#and now im saving them for when the pain comes back. cause it Will come back
arcaneyouth · 6 months
the good news is im not in pain rn so i am very much doing my best to enjoy it
the bad news is i am still fucking exhausted from sleeping through the pain and i do in fact needt o get up and eat breakfast so i can go to urgent care
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uzurakis · 3 months
hi again!! (ik I just sent in a request I just had another one LMFAOOO) im back bc I got another request/idea!! jjk men (..yuta n Megumi 🙏 n whoever else u want :3) who got into a nasty argument (could be from ur argument post but it doesn’t have to be connected to that post!!) and then gets really injured on a mission right after the argument! it’s up to you if reader + jjk men end up making up, or it could end on a angsty route of them anxiously waiting for reader to wake up while trying to think to ways to apologize with regret; doesn’t rlly matter!! do what you want 😛😛
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featuring: fushiguro megumi. gojo satoru. yuuta okkotsu.
n. first, i apologize this one took a very long time because i wanted to carefully hit the right spots and nail the each character. second, i only make 3 characters this time ‘cause each one of them is long enough to read. third, i wanna make you guys suffer <3 enjoy !!
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megumi’s fingers trembled as he reached out to touch your hand, the memory of his harsh words replaying in his mind. “why didn’t i see it coming?” he muttered to himself, voice hardly above a whisper. the guilt was suffocating, the feeling that he had failed you as a partner, both in life and on the field, gnawing at him relentlessly.
he hadn’t slept since you were brought in, eyes red and heavy, his emerald pupils weren’t evident anymore with the dark circles underneath a testament to his vigil. every beep of the monitors felt like a countdown, each passing second a reminder of how fragile everything was. he kept running through what he could have done differently, how he could have prevented this from happening.
“i’m sorry,” he whispered, voice cracking with emotion, repeating the words tremendously. “i’m sorry, i’m sorry, i’m sorry—“
“i’m so sorry. i never meant for this to happen. i never wanted to hurt you.”
his mind was filled with images of your smile, your laughter, and the way your eyes would light up when you were happy. he wanted nothing more than to see you open your eyes, to hear your voice, to have the chance to make things right.
the silence in the room was oppressive, broken only by the rhythmic beeping of the machines. megumi’s thoughts were a chaotic jumble of fear and determination. he knew he had to find a way to apologize, to show you that he cared more than he had ever managed to express. but how could he make up for the pain he had caused? how could he prove to you that he was truly sorry?
he squeezed your hand gently, as if the simple touch could convey all the words he struggled to find. “please wake up,” he pleaded softly. “i need to tell you how much you mean to me. i need to show you that i can do better. that i will do better. please, just wake up.”
as the hours dragged on, megumi’s resolve only strengthened. he would make things right, no matter what it took. the door to your room opened, but megumi didn’t look up. his focus was entirely on you, silently willing you to open your eyes. he wouldn’t leave your side until you did. he couldn’t. the weight of his regret was too heavy, his love for you too deep.
“please,” he whispered again, each syllable filled with desperation. “come back to me.”
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“you’re always so damn reckless!” gojo had shouted, his voice echoing in the small office.
“maybe if you weren’t so arrogant all the time, you’d understand why!” you had snapped back, feeling the sting of his words cut deep.
now, the same guy sat by your hospital bed, his usually confident demeanor shattered. his fists were clenched so tightly that his knuckles had turned white, blood seeping from where his nails dug into his palms. the sight of you lying there, pale and unmoving, tore at his heart. he cursed himself repeatedly, the words tumbling out in a desperate, angry whisper.
“fuck, fuck, fuck!” he muttered, voice breaking. “why the hell did this have to happen? why couldn’t i fucking save you?”
he stared at your face, willing you to wake up, to give him some sign that you were still there with him. the argument replayed in his mind, each harsh word a dagger in his chest. he wanted to take it all back, to tell you how much he loved you and needed you.
“shit,” he hissed, slamming his fist into the armrest of the chair. “i’m supposed to be the strongest, but what the hell does that mean if i can’t even protect you?”
a hollow aching threatened to eat away at his chest, a gnawing remorse. tears blurred his vision as he looked at you, voice a broken whisper. “wake up. i want to apologize. i want you to know how sorry i am.”
the room was silent except for the steady beep of the heart monitor. gojo’s thoughts were a chaotic swirl of guilt, also his helplessness. he had faced countless curses and enemies without flinching, but this, seeing you like this, was unbearable.
he cursed again, the words raw and filled with pain. “damn it, why didn’t i stop you? why didn’t i fucking do something?”
his mind raced, trying to think of ways to make it right, to fix what had been broken. but all he could do was wait and hope. he reached out, gently taking your hand in his, his grip trembling.
“i’m so sorry,” he whispered, voice cracking. “i love you. please, just wake up. i don’t know what i’ll do if you don’t.”
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yuta, who was normally expressive, was pale and drawn as he sat beside your bed. his voice was crushed by the weight of his remorse, and he was unable to speak. he was completely broken by the sight of you there, so still and vulnerable, in ways he never imagined. his fingers barely touched yours as he extended a shaking hand, fearing that the slightest touch could break you.
memories of the argument replayed in his mind, each moment seared into his consciousness. your angry words echoed in his ears, mingling with his own harsh retorts. he remembered the flash of hurt in your eyes, the way your voice had cracked when you told him you were done talking. he had let you walk away, his anger blinding him to the danger you were about to face.
tears welled up in yuta’s eyes, but he couldn’t let them fall. he had to be strong for you, even though you couldn’t sense a thing. the guilt gnawed at him, a relentless beast that whispered of his failures. he had promised to protect you, to be there for you, and yet here you were, injured and unresponsive, because he had let his anger get the better of him.
“it’s all my fault,” he grumbled, voice barely audible in the sterile room. “i should have stopped you. i should have been there.”
he stared at your face, willing you to wake up, to open your eyes and tell him it was okay. but you remained still, your breathing steady but shallow. yuta’s mind was a storm of regret and self-recrimination. he blamed himself for everything, convinced that his failure to resolve things before you left had led to this. if only he had followed you, things might have been different.
“wake up, please,” he begged, voice breaking. “you can’t do this to me..”
he felt a sob rising in his throat, but he swallowed it down, determined not to break in front of you. he had to be strong, even if it felt like he was falling apart inside. the thought of losing you was unbearable, a gap that threatened to swallow him whole.
“why did i let you go?” he murmured, his fingers tightening around yours. “why didn’t i fight for us?”
the minutes stretched into hours, each one an eternity as yuta sat by your side, his heart heavy with guilt and fear. he couldn’t imagine a life without you, couldn’t bear the thought that he might have lost you because of his own stubbornness.
“i’m sorry,” he whispered again, voice choked with emotion. he stayed there, silent and unmoving, the weight of his regret a constant presence. all he could do was wait and hope, praying that you would wake up and give him the chance to apologize, to tell you how much you meant to him. until then, he would sit by your side, holding on to the hope that you would come back to him.
“i love you. please, just give me a chance to make things right.”
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skyahri · 5 months
Remember Part One |SatoSugu X Reader| HC
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Part Two
Summary: You get a second chance to save him, but for right now you can only enjoy the fact that he's still here.
Warnings: Implied poly??? Idk I don't say anything specific. Vomiting, blood, Canon related warnings. Angst bc im sad.
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Your eyes flew open. You could barely breathe, your lungs still stinging from the char of imaginary burns. You desperately drag your hands across your face and body, searching for something, anything wrong, not quite processing what was going on.
You sprung up from your bed, immediately thanking your muscle memory as it guided you through your dorm room. You shoved your way into the bathroom and just barely made it to the toilet before emptying the contents of your stomach.
Tears pricked your eyes. You had no idea what was going on. You could only assume that you had another prophetic dream, but had no idea when it had started. Had it been days or weeks? Hell, had it been months even??
You remember the pain of being burned alive by Jogo in Shibuya Station. You remember dying, the feeling of your lungs giving out and your heart stopping.
Yet here you were, alive and relatively well back in your dorm room God knows when. The unchanging state of Jujutsu High was not helping you determine just how much time had passed.
What did, however, was Suguro Geto standing in the doorway. He was saying something you couldn't hear and your foggy mind couldn't process the lack of stitches on his head, but that didn't stop you from screaming.
Was this your Suguru? The boy who held doors open for you and dragged Satoru away after one too many flirty remarks. Could this man already be leading the Star Religious group? Or worse, be reduced to a corpse in his Kenjaku era?
There's no way you could possibly tell in such a hazy state of mind. Your gift had drained you to zero, leaving you absolutely defenseless against what could very well be a tyrant.
Lucky for you, you're within ear shot of a handful of other sorcerers who woke up the second they heard a scream. They were filing into your room within the minute, confused at the commotion, or lack there of.
Satoru had pushed his way past Suguru and bent down next to you, grabbing your hair in a makeshift ponytail as you continued to retch.
He's leaning in next to your ear, whispering, begging for you to calm down enough to tell him what's going on. You can barely hear him over the sound of your uncontrollable crying, the sobbing and shaking caused by panic making everything a hundred times worse.
Satoru is motioning for someone to hand him a rag to clean your face, which Suguru does without hesitation. When he enters your peripheral vision, you can practically feel the hairs on your neck stand up. You push your way past Gojo, who had just barely managed to wipe your mouth, trying to climb behind him, pleading that he doesn't come anywhere near you.
You can't see the hurt look on Geto's face. He has no idea what's going on, all he knows is he's somehow causing whatever it is that's happening to occur.
You don't hear Gojo shoo everyone away, apologizing for waking them up in the middle of the night and assuring them that he has it handled.
He rests against the wall and twists you around so you can sit comfortably in his lap. He holds you tight against his chest, it's almost suffocating, but you can feel the pressure slowly melting the anxiety away.
The fog that once clouded your brain is retreating, allowing you to take in your environment more clearly. There's makeup and skin care products scattered on the counters. You can make out enough of your bedroom to see the dozens of Polaroids pinned to your walls.
You eyes finally focus on a more defining feature that better cements your whereabouts. Your nails are painted pink and Satoru's an icy blue, something you haven't seen since your teenage years before Geto defected. You remember finally convincing Satoru to match with you and Suguru, tempting him with an iconic color that you knew he couldn't turn down.
"What's today?"
"February 21st, 2006."
You hum in response.
"Were you dreamin' again?"
You don't answer. You're too focused on how much time has passed. Twelve years gone in an instant. That's nearly half your life, nearly all your memories, and they were all fake. But now you had the opportunity of a lifetime. An opportunity to save all the people you've lost and protect your future.
You're thankful for Satoru in this moment. He isn't always the most socially aware, often times he actually makes things ten times worse, but right now he was just what you needed.
You take in just how warm he is, how he's managed to keep his hands from touching you inappropriately for so long. He's wearing that stupid pair of Hello Kitty boxers that 'convienently came with a matching bra and panty' and 'would hate for them to go to waste.' You scolded him for getting the sizing correct, knowing he had to have gone snooping for answers.
"Do you wanna talk about it?"
You had good friends, ones that trusted you without a second thought. They know the deal. Things are going to happen and sometimes that requires interference or being intentionally kept in the dark to avoid them. It was both a blessing and a curse- being given the gift of future sight yet being forced to hold the weight of the world in your hands.
You stand up, forcing Gojo to release his tight grip on you. He expects you to get in bed, but instead, you walk right past the door of your room and right across the hall into Suguru's. You don't knock, opting to just head straight in and crawl across him to lay down.
Suguru is confused. An hour ago, you were completely terrified of him, and now here you are, staring at him like he was the most important person in your life.
You reach forward and trace your fingers across his face; his nose, his lips, and eventually his bare forehead. You run your fingers through his hair; disheveled but clean. You pick up his right hand and set it on your face to savor the heat of it. He doesn't hesitate to rub his thumb back and forth across your cheek reassuringly. What he's supposed to reassure you about, he doesn't know, but he can tell you need it.
"You're oddly affectionate tonight."
"I missed you."
"I saw you yesterday."
You shake your head. You want to respond, to tell him you've dreamt of this opportunity for over a decade, that you haven't seen him alive in a year, and sane in nearly twelve.
But all you can do is cry. You lace your fingers with the ones on your face and let him pull you closer. His chest is broad and he smells like cologne, just like how you remembered.
The last time you saw him, he was sickly pale and missing an arm, just moments away from death. He smelled like blood and didn't even have the energy to stand. This view of Geto was much more pleasant than anything you had seen recently.
He has no idea what's going on, but can see it's obviously a lot. He wonders what you could have seen, how long you could have possibly lived. He wonders if someone died, if he died.
He's not sure how long it goes on before you're passed out, your grip on him relaxing ever so slightly, but he doesn't dare let go.
Gojo makes his way into the room from his waiting place outside. He stuck around on the off chance things got out of hand and he needed to intervene.
"How's our girl doing?"
"I have no idea."
"That's unlike you."
Suguru isn't sure how to respond. The vibe in his room is definitely more relaxed, but it's far from peaceful. All he can do right now is anchor you down to earth and hope whatever it is you saw can be fixed.
Fortunately, Satoru is a brave man. He clumsily makes his way onto the other side of you and flops down. You don't even flinch at the roughness of his actions.
"What are you-"
"Sleeping here with you guys, duh."
"Can't you read the room?"
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st7rns · 4 months
𝐋𝐈𝐏 𝐆𝐋𝐎𝐒𝐒, m. sturniolo
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✿ IN WHICH, everytime matt messed up his girlfriend’s lip gloss
✿ WARNINGS, black!reader, fluff, swearing, kinda suggestive at the end??
✿ RORA SPEAKS, i hope ygs like this! ik it’s kinda short but i js wanted to write smth quick n easy and im a literal lip gloss addict so.
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NO. 1
i’m standing in the mirror, layering my lips with my favorite pink lip gloss. my lips were already lined with my signature brown lip liner and the lip gloss just added the cherry on top. me and matt were going out today for lunch, so of course, i wanted to look good.
in the reflection of the mirror, i see matt walk into our shared room. “you look really pretty, baby” he compliments me which makes me smile and reply with a shy, “thank you.” even though me and matt had been dating for almost 6 months, he still made me nervous.
“so pretty i wanna kiss you” he leans in and gives me a sweet, but long kiss. i break away and pout, turning to look back to the mirror at my smudged lip gloss.
“matt!” i whine, “i literally JUST put this on.” i give him a stern look. he only laughs and wraps his arms around my waist from behind, “i’m sorry i just can’t help it when your lips look so damn kissable”
i roll my eyes in reply before reapplying my lip gloss and saying very seriously to matt, “that was your only chance of kissing me tonight, because i’m not about to be putting this back on a thousand fucking times”
matt unwraps his from around me to throw them in the air. “what the fuck? that’s not even fair!”
NO. 2
i was getting ready to record tiktok’s and take pictures because my hair looked good as fuck today and i didn’t want it to be for nothing. i add the final touch, lipgloss, before smiling at my reflection and heading to the triplets’ living room.
their living room literally has the best lighting in the whole house. i scroll through my saved tiktok sounds and land on nicki minaj’s black barbie song, the lyrics saying “i’m a fuckin’ black barbie. pretty face, perfect body.” and instantly smile and choosing it.
as i’m fixing my necklace so it fits just right, i hear the triplets walk through the front door. i lock eyes with nick first, who smiles at me “damn, you look fucking good!”
matt sets the fast food on the counter before looking me up and down, “my girl always looks good” he says proudly. chris snorts and mocks him in a childish voice before saying, “what the fuck did you expect? her to look bad?”
nicks punches chris in the arm, making him grab his shoulder in pain. “stop trying to start arguments cause you’re fucking miserable”
matt laughs and kisses me on the cheek, “she could never look bad” i smile and before i could say anything, he grabs my chin and kisses me on the lips. i immediately break away and groan, “matt, my lip gloss!”
“just put it on again” he shrugs, not even feeling bad. i throw my head back in annoyance, “it was the last of it! i can’t just put it on again” i grab my phone and storm off to the bathroom.
“you know i can just buy you another one?” i hear him yell but i ignore it and slam the bathroom door.
NO. 3
i’m laying on matt’s bed, scrolling through pinterest. we just got back from filming a car video, that lasted longer than usual because chris had to pee a hundred times. that kid needs to really stop drinking pepsi so much.
matt comes in the room, fresh out the shower. he lays down next to me and i can smell his cocoa body wash. i give him a soft smile as i run my hands through his hair. i can’t help but admire him. everything about him. his blue eyes. his pink lips. his stubble above his lips.
“what?” he laughs, staring back at me. i shake my head and quietly say “nothing. you just look so handsome right now” he smiles back at me and snakes a hand around my waist, pulling me closer.
he stares down at my lips before back up at my eyes. i feel him trace patterns on my waist. i look at his lips as well, which only gives him the confirmation he needs to kiss me. it’s a slow and sweet kiss but quickly turns heated, his tongue exploring my mouth.
he breaks away to gasp and cover his hand with his mouth, “i forgot about you’re lip gloss” he giggles. i laugh with him and playfully roll my eyes, “for the first time, i don’t give a fuck about my lip gloss,” i hook my leg around his waist and flip myself on top of him.
“now kiss me” i say against his ear. matt wastes no time connecting our lips and dropping his hand to my ass, squeezing the plump skin.
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greenflowerceo · 16 days
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hii im suuper late to my own week ik (i'll post the rest of the days from time to time, college applications were a pain </3 but i've got most of it down
This piece is a redraw of my very first post ! This has been a wip since the start of the year so my art style unsurprisingly changed a bunch as i tweaked the lines and colors. it's not the best but it's looking as good as it can be!
as for the zine, people are free to draw up pieces for the week up until the end of september and we can compile it all together! it's not really the usual zine format but who knows.. we can maybe try to figure out a way to formally start a more structured zine project for these two
Anyway! I've decided to dedicate my greenflower week posts to my headcanons I've made up for them from the past 4 years.. I figured you guys could take a peek into my brain since I haven't really been good at that unless you catch me in a vc :") there's a buncha hcs and old ass art i never posted finally unearthing under the cut if you wanna take a peek
So, first thing: Body headcanons..
i took super long getting what i want with this waay back when I started posting cause I was still figuring out a lot with my art. i couldn't get in good details/features that would properly differentiate them or make them fun to draw. I wasn't striving to be really innovative with the designs or anything, I just wanted them to feel like characters I like looking at and thinking about
finally, i'm somewhat able to settle on these as of right now! It will most likely update as the time passes and my art changes, but this is what I got!
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basically the main idea is that i wanted Lloyd to be bulkier but sharper. grew up fast and has all these edges, but then you get to know him and he's just a big ol dork. Mostly wears loose-fitting clothes that hides his figure, but he's quite built underneath
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Brad's a lil taller and pretty lanky. my art style may not be able to show that properly but lloyd can snap him in half <3 he also seems hella chill but that's probably cause he got balls of steel after living through a million ninjago invasions
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This thing below is an old outfit concept I have for a project that I've been working on. does not reflect my current headcanons with his physical appearance but i do like his clothes
I think he loves his role as the green ninja, saving the world and such. it came with lots of baggage and reflection but i do promise that he enjoys it for the most part. I think him wearing green is kind of like wearing work clothes so he tends to avoid it on days when he's free to keep from being too ready to jump into ninja mode
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i do tend to keep him in green though cause the fandom sure does love their color-coded ninja
anyway .. that's about most of what i've got for this that looks good enough to post, so here's a bunch of other doodles/sketches, both old and new ToT
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oh and a quick comic too cause why not
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one more: bonus greenflower yuri
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thanks for coming to read this far :) there'll be more soon
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meatonfork · 2 years
hello?? i’m so glad you liked bloody hell!! :’)
again, i’m still working on capturing everyone’s character, so PLEASE bear (🐻) with me hehe
Cried for help, help came
pairing: platonic 141 x gn!reader
grim is back yall :’)
warnings: usual cod violence, blood, death, the works ya know
your hands were shaking.
blood covered you from head to toe.
you were unrecognizable.
your wrists were rubbed raw from being chained to the wall. looking around, you honestly don’t remember how long ago that was.
the room reeked. death, blood, must. it invaded your nostrils, leaving no room for anything else.
you didn’t feel any pain. which seemed odd. you’d been here for so long.
how long was it?
a day?
a week?
a month?
however long it was doesn’t matter. you went through hell.
the room was dark most of the time. a single table with a chair was sat in the middle. in front of where you dangled. your feet had barely touched the ground. lifting your pounding head had been too much for you, so you let it rest against your chest.
“who the fuck are you” the man in front of you seethed. his breath reeked, but you still refused to talk.
this wasn’t supposed to happen. the mission was supposed to be in and out. easy as that. you guess the target had other plans. he’d caught you off guard while searching the building, efficiently knocking you out from behind.
you woke in a room you’d never been in before, panic immediately setting in.
when he didn’t get an answer, he lifted your chin. smooshing your cheeks in one hand, while a knife was grasped tightly in the other.
you were hungry.
so fucking hungry.
and tired. you could really use a nap.
“one more time, bitch. who are you.”
spit welled up in your mouth, and you spat right in his face.
he mouth turned up in a snarl, and he quickly sliced the knife over your right side. a hiss escaped your mouth.
this went on for what seemed like hours. questions thrown in your face, only for you to answer with silence.
the torture and the pain going on for longer until you ultimately passed out.
the next time you awoke, the room was pitch black, save for the light seeping under the door. you made quick work of loosening the ties around your hands.
the door opening made you flinch, and your eyes welled shut from the light suddenly invading your eyes.
footsteps made their way over to you, and you kept your head down. counting your breaths in your head, you waited until the footsteps stopped in front of you.
1 in
2 out
3 in
4 out
with all your strength, you lifted your feet and flung them into the man’s abdomen, effectively knocking him to the ground. hissing, you wiggled until your hands were finally free and you dropped to the ground with a thud. your side was screaming in pain, and you were sure at least one rib was out of place.
the man got back up and threw himself on you. you yelped, and tried to slip out from under him. it was no use, you were just too weak.
he laughed at your weak attempts, and pulled a knife from his thigh. your eyes widened as he raised it above his head.
this is it. i’m dead.
he was too slow. just as he brought it down to go through your head, you jerked to the side. the knife pierced right below your collarbone, and you screamed.
you flailed your body, throwing your attacker off of you. as quickly as you could, you got up and flung yourself at him. with much discomfort, you pulled the knife from your shoulder and slit his throat. a small scream left his mouth before blood seeped through his lips.
movement by the door pulled your attention away from him. three more men stood in the doorway.
the first man, tall and burly, but smaller than ghost, stalked toward you. a rifle sat in his hands, quickly setting his sights on you. you jumped for the table, pulling it down as a spray of bullets rained in your shadow.
a click was heard. he was empty. you leapt from behind the table and lunged for him.
knocking him down from the side, you put your thighs on his shoulders and snapped his neck. he was dead.
a shot rang out, and blinding pain hit your left thigh.
he fucking shot you.
you grimaced and rolled to the right. picking up the first man’s body, you used him as a meat shield. the thought almost made you throw up, but he was already dead. not many options.
sorry, dude.
the man was thrown off. you were using his teammate as a fucking shield.
pushing his body at your newest attacker, you caught him off guard. they both fell, and you used this time to go for the third guy. he was a lot closer than you remember, and you feel a dull thump thrown into your face.
a sickening crunch sounded from your nose. the metallic taste of blood ran into your mouth and you gagged.
fucking gross.
rebalancing, you looked up at him. his eyes held fire, and you didn’t blame him. looking to your left, just slightly, you saw the second guy’s gun. you leapt for it, feeling the presence of the man behind you.
you didn’t even look.
you just turned around and held the trigger.
he looked like swiss cheese.
oh fuck.
his body fell to the floor with a thump.
blood pooled the floor around you.
your heart was racing and tears blurred your vision.
you were gonna throw up.
you were too distracted.
a tug to your hair pulled you back, and you screamed in shock.
grasping at the hands holding your hair, you dug your dull nails into their flesh and drug your hands down.
a grunt was heard, and your hair was loosened. you spun and kicked his foot from beneath him, causing him to fall back. you ran the other direction but a hand held onto your boot, causing you to fall onto your arms. a sharp pain ran up your elbow, and you gasped.
looking back, you see menacing eyes and an ugly mustache.
you wind up and kick his ugly mustache as hard as you can. a loud crunch was heard, and he let go. cursing flooded your ears, and you crawled to the chains that held you up only a while ago. you grab them and turn back to fugly. wrapping them around his neck and pulling as hard as you could.
you watch as he struggles, but you don’t feel sympathy. his face turning purple and his eyes bulging.
his hands scrape at your arms, drawing blood. but, you don’t seem to notice. he finally goes limp.
you don’t let go.
you. don’t. let. go.
it seems that minutes pass before your hands grow too tired to hold him there. the pounding in your head is almost blinding, and you can’t seem to catch your breath.
you crawl over to the far corner.
they’re coming.
they’ll be here.
you don’t know how many times you repeat that before a hand is in your face.
a gloved hand.
a skull mask quickly invades your sight.
you don’t respond.
you hear talking, but can’t form any words.
“grim. grim, can you hear me?” ghost’s voice is softer than usual. his eyes aren’t as cold, and he seems concerned.
your eyes meet his. all you can manage is a nod.
“yeah. yeah, i can hear you.” your voice is scratchy after screaming and not using your voice for what feels like years.
“good. yeah, that’s good. are you hurt?” he knows you are. he can see it. your shaking form covered in blood and bruises. he can’t tell where you’re bleeding from.
“nah, im good. cant feel a thing, l.t.”
“shit. jesus fuck.”
“let’s get them outta here, yeah? place is a fucking bloodbath.” soap.
your eyes drift from your lieutenant up to your favorite mohawk sporting teammate.
“yeah, bird’s here. we’re good to go. i’m gonna pick you up, is that okay?” ghosts’s voice floods back into your ears. you give another nod before his hands lift you up and carry you out of the building.
your eyes are heavy, and the loud whirring of the chopper blades make your head scream.
your head rests on ghost’s chest as he rushes to the helo.
“kid, you gotta stay awake, alright? we’re almost there.” his voice carries panic, and you try.
oh, you try.
but the last thing you remember hearing is, “fuck! medic!”
when you come to, a blinding light makes you immediately shut your eyes again. beeping to the right of you floods your ears, and you let out a groan.
“fuuuuuck.” your throat is raw and screaming for water.
“you’re awake, here.” you open your eyes again to see price to your left holding water.
“how you feelin’, kid?”
“like shit.”
and it wasn’t a lie. your whole body aches. your face, your shoulders, your throat, your abdomen, all the way down to your toes.
“that’s expected. you took a beating, kiddo. the room looked like horror movie. couldn’t tell who’s blood was who’s.” price’s voice made your eyes well up with tears.
a hand being placed on top of yours finally makes your eyes drag up to his.
“i thought i was going to die, captain.” your voice was no longer sturdy, it was cracking. you were scared. you were just a kid.
“i know. i know. but you made it. really fucking impressive, kid. we’re all glad you’re okay.” he sounded emotional, and his thumb rubbed across your knuckles.
sniffling, you look around the room to see the rest of your crew passed out in the chairs to your right.
ghost manspread, knees hitting both gaz and soap who were situated on either side of him. his arms were crossed and his head was thrown back. soft snores escaped his mouth beneath his mask.
soap’s arm was thrown behind ghost’s chair as his head leaned on his shoulder. gaz was curled up, back to ghost. efficiently using him as a back rest.
you giggled and turned back to price.
“i missed you guys.”
“we missed you too, kid.”
a/n: thanks for reading! and ty for the request! i hope this is everything you wanted and more :’)
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jiyansthesis · 1 year
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LEON KENNEDY (post-re4) x reader
summary — you and leon never thought what would lead to the two of you fucking would be a surprise zombie and an aphrodisiac
note — a little something i had in the drafts for a while. i was gonna post it when re4make came out but i totally forgot. might as well post it while im getting traction on my other leon post ^^
tags — smut, aphrodisiac, basically in public, rough, overstimulation, fem bodied reader, fem implied pet names
i am not responsible for any minors that interact + nsfw below the cut
not proofread
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"we're gonna get our asses kicked," you groaned, focusing on the scope of your gun which you used to survey your surroundings.
"no, you're gonna get your ass kicked. i can hold my own," leon shot back, trailing ahead of you.
there was a red wash over the two of you as you ran down the hallway, attempting to look for some vials before they get destroyed by the zombies lurking around.
"you don't happen to know where these serums are, do you?" you questioned, a zombie coming out the shadows only for you to quickly aim and fire your gun at its head, it immediately flying backwards to land lifelessly on the floor. "this is like some bad game of whack-a-mole. except without the hammer. and the moles are zombies. and we could possibly die. i'm getting tired of it."
"do you ever stop talking?" he opened a door, revealing a room with cabinets of liquids and something that looked like a chamber with a glass window.
"adding a bit of fun into this mission, leon. i can't just walk around shooting zombies and not have something to say."
he grunted, and went over to the cabinets, grabbing a container of blue liquid.
"this is it. i'll get all of these, you keep watch." you nodded in acknowledgement, considering the fact that leon was your superior.
you peered out the hallway you had come from, saw that it was clear, and shut the door, locking it.
then you decided to go into the connecting room, just in case something was in there.
the red emergency light was still messing with your eyes, and so you turned on your flashlight, scanning the room.
there were more bottles of substances. but it didn't look like the blue ones leon was getting. these ones were a reddish-pink, and had a certain glow to them. you stepped closer to it to examine it, but you swung around as soon as you heard a growl. you unsheathed the dagger around your waist.
the blade lodged in the zombie's throat, your reaction time saving you as usual. it crumpled over, but bumped into the display, causing the cases to break.
you thought it was a liquid, but it was like you could see the cloud of fumes rise from the broken vials. quickly you put a hand over your mouth and nose and ran out the room, but not before you caught a whiff of the strangely sweet, almost sugary flower smell.
you shut the heavy doors behind you, and let out a gasp of air. leon looked towards you, hurrying over as you fell to your knees.
"hey, you alright? what happened?" he held onto your arms, lifting you up and placing you in an office chair.
"th-there was a zombie. i killed it and it. . . it bumped into these flasks of pink stuff." your hands went to wrap around your stomach, a cramp suddenly appearing.
"pink stuff?" he asked
"yeah," you grimaced with pain. "there was this thing that came out of the broken tubes. it was like a gas or something."
"and how are you feeling right now?"
you felt immensely uncomfortable. there was a cramp in your lower abdomen and it felt like something was dripping out of you. your legs squirmed, not liking the feeling of your wet panties.
"i can-can't explain it." you stammered out. you think you know what were in those things, but you didn't want to make it awkward for you and leon. of course, you've known him since raccoon city, and congratulated him when he came back with the president's daughter. but you knew damn well you guys weren't this close.
even if you desperately wished you were.
"it hurts there?" he gestured to your hand over your abdomen, you nodded.
"it might've been something toxic." he glanced around the room at all the computers, lucky enough to find one that was unlocked.
you heard him type away as you shut your eyes. the pain was becoming excruciating, and you didn't know why you felt your crotch throbbing.
not only that, but your thoughts were bunching up, and you couldn't think straight. what were you here for again?
"hey, i think i know what it is." you felt him nudge you. "but you might not like it."
"i think i know what it is too. doesn't take much thinking to find out." you winced as you shifted in your seat.
he raised an eyebrow. "you know?"
"it's obviously an aphrodisiac. there's no other explanation." you slurred out.
"well, it's not a normal one. normal ones wear off with time, but this one. . . you need something for it to wear off. or you might die."
"die!?" you exclaimed, ignoring the pain of you suddenly standing upright. this definitely cleared your mind. "for fucks sake, leon. i didn't want to die from a fucking drug today!"
he let out a breath of air. "it's easily fixable. but i need you to trust me." his voice got a bit more husky.
"i always trust you, leon." you assured him. he hesitated, and slowly lowered you back down on the seat.
his fingers ghosted over the waistband of your tactical pants. "may i?" he looked up to you. never in a million years would you have thought you'd have leon kennedy under you.
you could already tell what had to be done for you to get rid of this feeling, and you gave him the okay. well, at least you get to have one of your fantasies out the way while also avoiding death from aphrodisiac.
he pulled down your pants, quickly followed by your underwear.
"didn't think to tell me about what was happening down here?" he smirked. "you're so wet."
you whined at the cold air, and urged him to hurry up and stop teasing you.
he followed your request, and instead of inching in his fingers like you'd expected, he immediately latched onto your dripping cunt, and you arched your back.
"leon, fuck!" you moaned out, a hand immediately going to grab a handful of his hair.
he hummed in amusement, leading you to clench your thighs around his head. leon quickly moved his hands to grab your plush thighs and spread them apart, locking them in place no matter how hard you tried to escape it.
it was like he wasn't even thinking about the aphrodisiac. it was all for his and your pleasure, rather than as an extremely awkward and embarrassing task that had to be done. or he was just too good at the job at hand.
every stroke of his tongue had your legs shaking, and you pulled at his hair every time he sucked on your clit too hard. it felt like a few minutes before you felt the buildup of something in your stomach, quickly overshadowing the pain you had previously felt.
"leon, m' gonna-"
his hands left your legs and went straight to your pussy. "make a mess for me, baby," he said as your hips bucked up violently and you let out what was almost a scream.
you panted, and you thought that at this point you'd be satisfied, the pain would be gone, and the two of you could put this all behind you and go on your merry way.
but you were wrong. it was like it got even worse.
your thoughts were scrambled, and all you could think about was the bulge in his pants. and it definitely wasn't his gun.
"why'd you have to do. . . all that?" you stammered out. you also realized he called you baby. your cheeks became even hotter.
"can't get my gloves dirty. and i wanted a taste." he winked. "are you feeling better?"
you shook your head, involuntarily grinding against the seat. maybe if you imagined it was his thigh. . . you wouldn't have to ask him to fuck you senseless. you were already shameless enough, with the fact he had just finished eating you out like his final supper, and the effects of the aphrodisiac were not helping.
just the sound of his voice and his smell was enough to send you into a frenzy.
"do you need some more help?" he began unbuckling his pants.
"yes, need mo' help," you whined. you never thought what would get you into leon s. kennedy's pants would have to be a mystery sex drug in a science lab. if you knew, maybe you would've done this way beforehand.
you almost drooled at how big he was. you would've put your lips right around him at that moment, but he was already lining himself up with you entrance.
"you ready, princess?"
"jus' hurry up," you moved your hips closer to him, sliding the tip inside which caused you to whimper. deciding not to let you suffer any longer, he slammed the rest of his throbbing cock inside of you. with every thrust he did, you were a whining, blabbering mess.
"does that feel good?" he whispered in your ear, sending shivers down your spine. you could tell that the effects of the drug were making you more sensitive.
"s' good leon," you threw your arms around his neck and brought him down for a kiss, which he quickly reciprocated. he was biting on your lips, his tongue occasionally slipping through your lips.
"i fucking love the sounds you make," he got out once the two of you broke away for air. it was like he was feral and had the aphrodisiac himself, pounding into you without giving you time to breathe.
"fuck, leon, don't stop," you could feel tears streaming down your face as your mouth gaped wide open to let out all your noises.
no doubt you were attracting monsters, but that didn't matter when you had this hot man you've been pinning for for years making you dumb on his cock.
he admired the way he had you already clawing for whatever you could grab a hold on, which was his back, and the look that you gave him.
he'd wanted to fuck you for so long, although that developed from him falling in love after the events in raccoon city. you'd kept him sane, believe it or not.
thank god he had this reason to finally have you under him.
"you gonna cum for me, yeah?" he began relentlessly hitting your g-spot, which had you screaming. he left open-mouthed kisses down your neck.
you didn't answer. or well, you couldn't with how he practically fucked the breath out of you.
not receiving an answer, he quickly took you out the chair and placed you on top of the table. you whined as he pulled out, but were quickly shut up by him thrusting inside of you again.
and just when you thought it couldn't get any better, the new angle caused him to almost brush up against your cervix. his hand made its way to your tummy and pressed down on the slight bump, making your hands fly up to cover your mouth.
"hey, pretty girl. i want to hear everything." he persuaded you to place your hands to stabilize yourself on the office desk.
"i-mm, i think i'm gonna make a mess," you warned.
"you gonna come for me? good girl," he praised, and with those words he hungrily pressed his lips to yours, devouring your sounds of ecstasy as you convulsed with your climax.
you started feeling overstimulated, the pain and sensitivity mixing in with the pleasure.
"le-leon, jus' cum in me," you pleaded, feeling your third climax coming already. maybe it was because you were practically intoxicated, or it was because you haven't had sex in so long, but you were almost self-conscious about how short of a time it took for you to cum.
"yeah? you want me to fill you up baby? do i make you feel too good?" a pool of your cum was pooling on the desk.
"yes! wan' you to, wan' you to," you trailed off as he grunted and let out a few soft, low moans, and you felt a warmth seep inside of you.
slowly he pulled out, which still had you twitch, and he looked almost apologetic about that. he searched the place for something to clean you up with, before ripping a piece off an abandoned lab coat, and slowly wiping you up with it. the table on the other hand, required the whole coat to wipe up.
he helped you put your pants back on as you regained and put your thoughts back in order.
"holy shit, we're at least twenty minutes late from meeting up at the extraction point," you checked the watch on your wrist. the two of you scurry to grab all your things as well as what you came here for, and went on your out the building. leon then called chris, who was pissed about the time delay.
as you left, it was strangely silent, as if the two of you had scared the monsters away rather than attract them.
"never thought that'd ever happen," you admitted as the two of you made it outside and to the rendezvous.
"never thought i'd fuck you during a mission in the middle of nowhere." he agreed. "how about dinner later, pretty girl?"
"isn't it a bit late for that?"
"it's never too late to take a lady like you on a fancy date. you deserve it." he shouted as the wind from a helicopter overtook your hearing.
"hmm, i'll think about it!" you grinned, saluting. "nice work out there."
"if that was my real job, i'd be doing it all the time."
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ashessonfire · 1 year
listen here, you DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO RIP MY HEART OUT OF MY CHEST AND THROW IT IN THE MUD AND STAMP ON IT WITH THAT LATEST KAZ FIC OF YOURS, GET IT? I'm completely… devastated. I never asked you for anything, please do a part two, I BEG YOU!
ps: darling, you write very well ♡
'Forgotten' Part two - Kaz Brekker x Reader
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Prompt: Kaz slowly begins to remember your relationship, but what good is that if he has already tossed you aside? Can the Bastard of the Barrel save the one thing he truly loves?
You can find the first part of 'Forgotten' here!
- Pairing: Kaz Brekker x Reader (established relationship) - Warnings: A lot of angst, nothing too graphic, lots of emotion coming from Kaz + his crows, so much sadness, dont worry too much though ... :)
A/N: The amount of requests for this have been insane, once again i truly love each one of you, my heart is so full. I hope this is a good ending for the first part, im very happy with how it turned out!! P.S I am so sorry for the pain i seemed to have caused with the first post T-T ════ ∘◦ᵒ 𓅓 ᵒ◦∘ ════
Glimpses of you tormented Kaz, plaguing his every thought. His mind seemingly fixated on the one person he had deserted out of pure spite.
It had been two weeks since you were outcast, and Kaz had prayed to the Saints that it would relieve him of the weight gripping his heart, ever since his memory was ripped away from him. Yet they seemed to laugh in his face, spitting back a far more excruciating punishment for his actions.
Returning his memories.
The second you had left his office, tears spilling as they swirled in your shining eyes, Kaz had felt something deep stirring within him, something resembling dread. Since then, he had begged any higher being for relief as realisation began to flood his senses, engulfing his every thought and action.
Wounds scattered his already battered heart, with the rest of the crows seeming to crush it further each day. Ever since you had slipped carefully crafted letters under each of your friend’s doors, you had melted into the shadows of Ketterdam, not a single trace of your presence left behind.
You knew Kaz ultimately wasn’t to blame, yet the scars he had painted onto your soul were excruciating, physically pushing you away from him to escape further agony. You too, prayed to the Saints that your boyfriend, or perhaps ex-boyfriend, would regain what he had lost, and remember you as his lover.
Wind swept through your hair, salt spraying your glowing features as you sailed towards Ravka, choosing to allow the breeze to blow your pain along the wind, and back to Ketterdam. Pushing Kaz to the furthest corner of your mind, you stepped off the ladder onto Ravkan soil, determined to reap the benefits of your misfortune rather than wallow in them.
Taking the outstretched hand of a grinning sailor, you allowed the warmth of his smile and the welcoming of the group around you to bathe you in some sort of content.
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It seemed as if your prayers had worked, as each day wracked Kaz with a new memory or emotion, each one undeniably interlinked with you. His feelings overtook him, spewing out in rageful fits or harsh punishments for anyone daring to cross him, deepening the rift forming between the boss and his crows.
The moment each crow had read your letter, it instantly clicked into place what had happened, despite your deliberate attempts to remain vague about the exchange which had stolen you from them.
Sitting in Jesper’s room, the crew remained sullen, intense emotions clouding the air, becoming unbearable. The suffocating atmosphere was fractured when Nina suddenly burst out, “I am going to kill him. I warned him to be gentle, yet he pushed my attempts aside, and now...this. The hit could have been hard enough to at least remove some of his stubbornness.”
Nina huffed, rage coursing through her blood at Kaz’s actions, had she not been clear enough? “He can’t just send her away, can he? I mean, I didn’t think he would have it in him to do that, even before those two got together,” Jesper seethed, confusion lacing his voice but an unmistakable anger matching Nina’s.
Wylan remained silent, picking at the rotting wood of the floorboards, too overwhelmed at the loss of you to comprehend his emotions. Inej similarly remained quiet, eyes fluttering shut as she soundlessly prayed to each Saint that you would return, and Kaz would finally see sense.
Despite the varied reactions to their boss’s stupidity, a common thread held them closely together, pain. To each one of them you meant the world, a prevailing light penetrating through the dreary Barrel life which often consumed its inhabitants.
You lit up the darkness of the ruthless city, aiding Jesper in amusing pranks often against Kaz, in which you would take the blame for, knowing deep down Kaz could never hold it against you.
You consoled Wylan when whisps of his past would haunt him, taking him on walks along the canal or making his favourite tea and taking in the views of Ketterdam from the rooftop. The warmth of the suns beams and your words washing away his nerves.
For the usually reserved wraith, you encouraged her confidence, easing her fear of touch in a similar way in which you helped Kaz. Around very few other people Inej could say she felt the same comfort and unconditional love that radiated from your mere presence. Nina could positively agree with how Inej felt, intensely missing her gossip companion and partner in crime. You knew every detail about her, and the rest of the crows, in a way nobody else could ever counter.
On the third week of your absence, the crows had seen very little of their leader, the few signs of his presence being the scraping of a chair in his office, or the beat of a cane on the panels of the Slat, indicating he was finally eating before walling himself up in his desolate isolation again.
Paperwork scattered Kaz’s desk, yet it remained as untouched as it was when he had exiled you. His days were spent calculating finances, unable to bring himself to plan a heist without you, with a distinct and vital element of his crew missing.
A sudden echo of weighted footsteps sounded outside of his door, their ascent bringing a chorus of hushed voices as the crows burst into his office. It had been days since they had last encountered their boss, his previous sighting confining him almost indefinitely to his room. It was in the early hours of the morning a few nights ago that he had finally emerged to gather some papers from the common room, when his attention snapped up to a sight that he was utterly unprepared to face.
Before him, by a fireplace laden with dim embers, sat Inej, Wylan, and Jesper, all three bearing cascading silver lines down their faces. Wylan’s breathing was ragged as he sobbed into Jespers chest, the sight of which triggering the other two. Realisation slammed into Kaz, knocking the breath out of his lungs, startling him with the intensity of emotion that welled up within him.
Not only had he destroyed the one true tenderness in his life, but he had also destroyed his closest friends too.
By this point, he had figured that he had long been captivated with you, and the most recent flashes of memory brought his relationship barreling down on him. Although patches were hazy, he had decoded exactly what he felt.
He was in love with you.
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Before any of the group that had stumbled in could voice their opinions, the sight of their boss stunned them into silence.
Kaz remained hunched over his desk as always, but the ghostly paleness to his skin, the hollowed cheeks that protruded at sharp angles, and the grave circles etched underneath his reddened eyes deeply unsettled his crows. Nothing, not even Pekka Rollin’s greatest attempts to wound him, had ever resulted in Kaz Brekker’s complete and utter destruction.
Until now.
Inej quietly cleared her throat before courageously stating, “Kaz, we are going to find her. Not only are the Dregs seriously disadvantaged, but we also need her. Not just for jobs, even though you may not remember…” until she was cut of by a sharp voice.
Kaz’s head whipped up, glaring with a deathly warning at the people who stood before him. “I do remember,” he lashed out, voice deep and gravelly at the lack of use, “I remember everything now. You think I would have done that if I had known?”
His words echoed around the dim room, but it was something about Kaz’s face which caused the crows to collectively draw in their breath. A tear had freed itself from the confinement of his heart, snaking it was way down his ashen cheek, revealing to the group the torment he was being subject to by his own actions.
With a shaky hand, he procured a crumpled piece of paper from his waistcoat, holding it out to the group in a similar way in which he had done to you, the emotion in his chest pressing tightly against his lungs.
Jesper stepped forward cautiously, snatching it from his hands and unfolding the corners. The group peered over his shoulder to discover a meticulously thought-out plan to retrieve you from Ravka. Kaz glanced at the group, for the first time allowing them a glimpse of his true feelings, begging them silently to aid in his mission.
With a swift look to the others, they wordlessly agreed to Kaz’s plan, Jesper handing back the paper to his boss and giving a tight nod to Kaz, “Lets go then,” he declared.
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Through a thorough process of force, Nina had coaxed the reality of your conversation out of Kaz, pulling up rage from the group. However, they excellently withheld it, knowing you would never blame Kaz for his actions whilst his memories fogged over, despite the pain they had caused.
The air around them cleared as the ship sailed away from the port in Ketterdam, the grey of the ocean blending into cerulean as the voyage to Ravka proceeded. If Kaz’s calculations remained accurate, you would be collecting information within the small harbor you had first landed in, leaving little ground for the group to cover in search of you.
Once they reached land, they split off into six desperate individuals, Jesper searching the market, Inej scouring the rooftops, Wylan inquiring with locals, and Nina investigating the shops that littered the town square. Kaz stationed himself inside a cramped booth at the busiest of the sparse bars that lined the town, his informants assuring him it was the most popular with Ketterdam’s visitors.
For the first time in years, Kaz felt sick with nerves. He remembered how anxious he had felt when he summoned the courage to admit his feelings, but the sheer force of his panic now tied him down and drowned him.
Tears poured frequently from his eyes during the weeks of your absence, the dread of not knowing how you were constantly squeezing at his heart. The knowledge that if something happened to you it would be his fault ate at him until he was a mere shell of the man you had loved.
A voice pulled him out of his daze, like a siren inviting a sailor to dance in the depths of the ocean, Kaz was defenseless against you. As he turned his head towards the sound, you also glanced over at the dark figure in the corner, heart ceasing its movements in your chest the second your gazes locked.
It truly was him.
Frozen by the sight of you, Kaz couldn’t comprehend his own actions, remaining frigid in his seat as he stared at you, eyes once again being subject to the sting of tears.
‘Pathetic’ he thought to himself.
You gave a kind smile to the men you were conversing with previously, quietly slipping into the opposite seat from Kaz. You parted your lips to begin small conversation, not wanting the tension to grow too intense, but your words crumbled as he shot out, “I need you.”
Confusion flooded you, yet the desperation flooding his eyes signaled that he wasn’t done, the words were just slowly configuring inside. You knew him well enough to give an encouraging nod, letting him calculate his next words.
“I need you to come back. I remember it all, and” he stopped himself, breathing shallowly as his lungs refused to intake enough air, “I’m sorry,” he whispered. Tears leaked from his sunken eyes, his fragile appearance wracking you with emotion, the temptation to reach out to him becoming unbearable. Nobody but you had ever seen the Bastard of the Barrel break, yet he sat before you now, heart on full display for only you to see.
Yet you remained strong, answering his pleads by stating, “And how will that go? I know you lost your memory, but will you just push me away again if your feelings overwhelm you?” Before he could respond, you breathed out, “Kindness often isn’t free in this world Kaz, but when it comes to you, I would never expect anything in return. However, if you truly want me back, I need you to prove to me that it's really,” you paused,
Instantaneously, Kaz reached for your hand, gloved fingers grasping desperately at your own, interweaving and caressing them in an iron grip. “I swear,” he started, “I will never let anyone harm you again in the way I have, my love,” a flood of emotion seeping into his words and gaze. “Including myself. I’m sorry,” he said, guiding your interweaved hands to his lips, the trembling a mere afterthought as he kissed your knuckles.
Smiling sadly at him, you tucked a strand of his hair behind his ear, hearing a shaky sigh leave his lips at your touch, mere weeks leaving him in desperation for you.
“The others are here I suppose?” you questioned, earning a short nod from Kaz and a diversion of his gaze. Unwinding your hand from his, you stood up, glancing down at the sorrowful man, and offering a soft smile, “Lets go find them then,” heart fluttering as Kaz’s hand gripped your wrist, unable to go without your touch a moment longer.
Weaving your hand through his once more, your gaze softened as the tension carved into your boyfriends sullen face released, as the pair of you made your way out of the establishment, connected by the hands that gripped the other and the love that radiated between the pair. Once you had received at least a hundred embraces and kisses from the other crows, you embarked on the journey back to dreary city of Ketterdam.
Not once on the voyage did Kaz leave your side, exchanging soft touches in each moment, and gently whispering against your temple a breathy, “I love you,” as the sublime colours of the sunset bled into the ocean, coating the two in a golden haze.
Relief settled between you, having the other fully within their reach again.
As Kaz’s attention diverted back to the wide expanse of water before him, you pour all of your emotions into your next words.
“I love you too, Kaz Brekker.”
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tag list: @cinnamon-bun47 @outlawqueen17 @s-corpionem @minstens @myheartfollower @cleverzonkwombatsludge @hopefulpeachnight @aesthetic0cherryblossom @thetargaryenbride @maisieisbae @natalia42069 @words-are-cheap @blancaster @caspianobsessed @lvmos-maximus @peotego  @rhyanna6012 
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i-cant-sing · 1 year
I feel like big brother dabi frequently checks little sister reader out from her preschool so that they can do stupid shit together and he can one up his siblings on who spends the most time with her
He does! And it's not him "checking her out" as much as it is "luring her out" or borderline kidnapping her, but he's done it so many times now that Enji officially gave your school the green light to let the "brooding, scary villain" take you.
The bigger the age gap between you two, the more softer he is towards you. Like in this scenario, Dabi is like 20 something, while reader is barely 5.
As soon as Dabi picks you from school, he's taking your pink bag and hanging it on his shoulder while letting your small hand hold his two fingers as you both walk, all while humming when you tell him about your day and how you learned what a "verb" is.
He'll take you to a convenience store first, to get you something to eat. And sure, mama Rei always makes the yummiest meals with the best organic ingredients and papa Enji always take you to Michelin starred restaurants and gourmet ice cream parlours, they still can't beat the addicting taste of cheap convenience store junk food, which is all Dabi can afford at the moment. And the best thing is, he doesn't say no. You want two ice creams? Fuck yeah, he'll get 4! That's just a fantastic idea and he won't say no to it.
Then later he'll tae you to a park, where you'll be playing more by yourself than have him play with you. However, you can't play with other kids either without his permission. If you see kids your age at the play ground, you'll have to come to Dabi and ask if you can play with them. Sometimes he'll say yes, mostly he says no. That's when you have to huff and guilt trip him with your small voice and complain how no one ever plays with you (because everyone is busy) and now Dabi is sitting in the sandbox at your pretend restaurant while you serve him a sand cake. (On the inside, he's crying because his inner child wants to give you all the love and affection and everything he never got)
After playing, you're tired and looking like a complete mess, so while you sit im Dabi's lap taking huge gulps from your water bottle, he's combing your hair with his hands and tying it into pretty braids with cute bows (that he absolutely does mot carry around with him and no, those are not your pink hair ties on his wrist. That's fashion), all while he's narrowing his eyes at you as you're inhaling your water.
"Hey, slow down, brat. You'll choke and I won't save you."
If he has time, he'll take you to McDonald's and get you a happy meal, not getting himself one cause again- he's poor. But he will steal your fries though, and your drink. Not that you mind. No, no. You love sharing your food with Dabi, in fact, you'll probably be feeding him with your own hands.
"Here comes the plane, Dabi! Say ahh!" As you poke his closed lips with a fry.
Sometimes you'll ask about his scars. You're still too young to understand it all, and you being a curious kid, you often ask about his appearance. With gentle hands, you'll be tracing his staples and burn marks, asking if they hurt.
He'll shrug. "They used to, but not anymore." But maybe his tone wasn't convincing enough, or maybe you just needed an excuse to your Hello Kitty bandaids, but you're pulling them out pf your bag and placing them haphazardly on Dabi before kissing each boo boo to "make the pain go away".
You don't notice the misty eyes of your brother while you're kissing his burns.
Before the sun sets, Dabi is taking you back home (or else Rei will have his head), and you're so tired that you fall asleep while he's carrying you, drooling slightly on his shoulder as you mumble about Dabi and him being the best (which he obviously recorded to piss off his siblings. Shotou and Fuyumi are 1000% convinced that this was a deep fame and not you).
He'll tuck you in bed, maybe kiss your forehead before leaving. On his way home, he's looking through all the photos he secretly took that day of you,and there are even some very shaky, badly taken photos of him by you (because you wanted to take photos of your big brother too🥺) before Dabi settles on the one picture where he's looking ominous (but his eyes are soft) and you're in his arms, all giddy and happy.
New wallpaper 🥺💖
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weskin-time · 2 years
I don’t t go here but how about sharing body heat with John price headcanons? Like if it’s cold outside and the both of you are stranded. Alone. 👀 (feel free to ignore just giving ideas haha)
i’m sorry this took. months. i love when i write and hit the save button only for it to not save. >:/ BUT I HOPE I DID YOUR ASK JUSTICE!
Captain John Price x GN!Reader
not beta read
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Cold air curled into your lungs and made its home on your skin, burning the back of your throat and searing your flesh as if it was hot out, but it was freezing.
There was no snow, just dry cold air that made your sinus’s cry out in pain, no moisture in the air just a winter haze in a forest. Frozen dew drops clung to blades of grass, to the leaves shed on the forest floor like blankets, the dwindling light of the day promised an even colder night.
The twilight would have been peaceful if it had been a voluntary camping trip, if you weren’t stuck with your captain in the middle of the woods out in bumfuck-nowhere Russia.
It should have been easy, should have been an easy drive to a small town where the contact had been, but it was an ambush, a trap set up by Makarov to get you lot off his ass. Your small team was outnumbered and forced to retreat, but an explosion caused Price and you to be separated from Gaz and the rest of the small amount of men. A mine caught the captain and you off guard, causing the Humvee you were in to wreck, separating you from everyone, somehow Makarov’s men didn’t see you two slip into the woods that bordered the town.
“Damnit. You two are going to have to sit tight for the night.” Laswell spoke over the coms.
Good thing the army backpack your we’re wearing had supplies inside it, standard military issued foldable tent, a shitty sleeping bag, and then some. Price seemed to have lost his bag (or didn’t even bring it) in the explosion, meaning there was only one tent and sleeping bag to share between you two. Fun.
You barley paid any attention to the conversation going on behind you as you began to set up the tent, unzipping it from its little bag and trying to figure out how to set it up. It kind of reminded you like those folding frisbees you sometimes get at fairs or small events.
“Laswell-“ Price began to argue but was cut off.
“John it’s too hot right now to rescue the two of you, Makarovs men are still in the town, Im not going to argue with you. I’m sending a team your way before dawn tomorrow, you’ll be out of there in no time.” Her tone was final.
“Fuckin hell.”
The kept talking as you focused on the tent, tuning them out as you fed some tubes into the fabric of the green camo. Your nose felt numb, your fingers moved with a slowness of paralyzed flesh, the cold in the air seeped into your being freezing your blood. Your heavy fingers fumbled over the rough fabric as you sniffed your now running nose.
By the time Price was done complaining you had gotten the tent up. It was large enough for about 2 people, and thankfully the backpack you carried had a thin scratchy blanket to go along with it. Looks like you wouldn’t be camping warmly tonight.
“The tents up captain.” you called over your shoulder to where the man was just a few moments ago, jaw chattering slightly.
“Alright. Fuckin hell.” the last part was muttered under his breath.
It had been an hour since you set up the tent.
Twilight had come to cloak the forest in darkness, the birds who were chirping and singing earlier had went to bed, it was too cold in the night air for them.
The temperature had to have dropped a few more degrees by sundown because your toes ached in the combat boots you wore, you could barely feel them let alone move them in the confines of the shoes. Your fingers felt like rocks, slow to move and what could best describe it as ‘clunky’.
It’s weird how the cold burns. Your skin felt like it was on fire minus the heat, your thighs didn’t help warm up your hands as you pressed your legs harder around your fingers to provide any warmth at all, instead it just make your skin ache. What’s worse is you couldn’t make a fire.
Makarov’s men were still in the area Price had confirmed, while y’all were deeper in the woods to where it would take them a while to find you even if they tried to look in the forest, it would still be too risky to attract them from the smoke of a fire, and everything was too cold and frozen to have a smokeless fire, you needed dry wood with no bark for that.
You and your captain had huddled up in the tent for the night. Price was currently on watch, which left you alone in the tent to rest.
But it was too cold to sleep. It was too cold to even think. You sat in the fetal position with your arms around your thighs instead of your knees, pressing your fingers into the crevasse of your thighs to provide some warmth, but none coming to you. A blanket from the sleeping bag was wrapped around you, it was too cold to even lay flat in the sleeping bag, you had to huddle to stay somewhat warm, and even then you felt the buzzing, burning, numb feeling of the cold. You were able to handle torture if needed, but this? this was hell. The blanket did nothing.
“Shift change.” He announced before unzipping the flap and sitting fully in the tent ready to switch positions with you but he stopped when he saw your shivering state.
Your head was on your knees and you honestly couldn’t tell if you were shivering worse than he was. Your skin looked dull from what he could see and that instantly worried him.
He shifted over to you on his knees, shutting the tent flap behind him, “You alright?”
You weakly looked up at him only to be met with his sudden expression of shock and worry all mixed into one. You could barely see in the moonlight but you’d be able to sniff out the expression sense you haven’t seen him ever express it before.
Your lips were turning blue.
“Fuckin hell,” he groaned out a string of curses as he put down his gun and took off his vest and placed it with yours in the corner of the tent. You could barely understand what he was muttering, something about muppets? Fuck if you knew.
“Imma move you, right?” He asked full knowing he was going to do it regardless if you said yes or no, so you have a weak grunt in approval.
You didn’t want to move, moving meant you’d loose all the warmth you’ve built up be it not much. John sat down close to you and took the blanket off you, which you barely even noticed, and wrapped his large warm hands around your midsection and hooked his other under your knees, lifting you up to sit in between his legs. You were facing sideways against him with your shoes under his thigh as both of his legs wrapped around your frame. He pushed your head to rest against his chest and instantly your hands found their place resting against his ribs.
His arms wrapped around you with the blanket, draping it around the two of you as he held you against him.
If you were in your right mind you would protest against your captains actions, but survival was more important in this moment. Plus you honestly didn’t mind being this close to him, feeling his breath on the top of your head as he huddled into you, his strong heartbeat hammering in your ears in a calming manner, and slowly the warmth of the two of you beginning to grow under the trap of the blanket, making your skin feel as if it was thawing. You felt safe in his arms like this.
“That better?” Price asked resting his head on your own.
A whine of ‘mmhmm’ escaped your throat at the question.
“Get some rest ey? Gaz’ll be here by dawn.” Reassuring words from your captain almost put a spell on you as you instantly felt your eyelids grow heavy. You absentmindedly snuggled closer into his chest and shifted your weight to rest fully against him. A hum of contentment released like a balloons air escaping. You really should be embarrassed a little about this situation but you were too cold and tired to care, you were just glad you could feel your fingers again.
Right at the cusp of sleep where your brain was swimming in the ideas of a dream a soft pressure surrounded by what felt like fuzzy grass tickled your forehead.
John had given you a kiss on the head, “Sleep love.”
You’d worry about everything later in the morning when you’re rescued and after you’ve been seen by a doctor.
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lovelykei · 2 months
Save you
Bakugo Katsuki x reader
This one is angsty and it also has spoilers about the war arc so read at your own risk 😀
This is also my first time writing for something other than haikyuu so I hope it’s okay😩
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It was chaotic, heroes were laying on the floor bleeding out, burning, screaming and begging for someone to reach them. A young hero was running around trying to reach the heroes in need. Sweat dripping down the forehead and straight into the heroes eyes but they didn’t stop, they couldn’t stop. In a world where soulmates feel each others pain this hero whose every joint was screaming to stop kept running, kept healing as the pain consumed them. For just a second it felt like time was moving in slow motion. Pressure, pressure, pressure, rip. A blood curling scream brought the entire battlefield to a halt. It was silent as the pro heroes turned towards you, the young hero who had been healing everyone, who was now on the floor hand clutching your chest. Everyone immediately knew that something had happened to Dynamight.
As fast as the pain came it was gone and now you felt nothing. Your body was lighter than it had ever been but your heart had never been heavier. Cause soulmates were meant to be forever, it was the other half that people spent their entire life searching for. Soulmates weren’t meant to die thousand of kilometers away, soulmates weren’t meant to die at 16 while fighting a villain they weren’t even qualified enough to be fighting. Katsuki wasn’t meant to die like this.
It had been years since day and somehow katsuki had been brought back to life with the help of the pro hero edgeshot. The apartment was silent apart from the soft thudding of feet pacing back and forth anxiously. The air was thick, the night was dark, the tears were silently streaming down. It’s past midnight, katsuki always made it home by 10pm. The dinner that was always on the table by 10 had turned cold. You put your phone to your ear trying to call just one more time hoping he would answer when the door busts open.
“I’m sorry baby I got caught up with paperwork” Katsugi apologized lightly as he walked through the door kicking his shoes off. The soft thud of your body falling to the floor brought his attention back to you and made him rush over. It was still dark, it was still late but it was no longer silent. “You have a phone don’t you? Couldn’t you call? Text? Why did you just disappear?” He reassured you that he was right there and that his phone had run out of batteries and although his tone was gentle there was an air of frustration coming from him. “You can’t get like this Everytime I’m a little late baby” you roughly pushed him away from you, standing up as you did so. “It’s been 3 hours katsuki, that’s more than a little late don’t you think” maybe it was the fear that made you lash out, maybe you were just angry he didn’t understand. “Im a hero y/n I can’t always make it home on time and I can’t always call you, we have talked about this” he ran a hand over his face frustrated that you were doing this again. Silence fell over the apartment as you turned around and walked to your shared room. He followed after you and slammed the door. “You married a hero, you knew what that meant so why are you acting like this? Ever since I started working as a hero you’ve been psychotic” he screamed and kicked a pillow that had fallen to the floor. How dare he call you psychotic when it was all his fault. How dare he turn it on you. “Answer me for fuck sake” it was obvious that he was frustrated and tired but you couldn’t get the words out. “I thought you died” it was barely above a whisper but he heard you and scoffed. “So what? You’re worried I’m weak? You’re acting crazy cause you don’t think I can take on villain?” He felt offended that you thought so little off him, angry that you saw him as someone so weak.
“But you did die katsuki” your teary eyes met his glaring eyes. “You died and I felt it all, I felt the pain from your heart exploding, I felt the emptiness of our soul band dying” you gripped the sheets in your shaking hands as you spoke louder and louder. “You fought shigaraki without worrying about leaving me behind and you died. Then you came back and moved on. But I’m still right there, thousands of miles away from you screaming and crying because.. BECAUSE I COULDNT FEEL YOU ANYMORE” you screamed at him. Every night you wait by the door for him to come through okay and at night you stay up healing his injuries while he sleeps. Every moment of every day was spent worrying that he wouldn’t make it back this time. That if he died now there wouldn’t be another miracle. He walked over to you and tried to wrap his arms around you to apologize. “It just feels like we got matching fucking wounds. But mine is still black and bruised while yours is perfectly fine.” He held your limp body in his arms for hours that night. Reminding you every 30 minutes that’s he’s right there, that he’s still alive and apologizing over and over. But even as the sun rose and the birds started chirping you were just limp in his arms, the tears still streaming down your face. It was the first time he saw how broken you were and suddenly everything made sense.
Back in UA you had insisted on healing even his paper cuts saying you wanted to strengthen your quirk. And after you graduated he had opened an agency while you had decided to stay and work with recovery girl. He didn’t get it at the time, all the years you trained to become a hero only to turn around and become a school nurse..it had pissed him off for sure but he got it now. After that day you hadn’t spoken a word, you called in sick to work and spent most of your days laying in bed crying. You didn’t eat, you barely slept, the only thing you could do was cry. For once in his life Bakugo really didn’t know what to do, he tried to work less so he could feed you and bathe you but it’s like you were gone. He thought that this time he’d pushed you to far and as he sobbed into his hands he was furious that he couldn’t save you.
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kairiscorner · 1 year
yk what, im tired of seeing reader being the one protected, so what about this: reader that sees o'hara severely injured on a mission they are together, and going nuts on the one that hurt him? like even Miguel is surprised cause he never saw reader as mad and bloodlust-y as now, but when its over, the reader goes over him and treats him gently, kinda panicking over the fact that hes hurt.
i feel like Miguelito has such a heavy weight on his back about protecting everything around him and keeping the universe under control, he deserves someone to protect him and have his back 🥺🥺
OH MY GOD you have enlightened me. i fucking need this too now. i hope you like this <:))
(reblogs are greatly appreciated, it helps get my content out there! if you guys like what you see, please reblog it too <:D)
let me save you. — miguel o'hara x reader
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summary: carrying the whole multiverse on his back, having everyone fall back on him... but who's got his back when he's got everyone else's? pairing: miguel o'hara x gn!spider person!reader genre: fluff, comfort, and some angst word count: 1,244
content warnings! depictions of gore, blood, bleeding and wounds. please do not read any further if you are uncomfortable with these topics ^^
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heaving, erratic breathing was heard coming out from you as you tried to process that miguel had been slammed into the ground by the anomaly. he had been slammed into the ground, and he's not getting up. his suit's glitching out, slightly dissipating as he coughs up some blood–lyla shows up to try and salvage his suit, get him back in action, but he's not getting up.
miguel always got back up every time he was forced to the ground by the enemy; he never let defeat get to him. it always used to be you who would get slammed into the ground, through some wall, or flung across a whole block–and miguel always saved you, he never... needed saving. never, that was, until tonight–as the anomaly continued to wreak more havoc, thinking they gained the upper hand, they felt a blunt object strike them in the back.
you threw a whole car at them after webbing it up and chucking it at tem in pure, unadulterated rage. you were... so pissed off–you had a fire burning in your eyes and a throbbing in your chest, it was such a heavy, painful throbbing that you couldn't shake off. some part of you told yourself that, until this anomaly is beaten and unconscious–until it was struggling to breathe, bloodied and unable to stand like how they made miguel... how they made miguel hanging on to his consciousness–and probably, his life right now–after they ruthlessly threw him to the ground with a loud bang following the impact.
your eyes were bloodshot from the tears you weren't aware you were shedding, the salty taste of them enveloping your tongue as you decided to end this, once and for all, for miguel... for the man you loved and couldn't bear saying goodbye to. you tried taking down the villain a peg, going after their legs and beating them down the minute they were on their knees and wounded. they cried out in pain as you delivered non-stop punches, kicks, and other blows to their body–inflicting all your rage upon them through marks and wounds on their face that could never, ever amount to the pain and anger you felt when you witnessed miguel get thrown down by the villain, to the point that he's hanging on to life right now and probably fading in and out of consciousness.
you couldn't even hear the sound of you huffing and puffing, even growling and screaming in rage as the sounds of you completely obliterating the anomaly's face in distracted you as you kept thinking, 'when can you just stand down and get knocked out?' the anomaly began to glitch, worsening the pain they experienced from your endless barrage of blows upon them. this evoked no mercy out of you as all you could think was, 'you get what you deserve, you monster, you freak!'
a weak voice rang out from your watch and pleaded–not commanded, but pleaded–you to end this madness. "please... we need that... villain... alive. people... people here are gonna die..." the strained voice begged of you as they coughed on the other end; it was miguel's voice, his tired, pained voice begging you with all the strength he had left to plead with you not to murder the anomaly. he coughed again and wheezed, shuddering as he exhaled, feeling so, so cold. "please... you can't... can't have your way with them... it's not... worth it..." he whispered as his strength was fading away from his voice, from his body as the call ended, and you could only beg for his voice to come back on the call, to hear him, hope he was okay.
you bit your lower lip as you tried to fight the urge to sniffle and weep, your tears beating your mind's demands as tears escaped your eyes. you didn't have time to wipe them away, miguel was fighting his own battle with death looming over his head the longer his injuries go untended. you throw a final punch to the villain, one with all your raw emotions packed in that punch–and you webbed that villain up, calling for back up to come and pick them up. as you had hoped, they were now unconscious, but nowhere near as close to death as miguel was. you rushed over to miguel as soon as a support team was coming over to clean the mess up and send the anomaly home, but you couldn't focus on anything or anyone else right now but him–miguel.
you ran over to him and skidded to his side, scraping your knees in the process, but disregarding the pain as you gently took his hand in yours, watching him breathe heavily. "miguel? mig? mig, baby, look at me..." you whispered to him as you placed your other hand on his cheek, feelings his shallow breathing as his tired, half-lidded eyes stare into your own tear-stained and puffy ones. you remove your mask and let the tears fall, placing both hands on his face and trying to match his breathing, you hoped against a hope that the support team would get here soon and help you cart miguel away to get some treatment for his wounds and have him recover quickly.
miguel ran a hand through your hair all weakly and sighed. "you... were phenomenal..." he murmured as he dropped his hand to the side out of exhaustion. "i've never... never thought i'd be the one... needing saving." he said with a low, forced chuckle, which fizzled out as it became a wheezing cough. you placed your hand on his chest and shushed him, calming him down. "mig..." you muttered his name as you laid your head on his chest, hearing his faint heartbeat grow steady, and in relief, you kissed the spot on his chest where his heart was slowly beating, hoping it'd beat a little faster, keep helping him live. "i can't lose you... i'll never, ever give up on you..." you promised him as miguel placed his hand on your head and began to lightly tear up himself. "and neither... neither will i." he swore as you sobbed a little louder into his chest, finally letting the fact you could've lost him if you didn't call for help any sooner finally sinking in.
you couldn't afford to lose him, you could never afford to kiss him goodbye, or to have him leave you without another word or touch from him. you can never stand the thought of being alone, much less without his stern, serious ass bothering you over something trivial or consistently reminding you to take care of yourself, to keep yourself on your toes, to be... nicer to yourself–because you're the only person he's truly come to care about; and that's him for you, too. he completes you, and you complete him–to lose one another... would be like the death of you both. from here on out, you both have made oaths to one another that you swear on your hearts: to protect and defend each other, and to hang on for the other as long as you can, not to waste a single breath, and to breathe it... knowing the other will do any and everything to keep you alive, to be with you longer than infinity spans, and to be yours until the multiverse gives out and collapses in on itself... to be each other's and in each other's arms until the end of everything.
tags !! @miguelswifey04 @binibinileonara @hisachuu @wreakingmarveloushavok @fictarian @yuridopted0 @simsrandomstuff @luvstarrstruck @popeheywardssecretgf @meeom @arachnoia @melovetitties @fable-library @ophanimgold
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mssorceressupreme · 3 months
hiii i felt like ive read every single minho fic in existence & ive been dying from the lack of it so im hoping u can write ts 🙏🏼
fem!reader works for wicked and betrays the gladers w teresa (or not doesn’t matter). & instead of teresa talking to minho in that one scene, its reader. reader tries to explain that its for a good cause by being slightly stern n rude about it but breaks down for the first time and softens up when she realizes that it isn't right. reader then tries to make up with it by being a lil freaky…..,, (can be spice or smut idc)
HAHAHAH girl mans was literally in pain during that scene but ur so real 😩🤌🏼 literally tho I feel like the fandom is slowly dying and it hurts 😭😭 anyway, l hope I satisfied your prompt but I do apologise as I got slightly carried away at the end and added more to the plot 😭🫶🏼
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Change | Minho x Reader
Summary: after betraying the gladers, you come face to face with one of them again. the one who captured your heart a long time ago, and you discover that feelings don’t go astray.
Warnings: spicy content, mild violence, mentions of blood and gunshots
You stood in the sterile lab, the cold, fluorescent lights casting a harsh glare in the white walls. The sound of machines humming filled the room, a constant reminder of the work you were doing here.
You paused from working on your lab report, glancing over at Teresa, who was intently focused on a computer screen, analysing data. “Do you regret it, Teresa?” You asked, “Betraying them?”
Teresa didn’t look up from the screen. “No,” she replied firmly, “We’re in the right, Y/N.”
You stared at her blankly, did she really not care about them?
“Don’t think too much about it, this is our job now. We’re here and not with them. They’re out there and it doesn’t matter anymore.” She continued, with a slightly gentler tone.
“Not all of them…” you mumbled.
Teresa looked up from her computer screen, she knew how much he meant to you back in the glade, about your secret infatuation with him. “The tests on Minho are looking good, he’s delivering promising results Y/N. If we continue testing, we’ll be closer to finding a cure.”
You nodded, but felt heavy with doubt. You had always believed in the cause, the need to find a cure and save humanity.
But seeing Minho captured and brought to the facility, subjected to tests and experiments, had stirred something inside you. Was this truly the way?
You couldn’t shake the feeling that you were crossing the line but you chose to ignore that for the sake of finding the cure.
It was still early in the day and you were due for a check in session with Minho in a few minutes. The first session, and the first time seeing him since he was held captive.
You couldn’t bring yourself to visit him previously, well, not until now, since it was mandatory for you to check in with your subject as a scientist.
“Well I’m off, got a meeting.” You began packing up your items.
“Good luck. See you for a coffee later?” Teresa smiled softly, and you nodded, showing a small smile before leaving the room.
In no time, you found yourself sitting in the cold, clinical meeting room, waiting for Minho to be brought in.
You fiddled with a pen, your mind racing. When the door finally opened, and Minho was escorted in, your heart clenched at the sight of him. He looked worn, his usual fierce determination dulled by exhaustion and pain.
You sat at opposite ends of the table, the distance between you feeling both emotional and physical.
“Minho,” you began, trying to keep your voice steady.
Minho didn’t respond, his eyes refusing to meet yours.
“You have to understand where Teresa and I are coming from…” You continued, “This is for a good cause. We’re trying to save the world.”
Again, he didn’t move a muscle nor did he respond. But you could feel the tension between the two of you, the atmosphere was uneasy. The guilt of bringing him here, away from the other gladers weighed heavily on your shoulders.
You felt your resolve wavering but you forced yourself to remain stern, “You know how much we need to find a cure. Sometimes sacrifices have to be made.”
You sighed and continued. “There’s a girl here, her name is Cheyenne. You can help her Minho, we’re so close to finding a cure. You can help hundreds of infected people, think about it. It just takes a bit of sacrifice…”
Minho’s eyes narrowed, anger flashing in them. “By torturing and experimenting on people? How can you justify that.”
“There is no other way.” You sneered, “We’re doing the best we can.”
“Your best looks a lot like your worst.” He spat, clenching his fists through his handcuffs.
“At least we’re doing something about it! Unlike some people!” You slammed your pen on the table, frustrated with the amount of confusion running through your head.
Your head was thinking differently than your heart. You had certain thoughts, but out came opposing ones.
“You’re no better than WCKD,” He was spiteful, “You’re just like them.”
Your gaze softened, you shook your head slightly.
“The Y/N I know wouldn’t have done this.” He added, scoffing.
The weight of his accusation hit hard. You had always prided yourself on being different, empathetic, wanting to help people. But now, you felt the full force of your actions crashing down in you. Tears welled up in your eyes, and you couldn’t hold them back any longer.
“I’m sorry,” you whispered, your voice breaking, “I just wanted to help…I thought I was doing the right thing, but now, I don’t know anymore.” There had to be another way to cure humanity, this was straight up torture.
Minho’s expression softened slightly, seeing you break down for the first time. “If you really want to help, you need to stop this.”
You took a deep breath, the decision forming in your mind. You stood up and walked around the table, closing the distance between you. “I never wanted to hurt you, Minho.” You confessed, “I’ve always…loved you.”
He scanned your face, eyes darting from your eyes to lips, as you leaned in. Your lips brushing against his, before forcefully attaching.
Little did you know, that Minho too, shared your feelings. You had always admired him, his leadership, fearlessness, and the way he cared for other gladers, especially you.
Those moments where he paid extra close attention to you, wasn’t just because he cared for you like everyone else, but because he had feelings for you. You were always his first priority.
“Shuck, I’ve been wanting to do this to you for so long.” Minho mumbled into the kiss, as he pulled you onto his lap despite having his hands cuffed.
“Please forgive me Minho, I can’t bear to see you like this anymore. I want to stop this, stop WCKD and find the others.” You were straddling him, and pulled away from the kiss.
His response was leaning in for another kiss. The kiss was filled with desperation and regret, a silent plea for forgiveness.
You wrapped your arms around his neck, tugging on his hair lightly, while he pulled you closer to him, fully closing the gap between you.
He bit your lip slightly, you left out a soft moan in response. Your lips moved in sync, they became sloppy, desperate and hungry kisses. You craved more, you missed him badly, and this proximity was exactly what the both of you needed.
The fact that his was growing harder beneath you, and how wet you already were, made it evident that the both of you were touch deprived, and all your feelings had burst out in this session.
“Minho…” you moaned, as he began kissing your neck, finding your sweet spot and sucking on it until he left a mark.
“Looks like we’re both tagged now.” He smirked, his eyes still tired and weak, but a tinge of something else was shown, forgiveness.
You now couldn’t imagine how much the betrayal must’ve hurt him especially. But the past is in the past, you wanted to move forward and truly make up for your heinous actions.
You planted a gentle kiss on his forehead, “I’m never going to let you get hurt, ever again.” You looked down at his handcuffs, and grazed your thumb above them, “I don’t have the keys to this on me…they should be in the lab somewhere.”
You got off his lap, “As much as I’d like to continue, we need to get you out of here,” determination hardening your voice, “I’m going to help you escape.”
Minho looked at her, taken aback by your sudden change of heart, “Why would you do that? Never-mind me…what will WCKD do to you if they find out?”
“I don’t care about WCKD anymore. I realise now that I can’t justify what we’ve done,” You replied, “And I’m not letting them hurt you again, I care about you Minho.”
He nodded firmly, “What can I do to help?”
You grabbed the handcuff keys from your lab, un-cuffing Minho swiftly. He shook his wrists and cupped your cheeks, giving you a quick peck on the lips, “Thank you.”
As you made your way through the compound, you led the way. Using your clearance to bypass security systems and unlock doors.
It was all havoc. Alarms sounding, people rushing to flee something, gunshots erupting. There had been a sudden attack on WCKD and the Last City, and you mentally thanked yourself for switching to the right side on time.
When you encountered guards, you fought together, defending Minho. Your movements synchronised and steady.
You grabbed a fallen guard’s weapon, tossing another to Minho. You defended each other fiercely, a silent understanding between you. The both of you weren’t just fighting for survival, you were fighting for each other.
As Minho rounded a corner, he bumped into Thomas and Newt, who were searching for him in the compound.
Minho reunited with the two of them, the three of them sharing a relieving hug. “Minho!” Thomas beamed.
You followed soon behind, seeing Minho embraced in a hug.
Thomas saw you and raised his weapon instinctively, and in the chaos, a shot rang out. Pain seared through your leg, and you crumpled to the ground.
“Y/N!” Minho shouted, dropping to his knees beside you. He turned to Thomas, “She’s with us again! She helped me escape.”
Thomas lowered his weapon, guilt washing over his face. “Sorry Y/N,” he stammered, his eyes regretful, “I didn’t know…it’s good, good to have you back with us.” He affirmed.
Minho carefully lifted you into his arms, cradling you into his chest. “We’ve got to get out of here. She’s hurt.”
They moved quickly, Minho carrying you bridal style as you navigated through the compound. You clung to him, breaths shallowed and pained. The warmth of his body was comforting and reassuring against you.
“Hang on,” he whispered, “We’re almost there.”
When the four of you finally burst out the building, the cool night air hit you like a wave. You stumbled into the open, the dark sky stretching above you lot.
“You did it,” you murmured, a weak smile tugging at your lips, you had lost a lot of blood in your leg. “We did it.”
Minho held you tighter, his face close to yours. “You’re safe now,” he said softly, “We’re going to be okay.”
Thomas and Newt followed closely behind, their expressions a mix of concern and determination. They had all made it out, but your injury weighed heavily on them.
“We need to get her to safety,” Thomas said, his voice urgent, “I’ll get Brenda and the others to come to us.”
Minho nodded, his grip on you unwavering. “I won’t let anything happen to you.” He promised.
As you moved away from the compound, you felt a sense of peace wash over you. Despite the pain, despite the uncertainty of your future, you knew you were where you needed to be—by Minho’s side, fighting for a better tomorrow. Together, you would face whatever came next, your hearts united in your quests for freedom and redemption.
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kyoghurts · 3 months
Hellooooooo, hope you are having an amazing day/night!!! I recently read one of your stories about rayne and his assistant, I absolutely loved it!!!! Had me flipping my hands and giggling a lot l, I really liked the way you characterized him. So I was wondering if you could write about him with a reader that's on outside a little bit like him (people finding them intimidating, socially awkward and smart) but it's actually a lot like Finn (they are a little shy, tends to cry easily and really loyal) I don't know if that makes sense... but anyways aajsjsjajs
im actually an amalgam of these two 🥲 so sorry for not writing this sooner but here you go <3
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mashle. rayne ames x gn reader
content. fluff & 1.6k wc. this leans more towards platonic relationship but can be interpreted in any form. messy writing bc im back in the slumps.
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people often find you smart, it's seen in the numbers etched to your papers and the consistent participation in class, there's a tone of modesty in the way you interact with others, and your quiet nature in medium to large social groups does nothing but earn you the intimidating, or rather, mysterious type of a title.
the admiration of others is bearable, you're lucky you're not too popular, you don't really know how else to go about it. unlike a certain someone whom you're well acquainted with, but not necessarily close to call a friend. he doesn't even pay attention to you when you're not the one initiating a conversation, which is actually convenient for the most part.
rayne ames doesn't bother you like the rest; he'll talk to you if the circumstances deem it necessary. things you can list off as 'school-related' situations, there are days where his generosity reaches far, extending to you for reasons you can't pinpoint. he offers you his notes when you ask, acknowledges your presence by maintaining eye contact until you nod at him and he does the same, walk beside him in silence as if it's a long-time habit —like friends who no longer feel the need to talk in order to maintain the bond, he's already nice enough to feel unbothered with you, that itself is a bond worthy of simple sentiments, if there’s any existing between your bones.
(who are you kidding, of course you’re sentimental. people often befriend you for their own benefit, it makes you want to crawl into yourself, the layers of the title you’re given have grown thicker; no one else can see you when you’re protected by what you have constructed.)
(but deep down, there’s a friend in your bed who accepts your tears as it is, and you’re happy because they don’t speak ill of you behind your back, they let you ramble until you cling to them in your sleep.)
(you’re happy because nobody is here, just you and your pillow, still alone. hurt becomes a friend you’re ready to share with yourself.)
(you’re happy this way, right?)
a particular memory flashes through your mind, one that causes you to flinch from your daze.
(wrong. happiness doesn’t come in a messy rain soaked in your poor pillows. hurt becomes a bully when you place it upon yourself.)
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you were having the worst of anxieties when the day strikes you for the report that was supposed to be due by next week. perhaps its your fault in the first place to forget that he’s never been nice to you or to anyone, and he had the audacity to taunt you when you were ready to bite his head off then and there.
there are days where you simply cannot go by without curling into a corner—literally— and easing your worries in private, this day should not be one of them, but it is.
though to save some good news, you already finished your script anyway. and the topic is quite easy than the others, all you have to do is get up and sort your lines and not freak out when eyes are finally set on you. god, you could practically rip your flashcards with how you’ve been fumbling it with aggressive fingers almost tearing the edges right now.
“what are you doing?”
you let out a painful shreak, panting when the air in your lungs have been knocked out. you’re still crouching, but you turn your head and look up to see golden eyes watching you in such a way that you’re considering leaving altogether.
“rayne?” the calmness of your voice is such a comical contrast to your terrified expression that you want to laugh, if not for the current state that you’re in.
“the prof is coming soon. aren’t you getting ready?”
“i am getting ready” you say, almost sounding upset and salty. your gaze flick back to the pointed corner, not wanting to deal anymore of this. “i’m …nervous, okay. i need to think here.”
you close your eyes and sigh. you don’t need to know that rayne pities you at this moment, you don’t really care how he thinks of you, and you know him enough to discern him as the type to not care of someone like you either. you sigh once more and eventually feel composed. it’s enough to keep you intact—for now, at least.
you fall into complete silence, it stays like this for a while until you hear someone sigh behind you and—why is he still here?
“are you done?” he asks when you turn as you give him an incredulous look, as if saying his question is just plain stupid.
you don’t give him an answer. you stand up to your feet, fixing your robe and patting them down…but you can’t resist the strong pull of his gaze, so you meet his eyes once more, only to be taken aback by how…placid he actually is.
no sharpness in his glare. no spite in the refined lines of his face.
you had to ask, “how did you know i was here?”
“i saw you walked out.”
“i mean how did you find me—“
“does it matter?”
your brows knit together in slight tense, “of course it does.”
he walks away, remaining quiet. if that doesn’t piss you off now, you don’t know what will. your glare behind his head as you follow suit is something you wouldn’t imagine yourself to do, but something about rayne just doesn’t sit right with you at all. none of your peers know this sort of hiding spot that you have, and most definitely your personal magic could have detected the slightest track of presence within 100-meter radius range.
he walks up ahead, remaining quiet which irks you more than it should. you follow suit, already drained to keep persisting him. for a moment you think, if he hadn’t showed up, maybe you’d still be in the slump far longer you can’t endure. maybe, a teeny tiny part of you is grateful, but you’re not one to admit that out loud.
instead, you try to keep up with him, placing yourself beside him as placid as you can muster.
he speaks softly, catching you off guard, “you do that when you’re anxious.”
you’re not quite sure what to say, the way he states it is rather declarative than a question, you nod in agreement. no point denying it.
“you’re not who they expect you to be.”
“w-what?” you give him a glance, he’s still looking ahead.
“to hell with expectations. just do your best.”
that day, you can’t take your eyes off of him. the awe-struck might have been evident on your face, he briefly blinks at you before his walking pace slows down to match yours.
you feel warm, inexplicably so.
you held back a tear, but it still drops for the seed of happiness to suddenly grow.
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“hey.” you greet him, slightly jogging to catch up with him.
he slows down, like always. he acknowledges you through with it, feeling relaxed as you both amble throughout campus.
you smile, maybe you’re friends after all.
“i assume you’re not busy?”
“not really.”
rayne leaves it at that, or so you thought. it takes a minute to register what he said, your footsteps coming to a halt. “sorry…what did you say?”
“you can come with me, i need to buy something in the market.”
rayne ames doesn't bother you like the rest; he'll talk to you if the circumstances deem it necessary. things you can list off as 'school-related' situations-
“is this school-related?”
“no? just things i need to check on my list.”
“oh.” you stand there a little too dumbfounded.
a hint of hesitance fleetingly passes through rayne’s gaze. you don’t intend to make it awkward, but you are, and then you chuckle at yourself for doing so. “sorry, that startled me.”
“it’s not obligatory, so don’t worr-”
“i’ll come!” your lips tilt in an enthusiastic grin as you start walking again, “what’s on the list rayne?”
he faintly bumps your shoulder with such nonchalance you honestly find it unfair, your heart is beating unceremoniously against your chest, and your quivering smile gives away too much.
you’re starting to like the prospect of being bothered by rayne regardless if it’s necessary or not. to hell with expectations, you think, you’ll do your best being the happiest version of yourself.
you return the gesture much too late that it earns you a confused look. and then he bumps you again, and again when you follow another, and another. until you’re laughing at him for being silly and you swear you saw a smile ghost across his lips, as fast as a blink, it’s gone.
you would be happy to witness them everyday, if you can. (and that, you shall.)
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notes. gonna start writing that drunk and jealous rayne fic i've put on hold last month :]]]]]
© kyoghurts. ★ reblogs & likes are well appreciated!
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completeoveranalysis · 6 months
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Syaoran is just gushing blood at this point, to the point that HIS EYE COMES OUT
Which gets me from a few angles, because like, could that go back to Fai now? Could he get that magic back? Or did he already trade away the ownership of it when he traded all of his magic to Yuuko? Does he even want it? It’s uh… caused many problems. And painful memories. And even more painful injuries. 
If he was going to have to talk about anything in his final moments it would have to be the feathers
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And he almost looks lifeless as he passes on that they should give the feathers to Sakura. Because that was his central programming from start to finish.
Unless he knows something else?!
Is this the implication that maybe giving the feathers to Sakura at this point might cause something?
Is there a thread of a chance that Sakura is not just an empty body but that there is still something to be restored?
(And how cruel would that be to bring her back only to find that her most important person has died all over again?)
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florawrites-blog · 4 months
"Im not a addict"- l.dh
Warning: mentions of alcohol , alcohol addiction, collapsing, stress, mentions of daddy issues and toxicity in relationships.
The sight of Haechan's collapsed body on the floor of your room still haunted you. The fear and confusion you felt that day rushed back as you found him in the kitchen, reaching for another drink. "When did you come back?" you asked, concern lacing your voice as you approached him. "Just now," he replied curtly, not bothering to look at you as he focused on opening his drink. Your worry grew as you noticed the tension in his voice. "How was your day? You don't sound well. Are you okay? You didn't reply to any of my calls or messages." "Listen, save this for later. I really wanna stay alone right now," Haechan snapped, his tone sharp as he slammed his hands on the counter. "Haechan, please don't do this. Okay, let's not talk, but please put the alcohol away. Remember our promise, Haechan. Five months, only five months without alcohol," you pleaded, reaching out to touch his arm. "God, seriously, Y/N, stop making it sound like I'm an addict and just stop being so clingy. I asked to be alone, and that's what I expect you to do," he growled, frustration evident in his voice. You recoiled at his harsh words, feeling a pang of hurt mixed with your worry. "Seriously, Haechan, you're no different from them. You drink when you're happy, sad, stressed, mad... You drink like it's water. I'm so worried, please." As you spoke, he reached for another bottle, but before he could open it, you snatched it away, accidentally dropping it to the floor where it shattered into pieces. The noise drew the attention of the other members, Johnny rushing to Haechan's side while Yuta came to yours, and Jaehyun and Taeil stood nearby, unsure of what to do. Haechan raised his arm in anger, but Johnny quickly restrained him. "Stop it, both of you," Johnny urged, trying to diffuse the escalating tension. "Just 'cause your dad is an addict doesn't mean I will be like him, Y/N. So cut me some slack or leave," Haechan growled, his voice filled with defiance. You pushed Yuta's hands away, refusing to back down. "Wow, Haechan, you might think you aren't, but trust me, you aren't any different," you said, your voice steady despite the turmoil within you. "don't ever compare me to that son of bitch who doesn't even know if your alive or not"
Haechan's hurtful words cut through the air like a knife, leaving a lingering ache in your chest. But instead of crumbling under his verbal assault, you held your ground, your voice unwavering. "Wow, Haechan, you might say this because you're drunk, but I am completely sober. And let me tell you this in front of your hyungs: the worst thing a girl could go through is trying to escape her dad but finding it in a person they truly love. And what's worse is coming back home, wanting to be in my boyfriend's arms, but finding him laying there on the cold floor, not knowing what to do." You met his gaze, your eyes reflecting both pain and determination. "And don't even think of apologizing to me tomorrow when you sober up. I won't expect any apology unless it's the one where you're on your knees, begging." With that, you turned on your heel and walked away, leaving Haechan to grapple with his own demons as you sought solace elsewhere.
I wrote this while the math teacher was being a absolute dipshit.
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