gustanchomortgage · 2 years
Although it can be difficult, getting a mortgage after bankruptcy is possible. For borrowers who have emerged from bankruptcy, completed a waiting period, and satisfying other eligibility conditions, several lenders have created rules.
It’s critical to comprehend how bankruptcy affects your capacity to obtain a mortgage and which mortgage programs are accessible to you if you want to purchase a property following the bankruptcy procedure.
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Hi, im researching for a fic im writing, and i want to ask if you know whats up with Jai's messed up connection to the speedforce? and also how the fuck do they use the speedforce to get super strength? how does going fast translate into being strong? Do you know what issues to read to learn more about this? like why do Jai (& Jesse?) have super strength, how did they do this? Why did they do this?
So Jesse's strength is a very quick and easy answer so I'll address that first before jumping into Jai's whole thing.
Jesse's mom is Liberty Belle, a hero with super strength. Jesse inherited her father's speed and her mother's super strength. She's just... I don't want to say that she's better at being a speedster but high key she is. Jesse only figured out her super strength recently and it's still pretty touch and go. She used to only have the speed and then that fizzled out and she only had the strength for a bit and then it switched back to just speed again. She seems to have both powers now though and she seems to know how to use them both so fingers crossed 🤞
Jai is a whole different ballgame.
So Irey and Jai were born as fraternal twins. There were two things wrong when they were born.
A) Only Irey was born with a speedforce connection. Jai technically wasn't born with powers at all. Irey had wrapped her speedforce connection around Jai to share her powers but it was significantly damaging to both of them.
B) Their shared speedforce connection was tainted with Black Flash energy. (Negative Speedforce)
So let's talk about the Negative Speedforce energy. This is the stuff that turns speedsters into Black Flashes. This is what permanently killed Johnny Quick. One touch of this stuff will obliterate a speedster entirely. It's one of the only ways to permanently kill a speedster because it corrupts their speedforce energy in a way that cannot be undone. So there isn't anything left to bring back.
And this stuff was creeping through the twin's shared connection like a virus. That's what caused their fatal aging disease. Their speedforce connection was so out of wack and their bodies didn't know how to fight off this energy and their metabolisms went into overdrive. Aged them both to 100 within six months. Thankfully Wally figured it out and was able to absorb the Negative Speedforce energy. This cured the twins and deaging them down to five ish (but caused some serious problems for Wally).
Okay so back to point A. Their shared speedforce connection. Irey was sharing her powers with Jai subconsciously and that's why she couldn't run. She didn't have enough energy to. She could only vibrate through stuff. Jai also didn't have enough energy to run but he had other serious issues because he wasn't a speedster like Irey. His body wasn't built to handle that much energy.
As a result Jai had some weird stuff going on. Jai's main power was to hyper accelerate the growth of his muscles. This would give him temporary super strength. I say 'super strength' but realistically Jai on par with extreme weight lifters. He wasn't Superman levels of strong. But, again, Jai's body couldn't handle this so everytime he used his power he had about five minutes until he passed out. Then someone would have to feed him or he'd go into shock.
He also had some other strange things. Like his DNA mutating and devolving when he got stressed. Basically his DNA went 'back in time' and Jai shape shifted a bit. This wasn't something he could control and it was very very very bad.
Irey eventually took her half of the speedforce connection back, which cemented her connection and stopped them both from having seizures. Jai was not happy about no longer having powers. Even less happy about Irey being a child prodigy speedster. Although Irey shared her powers with Jai in emergencies (which gave them both superspeed because Irey had a stronger connection and more skill as she grew older), they couldn't do this without Jai being in extreme pain. Also his seizures coming back.
Now we need to talk about the speedforce surge. The speedforce surge is this insane amount of wild speedforce energy that has to go somewhere or it'll explode the world. It's an overload of energy. To explain the scale of this thing, it caused the mass extinction event that wiped out the dinosaurs.
Wally tracked this dangerous surge down before it destroyed reality and he absorbed it until he could figure out what to do with it.
Well he gave it to Jai.
Jai's speedforce connection is the surge. Jai operates on this untamable wild speedforce energy. So Jai now has A LOT of energy to work with but it doesn't really work the same way typical speedforce energy does. That's why he can't run. (yet at least. can't run yet)
Instead, the surge energy ramps up Jai's friction barrier, healing factor and his metabolism. That doesn't sound like much but hoLY FUCK it's op.
Every speedster has a friction barrier that they generate when they run. It stops their skin from melting off when they reach top speeds, the wind from tearing their bodies apart, bugs from hitting them with the force of bullets, their bones from shattering every time they take a step, ect, ect. Their friction barriers can only do so much (they act as a cushion, they don't make them invulnerable. They won't stop a bullet for example) and they only really work when the speedster is actively running.
Jai put all of his goddamn energy into his friction barrier. The child is literally invulnerable. I'm not even joking. And it's constant too, it doesn't switch off.
Jai's metabolism and his healing factor are why he has super strength. Simply put, Jai has a lot of energy. A LOT. And what doesn't go to his friction barrier, goes to his cells. His healing factor is also amped up and would take care of any muscle tears, fatigue, lactic acid build up, dead cells, ect almost instantaneously. What I'm saying here is that Jai's body is in perfect condition always and he has an unlimited amount of energy for his muscles to use.
Jai has super strength because he doesn't have limits. Jai turned Minecraft from Survival Mode to Creative Mode. He can extend any amount of force without any negative consequences on his body. He uses his strength to do his Thunder clap move which is canonically, at 8 years old, stronger than a Kryptonian's Thunder clap. It's confirmed that Jai is still figuring out how to channel the surge energy correctly, so he's not there yet, but one day he will be stronger than the Kryptonians.
Which is insane.
Honestly Wally is the embodiment of 'I will do anything for my children' because Jai was sad about not having powers so Wally gave him a dangerously unstable energy source (that's killed millions of people) that has the equivalent energy of two stars colliding. AT EIGHT. Wally gave a CHILD this unlimited unchecked power!!
Anyway, father of the goddamn year. I love that man. He would truly do anything for his children and now I'm pretty sure his son can't die so 10/10 decision.
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southernfriedtofu · 11 months
tumblr is only a dating app if you're gay; cis-het men please do not interact with me unless you're sending me money (。◡‿◡)
ଓ ・゚。 ♡thank youଓ ・゚。 ♡
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momo-de-avis · 1 year
Remember that time the office forced me to stop a tour to go get two clients at the hotel?
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I'm gonna remember this
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rackartyg · 1 year
lov it when you tell your therapist a story about your childhood and she goes ‘that’s, uh, that’s neglect’
#my parents hated how i was drawn to computers and video games#and when i was a little kid they would often tell me that i would end up nearsighted like them and need glasses (which was implied to be#the worst fate in the world) if i didn’t go outside and play more#they neglected to factor in that our neighbours were my bullies and i had no friends with which to play outside#anyway this instilled so much shame in me that when i started not being able to see at like age 9 i said nothing for an entire year#the next summer we visited a ren faire and there was this man who sold gorgeous handmade bows and i fell in love#i wanted one desperately but they cost 2k and that was literally all my money at the time#so we left so i could think about it which ended with me sitting in a gutter crying with stress about it. and i didn’t get one#but when we got home my dad took me to the local archery club and i got to try it#but since i’m right handed i need to aim with my right eye and it’s my right eye that’s the problem#so i literally couldn’t see the target. but i couldn’t tell my dad this because i was so ashamed#so i lied and said i didn’t want to keep doing it#eventually my parents did realise i couldn’t see ans brought me to the eye doctor#who uncovered that really it was my right eye that was nearsighted and my left had started going too from#the strain of compensating#and that i had a lazy eye because of#it too#he asked my dad how long i’d had the lazy eye and he said ‘about a year i think?’#and the doctor said incredulous ‘and you’re only#bringing her in *now*?’#my right eye was actually squeezed close during labour and didn’t open until#i was a week old. which is probably the reason it can’t see very well#what happened around age 9 was that my left gave out from compensating#anyway that’s the horrifying story of how i got glasses. tune in next time#for part 2 - asthma and part 3 - the blood clot#she speaks#bad brains blogging#familyposting
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woebegonewings · 1 year
Also like, trying to not make TLoU AU Kseniya just…wildly overpowered is fucking hard. Because yeah sure, chronic pain and looks visibly infected (meaning anyone with half a brain cell and a gun will shoot on sight) and blind; that all sucks…
…but she can fucking talk to cordyceps. She can talk to the Infected. Her and Pierce run across three Clickers? No problem, just let Kseniya casually walk up to them and make them go away. Because unlike Ellie the Infected read her as one of them, so not only will they not attack her but they’ll treat her like any other Infected. Cordyceps isn’t inherently evil or violent—it’s a fungus, it can’t have morality. It’s doing what every fungus wants to do: survive, propagate, and make more of itself. It just mutated into something that can use humans to do that, not because it hates humanity but just because that’s how it went.
So if Kseniya’s like “yeah no, not a viable host, sorry!” the Clickers will wander off and leave Pierce be.
That is UNBELIEVABLY overpowered in a TLoU context. 50% of the threat to their survival is just…gone! Poof!
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drjdorr · 1 year
Tried shaving my leg for the first time today
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I didn't do the other leg because my goodness does shaving my leg take forever, hopefully it's just because it's my first time shaving my leg because dang, took me like an hour to do one. Upside though, only doing one gives a good compare and contrast.
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meyeheart · 6 months
I almost wish I could just ask strangers if they think I’m a man or woman bc I’m soooo curious. I’m honestly pretty bad at telling now how others will perceive my gender, I’ll get completely different responses from different people while looking exactly the same lol. No joke, the only time I’ve ever received harassment from a stranger was when this random guy insisted that I tell him what my gender was bc he couldn’t figure it out from my looks/speech.
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steevejr · 6 months
jamal homophobic as fuck for passing over the goth boy for a normal girl for a goth girl
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seohabibi · 1 year
Explore the world of social media manager salaries with our detailed guide. Discover how experience, location, industry, and skills influence compensation. Gain insights into industry-specific trends and evolving role responsibilities. Equip yourself with negotiation strategies and benchmarking data to make informed decisions. Whether you're a professional or an employer, this guide empowers you to understand, navigate, and optimize social media manager salaries effectively.
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unkstaarwysbr · 1 year
Redefining Basketball: Beyond Height and Athleticism
In TSDS 279, El Uno and TraB challenge the prevailing belief that height and athleticism dominate basketball. The conversation offers a nuanced perspective, highlighting the importance of skill, technique, and other factors that contribute to a player’s success in the game. The discussion commences with an analysis of Victor Wembanyama who possesses height and long arms. While some argue that…
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shaynly-babieblue · 1 year
Mesothelioma Lawsuit: Seeking Justice for Asbestos-Related Illness
Mesothelioma is a rare and aggressive form of cancer that affects the thin lining of tissue surrounding vital organs, such as the lungs, heart, or abdomen. It is primarily caused by exposure to asbestos, a mineral fiber commonly used in construction materials until its harmful effects became known. If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with mesothelioma, you may be entitled to seek…
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krupashah · 1 year
Best Max Power ADRPS by PowerMatrix
Introducing the Max Power ADRPS with PowerFactor technology from PowerMatrix. This state-of-the-art power supply is designed to revolutionize energy efficiency. By actively managing the power factor, PowerFactor technology ensures a balanced and efficient flow of power, reducing energy wastage and lowering costs. The Max Power ADRPS continuously monitors and adjusts the power factor to its optimal level, correcting phase imbalances and voltage fluctuations for a stable power supply. With a user-friendly interface and advanced safety features, this power supply is both efficient and reliable. Embrace a smarter, greener approach to power management with the Max Power ADRPS and experience superior performance and energy savings. Trust PowerMatrix for cutting-edge innovations in power technology.
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Do you have a snoot noodle or other variation of sighthound? If yes, there’s new heart health research for the breed happening!
A researcher at Texas A&M whose work I’m familiar with is starting a new study looking at genetic factors contributing to heart disease in Borzoi and related breeds. They just put out a call for dog owners who are willing to submit saliva samples & (noodle) medical records. Studies like this need a big sample size! They’re accepting new sign-ups starting now until March 1, 2025, for dogs both in the US and internationally.
Let’s help make some science!
From the study page:
“Background and purpose
Recent research in Borzoi dogs has revealed that dogs of this breed experience sudden, unexplained death. About 85% of sudden, unexplained deaths in humans are linked to an underlying heart disease. Our existing research in Borzoi dogs has shown that they are predisposed to developing arrhythmias (abnormal heart rhythms) and dilated cardiomyopathy (a heart muscle disease causing dilated heart chambers and weak pumping function).
Due to our documentation of the frequency of these conditions in Borzoi dogs, we seek to identify responsible genetic variations similar to what is seen in humans with electrical cardiac diseases that trigger arrhythmias and dilated cardiomyopathy.
The objective of our study is to identify genetic mutations associated with heart disease in Borzoi dogs and document their existence in other sighthound breeds.
What happens in this study
We are collecting saliva samples from both healthy Borzoi and Borzoi dogs affected with arrhythmias and/or dilated cardiomyopathy. We will also collect saliva samples from any other sighthound breeds.
We will extract DNA from these samples and perform genomic sequencing on a select number while retaining the remainder for further screening.By analyzing the sequencing data, we can compare the genes of healthy and affected Borzoi dogs and identify variants linked to their heart conditions. We will also compare the findings in Borzoi dogs to results from other sighthound breeds.
Pet owner responsibilities
A swab kit will be sent to you for at home use along with a link to an instructional video on how to properly obtain a swab of the mouth. The kit will contain equipment to collect the saliva swab, a history form for your pet, a client consent form and a shipping label to return samples to us.
Participation requirements
To participate, you must have a Borzoi dog or a sighthound breed that is either healthy or affected by arrhythmias and/or dilated cardiomyopathy. Pets may be any age or sex. Electronic or paper veterinary medical records will need to be provided.
Benefits and risks of participating
There is little to no risk for taking a brief swab of the mouth for saliva collection if procedures outlined in the video are followed. No individual genetic test results will be provided to study participants.
There is no cost to the owner for participating in this study. No compensation will be provided.”
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sayruq · 4 months
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A survey conducted by the Israeli army’s Manpower Directorate and published by Ynet on 31 May shows a “worrying” decline in the willingness of officers to remain enlisted in Israel’s military. According to the survey, only 42 percent responded positively when asked if they wished to continue serving in the Israeli army, compared to 49 percent in August of last year. The decline, which comes after almost eight months of a war in Gaza which has failed to achieve its goals, “stunned” senior officials in the army, Ynet said. “The decline in motivation is supported by another factor noted by the Manpower Directorate: the increase in the number of officers contacting the IDF retirement department during the war,” the Hebrew outlet added. In the same survey, officers were asked if they were satisfied with their salaries. Only 30 percent responded positively, as opposed to the 60 percent of the private sector who responded positively to the same question – signifying “anger and frustration among the service members.” The survey confirms that officers are exhausted from the war and frustrated with its effects on their family lives. Both men and women in the army complain that they do not see their families often and that compensation is inadequate, considering the long hours and the stress they face. It also notes that the overarching factor that contributes to their lack of willingness to continue serving is the “sense of failure” they feel. “The sense of failure haunts the officers, and they don’t want to serve in a failed organization,” Ynet wrote. The survey comes the same month that Haaretz reported increased suicidal tendencies among the army’s rank. It said that ten Israeli soldiers have committed suicide since 7 October.
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thebibliosphere · 3 months
Joy I have to ask - what temperature do you think it is inside Wayne Manor?
Is it essentially outside temperature except where the fireplaces are? Does Alfred have a one man war against climate change? Is that why Bruce spends so much time in the basement?
Depending on which timeline you follow, Wayne Manor was built in the late 1800s. Having worked in giant historical homes, I'm telling you now it's a fucking pain in the ass to update the heating systems in those buildings. I know we've got comic book logic to contend with, and they've got massive generators in the basement to keep the cave running (sometimes it's turbines powered by the water flowing through the caves), but I also think it's plausible that to avoid damaging the historical facade of the building, you might walk around the house and see box fans shoved into the window frames during the summer because fuuuuck trying to install modern AC through 18th-century brickwork.
As for heat, well, for a frame of reference, the James J Hill house up here in MN—built roughly around the same time during the Gilded Age when the Waynes were pioneering industry in Gotham—was forced to rely on a boiler roughly the size of a steam engine to heat the house and used 250 tons of coal each year to keep it warm. That boiler provided hot water and ambient heat through steam radiators, but they also still had fireplaces in almost every room to try and compensate for the winter. The house was updated for modern heating and air conditioning within the last 40 years, but with a house that size and ceilings so tall, it's not particularly efficient. They still rely on box fans and space heaters to keep the space habitable during summer and winter.
New Jersey is not as far north as Minnesota, but the temperatures can still drop comparably low, especially when you factor in the seafront Gotham is on. So, while I do think they likely upgraded the heating systems at some point (they can't keep guzzling through coal like that), I also can't help but feel it's got to be cold as hell in that house unless they're being meticulous about lighting fires and airing every room out to prevent damp.
Because that's another thing. If you're not keeping your stone house warm, you risk damp and water damage, and I feel like Alfred would rather gnaw off his own arm than let Wayne Manor crumble to dust with black mold festering in the original French plaster.
So he's not so much fighting a one-man war against climate change as he's fighting a one-man war to keep the house dry. He's walking through rooms no one even uses, making sure the steam radiators are working and opening the windows a crack to let the condensation out.
Is he also turning off all the light switches as he goes? Yes. Is he always yelling, "Why is every screen in this house turned on if no one is using them?" also, yes.
Is Bruce also down in the cave huddled under an extra cape, overclocking the batcomputer to stay warm? Also a distinct possibility.
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