#Cause I’ve got shit to do and I’m also not wasting my doctors time
listen if this stoic, emotionally distant man doesn’t fall to his knees sobbing AT LEAST ONCE in this fic then WHAT is the fucking point
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umbraja · 1 year
Possibly the worst thing about depression is how self perpetuating it is. Pretty much everything people commonly say can help you out of depression is directly impaired by being depressed.
Exercise - too tired
Sleep better - weirdly too tired to sleep?
Eat right - sugar and carbs are my only joy.
Eat sugar and carbs - too tired to go to the store after I ate everything I had, also weight gain is a vicious cycle
Take a bath/shower - too tired and the bathroom is gross, also out of clean towels, and soap, and I don’t want to look at myself naked
Clean your space - too tired for that sisyphean task I don’t even know where to start
Go outside - weather is weather and I’m too tired to enjoy the exposure
Get vitamin D - the sun hurts and so does going to the store for vitamins
Take depression meds - I can’t even go to the store for sugar you think my ass is going to a pharmacy? And that’s after the whole torture of going to a doctor to get the prescription. I’m not even gonna remember to take them if you gave me some.
Hang out with friends - too tired long enough that now they don’t invite me to things and I’m not sure if they just gave up trying or actually don’t want me around
Talk to your friends about your depression - yeah, let’s have a super serious and vulnerable conversation with people that get awkward even making small talk with me. I’d like to at least keep the idea of having friends a little longer before pushing this set away like I did the last ones.
Get better friends - I thought I had but that took a lot of time and effort and now it’s awkward again and I don’t know what to do about it. I don’t have the resources to invest in another person that will ultimately just leave me like all the others!
Reconnect with family - oh yes. The people who make me feel like shit to be around. The ones that would condemn me to hell if I had the guts to tell them who I really am. The people who won’t listen even when I tell them non-blasphemous things about myself. I should really spend the time and effort I don’t even have on them. That’s super healthy.
Get into a new fandom - not worth the effort when it’s 90% likely to be toxic by the time I get really into it. 80% chance the author will die, it will get canceled before finishing, or the end will be a nonsense betrayal if I start before it’s done.
Get a new hobby - just another temporary distraction from the existential crisis of modern living that does nothing but waste what little time I have in this dumpster fire of a life.
Get off social media - but outrage is the only emotion I have left and doomscrolling passes the time without me having to think about my own personal problems
Try Meditation - you want me to be alone with my thoughts? You really think that’s a good idea?
Throw yourself into your work - clearly you have a much better job than I do. I’m already giving The Man more than I’ve got and he’s paying me for less than half of it. Why run myself ragged for them when it just sets an expectation they can abuse my coworkers with?
Get a better job - you think I have marketable skills? My current job is terrible and I’m struggling just to keep up with it. Who would even hire me? At least I know what I’m doing here.
Work on the underlying issues that cause your depression - you think I haven’t tried that!?
Go to therapy - I’m not made of money!
Go to Church - did you miss that part about going to hell?
Go to a non-Christian place of worship - I don’t think you understand how rural ‘Murica works.
Move to a less hostile environment - we have already established that I am not made of money.
Admit that your responses to all of these suggestions are tainted by the cynically pessimistic paranoia that depression blinds you with to keep you depressed - yeah. I know. Doesn’t make me wrong about it though.
Take a leap of faith and just try some - been there, done that, doesn’t work
Now you’re just being stubborn - it’s safer than taking a risk and failing yet again.
You really think that’s safer? - I’m not sure I could take another loss right now.
You’ll not get better if you don’t try - Can’t lose if I don’t play.
You want to be stuck like this forever? - At least I know what to expect.
Is that really you or the depression talking? - is there a difference?
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badbacksadsack · 2 years
this terrible housemate is back the kitchen using the blender early in the morning making so much noise like damn bro I'm just trying to rest and he be late at night, bringing loud fake moaning ass girls round to fuck this finance bro who is always switched on, always wants to talk when I'm washing dishes, cornering me by the sink asking who's the most famous person I've met ew, and my clothes smell like his weird giant pot of broccoli boiling throughout the week ugh, I actually can't stand the giant protein powder in the kitchen now and the constant NOISE he’s always so active with his loud self in the kitchen, bathroom, corridor, my room, my bed, my neck, on my back this other guy next door who is always taking the most creepy steps to make me feel self conscious when showering, he pulled my hair (i had definitely pulled the lions share out I'm not a monster) out of the bath drain and left it in the kitchen near the window so I could see... just an absolute creepy nuisance, a masseuse no less, like why u wanna rub people down in oil and stomp around with my hair in your fist my guy I also can't stand how much my boyfriend talks about and jumps to the defense of Ariana racism unoriginal grande a blackfish asianfish extraordinaire I'm upset for Mac miller I'm upset I ca't listen to Mac miller anymore because my abusive sister ruined it for me I'm pissed I have to roll every spliff for my boyfriend and I like I work for him I really don't like waking up at any random hour to any random scary sound above my head, those blender blades cut through my dreams I'm starting to half sleep half lie in wait like back in the trauma house it's so traumatizing to keep waking up scared I hate that I woke up to so many missed calls today it feels like I can't sleep without missing every appointment under the sun that I didn't even make I hate that its the fucking so called queens fucking funeral like anyone cares, we've been stuck unable to have any doctor's appointments, funerals or do much of anything for over a week because 1 person who has contributed to so much racism, colonialism and inequality throughout their life has finally at 96 with her private healthcare and foreign jewels has passed I hate how much public money has been spent on this public mourning when nobody gives a fuck about every black person who has died under much worse (ILLEGAL IMMORAL UNFATHOMABLE) circumstances I hate that people are wasting time queueing to see a coffin but would never show up for a worthwhile cause or protest I hate that there's anti anti-royal propaganda when there's so many people that are being looked down on for sponging off the system and barely surviving when there's millions of royals who do the same but worse, to accrue enough money to feed everyone in your country  should be illegal but I'm not the one making the rules and realise that legality does not always equal justice or morality I hate that I can't just get up and just go to the bathroom anymore I took it for granted as a right but realising in this minefield house it's a luxury I hate that I got the most notes on Tumblr on a post I fucking hate scroll down if u don't remember I wish I could wake up and feel less upset and angry but I keep waking up against my will, not rested, not safe, not happy, not where I want to be. not around people who put me first, not anywhere except here feeling like shit I'm angry that my mum expects to message me out of the blue asking me to come to a family function when in reality the family is dysfunctional and it is inherently unsafe for a small queer darkskin person like me I wish I had stayed on going to the gym so I would feel safer walking out into the world I wish I got out of the trauma house sooner before this fucked up stuff started to feel normal when things are tough I am so angry at the people who have hurt me that I've let I'm angry that I can't pee when I want, I can't speak up in real life as much as I want, I wish this would all be over but the light is at the end of the tunnel by november things will be different
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venomous--fics · 3 years
Anon asked: maybe a continuation of the peter b parker kid thing where they finally confront the mom and get the readers things back 😩💞💞
a/n: ask and thou shall receive! this spent so long in the drafts bc i felt so insecure about it tbh, so any feedback is appreciated! I love seeing messages about what you guys think! really keeps me motivated! also, requests are open
Warnings: mentions of past abuse
Peter was sitting at the kitchen table, constantly looking at the clock. It was almost 5pm, you were supposed to be home an hour and a half ago. Yes, he keeps track of everyone's schedules, yes he knows the exact second you should be walking through the door. He's already texted you, but maybe you had detention. Nah, you were a good student, he highly doubted you'd have to stay after school.
His phone finally rang, and he was way too quick answering it.
"You okay?"
"I need some help."
"What is it?" he was already out the door.
You sighed, knowing he was probably going to give you an earful later.
"Well, it's a really long story, right.. But my mom showed up after school-"
"Are you okay?"
"I'm fine, I think. Anyways, we got into it on the way home, which is no- Not normal." you adjusted how you were sitting, "And since she was dragging me back to the house, I figured I'd just get my crap and come home, right? Makes sense, saves us the tri-"
"She took you without permission?"
"Technically she is my m-...Parent. I guess, y'know, legally she can do whatever- But..Okay." you began to feel bubbles of anxiety and pain and even resentment form deep in your core, "She locked me out." You rubbed your neck.
"Are you," he paused, looking around at all the faces passing by him, "Still there?"
"Yeah. Unfortunately. I'm sorry."
"What are you sorry for? Don't apologize, you didn't do anything."
"I keep causing problems for everyone."
"Not for me. Or Mj."
It was quiet on your end.
"You still there?"
"I'll be there in like ten minutes."
"You probably shouldn't."
"Nah, nah." He said, having a sudden wave of anger rush over him, "Let me take care of this."
And true to his word, Peter was there in ten minutes. You hopped up from your spot on the porch as he made his way up to the door and knocked on it as hard as he could. He gave you a reassuring pat on the back.
The door swung open, and your mother seemed awfully surprised and confused to see some random man just standing there. Peter held no emotion has he looked her dead in the eye, "Can we come in."
She opened the door wider so that way you two could step in.
"Go get your stuff." is all Peter said to you.
Wasting no time, and not wanting to be in the middle of a potential argument between the two, you skedaddled to your room. It almost felt like too much to be in there. It looked so empty and barren compared to your room at Peter and Mjs place. Seems really dull. Lifeless, almost. Dust covered every surface, which meant that nobody had ever even bothered to see if you were even still in there.
You heard their voices from the living room, but they seemed so distant, seeing as all you could focus on was every shitty thing that woman put you through.
You remember the day that you got bit. It made you deathly ill, and you just thought you were dying from some sort of allergic reaction to the spider bite. You tried to get her to take you to any doctor or anywhere that could help because all you could seem to see were stars.
Everything then was so loud. Everything was so bright. It was all too much, and you were certain that the reaper was waiting for you. What did she say?
"Suck it up and stop pretending. Everything has to be so dramatic with you."
Or that time you forgot a single item on the shopping list. You got this whole speech about how stupid you had to have been. To forget one item. It was the world's most useless item.
Everything else seemed to play all over again, all at once. Like a waterfall. It should've made you sad. It should've made you cry, or scream.
You recounted all the times you wanted to fight back, or just run away. Leave everything behind and just run until your legs gave out. But you never did. You always found some reason to linger.
The conversation was growing louder where Peter was.
"You aren't going to do this to them ever again. Sign the papers."
You nearly dropped your last belonging on the floor as you scrambled to your door. Papers? He wasn't serious. Well, obviously he was. He just said it.
"Fine. It's not like the-"
"Zip it. Sign the papers."
"Who are you anyways? The law? If so, whatever they've told you is a b-"
"Listen, lady. I didn't ask for any attitude. I told you to sign the papers." he seemed to huff in annoyance, "That doesn't require talking."
"I'm a good mother."
"And I'm the king of France."
"Really. I gave them a good home. I have fed them and kept them warm-"
"Really? You think you did all that? Or are you convincing yourself that you did all that?"
"I am-"
"Can I be honest with you?"
"I've never said this about anyone, ever. I don't like speaking to or about anyone like this.. Ever, but, you? I think you're a piece of shit."
"Excuse me?"
"Oh, look. You finished signing the papers. I'll take those. Thank you."
Realizing that it was your time to go, you stuffed your blanket into your duffel bag and rushed out the door and down the hall. Peter looked at you, expecting to see at least three bags. But he only saw the one.
"Where's the rest of your stuff."
"Uhm," you shuffled around, pretending as thought you dropped some, "This...This is all my stuff."
"That can't be ri-" He laughed a little, and noting the expression on his face, you saw that he was NOT happy. "That? That single duffle bag is all you have? That's it?"
"Yes..." you took a step back, "This is all.."
"I can't believe it." he said, "You're joking! One bag worth of stuff?"
He turned his attention back to your mother, who, for the first time in your life, actually looked like she got caught red handed, "You're pathetic. Absolutely pathetic."
"But they're so u-"
"No! No, you don't get to talk anymore. You've done enough."
You awkwardly shuffled behind him, in the event that you two had to make a mad dash out the door. That and you needed to not be seen as you tried to hide your almost evil grin.
"The hell is wrong with you? You have this amazing kid, and THAT'S all you've ever gotten for them? And you sit there and call yourself a mother? Absolutely, without a doubt, bullshit. I'd be ashamed of myself to call myself a father if that's all I've provided for my kid. Don't even get me started on you as a person, we made that clear."
It almost felt cursed to hear him swear, seeing as he made it a point to tell you to not swear. Every time you did, you have to give a quarter to the swear jar. Mj was always on your side, though. She'd say a swear that was much worse and have to pay a dollar. Each word had a value.
"Maybe we should just go." you suggested, tugging on the sleeve of his arm, "She's not worth it anymore."
"She was never worth it, it seems."
You finally made eye contact with her, and the look in her eye. It's like she understood, but was choosing to not do anything about the situation. She could look sorry all she wanted, but you knew she wasn't.
"I'm sorry, Y/n. You know that right."
"That means nothing to me."
"I can change."
"If you can change now, that means you could've changed then. You just chose not to."
"But I'm your mother, you should realize how I feel. You should want-"
"You're not my mom. You stopped being my mom the first time you-" You turned towards the door and started walking towards it, "Whatever. You mean nothing to me."
You practically kicked open teh door just to leave, and Peter was right behind you, shouting about how he'd make sure to egg her house everyday, just to piss her off.
"Do you really think I'm amazing?" you asked, the walk home feeling rather quiet.
"I think you're more than that. Just can't put it into words."
"Did you really mean it...That we could egg her house?"
"You want to? There's a store right on the way home."
"How about tomorrow."
"I'll have to clear up my busy schedule. See if I can work in a drive by egging. Well, swing by egging."
"You promise?"
"You kidding? I haven't egged anyone's house since college."
You had so much more you wanted to get off you chest, but you opted to just talk about it at home, with everyone present. You wanted to talk about how you felt about everything, and the papers. Whatever those were. But you were, for the moment, busy laughing about Peter's story about how he used to Egg this one reporters house. Someone named Jonah.
You wonder if Jonah ever put two and two together.
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mxchellesworld · 3 years
Get with me
spencer reid x reader
synopsis; in which you get two sets of news and a happy ending 
warnings; mentions of cheating, pregnancy scares, smut, unprotected sex, breeding kink (im sorry lmao), praise
pt 2 of ysbuwybf
a/n; patting myself on the back for not bailing on fic requests lmaoo anyways yall were so outa pocket with ideas, all i wanna say is that i am respecting our sweet prince anderson and letting him down gently (i’m writing this before the fic so i could completely switch it up) see end notes for final thoughts :)
hope you enjoy!
*also pls don’t cheat its so icky and a horrible thing to do
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If your suspicions were correct you were fucked. Part of you would be ecstatic no doubt about it. But if things were true then you were utterly surly fucked. 
Your period was late. 
Which meant either one; your birth control was acting up or two; you were pregnant. 
However being pregnant wasn’t a bad thing, far from it. The bad thing was that there were two candidates in the running to be the father. Your boyfriend, Agent Anderson who was nothing but a sweetheart even though he was about as exciting as a wet paper bag. 
Or Dr.Spencer Reid. Your best friend who you had also been sleeping with outside of your relationship. The best man you’d ever known who was also aching to become a father some day. 
For a week you had been avoiding both of them in the office. Unfortunately for you there were no cases. While yes a lack of serial killing was always a plus it also meant you were stuck in the same building as them for give or take eight hours a day. 
For days on end you stuck in your earbuds and kept your head down while doing paperwork trying to ignore both sets of eyes which would look over to you every once in a while. 
Were you even pregnant, was the biggest question. So you had decided that it was time to get your shit together. At lunch on Monday you had made a quick doctors appointment and went on your way. The little old nurse had told you she would call you in a few days with results. 
In that time you had gone over every possible scenario or possibility. Who would you tell first? How would you even bring it up? Would Anderson hate you for cheating? Would Spencer be upset that the baby isn’t his? It would be like another JJ situation for him. 
The thoughts plagued your mind throughout the week and the more you thought about it the more you thought about who you would have preferred to be the father of your child. Which then led to the guilt of picking and the realization that you in fact would have to break up with Anderson. 
If the child did end up being his you would have to make it work, however you knew it was time to come clean and apologize for going behind his back. He deserved to know the truth. 
Deep in your thoughts you barley heard your phone ringing. It was now Friday and you weren’t expecting any other calls besides the one from your doctor. You looked around and made sure no one was paying attention before you clicked the green button. 
You heard the voice of the nurse on the line, she sounded almost sad, “Hello am I speaking with Y/n Y/l/n?”
“Yeah this is her,” you said dryly. Your nerves were eating at you. 
“Oh sweetie I’m calling with the results of your test. It turns out that you are not pregnant at this time honey.” 
You let out the breath you didn’t realize you held in. It felt as is a weight was lifted off your shoulders. 
“Oh, um thank you for informing me,” you said looking down at your nails. 
“Of course. If you have anymore questions you can call back at this number or come in and set up another appointment. Have a good rest of your day.” 
With that the line cut off and you fell back into your chair. Your hand subtly moved onto your stomach. Huh. You didn’t think that would be as hard to hear. 
“Y/n?” a voice called from behind you. 
“Oh hey Andy. Whats up?” you said putting a smile on your face. 
He combed a hand through his hair before he sat at the corner of your desk, “I’ve been meaning to talk to you and I think it’s best if I say it clearly and honestly.” 
Your brows furrowed. Oh shit did he already know? You had to stay calm. 
“Yeah go ahead.”
“I think we should break up. It’s not you, I think we’re just missing a spark. At first it was fun but I don’t think this is gonna work anymore.”
Pot meet kettle, you thought. 
“Plus I think Charlotte from Cyber Crimes is into me so yeah,” he trailed off. 
You bit your lip to try and hide the laugh you wanted to let out. This was an unseen turn of events. “Yeah I get it. But hey no hard feelings. Go for it with Lotte, she’s a total sweetheart.”
“Thanks Y/n/n,” he said leaning down to give you half hug then gingerly turned and walked away. 
Behind you Spencer couldn’t help but listen to the whole interaction. Once he saw Anderson reach the elevator he got up and made his way over to your desk. 
You looked up and saw the small smile on his face, “Is it party at Y/n’s desk today?” you asked causing him to giggle. 
“I think the news I just heard calls for celebration in the best way we know don’t you think,” he said looking around the bullpen nodding his head towards the hallway which was home to the spacious supply closet. 
You looked around and made sure no one was looking. Emily and JJ were gone in Garcia’s lair. Derek was gone visiting his mom and the dads of the BAU were in a meeting. 
“Lead the way doctor,” you said standing getting up form your chair. 
Once in the closet Spencer wasted no time in pressing his lips to yours. He sighed at the taste of your cherry chapstick. You put your hands on his face pulling him down but while you were savoring the taste of his lips your mind couldn’t help but go back. 
You could have been a mom. Spencer felt your lips slow down instead of returning the passion and stepped away. 
“What’s wrong?”
“There’s something I need to tell you,” you said looking up at him.
He tried to hide the look of worry on his features but you could see right through him as he nodded for you to continue. 
“Well earlier this week I uh was supposed to start my period but I didn’t,”
“Y/n-” he tried to cut you off but you put your hand up for him to let you finish. 
“I went to the doctors and got a test done. Before Anderson came over I got the call and I’m not. Which is good right? It saved everyone a world of hurt and drama. I don’t know I just thought you should know.” 
“Did you wanna be?”
“Pregnant,” he said gripping your hips and pulling you closer. 
You felt your cheeks get hot at what he was insinuating, “Well- I- yeah. I mean yeah, yes.”
With that he brought his lips back down to yours. This time you wrapped your arms around his neck and pulled him closer. One of his hands slid to the back of your skirt and pulled down the zipper. You let it slide down your legs and stepped out of it. 
You sat on the table in the room, pushing off the bottles of cleaner. Spencer stepped into the space between your legs, his fingers reaching for your panties and tugging them down your legs. 
“I can’t believe I get this tight little pussy all to myself now,” he said biting marks onto your neck. You mewled tilting your head to the side and pulling on his tie. 
“Spencer please. I need you so bad,” you whined out. 
He stepped away and hastily started on undoing his pants, “What do you want baby? Is it for me to fuck you? Or is that not enough? Do you need me to fill you up with my cum? Want me to put a baby in you?” 
You moaned at his lewd words and quickly nodded your head. Your hand flew down to your pussy, you were practically dripping onto the table and he had barley touched you. 
“Please doctor I need you so bad.” 
Spencer quickly stepped into the space again and took both of your hands in one of his large ones, “I own this pussy. I always have, you don’t get to touch without my permission,” he gritted out. 
With his free hand he tugged on his cock before aligning it with your leaking slit. The both of you sighed as he pushed in inch by inch. Your head feel back with your mouth open in a perfect O shape. 
After a second of letting you adjust Spencer started with rough thrusts. You could feel your hair start sticking on your forehead from the heat of the room. Spencer’s lips were inches from yours, sharing the same breath. 
“Fuck I’m gonna fill you up so good. Let everyone here know you’re mine.”
All you could do was nod and moan in approval. His grip on you was deadly but it was just adding onto the immense pleasure you were feeling. The way he was repeatedly hitting your gpot had your vision blurry with stars. You could also feel him pulsing inside you knowing he was close to his peak. 
“You look so pretty like this sweetheart. So perfect around my cock.”
You wrapped your legs around his waist bringing him impossibly closer, “I want you to cum in me Spence. I need to feel it,” you mewled into his lips. 
This motivated him to start drilling into you. At this point you were panting, aching to feel the sweet release. His hand dipped down to rub on your clit, he groaned at the slippery mess where you both met. 
“Oh god Spence!” 
A high pitched moan escaped your lips as he added on the extra pleasure. Soon enough you were squeeing around him, ready to milk him for all he was worth. 
“That’s it baby. Keep doing that. I’m gonna stuff you with my cum y/n/n fuck,” he said drawing out the last syllable as he exploded inside you. 
He stayed inside as you both caught your breathes, slowly thrusting trying to fill you to the brim. 
He pulled out and looked for a roll of paper towels for you to clean up. Once that was done you helped each other tame your hair and outfits as you always did, with quiet and loving gazes. 
“Do you think that one did the job?” you said with a smirk. 
“Well statistically the pill contraceptive has a 7% failure rate so with my calculations there is a chance,” he said while smoothing down your hair. 
“Thanks genius,” you said lightly punching his arm, “Lets get out of here. Together.” 
“Together,” he said slinging an arm around your shoulders. 
a/n; so guys what do we think. im not gonna lie i kinda hate it but i think it was a good ending for everyone. kinda feel bad anderson didn’t get the whole truth but the cheating is OVER! also what did we think of what pregnancy scare?? let me know lovies!!!
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momoliee · 3 years
It’s probably too early for The Meta No One Asked For That I’m Gonna Write Anyway about XQC, alas…here we go
Dr. Xie Qingcheng, 32, male, straight (so far), 180 cm with only one current family member.
Xqc is introduced as a cold, aloof and apathetic retired doctor who has no passions, cares about nothing except for his sister, and unless he’s angry, you can barely get an emotional response out of him.
Through meatbun’s character notes on how he has no favorite food, no favorite color or animal, no personal preferences outside what’s most practical and how he’s very very responsible and rules abiding and honest and sober and serious, and through he yu’s POV that continuously paints him as this heartless cold blooded person, I dare say we were…deceived by this so far shades of gray picture we had of him.
Xqc was born into a finically stable middle class family consisting of two cops for parents and a younger sister that came into the world 8 years after him. When he turned 13, and his sister was only 5 at that time, his parents were fired from their job due to a case they shouldn’t have been investigating going wrong, and they had to move to a rural area. Not long after that, he witnessed both his parents’ deaths and saw their corpses with his own eyes, the site was bloody and there’s no way it didn’t traumatize a pre-teen like him. He then was tasked with taking care of his sister, becoming a doctor despite not wanting to, owing others favors and spending all his money on smth that’s yet to be revealed instead of enjoying it. He got married, not to a woman he loves but to someone whom he thought of as “suitable and appropriate”, got cheated on and went through a divorce before losing full interest in the marriage life. He was finally able to retire (we don’t know why yet) and live a quiet, normal, boring life.
I believe xqc loved his parents, I believe he loved them so much cause in chapter 20, he mentions how he thought he wouldnt be able to live past the grief, he wouldn’t be able to go on or move forward, how the grief completely overtook him. He also mentions how he used to play with knots and handcuffs when he was a child, which shows how close he was to them. So for a child who had a good stable life with two loving parents to suddenly fall from a class to a class, suddenly lose both parents and see their corpses with his own eyes, that must’ve fucked him up big time. I’m talking “when can I fully register all of this” kind of fucked up. But he didn’t have time to fully absorb all of this, didnt have the time to sit down and cry, he had a sister, she was only 5, where will they get the money from? What were they gonna do? How was he going to continue school while caring for her? He didn’t have the time to sit down and grief, to sit down and adjust. For a child who had a normal life and didn’t have to worry much about the money like every other middle class kid, he was suddenly burdened with poverty AND loss, and duty and responsibility. Good bye to the days of playing with handcuffs and knots huh?
You ask me, why does xqc not have a favorite food? I answer you, because many many nights, he didn’t know what to feed his sister, much less himself. Cause I bet that many nights, he would have to give up his portion for Xie Xue, to make sure a kid like her is full. Cause he couldn’t afford to be picky, couldn’t afford to choose; whatever was edible will be eaten, taste and flavor be damned. He had to start working from a young age, balance school, babysitting and working all at once. The last friend he made (I think) was that Chen Man guy whose parents were friends with his parents, back when they were alive and life was good. He didn’t have time to make friends, or go out, or have a favorite color or visit the zoo and decide on a favorite animal. No, he had to study, and study hard to become more financially stable and support Xie Xue, he had to raise his baby sister and protect her, he had to work or else how will he put food on their table? Yet he never lost his soft kind heart, cause when his sister asked for a laptop, he bought her one just so that she wouldn’t feel less than any of the other children.
Xqc had to SURVIVE, he had to make do with what he had and what he didn’t have. He didn’t have time to sit down and cry or process his trauma, didn’t even have time to think of adolescent love or his youthful days or do what kids his age did. And all of that carried forward into his adult life. He pushed his emotions back so hard and had his practical, business like mind take care of everything in order to make it through the days. He started to believe that passionate emotions such as love and hate and lust and desire were all a waste of time, a distraction from his duties, smth that will rock the delicate balance he created with his everyday busy schedule. Emotions will stunt you, emotions will delay you, crying and not going to work today means no food to feed his hungry sister with. That’s when he started thinking, strong emotions are a DISEASE, they will take up your time, cloud your judgement, have you make reckless decisions that you’ll regret later. And he couldn’t afford any of that right? Strong emotions are for the weak, they put you in crutches and disable you from moving forward. Wasnt that what he told his ex wife? If he had submitted himself to his grief back then, where would his sister be? Where would he be? How could they have grown up to be healthy and successful adults?
So this man taught himself practicality and duty and priorities. He stopped thinking about himself, about what he wants and what he feels, and instead started making sure that those around him are happy and content and safe and well taken care of. He no longer had desires or passions, he only had rules and regulations. If a person lost their sense of taste, would they still want chocolates and burgers? Would they still have cravings and foods they’d rather swallow medicine than eat? No. If so, how will they decide on what to eat every day? They’ll simply start following a “perfect nutritional plan” and “balanced diet”. They’d eat what they have to eat, when they have to eat, and in the exact portion they need. To them eating would be another chore they have to do every day to keep their bodies going. Similarly, with xqc, graduating, working, marrying, taking care of his sister and auntie, these all became “tasks” and “chores” that he had to abide by and follow. They became the dietary plan for his life till he dies, the outline he shall follow, the textbook rules he will carry out, no need to think of what he “wants” or “desires”, what will make him “happy” or bring him “joy”. He no longer listened to his emotions when making decisions. Even when marrying his ex wife, he married her cause she was “a suitable match”, not for her looks or personality or anything. Feelings are life’s taste buds, and once you remove them, everything becomes tasteless and mundane, and practicality/logic takes over. He stopped knowing what it felt like to choose based on your preferences, cause he stopped having the luxury of choice ever since that night when he was 13, and he no longer was able to re-teach himself the meaning of free will and choice.
So when he yu, in chapter 20, asked him how he would’ve acted if Xie Xue had died, and he said, “I would’ve continued living as I am today till my last breath,” he wasn’t being “cold” or “heartless” or “indifferent” as he yu likes to say. He was being practical and methodical and thinking with a logical approach, rather than an emotional one, just the way he taught himself to throughout all these years. His almost 2 decades of pure survival mode and severely repressed feelings spoke in the form of autopilot. “I would do what I have to do, what I’ve always done every day of my life so far cause what choice do I have?” Is what he meant to say.
But I believe that he’s a soft hearted, kind and loving person. He never says no his sister, never says no to his auntie, helped that homeless man as best as he could, taught he yu that he was normal and that he wasn’t a monster, believed in treating his patients with words instead of medicine prescriptions, believed that the mentally ill deserve to live normally instead of being locked up. I believe that underneath all the shit he has buried, there’s a lot of passion and love that’s been kept dormant for 19 years.
In conclusion, idk where meatbun is gonna take his character but I genuinely hope he gets to heal, and start having more color and flavor in his life. Start allowing himself to live, not just survive.
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willowisbunger · 3 years
God Im Sorry (A tapeworm clef fanfic)
Before we begin. This is all for jokes. I am so sorry for anyone who has to read this. Its also just a draft and will be complete at some point. For now enjoy what little I give you.
You find yourself resting on the couch of your dearly beloveds bed quarters. You scroll through your phone looking fondly at old text messages of when you and your husband to be's first text messages. All the ridiculous nicknames you two exchanged, all the flirting, photos, and various other things you two have sent to each other over the years. You couldn't help but giggle. You find it hard to believe this all started cause you decided to help some weird blonde guy with a ukulele out with his broken leg.
You two have been dating for almost 8 years and two months ago, the man, Dr. Alto Clef. He took you on a date. Just a nice simple stroll around the woods, which ended in a nice picnic by a river. In which you saw the man you have fallen head over heels for, get down on one knee and began plucking at the strings of his ukulele. Singing a sweet melody like a song bird in the spring, before pulling out a wedding ring and asking those simple words of "will you marry me". Your heart flutters with glee as you chuckle. You feel giddy and so over joyed with happiness. Right as your giggle fit calmed down you heard the front door open, and there stood your beloved. With a wide grin on his face as he held some folders in his hands. He had a doctors appointment that day since he had been feeling strange. With his face showing his usual bright beaming smile and his three beautiful eyes showing their usual mischievous gleam, it was clear that he was in more than perfect shape.
"Heya there pumpkin. I'm home. And I've got some great news." He spoke in a raspy slightly southern voice. At first it was grating on ya, but now its like all your favorite songs combine into one incredible tune. "Welcome home sweetheart!" You chirped as you ran up to your beloved teddy bear to give him a quick peck to the lips as you hugged him close, "What's the good news teddy? I can tell from that big dumb grin of yours ya got somethin real good to tell me. What did the doctor say?" You said as you affectionately pinched his cheeks causing him to laugh as he took both your hands to hold. "Well besides me being fit as a bull. Looks like I'm gonna be eating for two from now on."
You blinked and tilted your head in confusion, slowly processing the information as you stepped back a lil. "How? Babe I never top and we always use protection. Who-" "Oh no pumpkin. I ain't pregnant" He interrupted, chuckling as he ruffled your hair. "I got a tape worm. The doc took some sonograms of my stomach to see if there were any issues and yeah, there's a lil fella in there. Look." The blonde handed you the folder, which you opened and began reading through and your face turned pale at the sight of the tape worm in the photo of an ultra sound. You gagged a lil as you shoved the folder back into clefs arm. "Babe that's not okay!!!! That's a parasite!!!! Its gonna just keep reproducing and shit and its gonna fuck up your insides." You said quite loudly, usually you were quiet but this, this was making you quite distressed. Your fiancés face turned from a smile to a disappointed frown "I thought you would've liked clef junior....".
You stood baffled at the situation before you. Your dearly beloved, just, accepting and seeming to be happy about the fact he has a god damn TAPE WORM living inside of him. You've seen some shit in your days working for the foundation. A sheet of music that makes people go bonkers and try to bleed, Kondraki -clefs ex- ridding on god damn 682, and other shit that would boggle anyone's mind. But this. THIS RIGHT HERE. Just.... Leaves you speechless. "Pumpkin?" the third eyed man spoke in a concerned tone, which rarely came from him. "Are you okay?" You held your head in your hands as you sat back down on the plush couch and just took a deep breathe, and just as quickly as you sat down you sprung back up, grabbing your jacket and zipping it up. "Babe.... I just.... I need a moment.... I'll be out for awhile.... This is just, strange even for you and I need a moment to think about this." You sped walk past your -potentially ex- husband to be to the door. You shut the door, seeing Clef's face look uncharacteristically sad at you. It hurt you a little to leave your teddy bear like that, but you still needed time to just, think and process this whole situation.
You leave the housing area for researchers and quickly the site as well. You hail a cab and as soon as you enter the bright yellow vehicle you tell the faceless driver to "Take me to the nearest motel." Which he happily complied especially with the hefty tip you gave him. You just, Needed awhile to think and god knows how long that could be so you may as well rent out a room away from that hell site foundation to have a clear mind. After all who knows what might happen. Fucking Dr. Bright could tell you to give it a chance and raise the worm together with your teddy bear or some shit. You never know with this job and the people you worked with. While in your thoughts you rented out a room, room 105. Great another reminder of your hell job, even though it was just the simple numbers of 0 and 5 you can't help but be reminded of your faceless higher ups and the fact you work for them.
You found your room and quickly made your way inside to flop down on the bed, beforehand making sure to put up the "Do not disturb" sign and locking it. You burried your face into the hard cheap pillows of this motel, missing the one you had back at your place with its soft textures and the scent of your beloved.... Which once again brought you back to the worm. That fucking worm. Why the hell was your husband so keen on keeping it? He's at least some form of scientist he should know that tape worms are a dangerous parasite that affect your health. You stare up at the popcorn ceiling just, trying to wrap your head around WHY. Why would your partner; your future husband; the one who knows everything about you and you know everything about them.... just why are they keeping the tape worm?
You of course knew the stuff your teddy was known for, sleeping with that statue after a date, killing a dangerous reality bending child, father to 166 (who you were honestly happy to take in as your new step daughter). Out of everything. The tape worm makes you break. Makes you rethink your relationship with the man you've been dating for years at this point. All you can do at this moment is sigh, hearing the phone in your coat pocket buzz. You pull it out and set it to "do not disturb" as you set the device aside on a night stand. "Maybe I should sleep it off. Maybe I'll have a clearer mind then...." You say to yourself as you threw your coat off and roll onto your side. Feeling uncomfortable in your current clothes but you didn't pack a bag so, you just ignore the discomfort until eventually.... You drift off to sleep. The shallow hum of power surging through the building and the busy city outside envelop you as you feel unconsciousness take over.
While in your state of unconsciousness you hear a silky smooth, deep yet gentle voice speak to  you. "Y/N... Y/N its time to wake up Y/N". You slowly awoke, opening your groggy eyes, what laid before you, you didn't know. They had a handsome chiseled face, comparable to the statues found in ancient Greece with even a similar tone of white marble. They had thick luxurious hair that went down to their waste, rippling muscles that went down both torso and back.... They were ungodly white though. And didn't have legs. You stared at the bottom half and slowly processed what you were looking at..... A fucking tapeworm man. A fucking humanoid tape worm what the fuck. "Im going back to bed" You said as you laid on your side, and tried to ignore the hallucination.
The tapeworm creature, slid over you just to get to the side you were facing. You shivered feeling it’s disgusting body wiggle about. You close your eyes tightly as you did your best to ignore it. You could feel yourself holding back even more shivers as you felt their cold hands touch your face. “Y/n…. Look at me…. I just want to talk.” “And I just want to be left alone and not think about tapeworm men trying to seduce me while I’m contemplating breaking up my engagement.”
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Together 4: Glass.
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CW: explicit language and content, torture, captivity, wounds, implied sex work, strangulation, choking, suicide (hanging), suicidal thoughts/explicit planning, mouth whump description (bleeding, asphyxiation, choking), breathing, attempted noncon, bruises, beating, conditioning, dehumanization, noncon touching, drugs, alcohol, multiple whumpees, multiple whumpers, whumpee as caretaker, letmeknowifimissedany
August once asked what they do to me. Mouthed it, like he couldn’t stop himself from forming the words, but didn’t bother voicing it out of horror or just because he knew I couldn’t answer. I wouldn’t fucking know where to begin anyway.
Probably down on my knees.
At this point, our situation boggles my mind even more than when they trained me to be silent. That was logical when you psychoanalyzed it but shit got fucked sideways when August came into the picture. It’s just senseless now, an unending labyrinth of manipulation and control. Double the captives means double the fun. I was lucky to be alone for so long. There were two others before him but never like this. In the grand scheme of things, they’re all mere drops of water in the swimming pool of my time here. It was another woman first, although I never learned her name. She seemed like a Tiffany or a Heather and was really pretty, too but never trusted me. Wouldn’t even look at me, as if I wasn’t just as much of a prisoner as her.
Poor thing was in the wrong place at the wrong time and saw something she shouldn’t have. She didn’t last long at all. Unraveled faster than you can say, “Money’s on the table.” You’d think she’d have a little more grit. I mean you hear stories and can only imagine the shit they put up with in that industry, but it was like something out of an exorcist movie. Crying hysterically, throwing herself at the walls and doors, and trying to strangle the life out of me like I was sitting on a key. They came in and intervened but not before she’d purpled my neck so I could barely breathe. That was the only time they ever took the shock collar off. She spent the next bit catatonic and then one day when they brought me back, she was dangling by her own diamond-studded jeggings from a pipe on the ceiling, toes just a few inches from the ground. Damn slow way to die. They took out the pipe.
I’ve given it a hell of a lot of thought myself. She’d obviously been trying something similar with smacking herself into the concrete walls, but that will only get you a concussion that makes it feel like you’ve gone a few rings deeper into Hell. No, thank you. My choice would be the naked lightbulb on the wall, next to the door. If I shoved it far enough down my throat before it broke, I’m pretty sure I would asphyxiate before they could do anything. The key would be to bleed enough into my bronchial tube and inhale enough shards of glass to shred my lungs a bit. A little internal bleeding down my esophagus wouldn’t hinder the cause but certainly wouldn’t be fatal on its own, never mind the risk of just cutting my tongue and mouth to ribbons if it breaks too early. In that case, I’d be fucked. That’s why Wyatt leaves it there, uncovered, even though other lightbulbs down the hallway have metal cages screwed over them. Tempting me to risk it. He also knows that, now, I’d never leave August. I feel responsible and that’s why he holds my life in his hands. The torture will never stop and August is better off with me to take care of him in whatever way I can, even if it doesn’t even come close to reparation.
The next guy was probably mid-thirties and built like a truck. I can’t begin to imagine what he did to wind up here. He didn’t take to captivity well either. Everything they’d put into him, he’d let out onto me. The first time, he was angling to get a sweeter kind of release than just wailing on me. I was pretzeled around one of the legs of my bed frame, while he punched and clawed at me, so hell-bent on not letting go, I was screaming my head off for help despite the collar. If there’s one thing I know, it’s that Wyatt doesn’t like anyone to touch me. That went over like a lead balloon. Playing off his proclivity like somehow I had any right to decide not to be raped. Wyatt would have stopped it anyway and I could have saved myself the next few days of my bunkmate beating the living shit out of me undisturbed as long as he left it at just that. As soon as Wyatt decided I’d learned my lesson, or was sick of seeing me limping and bruised, that guy was fish food.
The second bed was empty for a long time after that even though I’m sure there were others. Wyatt has a list a mile-long of people he’d like to get his hands on for one reason or another, but I never saw them. Wyatt would still bring me out to toy with me in his usual ways. The buffoons would bring me out when he wasn’t around for entertainment but they know better than to touch me more than cursory shoves to keep me cooperating and even then, more often with their phones or other inanimate objects, rather than their hands. To them, it was endlessly entertaining to get me high out of my mind and mess with me or make me play Emma Fortyhands until I puked all over myself. I should have known Wyatt wasn’t wasting any time during this plateau of suffering. From what August says, he was here for a handful of days, maybe even two weeks, before they made us roommates. Wyatt just talked to him, drilling him for hours. He had been screening him, looking for the perfect match before binding us together in torment.
They always take me first and bring me straight to Wyatt. He likes to talk to me about what he has planned for August, trying to get a rise out of me. Like I’d be dumb enough to think that any amount of disgust or fear on my part would make a lick of difference for August. If anything, Wyatt would double it just for my reaction. Next, Wyatt makes sure I’ll make it through what he has planned for me without passing out. The humane thing would be to give me a second meal or something but instead, he gives me whatever his henchmen have lying around. An unpredictable twist added to my slow destruction. I’m lucky if it’s an energy shot or some gross drink that tastes like fruit-flavored battery acid and leaves me shaking. More often, it’s “just a bump” of something that makes my heart race and the whole session so unbearable I’m screaming in my head at the top of my lungs until I come down.
One time, he gave me a tab of acid. His favorite kind of experiment, the ultimate demonstration of his success. To no one’s surprise, I’m conditioned enough that I still didn’t speak and followed every instruction. That was, no contest, my worst day on this fucked-sideways merry-go-round. I was tripping so hard. Too slow and too fast at the same time, no distinction between myself and everything around me. Wyatt’s barbaric plan turned into a barbaric fuck-up. A small part of me understood what I had done even before I came down and when I stumbled out, I was met by silence instead of the usual dumb peanut-gallery comments. They threw me into the shower after, like always, but left me there for hours since I was still tripping. I was hysterical by the time they let me out. By some miracle, or just Wyatt perversely delaying the end, he had actually called a real doctor.
Today, Wyatt hands me a double shot of whiskey because it’s “cute” to watch me struggle when I’m tipsy. I knock it back in one swallow, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of knowing how much that frightens me. He finishes getting me ready and then smacks me on the ass to get me moving. Once I’m in the room, he starts feeding me instructions even though I already know what he wants from me today. This way, he’s in control of my every action, like he’s thinking for me, while I just focus on getting air into my lungs, fighting through the alcohol hitting my bloodstream and burning in my empty stomach. I can throw it up in the shower later if I need to. I just need to survive this.
By the time I stumble out, I’m inevitably a mess. Crying, shaking, and covered in sweat, even on the days I get the raw, straight edge experience. One of the baboons walks me to the small concrete room, empty except the industrial-looking shower head in the ceiling above the drain. The controls are on the outside of the room which is how they make sure the water is ice cold and stays on for exactly five minutes. They take the collar off and I get a bar of soap before they lock me in. It used to be orange soap bars that made my skin feel dry even wet. After that, it was green with the same problem but a stronger smell that clung to me all the time, which wasn’t half bad. Lately, it’s a white, rounder bar, that’s distinctly feminine, and leaves my skin soft, which would be concerning if I wasn’t already too balls-deep in my worst nightmare to care.
I used to dance in and out of the freezing shower while I soaped up but now I stay under the whole time. It’s the only thing that makes any damn sense anymore, the one small touch of reality in this shit storm. I stand under the frigid water and then shake and shiver once it’s turned off until the cold becomes a buzz on my skin and in my veins. Depending on the day, I wait for seconds or hours until they toss me a small, scratchy towel and clean clothes. The waiting is part of it. Not because I’m covered in goosebumps, muscles cramping so that I have to curl in on myself for heat, but because of what I know is waiting for me next.
When they finally let me out and lock me into the collar, it’s all I can do not to run back to our basement hole as fast as my legs will carry me to make sure August hasn’t bled out or gone into shock while they kept me from him. It’s all I care about anymore, helping him survive, making him as comfortable as possible. Honestly, it is the least I can do. It’s my fault he’s here at all, kept to be part of a set. Not to mention the heinous torture. If I had known, I would have done my damndest to kill him before it ever even started.
And I would have inhaled that fucking lightbulb immediately after.
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Taglist: @deluxewhump
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xxdragonwriterxx · 4 years
🔥I’m Sorry, Um..., Congratulations? 🔥
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Levi had to admit, even with anger clouding his system, he was impressed by the determined look on the small doctor’s face as she stared him down, one hand on his chest as she held him back from the infirmary room where his lover had been taken after returning from an expedition. He could feel her trembling against him, her body betraying her nerves at the murderous look on his face, but her eyes were hard and unyielding as she stared right at him.
“She is fine Captain, she has just been pumped with a lot of sedatives and needs her rest. If you go in there, she won’t be able to talk to you.”
“I don’t care, I need to see her,” Levi growled, pushing harder against the hand that blocked him.
The doctor sighed when she saw the fiery look in his eyes. She was determined but she wasn’t heartless. She knew she would be able to work better on the young woman under her care if Humanity’s Strongest Soldier wasn’t watching her every move like a hawk, but she also knew that he was just scared for the person he loves the most. She could see it in his eyes, the desperation that was buried beneath the anger. He just needed to see that his wife was okay.
The doctor hesitated for one more moment before closing her eyes and nodding once, standing aside for him to pass. Levi wasted no time, quickly pushing into the room behind the doctor, only relaxing when he saw (Y/N) in the bed in front of him. He moved over to her bedside and slid down into the available chair, ignoring the doctor as she came in, grabbing a hold of (Y/N)’s hand and rubbing his thumb over her knuckles. She was alive, he could see the rise and fall of her chest under the sheets, but he still felt nervous. The sight of her paler than normal skin and the bandages wrapped around her arm and chest was making him feel light headed.
He hadn’t been there when she got hurt. He hated it, but as Squad Leaders, the two of them usually had to separate during missions, (Y/N) leading her squad while Levi ran his, working to save as many people as possible whenever the missions went awry. He knew she was very capable, knew that if he ever suggested she back down as a Squad Leader to be in his own squad or stay home while he went off to fight that he would probably lose a limb. He couldn’t stop her from saving people and fighting for a better world, but he hated that he couldn’t always be there to save her.
Her squad had told him what happened when he found her in the medical cart on the way back to the walls. Apparently, an abnormal had lunged for one of her squad members when they had been busy slicing the nape of another titan. She had propelled herself into the titan’s hand, which had knocked it away from the soldier, allowing him time to escape, but had crushed her own gear to her side in the process, breaking her ribs and spraining one of her arms. The injuries had been further bolstered by her being thrown into a tree, knocking her unconscious on impact.
Levi sighed and squeezed her hand. She could occasionally be so reckless that sometimes he wanted to thump her over the head. Maybe even tie her to a chair if it kept her out of trouble. Levi chuckled quietly to himself as he pictured the fury she would bestow upon him if he ever told her to stay home like a good housewife. He figured he’d be safer in a horde of abnormals. She was such a little spitfire, but she was his spitfire, and as he looked at her prone form lying motionless in the bed, he knew he wouldn’t have her any other way. He was just grateful that she was still here with him after pulling that stunt.
The doctor took a few notes as she lifted the sheets, checking (Y/N)’s injuries before clicking her tongue and leaving the room, probably to get more supplies. This gave Levi the chance to place a soft kiss on (Y/N)’s hand, running his lips softly along her palm as he savored the warmth that met his lips. No matter how long they had been together, Levi still felt embarrassed about showing her a lot of affection in front of others, usually only going so far as holding her hand. With the doctor gone, he gave himself the luxury of showering her with small butterfly kisses, revealing how much he loved her and how worried he was for her. Finally leaning back in his chair, Levi brought (Y/N)’s hand away from his mouth and settled back with a sigh, content to wait for her to wake up, giving her hand another comforting squeeze.
Levi had just been about to close his eyes when he was surprised by the feeling of his hand being squeezed back. Levi immediately jolted in his seat and glanced over to his wife’s face to see her features scrunched up as she fought her way back into consciousness. Levi leaned over her, his other hand joining the first to hold her hand to his chest as he watched her eyelids flutter.
“Come on, (Y/N), open your eyes, baby,” Levi murmured.
The doctor came back in as (Y/N) let out a groan, the petite woman brightening at the sight of her patient waking back up. Moving to her other side, the doctor began to check her vitals as (Y/N)’s eyes blinked open, her (e/c) hues roving around the room in an attempt to focus on something.
Levi watched her eyes clear as she woke up completely, a small smile curling the corners of his mouth at the sight of the recognition in her eyes when she saw him.
“Levi…,” (Y/N) sighed.
“Hey, baby,” Levi murmured, using one hand to brush the hair out of her eyes. “How do you feel?”
“Like shit,” (Y/N) said with another soft groan.
The doctor chuckled at (Y/N)’s response as she looked her patient over, carefully running her hands over her chest and sides. “You should, you took quite the hit,” she said.
“Really? What happened?” (Y/N) asked, leaning on Levi as he helped her sit up.
“You saved one of your squad members by taking a hit from a titan yourself,” Levi answered, his gruff tone making (Y/N) wince. She knew that tone, it was the tone he used whenever she managed to get injured on an expedition. It was a tone that both warmed her heart and sent a chill down her spine. She knew it just meant that he was worried about her, which was what made her heart warm, but she also knew it was a warning.
“Oh yeah…,” (Y/N) said, gently rubbing the ribs along her right side. “Are my ribs broken?”
“Yes, three of them, but your arm is only sprained. I’ve set your ribs and wrapped them so you should be fine aside from some soreness. You can’t do too much though, or you’ll risk fracturing them. You will need to take a break for awhile if you want to heal as fast as possible, so don’t even think about training, even with a lessened training regiment,” her doctor ordered.
(Y/N) hung her head in disappointment but nodded, her hair curtaining her expression.
“I’ll have your arm in this sling for a little bit, but after a few days you should be fine to take it off, alright? Just don’t do too much physical activity or you’ll make your entire body worse, alright?”
(Y/N) nodded again but lifted her head. “Thank you, Doctor…?”
“Santiago. Doctor Santiago, but you can call me Rosita.”
“Thank you, Rosita,” (Y/N) finished. “I appreciate all of the stuff you’ve done to help me.”
“Oh it’s nothing,” Rosita said with a wave. “It is my job, but you do so much for the good of humanity, the least I can do is patch you up after the fight.”
“Well thank you. I appreciate your consideration for my desire to get back in the field as quickly as possible.”
Levi grumbled something (Y/N) chose not to hear and flashed a warm smile at the suddenly bashful doctor, the small young woman wringing her hands in front of her while a pretty blush stole across her cheeks.
“Well actually, I meant to thank you,” Rosita said, still not looking at (Y/N). “The man you saved today, the one on your squad, is actually my older brother, Nico. When I heard what you did and how you got hurt, I knew I had to treat you and do it in the best way possible, in return for saving him. He’s all I have left, we lost the rest of our family when the titans broke through the wall, so I can’t thank you enough for keeping him safe for me.”
(Y/N) and Levi both exchanged looks of shock, but quickly shook it off. (Y/N) smiled even more at the doctor and quickly gave her a hug, ignoring her squeak of surprise when she brought her into her arms.
“I’m glad I could save him too. That’s why I do this job, to bring people back home to their friends and family,” (Y/N) said before releasing Rosita, smirking when the girl still looked dumbfounded at the idea of one of the most powerful Squad Leaders in the Survey Corps giving her a hug. She finally collected herself and busied herself with analyzing the data on her clipboard, turning her back to them.
“I’m glad he’s okay too but you need to stop getting yourself hurt,” Levi scolded, frowning at the smile his wife threw at him.
“Well what’s the fun in that?”
“(Y/N)...,” Levi said in warning.
(Y/N) giggled at the dark tone in his voice and leaned up to kiss him, fighting the urge to wince as she strained the muscles along her sides. Levi kissed her back with a roll of his eyes and gently stroked her uninjured arm, his fingers causing sparks to flicker along her skin. When they parted, Levi’s eyes were molten, the hot steel in them making her shudder.
“Just be more careful, brat. I can’t lose you.”
(Y/N) softened at his words and gave him another soft peck before Rosita turned back around to face them, Levi quickly moving back into his chair as if he hadn’t just been snuggling up to his wife. Rosita eyed them with a tiny smile on her lips but didn’t comment.
“Well, I’ve got the results for your tests and I’ve checked you over a few times and it seems like you will be able to be discharged later tonight. You were lucky, you broke a few bones, but you didn’t have any signs of internal bleeding and you’re both still relatively healthy with limited long term effects. I’m actually surprised that you were even out on that expedition considering your condition, things could’ve been significantly worse, and if you weren’t careful, you could’ve killed either yourself or the baby. If I were you, I’d start thinking about laying off the expeditions and focus on working from home until it’s safe for you to go back out on the field.”
Rosita looked up from where she had been reading off of her clipboard when she was met with silence, her eyes widening at the shocked expressions on both of their faces. (Y/N)’s jaw had dropped, her eyes wide and her chest heaving as she placed a hand over her stomach in surprise. Levi had gotten significantly paler, the color draining from his face to where he looked as white as a sheet, his eyes nearly bulging out of his skull as he stared at the ground, his lips slightly parted. It took Rosita a moment, but suddenly it hit her.
Rosita brought her hands up to her face, covering her mouth with her overlapping palms as guilt and shock flowed through her system like an electric current.
“Oh my gods, did.., did you not know?”
(Y/N) shook her head woodenly and Rosita paled, rivalling Levi’s lack of color as dread flooded her.
“I am so sorry! I thought you knew! I- oh gods…,” Rosita stumbled over her words, her eyes wide as she paced the room, trying to escape the situation by doing something, anything. Unfortunately, her frazzled brain didn’t give her time to think and she quickly took her leave with a mumbled excuse, slamming the door shut behind her in her haste to leave. Silence filled the room, the young couple frozen in shock as the doctor’s words replayed in their minds like a broken record. 
(Y/N) glanced down at her stomach, running her palm over the still flat surface. She had noticed the signs, the slight increase in her weight, the fact that she vomited her guts up every morning, the dizzy feeling she would get when she worked her normally easy exercise routine. But all of these things she had dismissed as being overworked. She knew she was prone to working herself to the bone, often getting chastised by her amazing husband for forcing herself to do too much. The vomiting, the nausea, the weight change, those were all things she had experienced already whenever she worked too hard, the lack of sleep causing the dizziness, the inconsistent diet causing the weight change, and the migraines causing the vomiting. She had never even thought about the possibility of being pregnant, even though it made sense. She realized she had missed her last period, but she had been so busy she had failed to notice it, only focused on the upcoming expedition and preparing herself for the danger that would come with it.
Fear struck her heart then. The expedition. She had gone on the expedition with a baby in her belly, and had gotten hurt, would’ve died if it weren’t for her last minute efforts to make the fall less painful as she slammed into the tree, or the wonderful doctor that had healed her. She knew she had just been told the baby was alive and healthy, but what would she have done if it wasn’t? What would Levi have done? The thought made her close her eyes. 
Levi was right beside her and still hadn’t said a word. What was she going to say to him? Would he believe her if she told him she hadn’t known when going out to fight? She was almost too afraid to look at his face, to see the fury and condemnation in his eyes. They had never talked about children, the two of them too worried about wiping out the titans and saving humanity to worry about a family. (Y/N) knew she wanted this, had always wanted kids especially when she got together with Levi, but the titans were still roaming the world. How would he react to having a baby thrown into the mix of chaos that already weighed heavily on both of their shoulders?
(Y/N) knew she had to face this. This was the man she loved more than anything. They had been together for years, even before they were dating, their friendship lasting strong since the day they met when Levi was forced to the surface with Isabel and Farlan. They could figure this out, would figure this out, together. 
Opening her eyes, (Y/N) gathered what little courage she had left and turned to Levi, her mouth open to speak when she froze. Levi was crying. The tiny teardrops sparkled in the light of the hospital room as they slid down his cheeks, cutting trails down his perfect skin. He had regained some of his color and his eyes had narrowed back to their normal size, but the hues themselves were shining with emotion.
The sight was overwhelming. Levi had never shown this much emotion, even with her. The only other time she had ever seen him like this had been the night of their wedding when they were back in their room alone, a similar expression on his face as he made love to her for the first time as husband and wife, his eyes shining with emotion in a way that made her heart stop.
He turned to look at her and she felt herself break, tears welling in her own eyes to stream down her face. Her heart was pounding, threatening to burst from her chest as she met his intense stare.
“Levi- mppffhh!”
(Y/N) was cut off by Levi’s lips on hers, the passion and love that was being conveyed through the kiss making her feel light headed as her breath was stolen away. Levi was kissing her like the world was about to end, his tongue insistent as it mapped her mouth, his teeth biting and pulling at her lips almost feverishly. (Y/N) could do nothing more than whimper and moan into his mouth, her hands flying to grip his biceps and hold on for dear life.
They were both huffing and panting when they broke apart, (Y/N)’s whole world spinning in the aftermath of his soul searing kiss. Her eyes searched his, trying desperately to see what she hoped to see in his gaze. She thought his kiss was clear enough on how he felt, but she needed to see it. She needed to know that what he was telling her was true, needed to read it directly from his gunmetal eyes like she did every time she needed to know the truth from him. Years together had taught her how to read Levi like a book, her favorite book, so she would know his true feelings if she just met his gaze.
Levi didn’t shy away from her when she leaned closer to peer into his eyes, her hues flickering back and forth across his face desperately. Levi smiled and kissed her again, less aggressively this time, but no less passionate. (Y/N) slumped against him, her eyes fluttering closed until he broke away again. Leaning their foreheads against one another, Levi held her close, his hand tangling in her soft (h/c) locks.
“(Y/N), thank you,” Levi murmured. “I never thought I’d ever get this. Thank you so much.”
(Y/N) beamed at his sentiment, initiating her own quick kiss with him, relieved he wasn’t rejecting her or the new little life they had created together. “I love you, Levi.”
“I love you so much, (Y/N)” Levi whispered, pecking her lips again before leaning back, his eyes shining with the love he usually kept shuttered away. The sight made (Y/N)’s heart melt, her own eyes reflecting the love right back at him.
“I am so sorry, I really wasn’t aware you didn’t know,” Rosita said, the couple jumping away from each other in surprise, the pair having been so absorbed in each other they hadn’t noticed the bashful young woman come back in.
“Oh it’s okay!” (Y/N) said brightly. “You didn’t know, and we would’ve found out eventually, right? We just found out a little sooner, that’s all!”
Rosita was still mortified, but she seemed to relax a little at (Y/N)’s words, her hands wringing in front of her again as she faced the two captains.
“Well, I ran the results by one of my colleagues to be sure, but it looks like both you and your little one are just fine. You will be discharged tonight with an updated training schedule so you can remain active without putting yourself and your baby in danger. I’m sorry again, and um…., congratulations?”
(Y/N) chuckled and smiled at the doctor. “Thank you so much, Rosita. For everything.”
Rosita nodded and quickly took her leave again after grabbing a few things from the room, heading off to file the proper paperwork and bury herself in her embarrassment.
Levi smirked at the door Rosita had just scrambled through. He would have to find some way to thank her and let her know everything was fine, but for now, he had other things to worry about. Looking down at his wife, Levi couldn’t help the smile that crept along his features. They were going to have a baby. They were going to be a family. He had never in his life expected to have one of those. In the beginning, he had always assumed he was destined to be alone, the world always taking away the ones he loved most. But then (Y/N) had burst into his life like a firecracker, throwing his carefully structured world out of whack and destroying the walls around his heart in the same (Y/N) style fashion, never shying from his cold personality and laughing at his sarcastic shit jokes.
After they were married, he always expected to wake up and have it all be a dream. Everything had felt so surreal and yet he had never been so happy. This gave him the same feeling. He felt like he was floating, like he was going to wake up any minute now to find (Y/N) curled up against him in bed. But he knew he wouldn’t. This was reality, his reality. He was going to have a family and he had the stunning woman in front of him to thank for it.
His eyes hardened when he looked at the bandages wrapped around her body. He knew (Y/N) had had no idea she was pregnant when she rode out on the charge earlier that day, but Rosita was right. Something could’ve gone worse, and he could’ve lost one or both of the lights in his life. He knew (Y/N) was not going to be happy about being left behind, but he needed now more than ever to protect her. She was the diamond in a cave of stones, and he wasn’t going to give her up for anything. 
He needed to kill all of the titans so his family could live and grow up in a world without the fear of being eaten. He wanted his child to be able to laugh and smile and enjoy life without the constant threat of death, without the fear that one or both of their parents might not come back for them. He grit his teeth and clenched his fist subconsciously as he dared anyone to even try to take his family from him, or him from his family. He was determined to give them the best life he could possibly give them, no matter what, and even though he would die for them if necessary, he wanted to be a part of it. Even if he was afraid of his possible lack of skills as a father, never really having had a proper role model to show him how it was done, he would try everyday to be his best for them.
A warm hand on his cheek snapped him out of his thoughts, and he turned to see (Y/N) watching him, a concerned look on her face. His own hand came up to rest over hers, his eyes closing while he nuzzled into her palm.
“You’re overthinking this. I can see it in your face,” (Y/N) said, snickering at the half-hearted glare he threw her. “We are having a baby, Levi, and I am here with you. You will not have to do this alone.”
“I’m here too, (Y/N). I promise I will be here every step of the way, and I will protect you with my life. So please, promise me you won’t do anything stupid during this pregnancy?”
(Y/N) smiled and leaned up to peck his lips lovingly.
“I promise, I won’t. I love you, Levi.”
“I love you too, (Y/N),” Levi said as he gently moved her to the side and slid into the bed with her, curling his body around her protectively. (Y/N) sighed and pushed herself against him, feeling her eyes droop as his warm presence lulled her to sleep, her hands laying lovingly over the child that rested in her belly as the soon to be new parents basked in the glow of their newest surprise.
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cacoetheswriting · 3 years
champagne problems, epilogue
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Epilogue: Nothing’s Gonna Hurt You Baby: The beginning of the end. A/N: chapter is titled after this song if you want to listen while reading. Word Count: 1.3k Warnings: brief mentions of alcohol consumptions, other than that just a big ball of FLUFF !
series masterlist
A/N: holy shit, this is the end!!! i had so much fun writing this little series, but it wouldn't have been the same without all of you reading, so seriously thank you! now, if anyone on the story taglist would like to be moved to my general spencer reid taglist just let me know, other than that i hope you enjoy this very last chapter!
Ever since you were little, you dreamt of your wedding day.
The elegant white dress you would wear, the way you’d style your hair, how your dream venue would look, the perfect guest list, the flowers, the track list, and of course, your husband to be.
You imagined he’d be handsome, a prince to accompany your dream of becoming a princess. You imagined he’d be smart, trustworthy, courageous, and caring. You imagined he’d be funny, make you laugh even when you didn’t want to smile. You imagined he’d be a great listener and have a heart of gold. And you imagined he would always put you first, no matter what.
Dr. Spencer Reid, your husband, was everything you imagined and so much more.
“I believe it was Paulo Coelho who once said, Love is just a word. Until someone comes along and gives it meaning.” All eyes were on Rossi, who with a glass of champagne in the air was delivering a speech he swore he hadn't prepared prior to this moment, “Now, when Y/N and Spencer broke the news and told the team they were finally tying the knot, I personally couldn't have been more thrilled.”
Everyone nodded along to his words as he continued, “And I think I speak for everyone gathered here today when I say these two are made for each other.”
Rossi glanced between the tables until his gaze finally landed on you and the brunette doctor beside you. “To the bride and groom. Cheers!”
“Cheers!” The gathered crowd erupted simultaneously, and what followed was the loud clinking of glasses.
You turned to face Spencer. The hazel-eyed man was already looking at you, a warm smile circling his lips.
“Cheers, my husband.” You lifted your champagne flute a little higher, as he chuckled lightly before following suit, “Cheers, my wife.” Without breaking eye contact, the two of you chinked your glasses together and took a sip of the bubbling liquid.
The evening slowly turned into night. Dozens of tiny fairy lights illuminated the venue, accompanied by the shimmering hue of the disco ball in the middle of the dance floor. Not a single body was sitting down. Everyone swayed to the music, rejoicing in the love which was so clearly floating in the air.
Spencer had his arms wrapped around you, the palms of his hands resting on your lower back. Your arms were around his neck, tips of your fingers tangling in the ends of his soft curls.
The song currently playing was quite fast, but neither of you were particularly keen on the comforting embrace ending - even though you had the rest of your lives to hold each other.
Next to the two of you, on your left, Emily and Tara were jumping around to the beat of the music, while JJ filmed them. Rossi and Will observed the spectacle with drinks in hand and loudly cheered the ladies on. On your right, Penelope was engaged in a dance battle with Derek - one she was undoubtedly winning. Matt, Kristy, and Savannah watched the pair in fits of laughter. And all of the kids ran circles around the gathered group, playing a game of tag with Luke.
“What’s on your mind?” Spencer questioned quietly, after noticing the look of contemplation gracing your features.
“Hmm... I’m just trying to remember the last time we were all together, and this... carefree.” You replied, meeting the ever so welcoming hazel gaze of your husband.
Spencer smiled softly at your response. “Well, we’re here now.” He simply stated, and you couldn't help but playfully roll your eyes.
“You know what doctor, for an extremely outspoken man, and one who seemingly possesses more knowledge than all of us here tonight, you can be very cryptic sometimes.”
“I have to keep a few things to myself, otherwise you'd loose interest in me.” He joked with a chuckle.
The comment earned him another eye roll. You moved one hand from behind his neck and lifted it in between you, curling all fingers inwards apart from the ring finger. His gaze travelled to the notion and the grin on his face widened, because he knew what you were about to say.
“I’m stuck with you now, forever and ever and ever, whether I loose interest or not.” You teased. Spencer’s hand found yours and he brought the finger to his mouth, before pressing a soft kiss to the ring.
“I wouldn't dream of being stuck with anyone else.” Spencer proclaimed, and proceeded to attach his lips to yours in a blissful exchange of breaths. The kiss was short and sweet. Similar to many you’ve shared before, yet different at the same time. Better almost, because he was no longer just Dr. Spencer Reid, he was your Dr. Spencer Reid, and you were now Mrs. Reid.
“I love you, my husband.” You muttered against his lips after pulling away. He smiled, “And I love you, my wife.”
Spencer spun you around once, causing a light giggle to escape you, before he pecked your lips again.
“May I steal her for a moment?” It was Luke who asked, appearing beside the two of you almost out of breath.
“The kids really wore you out, huh?” You teased as Luke smirked, “Oh definitely! Which is why I’d like a dance with the lovely bride so I can compose myself.” He extended his arm and you linked yours with ease.
Shooting Spencer a smile, you disappeared into the crowd with Luke. The doctor watched you for a moment, once again wondering how the hell he got so lucky, when his thoughts were interrupted by a clearing of the throat. He turned his head to find your dad also looking in your direction.
“She’s beautiful, isn't she?” Your dad asked.
“Extremely.” Spencer whispered back, loud enough for Anthony to hear.
The older gentleman shifted in his position, facing Spencer completely. “Thank you.” Anthony stated and extended his arms to wrap them tightly around Spencer. “Thank you for keeping an eye on her, son.”
“I’ll continue to do so for the rest of my life. Nothing’s gonna hurt her ever again, sir” Spencer replied, before quickly correcting himself, “Anthony.”
The older man chuckled lightly as he pulled away. He straightened his tie and proceeded to place his hands on Spencer’s shoulders. “I’ve wanted to say this for quite some time now.” He paused briefly. “Call me dad, son.”
The unexpected request caused the smile on Spencer's face to widen ever so slightly. He didn’t waste time to nod his head in agreement and with one last hand shake, he observed Anthony make his way through the bodies and steal you from Luke for a dance of his own.
Spencer’s heart soared as he watched you sway to the music. In this moment, he was glad he had an eidetic memory that would allow him to remember this sight forever. How filled with joy you seemed, and how ethereal you looked in your white wedding dress under thousands of fairy lights.
Your eyes locked with his amid the celebrating crowd. Amid the off-key singing and crazy dancing. Amid the drinking and loud cheering. Amid every single person that was currently partying between you and Spencer. When his hazel gaze found yours, it felt as if there was no-one else present.
And you were suddenly filled with immense gratitude for everything that has happened since you met the handsome doctor. Grateful for every single step which lead to this very this very moment. Grateful for him, for Spencer.
Your husband.
Today was like any other day.
You woke up at your usual time to the sound of your alarm. You had coffee, and a quick bite to eat while aimlessly scrolling through the social media apps on your phone. You showered, brushed your teeth, got dressed, did your makeup. And when it was time to leave, you walked out the front door locking it behind you, hopped in your car, and drove to work.
Today was like any other day. Except that it wasn’t.
Today wasn’t like any other day because while you carried out all of your menial morning tasks, you felt a great deal happier. Because you weren't doing them alone, and with Spencer by your side, you won't ever have to again.
You finally found your happily ever after.
A/N: from the bottom of my heart thank you for your continuous support and going on this journey with me. with love, mal. x
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story taglist: @girloncorneliastreet, @haylaansmi, @rexorangecouny, @l0ve-0f-my-life, @obsssedwithjustaboutanything, @aperrywilliams, @sassy-hades, @rainsong01, @reverdevivre, @dracomikaelson, @softieekayy, @lunaofcrows, @andrewhoezierbyrne​, @blameitonthenight21, @lyl-26, @do-yr-research, @nazifa94, @stepsofthefbi, @chatterbug2-0, @calm-and-doctor, @halseysunset, @ellesgreenaway, @chipot-lol, 
tags not working: @radtwinkie
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professional-idiocy · 3 years
On Thin Ice - pt. 3
Yeah yeah, I’m slow with stuff. In my defense test week was a bitch and math SUCKS. Especially when you have to deal with this sadistic program called ViLLE that’s supposed be “helpful” with teaching math. If you ever see that name run for the hills. 
Pt. 1, Pt. 2 - Next
Taglist: @cupcakes-and-pain, @whoopsalittlewhumpy, @uncooly-supreme-whump 
TW: Mentions drowning and burns. Colby is a huge mess with a lot of issues with self-worth. Also torture cause Rosa is a bitch
Kevin didn’t know what to think. He was sitting on his couch with a sleeping villain snuggled close. He sighed continuing to pet Colby’s hair. At least he didn’t hate him. If he’d just gotten lost earlier Colby wouldn’t have been tortured for months.
He was in way over his head. He didn’t know anything about treating injuries. He’d just copied something he’d seen on TV! He was severely underqualified for this. He was a journalist, he wrote articles, he wasn’t exactly the best for whatever this situation was.
He needed to think. He had a person who’d been tortured. He had evidence of the injuries and the condition he’d found Colby in. He also had evidence it was a hero who’d done this.
He needed to get a doctor to look at Colby. That would definitely be important. Where would he even find a doctor? Especially someone who wouldn’t mind Colby was a villain…
Selena! That was it. She had a doctor friend who would probably be willing to help them. He took out his phone being careful to not wake up Colby continuing to softly pet his hair.
Kevin frowned when some dried blood got stuck in his hand. It made him feel horrible, his sister had done all this. His sister had tortured someone. It made him feel nauseous. Rosa had always stood up and protected him as a kid, but to do this to another person was horrifying…
First, he’ll help Colby, and later he needed to ask his sister to explain why he would hurt Colby. Right now the best way to help Colby was to get a doctor here.
He sent Selena a message. He really hoped it wouldn’t go south.
Hey, I’m a pickle right now. Would your doctor friend be willing to help a villain?
I kinda took one in. He was tortured by a hero. Please don’t tell anyone. He’s really fragile rn. Also tell her I’m also willing to pay
Soon enough Selena responded, easing his worries.
You mean Ellie?
Knowing her she will gladly help, especially if the patient is a villain. I blame “the cat” for that.
I’ll text her number tomorrow once I’ve given her a heads up.
It’s 10pm so try to sleep
Kevin sighed in relief. Everything went well and he was also getting tired. He should definitely sleep while he had the chance. The couch was decently comfortable, and he really didn’t want to wake Colby up. He yawned softly while Colby clung to him, sleeping contently.
Kevin shot up hearing a soft yelp combined with a thud. He scanned the room only to find Colby on the floor trembling while crying.
“I’m sorry. I- I didn’t mean to fall asleep, a- and I’m sorry for waking you up. I didn’t mean to. Please- please believe me I’m sorry” Colby begged kneeling on the floor. Kevin frowned muttering curses under his breath. Rosa had done a number on him and he hated it.
“It’s fine, you aren’t in trouble. I know you must be really stressed but believe me you aren’t in trouble” Kevin said as softly as possible, hoping to get a more positive reaction out of Colby, which it did. Well, to some extent. He fearfully waited before sniffing and wiping away tears.
“I’m sorry”
“I know. Do you wanna get onto the couch for me?” Kevin said softly, trying to get the terrified villain to trust him.
“I can stay on the floor, sir” Kevin frowned at that but as soon as he showed even a hint of displeasure Colby seemed to freeze in fear. He quickly scooped Colby up before sitting him on the couch.
“There you go. It’s much better, right?” Kevin asked as Colby nodded still keeping an eye on him, worried he’d done something wrong.
“I’m going to go make breakfast. Do you have any allergies?” Colby shook his head as Kevin smiled softly petting his hair, which he seemed to enjoy a lot. If leaning into the touch was anything to go by. He got up, leaving for the kitchen, doing his best to ignore how sad Colby looked, making him feel like he’d just abandoned a kitten.
He sighed once he was sure Colby wouldn’t hear or see him. This was going to be a lot of work, but Colby was adorable. First, he needed food for both, then get Colby to take a bath, call Ellie and ask if she could come and take a look at Colby.
Sandwiches would do, right? It’s not like he had anything else here, he was supposed to go to the store yesterday, but Colby had kinda ruined that plan, besides he can just order takeout. He smiled at the sandwiches, they looked like crap. He wasn’t the best in the kitchen, but it would have to do for now.
Colby really didn’t know what to think. Kevin had been so nice even when he’d done something wrong. Miss Rosa would’ve never forgiven him for assuming anything. Instead, Kevin had gently pet his hair and now was making breakfast. He really wanted to know how he needed to repay it all.
He jumped back to awareness when Kevin came back with four sandwiches on two different plates. He tilted his head curiously as Kevin smiled handing him a plate. He held onto the plate confused as Kevin sat next to him eating. Colby mimicked his actions before carefully taking a bite out of the sandwich.
He couldn’t help but to smile. It was amazing and tasted so good! He really wanted to repay him already. If he didn’t, he would be horrible and selfish. He gulped the sandwich down before carefully turning to Kevin. He didn’t know what Kevin wanted for this. He froze as Kevin just pet his hair smiling softly. It was nice.
Colby took the other sandwich, carefully trying to stuff it on Kevin’s plate. Maybe Kevin would like it if he gave him the food back? He was full anyway and didn’t deserve this much. Kevin smiled as Colby finally got the sandwich to fit.
“Are you full already?” Kevin asked softly and Colby nodded. He smiled taking the sandwich and putting it back on Colby’s plate, much to his surprise, but he didn’t hopefully let it show.
“You know you can save the sandwich for later. You don’t need to give it to me” Colby let his expression slip into one of surprise before nodding. So that wouldn’t work. He couldn’t just give his food to Kevin. So, he needed to find another way to repay him for the mercy he’d been shown.
“I- I can take care of the dishes” Colby said, trembling softly. He needed- no he wanted to be useful.
“It’s fine. I’ll take care of it, after I’ve prepared a bath for you and then we’ll check on the wounds” Kevin said as Colby nodded quickly before he could hesitate. Kevin got up leaving for what Colby assumed was the bathroom.
He sat on the couch, mind racing through all the scenarios. A bath meant water and Kevin could use water to hurt him in so many ways. Kevin could hold his head underwater and he knew he was too weak to resist. Cold water could cause shock and hypothermia, but if the water was too hot, he’d be burned.
He deserved it though, unlike the people he’d hurt for Alaric. He was just doing as ordered but he’d hurt people. He didn’t even remember their names or faces. They were all just people Alaric had wanted information from.
Miss Rosa was right.
He really was a monster.
A simple “Are you alright?” broke through his thoughts making him snap into attention. No-one had asked that before. It made him feel warm and fuzzy.
“I mean, you were crying just now” Kevin said softly as Colby blinked before quickly wiping the tears away.
“I’m fine” he whispered weakly as his voice escaped him. Kevin smiled ruffling his hair. Maybe he just needed to be small and cute for Kevin? He did seem to like it when he snuggled close. It that was the case, he really didn’t mind the warmth and closeness of another person.
“Alright then. I got the bath ready, but do you need help? I mean you can barely walk” Kevin asked awkwardly as Colby watched him carefully.
“I can’t put much weight on my legs, but I’ll be fine. You don’t have to waste your time with me”
“Alright” Kevin said picking Colby up who clung to him in surprise “I already prepared everything and left clothes you can borrow” Colby nodded clinging to Kevin in confusion. He didn’t really know what Kevin wanted and it was best to not speculate too much. He knew for a fact Kevin wanted him to be entertaining thanks to Miss Rosa’s clue since he’d be returned when he became boring.
He needed to avoid that.
Kevin sighed taking a sip out of his tea. He really didn’t know a thing about this. He’d called Ellie who’d promised to come tomorrow to take a look and give him some advice. It was reassuring but he really hoped Colby was fine he’d left him to take care of himself. He should be fine, but it still worried him. Colby was practically helpless in his current state.
As soon as he thought that he heard a soft thud just outside the bathroom. He put his tea down on the table rushing to the bathroom only to see Colby on the floor, helplessly looking up at him. He’d never noticed it before due to all the dried blood, but he was way too thin! He was literally nothing but skin and bones!
Was his sister always this cruel?
It was disgusting to think Rosa would do something lik­­­e this. His thoughts were brought to a halt as Colby looked up at him in terror before beginning to cry and apologize for bothering him.
He looked so small and fragile as the too large shirt kept slipping off his shoulder. Why would Rosa hurt someone like him? He looked so small and young as he trembled looking at him in terror.
Wait, did Colby think he was mad at him?
He knelt in front of Colby as he watched in fear of something. This whole situation made him feel terrible, confused, and icky. He needed to do something.
“Shhh, it’s fine you did nothing wrong” he said softly as Colby just kept crying softly still apologizing. He reached out to run a hand through Colby’s hair only for Colby to suddenly cling to him.
“Please, I know I might be a bit troublesome but please don’t give me back to Miss Rosa. I’ll promise I’ll do my best to repay you” He begged clinging to him, Kevin held him close, gently wiping away Colby’s tears as he watched silently in a mix of surprise and fear.
“It’s fine. I’m not giving you back to her, ever” He said as Colby breathed a sigh of relief before snuggling closer to Kevin. He would never let this precious bean be hurt again.
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teamhappyme · 3 years
a series of promising events (2/5)
aaron hotchner x female!reader
word count: 10.6k (yeah i have a spacing problem)
a/n: part 2 of this series is here! some dialogue, cases, and themes taken directly from criminal minds (S03 EP20, S04 EP01, & S05 EP08). originally, i had it planned to be 3 parts, but after editing, and looking at the word count, it makes more sense to be 5 parts. i don’t want to inundate you lovely people with massive word counts (even though 10k is massive) so this is the finalized count. because i finally got my shit together and finished this out, part 3 will be up wednesday morning, part 4 will be up friday morning, and the final part 5 will be up sunday morning. thank you to everyone who showed some love for part one, and thank you to anyone else who stumbled across my crazy writing and read along!
at the end, I’ve tagged the peeps that interacted with part 1. if you don’t want to be tagged for the other parts, just let me know :)
ok enough of my rambling inner monologue, here we go friends!
link to part 1: here
May 2008
We were in New York, investigating what started out as five connected shootings in the city. After twelve hours, we were up to nine fatalities.
We delivered the profile at nine thirty, finally satisfied with the outcome after a day's worth of combing over crime scene photos and witness statements. Hotch didn’t want to waste another second, making sure the profile went out before the night shift went out to patrol.
“Now, our first theory is that we’re dealing with a team.” Derek started. “In the case of the D.C. snipers, there was actually one intended victim.”
“John Muhammad wanted to kill his ex wife, but he knew if he did, he’d be the prime suspect, so he created a spree in order to mask his primary motivation.” 
Spencer added before turning to SSA Joyner. “Muhammad and Malvo also left a death card at one of their scenes, just like this unsub.”
“We believe our unsubs have studied that case. They’re opening a line of communication.” 
There was an outpouring of judgement focused on us, since we were in charge of the D.C. snipers case as well. These unsubs know we’re here, and they’re trying to show they can outthink us.
“Yes, they are playing games. But what that tells us is at least one of them has some intelligence.” You tried to hold your ground, and not let their opinions get to you.
“And like I said,” Prentiss interrupted, ready to put these cops in their place. “They know these cases. He’s also studied the placement of the surveillance systems well enough to avoid detection.”
“We’ve asked officers to canvass their precincts, and look out for a father-son type of duo that fit the dominant-submissive profile.” Rossi had Reid hand out some gang related profiles, just in case the profile shifted. But we were pretty confident in our first go. 
“Talk to the people on your beats, look out for anything suspicious. And let's pray that this isn’t random.” The detective in charge finished and let his precinct disperse. 
“Hey y/n/n, we’re gonna head back in five if you want a spot in the fun suburban.” JJ teased and lightly shoved Spencer’s shoulder. 
You smiled and started packing up your backpack. “Okay. Just, leave the fragile doctor alone.” 
After packing up any files you wanted to review when you got back to the hotel room, you let Morgan and Rossi know the four of you were headed out. They weren’t much further behind with Prentiss and Garcia. 
You met Reid and JJ in the lobby, droopy eyes and mouths full of yawns adorning the three of you. It was a long day, and it was only going to be worse tomorrow. 
“Where’s Hotch?” You asked, ready to get your feet out of these narrow leather dress shoes. You were wearing your combat boots tomorrow. 
“He’s checking in with the lady friend.” JJ nodded her head toward Hotch, who was conversing with Joyner in her office. They were standing close, and you thought you caught a smile on his face. “Do you think they’re into each other?”
“She looks like she could be Haley’s twin,” Spencer added and you sighed. 
The moment the team arrived at HQ this morning, everybody noticed the resemblance to Hotch’s ex-wife. SSA Kate Joyner went pretty far back with our unit chief. They went through the academy together and had some assignments overlap over the years. If it were up to Morgan and Garcia, the two of them would be out on a date right now. But you and Rossi quickly quieted the rumors, not wanting to deal with the rage that was Aaron Hotchner if he knew we were discussing his love life. 
It had barely been six months since Haley left with Jack, and Hotch had just taken off his wedding band a few weeks ago. He didn’t tell any of you until you all witnessed him getting served in the office. It slapped you across the face, especially since you’d just met Haley and Jack for a quick lunch a month and a half before. I guess she wanted Hotch to tell you when he was ready. 
As much as you valued your three year friendship with Aaron Hotchner, you knew Haley deserved better. Hotch adored his wife and son, and would fight heaven and earth to keep them safe. Unfortunately, he was too busy fighting the demons from hell to be a present father and husband. Everyone had their breaking point, and Haley had hit hers. From what Hotch has told you, they’re still amicable, and are trying to be friends again. After all, it wasn’t a lack of love that ended their marriage. It was a lack of prioritizing his family. 
“Knock it off. He’s on his way over.” The three of you turned to one another, pretending to hold an intriguing conversation about one of Spencer’s magic tricks. Truthfully, you were always intrigued in his magic tricks; you never understood how he could pull endless quarters out of your ear. But that conversation would have to wait for another day. 
“Ready to go?” Hotch pulled the keys out of his pant pocket, and the three of you nodded as Spencer called shotgun. A smile crossed your lips, never getting over the jovial things Spencer loved to claim when his intellect wasn’t needed to solve a case.
The fifteen minute ride to the hotel downtown was silent. You were all exhausted, emotionally and physically, sick of having to watch people die over and over again. 
The four of you made it into the lobby, tomorrow morning’s papers already spread across the table. “The late edition didn’t miss a beat.” You said and picked up one of the papers, the headline reading ‘Execution Style’ with a still from one of the murders. You showed it to Hotch and he shook his head. 
“I’m glad I never stooped to this level when I was publishing.” You murmured, reading the first paragraph of the article. 
“JJ,” Spencer started and pointed across the lobby, causing all of us to turn. It was Detective Will LaMontagne Jr., JJ’s adorably chivalrous Louisiana boyfriend. 
“Will.” You could practically hear the smile on her face as she led the walk over to him.
He was supposed to fly into D.C. to visit JJ for the weekend, but came to surprise her in New York when he heard the news. Spencer and I shared a look as Hotch extended a hand to him. 
“I’m sorry for showing up like this, I know you’re working. But, um. I can’t stand you being on this case. And me not being here, not with what’s going on.”
JJ shook her head in the slightest, and you started to get nervous.
“Is there a problem?” Hotch asked, concern completely taking over his voice at the thought of any harm happening to his team. The couple shared a knowing look, and your patience was starting to run thin with the information being withheld. JJ meant the world to you, and you wanted to make sure she was okay.
Reluctantly, she turned to face you all, a shy smile covering her face. “I’m pregnant.” 
Spencer looked over at you, not knowing how to react to the news. But you couldn’t help the smile widening on your face. 
“Oh my god, JJ! Congratulations!” You wrapped your arms around her and she laughed, most likely out of relief. This was a secret she kept for a long time.
“I’ve asked JJ to marry me,” 
“Will.” She cut him off as Hotch gave him a congratulatory handshake. 
“We’re working out some kinks.” He added as Spencer was next to hug your blonde friend. A baby, in the BAU. You might have been more excited than JJ.
“We’ll, uh, give you both some privacy.” Hotch started towards the elevator, and JJ was quick to follow. 
“Hotch,” She didn’t continue, you knew this wasn’t the exact situation she wanted to tell everyone she was having a baby. 
“JJ, you could have told me.”  
The tenderness in his voice could have broken your heart in two right then and there, but add on the fact that you swore you could see Hotch’s eyes tear in the slightest, you were done. You didn’t want to mention it in front of Reid, but you knew this had to do with Haley. You’d be an idiot not to notice.
The three of you filed into the elevator, leaving JJ and Will to talk in private. You all got off on the fourth floor, Reid’s room the first to come up in the hallway. 
“Night Spencer.” 
“Goodnight. Seven a.m.,” He reminded you as he opened the door with his keycard.
You and Hotch walked down another ten feet before he found his room. 
“Goodnight,” He mumbled out and reached for his key. 
“Hotch,” He closed his eyes, nodding his head in the slightest. 
“I’m tired, y/n.” You could’ve pushed harder. You could have gotten him to crack if you started nagging enough. You’d earned the title as baby sister from the team since you could whine and nag them into doing anything. But tonight didn’t seem like a good time for your skills. 
You nodded, understanding this conversation wasn’t going to happen. 
“Goodnight. Get some sleep.”
Despite your best efforts, you didn’t sleep a wink. Hotch had gone over his files and called for Kate to meet him in the lobby. But then there was an explosion, and you had to watch from your window as Hotch sat by Joyner, waiting for her to die.
Once the team had caught the second unsub and wrapped everything up at the precinct, you headed to the hospital to check on Hotch. And unsurprisingly, he was refusing any further treatment for the ringing in his ears he tried to deny. You saw him kick Rossi out of the room, the third member that couldn’t get through to him. 
“Bobo, why don’t you give it a try. Can’t yell at the baby with a broken arm.” You were the one to tackle the unsub, and landed pretty hard on the pavement downtown. Nothing a black cast covered in smiley faces from Spencer and Garcia couldn’t fix. 
“I know you can’t tell, but I’m flipping you off right now.” You responded to Morgan as you raised your casted hand toward him.
You headed to Hotch’s room, knocking on the window before you walked in. 
“I swear to god if you try to put me in another MRI,” He started to raise his voice when you interrupted him.
“Shit, I should go tell Morgan he was wrong. Boss is willing to yell at the baby with a broken arm.”
He turned around to face you, the lines on his forehead disappearing once he saw it was you and not Rossi. 
“What happened to your arm?” You smiled and glanced down at the cast. “Just another day on the job. Tackled the unsub, the pavement was not very kind to me.”
He sat on the edge of the bed, trying to put his tie back around his neck. You scoffed, stepping over to him. 
“Why the hell would you want to put that back on?” 
“Because it’s part of my suit.” 
You knew better than to pull it out of his hands. He was holding on to any semblance of control, and his outfit was all that he had left. Instead you took a seat in the stiff chair across from him, watching as he grimaced every time he lifted his arms too high. 
“If your goal is to get me to stay another minute here under observation, you’re not gonna win.” 
You shook your head. “That’s not my goal.”
He sighed, giving up on putting his tie on. He moved to finish his top button, he was at least going to be covered. 
“You should be excited for JJ.” You started, testing the water on this subject. 
“Did I suggest otherwise?” He asked and you shook your head. 
“When was the last time you saw Jack?” His eyes widened the slightest, and you regretted asking the question. You gripped the arms of the chair, ready to be ripped a new one. 
Instead, Hotch let out a sigh, and you snapped your head up. “Two weeks. Haley went to visit her mother for a week, and then we went from Florida to New York in three days.”
He was already away from Jack half the week when they were still living under the same roof. Now he was lucky if he got to say goodnight on a weekend. 
“Why don’t you take some time off? I’m sure you have weeks saved up. I’ve been here three years and have never seen a tan on you.” 
He shook his head. “Strauss would never approve of it.”
“Y/n, I really want to get out of this hospital room and call my son.” You shook your head, crossing your arms over your chest. 
“Fine. But you’re not flying home. You have a choice between Morgan and Rossi to drive you home. My recommendation would be Morgan, you don’t want to sit through four hours of Opera music.” 
You stood up, refusing to meet his eye. You were sick of dealing with stubborn men. 
“I’ll see if they can fax your records to D.C. before we leave.” 
He muttered out a thank you as you left the room, shaking your head at the rest of the team.
“Nothing?” Morgan asked as you returned to them. 
“Nothing. Even the baby gets yelled at.” Spencer spared you a glance and you gave him a small smile. You would be fine. “And Derek, you’re driving him back.”
January 2010
You didn’t think it could get worse than seeing Hotch with nine stab wounds at the hands of Foyet. You desperately wanted to believe that it couldn’t be worse than that. But you were naive to think that he would let Aaron survive and not make him suffer.
None of you would be able to erase the image of Haley’s bloody body lying in the home where she and Aaron created their family. You wouldn’t forget the sight of Hotch beating into Foyet’s face, or the sobs that raked through his body once Derek had shaken him off. This was a tragedy that shaped the entire team.
After Haley’s death, the seven of you took turns checking in on Hotch, Jack, and Haley’s sister Jessica. She stayed close by when Hotch was on leave, helping him with Jack’s routine, and how to explain to the four year old where his mommy went. She moved back into her apartment a few blocks away before Aaron returned to work. He wanted to prove to her that he could do this on his own, that he could be the strong father that Jack deserved, and that Haley would be proud of.
While the three of them were together, the team would try and make it over every Saturday for dinner. Hotch needed to be around friends, and Jessica needed a guilt free night to spend with the people that made her feel good. He was reluctant at first, not wanting us over the apartment, complaining that it was a mess, and it was too small to fit everyone. But it was impeccably neat, the result of a widow not being able to sleep. Once he became comfortable with us coming around on Saturday’s, we’d pick two weeknights to stop by with a dinner, movie, or game to help take their minds off of the pain. Although you and JJ stopped by every friday regardless of whose week it was, Hotch really appreciated the extra company, and so did Jack.
Despite his attempts at being independent, there were one too many distressed calls being made to you or JJ if he couldn’t get a hold of Jess, or if he didn’t want to burden her with the responsibility. 
Your feelings about Jack Hotchner hadn’t changed in the four years since you met him. You would still do anything to see the adorable little boy smile. So, it was easy to say that you didn’t mind the late night phone calls worrying about Jack’s stuffy nose or when he should take the chicken out of the freezer without it going bad. Because the more he reached out to any one of you, the closer he was to finding a new normal. 
However, all of you were surprised to see SSA Aaron Hotchner in his office only a month and a half after the event. Sure, he made remarkable progress, but you all assumed he would take a little more time, maybe take Jack on a well deserved vacation. Instead, you walked into the office on a monday morning, Hotch the first one in attendance. 
That was two weeks ago. 
The readjustment period had worn off, and Hotch was back to being a drill sergeant. Even more aggressive than he was before. 
The case we were working was local, saving us the discomfort of sleeping in a hotel bed. We were in Virginia, investigating two murdered families, similar to ‘The Fox’.
“Who?” You asked, not familiar with the creepy nickname.
“Four years ago Karl Arnold, aka the fox, killed eight families.” Derek informed you. It must have been just before you started at the BAU. 
“Similar to this case he took the father’s wedding rings, except in his case he took them as trophies.” Spencer finished.
“Hotch, you gave evidence at Arnold’s trial. I think you should go see him.” Derek was acting unit chief since before Haley’s death, and continued his position even with Hotch’s return. Strauss was weary now more than ever to give Aaron the title back so quick.
“I’d like to take l/n with me.” You looked over to Hotch, his eyes resting on yours, waiting for your approval. 
You gave a small nod, placing your sunglasses over your eyes. “Okay. Let’s go.”
Hotch got the keys to a suburban and before you could meet him at the car, Prentiss pulled you back. 
“Hey, are you sure you’re okay with this?” She was always looking out for you, heck she was the one that made you pack extra barf bags for crime scenes. She knew meeting face to face with a family killer would do a number on you. But Hotch can’t face this guy on his own. Not after what happened.
“I’m good. Not the first time I've interrogated a psychopath.” She reluctantly nodded. 
“Okay. Just, let Hotch take the lead.” 
You gave her arm a squeeze. “I will. Let’s find this guy.”
The ride to Red Onion Supermax was a short and quiet one. Hotch filled you in on the particulars of Arnold’s case, making sure you knew it inside and out. This was a team effort after all. 
You couldn’t get a clean read on Hotch, however, on the ride over. He’d yet to crack a true smile or laugh in the weeks he’d been back, which normally wouldn’t be so out of character for him. But Reid had been trying to get him to crack with every magic trick he knew, even agreeing to let Derek joke about his lack of childhood and understanding of pop culture. But nothing worked. 
It worried you to see the regression he’s made since coming back. You knew how happy he was at home with Jack, that a smile crossed his face most of the day when he was playing legos with his son. You hoped he was here because he wanted to be, not because he felt like he had an obligation to the team or the Bureau. 
“Karl has a big ego. He’s going to answer every question with a question. He’ll try to gain the advantage with me by asking why I’m not wearing my wedding ring.” You looked down at his left hand, the gold band that you noticed on your first day, now gone, along with the woman he loved. “And then he will turn his attention to you.”
“So that’s why you brought me along.”
“Your presence will throw him off guard. And he’s going to want to describe to you in graphic detail every sexual act he committed with the families.”
“To freak me out?” Because you haven’t even met this sick bastard and you were certainly already freaked out. 
Hotch met your eye, and you knew this was only going to get worse. “To pull you into his fantasy.”
The guard radioed for the gate to open, and you tried to contain the tremors in your hands. This was a wing of psychotic sexual sadists, they would pick up on your nervous ticks.
You looked to Hotch once the gate opened, and he nodded for you to go in. 
“Go ahead.” You followed the guard in, surprised at the lack of noise you were welcomed with. “Keep your eyes forward. More than anything he’s going to want to see images of the children.”
“We can’t give him that.” You argued, as you started to hear the men from their cells. 
“We have to give him something or we’ll get nothing from him.” 
You’d kept your breathing under control the entire walk down the hallway, until a man crashed against the glass, causing you to flinch and spare a glance.
“Isn’t that, uh,-” 
“Derek Payne.” He finished for you, his eyes still straight ahead. 
“It’s reinforced glass.” You scoffed. Of course he wasn’t worried about another man ripping him apart.
“Easy for you to say, he tore apart fourteen women.”
The door opened to the interrogation room, and this time Hotch entered first. You were met with Karl Arnold, red bushy hair and a beard to match. He was average height, and a little stocky, not what you pictured him to look like.
“Hello Karl,” Hotch greeted him as we settled in on the other side of the table.
“Agent Hotchner,” He stood. “I wasn’t informed you were bringing a, uh,” He glanced at you, looking you up and down before turning back to Hotch. You really regretted wearing a white silk top with your dress pants today. “They just said two agents.”
“This is Agent-” 
“Y/n, l/n.” You tried to control the dilation of your eyes as he looked right through you. “I know all about you.”
Now you understood why Emily asked you if you were sure about this. He kept his eyes on Hotch as he started the interrogation, never looking you in the eyes longer than a second. Even if you directed a question toward him, he would only answer to Hotch. He was a misogynist. You don’t know why you’re so surprised at this discovery, he tortured wives and families.
When he offered up his book of dialogue between him and his fans, he smelled your perfume as you reached across the table to grab it. Hotch quickly took it for you, letting you sit back down in your seat. Your gut was no longer in your stomach, it was lodged in your throat. 
“How’d you lose your ring, Agent Hotchner?” It was beyond your level of profiling to understand how Hotch could just sit there and take the assault on his personal life from a man who ruined families, especially with what he’d just been through. You’d never mastered the art of compartmentalization quite like Hotch. But right now, you were thankful for your uncontrollable emotions.
“I can look past your refusal to answer my question, if you let me see the children. It’s the only way I can truly help you.” You gripped the files harder at the mention of the victims and looked at Hotch. 
“Can I speak with you for a second?” He nodded and the two of you stood. 
“Is there something wrong, y/n?” You bit back the sarcasm that was threatening to fall from your mouth. 
“Nothing’s wrong, Karl.”
You exited the interrogation room, still clutching the files close to your chest. 
“We cannot show him these.”
 He looked at Arnold, who seemed to find your eyes, even through the reflective mirror. “These images will be his undoing and will lead us to the killer.”
“These are not just images.” 
“That’s exactly what they are.” 
“Hotch, I am not about to parade a dead twelve year old girl in a bathing suit in front of a serial killer who gets off on it.” You raised your voice, not willing to compromise any respect you had left for these victims. 
“Then show him the others. It’ll gain his trust and get him talking. He won’t talk to me, he knows I know everything that gets him off. But he’ll want to tell you just what he would do to them. I told you, he wants to pull you in.”
You shook your head. “These are children! Helpless children whose fathers have to live with what this animal did to their families! These strangers do not get to see the torture and humiliation that they went through.”
“If you can’t stomach showing him what he desires, then I’ll do it. Because we’re not leaving until we get a name out of him. You’re either with the team or you’re not.” 
You scoffed. “You’re not the unit chief anymore. I do what Morgan says if we can’t come to an agreement.”
It was bold of you to remind him of his subordinate place. But you were equals now, despite the decade between you two. You didn’t have to listen to his orders if you felt they were wrong. 
He reached for the files, but you turned away from him. “I’m going in there. Not you. But I’m going to run the interrogation my way, not exposing these children. If you have a problem with that, you can call Morgan.”
You motioned for the guard to let you back in. You took your seat across from Karl, a smirk still evident on his face. 
“What, no Agent Hotchner?”
“You know, yours was one of the first cases I studied,” You started, trying to loosen up the muscles in your face. Going against every natural instinct in your body was making it hard to relax. “I’ve been fascinated ever since. I wanted to tell you sooner, but I was embarrassed with him in the room.”
“You’re embarrassed because you want to know what I did, don’t you.” You pushed out a smile, a little giggle behind it to entice him.
And of course it did. “Yes.”
“I can show you exactly what I did to them.” 
“Tell me.” You tilted your head to the side, pushing some hair behind your ear. You were fighting the bile rising in your throat with every word you exchanged with him.
“Children are so precious, so clean. But they need guidance, especially the girls.” 
You narrowed your eyes. “Why?”
“Girls have much more to lose than boys. It’s a fact, the female body can handle pain much better.” If this wasn’t a serial killer across from you, you’d agree with him and make some jokes about the female anatomy. But he was enjoying this, just like Hotch said. He was pulling you in.
“What did you do to them?” 
He smiled. “I showed them, what men, their fathers, and brothers, are capable of.” 
“And what is that?”
“Once I killed the children, It always amazed me how little the father fought the inevitable, the dying.”
“I never thought I would get these answers, let alone from the man himself.” You pushed out another smile, because you knew he was holding back. He was almost willing to trust you, he just needed to be groomed a little more.
“It takes a good woman, to make an honest man. And you’re prettier than Agent Hotchner.” 
He was dancing around the information now, knowing that he had your time and attention. “Karl, do you know why you killed all those families?” 
“I already told you why.”
You dropped the sweet tone, and pushed up on your elbows. “No, you told me how. And your motivations were all driven by sex, motivations you learned from your father.”
You saw him flinch, and you knew you were getting somewhere. 
“You assert your dominance by making the father, the head of the household, watch you torture, assault, and take anything you wanted from the people he’s supposed to protect. Now your admirer, they don’t have the same ambitions as you do. And normally, that would bother a man like you. You want to be adored for every single part of your mess. But like you said, they’re an admirer, not a fan. So I’m guessing it’s a woman, who you’ve really come to care for.”
He tugged on his shackled wrists, you clearly got what you were looking for.
 “Those women, those girls, they needed to be taught a lesson. How to obey who’s in charge. And you,” he laughed as he inched as far across the table as he could. “The things I would do to you if I weren’t nailed to this table. You’d be done before I could call your name.”
Before you could respond, Hotch came into the room, demanding a name. You stood up, no longer needing to play a role. 
“It must be distracting, working with such a beautiful woman everyday.” You didn’t spare him another glance as you heard him mumble out a name to Hotch, finally getting what he wanted: power over you.
“Morgan, we’ve got a name. It’s a female guard in intake. Get everybody here ASAP.” The guard led you and Hotch back down the hallway, through the lion's den, and back to the elevator. Once inside, you let out a breath. Hotch turned to look at you, but you spoke up before he had the chance. 
“Don’t ask me to do that ever again.”
You would’ve yelled at him, tore him to pieces in the elevator ride from the fourth floor to the exit, but there was a guard escorting you out. You didn’t want him to have the privilege of watching two FBI agents battle it out. And honestly, you weren’t sure if you had the heart to yell at him after all he’d been through.
But once you were escorted through the exterior gates, your team in sight, you regained the nerve to give Hotch a piece of your mind.
Not before he spoke first though. 
“You did exactly what needed to be done. I didn’t ask you to act that way toward him, and I’m sorry you feel that that was your only way in. But I’m not going to apologize for getting the name of the killer.”
“So you would have acted in the same degrading way if the roles were reversed?”
He scoffed. “Yes, I would have. Because unlike you, my feelings don’t impair my judgement or ability to do this job. You’re an asset to this team, you need to find a way to get your emotions in check.”
You stopped walking, turning around to face him. You were in the middle of the driveway now, SWAT and BAU canvassing the scene. But you were going to do this here and now.
“The only reason you brought me here was to appeal to that sick son of a bitch. The only thing that makes me an asset to you is the fact that I have a vagina and you don’t. You turned me from a Supervisory Special Agent into a fighting fuck toy! You watched as I drained every ounce of respect I had for myself to turn into what that psychopath desired, all because I wouldn’t show him pictures of innocent children.” He looked over your shoulder to the team, embarrassed that they were hearing this. “At least have the respect to look at me while I’m talking to you!”
Hotch had never heard you yell like this. You were the calm one, the baby, as Derek called you. No one ever pushed you so far over the edge to get a reaction out of you. At least, not until he did. 
“The next time you ask me, JJ, Prentiss, or Garcia to flirt our way into a serial killer's mind, to expect us to degrade ourselves in order to save another woman, I will not hesitate to report you to Strauss.” You could hear footsteps behind you, but you continued on as tears started to form in your eyes. “You used to say that my empathy was what made me an amazing agent. That my ability to connect with victims and families was the reason I’m here. So do not try and make me feel worthless for possessing something that you wish you could have. Because the way you act, with no capability for empathy, is a depressing way to live.” 
“Y/n,” Spencer rested a hand on your shoulder, but you shook it off.
“Figure out the man you want to be.”
Before you could say anything else, Spencer dragged you away from Hotch and towards the cars. You could feel the tears freely falling down your cheeks, but you made no effort to remove them. You ignored the stares from the rest of your team, not giving them the satisfaction of knowing what went down in that interrogation room. Instead, you got into the passenger seat of the suburban, and Spencer started the drive back to the office. 
Rationally, you knew you went off too hard at him. He never deliberately asked you to flirt with Arnold. He asked you to show him the pictures of Lucy, to get him to crack under the fantasy. But you refused. You would rather make yourself go through that pain than any young child. It’s what you’d always done.
Spencer tried to convince you they hadn’t heard the conversation. That they were all too focused on SWAT’s apprehending of the guard to pay attention.
“Spence,” You started and looked over at him. “We all had our earpieces in. You heard every word.”
And he was silent the rest of the ride back. You were exhausted, and you wanted nothing more than to go home and fall asleep on your couch with reruns playing in the background. But you had a mountain of paperwork to finish, and still needed to debrief when the team got back.
Halfway through your stack, the team came back to the bullpen. Prentiss gave your shoulder a comforting squeeze as she passed by, heading for her desk. Derek had agreed to let everyone go home without debriefing. This was the earliest we’d been done with a case so close to home. We needed to capitalize on our rest. 
JJ was the first to go home, excited to be home in time for dinner with Will and Henry. Prentiss and Rossi followed shortly after, going to celebrate the win of this case at an expensive restaurant, at Dave’s expense. 
“Come on you two, don’t make me drag you out of here kicking and screaming.” Derek addressed you and Reid as he pulled his coat on. 
“We’re right behind you boss man.” Spencer said and turned his desk light off, grabbing his cane. He should be able to ditch all mobility aids soon.
You swung your backpack over a shoulder and turned off your own light. You didn’t even make it out of your four foot space before Hotch called out to you.
“Y/n, could I see you before you leave?” He was standing in front of his office, on higher ground than the rest of us. Power move, you thought to yourself. But he wouldn’t be that petty.
You looked back to Reid and Moran, the former nodding to you before seeing himself to the elevator. Now it was just Spencer, his eyes begging for you to leave. 
“I don’t need to remind you how deeply you care for all of us. But if you keep putting yourself out there to comfort him, you’re going to get destroyed.” This was the first time Spencer had mentioned this to you. Sure, you’d been helping Hotch out at home, a little more than normal, but everybody was pitching in. His wife died for god's sake. 
“Spence, I don’t know what you’re talking about.” He let out a sigh and fidgeted with his cane. You found it at a consignment shop on one of your weekends off, and bought it for him without hesitation. It had an eagle engraved in it’s clutch, something regal, medieval, and screamed Spencer Reid. You ignored the price, a forty dollars more than you would’ve liked to spend on a walking stick, but the look on his face when you gave it to him was priceless.
“You need to stand up for yourself. Nothing excuses the way he treated you today. Regardless of your decision to play a character.” 
God, could he read you. 
“No pair of rose colored glasses could cloud that. Not even yours.” He gave you one last shadow of a smile before limping his way to the elevator.
Once you regained your composure, you turned to make your way up to Hotch’s office. He was sitting in his chair, staring at the paperwork waiting to be filled out before him. You knocked on the open door, and he stood up without even looking at you. You were going to take Spencer’s advice and stick up for yourself, so you had to set the pace.
“Can this be quick? I wanted to get home before traffic started up.” He rounded the front of his desk, stuffing his hands in his pockets as he leaned against it. 
“I’m sorry for the way I treated you back at the prison.” You nodded, not wanting to verbally accept the apology that was due to you hours ago. “I was out of line and completely blinded by the case. I should’ve listened to you and taken your reservations into consideration. It was narcissistic of me to think I was the only one capable of making the right decision.”
“Thank you.” You stuttered out, still absorbing the tone of his voice. His word choice was self deprecating, a cry for help if you didn’t know any better. 
“Y/n,” He started but was interrupted by a shaky breath. “I hate that I made you feel like all you’re good for is to romance your way into their heads. You deserve to be treated with respect, to be valued because of your empathy and your psychological understanding of victims and their families. If I’ve ever made you feel like you were worthless before this afternoon, please tell me.”
“No, you’ve never made me feel that way.” 
He nodded before turning to grab a piece of paper from his desk. 
“Good. Because I’ve written up a complaint for Strauss, describing my behavior and language directed toward you today. You shouldn’t have to wait for a next time to file it.”
He extended the paper to you, and you walked until you were standing in front of him, accepting the complaint into your hands. But you didn’t even read it before tearing it in two. 
“What are you doing?”
“Hotch, I’m not filing a complaint against you. Everything that I did today was my choice. You didn’t force me into anything.” 
He ran a hand through his hair, the first time you’ve seen it tousled in the office.  
“I was uncomfortable showing Arnold those pictures. So I made the choice to play a character, to appeal to his fantasy. You weren’t in the room, and you didn’t suggest that. If anything, you tried more than anything to get me to stick to the script. Did you have some choice words for me that weren’t necessarily appropriate? Yes. But we all have our moments. After we got out of there, I felt sick that I had to do that to get a name out of him. It wasn’t the first time I’ve camouflaged myself for the greater good, and it won’t be the last. I took out the self hatred I had on you, because you were there. Because if I did it your way, I wouldn’t be able to look at myself in the mirror again without feeling ashamed. But you didn’t deserve it.”
“Yes, I do. I deserve to be ridiculed for telling you that your empathy is a weakness. I deserve to be ridiculed for yelling at Garcia for missing something on a search. I deserve,” 
His voice broke, and you froze in place. You were about to see Aaron Hotchner cry for the first time in four years. “I deserve to be punished for Haley’s death.”
Your own eyes started to water as you saw a single tear roll down his cheek. Without thinking, you reached forward and held his hands in your own. They were shaking, and he tried to pull them away from you. But you held on tight, you weren’t going anywhere.
“Hotch, look at me.” He kept his gaze on the windows, looking out onto the concrete roof. 
“Hotch, please.” You were quieter the second time, and that’s what got him to meet your eyes. 
“I’m not going to sit here and tell you that you could’ve prevented Haley’s death if you did one thing instead of the other. Because no matter what you did, Foyet would’ve found her, and done this all over again.” He tried to look away from you, but you tugged on his hands, begging him to stay. “But what you did prevent, was Foyet taking away the greatest thing you and Haley ever made. You saved your son, Hotch. And you ended Foyet’s reign of terror. You get to spend every day reminding Jack how amazing his mother was. How strong, resilient, and fierce she was. How she looked death in the eye and didn’t even flinch. You get to live the rest of your life for your son.”
He nodded and closed his eyes, letting the few remaining tears fall down his face. You let your own fall with the reprieve of no longer being under his stare, not wanting to fall apart when he needed you.
“I love her. I never stopped loving her. The divorce, it wasn’t because of that. It was because of this job.” 
You squeezed his hands before letting them go, letting him wipe off his face. 
“I know. And I know she never stopped loving you.”
You never thought you would get to this moment when you first met Haley. You let out a small laugh while remembering your first encounter, how pregnant and angry she was at Hotch.
“What?” You smiled and shook your head. 
“I’m just remembering the first time I met her. She was pregnant, she called you a robot, and was cracking jokes left and right to try and get you to crack.”
That got him to smile. “I could always make her laugh when we were younger. She had the funniest, most embarrassing laugh. But it was Haley. And it was addicting.” 
You wanted him to remember her like this, with a smile on her face and the loving soul she was. 
“I truly am sorry for what I said to you, but you have to know I didn’t mean it.”
You nodded. “I know you didn’t. Just apologize to Garcia in the morning, and get home to Jack. I’ll see you tomorrow.” 
He gave you a small smile as you picked up your backpack.
Spencer’s words stung in your ears while you were holding Hotch’s hands. You loved everyone on this team as your family. And Hotch needed you to be there for him a lot more over the last two months. Sure, you’d brushed off some harsh conversations with him considering the circumstances, but you knew when it went too far, like today.
“Y/n,” His voice pulled you from your thoughts, stopping you at the door. “Thank you.”
You nodded. “Of course.” 
Maybe you did care too much for people. But if it helped them get back to normal, you’ll continue wearing those rose colored glasses a little while longer.
March 2010
“I’m grocery shopping. Because I have no food in my apartment and I never thought I’d say this, but I’m sick of eating pizza.” You threw a box of cheerios in your cart, careful not to hit the eggs on their way in. 
“That’s how you’re spending your saturday? Our first saturday off in a month?” 
“Well, unless I want to spend another twenty bucks on one meal, I’ve gotta do my grown up chores.” “You need to get your butt back home so we can go out and drink.”
Emily was relentless, to say the least. Every single weekend you had off, her number popped up on your phone the minute you got home. She hated resting in her own solitude, and tried to drag you along for any activity she could think of. Shopping, drinking, walking around the national mall, and, in desperate cases, running. But her record wasn’t stellar in getting you to attend.
“I’m spending the afternoon with my couch, a book that has taken me too long to read, and probably eat an entire bag of smartfood.” You chucked a box of granola bars in your cart too when you heard a kid cry. You turned to the end of the aisle, but the parent was blocking the child. “Besides, it’s dinner tonight at Hotch’s.”
“He canceled this morning. Rossi was supposed to call and let you know.” You rolled your eyes. Of course Dave forgot. 
“Daddy! I want the poptarts!” You heard the kid yell out again. But you knew that voice, and you couldn’t help the smile that spread across your face.
“Em, I’ll see you on Monday. Have a shot for me.” 
“I’ll have two.”
You laughed as you hung up the phone, pushing the cart over to your favorite little boy on the planet. You didn’t think to give the father another glance when you didn’t recognize him, but that’s because Aaron Hotchner is never without a suit at the office. He was dressed in jeans now and a quarter zip, looking like a normal dad.
When you approached the two boys, Jack was leaning against the shelf, tears streaming down his cheeks as he kicked his feet against the ground. 
“It looks like SSA Hotchner could use some help profiling his son.”
Hotch was quick to stand up, meeting your eye. You only smiled while crouching down to Jack’s level. 
“Hey little man, what’s the problem here?” He wiped the tears from his cheeks, and your heart broke at the redness in his eyes.
“Daddy won’t let me get any pop tarts.” 
“That’s because you ate the whole box in one day without my permission.” Aaron argued back. 
You hid your laugh in your shoulder, not wanting to upset Jack any more. But Hotch had already caused him to spiral into a meltdown again. 
“Jack, have you ever had ants on a log?” He shook his head, tears continuing down his chubby cheeks. “Well, they were my favorite snack when I was little. It’s celery, peanut butter, and raisins all set up on a plate. And the best part is, you get to make it yourself! Now, I know how much you love peanut butter, and I bet if you ate this snack, Daddy will let you get poptarts the next time you go grocery shopping.”
“Okay.” He said and nodded his little head. “But I’m sick of grocery shopping.”
“Me too buddy.” I sat down next to him. “I do not like having to walk up and down these aisles searching for food. So, why don’t we sit here while daddy finishes his list?”
You spared a glance at Hotch and his practically full basket. You knew he would be done in ten minutes if you stayed here with Jack. 
“Are you sure?” Aaron asked and you nodded. 
“‘Course. I don’t need food that bad anyway.” He sighed and made his way back to his carriage.
You pulled a piece of paper and a pen out of your purse and handed it to Jack. 
“Aunt Jessica told me that you know how to write your name now. Can you show me?”
He sat up straight, laying the paper down on the floor. You watched as he made a loopy uppercase J, followed with big and small letters to spell out the rest of his name. 
“That’s awesome buddy. What about your last name?” 
“Hotchner!” He yelled out and you laughed. 
“Yeah, let me spell it out for you.” You wrote it out on the paper and it took him a few minutes to copy down.
“You’re turn now, y/n.” He handed you the pen and you wrote your name down, saying the letters as you wrote them. Jack repeated you, and it made you laugh. You forgot that kids were such sponges. 
By the time you finished writing Aaron and Haley’s names for Jack, Hotch was back with his cart. “Alright buddy, it’s time for us to go. We gotta let y/n finish her grocery shopping.” 
“No! I want y/n to come home with us for dinner. She was helping me spell everyone's names!”
You smiled as you stood up, giving Jack a hand. “Maybe next time buddy. But you gotta get home to try those ants on a log.”
“Actually, we’re making pizzas for dinner, Jack’s saturday choice. You can come over, if you don’t have any plans already.” You’d never heard Hotch this nervous before. It made you laugh a little. 
“I’d love to. Only if I get to put extra cheese on my pizza though.” 
“Of course!” Jack exclaimed and you matched his smile. 
“Awesome! I’ll let you two pay for all this food and I’ll meet you at your house okay?” Jack nodded before running to the front of the cart.
“You sure you don’t have any plans? I don’t want you to give up another saturday night at my expense,” 
“Hotch there is nothing more exciting than spending my weekends with the cutest four year old on the planet.” He smiled, but you knew he still wasn’t convinced. “Besides, every other twenty-nine year old I know is in a stuffy club in uncomfortable clothes. This is much more my pace.”
He nodded, a small smile on his face. “Okay. We’ll meet you at the apartment in a half an hour.” 
“Sounds good. See you soon Jack!” You waved to the little boy and quickly tried to finish buying the staples that could get you through a few days at home. 
You got home and quickly put your food away, making sure everything that needed to be refrigerated was chilled. You switched your t-shirt for a long sleeve tee, opting for sneakers instead of boots. Comfort was the utmost importance on days off.
It took you twenty minutes to get to Hotch’s apartment from yours, arriving at five on the dot. You were known for, and proud of your punctuality. Hotch answered the door after two knocks, and you couldn’t help but focus on the noise of three different locks unlocking. 
He greeted you with a slight nod of the head, button down replacing his quarter zip. 
“Do you even own comfortable clothes?” “This is comfortable.” You rolled your eyes, as he took the poptarts from your hands, raising his eyebrow at you.
“Didn’t I just have this fight with my four year old son about not buying these?” He asked as he let you in the house. 
“Yes, but I’m the fun dinner guest. I bring the treats for the children.” 
He tried to hide the small huff of a laugh that escaped his lips, but you still caught it. “You will be the death of me.”
You let out a laugh as he led you into the kitchen, putting them away on the top cabinet. I reached for my hip and pulled my holster off, putting it on the counter. 
“Do you have somewhere I can put this? Last thing I need is to drop it while I throw up my pizza dough.” He unlocked the drawer in his desk, placing it in there before locking it back up.
You heard tiny footsteps running down the hall. “Y/n! It’s pizza time!” 
You smiled as he tugged at your legs. “I know! I’m so excited!”
“Alright buddy, you’re up first. Show y/n how we properly throw our pizza dough in the air.” Hotch pushed a step stool over to the counter, waiting for Jack to step up. The grin on the little boy's face was ginormous as he powdered his hands with flour, taking the small ball of dough Hotch separated for him.
The two of you were on either side of Jack, each ready to follow his lead in the process. “Ok, on the count of three. One, two, three!” 
You spun the dough in your hands before throwing it in the air, watching it separate the slightest bit. Jack’s giggles filled the apartment as he let his dough fall onto the counter. Aaron shook his head, you could tell this part of the meal was always a struggle for the little boy.
You watched as Jack spread out the miniscule amount of sauce he wanted along his crust, topping it off with a mountain of cheese. You taught him the more cheese, the better, and he clearly still believed you. You added some pepperoni to your own oval shaped pie, unsuccessful in making a perfect circle crust. But, not everyone could be the perfect Italian chef like David Rossi.
While the pizza’s were in the oven, the three of you sat down to play a few rounds of Candyland. You hadn’t played since your time at DCFS, and you forgot how there was no real objective to the game. It certainly wasn’t your game of choice, but Jack was still a little young to be able to contend with you in a game of monopoly. A few more years, you thought.
Once the pizza’s were done, Jack helped you set the table as Hotch cut the pies. You felt a little out of place, crossing some very important boundaries by having dinner with just the two Hotchner boys. This saturday was much different than the ones you spent when the whole team was over, Henry and Jack putting on dance parties for the guests. 
You started to become more aware of your actions around the apartment; how you knew where the placemats were kept, that Jack used his purple cup for milk at dinner, and the strict no electronics rule at the table. However, that had been established by Haley years ago. The thought of her had a shot of guilt running through your stomach, sitting down with her family for dinner, just three and a half months after she’d passed. 
You’d been thinking a lot about what Spencer had said that night at the BAU. He was vague, too vague for the doctor that could tell you how long he’d been alive down to the second. After a few sleepless nights, you called the doctor in question and demanded he explain himself. But after his admission, you quickly regretted having all the information.
Spencer Reid has known you for almost five years now, and has seen you through the moments that have shaped your adult life. Killing Stephanie Moore, testifying in the fisher king case, being your excusing phone call from multiple dates, and holding your hand as you took in one of your former foster siblings from a bad relationship. There was absolutely nothing in your life that could be hidden from him.
So when he told you he noticed your feelings for Hotch ‘about two years ago’, you nearly stopped dead in your pacing tracks. Not because you didn’t know your own feelings for the man, but because you didn’t realize it had been that long. That he had been married to Haley, albeit only for a month longer, that you started to notice how handsome your boss was. Upon hearing the truth out loud, and from another person, you ran to the bathroom and threw up a few times. 
You were so embarrassed, so ashamed of caring for someone that couldn’t be yours. For caring for someone who’s wife you truly adored. After the third round of puking, Spencer reassured you through the phone that it wasn’t your fault. We can’t control who we love. And yes, he said love.
“Are you okay y/n?” Jack’s little voice pulled you from your thoughts. You smiled at his sauce covered face and nodded. 
“Yeah, I’m fine. How’s your pizza, Jack?”
“Awesome! Daddy is the best pizza cooker ever!”
“You sure you’re okay? You look a little pale,” Aaron commented and referenced your plate. You hadn’t taken a bite. 
“I’m good, really. Just thinking about how I’m going to make a bigger lego tower than Jack after dinner.”
That got the little boy to laugh, successfully switching the conversation to Jack’s favorite toys. But you noticed the glaces Hotch snuck your way, not believing you for a second. You were an awful liar. 
The longer the three of you sat at the table, the larger your smile grew around these boys. Seeing Hotch being able to relax and really enjoy his time with Jack always brought a smile to your face. He was a natural father, sliding into the role of playmate and swaddler, cuddler and soother. You even remember him helping JJ out with Henry’s swaddle at work one day.
But you knew he felt guilty, not being able to be present in his son’s life everyday. You saw it in the hundred’s of views of the video of Jack’s first steps, the late night phone calls while away on a case just to say goodnight to his little boy. He missed out on a lot of the baby years, and he would be making it up to Jack for the rest of his life, with nights like these. With the whole weekend devoted to Jack Hotchner’s favorite things, minus the sugary pop tarts. Hotch had mastered the duality of being a Supervisory Special Agent for the FBI, and the loving father to Jack Hotchner. It was one of the reasons why you started caring so much for him. 
“Alright Jack, you can build one tower with y/n, then it’s bath time and off to bed.” You saw the pout on Jack’s face as Hotch cleared our plates, and you helped him off the chair. 
“Come on, maybe if we’re quick enough we can make two.”
He giggled as he led you to his room, stuffed animals and toys galore. This boy won’t want for a thing.
“Okay, you make a big blue one, I’ll do purple.” 
You finished much quicker than the four year old, but under no circumstances would he let you sit and watch him make his masterpiece. Instead, since you had nearly two and a half feet on him, you stacked your tower on top of his and continued adding pieces to make it bigger. He cheered you on as it started to reach your head, and you were getting excited yourself. Until, it came to a crashing fall with the last green piece on top. 
“Noo!” Jack yelled out, trying to catch the falling pieces. 
“It’s okay Buddy, you can always make another one.” Aaron’s voice trying to soothe his son caught both you and the little guy’s attention.
The two of you turned to see Hotch leaning in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest. You wondered how long he’d been standing there. 
“And maybe next time, we can make one as big as daddy.”
 Hotch let out a laugh as Jack smiled at you in amazement. He liked how your brain worked. 
“Bath time, bud. We gotta get your face cleaned up from all that pizza sauce, and ship you off to bed.” 
“But y/n’s here,” He whined, not wanting the lego fun to end.
“Well I have to get home and take a shower too, bud. Don’t worry, there’s plenty more playdates in your future.” You said and stood up, giving the little boy a high five. 
“Go wait for me in the bathroom okay, I’m gonna walk y/n out.” 
“Okay. Bye bobo.” He said and ran off to the bathroom, leaving you speechless in his bedroom. 
“You let him be around Derek Morgan way too much.”
“Probably. But you can’t compete with the guy who brings over a new lego set every weekend.” Hotch got your gun for you, walking you back to the front door. 
“Are you kidding? You’re his hero, Hotch. He asked me last week if I was a superhero like daddy.” He cracked a smile, but his eyes were glued to the floor, unable to meet your own.
“Why did you cancel dinner tonight?” He sighed and lifted his head. You’d been wanting to ask him since you were at the grocery store. The team had been coming over for three months now, and it was something we all started to look forward to.
“I was sick of feeling like a burden to you all. I mean, asking you all to give up your Saturday nights, sometimes our only free night of the week to spend in my depressing apartment, it had been enough.” If only you could show this man how much the team cared for him through your eyes, he would never doubt his worth another day in his life. 
“Hotch, the highlight of my week is coming here to be with you all. My family. Watching Henry and Jack play with each other, listening to Spencer and Penelope fight over who the true godparent is, and getting to be on the receiving end of Rossi’s awesome cooking?” 
He nodded, mumbling an ‘I know’ a few times under his breath. But he needed to know that as much as you all come here for Jack, you guys care for Aaron and his well being just as much. 
“I come here every saturday to make sure that Aaron Hotchner has not dressed in a suit for the sixth day in a row, and to make sure he knows that he’s doing such an amazing job with Jack. That he is being the best father, friend, and boss, that he can be.”
This time, his eyes were locked on yours as you got a real Aaron Hotchner smile out of him, dimples and all. You couldn’t help but make a check mark in the air, the team tally still going strong. He playfully rolled his eyes as you swung your bag across your shoulder. 
“So who’s in the lead now?” 
“Me, for the last six months. I can’t be dethroned.” You felt your cheeks grow warm, hoping he wouldn’t think too much into your stat keeping. 
“Well, that seems like a pretty accurate tally.”
You made sure it was. And selfishly, you hoped no one else could get that beautiful smile to cross his face like you could. 
“Thank you for coming over. We both had a lot of fun.” 
“I did too. I’m around anytime, my tower building skills are not occupied for many other people.” He let out a laugh as he opened the door for you.
“Goodnight y/n. Let me know when you get home.” 
“I will. Night, Hotch.”
You got home in twenty minutes, texting Aaron as you walked through your door. Quickly changing into pajamas and throwing Legally Blonde into the DVD player, your phone dinged at a new message.
It was from Hotch, a picture attached to the message. It was of Jack, towel wrapped around his head, eyes shut from grinning so wide. ‘He wanted me to send this to you. He said, ‘this is how happy I am that y/n was here tonight.’ Thanks again for everything. Goodnight.”
You couldn’t help the tears that pooled in your eyes at the sweet little boy in the picture, and his amazing dad behind the camera.
tags: @simplyprentiss @michaelahah @ssahotchner99 @svrgicalhands @hotchtopic @unionjackpillow @philcoolson @tommhollandzxhaz @kathleenjasmine @canimarrypizzaornah @reaperwalking @inlovewithaaronhotchner @shelbymm11 @mrshotchner23 @tropicalwrites
86 notes · View notes
fakeloveaskblog · 3 years
Janus, have you and Remus hung out other then when you go to fake therapy? You should ask him out? Keep it open, maybe not outright ask him for a date but to hang out!
(Words: 2140)
Janus: "Oh you know me anon. I am so totally known for asking people to hang out. Yes me and Remus have been eeeverywhere together /s No we have never hung out.......But I suppose you have been very wise so far. So I shall try and go ut of my comfort zone and ask him he would like to spend time together"
They were in that same spot they always stood after the fake therapy. Where they were supposed to part ways. Remus had his phone out, checking the bus times. Janus knew he had to say something now or else yet another week would pass and he would never have the courage to ask.
"Do ehm is you- fuck-" Janus wanted to smash his head open on a rock. He was a idiotic mess who couldn't even say a simple sentence.
"What?" Remus looked at him with a smile. Jan swore he had specifically practiced that smile so it made him melt internally every single time.
"Do you maybe possibly have anything to do today?"
"Oh yeah all booked up with exorcising demons out of old ladies' houses. you know how it is!" He let out a short screechy laugh "Come on Snakey y'know I don't have a job or any plans on robbing banks right now. Of course I'm free!"
"Noted. Then I am totally not asking you to perhaps do something like going to the movies?"
Remus' eyes widened and he shone up into a huge toothy smile "YES!" He grabbed Janus' hand while flapping with his other hand "You gotta be psychic or something! I've been wanting to see this movie made by a director I'm hyperfixating on but I didn't wanna go alone and my sister is still out of town SO this is great!!"
He didn't waste another second. He dragged Janus with him as he began to very quickly walk while continuing to stim.
All Janus could do was stare at their hands. Their palms pressed against each other. His love's thumb brushing up and down his skin. He had never been happier over forgetting his gloves at home.
His cheeks stayed rosy red the entire walk. It was like walking on air. He didn't even realize Remus was still speaking until they got the cinema.
"-And that's why I thought it would have been better if the hamster had died!" He concluded.
".............Fascinating" Janus replied hoping it was a good answer.
"I know right!"
He looked down and realized they were still holding hands. His happy expression instantly dropped as he let go of Janus like he was made of fire.
"Oh fuck buckets! I should have asked if you were okay with like ehhh touch beforehand! Now you're gonna cut my head off!" Remus gasped out.
"Indeed, I do now hate you and I have already hired an assassin to kill you" Janus replied sarcasticly "It's okay, I promise"
Remus let out a breathe of relief in the most cartoon balloon leaking air way possible. "Neat!"
It was 3 pm on a Thursday so there weren't any people in line. Remus didn't even give his friend a chance to pay for his own ticket. He also got a big ass popcorn and a bag of eyeball candies.
He dumped the snacks into the arms of Janus as his eyes caught on a poster on the wall advertising another movie. He jumped up and down while pointing at it, like the excitement was too much to be contained in his body.
"It's my sister! She told me she would be in this one!" The poster didn't show the actresse's face since she had on a cloke to look dark and myserious (tm) "That's her I swear on the last human tooth I have!"
"I believe you. You could be her perfect stunt double"
Remus shoot his arms out "That's what I've been saying too!!! You really are a psychic! Being a stunt double is literally the dream job! I get to pretend to be killed in so many ways! I get to jump off of buildings!! Sadly she mostly does dramas and romances and all that boring stuff"
"Well I for one would love seeing you get stabbed on film" He held his hand over his heart as he said it.
"Omg snakey!! Thank you!! Means a lot!"
He had that wide smile on his lips again. Janus wished he was able to make him smile like that every day.
"Oh the movie is starting soon! Ahhhh exciting! Horror really is the best genre!"
Janus paled "Horror?"
"Yeah! I told you all about the movie on the way here remember? You're okay with horror right?"
"O-Of course! I have watched halloween alien on elm street like 5 times!" He lied.
Remus chuckled "Sure sounds like it"
They went into the screening room. Ads were running on the big screen. They were the only ones there. Remus found their seats right at the back in a corner. He sat down and triumphantly put his feet on the seat in front of him.
"Look at that snakey! We've got the whole room to ourselves! Only...."
His eyes suddenly stopped and shifted to stare out into air. His happy expression slowly disappeared leaving a hollow look on his face. He moved his legs up to his chest and sat completely still.
".....Only us......"
Janus slumped down in the seat next to his. Remus leaned away in his seat so he was further from his friend.
"Indeed. I could poison you and no one would be here to stop me. But I won't...yet" He hoped a joke would make his love lighten up again.
Remus forced a halfhearted smile "Sure that"
The movie started. Janus was already stress eating popcorn from fear by the time the first scene had ended. Which only made him even more stressed over making Remus think he was a fat gluttonous disgusting mess! Which he was! But he didn't want him to know that!!
Whenever he glanced over to Remus he looked just the same, As if the movie was fucking mamma mia or something.
He didn't want to seem unclassy and close his eyes like a 5 year old so he tried to comb his hair in front of his eyes instead. He couldn't stop his racing heartbeat or his unsteady hands though. He didn't do well to loud sounds. Or screaming voices.
He jumped in his chair at an extra gory scare. The popcorn landed all over his body. His cheeks went red enough to be mistaken for a ladybug.
Remus glanced over at him "You don't have to hide that you're scared y'know. The audience reaction is like half the fun"
"Me? Scared? I haven't felt scared since I buried a body in 1967! This is just how I show my appreciation for movies!" He blurted out the lie in a panic.
His love threw his head back as he let out a loud laugh. He couldn't stop as he buried his head in his hands. His shoulders moved in rhytm to his giggles. It seemed to calm his nerves a bit.
"Holy shit snakey that was such a horrible lie! You're such a dork! I say that with affection I promise"
Janus couldn't help but chuckle along "Dork actually means something really dirty. I know since I was practically married to my dictionary when I was youn-"
"WHALE PENIS! I know!! You're the first one who also knows!"
"I suppose that means we're soulmates now" Janus couldn't help but say it.
"Penis soulmates!"
Janus sighed "Yes"
In the movie a man's torso was ripped from his body. Remus flapped his hands. Janus let out a quiet whimper.
"I could infodump a bit if that would make you less scared"
Janus leaned closer to respond but Remus instantly flinched back. He made sure to keep keeping his distance "I would love to hear"
He shone up into a smile. It wasn't quite as carefree and happy as the other ones but it was still his smile and Janus had caused it. It made him feel warm.
He started rambling about the director's other movies and how the themes tied in with this movie. About how the director had studied to be a doctor so he know enough about biology to make all of the gore extra realistic. About how the movie soundtrack's added to the scare even though they were often silly. All while stimming. Sometimes he went quiet to focus on the film while Janus curled in on himself and closed his eyes.
Honestly Janus could have heard him go on for hours but sadly the movie eventually ended. And they eventually got out of the cinema. And eventually the snacks the shared while sitting on a bench outside also ended. And the conversation died out.
It was only around 5 pm but the sky had already started to darken. The streetlamps were getting lit one by one, and a few people were standing in line for the next movie. Janus feared having to say goodbye.
Luckily he didn't have to as Remus quietly asked "Could you like follow me home? The apartement is only 15 minutes and a minor murder spree away"
"Of course!" He replied a bit too excitedly.
He made sure to not walk too close as to not make him flinch again. Remus started to subconsciously hymm on a song after some time of silence. Janus couldn't stop feeling over the moon at the fact that he was hanging out with someone! And he seemed to like him!! And he was in love with him no less!!!
"Snakey I think I gotta admit something kinda dorky-"
"Is it the murder in 1967? We've all been there"
"Actually it was in 1987. Okay but really.....The only friends I've ever really had has been my sister and my ex, and some online friends here and there I guess but we lost contact really quickly. What I mean is that I'm really rusty on this whole friend thing and I'm just glad that you don't get annoyed by my infodumping or stimming or....or the whole me!"
Janus' eyes widened and he slowly let up into a laugh "Oh! Oh I have been so worried for nothing then! I've never had any friends, at all! This was literally the first time I ever went to a movie with another person! We're the same!"
Remus giggled "We really are penis soulmates!"
"I am begging you to not let that become a thing"
"Too late! It already is! We're both friendless dorks you motherfucker!! Of course we're penis soulmates!"
Janus sighed "I am suddenly so glad we are close to your place so I can get away from you.....That was a lie"
Remus lightly punched his shoulder "Better be. Or else I'd have to kidnap you!"
He stopped in front of a series of building of obviously quite glamorous apartements. Janus was honestly starting to wonder if he had a sugar daddy and or sold drugs. Or else he had no idea how he could afford all of this.
They stopped right in front of the entrance. Remus crossed his arms and leaned against the wall. Janus fiddled with his sleeves. Neither of them wanted to say goodbye.
Janus shuly glanced at his love's face. His birtmarks which he so wanted to press kisses to. His fluffy hair he would love to nuzzle into. His full lips which he thought about running his finger over every time he looked at them. He was beautiful. Just beautiful.
"Sooo....I guess I will either see you in hell or in fake therapy next week?" Remus asked.
"For sure"
He awkwardly opened the door "Well I will see you then then!" He did fingerguns "Bye penis soulmate!"
Janus rolled his eyes while waving "Bye.....phallus companion!"
The door closed and he was left in the silence. It took a few second and then
"YES! OH I did it! I survived! Aphrodite would be so proud of me!!"
Janus had to sit down. He was going to explode. He couldn't stop moving his hands around. He was going to pass out. He had never been happier. He deserved a whole soup bowl of ice cream.
He took off his beanie to drag his hand through his hair. He felt breathless from happiness as he stared up at the sky. He had never felt more in love.
He looked at where he imagined you would stand if you had a corporeal body.
"So I suppose your advice worked quite well. It did sound like he wanted to hang out again...So anon....or whatever voice that is in my head that asks me things......Do you have any suggestions on what we should do on our next hangout?"
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bnhayyy · 3 years
No Apology Enough
Summary: Ochako sought Bakugou out in the hospital to discuss their shared grief. She didn't expect guilt to make an appearance.
Wordcount: 2.8k
Notes: Contains spoilers for the war arc. Can be found on Ao3 here. If you like it, please consider commenting, sending an ask, or donating to my ko-fi!
She could not stop the rhythmic tap, tap, tap from resonating through the hospital no matter how softly she tried to step. The sound was all-consuming in its quietness, seeming to highlight the silence around it. That hospital itself was not quiet, of course. There was always something to be heard if you strained your ears: the distant beeping of a heart monitor, the squeaking of wheels as orderlies pushed their carts around, the quiet murmuring of doctors, the creaking of doors as they opened and closed, the distant crying of a patient as they encountered a new form of despair.
There was always something to be heard in a hospital. It might be quiet, but it was there. What was absent were the sounds that came with any sort of happy life. It was static, fragile, hopeless. It was the sort of simultaneous noise and silence that made gentle tapping of sneakers against linoleum—the sound of life and motion—stand out starkly.
Ochako didn't remember it being so bad while she was in the hospital, yet now that she was returning for a quick visit, it was suffocating.
The feeling intensified as she drew closer to a certain room. Ochako's pace began to slow without her realizing it, her eyes automatically drawn toward the door. It was plain, with a few papers attached to it. Such an inconspicuous thing, and yet beyond it, she knew—
Did she know? The receptionist had told her that he was still asleep, but the receptionist was only human. Fallible. But him, he was—the thought of him being stuck like that—
Maybe the receptionist was wrong. Or maybe they weren't, but he had only just woken up and they didn't know yet. Or maybe he hadn't, but would if she just went inside. Her presence hadn't changed anything, but maybe this time, if she just hoped a little harder or believed in him a little more, said the right thing or—
Ochako blinked and found her arm outstretched, fingertips millimeters away from brushing the doorknob. When had she walked over to the door?
Her throat felt like it was being scraped by shards of glass as she took a step back. Then another. And another. Finally, she turned back around and continued down the hall. She picked up her pace and balled her hands into fists to keep them from shaking. There was nothing she could do to keep her eyes from watering, but she handled it by rapidly blinking. It felt like her eyes were mostly dry by the time she reached the door that heralded her destination. Good. This wasn't something she could walk into teary-eyed.
Where the other door had been wood with several papers attached to it, this one was a metal frame surrounding an unobscured pane of plexiglass. A little garden was on the other side. Most of it was composed of a verdant green lawn, but the edges were adorned with bushes, patches of flowers, and little statues of angels.
There was also a stone bench. And on that bench sat a familiar figure.
Ochako took a moment to blink any remaining moisture out of her eyes before pushing the door open.
He shot a look over his shoulder at her call. The motion was quick, but stiff and strained in a way that made Ochako wince. All but a few small bandages had been removed from Bakugou's face, but she could see more under his collar, peeking up from the high-necked shirt he wore.
A pang of guilt echoed in Ochako's chest. She hadn't thought the hospital was too bad, but she hadn't been stuck in it for very long. Bakugou had been stuck for over a week now. He wasn't the only one, she remembered the sorry state Todoroki had been in the last time she'd seen him, yet the thought of someone as explosive and wild as Bakugou being left to waste away stung that much more keenly.
At least Deku doesn't know he... the thought fizzled out before it could finish.
"Round Face?" Bakugou asked. It was only then that she realized it had taken him an unusually long time to respond. Sure, maybe not by other people's standards, but for Bakugou Katsuki, a few seconds might as well be an hour.
It was as she was considering this that Bakugou narrowed his eyes. Ochako frowned and nearly took a step back; had he picked up on the concern that had stepped up to join the guilt? The last thing she wanted was to offend him with her worry.
Then again, a traitorous voice whispered, you didn't help rescue him from the villains because you didn't want to offend him.
Ochako hadn't hurt the odds by staying behind back then. She knew that. Her absence didn't make anything worse—it couldn't have. But it hadn't helped with anything either. She'd lived with that knowledge without it bothering her for months, but now...
"What are you doing here?" Bakugou pressed, his voice sparking with irritation. It was almost a relief. If he was able to get annoyed with her, at least this place hadn't completely crushed his spirit.
"The receptionist told me I could find you here," Ochako said. She felt an uncomfortable tightness in her fingers as she spoke. A quick glance down revealed that she had clasped her hands in front of herself and started wringing them at some point. She resisted the urge to grimace as she forced herself to drop them down to her side.
Bakugou scoffed. "Traitorous old bat," he grumbled. His gaze wandered behind her, as if he could glare at the old lady behind the visitation counter if only he strained hard enough. Or maybe he was looking for something else entirely. Someone else. He stayed that way for several heartbeats before his attention snapped back to Ochako, as if he had never looked away in the first place.
But he had looked. He had looked, and in doing so, the tension that was already hanging in the air had become that much heavier.
"Not that," Bakugou clarified.
"Then why did you call the receptionist a traitorous old bat?" Ochako asked, the words tumbling out of her mouth before she could think to try and stop them. Perhaps it was better that she didn't. Anything to loosen the invisible noose that hung around both their necks.
"Because she is!" Bakugou cried. He threw a hand up to run it through his hair. It only got about halfway through before a bandage wrapped around his palm seemed to get caught on a lock. He yanked the hand free with a growl and dropped it into his lap. His eyes followed it, causing him to turn away from Ochako in the process.
Ochako hesitated. There was nothing to do in this situation, it seemed, except hesitate. Unless...
She approached him slowly—carefully. As if he were a predator that would lash out if she misunderstood and did the wrong thing, or maybe a smaller animal, injured and cornered. Maybe he was a bit of both.
He didn't say anything as she sat down next to him. In return, she maintained the silence. She didn't know how long they sat without speaking. Then, in a voice that was neither rough nor fragile, but fractured all the same, he said, "I meant why are you with me and not Deku."
Ochako swallowed heavily. There it was, the billion-yen question. The one she had known was coming but didn't have an answer to. At least, not one that she could trust he would be alright with receiving.
She could just tell him a lie that would appeal to his ego. It would be the easier thing to do. She was almost certain it was what he would be happier with.
It wasn't what he needed, though. And after everything that had happened, everything their class had gone through, what they were still struggling with... the truth could sting even when it was supposed to be soft. It could insult and it could chafe. Yet as she thought about it, maybe there was a degree of respect in telling someone a difficult truth when a lie would be so much easier for everyone.
Bakugou deserved her respect, even if only in return for giving her his. Did he know, she wondered, the weight that held in her heart?
It wasn't just respect returned though. It couldn't be. They might not have been as close to each other as some of their classmates, but the fact remained...
"He isn't my only friend in the hospital," Ochako said.
Bakugou snorted, but didn't rebuff her remark. It was an admittedly low bar. It was enough. It gave her the will to push forward, her voice lowering ever so fractionally as she continued, "and... I know I'm not the only one struggling with it."
She didn't know how, yet despite the fact that he was looking down and away from her, if asked, Ochako would have sworn that she saw Bakugou's expression darken.
"I shouldn't," Bakugou said. The heavy tone of his voice made Ochako squirm, but before she could attempt to piece together a response, he continued, "I don't have the right."
That made her pause.
"What do you mean?" she asked.
Bakugou's head twitched fractionally, like he was going to look at her, but his gaze ultimately remained on the ground. Ochako felt her hands twitch in agitated frustration.
"Caring about someone isn't something you have to earn, Bakugou," she said. "Especially not when they're hurt like this!"
"You don't get it!" Bakugou snapped. He finally looked up to reveal eyes that were growing red around the rims and a glare that managed to convey more despair than anger. "You have eyes, don't you! I've treated him like shit. And it used to be worse. Way fucking worse.”
His voice cut off with a strangled noise that sounded like it should be an expression of rage. She knew it wasn't. Not rage that was geared toward her or Deku, anyway.
“What do you mean?” Ochako tentatively asked.
Bakugou scoffed. "Isn't it obvious?"
He paused, all too clearly waiting for a response. When she failed to give him anything but silence and a soft, questioning gaze, he looked back down at his feet.
"Bakugou," Ochako pressed, her voice only just loud enough to reach him. "What do you mean by worse?"
Silence. His jaw flexed and relaxed several times. It was an odd sight to see on someone who was usually so quick to say whatever was on his mind. As the silence dragged on, nervous energy began to gather in her hands. She placed them in her lap and wove her fingers together in the hope that it might eliminate it. No such luck. Ochako stared blankly at them for a few seconds before looking back up at Bakugou. He was still staring at his feet, looking very much lost in his own mind.
Did I push too far?
The thought was accompanied by the feeling of her heart threatening to sink into her stomach. She bit her lower lip and tried to push the feeling down, only for it to intensify instead.
Just as Ochako moved to open her mouth, Bakugou began, "A lot of that shit isn't mine to say."
Ochako unclasped her hands and sat up a little straighter. Suddenly, that urge to move was nowhere to be found.
"But I gave Deku a lot of grief because he... because he wasn't as strong as me. Because I didn't want him to have the chance to get stronger than me." Bakugou looked up, and for a second, his gaze caught hers. That look managed to say what his voice didn't. It said, I was scared. And maybe he still was, because although he didn't look back down at the ground, he did break eye-contact before he continued. "Then, just before UA, I said something fucking unforgivable. And now he's like this."
Ochako's swallowed even though it felt like her throat was full of razors. "Whether it's forgivable or not... that's not for you to decide," she said.
"Only a moron would forgive something like that," Bakugou growled.
"Well, maybe you have to be a little bit of a moron to be a good person. And Deku's a very good person."
Bakugou's gaze twitched a little more to the side, a little further away from her line of sight. She thought she saw his eyes glisten.
"Have you talked to him about it?" she asked.
Bakugou took a deep, rasping breath. The sound of it almost made her wince. "A little," he said. "During the fight."
Ochako opened her mouth—and shut it immediately. A voice in her head nagged her to ask what had happened, but a subtle yet unwavering ache in her chest said that it wasn't any of her business. Whatever had happened, it clearly hadn't been enough to put his heart and mind at ease.
"You can always talk some about it together," she suggested. "After... after he wakes up."
The breath seemed to leave her chest as the words left her lips. Had that been the right thing to say? Already she felt herself tensing, prepared to argue in defense of optimism if Bakugou tried to assume the worst.
Instead, he let out a deep sigh and closed his eyes. "Yeah," he murmured.
And that—the sheer exhaustion he radiated—was almost worse.
"Hey." Ochako's body moved without thinking. She reached out to press the palm of her hand against Bakugou's face, one pinky carefully pulled back. The warmth of his skin against hers was a jolt to her senses, but not as much as his eyes opening and latching onto hers, making her breath catch in her throat, just for a moment. Yet somehow, somehow, she managed to keep talking. "There's also something else you can do."
"Oh yeah?" His voice was challenging, a bit of that edge creeping back in, but he didn't pull away from her touch. Not yet. And that, more than anything, spoke volumes. It helped her to smile. Not because she was happy, but not because she was forcing it either. She smiled because he needed it. They both did.
"Yeah," she said. "You can try to get better. As a hero, but also as a friend, as a civilian... as a person." Something in Bakugou's expression faltered, but she carried on. "I know that Deku believes in you, and it sounds like he's seen you at your worst. So when he wakes up... let him see you at your best."
In the seconds that followed, neither of them spoke. There was no room for words in the lingering void left by the person that wasn't there. It was a weight that would haunt both of them until Izuku was a waking part of their lives once more. However, a few seconds could not last forever. Bakugou nodded, and she dropped her hand back into her lap.
"Yeah," Bakugou said. "I might do that." He paused for a heartbeat before chuckling, a grin that might have worried her at another time spreading across his face. Instead, she just felt relieved. "Sleeping dumbfuck will never see it coming. I'll make him piss himself in amazement!"
Ochako couldn't quite take his bold vulgarity at face value. There was still a whisper of something pained and hesitant behind his eyes. It was progress though—in more ways than one.
"I look forward to it," she said.
"You should." Bakugou stood up. It looked like it was meant to be a bold, sudden motion, but it struck her as stumbling and difficult. Unable to help herself, Ochako winced and began to extend a hand, only for him to wave her off. "If I can walk without crutches, I sure as hell can walk without someone holding my hand," he said.
Said. Not yelled. Said. Ochako allowed a hint of a smile to pull at her lips. "Alright."
"I'm gonna head back to my room before the nurses flip their shit," he added.
Ochako nodded. "Alright. I... think I'll stay here for a little while." She glanced around the little garden, with its bushes and flowers—an oasis of respite in a place of misery. "It's peaceful."
"It's boring as shit," Bakugou grumbled.
"Some of us like boring sometimes," Ochako shot back.
Bakugou snorted. "You have shit taste." With that, he hobbled over to the hospital door. He didn't look back at her as he called, "see you around, Round Face."
Then it was just her and the garden—which was just as well. She had a lot to think about.
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cheiyunn · 3 years
Under the Cloudy Skies [1-4]
Reon: (I don’t have a 4th slot today… I have plenty of time until my job, so maybe I’ll just go back and practice for a bit)
???: Ah- Reon-kun
Reon: Huh..?
Banri: I heard from Wataru-kun, that the older members of Gyro aren’t here right now?
Reon: ah… yeah
Reon: But its no big deal if they’re here or not
Banri: Oh.. really? Its just you and Nayuta-kun then
Banri: I’ve had the impression that you and Nayuta-kun often butt heads
Reon: Well that's because that bastard…
Reon: Either way, thats not a problem. Since we don’t really run into each other anyways
Banri: Ah… I see. You probably don’t have class in noon… the only thing to go to left is your part-time?
Reon: Well there's that, and also because our lives are all on different wavelengths
Reon: ( ...to simplify it, we didn’t have to really worry about that form the start)
Banri: Got it..
Banri: If you don’t have 5 people, you can’t rent a studio or practice…
Banri: Ah, what about during eating? You don’t meet up to eat?
Reon: We usually get it done outside
Banri: Eh
Reon: Or I’ll just buy from the convenience store...
Banri: You don’t cook for yourself!? WHY!?
Reon: Why… because it’s a hassle
Banri: HAAAAAAAAAA, I can’t believe this…. what a waste
Reon: No… that's just how it is
Reon: Do you make your own food in Argo?
Banri: Of course! The ingredients are also bought directly from the supermarket
Banri: Well, it was hard at first
Banri: There were some really good beginner chefs… if you left them alone they’d wash the rice down with detergent level
Banri: ...don’t tell me, are you also on that level of cooking?
Reon: At the very least, I know how to cook rice
Banri: That sounds right, and relieving
Banri: If that's the case, you should be able to practice and cook a bit right?
Banri: Just eating out or from bentos can be bad for you right
Reon: Well thats...
Reon: ....
Reon: (...that reminds me, is he, eating properly?)
Banri: ...ah, Nayuta-kun
Reon: !
Nayuta: …..
Reon: (...hm?!)
Reon: ...isn’t he, looking a little pale?
Reon: ...isn’t he, looking a little pale?
Banri: Nayuta-kun is? I’m not so sure, he looks fine to me
Reon: ...I see
Banri: If anything, I’m a little surprised that you seem pretty worried 
Reon: That’s not how it is. But, Nayuta’s throat..
Banri: ...ah, is it the asthma thing? I remember him collapsing mid-live as well
Banri: It got spread around and caused a bit of an uproar, and even he admitted to it live
Reon: Yeah
Banri: Are symptoms reappearing recently?
Reon: Nope, I haven’t heard of anything. Our last practice went smoothly after all
Banri: Got it…
Banri: If you’re curious about it, why don’t you ask him? I think you can still catch up to him
Reon: ...Nah, I’ll pass. He’s seems like type to hate being cared for
Reon: It’ll be a pain in the ass if I try to
Banri: Hm? Well, I guess I kinda understand
Banri: But the more you try to pretend that everythings okay, the more you feel like your clinging on by yourself
Banri: I’m saying that from personal experience
Banri: ....y’know, back when we were in Hokkaido, I got into a traffic incident and inconvenienced everyone
Reon: Ah… was it that time…
Banri: I didn’t want to have them be worried. I wanted to show them that I could handle it myself
Banri: But the situation got worse, and I couldn’t do it
Reon:  I see…
Banri: Well that's just in my case. There can be patterns like that as well
Reon: ...I’ll take note on that
Salesperson: Thank you very much-!
Reon: (It’s still 7pm)
Reon: (At this time, the music store is still open, so I’ll just swing by)
*Flashback to Nayuta in the morning*: …
Reon: ...
Reon: (It’s not like I’m worried about it, but I should probably just go home now)
Reon: I’m back...
Reon: (The fact that the lights are on means Nayuta’s already back)
Reon: (I was already told by Kenta-san, so I guess, I’ll take a peek)
*Loud sound of something crashing/falling*
Reon: hm?... Nayuta?
Nayuta: *Wheezing sounds*
Reon: Oi !?
Nayuta: shut...up..don’t be so loud
Reon: ...tch, is your asthma acting up again ! The medicine? You have some right !?
Nayuta: *Even louder wheezing and coughing sounds*
Reon: Fuck… Nayuta! Keep it together!
Reon: ...it's good that I kept my calm
Nayuta: ...
Reon: That medicine.. Is pretty effective 
Nayuta: …
Reon: You little-! Why don’t you say anything! I was hella worried over this !?
Nayuta: I don’t remember asking you for anything
Reon: HA !?
Nurse: Pardon my intrusion, but please be quiet in the hospital
Reon: Ah.. right, I’ll try not to next time
Reon: Oi, Nayuta? Where’re you going
Nayuta: They ringed you up for the bill. Didn’t you hear it ?
Reon: Oh for fuck’s sake -! I’ll pay for it so you sit down
Nayuta: You don’t need-
Reon: Don’t you dare say it. Sit down
Nayuta: …
--Gyroaxia’s sharehouse--
Reon: hah…
Reon: Overuse of throat, mild malnutrition, lack of sleep. Even you heard the doctor’s reasons for your breathlessness
Reon: I thought you just weren’t at home alot, but turns out you were at the studio…
Nayuta: Whatever I do is up to me. I don’t remember having to be bossed around by you
Reon: That may be so. But it’s no good if it's to the point where you collapse
Reon: Is this something that can be managed haphazardly with the power of pure will
Reon: and if that really works, why haven’t you been able to overcome it by now?
Nayuta: …
Reon: This time it happened at the sharehouse so its fine
Reon: But if you keep doing this, there's no doubt that you’ll end up collapsing on stage
Reon: ...just like that time
Nayuta: …
Nayuta: I choose the time to finish practice
Nayuta: Its impossible to think of neglecting practice just because of my throat’s condition
Nayuta: I gotta do it somewhere
Reon: I understand that, but it doesn’t mean to force it
Reon: But your problem is that you’re so focused on what's ahead that you’re neglecting the present you
Reon: ...the thing you’re neglecting the most is your own health
Nayuta: tch, don’t just go deciding that. What do you know about me?
Reon: Then tell me. What you’re thinking
Reon: If I’m satisfied with that answer, I won’t question anything. You’ll be free to do whatever you want
Nayuta: …
Reon: If you clam it up here, I’ll keep bugging you until I hear it
Nayuta: Shut up
Nayuta: tch
Reon: So, what about it Nayuta. What do you feel about your body?
Nayuta: ...tch
Nayuta: I’m taking medicine nor am I feeling sick these days. There isn’t a live concert upcoming anyways
Nayuta: So I decided that there were no problems
Reon: ‘I decided’, it makes you sound like you were thinking before acting
Nayuta: hah
Nayuta: I didn’t want to showcase such a disgraceful figure. I have no regrets
Reon: ...
Reon: (...regret)
Reon: (Thats what Ryo-san said back then as well)
*Flashback to band practice*
Ryo: Nayuta..I think he was regretting something
Reon: Regretting?
Ryo: Yup. How he couldn’t sing at yesterday’s live
Ryo: Probably even more than anyone of us
*End of flashback*
Reon: If thats the case, don’t go ham anymore
Nayuta: I’m not taking your instructions
Reon: ...ha !?
Nayuta: It doesn’t matter if you agree or not, I do what I want
Nayuta: I don’t want to collapse at a live, and I don’t intend to in the future
Reon: Then you’re just repeating the same-
Nayuta: Shut up
Reon: …
Nayuta: At least I know about my asthma more than you, even if you’ve been around me since children
Nayuta: and just because we came to Tokyo and my health deteriorated a bit
Nayuta: With today’s seizure, I now know the line that I shouldn’t cross
Reon: Oi… don’t tell me you’re planning to go to the very edge
Nayuta: It's a necessary action, to take the world
Reon: ....you little shit..! You just never learn!
Nayuta: That guy is just doing what's convenient to him
Reon: No matter how much Kenta-san worries about you, it'll all go to naught if you keep acting like that!
Reon: For the last time, that’s-
Nayuta: I answered what you wanted to know
Nayuta: This discussion is over
Reon: Hey, hold on-
Reon: I can’t believe that fucker!
Reon: Shit… really, what is it
Reon: (...regret huh)
Reon: (I didn’t expect such words to come out of Nayuta’s mouth)
Reon: (Feeling worried… scratch that. After hearing those words…)
Reon: (...For now I need to contact Kenta-san and the others)
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clemanime · 4 years
Hi! Could you do a SPN one where the reader gets badly injured on a hunt in a sensitive place ((breasts, lower down) . When sam is patching her up he sees she gets turned on. Turns out she loves she loves medical kink and roleplay ensues :)
A/N: I didn’t know there was a medical kink and after a deep and interesting dive. I’ve got it. Also... I know that i said after answering that ask that it would be next day delivery but I lost the package.
WARNING: medical play, smut, over stimulation, pain, slight blood, hardcore, full nelson if you really think about it...
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Sam cradled her as he moved into the hotel room. “Are you sure you’re alright? You got hurt pretty bad out there.” Sam questions, kicking the door and placing her on the bed. He allowed her to adjust herself as he locked the door before grabbing a med kit from his duffel bag.
     “I’m alright Sammy.” She sighs as she unbuttons her shirt. “I mean, yeah it’s not everyday I get cut on my left tit, but I’ve been cut before.” She winced at the dull pain in her shoulder. “Who even attacks a woman’s boobs? It’s a low blow.”
     “Here.” Sam mumbles, helping her out of her shirt. “Let me patch you up at least. It looks like a deep cut.”
     “It’s gonna leave a scar.” She pouts.
     “You’ve already got some. What’s one more?” He jokes, reaching for her breast but stopping. “Is it alright if...”
     “Sam... you’ve touched my thigh when I got that splinter.” She laughs. “And my ass when I scraped it jumping that fence.”
     “You thighs and ass are different from your breasts Y/n.” He grumbled. “Besides that you were drunk the time you jumped that fence.”
     “You still touched it.” She rolls her eyes. “Come on I’m getting blood on my favorite bra.” She pulled the cup of the bra down, causing Sam to pause and look away. He cleared his throat, eyes avoiding making contact with her perking nipple.
Sam grabbed her breast, carefully examining the cut to see how deep it is, his large hand covering her as well as keeping her warm. When he decided she needed stitches he let go, leaving her exposed and cold. She bit her bottom lip, sitting in silence as he worked, being careful not to fuck up the stitch because he knew she’d kick his ass. His wrist brushed against her nipple and she closed her eyes, letting out a long sigh. “You okay there?” He noticed her shifting slightly.
     “I’m fine. Just... finish up will ya.” She bites her lip.
     “Right.” Sam continues to take his time, wanting to test a theory that he formed in his mind. The pad of his middle finger pressed against the beginning of her stitch, pulling a small moan from her. She looks at Sam, furrowing her brows as an embarrassed expression found its way to her features.
     “You did that on purpose didn’t you?” She narrowed her eyes.
     “No.” He gave her an apologetic expression which gave him away.
     “I know you want to ask me something so spit it out Sammy.”
     “Do you... like...” He starts to blush slightly.
     “Don’t be shy now.” She smiled. “My breast is out and in your big ass hand. And you just made me moan by poking my stitch.”
     “Do you like pain?” He questioned.
     “Something like that.” She nods. “I’ve got a kink. It involves a Doctor and me being a patient. Why do you think I didn’t go with you to the hospital when Dean got hurt pretty bad? It wouldn’t be inappropriate for a woman such as myself to be fantasizing about one of the doctors sticking a gloved finger inside of me.” Sam seems taken aback, staring at her for a moment before clearing his throat. “So now you know that I’ve got a Medical Kink. Are you gonna finish with my boob so I can go take a shower and masturbate or just sit there with your mouth open and stare?”
     “I knew you didn’t hold back but shit.” Sam chuckled, finishing off the stitch and tying it off. He stands up, going into the med kit and stopping for a moment to think. “Take the rest of your clothes off Y/n.” He spoke when he grabbed one of the gloves from the kit.
     “What?” Her voice broke as she looked at the large mans back. “Sam what are you getting at?”
     “It’s Dr. Winchester to you.” He turned, fixing the glove onto his hand as he looked down at her. “I need to do a full examination on you to make sure that you don’t need anymore stitches.”
     “Wait... Sam do you know what you’re doing?” She stands up, staring at him. “This is a fantasy of mine. If I get into it there’s no turning back.”
     “Miss...” He steps forward. “Calling me by my first name is very unprofessional. This is a Doctor-Patient relationship. We’re not close friends.” Sam noticed a switch flip in her eyes almost like her usual open attitude was thrown in a cage.
     “Yes Doctor.” She keeps her eyes locked wit his, stripping herself of the rest of her clothes. “Where do you want me? I can go over there.” She points towards the round table in the kitchen.
Sam takes her in, surprised at how obedient she was but making sure to stay in character. “That would be a good idea. As soon as you’re comfortable. We’ll begin the examination.” She moved quickly, sitting on the table and staring at Sam as he grabbed the kit and walks over to her. He sets the kit down next to her, smirking as her eyes followed his gloved hand. “How am I supposed to begin when you still have clothes on?” She squirms slightly, getting up and taking her underwear and bra off. “Good. Now lay back and open your legs.”
She does as told, hands at her sides as she grips the edge of the table. Her legs are wide open, her womanhood exposed. “It hurts there too Doc. Please make it feel better.”
Sam smirked, leaning forward. “I’ll make the pain go away.” He presses the pad of his rubber covered thumb against her clit, sending a jolt through her body. Her eyes fluttered shut as she let out a moan. “Seems like you’ve made a mess here.” He looked from her sopping cunt to her eyes. “Bad girl. You’re going to mess up the table at this rate.” She gasps, climaxing. Sam hums, watching her body relax after a few moments. “This is going to be a difficult examination if you’re going at this rate.”
     “S- Doctor Winchester... it’s been a minute since my last examination so please be gentle.” She breathed out.
He stood between her legs, watching her as she moved hand to her stitch. “I’ll do my best.” Sam pushed his thick fingers into her, moving them around to find her sensitive button to push. She gasps when his long finger poked at an area near her cervix. “Hm. Let’s see.” He smirks. She pushed to hard on her stitch, popping it and causing some blood to trail down her skin. Her hand gripped his wrist, looking at him with pleading eyes. “Do I need to strap you down?” He questions. “If you stop my examination again I’ll be forced to do so.” She whimpered, letting him go. “That’s a good patient. Now. I’m going to need to you have a taste of something. To see if your taste-buds are still in tact.”
She lays back, watching as Sam got on his knees, wasting no time to latch his hot mouth against her needy mound. She cried out, hand going to a bruise on her thigh. She pushed down on it with her thumb, body jerking. “Doctor!” She climaxed, her juices shooting out into Sam’s palm as he continued to probe her sensitive area.
     “Look at my little patient.” Sam chuckled, his voice low and husky. “You get off on the pain. Tell me. After enduring intense physical pain do you indulge? Do you touch your cuts and bruises when you get off?” Her body relaxed but Sam didn’t give her enough time. She whimpered her response, eyes closing as she tried to relax. “I need a response.”
     “I do.” She replied. “After a hunt I lay in bed poke at my bruises.”
     “Such an honest Patient.” Sam smirked as he undid his jeans, pushing them down. “For your honesty... I’ll give you a sucker. But before that you need your dose of protein.”
     “Th-thank you Doctor.” She opened her legs wider, spreading her cunt as she stared up at Sam. “I’ve been lacking.”
     “Naughty Patient.” Sam pushed into her, mouth falling open at how tight and wet she is. His thrusts started at a fast pace, gloved hand moving up and down her thighs, making sure to put the right amount of pressure on her bruises that had formed. He groaned, when she tightened even more around him. “Shit Y/n.” He draped her legs over his arms, his large hands holding the back of her neck as he forced her to watch his cock disappear inside of her. “Look at that... fuck.” He looked at her face, enjoying the way she was losing herself. He leaned forward, going in for a kiss but stopping himself. He settled on kissing her freshly opened stitch, feeling her body trembling.
     “F-fuck Sammy!” She moaned, her eyes going from his to his cock as he continued to pound into her. “R-ruin me S-Sammy!”
     “I plan on it.” Sam took the glove off, tossing it across the room and pulling out. He grabbed her by her arm, walking over to the full length mirror and grabbing a chair. “I didn’t expect you to be so...”
     “Freaky?” She chuckled, looking at him as he sat in the chair. Without responding, Sam turned her around, pulling her back so that she was sitting on his lap. He grabbed the back of her legs and pulled them apart, taking her by surprise at the view she had through the mirror. “Sam! What are you doing!?”
     “Don’t be shy now.” He smirked, kissing her shoulder blade. “You watched me fuck your little pussy just a minute ago.” He lined her up with the head of his cock, teasing her. He pushed his head in and pulling it back out. She felt like she could release with that action alone.
     “When did we go from Roleplaying to th-” Her sentence was cut off when Sam buried himself back into her, pulling a string of swears that came out in a slur. She fell back into his chest, struggling to keep her eyes open as Sam looked at her through the mirror. “You’re an evil man Sam Winchester.”
     “I know.” He chuckled. “Now sit up and watch the show.” He helped her sit up just enough so that she could see his throbbing cock stretching her out. She couldn’t take anymore, her body still trembling. “Don’t stop looking.” Sam thrust his hips upward, watching her clench in the mirror. “Look at you baby.” He chuckled. “Having my cock inside of you really makes you shake.”
     “Please Sammy! I can’t take anymore!” She felt herself orgasm, screaming at the top of her lungs as her hands reached for Sams thighs to stop him but failing her. His hand moved towards her stomach,  as the other moved to her neck.
     “Everyone probably heard that one.” He picked her up, still inside of her and placed her on the bed, staying behind her as his large hand grabbed her neck and the other pressed against her ass cheek. “Whenever you cum you have this look on your face that I can’t get enough of.” He pulled her up, looking at the shocked expression on her face. “Like one of those girls in the Cartoon porns that Dean watches.”
     “You’re telling me...” She pants. “That I look like Hentai girl?”
     “You said it.” Sam started thrusting, staring deep into her eyes. She let out strangled moans, legs about to give out on her as he picked up his pace. The large hand on her ass moved to her mouth, two of his digits invading the space between her lips. Her eyes closed, body shaking violently as another climax racked over her. She was overstimulated at this point. He let her go, watching her fall into one of the pillows to which she squeezed. “It’s like you’re assuming I’m done. I haven’t given you the protein I promised Little Patient.”
      “Oh fuck.” She moaned into the pillow. Sam pushed her chest into the mattress as he pushed himself further in to the point where she could feel him hit her cervix. She bit the pillow as she tried to move away but stayed stagnant.
     “I don’t mind carrying you to the car when the time comes. So let me hear that sweet voice of your.”
He pounded into her relentlessly, her moans turning into cries then to screams of pleasure. She’d probably kept a few people up at the rate. Her brain melted, drool leaking from her open mouth and eyes shut tight. Sam didn’t let up, keeping the same pace as he grew closer to his own release. His rhythm faltered, the tip of his cock hitting her cervix again. She clamped down on him, losing her voice with her final holler.
Sam spilled into her, leaning forward and biting her shoulder blade as he slowed. “Shit.” He huffed, turning her over so he could take a look at her wound. He ended up popping the rest of the stitches. When his eyes met hers, he quickly looked away. “I’m sorry if I went too far.” She looked broken. Her eyes blown with lust, hair a mess, bottom lip bleeding slightly from biting it to hard.
     “Stitch me up.” Her voice came out hoarse and raw.
He moved quickly, putting clothes on and then the kit to stitch her up again. He cleaned her up and put one of his shirts on her. She instantly fell asleep, still holding the pillow.
Sam walked out of the hotel room, stopping when he noticed Dean leaning against the trunk of the Impala. “One thing to remember Sammy... motel walls are thin and my room is always next to yours.”
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