#CW Surgery mention
leo-probably · 6 days
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draconicfool · 11 days
rat update, I'm hopped up on pain killers so sorry for spelling mistakes. The surgery went really well and I'm on my home to recover. I'm so so grateful for the well wishes and so excited and relieved this part of my transition finally came to pass 🙏🩷
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crimsononiarataki · 2 months
//Sorry about my spotty activity everyone. I had surgery on the 4th to remove something cancerous from my body and I'm currently recovering from that. I am here, but I'm also focusing on distracting myself from the pain. None of the medicine I have is touching it and I wasn't given a prescription for any pain medication. So that's fun. However, the doctor did say as long as they got all the cancerous tissue out I should be completely cancer free again. So that's good.
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strawberrybouvine · 4 months
Content Warning: Talk of chest surgery, close up pictures involving surgical tape/stitches/healing wounds, post op chest scars
Wanted to make a post for my chest cause I'm going to be hitting my 4 months mark on the 26th !
I had a bilateral mastectomy due to fiberdenomas. So not exactly top surgery but close enough lol
I reeeeally like how my chest has healed. Especially compared to the like fresh healing stage and it's honestly made me really happy and much more confident ^^
This was around the like 4 days-1 week mark
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Compared to now at almost 4 months !
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ianthoni · 8 months
Oh yeah i succeeded it and came back from surgery alive but at what cost 😭😭
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I still can't breathe properly someone help me find oxygen 😭
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discountedmuses · 1 year
(( We interrupt your scrolling to bring you some news!
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I HAVE BEEN APPROVED FOR MY HYSTERECTOMY!! Because I'm basically precancerous, we were hoping that it would get approved on those grounds (with a side of gender affirmation and not wanting to have kids of my own at all) and it was approved!
My surgery date is still set for June 21st and I go in for my pre op appointment later this week on the 9th!
Even with insurance approving this surgery, I still need a lot of help getting this operation done. I am a fulltime artist and fursuit maker working out of my own bedroom and money has already been a tight spot for me for a good chunk of this year ;w; I still have my GoFundMe fundraiser up and any and all help would certainly be appreciated! ;w; Sharing is heavily encouraged as well <3
Thank you so much for your time and I hope you all have a wonderful day ;w; <3
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I don’t know how active I’ll be on this blog, really. Lance and Ethan both say that I should step back and focus on healing after… everything.
That’s not to say I’m leaving, just that it’ll be more common for Ethan or Lance to pop in now and again and post. Maybe even Latias, if she figures out the password on this Gear.
But I guess you all want an update. So.
My eye is… still there. I won’t get into specifics, but the whole Soul-Dew-in-my-skull was the whole cause of the seizures. (I didn’t even know you could have seizures like that.) I can’t see very well out of it, but the doctors say that I’ll heal with time.
Latias still won’t return to Hoenn. She says it’s better for ‘two shattered halves to form a reconciled whole’. Whatever that means.
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steddie-island · 7 months
I have two things I have to do today. 1) call my surgeon for my 2 week post-op followup 2) therapy this afternoon.
I want to write, but I feel like I should call my surgeon first to rip off the bandaid? But on the other hand, I'm pretty sure doing that is going to ruin my goddamn day lol.
So anyway I think I'm gonna write instead and call at like 4 instead so I at least have a few good hours, then I can have an hour to de-compress before therapy just to get myself worked up again.
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mycoblogg · 1 year
thank you for the recent support + FOTD requests !! :-)
just a little blog update : i was meant to have a surgery on my arm the other day, so i set up quite a long queue in case i would not be able to use my arm during recovery. unfortunately, the surgery was cancelled day-of, so now there is already a queue !! i promise, if you requested a fungus you *will* be posted. i will try to make it as fast as possible, too. :-) but it may take about a week. thank you, everyone<33
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leo-probably · 6 days
Actually I might head to orochimaru's hideout for my top surgery. Kabuto has only ever practiced on the dead and dying, but he takes insurance so
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draconicfool · 5 days
gonna be out for a bit today for an after surgery follow up! hopefully if all goes well I won't be confined to my phone anymore !!
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crimsononiarataki · 2 months
//To those it may concern. On April 4th, I'm going to be undergoing surgery. While the surgery in itself is not considered a major one, my activity might drop a bit as I recover. I'll be on as often as I'm able to be (so long as my pain level isn't so bad I can't walk). Very few of my writing partners know what it's for and even fewer of my friends do. This is because I didn't want people to think I'm 'begging for attention'.
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akumaasylum · 1 year
This is a very Twitter thing to post but, my aunt is in the hospital and is Not Doing Well. She collapsed last week and after emergency surgery the doctors found meningitis in her skull, and she hasn't woken up. She started having seizures and today they told us she has developed sepsis too.
We're trying to raise money to help with hospital bills (and potentially funeral bills at this point) so if you are financially safe and able, please consider donating to our fund. Anything helps. She is the sole breadwinner of her household, and money was tight for them even before inflation got this bad.
If you can't donate (which we totally understand that most people aren't in the position to do, money is expensive) please consider reblogging and spreading the fundraiser around. The more eyes on this, the better. I hope, at least. Thank you.
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heartless-aro · 1 year
is it true that the heart only pumps blood and doesnt actually make blood??? because if so i could EASILY replace my heart,,
I’m not a doctor so I cannot offer any medical advice, but personally I gave up my own heart in exchange for my username, and the hamster on a tiny treadmill that I’ve been using as a replacement has been working just fine for me. Still though, I wouldn’t recommend removing any organs without consulting a licensed medical professional, since there’s always a possibility that you might have an underlying health condition that could lead to dangerous complications if you attempt to perform impromptu at home organ removal.
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hisbiskisses · 1 year
Obviously the reason people should respect and leave alone trans people is basic human decency and dignity BUT
I feel like we really are a testament to how far medicine has come and like the ultimate human desire to just fucking run with it! Come on! This is some spitting in the face of god shit and I'm sure he enjoys it! That Julian jarboe quote about how trans people are our way of participating in the divine act of creation!
Like I can get a whole dick now, just slap it on me, and that's because a bunch of people were like "fuck yeah you want a dick mate let's make it happen" and then they did! I could cut of my tits if I was so inclined and stick the nipples back on like pasties and walk away with some of the sexiest scarring you ever did see! Or you could get huge tits! The magic of scientific innovation!
Like, if you call me an abomination or a freak or whatever else springs to mind, cool! You're not too far off the mark babe! Frankenstiens monster was always hotter anyway, I've never been into the "dying from consumption and the problems i caused" aesthetic myself. Obviously not every trans person will feel this way, because we are not a monolith and the hive mind has been on the blink, but fuck! Yes I am mutilating myself! I am doing so in a hygienic environment with a nice anesthesiologist who's making sure I'm on the good shit throughout, into a wonderful new being! I am self improvement!
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batsbaby · 2 years
Had surgery today and I’m super sore and have been v motion sick all day. Had to miss my trip I had planned since March to see the besties up in Toronto and to see MCR which has really really sucked but you know how it goes lmao health first!
Hopefully I’ll get to see everyone in the spring 🥲😭💖
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