#CROSSHAIR IS AMAZING (he’s doing his best guys)
The bad batch episode 5 highlights (lots of them this week!!!!)
Hunter and wrecker with their caff (they’re so dad)
AZI helping Crosshair with target practice
Crosshair’s shaky hands
Batcher choosing to hang out with Crosshair instead of omega
Omega giving older sister advice
Crosshair just Knowing when people are watching him
Batcher being fascinated by gonky
Crosshair: where my hug at 🤨🤨
Pabu golden hour
A moment of silence for the tech mention (I’m sleeping on the highway tonight)
omega baby don’t feel guilty :((
Hunter’s eyes in the sun
Mom (echo) being the conflict mediator
Batcher helping them dig
Omega taking tech’s job
Mayday :(((
Crosshair fixing the helmets
Echo plugging in the tablet with two fingers (got me giggling and kicking my feet fr)
The way hunter fell into the wyrm hole was kinda funny
Demo expert Wrecker <333
Crosshair’s rifle (and using it to pull hunter out of the wyrm hole)
Every time Crosshair called omega by her name
Batcher ready to throw hands (paws?) with the wyrm (you’re doing amazing sweetie)
Crosshair’s sniper pauldron
Batcher being crosshair’s dog
The Imperceptible Nod of Solidarity after a Near Death Experience
3/6 GROUP HUG!!!
Crosshair’s face during aforementioned hug
“I don’t even see any blood this time! That’s progress” what horrors has echo seen
“You did all you could, kid. And you did exactly what you were supposed to do: you got out of there.” Echo is so reassuring and good with omega 😭😭
The lighting
Hunter’s cheekbones
“There just might be hope for US yet”
The vulture flying away as Crosshair leaves the empire (and mayday) behind
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amorfista · 1 year
"Beach lookout's nap"
The Dad Batch (and Omega) deserve a day of blissful relaxation, I don't think there's anyone out there who wouldn't agree!
While Tech is taking the best nap of his life [Part 1], Omega and Wrecker joined efforts to make the coolest sand-Tipoca city [Part 2] there is out there!
Echo and Hunter might have gotten concerned about the ruckus [Part 3] that these two started to cause...
Crosshair, on the other hand...?
He couldn't give a flying kark.
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...or least that's what it would seem like.
Even through a slit of sight, nothing escapes the skillful sniper's eyes. Watching his brothers (and sister) from the distance, he peacefully swings on his hammock, a couple of meters above the ground and (hopefully) far away enough from the mischief that is, apparently, stirring among his siblings.
This state of bliss comes to a halt however, when the crackle of a comm breaks through the sounds of nature.
“Omega to Crosshair, come in Crosshair!”
"For the love of the Maker", he thinks to himself.
Admitting his defeat, Crosshair opened his eyes fully and stared at the palm leaves above, casually spotting a palm weevil crawling over them within a split second.
He took a deep breath as he pressed the button of his own commlink, making sure to drag his words to let Omega know of his displeasure as he spoke:
"What do you want?"
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Alright, alright, alright.
I know I said that I'd post a version with 1-2 tats and then the full body, but I just could NOT choose which tat to leave on😭 so now you get the zero tats as the "HC" version, and...
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(also i know that he shouldn't have an ice vulture in this hc where he never left the batch so he never met Mayday, whoops)(SORRY FOR THE HUGE POST TOO)
This was so. Much. Fun. Not all the tats have a HUGE, INTRINCATE meaning but, honestly? I'm just SO HAPPY with the result.
Some of the tats are very pretty so, I thought I'd clean them up and show you guys! Might even make stickers in the future!
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@arcsimper5 THANK YOU SOOO MUCH for the hammock idea, plus the wonderful story that you've written around my drawings!! You're a sweetheart!!♥♥♥
@grinningnexu THANK YOU! for the thousand amazing tattoo ideas!
@nobody-expects-the-inquisitorius THANK YOU TOO! for the ice vulture idea; I'll make a sketch for his back tomorrow!! ♥
@wwheeljack @freesia-writes the no-tat version is the og now XD
I'm very, very happy about the drawing. The colors and background were super fun to make. The perspective might be wonky but I don't mind, I'll get better at it eventually xD
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@dukeoftheblackstar @justalittletomato @darthmaulshispanichousewife @botherbother-blog @aftergloom @badolmen @ihaventpickedausername @ohboi @stardustbee @nik-barinova @the-chains-are-the-easy-part @gen-has-green-vibes @ejfivercommander @herbalinz-of-yesteryear @eyecandyeoz @noesqape @lune-de-miel-au-paradis @staycalmandhugaclone @callmesunny04 @ginnymilling @sunshinesdaydream @blueink-bluesoul @cloneloverrrrr @moon-wrecked @idontgetanysleep @tech-aficionado @followthepurrgil @renton6echo @queen-jiru @shoe-bag @eyayah123 @eloquentmoon @and-loth-cat @ladyzirkonia @stardusthuntress @bambambunny
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havoc-7 · 5 months
I wasn’t a die-hard Tech Lives believer (more of a “I HOPE Tech Lives” believer) but the end of the show has me grieving hard all over again, so here’s my little ode to Tech based on things I’ve noticed about him from rewatching the show:
Tech LOVES his brothers, and he genuinely misses Crosshair. When he has his heart to heart with Omega in the ipsium cavern, the way that he mentions Crosshair—even though that wasn’t even really what they were discussing—shows how often Crosshair is on his mind, so much so that he can’t really talk about people leaving and changing without bringing him up. When they get the Plan 88 from Crosshair, Tech is vocal and insistent about doing whatever they can to bring Crosshair back—because “he is still our brother.”
Tech is incredibly moral. Not that he’s any more moral than I think generally TBB is, but he’s not afraid to speak up when he sees something that he disagrees with fundamentally. “The systematic termination of the Jedi is a big one for me.” “There’s a fundamental different between taking fire in battle and being used for target practice.” Even in just the first episode, we see how firm his opinions are, based on what he believes: that people are people, that HIS BROTHERS are people, that they deserve better, that there is such a thing as right and wrong.
Tech may be practical, but that doesn’t make him any less crazy than his brothers—in fact, I would argue he is one of the more unhinged members of the bad batch. His plans and ideas see everything factually, factoring in risk not as an emotional factor but as a numerical one. He knows their skills, and what they are capable of, and he pushes them to those capabilities, even if the resulting strategy is absolutely insane. The best part is, as insane as he may be, his brothers trust him, because, as Tech himself said, he is seldom wrong.
Tech has a beautiful sense of wonder and awe for the world around him. How many times do we see him go wide-eyed as he encounters something that absolutely fascinates him—even if that thing is a Zillo beast that just ate an entire Imperial crew.
Tech is INSANE. Not unhinged, like I said earlier, but skill-wise, ability-wise, he is an absolute powerhouse. I will forever be grateful to the writers of TBB who gave us a techy, intelligent character who is not your average scrawny computer guy that we get in action movies. You have to have a lot of guts to be the guy in your squad who turns your back on the fight to bend over a computer and hack into a file or break an encryption or alter the programming—already a delicate operation, but with the added risk of getting shot with your back turned. He frickin wields double blasters so that he can shoot more clankers more efficiently (if that’s not practical Tech, I don’t know what is). He DOESN’T WEAR LEG ARMOR SO THAT HE CAN CARRY HIS TOOLS WITH HIM INTO THE FIELD. In “Faster,” we see his hand inching towards his blaster, ready to defend and protect the second it’s necessary—and you know he would’ve beaten anyone to the draw. He fought a group of Imperial troopers!!! With a broken leg!!!!!
Tech was amazing, and I hate that he’s dead, that we never got to see him grow old, that he never saw Crosshair again. But WHAT A LIFE HE LIVED.
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jedipoodoo · 6 months
Hey! I was wondering if I could request a HunterxReader. Something where Hunter is like really possessive over reader with like another guy? Or one of his brother getting a little too close for his comfort, nothing nefarious, just lite teasing.
Thank you in advance.
Again, you’re doing amazing sweetie!
Me reading this request:
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I hope you enjoy this one!
Man After Midnight (Jealous!Sergeant Hunter x Reader)
Notes: Hunter POV, The Return of The Kyle™, guy gets handsy with reader and Hunter does something about it, alcohol consumption, bar fight, 79s, feel free to check out my personal 79's Playlist here. Spoilers tagged for the gif. Y'all do not know how long it took me to find a season three gif for this one.
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Whenever the squad convinced Hunter to join them at 79's, he tuned out the noises and smells to the best of his abilities. The overlapping of a million voices, all too similar to differentiate, the body odors and cologne, the pounding bass of the pop music, it could get to be too much. 
But when you asked him to join you, he couldn't say no. He was powerless to the pleading in your eyes and the joy in your smile when he finally said yes. Or it could have been how Crosshair commented on how good you looked in the new outfit you'd bought for clubbing, but he'd never admit it.
The six of you crowded into a booth at the back of the bar, farthest from the speakers. Hunter made sure that he got the seat next to you, only for Tech to remind you that it was your turn to grab the drinks from the bar. You smiled at Hunter apologetically as you tried to climb over him without bothering him too much. He had a better idea though, and gently placed his hands on your waist, easily lifting you over his legs and placing you on the outside of the booth. 
Wrecker gave a wolf-whistle at the wide-eyed look on your face, and you quickly looked away, running over to the bar as fast as you could through the crowd. 
The others were chuckling as Hunter frowned. Had he messed up? Was he too forward? He didn't consider himself a shy person, but he'd been so sure that you were sending him signals that you were interested. 
"Hmm," Crosshair hummed. 
"What is it?" Hunter sat up.
Cross smirked, "It seems our resident civilian is attracting some attention." 
Hunter quickly scanned the crowd, looking for you. Halfway between the bar and the squad's booth, drinks spilling out of your arms, you were stopped talking with a senate guard. What one of them was doing here was beyond him, but Hunter didn't like the way he was looking you up and down, and half-blocking you from the booth. He wasn't even offering to help you with the drinks. 
Hunter slammed his hands on the table to push himself out of his seat and marched over to you, shoving the guard to the side. 
"Let me help you with that," He said, taking Wrecker's boilermaker and Tech's martini from where you had kept them expertly balanced. 
"Hey, excuse me clone-" 
"You're excused," Hunter rolled his eyes at the senate guard and nodded you towards the booth, "Let's go." 
"Thank you," You said softly, but he heard it all the same. And you were smiling at him, so he hadn't totally messed up. 
The two of you handed out the drinks to their respective drinkers, and Hunter herded you back into your seat. 
"Who was that?" Wrecker asked, downing half his drink in one go. 
You shrugged, "No one in particular. I think his name was Kyle?"
Hunter huffed. He couldn't tell himself if he was annoyed or amused by this revelation. Of course the smarmy senate guard would have a name like Kyle. 
The evening carried on, Wrecker ordered more drinks, Echo found some old friends from the 212th, and Hunter could hear Tech rambling to a very interested Rodian woman who listened to him describe the nesting habits of rancors with stars in her eyes.
You, of course, were on the dance floor. You were always dancing around the Marauder, humming to yourself as you cleaned up your workspace or made the caff. Whenever Hunter saw you dancing, it felt like all was right with the world.
He spotted Kyle across the room. Hunter was surprised he'd stuck around, the senate guards typically didn't deign the clones to be good enough company to make the way across town to 79's.
But Kyle wasn't paying attention to any of the clones. His beady eyes tracked your every movement out on the dance floor. Hunter felt a rumbling in his chest, like a reek warning others to stay back. 
Kyle, of course, couldn't hear it, and even if he could, he probably would have ignored it anyway. The senate guard shouldered his way through the crowd on the dance floor, announcing his presence by placing his hands on your hips. 
Hunter heard your yelp of surprise and grit his teeth. He launched himself from the booth and marched across the room. Several startled patrons hopped out of the way when they saw the look of pure rage on his face, but all Hunter could focus on were your protests as Kyle grinned. 
"Really sweetheart, I'm just trying to give you a compliment, is all!" Kyle laughed as you flushed in embarrassment, trying to push him away. Kyle's grip tightened on you, but Hunter grabbed him by the shoulder. When Kyle turned with a smart quip, Hunter decked him across the face. 
"They said no!" He snarled, his arm out in front of you like a shield.
A few clones gave out supporting cheers as the senate's flunkie was laid out across the nearest table, but Kyle wasn't the only one present. Two more men, decidedly not clones, approached Hunter menacingly, trying to defend their friend. He saw them coming, but he had to take a hit from the first one so that the other could get close without suspecting too much. Then Hunter took the both of them with one swing. 
"Hunter!" You cried out. A crowd was gathering, and Wrecker was trying to make his way over to you and help Hunter out.
Hunter placed his hands on your shoulder, standing in between you and Kyle.
"You alright?" He asked.
"Look out!" Someone shouted. Hunter shielded you with his body to see the senate guards standing up.
Kyle pushed himself to his feet, though he still leaned unsteadily against the table.
"You're gonna regret that, meatdroid!" He snarled, blood dripping down his chin from a broken nose. Kyle charged towards the two of you, but Hunter stepped to the side at the last minute, catching Kyle by the collar of his dress uniform. It was tight enough already, but with Hunter gripping the fabric, Kyle had to gasped for air. Hunter swung him around and right into his would-be bodyguards.
"No fighting! No fighting!" the steward droid waved its arms, but no one was paying it much attention. Wrecker caught the three stooges by the scruff and happily carried them out the door like a mother tooka, dropping them on the veranda where they could hail a hovertaxi. 
Once he was certain that Kyle was taken care of, Hunter turned to you.
"Are you alright?" He repeated.
"Am I-?" You shook your head, "You have a black eye!" You pointed out, as if Hunter wasn't wincing every time he blinked.
"Just a scrape," He insisted.
"If I had a credit for every time-" You were too upset to even finish your thought, but you grabbed Hunter by the lip of his chestplate, pulling him over to the bar. You asked the serving droid for the medkit, and brought him back into the bathroom stalls.
"That was incredibly stupid of you. You know what kind of trouble you could get into if you hurt them too badly!" You made Hunter sit on the edge of one of the sinks so that you could treat him properly.
Hunter sighed, "Trouble seems to find me regardless of whether I do anything or not."
You fixed him with a death glare that made it clear he was better off not saying anything until you were done treating his wounds, superficial as they may be.
"Don't do that again, you hear me?" You slathered bacta over his eye, and dabbed some on the cut on his lip. Fortunately, there was one more ice pack in the poorly-stocked kit, so you snapped it in half to activate the cooling gel. 
"Sorry cyare, but I'm afraid I can't make that promise."
You froze, the ice back an inch above his eye. He could feel the air cooling around it, and gently took the ice pack from your slackened grasp, pacing it against the swelling skin.
"Hunter," You gasped, "don't say things like that. Even for me, it's not worth the risk." Your hands were shaking, so you busied them by packing up the remains of the medikit. 
Hunter grit his teeth as you turned your back to him, "You are worth every sacrifice I have made. Every shot I've taken, every nightmare that haunts me, every humiliation I've had to endure from those miserable excuses for sentient beings," He waved the ice pack in the air, trying to indicate Kyle and his flunkies.
"It's worth it," He insisted, "Just to see you smile."
He heard your heart beat faster as you swallowed the lump in your throat, and he knew he'd gone too far.
"I... I didn't know you felt that way..." You whispered.
Hunter hopped down from the sink and marched out the bathroom door. He needed a nice, stiff drink.
A couple of the other clones gave him strange looks for the eyepatch, and a few who'd seen the fight asked if he was okay. Hunter ignored them all, trying to flag down a steward droid.
"Hunter!" You shouted his name above the din of the music. He decided it was best to ignore you too.
By the time you finally made your way to him at the bartop, he was halfway through a drink he'd regret in a couple hours.
"What do you think you're doing!?" you demanded, hands on your hips.
"Having a drink, what's it look like I'm doing?" He grunted miserably.
"You can't just tell me you love me and walk away like that!"
Hunter spat out a mouthful of alcohol all over the serving droid, leaving his tongue and his nose burning from the taste.
You, however, were unperturbed by his reaction, folding your arms across your chest.
"Now are you going to ask me to dance or not?"
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local-omen · 5 months
bad batch finale thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
first of all damn. like damn. they really did it. those crazy sons of bitches did it. they ended this beloved show in a way that was cathartic, happy, full of tension, and did all the characters justice. my faith in star wars has been restored. i am so happy
—— the tension was unmatched this whole episode. like narratively, killing off tech told us as the audience that no one is safe, there’s no plot armor. so the whole time i was like omg they’re all gonna die but they dIDNT BECAUSE THEYRE THE BEST IN THE BUSINESS AND BECAUSE THEY HAVE LOYALTY AND LOVE FOR EACH OTHER AND THATS WHAT THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT. LOYALTY AND LOVE. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
—— CROSSHAIRS HAND IM SOBBING there is something so heart wrenching but amazing about his 'shooting hand' being taken away from him. it's like the physical embodiment of why he was created but now that he's free of that embodiment, he can choose to be whatever he wants. such a good choice narratively imo
—— that elite task force was badass i'm obsessed with their designs and their fighting styles i kinda wish we got more of them but they were also terrifying
—— crosshair finally made the shot that mattered the MOST. i love him so much. like he seriously means so much to me idec
—— still bummed that tech is actually dead (no he’s not haha loser i’m happy in my delusions). while i do think it’s technically more realistic for clone soldiers bred to die and raised with the expectation that they’ll be killed in battle to lack emotion, i think the lack of emotion this season was to its detriment. however i will say that the “clone force 99 died with tech” line was so good it pretty much made up for it lol
—— THE ENDING WAAA A A AAA A. A A A A. A AAA. A A A A A. A A AAA AAA AAA AAAA A A AAAAAA A A. omega and hera best friends confirmed. they were rebellion pilots together. omega is in the rebellion. like that is just the perfect ending to her character i can’t even. because of course she would. and i love her. i’m so proud of her. she is the heart and soul of this show and anyone who hated her is prolly feelin realllll silly right now
—— damn we’re really just not gonna know who the cx 2 operative was huh. like. he really was just a guy
—— that last shot of tech’s glasses almost got me i fr almost cried. he would be so so so proud of omega. he would be proud of all of them
—— omegas and hunters older designs mean everything to me. just. storytelling through clothes will never not be my favorite thing. her little skull patch 😭🫠 the bandana 🫠🥲
this show means so much to me, truly. it has inspired me artistically, comforted me, and connected me to some amazing people. i don’t even feel stupid for writing all these thoughts about a ‘silly little star wars show’ because damn it this is what art and stories means to people!! this is how powerful they can be! i do not need to hide behind jokes and irony to communicate how much this artistic work means to me!
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theosb0rnway · 5 months
Just finished the Bad Batch finale and HOLY SHIT IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD
So um.... yeah Tech's still not dead to me, CX-2 is alive, everything is fine, we'll see him soon, it's fine-
Crosshair GOT HIS HAND CUT OFFFF- Not the biggest Crosshair fan but I still feel so bad.... BYT AT LEAST HE MADE THE SHOT AND SAVED OMEGA AND HE GETS A HAPPY ENDING NOW
Emerie helped the kids escape I'm so glad they all made it too AND THE KIDS LOOKED SO CUTE ON PABU WITH MOX, DEKE, AND STAK
They rescued the clones!!!! I'm SO FUCKING HAPPY they did
Rampart was a double-crossing son of a bitch and he got what he deserved. Rest in peace, Nala Se. You may not have always been on the right side, but you died doing the right thing.
Did I mention that I don't think Tech is dead?
The CXs were SO COOL I wish we got to see more of them!!!
DID I MENTION THAT I DON'T THINK TECH IS DEAD?!? (I'm not losing hope guys, I'm not-)
The Zillo beast absolutely RIPPING UP TANTISS was fucking FANTASTIC and I love it and it was VERY VERY MUCH DESERVED
Baryn is me, I need loud destructive noises to fall asleep LOL (this is why I can only fall asleep to FNAF songs in my ears-)
Seeing grown up Omega made me cry, and I love that older Hunter looks like pretty much every older Hunter fanart ever drawn-
Wish we could have seen older Wrecker and Crosshair, and GIVE ME SCENES OF BOTH OF THEM HEALING, PLEASE- (Crosshair did not eat on screen the ENTIRE SEASON I don't like that at ALL.)
Overall, I thought the finale was a solid 9 1/2 out of 10, the only thing that could have made it better was a CX-2 is Tech reveal, but... I mean I got everything else, so I'm not entirely disappointed.
I'm still staying VERY MUCH a part of this fandom, sorry not sorry to my followers who came for the Ninja Turtles and got Star Wars copy-paste men instead-
As I mentioned, I do have a Bad Batch project coming out soon, and I guess I could call it a fix-it now... but yeah, I'm not done with Star Wars and at this point in my life, I really don't think I'm leaving this fandom any time soon. Yes, it has some issues, as all fandoms do, but it's where I fit best at the moment. I'll still be posting other stuff, but Star Wars and the Scream franchise are my main fandoms for now.
Thank you to the cast and crew of this WONDERFUL show, you did it again, Star Wars. (*puts TBB in my top 3 TV shows of all time*)
And thanks to all my friends here on Tumblr who helped me get into this show and traded theories and so much more! (Also special thanks to @atyourdinosaurs for all of your love, theories, and ideas [and for inspiring my new project], and to @casp1an-sea and @thecoffeelorian for being two amazing friends I made from this fandom!)
We had a great run, guys. It's a honor to love this show and to be here for its final moments. Here's to more Star Wars and to more Bad Batch content in the future.
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stars-n-spice · 5 months
Thoughts on s3 ep 13!
fucking hell ya'll,, we're almost at the end of this and I simply can't believe it and don't want to believe it simply because I don't want it to end and I don't see how the fuck they're going to tie up all the loose ends in just the next two episodes.
This time around I recorded my reactions to it and it was a lot of yelling and making really weird noises,, but uh, y'know the drill!
Incoherent screaming (this time for real) and spoilers under the cut!
Click here for the audio recording of my initial reaction
i forgot they had that baby up in there,, omg
FUCKIN' WAAGHHh why didn't omega try to like access that hatch thing at night?? wouldn't that have been less risky??
this episode stressed me the fuck out,, I have a headache rn holy fuck
wait how the fuck are they going to get that baby through the chute thingy??
Eva is so precious :( I love her so much
Omega has been in there for like probably a day or something and is already making plans to escape, I love her so much
"That's okay, I like a challenge" AAAAA WRECKER WOULD BE SO PROUD!!
Question: why the fuck do they keep taking samples if they know her blood is compatible??
I better see more of Phee somewhere, anywhere, please, I love her so much your honor
Echo!!!! FUCKING HELL!!!! ECHO <3!!!!!
I missed Echo so much,, this episode really just showed that they couldn't have him in it because he would've gotten things done like five episodes ago because he's just that good
Them keeping Rampart is so funny to me idk
He was such a throw away character to me in the other seasons so I this is so hilarious to me, what a silly, pathetic man I need to see him get chewed up by a space animal or something idk
after all this time it was strange to see Crosshair in the background of things but he was still shoving Rampart around and I loved it
Rampart is basically Walmart Kallus
I swear to god, Hunter is getting shorter
Also looks like Crosshair is filling out :( He's finally getting to eat now :((
Crosshair's helmet ESPECIALLY, it looks super cool
Felt like I was watching an episode of Rebels due to how they were infiltrating the place
How the FUCK did nobody like,, notice?? insane. imperials are so fucking stupid I love that so much.
"Where is your captain?" - "Uh, captaining?" WRECKER MI VIDA!!!!
I've said it 100 times and I'll keep fucking saying it,, everything Wrecker does in this season is pure just,, everything he does is amazing, I love him so much, even in the background, him simply breathing?? Iconic. He better stay breathing.
I know Rampart is stressed out of his mind LMAO bro is getting out of this with gray hair
"It's the only chance we have of finding Omega and freeing those clone prisoners" WHHHATTTTT HUNTER FINALLY THINKING ABOUT SOMETHING OTHER THAN OMEGA??? NO FUCKING WAY!!!
Crosshair and Echo dynamic my beloved
last stretch of the episode had me so fucking stressed
i'm not ready for the next ones
"Negative" and all the Hunter girlies fell to their fucking knees
that was HOT
and stressful as FUCK
losing my mind
Music was insane, omg loved it
makes me fucking sick
they need to give us a whole ass season of all of them together being happy on Pabu I swear to god
this episode made me fucking sick ugh
everything sucks man oh my god
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zoeykallus · 2 years
How've you been doing? Love how amazing your writing always is btw. I was wondering, if you wanted to, if you could make something for the batchers (post order 66) finding out their kid has the force / is force sensitive. I don't remember seeing if you'd done something like that before so sorry if you have. I just love your headcannons for the boys reactions to stuff with their kid. Only if you want to do this though. Hope you have a good day / night!
Aloha! Nice to read you again 😊 Interesting thought, it's probably angsty for them, considering the empire hunts down force sensitive beings. Let me see what my mind comes up with 😁
The Bad Batch HCs - Force-Sensitive Offspring
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Warnings: Angsty
When he notices it for the first time, he looks around hastily. Hunter fears someone may have seen his child just levitate the toy. He vacillates between pride and panic, not really knowing how to handle it at first.
One thing is for sure, he must keep the child hidden, away from strange, prying eyes. He will tell his brothers, but no one else. Protecting his child is his main mission now, he will not compromise that mission at all, no matter what may come.
Hunter is a loving Dad through and through, he'd die to keep his kid safe and sound.
There are moments when he feels so proud and fascinated, while watching his kid growing up, but his deeply worried and scared moments are probably just as often and intense.
One thing is for sure, his child can always be assured of Hunter's love and protection, no matter what.
He panics, very much so. For the sake of the child, however, Echo keeps his wits together. His first impulse is to seek help and advice. His first thought in this regard, is Rex, an old friend he has always looked up to and trusted. He may be with CF99 now, but Rex is still his first port of call in such a situation.
Of course Rex, along with Gregor and Wolffe would immediately offer shelter and protection. Since CF99 in a way always moves in the focal point, Echo would probably be urged to accept just by his concern for the child. It would not be an easy decision, as he now has a close relationship with the guys from the batch.
Should he accept the offer, Uncle Gregor will probably be the favorite uncle who regularly makes the child giggle.
Rex will also contact Ahsoka, who agrees to help the child with the Force side of his/her existence.
He is so incredibly proud. However, Wrecker is also well aware of the dangers. He talks openly with his brothers about the matter, including his worries and fears. He can be sure that Hunter, Tech, Echo and even Crosshair are ready to adapt and protect the child.
Omega will have her true joy in taking care of the little one, the two will have a close relationship in the future. Omega is smart and kind-hearted, a great role model for the growing child.
Wrecker is a force of nature when it comes to protecting his family. He does everything to ensure that his child grows up safe and in a loving environment. He doesn't have to worry about that with his brothers, each one of them is willing to give everything to ensure that.
Worry or not, Wrecker is a lively, loving guy, he will be a very good, loving father and adapt to the circumstances as best he can and do everything to make sure his child has a decent childhood.
He is extremely fascinated, of course, with the awareness of the dangers of this development. Tech will tap every source of information at his disposal to learn everything about the Force in minute detail.
So he knows about the dangers that emanate not only from the Empire, but also from the Force and its abuse. So Tech is also focused on protecting his child from themselves, and not only from outside influences.
It is important to him that his offspring is decent and kind-hearted. Tech knows that Rex has contact with Ahsoka and will put out feelers in that direction, hoping Ahsoka is willing to help.
Tech is a very loving, protective father, but he is always fully aware of all circumstances and takes them on to help his child on the right path. His mind is extraordinary, but even he has his mental limits, and he is not too shy to ask his brothers for help and advice when he is at a loss.
This child is lucky to have Tech as a father.
He is desperate. Crosshair remembers all too well how willingly, loyal to his position, he condemned the Jedi. Here and now he is ashamed of it, plagued by nightmares, coming to terms with all his past decisions that are eating away at his existence. Now there is this child, his child, his flesh and blood.
He will try not to let it show, but he is in agony. He loves his child, wants to do the right thing, and at the same time he is plagued by a deep guilt. Crosshair needs his brothers, now more than ever. Fortunately for him, Hunter, Tech, Werecker, Echo and Omega, too, willingly and resolutely reach under his shoulders to support him.
He is never alone, with any of his worries, when he needs someone, there is always someone there.
"You're family, Crosshair, no matter what happened in the past," Hunter says firmly, reaching for his brother's shoulder, "We'll protect and care for your child together."
A nod goes around, his brothers agree, all for one and one for all. This child has a very protective father, one who will never neglect his duties and is willing to put his heart and soul into ensuring their safety.
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Ko-Fi (If you feel like giving me some coffee)
@andyoufollowyourheart @clone-whore-99
@brynhildrmimi @kaliel2310
@misogirl828 @tech-deck
@nahoney22 @ladykatakuri
215 notes · View notes
Summary: Bond has to make a decision about someone he loves. 
A/N: Hello lovelies,
Oh my dear lovelies, oh sweethearts. I AM SO SORRY for going dark.
As some of you may have read from my last announcement, things got a bit hectic when my mom was in the hospital. It was a scary and crazy experience, she basically became paralyzed from her chest down. I’m talking about an extremely active woman who was on her feet working 10-12 hour days to not being able to move at all. 
We had to rush her to emerge and find out she had contracted some rare bacteria that affected her spine. Needless to say she was in the hospital for a month, and finally was discharged about three weeks ago and is now staying at my brothers. Which is great for her since he has a bungalow and makes it easier for her to move around as she’s learning to walk again. However, that does mean we have to travel a bit to visit her and take care of her when my brother and his family can’t. 
Anyway ... long story short, too late. I am back, I am going to try to catch up on some of our lovely stories. I also have a special surprise for you guys, which I’ll upload sometime this week. I’m currently working on Crosshair’s section of the Gym Membership and then SOTF, the Reunion and Upside Down, and I’m also going to be working on a one-off request that I received. Keep your eyes peeled for those. 
Thank you all for sticking around, for sending me love, and for checking up on me, you have all been super amazing and wonderful. 
A special thanks to @firstofficerwiggles​ and @ulchabhangorm​ for being my beta readers. Love oo.
Italics - flashback
Warnings: Mentions of kidnapping, blindfolded, smoking, prisoners, cages, feelings of mistrust, bleeding, injury, I think that’s it, if I miss anything please let me know. 
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The blindfold covering Bond’s eyes finally started to slip down after hours of the corrosive material rubbing against his eyelids, but if this little irritant put him off from his mission, he shouldn’t’ve been able to call himself a double O. 
It been more than three hours, closing on four, since he’d gotten into the first vehicle and the fabric was placed on his eyes. Since then, he’d been moved to two subsequent vehicles, each more uncomfortable then the one previous.
They were travelling across increasingly bumpier roads, from the cobble stones they started out on, to the rural roads he deduced they were currently on. With each bump he felt the rough material scrape across his skin, there was no doubt his eyelids would be rubbed raw by the end of the journey. 
Despite the increasing discomfort, he focused his attention on what was happening around him. 
As the car began to slow down, he expected a gentle stop, of course that was before his whole body shifted forward violently. He would’ve hit the seat in front of him, if he hadn’t engaged his core muscles doing his best to remain upright as the driver slammed on the brakes. He shifted himself back against the seat, as another vehicle slowly approached them.
The car that had been stifling since he’d been shifted into it, finally received a breath of fresh air, as he felt a rush of wind blow across his face and hair when the door flung open. 
Someone grabbed his arm with force, shifting him forcibly from his seat. This wasn’t his first clandestine meeting he attended, yet every time they always decided to yank the blindfolded person from a vehicle; come to think of it, he was guilty of that as well. There was an inherent expectation that the one blindfolded wouldn’t fall, and would be able to follow the silent instructions. 
Maybe just for fun, the next time he was going to fall to the ground just to throw them off, and chuckle at hearing them become all flustered. 
There was an eerie silence that seemed to hang in the air as he got out of the car, it wasn’t necessarily threatening or dangerous per se, but a seemingly tense atmosphere between the two drivers themselves, maybe an affair of the heart, or simply rivals for one thing or other. He concluded he was being transferred to yet another vehicle, as his guide pushed him forward, hopefully this would be the last vehicle transfer before arriving at his destination. 
His guide kicked his left foot, trying to push it up onto a ledge, he didn’t need much prodding as he stepped up doing his best to gain some form of balance, when he was shoved into the seat. There was no doubt it was an older truck, the cracked leather seats felt as though thousands of tiny pins were poking his butt as he shifted to find a somewhat comfortable spot. 
It didn’t take long to get them on the road again, the further they drove on, the more he was able to determine their heading. The bumps in the road had started to appear less and less, instead it became increasingly dusty from what he could gather as he breathed in more dust from the air vents. The noise from the city vanished completely and replaced by the sound of trees rustling in the breeze and birds squawking from above. As far as he could tell, they hadn’t passed another vehicle in the past thirty minutes, which could only mean they were in an even more isolated area then they had been previously.
The truck shifted gears as it began to slow down, the driver turning ever so gently before he decided to slam on the brakes, lurching him forward once again. He was seriously thinking about talking to whoever taught these guys how to drive. He was trying to brace himself before hitting the dash, only to be pushed back this time into his seat by his guide’s forearm; he wasn’t sure but there was a high probability he would have a bruise on his chest later. At least he could say there was some concern about his safety, relatively speaking.
The relative peace that had surrounded him was now replaced by the sound of various footsteps rushing towards the truck, when the door flung open.
“Get out!” The voice demanded without any further explanation or care. Either from the person’s lack of English or simply they didn’t wish to expand more than the two words because of the unbearable heat beating down against them, the breeze that he had enjoyed was now a distant memory. It hadn’t been so bad in the truck as they drove on their way, but now that it was idle, the lack of breeze, the humidity, and the sun bearing down on them started to feel stifling.  
Though he still couldn’t see much as he moved out of the truck, he was able to see something through the fabric covering his eyes, from the small opening provided by the shift of the blindfold. It was mostly outlines of objects, shapes that provided a hint as to what he was seeing against the bright sun and bluish-grey sky. 
He took in a deep breath, there was a hint of salt in the air brushing against his tongue as he licked his lips; so they’d been travelling closer to the sea. Possibly the Pacific Ocean side as the air wasn’t as salty compared to the Atlantic. The thickness from the rustling of the trees was no mistake they were somewhere dense, either near the border of the forest, or just on the edges of an abandoned village. 
The humidity surrounding him, simply reaffirmed his suspicions, it was thick and suffocating. They had driven closer to the coastline.
Someone grabbed his arm pushing him foward, he could hear sounds of people moving around him, out of his and his guide’s way. Not completely disappearing simply moving off to the side, as they whispered among themselves. He could feel eyes analyzing and scrutinizing his every move, waiting for an opportunity to strike, despite his hands still being restrained. 
As he walked along, his foot bounced off the corner of a box he estimated as best he could from the sound and movement of what he hit. His theory was confirmed as his guide shoved him down onto the seat. He adjusted himself as best he could, as someone cut the zip-ties binding his hands, seconds after his wrists felt sweet relief, his blindfold was yanked off without any concern. 
It took him a few seconds to adjust to the brightness, probably could’ve been worse if his blindfold hadn’t slipped, allowing his eyes to adjust even just a little.
“Bienvenido Señor Bond” the thick Spanish accent coming from the heavyset woman sitting in front of him. The structure in front of him, if he could call it that, provided enough shade for her and her table, leaving the rest of her people and Bond to experience the full heat of the sun. The air was filled with the smell of the cheap cigars she was smoking, the smell flowing over and encapsulating him, making him want to eliminate whoever invented those foul-smelling cheap cigars as he held back the bile that was rising.
He left off a light cough, doing his best to be his most charming self possible, “I’m grateful for the meeting Señora, it’s truly a pleasure to be in front of so much beauty ”
“A great pleasure as well, Señor Bond, I understand you are looking for information” she took a long drag from her cigar, the ashes flicking off in the breeze and creating more of the nasty smell. 
Bond nodded “As a gratitude for giving me the opportunity for this meeting” he motioned to the man beside him who had been carrying his bag, the same man he met in the city before they started off on the long voyage to the middle of nowhere, he must have been in the vehicles with him each time he transferred or travelled ahead of him, “a small fee to show my appreciation for the inconvenience this has caused you.” 
The man, loomed over them as he stepped closer, as tall and broad as he was, the man barely made a sound as he gently placed the bag in front of her. 
She eyed Bond, not saying anything as she took an even longer drag of her cigar, she motioned to one of her subordinates to open the case revealing it full of money.
“American?” She asked as the smoke exhaled through her mouth and nose.
“Of course”
She took another puff “What is the information?”
“Several days ago, a man travelled through the area with a backpack”
“There are many men who travel through this area with backpacks, Señor”
“Of course, however, I believe he is a guest of your wonderful facilities, currently” he motioned towards the rundown prisons, well what appeared to be prisons. They were mere barriers out in the open, simply branches tied together with rope, to form cages to keep the unwanted contained. 
She simply shrugged, “Perhaps, perhaps not.” She motioned with her cigar towards Bond, “Do you have a picture of this man?”
Without a word he pulled out a 4 x 6 picture of the man from his pocket. One of the requirements of meeting her was no technology was allowed. No cell phone. No laptop. No tablet. Nothing that could connect him to the outside world. 
Despite the oddity, it didn’t really matter to him why she was being extremely cautious, all he cared about was the reason he was there. He passed the picture to her aide who was waiting to receive the image, she leaned over taking a long look at the picture, taking another drag nodding slowly in agreement.
“You are correct, Señor Bond, this man is indeed one of our guests of our, as you say, wonderful facilities.”
Bond couldn’t help smirk at this fool’s misfortune, frankly he could care less about the predicament he found himself in, “I hope he’s enjoying his stay then, what I’m more interested in, is the backpack this man had with him.”
She hummed as she took another drag, the smoke flaring out of her nostrils, “Was there something special in this backpack?” Her eyes narrowed as she took in the man sitting in front of her, “If there was something my men overlooked…” her eyes narrowing on two men who were standing off to the side, as her anger flared along with her nostrils towards her men, “I would be very disappointed.”
James knew better than to show his hand, after all it wasn’t anything that was obvious to the untrained eye, “Not in the least, the backpack is in fact mine. The man stole it from me, and I simply wish to reclaim it back.”
Another hum from the woman followed his statement, as she took a final drag of her cigar, putting it out on an overfilled ashtray.
“Why so much money to simply retrieve what was stolen?”
“There is a copy of a book that was given to me by my late wife, it was the last gift she gave me before she passed away; it means the world if I was able to get it back.”
She called over one of her men, whispering to him, careful to not let her conversation be overheard. Within seconds the man brought the dull beige backpack, still intact, at least from what Bond could tell.
“Would you mind if I confirm it’s contents, I would hate for anything to be missing or for the book to have been lost”
She motioned for him to stand, as her men surrounded Bond from all areas, their eyes watching his every move. He opened it fully, the clothes neatly stacked on top, a dog eared book of ‘How to Kill a Mockingbird’ sitting there, along with a toiletry bag, he opened it seeing a razor, toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, and shaving cream. 
“As you can see there is nothing special in this bag, except for the book. This was the book she left me before …” his hand caressed the book tenderly, before he zipped up the bag, looking as undisturbed as before, retaking his seat on the crate. 
“It appears so” her voice was weary.
“Thank you for retrieving my belongings, I would like to compensate you of course, for your troubles.” He put his hands inside his pockets, pulling out two stacks of a hundred American dollars placing them on the table in front of her, “There’s about $20,000 here, as a personal thank you.”
“Señor Bond you are quite good at making friends” she smirked as she slowly picked up the bundles, “Ernesto will take you back to the village. If you ever need my services again, I am more than happy to help.”
“Señora” Bond bowed, giving her his whimsical smile, as he followed Ernesto back to the truck, he sat down the backpack in between his legs, as he was blindfolded once again for the long journey back. 
- - - - - - - - - - - 
The book lay beside Q’s laptop as it’s front pastedown was peeled back, leaving only the indent of a microchip in its wake.
“Q, is the information compromised or not?” Mallory was annoyed as the youngish technician appeared to be taking his time with providing answers that he desperately needed.
“Don’t worry” Bond intervened, “Q’s probably confirming for the third time before he gives us any answers. You know how annoyingly diligent he can be.”
Q focused his attention back on the computer screen doing his best to ignore the comments; however he knew no amount of rechecking would change the answer that laid before him. He leaned back after reading the information for the third time, “Only one identity was compromised”
“Why aren’t you more concerned!” Mallory’s patience was at an end.
“Because it was compromised two weeks ago”
Silence filled the room, as the weight of what was discovered sunk in; the identity of their undercover agent was already revealed, the chances they were still alive were remote if even possible. 
Mallory leaned against the desk, his head hanging low between his shoulders. He’d prided himself on doing all he could for his agents, there would always be deaths in this field that was inevitable, but he always wanted to make sure they knew they weren’t alone. They had support, backup, as much as he was able to offer. 
“Who was it?” Mallory mumbled out as his eyes closed tightly, trying his best to squeeze out the shame and guilt he felt. No one realized there'd been a breach, until it was too late, and then finding out who breached their network, how it was breached took even more time. He failed them, and nearly had others killed. 
Q glanced from Mallory to Bond, a heaviness rested in his chest, the next words he was about to utter would change his friend’s life forever. He focused back on the computer, maybe he was wrong, maybe it was a different person with a similar name and same date of birth, who just happened to have taken over the same undercover name. After all he’s made mistakes before, this could just be one of those unfortunate blunders, it would be better to keep this between Mallory and himself, “Maybe we should …” Q was about to say ‘discuss this in private,’ when Bond cleared his throat.
“Q … say it” James wanted to be wrong, he wanted the name that popped into his head, the moment Q said an identity had been leaked, to be different from the name Q was getting ready to say. 
“007 …”
“Q. Say. It.” James’ voice was tense, his eyes focused on Q’s, taking notice of every twitch, the number of blinks, even every bead of sweat on Q’s face, it all told him a story. Told him to expect the worse. 
Q took the time to focus on Bond’s demeanour, there was no way around it. He wanted to know and no amount of coaxing or trying to pull the old ‘need to know’ routine would stop him. If he didn’t provide him with the information, he’d just break into his computer later and look for it himself, and the last thing Bond needed was a charge of treason. He let out a deep sigh, closing his eyes trying to calm the unpleasant dreary sensation in his heart. He nibbled on his bottom lip, hoping the numbing sensation would make it easier to say what he needed to, “It’s J, 007.”
“When did J …”
“J was recalled to active duty a year ago, specifically for this assignment.”
James could feel his heart racing, his blood pumping faster, he could feel beads of sweat being to form and climbing its way down his spine. 
The sun was breaking in through the window as James watched you sleep, he couldn’t help the smile that appeared on his face, as you scrunched your nose, trying to remove whatever irritated you, mumbling in your sleep. He’d been up for almost an hour, after he had the same nightmare yet again. He knew he should’ve woken you up, whenever he had the dream of your death, it was only you that could ease the pain in his heart; however this time just watching you sleep, peacefully, calmed his heart. It was a sense of peace and tranquility that filled him just lying there beside you. He did his best to memorize every millimetre of your face, wanting to make sure he didn’t miss a single freckle or blemish on your face. In that moment, as he lay beside you, he knew. Truthfully, he had known since the moment you walked into his life, but in that moment he knew he wasn’t going to run away from what he felt, he wasn’t going to tiptoe around the issue anymore. You were the one. You were the missing piece of his life. In that moment, he wanted to wake you up, and ask you to marry him. 
He felt Mallory’s eyes on him pulling him back to the present, as M looked between Q and himself. He was trying to quell the coldness enveloping him completely, James’ fists clenched by his side as a thousand different scenarios ran through his head. This wasn’t the first time you were in a crunch, but at least then he was by your side. 
You pressed into your side, praying and hoping to stop the bleeding as James provided cover. Things were looking bleak for the both of you, you were down to maybe five rounds, your extra magazine used and spent. Bond had taken one of your pursuers guns but even then, he was running low. 
“Okay, I bought us a few minutes” he rushed out, controlling his breathing as best he could. His eyes glanced over doing his best to assess your situation. “What do you say? Ready to make a run for it?”
You could only chuckle and offer a weak smile as he grabbed your arm, but you knew the chances of both of you making it out were slim, especially with your wound that didn’t want to close. The bullet was still in there, and pressing against your ribs. You grabbed his shirt with all the strength you had left, pulling him towards you, kissing him deeply one last time. 
James was shocked at first but didn’t hesitate as he deepened the kiss, you didn’t have to tell him, he already knew what you were thinking. This was your goodbye kiss, you were going to tell him to run and to leave you there to cover his escape; but there was no way he was going to do that, his hand shifted from the side of your face, he slowly flexed his wrist, popping out the the tiny dart Q had mounted into his watch before the mission,  and pressed it against your neck. 
As you felt the prick in your neck, you pulled back and pressed your hand against your neck, “Wha… wha… whhh…”
James watched as your eyes slowly closed and your head fell against his shoulder, “Sorry love” he pressed a kiss to your forehead, “Can’t lose you.” He picked you up, and carried you to the extraction point, doing his best to stay ahead of the assailants.
Now wasn’t the time to panic, he needed as much information as he could gather, “Is it possible to contact J? Confirm in some way that J’s still alive?”
“J’s locator is no longer active. Even the communicator I gave is turned off. All the designated escape rendezvous arranged previously haven’t been used. There is one possibility, give me a minute, I’ll check …” Q’s words trailed off into nothingness as he focused his attention back on his computer.
Mallory stood from his position, it was not the time to be wallowing in self-deprecation. 007 looked as though someone punched him in the gut, or ripped out his heart. Not to mention, there was the possibility of an agent out there on their own for the past two weeks, that could very well need his help.
“You know this … J … personally?” Mallory asked keeping his voice low, as he subtly moved 007 away from Q allowing the genius to do his job.
“More or less” Bond responded, although he heard his voice answer Mallory, it didn’t feel like it was him that was actually talking.
“She’s my fiancé …” Mallory looked shocked for a second, before he was able to control his features once again; Bond didn’t draw attention to it, nor did he appear to really be paying attention to what he was saying at that moment. 
James looked around the room, making sure everything was perfect. The candles were lit, your favourite meal was on the dining room table, along with your favourite flowers. He was wearing the navy blue suit you loved, it was the one he wore when you first met, you always told him that image always lived in your memory. He felt for the ring box in his breast pocket. The nerves building as the thought of what he was about to do started to sink in. He always swore he’d never get involved with anyone again after Vespa, but you slowly broke down his walls, and pushed your way into his heart, and before he knew it here he was getting ready to propose to you. Now all he had to do was wait till you got home.
Something pulled James back from where his mind went, maybe it was the fact Q had stopped typing, or just having faith that J’d be okay, and there was no need to be lost in what-ifs. He cleared his throat, straightening and adjusting his tie, “Former. My former fiancé from years past.”
You stood on the street, as the rain pelted down soaking your and James’ clothes straight through. Your tears were welling up as your throat ached from the fight the both of you just had, James was doing his best to hold it together, seeing how much in pain you were from something he did. 
“I’m sorry! But you know this job … this life …”
Your fingers clenched around your engagement ring, “You promised me we would leave. We would both walk away from this job, from everything!”
James ran his hands over his face, “You know how difficult it can be …”
“Oh shut up! You claim to love me, you claim to I’m the one you want to be with, but if that was true you wouldn’t hesitate. Just admit James, you simply don’t want to be with me!”
“How can you say that? I’m here fighting to be with you!”
“Then leave! Leave with me!”
“You know I can’t. Not right now.”
“If you don’t leave now, you’ll lose me”
James closed the distance between the two of you, cupping your face in his hands, “Don’t. Don’t do this.”
You didn’t want to walk away, not from him; but if he wasn’t ready to make the commitment you weren’t sure you could wait around until he was ready. You had already waited five years just to be with him, and now just when you thought everything was finally coming together, it was all falling apart. 
Your hand slowly stroke his cheek, you brushed your lips against his pulling him closer. He didn’t wait or hesitate, he reciprocated making sure the kiss was as passionate and intimate, James didn’t want to think this was the final kiss he could ever give you. 
You pulled away, taking his hands in yours, you pulled off the ring and placed it in his hand. “I can’t do this when you’re not ready. I’m sorry.”
That was all you said as you left him standing there, James just watched you walk away, not sure of how to fix this.
Mallory didn’t say much, simply nodding his head. He knew the affairs of the heart all to well, he wasn’t going to pry into Bond’s past no matter how sorely he was tempted, “Are you able to handle this?”
James turned his head and locked eyes with Mallory, “Are you?”
“Very well, 007.”
Both regained their focus and steadied their nerves, Q looked up as he felt their gazes on him, he adjusted his glasses as he reviewed the information, “I triple checked all morgues, hospitals, law enforcement announcements, even underworld bounties, and I can neither confirm nor deny J’s alive … or dead.”
“Pardon me?” Mallory stated as his hand hitched on his waist, his anger needing an outlet. Not only had they been breached, but it appears it was a targeted breach against one particular agent that didn’t seem to have raised any red flags in their assignment. 
Q adjusted his glasses, not bothering to look at the very annoyed and confused expressions that no doubt rested on both of their faces, “If J were dead there would be a report of either an unidentified body, J’s undercover name or J’s real name, and if that wasn’t going to happen, then there would be a police report about a body found or a … piece found. However there’s nothing. There’s still a pretty large bounty on J, 750,000 euros. Which tells me two things, one - J escaped before the identity was revealed. Now how J knew the cover was blown, I couldn’t possibly guess. However, that brings me to number two, as of right now J’s escaped the clutches of whoever put the bounty. Otherwise, it would’ve been removed, not to mention there would be some form of notice on the dark web.”
“Okay that means J’s likely alive, but you said you weren’t sure about J’s death?”
“Well they could have found J and kept the bounty up to keep us thinking J’s alive when that isn’t the case. They could also be torturing J for information …”
Bond held up his hand, “Okay we get.”
“If J’s captured, then there’s nothing we can do.”
The air in the room went frigid, as Bond slowly turned his head to look at Mallory, “There’s always something we can do” his voice was terse as he addressed Mallory.
“I’m sorry 007, but you know the rules better than anyone. Captured and you’re on your own; MI6 will disavow all knowledge regarding your existence and activity. If J’s caught, there’s simply nothing I can do.”
The tension between the two seasoned men started to grow, one due to the power and position he held, limiting his ability to help an agent in need, the second due to his own feelings and sense of duty to the one who had held his heart far longer than anyone else since Vespa. 
Q held up his hand, “Before you two get into a testosterone filled match to decide which of you is bigger, I found something”
“Surprised you didn’t just wait till after” Bond smirked, appreciating the fact he could always tease Q no matter what the situation called for.
“I was tempted, but this is more pressing. I found a … as best I can describe it, some sort of distress code, on a back channel that hasn’t been used for a while.”
“What does it say?” Mallory was beginning to have doubts about this agent; first, why was only J’s identity that was revealed? Secondly, how did J survive? 
“Need extraction. No response in two weeks. Will go dark. Heima. J out.”
“When was this posted?” James hand clenched by his side, something wasn’t right. Heima referred to their home they were planning on building in Milford Sound, the remotest area of New Zealand.
“Sixteen days ago”
“J already went dark.”
“Question” Mallory couldn’t hold his tongue anymore, “If she was able to escape why didn’t she come back in? Why wait to get an extraction? Why wait to hear back? And why was J’s identity the only one that was leaked?”
Bond turned to look at Mallory, “Are you questioning J’s loyalty?”
“It does raise some concerns” Q offered reluctantly.
“I know J!”
“It bears some consideration, 007” Bond didn’t need to hear this anymore, he grabbed the equipment Q had laid out for his next mission; ignoring Q’s comment.
“Where do you think you’re going, 007?” Mallory was about to stop him but thought better of it.
“Heima” was all James said as he walked out.
Mallory looked at Q waiting for an answer, he simply shrugged, adjusting his glasses, “Did you expect anything less? I mean …” Q motioned with his hand to the door Bond exited, “Really?”
Mallory smirked, running his hand down his face, “Let me know when he finds J.”
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starr-finn · 2 years
TBB with an S/O who makes jewelry
author's note: this is my first time writing for the bad batch so they will 100% be OOC, don't hate me I write mostly payday 2 lol. I didn't have Wi-Fi so I figured I'd go all out on this one, and ignore any grammar mistakes or misspellings I don't have my usual app for that stuff, enjoy my first attempt at writing the bad batch :)
Ok we know this man is an amazing father figure to Omega, He's an amazing partner too
literally anything you make and give him he wears with pride
if you make him ANY rings he'll put them on a chain and wear them like a necklace while out, he's too scared to lose them, even if they are the perfect size
Speaking of necklaces, he wears any you make him 24/7
if anyone makes fun of it, it could be his brothers or some random fuck on the street, he will punch them, a lot
he thinks it’s so cute that you can make the most beautiful things out of nothing, he's always so impressed by it
omg if you make something matching for him, you, and omega he'll die, like you killed him-
bro, he loves you, more than anything
everything you make for him is taken such good care of, bro never loses anything you make him, it’s cute.
Wrecker (my favorite)
hoooooo boy
Wrecker will never take anything off if its a gift from you
anything you make for him is no exception, even if it's too small, he'll make it work
Bro keeps everything you give him hidden away, he's the only one that knows where he hid them
he wears a few things you made him out, his favorites are the necklaces, he thinks there pretty :)
if someone makes fun of you, or the things you make, he doesn't even need to get violent, he can just glare at them and they'll back down
He tries his best not to lose anything you make, but sometimes it happens, and he feels bad afterward :(
he loves everything you make him, that's pretty obvious
ok so tech actually studies the stones and metals you find on the planets you guys visit before letting you anywhere near them
however, when you make him something out of the stuff he lets you have, he's extremely grateful, he just doesn't know how to express it
so the stuff you give to him is rarely ever taken off
if anyone asks he'll tell them they hold sentimental value, which they do
if anyone makes fun of the stuff you make, him not really being intimidating or the best at fighting, he'll mostly just subtly insult them, which works
he takes really good care of the stuff you make for him
he genuinely brags to anyone that will listen to him
all and all, he loves you and takes great pride in everything you make for him
ok Echo always keeps everything you give him on him at all times
bro never loses them
and he takes great care of everything you've given him
he really likes the necklaces because he can hide them under his armor, making him less likely to lose them!'
he loves the idea of having something you made on 24/7, and thus a piece of you with him 24/7
he always fights anyone who makes fun of you, with no exceptions ns
he likes it when you make things with pretty designs on them he thinks it’s cute
bros down bad ngl, who'd blame him tho? you’re great!
Ok cross is an asshole, no way to get around it
this does not mean he doesn't love the stuff you give him, quite the opposite actually!
he wears every necklace you give him, and even puts the rings on said necklaces and wears them around, he just hides them
you know he's wearing them tho
he'll always almost kill a man for making fun of you
it thinks it’s cute how happy you seem giving him the stuff
he never loses anything, and he keeps everything clean, he cares about the stuff you give him to let them get messed up
he loves you, he just doesn't say it
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clonebrainrot · 4 months
Aftermath Season 1 episode 1 rewatch
A live reaction
The bad batch aftermath
So we begin
I completely forgot that they had a clone wars intro for this
Ah Kanan sounding like a 40 year old man
And here they come!
Ah POV shot my beloved
God they are so badass
God I am already getting emotional over fucking nothing lol
Tech no you can’t say the C-word
You gotta appreciate all these battles where they are working together it only happens like 3 times in the entire show
God captain grey sucks
lol Tech doesn’t even look up from his data pad when he is introduced by Kanan. He is literally me.
Any orders or shall we do what we do? God what a great line
Oh yay! Order 66!
And everything continued to go down hill from this point onward
smh rebels was contradicted in rebels he said her last words were run not Caleb! I can’t believe they would get this wrong. My day is ruined
Also I am literally just writing all my thoughts out as they happen I’ll have a lot more succinct post later.
Even this early I cannot get over how good the animation looks
You have orders from the chancellor? Wrecker doesn’t give a shit lol
Hunter saw Kanan and he wanted to adopt him immediately
Crosshair is an amazing shot anytime he isn’t shooting a good guy. Then he misses a lot. Although you can argue that he is subconsciously resisting the order if you want
Poor Hunter he is trying his best to
God I am so tempted to writer a the bad batch protests Kanan fic. I think Omega and Kanan would have such a fun dynamic.
God the scenery shots all look gorgeous I wish I knew how to take screenshots of Disney plus or else I would show you
I forgot how often Tech talked. I don’t know why
Remember when people said the dead Jedi here was shaak ti? Cause that made no sense. She literally has a green hand.
Also every line of dialogue between Tech and Wrecker is just hilarious
“Oh they seem the same to me” I love you tech
My exceptional mind! Another great line
Info dump more Tech I will enjoy every piece of dialogue you give me
First appearance of Omega!
Interestingly Omega notices when Hunter looks up at her. Hmm makes one think doesn’t it. Tap this one down as the first of “omega is force sensitive” (I won’t let this theory die”
There she is. She is just the best.
Also Omega has the worst haircut ever.
I love all of Omega’s weird little waves. She’s so socially awkward sometimes I love that about her.
Oh boy. Tarkin here he comes to ruin the day
lol the Kaminoasn really are like “bitch what are you talking about”
Oh my man soup clone is gonna steal the scene
I like to blow things up because I like to blow things up. You always know your ways with words tech
I can’t get over how horrible omega’s haircut looks it is so bad
Soup clone or should I say CX2!
I love that this food fight is a regular occurrence
Regular clone coming in With a metal tray!
I wish they had done more with Echo’s PTSD
I will leave you to process the shock of this revelation
Maybe this empire thing isn’t so bad after all (it was)
I just realized what happened to Lama Su? He just dipped out of the shows lol
And wrecker is shot for the first time. First of many. I think it might be four total. Wrecker takes an absolute beating throughout the show
What we did on Felucia. Well now I need a whole show about that
Tech riding the proto dark troopers is such a video game moment
I completely forgot how little Omega is in this first episode until like well over half way through
Crosshair’s knife shot may be my favorite of the entire show.
Ah the fetus room my favorite one on Kamino
I completely forgot Tarkin has met Omega.
Squad does not make a squadron. I thought squadron was just for aircraft and naval vessels? I know this is a nitpick and doesn’t really matter but it stood out
I love how Hunter always goes to Omega’s eye level. I love that about him.
Oh oh! Oh no! Kid you aren’t a soldier. Damnit I am crying now. She grew up to be a soldier! Ah I hate it I am going to bawl my eyes out for the rest of the episode
Saw you complicated man. I don’t hate you like some, but you always go about it the wrong way you drove so many people away you indirectly killed one of the brightest minds on Star Wars, but your heart was in the right place. It’s just how you fight. That’s what is important
I love how Tech knows who Saw is on sight. He knows literally everything I love that about him
Saw also does it. He gets to eye level when talking to children. I love this detail. Not talking down always talking directly.
Crosshair always the contrarian with “not that you know of”
Wait how did Tech know about the conversation with Tarkin where he talks about the five clones. He wasn’t there. There are a few instances throughout the show where characters know things they really shouldn’t
Someone is coming we need to go. That’s two strikes for force sensitive omega (again not letting this die)
God the wide shots on this show are stunning
Do you think it’s a problem that I can recognize all the trailer shots as they appear? lol
Strike 3 for Omega being force sensitive. Although this one you can excuse as just her knowing about the inhibitor chip. There is one that will be coming up that you can’t read as anything other than force sensitive IMO
Oh did I ever tell you how when I first saw Omega in the trailer I thought she was a boy lol.
I love Omega copying her brothers it’s so cute
I can’t get over how bad her hair is. I hate her original hair style. It’s just so bad lol
God even in this episode so early the music is absolutely banging.
Omega knows crosshair is coming before he actually comes. And then she’ll make this amazing shot. Omega is force sensitive. Nothing says she isn’t in the show. And so I will go to my grave believing it. Canon be damned
Also why is the Coruscant guard on Kamino? What happened to the gray colored Kamino police clones?
That’s a second shot for wrecker. Dude just keeps getting beaten the shit out of. Already planting the seeds for that inhibitor chip activating later
And there is the shot. Followed by shots that go completely off the mark. Makes one think doesn’t it…
Also Nala Se you sneaky sneaky. I hate you for fives and also love you for helping Omega in the end.
So begins Omega’s adventure. And so begins the beginning of the end for theirs
Next stop Cut Lawquane
God I am excited to go through these episodes. It’s like it’s starting all over again even If I have watched this show a collective 4 times lol.
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sskim-milkk · 1 year
Bad Batch season 2 thoughts
This was originally going to be my thoughts about the finale, but it seems like everything I want to say has already been said so here are my thoughts about the season as a whole :) (quick warning this is going to be all over the place lol)
Such an amazing season, oh my goodness! I loved the first season so much, and I think this one is even better!
I love that each character had their own development, with Tech, Echo and Crosshair being in the spotlight, as opposed to really only Hunter, Omega and a little bit of Wrecker last season
Tech: this dude is literally the best! I’ve always been a Hunter girly but this season they were neck and neck 👀 I love that even though Tech’s the brainiac of the group he seemed to learn so, so much. He learned a lot about people and himself. In the cave with Omega he was able to understand her more and her upset about Echo leaving, get her to understand his own thoughts about everything that’s happened so far, and figure out for himself some of these thoughts that he has. And through Phee he’s learned the importance of preserving things, not for monetary value, but for sentimentality. I’m sure with being a soldier, sentimental things were few and far between. It was important to travel lightly. Another thing I love with Tech is just how much of a badass he is. There are just so many times throughout the season where he was doing the coolest things and being confident during it. Ahh I love him! And lastly, his sacrifice, Omg it’s hurts. It hurts so much. I’m praying praying praying that he didn’t actually die. It shows how much he loves his family though 🥹 so yeah, Tech is amazing, I'm in denial about his death, and I want him and Phee to be together forever.
Speaking of Phee, I love her SO much! She's so fun and I love how important preserving people's cultures are to her. She seems like a great adventurer, even if she stretches the truth during the retelling of the stories. Ugh, I want those two nerds to be together forever!
Echo: I’m so happy that Echo found a new purpose this season. I missed him so much when he left, but based on his stances through the first season and this season, it makes so much sense. This isn’t to fault Hunter for not wanting to join him and Rex though. It’s clear how important this is to Echo, and I'm so happy he listened to his heart and went to go fight for his brothers with Rex.
Hunter: what a cautious, caring and calculating guy. I think it’s clear from the start of the season that Hunter wants to stay out of the radar of the Empire. I think he was a bit lost season. A solider’s life is the only thing he’s ever known. He’s good at it, and that’s how they make money. But with the empire growing and Cid becoming more suspicious with each episode, it’s clear that Hunter wants something different, better for his family and for Omega. Once he got to Pabu, I think that vision became clearer. He saw how happy everyone was, how happy Omega was; what more could a leader hope for? Sadly, THE FINALE TOOK THAT AWAY! 😭😭😭 now Hunter has to do exactly what he was avoiding all this season: face the empire. It’s worth it for his girl and brothers though 🥹 also side note Hunter was so pretty this season 😍so pretty and so buff and so fatherly hnnnggg
Omega: ahhhhh the bebo is not such a bebo anymore 🥹 I’m so proud of how much she’s grown. I’ll admit, in the first season I was annoyed when she kept running away and putting herself into danger that could have been avoided. However, I think that now makes her character growth this season so much more satisfying. She can really hold her own now! And she’s grown so much in maturity! I love that there were plenty of opportunities for her to still be a kid though. Getting excited for treasure, being a bit gullible with Phee’s (maybe true) stories, making new friends, and so much more. I wish we got to see more of her training. It’s clear she’s made a lot of progress; I would have loved to see her brothers training her with her and how to be stealthy and stuff like that. I just love this girl so much and she’s so smart and just a little ray of sunshine and I just hope everything will be okay next season 🥹
Wrecker: I love this man SO MUCH! Even though we didn’t get immense character growth, I think he still showed a lot of instances with more maturity than last season. I’m completely okay with him not getting a full character arc or something. He’s just such a fun-loving character, it would be difficult to see him go through a whole arc, in my opinion. Anyway, he gave Gungi his food when he noticed Gungi looking at it, as opposed to last season when he almost took Omega’s food until Hunter stepped in. He’s better at stealth now, and made that rocket launcher or whatever out of scraps?! Ahh that was so cool! I just hope after everything that’s happened this season, that Wrecker is still light hearted and fun 🥺
Crosshair: oh goodness. What a doozy. I think Crosshair is one of the most interesting characters ever written in Star Wars. Even though we only got about 3 episodes with him, he grew so much. Cody got him questioning the empire, and then the outpost and Hemlock going after the Batch really sealed the deal for him. All while having plenty of badass moments! I’m so scared to figure out what’s going to happen to him next season. It’s clear how much he cares about his brothers and sister, going through TORTURE and being POISONED just to not give up information about them 😭 what a guy. He's lost so much even though he thought being a soldier for the empire was the right thing to do. He's done so much for the empire and what have they given him in return? Nothing. Heck, he waited for a MONTH on that platform. I'm glad he's beginning to realize that he truly is just a number to the empire, like Hunter said. Crosshair I love you. I feel like there’s so much more I could say about him but I would be rambling even more than I already am.
Also, the music this season was out of this world! Need More Speed is an absolute banger and I'm so glad Tech got to be the reason for it
I think next season will take on a darker tone. Tech is presumed dead for now, Crosshair and Omega are with the Empire, Cid is out of the picture, and Wrecker, Hunter and Echo are grieving while trying to find a lead on where Omega might be. It's seeming like there will be a few plots going on at once too.
I'm very interested to learn more about Omega's 'sister' too! And why she's working with the Empire.
It's safe to say waiting for the next season will be grueling! I can't wait though
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deejadabbles · 11 months
hello there~ for the OC ship game I’d love your thoughts on Mana with Rex or with Wrecker 👀💙💙
So excited to hear your HCs 🤩
Sunshine asked for Rex and you can read my ramblings here! But oooooh I hadn't thought of Wrecker 👀 excellent choice my friend! I'm not gonna act like every clone is going to adore her or something crazy like that but so far, you guys have picked good ones to ship her with!
Okay okay so I didn't mention this in the post but Mana is very tiny sooooo can we say size kink difference anyone? 👀👀👀 he'd think she's an adorable little firecracker and love her energy! In turn she loves how fun Wrecker is and that he's a gentle giant, she doesn't feel like she has to put on an act around him (like she does with Hunter at first) and can just be herself.
Also, I'm super soft now because I'm picturing her reassuring Wrecker that he most certainly isn't dumb. That just because he's not like Tech doesn't mean he's not smart like !!!! She knows what it's like to be judged by her surface /most notable traits so she knows just how to show him that he's got brains too!
Also, Mana loves to cook, she just doesn't do it much when it's just her on her lonely ship, but guess who goes nuts when he finds out how good of a cook she is 👀 his enthusiasm reminds her of happy meal times with her family before it was just her and makes it her mission to make sure that Wrecker and his brothers are well fed while she's with them!
She loves cuddling with him, it's her favorite pass time and does not care how many times Crosshair mocks them when he finds them snuggled in the cockpit. Also!!! Piggyback rides! She loves surprising him by hopping onto his back especially cos he always plays along and carries her 💕
Also!! She's amazing with kids just like him, so visiting Cut and his kids?? Spending the whole visit outside playing pretend with the kids. Who's the best to keep Omega occupied and entertained? Look no further than the fun duo (just watch out cos she will most definitely love teaching Omega to pilot in the most insane way with Wrecker cheering them on)
Thank you for sending these! Wecker was an amazing choice 🤩
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kaminocasey · 2 years
If you fancy doing something fluffy with Wrecker x reader and "You came back!", Wrecker saying it to reader, that would be amazing!
Congrats again, Casey, you deserve the world you absolutely amazing human being, ILSYM 💕
Hi Kitty! I feel like we haven't spoken in so long and I hope you're doing well!! I hope it's alright that I combined yours, @misogirl828 (Who also requested #3 It's Always Been You, and @merkitty49!
Thank you guys for sending requests and being so patient! I know it's been a few months and I promised I would do all of them! You guys are the best! <3 <3 <3 Also, I was thinking about Wrecker last night at work and Idk about you guys but I'm so freaking excited to see him in season 2. I hope we get more wholesome Wrecker moments. 3. It's Always Been You 4. You Came Back
Warnings: None but Minors DNI
You watch from the giant doorway of the large practice room as the Batch finishes running a practice drill, grinning at the four of them. You couldn’t help it. You missed them so much. You’d been gone for the last six months, helping out a different battalion with the GAR. 
You’re a top strategist in the GAR, so you’re in high demand. But you told the Jedi you needed a break. You were ready to be back with these four guys.
“MESH’LA!” You hear Wrecker’s booming voice as they finish. “You came back!”
You’ve missed that sweet man so much. He’s the biggest reason you came back.
Hunter, Tech, and Crosshair’s eyes follow to where you’re standing. You walk out to them, meeting them halfway. Wrecker immediately sweeps you up in a gigantic hug, burying his face in your neck. 
“I’m back.” You promise him, kissing him on the cheek.
You can tell he’s trying to be gentle with you and it’s killing him so you squeeze him back as hard as you can, laughing. When he puts you back down, you notice the way he keeps an arm around you and you can’t help the warmth that floods through you. 
“I’ve missed you guys so much.” You tell them, your eyes lingering on Wrecker a little longer.
“All of us equally?” Crosshair asks, snidely, smirking.
“It’s been a little dark these last six months. Glad we’ll get some sunshine back.” Hunter smiles. 
“I appreciate you saying that, sarg.” You smile back. 
“Good to have you back.” Tech nods. 
“Even if it’s only because of a certain person.” Crosshair teases.
“And what if it is?” You challenge him with a smile.
Wrecker’s arm around you tightens, understanding that you mean him and you settle into his side, resting your head against his chest. 
“Come on guys.” Hunter starts to usher Crosshair and Tech away, giving you and Wrecker a moment alone.
“It’s me, right?” Wrecker grins. 
“It’s always been you, Wreck.” You promise him.
He leans down and finally kisses you, pulling you into his arms. You’d been wanting this for so long and you can tell he’s been wanting it just as much. This time, you don’t think you’ll be able to leave him again. TAGS: @grievouus @brynhildrmimi @madameminor @dumfanting @rain-on-kamino @misogirl828 @rexandechosandwich @corona-one @tecker @ladykatakuri @the-sith-in-the-sky-with-diamond @twistedstitcher27 @zoeykallus @maulslittlemeowmeow @littlemousedroid @arctrooper69 @rexxdjarin
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moonstrider9904 · 2 years
I just finished watching Tales of the Jedi and I have a lot of words so SPOILER ALERT if you haven't watched it.
I don't want to put this under a read more because I feel like that'll just make people ignore the post so please, if you haven't filtered spoilers and don't want to be spoiled, close your eyes and scroll past this fast :D
I'll be as coherent as I can 😅
First off I am blown. Blown away by this. I'm in awe at how much Star Wars can make me feel and how this is the only franchise that will do this to me.
Episode one, I cried. Baby 'Soka, I shall protect you from everything even though you shall be the one protecting me even with thou chubby baby legs. But when the end credits rolled and Ahsoka's theme played, I teared up. I hadn't cried with Star Wars ever since Crosshair was left on Kamino!! For a moment, I was nine years old watching The Clone Wars in the movie theater with my brother all over again 🥺
Now... Dooku. I hate him. I love him. I love to hate him. I hate to love him. I love Yaddle more (seriously, Yaddle my beloved, I'm not over that). And the way I howled when I realized some of the events were set in TPM?! I mean, animated TPM Qui Gon?! MY CHILDHOOD-
The sadness that Dooku felt at losing Qui Gon, and the scene at the tree felt so surreal. I would have loved to see Dooku's fall to the Dark Side in much more detail but this is in no way a complaint; I love the execution and the short story format, and I felt the setting was exposed pretty clearly and just- AGH.
Also, that scene where Dooku tells the guy from Raxus he can kind of understand his point of view, and while he talks, his face is lit red and the background behind him is dark - *faints* I love it when a scene can visually reflect a character's inner turmoils. 10/10
I still love Yaddle more.
and Mace Windu was fuckin' amazing in this, as he always is. We stan Mace Windu in this house - holy crap.
Now. Now. NOW.
Tales of the Jedi is truly special because, while many will like to dismiss nostalgia factor as pure frivolity, it's the reason I and possibly others feel so intensely right now.
We saw Ahsoka again, as well as Obi-Wan, Anakin, Rex, Jesse. Characters I watched as a kid, who have shaped me in one way or another; we see them grwo with the course of the mini series, and we can tell the context and feel either joy or pain, mostly pain by the end. I had no clue that the training montages with Rex and the boys would lead so smoothly (and so painfully) back to Order 66.
There's a sequence I will now watch with even more pain!! Thank you, Felony.
Also DEPA BILLABA AND CALEB DUME. Guys. The incoherent noises I made at seeing them. I yelled and cried and fangirled and asdkjhañksjdghañsdbgj it was gorgeous to see them. Their cameo didn't even have words, they were just there and it made sense and it felt nice and I love it. Same with Plo and Yoda.
And I respect Ahsoka way more now knowing she worked hard days under the sun. Respect to my queen. UGH and the pain of knowing she was at Padmé's procession because they were friends, having Bail tell her there was nothing she could have done for them (isn't Bail Organa just the best, most comforting character in the franchise?)
And that inquisitor - I was bummed that it ended so quickly. People, I'm a slut for Percy de Rolo, and then you give me an inquisitor with a bird like mask and a deep voice? AÑISDJHGFAÑSBJGFDA anyways ummm Ahsoka was a badass, as usual, and I really wanted to smack the dude who turned her in.
Hehes, I really hope not to have rambled too much. I'm still not over it, these are just my thoughts on the whole series. Soon, I'm going to rewatch it with a bag of popcorn.
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djmunden · 2 years
Got an amazing shout out from Grey Elysee, a phenomenal black indie comic book artist with his own very successful Kickstarter. Please go an support him as well as myself in his amazing journey. I’m ALMOST there. 5 more days. 
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