#Chains of Destiny MC
anxietytwist · 5 months
𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒐𝒕 𝑺𝒆𝒓𝒊𝒏
[ xx | 𝟼'𝟷" | Cis Female | Bisexual | ...❤️... ]
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ᴘʀᴏɴᴏᴜɴꜱ➙ She/Her ʙᴜɪʟᴅ➙ 𝑆𝑡𝑟𝑜𝑛𝑔 (despite the waifish air she likes to put on) ꜰᴜᴛᴜʀᴇ ᴘʟᴀɴꜱ➙ “𝘏𝘰𝘯𝘦 𝘺𝘰𝘶𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘤 𝘢𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘈𝘤𝘢𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘺” ᴘʀɪᴢᴇᴅ ɢɪꜰᴛ➙ A dagger forged by her father (she keeps it strapped to her thigh)
The all-consuming rage 𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒐𝒕 felt being faced with 𝑺𝒚𝒌𝒆𝒔' dying body (after losing 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒂 & being mocked by 𝑬𝒓𝒊𝒄) cause her to violently kill him before being brought back to her senses...she doesn't regret doing it, only the fact she couldn't do the same to 𝑬𝒓𝒊𝒄 🔪
Most of her time not spent studying or training is with 𝑳𝒖𝒏𝒂 & the other horses ♡🐴
𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒐𝒕 is not a fan of children—even when she was one herself—they're too sticky & loud (she can only tolerate long interactions with ones she's already familiar with, but she's NEVER cruel to kids...just physically distant) 😖
After the traumatic loss of 𝑱𝒖𝒏𝒂 & 𝑽𝒊𝒓𝒐, she's become very protective of 𝑱𝒖𝒍𝒊𝒂, always on guard when they're around strangers😒 (despite 𝑵𝒆𝒎𝒊𝒐'𝒔 constant presence at her side)
𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒐𝒕 has always been sensitive to loud noises
𝑴𝒂𝒓𝒈𝒐𝒕 means “𝑃𝑒𝑎𝑟𝑙” (French)
𝐼𝐹: @chains-of-destiny
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laxmiree · 5 months
[CN] MLQC’s Lucien Wonderful Moments Date English Translation
This post contains a detailed spoiler for a date that has not been released in EN yet! Feel free to notify me if there are any mistakes in the translation~
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Lucien boops Snowball's nose, his tone hinting at jealousy.
"You've been praising this little guy a lot."
"Pfft, is Professor Lucien jealous?"
Translation under the cut!
[Notes from Lux: Here’s the CN video link if anyone wants to follow along with his Voice Acting.]
A car moves slowly on the vibrant countryside road, joyful laughter spilling out of its windows from time to time.
Lucien casually rests his hand on the steering wheel, looking ahead, and quickly comes up with a Chinese idiom.
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Lucien: The victory is in the bag. (shèng quàn zài wò)
MC: Idiom with wò… crouching tigers and hidden dragons! (wò hǔ cáng lóng! - 卧虎藏龙 - fig. mean talented individuals hiding their talent)
Lucien: Just a reminder to this beautiful contestant, this phrase was already said during our first round of the idiom chain game.
MC: Then, how about… I control my destiny! (wǒ mìng yóu wǒ - 我命由我- a phrase, not an idiom)
Lucien: [chuckles] That doesn't seem to be an idiom. Is Miss Producer starting to cheat?
Lucien tilts his head and looks at me with a smile. I sheepishly stick out my tongue, wracking my brain as I search through my vocabulary.
The gentle spring breeze seeps through the gaps of the car window. Looking at those cunning eyes, I have a sudden inspiration and break into a sweet smile.
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MC: I like you~ (wǒ xǐhuān nǐ~)
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Lucien's demeanor briefly halts for half a beat as though he doesn't expect my answer. But then, the smile on his lips grows bigger.
The warm afternoon sunshine reflects brightly in his upturned eyes, making them look particularly beautiful.
Lucien: [chuckles, then sighs] This is the most sophisticated cheating I've ever seen, so I concede defeat.
I cheer joyfully, but before I can utter a word, an electronic broadcast interrupts me.
"Distance to the next highway toll booth is 1.5 kilometers ahead.”
I glance at the phone screen and see it shows another hour and a half to the camping village.
Lucien suggested this camping trip to an ecologically pristine village with beautiful scenery, though the only downside is that the journey was a bit long.
I turn to look at Lucien, who appears to be in a good mood, and can't resist asking the small question that's been lingering on my mind.
MC: Lucien, what made you suddenly want to take me to this camping village?
Lucien: It was recommended by a colleague from the research center. I heard the scenery there is nice and worth a visit.
Lucien: I originally wanted to find an opportunity to spend time with you, and just last weekend we went to see a play, which gave me a very legitimate reason to invite you on a date—
Lucien: To create “beautiful moments”.
He deliberately emphasizes the words "beautiful moments", causing me to momentary pause as a recent memory quickly floods into my mind.
—[Flashback Start]—
At the entrance of the theater last weekend.
Lucien and I walked out of the theater hand in hand. I was still sniffling, lost in the storyline of the performance we just watched, unwilling to let it go.
Just as I was about to wipe away the tears at the corner of my eye, a warm hand handed me a tissue and gently dabbed it beneath my eyes.
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Lucien: [gently] If this little audience member keeps crying, I'll have to go find the production team for an explanation.
MC: I'm just really moved by the play...
MC: At first, when I saw the protagonist growing up under the shadow of his mother's depression, I thought he would fall into despair.
MC: But he was able to diligently record the beautiful moments in life and ultimately salvaged himself...
MC: I just tried to put myself in his shoes, and it's really hard to be as optimistic as the protagonist, so I couldn't stop my tears.
Under Lucien's gentle gaze, I rambled on and on, completing my "review" of the play. He patiently wiped the corners of my eyes and offered a comforting smile.
Lucien: I actually think the lady by my side also has a pair of eyes that can discover the beauty of life everywhere.
His sincere praise caught me off guard, and I couldn't help but feel a little buoyed by it. My heart, which had been saddened by the protagonist's struggles, also eased a bit.
MC: If I had a "Book of Beautiful Moments," the first thing I would record is how Professor Lucien always generously praises me~
Lucien chuckled softly, and the strands of hair hanging over his forehead swayed gently in front of his thick lashes.
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Lucien: [chuckles] I'm just stating facts. She shares the beauty of the sky with me and finds satisfaction in good weather...
Lucien: —Isn't that kind of you very much like the protagonist?
MC: Then next time I discover something beautiful, I'll make sure to record it promptly.
MC: Let's see if I can fill several volumes of "Wonderful Moments" just like the protagonist!
—[Flashback Ends]—
I casually remarked and thought it was nothing but a joke, yet Lucien silently remembered it in his heart. I come to my senses and blink.
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MC: So, the reason you suddenly decided to take me out to play is to create more wonderful moments in my life?
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Lucien: I wonder if it's because I'm not "competent" enough that you don't have much to record, so I deliberately created this opportunity.
Lucien: Of course, it's also to show myself off a bit.
He adopts a tone of pretended grievance that stirs a feeling of itchiness in my heart, I suppress the curve of my lips, nodding in mock annoyance.
MC: Well, in light of your "timely remedy," I'll reluctantly start recording officially!
MC: ...Lucien takes me camping;
MC: Before we set off, Lucien made me a cup of hot chocolate.
MC: While playing the idiom chain game, Lucien deliberately went easy on me...
As I speak, I open the Notes app on my phone and mutter to myself, recording a dozen or so entries. But as I continue to write, I suddenly feel something is amiss.
MC: Wait a minute, why do all these "wonderful moments" have Professor Lucien's shadow? I'm starting to suspect that I have a “love-brain”*...
[T/N: "恋爱脑" (love brain) is a Chinese internet buzzword that refers to a mindset that puts love first above everything. It refers to individuals who are deeply in love and often become consumed by their emotions, making it difficult for them to think about anything else. This phenomenon is characterized by extreme devotion to their lover, often leading to uncontrollable emotional dependence and intense desires to be with the other person... If anything, from the way Lucien takes her casual remarks seriously and uses them as a reason to hang out with her, this word describes Lucien more LOL]
Lucien: [with a pretending-don’t-to-know-anything tone] Oh, really?
Lucien is amused by my muttering, and a hint of sly self-satisfaction shines in his long and narrow eyes.
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Lucien: [chuckles] It seems the Great Producer has already fallen into my sweet trap.
Lucien: Because my goal is to dominate your today's "wonderful moments" list through this trip.
MC: Hmph, then I won't let you succeed. Right now, I'm going to come up with something completely unrelated to you.
As I speak, I catch a glimpse of a white shadow flashing in front of the car. But before I can react, Lucien has already hit the brakes.
[Sounds of the car suddenly braking]
Almost simultaneously, a strong arm instinctively protects me in front of my chest.
Lucien: ...Are you okay?
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He removes his sunglasses and swiftly scans me with his gaze as if confirming whether I'm injured.
I stare blankly ahead. After a moment of daze, there's no movement in front of the car, and my heart leaps into my throat.
MC: I, I'm okay...
MC: Lu, Lucien... Did something just rush onto the road?
Lucien: I'll go down and take a look first. Stay in the car and don't move.
He smooths out my disheveled bangs and then gets out of the car after turning on the hazard lights.
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Through the windshield, I see him quickly walk to the front of the car. His gaze instantly shifts downward, as if he's spotted something, and he crouches down.
Did we really hit something?
Just as I nervously stretch my neck and am about to get out of the car to take a look, Lucien suddenly stands up, cradling a bundle of white fluff in his arms.
MC: Eh?
I take a closer look and can't help but exclaim in delight—
It's an adorable little Pomeranian!
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Under my expectant gaze, Lucien quickly gets back into the car with the little Pomeranian in his arms, then raises the pup's paw and waves it at me.
MC: Hello there, cutie! How did you end up on the road?
Lucien: This little fellow must have gotten lost. I didn't see anyone else outside the car.
I follow Lucien's gaze out the window. The road is very quiet, there's no sign of anyone around.
MC: Is it injured?
Lucien: It wasn't hit just now. When I got out to check, it was still some distance from the front of the car. It's probably just a little startled.
As if understanding, the Pomeranian snuggles its face into Lucien's palm coquettishly. Its dewy eyes shift between Lucien and me, softening my heart.
I tentatively reach out my hand towards its nose, intending to let it get accustomed to my scent before attempting to pet its little head.
However, as soon as I reach out my hand, the little fellow enthusiastically licks my fingers. In the next moment, it leaps over the center console and goes straight into my arms.
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MC: Wow, what a good little doggy!
MC: And it looks very clean, not like a stray dog... Could it be lost?
Lucien leans in and turns the collar of the small Pomeranian, discovering a small round tag. On it, it reads "Snowball*" and a string of numbers.
[T/N: the pet name, "雪糕" (xuě gāo), actually means "ice cream bar/popsicle"  LOL. I take some liberty in translating the pup name because “雪” (xuě) word alone means “snow” (while “糕” (gao) means cake). Imagine that this fluffy white bundle looks like a snowball so I give the pup that name :D]
MC: "Snowball"? Is that its name?
Lucien: Mm, below should be the owner's phone number. Let me try contacting them. Maybe the owner hasn't gone far.
Lucien takes out his phone as he speaks and quickly gets connected. After briefly explaining the situation, a wave of gratitude comes from the other end of the line.
??: Thank you so much! I stopped at the service area for a break and took the pup out of the car for a walk. I forgot to bring it back into the car.
??: I've already turned back onto the highway. I'll be there in about forty minutes!
??: Will it delay you?
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Lucien doesn't respond, he just looks up at me and gestures with his eyes, as if asking for my opinion. I quickly nod in agreement.
[asking for opinion from the family leader.jpg]
Lucien: No, it won't. Then let's meet at the nearest gas station to the toll booth on the highway.
After a brief conversation, he hangs up the phone and shakes his head at me helplessly.
Lucien: [smiles helplessly] Looks like our journey might be delayed for a bit.
MC: What a careless owner! How could they forget such an adorable little dog?
I affectionately rub Snowball's head. It seems to whimper aggrievedly, then it straightens up, leans against me, and licks my cheek.
The adorable and silly look melts my heart once again. I exaggerate by placing my hand over my heart, then I scoop Snowball into my arms and give it a tight cuddle.
MC: Lucien, it's just too cute.
Upon seeing this, Lucien boops Snowball's nose, his tone hinting at jealousy.
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Lucien: You've been praising this little guy since earlier until now for so many times.
MC: Pfft, is Professor Lucien feeling jealous?
Lucien: After all, I was the one who wanted to make a good impression today, but I didn’t expect to be outshone by this "little attention-seeker".
MC: I think, it's actually quite timely that Snowball showed up.
I mischievously wink at him and raise Snowball triumphantly.
MC: Just when I couldn't think of any beautiful moments unrelated to you.
MC: The appearance of this cute little fellow right now just fills that gap perfectly~
Lucien: Is that so?
Lucien presses his lips together thoughtfully, his clean fingertips lightly tapping on the steering wheel. He puts his sunglasses back on and, as if on a whim, starts the car again.
Lucien: Buckle up your seatbelt, let's go.
MC: Huh? Where are we going? Aren't we supposed to wait for Snowball's owner?
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Lucien: MC's words just aroused my desire to win.
Lucien: In order not to lose to this little fellow, I have to put in some extra effort during these forty minutes of waiting.
Lucien: Before that, let's go find some more unexpected wonderful moments.
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Ten minutes later, Lucien drives us to a countryside field.
The golden sunlight blankets the emerald green grass, while wisps of light mist hover amidst the sea of green.
Excitedly, I hop out of the car while holding Snowball, and find myself unable to tear my eyes away from the beautiful scenery for a moment.
MC: It's so beautiful! Lucien, how did you know there's a place like this nearby?
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Lucien: We passed by here when Miss Producer was fully focused on playing the idiom chain game just now.
Lucien: The meeting point I arranged with Snowball's owner is very close to here, so it was convenient to stop by on the way.
MC: [sweats] What? During that intense idiom chain game just now, you still managed to notice the scenery on the sides of the road?
Upon hearing this, Lucien seriously crosses his arms, one hand supporting his chin as if deep in thought.
Lucien: Hmm, after all, even in such a tense moment, Miss Producer didn't forget to use "sweet words" to bribe her opponent.
MC: Pfft-
I can't help but laugh, but Snowball in my arms suddenly wriggles restlessly, as if trying to break free from my embrace.
MC: Do you want to go down and play?
I carefully place Snowball on the ground. It sniffs around with its tiny nose and then happily starts running around us.
MC: [laughs cheerfully] Hahaha, Snowball, you're so fearless, don't you?
MC: Even after such a day full of twists and turns, you can still play so happily!
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Lucien: A puppy's mind is very simple.
Lucien: Perhaps in its eyes, it simply unexpectedly took a risk to venture into an unfamiliar place and met with a beautiful and empathetic Jiejie (big sister) who understands it well.
Lucien: And now, this Jiejie has brought it to a playground where it can run freely, so why can't it be happy?
MC: Oh, come on, it's definitely the credit of this reasonable and understanding handsome Gege (big brother).
I jokingly gesture with my hand, but as I watch Snowball's carefree figure, I can't help but ponder Lucien's words with a thoughtful expression.
MC: That being said, it seems like any simple thing can easily make a puppy happy.
MC: Whether it's the company of its owner, a friendly pat from a stranger, a passing butterfly, or even just a small treat...
MC: I often see videos of dogs being scolded by their owners. One moment, they're scared out of their wits…
MC: Then, the next moment, as soon as their owners call their names with a smile, they instantly become happy again.
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MC: So, is life filled with beautiful moments everywhere in the eyes of a puppy?
As we talk, Snowball runs around a nearby grassy area and then returns to Lucien's feet, panting. It looks like it's tired from playing and eagerly starts pawing at his pants.
Lucien cooperatively lifts it, and it comfortably stretches lazily in his arms, then leans against his arm and rests.
Lucien pats its head, his expression somewhat resigned.
Lucien: I originally wanted to create a "wonderful moment" for MC, but it seems like Snowball is the one enjoying it more.
MC: Indeed, we should learn from puppies and embrace the spirit of enjoying every moment. I can't let Snowball beat me~
As I say this, I take a deep breath, and the fresh air instantly fills my heart.
MC: So pleasant... If it weren't for the tight schedule and better scenery waiting for us, I'd want to camp right here.
Lucien looks at me upon hearing this, seeming to contemplate something. After a moment, he gently places Snowball into my arms and gives me a mysterious wink.
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Lucien: I've received the classmate's wish, please wait a moment.
He walks around to the back of the car, opens the trunk, and folds down all the rear seats, creating a spacious area.
[Lucien’s car being an SUV is really useful in times like this huh-]
Then, he hangs the small decorative lanterns that were initially used for the tent on the roof of the car. Finally, he shakes out a small thin blanket and spreads it on top.
After finishing all this, he bends slightly and makes a gentlemanly invitation gesture.
Lucien: Please, have a seat.
MC: This is...
Lucien: Our time is indeed limited, not enough to set up a proper tent.
Lucien: So we'll have to use this "temporary camping spot" instead, I hope you two* don’t disdain it.
[T/N: He actually uses 小朋友 (literally means: child) as the term of endearment to refer both of them (so the more literal translation should be “I hope the two children don’t disdain it”). I change it for an obvious reason here, but I swear it’s not as bad as the english language makes it to be-]
I stand still for a moment as his intention dawns on me. Pink bubbles seem to bubble up in my chest, making my heart move up and down in the ripples it causes.
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I compliantly put on airs, playing along with his gesture as I cradle Snowball and settle into the car.
MC: Can you see a look of "disdain" on our faces?
I raise Snowball, showing a coy and obedient look at Lucien. Snowball, oblivious to the situation, cooperatively wags its tail and barks cheerfully at Lucien twice.
Lucien chuckles softly, then takes off his sunglasses with one hand, his gaze shifting between Snowball and me.
The vast expanse of clouds above his head begins to slowly drift away, revealing the warm and radiant sunshine.
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His deep gaze is imbued by the golden sky, revealing a hint of childlike innocence and simple contentment.
Lucien: Indeed, I can't see it, because I can only see two adorable faces.
His doting tone is unreserved, and I satisfactorily squint my eyes, my heart full of joy.
MC: This one-of-a-kind camping area, with Professor Lucien's intention behind it, is priceless and worth more than any amount of money.
MC: I cherish it so much; how could I possibly disdain it?
Snowball seems to understand my words. With a "woof", he jumps down and happily rolls around on the blanket.
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Both Lucien and I are amused by its adorable appearance. A gentle breeze blows by, and my entire heart feels light as if it's strolling in the clouds.
Our gazes lock into each other, and this tranquil moment is so beautiful that I truly want to record it in some way.
But I don't take out my phone to make a note. Instead, I instinctively reach out and gently pull Lucien to sit beside me.
The warmth beside me makes me unconsciously lean closer. I nuzzle his shoulder clingily, my heart filled with softness.
MC: Professor Lucien, you've succeeded.
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MC: Now my mind is filled with countless wonderful moments, and each of these moments is related to you-
MC: Me leaning on your shoulder, your scent filling my senses, and us sharing this unexpected encounter of scenery together...
MC: And even if these moments aren't intentionally recorded by me, it's okay.
MC: Because every little thing that has been happening with you has already integrated into my world since a long time ago.
The breath above my head becomes even more gentle and elongated. Lucien enfolds me in his arms, his warm breath almost as if it's seeping into the depths of my heart.
Lucien: I am honored to be part of all the “wonderful moments” of Miss MC.
Lucien: As the sole recipient of this “award”, I will remain humble and continue to work hard, bringing her even more happiness.
I smile in his arms, but suddenly, I think of something and pull myself away from him a bit.
MC: But it's not fair, I've listed so many 'wonderful moments' of my own. How come you haven't shared a single one with me?
Lucien seems taken aback by my sudden mention of this. He is struck silent for a moment, then a flicker of wounded expression crosses his face.
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Lucien: Perhaps because I thought even if I didn't say anything, MC would know what I’m thinking—
Lucien: My "list of wonderful moments" is very simple, so simple that it has only one item.
Lucien: Now, do you still need me to tell you this one and only item?
He stares steadily into my eyes, with an irreplaceable radiance that ebbs and flows in the depths of his gaze.
I softly laugh, and my entire heart feels as transparent and bright as if it has been meticulously polished.
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MC: No need.
I shook my head, the stray hair on my forehead bringing a slightly unbearable itch, gently brushing against my heart along with the gentle spring breeze.
I gently cup his cheek in the palm of my hand, and the world becomes unusually quiet, only the sound of two hearts beating can be heard.
MC: You don't need to say anything.
Because in those beautiful eyes, I only see myself.
[Bonus Phone Call - Want it Now]
Lucien: Hello? Are you busy?
MC: So, I was about to take a lunch break—I was just thinking about you, and then your call came.
Lucien: It seems like there's always some kind of wonderful little tacit understanding between us.
Lucien: Then tell me about it.
MC: Haha, here's the thing. The company's pet club is planning a charity event.
MC: They plan to sell some handmade items and donate the proceeds to animal shelters. But I don't have any inspiration for what to make at the moment...
Lucien: Mm... I just received a delivery that might be helpful to you.
Lucien: The owner of Snowball sent us some things as a thank you. There are small felt keychains shaped like Snowball, as well as cartoon-style standees and cross-stitch fridge magnets.
Lucien: Looking at the note in the delivery box, it seems that the owner of Snowball designed them personally and also has the same ones at home.
Lucien: Perhaps we can also make some similar small items.
MC: Wow! They actually make these for their pet? The owner of Snowball is so thoughtful.
Lucien: You can tell that Snowball is truly cherished, so its owner makes these everyday little things, wanting its presence to fill every corner of their home.
MC: Hmm... Just like how my phone screensaver is you, and all the photos hanging around the home are of you?
Lucien: If what you're saying is that feeling of 'even when you're not around, I still want to see you first thing’...
Lucien: Then we're the same.
MC: I have another idea, I wonder if Professor Lucien shares the same idea as me.
Lucien: Hm?
MC: Even though my screensaver and chat background are pictures of you... I still want to see you right now.
Lucien: What a coincidence, I was thinking the same thing. So I've already brought your favorite milk tea and the Snowball keychain, and I'm on my way to see you.
Lucien: I checked the navigation, and the route from the research institute to your company is very smooth.
Lucien: In twenty minutes, both of our wishes will come true.
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antiromanticbaby · 1 year
Trapped - Yandere! Solomon
Yandere!Solomon x GN!reader
[✧] ー inspired by this post/chat. Includes hints to my own lores, comment if you were interested <3.
Summary: Solomon decided that shrinking you and keeping you in a world of make belief isn't that bad of an idea. Similar to: Pink Paradise - Asmodeus contains: possessive and overprotective Solomon. Mc/you are not present, just solomon rambles. You can listen to: le monde - richard carter? Not proof read
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YOU were such a temptation.
And Solomon had to tame you before you tamed him. He wasn't going to allow the past repeat itself. To have you, his throne, ripped away from him? No, he wowould never allow it. He was fool onced, he wouldn't be fooled twice. Those crooked smile and bright eyes with sin filling them up with light. There used to be a time where those full of light eyes fooled him too, but those days had come to an end.
He was a sheep whom had survived these demons, and was a sheep, after surviving thede demons, truly a sheep? The answer is obvious.
Solomon, the well known sorcerer, wise and witty. He used to be young too, but now he is no more a fool. Back then he was set on exploring the world as the fool, and now he was the wise sorcerer. Yet you were still the fool, the sheep. And these demons wanted you, because you were a pure sheep who would never get the chance to understand these worlds due to your mortality. Oh what a chain mortality was, not allowing you to fully grasp your life. But he would do something for that, before these demons decided it was the end.
You were so painfully oblivious, always choosing them over him. He was sick of it. Solomon was sick of you choosing demons over him, the human, your human. You weren't there thousands and thousands of years ago, when demons roamed the human world freely, when he was still a pure child hidden in the basement. And those oh so pure eyes of his, observing everything from his place in the basement... he didn’t want to be petty, but could anyone blame him? After everything he saw and experienced? You only saw Devildom, and that was also when lord Diavolo is the de facto king. Where were you when His Majesty Baphomet ruled? His Highness Baal? And way before that?
You only saw the mask these demons, these wolves wore. You poor little lamb, he had to protect you all the time didn't he? He had to keep protecting you, or else you'd run back into the arms of those 'sweet' little demons of yours again and again. They would take and take and take, until you were no more. And only then will you run back to him. It was truly unfair, because you didn't even acknowledge it.
It's alright. He would protect you, he had to protect you.
Hence why you were here now. This Trarium suitted your taste perfectly, you'd love it. Sending a text to you about it as a joke was prefectly fine, because you wouldn't suspect that he would actually do it. Shrink you? You wouldn't believe it. He was always a man of jokes, this would be no different for you. But for him, it was like hearing 'yes' to wedding proposal. Now that he thought about it, he would shrink a ring and put it there too. You would have all the time in the world to explore and find that ring.
He smiled as he read over your texts, sending one real quick. He was waiting for you at home eagerly. First he would analyze your reaction to the Trarium, and then he will bring up his 'joke' again. It didn't matter what you said though, he had already prepared everything. Your death was ready to be faked, and your existence was already wiped from the mind of all your human friends and family. He hoped you would give him consent, because he would hate to force you. Still, if you didn't give him consent, he would do it.
This was for your own good.
Your destiny was his, you two were made for each other. You just had to realize it the hard way.
Oh how romantic it would be for the two of you to take loving walks in this world where he was the god again, where he could be the king again. And the demon brothers, the prince or his steward wouldn't be there to whisk you away.
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seraphinitegames · 1 year
when there’s anything going on with the detective and their s/o they always describe this pulling feeling towards their s/o could they be soul bonded and not know orrr will they have to get soul bonded in the future
Soul-bonds only happen for certain types of supernaturals.
The type of bond the LI and MC share is a soulmate kind of thing. It's more influenced by them and like, 'destiny' I guess rather than by that more chain-like bond of magic that is a Soul-bond.
...I hope that makes sense! I really worry about Wayhaven's lore being too intense, and I don't want it to be that way at all! It's just I've had so, sooo long to build this world :D
Thank you so much for the ask! :)
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orions-quill · 4 months
Introducing all my projects
My brain loves coming up with new ideas but struggles to pick one to work on, so I thought that maybe sharing a little bit about each of them might help me choose what to focus on. Here goes.
Project New World
Fantasy trilogy about four sacrifices who escape their fate in order to try to solve the curse tormenting their people. Queer polyamorous relationship, mythology, language, culture all created from scratch. My longest project for sure, I've been working and reworking it for a while.
Project Labyrinth
When the MC's older sister comes back home in a coffin, she decides to join her coven to figure out what happened to her. Lesbian MC and romance, witchcraft and murdery mystery.
Project Knight
A princess and her knight cast a spell that makes them reeincarnate many years in the future, and now they must deal with the consequences of what they did in their past life. Lesbian romance, transfem knight, magic all around.
Project Time
A triad own a business in which they travel to the past to bring back everyday objects from famous people to their rich costumers; shenanigans ensue. Polyamory, one nonbinary MC, dnd-esque cozy fantasy novella.
Project Golden
A prophecy says that the Vessel of the God of Change will bring about "the end of time"; the solution? To suppress his memories. No romance, focused on friendship and the struggle against destiny.
Project Dragon
After watching his father be sentenced to death for high treason, our protagonist joins a band of merry pirates who ride dragons and cause chaos, more at 9. I don't know much about this one but you can expect it to be queer, 100%.
Project Moonlight
Witches can't be killed, so instead they're "buried" in the lake, chained to weights of iron. One day the MC is called by a very powerful witch to free them, it is time they get revenge. Lesbian MC, don't know much beyond that.
There's two more but I don't know enough about them yet so! Here you go c:
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reyloficarchives · 1 year
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This master list features Reylo fics that follows their "Post The Last Jedi" part 1.
Please make sure to read the tags and summary before reading the fic. Some stories may feature subject matter which is not to everyone’s tastes or they could be a trigger.
Some of these fics may be incomplete and not updated in a while.
As with all masterlists, if you spot an error please DM us or if you find a story that fits but is not on this list, let us know by filling this form:https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSfwVSa55QcRu-cLPIlKAuW-medIhVjJhCJI75r3HIY19-JYPA/viewform?usp=sf_link
MC= Multi chapter; OS= One Shot.
Rating: Explicit (E), Mature (M), Teen And Up Audiences (T) , General Audiences (G), Not Rated (NR)
Please, if you're exploring this list consider leaving kudos, or a comment to the authors. It makes a huge difference for them. Even if the fic hasn't been updated in a while, consider to leave a message to know the authors you're interested in their stories.
Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence
A Light in the Dark (M) (MC), reystarwalker
A Release of Tension (E) (MC), Celia_and
A Sepulcher of Prayer (E) (MC), Articianne, holocroning
A Yielding in the Grey (E) (MC), lovelydarkanddeep
Abandon (E) (OS), orphan_account
Affection (T) (OS), Dalzo
Alloy (NR) (MC), smallenoughtofit
As Stars Through Our Souls (E) (MC), LadyRhi
At the End of Our Thread (E) (OS), ReyloTrashCompactor (NextToSomething), SouthSideStory
Babywearing (E) (MC), rainbowtaurus
Balance (M) (MC), thelavenderhimbo
Black Gloves, Orange Soup (M) (OS), Solia
Bonded (T) (MC), Chridder
breaker of chains (E) (MC), pocketfullofdaisies
Closure (E) (MC), Daffodil76
Companion (M) (MC), ReyloRobyn2011
Conceal Me What I Am (M) (MC), Killtheselights, TheLadyoftheHouse
Conflicted: A Reylo FanFic (M) (MC), KCMarsala
Constellations of You (E) (MC), ebongawk (makeshiftcandy)
Crowned (E) (MC), HalfwayThrough
Darkness, Take My Hand (M) (MC), kathyswizards
Death or Surrender (E) (MC), fullofstarlight
Delicate (M) (OS), Weatherbug02
Desperate (E) (OS), beccastanz
Enough (E) (MC), Yours_Truly_Commander_Shepard
Force Destiny (E) (MC), EdenWoodsParker
Force of Nature (E) (MC), starwarringavengers
Forces of Desire (E) (MC), Love_andbalance
Forgotten: A Reylo Sequel (E) (MC), KCMarsala
Galactic Mosaic (M) (MC), JujuPlumb
Give (M) (OS), voicedimplosives
Glory (E) (OS), ohwise1ne
Grey (E) (OS),ocjones
Higher Ground (E) (MC), IamatrashCAN, KathKnight
I Move the Stars for No One (E) (MC), SageMcMae
In the Gathering Dark (M) (MC), grecianviolet
Infectious (E) (MC), bitterbones (orphan_account)
Lorelei (M) (MC), thebitchofdathomir
Marked (E) (MC), NopeNotGonnaDoIt
meet me at the horizon (M) (OS), murakamism
Meet Me In The Grey Of Twilight (E) (MC), Alakuriel
Nemesis (E) (MC), Forcefingeys (Mysecretfanmoments)
Picture Me With His Crown (E) (MC), Bastetmoon
Pillow Talk (E) (MC), TheMoonMoths
Rebel Warmth (E) (OS), Trish47
Reflektor (E) (MC), ReyloTrashCompactor (NextToSomething)
Requiem (T) (OS), afalsebravado
Reunion (M) (OS), destinies
Safe Harbor (E) (MC), ItsALilah
Same Sovereign Cruelty (E) (MC), Killtheselights, TheLadyoftheHouse
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fukuokadivision1 · 4 months
Bring the Beat!
Here we go (here we go), east and west
Connecting divisions (divisions) with this microphone
Old and young, come together and make our voices a chorus
The battle is locals vs. Chuohku
Here we go (here we go), you and me
Right and left, me and you
Overcoming blood relations and troublesome connections
Anyway, this party, let’s get it on
A night where shocking oaths crowd around
The no.1 mic that aims at our days
Let us drink and sing, get wired as we like
A party night limited to only one stage, make love
Hop, skip, and jump, taking the initiative asap
Let’s get started
Reverberating sound and hearts
If we don’t have fun, there’s no point
Let’s go!
In a world that's obsessed with the norm
I spit rhymes in a storm, breakin' the form
"Average," they say, but I won't conform
I'm the queen of the ring, not just another swarm
I shed the label, it's a societal scorn
Normal's a myth, in my truth, I'm reborn
From the ashes of the past, my spirit's torn
In the beat of the streets, a new rebel's sworn
Fate's a gamble, destiny's a lie
I'm the master of my path, under the sky
No dice, no cards, no fate to defy
I carve my own way, never gonna say die
For the lost souls in Fukuoka's nights
We stand as guardians, igniting their rights
In slums we rise, our bond ignites
MIHANASA's vow, to reach new heights
A night where shocking oaths crowd around
The no.1 mic that aims at our days
Let us drink and sing, get wired as we like
A party night limited to only one stage, make love
Hop, skip, and jump, taking the initiative asap
Let’s get started
Reverberating sound and hearts
If we don’t have fun, there’s no point
Let’s go!
In the shadows of my past, I've danced with death's embrace
A silent whisper in the dark, a ghost without a trace
From ninja to professor, I've found my space
Teaching truth in every verse, in every line I face
The darkness of my history, a canvas for my art
The former life I lived, the pain was off the charts
But in this classroom, I've found a brand new start
Kiya Kara's my redemption, Sendai's where I impart
In the gym where spirits soar, I'm the force that never rests
Pushing limits, breaking sweat, putting wills to the test
Life's a challenge, face it head-on, that's my quest
With every drop of sweat, we're becoming our best
Medicine and physics, my dual domain
Healing bodies, teaching minds, in the academic lane
For my sister, lost but not in vain
I'll unravel every mystery, break every chain
Here we go (here we go), east and west
Connecting divisions (divisions) with this microphone
Old and young, come together and make our voices a chorus
The battle is locals vs. Chuohku
Here we go (here we go), you and me
Right and left, me and you
Overcoming blood relations and troublesome connections
Anyway, this party, let’s get it on
A night where shocking oaths crowd around
The no.1 mic that aims at our days
Let us drink and sing, get wired as we like
A party night limited to only one stage, make love
Hop, skip, and jump, taking the initiative asap
Let’s get started
Reverberating sound and hearts
If we don’t have fun, there’s no point
Let’s go!
Fukuoka! (Hey!)
Sendai! (Ho!)
Edogawa! (Hey!)
Shizuoka! (Ho!)
Kobe! (Hey!)
Kanazawa! (Ho!)
If you stan them, put your hands up! (Ho!)
Boys! (Hey!) Girls! (Ho!)
Gentlemen! (Hey!) Ladies! (Ho!)
Middle aged men! (Hey!) Mature women! (Ho!)
If you're there, raise your voice! (Ho!)
Step to me, you'll learn quick why "normal" ain't my tale
I'll unleash a damn storm, and watch as you all flail!
Try to chain me again, I'll shatter your scale
MC Rogue's wrath, in this fight, I prevail!
Cross my path, you'll meet shadows where death once tread
An assassin still lingers, my silence, your dread
Dare to challenge my peace, I'll paint your end in red
Kage's blade, leave opposition in shreds!
Life's a gamble, step up, it's time to cash in your chip
My destiny's mine to wield, this rap battle's my grip
Ante up, face the storm, I'll sink your ship
Katame's resolve, watch your footing slip!
Think my class is tough? Oppose us and feel the sting
I'll school you in pain, let the real lesson begin
Corporal's my game, with each verse I bring
GUTS on the stage, feel the punishment I sling!
Monsters roam our land, but none as fierce as I'll be
Threaten my kin, my city, unleash the beast in me
For the children's future, I'll fight, you'll see
Miss Ming's fury, a protector's decree!
Dare to harm us, I'll show you Chuohku's dark side
Experiments of horror, a past I won't let slide
My knowledge, believe me, it's a terrifying ride
Shiki's secret weapon, you've nowhere to hide
Here we go (here we go), east and west
Connecting divisions (divisions) with this microphone
Old and young, come together and make our voices a chorus
The battle is locals vs. Chuohku
Here we go (here we go), you and me
Right and left, me and you
Overcoming blood relations and troublesome connections
Anyway, this party, let’s get it on
A night where shocking oaths crowd around
The no.1 mic that aims at our days
Let us drink and sing, get wired as we like
A party night limited to only one stage, make love
Hop, skip, and jump, taking the initiative asap
Let’s get started
Reverberating sound and hearts
If we don’t have fun, there’s no point
Let’s go!
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Hi WQA I hope everything’s been good!
I wanted to know- how do I depict a character arc of “reluctant hero/chosen one” without it being… how to explain it? Like the usual Disney type of stuff?
I want my MC to be given a power that they do not want to deal with and are now stuck with- plus leading a bunch of peeps to destroy the big bad guy- but I really have no idea (I mean I have a few story beats in mind but it’s still REALLY fuzzy yknow?) how to show them going from “ew I don’t want to deal with this” to becoming a leader and eventual ruler- how do I depict the arc?
Thank you very much friend!
Non-Cliché Reluctant Hero/Chosen One Arc
There are some specific things that make the Chosen One arc cliché, and honestly, not great a lot of the time. We'll go through some of those things and talk about what can be done instead.
1 - Fate vs Destiny - One of the biggest issues of the Chosen One trope is that all too often, the hero--whether reluctant or not--doesn't have a choice in their role as the Chosen One. They are fated to do the thing that only they can do, so every decision they make is preordained to lead to that outcome. If they're fated to save the world by sacrificing themselves, that's going to happen no matter what. This strips them of any agency they might have in the story. There is the illusion of choice, but all roads lead to their fate. And, honestly, it's not much fun to watch someone rise to greatness when it's the only possible outcome. Solution: Destiny can be changed... it can be shaped by choices. If a character is destined to save the world by sacrificing themselves, that outcome can be avoided. They can find a way to save the world without sacrificing themselves. They could even refuse the call if it somehow set off a chain of events that still led to the world being saved. A Chosen One with agency is much more satisfying to watch than one who is doomed to their fate.
2 - Give Them a Choice or Make Refusal an Option - Prophecies (which can be fate or destiny), bloodlines, or being the only one in possession of a unique gift leaves little to no room for choice. They didn't choose to get involved with a particular cause. And if they'd refused the call, they would have looked terrible. They may have agency later on in that their choices actually matter, but what difference does it make if they're making choices in service of a cause they had no choice but to accept? Solution Option #1: Put them on their path by choice. For example, in The Hunger Games, if Katniss's name had been pulled from the Reaping ball, she wouldn't have had any choice in being a tribute. But because it was her sister's name that was chosen, she made the choice to volunteer to take her place. Since she was the first person in District 12 ever to volunteer as tribute, no one would have expected her to make that sacrifice, and we as the reader wouldn't have even known it was possible. So, while from an emotional and moral perspective, there was really no other choice she could have made (she wasn't going to let that happen to her beloved sister), she still made the choice. She was still the master of her own destiny, and continued to be as the story went on. It can also be argued that volunteering as tribute wasn't even the thing that made Katniss the Chosen One, but rather her behavior and actions during the games that earned her a role as the icon of rebellion. So, "hero-by-deed" is another option to give your character some choice in their role. Solution Option #2: Give them a viable alternative, but one which has an undesirable drawback. For example, let's say your character has a unique magical gift and that's why they're chosen, but whoever delivers the call gives them the option to transfer that ability via magical spell to another person. The drawback is the gift won't be quite as potent in another person, and also they'll lose all their memories associated with ever having or using that gift. Now they have a viable choice. They might lose their unique ability and all associated memories, but they don't have to be in a situation they didn't choose.
3 - Prophecy for the Sake of Prophecy - Too often, prophecy is used as the basis of why the character is the Chosen One, however the prophecy is superficial and serves no other purpose. Solution: If you use a prophecy as the basis of why your character is the Chosen One, make sure the prophecy is fleshed out, relevant to the world and plot, and serves more purpose than being an explanation.
4 - Salvation in the Hands of a Child - Another Chosen One cliché is when the Chosen One--whether a child, young adult, or amateur--is surrounded by people who are better skilled, more knowledgeable, and better qualified to save the day, but still somehow the fate of the universe rests on the Chosen One's shoulders. Solution: Make sure there's a reason why the character, despite lacking in qualifications, is still the best option to save the day. Also, have them receiving lots of help and guidance from the more qualified people around them. Let them struggle as they acquire new skills, and have them really need that help from others. It should be a group effort to some degree. Let other characters be important.
5 - Proficiency at Lightning Speed - There are few things that make a reader's eyes roll faster in a Chosen One story than when the previously uninitiated Chosen One answers the call, then very quickly becomes proficient in whatever skills are needed in order for them to fulfill their destiny. Solution: Again, let them struggle as they acquire the necessary skills. It should take a believable amount of time for them to do the thing well, and there should bot lots of failures and setbacks. As much as I hated the Disney+ sequel to Willow, one thing they did right is have their Chosen One really struggle with learning to use and control the magic that was in them all along. It was pretty close to the end of the season before they became adept enough to really make a difference.
Bonus - Here's a lightning round of things to avoid: the over-the-top underdog Chosen One, the "All Powerful" Chosen One, the Chosen One who never has to make tough decisions, the Chosen One who is ordinary for no reason, the Chosen One who is defined by their destiny, the Chosen One who is special for the sake of being special, the Chosen One who has no autonomy and no agency, the Chosen One who only puts others first and never considers their own safety/wants/needs, the Chosen One who doesn't get to have a life beyond their Chosen One role.
Happy writing!
I’ve been writing seriously for over 30 years and love to share what I’ve learned. Have a writing question? My inbox is always open!
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bluetortoist · 1 year
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Wither and decay
End this destiny
Break these earthly chains
And set the spirit free...
The spirit free...
My own little AU I've thought up for my TWST MC, Yūki, that I call the Spirit Possession AU.
Yūki finds an ancient grimoire that opens up their body to any of the imprisoned, evil spirits on the Other Side. Now them and the boys of NRC have to help Yūki find a way ti reverse this curse while also trying to survive these chaotic spirits' rampage on the living world.
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jollyinteractive · 10 months
DashingDon Demos
Here's a short list of some demos I've read recently. Enjoy!
A Cage of Mist and Shadow- Author J. Koch(no known link). Fairly short demo, MC plays as a god-like being that is defeated in a final battle, only to wake centuries later bound into servitude. Seems to be abandoned.
Outsiders-2019- Authors: @Snowpanther & @Nathan_Faxon (COG forum). Very short demo, MC plays as a child and is introduced to a world where people with supernatural abilities are called "Outsiders". MC becomes one of these. Forum not active since 2019, still listed as a WIP.
Soulmates Inc- Author: @soulmatesinc-if Fairly short demo, MC plays as a human who works for Soulmates Inc. You have powers at your disposal to do your job- arrange for two soulmates to meet. Story is a WIP.
Lightweaver: Chosen- Author: @dakimomoe. Fairly short demo; MC is a young adult with a shrouded, traumatic past. Story begins with MC gaining abilities and joining a magic school. Story is a WIP.
Chains of Destiny- Author: Notlev (COG Forum). Fairly short demo; MC plays through their first few years of childhood as a member of a powerful family. MC is in danger for unknown reasons. Demo is mostly lore and world building. Currently a WIP.
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oceanlipgloss · 1 year
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+ warnings: angst.
+ my mc is the heroine, so the pronouns are feminine.
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She was thinking about sin again. Sin is vintage, never growing old, never staying young.
A lot unlike a glass of wine, aged and fermented, sin does not become richer as the years pass it by; on the contrary, it turns into quite a heavy burden, greater and greater in its weight—whether that grand mass be anguish or guilt.
Again she wondered: it had to be like so for the six demons as well, did it not? Did they not reminisce, miss a time when they and sin had not yet met—perhaps even memories of moments in which purity and such innocence withheld?
They had fallen, those beautiful angels; hell, however, seemed to be where they belonged. No longer burdened by sin, no longer chained by memory, they had broken free of everything that had once held them down: hesitation, resistance, denial...every piece of the heart. And in almost all eyes that seemed to be the greatest thing to become of the brothers, of the oldest brother, but to her it was the greatest tragedy of them all, for how could a destiny of sinful tincture ever be the best fate any one soul can meet?
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qqchurch · 10 months
it's been awhile since I've caught up with Destiny Unchain Online, but it's probably still one of the funnier subtle ways to clock the MC as trans even if it's never explicitly said
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"consent has been confirmed in the subconsciousness", yeah you fucking egg, get cracked
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even the dad figured out before the MC. like, what chain of events led to him going "hmmm, my child is a massive egg. i'm going to forcefem her with my special scifi device that doubles as a fulldive gaming console."
that said, the meat of the plot is more of the standard gamelit "explore the virtual wilderness, level up, kick ass, and do mmo stuff" and gender stuff is just cooking in the background (at least from where i left it back in... chapter 10?). with 40 chapters now available, i can only hope there's more resolution to that part of the premise apart from just an excuse to make the MC one of many waify silver-haired vampires you'll see in most "female vampire MC" media
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crimsondomingo · 1 year
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We return to fledgling vampire Ethan & Alpha werewolf Bash, who started the series! But fans of the starring MCs of books 2 & 3, not to worry, the whole cast gets their moments to shine.
Newborn vampire Ethan Lambert and Alpha werewolf Bashir Bain may have been an unlikely domestic couple ever since one of Bash’s prophecies brought them together, but destiny isn’t done with them yet.
With shifter culture shaken by the sudden surge of unknown vampires in their midst and attempted takeovers by werewolf purists, neighboring packs are already on edge. When ancient vampire Alexa steps out of the shadows to make her return to the top of the food chain—starting in Bash’s territory of Centrus City—the paranormal world teeters on the brink.
If they have any hope of stopping Alexa, they’ll have to do it before the last full moon of the year, and they’ll have to work carefully, because Alexa’s reach is long, and it’s impossible to know who to trust. To save their world and their relationship, Bash will have to find a way to show Ethan how he feels that leaves no room for doubt. Can they solve the riddles of their hearts and the ties that bind them before this latest prophecy spells their doom?
Preorder Here:
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undyingwick · 2 years
The Hurt Incantion from Tangled: The Series just match them both as well
Lucio: Wither and decay
Dark bleed into light
Take what once breathed life
And give it to the night
Give to the night
Mettaton (MC: Reverse end of Lucio route):
Wither and decay
End this destiny
Break these earthly chains
And set the spirit free
The spirit free
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doctorweebmd · 5 months
ok now for a brief list of examples of manipulate mansplain malewife characters that are compelling because they suck for a specific reason and how Dazai could have used said motivation logically in canon to be more engaging as a character:
1.) Goro Akechi - pretty-boy genius liar and master manipulator. Their physical resemblance is the reason I actually started watching BSD. Akechi's motivation is extremely clear and so beautifully simple. He wants revenge. And he will go to whatever lengths it takes to get it. In the end, his motivation is to be in charge of his own destiny. To break chains or manipulation, be it from his father, Maruki or God Himself.
Revenge would have been an extremely easy pathway for Dazai. Mimic killed Oda. Mori purposefully got Mimic into Japan to stir up trouble and its heavily hinted that he informed them of curry shop and where the orphans live. If Dazai said: the reason my friend is dead is Mori and the Port Mafia. I will now do everything in my power to destroy/dismantle/ruin them to ease my own grief - that would be such an easy reason to explain away why he abandoned Akutagawa and Chuuya with no contact for four years, as well as add significant tension to all these 'team-ups' as well as willingly 'working with Mori.'
2.) Gen Asigiri - king of being two-faced and manipulation - knows always what to say, how to present himself, and what to capitalize on to get on top. He's an expert in human nature and, by that front, the 'negotiator.' Gen's motivation is also very simple - at first, it was so survive, meaning he gets to be on the winning side where he gets more pleasures from life. The second is simply believing in Senku and the world he wants to bring; using his manipulative qualities over and over again to save his friends and create new allies. But, per Gen, its super simple: his motive? Be on the winning side so he can end up powerful and spoiled. WE, as the audience, can see he also just like... loves and wants to help his friends.
Power and money and being on the winning side are also huge motivators. Again, if Dazai showed an interest of dismantling or at least hurting the Port Mafia somehow, that would also make a lot of sense with his backstory. Caring about his friends or wanting to see a better future are also REALLY easy motivators and probably the one where a lot of people would say 'but that IS his motivator! He cares about the agency!'
...Does he? When exactly has he shown that? If that was the case and if he was driven to look out for these people, it again would add a significant richness to his character. But every time he seemingly does something 'kind' for any of the characters, its a means to an end. He's trying to manipulate them into doing or saying something for him. Pep-talk to Kyoka during the Guild Arc? Sure, you could call it a point of connection and a kindness to reassure her that a 'murderer' can become a good person. But this was all to motivate her to fly said plane into the Moby Dick, thus preventing Moby Dick from destroying Yokohama. How about Ango? How about Chuuya? What about any of the people that love him, that go above and beyond for him when he does what seems like nothing in return? The strongest argument you can make here is for Atsushi.
So lets talk about that. Lets talk about our MC and who Dazai is supposed to be for him.
Dazai is supposed to be the mentor-figure. The all-knowing, experienced guiding hand to help Atsushi grow.
Hm. What other mentor figures do we know with that personality?
3.) Reigen Arataka - Reigen's character act is frankly fantastic and powerful. He is proof that an utterly unserious loserboy scam artist can have a meaningful development and huge impact on the story without losing that core aspect of his personality. Reigen ran lots of scams until he found the paranormal investigator role and, when Mob got involved, you could say that he lied to him, manipulated him and used him to make money and grow a successful business. BUT. Its been quite natural. We see the way Reigen starts to change himself and bad habits because of and for Mob. He runs into danger without a second thought for Mob. In the very end, he confesses, with shame and so so much love for this kid, that he'd been lying to him this whole time. Despite not being able to train him in a 'psychic' way, Reigen looked out for Mob, motivated him, treated him like a person when no one else did, and taught him the things that he wasn't naturally good at - like having self-confidence and talking to girls and being a leader. And he continued as such - with Tome and Serizawa, he continued to use his skills to help others and created a safe haven for people that don't feel like they belong anywhere else.
It would have been so, so easy to demonstrate Dazai slowly starting to care for Atsushi. Training him. Teaching him. Motivating him. Watching out for him. Finding joy and meaning in 'helping out some orphans.' Seeing the world through Atsushi's eyes, his joy, his fear, and becoming more human for it. And yet... the only times we see something vaguely along these lines is: Dazai getting 'captured' by the Port Mafia to see who put out a bounty on him (hm,) Dazai slapping Atsushi out of his hallucination when Q got him (hm........) Dazai ''''comforting'''' Atsushi when he realized the headmaster died (hmmmmmmmm.....). One can argue that instructing Akutagawa to save Atsushi is, outside actually recruiting him into the agency, the biggest thing he's really done FOR Atsushi - but, listen. It took NOTHING from Dazai to do that. He sacrificed SOMEONE ELSE who would do anything for him, someone he seems to not care for at all, to save Atsushi. Cool. That's a point for Akutagawa, not Dazai, because in the end Akutagawa made that choice himself. In all honesty, Akutagawa has a LOT more impact on Atsushi's development than Dazai does.
He does not train Atsushi (thats Kunikida.) He doesn't really teach him anything (thats also Kunikida.) He doesn't change as a person because of how much he cares about Atsushi. (Thats Akutagawa and Kyouka.) In the entire series, Dazai shows minimal, if any, growth or development.
4.) Satoru Gojo - look I'm not trying to kick the hornets nest here. Out of all of the above, Gojo is probably the closest person that one can parallel to Dazai (and not only because they have the same English VA.) Gojo plays the 'classic' shounen mentor role. He's extremely powerful and is highly motivated to protect the jujutsu sorcerer way of life. His motivators include being the strongest (classic) as well as raising a generation of jujutsu sorcerers who are hella powerful. His whole thing is getting the kids in and out of jams. He practically raised Megumi (after killing his dad. but. you know.) and defended Yuuji while personally showing him how to develop and control his power. He also has a dramatic and very engaging backstory (Hidden Inventory you will always be famous.) He has a clear motivation to change the entire system that he is a part of, and dies doing it.
Dazai has no interest in changing the system he is a part of. The tri-party system for protecting the city works just fine for him. As mentioned above, Dazai doesn't do shit to ACTUALLY put himself in danger for the sake of his 'mentees.' It might be because Dazai wears the world's thickest plot armor, but him being ''''captured'''' by the Port Mafia or even being ''''arrested'''' and put in jail would be a lot more meaningful if, you know, Dazai actually had to risk or sacrifice anything. The only time he actually risks himself to save someone physically is with Sigma in the elevator, but even THAT is muddled by Dazai barely knowing Sigma but being aware that the way to beat Fyodor is via Sigma's ability. So its not because he's a good person or that Sigma is important, but because preserving his ability takes priority for this 12-dimension game of chess him and Fyodor seem to be playing.
look. i dont think there's anything wrong with a 'coolest hottest smartest undefeatable genius character who can manipulate literally everyone in the world and is also god's favorite.' But there have to be stakes. There have to be risks. There have to be repercussions. Dazai doesn't even feel like a character - just a plot device to keep the other characters moving.
Now. Listen. Here is how we can fix Dazai. What if he, at some young age, got a hold of The Book and read it. Or even wrote in it. What if that is what makes him so nihilistic and uninterested in existing in his own universe. What if he read about the way he dies (way in the future, preferably brutally and horribly) and it made him obsessed with his own death and trying to make it happen on his own terms, not the unfeeling hands of the universe? And that no matter how hard he tries, no matter what insane scenarios he gets himself into, he cannot die? Because he spends all this time in existential dread, hoping that the Book was some kind of cosmic joke, trying to rebel against it but the outcome is still the same. That would explain how he seems to know everything about everyone and never makes the wrong move. How he can treat everyone around him like nothing and they're still dedicated to him. How he can just be an empty shell and still somehow the most important person in the plot.
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theprophesiedprincess · 10 months
Hogwarts Legacy: The Prophesied Princess Ch 4 Part 3
Summary: MC Seraenya Rhaefyre returns to Hogwarts for her sixth year. Besides her ability to wield Ancient Magic, Seraenya must keep an even larger secret: her true identity. A difficult task given her ever-growing powers and the presence of power-hungry nobles at the Hogwarts school tournaments this year. Will Seraenya fulfill her destiny as the prophesied princess?
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Chapter 4, part 3:
Melindra took great care to make sure her gown was devoid of any lint, wrinkles, or stains. She had spent the last twenty minutes using small pulses of the accio spell to gently tug away any tiny folding in the soft fabric, pull away each nearly invisible piece of dust. She carefully tucked back each strand of hair on her head, tucking the front pieces away and out of her eyes with an ornate golden clip. Wearing an expensive but modest pink chiffon gown, Melindra inspected herself closely in the mirror of her Hufflepuff dormitory. She looked perfectly lady-like for lunch with her father and Headmaster Black. Perfectly lady-like all except for the ripped cuticles around her nailbeds. Melindra looked down at them with displeasure, felt the familiar rise of tension in her breathing, and then gave in to biting the side of her right thumbnail to relieve it.
"Father", she spoke politely as she arrived at the generously spacious and decorative apartments in the Visitor tower afforded to Lord Theos Greenbridge as an honored guest at the Hogwarts castle. "I hope your stay at my school is treating you well."
Lord Greenbridge stood up from the desk he had been so meticulously hunched over just a moment prior. "Yes. The accommodations are quite satisfactory." He looked quite respectable, Melindra thought, in a luxurious black satin coat embellished with green buttons and a steel chain belt. The broach clipped into his left chest pocket was sculpted with the symbol of House Riverland, a halfway suspended bridge in shades of green and steel. "Your presence at this meeting is appreciated today, Melindra. I know you have been looking forward to reuniting with your friends after a long holiday. Making pleasantries with House Black and House Gaunt will be highly instrumental for us."
Melindra responded as she thought may please her father, "I am the Lady of our house. It is my duty to attend such gatherings."
Lord Greenbridge nodded his head, "Yes. The role looks well on you, forced upon you so soon as it was", he pursed his lips and paused a moment. Melindra knew her father still struggled with the death of her mother, even two years later. "House Greenbridge is a proud house, with a long and respectable history. As the Lady of Greendbridge, you are now faced with upholding its nobility so that it may continue to prevail."
Melindra and her father had this talk many times before; she knew the responsibility of her role and she felt its weight. Men of importance such as Headmaster Black and Lord Salazar Gaunt had spoken to her as a child before, if at all, when she was just the daughter. Melindra had not minded this; she was shy in nature and bluntly uncomfortable in the presence of the noble lords of Astaria. But she is a Lady now. It was time to put such childish behaviors behind her.
"I wear the responsibility as an honor, father", Melindra hesitated, "Although, I do still speak to mother in times of confusion. It brings me comfort to think she may be listening. That she could help me bridge the way…".
Theos Greenbridge nodded uncomfortably. "Very good. We should be going now", he said matter-of-factly. Melindra felt a subtle disappoint, but not surprise as her father deflected from speaking about her mother again. She sighed and followed her father out of his apartments.
Phineas Nigellus Black, as the Headmaster of Hogwarts, was accommodated with a large and impressive tower as his own accommodations. Even still, the Headmaster opted to host the luncheon in a private dining chamber historically used to host lavish parties for honored guests of the castle.
The headmaster himself took the seat at the head of the table, of course, with his wife, the lean and glamorous Laticia Black, on his right-hand side. Laticia Black was a beautiful woman, nearly ten years younger than the Headmaster at the age of thirty, with full red lips, and cat-like eyes. Her hair was dark, long, and laid straight down her back. To her right sat Lord Salazar Gaunt, Lord of the Gaunt Family inheritance, and descendant to the great infamous wizard and one of the four Hogwarts' Founders, Salazar Slytherin. Seated on Lord Gaunt's other side was his younger brother, the intimidating Ousis Gaunt. Ousis Gaunt had short, slicked back golden hair, arched eyebrows, and eyes that never seemed to gentle. He was dressed in garbs fit even better for a king, Melindra thought, wearing an expensive and highly detailed black long coat, expertly detailed with snake embellishments that subtly shimmered as he moved in the light, and layered with a long, regal black cape clipped together over his chest with a steel metal snake detail. Next to him was his wife, the cruel- and regal-looking Allysa Gaunt. Allysa too had voluptuous golden hair styled high in a bun of curls. She wore an exquisitely designed long black gown with widened sleeves and a cape to match that of her husband.
Theos Greenbridge took his seat on the left side of the Headmaster, and Melindra followed in suit taking the seat to the right of her father and across from Lord Salazar Gaunt. Melindra's classmate, Ominis Gaunt, a boy her age from the Slytherin House and the son of the intimidating younger brother to Lord Gaunt, Ousis, took his seat next to her. This relieved Melindra, as she had secretly feared being sat next to one of the daunting noblemen, Ousis, in particular. "Hello Ominis", Melindra spoke softly as a sat down next to her. Ominis smiled back at her, which gave her great comfort.
Ousis Gaunt began the conversation with a stiff cough. "Your daughter has grown quite formidably, Lord Greenbridge", he said, directing the complement at Melindra's father. "A beautiful woman indeed, much like her mother."
Lord Greenbridge looked to his daughter and gave a pointed smile, "Yes, she has grown into her position as a Lady quite well." Melindra felt her cheeks heat and she resisted the urge to bring her hand to her mouth. Instead, she opted to pick at her fingernails under the table where no one could see.
"Thank you, my lord." She spoke courteously, giving her most polite smile. Melindra noticed Alyssa Gaunt looking her up and down, although the emotion on her face was well-hidden.
The Headmaster began his own exchange of courtesies, much to Melindra's relief. "I hope you had comfortable travels to Hogwarts, my Lords? The journey from your side of Astaria is no short one, as I recall."
"Yes, yes, very well. I quite appreciate you hosting us, Phineas. The apartments are very comfortable, thank you.", spoke Salazar Gaunt. He had a kind voice, Melindra thought; a more relaxed and joyous way about him than the others, especially his own brother.
Headmaster Black nodded in pleasure, "Very good. Your son won't be joining us? I held the notion that he would be present for the…", he paused as he turned to Melindra and Ominis, "festivities to come?"
"Yes, he has arrived. You must excuse my Dominic. He's the stubborn sort, I'm afraid.", he laughed whole heartedly. "The first thing he wanted to do upon arriving to Hogwarts was to find your training facilities! He takes his defensive wand-work very seriously these days". Melindra thought she saw Ominis grimace at this.
"Good boy", Ousis spoke in a tone of approval. "One his age should be nimble with a wand, prepared for any threat." Ousis turned to his son Ominis with a rather distasteful look. "My own son lacks such motivations. Although how much can be done given his… limitations?".
Now, Ominis was seething. He opened his mouth as if he was about to speak, but then closed it once again. After a moment he finally responded, "How lucky for our family to have an heir as… skilled as my cousin", in a voice that was not quite polite.
"No matter," Headmaster Black put the matter to rest, "Ominis will be trained in good time, I'm sure, with the help of our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. He has already promised me that each of our students will be as trained as fit as to be a warrior.", Professor black laughed as he raised an eyebrow. "Quite unconventional, but I am eager to see if he delivers on his promises."
This discussion sparked Lord Greenbridge's interest. "Ah yes, the infamous new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Has he arrived yet? It is quite peculiar for a professor to not be present as the students arrive for the Sorting Hat Ceremony, is it not?", he said in a mocking tone.
"He arrived this morning. Subtly, thank Merlin! I feared a spectacle would be made of the affair, it would stir-up the students. You know how he so desires an audience." Headmaster Black laughed. Melindra found herself wondering who this mystery professor could be? Who would cause such a spectacle that would "stir-up" the students? She thought of whispering to Ominis to ask if he had any idea who they spoke of but she thought better of it. The notion seemed childlike and she was meant to be Lady of her house, now.
"I am well aware," replied Lord Greenbridge. "Let's hope his return from the war has humbled him some. He knows of what you are planning this year, Headmaster? He will want to be involved; I am sure. And his hot-headedness will not be an easy thing to quester. I suggest we keep a close eye on him."
"I find the notion that he has been humbled by war to be quite doubtful", offered Ousis.
Salazar Gaunt spoke cautiously, "Take care, brother. We would not want to offend the new professor's father".
His brother Ousis gave him a dubious glance.
Headmaster Black set his lips in a firm line, "No, we certainly would not. I don't mind giving in to his pompous desires for esteem. Particulalry, if that's what it takes to keep the dragon at bay."
The men and their wives continued to speak cryptically for the remainder of the lunch, with seldom contributions by Melindra or Ominis. Finally, Melindra's father quietly dismissed her as the group got up from the table. "You were very presentable today, daughter", he said. Melindra nodded, feeling relief that she had made her father proud. "You can go on to your dormitories and prepare for your classes tomorrow. I have much and more to discuss with Headmaster Black and the Gaunts. Many plans must be made."
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