#Cedric diggory x male reader
malereadermaniac · 9 months
Actors/Characters x Male Reader Masterlist
Key: ❤️-Smut 🖤-Angst 🩷-Fluff
Categorised by actor - first can be about actor or a role they've played
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Kit Connor
🩷 Giddy - Kit Connor comes home tired from work and you two cuddle to sleep
🩷 Jealousy looks good on you - Kit connor is the jealous type
🩷 First Move - Kit Connor makes the first move on you during a movie
Jacob Elordi
🖤❤️ Toxic - Nate Jacobs is a closeted cunt
Robert Pattinson
❤️ Hogwartz' Heart-throb - Your first time with your boyfriend Cedric Diggory
Eric Dane (Mark Sloan)
🩷 Experiment - Mark Sloan's old Med School 'friend' joins Seattle Grace
Mitchell Hope (Ben Florian)
🩷 Too Trusting - Ben Florian is too trusting when it comes to Mother Gothel's son
Devon Bostick (Rodrick Heffley)
❤️Exploring - Imagine messing about with Rodrick and exploring your sexualities (Drabble/Imagine)
Tom Holland
❤️Gym - imagine getting freaky when working out with Holland!Peter Parker
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sethcertified · 2 years
harry potter : cedric diggory
wrd count : 3.4k
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⊹˚.⋆ synopsis . . . cedric is hopefully in love with [name], but had been rejected time and time again. when he learns the rom com way (rizz) to winning a person’s heart, he tries it on [name]
⊹˚.⋆ starring . . . cedric diggory & male reader
It was hopeless.
That was what Cedric repeated to himself as he laid in the mess he called a bed. It seemed that every time he tried to woo you over, you rejected him! His advances always fell flat no matter how hard he tried.
His countless confessions always ended up with you giving him an awkward smile and saying later; although, by now he knew later would never come.
A frown scorned his face at the sound of the dorm's door creaking open. Cedric turned away from the soft light that poured through the door. He didn't want anyone seeing him; the hero of hufflepuff, so defeated.
"Cedric?" The familiar, feminine tilt of the voice made Cedric turn over to see who was asking for him. There stood Cho Chang; her scarf wrapped around her neck snug with a concerned expression decorating her face.
Cedric knew why she was here, but he couldn't even bother saying anything to the girl. He was hurting too much.
Small steps rang out as they got closer to Cedric's bed until they eventually stopped. A small, gentle hand placed itself on Cedric's shoulder, "Cedric?" Cho's voice was comforting and Cedric finally looked her in the eye; eyes rimmed red.
"Oh, Cedric," Cho cooed. She had never seen Cedric so hurt, but so many rejections do take it's toll at one point. Cedric was her best friend, and to see him so depressed made her heart swell in pity. "It'll be okay. If [Name] can't see that you're an amazing guy; he's dumb.
“Besides, there's ton of other fish in the sea," Cho flashed the heartbroken boy a smile to try to cheer him up, but Cedric's frown deepened.
Cedric sat up from his laid out position, brushing Cho's hand off his shoulder, "I don't want anyone else, Cho. I love him!" Cedric ran his fingers through his mop of brunette locks, "I need him to accept my feelings. I can't live without him."
Cho nodded as she processed Cedric's words.
She knew that he wouldn't accept any other propositions about what to do if it didn't end up with you in his arms. With a purse of her lips, an idea hit her. You loved rom coms! It seemed every other week you would be watching some type of muggle rom com with a love struck look in your eyes in the Ravenclaw common room.
All she needed to do now was to teach Cedric about these romance movies, so he could learn the techniques the male leads used that won your heart!
With an ambitious glint in her dark eyes, Cho took Cedric's hands and dragged him up, ready to show him the way to your heart. As the two stormed off to the Ravenclaw dorm, preparing to go through your DVD collection, they ran into the source of this adventure; you.
Your hands planted against Cedric's chest, balancing yourself before recollecting your composure and observing the two. Cho's hair has developed a bit of frizz, and the usual perfect placement of Cedric's hair was all over the place.
"Cedric! Cho! What are you two doing?" You asked as you awkwardly moved your hands away from Cedric's hard chest to your sides.
Cedric's eyes danced your face, taking in your breathtaking features as his perfect, pink lips spread open in response; leaving his lips agape with no words leaving his mouth. You had that charming yet awkward smile that usually occupied your face, and Cedric's mind had drawn a blank on the excuse he had thought of.
In luck, Cho was able to cover for Cedric who was staring at you, gaping like a fish, "We were actually looking for you!" A grimace placed itself on your face as you remembered how a few hours earlier you had rejected Cedric, and figured that that was the reason they wanted to see you. You turned to the boy with an apologetic expression, "I'm really sorry about earlier. We're good, right?" Cedric nodded dumbly before Cho cut into the conversation,
"Actually, Cedric, here is taking muggle studies, and he is doing a project on muggle movies! I always see you watching them in the common room and thought you might help him!"
Oh!" You rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly, "Well, I feel kinda stupid now, but, yeah, I can let you borrow some of my movies." You began to waltz off to the dorm as Cho gave Cedric a first pump from behind your back.
Cedric didn't return the enthusiasm; his attention being transfixed on the warmth your hands had left on his robes from the two of you running into each other.
The Ravenclaw dorm hadn't changed from the last time Cedric went in there to hang out with Cho. Everything had stayed the same. Cedric inhaled; getting wafted by the smell of candles, books, and ink. It smelt like you. You disappeared into the boy's dorm before coming out will a tall, leaning stack of DVDs. As you stepped forward toward the pair, the DVDS wobbled, and Cedric rushed to catch them. The tip of his fingers brushed against yours as they leaned against his chest. He sent you a cheesy smile, "That was a close one."
You nodded in agreement and moved to set the stack of movies on the tabletop. Cedric dawned a small frown at the feeling of your fingers leaving his, but quickly covered it when you turned back around to the two, "Well, here's my collection! What kind of movies are you looking for?”
Cedric stayed silent until Cho elbowed him, "Ow!" He gritted his teeth as he held his hip in pain, "Uh, Romance movies?"
Your eyes practically sparkled at the mention as you smiled like a just won the lottery and quickly sprung into a ramble, “I love romance movies! Everybody makes fun of me for liking them as much as I do with me being a guy and all, but who says guys can't like romance movies? They're always like, 'That's gay; and I'm like, 'Guess what? I am, so fuck off; but still, it is so exhausting." The glow in your eyes died down as you remembered the interaction which Cedric took immediate notice to. He placed his hand on your shoulder in an attempt to comfort you, "Well, if you ever want some company or someone to talk to about romance movies; l'm here."
Your eyes softened and the sparkle in your eye came back. You couldn't help but feel bad for never giving Cedric a chance. Sure, he was every students' dream guy with his tall, muscular body, dreamy eyes, and perfect, honeycomb eyes, but you didn't know him enough to ever consider him as a romantic option. The voice in your head that had so far been screaming at you to get away from Cedric was quiet, and you couldn't help but start to understand why everyone loved Cedric.
Cho stood to the side as she watched the two of you gaze into each others eyes like the other had hung the moon and smiled to herself. Her job here was down, and she turned away with lithe steps in the direction of the girls dorm room; planning to tell all her friends about her matchmaker activities with Hufflepuffs' golden boy and Ravenclaws' certified filmbro.
Cedric caught Cho's departure in his peripheral vision and tried to fight the urge drag her back.
What kind of wingwoman ditches mid-seduction? Your gaze followed to where Cedric's was glaring at and found that Cho had left, "Oh, Cho left. Did she have to go somewhere?"
Cedric forced a smile as he cursed at Cho internally, "Yeah, had a... thing to do in the library." You nodded and turned to your pile, trying to brush off the feelings that had overcame you while looking in Cedric's eyes.
Said boy was peering over your shoulder as you separated the movies into two piles. His brows furrowed trying to figure out how you were deciding which one you were giving him, and how he would manage to make you fall for him with them. He tapped your shoulder, "How are you separating them?"
"I'm giving you my favorite romance movies," you pointed at the huge stack, "That's all of my movies including the ones l'm giving you, so I gotta sort them out." Cedric nodded his head but wanted to keep talking to you, "Which ones are your favorites? I want to hear your thoughts on them for my project." He would pat himself on the shoulder if he could. That was one good lie.
You could feel yourself about to spring off into a ramble and scolded yourself internally. Most people shunned you for your rambles, but for some reason you couldn’t quite place, you felt comfortable enough with Cedric to let go of your embarrassment about rambling, “Well, that’s a tough question,” you chuckled nervously, “I would say 10 Things I Hate About You, The Notebook, and Flipped.”
Your fingers clenched the new found DVD of 10 Things I Hate About You, “This one is just so fun to watch, you know? My favorite scene is when the main guy, Patrick, is singing infront of everyone during her soccer practice just to apologize to her. It’s so sweet.”
Cedric felt himself fall for you even more as your eyes glowed with love, “That’s what I love about romance movies! The guys are always so devoted to proving their love. In The Notebook, he writes her a love letter everyday for a year.”
You spun around back to your collection, scouring for the other two movies. Your hand grasped the DVD for Flipped and you handed it to Cedric, “In this one, he plants a tree for her because the one she loved got cut down.” Your hands filtered through the pile as you searched for The Notebook before finally finding it, “Well, that’s all of them. I hope your project does well.”
Cedric traced the spine of the movies as he nodded nervously but with a goal set in place in his heart. If he could show you that he loved you by doing those things, you might just finally accept his feelings. He gave you a quick, "Thank you" before leaving you and preparing for the journey up ahead.
It had taken a few try's but Cedric had figured out how to play the movies you had given him. He sat in-front of the movie that was starting with a journal and pencil in hand. The first movie was, The Notebook; and Cedric was ultra-focused on it. He remembered how you spoke so highly of the letters Noah had written Allie, and looked at the crisp, lined-sheet of paper. The quill that rested in between his fingers felt like a testament to his love for you. All he had to do know was write you something that would take your breath away.
Cedric's quill danced along the paper in swirls and loops as cursive took over the page. He wanted to make the letter look nice for you. His fingers were clenching the quill so hard to the point pain shot out of his finger tips. Cedric ignored the pain in his fingers as his letter neared to an end.
Cedric's fingers burned red as he dropped the quill onto his bed. His eyes scanned the now finished letter over and over; trying to guarantee it was perfect before he sent it off to you. With a pleased smile, Cedric set off to the owlery for you to open the letter tomorrow during breakfast.
And before he knew it, breakfast had arrived.
Cedric's eyes were latched onto you as he played around with the food on his plate anxiously. Cho sat next to you, sparing glances at Cedric every so often. Cedric had told Cho about what would happen during breakfast, and she was scouting your reaction for him.
The owls swept into the dining hall in unison, and Cedric felt his chest swell with anxiety. It wasn't exactly anonymous with the timing of it all, and knowing your brains, it wouldn't be difficult for you to figure out it was Cedric who wrote the letter; in fact, it wouldn't be difficult at all.
Your owl dropped the rolled up piece of paper onto your empty plate as it flew over your head.
Cedric had tied the paper together with a [favorite color] ribbon for more appeal, and so he could pin point that it was his letter you were opening.
He watched as your fingers delicately untied the ribbon. The letter unraveled and you began to read the heartfelt words pour out onto the paper:
"Dear [Name],
There are many things I would like to say to you, but there's only so much room on a piece of paper. That doesn't mean I didn't try though!
You are everything I have ever wanted and so much more.
Whether it's your smile or your sense of humor or your desire to please everyone around you; you have made me fall for you. And trust me when I say; I fell hard.
I didn't know what loving someone meant until I met you. I've had crushes in the past, but none of them have made me feel the way you do. You make me feel like I'm the greatest wizard in the world, and I will never be able to thank you enough for that.
I'm running out of paper, so l'll make this quick:
I love you.
Always yours..
Your eyes lifted off the paper and flickered to where Cedric sat. It was a quick glance, but it made Cedric's heart race in an emotion between hopefulness and nervousness he couldn't quite discern.
Cho's squeals rang in your ears as your mind raced. Of course you knew it was Cedric who had written the letter. The timing couldn't have been a coincidence, yet that feeling of refusal that usually swept through you when Cedric made his advances wasn't there this time. It shocked you, but you couldn't ignore the blossoming feeling in your heart.
You were falling for Cedric Diggory.
Your eyes flickered back to where the boy sat at the Hufflepuff table. Cedric was gazing at you with that look in his eyes he usually held when he confessed his feelings for you, and you couldn't help the soft, tight lipped smile that stretched across your face at the sight.
If this meant what you thought it did than you were more than enthusiastic for what was to come.
Game day was always nerve-wracking for Cedric. The whole of Hufflepuff depended on him to make them proud, but today only one person's opinion mattered to him; yours.
The second movie you had given him was 10 Things I Hate About You, and now it was time for him to recreate the iconic scene you said you loved.
The mic shook in his hand as he waltzed out onto the stands. Everyone was there with rumors spreading about Cedric doing something special, and Cho had guaranteed you were there too. With a shaky breath, Cedric walked out onto the stadium as the steady instrumental of 'Can't Take My Eyes Off of You' began to play.
He closed his eyes as the words of the song poured out of his mouth. Cedric was by no means a good singer, but if this is what it took to get you in his arms, he would sing for the rest of his life. Cheers followed his movements as he pointed at where you sat. You were covering your face with your hand, but your eyes were crinkled in joy.
The words flowed out easier as Cedric's eyes stayed focused on you instead of the hoard of students watching him. His movements became more relaxed as he danced around on the stadium's seats before sitting among the crowds as the chorus came to an end. Cheers drowned out the stadium hurting both your and Cedric's ears. Cho pushed your hand away from your face revealing the big toothy grin that had taken over the lower half of your face. It was the happiest Cedric had ever seen you before and he mirrored your smile.
Teachers were rushing toward where Cedric sat amongst the crowd, but he could've cared less for the scowls on their faces and the strides they took toward him. Stage 2 was a success, and Cedric couldn't help the tsunami of hope washing over him that after stage 3, you would finally be his boyfriend after all these years of trying.
Unbeknownst to Cedric, his hope wasn't too far off. The letters he had been sending you since that day in the great hall sat under your bed in a beautifully decorated box you had made specifically for them, and your face held a certain warmth as you watched the teachers pull the boy by his arms away from the crowd.
You were in love with Cedric Diggory.
The wind blew in your hair as you stood in the middle of the green, newly-cut grass field behind Hogwarts. In the letter you had been given today from a certain Hufflepuff boy, a riddle had directed you to where you now stood. Suspicions of what could be going on had racked your brain since you received today's letter from Cedric. The third movie you had given Cedric was Flipped, and if he continued his current pattern, he would be planting a tree right here for you.
Your fingers twitched against your leg as you searched the area for Cedric. You considered yourself a patient person, but at the moment, all the patience you once had was gone.
To your relief, Cedric was walking toward you; his fist clenched by his side. A seed rested in his palm. He had taken the proper precautions for planting the seed earlier before your letter was delivered, and now was the time.
The sound of footsteps coming toward you caused you to turn around. Cedric walked toward you as you waved at him with a dorky smile, "Hi."
"Hi." Cedric cleared his throat awkwardly, catching your attention, "| guess you already know why I'm here, but, uh, here I am anyways.
And I'm sure you already know what is going on His voice shook as he continued, "I have loved you since the moment I saw you, and I know you wouldn't let me show it, but I couldn't let that stop me. I know that in the past you've rejected me and you might now, but I need to do this."
You nodded as Cedric opened his fist to reveal the dark, small seed that rested against his palm, "| want to be with you. I want to keep writing love letters to you, and doing embarrassing things just to make you smile even if it means I get detention. If- if you'd like that, please take this seed."
Your eyes fell onto the seed as your hand reached out to take it, “I'd like that. I'd like that a a lot actually.” You took the seed out of his hand; examining it, "I must say, Diggory, you really know how to win a guy's heart."
Cedric laughed as he took you in his arms relief taking over him, "I learned from the best."
"True." you added with a small giggle, "I do want my movies back though."
"No way." Cedric joked as he shook his head, "| like them too much now to give them back."
"Don't press your luck, Diggory. l've rejected you before, and I can reject you again" You playfully glared at the boy who was just grinning at you as giddy as ever, "Okay! Fine! We can share."
Cedric smiled against the top of your head as daydreams of laying with you took over his mind while the two of you watched one of your many rom coms.
"We really should plant this tree now." you whispered.
"Yeah, we should"
The two of you separated away from the hug as you bent down to the freshly dug hole in the ground. Cedric's hand cupped yours as you placed the seed into the hole, his fingers interlocking with yours, "I love you"
"I love you too."
Cedric couldn't help but kiss you like he had dreamed of doing all these years. It was as heavenly as he had imagined, and couldn't help but thank the movies that had helped him win you over and into his arms.
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✎ notes . . . yes, this is a repost. tumblr deleted my old acc >:( ( 𖦹◞◟) 👖˖ ♪
©️ sethcertified 2023
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arriansarchive · 1 year
Could you please please please write something about both cedric and harry asking male reader to the yule ball and there's a whole lot of angst? ultimately who ends up with reader is up to you both are amazing picks ;)
(separate) Cedric Diggory/Harry Potter/Male!Reader
My two favorite boys against each other hurts but I aim to please the public eye
I just realized that in most of my harry potter stories you walk down the hallway in the first scene
Hm interesting!!!!
Okay i might not have done the angst very well and I'm really sorry because you said you wanted a lot of it
Bitchy reader
Written with anti-hero by Taylor swift in the background
Woah surprise surprise I actually got a request done instead of posting mphfpc/symbiote reader crossovers
Summary: Request above
--The Yule Ball is three days away--
The classroom was barren and desolate with no one in it, you thought. It was your seventh year at Hogwarts, and the triwizard tournament's tension was a foot in the intense air of the campus.
Though, that tension had dissipated a little with the oncoming dance. You were thinking frantically about who you would bring since nobody had asked you yet.
Something creaked, bringing you out of your thoughts. You look to the door to find one of your close friends, Cedric Diggory, closing the distance between you both swiftly.
"M/N!" He called with a smile on his face.
You gave him a grin back and stood up to go see him. Seemingly without thinking he pulled you into a tight hug.
This confused you a little due to him not really being the affectionate type with you. He seemed more emotionally close and physically distant even if he wasn't like that with other people.
You and Cedric had been friends for what seemed like forever. Your parents met his parents in Hogwarts a long time ago, and they got it on well.
So from then on you and Cedric were best friends from the beginning. You even shared a crib to play in whenever you were both just babies.
You've also had a long-lived crush on him since second grade basically; you tried to convince it was wrong, but that was eons ago it seemed. It failed miserably, you remember.
That's why you were worried that he was in the tournament. It made you sick to your stomach to think he might die because of some stupid prize he wanted.
"I have a question for you." He said with a blush spreading across his nose and cheeks.
You raised an eyebrow in question, amused at what stupid thing he might say. His questions are notorious for being unthought out most of the time anyways.
"Will you go to the Yule Ball with me?" Cedric mumbled and a smile danced on his face.
Your eyes widened in surprise. You thought he had been eyeing Cho Chang this entire time and was going to ask her to the Yule Ball.
"You're not going with Cho?" You asked.
He shook his head solemnly. "No, she turned me down, but you're the next best one, M/N. We've been friends forever."
You were absolutely appalled that he could even think that. You were the next best? That is the definition of 'what someone doesn't know can't hurt them' and what it applies to.
"I'm the next best, Cedric?" The hurt was apparent in your voice.
You pushed past him softly, still not wanting to hurt him, and headed for the door. The sound of his shoes squeaking against the polished floor filled the tense air.
"Wait! M/N!" He called.
With anger bubbling up inside of you, your dorm seemed like a fine place to go. As long as you weren't stopped along the way it would all be fine.
The hallways were bustling with students and teachers alike, some going to classes or others that have free periods. You had a free period after that interaction, so you were eternally grateful.
"M/N!" A voice shouted. "M/N, do you have a second?"
You really wanted to just ignore this person and continue to your self pity and solitude, but what fun would that be? Your tracks stopped as you waited for this mystery person to catch up to you.
To your surprise it was Harry Potter who stood before you now. He had an embarrassed look on his face.
He said something that you definitely weren't expecting so soon after Cedric. "I want you to go to the Ball with me." He muttered quickly, looking at the ground.
Half of you thought it might be a little weird taking the chosen one to a Ball, but the other half wanted to do something to get back at Cedric, and Harry wasn't half bad.
"I don't have a date yet, so why not." You said with a big smile on your face.
--The Yule Ball is now two days away--
You decided to hang out with Harry and his friends today instead of Cedric, but Ron and Hermione had went off somewhere, leaving you and Harry to your lonesome.
You both talked about some random things, schoolwork or teacher gossip mainly. Well, that was until Cedric walked over with an angered look on his face.
"M/N, have you decided yet?" He demanded.
Harry looked at him confused. "What could he have decided on for you? He's going to the dance with me, anyways."
"Oh, M/N didn't tell you? I asked him to the dance the same day you did, and I bet he's using you to get back at me. He's never even shown any interest in being your friend, much less your date."
Harry looked at you with widened eyes. "I thought you said you had wanted to be my friend for a while?"
It's true; you said that. You thought that it would've been an easy lie to get away with since everyone wanted to be the chosen one's friend but apparently not.
Harry took your silence as guilt, and his face turned from puzzled to infuriated. He opened his mouth as to say something but was stuttering.
"You lied about wanting to be my date and my friend, so you could get back at my opponent?" He questioned.
You rubbed at the back of your neck, thinking of what to say. You were at a loss for words at how unprepared you were.
"You know what? I'm done. I don't even want to know your reasoning, M/N." Harry barked and then walked away with his hands balled up into fists.
Cedric looked at you with passive rage in his eyes. "You did this one to yourself."
He walked away shortly after looking you up and down. You stood there in shock of what just happened.
Now you definitely wouldn't be able to find a date since Cedric and Harry were probably going to spread this story like plague around the school.
--The day of the Yule Ball--
Long story short, you didn't even go to the dance since you had no date. You stayed in your dorm locked inside of your room.
Oh well, M/N! You did this to yourself after all.
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sku11s1asher · 2 years
cedric diggory x male reader
FEM DNI (or you’ll be blocked)
this was a one night stand thing so the reader doesn’t really show much emotion during their time w/ him. also, im very mad i had to rewrite almost everything because tumblr kept deleting it.
You and your friend R/N were getting ready for a party. You might’ve been taking too long as your friend was currently rushing you, “Please Y/N! You don’t have to take all day to get ready for a party that’s going to last like two hours.” You rolled your eyes at them, “Look, I don’t know about you but tonight is my night. I need to have some stress relief.” You heard a sigh before your friend plopped back on your bed.
Once you finally finished getting ready, you looked in the mirror, “I don’t know, this outfit-” “Oh my fucking god.” Your friend dragged you, they do not want to deal with your indecisiveness. You both left the dorm and headed to your car, “Since I decided to invite you to this party and stuff, I should be able to use the aux!” Your friend smugly said. “Right… if that’s so, have fun walking to the party.”
As soon as you and your friend got out of the car, you both got hit with a strong smell of alcohol. “Who’s party is this?” You asked them to which they shrugged their shoulders and replied, “I don’t know, I just heard about it.” You rolled your eyes, “What if we get killed here?” Your friend gave you a side hug, “At least we’d die together.”
Shortly after that, your friend left with some person. After dancing for a bit you decided to grab a drink, unknown to you that someone was following you. You took a sip of your water and turned around to someone in your face. “Hey, pretty boy,” He smiled at you. You let out a small laugh, “Hi, handsome.”
“You had some good moves back there, you should show me a little more.” He smirked. You smiled, “What’s your name?” “Cedric.” “Well Cedric, I’d love to show you some more moves.” You said as you grabbed his hand. He said a quick ‘follow me’ and took you to a room. As soon as the door closed and locked it, he took off his shirt and sat on the bed patting his lap.
“You sure are eager.” You said to him as you took off your shirt, “Why wouldn’t I? Who wouldn’t love a personal dance from someone as beautiful as you?” Cedric replied. You sat on his lap and kissed his neck, you could tell he easily gets aroused since all you did was give him a small kiss.
After some making out, grinding, and all that good stuff, you both decided you couldn’t wait any longer. He took off both of y’all’s pants, once he got yours off he started giving you small kisses here and there. “Did you prepare yourself at all before this?” He asked. “Yeah, I was hoping for something like this to happen.” He let out a slight laugh, “God, you are more of a slut than I am.”
He had your head shoved into a pillow as he was shoving his cock inside of you, “You feel so nice inside.” He whispered into your ear. Once he was fully in, he didn’t waste any time before he started pounding into you. You might’ve had a lot of other one-night stands but, this was one of the best so far. Your moans were muffled, but even if they weren’t, the party would’ve been too loud to hear them anyways. “You are taking me so well, princess-“ he couldn’t even finish his sentence before cutting himself off with a groan.
He pulled out for a quick second to flip you over, “Damn- I’m getting close-“ he moaned out. You really couldn’t comprehend what he was saying as you were in cloud nine but, what you did know was you were about to cum. He took your cock into his hand to jack you off, soon after you came, he did too. After a couple minutes he slowly pulled out, throwing the condom into the trash next to the bed.
He calmed himself down before giving your chest a pat, “That was nice, maybe we could do it another time.” That was the last you heard from him as he got up and left. Once you were able to get your brain right, you threw on your clothes and grabbed your friend before they could go in a room with someone else.
“Is it time to go?” They asked. “Yeah, it’s getting late and I’m tired, plus I just had some amazing sex.” On the way back to your dorm, you and your lovely friend talked about what y’all did at the party, laughing at each other. You both were total sluts but, it’s okay.
thanks for the request, i’ve never watched Harry Potter, so sorry if i made any mistakes.
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nasa-writing-club · 9 months
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Golden Trio Era:
- Harry Potter
- Ron Weasley
- Hermione Granger
- Ginny Weasley
- Fred Weasley
- George Weasley
- Draco Malfoy
- Mattheo Riddle
- Theodore Nott
- Lorenzo Berkshire
- Blaise Zabini
- Pansy Parkinson
- Luna Lovegood
- Cedric Diggory
- Neville Longbottom
Marauder Era:
- James Potter
- Sirius Black
- Remus Lupin
- Lily Evans
- Marlene McKinnon
- Mary MacDonald
- Dorcas Meadows
- Regulus Black
- Pandora Lovegood
- Evan Rosier
- Barty Crouch Jr
- Tom Riddle
- Newt Scamander
- Charlie Weasley
If you don’t see a character you want a fic for on here, feel free to request them anyway (as long as they are Harry Potter characters) and I’ll see what I can do.
- headcanons, one shots, and series
- all either “x male!reader”or “x gn!reader” (if you want other specific pronouns, specify)
- fluff, smut (nothing excessive), angst, hurt/comfort, etc.
- any teacher/student relationship
- no she/her or fem readers in general
- things im uncomfortable with (If I don’t want to write it, im just not going to)
- anything noncon
- pregnancy (idk man im just not writing it)
imma write what you want and what i want just be nice and respectful
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writing-mlm-reposts · 7 months
harry potter
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a/n: all of these are Male!reader unless specified to the GN/NB
Draco Malfoy
Harry Potter
Ron Weasley
Bill Weasley
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Charlie Weasley
Cedric Diggory
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lilsluttyy · 1 year
new book dropped on wattpad
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panandinpain0 · 1 year
can I make a rEquEST I’m new to this so sorry if it sounds weird 😭😭 can I req a cedric (yes I’m basic) x male hufflepuff where the readers the year below him- at the triwiz tourney and ball it’s revealed he’s the cousin of krum or delacour? Specific I know 😭
Dw hon, I'm basic too <3
I'm going with Delacour, idk why I just feel more inclined to do her- so you're Fleur Delacour's little brother!
Requested by: Anon
Cedric Diggory x Male!Hufflepuff!Delacour!Reader
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(Y/N) and Cedric had been friends since (Y/N)'s first year. They'd met at his welcoming feast and became fast friends, even though they couldn't really go to class together (seeing as the classes were separated by year) but whenever they weren't attending class you'd see them together.
Now it was the Triwizard Tournament, and Cedric had been chosen.
"You what?" (Y/N) muttered through the toast in his mouth.
"Don't talk with your mouth full- and I was chosen as a champion for the Triwizard Tournament," Cedric shot back playfully.
It was the day after his (and Harry's) name had been drawn, but (Y/N) was recovering from a week-long cold in the hospital wing. (Y/N) had really wanted to go but Madame Pomfrey insisted he stayed until he was better.
"Okay mom-" (Y/N) mocked after he'd swallowed his toast, turning his full attention to Cedric. "So you're actually going to compete?"
"Well-" Cedric shrugged halfheartedly- "Yeah. Do I really have a choice?"
"I'd like to think so," (Y/N) argued back, not backing down.
"It's not like I can just ask them to pull another name out of the goblet-"
"That's exactly what you can do!"
"Why are you fighting so hard for this? Aren't you happy for me?" Cedric asked, the fire fading from his voice near the end of his sentence.
(Y/N) sighed and shook his head, looking around the hall for a second.
"It's not that I'm not happy for you Cedric, I'm just... worried. You could die, Cedric. This tournament was banned for years for a reason. I have no idea why those idiots decided to bring it back." (Y/N) scoffed and started eating again, not that he was very hungry anymore.
"Hey, 'those idiots' includes our Headmaster."
"I meant what I said. The man who's supposed to be protecting us and have our best interests at heart is sending you- and other students- into a dragons den!" (Y/N) replied heatedly. "To hell with him."
Cedric didn't know what to say to that, he had a point.
"I'm sorry you don't like it, but I'm doing it, (Y/N)," Cedric warned him with a determined look on his face.
"I know, that's what I'm so afraid of. You're my best friend, Cedric. If you die, I don't-"
"Well, I'm not going to be dying so you don't have to worry about it." Cedric so badly wanted to reach across the table and take (Y/N)'s hand- but he didn't.
"You can't promise that." (Y/N) shook his head, not looking at Cedric.
They left it at that, changing the subject and getting on with their lives. Until the first task started to approach.
"I was just joking when I said they were sending you into a dragons den, I didn't think there'd be actual dragons!" (Y/N)'s strained voice whispered across the table to Cedric at the library.
"I didn't either, but Harry told me so now I'm ahead of the other champions."
(Y/N) worried his bottom lip, "I hope Fleur and Viktor find out soon..."
"I'm sure they'll be fine, if Harry knows everybody else probably knows too. Anyways, I've been studying up on some things I can use to get past the dragon, and I figured my best shot would be transfiguration. What do you think?"
"Well, you know how shit I am at transfiguration so I don't know, but I can't think of anything else. I just hope it works."
"It will." He sounded like he was reassuring himself more than anything.
"Alright, I've got to go-" Cedric motioned to the champions tent outside the stadium. "Make sure you have a good view," he joked, sending (Y/N) a wink.
"Wait, Cedric!" (Y/N) caught him by his wrist and pulled him in for a hug, arms around his waist as he tried to stop himself from tucking his face into Cedric's neck.
"Please be careful. Don't die."
Cedric, though surprised at first, wrapped his arms around (Y/N)'s shoulders, holding him tight. Pressing his face into (Y/N) hair he let his fear take over for a moment before he responded.
"I'll be careful, don't worry. And when it's done we'll go flying on our brooms together."
Eventually they parted, and Cedric gave what he hoped was a confident smile to his best friend, who nodded and weakly smiled back.
"You idiot!" Was the first thing Cedric heard after the tent flap opened.
Chuckling as Madame Pomfrey spread the salve over his burns, Cedric held out his hand to (Y/N).
"Hello to you too."
Pulling up a chair (Y/N) took hold of Cedric's hand and sat next to his cot.
"You're an idiot. I told you to be careful!"
"I know what you're saying is coming from a place of love so I won't take it seriously," Cedric joked again, squeezing (Y/N)'s hand in reassurance.
(Y/N) held Cedric's hand in both of his, pressing a kiss to his knuckles subconsciously. Heat flooded Cedric's face, and not from his burns.
"You're such an idiot," (Y/N) mumbled, still not noticing what he had done and the effect it had had on his best friend. "You could have died."
"But I didn't," Cedric managed to whisper out.
(Y/N) merely glared at him, not letting go of his hand. Madame Pomfrey finished wrapping his wounds and went to check on the other champions, leaving the boys alone.
"Hey," Cedric nudged (Y/N)'s chin with his captured hand, smiling at him. "I'm okay. I'm not dead, I'm right here."
Brows creased and tears pooling in his eyes, (Y/N) took in a deep breath and nodded, blinking them away before moving closer to Cedric's bedside. His elbows were on the side of the cot and still held Cedric's hand, staring into his eyes.
"You didn't die."
"I did not."
"Okay." (Y/N) took in another breath and closed his eyes, putting his forehead on their joined hands. "Are you in pain?"
"Some, but Pomfrey gave me some stuff for it."
"Good. Want me to beat up the dragon for you?"
Cedric guffawed and (Y/N) joined him, the two falling into laughter.
Staring at the egg on the table in the Hufflepuff common room, (Y/N) shook his head in dismay.
"It's only been a week, we still have time to figure it out, (Y/N)," Cedric startled him out of his thoughts.
"I know, but the sooner we know the better, that way we can find a way of beating the next task," (Y/N) shot back, turning the egg a bit on the table.
Cedric just let out an amused sigh, plopping down on the couch next to him.
"So, have you heard about this ball thing?" (Y/N) asked casually, wanting to gossip like they usually did.
Sitting up from his slouched position, Cedric gulped down his nerves and nodded.
"Uh, yes! Yeah, the Yule Ball, right?"
"Apparently we're supposed to be taking a dancing class for it," (Y/N) made a face as he wrote something down on his parchment, looking back up at the egg.
"About the ball, I was wondering..." Cedric trailed off uncertainly, looking at (Y/N)'s distracted state.
"Wondering?" (Y/N) put down his quill and looked to Cedric.
"Wondering if you'd like to go with me to the ball?"
(Y/N) blinked in shock and then his eyebrows slanted down.
"Like... as friends, or...?" (Y/N) trailed off, licking his lips as he suddenly found himself panicked.
"Um, no. Not- well, unless you'd like it to be as friends because that's completely f-"
"Yes. Yes, I'd like to go to the Yule Ball with you as not friends." (Y/N) smiled at him, his hands finding the loose thread in the common room couch very fascinating.
"Good, that's- that's good!" Cedric leaned forward and kept nodding.
They sat for a moment in awkward silence, sharing nervous looks every once in a while.
"Who do you think Harry will ask?" (Y/N) suddenly wondered aloud, picturing the awkward, bumbling boy in his year trying to ask someone out- curious as to who all of the champions will ask.
"You don't think he'll as Hermione, will you?" Cedric responded, giving in to the gossip.
"Oh, no- Ron's in love with her. Harry would never," (Y/N) stated like it was common sense.
"Wait Ron's in love with Hermione?"
And that's how the rest of the night went, the egg eventually being ignored.
"Do we really have to walk out in front of everybody? That seems a bit dramatic..."
"We're not just walking out, dearest, we're dancing in front of them too," Cedric teased, moving his eyebrows up and down to try and lighten the mood.
"That's not better, Diggory." (Y/N) frowned at him.
"I know, I'm sorry. I won't be that bad, just focus on me and you'll be fine," he reassured his best fr- boyfriend? They'd gone on a couple of dates since he'd asked him out to the ball, and it'd been like a dream come true.
They were lined up outside the doors of the Great Hall with Harry and Parvati standing behind them.
"Alright champions and companions, time to dance," Professor McGonagall opened the doors and out they went.
"Oh my god I can't believe I'm actually doing this," (Y/N) whispered to Cedric as they made it to the middle of the room, everybody's eyes on them. Well, the champions, which included them.
"Just look at me. None of them matter, not right now, just look at me." Cedric looked into (Y/N)'s eyes and they joined hands, dancing as the music started.
"I'll be honest, Ced, I did not expect to have this much fun tonight," (Y/N) revealed, taking a sip of the butterbeer that Cedric had gotten him.
"You didn't expect to have fun at a ball with your boyfriend?" Cedric asked incrediously.
"Boyfriend?" (Y/N) looked caught off guard, staring at Cedric with wide eyes.
Cedric stammered, "I- well, you- and we- I just thought..." he trailed off at the sight of (Y/N)'s blushing face.
"Boyfriend, hmm?" a new voice interrupted their conversation.
Head's whipping to see who the new person was, the boys felt almost relieved to have someone interuppt.
"Fleur, hey!" (Y/N) tried to act natural as Fleur pulled him into a hug.
"It is nice to finally get to talk to you again cousin! It feels as though I have hardly seen you while I've been here!"
"Cousin?" Cedric cut in, glancing between Fleur and (Y/N).
"Well, it is a big castle!" (Y/N) chuckled nervously, having forgotten he never told Cedric.
"Yes, (Y/N) here is my cousin. He grew up with me in France! Did he not tell you?" Fleur glanced between the two Hufflepuffs, sensing she'd said something she shouldn't have.
"I hadn't gotten the chance, it never came up." (Y/N) shrugged and smiled apologetically at Cedric.
"By the way, Mama says you need to write her back. 'Aunts deserve attention to, you know' were her exact words. Anyways, I will leave you with your boyfriend. Au revoir!" Fleur twirled away, making her way towards Roger Davies, the Ravenclaw she had asked to the ball.
"So, you're a Delacour, huh?" Cedric tried to joke.
"Not technically, if it helps? My mom is Fleur's mom's sister. She married my dad who's from Ireland, and they live there now, but we visited France a lot growing up," (Y/N) rambled, trying to tell him all now to make up for not telling him before.
Cedric nodded and looked down at his drink.
"Listen, it never real came up and I just kept forgetting, please don't take it too hard."
"It's not that." Cedric shook his head.
"Oh... well, we hadn't really talked about it yet, so I was just surprised."
"You aren't mad that I called you my boyfriend?"
"I would've preferred we'd talked about it before but I'm open to that conversation," (Y/N) chuckled out his response.
Cedric looked relieved.
"Care to dance?" he set down his cup and held out his hand to (Y/N), who took it.
"Gladly," he laughed back.
And they were happy, even if just for that night. In truth they were happy until the third task...
Hope you liked it Anon! Idk if you wanted that much background but I didn't feel good about just jumping into the Yule Ball scene.
Lots of love to ya!
-Author Max <3
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zvdvdlvr · 2 years
I don’t know if you take requests if yes then could you pretty please do a Cedric Diggory and/or Theodore Nott fluff alphabet
fluff alphabet; cedric diggory
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
ok but i really do believe that cedric diggory needs to always be holding your hand or, in case ur not a physical person, know that he's always by your side. i do be thinking though that cedric will always be down for almost any kind of pda
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
the forst thing i thought of while reading this is that there are two types of best friends reacting to their bestie's break-up: the one thats all "omg bae im so sorry!! do you need to talk? lets watch some movies and ill get all the ice cream and you tell me everything" and then "ok... any suggestions for what we'll do with the dead body?" out of these, cedric's fr the first one.
as a best friend, cedric 100% will point and laugh at people you dont like, and will undoubtedly stand up for you and ur presence if you aren't there.
and he will buy you Christmas gifts (if u celebrate) and will spoil u on ur birthday
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
he loves spooning (specifically him as little spoon but he dgaf if u dgaf) and will 100% fall asleep with you. cedric, for one, lovesss being in between your legs (hey now 🤨📸) with his head on your stomach and he's just all wrapped up in you omg it makes him so happy and warm and sleepy omg hes soft
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
at some point, yeah. cedric wants to settle down. he knows, though, that thats not always in the cards and is willing to do whatever for your love.
HOLY NART CEDRIC DIGGORY IS AN AMAZING CHEF D O N T TRY TO CONVINCE ME OTHERWISE. ok so imagine: after graduation, probably a week or so into life without school, you're still unconscious from a busy night of doing whatever you were doing. now its getting later in the morning, the sun is rising farther, and your body is ready for food. cocooning yourself in an old hogwarts blanket, you start making your way to the kitchen of the apartment you're sharing with cedric. you find him mid-flip of a scrambled egg. he's wearing a pairbof light grey sweatpants, and the sun shining beautifully on his bare chest. not to brag, but cedric was definitely muscular from quidditch. he looks up, soft eyes visibly lighting up seeing you. he smiles sweetly as you basically waddle to him. taking you in his arms, he presses a kiss to your forehead and goes back to the egg.
lmao okay i see u
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
genuinely, cedric does want the best for you, so he takes comfort in knowing this would be good for you if breaking-up was necessary. he won't pussy out, don't worry. cedric also believes in communication, so he'll make dinner or whatever and then he'll sit down with you and just say it as it is with as little sugar-coating as possible. he cares about your feelings, so he wouldn't be mean about it. he'd assure you that if, at any point, you needed him, he would always be there for you.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
mans ong wants to get married (when he knows ur the one). he wouldn't wait years unless he felt the need to, but wouldn't rush right into it.
when the time comes, he'll introduce you to his family, and obviously his dad would like you because theres literally no reason not to. he would buy a ring without you knowing, and would definitely take you somewhere. if you proposed to him, holy shit he'd probably start crying. if you made a speech? sobbing. he's kinda emotional, and is not afraid to cry about the big stuff. happy tears streaming down his face hed probably make tf out with you right then and there.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they physically?)
he a softie, i think we know now. physically omg would be so tender and sweet with you unless you want him to be ;) (im sorry omg im sleep deprived)
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)
oui oui, garçons und filles. expect lots of hugs from behind cos bros a sucker for those ong 😭❤
if ur shorter than him, hugs from the front are so sweet n shit. he leans down and kisses your forhead and its honestly just so sweet damn
if u a little taller than him, slay bbg i see you 🤩 anyways, ced wanna be held some days so he'll just kinda stand there until you get the hint and hug him like you know he needa be
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
damn okay thats a tuff one tbh
when he knows you'll put up with his shit and he just kinda knows that you the one, he'll come up and be twiddling his thumbs and be all ''omg i think i love you and im in love with you"
no, honestly, he'd probably bring it up into a conversation and then just steamroll right by it. he wants you to know he does love you but he doesn't want to be overbearing and scare you away
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
cedric does kinda get jealous, but damn he won't tell you. it's kinda obvious, though, when he is jealous. he'll be glaring and everything at whoever your talking to/about and kinda just wallow in his anger like "merlin man dzont they're with me >:(((((" when you come by and stand by him and kiss him or hold his hand, he does get happy and look down to keep anyone from seeing his smile
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
depends of the mood
during hogwarts and he just got out of a rough class or its been a long day or whatever, he'll kiss you with those soft lips of his, gently tugging your bottom lip with his teeth.
if you're both at home and just woke up its just a soft little kiss on the lips, lingering slightly
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
literally so sweet omfg 😣❤
as a prefect, he's got some experience with kids (specifically 11 and 12 year olds) if you both decided you wanted kids, adopted or not, he's definitely be so sweet but sometimes you might have to remind him that he needs to be especially firm with some kids just because they may need it.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
slow and sweet, most days. he'll make breakfast (most days) at some point unless hes asleep or sick. if you shower in the morning, he'll make sure you have a cup of tea or coffee or cocoa waiting for you when you're done
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
he loooovvveeessss cuddling okay? he'll do anything you want, watching movies, play games and the like
though cedric loves movie nights, he loves the moments when the movie is paused, and you're doing whatever it is you're doing (petting ur dog or cat, re-placing a blanket, scurrying out of the room for some reason) he loves those. it makes him feel safe knowing he's with you in your home, with your personal stuff, being happy and cute
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
as friends, you'd obviously know the basics: fave color, fave drink, eye color, yada yada yada.
cedric diggory trusts pretty easily (when dating) and will tell you things you probably never thought to ask. personal things that he holds so close to his heart, sometimes he forgets those things are even there.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
it certainly takes a little bit to get him upset
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
cedric takes pride in knowing he's yours and you're his, so yeah, he knows details about you almost no one else really knows. hell, he'd probably even remember your gramma's birthday (if you guys were/are close)
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
waking up with you for the first time. seeing you asleep made him swell with warmth. he knew you had a hard time trusting, so you being vulnerable around him made him super mega ridiculously happy
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?)
he trusts you. he knows you know that there's a line between being nice and being a little too nice, so he doesn't get too jealous. in any case, a part of him is worried you'd find someone 'better' than him
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts?)
cedric loves dates. cute little outings where you guys can go do that cute couple shit and just bask in each other.
he knows what to get you because he kinda likes going shopping with you
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
cedric picks at his hangnails until he bleeds
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
now, as one of the golden boys of his time at hogwarts, yes he does care about his looks. he dgaf about little pimples but damn if theres a hot out of place...
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
honestly kinda. he's devoted to you. he's yours. its hard for him to be away from you for weeks let alone months, but of course, he would always pull through in the end; all for you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
cedric pets every dog or cat that he sees (with permission)
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
bros got a thing for not having dirty socks laying on the floor don't ask me why i know this shit
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
turning and nuzzling into you and holyfuckingshit its adorable :((( sometimes he'll whine when he can't quite reach or find you and he'll 100% wake up in the middle of the night if you aren't with him
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mrmaybank · 2 years
Request are open. I write for male and GN reader and for all the fandoms below more will be added!
JJ Maybanks
𝓞𝓹𝓹𝓸𝓼𝓲𝓽𝓮𝓼 𝓐𝓽𝓽𝓻𝓪𝓬𝓽 (M!READER)
John B Routledge
Kiara Carrera
Rafe Cameron
𝓦𝓪𝓼 𝓘𝓽 𝓣𝓱𝓮 𝓦𝓸𝓻𝓼𝓽 𝓨𝓸𝓾’𝓿𝓮 𝓔𝓿𝓮𝓻 𝓚𝓷𝓸𝔀𝓷 (M!READER)
Sarah Cameron
Topper Thornton
Pope Heyward
Marauders Era
Regulus Black
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Lilly Evans (Potter)
Peter Pettigrew
Barty Crouch Jr
Evan Roiser
Marlene Mckinnon
Dorcas Meadows
Pandora lovegood
Nico Di Angelo
Percy Jackson
𝓑𝓪𝓭 𝓐𝓽 𝓖𝓸𝓸𝓭𝓫𝔂𝓮𝓼 (M!READER)
Annabeth Chase
Frank Zhang
Luke Castellan
Jason Grace
Piper Mclean
Will Solace
Connor Stoll
Travis Stoll
𝓙𝓾𝓼𝓽 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓐𝓷𝓭 𝓜𝓮 (M!READER)
Cedric Diggory
Harry Potter
Hermione Granger
Ron Weasley
Draco Malfoy
Blaise Zabini
Fred Weasley
George Weasley
Oliver Wood
Finney Blake
Vance Hopper
𝓐 𝓕𝓻𝓮𝓼𝓱 𝓟𝓸𝓲𝓼𝓸𝓷 𝓔𝓪𝓬𝓱 𝓦𝓮𝓮𝓴 (GN!READER)
𝓙𝓮𝓪𝓵𝓸𝓾𝓼 𝓜𝓾𝓬𝓱? (M!READER)
Bruce Yamada
Robin Arellano
Griffin Stagg
Billy Showalter
Jason Todd
𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓒𝓪𝓷’𝓽 𝓢𝓽𝓸𝓹 𝓓𝓝𝓐 (M!READER)
𝓦𝓱𝓮𝓻𝓮𝓼 𝓜𝔂 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮 (M!READER)
Harley Quinn
Dick Grayson
Damian Wayne
Tim Drake
Bruce Wayne
Duke Thomas
Tony Stark
Steve Rogers
Sam Wilson
Peter Parker
(i’ll do chap one and two)
Richie Tozier
Bill Denbrough
𝓘𝓽 𝓦𝓪𝓼 𝓢𝓸 𝓡𝓮𝓪𝓵 (M!READER)
Beverly Marsh
Ben Hanscom
Eddie Kaspbrak
Stanley Uris
Mike Hanlon
Henry Bowers
𝓢𝓸𝓶𝓮𝓸𝓷𝓮 𝓦𝓱𝓸 𝓛𝓸𝓿𝓮𝓼 𝓨𝓸𝓾 𝓦𝓸𝓾𝓵𝓭𝓷’𝓽 𝓓𝓸 𝓣𝓱𝓲𝓼 (M!READER)
Patrick Hockstetter
Victor Criss
Belch Huggins
Stranger things
Eddie Munson
Nancy Wheeler
Billy Hargrove
Steve Harrington
Mike Wheeler
Will Byers
Jonathan Byers
Lucas Sinclair
Max Mayfield
Dustin Henderson
Eleven “Jane” Hopper
Eden Bingham
(I’ve only watched the first one i’m gonna try to watch the rest throughout the week)
Stu Matcher
Billy Loomis
Randy Meeks
Dewey Riley
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malereadermaniac · 1 year
Hogwarts Heart-throb ~ Cedric Diggory x Male Reader
Golden boy of Hufflepuff, hogwarts' heart-throb, is actually gay! ALSO! For the purpose of this fic, I've added 2 more years to hogwarts so that Cedric is now 19 Top!Cedric x Bottom!Reader word count: 2.7k Sfw & Nsfw / MDNI ~ amab m!reader / FDNI Cw: Fingering, Praise kink, Mirror sex
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Everyone at Hogwarts liked him
Girls wanted to be with him & guys wanted to be him
Cedric Diggory was the golden boy of Hufflepuff - maybe even Hogwarts
And even though he was popular, he's remained single for the past two years
People speculate it was because of his near death experience during the games
But the real reason was something Cedric could barely come to terms with himself
Yes, the heart-throb of Hogwarts is gay
Don't get him wrong! He's happy with that, but he isn't out to anyone whatsoever
And that's where you come in
(Y/n) (L/n) the Hufflepuff wizard, who is Cedric's only reason to want to be out and proud
You made him want to show you off
Flaunt that you were his and make sure everyone knew you two were together - so that no one tries anything funny with you
But how did you get him to like you so much?
It started 2 years ago, that's right, you were also his awakening
The term before the games had been announced, on a normal day, Cedric was heading to the library. During this time of day, it was almost fully empty. But when the brunette turned the corner to his usual, secluded table he stopped in his tracks when he saw another student sitting at the table. He eyed up the yellow scarf and recognised you as the boy in his year and house that he shared one single class with - other than that, you were barely in his life, even in the bedroom you two were on opposite ends.
Though, as Cedric was about to leave for another table, you looked up and locked eyes with him. That's when he first noticed something was up because no man should be making his cheeks turn just ever so slightly pink. He noticed your (h/c) hair and how well it framed your face, your eyes were almost entrancing that he couldn't break the eye contact, and Oh Merlin when you smiled at him Cedric swore his heart stopped for a second.
"Did you wanna sit here?" You ask with a warm smile, looking up from your notes
For a moment, Cedric remained quiet, mainly thinking about what he should say but partially still admiring you.
"Yeah... sure" He says with his usual, charming smile
And that was the start of this whole ordeal
Cedric didn't know that what he was starting to feel was love, but instead, he chose to deem it as taking a liking to you
To be fair to him, you weren't like the others, unlike the other guys you didn't obviously envy him or try to pander to him and make him like you
And even though he'd heard rumours of you being gay, you didn't fawn over him like the girls or try to flirt with him painfully
Cedric liked it. You treated him as any other person
You were chill around him in the library
And when he saw you in the hallway the next day, you didn't try to cling to the 2 hours you'd shared the day before like any other person he'd met
But instead, you just smiled at him and kept walking with your friend
That whole day he couldn't stop thinking about you
He wanted to speak with you
More than just a few meaningless words but rather have a proper conversation with you
And so the next day, during your transfiguration class that the two of you shared
Cedric decided to move to sit next to you
And after one whole year of being friends, chatting, hanging out
Cedric finally realised that he liked you
That's a lie, Cedric came to terms with the fact that he liked you after a year
He realised he liked you during the games, when after the second trial, frantic thoughts ran through his head that of it would have been you under the water instead of Cho, he wouldn't of know what to do
Also, after nearly dying at the grave yard, Cedric could only think about you during what he thought was his final moment
But nevertheless
Cedric knew that he liked you
He knew he would definitely grow to love you
And the thoughts of what could be if he just asked you out already kept him up at night
So one day, he asked you to meet him in a quiet hallway and he spilled his guts to you
It was sweet. He couldn't stop complimenting you, and he couldn't look you in the eye, and he just could not stop talking
You had to shush him with a kiss
Which Cedric gladly accepted, wrapping his arms around your waist and keeping the soft kiss going
"I like you too, Cedric" you giggle after breaking the kiss
That was all Cedric needed to hear
His face had a faint pink hue now, and the biggest grin was plastered on his face
And everything just got better and better from that point on
To your other friends, you and Cedric were just best friends
But behind closed doors, the two of you were a perfect couple
Date nights every Saturday and Sunday
Cedric switched beds to sleep closer to you, and once everyone is asleep, he sneaks into your bed and the two of you cuddle all night long
Once the two of you became 9th years, you only had to share a room with one other person
And of course, Cedric made sure that you two shared a dorm room
"Hey, Cedric!" You say with a huge smile when you run into your boyfriend in the hallways between classes
"Hey b- (y/n)" Cedric says with a small smirk. The two of you always slipped up, but it was never too bad
"Meet me in our dorm after lessons" your brunette boyfriend whispers in your ear as he passes you
So you did, and there he was, waiting for you on his bed.
"Darling~ You're here!" Cedric says with a smile, standing up to walk over to you
"Yeah? What did you want to do?" You reply, mirroring Cedric's smile as he cups you cheeks and gives you a prolonged peck
"Well..... Let's have sex" Cedric whispers after breaking the kiss, his nose pressed against yours as his honey eyes stare into yours, looking for your reaction.
Now, the two of you most definitely weren't virgins
Cedric had done shit with girls in the past, and you had a bit of experience under your belt as well with guys
And you'd given your boyfriend blowjobs before - in bathrooms, empty hallways, and even the common room late at night - and he's a big fan of those
But you two had never gone further than that, which scared you a little
"Umm... Now? ....Sure" you say hesitantly, but with a determined smile on your face.
Cedric's grin was even bigger than when you first agreed to blow him
He was a little worried, though
"You know I've never... done it with a guy, right?" Cedric whispers, looking down at you with dusted pink cheeks
"I know, Cedric. I can guide you if you'd like?" You say with a smile, kissing your boyfriend's cheek, and then his lips, and then his jaw
"I'd like that a lot, (Y/n)" the golden boy mumbles
You carry on kissing his neck, down to his collar bone, and pulling his gown to kiss him even lower
Cedric cupped your face and kissed you again, more passionately this time
His tongue pushing into your as you moan into his mouth
As the two of you make out, Cedric taking the lead, you both pulled each others clothes off, sliding the silk fabric off of each other until you were both left in your undergarments
You'd seen most of your boyfriends underwear by now from the number of times you'd blown him
Tonight, he's wearing some run of the mill black boxers with a golden yellow waist band
Cedric, on the other hand, had only seen you shirtless
So blood rushed not only to his cheeks but also his dick when he saw you almost fully naked, sporting some tight, black boxer briefs
Cedric admired your body. He'd only seen it and felt it when visiting his family with you or vice versa
You noticed his eyes were lingering and got a little embarrassed, but decided to have some fun
"You can touch me if you want, Cedric" you say with a warm smile
"Don't mind if I do, Darlin" Cedric said, effortlessly oozing charisma
With your hands on his shoulders, you watched Cedric's face as his hands caressed your skin, feeling around your waist and hips and even ass
His face was a mix of cute and incredibly attractive, the brunette was biting his lip and blushing as he felt your body
His boner now evident
You kissed him, and felt his body as well
Your boyfriend was muscular yet lean, he felt great, strong and smooth
His arms felt as if they could lift you no matter your weight
When you broke the kiss, you looked into Cedric's golden eyes
"Now, I'm gonna go lie on the bed, and I'm gonna need you to prep me" you say, explaining to your clueless boyfriend what to do
"Prep you?" He asks, genuinely confused, tilting his head to the side and furrowing his eyebrows
You could feel your heart melt
"Merlin... this is embarrassing... I'm not a girl, so you can't just shove it in, baby" you say with a bright red blush in your face
"Oh shit yeah... what do I need to do?" Cedric asks, holding your hand and playing with your fingers
He cared a lot, Cedric never wants you to feel uncomfortable
You sit on the edge of his bed and drag him in front of you
"I need you to pull off my undergarments, wet your fingers, and... prep me... understand?" You say with an embarrassed grin
"Ohhhh... yeah, I understand you perfectly, (Y/n)" a grin contorted Cedric's face, confusion no longer present but instead replaced with his excitement from before
Next thing you know, Cedric placed his palm on your chest and pushed you down onto his bed
You giggle as you feel his slender fingers slip under your boxers and pull them off of your hips
You raise your feet onto the bed, legs spread for your boyfriend
"Wow... you're so sexy, darlin" Cedric mumbles, making your heart flutter
You can hear a soft wet sound and a small pop
You then realise Cedric must of been sucking his fingers, because not even 5 seconds later, his hands were spreading your cheeks
And Cedric's wet fingers were circling your entrance
You were a little scared but mostly excited
And when Cedric started to push against your hole, you knew you were in for a long and incredible night
The golden haired boy gently pushes the tip of his index finger against your hole
Once it slid it effortlessly, Cedric watched with wide and excited eyes as you clenched around him
"Nghh..." you whine, the feeling of the intrusion being something you know but aren't used to
Slowly, Cedric started to move his fingers
Clearly he has had experience like this
But you didn't mind at all, probably because of the way Cedric was working your hole
His soft fingers gently pressing against you walls, spreading your hole for his pleasure
Cedric admired your entrance, how when he scissored his fingers open your hole gapes and winked at him
"Fuck... you're so hot, (y/n)" Cedric mumbles with a flushed face but a shit eating grin plastered on his face
"Oh yeah? Merlin.... you're so good with those fing- MHHNNN!" You stared to say breathily, however you were kindly interrupted by Cedric's fingers pushing against your prostate
"Fuck! Are you okay, (y/n)??" Cedric worries
"I'm great.... you just hit that one spot that shatters my world in the best way possible"
"Oh... I'll get back to that then, darlin' "
40 minutes pass, your hole sloppy and loose after Cedric practically abused it with his fingers
You were moaning mess already, your dick twitching as precum spilled onto your stomach, saliva drooling down your chin as you moan like a whore
"I think you're fine by now" Cedric chuckles as you whine from the loss of his fingers
But as you ground yourself again as your boyfriend kisses you deeply, you notice that his fingers are about to be replaced by something better
You watch as the golden boy if Hogwartz whips out his monster cock from his briefs
It's pretty dick, around 7 inches, a tidy bush of blonde-ginger pubes and loose, saggy balls - with one thick vein down the side of his shaft
"Fuck.... I love you" you say with a giggle and a blush as your return your eyes to Cedric's
"Hmhm... I love you too, darlin'.... My darling (y/n)"
Cedric's arms move to either side of your head and his face is just inches from yours
"Am I alright to put it in, I'm so desperate for you..."
"Go ahead, sexy" you say flirtatiously
The two of you chuckle and kiss each others faces, you gasp when Cedric starts to push the tip of his cock
Merlin... it feels incredible
You moan and gasp and whine in pure pleasure, Cedric's prepping getting rid of any possible pain
"Fuuuu.... Unnnnhh" Cedric groans as you tighten around him once he bottoms out
You move your hands to cup his face, which is scrunching in effort as to not cum immediately
The two of you kiss
A passionate, slow kiss as Cedric starts to rut into you
"Hngg..." you moan into your boyfriend's mouth
The sound of the hufflepuff's hips slapping against your bare ass echos throughout the room
Along with your moans and Cedric's, as well as the wet squelches of your lips and hole
"Fuck you're too good... (y/n)... fuck I love you" Cedric whispers breathily into your ear
His praises make your dick twitch
He was good too, really good
"Fuck... you're so good, Cedric... Ahhh Cedric..." you moan
Cedric pushes himself up, looking down at you with a grin on his face
He watches as you wiggle around from his dick slowly pumping in and out of you
He finds this so hot
He finds you so hot.
The next thing you know, Cedrics hands trace your waist and grip your hips, manhandling you to get up on your knees and flipping you to face his bedroom mirror
Oh fuck.
Your face flushes redder than before
"CEDRIC! AHHH...!" You want to scold your boyfriend for wanting to do something so perverted for your first time
But you were not-so-rudely interested by his dick ramming back into you all the way
You moan loudly and lewdly
Watching yourself in the mirror as your jaw goes slack and your body lets Cedric manhandle you into the position he wanted you in
One hand on your hip tight and the other around your chin from behind you, his vein hand making sure your eyes stayed on the mirror in front
As the two of you got wilder, your moans louder and sluttier as your dick twitched and walls tightened, Cedric also got closer to cumming
You looked behind your fucked-out face and looked at Cedric's
Your walls tightened instantly
He just looked so hot, smirking with a thin blush
Sweaty with damp hair, his pecs tensing as he grinned while looking at you, it was the hottest sight you'd ever seen
So hot, that you came...
"AHH! Cedric- Cumming- Ack-!" You shout in between moans
"Go ahead then, sweetheart~"
That's what really pushed you over the edge, along with him kissing your neck and forcing hickey all over it.
Your heart was still racing
Your body sweaty over the covers, covered in cum, spit, hickeys and lovebites....
Cedric was next to you, sat up and reading a book, still naked and sweaty
Your hole was leaking Cedric's cum, but you couldn't care less
Once the two off you cooled off enough, you both cleaned up and went your default
That is, cuddling until you'd both fallen asleep...
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kitty-tea · 8 months
Imagine being in these situations with your fictional crush🥺🥵
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arriansarchive · 1 year
Cedric Diggory/Male!Reader Headcanons
All in good fun I love Cedric
I'm addicted to headcanons they are fun and so easy to make
Headcanon prompt(?): Random
He loves weird dress clothes
He'll just put them on for fun to show you and laugh at
He's a jokester I'm a firm believer in that
He loves to pull pranks on anyone who comes around
Just small pranks; nothing that can get him in any trouble of course
Whenever you'll have quidditch matches against him, he will go all out trying to beat you specifically
He is not the type of person that will let you win at anything
He will target you in fact
You were really scared whenever he got put into the triwizard tournament
You ended.up being rightfully worried of course but we're here to talk about the good headcanons okay???
You, him, and Cho were all three best friends
You all weren't ever seen without each other pretty much
Except since you guys were in different houses
He really likes to draw you
Ending notes: I didn't have much headcanons for this guy, but I love him anyways, so take this
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captain-lessship · 2 years
Nature Or Nurture? Pt.1
Tw: Discussion of Dead Relatives. A *almost* smut scene.
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Out of my way." you said as you brushed past a Gryfindor couple. They made offended noises as you kept walking.
"Oi mate, no need to be rude." one of them called. You rolled your eyes.
You were feared to say the least, amongst other houses and slightly within your own. 'Don't get in his way.' 'He is crazy' and other flattering things were constantly said about you. 
You were the "Ideal Slytherin" the type that fulfilled the stereotype and retained said stereotype. Cold-Hearted. You didn't care about anyone and no one was worth your time but that didn't stop several people from being drawn in by you, you were strong and they wanted to stand next to you, not in front of you. 
A natural-born leader. You were fine with it of course until they disturbed you. Like that annoying Malfoy boy did with his annoying 'Potter' this and 'Potter' that.
A loud smack caught your attention and made you wince in pain at whatever hit your face. You scowled.
"What's your damn problem?" you snapped. You opened your eyes to see a frantic but familiar Hufflepuff.
"I am so so sorry, I wasn't watching where I was going." You scoffed.
"Obviously." you said, looking at the boy who was now picking up his books. You put your shoe on one of his papers.
"Excuse me, can you hand me that?" he asked. You reached down and picked it up.
"Cedric Diggory?" you read, he looked up with an open hand, waiting for you to hand him the paper. You merely looked him up and down before walking off with the paper.
"Hey! that's my report."
You grinned, "Alatre Ascendare!" you shouted back at the boy, wand in hand. It made all his papers spray out of his books and into the air.
With that, he'd become... intrigued by you.
Several other people came up to him, picking up papers.
"Who's he?" He asked one of the Ravenclaw girls.
"Everyone calls him by his last name. Professor McGonagall forgot to call his first name when he was sorted"
"What is his last name?" Cedric asked, standing up.
"Shouldn't you know? He's in your year."
Cedric was slightly embarrassed. He always tried to know everyone in his year, even if it was only their house and name.
"Sorry, I've forgotten it," he said laughing slightly.
"He's Booker." The girl said walking away from him.
He smiled while scooping up the rest of his papers and began walking in the direction he thought he saw you going. He was looking for you when he was caught off guard by movement in the window sill high above the ground. He looked up and he saw you, simply reading a book like it was the most casual place to read the latest paper.
"Hey!" he called, catching your attention.
You looked down at him and rolled your eyes, "Hello Cedi-Didi." Cedric cringed at the nickname.
"How did you get up there?" he asked.
You grinned. "Wouldn't you like to know, Huff Puff?"
He was getting fed up a lil bit at your childish way of teasing him. "I want to talk to you, can you come down?"
You rolled your eyes, "Incarcerous." you said with a flip of your wand, making a long rope come out the end. "Are you climbing up?" you asked.
He got to the top and sat beside you, letting his legs dangle off the ledge. "So.. You're a fifth year? How come I didn't know your name?"
You glared at him, "That's the big question you had to hunt me down and ask me?"
Cedric had no idea why you were so pissed, "Are you this mad all the time?"
"Only when someone disturbs my read and also the remaining three hundred and sixty-five days. Twenty-four seven. " You said with a mean grin.
"Why though, isn't it much easier to be happy?" he asked. Fair question.
"Oh I am exceptionally happy"
You were just rude. 
He smiled though, " I think you and I are going to be really good friends."
He never left you alone. Every time you were heading to class it was "Hey, can we eat together outside today?" or "Let's play some Wizard's chess." or "Can we study together.”
Your housemates had begun to pick on you, not to your face though. They called him your lost and sometimes kicked puppy, probably from how sad he looked when you turned him down. 
They started to ask you why you didn't like him at all and you had a simple response; He is trying too hard. You were growing used to it but it was very annoying on your off days. Today was an off day.
"Hey! I was wonde-"
You stopped and turned around to look him in the eyes. He felt a chill. They were colder than the dead of winter. He just closed his mouth and sighed. Your heart felt a twang of guilt. What an off day.
"What were you wondering, Cedric?" you asked, trying to sound soft. He turned and looked at you with a smile.
"I was wondering if you'd want to sit on the window sill together again?"
You shook your head yes. He grabbed your sleeve and dragged you to the window sill. You looked up to it.
"So do you do the rope spell to get up?" he asked. You laughed at him.
"No, I took a few classes with Professor McGonagall. Watch this," you said.
You took a deep breath in and Cedric stared as you changed into a bird. You had taken her Animagus class! You had gotten onto the window sill. It took you a little longer to change back into yourself, a few feathers sticking to the side of your face and refusing to go back in properly. You brushed your hair of them and looked down at him.
"Impressed?" you asked.
"Holy- Dude, you just turned into a bird and just flew on your merry way? How long did it take you to do that?" he said.
"I started in her class when I was fourteen and I've practiced every day at this window sill. And it's not any bird, it's a Merlin," you said, letting down the rope and pulling him up this time. He sat facing you this time. It was just before dinner and the sun had started to dip under the mountains. He looked out the window.
"You picked a great place for your hangout."
He looked at you and how the golden light shone on your features. You looked at him and thought the same but you looked down.
No. Not again. Not your heart getting ahead of you.
You were walking into the great hall for the Opening and Sorting Ceremony. You were excited to see who would join your house and finally eat the delicious food. You sat there welcoming new Slytherins and even clapping for the house of your best friend when they received a new member, which got you a few weird looks from your housemates but they knew not to mess with you and even then most of them knew about your friendship with Cedric.
After the Sorting, you wanted to eat but no food appeared because of the announcement Dumbledore was going to make. You stared down but your attention was brought back when a kid tapped you on the shoulder ad pointed at something you only heard stories about: The Goblet of Fire. The Goblet meant one thing was going to happen, the Tri-Wizard Tournament. You looked at Cedric to joke about it but you noticed a flame-like the one burning from the Goblet in his eyes.
"Oh god.. No." you barely whispered. Cedric was just old enough, seventeen, to compete and you knew he would. 
You just knew. You knew what you had to do. Put your name in and pray it was you, not him. He looked at you and saw your expression and gave you a reassuring smile.
After the entire Feast and Ceremonies, you tracked him down and asked to talk.
"Hey! How was your summer?"
"Great, went camping. Do not put your name in that goblet."
"Woah, topic changed rather quickly, didn't it?" He said, pearly whites lashing with a slight laugh.
You sighed, "Do not put your name in the goblet."
Cedric noticed your genuine concern about him and he softened his charismatic eye-blinding smile into a comforting smirk, "I will be alright. I am strong." he said.
You just shook your head, "If you put your name in, I will put mine in too."
His mood changed, "You shouldn't."
"Why? Think I can't do it?"
"No! No I don't!" he snapped. You were shocked and you felt like someone had slapped you even though his hands were still in his pockets. You felt tears prick at your eyes and thus you turned and walked away, leaving the Hufflepuff regretting his words. 
You didn't know what was wrong with you, you don't cry over stuff like this but he just didn't understand.
You were unpacking your stuff and everyone in the commons could feel the tense aura radiating off you with the energy of ten suns. You slammed your sock drawer shut and yelled.
"Bloody Hell! I can do what I want He can just- Ugh!" You slumped down beside your bed. Your friend, Daniel, raised from his bed and shook his head at you.
"Sad, innit? Simple, to fix it. Become his dream guy."
You flung your head up at him, "I do not like Cedric Diggory like that."
Your other friend, Rich, who was reading a comic book, spoke up "No, you don't at all. Except for the fact for most of last year and even over the summer you were like all 'Will Cedric like this?' 'Do you think Cedric is busy? Is that why he didn't write back?' and my personal favorite, 'I should write to Cedric but he hasn't answered my last letter, should I?' like no, you don't have the hugest crush. Totally not."
You threw a pillow at him, "Watch your mouth." You thought for a minute though. They did have a point.
You felt your face turn red and you heard Daniel chuckle at your reaction. "You like him."
"Yes," you started, "What is his dream guy anyway? What if he isn't even... "
"He literally wears rainbow socks." Rich, who recovered from the pillow said, going back to his reading.
"Maybe he just likes colors," you said. "I like colors."
"We are not going to go over all the less than hetero tendencies he has."
They did have a point; He was either too comfortable, to the point it was almost disturbing, with himself or a little fruity.
"So what is his dream... Lover?" you decided to word it.
Rich and Daniel looked at each other and got up. They walked to you and grabbed you by either arm.
"We got a lot of work to do."
"Wha?-Wait- Whoa! What do you mean?"
"Cut your hair, fix your dark circles and make it look like you've seen the outside world at least once. Seriously, dude, you look like you live by a lamp. NAd we got to teach you how to tie a tie properly." Rich rattled off. This... This was going to be either a disaster or the best thing you ever did in your life.
"Why so blue, mate?" Cedric's friend, Melissa asked. He was moping by the common room bookshelf and overall looking like someone popped his balloon and drank all the milk for his cereal.
"Oh.. Sorry. I just... I feel bad.”
"About what?" she asked, flipping through a witch fashion magazine.
"Well... I yelled at my crus- my friend." he corrected himself. Melissa looked up from her magazine and nudged the guy sitting beside her who was making his teacup float, Carter.
"Crush?" he asked, teacup slightly spinning.
Cedric knew he was busted. "Well... Yes. I... I have a crush on someone."
"And you yelled at them?"
"On accident. I didn't mean to raise my voice at him."
"Who is it?"
Cedric caved and told them the whole story.
"How are you not dead? If that'd been anybody else, they'll have to be hauled to the infirmary." Melissa said.
"He actually is really nice. He really likes birds. He feeds them every morning." Cedric said, smiling at the thought of you and him feeding the birds. He got to hold one as it ate some of the seeds you offered the birds. Little swallows and a few sparrows.
"Yeah, but he once punched a guy in the face and broke his nose so bad the bloke had to have surgery."
Cedric rolled his eyes, "Moving on. How do I make it up and well, tell him?"
"First off," Melissa stated, "We need to fix all that." she said.
"You literally gestured to all of me." Cedric said, frowning.
"Yeah... We got some work. Ok, what is his type?"
"I don't know."
"Useless Cedric, completely useless." Melissa said, grabbing his shoulder and shaking him till he laughed at her silly way o letting him know he is no help.
"Well, obviously, he is a Slytherin so he likes dark, brooding, and... I don't know, snake-y?"
Melissa groaned at this, "That is so biased it is causing my physical pain."
Cedric just shook his head at his friend's antics and looked out the window to see the stars. He thought about you. 
He felt so sure about everything in his life but you came and now, he wasn't sure if you loved him, hated him, or were indifferent. A wild card in his moderately even and sorted deck.
"Cedric, you really like him, don't you?" Carter asked.
That was a fair but deep question, "He listens to me. All of me. The part of me that are not that good, the parts that fall short, and the parts that get over emotional. He keeps me in sync and makes sure that I am okay. I know it seems like he doesn't care but deep down he cares a little too much. He is such a good person and you can see it if you just really look for it."
The duo were silent. Cedric never got deep but that was the depth of the Atlantic compared to his usual banter and jokes. Cedric just stood up and walked to the door.
"I think I will go for a short walk.”
"But Fil-"
"It'll be a short one."
Cedric walked out from behind the painting of the pear and took a left. He shoved his hands into his pockets and thought about you and he smiled to himself. Before he knew it, he had reached the window sill you loved. He just stared up into the light that was pouring into the stone corridors from similar high windows. He noticed a bird on the window sill and he whistled at it and he heard the tune played back in almost perfect harmony. He saw you slowly shift into you, you had gotten better at it over break, you no longer had to manually shove feathers into your head. A rope fell and he began to climb. Once he got to the top he noticed something different about you. You looked cleaner, not that you were dirty. More put together would be a better term. He stared at you and how the moon and stars lit up your features. You were made for moonlight.
He was made for sunlight, you thought. Bright richly colored hair, warm smile, and features. He was the sun and everyone knew it. People revolved around him in a happy social solar system and you were happy to join their orbit after being pulled in by his gravity. He stared into your eyes, melting down your serious demeanor, and you stared back before you or he knew, you both were leaning in close and gently pressed your lips together. He barely opened his eyes to see you up close. He gently ran his hand up to the nape of our neck. The kiss and following ones lasted for a while and then it hit you both what had just happened.
"Uh... I.. Did you, ya know, enjoy that?" he asked shyly. You smiled.
"Yea... Did you?" you asked, an equal level of awkwardness.
You reached for his hand and he gently slid his into yours. He leaned in for another kiss but you brought up your finger to block him.
"We need to talk about the Goblet ordeal."
He pulled away and shook his head. "I am really sorry about what I said. You could do it, I am just scared for you to get hurt."
"Then you understand why I don't want you to put your name in."
Cedric smiled and squeezed your hand, "I know I know but baby... I want to try. Dumbledore said it'd be safer than the earlier ones. Please.”
The sweet name made your heart melt. You thought about it. What were his chances of being chosen out of all the people who put their names in? Pretty low statistically. That eased your consciousness.
You smiled at Cedric and he smiled back. He went in for a hug and you hugged back. He gently pulled you to his chest.
"I don't sleep very well," he admitted. 
You were surprised to hear his heartbeat thumping like a bass, it was oddly soothing. "Go to sleep, I won't let you fall." he said.
And he didn't.
It was a beautiful day compared to most when the other school arrived. You were chosen by your Prefect to help the ladies from Beauxbatons carry in their items. You had no complaints except that one Durmstrang who accidentally bumped into and nearly knocked you silly. He apologized as you started to cast a spell to make all the suitcases float.
"Wingardium Leviosa." you said and you began to visualize rooms that had been set aside for the students of Beauxbatons. You were done by the time Durmstrang was done with their introduction choreography. You walked in and took your seat.
Dumbledore rattled on about the number of tasks, the rules, and how happy they were to have the two schools arrived for such a big occasion. You weren't listening, you were thinking about how Cedric put in name in the cup the other day and you smiled and acted like your heart wasn't hurting. You clapped after he finished his spill and watched the tables grow to allow room for the two schools to sit and eat. You got up and offered your seat to a Beauxbatons girl whose friend had sat down in the empty seat beside you. You walked to the Hufflepuff table and found Cedric, who smiled brightly at you as he told you to sit down. A few of the Hufflepuffs were off-put by this but they came around after you started talking and not attacking them like they thought you would.
You looked at Cedric, "Do you think you will get chosen?" you asked honestly.
"Well, I think I've got a chance just as good as anybody."
Secretly he held your hand under the table where no one could see. He would rather grab your hand and shout to the world how he felt about you but you had said you wanted to wait a little while to announce your relationship.
"So, Booker, What is your favorite spell?" one of Cedric's friends asked, sensing your unease.
"Oh, I'd say it would be one of the first ones I learned. It's called Ferula, it heals things and wraps bandages around the target. I got hurt a lot and my Mom would use it instead of buying band-aids."
"Your mother is a witch? I thought it was your father."
"Well, My Dad is a half-blood and my Mom is a pureblood. He never really got to learn magic because his non-magical mother was scared for him."
They looked at each other and shook their heads in understanding, "Well, does he know magic now?"
"He knows a little bit. He knows about five spells well enough to cast them."
The topic had slowly changed as the feast progressed to favorite candy, wands, and so on. It was nice. You liked sitting there. They were funny and they didn't seem to have it in them to be critical or mean.
Today was the day. The Goblet would choose the champions. You sat there about to faint as everyone gathered into the Great Hall, waiting with a little more cheer than you had. 
You saw Dumbledore walk up to the Goblet and gently raised his hand. Out flew a strip of parchment and he flipped it over to see a name. You held your breath.
"Viktor Krum." You exhaled so quickly it made your nose hurt. You joined in on the clapping for the Durmstrang man who walked to shake Dumbledore's hand and then on to a room.
Dumbledore raised his hand once again, you felt your palms sweat as he tuned to read the name.
 "Fleur Delacour." You clapped for the Veela as she followed Krum's path: handshakes and to the room.
One last name. One last school. You were going to faint. He raised his hand and he looked at the name. You watched him as if he was in slow motion. 
"Cedric Diggory" You burst into tears. Oh god no... He stood up and walked to shake Dumbledore's hand. 
He nearly made it to the door when the Goblet lit again and another name flew out. everyone was confused, especially Dumbledore after he read the name. He barely whispered it but you could tell it was not good.
"Harry Potter," he said, voice full of unease and a mild tone of rage. "Harry Potter!"
After the whole fiasco, you found Cedric, he was leaving the room and he had a smile on his face but there was a thread of worry behind it. 
You walked up to him and he grinned.
"Can you believe it?"
"Cedric... You can't."
He looked confused, "Why can't I?"
"What if..." you started but were interrupted by Professor McGonagall.
"Mr. Booker, We need you. We have a favor to ask." She said with a gesture to follow her. You looked at Cedric and tried to smile, he was happy and well, he was smart enough to not die.
You sat in McGonagall's office and waited. She came backing with Dumbledore, Lady Maxime, The head of Beauxbatons, and Professor Karkaroff, Head of Durmstrang.
"So, Professor McGonagall tells me you are one of her best Animagious students and you have mastered your form. Can you please show us?" Dumbledore asked.
 You looked at McGonagall who smiled and shook her head. You stood up and you breathed in and as you breathed out, you shifted into a Merlin. After the shift was done, you flew up to the iron chandelier and sat up there.
"This Wonderful!" Professor Karakoff said, "He can observe Tournament." now you knew what they wanted to ask. You gently flew back to the ground and changed back into a human.
"Mr. Booker, do you think you would consider? We considered Broomsticks but.. they upset one of the tasks." You looked at the four professors.
'Help where you can.' You heard 
Cedric's voice in the back of your head.
"Of course. It's an honor," you said.
You sat up on the window sill, watching the stars, waiting for Cedric. You heard his footsteps and you changed. You smiled down at him as you sent down a rope, he climbed up and sat right next to you. He opened a bag and handed you a small box.
"I am sorry I didn't write. I never got them because I wasn't home for most of the summer." That explained it.
 "So to make up for it, I got you something.”
"You didn't have to do that, It couldn't be helped." you looked at the box that was wrapped in brown paper and tied with a gold rope.
"C'mon, open it!" he said. You undid the rope and tore the paper. You opened the small box and saw a small gold chain bracelet. Two charms dangling from it caught your eye. One was a gold miniature copy of your wand: Ten-inch, Willow and it had a handle that was carved to look like feathers. The other was a flowering Rosemary.
"Well, the wand is self-explanatory. What about the Rosemary?"
Cedric blushed a little bit, "Well, we actually took Herbology together in our first year. I never said hi though. You seemed scary and despondent."
You chuckled, "I guess I was."
You put on the bracelet and turned to your bag, you had gotten him a little something. You handed him a box that was decorated in silver and tied with a black ribbon. He smiled as he opened it like a child on Christmas. It was a mirror.
He looked at you and you smiled.
"Um, I think it's pretty."
"It's not just a Mirror. It's a memory Mirror. If the mirror can reflect something, it will be stored in the mirror. You then can put it in the moonlight and it will these memories like a movie."
He looked more intrigued now. He looked at the mirror and then slid it into the moonlight. Slowly a replica of his face appeared above the mirror. "How did you get this?"
"Oh... It was a very old gift. I used to make copies of myself.”
"Then you should keep it."
"No... I don't like it anymore," you said, sadness seeping into your voice.
He looked at you, concern on his face, "Why?"
"It was a gift from my Mother. I miss her and I used to spend hours staring at her image from the mirror but all I accomplished was more grief every time the moonlight went away." You looked out the window.
 "She loved us. Me and my sisters. She'd point us out to her friends and talk about us. 'Grace, oh well, she is doing fabulous! She recently got married.' 'Tiffany? She started working at the Ministry' and 'Him? He is going to Hogwarts next year. I am so excited! My wand left me and chose him, Ha! Can you believe that!' She was so proud of us all."
Cedric wrapped his arms around you. "What happened to her?"
"She got very sick. Her wand knew, that's why it chose me. She got to the point where she couldn't walk. A few days after that, I went to wake her up and she barely opened her eyes and asked me to get everyone. She said goodbye."
Cedric felt your tears dampen his t-shirt as he held you. "I am sure she is still proud of you. You're talented, beautiful and no matter what you saw, you've got a good heart."
"I miss her so much."
"Tell me about her."
You smiled, "She would have loved you. She was very firey and aggressive when it came to her friends and family. She would sing us lullabies and rock us. I remember the last time she rocked me was when I was four. I had tripped and cut my knee. She showed me magic that day. She let me hold her wand. Willow and Veela hair."
"Is that why you offered to help the Beauxbatons students? Cause some of them are Veela's like your Mom?"
"No, she wasn't a Veela but her best friend is. She offered her hair when they were making wands. She did attend Beauxbatons though."
You told Cedric about her and in the end, it felt like, in a way, he had met her." She would have stayed and become a professor if she hadn't fallen in love with my Dad. They were very happy."
"Like us?”
You paused, "Yeah. Like us."
Cedric smiled. You let your thought leave your mouth.
"Cedric. You are my home."
"How so?"
"Home is where your heart is."
The clock tower chimed for four in the morning. He looked at you, you had fallen asleep. He smiled as gently nudged you awake so you could sneak back to your commons. Cedric was quietly but hurriedly walking to his when he met someone: Dumbledore.
"Ah, Young Cedric. Early aren't we?" he said, smiling. "Why so early young man?"
"I- Um I was..."
"In the window sill," Dumbledore said, "Follow me, let's talk about this."
Cedric walked with DUmbledore, slightly slower than he'd normally walk. "So, am I in trouble?"
"No. You were just being a teenager. The Muggle equivalent of sneaking out of the house."
Cedric smiled, measured you weren't in trouble. "I guess."
"Mr. Booker forgot to tell you though. He will be watching from above."
"Oh? How- Oh wait."
"He has a knack for it, hm?"
"Yeah. It's so cool. He just goes and flies away."
Dumbledore shook his head, "I've seen a change in the both of you. So has the other professors. They say you seem to care a little bit more about the details and they tell me that he helps people, especially the underclassmen Slytherins. He must know it's rough."
"Yeah... I guess we've both changed."
"Love finds a way to change things," Dumbledore said.
"Love will find a way." Cedric repeated.
"Dragons." Cedric said to you as he looked at you. You were in the library reading up on some potions books since you had nothing else to do.
"Good morning to you," you said, looking up.
"How do I fight a dragon?" he asked, sitting down in the chair across from you.
"Cause... Harry Potter told me that the challenge would be dragons."
You picked up your cup of tea and sipped from it, "He could have lied."
"But what if he didn't?"
He had a point."Ok well, Cedric what do dragons do? Breathe fire. Put out the fire, beat the dragon."
"Ok, but that seems like... too easy." he said.
"Too easy? Well... Maybe if the dragon is focused on something else, it won't have time to deal with you."
He leaned over the table, "What can I distract it with?"
You began sharpening his skill in Transfiguration and now it was time to shine.
You walked in behind the Champions. You were followed by McGonagall, who would let you shift and then send you out to fly around and observe the champions. You shook Viktor's hand and kissed Fluer's hand before you got to Harry Potter.
"I am there to make sure you don't die." The boy looked stunned, but you recovered with a laugh. "No, no. You probably are safe. With or without me."
Lastly, you saw Cedric, he looked nervous but he smiled at you. You hugged him and whispered in his ear.
"Do your best."
You walked to McGonagall, who opened the curtain enough for your bird form to go through. You slowly shifted, which caught the other three champions off guard. You flew out and went up to the clouds. You loved flying. It was just you, the clouds, and the rush of the wind. Your wings could take you anywhere and be strong enough to make sure you got there. You began to dive back down as a cymbal sounded, time to do your job.
First was Cedric. You watched from above. 'Make sure no one cheats.' You watched him intently.
He dodged some of the fire before finding the perfect rock. You heard him shout out the spell and you flew down closer to caw in approval but the rock didn't turn into another dragon and he didn't call out the enlarging charm. It instead was a dog! You mildly panicked but you noticed the dragon was interested in the dog and that Cedric was sprinting for the egg.
He made it into the nest area when the dragon turned and noticed him. The dragon erupted a huge wave of fire on top of him. 
'In case of potential death, help the champion." you flew down but that's when you noticed something. It seemed something was pushing back the fire but struggling to do so quickly.
A line from a poem came into mind, "Eating fire is your ambition."
Cedric had ambition.
He pushed up with the shield he was making. He had the egg, all he had to do was get out of the nest. "Dragons can breathe fire for twenty minutes." He just had to outlast the last fifteen. He counted down and made sure he had a good grip on the egg.
He pushed up with such force the shield hit the dragon in the face and knocked loose a few fangs. He was sweaty and very tired. He noticed you land and change to make sure he had brought the egg. He smiled as he stumbled to you, he lifted his wand.
"Orchideous." he said. A bouquet spilled out of the end of his wand. And like that he hit the ground out of exhaustion.
Cedric coughed himself awake. He was in the infirmary. He looked and saw you reading a book.
"Morning," he said, not knowing how long he'd been out.
"You inhaled enough smoke to kill a large dog."
"Four-twenty. Blaze it." he chuckled as he did a peace sign.
You laughed but you also rolled your eyes. "I wish I could stay mad at you."
You looked to his bedside t table. "A couple of people dropped you off some gifts. And don't forget," you raised a golden egg, "Mr. Second place, we need to figure this out."
He smiled, "Well, open the egg first." you reached to the top of it and undid it. The scream the egg let out hurt your ears and you could not have shut it fast enough.
"Yeah... That isn't good." You said sitting beside him. He groaned at the dismay of it not being easy.
After opening a few gifts, you spoke up.
"While you were sleeping. Dumbledore announced the date for the second task and another thing."
"What?" he asked, eating some of his Every Flavor Jelly Beans.
"The Yule Ball," you said.
He looked at you and smiled. "So are we going together?" he asked.
"Cedric... I don't think-"
"Please. I want to go with you."
You sighed, "Ok ok... But if anyone who isn't our friend asks. We are friends."
"Embarrassed of me?" he asked, half-joking, half-serious.
"No. It's just what if they-" Cedric sat up and leaned to press his head against yours.
"The people who love us will understand and the ones that don't will either get over it or have to fight me," he said, smiling.
You sighed, he was right. "Say, you are allowed to leave. Want to go get dinner?"
"Yes, I am starving," he said. He stood up and went to get dressed.
You waited outside the door for him as you thought about what you were going to do. He walked out of the door and you instantly grabbed his hand. he was a little surprised but you just held on as you both walked to go get food. You walked into the Great hall and headed for the Hufflepuff Table. They looked at you and a lot of them smiled and a few even raised a glass to Cedric.
"Congrats! On both." Melissa said. You and Melissa had become friends because of your life subscription to a fashion magazine and she would help you with other things.
"Thanks," Cedric said, squeezing your hand tighter.
"So Booker, I need your opinion."
"Dresses. Sprout said we could all go one day and get suits and dresses and I am sure she'd let you come along!" she said. "Now, what color? I feel like a blue or maybe a pink"
You and Melissa rattled on about dresses, colors, and styles. Cedric got to thinking about the egg. He had time but he needed to figure it out or else it bother him for days. Suddenly, an idea hit him. The first trial was fire so it was maybe water.
"Hey, I think I am going to go get a bath and go to bed."
"Okay, see you later," you said to him.
You went back to chatting when a pair of Ravenclaw girls walked behind you, they were just chatting but your ears caught what the dark-haired one said.
"I like Cedric, Do you think he'll ask me to go?"
You felt your heart drop as you looked to see who exactly it was and saw Cho Chang. She was stunning, beautiful, and kind. You felt a twinge of envy.
Everyone had heard it too and they just stared at you. "Well... I guess I will be leaving now," you said. You stood up and almost ran out of the Great Hall. You ran til you slammed right into someone.
"I am so sorry, I just-"
"Boy, you shouldn't be running in the halls, and what is wrong with you?" It was Snape.
"Oh Professor Snape, I was just... I just am not doing too well. Apologies." You started to walk away.
"Wait a moment," he said walking to you. "What has you distraught?"
"It's nothing... You probably won't get it."
"Try me."
You sighed and sniffed, "Well, I liked someone and I thought they liked me too. But... I guess they don't." you said, trying to keep it as vague as possible.
Snape crossed his arms, "First of all, why should you be the one in tears. Second, never let someone make you cry."
"But I..."
"Loves hurts young man. Know when your beat but go on with your life. You only hurt yourself if you try to stay with the memories." He turned and walked away.
He had a point.
Cedric had just got into the water with the egg. He slowly opened the egg and heard a very beautiful voice come out of it. He listened to it several times and made mental notes about it all. He then thought about you and how you helped him with the Transfiguration. He smiled as he sat in the water. He also needed to tell Harry about the eggs. He had to because Harry told him about the dragons.
He heard a door open and he looked to see you. He waved.
"How did you get in?"
"Quidditch Captain."
He remembered that you had replaced the last one. You were a great Keeper and were very competitive. You once had thrown your shoe at the snitch to scare it away from him.
"Well, I figured ou-"
"Cho Chang. Who is she to you? In one minute or less. I will walk out of here Cedric."
"Uh, I... I know her, yeah, We have some of the same classes and she's smart. Why?"
You huffed "Well obliviously she thinks there's more to you two?"
Cedric turned to fully face you, "What are you on about?"
"She wants you to ask her to the Yule Ball and-" Cedric grabbed your hand.
"Baby. Listen, she might want me to, but I would never. I already have the best date."
You sighed, "You need to start letting me finish my sentences."
It was the day You all went to go grab your suits and such. The previous week, you all had gone and gotten measured and ordered which suits and dresses you wanted.
 You had received a letter that your order was in so you and Cedric walked hand in hand, falling a little behind the group, to go grab the outfits. You all also talked about going to Honeydukes which Cedric responded with the worst thing you ever heard.
"I would but he's already sweet enough." Cringe radiated along with laughter through the group. You had also dragged Rich and Daniel along.
"We aren't even attending the ball, why do we need to come along?" Rich complained.
"You need the sun."
"It is literally snowing."
Despite their complaining, they were having a good time and even reconsidered not going when they met Melissa and her friend, Emma.
You had made it to the shop and began to look at the suits that had come in for you. You grabbed yours and made your way to go change. You took off your clothes and looked at the suit and noticed how finely it had been made. 
You started with the button shirt and noticed something. The neckline went down further than you planned. This is what you got for refusing to wear the typical ones. Dammit. You put on the rest of the suit and turned to the mirror and it spoke.
"Looking good handsome!"
You shook your head and pulled back the curtain to see Cedric and Daniel, waiting for a dressing room to open. Daniel nudged Cedric to look at you and when he did, he turned red in the cheeks and his jaw dropped.
"Cedric. Flies."
He shut his mouth, "You look great." he mumbled out. You laughed as you turned back, shut the curtain, and rushed to change back into your normal clothes.
Cedric looked amazing, not surprised but he could help but make it look like he walked fresh off the runway.
"He could go into modeling in case the writing thing doesn't work." You said, watching him spin and make sure his outfit looked perfect. You smiled at him and checked himself out in the mirror.
"Stay Humble." Cedric's friend, Carter said.
"I am. Do you think I should get a haircut?"
Groans erupted. There was nothing wrong with wanting to look good, especially for a special occasion.
You walked in next to Cedric. He put his arm out for you to loop yours around. You walked at an okay pace and felt eye glue to the two of you. You felt so nervous and like you were sweaty. You looked at Cedric, who looked like it was nothing but a thing.
 You heard whispers and you felt like you were going to vomit if Cedric didn't walk faster. You looked at the people and, despite your feelings a lot of them had genuine smiles, not joking or malicious ones. You felt the nerves wash off a little bit.
You eventually separated, he went to get drinks and you went to claim a table. You saw Melissa and her date, your friend, Daniel so you flagged them over.
"So, Where's Cedric?" Daniel asked.
"He went to go grab a drink." you felt a tap on your shoulder. 
You looked to see Cho Chang and one of her friends.
"Booker. I am really really sorry. I didn't think you would have heard me cause I thought you were sitting at the Slytherin table and I didn't know you and Cedric were a thing.”
You looked at her and smiled, "It's alright. I typically do sit at the Slytherin table and you didn't know. I am sure you weren't the only one with a crush on him. I really appreciate your apology."
"Oh, that's a relief. Thank you and have fun!" she said as her friend pulled her onto the dancefloor.
"Alright. Which one of you told her?"
"Actually I did." you heard Cedric say as he returned.
"Oh my god.."
"I knew it upset you. Don't worry I was really nice about it and she actually said we look cute together."
"That's sweet of her," you said, sipping the drink.
"Yeah," he said, drinking some of his own, "Do you want to dance?"
"I suck at it but yes."
You took Cedric's hand as he led you to the dance floor. He slowly placed his hand on your waist, "One of us has to lead." he said, smiling at you. He then began to swirl and spin you around the dancefloor. You laughed as he tried to spin you as fast as he could and he attempt to dip you. 
After the slow dances were the more enjoyable dances in your opinion. You had to take off your suit jacket to keep up with him and his dance moves. You grew to love the feeling of his hands on your hips and the sight of him looking at you like you were the most beautiful person he'd ever seen.
You and him were growing very tired and had gone to sit down at the table. He sat right beside you and leaned into your ear to whisper.
"You looked beautiful." Now, wait a minute. There was something else besides love in that. You felt your face flush as his hand came up to sit on your upper thigh.
"Uuh, Cedric.. We are-"
"Shh. Let's go. it's almost midnight anyway." He said, "Only if you want to though?" he said with a smirk. No matter what smile he had, you loved them.
You and him walked out into the hallway, he gently pulled you along.
"You aren't the only one with a hideout." he said as he came to a very old-looking door. It was a smaller room but you couldn't get a good look because Cedric shut the door and pressed you up against it.
He gently pressed his lips against yours. He was always gentle at the start. Slowly he started to get a little more forceful, you pressed back and looped your arms around his neck. He lifted you off the door and pulled his lips away.
"We know where this is going to go, right?"
"Yeah," you said, slightly out of breath.
"Do you want it to?"
You thought for a moment. "Yes."
He smiled. He sat you down on top of an old desk and he slowly went to kiss your neck. You sat there, skin heating up as he kissed and sucked places on your skin.
"You are so tense. Relax. I will take care of you, baby." he muttered.
"It feels good..." you breathed out. You breathed in Cedric. He always smelled like parchment, honey, and warmth.
He slowly peppered more kisses to your jawline.
 You felt you should tell him.
"Cedric." you managed to strangle out.
"Hm?" he made a noise to let you know he was listening.
"This is the first time."
He pulled back and looked at you, "You mean?"
You shook your head. He smiled and pulled you into a hug.
"Uh... okay."
"It just wasn't the reaction I was expecting is all."
"What? Expected me to go 'What a loser.' ?"
"Kind of." he frowned at that as he went to kiss you again.
"I would never say that or even think that of you," he said before reaching to undo his bowtie. You started to undo the buttons on your shirt.
"Wait," he said. You stopped.
"What? Is someone coming?"
"No, I just... if this is your first time, we are not going to do it on a desk."
"Cedric- It's.."
"It's important to me."
You both decided to wait. Wait til after he won the tournament.
You weren't asked to observe but you were asked to aid. You didn't exactly know what they wanted but they gave you a potion and slowly you fell asleep. Before you took your trip to dreamland you heard 'They'll recuse th-' and you were out.
Cedric wondered where you were until they explained what the task was: Find a loved one in the lake. One problem he saw right away was that the lake was so huge. He remembered what the egg had said but he figured the 'something dear' would be an item or something besides a person.
He planned on using the bubblehead charm and when the signal was fired he jumped into the water. He slowly began to swim. The water was frigid and he was frozen in shock for a moment but he began swimming.
'Why in February?' he thought as he felt even colder as he swam downward. He pulled out his wand.
"Lumos" he mumbled. A light began to shine from the tip of his wand. He looked for the other champions but didn't see one but he heard a whoosh and a pop behind him. He looked down at the grassy forest and realized what was down there.
"Lumos Maxima!" he shouted, still muffled by the bubble. A huge blast of light illuminated the surrounding area. Grindylows hated light and he figured this would be the best way to stun and distract them. He kept swimming.
He thought about you and that's when he remembered something: You can't swim. He immediately picked up the pace. 
He saw what appeared to be four floating figures and one free, swimming one. Harry Potter. Cedric swam to him and saw that the boy had grown gills! Gilly weed, of course! He nodded at Harry and looked to point a half transfigured Viktor. Cedric cut you loose and swiftly swam upwards.
You breathed in as soon as your head reached above the water.
"Oh shit! Holy Jesus, what the- Cedric? Why am I in the lake?" you spat, clinging to him.
"Shh, I got you. Calm down," he said as he swam towards the ladder. He lifted you to McGonagall and you grabbed her arm to pull yourself up. 
You took a towel and wrapped yourself in it. You felt like half drownded cat as you hook your hair and head in the towel and then you remembered: Cedric. You turned and saw him climbing out of the lake. 
You grabbed his towel and started lecturing him.
"Honestly! You could've froze to death! What in the world are you wearing? They make wetsuits!" you fussed at him as you dried his hair and whipped his face.
He began to chuckle, "Ok ok, Mom, chill! It wasn't that cold. Give me the towel, It is colder up here than down there." he said. 
You handed him the towel and he smiled at you. He noticed your face was still a little wet and he gently patted it dry, "You worry so much."
You shook your head at him and just smiled.
You were wrapped up in two blankets and your head was wrapped in a warm towel. You already had a start of a head cold before they shoved you into the frigid lake. Bad sinuses ran in your family: A strong wind could give a near-death experience; Whining and overreactions also ran in your family. You could have sworn there were mini icebergs floating in the water. 
You pulled one of your arms out of the blanket wads and reached for your tea. You had insisted that you didn't need to go to the infirmary but now it sounded pretty nice. You looked out the small window and cursed the climate. 
A February snow. 
You closed your eyes as you imagined yourself at the lake house your parents owned where the temperature was also a good fifteen degrees warmer than anywhere else.
 Along with your terrible blight of physical sickness, you felt a little homesick; Your mother always took care of you when you were sick. She could have easily cured you with a potion but she said it would be better for your immune system if you fought off the illness naturally.
You raised up a little bit when you heard the door of the commons open. You sighed as you saw Cedric.
 The man with a strong immune system who hadn't succumbed to your germs but he was pressing his luck. "Are you feeling any better?" he whispered into the mostly dark room. 
He obviously couldn't see your blanket hive, towel, and shaking hands holding a cup of a nasty, healing tea.
"I'm Fine." your hoarse creeky voice huffed. 
Even though you knew you weren't fine you still rolled your eyes when he sighed out.
"Obviously not."
You laid back on the sofa with a huff and a groan. He slowly walked around and sat on the arm of the sofa. 
He smiled down at you. "You get grumpy when you are sick. Why aren't you in bed?"
"We all know the first years can't wash their damn hands and if I go up there like Sickie McGee, they will die." you mildly joked.
"They have yet to master the magic of soap but this cannot be comfy." He said.
You scoffed, "The arms aren't, idiot but the actual sitting part is quite nice."
"Still and wouldn't it make more sense for you to not be in the commons where everyone is well... comming if you are worried about the spread of whatever you have?"
He was right, "They are called Common rooms because the community is supposed to communicate in them. But you have a point," you looked at his face that dripped with accomplishment, "It isn't a big one but it's a point."
"Can you let me have one win? Pretty please?"
You rolled your eyes, "Nope."
He slammed his hand to his chest, "Oh! Right in the heart!" he fell to the carpeted ground. 
You smiled softly. "If you wake them up, we're going to be in trouble." You smiled as he stood up and walked to sit on the sofa. He was really pushing it.
"Trouble? My middle name!"
You rolled your eyes, "No, it's Daryl. And how have you been getting away with all this sneaking out anyway?"
He raised his eyebrow, "Did Juliet ask Romeo all these questions?"
You stared at him, "Who?"
"It's a play written by a muggle poet, William Shakespeare. It's a story about two-star crossed lovers whose families hate each other. Romeo sneaks to see Juliet out on a balcony or something like that."
You closed your eyes as you sat your tea back down, "Well, I guess our balcony would be the windowsill. I don't think our families would hate each other."
"One day, we'll all get together and have breakfast."
You smiled as you laid your head back, "You wouldn't like my father, though."
"He said if I ever date anyone who can't cook, he'll die on the spot."
"I guess I better practice."
Roger Booker was smoking his cigarette, grey smoke lingering around him. Under his bushy black eyebrows, his icy blue eyes glanced from the clock to his book and back. 
He swept his greying hair back and his free hand went to fix a hair on his mustache, twisting it to shape.
 He looked at the pot of tea his son had made and reached to pour himself a cup but your voice stopped him.
“Dad! That’s for when Cedric gets here.” He had agreed to let you invite Cedric over on the winter holiday before you both were due to return before the Yule Ball. And he was slowly regretting it.
“When is he going to get ‘ere then?”
“Dad, most wizards have issues with our kind of money and he may be confused in a cab or something like that.”
Your Dad scoffed, “You’d think they’d have a class on it.” Despite Roger being magical, he didn’t call himself a wizard since he barely knew anything about it and had no formal magical education. 
However, his wife, a talented witch, insisted in him learning some magic since their kids may be magical.
“We have muggle studies.”
Your Dad looked at you just as the door rang, you stood up and walked to it and smiled when you saw a familiar face. You invited him in and your Dad stood up to see if the boy was as interesting and amazing as you had made him out to be.
 He was surprised to see just a teenager: Average height, brown eyes and brown hair with natural highlights. Just average and mildly underwhelming from how much you talked about Cedric.
He didn’t know what he was expecting but he wasn’t it. 
He knew that witches and wizards didn’t always fly around on broomsticks and walk around in pointed hats and wild colored robes but he was wondering if this was actually the guy. 
Still, he walked up to him and extended a hand to the boy, “Roger Booker.”
Cedric took his hand and shook it, “Cedric. Cedric Diggory.”
“This is good,” you thought, “He hasn’t star-“
“So, you are a wizard. Are you any good?”
Shit. You knew Cedric, he was going to try to impress your Dad and it was going to end terribly.
Just like you predicted, Cedric pulled out his wand but instead of firing off sparks, he simply went, “Lumos Maxima!” Making the room light up.
You looked at your Dad’s face, seeing very little change. You sighed, your Dad wasn’t trying to be mean, he just didn’t get it. 
Cedric put out the light and looked at you, you smiled back. You all had walked to the lounge and sat down.
“So, Mr. Booker, what do you do?”
“I am a professional photographer. I take photos for events and special occasions.”
Suddenly an idea popped into Cedric’s head, he reached for his wallet, “Then I think you’ll like this.” He pulled out a photo of him and his family. 
He handed it to your Dad and you watched as a pleasant soft smile formed on his face.
“I haven’t seen one of these in years. I took a lot of photos and we didn’t put up the moving ones because we often hosted parties and other people might… You know, ask a few questions.”
You grinned, “I vividly remember the parties.”
Your Dad laughed, “I remember you serving ‘drinks’”
“Drinks?” Cedric asked.
“He walked around with cups of chocolate milk. People, nit wanting to be rude, took them and drank from them. Turns out, the milk had gone bad. “
Cedric chuckled as you shook your head. “Well, in my defense, the milk was on the counter and it was easy to reach.”
“We all learned a valuable lesson that day.”After a few more embarrassing stories and happy memories, it was time to cook. You stood up and walked to the kitchen, leaving Cedric and your Dad to talk.
You brushed back your hair, washed your hands and put in your apron. For the first course, you were going to prepare a garden soup. 
You grabbed a knife as you looked for the the yellow squash, zucchini, tomatoes and bell peppers. You reached for a large pot and set it in the stove, lighting it gas with a flick of your wand.
 You walked to the pantry and pulled out some chicken stock, garlic, rosemary and thyme.
You swished your wand and watched as the knife slowly began to chop the vegetables. 
You added the chopped garlic to the pot with a little butter to turn the garlic golden, you followed with the stock and aromatics. It was boiling when you added the vegetables and you turned it to a rolling simmer before putting on the lid.
You began preparing the sides for the main course: fondant potatoes and a mixed salad. You chopped the lettuce for the salad, you diced up some carrots and sliced some cucumbers. 
You went to the fridge to grab some cheese to shred when you heard a loud thud and a shatter. You shut the door and ran to the living room.
You looked in horror when you saw it: your mother’s urn and ashes were on the ground. You looked at your Dad who looked as if he was about to explode with anger. 
You pointed at the web with your wand, “Repairo.” The urn slowly came back together, your Dad opened it and pulled out his own wand, “Wingardium Leviosa.” The ashes began floating and he moved them to the urn and gently put them back.
“What happened?” You asked.
Your Dad was just hugging the urn so Cedric spoke. “The cat jumped up and she bumped the urn and it fell and I tried to catch it and I… I hit into the wall.” You walked to your Dad, who just turned and walked upstairs
You looked at Cedric with a sad but understanding look, “Thank you for trying to catch it. It wasn’t your fault.”
“Is he mad?”
“No. Just really sad. It hasn’t been easy for him. He… he misses her more than anything. He’ll sit down here and hold it when it gets really rough. He doesn’t handle change well.”
Cedric walked to you and took your hand. “I think it’s brave.”
“Him? Oh he really is.”
“No, you.”
You looked at him with confusion.
“Besides when you first told me about her, you never seem to grieve. Your Dad seems to do it a lot and you have every right to do it but you don’t.”
You sighed as you pulled him back to the kitchen, you shut the door. “It isn’t bravery. It’s just trying not to… lose myself in it.” 
You were slowly starting to choke on tears you held back, “There are nights I cry so hard I can barely breathe and I give myself a headache. If I cried every time the urge and feeling hit me, I wouldn’t stop.”
Cedric pulled you into a hug and your tears began to fall. He held you tighter as the sniffles turned into sobs you muffled on his shoulder. He felt a few tears fall down his face as he silently listened to your sounds of pains and a few spoken words about fairness and how it hurt. After your breathing returned to normal with a few hitches, he let you go. You held a hand up to his face and wiped his tears, which made a few more fall from his beautiful brown eyes.
Suddenly the record player began to play, leaving the two of you confused, you turned to the door which you saw closing again. You smiled as you heard the song slowly fill the kitchen. Cedric and you decided to practice for the ball.
Roger Booker walked back upstairs, leaving his wife’s urn on the mantle. He walked to his room and grabbed a few picture frames including a small oval picture frame before walking back down stairs. He placed it beside the urn. 
He watched for a minute as he saw the blonde woman smiling and laughing as she swung her son around in the garden. He watched as she swooped you back up into her arms. 
He smiled as a tears dripped down his face and got caught in his mustache when the ran down the side of his nose.
He put up a wedding photo of her throwing the bouquet and him looping his arm around her waist, proceeding to spin her before kissing her.
He placed a picture of two little girls who were holding a baby on the wall beside a award he won for his photos.
He then put one final photo up. It was in the center of the mantle. You were seven and were forced to wear a bow tie. 
Your older sister who was 12, was holding the cat and smiling with her braces shining and eyes glittering. The oldest who had just turned sixteen was standing beside your mother, looking like a spitting image of the older and taller woman.
The woman, your mother, the tallest, stood roughly in the middle. She was willowy and had a soft smile as her image turned to look at her husband. 
Roger looked back at her before looking to the camera, he used to have chocolate brown hair and a full beard instead of just a mustache. He smiled as he evened up the photo, he took a few steps back and watched as the pictures of the wonders in his life moved.
He heard laughter coming from the kitchen as he walked back upstairs. Cedric was anything but average and he thought his son could do worse but it would be kind of hard to do better.
Cedric woke up because of a strong ray of winter sun. He rubbed his eyes before slowly opening them. He sat up with a light yawn and groan. He got up off his bed and he turned around to begin making it. As he straightened his pillow, he remembered something. He flung around and ran to his calendar, he then picked up a letter you had written. 
Today was the day! You were going to come over this Thursday and on Monday you and him would side aparate with his Dad to Hogsmede and walk to Hogwarts.
Cedric ran to the bathroom to grab a shower and get ready. Due to his running, Amos looked up to make sure his son wasn’t about to fall through the floor or come down the stairs missing an arm. He sighed as he stirred his and his wife’s morning tea, she came to grab her cup before looking at him and grinning.
“Amos, do you remember what today is?”
He didn’t, “Well it isn’t our wedding anniversary. It isn’t February so it isn’t Valentine’s Day… No dear, I think I have forgotten.”
She huffed, “Today is the day we meet Cedric’s boyfriend!”
Amos sighed, “We’ll at least I was on the topic of love.”
She smiled and lightly laughed before walking to the window. “Do you think he’ll like us?”
“We’re great! The real question is if we will like him.” Amos said, lightly burning his tongue on the tea.
“Amos… This is serious! Cedric is absolutely crazy about him.” She said.
He sat down his cup and walked to her,“Carla, he’ll love us.”
Cedric had just got out of the shower and was looking at himself in the mirror, he ran a comb through his hair before drying and fluffing it out with his wand. He then brushed his teeth when he realized that you said you’d be there at ten. 
He stuck his head out the door and yelled “Mum! What time is it?”
“Half past eight, sweetheart!”
He sighed in relief, spit out the foamed toothpaste, put on his bathrobe, and walked to his room where he right for his closet. He pulled on a pair of jeans and an off-white sweater, dug around, and found an old pair of brown boots. He got dressed and laced up his boots before walking downstairs. He looked at the clock to see only two minutes had passed.
He huffed, sad that it would still be a while til you arrived. Carla and Amos looked at each other, Amos sighed and Carla smiled. "Cedric, come to have a spot of breakfast, sweetheart," she said.
Cedric turned and walked into the kitchen. Amos looked at his son, whose sadness was on his face as he looked at the clock in the kitchen. "Ced, a watched pot never boils."
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averys-place · 2 years
TW: mentions of mental health issues and discrimination 
n a v i g a t i o n
Atlas/Avery | it/they/he | queer | 16 
Requests are open
!!Disclaimer!! This will be a nwlnw blog, so all reader povs will be gn!reader or masc!reader, however all readers are welcome on this blog! If gender is unspecified the default is gn!reader.
Hey! I’m your local cryptid dad, but you can call me Atlas or Avery :) I have AuDHD and this is my first blog! I really enjoy writing and I hope to make someone smile with it!
In all my posts, there will be tone tags and trigger warnings when needed, as I want to make this space as safe and welcoming to as many people as possible!
no discrimination of any kind is welcome on my blog. Should anyone practice any form of discrimination, they will be blocked immediately. (Meaning trans-medicalism, TERFs, transphobia, homophobia, racism, ableism, etc.)
I am a minor and on the aroace spectrum so I won’t write NSFW content.
Please be patient when requesting! I am still in school, so it may take a little to get to your request but I’ll try my very best! I also have mental health issues that may impact my timing. 
Any inappropriate fetishisation of any kind is not welcome on my blog. Again, should anyone display this behaviour, you will be immediately blocked. (All fujoshis, MAPs, zoophiles, etc. will be immediately blocked and reported)
If you’re gonna be rude, please just leave now.
People of all ages may interact as this is a SFW blog. However, blank blogs can and will be blocked.
Who I’ll write for at the moment:
Discontinued for the foreseeable future
BNHA/MHA: Bakugō Katsuki, Midoriya (Deku) Izuku, Shinsō Hitoshi, Kirishima Eijirō, Todoroki Shōto, Aizawa Shōta (platonic only), Īda Ten’ya, Dabi, Shigaraki Tomura (fem aligned characters are only platonic)
Haikyuu!!: Hinata Shōyō, Kageyama Tobio, Tsukishima Kei, Yamaguchi Tadashi, Bokuto Kōtarō, Kuroo Tetsurō, Akaashi Keiji, Kozume Kenma, Ushijima Wakatoshi, Tendō Satori, Oikawa Tōru, Iwaizumi Hajime (fem aligned characters are only platonic)
KNB: GoM (fem aligned characters are only platonic)
Twilight: The wolf packs (Jacob Black, Seth Clearwater, Sam Uley, Paul Lahote, Embry Call, Quil Ateara V), Emmett Cullen, Jasper Hale (fem aligned characters are only platonic)
Shadow Hunters: Jace Wayland, Alec Lightwood, Simon Lewis, Magnus Bane (fem aligned characters are only platonic)
Lotr/the hobbit: all male aligned characters (fem aligned characters are only platonic)
Criminal minds: all male aligned characters (fem aligned characters are only platonic)
Harry Potter: mainly marauders era male aligned characters & slytherin boys(fem aligned characters are only platonic)
HTTYD: all male aligned dragon riders (fem aligned characters are only platonic)
The Black Phone: Vance and Robin (I’m sorry Finney just reminds me too much of myself T-T)
DPS (Dead Poets Society): all male aligned characters
Teen wolf: most male aligned characters, ask if unsure (female aligned characters are only platonic)
TOH: Hunter, Edric, Raine (young) (female aligned characters only platonic)
Dead Boy Detectives: Most male aligned characters (Crystal, Niko, Jenny, etc. platonic only)
•Extra information•
Some characters may be OOC, I apologise for that.
I will do drabbles, headcannons, fics, etc.
I will on occasion write for fem characters (depending on the character) if requested.
As this blog is an inclusive space, all reader features will be left ambiguous, unless specifically requested otherwise (example: genderfluid!reader, curly haired!reader, FTM!reader, etc.)
I won’t do specifically POC!reader because I don’t have the same life experiences and I don’t want to overstep.
All reader POVs will be autistic coded.
I look forward to hearing from people, have a great day/night! <3
Last updated: 09/06/2024
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lilsluttyy · 1 year
Kinda flopping on wattpad but as long as I'm enjoying writing it ight ig
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