#Chlamydia causes
endinghivoklahoma · 1 month
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Sexually Transmitted Diseases Symptoms in Females
Detecting symptoms of Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) in females is crucial for prompt treatment and prevention efforts in Oklahoma. Common indicators may include abnormal vaginal discharge, genital itching or burning, pelvic pain, and discomfort during urination. Ending HIV offers tailored testing and support services specifically catered to address the needs of females. Contact us at (405) 426-8400 to schedule confidential testing and explore available treatment options. It's important not to ignore any potential symptoms; early recognition and intervention are key to effectively managing STDs and stopping their spread. Take control of your sexual health today with Ending HIV in Oklahoma.
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familydocblog · 1 year
The Three Most Prevalent STIs: Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and HPV
Introduction: Chlamydia, gonorrhea, and human papillomavirus (HPV) are among the most common sexually transmitted infections (STIs). These infections can cause serious health problems if left untreated and can affect anyone who is sexually active. In this post, we’ll explore the causes, symptoms, and treatments of these three prevalent STIs. Chlamydia: Causes and Risk Factors: Chlamydia is…
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plzandspanku · 16 days
I would apologize for how mean this is but I'm not actually sorry
all of your marauders era fan cast are ugly or too old and I don't have enough time to sift through d-list actors and models to pick some so I'm gonna need you guys to start throwing out better recommendations 
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hrina · 2 years
yall pls help. so i woke up this morning w a sore throat and i figured it’d go away on its own but i looked and there’s like. white stuff (i’m assuming its pus?) on my right tonsil, and the area around it is really inflamed and it hurts to swallow and stuff. i googled it and it said that usually happens when u get a viral/bacterial infection and it’s making me freak out so bad, does anyone have any experience w something like this or even just some words of comfort bc i’ve just been stressing and crying nonstop
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neverendingford · 2 months
#tag talk#seriously debating whether I get back on social apps to try and find a good solid guy to kiss me with cigarette breath.#like. damn okay sure I'm in a high energy mood. do I really just wait it out painfully or do I allow myself some fun?#if I weren't still concerned about chlamydia I would be satisfied messing around with my gf but#but the sores on my tongue showed back up and they hurt more than canker sores so I've got another apt. to check them out#because of the doxy didn't do the trick I'm gonna be annoyed.#honestly not surprised I got it from October guy. they gave off “unconcerned about health and wellbeing” vibes#so I guess I should just be happy I didn't get anything worse what with the way I didn't know enough to really vet people.#oh well. live and learn. live because I didn't get a horrible deadly disease.#if I were genuinely sexually active I would seriously consider prep but as it is I think I'm not in a position to need that.#I'm off grindr for the near future at least.#anyway I watched The Dark Crystal with my friend tonight. it's really fucking good hot damn it's really great.#I think I'm comfortable with friend instead of girlfriend. I think I've done my high amplitude to low amplitude to stabilized resonance#high intensity and low intensity stabilize out to a sustainable resonance. I love her in the way that I love the other four close people#got like. five people now? maybe? that I feel genuine friendship and kinship with.#idk. bonding with people is really hard.#I really wish I had bottom surgery or was afab I wish I could fuck the way I want to instead of being stuck as some miserable sexless eunuch#I can't even read good yaoi cause the uke is still all wrong ugh I want to be right I want to be whole I want to be fixed I want to be okay
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macgyvermedical · 4 months
Incubation Periods List
Hi all!
The following is a list of incubation periods for various infectious diseases for all your writing needs. An incubation period is the amount of time between exposure to an infectious agent (bacteria, virus, protozoa or prion) and the person having the first symptoms of the resulting illness. Knowing this is helpful in creating a timeline for your story.
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Anthrax: Incubation period of 1-60 days
Avian Flu: Incubation period 3-9 days
Botulism: Incubation period 12-72 hours
Chikungunya: Incubation period 3-7 days
Chlamydia: incubation period 7-21 days
COVID-19: Incubation period 5-10 days
Creutzfeldt-Jacob Disease: Incubation period 10-20 years
Dengue: Incubation period 5-7 days
Diphtheria: Incubation period 2-5 days
Ebola: Incubation period 2-21 days
Hantavirus: incubation period 1-8 weeks
Hepatitis A: incubation period about 28 days
Herpes: Incubation period 2-12 days
Herpes Zoster/Varicella (Chickenpox): Incubation period 14-16 days
Herpes Zoster (Shingles): Incubation period- technically none, as this is a reactivation of the virus that causes chickenpox
HIB: Incubation period 2-10 days
HIV: Incubation period 1-6 weeks to prodrome, approximately 10 years to AIDS
Influenza: Incubation period 1-4 days
Legionnaires Disease: Incubation period 5-6 days
Leprosy: Incubation period 9 months to 20 years
Lyme Disease: Incubation period 3-30 days
Malaria: Incubation period 7-30 days
Measles: Incubation period 10-12 days
Meningitis, Bacterial: Incubation period 2-10 days
Meningitis, Viral: Incubation period 3-10 days
Monkeypox: Incubation period 1-2 weeks
Mumps: Incubation period 16-18 days
Norovirus: Incubation period 12-48 hours
Pertussis: Incubation period 7-10 days
Plague: Incubation period 2-8 days
Pneumococcal Pneumonia: Incubation period 1-3 days
Polio: Incubation period 7-10 days
Q-Fever: Incubation period 2-3 weeks
Rabies: Incubation period 20-90 days
RSV: Incubation period 4-6 days
Smallpox: Incubation period 7-17 days
Syphilis: Incubation period 10-90 days
Tetanus: Incubation period 3-21 days
Tuberculosis: Incubation period 2-10 days
Typhoid: Incubation period 6-30 days
Typhus: Incubation period 1-2 weeks
West Nile Virus: Incubation period 2-6 days
Yellow Fever: Incubation period 3-6 days
Zika: Incubation period 3-14 days
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yesloulou · 7 months
Waittt what has Daniel done??
first 1:43 of this video annd i will give the transcript bc as stupid and disappointing as this was i think blorbocedes' caption was pretty inflammatory too
caleb pressley: the f1 koala bear– daniel ricciardo: hmm cp: –daniel ricciardo dr: that's cool cp: do you have chlamydia? dr: (laughs) i don't know cp: i heard that 95% of koala bears have chlamydia dr: (laughs) yeah that's true cp: that's true? dr: that's true (turns to other interviewer) do you have chlamydia? cp: (to daniel) you and jeffery dahmer dr: (cracks up) what? cp: they're so popular on netflix dr: (laughs) that's true cp: do you mind if i call you dan? dr: you can call me dan cp: what about danica? dr: (laughs) i mean. i'll need to grow my hair out i guess cp: do you think women are good drivers? dr: (nods) good is subjective but yes (laughs) cp: yes you do? dr: (nods) cp: it's offensive isn't it? the stereotype women aren't good drivers. it's uh. it's hurtful. dr: (nods) (laughs) yeah cp: if you look at the stats, if you look at the facts dr: (eats a french fry) im listening cp: in the history of f1. tell me the number of on track accidents caused by female drivers dr: probably none cp: why is that? dr: there has been little to no female f1 drivers cp: why is that? dr: cus there's 20 of us in the world cp: we were gonna surprise you today with a female driver dr: oh really? cp: she had an accident (daniel laughs) she's ok though. she's fine. she just couldn't make it dr: (cracks up) that was (a really good joke)
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endinghivoklahoma · 1 month
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HIV Prevention Campaign
Ending HIV in Oklahoma launches impactful HIV Prevention Campaign to raise awareness and promote proactive measures against transmission. Our campaigns utilize various media platforms and community outreach initiatives to disseminate crucial information about prevention methods, testing, and stigma reduction. By fostering dialogue and encouraging individuals to take charge of their sexual health, we aim to curb the spread of HIV in our community. Contact us at (405) 426-8400 to learn more about our ongoing prevention campaigns and how you can support our efforts. Together, we can create a healthier future and end HIV transmission with Ending HIV in Oklahoma.
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seresinsbabe · 1 year
Dream of Me: Chapter 1
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Pairing: Jake "Hangman" Seresin x fem!reader
Synopsis: Jake made the dumb mistake cheating on the only girl he every really loved. Fast forward a few years, he's a Navy pilot and you're now a famous singer.
Warnings: 18+ MINORS DNI, Angst, mentions of STI’s, mentions of cheating. Nothing generally bad this chapter.
Chapter Songs: I'm Not Mad
I do not consent to having any of my work shared on any other platform. If you see any rendition of my works on another site know that it has been posted without my permission.
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Four Years Later…
Jake had never really moved past you. It didn’t take him long to realize the error of his ways and those around him never really let him live it down. When his family heard of what he’d done they were beyond pissed. The two of you had been together so long that by the time it all went down you were practically family. 
The chlamydia diagnosis a week later was also another bit of instant karma. He was just thankful it was curable. Jake never should have slept with that girl. He’d kicked her out just minutes after you’d left and then had his own meltdown. 
Since then he never committed again. It was sex only for him. He was a broken man that had caused his own demise. Because of it he’d turned cold. Jake had always been a confident man, but he’d gone overboard after you left. Veering right into overly cocky, caring only about himself and no one else. It had earned him the call sign Hangman in flight school. He wasn’t well liked by the other pilots, only a handful could really tolerate his presence and he was more than alright with that. Jake didn’t need to be liked by anyone.
After you left him he tried to win you back. It was when you sent back the necklace he’d given you, the one that had belonged to his grandmother, that he knew you were really done. That was when he really broke. Because Jake had made the conscious decision to cheat. He’d known it was wrong when he was doing it and he’d still done it. There was no excuse for it. The only reason he’d done it was because he felt touch starved. You’d been working so hard, not only on your music but at the hospital that the relationship had been put on the backburner. Jake knew that what he should have done was stick it out. He should have waited for you, because ultimately you would have come back. When you’d done what you needed to do you would have come back. But he didn’t. Instead he chose to be selfish, a trait that more often than not landed him in hot water. 
To make matters even worse you had achieved your dream. It took a couple years for you to go mainstream, but then it was like Jake couldn’t get away from you. Your voice was everywhere, haunting him. Even his sisters would make it worse. The year you’d performed the Super Bowl half-time show was the worst. Somehow his younger brother had managed to hook the TV up to the whole house stereo system his father had just gotten installed. So no matter how far away Jake walked in the house he could never get away from your voice. He had to hear you sing to millions of people about how he’d hurt you, betrayed you. No one knew it was him. That was the one thing he was thankful for. As far as he knew you’d never revealed his name. 
After that he went on a boycott of modern music. Strictly only sticking to playing the songs on his phone. Never the radio. He couldn’t bear to hear your voice anymore. He stayed off the internet as much as he could, his way of avoiding any tabloid or press photos of you. It wasn’t easy, but he’d managed to do it and he was going to for as long as he could.
Most guys that cheated didn’t have to deal with this kind of aftermath. For Jake it was like some sick, twisted Karmic retribution that the girl he’d destroyed went on to become famous. Jake Seresin had truly fucked himself over on that one. 
“Hey, Seresin, you free Saturday night?” Jake’s head popped up to find Javy standing there with Phoenix and Rooster. 
“Uh yeah, think so. What’s up?” He was assuming they wanted to go to the Hard Deck, their normal Saturday night hang. It was one of the few bars Jake could go to where he didn’t hear one of your songs playing over the speakers while some heartbroken women screamed along to the lyrics. That was only because Penny refused to have any other music system than the jukebox. 
“We’ve got tickets to a concert, Bob had something come up and he can’t go, you want to take his place?” Jake shrugged.He knew most of what his squad mates listened to and he was sure whatever the concert was it would be good. And he would put money down that it wasn’t your concert. None of them seemed like the type to be that into your songs, so he felt like he didn’t need to worry about that. 
So he agreed, looking forward to a night with a handful of people he actually enjoyed. Even if he did but heads with Rooster and Nat every so often. They were still two of his closest friends. Even they didn’t know about you, though. Jake had never told anyone about you. As far as he was concerned no one else needed to know just how much of a douchebag he truly was. 
The rest of the week flew by fast and before Jake knew it he was piling into Rooster’s Bronco and headed for the arena. It wasn’t until the electric billboards on the arena came into view that he realized he had indeed fucked up agreeing to come. He should have asked who the concert was for, because if he knew it was yours he definitely never would have agreed. Now he couldn’t back out because they were already here and even if that wasn’t the issue he’d have to come up with an excuse as to why he didn’t want to watch you perform. It wasn’t like he could say ‘Sorry guys, gotta jet. I cheated on the headliner and all of her songs are about me.’ 
Fuck. He was really screwed. Even more so when he realized just how close up their seats were. So close he knew you’d be able to see him. You’d be able to spot him the crowd and Jake wouldn’t be able to handle that he knew that for a fucking fact. 
Natasha was buzzing with excitement next to him and Jake immediately knew this was mostly for her. “Didn’t know you were such a big fan of this girl.” He mentioned nonchalantly. It was more so he could gauge just how much of a fan Natasha was. If she knew she was standing next to your ex, the one who’d made you become this way, how would she react?
“Oh my god yeah! She’s such an amazing artist, I mean there’s so much pain behind her words but she sings them so beautifully.” Jake couldn’t disagree with that. You’d always had a beautiful voice. Of course when you were with him you mostly sang country. Now it was pop music, which he couldn’t lie, from what he had heard your voice was much better suited for this genre than it was country. 
“Not to mention she’s hot as hell,” it was Rooster who chimed in. “She’s got those big doe eyes, a great rack and damn those lips.” It was taking everything in Jake not to deck Rooster for talking about you that way. “Whatever guy broke her heart is a fucking idiot.” That made Jake want to punch him even more. Even though Rooster was right. Jake was a fucking idiot.
The only response Jake could muster without making any of them suspicious was a nod. How the hell was he going to get through this?
The first act was good, not as good as you, but still good. Jake enjoyed the music, but each song was just one song closer to your performance. When you finally did step on stage it was like everything from all those years ago came flooding back. 
You were still the same woman he’d fallen in love with but you were different. You really looked like a woman now and not some girl in her early twenties chasing a dream. He’d seen pictures of you here and there. As much as he tried it was almost impossible to completely avoid your face with as big as you’d gotten. 
Your look was grungier. It wasn’t the sweet sundresses or bell bottoms you used to wear. The mesh top with the black leather bustier and skirt wasn’t something you’d worn with him, but it looked damn good. And your legs, the ones that had always gone on for miles, looked even longer in the thigh high heels you had on. Fuck. Is this the route you still would have taken if he hadn’t broken your heart or would you still be performing in a sundress?
None of his friends seemed to notice how mesmerized by you Jake was. Likely because they were all just as mesmerized by you and no one could blame them. You were in your element up there on stage and he couldn’t help but be in awe. Of course he’d watched you perform before, but this was much different than those small town dive bars. For more than just the fact that you were singing your heart out about just how badly he had broken you.
It was nearing the end of the set when you noticed him. Those piercing green eyes watching your every move. Why was he here? It had been so long since you’d seen his face, heard his voice or anything. Every so often his family would check in on you, but they never brought him up. They knew better and they had been almost has upset as you were over the whole thing. 
Your stomach was in knots. The man who broke you in two was here, watching you sing about him on stage. Once you notice him you couldn’t stop noticing him, but you did your best. Focusing on the music and the lyrics coming in through your ear piece. 
“Change up the last song.” You rushed out of your mouth when you went back stage for a brief break.
“Change it. I want to do I’m Not Mad.”
“But it hasn’t been released yet, are you sure?” Everyone was looking at you like you’d sprouted three heads but you just nodded. Adamant on your decision and they finally relented. “Alright, we’re full sending it.”
Most of your songs were written about Jake, but this one has been written the night of another passed anniversary. You’d been rummaging through your stuff trying to find the wine glass a friend had given you years ago when you came across a framed picture. It was you, in one of Jake’s t-shirts, lying in the mess of your blankets with a cup of coffee in hand. It was the first morning after you guys had moved in together and Jake had taken the picture. Spouting something about wanting to memorialize how pretty you were in the morning sun. The wine glass was forgotten for the need of pen and paper.
“I'm not even mad anymore
Oh really I ain't even mad anymore
Yeah, I don’t even want you back anymore
I don’t remember what we had anymore, yeah”
You tried to keep your focus on the crowd as you sang but your eyes kept traveling back to Jake’s. Singing to him because you want him to hear it. To really listen to you.
“I hope your back aches and your knees hurt
I hope you think about me sleeping in your t-shirt
I hope your little brother turns out to be nothing like you
I hope that you hurt more than I do,”
He did. God, did Jake ever hurt more than you did. Neither of you were the same and while you had channeled your pain into something productive, Jake had managed to make himself a nuisance to anyone that he could. All because of the idiotic choice he’d made seven years ago. Because it was a choice. He knew that then  and he knew that now. 
“And honestly I still wish you nothing but the best
I know that you're still self-obsessed
I hear the wicked get no rest
But when you do I hope you'll dream of me,”
Crowd be damned at this point. Your feet had carried you closer to the edge of the stage Jake was closest to. Conviction in your voice as you sang to him. This felt like it was teetering close to the edge of the closure you’d never allowed yourself to have.
“I don't even hope you die these days
I hope you live 'til eighty-five these days
Regretting that you'd ever lied these days
I hope it's eating you alive these days
Yeah, I hope you're up late in the bathroom
Just wishing Imma change my mind and come back soon
I hope that when you're thirty-five years
You’ll wish that you tried to 'cause I know that I'd do.”
Each verse had images of your relationship playing in Jake’s mind. It wasn’t a power ballad by any means, but damn it was still getting your point across. 
Jake did regret it all. He regretted ever caring so much about himself that he lost sight of you and brought that girl home. And when he was thirty-five he was no doubt going to wish things had been different just as he was now.
By now the crowd had noticed you were singing to someone and eyes were turned towards Jake. There would be articles about this in no time flat. That you were sure of. Videos anywhere and everywhere from fans’ phones showing the way you two were looking at each other as you sang. Texts from your friends and family, texts from his family. Rumors would fly. The world might figure out who he was and that he was the one you sang about. And really it was likely about time. How no one had figured it out yet was beyond you, but this definitely wasn’t the way you figured it would come out.
“I ain't even mad about it anymore
No really, I ain't even mad about it anymore
Maybe just a little less than I was before
I've got a twenty dollar bill that says that you never ever ever gonna change,”
You wondered if he had changed. Likely not, he was Jake after all. If anything you wouldn’t be surprised if he’d only gotten worse. 
“I still wish you nothing but the best
I know that you're still self-obsessed
I hear the wicked get no rest
But when you do I hope you'll dream of me.”
Your eyes were still on him when you sang the last verses. Holding his gaze as the music faded out. Someone was in your ear yelling for you to close it out, to say thank you and goodnight. You had a meet and greet to get to. Eventually you did, tearing yourself away from him to focus on your job.
Jake swallowed hard, watching as you finally disappeared off stage. He turned to look, finding his friends staring him down with wide eyes.
“Dude, what the hell was that?” Javy was the one to finally ask and Jake swallowed hard again. He knew he wasn’t going to get out of this, but he didn’t want to answer in this crowd. So Jake just started moving, pushing through the people to get to the Bronco. 
“Hangman?” Nat started just as they’d reached the Bronco. 
Jake squeezed his eyes shut, taking a deep breath before he opened his mouth. “She’s my ex.”
“What? No way.”  Jake rolled his eyes at Rooster’s denial, but continued on.
“We dated before she got big, I cheated, she caught me and…”
Rooster scoffed loudly again. “No way, this is just another one of your inflated stories. You? Date her? I don’t believe it.” Jake didn’t really give a shit if Rooster believed him or not. It didn’t matter at this point. Jake just shook his head and reached for the door handle, wanting to get out of there as fast as he could. 
Javy seemed to notice Jake’s distress and became the voice of reason, somehow convincing the other two to drop the topic. Jake knew it would only be dropped for a short time. And whether he wanted them to or not, he was already well aware they would press him for the full truth of it. A truth he hadn’t spoken out loud since it had happened. Out of pure embarrassment and guilt. Jake had always been an asshole, but he never would have guessed he’d become a cheater.
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@cherrycola27 @clancycucumber2300 @bradshawseresinbaberesinbae @brittanyovensns @rolisinhaa @phoenixssugarbabyby @deaddumblbumble @caitsymichelle13 @whateverbagman @avengersgirllorianna @izz-ayes-world @novagreen04 @percysaidnever @leafsfan02 @anurst @rhirhikingston @ahopelessromanticwritersworld @flrboyd @mrsjaderogers @alldaysdreamer @gabicalicota @jstarr86
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batmanisagatewaydrug · 5 months
What's the risk level for spread of STIs with oral sex? Specifically cunnilingus. I assume it's different giving vs receiving. Thanks for all the knowledge you share!
hey! great question! and a rad excuse to show you all this banner from the CDC's page on orally transmitted STIs:
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that link will take you to a really good tool that breaks down specifically what types of sex (giving/receiving, body parts involved, etc) can transmit which STIs, but the TL;DR is that chlamydia, gonorrhea, syphilis, herpes, and HPV can all be transmitted by oral sex, and all of them can cause infections in your mouth/throat the same as your genitalia.
HIV and trichomoniasis fall in the category of STIs that *can* be spread orally but are very unlikely to be, but for everything else mentioned, the odds are about as good that they'll be transmitted orally as any other type of sex. unlike, for instance, penis-in-hole sex, where the person receiving is much more likely to be infected, oral sex is pretty equal opportunities in that giving and receiving can both be equally risky.
oral sex on the anus also has specific, anus-related risks, such as the transmission of hepatitis A and B and, sometimes, parasites.
use those dental dams, kids!
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mariacallous · 1 year
Medicine may be about to achieve a long-sought goal: a “morning-after pill” to prevent sexually transmitted infections. It could sharply reduce soaring rates of illness and huge health care costs.
The effectiveness of this pill—and it literally is a pill, a 200-milligram tablet of the antibiotic doxycycline—has been studied for a decade, and people have taken it covertly for years. But study results published in The New England Journal of Medicine look likely to tip the pill into clinical practice. In the study, conducted in San Francisco and Seattle, participants who took a single dose within 72 hours of having sex without a condom were only a third as likely to contract chlamydia, gonorrhea, or syphilis as those who didn’t take the pills.
As with everything in medicine, there are footnotes to the findings, and risks to balance the benefits. The study was conducted only among gay and bisexual men, along with transgender women and nonbinary people assigned male at birth. Within those groups, it was limited to people who had been diagnosed with a sexually transmitted infection (STI) in the past year. The study didn’t include cisgender women; in past studies, the preventive antibiotic has not worked as well for them. And the study noted, but didn’t explore in depth, the possibility that routinely administering an antibiotic could provoke resistance either among the bacteria that cause STIs or others carried in participants’ bodies.
All that said, the results have created real excitement among physicians and people who would be eligible to take what’s being called doxyPEP (for doxycycline post-exposure prophylaxis)—even though health authorities, such as the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, haven’t yet made formal recommendations for its use. 
“I think this is a real game-changer,” says Paul Adamson, an infectious disease physician and assistant clinical professor of medicine at the University of California, Los Angeles. “We have a huge amount of bacterial STIs in the US. Gay and bisexual men who have sex with men are disproportionately burdened by them. And we have not had a lot of tools that we can use to help.”
To understand why doxyPEP could be so significant, it’s important to consider what’s been happening with STIs. Briefly: They’re skyrocketing. Since 2017, according to the CDC, the most important of these diseases have reached historic highs: Gonorrhea has increased by 28 percent, and syphilis by 74 percent. And while chlamydia diagnoses haven’t quite returned to their pre-Covid levels, the agency worries that might be due to pandemic disruptions to care, rather than to an actual decrease in transmission. All of those infections have profound long-term consequences if they are not diagnosed and treated, including making people more vulnerable to HIV infection. Collectively, they cost the US health care system more than $1 billion per year.
Meanwhile, congenital syphilis—passed from mother to infant at birth, a sign that the pregnant person never received adequate prenatal care—caused 220 stillbirths and infant deaths in 2021, the last year for which there are national figures. Gonorrhea is gaining resistance to the last antibiotics currently available to treat it.
In medicine, prevention is almost always preferable to treatment: Vaccines and other prophylactic measures are less expensive, and can be planned in advance. So it has been a research goal to find uncomplicated prevention for STIs—something that, like the morning-after pill for pregnancy, can be taken a short time after sex and doesn’t rely on the user making decisions in the moment. 
The first test of doxyPEP, a small US trial that took place in 2011 and 2012, was published in 2015, and showed that HIV-positive men who took the post-exposure dose cut their rate of STIs by three-fourths. Fairly soon after that, social networks of men who have sex with men picked up on the findings, and began sharing knowledge about using preventive doxycycline off-label. A large 2017 French study of men using pre-exposure prophylaxis for HIV, known as PrEP, included within it a study of STI rates among men taking post-exposure doxycycline; it showed that doxyPEP could cut rates of syphilis and chlamydia infection by almost 70 percent. And last summer and this spring, the two largest international HIV conferences included presentations that confirmed the doses were successful in most circumstances.
Several of those presentations were drawn from the San Francisco and Seattle study just published in NEJM. Its results were so dramatic that the authors stopped the trial earlier than planned, in May 2022: They revealed that, among 501 men who were either living with HIV or taking HIV PrEP, consuming that single dose of doxycycline within 72 hours of sex without a condom reduced the combined incidence of the three major STIs by roughly two-thirds. 
“Our goal was to understand this in a real-world setting, in a heterogeneous population of people taking HIV PrEP but also living with HIV—which biologically aren’t different populations, but may be different in terms of sexual behaviors, sexual networks,” says Anne Luetkemeyer, one of the study’s principal investigators and a professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco. Combined with the French research, she adds, “we now have two studies that really showed very remarkably similar efficacy in this population.”
Those two sets of results may be enough to let doxyPEP enter mainstream medicine. In some places, it already has. Last October, San Francisco’s public health department became the first local department to support doxyPEP use in its jurisdiction. And after the NEJM paper, individual physicians tweeted they would begin prescribing doxyPEP because the results looked so solid—something they can do off-label because the Food and Drug Administration already approved the drug decades ago to treat a range of infections. 
When a new way of controlling a disease seems likely to enter the US mainstream, the CDC is expected to weigh in. So far, the agency hasn’t published official guidelines regarding the use of doxyPEP. Following the release of preliminary data at conferences, the CDC published “considerations for individuals and healthcare providers,” a strategy for sharing what’s known so far, as well as an acknowledgment that doxyPEP already is being used off-label. A CDC spokesperson told WIRED by email that formal draft guidance for physicians could come “by the end of the summer.” 
When that guidance does arrive, it isn’t expected to recommend doxyPEP for everyone. “We should consider offering this to people who have an elevated risk” of STIs, Luetkemeyer says. “And that group is men who have sex with men, on PrEP, or living with HIV, who've had a history of STIs. I think that's a reasonable group.” 
And eligible people may not want to take it. Like almost all antibiotics, doxycycline has side effects: sun sensitivity, diarrhea, serious nausea. And it hasn’t worked equally well for everyone. In the trial done in French men, the antibiotic did not suppress gonorrhea infections, even though it had a dramatic effect on reducing syphilis and chlamydia. In the one trial done so far among cis women, launched in Kenya in 2021, doxycycline prophylaxis (known in this case as dPEP) had no effect on suppressing STIs.  
That was disappointing; women who are at high risk of STIs need prevention as much as men do. Equally, it was mystifying for the researchers, who now are poring through their data to see what might have made a difference: whether the 449 participants had difficulty taking the drug at the right time, for instance, or whether doxycycline behaves differently in female organs than in men’s. “We had more than 200 women show up to hear the results, and they were so shocked and disappointed,” says Jenell Stewart, the study director and a physician-scientist and assistant professor at Hennepin Healthcare in Minneapolis. “We are very focused on understanding these results before we say this doesn’t work for women.”
One thing that might have played a role in Kenya and France—and is raising red flags for doxyPEP use in the US—is antibiotic resistance. Stewart says 100 percent of the gonorrhea isolates tested so far from women who became infected while on dPEP showed high levels of resistance to tetracycline, the drug family that doxycycline belongs to; at the time of the French study, the background rate of resistance in gonorrhea there was 56 percent. In the US, where doxycycline isn’t the first-line treatment for gonorrhea, the rate of resistance is only 20 percent. That may provide a clue to why doxyPEP worked better in the US trial than in any other. But it also immediately raises the concern that if doxyPEP goes into wide use, it might make resistance worse.
The US study could not provide an answer: Though some men in the trial did contract gonorrhea while taking doxyPEP, not enough testing was done to confirm whether their strains were resistant to the medication and thus not knocked out by the single dose. Tests did suggest the drug might be affecting other bacteria in participants’ bodies, but the results were contradictory.  Those taking doxyPEP ended up harboring 40 percent less staph bacteria—something that all of us carry—than those not taking the drug; but the staph they were still carrying showed “modestly higher” resistance. Whether killing some bacteria was more beneficial than making others potentially hazardous, the trial didn’t last long enough to say.
So the calculation inherent in doxyPEP may not be risk versus benefit, as much as it is risk versus risk: preventing an infection while provoking resistance through small doses, or contracting an infection that requires larger doses over a longer period of time. “We’re not comparing doxyPEP to no antibiotics,” says Adamson, who researches drug-resistant gonorrhea and has prescribed doxyPEP for some patients. “We’re comparing doxyPEP to potentially significant amounts of ceftriaxone, or penicillin, or doxycycline perhaps, if somebody’s getting infections a lot.”
It’s a question that research will have to answer—because, no matter how the CDC weighs in, doxyPEP use is moving ahead. Joseph Osmundson, a microbiologist and author in New York City—where STI rates are rising just as they are nationally—recently sought a prescription from his regular physician. As a queer sexual-health activist, he says, it only made sense, not only to prevent infections and antibiotic side effects for himself, but also to keep from increasing infection rates in an already overburdened city.
“When people want an intervention to have a healthier sex life, you cannot not give it to them,” he says. “Withholding the intervention will not prevent people from having the kind of sex that they enjoy. The question is: Are they going to be provided with as many interventions as possible to have that type of sex with less risk of infectious disease?”
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neverendingford · 3 months
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waklman · 1 year
Double Take
Chapter One: Mouse
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synopisis: the hard-deck believes their prized solo artist needs to boost her social presence before a long awaited album release, with the help of a manager (babysitter). yet, you manage to ditch or chase away every artist manager that gets assigned to help you. as a last resort, the label contacts the only manager who was able to tie you down, the now retired Pete Maverick Mitchell, asking for a referral. lucky for you, the one person that comes to his mind is Bradley Bradshaw—who’s in need of a new job.
warnings: no use of y/n, mature themes 18+, explicit language. reader is 21 and bradley is 23.
word count: 3.1k.
next chapter | double take masterlist.
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“Can’t you just tell me her name?”
Bradley’s tongue kisses his teeth, unsure if he wants to kick Jake right off the swivel chair he’s currently occupying or not. 
And Jake doesn’t make his contemplation any much easier, choosing to grab at Bradley’s knees, using them as an anchor to spin himself around the music studio–almost knocking Javy’s vintage Stratocaster out of its stand.
Originally, the pair turned up to make sure Javy doesn’t overwork himself–silently supporting him in the background while he tweaks some of his new projects for demoing, with the promise of getting lunch together afterwards. And like always, Bradley and Jake found it difficult to keep quiet, with Bradley one snarky comment away from laying his hands on Jake. 
Deciding against the display of violence, Bradley snaps at him instead. “What happened to–Oh I don't know. Hey! congrats man or I’m happy for you Bradshaw. Good luck on the new job?” 
Javy eavesdrops on the brewing argument going on behind him, unable to focus on mixing the last untitled track he’s been trying to work on. As expected, he hears the wheels on the blond’s chair come to a halt, followed by Jake starting to fire back “Maybe I would congratulate you if-” 
“Guys. Please.” Javy is exasperated, retracting his cramped hands from the soundboard in front of him. He lets out a deep sigh, swiveling around to face the two men who he sent into a deafening silence, giving them both a look of disapproval–like a parent would to their children. 
Bradley awkwardly shifts under Javy’s gaze, making the leather couch under his thighs squeak from the movement–while Jake sucks in his cheek from embarrassment, pushing himself up to fix his slouched posture.
Javy lets the pair soak in the punishing silence before deciding to speak up again. “Anyways. Congrats Bradshaw, you finally get to escape your shitty ex-client.” Bradley appreciatively nods his head, thanking Javy. “And Jake, if Bradley says over three times that he doesn’t know the girl he’s gonna work for, it’s safe to assume that he really doesn’t know.” 
Jake shoots the broad man beside him an elusive look, before entirely giving in. “Sorry, I was just excited you’re working for a chick instead of some greaser.” he admits. 
Across the studio, Bradley notices Javy has an expectant look on his face, encouraging him to respond. “It’s fine, Seresin.” he mutters under his breath.
Seeing that the mood of the room is still significantly low, Javy attempts to bring it back up. “Hey, so Mav didn’t tell you who it was?”
“Nope,” Bradley shrugs, enunciating the word. “..told me she’s kinda a handful though,” he recalls. “Can’t be worse than the dude you worked for before.” Jake puts forth. Bradley leans back into the couch at the mention of his last client. “Man, I hope not–cause he was a fucking dickhead.” 
“Didn’t he make you wait with him, while he got tested for chlamydia?” Jake asks, lips tightly sealed in a thin line—failing to conceal his amusement. 
Bradley lets out a brief laugh, shaking his head at the memory, “Yeah, and guess what,” He whispers, taking a pause to build suspense–smiling while the two other men both lean in curiously. “..it came back positive.” 
“I fucking knew it dude.” Jake shouts–stumbling in his seat, upon hearing the news. He had been begging Bradley to reveal the results for months now, but Bradley wasn’t able to tell anyone until he was released from his contract–which ended just last week.
The room brightens up again, with Jake celebrating his odd victory, while Javy and Bradley share a laugh at his reaction. 
“Jeez Seresin, I never thought I’d see the day you’re excited over chlamydia results.” Javy jokes, hinting at Bradley to join in. “Right? He looked bummed the last time he got back a positive test.” Bradley adds on, lips tugging into a smirk. 
“Yeah, Yeah keep the jokes coming, why don’t ya.” 
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The instrumental leaking through your headphones does nothing to soothe the sting of your migraine.
Instead, the dulling ache just manages to double down under the blaring white light that oversees the room–causing the mild discomfort of waiting on everyone to worsen. 
Choosing to ignore the searing pain that now lines the front of your skull, you tightly shut your eyes to focus on the way the melody repeats itself again, making sure to pay close attention to the percussion that’s been added on this time. The production choice doesn’t suit the track, so you make a mental reminder to yourself: ask Javy to tone down those drums the next time you catch him in the studio. 
Bringing a hand underneath your hood, you cup the sleek shell of your headphones–pressing the pleather cushion tighter against your ear to properly listen for the beat counts. You begin to nod your head, following the beat for the next minute.
Impromptu lyrics start to come to mind, but before you could stick them to memory, you’re quickly interrupted by a light kick to the shin from underneath the table. In a jolt of surprise, your eyes rip open to see that Andi–your publicist, has been trying to capture your attention. She’s currently in the middle of saying something to you, but you can’t hear a word that leaves her mouth. 
“Sorry, what?” you hastily tear off the headphones, letting them fall forward into your lap—quickly adjusting your ears to all the sound that was previously muffled. 
“I said, it looks like you’re in trouble. Ms. Benjamin doesn’t usually make an appearance for team meetings...” All you can do is sigh at the reminder.
“Well, maybe if she met me in the middle, there wouldn’t be any problems.” you quip. The offhanded reply just makes Andi’s face fall flat.
Out of nowhere, someone tugs back the peak of your hood, allowing the unwanted light to flood your vision even more. With squinted eyes, you turn around to glare at the sly social media consultant–who just entered the room.
“Well, maybe you should learn to comply because you need the exposure.” Graham offers, amused grin on his face.
“God, she summoned you here too?” you ask, watching him throw himself into the seat besides you, carelessly tossing his slim legs over the table.
“Penny Benjamin spares no one, especially our little rockstar here.” he winks at you–crossing both arms behind his head to lean back. Graham always had a knack for not letting things get to him–creating an equilibrium amongst your team, his carefree attitude neutralizing everyone else’s overthinking tendencies.
“Dude, how are you so relaxed right now? I think I might hurl.” Micky–your agent speaks up, green in the face as if he's actually about to carry out his statement. Besides him, Andi is nodding in agreement, biting the lining of her inner cheek. 
“No vomit in my meeting room please.” a smooth voice calls out by the door. And there she is, Penny Benjamin, the bane of your existence, as of late. 
When she first launched her career four years ago, you were one of the first artists she managed to secure. Not long after your fresh debut, you were overwhelmingly adored by the public—securing your title as one of the youngest rising stars at the time, at only seventeen years old. And with that privilege, you received a lot of leniency, until recently. 
Sometime last month, Penny had strongly suggested you “dip your feet into the social scene of Hollywood”, the one thing you were promised you wouldn’t need to do when you signed a record deal in the first place. But everyone knows by now that, what Penny asks for, Penny gets–transforming her strong suggestion into a fully fleshed out set of PR moves for the next few months. 
You inwardly scoff, watching her strut in to take a seat at the end of the table, impatiently waiting as your team scrambles to get Graham to sit up properly–now that you’re in the presence of the person who employs you all in the first place. 
“Alright. Alright–I get it!” Graham yells back in a hushed whisper, waving off everyone’s stack of complaints with a dismissive hand.
“Now that you’re all settled,” Penny starts, voice tight, sending a warning look over to Graham.
You watch as a satisfied smile appears on her face, once he stills. Then you see it. There’s an unrecognizable glint in her eyes–sending an instinctive shiver to run down your back.
“I’d like to introduce you all to your new team member.” Penny announces, making direct eye contact with you, grinning. She clearly has a trick up on sleeve.
And there’s no point in hiding your distaste for it, because you’re sure it’s written all over your face–you were never one to hide your expressions well anyway. 
Around you, your team begins to stir–all three of them exchanging confused looks with each other. Why call everyone down to the building—just to welcome some poor soul who’ll just end up quitting after dealing with you for a few days?
“Excuse me, Ms. Benjamin? I don’t mean to interrupt but–we’ve already run through ten different managers this past month.” Micky meekly raises his concern.
“Oh, trust me I’m well aware,” 
“Which is why, I brought in a new hire recommended to us by Maverick.”
Your mind instantly reels back–determined to search through every possible person your old manager would have suggested. You’re too deep in thought to notice that the rest of your team follows along behind you, skimming through Maverick’s connections in their heads for someone that could possibly handle your tactics. 
“Tell him, he can come in now.” Penny requests, calling out to her assistant guarding the door.
All eyes trail over to entry way, and in walks the last person you expected to see.
You immediately stiffen, upon recognizing who it was, “Oh shit. Mouse?” he gapes loudly. Your mouth opens but no words seem to come out—all you can do is stare back at him incredulously.
“Bradley fucking Bradshaw.” Graham yells out in disbelief, standing up from his seat to greet him.
“Graham Cracker?” he gawks, fixing his attention onto Graham, meeting him in the middle for a hug.
Everyone seemed to be relieved to see him, except for you. 
You had only met Bradley a handful of times–your interactions were always brief but never pleasant, the first impression being the most unfortunate of them all. 
Back then, you let yourself into Maverick’s apartment since he was out of town, in search of a sweater you left behind–just to end up clashing face first into Bradley’s wet chest—because he’d been taking showers there until his own bathroom was repaired. 
By the second encounter, he’d even nicknamed you Mouse, because of the ridiculous Karen Smith mouse costume that Natasha made you wear—to match her and Bob at a Halloween bash last year. Bradley had made teasing comments towards you all night and you just took it—far too embarrassed to utter back a word, especially so soon after seeing him practically half naked. 
You wanted to kick yourself for not being able to figure this out right away. This made sense–Bradley was Maverick’s nephew who also worked in the industry as well. You had never bothered to pay attention to his conversations with Mav about his previous job, but now, you wish you did. 
As Bradley makes his way around the room, you look up in search for Penny but she’s already out the door. Your headache is quickly replaced by an onset of annoyance. 
“Miss me?” you’re immediately met with the sight of his crotch in your face. 
Blinking slowly, you stretch your stiff neck to look up at Bradley who’s standing in front of you now, blindly confident as ever. You don’t even know what to say–still trying to overcome your shock at his surprise appearance. 
“Look at you Mouse. You’re so happy to see me–you can’t say a thing” he falsely observes, bringing his rough hands forward to grab at the fat of your cheek. 
“Agh.” you squeak, softly rubbing over the skin he pinched, trying to soothe the pain. 
“There she is, you ready to kick back with me?” he coos. It’s like he doesn’t even consider the fact that you could punch him where it hurts, all it would take is one jab between the legs.
“Good luck Bradshaw, she’s a runner–managed to escape poor Tommy at a movie premiere last week. The kid quit because he said his anxiety meds weren’t strong enough to keep up with her.” Graham laughs, retelling the story of your last manager. Though, it only entertains him and Bradley, because Andi and Micky both share a look of apprehension–remembering how they failed to convince the last manager to give you one more chance. 
“Is that right?” Bradley looks at you, intrigued.
“You gonna be nice to me, Mouse?” There’s something about provoking you, that just elicits sheer joy out of him. He thinks it’s because you’re like a little sister he’s never had. But you think it’s because he has nothing better to do with his life. Your opinions clash. 
“No.” you snap, voice coming out weaker than you wanted. 
“What was that?” he teases, squatting down in front of you, leveling his gaze. 
You look right into his mischievous eyes and answer him again, more stern this time. “No.” 
“Wouldn’t expect any less.” Bradley’s smiles smugly, completely unfazed by your harsh reply. 
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It’s like Penny staked her claims on you this month, selecting you as her victim of choice. 
Not only does she cover Bradshaw’s living expenses, but she also buys out your neighbor’s apartment–dropping the shiny keys right into Bradley's meaty hands, giving him a direct line of access to you. You always knew she was quite stubborn–but never expected it to reach this degree, which gives you a sickly feeling that Bradley might be harder to dodge than you had previously thought. 
And your intuition is proven correct, because he has barely left your side since yesterday–even with the knowledge that you didn’t have any events lined up until next week. 
“Delivery for, uh—Reese Witherspoon?” the uniformed man asks, confused by Bradley’s towering figure between the crack of your door. 
“This is she, thanks man.” he grins, oblivious to the delivery man’s uncertainty. 
Bradley shamelessly passes him a wad of ten dollar bills in exchange for the brown paper bag. The door shuts, and it takes him only four long strides to reach you in the kitchen. 
“When I said put a fake name under the order, that's not what I meant.” You make no effort to look at him, too focused on unzipping files on your laptop. Bradley just shrugs off your unamused comment, placing the bag onto the counter. “I think Reese Witherspoon is a good secret alias.” he answers, completely sure of himself.
“A secret alias is labeled secret for a reason.” He nods, taking in your reply before tearing right into the bag–dumping the contents out. The inviting smell disperses in the air, hitting both your noses in an mere instant. 
“I kept your identity a secret, did I not?” he turns to grin at you, but your eyes are still glued onto your screen. His grin disappears at the lack of attention. You already lost yourself in your work again, scrolling through all the tracks Javy sent over for approval. 
Too caught up in organizing everything you received, you fail to realize that Bradley planted himself next to you. With furrowed brows, you carefully move one of the songs over to the music application for further inspection. But, from the corner of your eye, you see a floating tin-foil wrapped burrito, carried by Bradley, starting to slowly block the view of your screen. 
“You’re my manager, not my nanny.” you shoot him down, slapping away the gluttonous burrito. 
“Just one bite, make your old man proud.” he attempts to sway you, already peeling back the wrapping for you. 
You snap your head in his direction. “You’re only two years older than me, Bradshaw.” You deadpan him, but all Bradley does is smirk at you in response, pleased that you had already dismissed your work to answer him.
“I know you’re hungry.” he drags out the word, already bringing the burrito up to your face again. 
“No, I’m not.” you reply firmly–but your body fails to line up with your statement because a loud rumbling can be heard from the pit of your stomach. The sound makes Bradley swipe his tongue over his lips, amused.  
“What was that? Can’t hear you over your tummy growling.” he leans in, playing into his bit. 
In no mood to put up another argument, you snag the burrito out of his hands, angrily taking a bite–but your chewing comes to a halt–because it’s so fucking good, you can’t even pretend to be mad. 
“Shit, you look so funny Mouse. Lemme take a pic for Graham.” 
He doesn’t even give you a second to react before he’s pulling out his phone for a picture. Struggling to work the camera app, he switches to instagram to take the picture instead. With one hand, he lightly grabs your jaw to point your face at his camera, chuckling to himself as he snaps an image. You just blink back him, obliging–brain scrambling from the burrito–to the camera–to him touching your face. 
Forcing yourself to swallow back the food, you slam down the burrito against the tabletop, reaching for his phone.
“Bradshaw, delete that,” you demand, embarrassment evident in your voice.
“No can do, Graham asked me to take pictures of you. He needs more content for your fans.” He gladly denies you, slapping his entire palm over your face so you don’t see him save the picture to his camera roll. 
You grumble unintelligibly into his palm. There was no point in fighting back—he never removes his hand until he's satisfied with himself. You'd seen him do it too often with Nat.
“What was that? Thank you for the food Bradshaw? Awe. You’re so welcome Mousey.” he runs his mouth, enjoying how you’re unable to respond to him. 
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Bradley likes to think you settled down from your anger from earlier, but the spiteful glances you’re sending in his direction says otherwise. 
You’re both eating in silence, with you taking strategic bites, and Bradley beginning to sink his teeth into his second burrito. You uncomfortably watch as he takes a massive bite, flinching at the way he just swallows it after chewing just once.
Caught off guard by the sudden ringing of his phone, Bradley slightly chokes on a piece of chicken, sputtering forward. Taking the chance to relieve your grudge, you harshly slap a hand against his wide back–helping him cough it back up.
Bradley clears his throat, hand reaching for the device buzzing against your glossy countertop. With haste, he answers the facetime call—propping his phone up against a water bottle so you and him are in view. 
Both of you wait until the call connects, expecting to see Graham’s cheerful face appear—from seeing you two together. Instead, he loads in, biting his nails nervously. “Bradley, delete it.” Graham spits out right away. 
“What?” Bradley mumbles, with a stuffed mouth. 
“Delete what.” you snap your head at Bradley. 
Graham worriedly swipes his hand through his hair, “Someone took a screenshot of your story and shared it to a few news accounts online. I need to call Andi so we can get them taken down but you need to delete it–like right now.” he warns.
You’re still not comprehending what’s going on, but it finally clicks in Bradley’s head.
“Fuck.” Bradley whispers. You look over at his screen, watching him rush to open Instagram to reveal the burrito picture of you that had been accidentally posted on his story–and it has over 25,000 views.
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note: thank you reading! please tell me your thoughts on double take so far, i would love to hear! :) that being said, reblogs are very greatly appreciated!
join the taglist for this series here or follow @waklman-library and turn on notifs to be notified when i post!
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what-if-nct · 7 months
Lee know: You're just like timothee chalamet.
Hyunjin: I have never caused a Chlamydia outbreak. I'm not Jungwoo.
Lee know: No, everyone sees a soft French manic pixie dream boy who loves art and poetry and who looks like he was written by Aphrodite.
Hyunjin: Thank you.
Lee know: But really you're just a rodent boy with heavy frat boy influence and you dont hide it but the world is so disillusioned by your lana del rey persona.
Hyunjin: Funny how you could tell that to the world and even with proof no one will believe you.
Lee know: You sure about that.
Hyunjin: I'm sure albout that.
Lee know: We'll see.
Felix: Ooh do me next.
Lee know: You're a sweet little baby angel who is actually the most depraved person I know and I'm proud of you.
Felix: You really get me.
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bluwavez · 8 months
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IN WHICH ... DEEPDIVE passes the phone.
TRIGGER WARNINGS + WRITERS NOTE ... Just some cursing and mentions of sex, suicide, and death in a joking matter! Inspired by that silly Tiktok trend from a while ago. This is like the sequel to the VENUS one I did a few days ago!
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"I'm passing the phone to the guy who got our first dorm infested with bed bugs," Jacob starts, a collective series of groans being heard from behind the camera.
Woojin's lips form a line when he's handed the camera, blinking at his own reflection as the boys around him jeer at his expense. "Everyone should know, I apologized profusely for that!" Woojin defends himself before chuckling.
"Okay, I'm passing the phone to the most ran-through member of the team," Woojin decides with a nod.
Finn smiles softly at the camera, blinking blankly a few times before nodding. "Okay, well, I'm passing the phone to the guy who lost half his discography to a group he hates."
Noah bites the inside of his cheek when he's handed the phone, looking off-camera as the room fills with laughter. He sighs dramatically, eyes widening and head bobbling as he thinks of what to say. "I'm passing the phone to the guy who's caught chlamydia twice."
"Twice?" Kiwoo can be heard shouting off screen when Blue takes the camera, the tips of his ears turning red as he bites his bottom lip, nodding slowly.
"Alright, I'm passing the phone to someone with a dead dad." Blue says, causing a chorus of shouts and laughs to fill the room.
Finn and Noah are on screen, laughing hysterically to the point there's tears in Finn's eyes. "We don't know who he's talking about," Finn says between laughs, his head resting on Noah's as they nearly double over into the camera.
The video cuts and it's just Noah in frame, clearing his throat as a few chuckles leave his lips. "I'm–" Finn's laughter off-screen cuts him off, causing Noah to laugh so hard his eyes turn into crescent moons.
"I'm passing the phone to the person who was a flop longer than all of us," Noah finally gets out between laughs.
Jisung smiles at the camera, tilting his head at his reflection. The boys can be heard laughing around him but he keeps a cool and calm demeanor. "I'm passing the phone to the best singer on the team," Jisung says simply, not fully grasping the game.
Kiwoo is beaming when he's given the phone, his hand over his heart. "Aw!" Kiwoo coos. Someone off screen could be heard mocking him, making him side eye whoever it was before looking back at the camera.
"I'm passing the phone to someone who's mom didn't want him."
Jacob stares blankly at the camera, not happy this is his first appearance. He looks around at the quiet chuckles around him before nodding slowly. "I'm passing the phone to someone who's dad didn't want him," Jacob says, mimicking Kiwoo's diction and tone of voice.
Jisung blinks a few times at the camera, laughing through his nose as he tries to bite back his actual laughter. "Um...Fuck," He laughs looking to whoever stood beside him. The video cuts back to him with himself collected, still chuckling quietly.
"I'm passing the phone to most attractive member on the team." He pauses, keeping the camera on himself. A wave of laughter fills the room at his joke, making Jisung crack a smile before cutting the video. "Anyways, I'm passing the phone to the guy who thought a girl would appreciate him writing the lyrics "slow it down, making it bouncy," about her."
Finn doesn't look proud when the video cuts to him, nodding slowly in shame. "Um...Damn, wait–" Finn covers his mouth so the camera can't catch him smiling as he tries to collect himself. "I'm passing the phone to the guy who lost his virginity in a hotel bathroom." Finn decides, giving the camera a thumbs up.
Kiwoo scratches the back of his head when he's given the phone, glaring off camera when he hears someone laugh at him. "I'm passing the phone to the guy who was two steps away from making an OnlyFans because his Twitch channel was dying."
Woojin laughs at himself when he's on camera, putting his hands up. "Guilty! Oh no!" He mocks, laughing at himself as he does so. "I'm passing the phone to the guy who we let produce a title track because we were scared if we told him no he'd try and kill himself again."
Jacob looks tired of this game. "I'm passing the phone to the phone to the guy who literally has a photocard collection of himself."
Blue almost looks proud, nodding at himself on screen. "I'm passing the phone to the member that was rigged in!"
Noah looks around confused when he's given the phone, laughing alongside his groupmates even though he doesn't fully get it. "Was I rigged in?" Noah asks Jisung quietly. The leader looks at the camera and then at Noah, taking the phone from him with a nod.
"And I'm ending the game!" Jisung announces as the video abruptly ends.
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hellyeahscarleteen · 7 months
"Years after it was first proven to work, a new tool for preventing sexually transmitted infections (STIs) is now closer than ever to entering mainstream medicine.
That tool is doxyPEP, an antibiotic that works like a morning-after pill — but instead of preventing pregnancy within hours of unprotected sex, it prevents STIs like chlamydia and syphilis. Ever since a 30-person trial first suggested hope for the strategy in 2015, people worldwide have begun trying doxyPEP for themselves, often without the approval or supervision of a medical provider.
Why did it take so long for the CDC to get behind doxyPEP?The major obstacle has beenthe fear that doing so wouldtouch off a perilous game of infectious disease whack-a-mole — that in trying to mitigate one public health crisis, we’ll worsen another one.
Doxycycline, the medication in doxyPEP, is an antibiotic. Worldwide antibiotic resistance is a major problem — and doxyPEP runs the hypothetical risk of exacerbating it. Disease-causing bacteria can evolve resistance when exposed to certain antibiotics, becoming more dangerous.
Doxycycline has plenty of street cred in the STI world. A week’s worth of the medication is the first-line treatment of choice for chlamydia, and a two-week course is the best syphilis treatment choice for people allergic to penicillin. (Doxycycline also sometimes works against gonorrhea, although the germ’s growing resistance to the medication means it is no longer recommended as a treatment for that infection.)
In contrast, doxycycline PEP is for preventing infection, not for treating it. “PEP” stands for post-exposure prophylaxis: The idea is that if a person takes a single dose of the medication soon enough after unprotected sex, any bacteria that might cause an STI would be killed before entrenching enough to cause a full-blown infection."
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