#Cancer awareness
icarusredwings · 16 days
This has been on my mind for NO Fucking reason so to make it shut up, lets talk about it.
"Why doesn't Wade just do chemotherapy?"
In this essay, I will explain the answer to that question, looking at Germ cancer cells and testicular cancer rates to decide-
Can Wade have biological kids?
Let's start with the basic facts.
What a germ cell tumor?
A germ cell tumor is a mass made of reproductive cells, also called germ cells. “Germ” is short for “germinate,” which means to mature. For men and people assigned male at birth (AMAB), germ cells mature into sperm. Related, germ cell tumors most often form where eggs get made (ovaries) and where sperm gets made (testicles).
[ https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/diseases/23505-germ-cell-tumor]
Testicular cancer.
Most testicular cancers start in cells known as germ cells and are called germ cell tumours. Germ cells in men produce sperm. Testicular germ cell tumours can develop from germ cell neoplasia in situ (GCNIS). GCNIS means that there are abnormal cells in the testicle.
More than 90% of testicular cancer start in the germ cells, which are cells in the testicles and develop into sperm. This type of cancer is known as testicular germ cell cancer. Testicular germ cell cancer can be classified as either seminomas or nonseminomas, which may be identified by microscopy.
[https://www.cancer.gov/ccg/research/genome-sequencing/tcga/studied-cancers/testicular-germ-cell-study ]
At the moment there is not a lot of options, the most common are:
Chemotherapy works by stopping or slowing the growth of cancer cells, which grow and divide quickly. Because of his healing factor, this would probably not work and if anything cause Wade more illness seeing as Chemo causes
Hair loss
Easy bruising and bleeding
Anemia (low red blood cell counts)
Nausea and vomiting
Appetite changes
Mouth, tongue, and throat problems such as sores and pain with swallowing
Peripheral neuropathy or other nerve problems, such as numbness, tingling, and pain
Skin and nail changes such as dry skin and color change
Urine and bladder changes and kidney problems
Weight changes
Chemo brain, which can affect concentration and focus (serve mind fog)
Mood changes
Changes in libido and sexual function
And last but not least Fertility problems
[https://www.cancer.org/cancer/managing-cancer/treatment-types/chemotherapy/chemotherapy-side-effects.html ]
At high doses, radiation therapy kills cancer cells or slows their growth by damaging their DNA. Cancer cells whose DNA is damaged beyond repair stop dividing or die. When the damaged cells die, they are broken down and removed by the body. In theory this would work a little bit, for about 12 minutes and then he immediately would have all of those dead cells back because while the radiology killed one spot, cancer spreads. Quickly. With his healing factor its MUCH quicker too. All that pain for nothing.
Hair loss
Memory or concentration problems
Throat problems, such as trouble swallowing
Shortness of breath
Taste changes
Skin changes (such as burning and peeling)
Less active thyroid gland
Sexual problems
Fertility problems
Urinary and bladder problems
I dont even need any sources for this. We saw what happened to his legs when ripped off. They just grew back. And if removing cancer cells makes newer cancer cells? That's useless.
Wades entire body is cancerous. Yes. His ENTIRE body. Every arm, toe, and fingernail on this man is cancerous. His healing factor is literally just having rapid cancer growth (amongst other things)
Chemotherapy and radiation will not work on him. Chemotherapy works by killing cancerous cells in order to grow healtheir ones. Except Wade can only produce cancerous cells. Yes, while they are new and much more likely in the very early stages, it's still cancerous.
This being said, there is no cure or treatment for Wades Cancer (that we know of at this time) Its quite physically the only thing keeping him with super hero powers yet still remains even after his powers are taken.
Hate to say it.
I hate to say it but statistically removing older, more advanced cells to replace with newer, less progressive cells (aka removing or ripping off his limbs/ parts of his body so they can grow back as new and fresh) is probably the best 'treatment' Wade has right now. Radiology would work the same, right?
Yes, but A. Not as B. Too many side effects that he he'll have to deal with MORE making him even more crazy and sick. Why would he do that when he can just tease Logan into slicing a hurt leg off and go from there?
Will the treatment help him be fertile?
Realistically, without his powers, he probably would be dead in a week, perhaps less due to just HOW much cancer this man truly has.
Chemo would also make it worse. So much worse, in fact. Both pain wise and his chances at ever biologically having a child.
Result(s) Before the cancer was diagnosed, (66%) 79/120 couples who attempted to conceive succeeded within 1 year. After (Cancer) treatment, (43%) 38/88 couples conceived within 1 year.
Testical Germ Cell Tumors are associated with semen abnormalities before orchiectomy. This review shows an increase in abnormal semen parameters among men with TGCT even outside the treatment effects of orchiectomy, radiation, or chemotherapy.
[https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4270136/ ]
The way that TGCT affects the sperm is that it's very common for not only lower sperm count (obviously, it's hard to produce when you're fighting an entire body illness) but also changes the shape of the sperm which makes it very difficult to reach the egg. Sperm with crooked tails, double tails, double heads, or even broken sperm have a very hard time reaching the egg (think of it like natural selection) and die off before they get anywhere. If you already have low countage and most of them can't make it?
Well that's much lower chances of fertility.
In the comics.
In the comics, Wade has a daughter named Eleanor Camacho in which he was unaware of because her mother saw his face and ran away in terror. The entire thing is that her mother thought she was going to die and decided fuck it, if im gonna die Im gonna die happy so decided to spend these last moments with wade (who she literally just met- if that aint weird in itself idk what is).
She only ever found him to demand child support, and he refused to believe such a beautiful child could he his given his stance of insecurity and well- Just utter shock anyway, I think. He is right. Eleanor is gorgeous as a baby and as an adult.
(There's actually a whole comic where he's trying to fight death so his daughter doesn't die before him because he "couldn't bear the thought of living without her" so they activate a bomb "with the power of a black hole" and comit death together. It's very sweet)
In conclusion.
Yes, Wade can have children, but he has a better chance at being successful if he removes his lower half and regrows it so that its *less* cancerous than before cells, therefore hes more likely to have normal shaped sperm and probably more of it during the process.
No, chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery would not be effective. Unfortunately, the most effective thing for him is ripping his limbs off sometimes.
"Forest- why the fuck did you write this?"
You know... I really don't know. I wanted to become a bio geneticist, and here I am. Writing about some bald guys' balls on the Internet. Siiigghh... anyway. Use this. however you want, I don't even care at this point.
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alwaysbewoke · 6 months
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shiftythrifting · 8 months
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heythereimb · 6 months
TommyInnit in Florida
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I had so much fun! It was one of the best nights of my life! I'm so happy I got to go and was able to experience the magic of TommyInnit live! It was the best celebration of being cancer free that I could ask for <3
I was texting Technodad before the show as I freaked out. This man was just as hype as I was even though he didn't understand half the things I was saying after I lost my old man filter.
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pancreaseater · 1 month
Jessie - Team Rocket
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I drew this as a tribute to the english voice actor of Jessie from Pokemon. On the 10th of August 2024, Rachael Lillis passed away from breast cancer at the age of 55. May she rest peacefully, and my thank you to her for the irreplaceable voice of both Jessie and Misty from the first pokemon anime. She was taken far too soon and will be greatly missed 🤍🕊️
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fre4kshqw · 2 months
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I have no reason for why I haven't posted. It was my birthday and I've been playing minecraft + deadpool brainrot.
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bluebladefluff · 2 months
Serious question
Are you subscribed to Tommyinnit? He is trying to get to 15K becuase Highpixal will give him a custom rank, that only Technoblade has ever gotten, and they will personaly donate 50,000$ to the sarcoma foundation which is Technoblade's cancer foundation. I want to try to help him go and double check that subscription to Tommy 🫶
(Sorry for my English, I’m Dyslexic)
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clouded-haze · 4 months
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The voice actress for Misty, Rachael Lillis, is currently battling cancer. Her sister has set up a GoFundMe for her expenses! Please consider donating: Rachael’s GFM
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imu-chan · 2 years
I heard the most raw and tragic quote from Technodad from today’s charity livestream that he and Dream did (donate to sarcoma charities btw) and I wanted to share it.
Technodad was talking about how Techno would be awake at any and all hours playing video games, and would suddenly (at like 2am) be startled and accidentally wake his parents up from the room over with his sudden jumbled rambling over what had happened in the game.
“It was so annoying when it happened, and it was so awful when it stopped.”
The grief today was palpable, and I wanna extend my love to the Technofam, the DSMP, and everyone who needs it. Don’t forget Technoblade. Don’t forget.
(Might be off one word or so but it hit me so hard I had to instantly write it down)
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lorynna · 3 months
i hate smokers or vapers. at least have the human decency to step away from me when you start suckling on that cancer pipe and don't mindlessly force everyone at the same bus stop to inhale your stupid toxins.
as if people never speak up and tell them to get away from them with their fucking smoke? like if you start smoking you don't have to take the seat next to me. You can bear to stand a few feet away until you're finished. I hate how socially accepted this is.
I want to have healthy lungs and your choice to ruin your health shouldn't affect me at all.
Passive smoking is real.
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dragons1re · 4 months
Childhood cancer awareness is incredibly important to me!! A very close friend has recently gone into remission!! This experience has drawn my attention to how little funding and recognition childhood cancer receives!! (Especially for rare cancer types like Sarcoma)
1 in every 285 children will develop cancer before the age of 20, 47 of those children will be diagnosed today, those 47 families will spend over 40% of their annual income on supporting their child. Tomorrow another 47 children will need your help and funding.
According to the Children’s Cancer Research Fund:
Childhood cancer remains the most common cause of death by disease among children in the U.S.
The amount of funding that goes to childhood cancer research continues to pale in comparison to the funds available for research into adult cancers. Current cancer research funding from the federal government, dedicates funding to childhood cancer research that is in the single digits.
I believe that these numbers can and should change. And that you can help! In the notes have I will be providing links to resources for helping children with cancer in your community, as well as links to donate directly to funding childhood cancer research and relief. Remember that you can have positive change in your community and in this world.
Ways To Aid:
Remember that you have the power to reach out and help your community! Organize. Support. Reach out and find opportunities to volunteer! Make the world a better place!!
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kassylin · 10 months
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Tanger, I adore you.
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getjincxed · 1 year
My mother has stage four colon cancer and I don’t know what to do.
Hi everyone,
This isn’t something I ever wanted to have to make. Usually, I browse the threads on reddit and help donate to those who are brave enough to ask for help. I love helping people. But, unfortunately, life is a bitch and it sure wants to throw curveballs at us at the most inconvenient times, and now it’s time for us to ask for help.
My mother recently got put in the ICU (On Tuesday, May 30th) and we found out that she has some great masses on her colon and it has also taken over her liver. They also found spots in her lungs and there’s also a small spot in her brain that’s only a few millimeters big right now. I’m making this while sitting in the waiting room on the fifth floor of St Luke’s, and kind of wonder what the hell happened. I think I’m still in shock.
My venmo is available upon request as well.
My sister and I have started a gofundme, to help raise a little bit of money to help my mom and her husband with bills, rent, food, and hopefully to at least touch the huge medical bills that are going to land at my mother’s doorstep, and hopefully help prepare her for chemotherapy, if she’s strong enough. And my friend gave me the good idea to post here and everywhere I can possibly think of.
My twitter is also here just to help spread awareness.
Thank you in advance and my blessings and prayers are with everyone.
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amanda-axolotl · 2 months
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Thank you to everyone who is sharing, donating, and overall bringing awareness to Play's situation.
Again, I apologize that this has to be brought up on my main, but this is so important for us. We just want the best for our feline friend.
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heythereimb · 3 months
A new Technoblade video and an unseen video with him in it. I miss him so fucking much.
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