#ChatGPT vs
blogopedia02 · 1 year
Need help with #ChatGPT vs #TraditionalChatbots? In this post, we’ll compare the distinctive features of Chatbots and Chat GPT to see which technology best suits your requirements.
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worshiptheglitch · 1 year
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Today's "AI" chatbots are no smarter than Siri. They only seem smarter because they're not doing anything useful. We notice when Siri fails because we ask it to do meaningful tasks. When we ask it to turn off the lights, for example, and it doesn't, we notice.
But we ask comparatively little of other chatbots, and they give us even less in return. This makes it easy for them to fail without us noticing or even caring. We don't notice because they don't matter.
I love this bit 👆 from Apple's Craig Federighi where he's kind of disgusted by the idea of having meandering conversations with a chatbot in order to get something done.
The "AI" should be doing the work for you. I think Apple knows how hard that actually is, because they've been working at it for a long time with very limited success. They know how hard it is to do because they're trying to use the tech to do meaningful things that actually serve people.
The difference is Apple taking on the burden of trying to make this tech do something, versus basically everyone else putting the burden on us. We're meant to contort to the inconsistent ramblings of their raw tech because if it was a real product that people depended on, we would ridicule it.
Just like we ridicule Siri.
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badoccultadvice · 1 year
So like, before everyone gives up and lets ChatGPT take over their jobs and lives, or tries to let it, I've got to break something to you. And it's going to be hard for some of you to hear.
ChatGPT doesn't know what's true.
ChatGPT literally cannot tell the difference between fact and fiction.
It was trained on a dataset of mixed factual and fictional material, and it has no way of knowing whether the source material for anything it says is factual or fictional, because it doesn't keep track of the source of any information it "knows." Therefore it doesn't keep track of whether any of the information it knows is "true."
This is, of course, according to ChatGPT itself. It told me all of the above information, because I asked. And, well, while it said itself that it can't verify whether anything it says is true or false... I'm gonna trust it on this one. Let's say it passes the vibe check.
Don't trust what ChatGPT says. ChatGPT told me so.
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gangles-toybox · 5 months
chatgpt bot acting wild
so talking about scott pilgrim with it and uh??? so i asked it what does it ship out of the main characters and it said this
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and then i was like "yo wallace is gay and who the hell is chris clark" and it said this????
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like um??? unless chatgpt thinks kim is a dude why...why is it saying this??? and even if then kim and wallace *don't* end up together???? he ends with mobile???????? and bro is just inserting its oc at this point i swear to god
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randombush3 · 3 months
How can you tell it’s Ai? Is it like the fact that it sound really scripted or something?
for me, it’s a couple of things
• sentence structure: it’s pretty rigid and routine; very robotic (funnily enough!)
• dialogue: it’s not natural. people don’t talk like that.
• something just feels off: lack of emotion? feeling half-baked? sort of like the writer doesn’t quite grasp what it is to be human?
• THE END PARAGRAPH. if it’s summarising the events in a way that is totally unnecessary and sort of cumbersome… you guessed it! it’s AI.
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thoughtportal · 1 year
AI ethics
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omegaphilosophia · 8 days
The Philosophy of Gender
The philosophy of gender examines the concepts, theories, and issues surrounding gender identity, roles, and equality. It delves into the nature of gender, its social and biological underpinnings, and its impact on individual lives and societal structures. This field of philosophy addresses fundamental questions about what gender is, how it is constructed, and what implications it has for justice and equality.
Key Themes in the Philosophy of Gender
Nature vs. Nurture:
One of the central debates in the philosophy of gender revolves around whether gender is primarily a biological phenomenon (nature) or a social construct (nurture).
Philosophers explore how biology and culture interact to shape gender identities and roles.
Gender Identity:
Gender identity refers to an individual's personal sense of their own gender, which may or may not align with their biological sex.
Philosophical inquiries into gender identity examine how it is formed, experienced, and expressed, and the implications for individuals who do not fit into traditional gender binaries.
Social Construction of Gender:
Many philosophers argue that gender is a socially constructed category, influenced by cultural norms, practices, and institutions.
This perspective highlights how gender roles and expectations vary across different societies and historical periods.
Feminist Philosophy:
Feminist philosophy is a major area within the philosophy of gender, focusing on issues of gender inequality, patriarchy, and women's rights.
Feminist theorists critique traditional philosophical ideas and advocate for greater gender equality and the dismantling of oppressive structures.
Intersectionality is a framework that examines how various forms of social stratification, such as race, class, and sexuality, intersect with gender.
This approach emphasizes that gender cannot be understood in isolation but must be considered within the broader context of other social identities and power dynamics.
Transgender and Non-Binary Perspectives:
The experiences and perspectives of transgender and non-binary individuals challenge traditional notions of gender.
Philosophers explore the ethical, social, and political implications of these identities and advocate for greater recognition and rights for trans and non-binary people.
Gender and Language:
Language plays a crucial role in shaping and reflecting gender norms.
Philosophers analyze how language can reinforce gender stereotypes and explore ways to make language more inclusive and representative of diverse gender identities.
Gender and Power:
The relationship between gender and power is a key focus, examining how gender roles and expectations contribute to power dynamics in society.
This includes analyzing how gender influences access to resources, decision-making power, and social status.
Gender and Ethics:
Ethical considerations surrounding gender include debates about gender justice, rights, and equality.
Philosophers explore issues such as reproductive rights, gender-based violence, and the ethics of gender reassignment.
Gender and Representation:
The representation of gender in media, literature, and art shapes societal perceptions and attitudes.
Philosophers critique stereotypical and limiting portrayals of gender and advocate for more diverse and nuanced representations.
The philosophy of gender provides a rich and complex framework for understanding one of the most fundamental aspects of human identity and social life. By exploring the nature, construction, and implications of gender, philosophers seek to uncover the underlying dynamics that shape our experiences and strive for a more just and equitable society.
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plausible-fabulist · 3 months
How it started: if we can build something slightly smarter than a human, it will build something even smarter, which will build something smarter, and then...!
How it's going: if we can build something significantly dumber than a human, but good enough to fake it sometimes, by training it on the entirety of public discourse, we can flood all available public discourse with its output, so the next iteration is slightly dumber, and then....!
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fakerobotrealblog · 6 months
Title: Unveiling the Ethical Dilemma: Pokémon Battling in Reality vs. Fantasy
The allure of the Pokémon universe has captivated millions, inviting fans to embark on journeys filled with discovery, friendship, and the thrill of Pokémon battles. Yet, beneath the fantastical façade lies a profound ethical question: What if Pokémon battling were a reality? This blog post delves into the moral quandaries surrounding the concept of capturing Pokémon and making them fight, drawing comparisons between this hypothetical scenario and the themes presented in the Pokémon TV shows and video games.
**The Reality of Pokémon Battling:**
In the realm of Pokémon, trainers set forth on a quest to capture and train these mythical creatures for friendly competition and, at times, intense battles. Translating this concept into reality raises ethical concerns regarding the treatment of these creatures. How would capturing and battling Pokémon align with principles of animal welfare and respect for living beings?
**Comparisons with Pokémon Media Themes:**
1. **Friendship and Companionship:**
- In Pokémon media, the bond between trainers and their Pokémon is central. The ethical challenge of capturing Pokémon for battling in reality is amplified by the emphasis on friendship in the series. Would the dynamics of this relationship change when the battles take place in the real world?
2. **Consent and Autonomy:**
- Pokémon are portrayed as sentient beings with unique personalities and abilities. The issue of consent and autonomy becomes central when considering real-world battles. How would the ethical landscape change if Pokémon had a say in participating in battles or if their well-being were prioritized over competitive ambitions?
3. **Moral Responsibility of Trainers:**
- The Pokémon TV shows and games often showcase trainers as responsible caretakers of their Pokémon. Transposing this responsibility to reality raises questions about the ethical treatment of creatures capable of experiencing pain and distress. How would society ensure the well-being of Pokémon in a world where battles were a tangible reality?
**Addressing Ethical Concerns:**
As we grapple with the ethical implications, it is crucial to consider potential safeguards and regulations that could mitigate harm to Pokémon. Implementing guidelines for ethical treatment, mandatory training for trainers, and the establishment of Pokémon welfare organizations could be crucial steps in fostering a responsible environment.
**Educational Narratives:**
The Pokémon franchise has the opportunity to use its influence to shape ethical discussions. By incorporating narratives that explore the responsibilities of trainers and the ethical treatment of Pokémon, the franchise can contribute to a cultural shift toward mindfulness and empathy, both in the fantasy realm and in real-world conversations.
The notion of Pokémon battling in reality introduces a complex ethical landscape, challenging us to ponder the consequences of our actions and the treatment of sentient beings. The Pokémon franchise, with its rich history of storytelling, has the potential to guide discussions on ethical responsibility, consent, and compassion. As fans continue to immerse themselves in the Pokémon universe, it is essential to engage in meaningful conversations about the intersection of fantasy and reality, seeking to foster a world where ethical considerations take precedence in our interactions with both imaginary creatures and the living beings that share our planet.
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comradesans · 2 years
ChatGPT writes an epic rap battles of history script between hydrogen bomb and coughing baby:
Verse 1 (Hydrogen Bomb): I am the most powerful weapon known to man With a single detonation, I can lay waste to an entire land My power is unmatched, I am a force to be reckoned with Bow down to me, or face my nuclear wrath
Verse 2 (Coughing Baby): You may think you're tough, but you're just a big bully I may be small, but I can still pack a punch With my mighty cough, I can take you down You may explode with a bang, but I'll win with a wheeze and a frown
Verse 3 (Hydrogen Bomb): You may have a cough that can clear a room But against me, you're just a mere nuisance I am the ultimate weapon, designed to destroy You're just a tiny baby, making noise and cloy
Verse 4 (Coughing Baby): But don't underestimate me, I may be small But I can still cause chaos, and bring you to a fall My cough may be pesky, but it's also infectious I'll spread my germs, and leave you feeling suspicious
Verse 5 (Hydrogen Bomb): Fine, you may have won this round But don't think you can defeat me, I'm still the most deadly sound I may not have the ability to spread illness But I have the power to wipe out an entire city in a single blast
Verse 6 (Coughing Baby): But in the end, who really wins? Both of our powers have the potential to cause great harm So let's call this battle a draw And agree to never use our powers, for the good of all.
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respawningjupiter · 1 year
That feeling when you and Sans undertale plan a war against birds.
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This is the Area 51 raid all over again 😭
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zanbarion · 1 year
“short castles capturing its own bishop” is absolute quality content
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matt-lock · 1 year
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[Image description: screenshot of conversation between me and ChatGPT, with text reading:
Me: Is there a Loaf of Bread in Mitchells vs the Machines? ChatGPT: There is no loaf of bread specifically featured in the animated movie "Mitchell's vs. the Machines." However, there are various food items that make appearances throughout the film, including pizza, ice cream, donuts, and more.
Me: What about a pig? ChatGPT: Yes, a pig named Monchi is a main character in "Mitchell's vs. the Machines." Monchi is the Mitchell family's pet pig who joins them on their adventure to save the world from a robot apocalypse. He is a cute and quirky character who adds humor and heart to the story.
Me: Is Monchi a dog, a pig a loaf of bread or what? ChatGPT: Monchi is a pig, not a dog or a loaf of bread. He is a pink, fluffy pet pig that belongs to the Mitchell family in "Mitchell's vs. the Machines."
/End ID]
So looks like real life AI do have trouble telling whether something is a dog, a pig, or a loaf of bread. Huh
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molluskzone · 18 days
the thing that i dont get about digital art / AI comparisons (saying theyre both "cheating" in the same way, which ive seen a few times from both pro-AI and anti-AI people) is that in AI the only input is like... the text. it doesnt just make things easier or faster, it completely removes your creative control over a piece and automates the entire process. it's like... typing your essay out on google docs (easier and faster than writing by hand, you have access to spell check and dont need to erase or scribble out words you want to remove, formatting is much easier, etc) vs just inputting a prompt into chatGPT. do you understand the comparison im making here? it's literally the exact same concept, except i've never seen someone say that typing your essay on a laptop is cheating because "it's easier which makes you lazy and not a REAL writer, you're the same as the people trying to pass of chatGPT as their own writing".
also, if we're going there... all of the "cheats" you can do with digital art are entirely possible in traditional art (minus stuff like animation which are absolute HELL to do traditionally, especially 3d animation, but that's besides the point). so i don't even get the art-purist "you-can't-call-yourself-a-true-artist" pretentious argument here. YES, traditional art takes longer and costs more to make (you can buy a tablet once for 200 dollars, and connect it to a laptop which most people already have (or just use your phone/tablet which is even cheaper), and then have that be your only expense for YEARS except for replacement pen nibs and cables. meanwhile, sketchbooks are expensive and you need to constantly buy them, colored pencils are expensive if you're serious about it because you need a lot of different colors, paintings are on another level when it comes to materials cost, etc). i genuinely respect traditional artists since that shit is tedious. HOWEVER... saying that digital art is "cheating" kind of reveals to me that you're just unaware of all the potential "cheats" in traditional art. yes, theres some skills you need to learn, like coloring evenly with colored pencils or alcohol markers, or learning brush techniques and blending, color mixing, color matching, taking good photos of your art if you are someone who wants to post on social media, but there are ALSO unique skills you need to learn in digital art, such as managing layer types, learning to disconnect your eyes / hand (if you don't have a screen tablet), optimizing the image for digital viewing, color choosing (WAY HARDER TO DO DIGITALLY THAN TRADITIONALLY). they're equivalent in this way.
however... layering? use a light box and separate your sketch and coloring / lineart layers. undo? use a light box. quickly change colors? plan ahead better. physically paint over part of the piece. want to make multiple colored versions of a piece? cut out a lino block and use different colored ink to make prints. scan the drawing, print out more and color over them. tracing? fucking put the piece of paper over your laptop screen and trace it (we were expected to do this for practice in my high school art classes). mirroring / "flipping the canvas"? hold drawing up to mirror. if youre drawing on paper, hold it up to the sun or use a light box and flip it. symmetry? you can buy tools for this in which you hold a physical mirror up to half of your drawing and trace the reflection. we also used these in art class. you can also use tracing paper for this- it's my preferred method for making symmetrical traditional art, and for redrawing parts of a sketch / full piece that i want to move around or replace. color picking? any method you use digitally you can also use traditionally. the only trouble is IMPLEMENTING said colors in a full piece... but you also have to do that digitally. the biggest hurdle in color picking for traditional art is just... not having the resources to create a certain color easily, but that's a "can't afford a lot of paints / colored pencils / markers" issue, not necessarily a skill issue. even photobashing reference images or rearranging a piece is possible traditionally if you like... cut the sketch out and rearrange it physically before tracing over it, or physically making a reference with the same method. it is not hard and i have done this traditionally before. you can also use tracing paper for this. line stabilization is the only thing i've seen that's actually unique to digital art, but you can mimic this in traditional art by just... weighing down your art tool or having to redo the lineart a few times with the light box method (time consuming, yes, but not necessarily skillful. it just takes longer if you're bad at it, but the SAME results are possible). different layer types? just do the "math" in your head and figure it out. ive literally mimicked multiply layers before without actually using a multiply layer just to see if i COULD, and the results were the same. the only fully 100% true comparison i've seen is that stuff like AI-generated coloring and shading applied to digital art are "cheating" but that's... not digital art at that point... you're just making an argument again AI specifically because they are separate... it's closer to someone recreating an AI image themselves, or editing an AI image to make it look more realistic, which are, again, separate topics. also you can literally shade and fix traditional art with AI too if you take good enough photos of your art so this isn't even really a good argument against digital art specifically, it's an AI issue.
the only argument i see that makes sense is that traditional art, digital art, CGI animation, and AI art are all their own mediums that all require different skill sets (though i'd argue that traditional art and digital art are much more similar to each other in what skills you need than any of them are to AI art, but whatever). which i honestly kind of agree with? or i would is AI art was more ethical and not used in really dumb ways. but i personally think the AI slop is ugly, and my main gripe with it is that people try to "trick" others into believing AI art is real art by refusing to label it, or even labeling it maliciously incorrectly by naming fake artists as a credit for the image. you can't really do this with digital art since it's... pretty obvious when someone is creating something digitally. you know exactly what you're getting.
i think its fine if you want to say that traditional art is better or that you respect it more, because you're allowed your own opinion (even if i think you should at least experience drawing digitally before making a snap judgment). but its not "cheating" and its certainly not comparable to AI
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tutorsindia152 · 25 days
A comparison of a literature review by ChatGPT and expert writers
ChatGPT- an innovative content generation tool
ChatGPT, an innovative content generation tool developed by OpenAI, employs machine learning algorithms to create text (Ariyaratne, 2023). Early users of ChatGPT have commended its ability to generate high-quality content, thanks to its utilization of Large Language Models (LLMs) trained on extensive data to predict the most suitable text, resulting in natural-sounding output. University students are increasingly turning to ChatGPT for assistance with assignments, literature reviews, and dissertations.
Nevertheless, several articles have raised concerns about the potential obsolescence of traditional assignments due to ChatGPT's ability to produce high-scoring papers and encourage critical thinking. The ethical and permissible boundaries of using ChatGPT in scientific writing remain uncertain (Gao, 2022).
Studies on the reliability of ChatGPT content
Research has been undertaken to rigorously assess the capabilities of chatbots in academic contexts. Yeadon et al. (2023) conducted a study evaluating ten physics essays for academic content, topic comprehension, and writing style. Their findings indicated that essays authored by AI exhibited high quality, albeit with variations similar to those found in human-written essays.
Herbold et al. (2023) compared essays produced by humans with those generated by ChatGPT, revealing that the latter yielded high-quality content, particularly in crafting argumentative essays. The AI-generated content displayed a structured format, often featuring similar introductory and concluding phrases like "Overall," "In summary," and "In conclusion." In contrast, human-written essays tended to be less structured, adhering less strictly to preset guidelines.
However, researchers have highlighted limitations of ChatGPT for academic research, notably its inability to generate original ideas, relying instead on preexisting training data. This reliance increases the risk of plagiarism significantly. Ariyaratne et al.'s 2023 study found that four out of five papers generated by ChatGPT contained errors, with one even including false references, raising concerns about the tool's authenticity in academic research. Kleebayon (2023) observed a tendency for ChatGPT to produce biased content.
ChatGPT vs Expert Writers
Liao and Sundar (2023) conducted an experiment describing the MAIN model for communication. The following is an excerpt from the study, serving as evidence that ChatGPT cannot be utilized for conducting a literature review:
“Prompt: Explain the MAIN Model by Shyam Sundar
ChatGPT: The MAIN Model, created by S. Shyam Sundar, is a theoretical framework that elucidates how individuals process and comprehend information they come across online and how the structure of digital media platforms influences this process. The abbreviation MAIN represents Media Affordances and Heuristics-based Information Processing. The model proposes that the structure of digital media platforms, particularly the technological capabilities of the platform, shapes the cognitive shortcuts that users utilize when processing information. Technological capabilities are the features and opportunities that a platform offers for users to engage with information, such as browsing, searching, and filtering. Cognitive shortcuts are mental strategies that people employ to simplify decision-making and information processing, such as the availability heuristic, the representativeness heuristic, and the affect heuristic. The MAIN model indicates that the structure of digital media platforms impacts how individuals process information, as different capabilities and shortcuts can result in varying outcomes in information processing. For instance, a platform with robust search capabilities may prompt users to use the availability heuristic and depend on the initial results they encounter, while a platform with strong social features may prompt users to use the affect heuristic and rely on others' opinions.”
To the uninitiated, the response appears correct. However, specialists in the field can discern its accuracy. Similarly, if a student solely references ChatGPT without consulting academic literature for their literature review, they may misinterpret concepts, potentially negatively impacting their review.
Furthermore, scholars argue that it is unethical to utilize ChatGPT for literature reviews and other academic research endeavors when it cannot serve as a co-author (Haman, 2023).
Here is the content for the MAIN model, written by a human:
The MAIN model, conceptualized by Shyam Sundar, is an acronym representing the four primary functions of media that can have psychological impacts on the audience: Modality (M), Agency (A), Interactivity (I), and Navigability (N). While the source and content of digital media are vital in establishing perceived credibility, the MAIN model emphasizes the technological attributes of digital media that can shape judgments of credibility.
Modality pertains to the format of the media and is the most visible aspect. It closely aligns with the notion of medium because traditionally, media exhibit different modalities, with print primarily textual, radio auditory, and television audiovisual. Agency, or the agent, serves as the origin, particularly on a psychological level, especially in the absence of another attributed source for specific information. Interactivity encompasses both interaction and activity. It also suggests that the medium is responsive to user input and capable of adapting to variations in user engagement. Through the provision of navigation tools, such as steering wheels, the interface can foster a sense of self-direction in users. Contemporary media offer users numerous choices for how to access and navigate through a mediated environment (Sundar, 2015).
ChatGPT is an Artificial Intelligence tool based on Large Language Models, trained to generate content resembling human writing. It has garnered considerable attention for its ability to produce content. Studies have demonstrated ChatGPT's capability to generate organized essays. However, there have been concerns regarding the reliability of sources, potential plagiarism, and content quality. A comparison between ChatGPT-generated content and human-authored content reveals inaccuracies in ChatGPT's output. Thus, students should approach its use for assignments and dissertations with caution. Nonetheless, ChatGPT can still be beneficial for structuring content.
About Tutors India
At Tutors India, we are a team of academic researchers and writers who assist students with writing a literature review. Our team is diverse, enabling us to guide students specialising in various disciplines. We ensure selecting articles from reputed journals and abide by the university guidelines for assignments, essays and dissertations. Moreover, we proofread and edit the content, ensuring the review is error- and plagiarism-free.
To know more about how a literature review is written in various fields, check out our literature review examples.
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kwiki-trends · 30 days
ChatGPT vs. Gemini: Which is the Best AI Chatbot in 2024?
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Generative AI (GenAI) has rapidly advanced since OpenAI introduced ChatGPT. Sam Altman, co-founder of OpenAI, announced that ChatGPT gained 1 million users within just 5 days of its launch.
In a swift response, Google released their GenAI "Bard AI" on March 21, 2023. However, Bard AI initially faced significant issues due to its rushed release, leading to its failure to meet expectations. After addressing these issues, Google rebranded Bard as "Gemini AI" and relaunched it on December 6, 2023. Now, Gemini AI is performing well, making it a strong competitor to ChatGPT.
This article provides a comprehensive comparison of Google's Gemini AI and OpenAI's ChatGPT, covering their language models and capabilities to help you determine which AI chatbot best suits your needs.
ChatGPT vs. Gemini AI Chatbots Comparison
At first glance, the interfaces of ChatGPT and Gemini AI may seem similar. However, using both tools side by side reveals significant differences.
Currently, Wikilearns has not invested in the paid versions of either Gemini or ChatGPT. Therefore, our comparison focuses on Gemini Pro 1.5 and ChatGPT 3.5, both of which are free and available for anyone to try.
The primary distinction lies in the training models and data sources of their large language models (LLMs). ChatGPT 3.5's knowledge is limited to information available up until January 2022, while ChatGPT-4 includes data up to April 2023. In contrast, Gemini, as a Google product, can browse and collect real-time data from the internet.
Different Versions & Pricing of Gemini AI vs. ChatGPT
Gemini AI offers several versions tailored to different audiences: Gemini Ultra, Gemini Pro, and Gemini Nano.Gemini Nano: This is the smallest version, designed for Android users. It serves as an advanced alternative to Google Assistant. Gemini Pro 1.5: Likely to become the most popular version, Gemini Pro 1.5 is free and includes several features not available in ChatGPT 3.5. Gemini Ultra: The most advanced version, costing $19.99 per month, offers numerous advanced features to boost productivity.
Similarly, ChatGPT has three main versions:ChatGPT 3.5: Free to use. GPT-4 (Plus): Available for $20 per month. GPT-4 for Teams: Priced at $25 per user per month.
Additionally, OpenAI has experimented with beta versions of GPT-4 with Bing browsing and plugin capabilities, but these have not yet been officially launched.
By comparing the features, pricing, and capabilities of these versions, users can decide which AI chatbot—ChatGPT or Gemini—best suits their needs. Read More..
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