#kan writes stories
intertwinedchaos · 6 months
looking at mha ships because my brain is stroming
and i have learned of the ship SekiRose, which is the ship between Vlad king and Thirteen and thats just so cute what???? not sure if they have any fics, BUT MUST WRITE FOR THEM!!! they are adorable and they would be much more adorable together !!!! ehehe
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aprilblossomgirl · 2 years
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ancienjeans · 8 months
god i love homestuck
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avo-kat · 11 months
oof, its november.
nano time!
anyway, once again im realizing the worst about writing is having to name characters. and places. ugh.
also i spend too much time looking for names and researching pronouns, but im still undecided, so im going with they for now, which means i will be sticking to they because ill get used to it and then wont want to change it.
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sillyfudgemonkeys · 2 years
Silly, some youtuber is praising the heavens for p5d
Ok! *starts video*
*salt in a way I wasn't expecting incoming*
*person puts a heart over Kanji and Naoto literally seconds into the video* *I take it as them being shippy towards then* You know what, nvm their opinion doesn't matter. I think I can close the video!
*pushes forward regardless* *person puts a clip of PQ2 in the middle of his argument that most of the spinoff games don't understand their characters and mess up the characterization and has most of the heavy lifting is done by the original characters, THUS IMPLYING RIGHT NOW that PQ2's characterization writing is on par with Arena/Ultimax/PQ1 fumble* The one good thing about PQ2 (besides FeMC), really? Yes the boot licking is a problem, but everyone is in char.
*Says that P5S's character writing is SOOOOOO good it should basically be considered P5-2 because it's that good* Did everyone just play P5S with their ass? Cause the first dungeon itself (esp with Anne/Ryu) has me wondering if the writers understood at least ONE of P5's characterization of them.
*Says that-that's not the case for the Dancing games* You're pretty right on that (at least with P4D)... Man.... not even 4 min in and made made a number of points/claims you got possibly one good point in (I'm not going to bash P3/5D's characterizations until I've replayed the story part cause I literally forgot it, so I'm giving them that point). *drops video* (tbf fair I have to go to work so I probs won't be on again until lunch at best or the next day at worst. Maybe it gets better, but my first impressions are left to be desired and I don't want to watch something that might tick me off atm, esp if it means seeing more K*nNao)
Sorry for being bitchy (mostly to the person), the person is probably nice and probably makes good points later and everyone else should def watch it too. I'm just annoyed having to see like 3 things in his vid that I highly disagree with so early in the morning (and ones I didn't expect to see opening a P5D video to boot!), extra not in the headspace to listen to that right now. Maybe later, they deserve a fair chance!
#i really hate shipping kanji with naoto#I will take pretty much any ship for those chars over them together#it is my NoTP#'silly that's a little childish' hush everyone has a ship they HATE this is one of mine and i try VERY hard to avoid it like a real adult#'kanji tends to get ONE really great scene with any game he is in' could not tell you what that scene is in pq2 tbh#it's because he's barely present half the time (hey I said PQ2 had a lot of issues but when it comes to writing IN CHARACTER it's good)#PQ1 is still better than PQ2 because it had a philosophy of MAKING SURE CHARS TALKED (even Kanji/Shinji and others that wouldn't usually#talk) and wow PQ2 has better characterization (minus P5 bootlicking) but at what cost?????#silly answers#silly asks#silly salt#i know i'm probs not going to agree with the goro symbolism on a certain level#on what the games are TRYING to TELL me and force me to think about goro? probs gonna line up#what I see when I play and am like 'wtf is this writing????? you want me to BELIEVE *THAT*...fat chance'#but the way I tear down Goro and his char/role in the story and how it STILL makes no sense is for another day#same with me denouncing Kanji bc the fandom keeps overlooking his creepy tendencies (but only blast teddie/yosuke)#tho most kan's issues are in the base game (but the scenarios he's in P4/G are not in spinoff game so thats a moot point)#at least the character flanderization for PQ1 was ON PURPOSE because it had a goal in mind (make sure EVERYONE feels included)#tbf they could just LIKE kanji and naoto as chars separately but I'm following my gut on this I don't trust it#i'd go into my points more (tho I have on some of these before) but I literally have to go
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paomungbeans · 2 months
Was she really trustworthy?: urging you to squeeze your brain with me in this case. 
The one and only rule: To maintain a respectful environment, I expect all discussions to be constructive and healthy. Suspicion and inappropriate language are strictly prohibited. It is essential to renavigate our intentions accordingly. May Allah always guide us closer to what is right! 
The story will be delivered in Bahasa Indonesia. 
Halo. Assalamualaikum.
Saya akan mencoba memberikan POV saya, yaa, mengenai akun sedekah di lamanbiru ini. Untuk selanjutnya, saya akan menyebut akun tersebut dengan kata-kata “Ma-eum” (bahasa korea dari “hati”). Kita sebut dengan Mbak Ma-eum.
Saya memulai perjalanan saya dengan tumblr tahun 2021 (kalau nggak salah ingat) di akun @khaylillahtahzanu. Akunnya deactive sekarang. Yuk baca sampai akhir kenapa bisa deactive. Padahal saya aktif share tulisan saya dan branding writing saya disana. Buktinya, akun instagram saya dengan nama @khaylillatahzanu, masih menyimpan history tulisan itu. Kalau mau di-stalk, ada satu foto yang saya pin, captionnya berisi alasan kenapa saya deact tumblr itu. In essence, tumblr itu adalah dunianya saya dalam nulis!
Tahun 2022, Mbak Ma-eum DM saya di akun TUMBLR @khaylillahtahzanu (selanjutnya saya sebut akun K), meminta sedekah untuk adik-adik. Saya saat itu nggak gubris. Perasaan saya justru malah, “Lho, kok dia berani ya nge-DM orang asing untuk minta uang?”. Lobus frontal saya masih dikuasai akal sehat dan butuh bukti untuk dukung keputusan saya. Karena tiba-tiba di DM meminta sedekah, siapa yang nggak kaget, sih?
Tahun 2023, saya buka tumblr lagi. Saya buka lagi history DM itu. Ceritanya saya tergerak untuk sedekah. Wah, kata-kata Mbak Ma-eum tuh manis sekali dan lembut. Akhirnya saya tergerak untuk sedekah rutin (subuh) melalui dia. Semoga ini bukan riya yaa.
Selama 2023 berjalan, saya kadang gak rutin sedekah subuh ke dia juga sih. Tapi saya mulai melihat pola. Kalau saya udah berhenti transfer, dia akan nanya, apakah ada intensi saya untuk sedekah bagi adik-adik lagi. Awalnya saya risih karena “Kok sedekah tuh semacam ditagih ya?” tapi saya hilangkan perasaan itu. Salah saya. Saya nggak acknowledge perasaan saya. May Allah forgive. Tapi selanjutnya, saya mulai merasa nggak nyaman. Baca sampai akhir yaa, ketika saya akhirnya overwhelmed dengan chat dari dia setiap bulan/minggu soal pertanyaan intensi sedekah ini.
Nah, ini dia skenario itu dimulai. Mbak Ma-eum DM saya dan meminjam uang. Iya. Meminjam uang. Ini terjadi di bulan July 2023. Beliau minta ke akun K. Karena akun K saya kan sudah deact, jadi bukti ini saya minta ke mbak @andromedanisa (untuk jelasnya kenapa aku SEMPAT kirim bukti ini ke Kak Nisa waktu itu, baca sampai akhir ya!). Jadi masih ada bukti tertinggal. Terlampir:
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Awalnya saya bingung juga. “Kok berani banget nih? Makin menjadi-jadi? Malah mau minjem uang? Apa sangking susahnya ya hidupnya?” Waktu itu narasinya adalah anaknya (aisha, kalau tidak salah), mau kontrol terapi tumbuh kembang. Suaminya qadarullah sakit. Waktu itu dia bersumpah bahwa dia telah malu meminjam uang kemanapun dan cara dia meminjam uang ke saya adalah cara yang dia akhirnya putuskan. Tadinya sih Mbak Ma-eum katanya malu minjem, tapi dipaksain muka tebel gitu istilahnya.
Yang menarik, disini dia menegaskan bahwa akadnya BUKANlah meminta. Melainkan pinjam. Gini narasinya more or less, “Mbak (saya maksudnya), ini akadnya saya pinjam ya. Saya akan balikin.” berkali-kali dia sebutin soal akad dalam pinjam-meminjam. Walau saya bukan orang finansial, saya paham bahwa akad yang jelas itu merupakan hal yang penting. Salah satu perintah Allah pertama kali juga kan di Surah An-Nisa ayat 29. Surah Madaniyah. Perintah pertama ke muslim at its infancy. (reference: buku Revive Your Heart by Nouman Ali Khan).
“Berarti amanah yaa. Beliau mengerti mengenai akad.” pikir saya. Sampai bulan-bulan selanjutnya pun saya tidak menagih kembali. Saya yakin dia amanah dan akan kembalikan uangnya.
Agustus 2023, saya mulai curiga dan merasa sedikit nggak nyaman. Kenapa? Karena beliau ingin meminjam uang lagi. Nominalnya 900.000. Wow. Sangat besar menurut saya. Walau yang juli 2023 lebih kecil dari itu ya, saya merasa bahwa ini sudah tidak benar. Disini perasaan saya sudah nggak nyaman, tapi saya tetep meminta pertolongan Allah buat nggak cuekin dan say indecency words ke saudara seiman saya saat dia meminta sedekah (salah satu anjuran di Quran juga kalau nggak salah inget).
“Waduh, pinjeman juli 2023 aja belum dibalikin, punya audacity banget kok ya orang ini untuk minjem lagi. 900.000 pula”. Nominal 900.000 itu yang saya ingat ya. Ya justru saya tolak meminjamkan. Saya bener-bener jadi merasa penuh tiap ada DM dari Mbak Ma-eum. Seakan-akan kok jadinya bergantung ya? Astaghfirullah.
Desember 2023, saya akhirnya kirim uang lagi (yaa lagi ada. Buat sedekah). Waktu itu narasinya bahwa ada adek Naya yang ingin paket C atau ingin berangkat les karena ujian. Untuk penjelasan narasi-narasi, saya akan ceritakan di section beda ya.
Lalu, 2024 pun datang. Saya gerah banget nih. Mulai gerah. Mbak Ma-eum kok masih punya audacity untuk chat saya minta sedekah ya? Tapi nggak ada omongan soal akad pinjem uangnya dia? Waduh, disini saya pikir udah nggak bener.
Januari 2024, saya akhirnya minta dia balikin dengan cara cicil. Sudah terlalu lama menurut saya. Juli 2023 sampai januari 2024, hitung aja deh. Dia kirim 50.000 dulu. Dia bilang mumpung uangnya belum kepake apa-apa. Oke, gapapa. 50.000 diterima (nanti section bukti mutasi rekening dan cerita dibaliknya, akan saya tulis dibawah).
Februari, Maret 2024… saya nungguin… kok nggak ada ya kabar lagi? Mbak Ma-eum masih sama. Masih setia ngirim pesan menanyakan kesediaan saya sedekah. Yang saya ingat di Februari, ada adik siapa gitu namanya, butuh sepatu. Yaudah saya gerah. Saya tanyain alamatnya buat kirim sepatu. Ya pada akhirnya ya gak saya kirim sih. Soalnya ternyata gaada sepatu yang sesuai HAHAHA.
Kemudian, saya diemin tuh.. Tapi kayaknya ada lah ya 1-2 hari saya kirim untuk transfer sedekah.
Di maret 2024 juga ada kejadian menarik. Ini dia. Tahan ya bacanya. Saya DM mbak Ma-eum untuk izin.. bahwa saya mau block dia! Kejam? Menurut saya nggak. Soalnya latar belakang keputusan saya tuh gini: 1. Saya udah capek secara hati karena ditagih sedekah terus. 2. Tidak ada itikad untuk bayar hutangnya. 3. Saya merasa takut buka tumblr karena capek liat DM dia yang menanyakan perihal sedekah terus.
Saya overwhelmed.
April 2024, saya memutuskan untuk menagih hak saya. Selain ya karena saya butuh uangnya.. Saya merasa bahwa saya harus nagih hak saya yang ini. Karena akad di awal itu meminjam. Saya gabisa mengkhlaskan gitu aja. Saya buka block tumblr saya ke dia. Eh eh, kok saya nggak bisa check profile dia ya? Apakah saya di-block juga? Ini ceritanya kepanjangan, tapi langsung intinya… saya saat itu akhirnya meminta bantuan Kak Yasir Mukhtar dan Kak Nisa. Saya jelaskan kronologinya dan meminta tolong mereka untuk bantu chat Mbak Ma-eum. Saya sertakan juga bukti Mbak Ma-eum meminjam uang ke saya. Nah, ini menjelaskan alasan yaa, kenapa Kak Nisa masih punya bukti SS diatas.
Kenapa kak yasir dan kak nisa? Ketika kamu search “rumahati” di tumblr, ada interaksi anonim nanya ke akun kak yasir serta ada interaksi antara Mbak Ma-eum dengan Kak Nisa.
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Waktu itu Kak Yasir yang respon saya, dan dia bantu up soal tagihan utang saya ini ke Mbak Ma-eum.
Alhamdulillah, saat itu, 2 April 2024. Saya harap 2 april 2024 ini diingat ya. Karena akan jadi kunci penjelasan selanjutnya. 2 april 2024 itu akhirnya kami (saya dan Mbak Ma-eum) pindah obrolan ke WA. Saya disitu bilang bahwa tolong balikin uang saya dsb. Saya ingatkan baik-baik bahwa itu akad meminjam.
EH, sebelum itu.. Tentu saya sudah tagih yaa di februari-maret 2024 itu (kalau ga salah ingat). Jawabannya? Suaminya sakit dan baru kecelakaan, sedang tinggal di rumah mertua. Jadi dia bilang untuk makan pun, mertua yang menanggung. Keadaannya tidak memungkinkan, jadi mohon maaf belum bisa menggantikan. Nggak persis sih seperti redaksi kata dia. Tapi di period tersebut, dia punya alasan untuk nggak ngirim sisa pelunasan. Semuanya kisah sedih.
Di 2 APRIL 2024 ini, saya udah menegakkan hati. Bahwa apapun alasannya, saya gak peduli. Uang saya harus balik. Kejam? Menurut saya nggak. Karena saya merasa udah gak kuat punya urusan lagi dengan Mbak Ma-eum. It’s better to cut-off someone who drains your energy. You will be in the same room with me for this one.
Akhirnya, dilunasi. Ini bukti MUTASI nya di rekening BSI saya. Dari rekening BSI dia (a.n Sri Wahyuni 7083952778) ke rekening BSI saya:
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Sebelum dilunasi 450.000 nya. Ada yang ngebuat saya curiga dengan Mbak Ma-eum ini. Dia bilang, “Iya mbak, kami lunasi ya. Kebetulan ada uang sedekah tadi.”
Saya gak bisa kasih buktinya. Itu chat yang dia kirim ke WA pribadi saya. History chatnya saya hapus. Kenapa saya hapus? Karena sebelumnya dia guilt-trip saya (well, from my side, I took that as a gaslight or guilt-trip. manipulative!). Salah saya memang... seharusnya saya berpikir jernih waktu itu... seharusnya saya tetep keep chatnya. Tapi ya gimana... sebelumnya aja udah digaslight kayak gitu :((( Sedikit FYI, beneran kaget banget. Sampe beneran kaget. Nangis. (nanti saya lampirkan konsistensi cerita saya ini. Buktinya berupa LIVE CHAT saya 2 april yg reach out ke teman-teman saya. Ada voice note juga pada tanggal 2 april itu, sepertinya mau saya up di file cloud).
Oke, baca sampai akhir ya.
Jadi setelah dia melunasi Rp450.000, saya segera hapus history chat, deact akun TUMBLR khaylillahtahzanu. Kenapa? Saya beneran trauma liat akun itu. Trauma. Saya trauma liat tulisannya yang cenderung akan meng-expose kesedihan adik-adik asuhnya, dsb. Saya pun trauma karena gaslight-nya sangat menyakiti hati saya. Terlebih itu keluar dari jari dirinya. Jari yang ia pakai untuk menulis kalimat-kalimat Allah juga di page tumblr-nya beliau.
Adapun gaslight yang dia kirimkan ke saya melalui chat adalah:
“Mba, maaf banget kalau kami belum bisa bayar. Tapi tolong Mba jangan perlakukan kami seolah2 mencuri uang. Kami tidak tahu apa yang udah menimpa Mba Ervine. Tapi seolah2 kami juga ikut andil atas apa yang menimpa Mba.”
Buktinya? Memang tidak ada bukti chat dia ke saya. Karena history chat WA dia ke saya telah saya hapus. Saya sedih sampai ga sudi lagi untuk liat chatnya, makanya saya hapus (iya saya tau waktu itu langkah saya beneran nggak tepat untuk hapus history chat). Tapi waktu itu saya LIVE CHAT soal penagihan utang ini ke grup yang berisi kakak-kakak saya. Tanggal 2 april 2024. Harap dilihat time-stampnya ya!
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Jam 15.33 itu beneran saya nge-copy langsung dari chat Mbak Ma-eum ke grup. Saya gemeteran. Sangat gemeteran. Sangat-sangat gemeteran. Sampai saya ketik ini, saya masih inget perasaan saya kala itu. Lalu, jam 15.36, dia kirimkan pelunasan 450.000.
Bersambung. Pasti masih banyak pertanyaan mengenai kebenaran cerita saya. Saya akan coba jelaskan di section tulisan terpisah. Yang berisi LIVE CHAT saya dan VOICE NOTE saya ke teman dan kakak-kakak kenalan saya. Saya waktu itu beneran sangat shock, jadi meminta banyak orang untuk mewaraskan diri saya.
Jadi, menurut teman-teman, adab sedekah (yang memberikan ataupun pihak yang diamanahi sedekah) dan meminjam uang itu sebaiknya seperti apa?
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dreamonseems · 1 year
King Haaland Part 1
Erling Haaland X Female Reader
Summary: Reader brought to Norway as a slave, and Erling buys her.
I'm literally going to make this a short story, but I'm having so much fun writing it. I'm making it into a few parts.
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"Flytt jente (Move, girl)!" My captor's rough voice pierces through the air as he forcefully shoves me off the boat. With a mixture of fear and adrenaline, I quickly step onto the dock, my heart racing in my chest. As I regain my balance, another man, equally as imposing, clasps chains onto my arms, linking me to the other unfortunate souls who are now my companions. We form a somber procession, coerced to follow our captors through the bustling civilization that lies before us.
The sight that unfolds before my eyes is both awe-inspiring and disheartening. The docks are teeming with activity—boats of various sizes and shapes line the water, some carrying fierce warriors, while others, like the one I was just on, serve as vessels of human bondage. The air is filled with a sense of urgency and purpose as people move about their tasks.
We are guided past the array of boats, eventually reaching the grand gates of the bustling kingdom. The gates, ornately decorated, loom above us, a testament to the wealth and power held within. As we pass through, I can't help but feel a mix of trepidation and curiosity about what awaits us on the other side.
Once inside, I am herded into a line alongside my fellow slaves. A man, who appears to be in charge, meticulously inspects each one of us. His eyes meet mine, and he pauses, his hand suddenly gripping my face, turning it this way and that as if evaluating a precious object. "Kongen kan betale en høy pris for denne (The king might pay a hefty price for this one)," he remarks in a language I don't understand. My chains are once again tagged, signifying that I am to follow this man, and I obediently comply, my heart sinking further with each step.
The man leads me, along with nine other girls, to a massive log house. As we enter, the sounds of laughter and merriment wash over us. The room is filled with people seated at long tables, feasting and reveling in their own world of abundance. But at the very front of the room, on an elevated wooden throne, sits a figure who immediately captures my attention.
He is a man of striking appearance, his long blonde hair cascading over his broad shoulders, framing a face that exudes both regal authority and undeniable charm. His piercing blue eyes survey the room, effortlessly commanding the attention of those around him. It is clear that this man is none other than the king himself, and in that moment, I can't help but wonder what fate awaits me under his rule.
The man who led me there bows his head respectfully and addresses the room, his words flowing in a language unfamiliar to my ears. "Stor viking konge Erling Haaland, jeg bringer skatter fra forskjellige land for deg (Great Viking King Erling Haaland, I bring treasures from different lands for you)," he proclaims with reverence. Though I struggle to comprehend his words, one word rings clear in my mind—Viking. The very mention of it sends shivers down my spine, for in my homeland, tales were whispered of Viking marauders who arrived in their formidable ships, wreaking havoc and destruction upon villages and towns. They were ruthless, fearsome beings who brought kingdoms to their knees. If this man indeed was a Viking king, then my fate was sealed, and I could only expect the worst.
A surge of fear courses through me, intensifying the already dire circumstances I find myself in. I am overwhelmed by the weight of the situation, my mind filled with images of the horrors that may lie ahead. But just as despair threatens to consume me, my captor's rough hand reaches for the front of my dress, attempting to tear it away. In a desperate bid to retain some semblance of control, I react instinctively, grabbing his arm with all my strength, desperately trying to halt his assault.
"No!" I scream, my voice echoing through the room, a desperate plea for mercy. However, my captor is not swayed by my pleas. With a swift motion, he smacks me across the face with his free hand, the impact leaving a searing pain and a metallic taste of blood in my mouth. Tears spring to my eyes, a mixture of agony and indignation fueling my resolve.
"La gå jente, vite din plass, slave (Let go, girl, know your place, slave)," he sneers, his words dripping with contempt. Blood trickles from my nose, staining my torn dress, but it only serves to stoke the fire within me. In a surge of defiance, I muster every ounce of strength I possess and lash out, delivering a powerful kick to his midsection. He grunts in pain, momentarily stunned by my unexpected retaliation.
Seizing the opportunity, I seize the man's hand that still clings to my dress and sink my teeth into his flesh with all my might. The taste of warm blood fills my mouth, and I bite down with a primal ferocity, managing to tear one of his fingers away from his hand. A bone-chilling scream erupts from his lips, mingling with my own defiant laughter. The man recoils in agony, releasing his grip on me, and I seize the chance to spit his severed finger back at him—a grotesque symbol of my unwavering spirit.
In that moment, something within me shifts. If this was to be my end, then I would meet it on my own terms. I refuse to be a passive victim in this cruel game of fate. With a newfound determination, I brace myself for whatever may come next, ready to face my destiny with unwavering resolve and an indomitable will to fight.
"Drep henne! (Kill her)!" The man's chilling cry echoes through the room, a sentence that seals my fate and sends a shiver down my spine. The guards surrounding me react swiftly, their movements synchronized as they grab hold of me and throw me violently to the ground. I thrash and scream, my body instinctively fighting back against the impending doom that looms over me.
In the midst of the chaos, as one of the guards raises his axe, poised to strike me down, a commanding voice pierces through the air, cutting through the clamor like a sword. "Stoppe (Stop)," the voice utters, freezing everyone in their tracks. The room falls silent, every eye turning towards the source of the commanding voice—the king himself.
With an air of authority that demands attention, the king rises from his throne, his towering stature an undeniable presence in the room. He strides purposefully toward me, his gaze fixated upon my trembling form. As he kneels down, our eyes lock in an intense, unspoken connection. Time seems to stand still, and I find myself holding my breath, unable to tear my gaze away from his piercing eyes.
He reaches out, his hand enveloping my face, his touch both commanding and intimate. In an act of defiance, I summon the strength within me and summon a defiant spit, aimed squarely at his face. The crimson trail of my blood-stained saliva trickles down his cheek, and to my astonishment, a smirk tugs at the corners of his lips.
"Jeg liker denne. Hun er en modig liten ting (I like this one. She is a brave little thing)," he utters, his words laden with unexpected admiration. He releases his grip on my face, rising to his full height once again. Wiping his face with the back of his hand, his eyes never leave mine as he makes a decision that sends a wave of confusion through me.
"Ta henne. Hun vil være min nye slave (Take her. She will be my new slave)," he commands, his voice leaving no room for argument. The guards, now under his direct order, move swiftly, escorting me away from the chaos and into a room adorned with a solitary bed. They leave me there, locking the door behind them. The realization sinks in—I am not to meet my demise just yet.
Confusion swirls within me, mingling with a newfound mixture of relief and apprehension. I am now a prisoner, destined to serve as the king's slave. Alone in the confines of the room, I take a moment to collect myself, steeling my resolve for the uncertain future that awaits me. In this unexpected twist of fate, I vow to remain strong, to find a way to survive, and perhaps, against all odds, to defy the chains that bind me and regain my freedom.
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The morning light trickles into the room, casting a soft glow upon the somber surroundings. I rise from the bed, my body tense and ready to confront any imminent threat. However, my guard quickly dissipates as a young woman, around my age or slightly older, approaches me. Startled, I prepare myself for a fight, but her calm demeanor and words catch me off guard.
"Calm down. You are safe for now," she assures me, her voice filled with a soothing familiarity. I take a moment to process her words, a glimmer of hope flickering within me. "You speak my tongue," I respond, my voice tinged with both surprise and relief. "We are from the same lands," she explains, lifting her sleeves to reveal the markings of our people adorning her arm. In that moment, a wave of relief washes over me, knowing that I am in the presence of someone who brings memories of home.
"I am Celine," she introduces herself, her eyes filled with a mix of curiosity and recognition. Gathering my composure, I proudly reveal my own identity. "Y/N, daughter of Drahseen," I declare, my voice resonating with a sense of lineage and nobility. Celine's eyes widen at the sound of my name, a glimmer of awe dancing within her gaze. "With your markings and the way you are dressed, I had a feeling you came from a noble home. But I had no clue you were the daughter of the great warrior Drahseen, the rebel prince. No wonder you are a fighter," she remarks, a mix of admiration and intrigue evident in her voice.
I recount the tragic events that led to my capture, sharing the story of my father's valiant efforts to protect our family from the wrath of a cruel king. "My father kept our family hidden, afraid that the king would find us and kill us. But we were discovered. I managed to lead my mother and siblings to safety, but I was captured and sold into slavery," I explain, a mixture of sorrow and determination coloring my words. The memory of our kingdom's ongoing conflict, torn apart by the ambitions of my father's treacherous cousin, stirs within me, fueling my longing for justice and restoration.
Lost in the depths of my thoughts, I finally voice the question that lingers at the forefront of my mind. "What will happen to me?" I inquire, my voice laced with a mixture of anxiety and curiosity. Celine's expression softens, reflecting the weight of the reality that awaits me. "King Haaland has taken a liking to you. You will learn how to become his house slave," she reveals, her words hanging heavy in the air.
Though the prospect of serving the king looms before me, I find solace in the unexpected companionship of Celine—a reminder of the bonds that tie me to my homeland. As I navigate the uncertain path that lies ahead, I draw strength from the resilience of my lineage, determined to survive and, if fate allows, to play a role in shaping the destiny of my people.
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After being led away, I found myself in a small chamber where I was washed, cleansing away the grime and remnants of my past. Emerging from the refreshing ritual, Celine presented me with a new attire—a hangerok, a traditional dress commonly worn by Viking women. Though it felt foreign against my skin, it was a symbol of adaptation to this new life. Grateful for the small comfort, I noticed that my precious jewelry, gifts from my father, remained intact—a necklace and a bracelet—a reminder of the love and protection I carried with me.
Led further into the depths of the dwelling, I found myself in the bustling kitchen. Celine became my guide, imparting upon me the skills of culinary arts, servitude, and the intricacies of comporting oneself in the presence of the king. Days turned into weeks, and I immersed myself in the teachings, honing each nuance to perfection. Yet, in those seven days, the enigmatic king remained an elusive figure, concealed from my sight.
On the eighth day, my fate took an unexpected turn. I was appointed the task of serving the king his dinner—an honor and a trepidation intertwined. As I entered the grand Viking hall, my trembling hand clutched the Mead, a potent beverage fit for this momentous feast. It was my duty to stand by the king's side, fulfilling his desires by filling his cup whenever he beckoned. As our eyes met, a shiver cascaded down my spine, an unspoken tension lingering in the air. He wore a smirk, an expression that both intrigued and unsettled me.
With bated breath, I approached him, my every move measured. Our eyes remained locked, an unyielding gaze that held the weight of unspoken possibilities. He finally averted his gaze, allowing me to fill his cup, but the tension between us remained palpable. The night unfolded, the king indulging in the feast alongside his comrades, while I dutifully served him. However, in a sudden twist of events, he unexpectedly pulled me onto his lap, his immense frame enveloping my small stature. Panic surged through me, and I instinctively sought escape, but his grasp tightened around my waist, rendering me powerless.
He returned to his conversations, seemingly unaffected by my unease. My eyes darted to the table, fixating on the knife he had used to cut the meat. A daring thought surged within me, and in a swift motion, I reached out and seized the knife. My heart raced as I brought the blade dangerously close to his neck, a desperate attempt to reclaim my agency. But he reacted with astonishing speed, gripping my wrist with a firm hold, exerting pressure that forced me to drop the knife. He turned to face me once more, that infuriating smirk still adorning his face.
"Vær stille, kjære. Jeg snakker (Stay still, darling. I am talking)," he uttered, his voice devoid of any flinching or fear. His calm demeanor in the face of my rebellion left me stunned, utterly perplexed. What kind of man was he, who remained composed in the face of a threat to his own life? The enigma surrounding Erling Haaland deepened, shrouding him in an aura of mystery and unpredictability.
Perched on his lap, the night unfolded in a haze of bewildering gestures. The king, defying expectations, took on the role of both host and caretaker, feeding me morsels of food and coaxing me to drink from his horn. Each action left me more perplexed, as the dissonance between his seemingly kind demeanor and my preconceived notions of him clashed violently within me. As the festivities drew to a close, his subjects dispersed, leaving only the two of us in the grand hall, our seats still occupied.
Seated comfortably, the king summoned Celine to serve as his translator, seeking clarification as he inquired about my identity. "Hva er navnet hennes?(what is her name)," he questioned, his eyes fixed on me. Celine conveyed his query and my name, her voice serving as the conduit for our communication. The king, unfazed by the language barrier, issued his decree with an air of authority, causing my heart to race with trepidation.
"Fortell henne at hun skal komme til rommet mitt hver natt for å sove. Rommet mitt vil være hennes kammer fra nå av. (Tell her she shall come to my room every night to sleep. My room will be her chambers from now on)."
he stated, his words hanging heavily in the air. Celine dutifully translated, and the weight of his command settled upon me. Fear and panic coursed through my veins as I realized the implications—sleeping in his room meant more than mere rest. It meant surrendering the precious gift of my innocence, an act that terrified me to my core. Tears welled up in my eyes as I berated myself for allowing him to perceive my worth, my vulnerability.
Yet, amidst the overwhelming emotions, the king continued to defy my expectations. He reached out, wiping away my tears, and offered a reassuring squeeze around my waist. "Jeg vil ikke skade deg, søte. Det vil ikke skje noe annet enn søvn,(I will not hurt you sweet one, there will be nothing but sleep happening.)" he murmured, his voice laced with a gentleness that caught me off guard. Celine once again conveyed his words, granting me a momentary reprieve from the tormenting thoughts that plagued me.
Relief washed over me like a cool breeze, easing my anxious heart. But even in that moment, questions gnawed at my conscience. Why was he being so unexpectedly kind? And why, against my better judgment, was I beginning to trust him, even if only slightly? The enigma of Erling Haaland, the Viking king, deepened, intertwining my fear with a glimmer of hesitant hope.
Part 2
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sotwk · 8 months
I was wondering who are your fancasts for your headcanon world?
Hiiii Quickie! @quickslvxrr
Am I right in guessing that your question was prompted by my reblog of your reblog of Charlie Hunnam's gif set? XD
Because if so, I will just say that I am very excited to have selected Charlie as my fancast for Théodred of Rohan! (Excited because I hope to start writing chapters of my Eomer x OC fic soon, which actually co-stars dear Théodred.)
I have a growing fancast list for the SotWK AU! I still need to get around to making an official and complete list, but since you seem curious, here is majority of what I have so far.
Apart from Reader Insert stories I write in response to requests, all fics and characters I create are grounded in the SotWK AU, so these characters exist consistently across and crossover between my stories.
SotWK AU Fancast List (a work in progress)
The Royal Family of the Woodland Realm
Elvenking Thranduil - Lee Pace
Elvenqueen Maereth - Jennifer Connelly
Crown Prince Mirion - Henry Cavill
Prince Turhir - Sam Heughan
Prince Arvellas - Rupert Friend 
Prince Gelir - Sam Claflin
Prince Legolas - Orlando Bloom
Crown Princess Itarildë  - Teresa Palmer
(later Crown) Prince Aranion - Bradley James
Princess Anariel- Gabriella Wilde 
Elvenking Oropher - Jason Isaacs
Greenwood Elves
Darthol (Gelir's birth-mate) - Dan Stevens
Olondir (cousin of the Thranduilions) - Jake Gyllenhaal
Rivendell Elves
Elrond - Hugo Weaving
Celebrían - Connie Nielsen 
Nimeithel (oc cousin of Celebrían & mother of Itarildë) - Rebecca Ferguson
Elladan - Richard Madden
Elrohir - Sebastian Stan
Silmarillion / First Age Ancestors
Glorfindel - ???? -still searching!-
Elemírë (oc wife of Glorfindel & sister of Elenwë) - Vanessa Kirby
Maglor/Kanafinwë - Ben Barnes
Velcálë (oc wife of Maglor) - Zendaya Coleman
Círdan the Shipwright - Iain Glen
Eäriel (oc wife of Círdan) - Olivia Hussey
Eärondir (oc son of Círdan & father of Maereth) - Alexander Skarsgard  
Laurinwen (oc mother of Maereth) - Lily Collins
Dwarves / Line of Durin
Durin III, King of Khazad-dûm- Hugh Jackman 
Frerin, son of Thrain - Gerard Butler
Aerdis (oc love interest of Boromir) - Freida Pinto 
Anarlas (brother of Aerdis) - Oscar Isaac
Imrahil, Prince of Dol Amroth - Eric Bana
Ivriniel - Isabella Rossellini
Finduilas - Monica Bellucci
Erchirion - Adam Driver
Lothíriel - Gal Gadot
Théodred - Charlie Hunnam
Signyr (oc shield-maiden & Éomer's love interest) - Katheryn Winnick
Léodor (oc in Éomer's Éored) - Chris Hemsworth
Héothain (oc in Éomer's Éored) - Will Poulter
to be revealed OC - Pedro Pascal
YUP. I almost didn't want to insert that little spoiler of my upcoming fic, but I'm just too excited about fancasting the widely adored Pedro Pascal in my AU. It will be one heck of a character, too! I am SO VERY excited to create Harad OCs (Pedro's will be the main one)!
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Thank you for the Ask! Although this list is still messy and incomplete, answering it puts me one step closer to getting an official fancast list done! :)
Just tagging people whom I think/hope might be interested in this:
@hobbitwrangler @scyllas-revenge @ass-deep-in-demons @emmanuellececchi @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras @konartiste @hippodameia @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @achromaticerebus @aduialel @asianbutnotjapanese @entishramblings @heilith @ladyweaslette @laneynoir @quillofspirit @stormchaser819 @g-m-kaye @mirra-kan @alwayssevvy @marsharmonicorchestra @laurfilijames @coopsgirl @jane0error @jezzibee @lathalea @cuarthol
Other useful links:
Introduction to SotWK
SotWK HC Masterlist
Fanfiction Masterlist
Fanfiction Request Guidelines
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I absolutely love that you write for the dark turtles! I rarely see anything for them and there’s so much potential for stories with them, other writers are missing out!
Anyway I’m rambling. I’m not a writer but have had this story idea for the dark turtles. Being clones of the turtles and a mix of their dna I’ve always personally headcanoned that the dark turtles possess deeper connections to their turtle counterparts. Ex: quirks, mannerisms, interests, skills, and even memories. With that in mind here’s the story base.
Darius creates a dark clone of reader in hope that he can use them to infiltrate the turtles group and generate mistrust after seeing his dark turtle clones fail with their head on battles (I guess readers dark clone would be more spy like? More shapeshifter like?). What Darius doesn’t anticipate is that the dna connection between the dark clones and the turtles also somehow share their interests/ mannerisms/ and memories. Since regular reader and turtle counterpart are in love, Darius now has two of his clones falling in love with no understanding why or what new emotions and foreign memories they’re both experiencing
I guess this could be angsty or fluffy depending on how you look at it. I personally like a blend of both but just have fun! This was just something I thought I’d send your way, hope it sparks some inspiration for more dark turtle fics! Love your writing!
In Light And Darkness (Angst/Fluff)
Dark Leonardo x reader
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A/N: I agree! There’s so much potential with these boys, especially when they never finished their story💚 I also agree with your headcanon. I think that they have the same characteristics as the original turtles, just with a darker twist, like how Dark Mikey isn’t just happy, but manic. But with that being said, I’ve decided to make it with Dark Leo, with focus on Dark Leo and the dark reader’s bond, and how Darius might be very oppressive to that. Hope you enjoy💙
Warnings: Punishments (withholding food, isolation, forced to sleep in cold rooms, fear of further punishment).
Darius was furious, his anger raining down on the four Kanabo clones in front of him. Once again they had failed him. Dark Leo’s plan to infiltrate Cody’s penthouse from the inside had failed, with Leonardo sensing his plans from the very start. It had ended in a surmise, sending the clones home empty handed, with no progress made. They were now even further back than square one, and Darius blamed them for it. Especially Leo.
Their punishment had been severe, with Darius withholding food from them. He did not care that Dark Leo had started sharing the small lumps of meat with his brothers, instead of fighting over it. If that was what they wanted to do, then that was their problem. But there was something Darius noticed about Dark Leo that caught his interest. Under Leo’s fingernails was something that looked like hair. And not just any hair, but your hair. The color and length matched. It had gotten there after Dark Leo accidentally pulled your hair during the squirmish, pulling you out of one of the other clone’s wild attacks, aimed at their own counterparts. But this action had caused his original counterpart to momentarily pull back on his peaceful and friendly demeanor towards the dark clone. But this hair gave Darius an idea. An idea he was sure would work out in his favor.
The clones were pushed out of the room while Darius contacted Sh’Okanabo, in order to show him the hair and tell him about his idea. Sh’Okanabo was intrigued, finding the idea interesting enough to give it a try. Especially with this dreaded planet, that refused to buckle under for his mighty rule. The Dread Lord had done many things throughout his dark life. He had taken over planets, leaving them in constant darkness. He had torn down civilizations, watching them crumble to the ground as their people turned into his own kind. But he had never made a Kanabo clone of a human. Sure, he had turned humans into Kanabos, but never had he created a lab made clone. And so, he agreed to Darius’ plan, bringing the hair to his lab.
It didn’t take long before Sh’Okanabo returned to Darius with a satisfied smile. It worked. He had created a human kanabo clone, with more of his own abilities than any of his turtle clones had gotten. He presented them with your dark clone, who for the most, looked like a normal human in shape. Your hair and hair color had not changed, but your skin was a dark Kanabo purple, and your eyes the same kind of yellow as the turtles. Your fingernails were long and claw-like and your teeth sharp. Yet somehow, it was still obvious who you were. You were a kanabo clone of (Y/N) (L/N).
The turtle clones watched in astonishment as you showed off your abilities to Darius. Like your creature, you had the ability to shapeshift. Turn your body to mud in order to move across the floor, before rebuilding your body on the other side of the room. Your strengths were heightened, making you much stronger than your counterpart. When Sh’Okanabo ordered the turtles to attack you, they were shocked to find that you could throw them about easily. Or most of them. One clone had not followed his creature's order, standing back with an unreadable expression. This had caused Darius' anger to rain down over the blue clone, telling him to do as his superiors had told him. But Leo refused. He would not attack you, and neither would he attack a clone of yours. Not with all the memories of his counterpart flowing through his head. All of his sweet memories with your counterpart.
This decision had caused Leo yet another punishment. No food, and he had to sleep in an isolated cold corner of the dark storage room. And Leo did just that, still refusing to do anything that could hurt you, even if you were capable of protecting yourself.
As Leo laid in the corner of the dark room, his arms wrapped around himself, he had not expected company. You came to him in the middle of the night, with a blanket that Darius had given you, and some of the extra food he had showered upon you, believing you to be his new big super weapon.
“Hey”, you whispered, placing a soft warm hand on his big arm. Your warm touch and your small greeting reminded him of memories that weren’t his own. How your fully human counterpart would do the same to the source of his DNA, comforting him whenever something had been bothering. And each and every time, Leonardo had felt a flutter in his heart, just like Dark Leo’s heart was doing at that exact moment. But while Leonardo would smile at your counterpart, and make his warm emotions clear for you, Leo frowned in confusion. A Kanabo was not meant to feel these kinds of emotions, and even with access to all of Leonardo’s feelings and memories up until the moment Sh’Okanabo extracted some of his DNA, Leo had never felt such a thing. Until now.
“What are you doing here?”, he asked, rubbing his tired eyes.
“Just checking up on you”, you said, scooting closer to him in order to hold up the big slab of meat for him. “I got something for you”.
The raising heart beat in Leo’s chest was new. I did not know what to think of it. His Kanabo nature fought against it, but the other half of him enjoyed it very much. Enjoyed the your presence next to him.
He took a hold of the slab, his yellow eyes fixed on the red meat, before he looked back to your face. For a moment he wondered if you always had been so stunning or if his eyes was playing tricks on him.
“You know that Darius will punish you for this if he finds out, right?”, he said.
“Then he’ll just have to punish me”, you said, before wrapping the blanket around him. Even though it didn’t cover him fully, Leo couldn’t deny how nice it was to feel at least a little bit of warmth. “Now, eat”, you said, turning to look at the big storage room. “I’ll look out for Darius”.
“You don’t want any?”, Leo asked.
“I’m already full”, you mumbled. “Darius has pretty much been showering me with food”.
Leo nodded. Of course Darius had done that. Trying his best to build up that intern competition between the brothers that Leo had been trying to tear down. And now they would have to try and compete with Darius’ new favorite.
You sat there and looked out, while Leo ate with eagerness. The meat almost melting at his tongue with the blanket warmed him. And everytime he looked at you, he couldn't help but feel something. Something he knew from Leonardo’s memories. Something that Leonardo often felt when he looked at the DNA source of you.
Once Leo had finished his meat you smiled at him, making his heart beat just a little bit faster.
“I should go now”, you said softly, slowly moving in order to stand up. “You need all the sleep you can get”.
But Leo didn’t want you to leave. It was nice to have you with him in the dark corner of the room. It brought him some sort of comfort. Comfort he had seen between your counterpart and Leonardo, both in his memories and in the penthouse. So when you leaned onto your knees, placing your hand on the floor, in order to use it to push you up from the floor, Leo panicked a bit. His big hand grabbing onto your write, before pulling down to him.
You yelped out in shock as you felt back against Leo’s plastron, but that shock was soon replaced by a smile as you felt Leo place the blanket over the two of you, his big arm wrapping around you, his face buried into the back of your shoulder.
“What happened to the fear of Darius’ punishment?”, you asked with a teasing smile, holding on to his blue arm.
“I don’t fear Darius!”, he grumbled against your shoulder. “I’m just… feeling cold”, he continued sheepishly, hiding further against you.
You turned over in his arms in order to face him, your small black claws tracing small circles on his cheek. “Do you want me to stay tonight?”
Leo sighed, his eyes staring off into the distance. “Darius will get mad”.
“I don’t care”, you whispered, resting your forehead against his plastron, your fingers moving to his chest, continuing their small circles. “Do you want me here?”
“Yes”, the Kanabo clone said, resting his beak against the top of your head, taking in your scent. You did not smell like your original counterpart. No, but to his Kanabo nose you smelled sweeter. It was almost intoxicating.
“Then I’ll stay”, you hummed, cuddling closer against him. “And Darius can’t do shit about it”.
And so you stayed with him throughout the night, comfortable in each other’s arms, as sleep took a hold of the two of you. And as Leo took in the warmth of your skin against him, he couldn't care less about what Darius would say or do in the morning. Not with you by his side.
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You're Not Supposed to Be Here.
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As a matter of fact, you're not.
Art by: An Anonymous Benefactor
Happy birthday to me! i am really bad at expressing gratitude and i appreciate all the gifts people have given to me. this gift of note is by an artist who doesn't have a way to post it, and they are letting me post it for them. this piece was a complete fucking surprise but was something i planned to have someone draw for a couple months now.
so introducing, Half-Drone 2! or, Murder Drones Gaiden: You're Not Supposed to Be Here.
is this a real AU i plan to flesh out and make? possibly even write?
...ignore the file in my notes app, that's not real, shut up.
fine. Half-Drone 2 is a derivative timeline AU after the events of episode 7 where Uzi fails to push N away from the massive flesh pit, resulting in both of them falling into "hell". N wakes up with his weapons disabled besides his left arm being stuck in claw mode, and has to find out where he even is, where Uzi is, and why there's still humans on the planet. ya aint in kans- Copper-9 anymore N. Further concepts for this AU include
N is off of his fucking rocker with hallucinations or memories of Uzi plaguing him. is Uzi even real here?
Death being impossible via the Save and Load file system and N does not know its even happening but something is deeply wrong.
only regaining use of his left hand again after finding some oil, the rest of his weapons are now scavenged and he has no idea how to use them properly (his original MP5 had regenerating ammo, you expect him to know how to reload an MP7?)
N wakes up during the events of HL2 Chapter 10: Anticitizen One, and the story takes place during HL2: Episode 1 and part of Episode 2.
Occasional SOMA vibes with N's processor putting things that aren't real in the environment to try to hold onto his sanity and sense of rationality, because none of what's happening makes any sense.
Will this ever go anywhere? I find it unlikely, i like coming up with concepts like these all the time, but most of the time the seperate media's story holds up by itself good enough, no need for an AU unless you wanna do something drastically different, or make two specific characters fu-
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Genshin ships: stock market update (Natlan Act 1+2)
(Warning: May contain spoilers for character appearances and dynamics in [Chapter 5 Act 1–2] Flowers Resplendent on the Sun-Scorched Sojourn and Black Stone Under a White Stone. Previous entries here.) This is for entertainment purposes only and is not financial advice: consult with your ship financial advisor before you invest.
4.0 has landed, and our analysts have been watching with interest as Natlan characters have started listing on the Genshin ship market. Here's our recommendations for the weeks ahead.
Citlali/Mualani is held together by a single drip marketing quote, but what a quote. BUY OR HOLD.
Mavuika/Xilonen, on the other hand, does not have a proven profit model. No, the potential for a ship name that sounds like "melanin" isn't reason enough to invest. SELL
(Note: Since Xilonen's drip marketing has landed, let's take a second to examine all the cat themed ships. Xilonen/Dehya and Xilonen/Kirara are too hard to call this far out. Xilonen/Lynette and Xilonen/Diona have boring chemistry, SELL / don't bother. And Xilonen/Keqing... oh Keqing would hate her. Hmm. Watch this space, HOLD OR BUY.)
(No, not all cat related ships find success. The recent bankruptcy and dissolution of Osse/Neko should be proof enough.)
Kachina/Bennett — ⚠️ we typically don't cover selfcest ships because there are too many of them. In this case, we'll make an exception to note it's extra unlikely. They're both too busy having coming of age stories and joining each other's teams (not a euphemism) to have any chemistry. SELL.
Kachina/Lumine, Kachina/Aether — sorry, the Traveller is already too busy being the Wise Old Mentor in the first book of Kachina's YA trilogy. SELL— wait does that mean Traveller's going to die 😐
Mavuika/Lumine, Mavuika/Aether — Constantly inviting us to drinks, her shout or Traveller's; long private chats about the family she never talks about to anyone else; giving up her antiques collection as a show of commitment: that is textbook mid-40's cool aunt flirtation. BUY BUY BUY.
Kinich/Mualani — our analysts describe this as "the equivalent of buying the first thing you see in the store", which I think means SELL.
Atea/Mavuika — There's definitely a little chemistry there, but we're unlikely to see further developments. HOLD OR SELL
Atea/Aether — HOLD OR SELL
Atea/Lumine — HOLD OR BUY. If haircuts had sexualities[...]
Small cap market ("rarepairs")
Mualani/that one bandit in her character teaser: nah, no chemistry, she's like that to everyone who tries to rob her. SELL for two-sided, HOLD OR SELL for one-sided.
Tenoch/Tupac — yeah that's been solid enemies to lovers ever since Talking Stick dropped in 4.0. The character model reveals for both of them have only increased the quality here. BUY
Chaac/Waxaklahun Ubah Kan — SELL. Way too early. If you're interested in obscure antiques maybe try Alain/Rene or Marfisa/Parsifal instead?
On that note, our analysts were intrigued by the Heroes of Cinder City. “It's an OT5 RPG adventuring party!” they explain, “like all those tabletop podcasts!” They were, however, quick to note that this was in the same potential rocky area as all Cataclysm-era ships, so HOLD at best.
Little One/Ushi — yeah sure why not. BUY
But coverage of the world quests will have to wait for a future report. In the meantime, let us know what your market predictions are!
Sidebar: phonetics
Wikipedia provides charts for converting writing systems (e.g. romanisations of languages) into the international phonetic alphabet. Below are examples for a couple of languages found across the Pacific Ring of Fire.
May your phone calls with your ship stockbroker be tienari-free!
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thebluester2020 · 2 months
"Welcome To The Slime Den!"
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"Howdy person reading this, welcome to my 18+ writing/drawing page!"
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Call me Blue or Bluester! || She/Her || 20 || Requests: Open || Art Comm(s) are OPEN! [Ko-Fi] || Feel free to talk to me in DMs! I'm pretty friendly if not a yapper when you catch my attention via hot guys / hot chicks.
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Multi-Fandom [I'm decently consistent in these following places, however—]
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|| Stardew Valley || I. Recommended By Yours Truly :: [SDV] "Sins of the Guilty" Most Popular Work :: SDV Bachelors x Farmer Who Squirts
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|| Twisted Wonderland || I. Recommended By Yours Truly :: [TWST] "Free" Lodging At SavannaClaw Most Popular Work :: [TWST] "Free" Lodging At SavannaClaw
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|| Zenless Zone Zero || I.
Recommended By Yours Truly :: "How To Recieve An A+ In Housekeeping!" Most Popular Work :: "How To Recieve An A+ In Housekeeping!"
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Recommended By Yours Truly :: "Heket v. Dionysus Artwork"
Most Popular Work :: "Heket v. Dionysus Artwork"
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|| OC Stuff || I. OC Rant(s) + World-Building Rant(s) :: Masterlist
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Extra Information
♡ - Lol I know I put my pronouns at the beginning of this masterlist but I really don't care + won't get offended if you address me a different way. It's the internet. ♡ - I write afab and/or gender-neutral readers (I will, however, write male-centered readers when explicitly asked to) ♡ - I don't take nsfw writing requests involving minor characters from any form of media. ♡ - I love drawing for people! But please make sure to be specific as to what you want if it involves your character with a canon character [If not specified. I may ignore the request entirely. I'll also only take three characters max per request and nothing more!] ^ to add to the drawing bit... here are my do(s) and don't(s) for doodle/art requests.
I will draw NSFW / Suggestive material (NSFW material will be censored per the guidelines and trying to make sure I don't get shadowbanned and/or smited from Tumblr.)
I will draw OCs
I will draw canon x canon characters
I will draw angst (nothing involving gore though)
I won't draw anything homophobic, transphobic, xenophobic, racist etc.
I won't draw any NSFW material involving minors (I'll only draw SFW material when asked to draw a minor character)
I won't draw any hardcore kinky stuff (Scat, piss etc. are a big no for me)
Do not request for me to design a character for you, please!
[I reserve the right to add onto this should the need arise]
⚠️ I don't believe that it is my job as a smut writer/artist to be a beacon of safe or realistic sex. Everything I write is rooted in fantasy and unrealisim ⚠️
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"See ya later person who stumbled upon this cave of mine! While you're at it, search up these fellows of mine and follow 'em. They're the bomb.com!"
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["They're super sweet and have an amazingly cute art style! They're my main source of inspiration when it comes to anything I draw + write!"]
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Comm(s): Open! https://ko-fi.com/cowfii
["I'll always boost up my fellow degens + they're a fellow writer who has a great sense of humor! They have a work-in-progress book with a juicy story plot so far!"]
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If you have the funds and are looking for another way to spend them—
Please donate to @mahmoudayyad go-fundme campaign! []
I don't have to explain, everyone already knows that this genocide is the most recorded but denied massacre in human history. No person in Gaza deserves to go through this so please, if you have something extra to give. Please donate it to this family! They need $100,000 to leave and are only sitting at 53 donations!
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Ongoing Event(s):
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foxofninetales · 3 months
Fic authors self rec! When you get this, reply with your favorite five fics that you've written, then pass on to at least five other writers. Spread the self-love!
Thank you (and all the others who tagged me) for this ask!
It was so hard deciding! I still don't know that these are my favorites, but they were the ones that spoke to me as I was scanning my list of works.
Gunpowder and Ink, (DMBJ) but very specifically the ficlet where Wu Xie and Pangzi meet for the first time, In Which Something Lost Is Found and Something Unexpected Is Recovered, which is a glorious romp involving vaguely Regency-era shenanigans, mistaken identities, and okay maybe a tiny bit of arson. This is VERY specifically written with the TLT2 versions of these characters in mind, and I'm very pleased with how the characterizations came out. Plus, possibly the best opening sentence I have ever written.
Hold Me Fast, Let Me Not Go (DMBJ, KanSang) I love a fairytale rewrite, and I especially love a good Tam Lin story. This one was written in a single day after I saw this piece of art from @psychic-waffles and went a little bit mad. Kan Jian's solid, earthy perspective is such a perfect lens for this story, in such contrast with the wild, unearthly beauty of the fey.
Unreliable Narration (DMBJ, Liu Sang + the Iron Triangle) Beyond characters and plot and setting, writing is about the joy of words and all the delightful acts of sleight-of-prose that you can accomplish with them. I'd had this idea in my head for a while before I felt I'd grown enough as a writer to attempt it. My goal was to create a story that was as satisfying on the second read as the first, and I think I managed it. The third paragraph from the end is one of my favorite pairs of sentences I've ever written. Plus, whump!
Where the Heart Is (DMBJ, Liu Sang, Wang Meng/Wushanju) This was another of those story ideas that had lived with me for a long time before I finally wrote it. I just really love the concept at the heart of this fic, and how different this familiar world is when viewed from another perspective and on another timescale.
Cabbages and Kings (Liu Sang + the Iron Triangle) Sometimes in exchanges you draw the perfect recipient to write a story that will resonate with both of you, and @dinomight was mine. I wonder if this will ever stop being my favorite of all the things I've written. There is so much of my heart in here: comfort, and home, and cats, that time of year when the world begins wrapping itself in winter, and finding a place where you can be loved for who you are. So much of writing this was trusting the story: most of the worldbuilding just spilled onto the page without conscious thought. I also really enjoyed using this particular writing voice - wry and thoughtful and very aware of the tiny beauties of the mundane.
Bonus mentions: The Language of Flour for teaching me that I could write humor, and Intersection for teaching me that I could write at all.
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annlillyjose · 11 months
Green Room – WIP Intro
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hiii cuties!
have you ever been overcome by an irresistible urge to write a memoir at the age of twenty, or are you normal? i'm definitely not, so here's a new project (again)
green room is an experimental memoir that delves into my teenage years as a writer. i started writing seriously at the age of thirteen and self-published my first book at fourteen, which is something that haunts me to date. but here's the thing – i feel like i've learned a lot in the last six to seven years and wanted to explore it with another writing project.
i don't really know what this book is going to be yet. i'm going to start drafting during nanowrimo as a side project and hopefully finish it by the end of the year, but i'm not in a rush. i want to enjoy the process of writing this so i might take my sweet time.
now because this is an intro post, let's get to some specifics.
disclaimer: this is my original work. plagiarism of any kind will not be tolerated.
genre: creative/literary non-fiction
pov: first person retrospective
structure: a combination of chapters, vignettes, and poetry maybe
projected word count: 50k
concept: literary memoir on a writer's journey through teenage as they navigate genre, form, tense, character, story, plot, theme, atmosphere, and setting.
aesthetics/vibes: abandoned art galleries, mountaintops, beaches at midnight, falling asleep on the terrace, coffee mugs, word documents, cute stationery that never gets used, rejection e-mails, daydreaming, moon phases, still rivers, birds flying in groups, rain, academic validation, morally gray people, the colour green
i had always wanted to write something in retrospect of my teenage and document my growth, but didn't want to be so didactic in doing so. the memoir seemed like a serious piece of writing so i didn't really know if i was qualified enough to start. but if i've learned anything about writing in the last few years, it is that you can write whatever you feel like writing. so here i am with a new wip.
a little bit about the title – i struggled with this the most. but the novel i wrote during my late teens (dairy whiskey) was an entirely green book and i found myself finding thousands of green things every single day. my life had turned a shade of green. i was very inspired by the books bluets by maggie nelson and the white book by kan hang. i decided to make the colour green an important aspect of the book.
i don't know how this is going to turn out or if i'm going to do updates for this one, but who knows, i just might. until then, i hope you enjoy my other writing and shitposting. until next time, goodbye.
– ann.
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@shaonsim @heartfullkings @vnsmiles @dallonwrites @wannabeauthorclive @sienna-writes @violetpeso @flip-phones @silassghost @ambidextrousarcher @zoe-louvre @writing-with-l @magic-is-something-we-create @femmeniism @frozenstillicide @wizardfromthesea @rose-bookblood @coffeeandcalligraphy @rodentwrites @saltwaterbells @snehithiye @at-thezenith
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i-sveikata · 2 months
Author, how are you?? In this hot afternoon I'm in my room with the air conditioning on … I'm sorry but sometimes it's impossible to resist the heat (greetings from Sirmione - Italy xd) and obviously I need cool to reread your story, with parts that raise the temperature in the room!!!
I have to start writing down things when I get questions … but today I'd like to ask you this … rereading the Vegas-food dynamic I wanted to ask you if you'll tell us who he learned from or if for some reason Vegas has a passion for cooking. Initially, when we learned that he sent the dishes to Pete, I thought he could do it to "take care of him" but in the last chapter, from the way you write it, Vegas probably has a bit of a passion (I'm not sure that someone not used to cooking can prepare such good dishes right away) and I wanted to know if you'll tell us this …
As always, thanks for your fantastic work (and nothing, I'm here waiting to read the "bathroom triangle" scene, sorry XD) and until the next question.
Hey there I’m doing great how are you? I hope the heat isn’t too bad for you, ha greetings right back atcha from Sydney australia!
Omg I’m so happy you asked this question because I do have a headcannon about it!!! When Vegas was younger and less able to successfully sneak out of the house he’d get bored and end up in the kitchens. For a compound that large there’s plenty of chefs and cooks in the house and Vegas being young and friendless and kind of lonely ends up making friends with the women in there (I see any male kitchen staff being too frightened or wary to relax around him being mr Kans heir) but theres one particular woman who he really got long with and admired, so basically whenever he’d get home from school he’d be in the kitchens watching everyone prepare dinner and eventually this woman decided to nurture Vegas’ cooking interest by showing him a few things and teaching him how to cook.
When mr kan got wind of it though (and he realised the degree of positive influence this particular woman was having on Vegas) he didn’t like that Vegas could potentially have these kind of ‘soft’ sides of him, the part that would humble himself and ask to be taught by someone of lower status, and Vegas being friendly and respectful to these people mr kan looks down on/ completely ignores because they’re meant to be the ‘unseen’ and ‘unheard’ part of his household. Basically once kan figured out the degree of connection and I guess pseudo mothering in a way that was going into this friendship he saw the strength of that as a threat to what he wants Vegas to be so he squashed it. He fired her, and sent her away without her being able to say goodbye so Vegas would feel hurt and that she’d abandoned him. All because kan could see Vegas’ loyalty and admiration of this woman and he didn’t want any competition for his control and influence over Vegas. After she left Vegas would only cook occasionally because it’s hard for him to think of her (his father never admitted that he sent her away and refused to let her say goodbye to Vegas even though she tried to insist and she left a letter which kan read and destroyed)
Basically cooking for Vegas represents joy and sadness and loneliness but that’s why he’s so good at it (and why he was able to cook northern dishes so well because that’s where she was from) she was kind of one of his first friends who actually made him feel like he was good company to be around and that there might be someone looking after him. He’d go and hide in the kitchens sometimes after his fathers beatings and they’d help patch him up because he hated the doctors. After the woman was sent away Vegas stopped hanging around there as much because he was so hurt after being abandoned- which of course was kans intention all along.
But yeah that’s the backstory!! Vegas has had a very lonely and isolated existence courtesy of his father but there were times when it wasn’t so lonely and that year or so when the woman worked there was one of them!
You’re so welcome!! Ahh I do hope you guys enjoy the bathroom scene! But it’s really not going to be much of a triangle as far as Pete and Vegas are concerned the other guy is background lmao
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trex-nonsense · 5 days
i think it's time to drop the lore...
so. this is really just a lot of stuff about Kan that isn't necessarily super relevant to the story (though some of it is mentioned/hinted at) that I wanna write about anyway, partly for my own interest and reference and because I love knowing the lore (can you tell I've re-entered my lord of the rings phase) and if there's even one person remotely interested too then it's worth it! I actually love Kan so much and I've been doing a lot of behind the scenes character development for her, mainly in the past because when she meets Echo she is mostly a healed individual. mostly. this lowkey reads like a wikipedia article lmao. anyway. I can't promise that all this follows canon, so just be aware of that I guess. this sort of has spoilers but also there's no reason why you couldn't just know this stuff before reading (in the story the information is revealed as Echo learns about it, but it's not necessary that the reader finds out that way too)
link to masterlist here :)
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Kandam'aira Hynzir
—childhood & before the war
As a child Kan was always interested in working with technology. Kan was an only child and she lived with her parents in a small village on the planet of their people, Mirial. Kan's parents were young when they had her, and were very loving, though they didn't spoil her. Instead they instilled in her the value of selflessness and taught her to always help people where possible. Her mother was an archaeologist of sorts, and spent much of her time researching and writing papers on rooting the truth to the myths of sites that were believed to be affected by some divine intervention. Her father owned a small repair shop on their home planet of Mirial, that tended to anything from ship repairs to cybernetics.
With Mirial being located on a hyperspace route, Kan's father's repair shop garnered attention from the wider galaxy, and Kan got to meet a lot of different sorts of people, fuelling her desire to explore the galaxy herself. Kan undertook many small technological projects throughout her childhood, but her biggest undertaking happened after her mother lost her leg below the knee after a tunnel collapsed in on her during an archaeological dig. Kan and her father constructed a cybernetic for her when she was just thirteen, and that's when Kan knew that she wanted to pursue engineering.
When Kan turned 17, she left home to do exactly that. She lived on the a ship that she and her father had been building for a number of years and travelled around doing repairs and any other technological gigs she could find. She enjoyed her time doing this, but she really desired to do more, and help people in a more meaningful way.
—the 41st elite corps
Shortly after the clone war broke out, Kan got into a bit of trouble when she was caught in the Separatist occupation of Ryloth. She was running away from a battalion of droids, and was cornered when Master Luminara Unduli singlehandedly defeated the droids to save her. Kan thanked her and offered her services to her as repayment for saving her life. The Mirialan Jedi felt a kinship with Kan due to their shared origins, and what started out as one job turned into a partnership that stretched the length of the war. Kan began working as an engineer, but was also trained as a field medic when her presence was questioned by a number of the members of the jedi council. She became close with a lieutenant in the 41st named Spider, who took her under his wing and looked after her a bit as she was still quite young and had very little experience of war.
Over the course of the war, Kan gradually earned her face tattoos, tallying up important moments. She got the central diamond first, and the more lives she saved and technological developments she made for the republic, the more she got, stretching outward across her cheeks. During a particularly gruelling campaign on Felucia, which had many casualties, Kan was captured by the Separatists. She was held prisoner and her captors were insisting that she was Master Unduli's padawan. They questioned, and eventually tortured her for information about Unduli's battle strategy, but she resisted. She was rescued and sent to recuperate from the burn injuries she sustained, which is where she briefly met Fives. He was suffering from his own injuries, and also grieving his brother.
Kan continued to work with Master Unduli up until the end of the war. She was on Kashyyyk with her when order 66 was given, and when she tried to interfere, confused at the clones' sudden shift in behaviour, the clones turned on her too. She narrowly escaped death at the hands of her good friend Spider, and went into hiding.
—after order 66
Kan returned to travelling around and doing repairs, though it was hard to stay off of the Empire's radar. Eventually, someone replied to a distress signal that she had put out immediately after the events of order 66, and offered her safety from the Empire. She then worked as a mechanic in a workshop on Alderaan, under the protection of Senator Bail Organa. For a while, Kan struggled to come to terms with how the war ended, and came to dislike her tattoos because they served as an obvious reminder that her efforts and the efforts of the clones around her were all for nought.
While visiting the planet, Organa urged Senator Riyo Chuchi to speak with Kan, and that's where she first learned of the clone rebellion. She was immediately eager to help them, after working with clones so closely before, and partly with the hopes of reuniting with some of her friends from the war.
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