the Avengers, most just assumed that Naomi would be in agreement to the Accords, but she’s not. She’s angry that the government is trying to have control over them, especially after with what happened with S.H.I.E.L.D. and Hydra, she even says that to Camille when they’re fighting about it. She fully believes Steve and sticks with them as things become divided, and she becomes a fugitive right along with them. So, depending on what side you’re on, it’s either yes or no. 
95. If given total rule over a country, would your character step aside to turn it into a democracy?
Wren: I think this depends. I think, yes, for the most part. Wren isn’t one to be a leader, she would rather not, but can rise to the occasion when needed and if she knows it’s better she’s in charge. But she would want everything to be fair and such. It would have to be a true democracy. 
Whitney: I see her as keeping control, honestly. Whit is the kind of person that will claim she knows best, and maybe she does, but she wouldn’t relinquish control. Not when she’s never been allowed to have it. If given the opportunity to do so, this queen would absolutely rule. 
Blair: Absolutely. She would try her best to set it up with the right candidates, honestly. She wouldn’t want to put anyone in the wrong position where they can do harm, but politics are honestly not her thing. 
Camille: Yes, without hesitation. I could see her turning to Steve, because who else would know better than Captain America (and no, not that knock-off Gucci Captain America they have on The Falcon and The Winter Soldier--we don’t support Walker in the Camille and Steve household), so she would ask who would be better to hand it off to.
Naomi: She would give that up so fast, without thought. She agrees fully with Sam when he says that he’s just the soldier, because she feels something very similar. She wants nothing to do with leading something like that, she doesn’t want that responsibility. It’s why she doesn’t really join the Avengers. She has zero interest in leading. 
100. Are any of your characters queer?
Honestly, it’s safe to say that most of my OCs are. I have more queer OCs than I have straight OCs. But I have so many OCs, I’m just gonna list the ones I’ve done so far, and if you wanna know more, you can always send me an ask!
Wren: Bi, hands down. Her first relationship was with a woman named Lilith in college. She honestly preferred women in the beginning because she doesn’t trust men easily. 
Whit: She’s bi, but still in the closet. She hasn’t had a chance to really be with a woman, but the attraction is there, and so it the want to do so. 
Blair: Definitely pansexual. She thought she was just bi for the longest time, but she’s actually pansexual, and she’s comfortable with it. She was engaged to a woman before she went into a coma, and a few hook ups afterwards have been a mixture of genders. 
Camille: Straight. One of the few that I have that is, honestly. She’s tried in college, but it wasn’t for her. She supports it completely, though. One of her best friends is gay, and she went to their wedding. 
Naomi: Bi, definitely bi. She’s had a mixture of men and women in her dating history, but ultimately none of them worked out because it’s hard to have a personal life when you’re in war zones for the sake of journalism or working for S.H.I.E.L.D. where you’re undercover often in order to gather intelligence. 
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animebw · 3 years
Binge-Watching: Pokemon Master Quest, Episodes 23-25
In which I consider one of Pokemon’s subtlest strengths; its ability to shift genre.
Genre Buffet
Something I don’t think Pokemon gets enough credit for is its genre versatility. This is a goofy kids’ show about selling stuffed plushies, but because those plushies are so varied in personality and character, they can slot into a lot of different kinds of stories and feel right at home next to each other. That’s the side benefit of treating Pokemon as characters in their own right; with so many different Pokemon, there’s a near-infinite supply of different character tropes and archetypes you can apply to them. And as a result, there’s a near-infinite list of genres and styles of narrative you can tell in the confines of this show, just by slotting in the right Pokemon. Do you want to tell a spooky ghost story about a grand old mansion, and its last retainer holding onto memories  of its old master hundreds of years after he passed away? Just drop in a Ninetails that’s grown old enough to develop psychic powers and communicate with people through illusions. Want to tell a story about a rough-and-tumble punk kid who closed his heart to human connection when his parents abandoned him, but can still learn to open back up to people? Make that kid a Tyrogue, make his “parents” his trainer, show his heart of gold through how he cares for the members of his Pokemon gang and rescues a baby (Togepi) from danger, and throw in a perfect badass adoptive dad figure to rival Genjurou for Cool Dad-ness for Tyrogue to find family with, and you’re all set. Want to tell a story about a cool Aztec-inspired underground civilization and the perils of fortune-telling, including the existential horror of being able to see the future and not having any surprises in your life? There’s a Xatu for the job right around the corner. Whatever story you want to tell, there’s a way to tell it with Pokemon. Assuming you can make it G-rated, of course.
Best of Team Rocket
-”Put a fork in us.”
-Lol, they’re so happy about the cookies that Wobuffet popping out doesn’t phase them. Love it.
-”Looks like we cashed in our chips!”
-”To denounce the virtue of honest fights!” “To extend our arms and punch our your lights!”
-”Cue the blast-off liiiiiiiine!”
-”It’s absolutely indivisible!” “And you can’t see it either!”
-”It’s too peaceful.” “Yeah, Team Rocket must be up to something!” sdkfhsdfkj
-”I think they broke our hole.” GOOD BYE
-”We worked hard on that hole, so get falling!” this episode is amazing already holy shit
-”Thanks for the soft landing.” Am I dead? I think I’m dead.
-”Prepare for trouble and make it quick-” “I don’t have time for this silly shtick!” ksjdfhakjsdhas BODIED
-”Oh, and make sure you all throw paper!”
-”They’re awfully quiet.” “I’m used to getting this reaction when I showcase my talents.”
-oh my god Jessie I think your past killed him
-”I had my fortune read from the four main sources: dice, cards, crystal balls, and women’s magazines!”
-”We don’t need a psychic read, running fast is all we need!”
Odds and Ends
-”Why did the mirror close on itself, then?” “It was embarrassed that it couldn’t reflect her beauty!” Never change, Brock.
-”Are you satisfied?” He sounds so offended askdjhakjdshas
-”I think I misjudged the distance of that joyous jump there!” Brock is on goddamn fire this episode.
-”And I’m gonna do some snapping now!” Ash Commits Murder(tm)
-Something feels off about the animation this episode. Everyone’s so... blurry.
-”Smoldering anger can be attractive, but it gets old.” ffs Jessie why you gotta call all the angsty pretty boys out like that
-Imagine having a bunch of Xatu as a cheerleading squad. They’d kick ass.
Looks like we’re getting close to badge 7. See you next time!
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yn-dreamlife · 4 years
Steve Rogers x Reader
warnings : slight angst, fluff, sad reader, mad reader
Description : When Steve goes back in time and takes to long to return what will happen between the relationship you two had.  authors note: in this we’re pretending tony lived, time travel works the way it’s written in here and not in the movies and yeah don’t come at me I know what really happened. 
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“See you in a second Captain.” I spoke smiling at my boyfriend Steve. He was going back to return the infinity stones I couldn’t help the wave of panic that I felt when he didn’t return the smile.  “yeah... I love you y/n” with that he put the helmet on and Bruce began the countdown.  “going quantum in 3... 2.... 1....” and with that I watched as Steve disappeared. When Bruce tried to bring him back and he didn’t the dread set in.
“where is he?” Sam spoke first. 
“bruce... Bruce where is he?!” My anxiety’s grew, where was he? Why hadn’t he come back yet? I looked around hoping and praying not to see some old man sitting around looking to much like Steve for it not to be. When I saw none I looked back to the platform, where was he?! I couldn’t stay I needed to go back to the tower and to me computer I had to look into this. 
I quickly sprinted off not noticing my best friend Bucky following after me. “y/n! Y/n wait!” He finally caught up to me catching my arm I knew he could have easily caught me but he wanted to give me a chance to let him. I stopped trying to wipe the tears but it was useless as more continued to fall. 
“Where is he buck?” I sobbed as I turned and buried my head into his chest. His arms wrapping around my shoulders holding me tightly to him.  “i don’t know darlin... I don’t know.” I dropped to my knees begging whoever would listen to bring my Stevie home to me. We had been together for years I couldn’t imagine my life without him. Bucky swiftly picked me up and carried me, he held me the whole way back to the tower. Once we where in the elevator I went to push the floor with the lab hoping to go to my computer but Bucky quickly pushed the one with his residential sweet purposefully not going to the one we both knew me and Steve’s room was.  he brought me inside and set me down on the small couch in there. The whole place smelled like Bucky and the scent calmed me slightly. As Bucky made me a cup of tea I couldn’t help but whisper out the thought that had been swirling through my mind. 
“Leo you think he went back to her? Back to Peggy?” He said nothing and I continued. “i wouldn’t blame him, I know how much he loved her and honestly I know I could never be as good as her but it hurts... he could have told me, I promised him I would do anything to make him happy even if it involved me no longer being in his life. I just... honestly I wouldn’t stay with me ether.” A sob erupted from my throat “Inwould have left myself in a heartbeat years ago of o could have, I’m not supposed he did too, I’ve seen the pictures of her and I see the way he looked at them and the way he looks while talking to her. He misses her, i was only ever there to fill a hole I would never be able to.”  I dared to look at Bucky and saw the tears streaming down his face. “you don’t mean that doll, you... you know he loved you.” 
Anger swelled inside me, “Do i buck?! Because he always spoke of her, always! About how good the fourths were about how much he missed it! We both know he left me to go back to her, back to the women I could never be! After all I’m just some science lab rat, while she’s-she’s just a beautiful amazing badass.” My resolve broke and I dropped back to the couch sobbing even harder. 
Bucky came over to me holding me gently rocking me back and forth. It had been almost a week, maybe more, and the longer I stayed the more I increasingly wanted to punch Bucky not because I was angry at him just because he was the closest thing and although I knew he would let me I didn’t want to, not really. So with a quick kiss to the cheek and a soft I’m heading to the gym I left. 
No one stopped me in the halls and I quickly was at the gym. I don’t bother wrapping my hands I didn’t care walking up to the punching bags and swinging at the first one, I may have been a scientist but I knew damn well how to punch and kick, hard. I knew how to defend myself. I swung over and over again throwing in the occasional kick all the while thinking of nothing but the image of Peggy and Steve. 
Bucky walked into Tony’s office they may not have always been on the best of terms but something changed ever since they fought together. Tony looked like shit but he was still there sitting at his desk staring at his computer screen. Bucky could hear grunts and cry’s coming from it instantly recognizing your voice as you cursed Steve’s name. 
“How long has she been doing that?” He asked softly.  tony looked up at the other man sadly “since she left your room.” Bucky sighed about to move to make his way to the gym when FRIDAY spoke. 
“Sir, it appears captain Rogers is entering the tower.” The two men stared at each other shocked.  “W-what?” Bucky croaked not believing his ears. 
“Yes, he just asked the wear abouts if miss y/l/n and I directed him towards her.” The AI spoke calmly.  “uh oh” the two men said in unison looking back at your sweating form kneeling on the floor.  I stared at my hands they where bloody and hurt like hell but I didn’t really give a shit at the moment. The tears the leaked form my eyes stung against my knuckles. ‘this is the very least you deserve’ i thought bitterly to myself. Obviously I did something right? 
“what did I do wrong?!” I screamed getting back up and flinging myself at the nearest punching bag hitting over and over screams left my throat as well as sobs. I couldn’t hear anything couldn’t feel anything. I stopped again standing there fist clenched breathe ragged.  “Doll,” I heard a soft voice behind me. I sipped around seeing the man I didn’t think would ever come back. He held his hands out to me giving me a soft almost fearful smile. I saw only red as I charged at him. 
“how dare you! How dare you call me that!” I pushed him but he didn’t move an inch. “You left, you left and didn’t come back! You left me!”  “y/n it wasn’t like that-” I cut him off.  “Did you stay with her?” He looked at me not saying anything until I growled out the question again. “did you. Stay. With her?!”  “N-no-” 
“Don’t lie! Not to me! You can lie to tony you can lie to Bruce hell you can lie to Bucky but not to me! I deserve more than you lying right to my face!!” He looked down.  “yes.” I scoffed “but it wasn’t like that!” He quickly adds trying to grab me I push his hands away.  “Oh really?! It wasn’t like that. How do you even know what that is if that’s not what it was?! Are you really trying to tell me you didn’t go back to be with her again?! You didn’t stay so you could be with the only woman you will ever truly love?! Don’t you fucking lie to me steven!”  “It wasn’t! I love-” 
“Leo t even finish your fucking sentence. You don’t love me if that’s what you where about to say! At least your not in love with me.”  “that’s not true!”  “Oh really! So if you love me so much why did you always talk about her! Why did you always mention how she wouldn’t like this or would love that?! Why did you always bring her up?! I’m not Bucky! I’m the women you claimed to love! I don’t know her, more importantly I’m not her! I think you failed to realize that!” He pulled me into his arms but I just tried to keep him away hitting his chest over and over again screaming.  “I hate you! I hate you I hate you I hate you!” He didn’t stop me so I kept going. “I hate you for leaving I hate you for talking about her I hate you for not being in live with me I hate you for treating me like that I hate you for making me love you I hate you for making me still fucking love you!”  I stopped hitting him the tears streaming down my face. “I hate that no matter how many times I say it it’s not true.” With a final sob a whispered one last i hate you. He moved his hand to my cheeks and rubbed away the tears. 
“y/n baby doll, there is no one I love like I do you. I went back to get closure and to give her closure. I went back so I could fully be here with you and not have a part of me stuck in the past. Baby I love you, your the woman I want to marry and have children with. And I’m sorry I left for so long, I’m sorry you thought I was leaving you for her. But I never could angle I never could.”  He leaned his forehead on mine “then why did you- why did- ugh I don’t know I just-” I groaned again. “like still mad at you, alright your speech didn’t change that. I’m staying at Bucky for a while and that’s final. I need to think.” Steve nodded and looked to his friend in the mirror. He knew Bucky had been there for a while. Bucky nodded and moved over softly pulling me away from him. 
“Come on sweet heart let’s get you cleaned up.” I walked silently clinging on to Bucky. He had always been my life line eve pr since I met him he was like my older brother and I loved him.  ———————————————————————————————————
It had been over two weeks since I properly spoke to Steve alone so finding him in the kitchen in the early hours of the morning before everyone was awake was nerve wracking. I went to turn around and walk away but his soft voice stopped me. 
“please don’t leave.” My heart ached I wanted nothing more than to run over to him and kiss away the pain I could hear in his voice. The same pain I felt truth be told I needed him as much as he needed me. The thought of leaving him crossed my mind only once and the thought alone was enough to make me sick. I just needed time and I think he deserves answers by now I owe him that much.  he sighed when I turned back around. I moved over to the counter next to the stove he was cooking on I smiled softly when I saw he was making my favorite. “So did you know I was coming?” I asked softly he looked at me silently asking what I meant when I nodded my head to the stove. A blush creeped its way onto his face. 
“oh-” he chuckled “luges it’s just a habit now, do you want some? There’s enough for two.” He asked I could see the hopefulness in his eye I had honestly hoped he would ask for nothing less.  I nodded. “Yesh, I think I’d like that.” We sat there in peaceful silence feeling almost like old times but it was different he seemed lighter almost. “I’m sorry Steve.” I whispered. He stopped moving for a moment but quickly got back to work not saying anything maybe he was afraid I would stop talking. “i needed... time I guess. But I want you to know I could never leave you, I love you to much the thought quite literally made me lose my lunch. But I understand if after my outburst you want to leave me. I made a promise to make you happy even if it meant me leaving I’m going to honor that promise.” By now I was staring at my hands. He turned all the burners off and moved in front of me. I could see his socks so I knew he was standing in front of me I didn’t look at him though. He softly placed a finger under my chin and I let him move my head up to look at him. 
His eyes shined with tears, “do- y/n I’m not going to leave you what I did was unfair to you, I fully respect your need for space and plan on giving you as much as you need. And when you’re ready I’m going to win your heart over again and again.” I smiled at him moving to cup his cheek. 
“you already have my heart.” The smile that formed on his lips was nothing short of a boyish grin but it quickly turned into a shy smile as he leaned in slowly once his lips where just barley a breathe away he paused. I just barley whispered a please before his lips where in mine. This is what I had needed for nearly a month. His hands moved to my waist and mine to his hair he moved himself in between my legs deepening the kiss. Our tongues swirling together in a flurry of passion the tension slowly left both of us and when we pulled away I couldn’t help the small giggle that escaped as I felt heat rise into my face.  “Ive missed you doll.” He spoke testing out my nickname once again I smiled.  “And I’ve missed you, my captain.” He smiled pulling me into a hug my head moving into his neck and after that we both enjoyed our breakfast together and things finally felt normal... no better than normal because this was new and it was perfect. 
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alynawatchestv · 4 years
Alyna watches Xena - 01x01 Sins of the Past
Beware. For the road is long and full of spoilers… I mean, if a 25 years old show can be spoiled. But fair warning.
This thing here was supposed to be short but I made a very long recap of the episode. Sorry not sorry, I’m gonna be making recaps of the series. Yes, every single episode… Not regularly... And it's gonna be long.
Comments and reblogs are appreciated. 👍👍👍
We start with Xena is going through some burned village reminiscing on her past when she was just killing, pillaging and burning villages… And people too, I guess. And then there’s this boy coming out of a burned house asking for food. And when Xena asks him where his parents are, he says Xena killed them. He describes her attack as if the goddess herself showed up and fucked the village up for no reason and Xena is all like:
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And it’s really one of the best moments of a pilot, because we’re shown flashback of the attack so even without watching Hercules and meeting Xena there we can see she used to be a bad bitch. So before leaving she gives the kid some bread and cheese so he could hide in his burned house and eat something before he dies of some sickness, gets killed, is eaten by wild animals in search for food etc. Brilliant plan boy, you’re a prodigy.
So then we have the scene where Xena digs a hole and puts her armor her sword and chakram there and frankly, she’s not really a clean lady since there’s still blood and some meat pieces on her chakram.
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*rule #1 - wash your weapons from enemies intestines*
And suddenly, a whole bunch of villagers is chased by some warlord taken straight from Mad Max movie. Xena observes the situation, the Mad Max warlord says he’s gonna get the girls (men, smh) and then this blonde girl is all like “take me and leave everyone” and warlords are like “lmfao, nope” and Xena is all like:
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*Carless Whisper saxophone solo intensifies*
Because frankly, who wouldn’t be? I know I had the same reaction to Gabrielle so I get Xena. I totally get it.
So when the warlord wants to whip Gabrielle for being insubordinate Xena suddenly jumps into action and starts kicking ass. We get backflips, kicks, punches and a really awesome action sequence until Xena is hit in the head (because she was watching if Gabrielle was safe and it got her distracted. Again, totally understandable).
Men are standing there groaning “argh, grr, rghhg” or something like that and then BOOM! Xena takes out her sword from the hole and with a laugh starts fighting them. And you can see how much fun she has. She kicks warlords’ asses and realizes they’re from Draco so she tell them to say hello from Xena. But who’s Draco? What does he do? Is he more evil then Xena? We don’t know! And… opening!
In a time of ancient gods, warlords… Well, you know it.
So later on Xena is in this small village surrounded by the villagers and Gabrielle is fawning over her and the whole situation, and Gabrielle’s father comes in being all like “thanks for saving us, but now GTFO” and this tall dude behind him wants to take Gabrielle. But Gabrielle is all like “dude, I know I’m supposed to marry you against my will and then die in childbirth or of boredom, but I’m not gonna listen to you. GTFO”. So when he leaves, Gabrielle begs Xena to take her with her. Xena being stoic and supposedly unmoved by Gabrielle words of course disagrees, because “she works alone” and… Then she tells Gabrielle she’s going to Amphipolis, because OF COURSE Gabrielle wouldn’t try and follow her. Nope. Not at all. And she goes like “don’t follow me, you don’t wanna make me mad, do you?” and of course Gabrielle is all like “yeah, no sure, I get it” but then is of course “meh, she’s not that scary. I just need a plan!”
So we move to Draco’s camp where he’s without shirt exposing his bare chest, being all handsome and shit, and being badass when catching almost four arrows at once. But then he’s sort of colorblind… I mean he notices the color of the arrow that wounded him but can’t see who has green arrows when the dude’s arrows are visible from behind his back...
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*seriously Draco…*
Anyway, later he’s alone and Xena sneaks in and they have the whole who's tougher bitch, which is Xena of course, and she asks him to leave the village alone (because of her future wife or something) and Draco’s all like “yeah, sure… If you join me” and when Xena says she can’t join Draco, being a typical man he asks why. And we get this really awesome scene where Xena dramatically turns her back, stares at nothing and says she’s going home. OH, DRAMA!
So Draco becomes even a bigger drama queen than Xena and tells our warrior saying he’s dreamt of being in love with her or… fighting in battle or whatever, can’t remember, but Xena turns and Draco goes all soft and says he’ll spare those villagers. But he also asks Xena what's she looking for at home. Being still in drama mode he tells her that when he tried to come home his dad beat the shit out of him with a blacksmith’s hammer. And he survived that. Damn, he IS badass! I mean, have you people ever seen a blacksmith hammer?!
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*9/10 parents wouldn't recommend this as an educational tool*
Meanwhile, Gabrielle wants to escape home in the middle of the night and while sneaking out she… Hits strategically placed table waking up her sister Lila. Gabrielle explains to her she needs to follow Xena because she’s in lo… She wants to be a warrior like her and that she doesn’t love Perdicus and it’s her destiny. So Lila being a supportive sister is all like “Go, chase your girlf…. Dreams! Just do it!” and Gabrielle leaves.
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*Lila being a supportive sister*
It’s daylight and Xena is riding Argo when suddenly her horse stops all afraid. So Xena gets off the horse that suddenly runs away and… The Blind Cyclops shows up with Draco’s dad’s blacksmith’s hammer! (I honestly don’t know if I used Saxon Genitive in the right way, but I hope you get the meaning). Xena is all like “Fuuuck, that’s a big hammer!” which makes the Blind Cyclops even more badass than he already is, but she stands to fight and humiliates him by dropping his pants. He starts bawling like a baby and Xena leaves him and continues her journey to Amphipolis, because she has no time to deal with Cyclops drama.
But Draco is plotting against Xena. He decides to attack Amphipolis and pretend it was Xena who told him to do it. Plot thickens, you guys.
Gabrielle is afraid of bridges… And gets caught by…Yes, you guessed right. The Blind Cyclops. But being a smart girl she says she’s out here to find and kill Xena because… And here we have very subtexty dialogue:
C: “How’s the young thing like you is gonna kill Xena?”
G: “That’s the point. She’d never let a man get close enough to do her. At least not that kind of do her. But a young, innocent looking girl like me, I’ll catch her totally off guard…
*You sure will, Gabrielle. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)*
At the same time, Xena is being followed by Draco’s warlords. They’re dumb enough to think she doesn’t know so she goes all ninja on them, fingers the Mad Max warlord… I mean, she cuts the blood to his body… Pervs. ;) And when she learns about the plan she leaves to stop the invasion.
In the next scene, Gabrielle is chilling out on the road when some old dude stops and tells her to GTFO, because she’s blocking the only route to Amphipolis. So Gabrielle convinces him to take her with him and the old dude agrees.
So while Gabrielle and the old man are traveling on the only route to Amphipolis, Xena is taking a detour through the hills for dramatic effect or something. Basically, New Zealand… I mean Greece is a beautiful place so why not show it, right? Right?
She meets those peasant women singing Bulgarian…  I mean Greek chants and rides through them, but they don’t give a shit being too into chanting and putting on stacks of… Hay, I guess. Meh, whatever.
So Xena reaches Amhipolis and goes into a tavern to drink wine and sleep with beautiful women. But unfortunately it’s not that kind of a tavern and there’s no wine and beautiful women to sleep with. All she meets are angry people, silence and… wait for it… her mother, Cyrene!
Cyrene grabs Xena’s sword and tells her she’s not welcomed there and she should GTFO. Xena wants to rally people against Draco but Cyrene is against and she tells Xena she’d rather die and that she’s not her mother. And it’s a rather powerful stuff, because we only know glimpses of Xena’s past so we don’t really know how big her crimes are. Of course burning one village and killing peasants is a big no no, but Xena is too big of a character to be hated for such a minor offense. Anyway, villagers in the tavern also tell Xena to GTFO so she does.
Draco is pissed that Mad Max warlord told Xena about his plans and tells him to pick a weapon. Sadly it’s not Draco’s father’s blacksmith’s hammer because that’s been stolen by the Blind Cyclops, but a simple spear. Still, Draco proves to be truly awesome by kicking Mad Max warlord’s ass and killing him while telling new plans to his people. Truly, he was a great choice for a pilot.
In the morning, Xena comes back to the tavern looking around hoping to find some wine and beautiful ladies to sleep with, but to her disappointment there are still none. But her sword is there. And her mom is there. Oh boy, this tension between them could cut diamonds in half. But we get a bonding moment where Cyrene and Xena open old wounds so they could heal, and Xena tells her mother she might not be able to set things right, but she’s gonna spend the rest of her life to try. It’s another great moment in this show where we see Xena in her vulnerable state and not all powerful and strong. And this moment is ruined by villagers coming into the tavern saying Xena’s army is burning fields to which Xena answers they’re lying, Cyrene feels all hurt thinking it was all a ruse and leaves, and villagers start throwing rocks at our warrior princess.
But then Gabrielle comes to the rescue! Because Gabrielle has a natural talent to talk her way out of troubles, she uses it to save Xena. She uses a cunning bluff of “if you hurt bad guy’s girlfriend imagine how pissed he’ll be”. So the villagers reluctantly agree and decide to not commit murder. After a small talk Xena takes Gabrielle on her horse and takes her to her dead brother. Because, you know, there’s no better start of a romance than a visit at the crypt.
So Xena is talking to his dead brother saying she’s lost but that she’s gonna be ok, but that she’s alone and then Gabrielle shows up saying she’s not. And by the way that they’re looking at each other we’re to believe these two weren’t into each other from the beginning? Please.
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*They’ve known each other for like 1 hour and we get those looks already? So straight indeed*
Meanwhile, the villagers are waiting for Draco to make a deal, but when he shows up he’s threatening to destroy everything and kill everyone unless they tell him where Xena is. And this is another great moment for Draco, because he really is a scary and ruthless dude and I really wish he was more in this show then just 3 episodes. It was a wasted character, imo.
Anyway, while threatening the leader to kill him, Xena shows up and Draco makes fun of her asking about the homecoming. Again, he tries to convince Xena to join him and goes all Palpatine saying she should “celebrate her dark side”, but Xena is all like “pfft, fuck off and let’s fight to the death”. Draco tells her to choose weapons, but Xena leaves the choice to Draco. Now, Draco being a really smart guy and someone who knows how good Xena is with swords, chooses staffs. I’m sure he believes it’ll give him advantage or at least even oit the odds. Xena chooses the conditions and her conditions are to fight on a scaffolding. The first person to touch the ground is gonna die. Draco agrees and tells his people that whoever falls first is to be killed.
Doing a flip with the help of his people he gets to a scaffolding and grabs his staff. Xena is way more of a showgirl. She hits the dude with his staff and when he leans down she jumps on his back and then on a head of another warlord and jumps to meet her opponent.
They start fighting. It’s an even fight and Draco proves to be a worthy opponent. Soon Xena has to fight to stay on the bamboo scaffolding as it starts to fall off. The archers prepare to shoot, Cyrene shows up and everyone is thinking if she’s gonna fall. But no, Xena standing on one bamboo stick starts hitting bamboos under Draco’s feet to make him back out and leave him vulnerable. But Draco stands tough and very soon he manages to make Xena almost fall again. She manages to hang on her staff, her legs barely touching the ground. Cyrene starts panicking, being all teary, because, come on, she’s a mom. No matter how pissed our moms are at us, they worry 24/7.
Draco starts hiting Xena’s hands wanting her to let go and fall, asking her why she would die for the people that hate her. But Xena grabs Draco’s staff with her feet and doing a truly awesome backflip she manages to stand on the scaffolding again attacking him. Draco almost falls but jumps on people’s heads and give Xena a signal to join him.
And the same villagers who earlier denied Xena her wine and beautiful women to sleep with, and wanted her dead are now supporting her… Literally. She manages to stand on the arms of one person and attacks Draco. They do backflips, kicks, punches and all that for a few minutes and then with one swift kick to the chest Draco falls down on the ground and Xena jumps on his chest looking down upon him to let him know he’s just a little bitch and not a match to her skills. Xena promises to spare Draco if he leaves the valley and he agrees.
But one of his warlords decides to sneakily attack Xena from behind. Gabrielle’s warns her, but before the warrior can react Draco throws his knife at him. After all, Draco may be a ruthless warlord, but he’s honorable.
After the fight Xena is preparing to leave when Cyrene shows up and hugs Xena, who asks again for forgiveness and is, of course, given that. It's a truly awesome moment in this pilot.
But, and honestly I have no idea why, Xena doesn’t stay in the tavern for wine and beautiful women to sleep with. Maybe there is no wine and beautiful women to sleep with after all. Instead, Xena starts a fire near some woods when she hears some noise and goes into a warrior mode. But, as it turns out, it’s just Gabrielle saying she wanted to follow Xena without her noticing, but she couldn’t start a fire and it’s cold and there are mosquitoes looking lkke eagles or something.
Xena wants to send her back home, but Gabrielle says she won’t go. There’s a talk about not belonging there and Xena seems to understand Gabrielle completely. So when she gives Gabrielle a blanket we get one of the most beautiful moments in the pilot.
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*couldn't find gif so you're stuck with bad screenshot*
And in the morning we see Xena and Gabrielle travelling to new adventures to right wrongs, drink wine and… Oh forget it.
This episode is all kinds of awesomeness. It’s a great introduction to a character of Xena even to those, like me, who didn’t know her from Hercules. It has tons of very well choreographed fights, amazing music and it’s a rreally strong pilot that makes you wanna see more.
Edit: I got the gif. Thanks @girl4music​ :)
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*there’s nothing gay here. nada. zero... mhm...*
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gamergirl929 · 5 years
So Gay: Chapter 2 (Tobin Heath x Reader)
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A/N: A continuation from our MMA fighter story where Tobin and the rest of the team watch the Y/N’s AKA the reader’s MMA fight, I have two more chapters of this written, if you’d like this story to continue let me know. <3 Anyway, enjoyyy. 
Tobin Heath, surrounded by a number of her teammates enthusiastically watches the TV, excited as Y/N comes into view, bouncing on her feet, fists covered by gloves and face hard as stone.  
“Wait, so you’re telling me, this badass woman who looks like she could destroy Ronda Rousey is actually a shy softy when it comes to Tobin?” Ashlyn asks and Tobin blushes a bright red while the rest of her teammates laugh at her.  
“Yeah, she was a gay mess around her.” Kelley grins, earning grumble from the forward in return.
Christen gives her a playful nudge.  
“Awwwwwwww.” She coos and Tobin grumbles.  
“Shut up.”  
Tobin can’t help when her eyes down Y/N’s figure, mouth drying at the shapely abs that Y/N had hidden behind her button up when they’d first met, it’s also then that she realizes the wide array of tattoos on her arms also spread to her shoulder and around her back before going out of sight.  
Tobin is pulled out of her shameless ogling when Kelley excitedly shushes everyone when the fight starts and Y/N heads towards her opponent,  
“Go Y/N!” Megan shouts and Alex shakes her head with a snort as the players around her watch the fight excitedly.  
The two spar for a moment before Y/N’s opponent gets on the ground and Y/N is on top of her in seconds, throwing punch after punch, some blocked, others not.  
“Fuck yeah! Get her!” Kelley yells ecstatically punching the air while Megan playfully punches her in the arm.  
The woman gets up begrudgingly, swaying back and forth.  
The man in the ring examines her for a moment before nodding and stepping back, a move that gives Y/N the opening she needs.  
In seconds Y/N is running up the cage wall, kicking off of it with one foot before delivering a swift kick to the side of the woman’s head, knocking her out instantly.  
Tobin lets out a cheer and jumps to her feet on the bed, a large part of the USWNT joining her as Y/N excitedly marches around the ring, holding her gloved hands in the air with a massive grin.  
Christen watches Tobin with a grin as she bounces around on the bed.  
A sudden knock on the door silences the girls and Christen slowly makes her way to the door, peering through the peephole before she opens the door with a smile.  
“You guys alright in here?” Jill asks with an arched brow and Kelley smirks.  
“Yeah, Tobin’s girlfriend just won her MMA fight.” She laughs and Tobin rolls her eyes.  
“She’s not my girlfriend.” She mumbles, her cheeks heating up and turning a deep shade of red.  
“Not yettttttt.” Megan sings and Tobin grumbles under her breath.  
“Shut up.”  
The MMA announcer heads towards Y/N with a microphone and Kelley shushes everyone as she leans towards the television.  
“Kelley you got a crush on Y/N too?” Alex snorts and Kelley scoffs.  
“No, that’s Tobin’s girl.” She shrugs and Tobin shakes her head, cheeks darkening, though she makes no attempt to correct the woman.  
The USWNT player and the MMA fighter had been texting almost nonstop since their meeting, and just the mere thought made the butterflies in Tobin’s stomach flutter.  
The MMA fighter had even taken to calling Tobin, Toby, a nickname she’d once disliked but being that it was coming from Y/N... She didn’t mind.  
Jill takes a step further into the room and crosses her arms across her chest as she watches the TV with a smile.  
“So, Y/N, you again impress fans of MMA with another spectacular fight, but I have to ask about the video that’s appeared on social media of you taking on a cat caller.” He smiles and Y/N shakes her head, cheeks flushing from more than the exertion of the fight.  
“Awwwww! Look she’s blushing!” Alex looks to Tobin and the woman bites her bottom lip to hold back her smile.  
“Yeah.” Y/N laughs. “Imagine my surprise when the group of women I was standing up for were players from the USWNT.” She chuckles as she looks at the camera.  
“Women deserve to be able to walk down the street without being jeered at by men, we’re all equal, and another thing that needs to be equal is our pay.” Y/N winks at the TV and Megan throws a fist in the air.  
“Damn right we do.” She grins and the ladies all nod in agreement.  
“I’d also be remised to not mention the video Kelley O’Hara posted of you and a certain forward, Portland Thorns and USWNT player, Tobin Heath.”  
Y/N and Tobin both blush simultaneously and Kelley glances back at the forward with a shit eating grin on her face.  
“Yeah, well it’s not every day a beautiful woman agrees to go out to coffee with you, so...” She shrugs and Tobin’s eyes widen, her heart stuttering.
“Speaking of, if you’re watching Tobin, which you better be or I’ll be heart broken, remember, coffee after your next game yeah, maybe dinner?” She grins and Tobin covers her face with her hands.  
“Oh my god this is adorable.” Christen bounces giddily as she pats her friend’s back.  
Jill shakes her head with a smile as she watches her forward peek through her fingers at the TV.  
“So, does this mean we’ll see you at the next USWNT game?” The announcer asks and Y/N beams, turning to wink at the TV.  
“You’re damn right you will, I’ll be the one in the #17 jersey.” She chuckles and the announcer laughs.  
“Well I’ll leave you to celebrate, congratulations on the win.” He beams and Y/N nods.  
“Have a good night.” She smiles before winking at the camera before nerdily shooting finger guns towards the camera man.”  
“See you in a few days.” She grins before turning to her fans who shout excitedly as she climbs up the cage to sit on top of it.  
The forward blushes as she watches Y/N eventually make her way out of the ring and head towards the back of the arena, high fiving fans the entire way.
Y/N turns to the camera one last time, winks at the camera before turning and making her way out of sight.  
The USWNT players in the room all turn to Tobin with a beaming smile.  
“Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww.” They all say loudly and Tobin blushes so red she wonders if smoke is coming from her ears.  
“Shut up.” She grumbles again, though this time, she can’t bite back her grin, ready to see Y/N in a matter of days at the game against Canada.
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thorne93 · 4 years
Unforeseen Chasm (Part 51)
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together.
Word Count:3608
Warnings: Language, fighting, lost control of powers OFC, reader argues with loki, heart to heart, hurt reader, feeling out of place, homesick loki,
song for this part: Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my novels). It’s a collaboration with the amazing @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo​​. It started as a funny “What if…?” and it evolved and got huge. This took two years to write. We are both proud and happy and we hope you enjoy it. It follows from Thor 1 to Endgame in the MCU. Some of the timelines may be off in order to fit certain people, and some characters may show up earlier or in different ways than they have in the movie. But for the most part, it follows the MCU. It also has a bit of crossover with some other Marvel characters throughout the story.
Masterlist for Unforeseen Chasm
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You and Shannon were sitting on your beds, playing on your phones when you heard what sounded like a stampede in the hall. Both of you peered up curiously. 
“What’s going on?” Shannon called out. 
A young girl, Julie you think her name was, answered with excitement, “Tony Stark and Loki are fighting in the gym! Logan is referring!” 
Your eyes met Shannon’s and the two of you made a mad dash for the ring as best you could. You two wanted to fly, but with the toll the transfusions were taking, that just wasn’t possible. So you scrambled along as fast as you could down the hallway to the gym. 
Just as you walked in, you saw Loki land a hard punch on Tony’s jaw, sending him to the mat face down. As Loki moved toward Tony though, Tony turned and kicked him in the stomach with a hard grunt. The motion made him wheeze as he fell to his knees, gripping his stomach. 
“What are you doing?!” you boomed out, your emotions flaring. 
Logan upon seeing both women knew exactly what could happen so at the top of his lungs, he shouted, “Everyone OUT! I don’t want to see a single student in here right now.” His deep voice making a rumbling echo in the room.
There was a collective “aww” made by the students. A few were actually aware of the reason behind it so they helped lead the others out and back to their schedules.
“You heard the guy!” Wade puts up his macho man act on. “Scram!!” He crosses his arms and he give the students a look.
“What is wrong with you two!” Shannon yelled but the two men were too busy trying to continue fighting. “Y/N, we have to stop them they’re going to get hurt and I can’t heal them in this state I'm in. I'm not sure how much more I can see before my powers try to take over.” She looked to her friend and just as she finished her sentence, her powers (as if called upon) activated causing her to rise up into the air. Her eyes had begun glaze over a milky white then suddenly became swirls of red and purple.
“Holy shit,” you muttered, fear wrapping around you before your eyes darted to the two men. “Hey! Knock it off!” you screamed at the two. They finally heard you, both of them turning to you before their eyes traveled up to Shannon, floating in mid-air.
“Umm, boys it looks like we are in for some trouble. You better stop your fight now,” Logan said as he saw his close friend being controlled by what she was trying to get rid of.
“Looks like you two are in for a world of trouble now!” Wade grins seeing his badass of a friend get ready to do her thing. “Give it to ‘em  cupcake!” He roots for her.
Knock it off Wade!” Logan gets closer to the other man and smacks him upside the head.
“Shannon!” Tony yelped when he realized that she was up in the air, unable to control what was happening.
“Y/N?” Loki said in a confused tone, eyeing you.
All you could do was stare at him. What on Earth was he doing?
“Enough! You two are acting like children,” came Shannon’s booming voice that echoed and made the lights flicker and shake from the sound. “What is wrong with you two?” Her hands were filled with two growing energies and she was ready to throw them to split the two apart.
“Shannon, sweetie, you need to get down. You're not strong enough to be doing this right now.” Tony took his gloves off and was walking towards the edge of the ring. “Babe, I’ll stop, okay? Look, I’m going to get out of the ring.”
“You shouldn’t have been in there in the first place, Anthony Edward Stark.” she was visibly upset and he knew that she only ever called him that when he’d done something wrong. 
In the very same instant, Bruce was entering the room and noticed everyone looking up and he panicked seeing Shannon in mid-air when she was in no condition to be doing so. “Shannon, get down you’re going to get hurt!” 
As if his words were a command, she closed her eyes and grabbed her head and just like that she was falling. 
“Shannon!” came from all but Loki’s mouth as they all rushed to reach her before she hit the floor.
The first one to actually reach was Bruce and was able to catch her in time, he saw just how much doing something as being up there had drained her of any energy she might have been getting back from her rest.
“Nice catch Brucie, guess the fun's over for now,” He pats the man on the shoulder. “Let me know when she wakes up so I can see her.” Wade pulls out a sucker from his pocket and walks away.
He nods his head and looks down at Shannon. “Y/N, we need to get back to the room and check her status. I may need you to do another transfusion if necessary,” he said looking at her after making sure he had a good grip on Shannon. “Come with me. We need to hurry.”
You bit your lip. “Alright, fine, yeah, just tell me what you need.” 
“Bruce, is she okay?” Tony had jumped down from the ring and was at the Dr.’s side in an instant. “Here, I’ll take her you can go ahead and get things ready.”
“No, I think you’ve done more than enough, Tony.” He frowned at the man. “Logan, go inform Hank that I need him down in the room. We need to do a complete check on her.” Without a second glance, he walked out of the room and hurried as carefully as possible to get Shannon back into her bed. “I hope you didn’t over do it, Shan, what the hell were you thinking?”
“B-Bruce?” Her voice was hoarse. “What happened? All I remember was telling Y/N something then things went black.”
“It’s okay, I’ll explain when we get back to the room, okay?”
Shannon nodded her head and she leaned it on his chest.
All four men and you had followed Bruce back to the room adjacent to the Med Bay. Just as Shannon was put back in be,  Hank entered the room with the equipment and Charles soon after showed up to find out what had happened.
“Can someone please explain what occurred?” Charles looked to the men but they all seemed to avoid looking into his eyes.
“Tony and Loki were in the ring, fighting,” you explained evenly. “I think Logan arranged it. I’m not sure why they were there to begin with, but by the time we got there, they were bloodied and bruised. I think the sight upset Shannon too much and her powers overcame her and she collapsed from mid-air. Bruce caught her though.” 
“Her vitals aren’t stable,” he informed everyone in the room. “The best I can tell is that she’s suffered from an attack. Something much like a heart attack or anxiety attack.” 
“Logan, I presume you have something to do with this.” Charles looked over at him. “Why am I not surprised, really to these lengths you’d go.” He shook his head.
“It was better than letting these two idiots duke it out in the middle of the hall causing a commotion,” was his response. “Dr.Banner notify me when she’s woken up. I wanna say I’m sorry for causing all this.”  And with that he walked out of the room.
“You got it, Logan.” Bruce tucked a strand of hair behind Shannon’s ear unaware of the look Tony was giving him. “Are we ready for a full scan, Hank?”
“Y/N,” Hank started and your eyes darted towards him as you chewed your nail. “I hate to ask this. I know you did a transfusion today, but I’m going to need another one. Her body is a wreck right now and I need some more of your power to sort her cells out. Do you think you’d be up for it?”
You nodded. “Sure.” Easily, you lifted your hand and let the power stream out of you and into your best friend. With each second, you could feel yourself getting tired, weaker, your legs were close to giving out, but she needed this. For a moment, the words of Frigga and Thor echoed in your head about needing to be in Asgard, that you drew your power from there.
Tony could see just how much of a toll this was on you. He hadn’t been around when you would do the transfusions and knowing you’re doing a second one on the same day he felt guilty. None of this would have happened if he had kept his mouth shut, but he was too frustrated with what he had seen earlier. He walked over to you and helped steady you so that you wouldn’t collapse.
“Here let me help you,” was all he said as he held you up.
“I’m okay, Tony, I can still stand, I might need help getting to my bed though.” You pointed towards where you had been sleeping lately. “Thank you though.”
“We’ll talk later, okay? You need to rest,” Tony replied and helped you to your bed. All the while Loki just stood there watching the whole thing. He hadn’t said much since he said her name in the ring.
“Thanks, Tony I look forward to our chat,” you replied. You looked over at Loki, seeing him look anywhere else but at you. 
“Looks like Shannon is back down to a good level. I suggest these two women be left alone for the time being,” Hank told the other people in the room.
“Alright this should be enough for now, Y/N. Why don’t you go get some sleep. I’ll wake you up in a few hours?” Bruce suggested.  He turned to Charles. “She’s stable again, since she’s had two transfusions in a day, we should wait until the next one. Her body may not be able to resist going into a semi-comatose state.”
“You’re right. We’ll give them both a longer time to recover before continuing.” Nodding his head towards everyone else, he left the room.
“I’ll let Gambit know he won’t be able to visit this afternoon so you can relax okay?” Bruce told you as he checked your vitals once you were comfortable on your bed.
“He’ll probably still show up later but it’s fine, thank you though.” You smiled at the man.
“No problem.” He walked away letting them get situated.
Before you could sleep though, you needed a word with your boyfriend. You pushed him out of the room and in the hall, closing the door behind you.
“What the hell is the matter with you?” you demanded of Loki, not hiding the anger in your tone.
“Me? I could ask that of you. I thought you were bedridden?” he accused angrily. 
“I am,” you insisted. “Who told you I’m not?” 
“I saw it with my own eyes. You were holding, I don’t know who,” he informed. 
“Remy? I was dancing with Remy. Is that a crime?” you asked. “Besides, what the hell does that have to do with beating the shit out of Tony?”
He looked off, pressing his lips together. You knew that look, he was trying to calm himself before he answered. “I saw you with that man and I… Stark and I may have exchanged words right after.” 
You shake your head, pinching the bridge of your nose. “You have to be joking. After everything I’ve done? After risking my life, after almost dying for you, after sacrificing living a normal life for you, do you still think I would love someone else?!” 
His eyes turned hard as they focused on you. “And you’re really that blind? I’m not worthy of your love. I’ve nearly gotten you killed. Had you imprisoned. Because of me, you’ve been outcasted by all your friends and family. It makes sense for you to love anyone else but me.”
All you could do was shake your head before quietly confirming, “Yeah, it does.” 
With that, you turned on your heel to race to your room, your heart racing and tears threatening. 
Loki stood in the hallway dumbfounded, questions if maybe his self destructive ways had finally come back to bite him in the ass. Just as he picked up his ego off the floor and headed out the door, Tony approached him and slapped his back. 
“Now that we’ve gotten the testosterone out of our system, what do you say we go get drinks?” 
Loki stopped, completely stunned. “You honestly want to go out on a social outing with me?” 
“Sure, why not? Not like either of us are wanted here right now. Come on, I’ll drive,” Tony offered in his usual casual laid back way. 
Loki seemed incredulous, but after the unusual day he’d already had, he succumbed and climbed into the flashy sports car, and he actually admired it. 
Before too long, they wound up at a bar far on the outskirts of the city. Tony didn’t want either one of them to be recognized and he knew if he went anywhere in Manhattan or the surrounding boros, they’d be spotted in an instant. He wanted to be left alone for once.
“So, Reindeer Games, what happened to make you want to fight?” he asked as he sipped a cherry merlot. “Something happened with you and Y/N/N?”
“Not directly,” Loki muttered as he toyed with the full glass in front of him. “I…She’s dancing with some man. I don’t know who he is. She shouldn’t be dancing with anyone but me. I thought she was bedridden. She looked so…” He stopped, getting angry, and felt odd telling Tony all of this. “Why do you care anyway? It just gave you an excuse for us to be violent with one another again.” 
“Hah! If I knew any better I'd say you're jealous of that guy, but fear not, he won’t do anything.” reassured him. “I won’t say that I care, because I don’t, at least not one hundred percent.” He stopped to phrase it right. “But for the sake of Shannon and Y/N things are tough.”
“I realize that, Stark, thank you for the incredible insight,” he snapped and rolled his eyes. “How do you know he won’t do anything?” he suddenly questioned. “They looked fairly comfortable to me. Remy…” he mused with distaste. “That’s what she called him. I think he’s her friend from childhood. So yes, if you must know, Stark, I am jealous. She’s been here for weeks and I haven’t seen her. Then when I do come to visit, she’s dancing closely with...him.” He scowled. “She looked so… comfortable. So happy…” 
“And why on earth did you decide today of all the times you could’ve come to see her, did you choose today?” He still couldn’t understand that. “She’s asked for you constantly, as for Remy they’re like brother and sister.” He took another sip. “They only ever had each other when they were orphans so it's normal for her to feel comfortable around him, they also happen to share the same powers and he lives at the mansion.” He went on explaining their relationship to try to ease Loki about the situation.
Loki’s jaw clenched. “You’re right, I know, I just…” He tried to keep his temper in check. “Wait, why were you angry today? You were looking for a fight more than I was. What had you so bothered?” he questioned, turning the tables. He knew it was silly to be jealous, but how could he help it? You were free now, in more ways than one and you could, if you so chose, find a different mate than him. You were no longer confined to a cell with Loki. You could very well leave him in pursuit of another now. 
“Well...I.. listen, we’re still talking about you and Y/N don’t try changing the subject,” he tried to push it back to him, but he knew the other man would continue to ask, so he told him anyways. “With Shannon having been at the mansion so much, Bruce took it upon himself to become her nurse of sorts and I found them enjoying some time out in the gardens. She was relaxed in his lap listening to what he was saying and if what I’m thinking is true, then Banner has grown feelings for her.” He shook his head never would he have thought he’d be here with the god having a touching moment of honesty.
“Ah, I see. So the green eyed monster has hit us both, then hmm?” Loki noted, a little amused. “ As for you and Shannon, I’ve never seen a woman so enthralled by anyone. She puts up with all of your… you-ness, and still comes back to you every day, happy. I don’t know either of them too terribly well, but I don’t think either would ever set out to hurt you. People can’t help how they feel, and if they’re both ignoring said feelings for your sake, which I assume and think they are, then you have nothing to fear. Shannon is your wife. I was at the wedding. It was… lovely, for lack of a better word. Your love doesn’t have a threat.” He played with the glass some more, still not drinking. “I am just worried… I’ve outstayed my welcome in her life, if that makes any sense.” 
To be honest, it felt good to talk to someone. Thor wasn’t around, and he couldn’t confess how he felt to you, because you’d just assure him you still loved him. So it was nice to vent to someone other than you, confide in a new person… a new confidant.
“You honestly think that? That your time has expired? You couldn’t be more wrong she’d be devastated if you left.” He looked at the man next to him. “There’s nothing she wouldn’t do to prove to you that you’re all she needs, but there’s been so much that you haven’t even had a chance to digest it all because I'm assuming this is all too much, right?” 
“You can say that again,” he muttered. “I just wish… I wish we didn’t have to be here. Asgard is our home. Despite my feelings towards Odin, Thor is still my brother and Y/N’s parents are from there. She’s from there! I guess I just always thought we’d return home to Asgard one day. Not stay here… But it’s clear she enjoys her life on Earth.” He twisted the glass between his long fingers, spinning it on the bar slowly. “I suppose for the first time together, we want two different things.” 
“Well why not take a break from being here and go back home?” He figured some time away would help clear his mind. “Talk with Y/N and see if you two want to go there for a little vacation and come back when you're ready?” He turned to the bartender and asked for one more glass of wine. 
“You’re suggesting I tell Y/N I want to leave her home, and go back to mine? Won’t that send the wrong message?” 
“Well not if you dont explain why,tell her you miss Asgard.” He shook his head. “She'd like to go visit too is my bet.” He raised an eyebrow.
Loki conceded with a sigh. “I may do that, and if she doesn’t want to come back with me, then perhaps I should go back on my own, just for a little while.” 
“There you go! Let me know what gets decided and I’ll get the paperwork ready and approved.” He clapped the dark haired man. “How long would ya like to be out for? Granted I can't give you more than a few weeks due to your probation.”
“Give me however long is allowed,” he requested. The more the thought on it, the more he wondered if perhaps you really were better off without him. Tony hadn’t explicitly said it, but he got the notion in Loki’s head that maybe you belonged here on Earth, and he belonged on Asgard. He didn’t want to leave you. It would kill him, but he wanted you to have a chance at a happy life, and that wasn’t possible with him in the picture. You’d said yourself that it made sense to love anyone else but him. So this was him, doing the noble thing for once, and stepping aside so you could have a good, normal, happy life with Remy, or whomever you chose. “I never thought I’d say this, Stark, but thank you… for the drink, the talk, and what the hell, even the fight.” He let a warm smirk creep onto his face as he glanced sideways at Tony. 
“You know what? I could say the same thing for you. Looks like we can agree on something.” He laughed. Who would have thought that after everything that has happened he could sit down with the guy and talk like old friends. “You want to get one more drink and get back to the city?” He smirks back at him.
“Sounds good, Tin man,” Loki said, trying to hide his smile, and failing miserably.
Tag List: @essie1876​ @magpiegirl80​ @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked​ @iamwarrenspeace​ @marvel-imagines-yes-please​ @superwholocked527 @missinstantgratification​ @thejemersoninferno​ @rda1989​ @munlis​ @thefridgeismybestie​​ @bubblyanarocks3​​ @igiveupicantthinkofausername​​ @kaliforniacoastalteens​ @feelmyroarrrr​​ @kaelingoat-blog​ @friendlyneighbourhoodweirdo​​ @damalseer​​ @heyitscam99​​ @yknott81​​ @sorryimacrapwriter​​ @glitterquadricorn​​ @xxqueenofisolationxx @little-dis-kaalista-pythonissama @bittersweetunicorm​​ @alyssaj23​​ @sea040561​​ @princess76179​​ @thisismysecrethappyplace​​ @sarahp879​​ @malfoysqueen14​​ @ellallheart​​ @breezy1415​​ @marvelmayo​​ @random-fluffy-pink-unicorn @cocosierra94 @hardcollectionworldtrash @capsmuscles @marvelloushamilton @paintballkid711​
Loki: @lostinspace33​​ @ultrarebelheart​​ @lenawiinchester​​ @esoltis280​​ @tngrayson​​ @wangdeasang​​ @harrymewmew @jayfantasyatyourservice​​
UC: @lokis-high-priestess​
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yeaimfishboi · 5 years
After the Midnight Hour | Chapter IV: A Fight to Remember
Pairing: Jaehyun x Reader
Word Count: 2.7k
Genre: Mafia!AU, angst, a wee bit of floof, and some heated situations?
Warnings: Blood, gore, swearing, character death, etc. Fight scenes in this chapter (yes I said scenes)
Summary: Y/N has always taken care of her sister. Her sister is all she has, but she can no longer afford it. She calls her old best friend for help where she is introduced to a loan shark. Will everything turn out alright for Y/N or will it go awry?
A/N: So sorry about the long wait!! This chapter had been done for a while but I was super insecure with my writing skill and was crazy scared to post it, but here it is!! I’ve edited this like 17 times so hopefully it turns out good! Tell me what you guys think!! P.S Tumblr mobile can suck a dick
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“So are there only guys in your gang?” you asked trying to sound as casual as possible.
“Technically there are only guys within the gang itself, you would be the first girl, but some of the guys have girlfriends so there are women here if that’s what you were asking.” Jaehyun smiled as he nudged you.
“Who’s all got girlfriends?” you asked quietly.
“Well, Taeyong has a wife, and then Hansol, Taeil, Kun, Doyoung, Jungwoo, Johnny and Ten all have girlfriends.”
“Oh yeah! I can’t wait to meet Ten’s girlfriend! If someone can put up with him like that, then they are one tough son of a bitch,” you chuckled.
“What about me? I have to put up with him!” Jaehyun retorted back at you, throwing a towel at your face.
“Do you have to share a bed with him?” you smirked at him throwing the towel back.
“Touché,” he smiled. “So, umm how’d you learn to fight like that? You’re a girl, you know? Girls, don’t just fight.”
“Well, Ten and I used to spar when we were younger. I learned the basics of fighting because I was trying to overpower someone 3 years older than me, but when I got older, I had to move to a really bad part of town and needed to learn to defend myself. I learned a lot of it myself because I was able to look at peoples fighting styles from an analytical perspective. Although I did get a little help from an old boyfri-”
Your conversation was interrupted by a wave of testosterone entering the room. Dozens of feet scuttling across the hard floor, whispering questions and concerns. Mainly trying to figure out why Taeyong called them down. Stomps of steel-toed boots found their way closer and closer to you and Jaehyun, signaling that someone needed to speak to you.
“JUNG JAEHYUN!” that damn booming voice. Why did Ten have to take the fun out of every little thing you did?
“I thought she was going to be sparring me?” Ten yelled again as he pushed Jaehyun. Jaehyun, compared to his foil, remained as calm as a midnight sea. Not even bothering to respond to the older boys childishness.
This, however, seemed to bother Ten. Right before he was going to push Jaehyun again, you grabbed Ten by the ear and dragged him to the corner of the training room where you could be left scold him on your own.
“Alright, I get it!!” Ten choked out as you let go, to which you responded with a smack to the backside of his head, “ow.”
“What the hell is wrong with you? I’m not a child anymore. You don’t need to go around protecting me from all the bad in the world. I can handle myself, who the hell do you think made the choice to not spar with you?” His face contorted into that of realization but also with a little mix of fear. “Yeah, it was me, idiot.” Your scolding was interrupted by a woman stepping up next to him and hugging him. You were going to let him have it, but you could only assume the girl was his girlfriend and you didn’t want to leave a bad impression. “You’re so fucking lucky she’s here or else,” you took a deep breath and started backing up towards where Jaehyun was, “you know what, just if you do it again I’ll-”
“You’ll beat me with a shovel. Yeah, I know,” he shook his head as you walked off.
“So when does the fight start?” you questioned as you approached Jaehyun who was conversing with Taeyong.
“Y/N? Are you really fighting WinWin?” You were stopped before you could reach the two. You turned towards the voice and recognized him to be the youngest of the group.
“Yes Jwi, but I promise I’ll be fine,” you smiled as you ruffled the tall boy’s hair.
“You haven’t seen her in action!” Jaemin butted in.
“She’s badass!” Mark chuckled wrapping his arm around your shoulder.
“She was only fighting you two idiots; anyone could take you!” Haechan chuckled before Mark and Jaemin started chasing him. You smiled at the youngest boy, silently telling him you were fine before motioning him off to go hang out with his friends before returning to Jaehyun and Taeyong.
“That’s who you’re fighting,” Taeyong pointed to a moderately tall young man who was conversing with Yuta and two other people. He didn’t seem like he’d be too much of a fight, but you knew that the soft looking ones always were the ones to watch out for. You learned that the hard way.
Taeyong carefully placed a hand on your shoulder as he motioned you to the center. He slightly nodded at the man named WinWin, you figured it was a signal for him to come over to the center as well. He walked over to the center and sweetly smiled at you. You could tell almost immediately that he had a big, kind, heart, but you also knew you would 100% not want to get on his bad side. He had that look in his eyes.
“Listen up idiots! This is Y/N, she is a new member of the gang. According to Jaehyun, Mark, and Jaemin she’s a pretty impressive fighter, and from the short time I spent with her,” Taeyong winked at you before he continued on, “I can tell she has got some fire in her.”
You were so confused, just utterly confused. You turned and whispered to WinWin, “what’s with the fucking men around here acting like I’m a piece of fucking steak? What are they? Starved wolves in the midst of mating season? Is he trying to make it look like I slept with him?”
WinWin chuckled at your comment, “You’ll find that some of us are far from that.” You breathed a sigh of relief at his reassuring words, hoping it to be true. You turned back to Taeyong and continued listening to him.
“Today, she has taken it upon herself, to fight WinWin,” you heard a lot of hushed whispers, it seemed a lot of people didn’t think you could take him on. Well, at least all but the three people who just witnessed you fight. You watched Taeyong back up to where the rest of the people were and say “Well, you know, fight!”
You and WinWin turned to each other and gave the other a solemn smile. One that said that you didn’t want to hurt the other. You were in position for only a few seconds before WinWin charged at you, but you quickly moved out of the way before he could get to you, your shoe making a screeching noise as it scratched against the smooth concrete, although your efforts did not help with the outcome. WinWin swung around with a quip and managed to land a punch to your gut. The blow sent you back a few steps with a sharp pain surging through your abdomen. You analyzed his moves with haste, trying to find his weaknesses, but thinking wasn’t the best decision as a whirring noise flew closer toward you. WinWin swiped his feet under your knees and you landed on your rear with a stinging pain shooting from your tailbone and up your side. You managed to get back onto your feet with a flip before he got another shot in. You thrust your fist toward him hearing a loud crack as it made contact with his jaw. He swung back but missed as you jerked your head to the side.
The more you dodged his moves and tried getting in some hits of your own, you realized that he doesn’t have any easy weaknesses to point out. That’s why he’s NCT’s best fighter, you thought.
The wheels in your head started turning. He has no weaknesses, not unless he had one that was so obvious that people commonly overlooked it, you pondered.
You decided to try something to see if it would work. It was a shot in the dark You did a roundhouse kick, your foot hitting him point blank in the sternum. You felt the impact that shot from up your foot and into your thigh. Within seconds he fell to the ground clutching his chest.
Before he could pull himself up off the ground you had your foot placed back on top of his chest so he couldn’t. You stood over him looking him in the eyes both of you panting due to exhaustion, him quietly and slowly accepting his defeat.
You felt someone grab your right wrist and swing your arm in a quick upward motion. You were panting with sweat dripping from your pores and down your cheeks. You felt the pains coursing through your body now that your adrenaline wasn’t pumping full force. You felt the sharp aches in your ribs, the stinging in your knuckles, and the soreness in your gut. You looked to your right and saw Taeyong holding your arm up to signify that you had won. You scanned the room around you. You saw a lot of looks of disdain and confusion. Eyes and noses scrunched; eyebrows furrowed. All of them because you, a girl, just defeated their best fighter. Your kids looked so happy for you and were cheering like they were at some sort of high school football game. Jaehyun had his thumbs pointed up, signaling to you that he was proud of you. You started smiling at people’s reactions until you stopped on one in particular. Ten looked at you as if he was totally shocked that you had the ability to beat him, let alone WinWin. Seeing his reaction made your face fall exponentially. All you wanted to do was run out of the room and start crying your eyes out, but you couldn’t you had appearances to keep up.
You released your hold on WinWin and helped him up off the ground. “That was actually pretty tough. I give you props. I can definitely see why you’re their best fighter,” you smiled and excused yourself as the tears threatened to fall. WinWin definitely noticed.
You found yourself walking as far away from the training room as possible wiping the tears that ran down your cheeks trying to hide your obvious upset. You found yourself in a random hallway and you just slid down the wall quietly sobbing.
You stopped when you felt a large presence sink down beside you. It was not ominous or scary but warm and familiar. You quickly tried to hide your tears before they confronted you.
“Y/N, you don’t have to hide from us,” you turned to your side and saw Jisung, and next to him were Haechan, Jeno, and Chenle. “Tell us what’s wrong. Just because you are our mother figure doesn’t mean we can’t comfort you,” even though Jisung was only 16, he definitely had an old soul.
“Does he honestly think I’m that fragile and weak? Does he honestly think that it’s so heinous for me to be able to win that battle? God, maybe that's why we stopped talking all those years ago. Why does he seem to think that he’s in charge of me? I’m a grown woman-” you were interrupted by the presence of someone else. Jaehyun.
“Whoa, slow down there,” Jeno, Chenle, and Haechan walked away from the two of you as Jaehyun sat next down next to you on the wall, but you could still see Jisung in the back as he watched over you. “Listen, he’s probably just shocked you had that in you. Remember he hasn’t seen you fight in how long? You’re basically his little sister. He has ought to be protective of-” Jaehyun was interrupted by a booming voice you knew very well, and it was yelling at you. Ten.
“Y/N! What in the hell were you thinking? You could’ve gotten hurt!”
“You were saying?” you rolled your eyes towards Jaehyun, sighing at the fact that Ten, of course, had to go and get angry over the silliest of reasons.
“You seriously thought that was a good idea?” he was getting closer to you, yet his volume never differed. “God, you can be such an idiot sometimes!”
“Are you fucking serious right now?” At this point, you couldn’t just stand by and let him belittle you like this. “I’m not a fucking child anymore! you can’t treat me like someone that can’t take care of themselves! You are so possessive and protective over me when it isn’t necessary! Do you do that to your girlfriend? No, obviously.” Your growing voice kept getting more intense as you riled yourself up. “You have no clue what I’ve been through these past three years, and it’s not like you even tried. You’re the one who abandoned me when I needed you most!”
“Ok, that’s it, you’re coming with me,” Jaehyun pointed at you, “Ava, you take him. No arguing right now,” Jaehyun picked you up and threw you over his shoulder. As he started to walk off, you turned to look at Ten.
“Please, Rolly Polly, I did it for you.” God, that son of a bitch, you thought, now I have to forgive him. You and Ten had nicknames for each other since you were both young, and each one meant something different. You had nicknames for almost every situation that you two may not want the world to know about. Sometimes they were questions, or they were demands that the other had to follow no matter what. When Ten calls you Rolly Polly it means I fucked up, I’m sorry, and it also is a nickname that requires the other to forgive them without hesitation, just like if you called him Chipmunk. He’s only ever used it once, which means he knows that he really screwed up. The only other way to let the other know you understand/forgive them/say yes is to respond with the corresponding nickname. Like when Ten called you Rolly Polly you would respond with “Chipmunk” in some form or another.
Except for this time, you didn’t have time to respond to Ten as Jaehyun literally had you swung over his shoulder and dragged you away.
You could’ve gotten out of his grip if you wanted to but you didn’t want to hurt him so you just quietly hung there like a sloth after a long day in the heat.
“Why the hell did you grab me?” you yelled at him as he placed you down in his room. “I’m not a toy nor am I your property. I’m a grown girl, I can handle things on my own.”
“Don’t get angry with me. All I did was take you away from him, and plus you have a mission to get ready for. Your outfit and all the things you might need are on the bed. Lena and Ava will be here in about an hour or so to do your makeup. Then Taeyong will review everything, and we leave.”
“I need to take a shower,” you muttered.
“Shit,” he huffed, “I didn’t even think of that. My bathroom is right there. I have some shampoo and stuff in there. I’ll be there in a little bit with some towels, okay? I promise I won’t look unless you want me to.”
“Gross. That was gross,” you scoffed at him as you walked into his bathroom. It was fairly big compared to what you were used to. You scanned the brown tile room, taking in your surroundings before locating the shower. You shed your tattered clothes gradually and stepped into the shower. It was still a little wet and it smelled of men’s shampoo, or at least what you thought men’s shampoo would smell like.
You turned it on, slid down the wall, and just started quietly sobbing. The walls you had built starting to crash all around you. All the fear, pain, and heartache gushed out of you.
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Tag List: @atwoodscott @jewel-s-blog @sondontdothat @eggjorp Let me know if I missed you or if you’d like to be added to the tag list!! Please give me feedback, I love when you guys do!!
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Unforseen Chasm (Part 51)
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Part 51 of Unforseen Chasm
Prompt: Two sisters fall for men that are absolute enemies. The love they have could tear all of them apart, or it could bring them together. Word Count: 3608 Warnings: Language, fighting, lost control of powers OFC, reader argues with loki, heart to heart, hurt reader, feeling out of place, homesick loki, song for this part: Note: This is by far the longest thing I’ve ever written (including my other fic series). first major Collab with my best friend @thorne93​​ what was first a simple “what if” moment turned into a two year writing session and I’ve never been more prouder of myself than when i started my first series. goes through most of the MCU plots there are some changes to accommodate for what we wanted and there is a bit of a crossover between the MCU and other characters. I hope you guys enjoy reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it.
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You and Shannon were sitting on your beds, playing on your phones when you heard what sounded like a stampede in the hall. Both of you peered up curiously. 
“What’s going on?” Shannon called out. 
A young girl, Julie you think her name was, answered with excitement, “Tony Stark and Loki are fighting in the gym! Logan is referring!” 
Your eyes met Shannon’s and the two of you made a mad dash for the ring as best you could. You two wanted to fly, but with the toll the transfusions were taking, that just wasn’t possible. So you scrambled along as fast as you could down the hallway to the gym. 
Just as you walked in, you saw Loki land a hard punch on Tony’s jaw, sending him to the mat face down. As Loki moved toward Tony though, Tony turned and kicked him in the stomach with a hard grunt. The motion made him wheeze as he fell to his knees, gripping his stomach. 
“What are you doing?!” you boomed out, your emotions flaring. 
Logan upon seeing both women knew exactly what could happen so at the top of his lungs, he shouted, “Everyone OUT! I don’t want to see a single student in here right now.” His deep voice making a rumbling echo in the room.
There was a collective “aww” made by the students. A few were actually aware of the reason behind it so they helped lead the others out and back to their schedules.
“You heard the guy!” Wade puts up his macho man act on. “Scram!!” He crosses his arms and he give the students a look.
“What is wrong with you two!” Shannon yelled but the two men were too busy trying to continue fighting. “Y/N, we have to stop them they’re going to get hurt and I can’t heal them in this state I'm in. I'm not sure how much more I can see before my powers try to take over.” She looked to her friend and just as she finished her sentence, her powers (as if called upon) activated causing her to rise up into the air. Her eyes had begun glaze over a milky white then suddenly became swirls of red and purple.
“Holy shit,” you muttered, fear wrapping around you before your eyes darted to the two men. “Hey! Knock it off!” you screamed at the two. They finally heard you, both of them turning to you before their eyes traveled up to Shannon, floating in mid-air.
“Umm, boys it looks like we are in for some trouble. You better stop your fight now,” Logan said as he saw his close friend being controlled by what she was trying to get rid of.
“Looks like you two are in for a world of trouble now!” Wade grins seeing his badass of a friend get ready to do her thing. “Give it to ‘em  cupcake!” He roots for her.
Knock it off Wade!” Logan gets closer to the other man and smacks him upside the head.
“Shannon!” Tony yelped when he realized that she was up in the air, unable to control what was happening.
“Y/N?” Loki said in a confused tone, eyeing you.
All you could do was stare at him. What on Earth was he doing?
“Enough! You two are acting like children,” came Shannon’s booming voice that echoed and made the lights flicker and shake from the sound. “What is wrong with you two?” Her hands were filled with two growing energies and she was ready to throw them to split the two apart.
“Shannon, sweetie, you need to get down. You're not strong enough to be doing this right now.” Tony took his gloves off and was walking towards the edge of the ring. “Babe, I’ll stop, okay? Look, I’m going to get out of the ring.”
“You shouldn’t have been in there in the first place, Anthony Edward Stark.” she was visibly upset and he knew that she only ever called him that when he’d done something wrong. 
In the very same instant, Bruce was entering the room and noticed everyone looking up and he panicked seeing Shannon in mid-air when she was in no condition to be doing so. “Shannon, get down you’re going to get hurt!” 
As if his words were a command, she closed her eyes and grabbed her head and just like that she was falling. 
“Shannon!” came from all but Loki’s mouth as they all rushed to reach her before she hit the floor.
The first one to actually reach was Bruce and was able to catch her in time, he saw just how much doing something as being up there had drained her of any energy she might have been getting back from her rest.
“Nice catch Brucie, guess the fun's over for now,” He pats the man on the shoulder. “Let me know when she wakes up so I can see her.” Wade pulls out a sucker from his pocket and walks away.
He nods his head and looks down at Shannon. “Y/N, we need to get back to the room and check her status. I may need you to do another transfusion if necessary,” he said looking at her after making sure he had a good grip on Shannon. “Come with me. We need to hurry.”
You bit your lip. “Alright, fine, yeah, just tell me what you need.” 
“Bruce, is she okay?” Tony had jumped down from the ring and was at the Dr.’s side in an instant. “Here, I’ll take her you can go ahead and get things ready.”
“No, I think you’ve done more than enough, Tony.” He frowned at the man. “Logan, go inform Hank that I need him down in the room. We need to do a complete check on her.” Without a second glance, he walked out of the room and hurried as carefully as possible to get Shannon back into her bed. “I hope you didn’t over do it, Shan, what the hell were you thinking?”
“B-Bruce?” Her voice was hoarse. “What happened? All I remember was telling Y/N something then things went black.”
“It’s okay, I’ll explain when we get back to the room, okay?”
Shannon nodded her head and she leaned it on his chest.
All four men and you had followed Bruce back to the room adjacent to the Med Bay. Just as Shannon was put back in be,  Hank entered the room with the equipment and Charles soon after showed up to find out what had happened.
“Can someone please explain what occurred?” Charles looked to the men but they all seemed to avoid looking into his eyes.
“Tony and Loki were in the ring, fighting,” you explained evenly. “I think Logan arranged it. I’m not sure why they were there to begin with, but by the time we got there, they were bloodied and bruised. I think the sight upset Shannon too much and her powers overcame her and she collapsed from mid-air. Bruce caught her though.” 
“Her vitals aren’t stable,” he informed everyone in the room. “The best I can tell is that she’s suffered from an attack. Something much like a heart attack or anxiety attack.” 
“Logan, I presume you have something to do with this.” Charles looked over at him. “Why am I not surprised, really to these lengths you’d go.” He shook his head.
“It was better than letting these two idiots duke it out in the middle of the hall causing a commotion,” was his response. “Dr.Banner notify me when she’s woken up. I wanna say I’m sorry for causing all this.”  And with that he walked out of the room.
“You got it, Logan.” Bruce tucked a strand of hair behind Shannon’s ear unaware of the look Tony was giving him. “Are we ready for a full scan, Hank?”
“Y/N,” Hank started and your eyes darted towards him as you chewed your nail. “I hate to ask this. I know you did a transfusion today, but I’m going to need another one. Her body is a wreck right now and I need some more of your power to sort her cells out. Do you think you’d be up for it?”
You nodded. “Sure.” Easily, you lifted your hand and let the power stream out of you and into your best friend. With each second, you could feel yourself getting tired, weaker, your legs were close to giving out, but she needed this. For a moment, the words of Frigga and Thor echoed in your head about needing to be in Asgard, that you drew your power from there.
Tony could see just how much of a toll this was on you. He hadn’t been around when you would do the transfusions and knowing you’re doing a second one on the same day he felt guilty. None of this would have happened if he had kept his mouth shut, but he was too frustrated with what he had seen earlier. He walked over to you and helped steady you so that you wouldn’t collapse.
“Here let me help you,” was all he said as he held you up.
“I’m okay, Tony, I can still stand, I might need help getting to my bed though.” You pointed towards where you had been sleeping lately. “Thank you though.”
“We’ll talk later, okay? You need to rest,” Tony replied and helped you to your bed. All the while Loki just stood there watching the whole thing. He hadn’t said much since he said her name in the ring.
“Thanks, Tony I look forward to our chat,” you replied. You looked over at Loki, seeing him look anywhere else but at you. 
“Looks like Shannon is back down to a good level. I suggest these two women be left alone for the time being,” Hank told the other people in the room.
“Alright this should be enough for now, Y/N. Why don’t you go get some sleep. I’ll wake you up in a few hours?” Bruce suggested.  He turned to Charles. “She’s stable again, since she’s had two transfusions in a day, we should wait until the next one. Her body may not be able to resist going into a semi-comatose state.”
“You’re right. We’ll give them both a longer time to recover before continuing.” Nodding his head towards everyone else, he left the room.
“I’ll let Gambit know he won’t be able to visit this afternoon so you can relax okay?” Bruce told you as he checked your vitals once you were comfortable on your bed.
“He’ll probably still show up later but it’s fine, thank you though.” You smiled at the man.
“No problem.” He walked away letting them get situated.
Before you could sleep though, you needed a word with your boyfriend. You pushed him out of the room and in the hall, closing the door behind you.
“What the hell is the matter with you?” you demanded of Loki, not hiding the anger in your tone.
“Me? I could ask that of you. I thought you were bedridden?” he accused angrily. 
“I am,” you insisted. “Who told you I’m not?” 
“I saw it with my own eyes. You were holding, I don’t know who,” he informed. 
“Remy? I was dancing with Remy. Is that a crime?” you asked. “Besides, what the hell does that have to do with beating the shit out of Tony?”
He looked off, pressing his lips together. You knew that look, he was trying to calm himself before he answered. “I saw you with that man and I… Stark and I may have exchanged words right after.” 
You shake your head, pinching the bridge of your nose. “You have to be joking. After everything I’ve done? After risking my life, after almost dying for you, after sacrificing living a normal life for you, do you still think I would love someone else?!” 
His eyes turned hard as they focused on you. “And you’re really that blind? I’m not worthy of your love. I’ve nearly gotten you killed. Had you imprisoned. Because of me, you’ve been outcasted by all your friends and family. It makes sense for you to love anyone else but me.”
All you could do was shake your head before quietly confirming, “Yeah, it does.” 
With that, you turned on your heel to race to your room, your heart racing and tears threatening. 
Loki stood in the hallway dumbfounded, questions if maybe his self destructive ways had finally come back to bite him in the ass. Just as he picked up his ego off the floor and headed out the door, Tony approached him and slapped his back. 
“Now that we’ve gotten the testosterone out of our system, what do you say we go get drinks?” 
Loki stopped, completely stunned. “You honestly want to go out on a social outing with me?” 
“Sure, why not? Not like either of us are wanted here right now. Come on, I’ll drive,” Tony offered in his usual casual laid back way. 
Loki seemed incredulous, but after the unusual day he’d already had, he succumbed and climbed into the flashy sports car, and he actually admired it. 
Before too long, they wound up at a bar far on the outskirts of the city. Tony didn’t want either one of them to be recognized and he knew if he went anywhere in Manhattan or the surrounding boros, they’d be spotted in an instant. He wanted to be left alone for once.
“So, Reindeer Games, what happened to make you want to fight?” he asked as he sipped a cherry merlot. “Something happened with you and Y/N/N?”
“Not directly,” Loki muttered as he toyed with the full glass in front of him. “I…She’s dancing with some man. I don’t know who he is. She shouldn’t be dancing with anyone but me. I thought she was bedridden. She looked so…” He stopped, getting angry, and felt odd telling Tony all of this. “Why do you care anyway? It just gave you an excuse for us to be violent with one another again.” 
“Hah! If I knew any better I'd say you're jealous of that guy, but fear not, he won’t do anything.” reassured him. “I won’t say that I care, because I don’t, at least not one hundred percent.” He stopped to phrase it right. “But for the sake of Shannon and Y/N things are tough.”
“I realize that, Stark, thank you for the incredible insight,” he snapped and rolled his eyes. “How do you know he won’t do anything?” he suddenly questioned. “They looked fairly comfortable to me. Remy…” he mused with distaste. “That’s what she called him. I think he’s her friend from childhood. So yes, if you must know, Stark, I am jealous. She’s been here for weeks and I haven’t seen her. Then when I do come to visit, she’s dancing closely with...him.” He scowled. “She looked so… comfortable. So happy…” 
“And why on earth did you decide today of all the times you could’ve come to see her, did you choose today?” He still couldn’t understand that. “She’s asked for you constantly, as for Remy they’re like brother and sister.” He took another sip. “They only ever had each other when they were orphans so it's normal for her to feel comfortable around him, they also happen to share the same powers and he lives at the mansion.” He went on explaining their relationship to try to ease Loki about the situation.
Loki’s jaw clenched. “You’re right, I know, I just…” He tried to keep his temper in check. “Wait, why were you angry today? You were looking for a fight more than I was. What had you so bothered?” he questioned, turning the tables. He knew it was silly to be jealous, but how could he help it? You were free now, in more ways than one and you could, if you so chose, find a different mate than him. You were no longer confined to a cell with Loki. You could very well leave him in pursuit of another now. 
“Well...I.. listen, we’re still talking about you and Y/N don’t try changing the subject,” he tried to push it back to him, but he knew the other man would continue to ask, so he told him anyways. “With Shannon having been at the mansion so much, Bruce took it upon himself to become her nurse of sorts and I found them enjoying some time out in the gardens. She was relaxed in his lap listening to what he was saying and if what I’m thinking is true, then Banner has grown feelings for her.” He shook his head never would he have thought he’d be here with the god having a touching moment of honesty.
“Ah, I see. So the green eyed monster has hit us both, then hmm?” Loki noted, a little amused. “ As for you and Shannon, I’ve never seen a woman so enthralled by anyone. She puts up with all of your… you-ness, and still comes back to you every day, happy. I don’t know either of them too terribly well, but I don’t think either would ever set out to hurt you. People can’t help how they feel, and if they’re both ignoring said feelings for your sake, which I assume and think they are, then you have nothing to fear. Shannon is your wife. I was at the wedding. It was… lovely, for lack of a better word. Your love doesn’t have a threat.” He played with the glass some more, still not drinking. “I am just worried… I’ve outstayed my welcome in her life, if that makes any sense.” 
To be honest, it felt good to talk to someone. Thor wasn’t around, and he couldn’t confess how he felt to you, because you’d just assure him you still loved him. So it was nice to vent to someone other than you, confide in a new person… a new confidant.
“You honestly think that? That your time has expired? You couldn’t be more wrong she’d be devastated if you left.” He looked at the man next to him. “There’s nothing she wouldn’t do to prove to you that you’re all she needs, but there’s been so much that you haven’t even had a chance to digest it all because I'm assuming this is all too much, right?” 
“You can say that again,” he muttered. “I just wish… I wish we didn’t have to be here. Asgard is our home. Despite my feelings towards Odin, Thor is still my brother and Y/N’s parents are from there. She’s from there! I guess I just always thought we’d return home to Asgard one day. Not stay here… But it’s clear she enjoys her life on Earth.” He twisted the glass between his long fingers, spinning it on the bar slowly. “I suppose for the first time together, we want two different things.” 
“Well why not take a break from being here and go back home?” He figured some time away would help clear his mind. “Talk with Y/N and see if you two want to go there for a little vacation and come back when you're ready?” He turned to the bartender and asked for one more glass of wine. 
“You’re suggesting I tell Y/N I want to leave her home, and go back to mine? Won’t that send the wrong message?” 
“Well not if you dont explain why,tell her you miss Asgard and your mother because I'm sure you do.” He shook his head. “She'd like to go visit too is my bet.” He raised an eyebrow.
Loki conceded with a sigh. “I may do that, and if she doesn’t want to come back with me, then perhaps I should go back on my own, just for a little while.” 
“There you go! Let me know what gets decided and I’ll get the paperwork ready and approved.” He clapped the dark haired man. “How long would ya like to be out for? Granted I can't give you more than a few weeks due to your probation.”
“Give me however long is allowed,” he requested. The more the thought on it, the more he wondered if perhaps you really were better off without him. Tony hadn’t explicitly said it, but he got the notion in Loki’s head that maybe you belonged here on Earth, and he belonged on Asgard. He didn’t want to leave you. It would kill him, but he wanted you to have a chance at a happy life, and that wasn’t possible with him in the picture. You’d said yourself that it made sense to love anyone else but him. So this was him, doing the noble thing for once, and stepping aside so you could have a good, normal, happy life with Remy, or whomever you chose. “I never thought I’d say this, Stark, but thank you… for the drink, the talk, and what the hell, even the fight.” He let a warm smirk creep onto his face as he glanced sideways at Tony. 
“You know what? I could say the same thing for you. Looks like we can agree on something.” He laughed. Who would have thought that after everything that has happened he could sit down with the guy and talk like old friends. “You want to get one more drink and get back to the city?” He smirks back at him.
“Sounds good, Tin man,” Loki said, trying to hide his smile, and failing miserably.
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Unforseen Chasm Tag list- @reigningqueenofwords​ @oldfreakything​ ​ @adefectivedetective​ @dontbetooobvious​
Tag list- @cas-you-assbutt-dean-needs-you​ @winchester-writes​ @winchesterenthusiast​ @deansdirtylittlesecretsblog​   @sammysbuttcheek​ @misz-adrii​ @sandlee44​ @womanxofletters​ @natsuccs​ @childishhoebinoo​ @expecteddifferent​ @girl-next-door-writes​ @fanaticfanfiction​ @dakotapaigelove​ @sassy-spn-knight-of-hell​ @reigningqueenofwords​ @oldfreakything​
Marvel: @reigningqueenofwords​ @flowerbunbunny​ @zelda2248​ @misz-adrii​
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holylulusworld · 5 years
When love hits you - Part 5 – A lot in common
Can I request a fic? where the reader is a hunter who saves Dean' s life. she has a one-night stand with him and is the one to leave him early in the morning. Dean finds her again and asks her why she left, and she says, "Easy I was just another notch on your large belt" Maybe it turns into a miniseries where they meet and leave maybe they end up together in the end? it can be as angsty and smutty as you want lol.
Pairing: Dean x Reader, Sam, OMC Joshua
Warnings: angst, language, arguments, protective Dean, violence blood, asshole ex, mentions of past physical abuse/cheating, light smut, unprotected sex, slow sex, feelings, fluff
When love hits you Masterlist
Around eight months later, Milwaukee, a random hunters bar...
The music in the bar is loud and your mood is good. Standing with your back to the bar with Dean and Sam flanking your sides you let your eyes wander.
Seeing someone familiar you swallow hard, he’s the last person you want to see. Turning around as fast as possible you try to duck your head and become invisible. Your heart is beating a mile in a minute and your body is beyond tense.
Why does he still have this effect on you? Back then you punched his nose and kicked his balls but when you saw him some months ago you felt shy and weak again. Just like you feel right now.
“Are you okay, Y/N?” Sam asks seeing your discomfort.
“Yeah, just tired, ya know.”
“Do you want to go back to the motel, Baby?”
“Would be the best. I don’t feel like drinking and celebrating right now.” You lie. Well, it’s not a complete lie. The moment you saw Joshua your mood went down to zero.
“Y/N? Don’t you want to greet an old friend?” Joshua snarls standing a bit too close to your back for Dean’s taste.
“Hi.” You whisper and Dean raises an eyebrow. You are never silent and shy, not with any hunter you and the brothers met. Never.
“The Winchesters? Seriously, you managed that the Winchesters drag you around, Y/N? Are you better in bed now?” Joshua spats and Sam turns around. Angrily clenching his fists he’s ready to defend his friend.
“What did you just say?” Dean asks cocking his head. Eying the man talking to you like that up and down his features darken.
“You heard. Must be a hell of a pussy by now. Well, I taught her everything. She was a boring virgin before me, you two should thank me.”
“That him?” Dean asks and you nod. “Awesome. Sammy, take care of Y/N as it will get ugly right now.” Dean says grinning.
Before Joshua knows what hit him he feels Dean’s fist collide with his face, breaking the smaller hunter’s nose on its way.
“Dean!” You scream shocked but Dean doesn’t stop after one punch.
“I got this Sweetheart. You know this, you bastard, is my lovely girlfriend. She told me everything you pathetic, weak little asshole did to her. I know that you were barely able to get hard and punished her for your failure. Losers like you make me sick.”
“I didn’t…” Joshua stammers.
“Did I allow you to talk? I’m not done. You had three punches from me by now and you are already a bloody mess. Your nose is broken, and your eye doesn’t look good. I’m normally a simple man, I don’t hurt human, got it. But for you, I’ll make an acceptation. Except you apologize to Y/N, for everything you ever did to her.”
“She’s not worth it, Winchester. You will see she’s a boring little slut.” Joshua spats and Dean’s fist meets his other eye, his jaw, and finally his aching nose again.”
“What did you say? I think I misheard.” Dean says raising his fist once again.
“I’m sorry for everything. For not being there for you, for blaming you that I couldn’t get hard, for hitting you, cheating on you. For yelling and making you feel small and weak. Please tell him to stop.” Joshua pleas now and you smile down at him.
“Dean, he’s not worth your time, just a pathetic little man. God, he even peed his pants. What a strong hunter you are. Not able to satisfy a woman, only to hurt women but you do not stand a chance against a real man.” You chuckle.
“You heard the lady, worthless scum. You’re a weak little worm. Never dare to talk to my girl again, don’t even think about her or I’ll come back and break your face even harder.”
Eagerly nodding, even if it hurts like hell, Joshua starts sobbing. Feeling humiliated and weak he knows how you felt for over three years.
“Let’s roll, I got some energy left for my lovely girlfriend.” Dean chuckles cleaning his hand at Joshua’s shirt.
“You really didn’t have to do that for me but thank you, Dean. For the first time, I feel free of the weight on my shoulders.”
“That’s my job as your boyfriend,” Dean says stalking toward your half-naked form.
“Not your only job, you promised me you got some stamina left if I recall right.”
“Damn right, lady. I’ll make you feel things you never felt before.”
“Oh, yeah, you will see, Baby.”
“Show me what you got, Dean Winchester!”
“I will do so right now.” Licking his lips, he eyes you up and down. The only fabric covering your naked body gets ripped off and tossed aside. You want to scold him for ruining another pair of panties, but you couldn’t care less.
When your back hits the mattress Dean’s lips capture yours in a soft kiss. Gentle hands roam your body while he presses his hard erection against your aching core.
“Dean, I want to feel you.”
“Let me hold you a bit longer. We’ve got all night, Sweetheart.”
“I know, Dean but right now I want to forget everything he ever did to me and the only way is to replace every memory I have of me and him together with a new memory of you and me.” You whisper.
“How could he ever hurt you or let you go? Such a fool.” Dean whispers.
The plump pillows of his lips pressed against your temple Dean groans when you wrap your hand around his cock. Guiding him into your wet cunt you enjoy the loud sigh leaving his lips.
Your legs propped around his waist you smile when he slowly starts rocking into you. Softly kissing your neck Dean moves one hand behind your head to bring you close to him. Lips claiming yours he slides his tongue with yours.
Tenderly caressing his back with your hands, you feel a single tear roll down your cheek. Not knowing what he did wrong Dean looks at you with panic in his eyes, but you shake your head.
“I love you, is all Dean.” You whisper and he smiles down at you. His lips find yours again and all you want right at that moment is Dean to hold you tight for the rest of your life.
“You really hit him hard, Dean.”
“That asshole dared to talk to you like that. He deserves so much more. I swear if he ever tries to look into your direction I will rip him apart.”
“No one ever protected me like that.”
“Really? Not even your dad?”
“He left us when I was four or five.”
“A hunter too?”
“Just a normal guy, not a hunter. He found a new woman and left mom and me. After that, my mom changed. She started training and was away for days, sometimes weeks, so my aunt raised me.”
“Your mom was a hunter then?”
“After she died I found her diary. I read it over and over again. First I thought my mom was crazy or something but then one night someone, or rather something attacked me.”
“Did you got hurt?”
“I was a cop back then and due to this fact I was well trained to defend myself, but the attacker didn’t back down. Not even after I shot him with my gun. Then I saw something in his eyes and remembered something called ‘Shapeshifter’ from my mom’s diaries. I knew silver would hurt him so I took the silver knife my mom always carried and stabbed him.”
“Damn, girl, you are one badass.” Dean chuckles.
“Just lucky I didn’t throw the knife away. My mom’s initials were carved into the handle so I kept it.”
“After that, you became a hunter?”
“Not right away. I told my boss that something was off with the guy attacking me, told him about the eyes and stuff. He was a friend before and I thought I can trust me. A week later I got suspended and they wanted me to go to a psychologist, Dean.”
“One fly over the cuckoo's nest?”
“Exactly. No one believed a single word and I realized my mom fought against those stubborn idiots her whole life.”
“So she was a hunter before your dad left you?”
“According to her diaries, she was and gave up hunting for him. After he left she lost interest in normal life, in me. I was a burden, I guess, but my aunt raised me well.”
“I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“Don’t be, Dean. Without my mother, I would’ve never met you.”
“True. How did you get that lucky to have a piece of my cute ass?” Dean chuckles and you look up at him with a grin on your face.
“Only a piece? No, Mr. Winchester…your whole ass is mine. Got it?”
“Yes, ma’am. My ass is all yours, forever.”
“Then mine is yours too.”
“Deal. See we got a lot in common…”
Forever Tags
@donnaintx, @screechingartisancashbailiff, @fallen-wolf22, @sister-winchesters99, @mogaruke, @the-is13, @helloitsmeamie203, @strayrosesbloom, @thewinchesterco, @hobby27, @kittycatlover18, @gh0stgurl, @marvelfansworld , @sandlee44, @hawaiianohana31, @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt, @katpatrova17, @notyourtypicalrose , @heyitscam99, @onethingthatkeepsmealive, @natura1phenomenon, @flamencodiva, @echoesofpassion, @cocklesbelli, @anushay1998, @voltage-my2dlove, @kmvld, @fandom-princess-forevermore, @thenamelesschibi, @lauravic, @fandomsrourlives, @wittysunflower, @drakelover78, @lemondropirwin, @chonisberonica, @lonewolf471, @wronglanemendes, @electraphygelectraphyng , @spnhollis, @void-imaginations, @jay-and-dean, @shatteredabby , @juniorhuntersam, @helpmeluci, @neii3n, @goodgodimaweirdperson, @alltimesamantha​
If your name is crossed out Tumblr won’t let me tag you for some reason. Sorry.
 Dean/Jensen Forever Tags         
@spnfamily-thewinchesters​, @supernatural-bellawinchester​, @butifulsoul125​, @lyinginthegingerlocks​, @deans-baby-momma​, @hawaiianohana31​, @spn-dean-and-sam-winchester​, @20gayneen​, @janicho88​, @thefaithfulwriter​, @dreaminemz​, @negans-lucille-tblr​, @sadwaywardkid​, @akshi8278​, @hhiggs​, @midnightsilver16830​, @mrspeacem1nusone​, @ria132love​, @caligraphee​, @the-witch-in-silence​
When love hits you Tags
@bitchwhytho​​, @star-adorned​, @marvelous-wayward-fangirl​
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duhragonball · 6 years
Dragon Ball 137
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Goku fights some anonymous lady who’s mad at him!    What happens next will warm your heart.
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So the fight itself isn’t particularly great.    Mostly it’s Chi-c-- I mean, Anonymous, throwing strikes at Goku while he blocks and dodges them easily.    She’s no match for him, and that isn’t the point.   The point is that she’s upset with him, and he has no idea why, and she’s in no mood to explain it to him.  
Still, this is one of the best animated fights in the whole series.   Everything Chi-ch... Anonymous does is fluid and crisp.   I tried to gif some of it, but I felt like I was doing the footage a disservice.   I’m pretty sure plenty of other, more experienced gif-makers have done this episode before several times over. 
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From ringside, Master Roshi notes that her style resembles his own, which he finds curious.
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Finally, she reveals to Goku that he promised to marry her some day, but he never came back for her, and that’s why she’s so mad.
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Everyone is shocked, but Goku isn’t because he doesn’t even know what marriage is.
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Krillin and Yamcha explain it to him very quickly.
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Krillin also adds that this isn’t fair, and Goku gets everything.    Same, Krillin.   Same.
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Mostly, what concerns Goku now is that he’s supposed to live with a woman he doesn’t even know, but she agrees to identify herself if he can win this match.
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Goku does so with ease.   He just throws a punch in her general direction, creating a shock wave powerful enough to knock her out of the ring without hurting her.    Piccolo is impressed by this, because it’s a move similar to what his own clan uses.   Also, Superman used it against Spider-Man in the 1976 special “Superman vs. The Amazing Spider-Man.”
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Impressed by Goku’s knowledge of comic book lore, she reveals herself to be Chi-Chi, the Ox King’s daughter.  
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Goku remembers his promise now, although he didn’t understand what he was saying, because he thought a “bride” was some kind of food.   I’ve never completely understood this.    Did he think he was saying he would come back and make her his food?    There’s a grammatical aspect to this that I’ve never been able to sort out.   
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Chi-chi is dismayed to learn that Goku had no idea what he was talking about, but he decides that he did promise, so he might as well go through with it.
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I prefer the dub version of this scene, where Goku basically says that he gets so hungry that his brain doesn’t always know what he’s saying.... but his heart does.  The implication being that he was always in love with Chi-Chi and would have always been amenable to marrying her, but he had no idea how to express any of those feelings.  
The original Japanese doesn’t cover any of that, at least not explicitly, but I think the general point is still made.   Goku admits that he had no idea what he was saying back then, but he still proposes to Chi-Chi anyway.    The point is that now that he does know what marriage is, he wants to marry her.  
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Same deal with her holding his arm the whole way backstage.   Goku acts all annoyed with this, but he doesn’t pull loose from her either.    He understands this level of intimacy on some level, even though he isn’t familiar with it.   
Again, I’ll go back to a point I made about a month ago: Much of Goku’s early adventures with the Dragon Balls were driven by a sentimental attachment to his dead grandfather.   He kept the four-star ball because it was his grandpa’s keepsake, and he spent the whole Red Ribbon Army arc chasing after it for the same reason.   The idea that Goku doesn’t understand family or companionship is ludicrous.    It was disproven in the very first Dragon Ball comic in 1984.   It’s disproven in this story, which sees Goku propose to a woman he hasn’t seen in years, because he feels that strongly about honoring her feelings towards him.  The only reason he wouldn’t have kissed her on the lips during their entire marriage is if she didn’t want to be kissed on the lips.    And she kissed him on the cheek right after he proposed, so that seems unlikely.  
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Chi-chi wants a house made out of cow dung, and I’m pretty sure that doesn’t come to pass, so I guess Goku had to draw the line somewhere.   “Look, I don’t know much, but I do know that cows are for eatin’, not livin’ in their poop.    Let’s get a regular house!”
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I’ve also seen people complain about how Chi-Chi went from being a badass fighter to a housewife.   Look, the only major battle she was ever in was this one, and she was only in it because she wanted Goku’s attention.  Chi-Chi’s a formidable fighter, but that’s not what she’s about.    She wanted to get married an settle down, so she did.   The problem with Dragon Ball isn’t that Chi-Chi stopped fighting; the problem is that there were no other women fighters on the series who fought in her place.    That’s not Chi-Chi’s fault.    I’m not interested in criticizing a character for getting what she wanted.
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Goku then warns Krillin about his opponent.   He tells him to give the guy everything he’s got, because there’s no use in holding back.  
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Meanwhile, the tournament staff is cleaning the ring.   I guess they have to sweep all the love off the stage.  
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And it’s time for Krillin vs. Majunior.   I forgot they started this fight in this same episode.   Okay.
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Krillin opens with two hurty-lasers aimed directly at Piccolo.   He leaps out of the way...
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But they’re bendy hurty-lasers, and they keep coming at him.
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Big Green zaps them with his eyebeams, and thinks he’s foiled Krillin’s trap.
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Only he hasn’t, because Krilin appears right behind him.    I had a hell of a time getting a screencap of this, and this was the best I could do.    The orange blur is Krillin.   Just work with me here.
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Mmmmmffff!    Krillin drops a hurtin’ bomb right in his mush.  
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Yeah, not so easy fighting Krillin, is it?
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Piccolo manages to knock him out of bounds, but Krillin just stops in midair and floats back into the ring.   Yeah, what’s good, butthole!  Krillin can fly now!
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Piccolo takes a moment to give Krillin his due, and offers to show a bit of his true power as an apology for calling him a small fry.  
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Krillin’s like: Don’t sing it.   Bring it.
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hazyheel · 5 years
WWE Friday Night Smackdown 10/4/19 Review
The season premier of Friday Night Smackdown basically ended up being a normal smackdown that just had a bunch of spectacle around it. Although we had the Rock, who had a good segment, all the other people who came to the event weren’t involved. But we have some interesting setups for some future matches, whether that is in the immediate future or Wrestlemania, along with a couple upsides, so there were some things that ended up promising. Here is my full review of this week’s Friday Night Smackdown.
The set for this show is actually awesome. I love the little tube thing that they have on the entrance ramp, it looks badass. Waaaaaaaaaay better than the Raw set, let me tell you. Stephanie and Vince McMahon came out first. They popped the crowd with a quick “Welcome to fox” type thing, before throwing it to the new theme song. This was all kind of a pre-show thing, so I’m not gonna grade it. And possibly the most exciting thing: A TWO MAN ANNOUNCE BOOTH. Corey Graves and Michael Cole were holding it down, and I’m so excited to see how well they do without a third wheel. 
Becky Lynch Promo: She thanked everyone at smackdown for boosting her up to title level. King Corbin interrupted and walked down to the ring. He told Lynch that she wasn’t the Man anymore, to which she said “step in the ring and we’ll find out.” He did, and I was excited to see Corbin get his comeuppance for attacking her at Extreme Rules, but The fuckin Rock came out instead, which is also good. He and Lynch slapped up in the ring as he posed in the corners, and even without talking, he exudes charisma. It is crazy. Rock talked about how he was the guy who invented the word smackdown. He put the show over a bit, before calling Corbin a Broke Ass Burger King on Crack. Then he hit his catchphrase, saying that he is back home. He was gonna keep going, but Corbin cut him off. Corbin said that Smackdown isn’t his home, and he isn’t the great one anymore. Corbin told him to shut up, so Rock told him that he wasn’t a King, and called him a 35 yer old version who hangs out at Comicon. He said that winning King of the Ring doesn’t make him a King, and just because Becky is the man doesn’t mean she is gonna carry a pair of testicles. Lynch said “yeah, but if I did, they’d be bigger than his.” Corbin kept heeling on LA, before Lynch hit the whole “it doesn’t matter what you think.” Rock then put him over a bit, before calling him a Super Tough Dude (STD), and the crowd chanted it, which Lynch said would stick with him for life (which it won’t but that was clever). Rock then told him that he was getting mad, and told him that Lynch and Rock would kick his ass. The two of them beat him down, and Rock hit the People’s Elbow, followed by a Rock Bottom. 
Grade: B. I liked this promo, and of course I loved the Rock. It was perfectly fun, and Lynch actually carried herself really well in this segment. She wasn’t groveling for the Rock at all, she was on equal footing with him, which was good. I don’t like when today’s stars stand shoulder to shoulder with attitude era guys and act like excited little kids. Becky is a star, and she caries herself like one. So yeah, really fun. Sucks that Corbin got the crap kicked out of him though, that kinda hurts him. Highlight of the night. 
Becky Lynch & Charlotte Flair vs. Sasha Banks & Bayley: Bayley and Charlotte started things out, with Bayley giving Lynch a cheap shot on the apron, before Charlotte put her down with some strikes. Bayley quickly took control back, and tagged in Banks, only for Charlotte to nail several chops to the chest, and a big boot off the apron. Charlotte went to the top, and Bayley tried to push her off, but Lynch intercepted with a forearm. The ref yelled at Lynch for it, so Bayley was able to push Charlotte off anyway. We cut to commercial, and as we came back, Charlotte was able to give Lynch the hot tag. Lynch took down Bayley with a series of strikes and a huge superman forearm. Bayley was able to fight back by hanging her up on the top rope, but Charlotte got the blind tag. She kneed Bayley in the stomach to take her down, and hit Natural Selection, but Banks broke it up. Everyone then started to brawl in the ring, with the faces coming out on top and throwing both heels to the outside. Charlotte nailed them with a moonsault to the outside, and then threw Bayley back in the ring for the tapout win with the figure 8. 
Grade: B. These four together always make for a really good match. This was short, but it did what it had to do. It teased the violent Hell in a Cell match, while setting up a Smackdown Women’s Championship match as well. Good stuff, and a fitting first ever smackdown match. 
New Day Interview: Erin Anderson interviewed them, and I wasn’t going to emphasize her at all, but holy crap she is way better than most of WWE’s interviewers. She actually had a personality, so that was refreshing. Kofi Kingston said that he will win despite being the underdog, and Big E and Xavier Woods confirmed that they wouldn’t be in Kingston’s corner in the main event. Hopefully we will get more Renee Young backstage, with a similar amount of personality. 
Seth Rollins vs. Shinsuke Nakamura: Before the match, Bray Wyatt came on the screen, and introduced his puppets. Ramblin Rabbit told Rollins not to fight the Fiend, but Wyatt interrupted him. They then showed Mercy the Buzzard killing Ramblin Rabbit in a Hell in a Cell representation. He told Rollins that was what will happen to him in their match on Sunday, before leaving. Nakamura came out with Sami Zayn. The match started, and Nakamura immediately tried for an armbar. Rollins powered him up and nailed a buckle bomb, followed by a pair of suicide dives. The two then fought back into the ring, where Rollins nailed a springboard knee, and then a superkick to the face. He had Nakamura set up for the Curb stomp, but the lights went out. Rollins booked it to the top of the stage, where the Fiend was able to lock in the mandible claw once again, before throwing him off the stage. 
Grade: C+. The match was going pretty well, and the attack was cliche at this point although somehow managed to be fresh with a bit of fight from Rollins. But this was just good enough in my opinion. 
Kevin Owens vs. Shane McMahon in a Career vs. Career Ladder Match: As the announcer was giving Shane his huge introduction, Owens attacked, and the match was off. Owens took Shane down by smacking him into a ladder bridge, and tried to get up the ladder. Shane pulled him off and hit a side Russian leg sweep. The two brawled beside the ladder, until Owens took it down and threw it at Shane, who ducked. Shane took control after nailing Owens in the back with the ladder, and then set Owens up on the table. He smacked Owens in the head with part of the announce table, before putting him through it with an elbow drop. We cut to commercial, and when we came back, Owens put Shane through a ladder bridge with a huge frog splash. Owens started to climb up, but Shane got back up and started to attack him with a chair. He beat the hell out of Owens with it for a bit, before putting him down in the corner and then setting up a Coast to Coast with the ladder. He was able to nail it, and Owens rolled out of the ring. Shane then started to climb the ladder slowly, but Owens grabbed his foot, and pulled him down for a powerbomb into a ladder that was set up in the corner. Owens then grabbed the briefcase and got the win. 
After the match, Owens told Shane that he was fired, and gave him a stunner. 
Grade: B-. This match was fine, it had a few big spots. This was just good enough to be in the positive, and the right guy won. Good stuff. That splash through the ladder looked brutal though. 
Paul Heyman interview: He just yelled a little bit about how Kingston was gonna lose to Lesnar. 
Heavy Machinery, Braun Strowman and The Miz vs. AJ Styles, Randy Orton, Dolph Ziggler and Robert Roode: Miz and Ziggler started out, and Ziggler nailed a Zig Zag almost right away, but Miz countered back with a DDT. Strowman then tagged in, and took out Ziggler a couple times with huge tackles, only for Roode to break up the pin. Everyone hit a finisher real quick, and landed on the outside. Stromwan then ran around the ring to give everyone a shoulder tackle. Strowman then started to yelled at Tyson fury in the front row, and they playfully jaw jacked a bit, until he threw Ziggler into him on the barricade. Fury then started to scream at him, allowing Ziggler to nail a superkick. That only made Strowman more mad, and he gave Ziggler a Running Powerslam for the win. 
After the match, Fury tried to ump the barricade, but a bunch of security ran out to stop him. Eventually, after swearing a lot, he backed down.
Grade: C-. I’m bumping this down for celebrity involvement. The match was just kinda boring and simple, but the real story of this match is Fury and Strowman. I smell a Wrestlemania match, unless they wanna blow their load early. 
Roman Reigns vs. Erick Rowan in a Lumberjack Match: Daniel Bryan was on commentary, and Luke Harper wasn’t at ringside at all. They all both put each other on the outside early on, but when Rowan was on the outside, he fought off the lumberjacks, and even caught Reigns as he came in with a flying splash and threw him into the barricade. When we came back from commercial, they fought each other a bit with their signature offense. As they were fighting, Luke Harper started to walk down. Bryan met him in the ramp and they brawled, and the lumberjacks tried to gain control, only for Reigns to take everyone out with his splash into the crowd. Rowan then powerbombed Ali into Reigns, before bringing him into the ring with a running splash. He was about to hit the iron claw, but Reigns countered and hit a superman punch. Harper then ran in to save Rowan, only for Bryan to nail a Running Knee. Rowan then went to give Bryan the iron Claw, but Reigns nailed a spear for the win. 
After the match, Reigns and Bryan shook hands. 
Grade: C. I don’t really like lumberjack matches, but we need these types of Lumberjack matches in order to have a good one once in a blue moon. The closing stretch was pretty fun, with Harper and Rowan getting involved. Although this match did get me excited for the tag match on Sunday, so it did what it had to. Not a great match though. 
Kofi Kingston vs. Brock Lesnar for the WWE Championship: Kofi actually came out last, which was good, because I didn’t expect him to. Kofi tried to jump at Lesnar, only for him to catch him on his shoulders and it one F5 for the win. 
After the match, Rey Mysterio and CAIN FUCKING VELASQUEZ came down to the ring. And took him down, and started to hammer him with shots. Lesnar quickly retreated, and contemplated fighting Velasquez for a bit, before ultimately walking away with fear in his eyes. 
Grade: C. So, at first I was pissed about the match going so quick, but honestly, it was kinda effective. I think that, if they were gonna just give Lesnar the WWE Championship, they should’ve had him cash in on Kingston to win it here. Disappointing, and a real missed opportunity, but the squash was a good way to get heat on Lesnar. That being said, that was a very unexpected debut, and I definitely popped for it. That is a big get, even if he is just freelancing for them. Quite the way to close the first Friday Night Smackdown. 
Overall Grade: C+
Pros: The Rock and The Man promo; Lynch & Flair vs. Bayley and Banks
Cons: 8-man tag; lumberjack match; main event
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Mixed Emotions
Characters: Dean x Reader, Sam
Word Count: 2,606
Warnings: Angst, Fluff, Implied smut towards the end
Request: Hi, Jodan I have a request, a dean x reader where they "hate each other" but it's just a cover to not admit they're in love, until one day something happens (I leave it to your criteria) and they end up having sex (implied smut) and confessing their feelings (not in a corny way since they are a badasses lol)
Summary: You have mixed feelings for Dean Winchester. you hate him because you love him. He feels the same way about you and when a hunt almost goes wrong, you realize your true feelings for him.
Square Filled: Enemies to Lovers
Author’s Note: This is also for @spngenrebingo . This is unbeta’d and any and all mistakes are all on me.
Feedback the glue that holds my writing together
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“Hey, Y/N, it’s Sam Winchester. Look, I know you’re in the area and Dean and I really need your help. We’re dealing with a Kitsune but you know how fast and strong they are. I just thought it would be better if we worked as a team because you’re really good at what you do. Anyway, give me a call back okay? Bye.”
You listened to that message at least 10 times before sighing. You were known to help the Winchesters from time to time but it wasn’t Sam that you had a problem with. You liked Sam, he was smart, inventive, charming, and kind. He made you smile when you thought of him. It was Dean you had the problem with.
He was arrogant, reckless, no regards to how others feel, drops women like they’re there for his amusement, and a bit of an asshole. When you thought of Dean Winchester, you didn’t like what you saw. Sure he was handsome which only fueled your hatred for him. Was it hatred? At this point, your feelings about the eldest Winchester were so mixed up, that you couldn't distinguish which were positive and which were negative.
You’ve tried to see things his way, try to understand why he does the things he does but you couldn’t. You couldn’t understand why someone would have one-night stands all the time and treat women like that. Sure, you’ve had your fair share of one-night stands but you’ve been trying to cut down. It wasn’t fair for people who were actually looking for a relationship and Dean does it with no regard.
You’ve hunted with the brothers before and saw how Dean would leave a few nights and come back the next morning with a different woman, telling her something that she would want to hear just to get her away. It sickened you and it pissed you off. Sure, Dean was a good hunter but he was reckless and if you so much as screwed even the smallest thing up, he would bark at you like he was his father.
However, then you thought of Sam and knew that if he was calling you then it was something serious. You knew you had to agree to his offer because you would want them to do the same to you. You picked up the phone and dialed Sam’s number that you knew by heart.
“Hey, Sam. It’s me.”
“Y/N, I’m glad you got my message. Will you do it?”
“I’ll do it. You still living in that Bunker?”
“Always.” He chuckled.
“I’ll be over as soon as I can.” And with that, you hung up.
“Who was that?” Dean asked when he walked into the room and saw his brother get off the phone.
“Y/N, she agreed to help us on this case.” At the mention of your name, Dean’s body went rigid. There was something about you that he didn’t like. Maybe it was because you didn’t like taking orders from people despite them trying to help you. Maybe it was because you always berated Dean like he was less than you. Or maybe it was just because he had strong feelings for you but didn’t know if they were positive or negative. Your name sent a wave of emotions over him and he didn’t know how to deal with it. Whenever you hunted with them, you would always find something about him that you would talk shit about and it was getting to a point where he didn't want to be around you.
He did things for a reason and just because you couldn’t understand those reasons, doesn't mean you get to bring him down. Yeah, you were attractive as hell in his eyes and if the situations were different, maybe the two of you could be friends but he couldn’t work with someone that didn’t know how to follow directions.
“Why the hell did you do that?” Dean asked angrily.
“Don’t give me that tone, Dean. You know we need her help with this.”
“No, we need a hunter’s help. You literally could have called anyone!”
“She’s the closest one to us. Come on, you’re not still pissing about the last hunt, are you?”
“She almost got herself killed because she didn’t want to follow orders. Now, if she wants to do that on her own, then fine by me but her death will not be on my hands. She doesn’t have any regards to how we feel and does whatever she wants.” Dean glared at his younger brother.
“Dean, that was years ago. She’s still alive which means she’s not as reckless as you make her out to be. She’s smart and we could really use her help on this case.” Sam sighed. They had a staring contest, pouring out all they wanted to say through their eyes. After a while, Dean groaned and rolled his eyes before shaking his head.
“Fine, but if she so much as back talks me, we’re calling it off.” Dean stormed out of the room. Sam smirked, knowing how his brother really felt about you. He saw the way Dean got so easily bothered by you and knew his feelings were of hatred. He also knew how you felt about Dean and maybe, having the two of you on this case, would be good for you.
“Sam, it’s so good to see you.” You smiled when you got to the Bunker. He brought you in his arms and gave you a tight squeeze before letting you go.
“It’s good to see you. It’s been a while.” Sam chuckled and led you inside the Bunker. You have forgotten how big this place actually was. You looked around, trying to get acquainted with the place but what you were really doing was looking for Dean. You wondered if he’s grown up since the last time.
“Where’s Dean? Let me guess, at some poor woman’s house for the night or downing a bottle of whiskey. Either way, he’s fucked.” You rolled your eyes.
“Ah, Y/N, still charming as ever.” You turned your head to see Dean walk into the room. Damn, did he always look this good?
“You're sober. That must be a nice change.” You smirked and Sam immediately backed off. He didn’t want to get in the middle of this but wanted to see how it would play out.
“Look, you’re in my house now. We do things a certain way and we don’t need you fucking up this whole case because you can’t follow orders.” Dean glared at you.
“I’m not you, Dean. I won’t let ‘daddy’ give me orders and boss me around. Not my style.” You barked back. Dean was about to start punching when thankfully Sam stepped in between you and him.
“Okay, I’ll show you to your room. Come on.” Sam grabbed your arm and led you away from Dean who burned a hole in your skull from how hard he was staring at you. You walked with Sam on his side of the Bunker before settling into a room.
“I can’t believe his arrogant ass.” You sighed and threw your duffel bag on the bed.
“Y/N, he does this because he cares.” Sam sighed.
“No, Sam. Dean doesn’t care about anyone but himself. I just want this case to be over so I can leave. He doesn’t want me here and frankly, I don’t either.” You sighed as you sat on the bed.
“Then why did you agree to come?” Sam asked, leaning against the door frame.
“Because of you. Because there is some part of me that believes Dean can change. But he always proves me wrong and that belief gets smaller and smaller. Soon, it will be gone and you won’t be enough anymore.” You said truthfully.
“So… what you’re saying is that you came for Dean,” Sam smirked and you rolled your eyes before throwing a pillow at him. He easily dodged it and laughed before stepping out of your room.
“We leave at 7 tomorrow morning so be ready by then. I have a feeling Dean will leave you if you’re not.” Sam informed you before leaving out of your sight.
The first half of the case went by easily. It was spent interviewing people and doing research so there wasn’t anything you can screw up there. Dean didn’t bark orders at you and you thought this case would be peaceful until the actual hunt came. That is when the Dean you knew came out.
“Alright, stay by my side. We stick together.” Dean cocked his gun and looked at you and Sam. Sam was about to agree but you spoke.
“Hell no, we should split. We’d cover more ground that way.” You scoffed.
“No, Y/N, listen to me. We don’t have time for this. Kitsune’s are very strong even for Sam and I.”
“So, what you’re saying is that I’m weak? I won’t be able to handle myself?” You asked with a scoff.
“Would you get your head out of your ass for one second and listen to me? I know what I’m doing. We stick together!” Dean glared at you.
“I can lure it out. It eats pituitary glands. I can give her mine and then we’ll have her.”
“No, you’re going to get yourself killed that way. We do this my way.” Dean glared.
“You two can do that. I’d rather it be my life than one of yours.” You said before quickly running off.
“Y/N! No! Shit! Why does she do that?” Dean spat angrily.
“Go after her, then if you’re so worried. I can handle my own.” Sam said, assuring his brother. Dean stared at Sam before nodding. Dean ran in the direction you did, leaving Sam alone. He could sense the sexual tension between you two all week and it would be good for you two to get it out of your systems.
You ran through the woods and kept your eyes peeled for the woman--the kitsune. While Dean had a gun to slow it down, you and Sam had the knives that would kill it when thrust in the heart. You just had to find the bitch before she slipped through your fingers.
“I know you’re out there. Come on, I have some… fresh… pituitary glands for you. I know you want them.” You said and a figure stepped in your path. It was her, the kitsune.
“Hey sugar, looking for me?” You asked and she growled before running at you full speed. You weren’t expecting this and she knocked right into you, pinning you to the ground. Her claws slid out from underneath her nails but you easily dodged her swipes. You looked around for your dagger since you must have dropped it when she pushed you over. Your hand swiped the ground until it came into contact with a rock, which you grabbed. Without looking at the size of it, you raised your hand and smashed the rock to the side of her head.
She howled in pain and toppled off you and you used this opportunity to get away. You got to your knees and found your knife but you weren’t quick enough to grab it. She pounced on your back and grabbed fistfuls of your hair before tugging it back. She growled and retracted her claws so she could dig into your head for your brains.
“Hey!” You both heard someone say. You looked at the intruder and saw it was Dean who pointed a gun at the monster. Shut, you knew you would get yelled at later.
“Leave her alone.” Dean quickly shot the woman and she fell back, giving you time to grab your knife and swiftly turn around before plunging it into her heart. She gasped and stared at you as the light left her eyes.
“See? I told you I had it covered.” You grinned and looked at Dean who wasn’t amused.
“What the hell were you thinking?” Dean yelled at you when you walked into your room back at the Bunker. Dean waited until you got back to yell at you but all you wanted was to take a shower and go to bed.
“I got it covered!” You sighed and looked at him, not in the mood.
“You could have gotten killed! In fact, you would have gotten killed if it weren’t for me! AGAIN! This wouldn’t have happened if you just did what you were told for once!” Dean screamed.
“I thought you hated me! Why would you care if I’m killed or not?” You yelled back.
“I will not let your life become my responsibility and when you take on my case, it is!”
“There you go again, Dean, always thinking about yourself! I did this for you! I put my life in danger FOR YOU!”
“I thought you hated me! Why would you care about me?” Dean asked with a glare, backing you up until your back hit your dresser.
“I don’t hate you! God! If I hated you, I wouldn’t have taken this case!” You and Dean stared at one another as both your chest heaved from the intense fight. He dared to sneak a peek at your lips and you didn’t know what overcame you but you leaned up and smashed your lip against his.
He seemed to have the same idea and picked you up by your thighs and slammed you into the wall, kissing you back. You threaded your fingers in his hair and tugged, earning a low growl from him. The kiss was nothing but slow, it was all teeth and tongue. This was filled with so much passion, there were no needs for words. How you truly felt about Dean and how he truly felt about you was being said through your actions.
He forced his tongue into your mouth which you accepted and moaned at the feel of it. His grip on your thighs tightened and you knew there would be bruises tomorrow but you didn't care about that. He moved you away from the wall and laid you on the bed, yanking your shirt off. This was really happening and you wouldn’t regret one minute of it.
“I’m sorry, Dean,” you said after a long moment of silence. You two were finished, lying in bed next to one another. The sex was hot and passionate but now it was time to let out those mushy gushy feelings. When Dean didn't say anything, you continued.
“I’m sorry for never following directions. I don’t hate you if that’s what you think. I guess I care so much, I’m overwhelmed by all this emotion, I don’t know what to do with it. I know you’re not a bad guy. It was my way of keeping my distance. If I kept finding things to hate about you, I wouldn’t get hurt.”
“I guess I feel the same way,” Dean spoke after a while. You turned your head and stared into his eyes. “You scared me when I saw that kitsune grab you. I thought she was going to kill you. I have my problems and so do you but we can work it out. I’m sorry too.”
You reached up and cupped his cheek, running your thumb over his freckled skin. You leaned up and pressed your lips to his gently this time. He kissed you back but you pulled away quickly before laying your head on his chest.
“What does this mean for us?” You whispered.
“Let’s not think about that now.” He said, pulling you closer to his body.
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The Queens:
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The Dean Beans:
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No Conditions, No Reservations - Chapter 5
The longest chapter I’ve ever written. Ya’ll are getting all the goodies today, haha.
Word count: 1803
Warnings: None, this is all fluff and humor and a bit of au soulmate science because I can’t help myself
The next morning you padded down to the kitchen for breakfast. Tony was already there and pouring himself some coffee, while Bruce was at the kitchen table eating a bowl of cereal.
“So, Y/N,” Tony launched into conversation as soon as he saw you, “if Shuri and I were to, say, design you an arm like the one Barnes has, what input would you have for the aesthetical design?”
“Well, I suppose I’d want it to be feminine and badass,” you replied with a laugh, “but I don’t think an arm like that would work for me. Bucky had a regular arm before his metal one. I’ve never had a left arm, so my brain wouldn’t have the neural pathways in place to control it.”
“I have a theory about that,” Bruce offered from the table. “Tony and I talked about this. The way soulmates work is still pretty much a scientific mystery, but what we do know is that your body and Bucky’s are in a way linked. It’s possible that his neural pathways for controlling his left arm are also in your brain, but the only way we can find out for sure is to give you an arm and map your brain’s reaction.”
You took the mug of coffee Tony offered you and considered what Bruce had said. If it was possible for you to have two arms, did you want to? There was a lot you would have to relearn if you had two arms, but there was also a lot you could do that you hadn’t been able to until now.
“You’re serious about giving me an arm?” you asked the two of them. They both nodded and waited patiently as you thought. “Then I think I’d like to try,” you finally said, taking a sip of your coffee. “But can we not tell Bucky yet? It’s experimental, and I don’t want him to worry.”
“That shouldn’t be a problem,” Tony confirmed as his face lit up with a smile. “I’ll call Shuri!” He darted off in a direction you assumed led to his lab.
Bruce smiled at Tony’s excitement before turning his eyes back to you. “You really don’t have to do this if you don’t want to,” he assured you. “Tony won’t be offended if you’d rather stay the way you are. I’m sure missing an arm has been an even bigger part of your life than any of us are capable of imagining.”
“I know, but I really do think I’d like to try. It’s not like my whole identity is wrapped up in missing an arm; it’s just something I’ve had to live with. Plus I’ve never been one to shy away from trying something new, and this certainly qualifies.”
“As long as you’re sure,” Bruce nodded. “If you change your mind just let us know.”
“I appreciate your concern, and I’ll keep that in mind.”
Bruce deposited his now-empty bowl in the dishwasher and gave you a small nod as he followed after Tony and left you alone with your thoughts.
Did you really want this? You had never cared much for wearing prosthetics, but this wouldn’t be a prosthetic in the same way yours was. This wouldn’t be an attempt at seeming “normal” or “whole.” This one would actually work like a regular arm. It would be something you had in common with Bucky, and that thought felt rather comforting.
Yes, you decided, you really did want this. You just didn’t want Bucky to know about it yet.
The gym was full of the sounds of sparring practice when you stumbled across it. Exploring your new home had seemed like a fun idea, but you were definitely lost by now and hoped you’d find someone you knew.
You definitely knew the pair you found. Steve and Bucky were in the middle of a sparring match, moving around the ring throwing and dodging punches. Neither was wearing a shirt and you couldn’t take your eyes off of Bucky’s torso, watching the muscles move as he grappled with Steve.
Steve was the first to notice you staring. He smirked at you and twisted the two of them around so Bucky could see you were there. Your presence surprised him enough that Steve got the upper hand and soon had his friend pinned to the floor.
“Looks like I win today,” Steve smirked as he helped Bucky up.
“Yeah, but I get a pretty consolation prize,” Bucky grinned, ducking out of the ring. His arms wrapped you in a hug and you breathed in the smell of sweat and leather and Bucky. “What brings you here, doll?”
“I got lost while exploring,” you admitted sheepishly. “I heard you two sparring and was hoping it would be someone I knew.”
“Too bad it was just us,” joked Steve as he joined the two of you. He pulled on a shirt and tossed one to Bucky.
“No.” You grabbed the shirt from your soulmate before he could put it on and buried your face back in his chest, clinging to him. “Leave it off. I like this.”
“Doll,” Bucky chuckled, blushing, “I’m done with my workout. I need to get ready for the rest of the day. I can even give you a guided tour of the tower so you won’t get lost again, but,” he gently tugged on the fabric in your hands, “I’m gonna need my shirt first.”
“So extend your workout.” You grinned at him cheekily. “Spar with me.”
Steve choked on his water. “I think I’ll leave you two alone,” he said, making a bid for the exit.
Bucky looked bewildered. “I’m not gonna spar with you, doll. You could get hurt.”
Ignoring his protests, you ran to the ring and climbed in. “Come on, Barnes,” you teased, “you afraid of getting beaten by a girl?”
“Doll,” he explained patiently, “you only have one arm and I’m a super soldier.”
“And I,” you countered, “have the same additional strength and healing capabilities, plus a job where I lug books around all day. I’m not delicate. Come on, spar with me.”
Bucky gave in with a sigh. “Fine, but I’m stopping if I even think you might get hurt.”
He climbed in the ring and took his stance, cocking an eyebrow at the stance you took. You merely smiled at him. Bucky made the first move, and within twenty seconds you had him on the floor, pinned under your legs.
“What the –”
Your laughter hid the end of his sentence.
“Seriously, doll, where did you learn how to do that?” he asked as you let him up.
You shrugged. “My soulmate got stabbed or shot every few years. Self-defense classes were a high priority.”
“Next time I’ll know not to go easy on you,” he grinned, rubbing the back of his head. “You fight like Nat, and I mean that as the highest compliment.”
“Sorry to interrupt,” a voice spoke from the ceiling. “Mr. Stark would like me to inform you that as fun as you both have been to watch, Ms. Y/L/N is needed in the lab and Mr. Barnes is needed in the debriefing room.”
“Thank you, F.R.I.D.A.Y.,” Bucky sighed. “I guess next time will have to be later. Can I have my shirt now?”
You tossed him his shirt and he slipped it on.
“Catch you later, soldier.” You kissed him before heading in the direction of the lab.
Bucky watched you retreat down the hallway and sighed. Yeah, you were his soulmate, but he still felt like a kid with a crush. All he wanted to do was chase after you and spend the day with you in his arms.
Reluctantly, he turned toward the debriefing room. He’d have to catch up with you later.
“Hi!” The smiling girl on the monitor waved at you. “I’m Shuri. I designed Bucky’s current arm and will be working with Tony to design yours as well.”
“Hi, Shuri.” You returned the wave. “I’m Y/N.”
“So, first things first,” Tony said, motioning to a square marked off on the floor. “We need full scans of your dimensions and mass so the arm will be perfectly balanced with your flesh one. Your shoulder seems to have fully developed the muscles required to move the arm you don’t yet have, probably thanks to Barnes, so while having a left arm will probably feel foreign, it shouldn’t be too much for your shoulder to handle. Stand here and Friday will do all the work.”
Shuri spoke up as you stepped into the square and were surrounded by holographic diagnostics. “Tony said you requested something ‘feminine and badass.’ Did you have an idea of what that looks like in your mind?”
“Not specifically,” you replied, “but I like the contrast in Bucky’s arm. His previous one was mostly silver, but this one is darker with bronze-colored accents along the plating. I really like how that looks.”
Shuri was typing something as you talked, adding in the diagnostics F.R.I.D.A.Y. was sending her.
“How’s this?” she asked as a holographic prototype appeared in front of her. Your eyes went wide with wonder.
You gasped. “It’s perfect!”
Bucky found Nat and Clint waiting for him in the briefing room.
“Hey, guys, F.R.I.D.A.Y. said I was needed here?”
“We’ve been elected to give you the talk,” Nat said, her face expressionless.
“The talk?” Bucky was confused. “What talk do you mean?”
“The ‘how to not get distracted when your soulmate is always around’ talk,” Clint explained.
Bucky cocked his head. “And why were you two elected for giving me this “talk”?”
Clint shrugged. “Because I’m good at giving it and Nat is scary so maybe you’ll listen?”
“What’s really going on?” Bucky squinted, his eyes shifting between the pair facing him.
The door behind him closed and locked.
“We may have been asked to keep you away from Y/N for a few hours so she can plan a surprise,” Nat smirked at him.
“And, ‘Bucky, go away, I’m planning a surprise,’ wasn’t good enough?”
Clint shook his head. “Don’t ever question a woman with a say in your love life, Barnes. That’s rule number three, right after never tell a woman she looks fat and never guess their age or weight. Four is never ask if a woman’s pregnant, by the way, no matter how far along she looks.”
Bucky shot Nat a pained expression. “If I promise to stay away from Y/N until she seeks me out, can I get out of listening to him for the next few hours?”
“Nope,” she laughed, “you’re stuck with us.”
Bucky flopped into a seat and placed his head in his hands as Clint launched into his full list of rules for dealing with women. It was going to be a long afternoon.
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