#Chinese-American community
languagexs · 7 months
Taishan Translation Service: Cantonese vs Taishanese Language Variations
The Untold Story of Taishanese Influence in America’s Chinatowns Taishanese, a lesser-known dialect of the Chinese language, has played a pivotal role in shaping the language and culture of Chinatowns across North America. This article delves into the fascinating history and significance of this linguistic gem, shedding light on its impact on the Chinese-American community and the importance of…
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sprites4ever · 1 month
Extremely hard to swallow pills for the Western far Left:
The only reason Latin and Southern American countries can act like they're the victims of oh-so-evil US imperialism is because the native owners of those countries are all dead. The US American people are descendants of British colonists. Latin and Southern American peoples are descendants of Spanish colonists. The Spanish were far more thorough in their eradication of Natives, hence none of them protesting this misuse of a victim role.
The idea that imperialism and racism are bad was not invented by Brits, but it was popularized in the Western world by Brits.
Socialism was invented by Germans and Brits.
The French revolution may have been a bloody act of democracy, but didn't work. Napoleon and his Grande Armee used the chaos to declare themselves Emperor.
The Soviet Union was not a victim of capitalism, but collapsed because Communism does not work. It was also corrupt beyond belief, and its collapse has led to ex-Soviet countries, especially russia, becoming even more capitalist than before the establishment of the Soviet Union.
The People's Republic of China is less Chinese than the Republic of China aka Taiwan. The PRC was established in 1949 by Mao Zedong and his Chinese Communist Party, and Chinese nationalists fled to the island of Taiwan, establishing an exile government. They are the same people with the same culture, but mainland China is arguably less Chinese, because the CCP constantly revise historical records to suit their propaganda.
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People don’t seem to realize that found family tropes are meant to be deconstructing traditional family units. There doesn’t need to be assigned parental figures or sibling relationships or anything like that. In fact if you assign traditional familial roles to characters in a found family I find it quite insulting. Just because one person is older than another and seem to be more responsible doesn’t mean they are their parent. Just because two people bicker all the time doesn’t mean they are siblings. On this note I find it baffling that the TOH fandom tends to label most teen relationships as siblings (e.g. Luz & Hunter, the Hexsquad, Luz & Collector). The essence of the found family trope is that people don’t have to change to fit in. They can be family just by being classmates, friends, or a bunch of misfits. They don’t have to be siblings. Also not all friendships are found families. Just because people support each other and are friendly doesn’t mean they are a big happy family. You can argue that Luz, Eda and King are a found family but Luz and the Collector for example are never meant to be siblings or found family.
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amaiguri · 1 year
I did the 24hr Novel Challenge last year...
Last year, I did the 24 hr novel challenge over the course of 48 hours (so the novel was written in 24 hours but I did in 48 hours) and it went about as well as you'd expect:
Fine. I did fine.
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I didn't exactly FINISH finish but I did complete a solid 0th draft and I wrote like 26 thousand words (16k the first day, 10k the second day). I learned two really big things from doing this:
The first thing I learned was I really method act when I'm writing -- like, in order to describe emotions, I really simulate them in my body. So simulating a whole rollercoaster ride of stress and love and sadness and terror and desire and despair was A LOT and I would get numb to things as the scenes went on.
The thing that restored me was watching snippets of things that inspired me -- the starts of shows, trailers, music, images, etc. These ended up being a sort of palette cleanser in-between scenes for me.
But when I'm not pushing myself, I learned I really need to just. Write when I'm feeling it. Because my writing is higher quality like that.
Secondly, I learned how fragile my hands were: I really destroyed my hands doing it -- something I didn't anticipate was how much I was going to need to stretch my hands and TO THIS DAY, my hands still get more sore than they ever did when I was younger. I'm getting old >_<
The Characters & Story
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Heirs to the Tilted City was (to no one's surprise) a fantasy polticial drama about a city in the wake of a disaster that broke apart and almost fell into the Abyss. The Goddess who ruled the city sacrificed herself to protect it, leaving it behind to her baby Heiress, Shiel.
But while the Goddess made the celestial inhabitants of the gorgeous astral whimsigoth city, Shiel's descended from a line of Demons who migrated to the city after a disaster of with their own Goddess. Furthermore, she's so young. Many residents have mixed feelings about her taking control back from the City Chamber -- despite her being born, raised, and educated in the city...
Meanwhile, the former Chamberlain of the Goddess -- removed from power after trying to take power from Shiel when she was a baby -- has a son, Isegael. And in the dregs beneath the city, Isegael, too, has risen to power as his rivals mysteriously vanish. From the head of a crime syndicate to a legitimate local leader, Isegael now has his eyes set on the Chamber too.
And so begins a collision of ambitious young people trying to wrestle power from those who'd maintain a crumbling status quo. Will they overcome their past traumas to become the people the city needs? Or will the Old Guard let the city slide the rest of the way into the Abyss?
...I suck at writing copy. Don't make do it lol
Feel free to take a gander at the writing vlog too -- it's definitely one of my better ones!
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ichverdurstehier · 11 months
Most Americans hate communism bc they're don't know anything about communism
I hate communism bc I watched the untamed
We are not the same
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oharabunny · 11 months
thank you for unapologetically featuring EA y/ns in your work and art, specifically chinese-american. there's so little representation in majority fandoms, even when the reader is supposed to be "vague" so what you're doing is great and very relatable <3
Yeah I notice most fandoms don't include chinese-americans representation. If they include EAs then it's only korean or japanese, otherwise, i seen more SEAs. I will always unapologetically feature my fellow chinese-american y/ns!! :)) I write what I want, and I gotta make sure my people get what they want!!!
And I totally feel you about "vague" readers because the catch is that it's quite impossible to be culturally neutral because that doesn't exist. Every human has a culture and tradition. Some may differ from one person to another. So, when writing any kind of reader, there's a bias to what the writer knows and lives through. That's why chinese-americans like me gotta step up and write from our perspectives, authentically, at least to what we individually know.
I can't speak for all fandoms, but I generally don't see a lot of Chinese-Americans in this particular fandom, the Spiderverse one, or Marvel in general. Anomalies we are. 💀 I urge you and any Chinese-American to participate too! We gotta do it for each other!! 😭 Even if we don't get clout from other people, we can give that to each other.
✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮
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panicinthestudio · 1 year
How a Popular NYC Restaurant is Reimagining Cantonese American Food, August 4, 2023
Meet Cory Ng and Zhan Chen, two young New York City natives on a mission to redefine Cantonese American cuisine. Their restaurant, Potluck Club, opened in the summer of 2022 on Chrystie Street on the Lower East Side, outside the old boundaries of Chinatown. It’s the perfect location for a restaurant that aims to infuse tradition with a modern twist, reflecting their personal stories through food. NYT Cooking
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zazakigacha · 1 year
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The rest of the MCI Kids + Charlie
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dorotheian · 1 year
ABC not-so-mystery song
So... like.... I LOVED American Born Chinese on Disney+. I wasn't expecting to. I had no idea what to expect. The art style of the graphic novel didn't speak to me so I didn't have much exposure to the original version, and I probably won't going forward either, tbh. But I wanna hear the deets!
Key to any show or movie that is significant or memorable to me is often the music. In fact, I loved the sound Disney brought to it so much so that I bought the entire soundtrack, but my favorite theme in the entire soundscape — that longing, wistful, acutely lonely track that came up when Jin was loving but struggling to understand his parents because their frames of reference as an immigrant family were so different that they felt separated from one another — wasn't even on it! Ehhh????
Guess what it is?
It's "Ladyfingers," by Herb Alpert and the Tijuana Brass! But I think it's been put through a lofi mixer. This is what came up when I shazam'ed it, and it's pretty close if not exact to the TV series version: Ladyfingers Lofi Remix via Max Riser
Google does not acknowledge this (OK, it's not sentient, but it's been a few months and still I can't find anything!). Maybe nobody is talking about it?
Is the track they used purchasable?
Musicblr, what's the story behind this tune?!! Why was it used and not credited? (as far as I could tell.) Besides the quality of the sound itself, does it have meaning in the midst of the story of American Born Chinese?
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kneedeepincynade · 1 year
The United States is trying to rally nations to use as meatshields, its extremely important for every nation that they resist the new cold war logic,least they are devastated like the Ukraine
The post is machine translated
Translation is at the bottom
The collective is on telegram
🌏 L'Asia non è una scacchiera per le macchinazioni geopolitiche degli imperialisti americani e dei loro lacchè europei, ma una terra fertile per lo sviluppo e la prosperità 😍
🇨🇳 Il Compagno Wang Yi, Direttore dell'Ufficio Generale della Commissione Centrale per gli Affari Esteri del Partito Comunista Cinese, ha partecipato al Forum Internazionale per la Cooperazione Trilaterale tra Cina, Giappone e Corea del Sud, dove ha dichiarato che i Paesi Asiatici dovrebbero coltivare l'Indipendenza Strategica e mantenere la Stabilità Regionale, in un contesto di unità e non di divisione 💕
❤️ Al Forum, tenutosi nella meravigliosa città di Qingdao, Wang Yi ha invitato Giappone e Corea del Sud a «mantenere la giusta direzione della Cooperazione», per praticare un Vero Multilateralismo e un Regionalismo Aperto, e per promuovere i Valori Asiatici, resistendo alla rinascita dell'obsoleta mentalità della Guerra Fredda» ⭐️
💕 Cooperazione a Mutuo Vantaggio (合作共赢) e Rispetto Reciproco (相互尊重) dovrebbero essere i valori fondanti della Cooperazione tra Paesi Asiatici, non la divisione e lo scontro 🕊
🤔 Il Giappone dovrebbe riflettere sulla sua pericolosa storia di aggressioni prima di pensare di rilanciarsi nel militarismo, e la Corea del Sud - invece di infiltrarsi nella Questione di Taiwan come ha fatto Yoon Suk-yeol - dovrebbe cacciare gli statunitensi e pensare alla Riunificazione del Popolo Coreano, la cui divisione deriva dalle criminali azioni delle tigri di carta americane 😡
🌸 Iscriviti 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
🌏 Asia is not a chessboard for the geopolitical machinations of US imperialists and their European lackeys, but a fertile land for development and prosperity 😍
🇨🇳 Comrade Wang Yi, Director of the General Office of the Central Commission on Foreign Affairs of the Communist Party of China, attended the International Forum for Trilateral Cooperation between China, Japan and South Korea, where he stated that Asian countries should cultivate Strategic Independence and maintain Regional Stability, in a context of unity and not of division 💕
❤️ At the Forum, held in the beautiful city of Qingdao, Wang Yi called on Japan and South Korea to "maintain the right direction of Cooperation", to practice True Multilateralism and Open Regionalism, and to promote Asian Values, resisting the resurgence of the obsolete Cold War mentality» ⭐️
💕 Cooperation with Mutual Advantage (合作共赢) and Mutual Respect (相互尊重) should be the founding values ​​of Cooperation between Asian Countries, not division and confrontation 🕊
🤔 Japan should reflect on its dangerous history of aggression before thinking about relaunching militarism, and South Korea - instead of infiltrating the Taiwan question like Yoon Suk-yeol did - should kick out the Americans and think about the Reunification of the People Korean, whose division comes from the criminal actions of American paper tigers 😡
🌸 Subscribe 👉 @collettivoshaoshan
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knuckleduster · 1 year
if you're gonna talk about yaoi in fandom i feel like you should establish a baseline where you clarify if you mean slash in anglophone fan fiction communities and just call it yaoi, actual yaoi but filtered through the lens of western fan communities or actual yaoi in japanese fan communities. bc you're gonna end up with very different results for each of those
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swagging-back-to · 1 year
also i remembered that hannaford carries chickpea pasta so I don't have to go without pasta for most of the week <3<3<3
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micamicster · 1 year
While you were sleeping au! You mentioned the subway and I think? The F line, a while ago. I’m curious which subway stops are the most important to the story. Also which NYC neighborhooods do you think matches the vibes of the various mdzs characters in this au/in general. Also if there’s anything you want to share I’d love to read it!
Hi honey thank you for asking! Yes we did decide on the F line, good memory haha
I've put a lot of thought into the route and setting of this story. I needed the setting to do a lot in terms of character (wealth, community, cultural background) and in terms of plot (need both my main characters to regularly take the same train a long distance), but luckily I think that neighborhoods and subways are equipped to do all of that!
I settled on both Wen Qing and Jiang Cheng regularly commuting in from Queens, but for different reasons. JC is coming from queens because his family has owned a large townhouse there for multiple generations, while Wen Qing, a more recent and more broke arrival to the city, lives out there because the rent is cheaper. Queens has its own massive chinatown, but it's more recent (comprised of a a newer wave of mandarin-speaking immigrants entering an older hokken-speaking population) compared to the historic Manhattan Chinatown (hundreds of years old, overwhelmingly cantonese-speaking). I have placed a lot of my action in the Manhattan chinatown, partly because it's historic and partly because it's most familiar to me. Both JC and WQ commute to the East Broadway stop on the F line, WQ to go to work at a nearby hospital and JC to go to his job (the Jiang family own a restaurant).
Here is an excerpt of a scene from the subway! thank you for being interested <3 <3 <3
The train shudders to a stop and they part to let people stand and push past them. He nods at the seat that’s appeared between them. “You should take it.”
“It’s fine.”
“Please. I know you’re about to be on your feet all day. Just take it, before some ass with no appreciation for essential workers steals it from you.”
“I can’t. I’m afraid if I sit I won’t get up again.” It’s the truth, but she didn’t mean to say it. There’s no reason to worry him about her. She’s stood on the train a thousand times, she can stand one more.
“I’ll get you up if you need it. Promise.” He nudges her forward gently. It’s just the drag of his knuckles against the small of her back, but she sways into the touch before she can stop herself. Hastily Wen Qing overcorrects the other way, and drops into the seat as quickly as she can.
At the next stop even more people crowd on, pushing him forward. He scowls and braces himself with one hand on the bar above them, back stiff and unyielding. She recognizes the stance from years of navigating the subway at rush hour—don’t take up more space than is your due, but don’t give an inch or the crowd will take a mile.
The train takes off with the familiar rocking of the crowd, as people lurch forward and back, renegotiating space and balancing against each other. It sends him stumbling right up against the seats, his leg knocking into hers for a moment before he catches himself.
“It’s okay.”
He looks at her carefully, like he’s searching for any sign she didn’t mean it. He steps closer, letting the people behind him expand into the extra space in the way that crowds are always so liquid. She shifts to let him even closer, his leg settling between hers, his knee braced against the hard plastic edge of the seat. Whenever either of them shift it sends the expensive wool of his suit dragging across the machine-starched stiffness of her fresh scrubs.
She’s in a strange sort of sleep daze, like maybe she hasn’t really woken up at all yet. Soon she’ll open her eyes to her cold bed, her dark room, her relentless alarms. But for now she’s warm. She’s still too tired and the train is too crowded, but sitting down she exists in a little bubble, with Jiang Cheng’s broad back curved over her and his arm above them.
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calpalsworld · 1 year
what kind of sign languages do you guys think they would use on europa
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insignae · 2 years
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Portrait of Asian American Photographer and Activist, Corky Lee printed on 32″x24″ canvas
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oharabunny · 11 months
Hi! I really like your page. I'm looking to find a Chinese-American community on Tumblr. Do you have any recommendations?
Unfortunately I can't really help you there because I'm not in those spaces on Tumblr. It might be super niche that even Tumblr might not have an obvious one. I would love to join in if there was one. But, sadly, I don't know anything about it. :((
I think you can try looking through the tags to find something. You could probably try to start your own. It's why I started writing Chinese-American readers for some of my Miguel fics because there's not a whole lot of Chinese-American representation. The fact that Miguel's first girlfriend being Asian/possibly Chinese should've lured more Chinese-American girlies in, but, alas. But hey, I'm here. Good luck finding the community, and if you do, please let me know! :))
✩°。 ⋆⸜ 🎧✮
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