sibbydoo · 9 months
[🕸] Project: SWING!
SWINGtember 11 - Canon Event
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The words came with a new kind of sadness
They meant everything, you mean everything to me
- “Even Robots Need Blankets” by Mayday Parade
When exactly The Spi-borg and Strike slowly bled into just Cario and Sophia, they will never know. What the world knows is that one day, The Spi-borg was without his deadlier shadow, and Cario’s friends know that he lost Sophia, his partner, the sails to his anchor; the love of his life. Great things end; and what they had was indeed that—the pain, the healing, the love, finding home in each other (despite, despite, despite). That’s all it was. And they deserved more.
Some notes on Sophia;
Soviya Orsevi (later on: Sophia Parker) was a snake from the Institutum Serpenses, an institute dedicated to training girls to be assassins. After NiteMax and its connections shut down (including InSerpenses), she’ll spend her life finding those who worked with NiteMax and the Institute until she will no longer be haunted by a past she could not control. ‬
Also I don’t mean “snake” like, the reptile. Think of Black Widow, her past, and the widows she trained with. The Insitutum Serpenses and the girls they train to be “snakes” is essentially this dimension’s version of that.
I’m not sure how to talk about her being Cario’s canon event without full on rambling but, long story short: Sophia was sick with the same chemicals that had almost k’lled Cario (before the spider bite ‘reset’ his body/system)
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goddesstrolls · 2 years
Rolling Ball, Part 1
Typhos strutted down the street, taking in the sights of the city. Meandering, really. She’d started from the top and worked her way down- From the glamorous city heights, literally speaking, down to the level of the cliff the city was built on. And then further down, beneath the city, into the cliff itself.
Kinefort Heights. Odd place. But Typhos liked to explore odd places, once in a great while.
She wore her blocker tonight, under the high collar of her dress. Through it, the emotions that usually writhed in the back of her head and threatened to fill the entirety of her skull were muted. Instead, they felt like a movie being played in the background of her thoughts. Fleeting, calm glimpses into the lives of passerby. She could ignore them.
Typhos had dressed down tonight, and even then, she got catcalled more times than she could count on both hands. The worst offenders got a bolt of lightning from the clear sky above- Enough to severely stun or knock unconscious, not enough to kill- And then off she went, continuing casually on her little tour.
Striding along, Typhos became aware of a troll in agony, somewhere. Sobbing an apology, trying to change his answer to something apparently more suitable.
Others, watching this display. Intrigued by it. Enjoying it.
What the fuck.
It was enough to make Typhos pause, and turn her head towards the building that was the source of this bizarre little snippet. Oddly enough, there was no one else around, despite it being a busy hour of the night.
She watched another troll slink in. There seemed to be nothing stopping her. A bouncer at the door watched her approach, apparently considering stopping her- But a mere glance from her quelled the thought, replacing it with mild shame for even considering stopping her. He opened the door for her instead, dropping his gaze to the ground.
Typhos strode in like she owned the place.
She was greeted with a nearly empty lobby, two trolls loitering and chatting with one another. One was the troll who had just entered before her; They both looked to her and Typhos met their gaze; Any comments aimed at her died on their tongues.
Typhos’ gaze flickered away and she continued on to a pair of doors, beyond which seemed to be the source of what had initially caught her attention. She ignored that one of the two trolls ogled her rear after she had passed them.
The doors opened into a dark auditorium, filled with trolls. The watchers, their focus fixed upon a brightly lit stage, where a charismatic violetblood chattered to his audience. Typhos’ gaze fell on a bronzeblood wheezing and choking on his own blood on the stage. The troll who had initially caught her attention.
But there was more going on here. Two trolls in the audience were focused intently on the host in particular. One, was bored, but tense. Waiting. Their finger on the trigger of a rifle, trained on the host. Following his every move. The other, seemed pleased with the show before her. Her emotional processes, silent to all but Typhos, nearly seemed to mirror that of the host on stage.
It wasn’t just the short waves of sadistic enjoyment that the crowd was getting. It was just a gentle satisfaction, wrought with twisted glee. Yes, everything is going accordingly.
Typhos turned around, stepping back out into the lobby as she retrieved her phone from her slim-fitting dress. She scrolled calmly through her contacts, choosing a number and tapping the call button.
Darvai’s voice came from the other end of the line, pleasantly surprised.
“Typhos! You almost never call. What might be the occasion?”
“I found something interesting. Are you bored?”
“As though I am ever! But, what have you found?”
A bloodcurdling scream came from the auditorium behind her. Typhos leaned back to push the door open enough to let the sound further through. “Hear that?”
“I do indeed! What, and I say this for lack of a better phrase, the fuck, Typhos?” Darvai sounded cheerfully baffled.
“It’s a game show. I think we should have a get-together with the crew here. It seems like a lot of fun.” Typhos continued to ignore the two highbloods which were very obviously eavesdropping on her half of the conversation.
“--Ah. Ah, yes, I think I catch your meaning. Why don’t you get the schedule for us, so we can arrange a date?”
“I think I can do that.”
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bastsoldtrollblog · 2 years
What does Typhos' full outfit look like?
wouldn't you like to know weatherboy
(here u go)
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she avoids wearing her actual uniform unless there are other fleet members around, lmao. darvai doesn't really care as long as she isn't seen working in her usual attire
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imnotkosmic · 2 months
The Way, chapter one: 'A Voice in the Wilderness.'
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It had been three weeks. John had been stuck in that dark, dingy, rat infected prison for three weeks. His followers where scattered throughout Gailiee, even making their way to Nazereth. Andrew, son of Jonah, was one of those followers. His older brother, Simon, had told him it was a stupid idea to follow that rouge Baptizer. Now that he was in prison, Simon had told his brother to stay away from him. Andrew thought about how he could see John in prison without his brothers knowledge, when someone yelled his name, "Andrew! Andrew!" the man in question turned around to see one of the other followers of the Baptizer running toward him, waving. "Tobias?" Andrew asked. "What is the matter?" Tobias grinned broadly, "Its John! He's finally out!"
Simon put the last of the fish into the barrel and called out to James, "I've finished! How much do you have left?" James looked at his net and back to Simon, "A whole nets worth." Simon laughed. Even without their younger brothers, they got all the work done. Well, Simon had gotten all his work done. "Go back to town," James said, "I'll meet you there when I've finished." Simon nodded, said their goodbyes, and started walking into town, hoping James would put both of their barrels of fish into market this time. As he walked into his home, he saw his wife, Edah, standing at the counter, cutting vegetables, probably for tonight's dinner. He put his hand on her shoulder and leaned forward and pressed a kiss into the side of her head. They talked, and then Simon went and changed. "Have you seen Andrew?" he asked as he walked into the big main room. "Not since last Shabbat." his wife answered.
"You brood of vipers!" John the Baptizer exclaimed to the group of Pharisees. "Who warned you to flee from the coming wrath? Repet! Don't think you can say, 'we have Abraham as our father' I tell you, that God could make children of Abraham out of these stones!" The 3 Pharisees that had had interrupted John's sermon, Josiah, Asher, and Levi, had been asked by the higher ups of the Sanhedrin to question the rouge Baptizer. So far, no luck. After a few minutes of arguing, the quiter Pharisee, Josiah, asked a question: "Are you the Christ?" John looked at the him, "I am not the Christ." "Or perhaps Elijah?" "No." "The Prophet?" "I am not." The Pharisees were getting angryer by the second. "Then, who are you, man?!" they asked. "I am the voice of one crying in the wilderness, make straight the path of the Lord." John said, qouting Isaiah. "Then why do you baptise if you are not the Messiah, nor Elijah, nor the Phophet?" one Pharisee, named Levi, asked, pointing his finger in John's face."I baptise with water," John said, his voice getting louder, "but among you stands One you do not know. He is the One who comes after me, the straps of whoses sandals I am not worthy to untie." The Pharisees, being quite fed up with the Baptizer at this point, looked at one another, and started to leave. Most of the crowd did the same. John's followers came up to him, "Rabbi," they said, "the people are starting to leave, we should try again tomorrow." John paused, looked at the crowd starting to depart, and said, "Very well."
The three Pharisees that had questioned John the Baptizer earlier, Levi, Asher, and Josiah, had just got a earful from the High Preist, Caphias. They managed to get nothing from the Baptizer, and on top of that, actually had drawn more people to him. They had orders to go back the next day. "Ugh! How much longer?" Asher asked. He, Josiah, and Levi were on their way to the Jordan, were John proformed most of his sermons and baptisims. "We're nearly there, sir." the man who was driving them there answered. "I can't believe we have to go back to that mad man!" Levi huffed. Josiah just sat there, staring out the flap of the carriage. He, being the newest out of the three, didnt see John as a 'mad man'. Maybe a little weird, but not dangerous. Soon, they heard the Baptizer's loud voice when they got to the Jordan. They made their way out of the carriage, and quietly into the crowd. John and his dicsiples were baptising in the river. Suddenly, John started to look at a tall man coming his way. "Behold!" John cried, "the Lamb of God, who takes away the sin of the world! This is the One I meant when I said, 'a man who has come after me has surpassed me because He was before me'! I myself did not know Him, but the reason I came baptising with water was that He might be revealed to Isreal." The crowd watched as the Man came down to the river, took His sandals off, and went into the river. "Rabbi.." John said. The Man smiled and put His hands on His cousins shoulders. "Shalom." John paused, realising what He was doing there. "Have You come to be baptised by me? Shouldn't You be baptising me?" He smiled, "You don't realise now what I am doing, but later, you will understand. This is the Fathers will." John nodded. Then he lowered his cousin into the water, and baptised Him. Suddenly, something like a dove came and rested just above the Man's head, and a loud voice came from heaven, "This is My Son, in whom I am well pleased."
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fantrolldex · 11 months
Fantrolldex Daily Round-Up #2
Another day, another round-up of recent submissions to the fantrolldex.
Today, we had 4 new contributors and 8 new submissions, bringing the total up to 21 Poketrolls!
Just to let everyone know that we would prefer for any submissions to not be made anonymously, because it makes it more difficult for us to figure out if we’ve obtained permission from the character’s owner to include their poketroll on this blog. If we receive any anonymous submissions, we will DM the creator just to double check if they’re happy for us to add their character to the list.
We have updated the rules page to include this new addition.
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Currently, we have seen 21 total poketrolls, and catalogued 20 unique poketrolls. 
The most popular pokemon to be fantrollified at the moment is Hisuian Zoroark, with 2 entries! We love our evil foxes full of malicious illusions here.
The most popular type at the moment is normal, with 5 poketrolls. Currently, we have not catalogued a single grass, poison, ground, bug, or rock type Pokemon!
The most popular generation at the moment is generation 4 (Sinnoh), with 4 poketrolls, however generations 2, 7, and 8 are all very close behind. Currently, the only generation not represented so far is gen 9.
We have also now catalogued 4 out of 8 eeveelutions! 
Finally, we have catalogued our very first shiny poketroll, how lucky!
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Today’s Submissions
A list of all poketrolls submitted today will be under the cut. Thanks again to all our contributors!:
From @goddesstrolls​ we have the Shattered Star crew, consisting of Zarali Pharos, a Hisuian Zoroark troll; Darvai Pharos, a Darkrai troll; and Typhos Caphia, a Hatterene troll!
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From @cadavertrolls​ we have Cybyrn Hexcyn, a shiny Umbreon troll!
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From @memurfevur​ we have Keraunos, a Raikou troll!
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And finally, from @sunnetrolls​ we have Xurkit Wiyrre, a Xurkitree troll; Poltea, a Polteageist troll; and Vapore Lution, a Vaporeon troll!
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foxgirl-warcriminal · 11 months
horse caphias cain fic is SO funny and I'm glad there's other people reading it out there
I really need to
Pri-Pri-Prince Blueblood, Hero of Equestria!
But yeah I need to get back to reading that first fic lmao
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sunset-peril · 2 years
Trial of the Zora Armor - Chapter Five - Trouble in Goponga
"Your Highness!" Several Hylian knights called, dropping to their knees to bow as they ran into the inn. "Several Zora guards were spotted approaching the village, it appears that your husband and Champion Mipha are among them." The group's captain reported. 
"Oh?" Zelda instinctively turned to an open window to check the sun, surprised that Link would be returning so soon. "Send a force, albeit small to show we mean no hostilities, to greet them. Ask of their business, then report to me. Is that clear?"
The knights nodded and headed out almost instantly. She watched until they had disappeared from her sight. She then turned to the innkeeper, who seemed incredibly shocked that she was speaking to him. "Do you perhaps know where Lady Urbosa might be?" 
The green Zora innkeeper shook his head in remorse. "My apologies, Princess, I do not know her whereabouts." 
Zelda then sighed and brushed a hand down her stomach, keeping her hand on her growing child as she left the inn to find Urbosa. As she walked, she felt her stomach become unsettled again; assuming it was because it was getting late in the afternoon, she was moving quite a bit and her stress was rising noticeably. As Zelda walked through the village, the residents noticed her almost instantly and called out some variation of 'Good evening, Your Highness!' She wanted to disappear into her mind to forget about her rising nausea, but the voices addressing her made it difficult. She eventually decided to distract herself with them, waving at everyone who stopped what they were doing to be heard by royalty. 
"You're so pretty..." A little girl came up to her and said, warming Zelda's heart. 
Although she knew it would make her feel worse, she bent down to the little girl's height, resting her stomach on her knees. "You are a flower yourself." She replied, the heaviness of her voice present as she tucked the child's hair behind her ear. 
The child smiled at the statement before understanding the features of Zelda's voice. She then frowned a little and reached for Zelda's arm. "Are you okay, Your Highness? You sound like Mommy does when she's sick..." 
Zelda smiled sadly, which answered the child's question. Regardless, she decided to respond. "I'll be just fine, I'm just looking for Lady Urbosa, have you seen her? She's really tall and has red hair." 
The little girl perked up. "Yeah! I just saw her, come with me!" 
Zelda laughed at her enthusiasm and followed the best she could. After a little while, they found her among the open-air market stands. "Urbosa!" 
The Gerudo chief turned around. "Little bird." Urbosa came up to them, suddenly chuckling. "And who is this?"
The little Hylian became shy. "It's just Caphia, Lady Urbosa." 
"Well thank you so much." Urbosa cooed to the child.
"Yes, thank you so much, Caphia. You've been such a blessing." Zelda ruffled her hair gently before she ran off to tell her mother, and anyone who would listen, about her encounter with Princess Zelda.  
"I thought you said you were going to rest at the inn until Link returned?"
"I was but-"
"Little bird... you need to start taking better care of yourself... you've got a baby in you."
Zelda shied away out of embarrassment. "I know..."
Urbosa placed a hand on Zelda's shoulder. "I know it's hard... especially with the world being like it is... with your father like he is... but your baby's crying out for you to vouch for them, why do you think you feel as sick as you do?" Urbosa knew just by looking that Zelda was nauseous, but she didn't know until her words were said that mentioning it made her feel worse. 
"I try... but everytime I try, I am needed." Zelda groaned, breathing deeply. She took a clumsy gulp, which alerted Urbosa, who reached out and put one hand on Zelda's shoulder and another on her stomach. "Let's get you back to the inn." Urbosa soothed, massaging her stomach in a way that would hopefully keep everything down. Zelda nodded fearfully, gripping Urbosa's hand and wishing for her husband. They were able to get back without incident, Urbosa laid Zelda down in her and Link's private room. "There's something I need to tell you, Urbosa..." Zelda said before Urbosa left her side. "There's a Zora patrol en route and, according to a report, Link and Mipha are with them."
"I will stay to welcome them on your behalf, little bird, as long as you will stay here and rest." 
Zelda nodded, looking down at her swollen stomach. "The little one and I aren't going anywhere."
Urbosa nodded. "I'll be right back, let me tell the innkeeper we're both back here." 
Zelda nodded as well, watching Urbosa step out before closing her eyes and wrapping her right arm around her stomach. She dozed off faster than she'd expected, for she hadn't intended to doze off at all. However, when she did come to, she saw her sweet husband asleep in a chair right beside her, head leaned on the wicker nightstand. The sight sent a wave of comfort through her, and she was unconscious once again before she could stop it. When she woke up once again, she heard Link's kind voice before she was able to open her eyes. 
"Hey, honey... how'd you sleep?" His gentle blue eyes met her emerald green ones as soon as they fluttered open.
"I'm not sure... the last thing I remember was Urbosa saying she'd be right back... then I think I remember seeing you asleep... but that's a bit fuzzy... there were some other matters but I think I was dreaming then."
He stroked her face gently, making sure the blanket stayed on her; she looked down at it in surprise. "Heh, don't remember getting that? I know, I put it there." 
"Wh-when did you get back?" 
"Mmmm, about dinner time. Mipha asked if you were hungry so I came back here and saw you out like a wet fire. I put the blanket on you, told you I was back and went to go tell Mipha you were sleeping." He smiled softly. "It's been quite a while since I saw you sleep like that... and this time I could breathe because it wasn't because you were hurt."
"...It was likely because I was ill."
He frowned softly and clutched her hand. "Your stomach again?" When she nodded, he grimaced slightly in sympathy. "Oh, Zelly..."
She turned away from him and sighed, eyes shiny as if she was about to cry. Even though she had granted him permission on their wedding night, for he was her dear husband, hearing him use that certain pet name with that tone struck deep into her heart where the deepest and most painful scars from her mother's death lay secret.
"Come here." He pulled her into a hug, hearing her breaths in his ear. 
"Why am I the failed daughter of Hyrule?" She whispered suddenly. "What's wrong with me? Why can't I awaken the power like every other who carried this name?" Zelda whimpered into her husband's ear. 
"You're not a failed daughter, Zelly, and nothing's wrong with you... we just haven't found your trigger yet." He tried to soothe, surprised when her grip tightened instead of loosening. 
"What do you mean 'we?' You've succeeded in your destiny just fine!" She suddenly shoved him back, pouting. 
Link sighed quietly. "I'm just trying to help." Looking deep in her eyes, Link watched the true feelings of the woman he loved become clouded over. He knew at this point that it was likely from Zelda's hormones spiking after her being so emotional, but seeing her become cold to him once again made his panic rise.
"I don't need your help, I am a perfectly capable woman. In fact, I am the princess. Regardless of what my father has trained you to think, I am well within my ability to take care of myself and my people and I will unlock my sacred birthright!"
Before she could snap any more, Link bowed his head and stood to leave. She exhibited no reaction as he walked out... but once he was gone her response to him changed once more. 
"...Link?" He heard her suddenly whimper. 
He froze, waiting to see if his wife would utter anything else. 
"...Link?" She whimpered louder. "Link?! Link!!" 
He bit his lip, then charged back into the room where he had nearly been ejected from just moments before. He took her face in one hand and her hand in his other. "I'm right here, Zelda." 
Tears swept down her face as she pressed it into Link's hand. She looked deep into his eyes, fear in her. "Why did you leave- I thought you were leaving me- you're not supposed to leave my side- what about the baby- where were-" Zelda's soft, crazy rambles were silenced by Link pressing his pointer finger to her lips. 
"Peace." was all Link said.
Her lips closed and breathing slowed as she met his eyes with hers. She didn't say anything, neither did he, they just sat there and stared into each other's eyes with Link's finger pressed against her lips. Only the sound of their breathing (and an occasional groan from Zelda's stomach) was heard. 
After a long silence, Link removed his finger from her face and replaced it with a soft kiss. "May I get you a drink and some food?" He said softly, almost inaudible. 
"Yes." She breathed.
He nodded, then ruffled her hair slightly and stepped out, turning his head to face her when he got to the door. "I'm not leaving you," He reassured. "I'm just going to get things from the market. Would you like me to send Mipha in here with you?"
"That sounds lovely."
Link nodded once more and left, sending Mipha in once he found her. 
"You sent for me, Your Highness?" The sweet Zora asked as she peeked her head into the room.
"Please, just call me Zelda, Mipha. After all, we're friends, right?" 
Mipha nodded. "We are." She then sat down on the bed by Zelda's side. "How are you feeling?"
"I'm better, thank you. How do you fare?" 
"I'm just fine, Zelda." She looked down at Zelda's stomach through the comforter, motioning to her bump as she gasped in surprise. "Is this all you?"
Zelda laughed, pulling the blanket off to showcase her stomach. "It is." She rubbed it gently. 
"The little one's getting big." 
She nodded. "Would you believe that I didn't have a bump two weeks ago?"
"Really? I didn't think it had been that long since I'd seen you." 
"It hasn't. That's how quickly the little one has grown." The two chucked a little more before Zelda placed Mipha's webbed hand over her stomach.  
"Incredible..." She smiled with pride at her sweet friend's unborn child. She felt a warmth in her soul that was stronger than anything she had felt when she harbored romantic feelings for Link.
...It was good... divine even. 
Hylia had chosen Link and Zelda to be together... and they were happy. 
Mipha was happy.
Even though her love had been unrequited, even though Link had fallen in love with and married someone who had originally hated him... seeing Zelda pregnant with his child, watching Link be a loving husband... it was a better feeling, a warmer feeling, than Mipha thought she had ever felt... and she swore to protect it, to protect them, until the very end, no matter Ganon or time.
"Link was gushing about this little one yesterday. I can see why, he or she has just captured my heart." 
"He wants to give him or her a Hateno-sounding name, I myself think that sounds lovely." Zelda chuckled. "His father suggested Zelda Ivee for a girl, and we've grown quite fond of that. We haven't been able to discuss names for a boy yet, however."
"...That's precious. Did the discussion occur naturally or was it somewhat forced?"
Zelda sighed, running her hand down her bump. "Well... even though Father knows, he hasn't made it much easier on me. He continues to remind me how I've failed to awaken my powers, how I've forsaken the people of Hyrule to chase what he calls "pretend desires," how I've behaved so foolishly that Hylia herself has had enough and that, in my conceiving, I would birth a new daughter would be actually useful, a worthful heir." She sniffled and Mipha gave up her Champions' garb for Zelda to dry her tears. "When I brought this up to my father-in-law, he became angry and told me how wonderful and priceless I was, how Link and the Sheikah coming through have marveled at my mind and persistence... That's about how we got on the topic of the child's name." 
Mipha hugged her gently. "Your father-in-law is right. You both are lucky to have his support. Pay no mind to the hate of your father." 
As Mipha released her from the hug, Link came back and became concerned. 
"What happened?"
"Zelda was telling me how her father's been treating her since he found out."
Link snorted angrily, surprising Mipha. "I don't want to talk about that. " He growled. "It's all lies."
"What Zelda's been telling me or-?"
"No. She speaks the truth, her father does not." He snorted again, clutching the sword on his back tighter. "Her feelings aren't pretend!" He snapped at Rhoam, who was not there. "She's been training so hard! Too hard! My wife is not a machine! Is that so hard to understand?!" He then froze, taking deep breaths for a few seconds before sighing. "I'm sorry, I let myself get worked up."
"Link, it's okay, we all got worked up. Based on what both you and Zelda here told me, it's something to get worked up about."
Link wiped the painful tears from his eyes. "It hurts every time. He treats us both so horribly, I always worry about how he's going to discipline us every time we get an order to head back. I wish the Calamity wasn't so imminent so that the two of us could disappear again, probably to Hateno, until the baby is born."
"But it is, Link." Zelda said softly. "Omens appear often to remind us that his return is near... that we are running out of time." She looked down and clutched her stomach. 
Link went over quickly, setting down the things he had brought, to comfort her. He slid onto the bed, laying down on his side right beside his wife, who rolled over to face him. "It's gonna be okay." He soothed, rubbing her ear. "It's gonna be okay."
Zelda tucked herself into his figure, tears slipping down her face. She began to cry into his chest, soaking his Tunic with her holy tears. 
Mipha reached out and rubbed her shoulder as well. 
She cried for quite a while before she finally was soothed. A long pause followed before a soft groan escaped Zelda's lips, Link began to rub her stomach and feel it churn. "Ugh, who ever decided that this was a minor symptom of pregnancy needs to get sacrificed to Calamity Ganon... and who called it 'morning sickness?' You've gotten sick more often in the evening than you have in the morning."
"Oh, Zelda..." Mipha cooed. "If she can keep it down, there are some teas that might help."
Link looked down at Zelda. "You wanna try that?" After a pause, she nodded wearily.
Mipha got up to prepare it. "I won't be too long, you just keep soothing her stomach."
Link nodded and turned back to his wife. "This doesn't get much easier..." He felt things twist and turn within Zelda's middle as well as her tight, enlarging womb, which had expanded further than the boundaries of her hips. For some reason, feeling how tight Zelda's womb was, though it was probably normal, sparked an odd emotion within him, something he hadn't quite felt before. "Hey..." 
Zelda perked up slightly, getting the feeling Link wasn't addressing her but knowing no one else was there. She was surprised with how much he was pressing on her stomach, wondering why he was holding her so tight.
"H-Hey, little one... you in pain too?"
Zelda felt an odd sensation in her lower stomach and grimaced slightly. "I think the little one might be." The sensation struck through her again and she grabbed Link's hand, holding it tight over their child. 
"You and Momma need some help, I know..." He pulled Zelda a little closer, cradling her slightly and slowly as he ran his hand up and down her stomach in an attempt to soothe any discomfort his little family was in. 
"How are you- Oh. Am I interrupting a bonding moment?" Urbosa asked, having come by to say good morning and check on her little bird.
"No." Link sighed sadly, pausing for a while to look back down at Zelda. "I think there might be something wrong with Zelda or the baby."
"What makes you think so?" Urbosa cupped his face up towards hers, worry apparent in her face.
"A gut feeling... and her stomach doesn't feel quite right. Zelda's feeling it too, both physically and in this strange way I am."
"May I?" Urbosa sat down next to him and held out her arms to take Her Highness. Once Zelda was in her arms, Urbosa felt up and down her stomach. "She is tight down there..." She mumbled. "Come on, little bird, what are you feeling?"
"My stomach is ill..." Zelda moaned. "and it feels like something is trying to fold me backwards where my little one is..."
"Link, have you felt her stomach any other times lately?" Link shook his head, holding Zelda's hand tighter.
Mipha came back with a few cups of tea, then saw everyone hovering over Zelda and gasped. She placed the tray of drinks down near where Link had set the things he'd brought for Zelda and went over. "What is the matter?"
"Zel's having more tummy trouble..." Link cooed in concern. "We're worried something's wrong with her or the baby..."
Mipha clutched her heart in concern. She desperately wanted Link, Zelda and their baby to be healthy. "Why don't you lay her down? I can see if there's anything I can heal, and I have the tea for her nausea."
They nodded, Urbosa laying Zelda back down onto her back, propping her up to a half-sitting position as Link held the glass to her lips. 
Zelda moved her hand up and down her stomach, not pausing the motion for anything. 
Mipha extended her webbed hand over Zelda's stomach, but no blue light shone. "I'm sorry... I don't think there's anything I can do."
Zelda looked at her husband, then at Urbosa; both looked back at her with miserable expressions. "I'm afraid..." She squeaked out, hardly holding back tears. 
"We need to get you a good doctor and a safe place to rest." Urbosa declared. "That's the best next step."
"The Domain is the closest location. Shall I go on ahead and ask my father for sanctuary?" 
Urbosa nodded. "Link, you stay here with her. Don't you dare leave her side. I will take half the guards back to Hyrule Castle with me, where we will inform her father of her whereabouts and bring Impa and the best doctor I can find. Once Mipha returns with the Zora King's approval, the remaining guards, Hyrulean and Zora, are to help Link and Mipha get Zelda to safety. Should he refuse, everyone will head to Hateno Village."
Link nodded, already holding his wife closer.
Mipha grabbed her spear. "I take my guards and go."
Gathering the Scimitar of the Seven and Daybreaker, Urbosa turned to look at Zelda once more. "Hang in there for just a while more, little bird, we're going to get you taken care of."
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idealuk · 5 years
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This is compulsory today.
... I miss my show!
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I miss Lana’s/Angelica’s children and all whom they love!
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nina-zeniq · 6 years
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Let the record show that I am:
✔ Kalagang trash
✔ Nomanita trash
✔ Herlito trash
✔ Sunmun trash
✔ Caphia trash
✔ Blueski trash
✔ Absolute Trash™ for all the healthy and amazing relationships this show has created
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growinblackirises · 7 years
Okay but where are all my gifsets of Capheus and Capheus x Zakia???? I haven’t seen a single set of just Capheus and Zakia’s love scene. I know some aren’t as emotionally invested as they are with Kalagang (understandably, they’ve been building for a whole season) but no excuses, people. It’s a super important moment!!!
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sodopopmachine · 14 years
Rating Ships in AMC’s TWD
SPOILER warning.
(Rick Grimes x Lori Grimes)
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trash, glad it ended. They probably could’ve patched things up, but too late LOL (1.2/5)
(Glenn Rhee x Maggie Greene)
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I wouldn’t really ship them with anyone else in the show, so yeah. They do have weird moments and can be kind of selfish, but their relationship pushed the boundaries of love in the apocalypse and inspired everyone to have babies. (3/5)
(Rick Grimes x Michonne Hawthorne)
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BEST ship. IDGAF. They’ve been helping each other since Day 1 and respected each other, since Day 3-4. Chocolate and vanilla supremacy. (5/5)
(Daryl Dixon x Carol Peletier)
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I don’t really ship them. BEST friendship though. (Romance: 0.1/5) (Friendship: 4.3/5)
(Carl Grimes x Sophia)
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I would’ve LIKED if they had a cute budding relationship if we got to see Sophia grow up, but at the same time, don’t think two people of opposite gender don’t always have to be shipped because I’m preeeeetty sure that’s heteronormative. (1/5)
(Enid Rhee x Carl Grimes)
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They were cute together, now they’re both in a better place. (3.2/5)
(Michonne x Andrea)
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As much as I hated Andrea, she did help Michonne get passed her trauma, and Michonne did take care of Andrea for nearly a whole year. They could’ve been really cool together, but then the Governor got in the way, and Andrea fell for his porky-pig ass. (2/5)
(Daryl Dixon x Beth Greene)
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A teenage girl and a middle-aged man? No thanks, but their friendship was indeed powerful and underrated. I see them more as a niece/uncle relationship. (Friendship: 3/5)
(Beth Greene x Tara Chambler)
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WTF. Lowkey the idea sounds cool but Beth was underage and they never met so merp. (0.1/5)
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disregardcanon · 4 years
since it’s jesus christ superstar week, please imagine a tangled au with raps and jesus, cass as judas, and eugene as mary magdalene.
wait i need to expand on this.
1. heaven on your mind just slants slightly more in the way of more believing but also more resentful.
2. zhan tiri is high priest caphias and the way that she fans cassandra’s flames is that turning rapunzel in is part of a greater plan and is her Great Destiny. which is, kinda true. her destiny is getting “spattered with innocent blood” and getting “dragged through the slime and the slime and the slime and the mud“
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bastsoldtrollblog · 2 years
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Icons for (most of) the Shattered Star crew! Sorry for the repost TwT’
Love this motley crew of weirdos. Two is the most normal guy out of the bunch.
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kanwriteseverything · 4 years
Iron Bullet Legacy: Chapter 4
Drunk and Stupid
Torryn’s POV 
Day two on the wrong side of the veil, venturing around the fay streets alone. I thought about putting my mask on, but I try to avoid doing so unless I’m pursuing a target. There are plenty of humans on the enchanted side anyway, so I don’t think I stand out in particular. 
The sun is on its way to set. I’ve passed a few portals labeled with outposts I recognize, but I’m hoping to find a waypoint that puts me near Yaling, which is where I was heading before the ambush. Travel on the enchanted side equates to double the distance beyond the veil, since this side is multiplanar, connected largely by portals and tears. As I travel further into North Haven, I should be heading South on the other side.
That’s what Lennox told me, anyway.
The younger fairy woke me up by accident yesterday morning, stubbing her toe on the door. She yelped something about rosemary in her distress, and I groggily breached consciousness, calling her the wrong name by mistake. 
“Can I ask who Fiona is?” she later asked as we shared morning coffee. 
I tore my hair out of its ponytail to comb my fingers through it. “My younger sister. When I lived at home, she came into my room a lot in the middle of the night.” She’s plagued by this recurring nightmare that often used to keep her from sleeping. I’d take her for a walk by the river to calm her down. “Sometimes she’d bump into my nightstand on accident and wake me up.” 
“Is that where you were headed on your journey? Home?”
“No, I was looking for a city I’ve never been before. Yaling.” 
That’s when she gave me a hybrid map for both sides of the veil, and showed me how the cardinal directions exist opposite one another. According to it now, I won’t make it to the right waypoint by nightfall. I should probably post up somewhere until morning. There’s an inn marked a few streets away. I can make my way there.
I hate being in places I don’t know. Well, I love it and I hate it. I hate having to watch my own six, mainly because I get so distracted and end up lost, but I love seeing all the places and people different from home. Fay tend to collapse their wings on the other side to blend in with humans, but here, there are so many fairies in one spot, sparkling in a way they only do beyond the veil, using their wings to hover above the ground. It all looks magical… which makes sense, since their bodies rely on magick to function.
“You there!” a street merchant calls out to me. “Would it be you’re lost?”
What was my tell? The map, or me walking by his stand three times now? I guess I’m an open book. “Looking for somewhere to spend the night, actually. Headed to outpost 37 south.”
“37 south? That's a ways more to go. Aye, you’d best take up a room at the inn the ‘round the corner there, on your left.”
I was this close... Well, I’d surely have found it eventually.  
“There’s a cracking bar next door there, too, if you fancy yourself a bevvy.”
It’d do me no good to get tanked in a city I’ve never been, on the wrong side of the veil, but a little alcohol sounds like a good means of taking the edge of the last week’s chaos.  
The inn has a bright, lit-up sign even a foolish mortal could spot if he’d walked down the right street. The receptionist is a young fay by the name of Quillan, so says his name plate. He sets me up with a room for the night before I even get the chance to tell him that it’s Torryn with a y, not an i.  
Quillan also recommends the bar next door. It’s bustling with less-than-passionate older couples, more-than-passionate en-sports fans, and moderately-passionate drunkards, humans and fay alike. I order some roast beast sliders and a half pint of ale, able to secure a seat at a little table near the door I came in. The TVs are covering competitions for exerwing and celerwing, which are almost comparable to human gymnastics and cross country... but with flying. I guess it’s a bit like the pub back home, in that they both serve alcohol.
I don’t know that I’ll be back in these parts anytime soon.  
“Oh, come on! Tell him he can visit,” Lennox urged Sitara when I left. 
Her mouth twisted to the side. “I’d prefer not to. Human doctors are much more equipped to manage human wounds.” 
She wasn’t wrong, but I had to laugh. Doctors on my side always badger me about my profession when I need to be seen. I try to avoid it, if possible. With injuries notably fay related, some have refused to me entirely. Sitara though? She wouldn’t even accept payment from me after everything, since I was technically… well, entirely… brought in against my will. I still left behind some mortal and enchanted kroner, because I wasn’t too sure what they’d prefer. One of them has probably found the sachets I hid beneath a bunch of herbs.
The mage looked at me with a small smile. The roots  of her hair were starting to turn black when I last saw her.
Will I see her again?
No. I don’t know if I’ll ever be back in these parts.
A wine-soaked voice cuts through my personal space as a woman takes the seat in front of me. “Hey there, cowboy!” Co… cowboy? Oh, right. Fay use that as a term of endearment for human men, don’t they? “Haven’t seen yous ‘round here before!” Her slender hand walks onto my thigh.
She's bold, that’s for sure, but her makeup is quite nice. Much better than Fiona’s has ever been, though she is sixteen and half blind. Last time I was home, she used me as a practice mannequin. 
“I’m just passing through.” I put as much space between us as the tight corner allows. “Got a name, stranger?”
“I’m Torryn. What about yo—”
“Torry! Hi there!” My mom’s the only one who still calls me that at twenty-five. Unless you count Willem, who calls me Dowwy, since he’s not yet three and doesn’t exactly grasp how letters work. “My, we don’t get too many handsome fella around here!” She draws her syllables out twofold, playing with the ends of her blonde hair. 
This is one of those encounters, isn’t it? Where a man is sitting by himself, and it makes him vulnerable, an easy target, and a kind lady seduces him, because she has such a charitable soft spot for lonely men, only to wake up next to him at dawn and make off with whatever he has that’ll turn a quick kroner. Totally haven’t been kicked by that pony before. 
It’s either that, or this fay is just… remarkably way off the mark. 
“Do you live in New Haven?” I prepare a swift retreat to my room.
“Just a bit west, actually.” She nods, pointing east. “I’ve got a little place of my own.”
“Ah, well, this is my first time here. I just rented a room next door.”
“Oooh, neats!” She leans in close enough to lodge her noxious perfume between my sinuses. “Well then, what do you say, cowboy? Why don’t we hurry up and take this some place private?”  
“Sorry, miss...” She traces my hand. “I’ve got to head out early tomorrow. Best to get some rest. Nice talking with you. Enjoy your evening.”
My room back at the inn is peaceful. The bed is a bed, and the room is a room, but it’s peaceful. What in the fiddle was that fairy on about? She didn’t even tell me her name! I pull the pillow over my face as I collapse onto the mattress and shake off the lingering exchange. How exhausting. If I were five years younger, I probably would’ve stayed to talk. Maybe we would’ve gotten drunk and stupid together, but that’s just not fun for me anymore.
It used to be my scene, when I was young, and just getting used to new legs, as I’d recently joined the Enchanted Forces Unit. Bounty hunting has never been naturally conducive to long term commitments and, between my shiny new soldier status and prior experience traveling solo, I wasn’t a stranger to one-night stands. An EFU assignment I got a few months into the gig brought me to the east side of a rural town called Caphia. I met a girl at a tavern, which is where I would meet most girls. Her name was Ananke. She was gorgeous, and witty, and good at cards. Very good at cards. Maybe I should’ve taken the five lost games in a row as a red flag. 
Even though I wasn’t a stranger to one-night stands, that’s not what we were. I let her call me Torry, and “I was the only one” who called her Nan. She wore my shirts, and spent every night with me in my hotel room in Caphia… and Itagus, and so on. A number of our evenings were spent getting drunk and stupid, and it was fun.
Then I was tasked with taking down a trio of rogue fay in a big city. It was a case of human children trafficking that required I set up in Acadon for a month. I used most of my monthly EFU allowance to rent us an apartment from a sweet old man who ran a pharmacy down the street, throwing in extra kroner for the inconvenience, since we weren’t staying long. It was tough job, because it reminded me of Fiona’s accident.
Ananke was the type of girl who liked taverns and cards and drinking games so much she hardly ever left. She always seemed to be between jobs. When she needed money, she could find it, but we always gambled with mine. 
I quickly discovered I wasn’t built for her lifestyle. I didn’t take kindly to being hungover, and I liked remembering the night before in the morning. More than that, though, I felt guilty about the example I was setting for my siblings, even if they weren’t around to see it. That’s when it started, I guess. The beginning of the end, for me, anyway. She’d get drunk on her own more often, while I ate three trays too many of nachos or mozzarella sticks or fried pickles.
The closer I got to taking out the trio, the faster they started working. The disappearance rate was climbing, and I was losing my sanity. Fiona. This could’ve been Fiona, I kept thinking. This could’ve been my family. But Ananke didn’t get along with her family, who lived in whatever town she never told me the name of. She gave advice about my stress as good as a brick wall, though I bet the wall wouldn’t have told me that family is just a toxic, patriarchal construct, and I should go AWOL, and just have a beer already, Torry… but I wasn’t talking to many brick walls back then.
I killed the traffickers, and found a dozen terrified kids with them. After desperate mothers and fathers hugged me, thanking me for bringing back their children, I threw up outside the Caphia sheriff’s department. Missing posters with photos of tiny faces had to remain around town still. Too many for me to stomach.
That night? I wanted to drink.
So I sauntered into the tavern with a bit of pocket kroner, travelling light because of the mission, and the girl who liked taverns and cards and drinking games wasn’t there. I took a bottle back to my room, found the note, and got drunk. I was already stupid... had been the whole time.
All’s fair in love and war, she wrote.
She took a military issued blaster I was reamed for losing, a watch my parents had gifted me, and all the money from my bag, not to mention the cast iron skillet Fiona saved her chore money up to get me for my birthday the year before. Strange child, asking me to carry around a whole pan when I traveled, but I’d have said yes even if it were a whole trunk of them.
Would Ananke have taken it if she was sober enough to hear me that time I told her it was from my little sister?
I try not to wonder.
There aren’t too many people I’d share a drink with now. Hmm... maybe… no. Best bet is Fiona when she turns twenty-one, though she insists she doesn’t care about “that kind of stuff.”
Although, maybe Sitara.
Fiddle, where’s that coming from?
Can I ask what happened? 
I’m sure the explanation you come up with will be better than the truth.
The fairy mage… 
Something about her isn’t adding up. 
I’ve never heard of a fairy getting sick from a lack of magick. Why so many candles, then? Why the cherry blossom tree? 
She said she was fine. The tree is magickal enough to sustain fay without the candles. Well, their magick is regenerative! A normal fay wouldn’t need to rely heavily on either! Let alone a fairy mage...
I don’t understand.
I mean, her hand has a bunch of rods attached to it, and wires leading beneath her skin. She somehow recognized the F3. Tons of fairy mages fought in the war… just… not many fought on our side.
I only knew her for two days.
But there’s something about her laugh… Maybe…
Makes me want to get drunk with her.
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striderside · 6 years
Hey I wanna mcfuckin’ die
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