#Cassandra's go to alternate surname will be Drake
thelibrarian1895 · 4 months
Batfamily supporting one another's hobbies: Cassandra edition
Cassandra canonically and in my heart loves to dance, any sort of dance but ballet specifically, it makes her feel graceful and beautiful and while she knows that any ballet dancer has a kick like a mule, and her family knows that she's one of the best martial artists in the world, she likes that people perceive ballerina, and therefore her, as delicate and dainty. She's never been considered delicate or dainty before and it both pleases and amuses her.
Bruce makes the time to go with Cassandra as she investigates the various ballet schools and companies associated with Gotham to see which one of them fits her wants and needs. When she finds the one she likes best, Bruce becomes the school's anonymous sponsor. It it extremely anonymous since Cassandra, who enters the school under the name of Cassandra Drake, wants to earn any role she might play because of her skill rather than because she's a Wayne. Bruce also has flowers for Cassandra after her every performance. Who presents her with the flowers is determined by a competition almost as cutthroat as the competition for Alfred's cookies.
Tim learns enough ballet to dance with Cassandra, specifically to do lifts for her and other assistant dancer sort of things, helping her shine as the prima ballerina she is and getting the chance to have quality time with his sister/favorite sibling. He doesn't have the time to be part of any productions but he's very popular in the dance classes since his presence gives more people the chance to practice the lifts and assisted spins. He's also a translator for those days when Cassandra doesn't/can't verbally speak and just signs instead.
Dick would have learned to assist her with lifts and spins and such but he's very busy and pulled twenty different directions by twenty different people at any given time. Instead he designs costumes for Cassandra and her performances. While Dick's fashion sense for vigilante costumes is bonkers and impractical, his sense of style for performance costumes is absolutely on point and Cassandra's troupe becomes well known for both their skill and their amazing costumes.
Jason didn't think about it and now won't because he doesn't want to be seen as copying the Replacement, he might start teaching himself to play the piano to accompany the two of them as their musician for a private family performance, if they want
Damian is currently too short to be good at lifts and even if he had thought of it he, like Jason, doesn't want anyone to think he's copying Tim. He will, however, paint a portrait of Cassandra as Odette, her first lead role. Damian also occasionally hangs out at the dance school to sketch the ballerinas after he's done with his own schooling for the day. He will ignore anyone who isn't Cassandra who attempts to talk to him. However, in one instance, when an interloper attempted to harass one of the ballerinas, Damian interceded, broke the man's arm, and ensured security removed and banned the man from the premises. The ballerinas consider Damian their adorable little guardian. Damian just scoffs and insists he was only doing it because he didn't want Cassandra to have to deal with any subpar replacements.
Duke is currently trying to catch up in normal bat skills and doesn't quite have the time to add ballet to his plate though he's at every performance and cheers the loudest. He absolutely cheats the most to be the one to present flowers to Cassandra most often out of the family and is the one who can give her verbal praise for her dancing instead of just grunting like a certain others in the family.
Stephanie is a terrible dancer. She owns it and laughs at it but she would not be able to be part of any ballet or assist in ballet practice to save her life. She also doesn't really want to dance ballet. Instead Stephanie helps Cassandra break in her toe shoes, is at every performance, does her best to cheer louder than Duke, and will go with Cassandra to see other ballet performances.
Alfred also ensures that Cassandra and her ballet friends have appropriate snacks and stay hydrated. He's very proud of her for developing civilian friends.
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lunap95 · 4 years
Chapters: 1/7 Fandom: Super Sons (Comics), Batman - All Media Types, Superman - All Media Types Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent/Damian Wayne Characters: Damian Wayne, Jonathan Samuel Kent, Maya Ducard, Collin Wilkes, Dick Grayson, Jason Todd, Tim Drake, Stephanie Brown, Duke Thomas, Cassandra Cain, Alfred Pennyworth, Bruce Wayne, Clark Kent, Lois Lane, Kon-El | Conner Kent, Kara Zor-El Additional Tags: Roommates, Domestic Fluff, adopting a pet, High School, Jealousy, Running Away, Partners in Crime, Fake/Pretend Relationship, getting caught, Heartbeats, Not Actually Unrequited Love, Alternate Universe - Royalty, Masquerade, Family Vacation, Marriage Proposal, JonDami Week 2021 Summary:
Hey hey hey! So here I am with my humble contribution to the Jondami Week organized by @jondami-week. I tried to use all of the prompts every day but I can’t assure I did it right XD.
Chapter 1: Domestic | Roommates | Adopting a Pet
You can also read it under the cut
The bad thing about being half-kryptonian in the mornings was that as soon as the sun was up his cells started charging with energy, which made it almost impossible for Jon to stay long in bed. Damian usually complained about his “stupid morning routine”, mostly because his boyfriend usually went to sleep just a few hours before the sun rose and also because he liked to complain. So of course, that morning he noticed the lack of snide comments, apart from the obvious empty side of the bed. A bit worried that the night had turned badly for the bats, Jon amplified his super-hearing only to capture the familiar sounds of his boyfriend just a few metres away.
“D?” he walked to the living room. “Is that you? What are doing awake this ear-“
He stopped the moment he saw Damian pushing something behind the kitchen counter. The young bat was still in his Robin uniform, parts of his clothes were a bit dirty and there was an obvious bruise on his cheek. Jon could guess it had been an intense night but not the worst (there was still that time Damian came back with a freaking stabbing wound as if it was nothing) so the reason why he was being too suspicious eluded him.
“Are you okay?” he asked approaching the kitchen.
“Tt, of course I am, Kent, can’t you see it?” and if Jon suspected there was something wrong before he was sure about it because Damian only called him by his surname when he was hiding something.
“Damian Wayne, what do you done?”
“How dare you even suggest that I…”
A little furry head appeared over the counter, blue eyes staring at Jon from where Damian was now trying to push the kitten down again. It was almost funny how he truly believed his boyfriend was going to forget the fact that he just brought a small pet to their shared house just because the said animal was out of his vision.
“Did you-did you kidnap a cat?”
“What!? No!” seeing as it was impossible to avoid the subject anymore, Damian took the cat into his arm. Her left ear was practically missing and she had some scratch marks on her fur. Street cat then.
“Let me guess, she was alone in an alley and you just ‘couldn’t let her there’,” Jon groaned as it was not the first time Damian brought a stray.
“This is different, she…” he looked at the cat fondly. “She protected me. I was fighting some thugs and she jumped in front of me to protect me.”
“You are not going to return this one to the shelter are you?”
“I understand if you do not wish to live with a cat, after all is probably too soon to have a pet together, but I thought…” Damian started to ramble, but Jon closed the gaped between them with a sweet kiss.
“I love her,” he smiled. “If she protected you then she is more than okay for me. And hey, I was the one who told you I wanted more commitment,” the cat meowed again. “This was not what I had in mind but…”
“You can name her if you want.”
“Hmm, what about Penny? Like Pennyworth.”
Damian looked up at him, a sweet smile finally appearing on his face.
“That’s perfect.”
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akimmito · 4 years
Heroes are made by the path they choose
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Chapter 9
Damian Al Guhl, Damian Wayne, Damian Lenoir. Three different surnames, three different families and three different types of expectations with moral compasses that overlap each other, combining and repelling each other. And he's in the middle.
Damian, just Damian, is caught in the crossfire.
He knows the ideology of his grandfather, of his biological mother, of the League as a whole and as individuals (at least, he thought he did). He was trained to be the ideal tool, but even a tool judged to be perfect can be thrown away when his goal has been accomplished or when he's not achieving it as he should.
He read all the available information about Bruce Wayne, Batman, Richard Grayson, Nightwing, Jason Todd, Red Hood (and their different identities, including the one he had in the League), Timothy Drake... the current Robin, Cassandra Cain and everyone else who have prowled the mansion at some point. The actions of each one he's known by heart, the morality that guides them and the extent of their abilities. And although at the moment he read everything he thought that because he was his blood son he would accept it, he's not sure now. He's a discarded weapon, he doesn't serve the plans of the League, but his moral compass doesn't fit with the Wayne and knows that Bruce Wayne will try to change that, to instill in him his own values... but he doesn't want that.
He has spent a year in the MT and knows the different ideologies, thoughts and attitudes of those who make it up, the way they collide with each other and, instead of being a breaking point, only strengthens the group more, diversifies and expands it their horizons. Right and wrong converge with each other all the time, they walk the gray line and are willing to cross them if necessary.
He has spent a year with Marie, he has received her understanding, her respect and her love. Everything that the League rejected of him (his love for animals and art), she not only accepted it but also encouraged him to continue, he gave Dafne as a first pet and later allowed his other animals to get a place where they can be freely, even a place for animals that they could not keep. Everything that Bruce Wayne would not accept, she accepts and teaches him that there are also other alternatives for each situation, leaving it in his decision which he makes in the end (only when she didn't let him murder Michel Laforet did she oppose his upbringing, so others, well, there have been criminals who disappeared without explanation). Marie has taught him and, little by little, he has been building his own morale.
If given the option of choosing a family, he would definitely choose to be a Lenoir, as he's, not change him. He doesn't have to make a place for himself (as would be the case with the Wayne) or demonstrate his courage (as with the League), he only has to be himself to be worthy of the love he receives.
Knowing this, he know that it is inevitable that everything will crash into his face. The League, if he knows that he lives, will not rest until he's recovered, he doesn't want that, he doesn't want his mother to get involved in that fight, but he knows that she will, that the MT will do it and is not sure of the result.
He just wants him to be able to spend more days with his mother and pets, without outside intervention. Just them as a family.
But his mother has a lover whose name is unknown to him (smart, otherwise he would track him down and knows he would have one or two Kwami on his side to threaten the poor wretch) and his mother accepted Oliver Queen's recommendation for two new clients, Richard Grayson and Timothy Drake (would it look bad if he let Agatha, one of the two German shepherds, eat them both?).
Damian @DamianLenoir
Ringo adapts well with his brothers, he is particularly affectionate with Picatso
[Attached photo]
Adrien A. @AdrienAgreste
@DamianLenoir Picatso is the coolest cat in the world, great name.
Felix @GrahamV_Felix
@DamianLenoir @AdrienAgreste You say it just because you named it. All other pets have good names.
Chloe B. @BourgeoisQueen
@DamianLenoir @AdrienAgreste @GrahamV_Felix It's impossible for him not to make ridiculous puns, poor Picatso suffered the consequences.
Adrien A. @AdrienAgreste
@DamianLenoir @GrahamV_Felix @BourgeoisQueen Rude.
'We must go to Turkey as soon as possible. "
Marinette enters the training room using her combat gear, Felix looks at her with curiosity equally prepared. They use the trainings to discuss the information they have obtained through their sources, because they don't ask who the informant is, not like Chloe or Kagami, they mutually respect each other's origin behind the clues, even though they know the identity of one or two.
Felix knows about John Constantine, the way they met (because he was close and about to burn Liverpool, all so that she would appear at noon the next day accompanied by a man who could well have come out of the same hell to torment him) and the relationship they have (difficult not to know, considering that it started the same night they met and that each encounter ends the same). He's not particularly a fan of man, he's twelve years older than Marinette, for heaven's sake (no, take it out the heaven, they shouldn't be involved in their affairs).
"Why Turkey?" He questions, handing him a folding cane.
"According to John, there is a Miraculous there and a demon wants it. "She explains, placing herself in attack position, he imitates her.
"Charming. Do you know exactly where it is?"Felix makes the first attack, using the stick to strike, she defends herself by imitating his action, beginning the roundtrip of different blows as they try to knock each other down.
"No, but when we are there, I'll feel it. Maybe… ”She breaks off to jump back the moment he attacks her legs. "Maybe we should prepare to rob a museum, I doubt it has an owner. Many of the jewels must have remained as family heirlooms or museum pieces when the Order was destroyed. "
"Oh, what wonderful news. I always wanted to rob a Turkish museum, didn't you know? I'll cross it off my bucket list. ”Mariette laughs at the sarcasm used, they've had their fair share of museum robberies looking for magical artifacts (some as favors for Constantine and others to relocate them away from bad hands).
They remain silent, leaving the only sound to be that of their blows and movements. Until Marinette knocks him down and applies a key to him.
"He also told me that Ra's Al Ghul is looking for Damian, it seems that the League managed to contact some demon from hell to try to bring Damian's soul and he was not there, so now they know that he's alive... we must be ready." She releases him and stands up, wipes the sweat and walks to the bottles with water. It may have been a short fight, but with Felix it is always complicated, just like with Kagami.
"Perfect." Felix complains, having to deal with the League of Assassins is a problem he doesn't want to deal with, but if they are going to protect Damian, they must. "We should seize and destroy the Lazarus Pits."
She nods at his words thoughtfully. Marinette has been postponing that specific task, even though Tikki asked for it five years ago when her magic became strong enough to split the properties of the wells, making it easier to destroy and less harmful to Earth.
"Well, it seems we have plans to share with the others." He stands next to her and also takes a bottle of water.
"Yeah, and we must still focus on finding the miraculous butterfly."
Marinette slides down the wall into a sitting position, looking at the training area, the different weapons clustered on the opposite wall, all for the different combat styles they master.
"I'll call a meeting, shall we go tomorrow?"
"About that, today two clients arrive in Paris and the appointment is scheduled for tomorrow... I think we can leave in two days, I'll arrange to leave Damian at the country house with Hugo."
"It's the most sensible thing, being around his pets will make your absence less resentful." She hums in response. Damian looked fearful that she had a partner and the whole confrontation was about that, being sure he wasn't going to leave him. She would like to take him, but she already has a whole method built with Felix (it took them a whole year to achieve a comfortable way of working that they couldn't find with anyone else) and they found it difficult to accommodate him, they have gone little by little, but it's not a simple task. "Tomorrow your clients arrive… I will stop by to give Damian something, especially if we are leaving the next day. "
She accepts only with a nod, the two remain in comfortable silence.
"That reminds me, my informant sent me a text about a man carrying a bottle with strange symbols, the last time he saw him he was in Hanoi and left a couple of corpses on his visit. You should talk to your boyfriend and start investigating that, it's not my area. "
"He's not my boyfriend, you know it."
"Yeah, it would be very strange if you were in a relationship with a thirty-six-year-old man... wait, it's already" He doesn't claim with real reproach, only four years ago it was a real sermon with anger and screaming while the man would sit and watch them argue smoking a cigar (and it wasn't even because of his age, it was to decide to spend the night with him without warning him, that and come back stinking of alcohol, cigar and something he couldn't identify).
"Says the one who was in a relationship with a forty-five-year-old woman for two years." She laughs, remembering when she met the refined woman who was friends with Amelia, it was because she took her out of all her circles upon learning that she was in a relationship with her twenty-one-year-old son. "I still don't know if you really liked her or just wanted to destroy her social circles."
In both, a knowing smile forms, against all odds, they became good friends. Neither of them imagined that they could find in the other someone who understood them, especially with their first meeting. In addition to the fact that the way he joined the team was unorthodox, since he began working with her a year before Nathalie's death, so that everything would go down the drain because of a murderer and Agreste's incapacity of sticking to his villain role. Felix was upset and the two made a promise not to stop until they retrieved the brooch.
Yes, Marinette founded the MT with Felix, he gave the first funds with Kagami and soon after Luka and Chloe were contributing. The five of them were the original members until they discovered how it was going to operate and launched the invitations to old heroes and others who had the potential (taking out those less reliable).
And this is how they are here, casually talking about each other's relationships, the peculiar relationships with people ten years older than them.
Felix @GrahamV_Felix
There are only three people in this world that I don't despise with all my being @MarieLenior @DamianLenoir and my mother. The rest, I'll see you in hell.
Chloe B. @BourgeoisQueen
@GrahamV_Felix * gasps * And I thought we had something special.
Adrien A. @AdrienAgreste
@GrahamV_Felix I loved you, you were my brother. I feel betrayed.
Luka @Blue_WildMelody
@GrahanV_Felix We appreciate your sincerity.
Nath @NathanielKC_twt
@GrahamV_Felix So we agree that you will go to hell? Because you will go to hell.
Alix @LostHeroBunnix
@GrahamV_Felix @NathanielKC_twt I doubt Lucifer wants it in his domains hahaha
Lucifer @LuciferMorningstar
@GrahamV_Felix @NathanielKC_twt @LostHeroBunnix On the contrary, I have the perfect place for him
Marie L. @MarieLenoir
@GrahamV_Felix @NathanielKC_twt @LostHeroBunnix @LuciferMorningstar I said pray, but I think it would be worse.
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thelibrarian1895 · 4 months
The Bats AKA
So the Bats all have alternate identities, we know this. They have other identities all set in case of undercover operations, stings, and whatever other crime fighting operations might need some sort of name that isn't their assigned at birth legal name.
That being said, I would like to think they also have pseudonyms, names that aren't official anywhere in particular except at some point or another might get listed as their "also known as" somewhere in the depths of some government office. These are the names that they use when they're doing some civilian thing, something that doesn't warrant an ID, something casual, and don't want to be connected to Wayne for whatever reason.
I would like to suggest that Cassandra Wayne, when she doesn't want to introduce herself as Gotham's princess, might introduce herself instead as Cassandra Drake. Sometimes she'll be Cassandra Grayson but Cassandra Drake is the name she likes to use best. She would use Cassandra Kane, and that is Kane specifically, but since it's too easy to hear as Cain, she won't do that.
Tim, of course, can get away with Tim Drake when he doesn't want to deal with the immediate recognition that the Wayne name gets. The Drake may have been rich but they weren't at Wayne levels and most people outside of academic circles forgot about the Drakes after the death of Janet and the fall of Drake Industries and then the death of Jack. In the business world, he always has Wayne tacked onto his name. Tim would go with Tim Cain except neither he nor Cassandra want anything to do with David Cain so even that connection is something he'd avoid. He might, on occasion, introduce himself as Tim Grayson. However, Alvin Draper and Tim Drake remain his go to names.
Jason, in the occasion that he suspects someone might recognize the name of the dead son of Bruce Wayne, would probably go with a literary reference. He has been Jason Dashwood, Todd Austen, Jay Fitzgerald, though his favorite tends to be Jason Bennet. Eventually he might allow Jason Drake or Todd Grayson. On a few occasions, usually in space adventures, if he has to go around without his mask and he's pressed to do something spectacularly stupid, he'll introduce himself as Bruce Wayne.
Damian is very proud of his heritage, even if some of that pride is more than a little brittle, and hates the idea of introducing himself as anyone other than the son of the Bat. However, if necessary, he'll go with some amalgamation of his siblings' names: Timothy Todd, Thomas Grayson, Duke Brown, and Jason Pennyworth are all rotated as needed.
Duke tends to default to Duke Todd for the similarity in his own name for ease of recognition but might go with Duke Grayson on occasion or Thomas Drake. It hasn't come up all that much just yet.
Stephanie is rather smug that she's not famous enough to need to be anyone else but if she's going to do something that she doesn't want directly coming back at her, she tends towards Stephanie Todd, Stephanie Wayne, or Barbara Brown.
Bruce won't use any of the surnames of his children for various emotionally complicated reasons that he doesn't want to address. He tends towards Bruce Kane, until he saw Cassandra froze minutely when she heard the name, and so goes with his other aka name: Bruce Pennyworth.
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