redyrmes · 5 months
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hhh designing colourzas in the year of out lord 2024 and i have sO MUCH to say about them,, spent the last few days assigning each of them a wingless + winged animal and ended up with this (also! the not underlined animals are the ones not explicitly used in their designs)
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ill put my notes about them all under the cut because theres a lot but the big ones are:
- blueza and redza twin propaganda cos theyre the only hooved animals here
- grayzas winged bird is the only flightless one because i thought that would be funny, also the name is just so ominous for no reason which i also thought would be funny
-yellowza is so difficult to find animals for but i settled on peacock pansy butterfly because peacocks are fancy n stuff and hes fancy n stuff, but peacocks are purple, so the yellow bug equivalent is the best i can do for him. I have yet to decide on a winged animal for him lol..also hes sucha bug to me, ik hes canonically a bird but hes such a bug. however if he was a bird he would be a birds of paradise bird, absolutely, no questions asked
anyway heres more notes i wrote down a few days ago
bugs- |||
bats- | (rip redza hes alone)
birds- |||| (counting phil)
sidenote purplezas, redzas and bluezas animals are the only ones that dont match their colours and are neutral colours instead
—Redza is the only bat because he’s the first one who existed i think. also because his vibes match bats and nobody else matches bats but i gotta make it Lore. also he’s one of the only two hoofed+wingless animals, along with blueza, because redza blueza twin propaganda..and hes an ibex instead of anything else because i think the long, straight horns suit him better than others. there was also like. the addax, eland, oryx, ect but i decided goat > antelope because goats are smaller and more gremliny + association with the devil or somthin?? also he gets a funny little goatee
—Orangeza is a red fox bcos fox = cunning n smart idk….and that species because of its orange fur, pretty simple not given much thought but thats okay, it matches him pretty well i think. also i hc that one of his front moth wings (the brown ones, they cover the orange wings) got damaged so he patched it up with orange something because more orange and haha inventor guy fixes things you know. its okay i don’t either
-Yellowza was gonna be a longhorn beetle but they’re too orange. then a bumblebee but he’s not. he’s not a bee. but i finally settled on peacock pansy because peacocks are like. fancy n shit but he cant be a peacock because they’re purple, so yellow butterfly version is the next best thing. ALSO ik hes like canonically a bird and stuff,but MAN. HES JUST A BUG TO ME. but if he was a bird he would absolutely be a birds of paradise bird because Yes. honorable mention to the great tailed grackle.
his wingless animal was a STRUGGLE and i have yet to pick it hahaskmb….also i characterize him as a material girl instead of cheery optimist because there are enough cheery optimists 
—Blueza was the easiest to decide lmao, he’s just a deer. either that or a moose, but deer are more gentle also thats like canon so yeah..white tailed deer 🦌 oh holy shit deer emojiand redza blueza twin propaganda, he’s one of the only two hoofed wingless animals here yesyes
his winged animal had to be a bird, preferable a dove because symbolism and whatnot right? he got mourning dove because fluffy lad + theres no white doves in the wild so i cant make him a white dove. probably going to draw him with whiter wings though to match his colour pallet haha, i dunno i haven’t really given him much thought
—it was so difficult to decide if Purpleza was a bird or a bug but i ended up with bird, because he’s a fluffy guy not a bug guy? and then choosing a bird was pain because theres so many pretty purple birds i really like but he’s more of a black bird, emo ass mfer
couldn’t make him a crow, raven felt off, considered grackles bcos they have purple wing shine whatever its called but they’re too social skdhdkfgngcn..solitary caciques had a good chance because they’re black birds that are very antisocial, literally purpleza. BUT I eventually decided on purple honeycreeper because they’re dark purple with black wings, and hang out in small groups with other species of birds, i think that speaks for itself.
and cat because cat
-might change the wingless animal of Pinkza idk axolotl feels too easy? but the only other guys i have are like. naked mole rat and pink dolphin and i cant implement those in a way that makes sense in my head LOL
and he’s a butterfly right, the pink rose butterfly really suits him i think but not his light color pallet. the other pink butterflies don’t suit him really, and the pink moths all have yellow which no. but then i found the pink orchid mantis. who is so soft and gentle looking, but uses its soft and pretty appearance to kill. so yknow the second i saw it i was like yup. pinkza
—Grayza (greyza?? i forgot sob) is the only flightless colorza, i thought it would be funny cos he’s this eldritch horror but he’s the only land bound one haha, also ayem cemani is death omen chicken in my head. and for his flightless animal, he’s a snake he’s very much a snake what do you want from me he’s just a snake
anmd i don’t want to think about whiteza until im done with these dont make me think about whiteza
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arcaneyouth · 6 months
the good news is im not in pain rn so i am very much doing my best to enjoy it
the bad news is i am still fucking exhausted from sleeping through the pain and i do in fact needt o get up and eat breakfast so i can go to urgent care
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lesbx · 1 year
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girl of all time
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alexa-fika · 8 months
Pops reacting to childreader 💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💳💸💸💸🪙💰
I have been cliff hung 1 to many times...
*this part opt but I have a feel either dragon or winged reader would be kinda scared at first.. cus he's built fucking different bro*
Wandering Dragon pt2 (Whitebeard Pirates x fem!reader)
A/N: Homie you got me dying with the comment uou left on the last post and the request made me cough out a lung 😂. What do y’all think bout this one? Cause I think I COOKED, it’s really wholesome
Part one With Whitebeard pirates and revolutionary army
Dividers by @/saradika
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“And you know what? Even if you are only 8, I’m sure Pops isn’t going to turn you away. He’s gonna love you, Reader. You are just that darn adorable.”
She digs her head in his shoulder.
He snickers, feeling her face hearing up
“Aww. You’re so cute, you know that? What happened to the bold rascal?” he teases, gently stroking her head and hair.
The only response he receives is a gentle swat from her tail
Ace laughs even more.
“Aww, is that your way of saying you’re shy? “he says, pulling her closer.
“And a bit of a brat, aren’t you? Don’t think I missed that tail swat. But I can’t stay mad at such a cutie, now can I?” Thatch snickers, ruffling her hair
“Hmm... I need to bring you to Pops. You’re getting clingy already.”
She gasps and shoots up
“Am not!”
Ace laughs a bit.
“Are too!” he says, playfully poking her nose.
She pouts
Thatch grins at their interaction and gestures to Ace, who nods slightly; he approaches the girl slowly and suddenly digs his fingers in her.
She shrieks as he starts tickling her as she tries to wriggle out of Ace’s grasp
Thatch laughs loudly at seeing her struggling.
“Heh.. that’s adorable,”
She begins flapping her wings, getting out of his grasp, and flies up and out of the Storage room, giggling
“H-Hey, come back here.”
She laughs, looking back at them as they try to catch up to her, a similar emotion on their faces; as they chase her, she fails to notice where she is going, crashing right into someone.
“Ow, So…rry?” she begins, but her words die out as she sees who she crashed into, as right in front of her was a man the size of a mountain.
She wraps her wings around herself, coiling her tail around her body in a similar manner as she tries to hide from the man in front of her in fear.
The man is none other than Whitebeard himself, looking down at the young stowaway.
“Hm... who are you?” he asks, glancing at the men who run and stop behind her.
Ace laughs, pointing at her.
“We found her below deck. She says her name’s Reader. Looks like she was exploring before we happened upon her. Probably didn’t even know she was on our ship.”
She whimpers, wrapping her limbs tighter around herself until someone slowly steps closer and kneels down next to her; she takes a peek, spotting a man whose appearance reminded her of a pineapple
Marco smiles at the girl.
“Hey, kid. Don’t be scared. I’m not gonna hurt you,” he says softly in a soothing tone for her.
She stares at him but makes no movement to release her defensive stance
He approaches slowly before squatting in front of her.
“Look, I’m the first division commander of this ship. It’s fine. You’re in safe hands. And that guy you crashed into...”
He points at the big guy.
“That’s our captain. Edward Newgate, but most of us just call him Pops. He’s a real sweetheart. But he can be a bit of an intimidating when you first meet him.”
She sniffles, glancing at the man towering next to them and back to Marco, and then glances at Thatch and Ace behind her
Ace and Thatch smile, seeing her look at them.
“Don’t worry,” Ace says gently
“Pops, he’s not gonna hurt you either. No way.” Ace confirms
“Marco’s right. I know he may look intimidating, but he’s like a father to all of us; he would never hurt you,” Thatch says, backing his crewmates up
She glances back to Marco in front of her
He’s still smiling softly at her, not pushing her to come out of her defensive position.
“Do you want to come say hi to him?”
She nods, slowly unfurling herself
Marco gently grabs her hand, walking her right up to Whitebeard himself. He gently nudges her forward so she and the captain can meet each other.
She glances up at him, stretches her wing, and slowly flies up so that she is face-to-face with him
“..ny…mi…ter” she mumbles
He raises an eyebrow
“What was that?”
“You look funny, mister,” she mutters
Whitebeard laughs uproariously.
“Haha! Do I look funny? That is quite an interesting description, young lady. I mean, I suppose I look a bit weird but funny? You’re the only person to ever say that to me.” he snickers
“I like this one, bold one,” he says, glancing down at his sons
“And she’s pretty feisty, I can tell. Not too many kids can call Whitebeard funny,” Thatch adds in
“She’s one of a kind, that’s for sure,” Marco says, smiling at her
“She’s a clingy one, too,” Ace adds
This snaps her out of her shy, fear-filled state as she flies down and barrels into Ace
“Am not!”
Ace laughs, catching her.
“See, clingy!” he says teasingly.
“And a brat, can’t forget that,” Thatch scoffs.
Whitebeard laughs louder, amused by his crew’s responses
She hmph fluttering away from the pair and closer to the giant; she began buzzing around him
Whitebeard chuckles, amused by her playful behavior, as he begins playing with her, making her flutter around.
“Heh, you’re a real-spirited kid. Almost reminds me of a certain someone I know,” he says, looking over to Ace.
“Are you a dragon? You’re big like one.”
Whitebeard laughs at her question, amused by the comparison.
“No, I’m not a dragon. I’m a Human, just a very, very big one.”
“Do you know much about what a devil fruit is, kid?” he asks her
“Yeah! Mister Sabo told me about it! They give you these superb powers, right?”
Ace’s eyes widen
“Oi kid, come over here a sec.”
“Hmm?” They dive down towards the three men
“Who did you say told you about a devil fruit?”
“Mister Sabo!”
Ace grins
“By any chance, did this Sabo tell you if he had a devil fruit?”
“Yeah! He said he had a Mera Mera fruit. I thought he was a dragon since he could make fire, but he said he wasn’t a dragon.” She pouts as she says this
“He just ate the Mera Mera and was a fireman! And it’s so funny, 'cause there was this grumpy guy called Dragon, and he wasn’t a dragon either! I was so sad,” she rambles on
Ace burst into laughter, igniting his hand on fire in a similar fashion Sabo had done back then
She looks at it and glances between the flame and Ace’s face a few times
“It’s you!”
Ace grins at her before extinguishing the flames on his hand
“It is me,” he says, confirming the little girl’s discovery
“Mister Sabo said you and him had the same mera mera fruit, which is never heard of!”
Ace nods
“Yup, that’s about right. Me and Sabo both ate a specific type of fruit known as the Mera Mera no Mi; I got really hurt a while ago, was gone for a minute there, which is why we think the mera mera appeared again, and he ate it, so now we both have it’s power” he said pointing to a big scar on his chest
“That’s so cool!” She squeals
“Ah! Are you okay? That looks like a pretty big scar!”
Ace chuckles
“I’m fine now; got seen by the best doctors to get a look at it; one of them is the guy behind you!”
She glances at Marco
“Mister Pineapple did?!”
Marco stills as her comment slight red tint growing on his face while Ace and Thatch start laughing uncontrollably; even Whitebeard lets out a snort at her exclamation
Marco sighs, shaking his head with a slight smile on his face
“Really are a little Rascal,” he mutters
“Yes, I helped patch him up a while back, used my devil fruit,” he said as his body ignited in flames
She gasps
“Did you also eat Mera Mera?”
Marco chuckles
“Not quite. I also ate a devil fruit, but unlike Sabo and Ace, I ate the Tori Tori no Mi.”
“Wah? There’s more than one type?”
“There are hundreds, if not thousands, of them. Each grants you a different power.”
“Superb! Mister Pops, what about you? What fruit did you eat?”
“Me? Well, I happen to have eaten the Gura Gura no Mi. It was a long time ago when I ate it, but it’s a very powerful one. It allows you to control earthquakes and vibrations.” Whitebeard explains with a smile on his face
“That's so cool,” they squeal
“It certainly is,” Whitebeard says, smiling.
“I can do all sorts of things with it, like this.”
He raises his hand, and a massive shockwave emanates from it, shaking the Moby Dick to its core. It even causes the little girl to fly backward into Ace’s arms.
The tiny child squeaks, her coordination being thrown off at the sudden movement
She takes a second to get her surroundings straight but marvels at Whitebeard’s display
“Haha, see what I meant? Pretty potent fruit, huh?” Whitebeard asks, seemingly pleased that the girl is so engaged by his abilities.
Ace takes this as a chance to play around with the little girl a bit, holding her and swinging her slightly as she lands in his arms.
“Ah, that reminds me, Reader, you hungry? I can prepare you something. Got you this in the meantime,” he says, throwing an apple her way
“Thank you! Here!” She says, coughing; the others look worried; their worried stares soon turn into something else as she coughs up some gold coins, offering them to Thatch
They just stare at it dumbfounded as she coughs up gold coins.
“What the hell?!” Thatch exclaims
“Watch your language around her,” Ace says, slapping the back of his head
“Why you…” he growls as they begin brawling
Reader flies above them, laughing at their interactions
“You have a wild family, Mister Pops”
Whitebeard sighs, chuckling at his son’s antics.
“Oh, you have no idea, girl,” he chuckles
Marco laughs quietly at the both of them,
“Settle down, boys,” he chides them, not moving to try and settle the argument between the two of them; as Reader continues laughing at the chaos unfolding, Whitebeard glances at her.
“Man… you’re gonna be a real handful for all of us, aren’t ya?” Whitebeard chuckles
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I was intending this to be a real short one but then I couldn’t find a place to stop it without it being to sudden so I just kept going I found a place I could have cut it but then I was like nah, we need more.
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pinkchrissysposts · 3 months
"I already am though" challenge~
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Here is the challenge guysss
And before the challenge starts I want you all to take up this challenge seriously and also have fun through out this challenge. And remember this challenge is not more power then yourself,this challenge is all about persisting and trusting yourself.
From the title itself you may be able to know what the challenge is about,if not,don't worry your Chrissy is here to explain the challenge,so the goal of this challenge is to start BEING the person you want to be as in the person who already have the desires also this challenge is gonna be intense.
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🌊. First of all guys we are gonna script some of you may not want to but trust me please. Take a notebook or open your note pad script down as if you are writing a letter to your past self tell them you have everything the present you wished for tell them that you have finally shifted,manifested everything and you are happy,don't stop until you feel satisfied.
As you are writing don't think about what to write just go with the flow write down whatever comes in your mind until it stops. And you will feel an ecstasy while writing as uou are slowly getting in the state as you write it in a flow like state.
As you have done the first part of the challenge let's go to intense part.
🌊. From here I want you all to affirm ion care what you say just affirm as the person who wrote the letter as in your future self,use robotic or askformation but as long you are being able to get in the state or keep the negative thoughts away use any method not just affirming.
🌊. I want you all to also do EFT tapping you can use chatGPT for creating eft tapping affirmations,and also use breathworks before bed becauseit helps slowing down the brainwaves I also box breathwork and diaphragmatic breathwork are recommend but you can use any that works for you.
(You can do EFT tapping anytime you want no specific routine)
🌊. Do lullaby method or SATS as you fall asleep.
But in all seriousness you have to start enjoying being the person who wrote the letter,if you feel anxious read the letter again as much as you want,make it your goal to feeling what you FELT while writing the letter natural,don't look at the 3D or think from 3D,look at the 4D and think from 4D. Persist in the 4D not 3D.
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leeneir · 10 months
Relationship; Iso x Gender Neutral!Reader Headcanons
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This is my first time posting stuff like this so idk how it fully works but I'm figuring things out🫶
These are mostly based off of what I have written for my Iso x oc ship, I'm sorry for that but take what you like💙💙🫶
Iso at first introduction isn't talkative. He's not necessarily an asshole, but he is introverted. Either you'll have to pull the first move quickly, or let him warm up to you
Very much goofy. If you have loose locks of hair, Iso will push it back and forth with his finger like a cat.
Iso LOVES food, but he's also picky. He's the type to eat his favorite food nonstop, but if there's something he doesn't like, he won't eat it. If you don't mind, he'll let you have it.
Boy is RICH. Not like presumably Chamber, but he's an infamous assassin that can kill dozens at a time. He's got money for sure. Iso will spoil you with clothes, food, items, literally anything you want he'll buy it for you. Oh, there's a really nice top you saw at the store earlier? He'll buy all the options available. (Bonus: He knows your size and preferences.)
LOVES holding you. It doesn't really mean holding you. Iso will simply put a hand on the small of your back and just keep it there while you're talking to other agents.
Iso is a jealous type but it isn't too much of an issue. He'll notice how you were extra chatty with Yoru during training or how you volunteered to help Sage the entire day and he'll get a bit annoyed that you aren't spending time with him too. Later that, he'll come into your room with a knock and literally just bury his face in your neck while keeping his arms firmly around your waist. You wouldn't see it, but he's definitely pouting.
Adding on to the last HC, Iso will stay like this with you even though your standing. If you complain that your tired, he'll simply pull away, pick you up, and carry you to your bed where he'll snuggle up to you for the next few hours.
Iso isn't open about your relationship. He's not one for PDA, the most he'll do is just place a hand on your shoulder or back. No one even knows he has feelings for you (even you earlier on). But behind closed doors, he's one big softie.
Iso has of playlists for any scenario. You're on a mission and he misses you? He's got one. You two are together and he's just staring at uou lovingly? Yup, got one for that too. Both of you are with the other agents and you're on opposite ends of the group and it feels like a slowburn friends to lovers romance? You bet. This man has playlists for a n y t h i n g .
Iso does that thing where when you're aim training and your form is a bit wrong, he'll hold you and guide you properly and intimately. There's no room between you guys.
If you get injured on a mission, Iso will beg Sage in his mother tongue to stay by you and make sure you're. He doesn't tell her about your relationship, but because he's asking in their native language, Sage has a suspicion that there's more than he's leading on. (Bonus: She's the first to figure out your relationship but is a good bro and doesn't tell.)
Iso is an artist. He's more into environmental sketching, but he'll occassionally draw you. He gets embarrassed when you find out and probably assumes you think he's a creep. Show him some TLC and reassure him that you love the drawings, it'll get you a kiss.
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wonusdoll · 1 year
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Synopsis: Jisungs a hopeless romantic and gets jealous easily
Content: fluff! cavity inducing fluff so fluffy i wanna cry
pairing: Childhood Bestfriend!Jisung x reader
notes+ WHY DOES NOBODY WRITE FOR JISUNGGGG i had to take matters into my own hands so here you go :D this was originally gonna contain smut but i couldnt help myself with the fluff anyways, enjoy!!
You and Jisung weren't always friends. When your mom introduced her best friends second grader son, 4th grade you didn't mind. Until he started playing with your stuff, jumping on your bed, stealing your snacks, and blaming you on things he did and getting you in trouble.
Naturally, you started resenting him, dreading when he would come over, and chose to ignore him at school, finding it embarrassing whenever he would go over to you and your friends at the playground and ask to play with them. your friends found him cute, but you, you hated him.
Going into your middle school years, he slowly got more tolerable. He started understanding boundaries but still was the same annoying little kid.
In some point of time, Jisung turned from an annoying little kid who yelled and cried all the time to one of your closest friends. And then when he finally started high school, you guys started hanging out willingly, without his mom forcing him to go over.
Some days you would catch him in your living room watching tv with your dog, or accidentally walking in on him showering in your bathroom, or in your kitchen making ramen. Sometimes he would bring his friends over to your house. You honestly didn't mind that much as long as they never broke anything, or disturbed her in any way, which jisung made sure never happened.
"Jisung?? That you??" You yelled from the top of the stairs after hearing feet shuffling and the front door opening and closing. The two of you made plans to watch horror movies and have a sleepover to celebrate the new season of autumn.
"Nope!" Jisung yelled back, making you go downstairs with a grin. But you immediately furrowed your brows and bit your inner cheek, upon seeing 6 other people. you knew them, jisung would bring them around sometimes but you didn’t know them.
"Jisung, whats going on?"
He grinned annoyingly cutely back and held up some convenience store bags up and nodded towards his friends, "They wanted to hang out but my mom banned us from the house after last time.”
You scoff and look at him like he was crazy, "What- are you kidding me?" You say just above a whisper, flickering your eyes between him and the guys behind him, "I thought we were gonna hang out?? You didn't even ask if it was okay to bring them over? if you wanted to hang out with them instead you should've just told me."
With a smirk, jisung was much closer than you remember him being, he tucked a few stray strands of your hand back, "I'm sorry princess i should have asked, hm? If we're too much of a bother we'll quiet down okay?" He pulled away and looked into your eyes, pleading and begging for uou to say yes.
You mask your flustered state with a sigh and wiping your face with your hand as if annoyed.
"Fine, whatever, just— leave me alone im gonna go study" you warn making him grin and ruffle your hair, juxtaposing his previous act. He's called you princess numerous times before, even when you guys were kids but in that tone, that voice, and devilish smile, it felt different.
You wanted to tell him off for joking around with you like that, making you feel that way. It was something you always felt around him but maybe it was his perfectly messy hair, his oversized hoodie making him look so comfy, his soft plump lips, or his hand in your hair, or the name he called you, but the feeling became overwhelmingly strong, like when a candles been burning for hours and slowly the fire grows bigger and it fills the whole room with its pleasant fumes.
You hung around with them for a bit when you took a break from studying because you couldn't focus. but the reason you couldnt focus was sitting right across from you on the couch, sending lingering glances everybody noticed.
When he catches your gaze you turn away with a light blush but when you catch his, he doesnt shy away, keeping eye contact with you with a look in his eye that you couldnt read for the first time.
In the time you got to formally meet his best friends, you surprisingly got along with all of them. Huang Renjun was the one who stuck out the most out of the 7, other than Jisung who kept eyes on you the whole time.
You got to have a one on one conversation with Renjun about each others favorite music artists, which were quite similar, and art itself. You were already interested in art but with the knowledge and story telling Renjun excitedly provided made you want to learn more. So you guys planned a hang out the next day to an art museum Renjun was fond and familiar with. 
You posted the day out with him on your story with Art Deco - Lana Del Rey in the background.
Jisung always made sure to heart and reply to your story even if it was as simple as an ootd, but this time he didn't. You furrowed your brows and looked at the views and there he was, also active. You tried texting him regularly but you were left on delivered until 7 hours later but all you got was a
"sorry lol"
It hurt your feelings, you couldn't lie. So you texted him again not even 5 seconds later.
"too busy being active to answer? lmfao"
He leaves it on read for a few minutes before replying
"too busy hanging out with renjun? yk we all made plans tgt”
You scoff at his attitude
"whats your problem?? it was HIS choice to hang out with ME. not like you wanted to."
"chill out i just wanted them to meet you, didn't know you were gonna be all over them tho"
"fuck you."
You threw your phone at the end of the bed and hug your pillow against your chest as tears welled up in your eyes. You didn't know why you were so affected by his words, usually you wouldn't even press him so much about not answering, and would just leave him alone but seeing him be so uninterested left a mark on you.
A few nights later you were watching a scary movie in the darkness of your living room when you heard knocks on your front door. you paused the movie to make sure it wasn't from the tv, and when they come again, you look at the time.
"Who's here at 11:30 at night" You whisper to yourself and cautiously approach the door.
Thunder suddenly struck making you whimper and jump back, but you decide to just rip the bandaid off, after all horror movies aren't real right?
"Jisung?!" You exclaim, seeing him standing there out in the pouring rain with his head down ashamed.
You quickly let him in, taking his soaked coat off and telling him to wait while you get a towel.
He was silent while you scolded him for being out in the rain so late without so much as an umbrella.
He finally brung his hands from behind his back, revealing your favorite flowers in an articulated assorted bouquet wrapped in paper.
"Sorry if they're kind of ruined.. I ran all the way here" He sniffles and scratched his nape awkwardly.
You bite your lip remembering your last interaction, "You wanna tell me why?"
"I'm sorry y/n im so sorry im such a fucking loser and a coward for getting mad at you  I never wanted to hurt you i just was so angry that you hung out with Renjun that i took it out on you without thinking and ive been trying to figure out how to apologize to you so i went to the flower shop like 10 times in the past 2 days because i wanted to get you flowers but you have 5 different favorite flowers so i got 5 different bouquets for you then realized that was too much so i just got one with 2 of your favorites but felt bad that i left out the other 3 so i got another one with all of them but they didn't look good so i spent the whole day learning how to make a bouquet to make it perfect for you then realized it was already night and thundering and you hate thunder so i ran all the way here and now they look horrible and ugly and-"
"JISUNG." You put a stop to his rant with a chuckle and put your hands on his pink dusted cheeks. He pants out and looks in your eyes to find any anger or disgust in them but you were smiling, "Hey its okay, i promise its okay," You take the flowers from his hands and bring them up to your face to smell them, "they're beautiful ji, seriously."
He takes another pan over your face to scan your expression to really make sure you weren't mad and one he realized that, he lets out the breath he was holding and chuckles, then laughs a bit harder.
You laugh along with him then card your fingers through his wet hair, "Did you really learn how to make a bouquet of flowers for me? And run all the way here in the rain?" You ask, softly now.
He smiles and takes your hand away to hold it instead, "Yeah.. you know i would swim across the whole ocean just to get these to you. Also whats wrong with learning a new skill, i always wanted to learn how to.. make assorted flowers.." He dryly chuckles at the end.
you could hear your heart thumping out of your chest when you feel the pressure of his eyes staring into your own, as if trying to answer a question he hasn't asked. so you ask your own.
"Jisung," You start making him nod, "Why were you so upset?" You ask, making you swallow thickly.
and suddenly you're hyper aware of everything going on, your breathing, your blinking, the rain and thunder, his facial expressions, his thumb caressing your hand.
Jisung doesnt answer for a second, trying to find the right words. His mouth was drying up, he opened his mouth to speak but nothing came out so he gulped.
He was now holding your hand with both of his hands, "I love you." he blurted, "I love you and Im selfish and only want you to myself, I just wanted to treasure you for my myself and not let other people see how amazing and perfect you are because i was scared you'd fall for them and forget about me so when i saw you were with renjun and saw how excited you were to talk to him and hang out with him i felt.. rejected? in a way? like he had something i didn't to make you feel that way. So i was sad and upset and jealous— god, i was so unbelievably jealous, and i know im not allowed to because we're only best friends and you're allowed to be friends and talk to anybody you want to but i just- i just didn't want you to notice anyone else, and leave me.."
He ended his rant with a sigh and closed his eyes shut, mentally preparing for you to laugh in his face and friend-zone him, but it never came.
When he opened his eyes you were just standing there, not saying anything, with a smile on your face.
You giggled as he looked at you with an expectant look.
His brows furrowed and his hand started slipping from yours “That- thats it? Just okay? You couldn’t have let me down any better-“
“Okay, I wont leave you.”
His expression softened, watching as you laughed and hugged him tightly, burying your face in his chest, “Jisung park, I will never leave you and you can never leave me, if you do i’ll have to kill you.” You tried to threaten him but he just found you adorable, and picked you up in his arms.
You guys laughter filled the room, bouncing around the rooms, sounding almost louder than the rain and thunder.
Suddenly, your enemy turned into your bestfriend who turned into your lover. And you couldn’t have it any other way.
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This can probably be with any version of Shaggy so do what you will 😎
Shaggy x gn!reader who has crow brain and gives Shaggy little rocks/shiny things because they like him but are too shy to say it straight out.
Cue jealous Fred: “…Why don’t I get any cool rocks :(…”
shaggy rogers with a reader who brings him things.
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-> ft. shaggy rogers.
-> warnings. none!
-> mars thoughts. i kinda just merged all the shaggys together so it’s not a specific version!! been waiting for a request for him for forever now <3 divider by @/benkeibear
-> links. m.list || scooby doo m.list || nav.
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okay so he’s not the brightest
he doesn’t realize you’re giving him the stuff as a way to show him you like him
even though daph and velma have hinted it like several times
he’s a little dumb <3
when you give him a rock or something he’s like “uh. thanks!”
and he puts everything you give him on a shelf in his room! <3
lets say daphne is coming to your aid on trying to show him that you like him so like she comes to his house and sees the shelf and her heart is racing cause of how cute that is and she asks him “why do you think they give you these?” and he’s like “idk but i love it”
she was so close to shaking him and screaming
anyways moving on
after awhile he starts bringing you things back!! like pennies, rocks, shiny stuff he found on the floor
and it melts your heart
and it starts to become a little trade you guys do everyday
like you’ll be sitting in the back of the mystery machine together and you’ll shyly hand him a butterfly pin
and he’ll hand you something like. idk a quarter?
and daphne turns around in the middle of y’all doing it
and she’s like “awww! you give eachother stuff! that’s so cute!”
she’s your guys #1 supporter
anyways this is where fred gets jealous
he starts pouting in the front seat like “they don’t give me any cool rocks or anything :(”
daphne lovingly hits him and whispers “THEY DONT HAVE A CRUSH ON YOU FRED.”
and just like that it all clicks in fred’s head and he starts helping daphne get you guys together
i feel like after a little while shaggy starts to actually realize that you’re only giving him stuff and not anyone else
and he tells scooby about it first
and cause scoobys also kinda oblivious to everything he’s like “maybe they just appreciate you as a friend”
and shag agrees but still goes to daph and velma about it cause he needs another opinion
he comes to them like “why do you think y/n gives me all kinds of shiny stuff?”
velma hints it to him at first
he doesn’t get it
so daphne gently lets him know you like him (she full on yells “OH MY GOD THEY LIKE YOU!!”)
and everything in his head just clicks and he has a not silent epiphany
he’s so happy!!
the next day he like awkwardly gives you a rock that has something unreadable on it
so later that day you go to fred who enlightens you that it says he also likes you back cause he’s the only person who can read shaggys handwriting
and then uou go find him
and you both start awkwardly rambling and it’s so cute omg
someon manages to cut though that yes, they like you/him, and it’s like a moment of understanding
and y’all become a couple <3
amd you continue bringing eachother random shit because it’s fun
and daphne and velma and fred are all your biggest fans
might come back to this later idfk
hope u liked it!! <3
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scooby doo taglist: @presidentroarie
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0ccams-chainsaw · 10 months
House and wilson are a dog and his owner as a metaphor for love
House just wants to play games and he eats Wilson’s shoes and he needs attention and he would die without him
he is loyal he will never leave he is just a dog Wilson does not know how houses world revolves around HIM because he pees on the carpet and bites sometimes but it’s not his fault his previous home wasn’t very nice
he is a beast he does not deserve the love Wilson provides he will always come back home he will always listen to Wilson he will try and be good but he was left outside in the cold winter and he can’t trust now
he eats Wilson’s food off the table thinks he’s his guard dog bites new people who get too close wilson leaves he is depressed he waits by the door he tries to forget him but he can’t neither of them can THEY MAKE ME SICK
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Clanblr dashboard simulator is back babye (part 1)
#yes i just finished part 1 #yes im already doing another one #this is really fun to me #hey btw when the follow button is "missing" it isnt missing. #that's your mutuals
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🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
I miss leaf-bareeeeee... my long-haired ass CANNOT with this weather
#shorthairs please dont reblog with "actually i think the warm weather is nice" #then this post isn't for you #robbbinposts
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🔁 🐍xviper-the-fagx reblogged
🐍 xviper-the-fagx
I'm trnasgender
🐍 xviper-the-fagx
Happy 6 moon anniversary to the time I butchered what was supposed to be my cool, unexpected coming-out with a spelling error
🔥 b-b-b-blaaazr Follow
At least the typo wasnt in your url dude
Also. The coming out wasnt unexpected. At all. We all knew.
#fuck you blaze #"we all knew" yeah maybe because i posted about how i wished i was a tom 10 times a day #whacking uou on the head with my manly paws
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🔁 🦁 lionsight-x3 Follow reblogged
🌻 l1llyst3m Follow
Happy bday to @lionsight-x3, my beloved mutual! Cant imagine life without you
🦁 lionsight-x3 Follow
#Was honestly having a TERRIBLE birthday until I saw this. #Love you so much Lilystem.
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🦋 lalala-bluegaze Follow
Am I the only one who didnt know that @ex-thunderclan-kipper is a kittypet??
🛤 carnation-stem-02 Follow
His whole blog, including his url, is based around the fact that he's ex-clan... how are you just now finding this out...
🦋 lalala-bluegaze Follow
I just followed for the wood-scratching art..
#didnt realize he was a kittypet #:/
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🦢 gentlesong-momof17 Follow
Kits are having their apprentice ceremony tomorrow... can't believe they're all grown up. At least my next litter is due in a moon!!
#momlife #queen #leaving the nursery #mom life #nursery queen #perm queen #perm queen life #permanent queen #permanent queen life
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🔁 🪺 robbbinpaw Follow reblogged
🫎 mo0sedude Follow
Im actually gonna die
🫎 mo0sedude Follow
Sorry guys forgot to specify. My assessment is tomorrow. So like. My mentor is gonna decide if I get to become a warrior or not. Im freaking out
🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
Wait. Youre an apprentice still??
🫎 mo0sedude Follow
Ya? My bio says 11 moons- how old did you think I was?
🪺 robbbinpaw Follow
I thought you were 21 moons old! Last time I read your bio was 2 days ago and I swear I thought it said 21!??
#moose ive been thinking you were 21 this whole time #cant believe youre only a moon older than me #this is surreal #robbblogs
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🌠 nightshade-tast3s-yummy Follow
Im on transblr and I keep mixing @l1llyst3m up with @carnation-stem-02... they look nothing alike and post about completely different things I think it's just the (flower)stem names
🛤 carnation-stem-02 Follow
This is extra funny to me considering Lily and I actually became mutuals due to a similar mix-up (someone tagged her where they meant to tag me) but I for the life of me cannot understand how nobody takes one look at our blogs and never makes that mistake again.
🛤 carnation-stem-02 Follow
To the cats in the notes saying "but you're both trans, it's confusing" guys. We arent even the same flavor of gender...
#shes transfemme #im agender #why is this even a source of confusion #we dont even go by the same pronouns..
2,702 notes
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🌱 dirtdigger-23 Follow
Uh... hello?? I think Im on the wrong site... what in the name of StarClan is... Tumblr...
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sincere1ystar · 3 months
you two almost have it all but then life changes its plans (reader sort of takes the role of annie in this)
warnings: typical character death angst
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You have always known as the victor who went “mad”. Walking through district 13 you often hears whispers of pity from everyone saying how deranged you seem to be. Well everyone except Finnick.
Finnick who sees you for who you are, not as some person who went mad because of the games. Finnick who made the effort to comfort you through your nightmares even though he had his own. Finnick who whispered sweet nothings into your ears until you fell asleep.
On days where you’re constantly plaqued by nightmares of the games, Finnick never leaves your side. Katniss and the others notices how Finnick is the only one who can snap you out of your terrors. He takes you to the beach hoping that the sound of the waves will calm you down and when it doesn’t he comforts you through his love.
When Finnick goes off on that mission before you guys could start your honeymoon, you feel a sinking feeling in your stomach. You feel like something is wrong.. no you know something is wrong. But this isn’t the first time you are like this so Finnick reassures you the best he can.
Finnick feels strongly. When your heart hurts, his hurts along with her. When uou feels upset about the past, he can’t help but mirror your emotions. And now when you are pleading and begging for him to stay, he can’t help but want to plead along with you.
When you notice Katniss, Peeta, and the others come back from the mission your heart swells when you realize that means your love is back. Finally back and you’ll never have to leave the warm embrace of his arms ever again. Suddenly all the suffering and endless nights of screams and sobs are worth it, that is until you don’t see Finnick in the crowd.
You notices how everyone is looking at you with… pity? sympathy? You don’t care much because you need to find Finnick, it’s as if you’re a fish desperate to be in the water again.
When you don’t find him you can’t help but think the worse. “No no no you’re just overthinking just like how Finnick always says you do”, you think to yourself, “Soon enough you’ll be in his arms again and you both will laugh about how silly you were when he was alive and healthy the whole time.”
Your bubble of delusion is broken by Katniss, whose words are wary and cautious.
“Hey”-,Katniss attempts to start before you interrupts her.
“Katniss!! Thank god now someone can tell me where Finnick is? Where is he? Where’s Finnick? He’s alright isn’t he? Where is he I want to see him. No I need to see him!!”, you cry out frantically before you give Katniss a chance to finish.
Just then a few other circle Katniss as a sign of some sort of support as she starts to say, “Finnick’s not… He’s not.. He didn’t… make it”.
Just then your world goes quiet. You are surrounded by others giving you their condolences trying to comfort you, but it all goes in one ear and out the other.
Sometimes it feels like you can’t breathe. “It’s like the first time Finnick taught me how to swim and I almost drowned”, you think. Other times you hopelessly cry and cry for hours. “It’s like when I wake up sobbing and screaming from my nightsmres and Finnick’s right there to hold me”, you think. And sometimes you’re just plain out angry as you let the rage take over your mind because you can’t help but just be angry. Angry at the fact that you’ve lost him right before you both almost had it all. “It’s like when I get angry about what the games did to all of us and Finnicks there to help me work through it”, you think. No matter what emotion you feel, you always link Finnick to it.
You have always been surrounded by grief, but you never really knew the strange things it makes you do. You don’t throw out the rope Finnick was tying the last time you saw him, you won’t throw out the half full water bottle he last drank from, and you refuses to clean out any of his things.
Grief also brings you jealousy. When you see Katniss and Peeta finally get their happy ending, you can’t help but mourn what you could have had with Finnick. Of course you’re happy for the couple, who wouldn’t be? But sometimes you find yourself drowning in envy when you see the two of them together. You have that same look in your eye, the same look Katniss had at your wedding with Finnick when Peeta was hijacked. Life’s funny like that, you think.
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askyuuandco · 4 months
Twst Incorrect Quotes 19
Malleus: *goes to Lilia* Greetings Father. My brother (Silver) and I have a request for dinner. ^u^ Lilia: *looks up from his newspaper* What is it then? ;:/ Malleus: the representatives have come to a verdict. We would like Five Guys for dinner. UoU Lilia: *puts paper away* Five Guys? What a presumptuous request. ;:> Malleus: We will also take McDonald's as a compensatory selection. :> Lilia: Do you have treasury for your demands? ;:/ Malleus: Are you asking if I have McDonald's money? O_O' Lilia: Perchance. =v= Malleus: Father Please. My brother and I have been eternally faithful to this house. We will use your funds for the Five Guys Campaign. >m< Lilia: I envision you're aware of the leftover soup in the fridge. >_> Malleus: Yes...I am >n>'/// Malleus: Now would be a good time to mention I got an A on my history test. *hands Lilia his test* UvU' Lilia: *reads it* How convenient. Now tell me, When did you receive this A? >v>
Malleus: Last Month. UvU Lilia: A month ago? :0 Lilia: You waited 4 whole weeks to tell me this triumph so you could leverage it for Five Guys? >:0 Lilia: Do you see me as a cattle for you to milk whenever you go thirsty? >:L Malleus: You said we choose what we wanted and this is our decision! >:0
Lilia: Answer the question boy. D:< Lilia: Am I Midas? >:( Lilia: Am I made of gold? >:(
Malleus: Brother shall take out the trash and vacuum all the floors! Father please just hear our cries! ;A; *begging* Lilia: Does your brother object? >_> Malleus: My Brother wanted McDonald's but my ambition has caused him to take arms in the crusade >:3 Lilia: So your both greedy! I have raised WEAKLINGS! >A< Malleus: I AM NO WEAKLING!!! D:< Lilia: Get the soup out of the fridge... =_= Malleus: FATHER YOU LIE!!! YOU PROMISED! ;A; *on his hands and knees pleading* Lilia: Does it look like I give a FUCK?! D:< Lilia: *furious finger points to the fridge* GO GET THE SOUP! >:(
Malleus: *goes back to his and Silver's room* ;m; Silver (16): *wakes up* What did he say? =o= Malleus: we have to eat the soup... Silver: *fully awake* NOOOOOOOOO!!!! ;A;
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hyunjinswifelol · 1 year
ride. hhj.
hyunjin x fem!reader
Warnings - smut, thigh riding, fingering, oral ( f! Receiving ), dom!hyunjin, sub!reader, a little fluff, not proof read, so sorry about any mistakes:]
you qnd hyunjin were just now coming home from his tour. You and him obviously shared a hotel room, and you were both getting ready to put on a movie. The movie he picked out had a sex scene. As soon as it came on, all you could do was press your thighs together, and squeeze his yand for dear life. Hyunjin was quick with his actions thougg,and his free hand went straight down, under the thick duvet, and right to the waistband of your shorts. You rested your head on his should and sighed when you felt his middle finger started rubbing small circles on your clit. " my love.. ooen please." He almost demanded you to open your thighs. You obeyed immediately, he wasted no time, and shoved two fingers in your throbbing pussy. Uou squeezed his hand, qnd whimpered. He went in and out of you at a painfuly slow pace, making sure you feel his rings, and his nails scratch your g-spot. You moaned at the feeling of his rings. You felt yourself clench around his fingers as he was starting to go faster. " hey, look at me, not the tv love. Now." You nodded your head and looked straight into his eyes. He then to go even faster, and you squeezed your eyes shut, and shoved your face in his neck. " youre such a sensitive little one arent you my love" he said, his voice raspy, qnd deep. Qlmost qs deep as felixs voice. " jinnie.. jin- im gonna-" before you coukd finisb what you were sayingz he pulled his fingers out. You sighed, feeling empty. He then pulled you on his lap, and smashed his lips on yours. You grabbed his shoulders for support, and started slowlt grinding on his thigh. He bit your lip, and slipped his tounge in your mouth. His hands went under your- no. his sweater you were wearing, and felt your entire torso. To your tits,to the bottom of your waist. You started grinding on his though harder, qnd faster. You broke the kiss and wrapped your arms around he shoulders, and burried your fave in his neck. He kissed your forehead, and lifted you slowly, putting 2 fingers inside you again. You moaned loydly. He was going really fast woth his fingers that you were gonna cry. " hyun- " you moaned out, and he pulled his fingers out again, and pushed you backwards off his lap, he hovered over you, and kissed you again. His hand moving back fown to finger you again. But this time, he did 3 fingers. You almost screamed. Then he took them out, once again. He then made his way down and his nose touched your throbbing clit. The movie now forgotten in the background. Hyunjin did one long lick on your whole pussy, qnd then started toubge fucking you. You grabbed a fistful of his hair, and moaned out his name myltiple times. " hyunjin please- let me cum please" you begged, tears in your eyes. He looked up at you and rolled his eyes. " just this one time sweetheart, but afyer this, I will control whne you fucking cum." He said, qlmost scaring you with how deep his voice has gotten. You nodded and mumbled thank you multiple times in a row. " go ahead love, let me taste you. Right the fuck now." He demanded. He started roughly fingering you, and you imediatly came. He licked his fingers, and licked up your cum. You sighed, and threw your head back. You sat you, and he pulled you right to his embrace, holding you close to his chest. He kissed your forehead, qnd you couldve fallen aslep just like that, if you had your pants on.
Thank you for reading my stories:D i hooe you have a wondeful night, or day. Make sure to drink plenty of water, and eat healthy meals. Stay safe guys:]
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lemonsturnioloo · 2 months
By lemonsturnioloo
Colors: Chris Matt Nick You
•••••••••••••••1:00 pm••••••••••••••••••••
Come eat ass
Get me out of this gc..
What did you guys do tdy?
I slept
I walked
I ate
We all have such exiting lives!
Knock knock
Whos thier?
You fucking asshole i dont even wanna tell the joke anymore
An hour later
Are you still mad
Twinkle twinkle little star
How i wonder what you are
Wish i could hit you with my car
So are you still mad?
Can you not fucking read
Guys im learning ukerllandbrd
How do you know what shes talking about..
Bc were both learning the ukallalie
Take your time
The fucking mini guitar
Y/N i miss uu
Check outside
Theres nobody there
Oh shit im at the wrong house
Shut the fuck up Bernard
Not cool
Police are cumming
Wait are they actually tho
No it was a fucking joke that i messed up bro
Im such a loser
I know
Open the door
Matt stop ignoring me
Matt open the door
Why me
Bc me and chris are upstairs
I am too
Bitch no your not i see you on the couch
Why sre you looking in the window
Just open the fucking door
Why not
Bc u used my middle name
Okay Matthew open the door
Bro fuck u
I hate uou
Why are we even friends
Matt just open the fucking door i miss her
Thabk u Matty boy i love uu
Y/n i misss uuuu
I miss u too chrisssyyyy
What did u guys even do in his room
Ya u guys left me to go to chris stinky room
She sucked my dick
Im joking chill
If there was any dick she would suck it would be matts
Shut the fuck up
Y/N has a big juicyy…
Finish that text and i’ll kill you
Changing the subject..
Whats yalls biggest fear?
Being forgotten.
Damn thats deep
Mines the koolaid man but now i kinda feels stupid
Shut up
Im ending this here bc u dont want this to be to long, I will be making more parts to this story!sorry for any misspellings im a fast typer. Thank u for reading this silly little story<3
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kissesforsatoru · 1 year
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pairings : wakasa x gn!reader
summary : general yan! bd! waka hc's
⤷ cw : NSFW 18+, general yandere themes, possessiveness/obsessiveness, manipulation, gaslighting, isolation, bullying, mind break, overstim, cock warming, unhealthy relationships.
notes : i got so carried away with this, this might just be my longest hc's yet 😭
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- wakasa wouldn’t necessarily be yandere right away, i don’t think; instead, he’d actually be pretty normal with you at first. you know, treat you right and all that other good stuff. the only thing off about him in the beginning is how possessive he is. he can get carried away with love bites and keep sucking sensually on your skin even as you whine for him to stop 'cause that hurts, but he’ll just pop off your neck with a lazy smile and tell you he’s sorry (he’s not). or he’ll glare intensely at guys and girls that got too close to you, all while keeping his arms tightly around your waist. but you think to yourself that it’s not that bad—that’s his only flaw, so it’s okay, right? wrong. sooo wrong.
- with him it’s a slow build, where the longer the relationship between the two of you goes on, the more his red flags start to show, but even when they do, you won’t notice them. wakasa is a very manipulative yandere, and he’ll subtly condition you to think that what he’s doing is normal or that you’re being irrational for lashing out at him. he keeps you nice and wrapped around his finger from the very beginning, making sure that you will listen to him no matter what he does.
- the first really big yandere-like thing he does is isolate you. he’ll tell you he doesn’t like your friends because they’re too touchy or they’re not good for you, he’ll tell you that your family is too controlling and that you should cut them off for continuously meddling in your relationship. you might not notice wakas red flags, but your friends and family certainly do, and they aren’t just going to sit back and let you fall deeper into a toxic relationship, but waka is quick to get them out of your life. he’ll tell you that you don’t need them anyway because you have him—he’s the only one you need, that you’ll ever need. he can take care of you, provide for you, support you, and love you far better than any of them ever could so just forget about them.
- waka is very stalker-ish despite the fact that you’re already his. he’ll have a tracker on your phone so he can know where you are at all times, he’ll have cameras in your apartment so he can know what you’re doing and who comes over, and when you move to his apartment, he’ll put cameras there too. waka will also make multiple social media accounts that he’ll mostly use to stalk you with, but he’ll also use them to rile you up and say vile things to you, spread rumors about you, i'm talking hard core bully you until your self-confidence and sense of self-worth are absolutely destroyed, all so he can have you for himself. he wants to be the only one you trust, the only one you think can properly love you since everyone else seems to think that you're disgusting and unlovable. of course, you don't know about any of this, waka is very secretive about it, so you never find out.
- with how much bullying he puts you through, waka is able to blame his possessiveness on protectiveness instead, telling you that he has to keep everyone away from you so you don't get hurt anymore, and obviously you're going to believe him because he's the only one you can trust. he'll tell you never to leave the house without him unless you absolutely have to, and if you do then you have to tell him where you're going and why you can't wait for him to go with you. he'll keep your neck nice and marked up for when the two of you do go out together so other people get the hint. he's never too far away from you anyway, at least an arm's reach away at all times so he can easily grab onto you whenever he wants. he also constantly reminds you that you're his, and that he's the only one who can love you properly, nobody else will ever be able to compare to him. and if you ever doubt him, he'll just bully you even more to remind you that he's all you'll ever have.
"you're mine, baby. nobody else can take care of you like i do."
"you don't need anyone else, they'll just use you or hurt you, so keep relying on only me, yeah? i'll treat you right like you deserve."
- waka has a lot of experience with sex. he knows all the right places to make someone absolutely writhe and scream under him, but he especially knows how to make you feel good. whether he's using his tongue, fingers, or his cock, it doesn't matter, you'll be seeing stars either way. i don't see waka being the kind of guy that praises a lot during sex, he's much dirtier with his words and likes to tease more than anything else, but if his darling is especially broken by all the bullying, he might just whisper praises in your ear as he fucks you. he shows you his love through his actions, makes you feel good with light kisses all over your body, and all-consuming, sloppy kisses to your pretty mouth. his hands explore your body fervently, rubbing on your most sensitive parts to draw out delicious reactions from you—he adores the sound of your whimpers and moans, absolutely eats them up no matter how many times he hears them. i don't know why, but i feel like he'd like to please you more than he likes for you to please him. i think he might just get more of a kick out of knowing he's pleasing you well, and he does please you well. of course, he loves to fuck you rough and use you however he likes to get off still, but seeing you all jumpy and touch sensitive after he's sucked on you for a while just turns him on like nothing else.
"oh, right there? you like that? does my baby want me to go faster? aw, poor thing. shh, i'll take care of you."
"just lay down, baby. i know you'll feel much better after i fuck you."
- waka takes to sexual punishments more than other kinds of punishments. if you act out, he sees it as you just wanting his attention, so he fucks you to set you straight. overstim is his favorite punishment, i think, because he'll fuck you so dumb you just forget about defying him, all you'll be able to think about is his cock and how good he makes you feel. otherwise, he'll make you either cock warm him or fuck yourself on his thigh as punishment. he'll wait till you're wiggling desperately on him, trying to find a release, and then he'll make you beg him to fuck you. shows you that you can't do anything without him, that you need him to do even the littlest things like please yourself.
- if you do something really bad, like try to break up with him or anything like that, then he'll just lock you up somewhere in his house and leave you there. he won't talk to you or even look at you, he'll just drop off your food and leave again. he can do this for months. he wants to ensure that you won't ever try to do something like that again all while enforcing your dependency on him. isolation is the best way to make a person lose all independence, and waka takes complete advantage of that. he'll wait until you won't even be able to think of leaving him again without having a breakdown.
- honestly yan waka is just a sneaky bastard that uses extreme forms of manipulation to get what he wants, which is actually so terrifying. he's amongst the top scariest tokrev yans.
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jaybirdss · 2 years
idk if i can do amother one but i will bc i can (idk about that but ill pretend i do if jot) and i have nothing to do in my life except dreaming about plastic figures
SO uhh idk suddenly all ideas disappeared from my head
like YKK i love having a bit of contact with smn because it brings me comfort and im very touch starved💔 also bcs hugs and kisses are superior😋😋🦶
I speed ran this bitch now, i was on a ROLL. Thank you for requesting, it definitely kick-started my passion for writing for these lovely guys ❤️🫶🏻
No warnings, besides a bit of angsty lloyd, but that’s always suspected. Gender neutral reader!
Kai is the man with a plan when it comes to physical touch. He will always match your energy to the best of his ability!
He’s always open for it. Wether it be your arm wrapped around his or blatantly laying on top of him. He’s okay with all of it and rarely gets overwhelmed with what you feel like is smothering.
He specifically really enjoys the hugs you give him, where you’re nuzzled into his shoulder and your arms are wrapped tightly around him. he admired the security it brings him and makes him feel so dorky. For him, he enjoys picking you up just to hold you dramatically. Or smothering your face in kisses.
It surprises him at first, not expecting you to feel the same way as him with things such as physical touch. But once he understands, he craves it and gets all dramatic over it.
He will never be satisfied until you are basically crawling into his skin (not really).
But without your touch, he gets all upset, looking like a kicked puppy and he WILL in fact whine to you about how you aren’t close enough to him. And if he doesn’t get his way, by golly, there’s gonna be a fire.
Everything you do will always send him back, no matter how long you’ve been together. He is crushing on you so hard and will let you know every minute of the day.
Touch was something that was always fairly new to Lloyd.
He never received much as a child, when it was received, it wasn’t very positive affection.
When you started expressing your love for physical touch, you noticed all the small things he seemed to do because if it.
At first, he’d flinch when you moved a little too quick or anything. Physically tense up when you’d wrap your arms around him so suddenly. And he couldn’t bring himself to tell you that he enjoyed your affection, but didn’t know how to receive it.
Slowly but surely through your reassurance, he loosened up and started to learn that this was positive attention, and it’s something that he would eventually look forward to!
He was no longer startled with your big hugs, sudden kisses amongst his face, and other acts of affection you were so happy to give. It became routine, and now he’d be fairly upset if you were to lack in your affection department.
In all, Lloyd is a broken child who just needs to be reconnected with himself sometimes. He soon learns from you that he can relax and enjoy this. He isn’t just the green ninja, he’s Lloyd. Little Lloyd Garmadon who loves his hugs and kisses from his lover. And he’s slowly starting to thank you for healing his inner child.
Much like Lloyd, Morro never really received affection growing up. Nor could he receive it when he was, well, dead.
But soon enough, with many changes, forgiveness, and a physical form. He was able to receive such things, things you were over the moon about!
He’s fairly awkward with affection, and it’s just something so foreign to him that it’s hard to become so used to it like you are.
He doesn’t despise it, by any means, in all honesty it makes him feel all warm to see you so joyous about wanting to show him affection. But at first, he was in severe denial about it all. He’d reject your advances, and even had gotten a bit aggressive with it. Which he now apologizes for, and he’ll do his best to express his admiration for it when he can, in time. It takes long to heal from what he once had been.
The boy grew quite fond of you early on, and admired how you tried to express your affections to him even when he was a ghost. When he finally received his human form again, you wrapped your arms around him so tightly, he could barely breathe. (Which was also new to him once more).
Though he enjoys the affection, it can get overwhelming sometimes. When his frustrations get the better of him, he will express that he just can’t be touched in that moment. That he’ll return later on to apologize and attempt to hug and kiss you as you do him.
And it’ll get you every time! No matter how fussy he was, or how upset he had made you. His apologies feel so thorough and thoughtful that you can forget what you were mad about so easily. Morro deserves the world and more, and that’s what you’re gonna give him.
Benthomaar was someone who would always let his curiosity get the better of him. And from a young age, he was always curious. About things that matter, things that don’t matter. Things that don’t hold much importance to him, and things that he holds closely to him.
Currently, He was curious as to how you’re so enthusiastic and happy to express affection to someone such as him. Of course, he does his best to understand you and your sweet advances towards him.
He’d get caught up in thinking too harshly of himself, wondering if he deserved your attention. His skin surely wasn’t the softest to cuddle into or kiss, nor was he that understanding of how life was like above the surface like many like you. But all of that made you the curious one. Curious as to how this cinnamon roll was kept from you all your life.
Bentho was such a joy to know and be around, and it made you so happy to hug and kiss him so sweetly. Even though you knew he wasn’t sure if he deserved all of it. Or any of it, in fact.
But in time, he learned that it was something he deserved. Comfort, that is. He seemed to break through his barricade of awkwardness and denial and thoroughly enjoyed what you expressed to him.
He never finds it overwhelming, and if he did, he wouldn’t ever tell you in fear that it would upset you. You’re a treasure to him, and how you express your love and admiration will always leave him in awe of how great you are. He adores you too much to be bothered by anything more.
Tag List: @holycrimin @kazuhacumslut @marmalade-matcha @yukinarengoku
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