#Chris Evans x bartender reader
navybrat817 · 1 month
On the Rocks
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Pairing: Bartender!Ari Levinson x Female Reader
Summary: You're not sure why Ari doesn't seem to like you, but you two have to work together.
Word Count: Over 2.4k
Warnings: Tension, coworkers, bit of grumpy and sunshine, misunderstanding, future smut, Ari Levinson and he's slightly rude at first (he's a warning, okay?)
A/N: More Beach Fun Nonsense! Hope you lovelies enjoy this intro to my Gin and Bear It AU. @spectre-posts requested bartender!Ari to Go for a Swim (smut) with prompt #13 in bold. TECHNICALLY not smut, but there will be smut in future parts. Not beta read and written on my phone, so any and all mistakes are my own. Please follow @navybrat817-sideblog for new fics and notifications. Comments, reblogs, feedback are loved and appreciated!
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You weren't one to brag, but you were good at your job. You showed up on time and stayed late if necessary. Never dropped a tray or drink. Didn't skip out on cleaning or any other tasks. And not only were you attentive with your customers, you showed just enough skin to keep it professional and never went home with anyone at the end of the night. Your work ethic helped you earn the respect of just about everyone at the establishment.
Except for Ari Levinson.
You eyed the gorgeous bearded man behind the bar, your blood rushing faster through your veins. He didn't spare you a glance. He hardly ever did. Everyone else who worked there got a smile from him. Even a smirk. But you? An unimpressed look was what you got on a good day. You chalked it up to you being a new member of the staff, until the barback who started after you received kinder treatment from him.
To be fair, it wasn't like Ari hated you. He didn't seem to particularly like you either. For the life of you, you couldn't figure out why. Maybe there wasn't a specific reason. Some people just didn't mesh well. It didn't stop you from treating him like every other coworker. The two of you had to work together whether he liked it or not.
“Hey,” you smiled as you stopped at the bar and set your tray down. You waited a second for him to acknowledge you, but he kept drying glasses. “Three Jack and Cokes, please.”
That got Ari's attention. He didn't have to greet you, but you both had a job to do. You waited in silence while he made the drinks. He didn't look at you, but you looked at him.
He was in good shape. Great shape, in fact. With his large and somewhat intimidating size, you were surprised he wasn't a bouncer. He was a good bartender though. He wouldn't have a job there if he wasn't.
It wasn't right how attracted you were to him since he never seemed to give you the time of day.
“Thanks,” you said when he set the drinks on the tray for you.
He grunted and turned to put the bottle back.
“You know, we’ve been working together for almost three months. One of these days you may actually carry on a conversation with me instead of answering me with random sounds,” you teased.
“I'm here to work, not chat,” he said over his shoulder, his deep voice sending a wonderful shiver down your spine despite his statement. “You should do the same.”
You sighed when you picked up the tray. “I’m just trying to be friendly.”
Like always.
“Don't need friends.”
It was a bit of an odd statement. You said friendly, not friends specifically. “Aren't Steve and Bucky your friends?” You asked. They were two of the other bartenders. Best friends and good to the rest of the staff. Protective, too, always quick to jump in if a customer got mouthy or handsy.
Ari’s jaw clenched as he faced you, but you didn't cower. “Yeah, they are.”
You may not have cowered under his gaze, but you sure as hell felt small the longer he looked at you. “But you don't want to be my friend,” you said.
“I don't need more friends,” he said dismissively as your stomach dropped. You wished it didn't hurt to hear that and you had to blink rapidly when you felt a familiar telltale burning in your eyes. “Anything else?”
Plastering a smile back on your face that didn't quite reach your eyes, you straightened up. “Noted. We aren't and won't be friends,” you said before you added with more bite than you intended, “And don't worry, Ari. I don't need anything from you.”
He must've noticed the shift in your tone, too, since his jaw clenched harder than before. You walked off before he had a chance to say anything, cursing yourself inwardly at your tone. You shouldn't have let his dismissal get under your skin. Besides, he was right. You were there to work and your customers needed their drinks.
So, why did it bother you so much that Ari didn't want to be your friend? It shouldn't matter. There were lots of people who worked together who never talked or saw each other outside of their jobs. You wished he would've given you a chance, but you’d respect his decision.
For the rest of the night though, you planned to avoid him like the plague.
As your shift went on, you felt Ari’s eyes on you. Instead of looking back at him or giving him a smile like usual, you ignored him or acted like he wasn't there. You didn't stop at his end of the bar, going instead to Steve to get your drinks. For the first time since you started working there, you had Ari's full attention.
And for once, you didn't want it.
By the end of your shift once you wrapped up just about all of your tasks, you were ready to get out of there. “Any plans after closing?” You asked Steve, counting out tips for him.
“I might be seeing someone,” he smiled gently, his gaze flickering to a woman sitting alone at a table.
You raised an eyebrow. Patrons hit on the guys all the time, but it was rare for them to take anyone home. “Well, I hope you have a good time,” you said before nodding over to Bucky who was sitting at the bar, too. “Isn't it your night off?”
Bucky smiled softly. “It is, but my girl should be here in a few minutes. We won't stay long.” His girl has gone through some heartbreak before she rolled into town and the brunette quickly became her knight in shining armor.
“You have fun, too,” you said, sliding off the stool with a sigh.
Steve’s brows pinched. “You okay?”
“I will be,” you said, not wanting to lie to him and pretend you were fine. You also didn't want to get into what was going on. Feeling sorry for yourself didn't do you any good and everything would be okay tomorrow.
“You sure?” Steve swung his head toward Ari. “You think I didn't notice that you haven't been back to that end of the bar?”
You glanced in that direction, inhaling sharply as you met Ari’s gaze. He crossed his as he stared you down, tension as thick as fog. All you could see were the blue of his eyes and you had to look away so you didn't lose yourself.
“Just an off night. Nothing to worry about,” you said, pushing over Steve’s cut. “And I’m out for the night unless you need anything else.”
Bucky and Steve exchanged a look. “Need one of us to walk you out?” Bucky offered.
“No, I’m good,” you said, sighing again when you realized you’d have to pass by Ari to leave. You also had to give him his tips. “Enjoy the rest of the night.”
Ari stood in the same spot as you walked toward him, your heart beating erratically. One day he may not make your heart race like that. “Night,” you smiled sadly, setting his tips down on the bar and walking on.
You grabbed your bag from the backroom and headed out for the evening with your keys in hand, shivering at the slight chill in the air. It wasn't until you were about halfway to your car that you heard footsteps behind you, making you tense up. Maybe you should've had someone walk you out.
“Hey.” It was Ari. “Wait up.”
You stopped and turned to face him with a quizzical look. “Why? Do you need something?”
Ari looked up at the night sky and ran a hand through his long hair, but didn't reply. You were two seconds away from walking to your car when you heard above a whisper, “I’m sorry.”
“Sorry?” You asked when he met your eye. “Sorry for what exactly?”
“I was an asshole to you earlier,” he replied, surprising you as he took a step forward. “Been kind of an asshole to you since day one when you've been nothing but friendly.”
“Yeah, I know,” you said. Why did it matter now?
A stricken look crossed his features before he put up his mask again. “Why were you so nice to me then when I was an asshole to you?”
You shrugged, trying to convey that it wasn't a big deal. “Because I had no reason to be rude to you, Ari,” you replied. It was that simple. “I was upset earlier though and I did avoid your side of the bar, but it’ll be fine tomorrow.”
“You don't have to like me. You really don't,” you told him, the words bittersweet. “But we do have to work together. So as long as we’re civil to each other, it’s fine.”
You fought the urge to step back when Ari took another step forward. There was usually a bar between the two of you when you stood near him. Up close with nothing between you showed just how large he was. And he smelled good, too, because of course he did. “I never said I didn't like you.”
“Maybe not with words, but your actions kind of said it for you. Seriously, there’s an obvious difference in your demeanor with me versus everyone else,” you pointed out.
“Yeah, there is,” he agreed, his blue eyes full of regret. At least he acknowledged that.
“Not to mention, you just said tonight that you didn't need more friends. Between that and your attitude, the natural assumption is that you don't like me,” you said. What else were you meant to think?
He nodded. “I can see why you’d think that, but I'm sorry.”
Both of you stayed quiet for a moment. You weren't exactly sure what to say. “Okay, well. Apology accepted, I guess. Good night.”
“Wait,” he said when you began to turn away. “Do you really wanna know what I thought about you when you started working here?”
The skeptical look was back on your face. “I’ll admit I'm curious, but I won't just stand here if you’ll continue to be an asshole to me.”
He chuckled. Did you actually make him laugh? “I wouldn't expect you to,” he said, taking a breath. “This might get me fired if you complain.”
“Just say it, please,” you half begged. “Whatever it is, it can't be-”
“I wanted to bend you over the bar and fuck you ‘til you screamed my name.”
You sputtered, an embarrassing sort of sound. It wasn't what you expected to hear. Ari Levinson wanted to fuck you? Since the moment you met?
“You what?” You asked, wanting to hear him say it again.
“I want you and I’ve imagined fucking you all over the bar every day since you started working here. The tables, the booths, the office, against the wall, even in the bathroom stalls,” he spoke, his voice deep and confident as you tried not to whimper. How were you already wet? “But not just that.”
You bit your lip. “What else?”
His gaze softened. “I think about your smile. You have such a beautiful smile.” You did whimper this time. Since when was praise so important? “And how you giggle at bad jokes. And how you sway your hips to the songs you like. And how you're just so fucking kind, even to those who don't deserve it.”
“You like me?” You asked.
“Yeah,” he whispered.
You held up a hand, your head spinning from his confession. “Wait. Hold on,” you said, trying to get your bearings and not throw yourself into his arms. You needed to have some self respect. “You’ve been an asshole to me because you like me?”
Why do men do dumb things?
Ari winced. “Not my smartest plan, I’ll admit, but I thought pushing you away before anything happened was the best move.”
“Why though? Why push me away?” You asked.
He clenched and unclenched his fists. “I don't like to mix business with pleasure. Been there, done that.” It wasn't a secret that Ari was single, but there was a story there. “But that doesn't excuse being cold toward you. And if you’re willing, I’d like to start over.”
You searched his gaze for sincerity and found it. “So would I.”
His expression softened more, relieved. The fact that he wanted to try gave you hope for things moving forward. “And maybe we can grab a coffee at the diner? Just talk?”
Your eyes rounded. Was Ari asking you out? “When? Now?” You asked.
He smiled. “If you’re free.”
You smiled back and shook your head. “Nope. Sorry, Ari.”
Ari's smile fell immediately. “No?” He repeated the word in disbelief. You were in disbelief yourself. “No you aren't free or no you don't want to hang out with me?”
“Any other day, I’d love to have a coffee with you and talk or for you to make good on that promise of bending me over the bar and making me scream your name. But tonight?” You batted your eyes for good measure. “No, I don't.”
“Oh.” Ari blinked and cleared his throat. “I guess that makes sense after how I acted.”
“It makes perfect sense. A quick apology doesn't get you off scott free for how you treated me,” you told him, taking a step closer yourself this time. “So change my mind.”
“Change your mind?”
“Yeah. Let's start over like you suggested and you find a way to change my mind. I'm not saying you have to be overly friendly during our shifts, but treat me a little better. Show me why I should give you a chance and ask me again later,” you answered, gliding your fingers along his forearm once you were close enough. “And I'll still be nice to you. I promise.”
“So, you want me to woo you?” He smirked after a moment, one that nearly made your panties melt. “I can do that.”
You giggled. “I think I deserve it.”
“You do. And my first step in mending things,” he said, offering his arm as he stepped back. “How about I walk you to your car?”
“You may,” you smiled, linking your arm with his. You felt him flex a bit and you almost giggled again, a spring in your step as you walked. One day you’d feel him pin you down with that strength. You’d be patient though.
After all, he promised to woo you first.
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How do we think he'll make it up to you? Love and thanks for reading! ❤️
Masterlist ⚓ Ko-Fi
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bigtreefest · 6 months
Outta Nowhere AU
Main Masterlist
How the chapters line up
Decks vs. Honeybee reader distinctions
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You Catch More Bees With Honey
(Mob! Bucky x Farmer! Reader)
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(Mechanic! Farmhand! Curtis x Bartender! Reader)
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The Rainmaker
(Mob! Steve x Forensic Scientist! Reader)
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f10werfae · 2 years
Pillowy Thighs
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pairing: Husband!Chris Evans x Plus size!Wife!Reader
summary: Y/n feels insecure watching all the other girls in the club, so Chris shows his wife why he loves watching her body move (requested by @aerangi )
Disclaimer: This story is fiction and should not be taken literally, the behaviour is simply imaginative and the content may be inappropriate
likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️
Chris Masterlist, Full Masterlist, Taglist Form
“What’s wrong honey? My sweet gorgeous wife” Chris whispered into Y/n’s ear, his hands kneading the flesh on her hips affectionately, his hands tracing each of her stretch marks as if he’d memorised them. “Nothin, maybe you should ask Jessica to dance” Y/n huffed turning away from him, so when he leant in for a kiss, his lips hit her full cheeks instead.
“Hey hey now, what’s up?” Chris asked furrowing his brows, not paying attention to the rest of the party on the dance floor, his eyes trained on his wife’s beautiful face. “What i’m saying is, maybe you should dance with Jessica, rather than someone like me” Y/n shrugged turning back to the bar, swirling the liquor mindlessly in her glass. Motioning to the bartender who had been ogling Chris for most of the night, Chris of course being polite kept the conversation short.
“What’s that supposed to fuckin mean? Someone ‘like’ you?” Chris growled spinning Y/n’s face back to meet his, his expression hurt and angry. “Well-“
“Well? Fuckin well what? I wanna dance with my sexy ass wife on the dance floor and watch how her body moves” Chris’ head dipped to Y/n’s, his stubble covered cheek against hers, as his hands slowly felt up her doughy thighs which he swear he could live between if he could.
“B-but mine doesn’t move like that?” Y/n whined crossing her arms over her middle, nodding her head towards the typical club girls which were going crazy on the dance floor, their bodies grinding up against each other’s and everyone around them. Chris’ eyes didn’t even stray once, instead.
“C’mere baby, come dance with your man, your husband” Chris grumbled interlacing both their hands together, his head looking her up and down, leading him to whistle out as he admired the blue jewelled dress she had on; it accentuated all her curves perfectly. From the curve of her breasts, to her stomach, to her waist and finally her pillowy thighs.
“Okay but are you sure I belong here? with you?” Y/n asked shyly, her hands holding onto Chris’ forearms as they found a less crowded corner, his lips already attacking her jaw and neck feverishly. “You’re right where you belong honey, in my arms. Now turn around and let me love on my wife alright?”
Nodding Y/n turned around, feeling one of Chris’ arms wrap around her from shoulder to shoulder, while his other hand groped her ass through the dress gently. Together with the fast beat, Chris turned her jaw to the side so his lips could meet hers, anyone around them if they dared to look could see the couple passionately frenching on the dance floor without a care in the world.
“Arms around my neck baby” Chris growled, both of his hands going to settle on her waist, guiding her hips to the music. Y/n slightly whimpered as she reached both her hands behind her head to settle on Chris’ nape, letting his hands shamelessly grind her ass onto his hardened cock.
“See baby? That’s how you make me feel, no body else can do that to me. Only you Y/n, just you” Y/n nodded now wiggling her hips backwards, “atta girl” Chris whispered kissing her shoulder once more, his hand moving up from her waist to settle just below her breast.
“You’re crazy if you think i’d ever hate these tits, just look at how they bounce, fuck, s’all for me honey” Chris chuckled lewdly, cupping both of them harshly, letting them just bounce in his hand as they both humped their bodies together. “So don’t you ever fuckin’ say that I should dance with someone else that isn’t my wife, I only dance with you” Chris growled jerking his hips harsher, both of them more or less fucking with layers of clothes between them.
“Y-yes I understand, m’sorry” Y/n whimpered, thankfully everyone else was too drunk off their heads to realise what was going on in that one corner. “Turn around honey” Looking into Chris’ eyes, both of their hips slowed down, the both of them lovingly just swaying their bodies together; all their hands wandering all over each other.
“I love you so damn much, n’ don’t you ever forget it, ya hear me?”
“Hear you loud and clear” Feeling his hands grab a handful of her ass, Y/n leant up and kissed him sweetly, his bottom lip between her teeth as she bit it softly. “This body of yours isn’t the only reason i’m with you, this beautiful mind of yours” Chris kissed her temple sweetly, “And this pure beating heart, which beats for hopefully just me” Chris chuckled pointing to her left breast, leaning down and kissing it sweetly.
“Stop being so cheesy, you’re turning me on even more” Y/n smirked pulling him by his collar, giggling as she pressed kisses to his neck and jaw, an array of lipstick stains now covering him. “Can’t help it, love you too much”. Chris breathed out in the middle of the kiss, before smashing his lips back against hers, the kiss turning sloppy and wet quickly.
“Hold on, let me appreciate my wife’s body a lil longer” Chris said hesitatingly pulling away, a string of saliva connecting their lips. Using his large hands, he turned her around and immediately bent her over, dancing against her body in the doggy position; his hips pounding against the soft pudge of her ass wildly. “C-Chris, fuck, leave this to the bedroom baby” Y/n whimpered, feeling her body being pulled back up flush against his chest, his hands around her waist as he kissed her head gently.
“If you say so honey, let me go grab your purse and we’ll get going” …
“Love your skin baby, always so smooth n’ soft like butter” Chris mumbled raining small wet kisses all over Y/n’s breasts, slowly making his way to her stomach where his hands massaged the flesh softly, even biting it every so often.
“How can you ever hate on yourself baby, you’re goddamn sexy, look at this” Chris said holding eye contact as he kissed her puffy pussy, his lips softly kissing and nuzzling into it as he breathed in her sweet scent. Y/n whimpered as she felt his tongue sort through her slick folds, his face coming back up, a wide goofy grin on him with his face wet with her sweet nectar. “Could eat ya all day honey, and these thighs, shit” He breathed out leaving open mouthed kisses on each one, coating them in colourful hickies just for them to see.
Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @pandaxnienke @patzammit @thereisa8ella @mrspeacem1nusone @evanstanwhore @itsaylayay1213 @kimhtoo17 @chrisevansdaughter @vrittivsanghavi @dumb-fawkin-bitch @tojisbabymomma @bxdbxtxh15 @madebylilly @tinyelfperson @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @cevansgurl @marvelgurl @royalwriteroftheuniverse @fdl305 @mysticfalls01 @mdpplgtz03 @mirikusashes @xoxokiaraaxoxo @caps-shield1918 @uwiuwi @stormcloudss @adoreyouusugar @imboredat2am @meetmeatyourworst @mansaaay @girl-of-multi-fandoms @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @alexxavicry @bookfrog242 @alina02 @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @oliviah-25 @s-void @roofwitty779 @ravenhood2792 @feltonswifesworld87 @bluebellsn @lastwandastan @angelmather1 @diyabhanushali1 @bval-1 @stuckysgirl27 @wintasssoldier @hatsparkle @daddymack01 @keiva1000 @acornacre @minaxcarter @thebaileybugle
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fatecantstopme · 2 years
If I Love You Too Much, I’m Sorry
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Pairing: Chris Evans x reader
Summary: I got the idea from Russell Dickerson's song “Sorry”. Chris expresses his feelings for you via karaoke.
Warnings: RPF. Use of pet names. Cursing. Smut, Oral (M & F receiving), unprotected sex (P in V)
You'd met your boyfriend purely by chance. Your friends had dragged you out to a karaoke bar one night and he happened to be there with some of his own friends.
You were slightly embarrassed to say that you didn't even notice him until he got up on stage to sing a song. The moment you heard him speak, you recognized his Boston accent.
"Tell me that's not Chris Evans," you whispered to your best friend, Andi.
She turned towards the stage, eyes widening. "That is one hundred percent Chris Evans."
"What the hell is he doing in a karaoke bar in the middle of the week?" you hissed.
She laughed and shrugged. "Girl, everyone loves a good karaoke night. Even famous people."
One of your other friends rushed over to your table with a couple drinks. "Dude, did you see Chris freaking Evans? He's on stage!"
"Yeah, Nic, we saw him," you said. "Hard to miss the hot guy singing freaking Led Zeppelin."
"Who picks a Led Zeppelin song for karaoke?" Cole asked in annoyance.
You chuckled. "Apparently Chris Evans does."
Cole rolled his eyes. "Straight guys are so weird." He took a long drink. "At least he's pretty."
You bit your lip as you turned to look over at him. "Pretty is not the word I'd use," you mumbled.
Andi smacked your arm and you laughed.
"Okay, so you're getting up there next, right?" Nic teased you.
"Absolutely not."
"Why not?! You always sing karaoke."
"Not when Chris Evans might see me. No way in hell."
"Oh come on," Andi said with a grin. "Maybe he'll fall in love with you after he hears you sing."
You threw a napkin at her and she giggled.
"One of you can get up there and sing instead. I'm gonna get another drink."
You crossed the room to the bar, not really noticing that the song had changed. You ordered your drink and patiently waited for the bartender to make it. He handed you the drink with a smile and you grabbed it with a thanks. You turned around, not really paying much attention, and ran directly into a firm, broad chest, spilling your drink all over yourself and him.
"Oh god, I'm so sorry," you said quickly, before looking up at the man you'd run into.
"It's alright, I kinda ran into you."
That thick Boston accent would have told you exactly who he was even if you hadn't been staring into his blue eyes.
You gulped, mouth suddenly dry.
He smiled at you warmly, taking you in slowly, eyes trailing over you before making their way back to your face. "How 'bout I buy you another one?"
"You--you wanna buy me a drink?" you squeaked.
He laughed. "Yeah, if you'll let me."
You nodded rapidly. "Sure."
He placed his hand on your hip to gently slide you over so he could get to the bar. Your whole body lit up, sparks igniting every nerve ending. You cleared your throat, trying desperately to be normal again.
Chris ordered you another drink before turning to address you again. He put his hand out to shake yours and said, "I'm Chris."
You shook his hand and mumbled, "I know."
He laughed, smile widening.
"Sorry--I don't mean to be awkward," you fumbled. "It's not every day you meet Chris Evans."
"Don't worry about it. Just think of me like a normal guy, buying a pretty girl a drink."
"I can work with that," you said with a smile, trying not to die when he called you 'pretty'. "I--uh, I'm (Y/N)."
"(Y/N)," he said your name as if he was tasting it. "Beautiful name."
"Thanks," you said, face heating up as a blush creeped into your cheeks.
Thankfully, the bartender finished your drink, handing it to Chris. He turned to you and handed you the drink. "Would you like to sit with me? I'd love to chat with you."
You gave him a smile you hoped looked normal. "I'd love to."
He put his hand on your lower back and gently guided you to a small table at the back of the room where it was quieter.
The two of you stayed and talked for hours, about everything and anything. You were surprised by how down-to-earth he was and you found yourself feeling incredibly comfortable with him.
You were still talking when last call went out. Chris looked surprised and you glanced around the mostly-empty bar, noticing your friends had left you.
"I didn't realize it was so late," he said.
"Yeah, my friends already left."
He glanced around. "Mine too. Can I get you a ride home?"
"Oh, thanks, but I actually live a couple blocks away. I'll just walk."
"At this time of night? Absolutely not."
Surprise lit up your face. "I do it all the time."
"What kind of gentleman would I be if I let you walk home by yourself?"
You raised your eyebrows. "Are you offering to walk me home?"
He stood up and reached out to help you up. "I am, indeed."
You laughed and slid your hand into his, letting him pull you out of your chair.
"Let me just go pay the tab," he said.
"Oh, I have to pay mine too."
"I've got it," he insisted.
"You don't have to--"
He waved you off. "Please let me. My mama raised me right."
You chuckled. "Alright, if you insist."
"I'll be right back. Don't go anywhere."
You watched as he walked away, disbelief suddenly sinking in. You'd spent hours talking to Chris and now he was paying your tab and walking you home. What the hell is happening with your life?
You smiled at him. "Absolutely."
"Lead the way, beautiful."
You couldn't help the soft sound that left your lips, but you hoped he hadn't heard you.
It was a beautiful night and the walk only took about 15 minutes. When you reached your apartment, you stopped and turned to him. "This is me."
He looked a little sad, as if he didn't want the night to end. "I have to say, I haven't enjoyed myself this much in a long time."
"Neither have I," you said honestly.
"Could--could I maybe call you?"
Surprise lit up your face for what had to be the millionth time that night. "You--you wanna call me?"
He smiled warmly. "Yeah, if you're okay with it."
"I'd love that, actually."
He took out his phone and handed it to you so you could put your number in. When you handed it back, he slid it into his pocket and took a step towards you.
You froze, allowing him to stop within an inch of touching you. He looked down at you and your eyes met his. You desperately wanted him to kiss you, but you weren't about to beg him for it.
He leaned down, pressing his lips gently to yours, taking your breath away with a soft kiss. You leaned into him, hands sliding around his neck to pull him closer.
The kiss was incredible, but so much shorter than you would have liked. When Chris separated his lips from yours, you let out a soft whimper at the loss of contact. He didn't step back and his hands didn't leave your face.
You heard yourself whisper, "Would you like to come in?"
He smiled at you, warm eyes filled with desire. "I would like that very much."
He followed you into your building and up to your apartment. The moment you were inside, he pulled you against him, lips attaching themselves to yours once more.
You weren't even sure how you made it to the bedroom, let alone how you'd lost every piece of clothing either of you had been wearing along the way.
To say the sex was incredible would be an understatement. It was, without a doubt, the best sex of your life. Chris pulled you into him afterwards and you fell asleep almost instantly.
When you woke up the next morning, you were surprised to feel an arm draped across your midsection. You turned your head and saw Chris sound asleep beside you, arm holding you tightly. You smiled at the sight, heart warming as you watched him sleep.
"You're staring, beautiful," he murmured softly.
"Sorry," you said sheepishly. "I thought you were still asleep."
"I was until you started staring into my soul," he teased, blue eyes opening to take you in.
You suddenly felt self-conscious, knowing you probably looked like a hot mess after everything that had happened the night before.
"You're so beautiful," he said reverently, reaching up to tuck a hair behind your ear.
You blushed. "Thank you."
You glanced over at the clock and gasped. "Shit! I'm gonna be late for work." You scrambled out of bed and ran to the attached bathroom.
"Sorry about that, sweets," Chris said, getting out of the bed and following you into the bathroom. "You're more than welcome to blame me for your lateness."
You laughed. "I just might." You turned on the shower and looked over at him. "Wanna shower with me real quick?"
"You don't have to ask twice."
What had begun as a night out with friends had magically turned into one of the best nights of your life and the beginning of something truly amazing.
Six months later, you were back in the same karaoke bar on a Saturday night with your friends and Chris, whom you'd been secretly dating since that first night.
Well, it wasn't entirely a secret. Your friends and family knew about the relationship, but it hadn't been made public yet. You and Chris had been very careful to keep it as private as possible, for your sake more than anything. He didn't like the idea of people invading your personal life just because you were dating him.
You'd begun asking him about making the relationship public a few weeks ago. You were willing to sacrifice your privacy if it meant being truly with him. It hadn't been very long, but you both already knew that this was going to be a long-term thing. You couldn't keep living like this and you knew it was taking a toll on him as well.
Your best friend, Andi, had suggested getting together at the karaoke bar you and Chris had met at. In her estimation, it was past time for the two of you to be together in public. Much to your surprise, Chris agreed.
You were all sitting comfortably at a table towards the back of the bar, relaxing and chatting. Your friends were talking about some nonsense and you turned to look at Chris. He was completely engaged in the conversation, nodding and laughing along with your friends' antics.
It warmed your heart to see him so happy and engaged with the people you loved. He was always so sweet and good with them, just like he was with you. You loved him so much, but you hadn't been completely comfortable admitting it to him just yet. It's like that old saying, 'when you know, you know'; and you sure as hell knew.
"Babe," Chris said again, waving his hand in front of your face.
"Hmm?" you hummed, shaking your head to clear it.
"Where was that pretty little head at?" he asked lightly.
"I was just thinking...nothing important."
He clearly didn't believe you, but he let it go. "I'm gonna go sign up to sing. Wanna come with me?"
"Oh lord. I think I'm going to decline tonight."
He shook his head. "You're missing out," he teased as he got up and headed to the other side of the bar.
"Hey," Andi said as she elbowed you gently. "What's up with you tonight?"
You shrugged. "My mind is somewhere else, that's all. But I'm okay, I promise."
Her eyes narrowed as she took you in, but her expression softened as she clearly decided to believe you. "He's really great, you know."
"I know," you smiled as you looked across the room at him.
"Oh I know that face."
"What face?"
"The one you're making, (Y/N)."
"I'm not making a face."
She raised an eyebrow. "Mhm. Sure." She leaned in closer and whispered, "You love him."
Your eyes widened and your head whipped in her direction. "Shh!"
"I whispered it!" she insisted. "Tell me I'm wrong."
"You're not wrong," you mumbled.
"Have you told him?"
"Not yet."
"You have to!" she insisted.
"You love 'love' a little too much," you teased.
"I know," she said dreamily. "I just love seeing you so happy, babe."
You leaned against her. "I really am happy."
She wrapped you in a tight hug. "Love you."
"Love you too, weirdo."
Chris made his way back to the table. "I'm up in two songs."
"What did you pick to sing?" you asked.
"It's a surprise," he said with a wink.
"As long as it's not WAP or something like that," Cole said dryly.
Everyone laughed.
"I would pay to hear you sing that," you said, laughing loudly.
"I promise it's not that," Chris insisted, still giggling.
The conversation drifted to other topics and you were engrossed in it. So much so, that you missed Chris getting up to go to the stage.
"Hey, everyone," he said into the mic.
You turned your head to look in the direction of the stage at the sound of Chris's voice.
"This song goes out to someone very special to me."
"Aww," Andi whispered.
"Shut up," you said lightly.
The first notes of the song started and your breath caught in your chest. It was a newer song, but Chris had been walking around his house and yours singing it for weeks.
Girl I wanted to apologize
For the way I've been acting lately
I been doing all kinda things
I probably just drive you crazy.
Gotta get it off my chest
Oh, and it just can't wait
It's something I ain't told you yet,
Baby, I just gotta say
Your heart was thumping in your chest loudly enough that you were certain your friends could hear it over the music. You knew every word to this song since Chris loved it so much.
Girl, I'm sorry for kissing you in front of everybody
For saying that we should leave the party
Soon as we walk in it
Have you outta that dress in a minute.
You hate it when I say it
You're so beautiful you oughta be famous
My bad.
Go ahead, you can blame it on me
If I love you too much, I'm sorry.
You couldn't breathe. For the first time since he first started singing this song, you let the words fully sink in. Your only thought was 'Is he saying that to me?'
Your friends were looking over at you to gauge your reaction, but you couldn't take your eyes off the man on stage. His gaze rested on you as he sang and you could hear the emotion in his voice. An emotion you couldn't quite place...or maybe just too afraid to.
Sorry for coming home early
When I was out with the boys downtown,
But there ain't nothing I'd rather do
Than come home and lay you down.
'Cause, baby, you're so perfect
I can't get you off my mind
So if I miss you
Gotta kiss you like a thousand times.
Andi leaned over to you. "Has he ever told you he loves you?"
You just shook your head.
"Well, I think he just did," she whispered.
Oh, I'm sorry for kissing you in front of everybody
For saying that we should leave the party
Soon as we walk in it
Have you outta that dress in a minute.
You hate it when I say it
You're so beautiful you oughta be famous
My bad.
Go ahead, you can blame it on me
If I love you too much, I'm sorry.
Other people in the bar had started looking in your direction, following the direction of Chris's gaze. Normally that would bother you, but in this moment, you couldn't get yourself to care. All you could think about was the way he was looking at you, mixed with the words coming out of his mouth.
'Cause I want you
And I need you
If I tell you too much
Then I just gotta say it
I'm sorry, mmm, I'm sorry.
Your body was reacting to his voice in the way it always did and you wanted him badly, more than you could recall ever wanting him before. You knew the song was coming to an end and you couldn't help but sing along to the last chorus.
I'm sorry for kissing you in front of everybody
For saying that we should leave the party
Soon as we walk in it
Have you outta that dress in a minute.
You hate it when I say it
You're so beautiful you oughta be famous
My bad.
Go ahead, you can blame it on me
If I love you too much, I'm sorry.
"You okay, girl?" Andi asked as Chris finished up the song.
"I think so," you said softly.
She squeezed your hand and you watched as Chris walked off the stage and started coming towards you. Several people's gazes followed him, trying to see exactly where he was going, and more importantly, who he was going to.
When he reached you, he didn't even hesitate. He leaned down and kissed you deeply in front of your friends and a room full of strangers. Your friends started whooping and other people in the bar clapped.
He pulled away from you, expression unreadable. "Wanna get outta here, baby?" he whispered in your ear.
"Please," you whimpered. You blushed, embarrassed by the pleading tone of your voice.
He pulled you out of your chair and practically dragged you towards the door. You gave Andi a look and she grinned ear to ear, waving at you as your boyfriend pulled you away.
He pulled out his phone as soon as you got outside and started typing.
"Baby? What are you doing?"
"Calling an Uber."
"Why? It's a 15 minute walk."
He turned to look at you with a hungry look. His pupils were lust-blown and you finally took the time to notice the desire literally oozing from his pores. "I'm not going to make it that long," he practically growled.
Warmth flooded your core at his tone, coupled with the way he was looking at you. You were lost for words, so you just nodded at him.
He squeezed your hand as you waited for the Uber, and thankfully you didn't have to wait long. You found yourself in front of your apartment door less than 5 minutes later.
Your hands were shaking slightly as you tried to unlock the door. You could feel his erection against your lower back as he pressed against you.
"Baby, unlock that door a little faster or I'm going to kick it down," he said, breathing heavily in your ear from behind you.
"I'm trying, but you're not making this easy, Christopher," you hissed.
He grinned against the skin of your neck, planting kisses and bite marks anywhere he could see.
You finally got the door unlocked and the two of you practically fell inside the apartment. It was reminiscent of your first time together, but his hunger tonight was absolutely unparalleled.
He spun you around and pressed you against the door, lips attacking yours instantly. He wedged his knee between your legs and you gasped as his lips descended to your jaw.
"Chris," you whimpered.
"I've got you, baby," he murmured against the column of your throat. "Gonna make you feel so good."
He gripped your hips and pulled you closer so you were flush to his body. The shift moved your clothed core against his thigh and you moaned at the friction.
He groaned softly. "Use my leg, pretty girl," he moved your hips in a slow rhythm. "That's it, baby."
Your head fell back against the door and you moaned again. "I want you, baby, please," you begged.
"Yeah, sweets? What'cha want?"
"I want you now, Chris. Please. Just fuck me."
He growled lowly. "Anything for you, baby."
He started to take your clothes off, hands tracing the curves he loved so much. He had you completely naked in less than a minute, but the only piece of clothing he allowed you to remove from his body was his shirt.
You watched him as he dropped to his knees in front of you and your eyes widened in surprise. "Baby?"
His eyes flicked up to yours. "Just lean back and let me take care of you."
He grabbed your leg and lifted it over his shoulder, giving him the access he needed to get to your core. He didn't even bother to tease you, diving into you with the hunger of a starving man.
You gasped in pleasure, hand immediately going to his hair, fingers entangling themselves in the thick locks.
Your moans mixed with the salacious sounds coming from between your legs, and you would have been embarrassed if it didn't feel just so damn incredible.
He moaned into your core as he messily slurped up your juices, tongue moving to focus on your clit. He slipped a finger inside of you, followed by another, curling his fingers in a come hither motion.
"Chris!" you cried in pleasure, fingers tightening on his hair.
"You gonna cum for me, baby?"
"Don't stop," you begged.
Chris grinned and went back to work between your thighs, coaxing you to your climax with skilled fingers and mouth.
Your legs began to shake as you reached your high, thighs trying to close around his head. Your voice was nothing but broken moans and whimpers of pleasure.
Chris's hands were the only thing keeping you upright as you came down. He stood up, holding you against him, making sure you didn't fall.
His lips met yours in a searing kiss, hands sliding down to your butt. "Can you jump for me, sweets?" he whispered against your lips.
He held onto your butt as you attempted a jump, his strong arms the only thing ensuring you didn't fall on the floor. You wrapped your legs around him and he carried you to the bedroom.
He tossed you onto the bed with a grin. Instead of crawling onto the bed with you, he started to slowly remove his jeans.
"Are you stripping for me, handsome?" you teased lightly.
He grinned wolfishly. "You like it?"
"I love it." You loved everything about him, physically, mentally, emotionally...all of it. The whole package.
He removed his pants completely, leaving him in just his boxer briefs. You eyed the large bulge, mouth watering as you thought about tasting him.
"C'mere," you said softly.
He smiled and crawled onto the bed, lips meeting yours in a passionate kiss. You pulled him down on top of you, hooked your leg around his hips, and flipped him over.
You straddled his hips, legs spread wide to fit around his width. He looked up at you in slight surprise, not used to you taking charge in the bedroom.
"What'cha doin', gorgeous?"
You smirked at him and slowly moved down his body, allowing yourself space to remove his underwear. You tossed them onto the floor and lowered yourself down to take him into your mouth.
"Fuck--that's it baby," he groaned.
You bobbed your head, tongue tracing the thick vein running down his shaft. You focused attention on his head, eliciting sharp moans from his throat.
Chris's fingers were entangled in your hair and he began to tug on it slightly. "Baby, you gotta stop--I'm--I'm gonna cum."
You moaned around his cock and he groaned in pleasure. He tugged on your hair more harshly, pulling you off his cock. You whined in displeasure, but that quickly turned to a shocked gasp as he flipped you onto your back.
"Sorry, babe, but I wanna cum inside you."
"How can I say no to that?" You pulled him towards you and he kissed your lips roughly.
The tip of his cock pressed against your entrance and you inhaled sharply. "Please, Chris," you whimpered.
"I've got you, gorgeous."
He started to enter you and your nails dug into his shoulders as his thick cock stretched your tight walls. No matter how many times you had sex, he always stretched you more than you'd ever been stretched before.
He thrust into you, burying himself entirely. He didn't give you time to adjust to his girth before he began to fuck you into the mattress, setting a relentless pace.
You cried out in a mixture of pain and pleasure, your nails buried into his back.
He groaned into your neck. "Fuck, baby, you feel so good. Squeezing me so nice."
"Chris, I'm--so close," you gasped out.
"I've got you. Let go for me, pretty girl."
Chris picked up his pace a little, thrusts slamming into your sweet spot, sending bright flashes of pleasure through your body.
Your nails raked down his back, eliciting a growl from deep in his chest. He loved it when you marked him up; he wore them like badges of honor.
"Cum for me baby, I know you're close."
Your moans were loud enough you were certain the neighbors could hear, but you couldn't find it in you to care. You held onto him as your orgasm crashed into you, coming apart with cries of his name.
Your orgasm triggered his and he came with a series of curses and a loud groan of your name, his seed filling you up.
He kissed all over your face and neck as you both came down from your highs. "That's my girl," he whispered. "Did so well for me."
He slowly pulled out and rolled to your side. He kissed you one more time, before getting up to grab a washcloth. When he came back, he cleaned you up gently before crawling back into the bed with you.
You settled in against his chest with a sigh. He pulled you in close and laid a kiss against the top of your head.
You finally had a moment to think about what had happened earlier in the evening and your mind began to race.
Chris seemed to sense your change in demeanor, feeling your body tense in his arms. "You okay, sweets?" he asked softly.
You nodded.
"Hey," he whispered. "Talk to me."
You slowly sat up and turned your body to look at him. You traced the design of one of the tattoos on his chest, eyes watching the movement of your fingers. "So...the song," you began.
"I shouldn't read too much into that, should I?"
He gently grabbed your chin, tilting your face up to look at him. "Look at me, pretty girl."
You lifted your eyes to meet his, biting your lip in worry.
He touched your face gently, eyes filled with adoration. "You're so beautiful you oughta be famous," he sang softly. "If I love you too much, I'm sorry."
Your breath caught in your chest and tears welled in your eyes.
"I meant every word, (Y/N)," he murmured. "I know we haven't been together all that long, but I love you so much. I can't imagine my life without you."
"Chris..." you whispered.
"You don't have to say anything, sweets, but I wanted you to know how I felt and that I don't wanna hide this anymore. I want the entire world to know I'm yours."
"Kiss me," you said softly.
He smiled and leaned forward to kiss you gently. He poured everything he was feeling into that kiss, and you did the same.
"God, you're so beautiful," he said reverently when he pulled away.
You blushed. "I love you, Chris," you whispered.
His eyes widened in surprise. "You do?"
You nodded. "I wanted to tell you a couple weeks ago, but I didn't want to scare you."
He chuckled lightly. "I thought I was going to scare you."
"I don't scare that easily," you teased.
"Thank god," he said with a smile.
"So...I guess we're public now?"
"I don't wanna hide this anymore, especially if you don't want to."
You shook your head. "I don't like the idea of strangers being in my business, but I love you, so it's worth it."
He pulled you back into him. "I love you, I love you, I love you," he mumbled into your hair.
You laughed and planted a kiss to his chest.
"Seriously, I'm going to say it all the damn time now. You'll get tired of hearing it."
"I don't think I'll ever get tired of hearing it."
"Good," he kissed your forehead. "'Cause I love you."
You laughed as you curled into him. "I love you too, dork."
He sighed happily. "I don't think I'll get tired of hearing it either."
You settled into him comfortably and traced the words 'I love you' on his chest, just to make sure he knew exactly how you were feeling.
He squeezed you tightly and kissed the top of your head one last time before settling in to sleep. "Sweet dreams, my love."
"Sweet dreams, Chris."
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lokiandbuckysdoll · 2 years
The Dress
Requested By @sarahrogersevans “ I had a smut request with the reader being with both Chris Evans and Sebastian Stan and also fluffing too afterwards with after care 😊xx if that’s an ok one???” 
Paring: Stucky x Reader
Word Count: 1K+ 
Dividers: @firefly-graphics
Warings: SMUT!, Safe Word used!, Aftercare, Fluff! ( i think that's all but let me know if i missed something)
A/n: I do not write RPF! So I made it stucky. i hope you like it.
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The moment you had left the tower for a girls night out with Nat and Wanda,  you knew when you got back you'd be in trouble by your two men.  When you were trying to figure out what to wear for the night, a certain dress in your wardrobe caught your eye.  
 You’d only ever worn this dress for special occasions, it was one of your favorites that Bucky and Steve had gifted you. You loved the silk satin material and the way it fit your figure perfectly while giving a small highlight to your chest area. 
 It also highlighted another asset to your body that Steve and Bucky loved, that's why they bought it for you in the first place. 
Whenever you did get to wear this dress it riled them up, you knew that the second you decided to wear it out tonight. You liked to tease them and get them worked up knowing the consequences that would follow.  
So girls night came and went on, you laughed, had a few drinks and danced. Nat even flirted a little with the bartender to get some free drinks. Overall it was a good girls night out just having fun and catching up with Nat and Wanda.  
As soon as your fun night ended with  the girls and you were back at the tower, that was when the real fun could begin. The elevator in the tower took you directly to your shared apartment floor. 
Right as the elevator came to a stop and the doors opened, Bukcy was quick to pull you out and corner you in the hallway that led to the bedroom.  
“ You're in trouble bunny” Bucky's voice whispers into your ear sending a chill down your spine, he pressed himself up against your backside making your front collide with Steve's broad chest. 
“Wearing this dress knowing what it does to us” his voice had a tone of authority as he lifted one of the dress straps to snap it against your skin. The action immediately making you wet.  
“ Aww stevie look, she's already getting  wet and the fun hasn’t even begun”  Bucky then began to kiss down your neck, his hands slowly moving to untie the back part of the dress. 
The action alone pulled a small moan from between your slightly parted lips, causing Steve to simply smile. His right hand moved to tilt your chin upward  “ You are in for a long night” he whispered as he inched closer to your face, admiring the look on it before placing a kiss to your lips. 
Everything happened in the blink of an eye, one moment you were caught up in a heated kiss with Steve. That you didn't even register that Bucky had  successfully removed your dress. It wasn't until Steve pulled away from the kiss and asked if you were cold he could see your nipples hardened through your bra.  
Next thing you knew you were being carried away to the bedroom. Steve laid you down on the bed and Bucky was all to be quick to help you remove your bra and panites. Just like that the fun began. 
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Steve and Bucky were both giving you punishment and pleasure at the same time. Together they over drove your body into a blissful haze. Pulling you closer and closer to your climax, then quickly stopping their actions on you and leaving you there as they pleasure each other.  
They were very attentive and soon gave you the release you needed and wanted after having you beg for it of course. They didn’t stop there though you were about to have your Third climax of the night when the pleasure became all  too much for you. 
You were currently on top of Bucky as he was thrusting in and out of you at a steady yet fast pace, Steve was behind you doing the same. One pulled out as the other thrusted in creating a rhyme. You were close but you couldn’t take it anymore because your body was getting tired. 
“ I- Stevie, jamie i- I can’t” you moaned breathlessly. Bucky unhooked his hand that was holding yours to examine your face. You locked eyes with him and said the word you thought you never would say. You said your safe word.  Steve and Bucky stop their actions immediately. 
After saying it your orgasm hit you and shocked your whole body. You fell forward shaking in Bucky's arms, not noticing how Steve had already slowly pulled out of you to lay next to you and  Bucky.  
“It’s okay, shh we got you doll” bucky carefully rubbed your back trying to gently calm you down. Steve pushed the hair that stuck your sweaty face back. “ You did so good for us” he cooed, kissing your forehead. You gave him a faint  smile trying to fully understand and comprehend what's happening while in  your orgasmic bliss.  
 Once you were fully calmed down, bucky told you he was going to pull out, you whined at the feeling. “I know,  I’m sorry” he kissed your forehead. You three laid there for a few minutes before Steve asked if you wanted to rest a little more or  have a bath.  
You opted for the bath, they carefully helped you into the water once it was ready. The warmness of the water immediately helps your sore and aching muscles. Steve sat behind you as Bucky sat in front of you.  
Silence filled the bathroom as all three of you just sat there relaxing. It wasn't until you whispered an “I'm sorry” that was barely audible if it weren't for their super soldier hearing. Steve and Bucky  both shared a look with each other, wondering why you would be sorry. 
“ What are you sorry for?” Steve questioned as he wrapped his arms around your middle and placed his chin on your exposed shoulder. You looked up into Bucky’s eyes and grabbed his Vibranium hand  as you spoke. 
“ I don’t know, I just feel like I disappointed you two because I said the safe word”  You quickly looked down in shame, but Bucky was quicker and stopped your movement to lift your chin so you could look at him.  
“ Never feel ashamed or disappointed  that you had to use a safe word during sex. Okay? Do you understand?” His eyes held a serious stare as well as his words, yet his voice came out soft spoken.  
“ Do you want to talk about what made you say it?” he asked, holding your hand  slightly tighter in his grip. You are hesitant to speak but Steve gives your shoulder a kiss as   encouragement. 
“ My body was just getting tired, and I honestly didn’t want to say it in case you’d get mad”  you don't know why but  you felt the need to cry. This time Steve kissed your cheek before he spoke. “ We made a safe word in order for all of us to feel safe with one another. Including you,  it's completely okay that you said it. ” He kissed your cheek again. 
“ We would never get mad at you, your safety is our priority” Bucky gave your hand a gentle kiss. You just hummed in response as you leaned back in Steve's embrace just enjoying the moment. They soon help you clean off and get changed into your sleepwear.    
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Once all three of you are cleaned and  are relaxing in bed, you take their hands and kiss them. “ I love you both so much” you smile. They both wrap their arms around you, Steve moves your head towards him to place a delicate kiss to your lips. Bucky does the same after him. “ we love you too, more than anything” this time you kiss them both. 
You adjust your body to snuggle up with the two loves of your life. Just as you're about to drift off into sleep Bucky speaks. “ Stevie she’s never wearing that dress out again” he smirks knowing you could still hear them. 
“Oh most definitely she's never wearing it again” You playfully elbow Bucky in his stomach and then go to hit Steve in his chest. Both of them fake as if they really got hurt  “ouch!” they say in sync. 
“ Keep talking and you won't see the lingerie set Nat helped  me pick out” you mumble already string to doze off. They both smirk. 
 “Will see about that,” Steve whispered as Him and Bucky both gave you one last kiss to your head before  pulling the covers over all three of you to sleep for the night.
Taglist: @vbecker10 @nana1000night @hannibals-favourite-meal @imyourbratzdoll @springdandelixn @missvelvetsstuff​
360 notes · View notes
Anything Scarlett x reader 🥰
One night, or maybe more
Warnings: First meet, fluff, night adventure
Word count: 1.1 K
Pairing: Scarlett Johansson x Fem!Reader
Prompt: Scarlett meets a girl who makes her feel like one more person, so, she invites her to spend a fun night with her all over town.
Requests: OPEN
[Main masterlist] [Actors and actresses masterlist]
*Story based, partially, on real events*
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"Ok, anyway, can you explain why I'm helping you choose clothes for a celebrity-filled event?"
My roommate and friend, Clara asked as she helped me get every last piece of clothing out of my closet.
"I already told you, my classmate from Italian literature class, Veronica, was invited to the party thanks to her Youtube channel, and since her best friend canceled, she thought of inviting me" I said as I began to connect the iron for the hair
"Wow, who do you think you know?"
"I don't know, I might know Henry Cavill himself" I joked, knowing that he would not be present at the party.
“Girl, never say never” She slapped my arm playfully “What do you think of these pants and this shirt with the back uncovered? It looks party-worthy, it's sexy and elegant. It's an 'I'm a bitch, but I'm an expensive bitch '”
We both laughed, but, she was somewhat right, it was worthy of a party the magnitude of tonight's.
"Clara, you are magnificent"
To say that it was a party full of celebrities was an understatement for the amount of famous people that were in that place. Figures like Jennifer Aniston, Chris Evans and even Madonna were present at the party, enjoying a cocktail.
"Wow, when you said famous, I didn't think it would be so many famous" I joked with Veronica
“I know, I didn't expect this quality either” she returned the joke, suddenly someone approached her and began to speak in her ear until she walked away “hey, I have to go interview the person who invited us; I hope I won't be long"
"Do not worry it's alright"
"Don't get lost" she said goodbye with a wink and a squeeze to my right arm
"No" I returned the smile seeing how he began to walk away "I'll stay here"
My gaze began to travel all around me, feeling a little self-conscious about the people, the noise and the great amount of talent that surrounded me, making me feel small, like a little ant.
Trying to get that feeling out of my body, I decided to walk to the small bar and ask the bartender for a drink.
After sitting for a long time, taking drink after drink, I felt like a body collided with my back.
I turned my head just to see that famous blonde hair, green eyes and that big smile.
Holy crap, Scarlett Johansson had bumped into me!
She ordered a drink, but surely she felt my gaze on her body, so she returned the gaze, causing me to look away and bow my head.
"I've never met you before, are you new to the guild?"
I turned my head, just to confirm that her question was directed at me.
"No, they invited me" I saw how her look changed, so I hastened to answer again "but don't worry, I'm not here in fan mode. Just… you know, I coming to party”
"Well, thank goodness" she laughed, placing a hand on my bare shoulder. "Well…"
"Y/N, my name is Y/N."
"Well, Y/N, what's a girl like you doing here?"
“I just came to accompany a classmate from the university…”
"University? What are you studying?"
“That sounds interesting… where do you study?”
"Sorry, I don't mean to sound rude, but why would an Oscar-nominated actress like you take an interest in the life of a college girl?"
She took the glass that had been brought to her and toasted my drink, forgotten on the bar.
"I'm just… interested in the life of a pretty girl"
The conversation was only going up, it didn't even seem like she was talking to one of the biggest stars on the planet. We were just two women having a light flirt as we got to know each other more and more. Until, little by little, the room became more and more crowded, making the conversation more difficult to carry.
"Damn, people are starting to tire me out" Scarlett began to complain, as she took the last sip of her drink "Do you want to get out of here?" she ask
"I know a place where we can have fun" she took my right hand, forcing me to get up from my seat and guiding me to the exit of the place.
Taking me on a late night adventure.
Scarlett took me on an express tour of New York City, she knew I hadn't had the chance to meet her in the few days of my stay, so she showed me everything there was to see. I took some photos in Times Square, we went through the art museum, we bothered a guard at the Empire State and I even took some of the statue of liberty. When I least wanted to realize it, Scarlett had brought me to the door of what looked like a school.
"What are we doing here?" I asked, watching as she brushed aside the vines to reveal a hole through which we could pass.
"Come, trust me"
And even so, without knowing her at all, beyond a public figure, still, I trusted her.
I got into the school and let her guide me to the pool and watching how she began to undress.
"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" I started laughing at the strange situation I was getting myself into.
"Do you want to swim?" When she was in her underwear, she quickly got into the pool, laughing and swimming until she was close to me again. "Did you know that I studied here?"
“Really?” I asked as I began to remove my pants "Turn around, I don't have a bra"
"If you want you can wear my shirt"
I took off my own blouse to put on Scarlett's and get into the pool. We both started playing and swimming.
When I least wanted to realize it, Scarlett's lips were on mine, in a heated kissing session, but with her hands holding my cheeks, trying not to bother me. She was just trying to be gentle with me, with soft but constant kisses; until the noise of my phone interrupted us. I quickly got out of the pool and answered the phone.
"Where are you?" asked Veronica
"Damn, I left the place, but I'm coming back now"
"I'll wait for you. You have 20 minutes to arrive”
"It's fine"
and hung up
"I have to go" I said as I began to dry myself and put on my own clothes.
Without realizing it, Scarlett got out of the pool and hugged my hips from behind.
"When I could see you?"
"You have my phone" I laughed "Just dial me and you could send a private plane for me" I joked with her, causing her tender laughter
"Maybe I will." she kissed my cheek.
"See you then" I kissed her lips.
"See you"
I don't know if I can post these days, but if I don't post before December 24, I'll do it until December 28, so… MERRY CHRISTMAS!, LOVE YOU VERY MUCH. Thank you very much for making this year a wonderful year. I love you (I know I already said it, bear a little more of my love) ❤
I hope you enjoy it
I appreciate the reblogs, the likes and the comments
taglist: @littlebitchsposts
message me or send an ask to be added to my taglist!
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When at the Oscars After Party
harry styles x fem!reader
Trope: love at first sight
Warnings: uhhh none I think
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You were twelve years old when your best friend, Josie, told you she would take you with her when she became rich and famous.
"I'm gonna have a huge mansion and a Mercedes Benz, and you can come with me to Hollywood or New York and we'll live together and travel the world. You won't have to work either, and you can come hang out with me on movie sets and it will be so fun," she rambled off. The two of you had sprawled out on your trampoline after some intense tumbling.
"Okay yes on the car and the mansion and everything but the me not working. I still wanna curate museums. That's like the perfect job," you responded, staring up at the sky.
"Fine, you can work with art and stuff, and I'll be a movie star," she agreed.
"Can I be your date to the Oscars?" You asked, hoping to secure the spot ahead of time.
"Only if Zac Efron isn't up for it," she shrugged.
16 years later and Zac Efron was not up for it.
So, now you were at some high end bar or something, mingling with an insane amount of wealthy people. One of the night's winners' costars offered to get everyone's tabs for the night, so you'd strode right to the bar while Josie chatted up Chris Evans in the corner.
"Could I get a martini, please? Three olives," You asked, dropping your forearms on the bar and putting your weight on it, rather than your heels.
For college, you and Josie had run off to Los Angeles with your savings and the assurance that you would both eventually be successful enough to pay off your debts. During your junior year, you'd scored an internship at the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and worked hard enough to score a job with them after graduation.
Josie went for audition after audition, scraping by in school but scoring smaller roles and appearances in movies before getting the job of a lifetime in a Marvel movie sophomore year.
After almost ten years in LA, you were offered a position at the Met in New York, coincidentally at the same time Josie decided she was 'over LA' and 'NYC would suit her'.
The money from your new job was great, you were very hardworking and very lucky. Maybe you didn't come close to Josie's wealth, but you did more than well enough for yourself. Enough to buy your own expensive shoes, even if you were wearing a dress from the rack of free clothing Josie was given but doesn't plan on wearing. No shame in it, someone's gotta wear 'em, right?
The bartender returns a minute or two later with your drink. You gave him a grateful nod before plucking the toothpick from the glass and sliding an olive off with your teeth, careful not to ruin your lipstick.
Sipping from the glass slowly, you started running your eyes over the crowd. You and Josie had arrived only fifteen minutes ago and there was an entire half of the room to get through still. The bar was in the shape of a circle, planted in the center of the floor. There were dark wooded booths with red velvet cushioning lining the walls, and an area in the back with upper level seating. Apparently there was even a hierarchy for the societal elite.
Your eyes danced over the faces in the room. Andrew Garfield was talking animatedly with Oscar Isaac, Ariana Debose and Daveed Diggs were telling some story to Lin Manuel Miranda in a booth across the room. As you looked around at everyone else, you could feel someone looking at me. you slowly glanced around at the other people surrounding the bar top, searching for the culprit.
Across the bar and three people to the left you spotted him. Sunned skin, soft brown hair, and green eyes that were planted right on you. When he realized you'd caught him staring, he didn't relent. He just gave you a small smile.
You stupidly closed your eyes for just a split second, to figure out if you were dreaming. You had been attending these events for years and you were rarely noticed by anyone other than Josie's coworkers and friends. When you opened them again, he hadn't looked away. Your eyes ran over his Gucci adorned shoulders and back up to his eyes. Your stomach whirled and you felt a wave of comfort and contentment wash over you. You could feel the heat rushing to your cheeks and ears.
You flashed a timid smile back at Harry. You watched him grab his glass of tequila and step back from the bar. Then, a flashy gold cocktail dress glinted in the corner of your eyes and you turned around to see Josie's dark skin glowing brilliantly in her dress.
"What was that?" She immediately asked, eyes wide.
"I honestly have no idea," you knocked back the rest of your martini and bit off another olive.
"You look like you're in love!" she laughed, earrings swinging as she twisted excitedly.
"Do I?" You stood straighter, heat rushing to your cheeks again.
"Holy shit. I know he's hot but god you look like you're actually swooning right now," Josie's eyebrows were raised to heaven and she looked at you in gleeful awe.
"I swooned for sure. Like I don't think I'll ever be the same. I would follow him anywhere," you spoke in complete seriousness. Josie said nothing else, just shook her head with a grin. "What?"
"Nothing," she stated.
"Something. What? Do I look stupid? Am I insane? Is there something on my face?" You rattled off questions.
"He's coming this way," she said smugly. Your heart jumped in pure panic.
"No he's not. Why the look? What was the look?" You refused to turn around to confirm her statement about Harry approaching.
"No he's definitely coming over here. The look was because you just fell in love after ten seconds of dreamy gazes between the two of you," Josie said with a smile.
"He can't come over here. There's no way, what do I even say?" You asked her, hanging on to her wrist as she backed away. You grimaced once she was out of your reach.
Play it cool.
Play it cool.
Play it cool.
You twisted back around to your original 'leisurely leaning on the bar for maximum shoe relief' pose. For three seconds you could feel the left side of your arm tingle as he got closer, like your body new he was near. At the fourth second, the tingle exploded and shot to your chest, flipping your heart around.
"Hi," you heard his voice. Your peripheral vision was taken over by him as he leaned forward onto the bar beside you.
"Hi," you repeated, finally turning to look at him.
"I'm Harry," he said, his eyes dancing between yours.
"I know, I mean Y/n, I'm Y/n," you failed a little at playing it cool.
"It's nice to meet you," he said, smiling as he reached his hand out. You rose from the bar, straightening your self out as he followed suit.
"It's nice to meet you too," you stuck your own hand out this time, watching as he shook it gently.
"I like the feathers," he lifted his other hand to run over one of the feathery pieces on the front of your dress.
"Thanks," you breathed out. He paused for a moment, like he wasn't sure if he should say what's on his mind.
"Will you run away if I tell you that I feel like I already know you?" He brazenly asked.
"Funnily enough, I feel the same way," you said, not oblivious to the fact that his fingers were still holding on to your own. His lips quirked before he spoke again.
"Do you believe in love at first sight, Y/n?" He questioned. His eyes hadn't left yours, and if it weren't for the sight of Zendaya just like twenty feet ahead, you would've forgotten anyone else was there at all.
"I do now," you nodded, meaning it.
Harry Styles Trope Series Masterlist
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𝙃𝙚𝙡𝙡𝙤 𝙚𝙫𝙚𝙧𝙮𝙤𝙣𝙚. 𝙄'𝙢 𝙗𝙖𝙘𝙠 𝙩𝙤 𝙢𝙮 𝙘𝙧𝙚𝙚𝙥𝙮𝙥𝙖𝙨𝙩𝙖 𝙥𝙝𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙞 𝙙𝙚𝙘𝙞𝙙𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙨𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙚 𝙨𝙤𝙢𝙚 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙘𝙝𝙖𝙧𝙖𝙘𝙩𝙚𝙧𝙨 𝙨𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙞 𝙝𝙖𝙫𝙚 𝙨𝙤 𝙢𝙖𝙣𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙩𝙝𝙚𝙢(it's a lie, i just want to make this everyone's problem).
𝙄'𝙡𝙡 𝙬𝙧𝙞𝙩𝙚 𝙭 𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙚𝙧 𝙤𝙧 𝙜𝙚𝙣𝙚𝙧𝙖𝙡 𝙝𝙚𝙖𝙙𝙘𝙖𝙣𝙤𝙣𝙨. 𝙃𝙚𝙧𝙚'𝙨 𝙩𝙝𝙚 "𝙙𝙤 𝙖𝙣𝙙 𝙙𝙤𝙣'𝙩 𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙩", 𝙥𝙡𝙚𝙖𝙨𝙚 𝙗𝙚 𝙘𝙖𝙧𝙚𝙛𝙪𝙡 𝙩𝙤 𝙛𝙤𝙡𝙡𝙤𝙬 𝙩𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙧𝙪𝙡𝙚𝙨 𝙬𝙝𝙞𝙡𝙚 𝙢𝙖𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙖 𝙧𝙚𝙦𝙪𝙚𝙨𝙩.
✎Characters I will write for;
Jeff The Killer
Laughing Jack
Homicidal Liu
Hoodie(creepypasta version)
Masky(creepypasta version)
Sally(not romantic way)
Ticci Toby
Lazari(not romantic way)
Nurse Ann
Ben Drowned
Bloody Painter
Judge Angels
Eyeless Jack
Nightmare Ally/Slender Doll
Jane The Killer
Dr. Smiley
Dr. Pain
Nina The Killer(version 1&2)
Candy Pop
Lost Silver
Glitchy Red
Cat Hunter
The Chess Master
Nick Vanill
Killing Kate
Nathan The Nobody
Papa Grande
April Fools
Suicide Sadie
Vailly Evans
Lifeless Lucy(not romantic way)
Sam(not romantic way)
Lily The Dollmaker(not romantic way)
Kate The Chaser
Hobo Hearth
Dark Link
Jason The Toymaker
Laughing Jill
Sadie Serenade
Candy Cane
Weeping Forest
Scarecrow Girl
Silent hunter
Gasmask Maid
Four Eyed Jessy
İris/Hung Girl(not romantic way)
Chris The Revenant
Asylum Nancy
Rainbow Factory
Wilson The Basher
Mary Vaughn
Will Grossman
Freddy Butcher
The Bartender 1941
Sarah lee
✎Characters i won't write for;
Armless Bob
Tails Doll
Smile Dog
Grinny Cat
Red Angel
Seed Eater
Ani The Wight
Pencil Neck
Mr. Widemouth
彡Things i will write;
General headcanons
X reader headcanons
X reader oneshots
Ships that i like
Crack plots(please indicate it)
And other things i didn't mention under this
彡Things i won't write;
Any kind of sexual content/smut(I'm asexual so please don't request it)
Ships that i don't like
Weird kinks
Way too much gore
Underage relationships
English is not my native tongue so please let me know my mistake in grammer and characterizations!
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jessybarnes · 2 years
J Snow's Any Fandom Goes AU Bingo Masterlist
Hello, my loves! Below you will find my Any Fandom Goes AU Bingo Card. The prompts are below the cut and will become hyperlinked once they're written. Thank you for reading and for your support ❤️
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Artist AU
Beach AU
Bookshop AU
Cowboy!Sam Winchester
Flight Attendant
Free Space - Obedience - Chris Evans x Actor!Female!Reader x Sebastian Stan - Also Written For Kinktober 2022
Historical AU - All Of Me - Steven Grant x Reader / Marc Spector x Reader
Human x Vampire - Scream - Vampire!Bucky Barnes x Human!Female!Reader - Also Written For Bucky Barnes Bingo and Kinktober 2022
King!Steve Rogers
Lawyer AU
Neighbor!Hermione Granger
Nurse AU
Parent!Harry Potter
Prison AU
Spies AU
Tattoo Shop Owner
Time Travel AU
Werewolf!Bucky Barnes
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misscherry-26 · 2 years
Smut request where Chris evans is dating a short and bartender reader, they fuck in the bathroom bar
Bathroom bar - Chris Evans
Summary: Chris decides to surprise you at work... And what a surprise
Pairing: Chris Evans x Short!bartender reader.
Warnings!: +18, Smut, unprotected sex.
Author's note: Sorry I'm late to answering! this past week I was so busy I barely had time to breathe. but finally, here it is. I Hope you like it and thank you for requesting 💛
P.S. I'M FERAL, LIKE DAMN! I'm in love with my own writing! 🤭🥵
P.S.² Mistakes will be corrected later!
Gif: @avengerscompound
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"Is it too late to order a drink?"
Because of the noise of the music and people talking, it was impossible for you to recognize the voice with your back turned, so when you turn around to see, you are surprised. Chris, your boyfriend is across the counter in the bar.
"Hey! What are you doing here?" Since you're not too tall to get at least part of your body on the counter of the bar, you go all the way around to go out and say hello to your boyfriend. As soon as you arrive, he wraps you in his arms.
You give him a slight peck on the lips.
"I got off work early and, I don't know, I wanted to surprise you."
"You came just in time because my shift just finished"
The place is full of people. And the lights are so dark that you can barely see people's faces. Chris takes advantage of this and lovingly takes your hand to guide it to... Oh... now you get it. so you respond by giving him a little caress.
As soon as the door of the bathroom stall closes, Chris catches you in a passionate kiss. Running his hands all over your body.
You don't waste time and unbuckle his belt. The hustle and bustle of gasps and moans inside the small cabin is drowned out by the music outside. Although both are so hungry for each other that, to be honest, you guys don’t care if someone listens.
Chris lifts the short black skirt you're wearing, the one that drives him so crazy, up to the waist and takes a millisecond to appreciate the fine fabric that protects your femininity.
“Damn baby, you just had to wear my favorite panties today” You giggle at the comment and, imitating his action when they were outside the bathroom, you take his hand and put it on your panties. Chris can't help but get harder at feeling how wet they are. “Wanna show me how much you like these panties?
That was enough for him.
“Turn around.” he says firmly, yet dominant, yet sweet.
Of course, you do as he said, and thank god you have platform shoes. Being a little shorter than Chris, doing this, without them, would be almost impossible to do. Chris licks two of his fingers quickly and rests them on your entrance to lubricate it more than it already is with your own liquids. And without warning, he slides his member inside your pussy. “Fuck-Fuckk” Both say at the same time. he increases speed taking you from the waist with one hand, and the other slipping it under your shirt and bra, to find your left breast and start playing with your nipple. “Oh my-Oh god, Chrissy” you moan.
“I know baby- Fuck!,” He thrusts his dick in and out faster. “I know” Now Chris’s hand moves from your breast to your clit to increase your pleasure. “Chris…Oh, Oh Chris–Yes–Yeah, yeah, yeah–” Chris continues to move fast, so fast that their bodies pound every time he penetrates you.. From the pleasure you feel in every fiber of your body, you move along with his movements.
Your muscles begin to tense. Chris witnesses this by seeing how your legs and abdomen contract and loosen, generating small spasms of pleasure. Your orgasm’s almost there.
Strongly he holds you by the waist. Hugging you from behind. Chris is also close to his orgasm.
“C’mon Baby, Don’t hold it” he thrusts inside faster and faster, hitting all of your sweet spots in your pussy. As a consequence, you can't stop moaning, you try to hold on to the wall but it's useless. “Chris I-I’m-” “Let it go. bathe him with your fluids. cream my dick baby girl”
You are in a limbo, about to take your body to the extreme. So lost that you can barely hear.
The bubbling in your lower abdomen begins to form. You are at the limit. You can't anymore and…
Both finally came together, his cum mixing with yours inside your pussy.
You and Chris take a few minutes to catch your breath.
Chris pulls away from you, gently turning you around and gives you a sweet kiss. a kiss that you return with love. Both smile happily.
"I guess this was more than enough to cross 'having sex in the bathroom at the bar' off the list, don't you think?" You giggle and nod. "I think the one we have to cross out is 'having sex at work'"
"Technically your shift was over"...
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ramp-it-up · 3 years
Bar the Door
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Pairing: Bartender! Frank x Bartender! Reader; Barkeep!Andy Barber x Bartender! Reader; Barkeep! Andy x Bartender Frank (Endings, Beginnings)
Part 6 of The Bar AU. Read the previous part, Set the Bar.
Word count: 3K
Warnings: 18+ Only, Minors DNI. SMUT! Not Beta’d. Read at your own risk. Bisexual sex, Daddy kink, Praise kink, mmf, lying, deception, seduction, jealousy, cheating, masturbation, safe words, slapping, oral (m/f receiving), squirting, anal sex, double penetration, after care, Angst. Unprotected sex (wrap that shit up!)
A/N: This one is out there! Let me know if you like it. 😃
I no longer have a taglist. Please follow @rampitupandread and turn on notifications to learn when I post! 😘
I Do NOT Consent to my work being reposted, translated or presented on any other blog or site other than by myself.
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
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You opened your eyes to Frank’s face and froze. What happened the night before happened, and you weren’t even drunk. You couldn’t assuage the sinking feeling in your stomach as you thought of how you would tell Andy.
What the fuck had you done??
You moved to get out of bed and Frank tightened his hold on you, drawing you back into his warm, hard body.
No matter how good it felt, no matter how much you wanted to snuggle, you persisted in your quest to escape the bed and succeeded, responding to Frank's grumble with the assertion that you needed to go pee.
You walked into the kitchen for a glass of water after a quick shower. You were wrapped in a towel, trying to figure out what next when you heard Andy’s key in the lock and the shower start at the same time.
You froze when he came in the door.
He saw you, dropped his bag and came over to you, picking you up in a giant bear hug.
“Hello, Sweetheart!”
You had no other words as you looked up at him. Then you came to your senses.
“What are you doing back?”
Andy looked at you, careful to smile. He didn’t want to scare you. It was time to be honest.
“Frank FaceTimed me last night and I came as soon as I could.”
You cocked your head, confused, thinking of when Frank would have FaceTimed Andy.
“Hey, You.”
You turned to see Frank leaning against the door frame, towel around his waist and water dripping down his chest, smiling at Andy.
Andy moved toward Frank and kissed him full on the mouth.
Your jaw dropped as everything clicked in your head. Everything that you didn’t even want to think came flooding through your brain.
Andy’s side piece, Frank sleeping in his bed, his interest in you and Andy. It all made so much sense. You processed it all and then went numb.
“Well, I guess I’m the fool here.”
You were trying to remain calm. Frank had gone to get some sweats and Andy watched and waited to approach you together.
“Baby Doll, you’ve got to listen.”
“Listen to what? Your sick plan to play me out? Did you FaceTime when we had sex Andy? Did you set me up, Frank?”
You tried to push past them.
“Move the fuck out of my way.”
They formed a brick wall.
“Not until you listen.”
“Fuck you both.”
They finally let you through and you went to the bedroom to gather your things. They spoke while you moved.
“We didn’t plan this. At first. Me and Frank were just a fling. I was all in with you. But when you went home for Thanksgiving, I realized I still wanted Frank too.”
You couldn’t look at Andy as he spoke. The betrayal.
“And I fell head over heels, Baby Doll.” Frank captured your eyes and you looked away.
“I was already in deep with Andy, and you. I know why he fell so hard, because I did too.”
Your mind was whirring. You wanted to burn down the bar but there had to be a better way.
“We both want you. And we want you to want us both. We want you to love us both.”
You finally turned around to look at Andy, Frank standing beside him.
You walked up to him and slapped him, the sound ringing off the walls. He reached up and touched his face as Frank squared up. You slapped him too. And just as hard.
You turned around and stalked to the other side of the room, next to the bed. You were shaking with rage.
Andy came up behind you.
“We deserved that. But we didn’t know how to say it. We just decided to show you.”
Andy pulled your shaking body against his as Frank stood on the other side of the bed.
“Can we show you, Baby Doll?”
Andy released you as Frank reached for his towel. Your eyes were transfixed as you heard Andy rid himself of his clothes, taking this moment of opportunity.
You watched his cock swing along his thighs as he moved to kneel on the bed and grab it, stroking it with long, languid strokes. You clenched when you remembered how it felt.
“Are your nipples hard for me?”
Frank cocked his eyebrow.
“Let Andy show you off.”
Andy came up behind you again, tugging on your towel and letting it drop as he palmed your breasts, then pinched your nipples. You groaned in pleasure as you thought of the possibilities.
You made a decision as Andy’s hands roamed all over you as both of you watched Frank stroking off. You felt Andy’s hard cock on your back and heard his hard breathing in your ear.
“That’s right Frank, baby, stroke that shit for us. Get it ready. Tell me, what did you do to our girl last night?”
Frank looked at you both with hooded eyes and licked his lips.
“Fuck Andy. What did she do to me?” He looked at you. “She ruined me.”
You arched your back and leaned against Andy as his hands roamed your torso, rubbing your belly, grazing your pussy and nipples with long fingers. He licked that spot on your neck that made you groan and then started pulling on your nipples.
“She made me cum just at the sight of her, and then, she almost sucked my soul out with that mouth of hers. You didn’t tell me it was THAT good. Shit, Andy.”
Frank reached out and trailed his hand up your thigh until he reached your dripping pussy. He looked both you and Andy in the eyes as he slipped four fingertips through your wet folds.
“She’s such a good fucking girl. For both of us.”
Andy spoke to you as he addressed Frank, leaning down to push two fingers into your cunt while Frank played with your clit. This was going to be sensation overload and you wondered how you would handle it. Your thighs started trembling as Frank continued his story.
“And then I tasted this pussy.”
Frank withdrew his fingers and brought them to his lips, painting them with your slick. He looked up at Andy, mouth wet, eyes pleading.
“It’s one of the last tastes I want to have in my mouth before I die, Andy.”
Andy’s fingers fucked you faster as he growled into your skin. Frank scrambled up and grabbed Andy over your shoulder, kissing him passionately as they both tasted you on his mouth. Frank’s hand slipped in between you two to your clit and you shivered as you watched the men kiss.
They drew apart and came for you, all of you sharing the filthiest three-way kiss as they made you cum with their fingers, your body shaking and vibrating between them.
Andy and Frank pressed you between their hard, taught bodies and supported you as they kissed your mouth, your skin, and each other. You slipped your arms around Frank’s shoulders and Andy held you both tight around your waists. Their cocks pounded, pressed on either side of you.
“D’you want more? More of us?”
Andy said it into your shoulder while Frank kissed the top of his head.
“I want all of you.”
Andy sighed and nodded. He had a couple of questions.
“I’ve been thinking about this a lot. You need safe words. This will probably be overwhelming.”
“Because we plan to make this all about you, Baby Doll. We both want more of that pussy. I’d love to have your ass. The only time I’ve been jealous is when Andy told me he’d had it. We want to make you feel good, Baby Doll.”
Frank's smile and sweet/nasty words did you in.
You sighed, still catching your breath from your orgasm.
“How about Sunshine for go and Rain for stop?”
Andy uncoiled himself from around you, creating space between you, you shivered as Frank did the same.
“Excellent choices. Now lay back and show us how we did.”
You could tell that Andy’s elbow was cocked without even looking at him, and Frank’s smirk told you that you were correct.
They fixed the pillows against the headboard and you reclined back against them. Each man kneeled on the bed, beautiful cocks bouncing in the air as they watched you, hands reaching for each other and your legs to slowly pull them apart and as you lay back and watched them.
You watched them stroke each other off, fascinated, licking your lips as they stared at each other, and then you.
You moved to sit up, wanting them both in your mouth. Andy pushed you back down.
“We’re going to eat you now.”
Frank lightly slapped the side of Andy’s cock.
“Don’t be so mean, Andrew. Let her taste.”
The way Andy ducked his head and looked down when Frank said that made you feel some kinda way. You’d never seen Andy submit. It was hot as hell.
You sat up again and grabbed both of thier cocks, feeling their heavy, but different weights in your hands. You moved up on your knees and stroked languidly while looking up at them through your eyelashes.
You tugged slightly so that the heads of their cocks were touching. Then you French kissed the fuck out of that beautiful mashup, your tongue slipping between their salty slits.
Andy opened his mouth and moaned loudly and Frank groaned deep in his throat as your saliva ran down both of their shafts, and you stroked them while taking turns deepthroating both. Soon your head was trapped between their abs as they started kissing each other, the lewd tower making you want more and more.
They pulled apart and watched you and making eye contact with each other.
“Fuck, Baby Doll. Andy was right. You’re gonna suck us dry. You need to stop… fuck”
“No, no, no. It’s all sunshine down here. I’m having fun.”
You grinned at them, face ruined with saliva and precum.
“Please. Please. Lay back, shit. Please.”
Andy begging was new, so you obliged, laying back on the pillows and tugging on your nipples with your Andy/Frank wet fingers.
This time, the men wasted no time grabbing each of your legs, pulling them wide, and diving for your pussy. Their tongues wrestled as they competed for your clit.
The sensations were too much as you grabbed handfuls of their hair and wrapped a leg around two different shoulders. Four fingers on two men’s hands fucked into you while they continued to kiss around yor clit.
Just the realization of what was happening caused you to cum, so forcefully that it took both of them to hold you down as they continued to eat you through it.
“Fuck, fuck, holy fuck!!!!”
“What’s the word?”
Andy was panting as Frank lifted your limp body on top of him, maneuvering you over his face as Andy held you from behind.
You said it as you looked down at Frank.
“Good, because I’ve missed this pussy.”
Andy bent you over, pushing your head into the pillows, and swiped his cock through your folds. You could feel Frank kissing your thigh as Andy slid in.
“Fuck! I’m home! Shit!”
Frank started sucking your clit and you could feel his hand rolling Andy’s balls against you as he was stuffed deep inside you. You could already feel the coil inside you tightening.
Andy started moving and Frank increased the pressure of his sucking as he moaned, Andy’s thrusts knocking your pussy into his mouth.
“Gotdamn. So tight. Imagine how tight you will be, how full you will feel, when we’re both inside you.”
You whimpered, tears leaking out of your eyes as you tried to hold it.
“You want that? You want me and Frank to fuck you stupid?”
You moaned, holding on by a string.
“Answer me!”
Andy pulled your hair and you gasped and moaned as he started thrusting deeper, hitting your cervix. Frank started pulling on your clit more insistently.
You opened your mouth to answer as your orgasm rushed through you like a wildfire.
“FUCK! Yes!! Both of you! I want both!!”
And you released into Frank’s mouth, trying to pull off when you realized, only to have him pull you back down as Andy pulled out and lay beside him, reaching greedy fingers in to try and get some.
“Lucky bastard.”
Andy was mad, but the happiest he’d ever been in his life. He laughed at you as you sat back in Frank’s chest, hand on your mouth, shocked as you apologized to Frank.
You watched Andy lean over and lick Frank’s face, then kiss him, and you grabbed them and scratched their scalps.
A wet, breathless Frank grinned at you.
“Never apologize for that. Just give me more.”
You got up and he let you go to the bathroom for a wet towel to clean him up. You were greeted to the sight of Frank sucking your juices off of Andy’s cock. Andy was leaned back on his arms, watching with adoration. It was close to, but not the same look that he gave you when you did that.
Suddenly, and much quicker than you’d ever been able to make him, Andy started cumming. He groaned and grabbed Frank’s head and held it down as he pistoned his hips up into Frank’s mouth. Frank swallowed everything and then noticed you were there.
He grabbed you and kissed you, giving you a taste of you and Andy on his tongue.
“Thank you Baby Doll. So sweet.”
You watched him clean up and then bring the hot, wet towel between your legs, the rough texture making you jump from sensitivity.
“What do you want now?”
“I’d love to see you fuck him. But right now, I want you both to fuck me.”
You pointed at Andy and then yourself and Andy sat up, dick coming back to life.
“Since you’ve been such a good boy and swallowed for us, Frank, you get to have my ass.”
Andy frowned. You kissed him, moving to face him as Frank went for the nightstand with the lube.
“Don’t be a brat.” You whispered in his ear and bit it.
Andy chuckled and slapped your ass as he sat back against the pillows, pumping his cock to get it ready for you. You suddenly changed your mind.
“I think Me and Frank need to fuck YOU.”
“Mmmmm. Our girl. So nasty. So good.”
Frank kissed your shoulder as Andy’s eyes got big and his dick became rock hard. He whimpered as you moved his hand to position his cock at your entrance and Frank rubbed the cool lube on both your and Andy’s holes. You started riding him as Frank pressed two fingers inside Andy, stretching him out.
Andy’s eyes were wide when you felt Frank move up against you, and watched Andy’s eyes shutter closed as Frank entered him.
“Daddy. Ma’am!” Andy’s lips turned into a delectable pout. “Fuck me.”
“Damn, BabyDoll. He’s never called me Daddy before. This must be just the right combination.”
Frank growled to both of you and then reached around for your clit as you started riding Andy and Frank started fucking him hard. You leaned back and let Frank do all the work as he moved Andy in and out of you as he did the same to Andy.
Andy’s mouth was open and he looked so delectable.
“Look at that little slut. You're our little cock and pussy slut, aren’t you?”
When Andy didn’t answer, Frank reached around you and slapped his face.
“Answer me!”
Andy gulped, opened his blazing blue eyes and said, “Yes Daddy. You and ma’am are fucking me so good.”
You started cuming again when you saw that, collapsing on Andy’s chest as you felt him pulse a little inside you. You held on for dear life, because you were exhausted. Four orgasms had ruined you.
Frank pulled out of Andy, causing him to whimper again. He reached for the wet towel and cleaned up, grabbing your ass as he did so.
“Wouldn’t want you to cum yet Andy, now would we? I’m not going to miss this ass. Especially now that she’s winking at me. What’s your word, Baby Doll?”
And Frank inserted his fingers inside your ass, scissoring them to loosen you up. Andy kissed the top of your head. You were so relaxed right now, you felt you could take on anything.
Frank stopped moving and Andy rubbed your arms.
“You gotta be sure. What is your word?”
The sweetness and care was it for you. “Sunshine. Please.”
You were confident now.
“Good girl.”
Andy’s cock swelled larger inside you and Frank moved behind you again, rubbing up against your hole. Your heart beat fast as he breached the ring of muscle, but then you relaxed again.
Andy and Frank whispered sweet words of praise in your ear, kissing and caressing every available ince of your skin as Frank moved deeper and began to set the pace again.
“So good Baby Doll.”
“You look so fucking pretty all full of our cocks.”
“Suck a good girl taking us like this.”
“You feel like heaven.”
“Best thing in the world.”
Frank and Andy found the rhythm, one pulling almost all the way out and then back in deeply, smoothly shattering your brain with each thrust. You could hardly catch your breath between the both of them.
You were loudly moaning almost non-stop with each stroke of their magnificent dicks as one hit your spot and the other met it on the other side.
“Fuck, Baby Doll. I can feel Andy through your walls. Never felt heaven before.”
“Fucking Nirvana, Sweetheart.” Andy groaned into your throat before catching a nipple and sucking hard. Frank was strumming your clit as you squirted between them, bathing all of you as you came for the fifth time.
“Holy shit!”
You choked it out, voice hoarse from screaming.
You could feel Andy’s hot ropes of cum stream inside you as Frank pumped faster, started cuming inside you, and then pulled out.
You rested your head on the pillows as Andy and Frank both kept your ass in the air as they cleaned you up kissing and licking your sensitive, tired body. Then you were made to go pee and drink some water and collapsed on the bed as more hot towels cleaned you more properly. You were basically passed out when you were tucked into bed with fresh sheets and told to rest.
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You slept like a rock for two hours when you woke to Andy’s empty bedroom. A note on the bedside table indicated that they had gone to the store to buy groceries for a meal.
You got up, showered quickly, and wrote your own note.
You gathered your things and left Andy’s apartment, going to your place to pack up there. You silenced and blocked Andy and Frank as they tried to reach you later, looking up and out of the window of the train as the snow covered terrain flew by.
You could have loved them both if they had just been honest.
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toastedkiwi · 3 years
chris x bartender!reader
He’ll sit at the end of the bar for the last two hours of your shift if he’s able to.
He’ll nurse a beer for that time or a brown liquor in a square glass.
You’ll talk with him when you’re able to while mixing drinks or when it’s quiet.
You both will go home after.
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bigtreefest · 6 months
Chapter 1: Shuffle With Me, Houston Stranger
From: Handiwork Series
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Pairing: Mechanic! Farmhand! Curtis x Bartender! Reader
Summary: Curtis keeps a busy life between helping out on the farm and running the garage. There are some moments and places that give him reprieve, though, and one of them happens to be a bar where a certain sweetie works.
Word count: 3,386
Content/warnings: not many, mentions of drinking and alcohol, bar setting, weird vague emotional states, another guy hopelessly head over boots (what else is new, y’all should know this is how I write all my love interests at his point), menacing foreshadowing
Author’s Note: this takes place at the same time as chapters 3, 4, and 5 of YCMBWH and chapter 1 of The Rainmaker. You can technically read it alone, but the other stories help fill in some gaps. Check out the rest of the AU!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Outta Nowhere AU | Series Masterlist | Next >
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Curtis walked into the shop with sore shoulders and a slight ache in his heels from a long day of unexpected work and standing. His cousin had called him in to help out with a few chores at the farm since she had to run the Friday farmer’s market, so the day was long and tiresome.
The last thing he wanted to do right now was go through and double check his books for the auto body shop, so he decided against it. Even if he went through everything tonight, it’s not like it would be quality work.
He figured he’d just quickly make sure everything was in its place in the office and the garage to make paperwork easier for him on Monday and work easier for the guys in the morning. Then, he’d be able to join his cousin and her new farmhand at the bar.
Curtis was organizing his socket wrenches by size when he heard a rattling sound become louder behind him. He turned as he sensed it coming closer, seeing an old truck pull into his garage.
He looked down to check his watch. The shop had been long closed by now, and he had places to be. Based off the noise though, he couldn’t deny something was definitely wrong with the vehicle. If Curtis weren’t such a good man, he would’ve turned the patron away, but there was no saying how far a truck that sounded like that could possibly get.
He tilted his head, examining the vehicle and attempting to peer through the glare in the drivers side window when the engine turned off and he saw a pair of old, comfy shoes step down from the cab. His eyes traced up the body before him and Curtis was speechless. Your hair was just tucked under an old ball cap, nothing fancy.
“Hi, I hope you don’t mind, I’m not sure what this sound means and was hoping you had time to take a look at my truck. I know you guys are closed, so it’s no rush, but I’d really appreciate it. I’d rather know where my car is than get stranded out in the middle of nowhere.”
Curtis continued to stand there, mesmerized by you until he shook his head back into the present. “Oh, um, sure. I think I have the evening free, so let me just check on a few things real quick and I can take a look at it.”
Curtis pulled out his phone to text his cousin that he wouldn’t make it to the bar tonight.
He stuffed his phone in his back pocket, going to grab a chair from the front office as you followed. “Never good when a truck that old makes a sound like that.”
You nodded along. “Oh trust me, I know. Darn thing’s even older than me. Usually I’m able to figure out the minor stuff, but this is beyond what I know.”
Curtis nodded when he went to set a metal folding chair down by where you had pulled the truck onto one of his lifts. It scraped against the concrete floor, and he was surprised by the way you simply looked at it, as if you were offended that he’d want you to sit down.
“Oh, by the way, I’m Curtis, I own this shop.” The mechanic stuck out his hand, cleaner than you would’ve expected, and you shook it, introducing yourself.
“Ah, it’s nice to meet you. One of my coworkers actually suggested I come here when the truck started acting up. Said his best friend was the big cheese.”
Curtis laughed. “Um, he used those exact words? Or are those yours? Where are you from?”
You shook your head. “Oh no, sorry, those were my words. I think he just called you the boss, he’s the bouncer at the bar?”
Curtis clicked his tongue as he walked over to the hood of your car, propping it open. “Okay, you’re talking about my buddy, Edgar. Yeah, I’m glad he sent you to me. He works some shifts for me now and then. So you’re new to town? I go to the bar pretty often, I’ve never seen you there.”
You nodded your head tentatively. “Yeah, didn’t think it would be so noticeable I just moved here from Houston, but I’m really from here and there, lived almost everywhere. Been working at the bar for about a week now.”
Curtis nodded as he looked deeper into your engine, testing the tightness of parts and how full each fluid was. “Well how about that. Yeah, we don’t get too many people moving here, but I’m sure it’s a nice change from the city.”
You nodded and hummed, walking over and leaning under the hood of the car with him. “Agreed. I don’t think many mechanics would be this patient with me out there.”
Curtis lightly chuckled as he looked up at you over his shoulder. “Well I’ll be honest with you, patience is one thing, but you probably won’t think I’m very kind when I tell you this truck probably wont survive the next time you take a far journey if you plan to move…”
His small smile was replaced with a grimace. Maybe if he knew you were leaving soon like you seemed to do so often, he could hold himself back more. He could tell himself that there was no point in being attached, being himself for you to see. He’d hold off on the kindness that poured out to everyone he knew and loved, because it would hurt for you to take it and leave.
Your face held a small smile, though, despite his look of worry. “Well what if I planned on staying?”
Curtis looked back into the engine in an attempt to hide the redness in his cheeks. He was warm at the thought of you sticking around. He jiggled the loose part he found, grunting from leaning over so far, before he spoke up, partially avoiding your question.
“Well, you see this right here. I’d replace it and say it would be good for another couple of years.”
You beamed. “That’s good news!”
Curtis stood up to his full height and for the first time, you noticed just how towering his stature was. Anyone else would be intimidated from a distance, but from this proximity, you could see the kindness in his eyes.
“Yes and no.” It came out softer than he had intended. “I’ve gotta make a special order, and it will probably take at least a week to come in. Do you have another way to get to work?”
You nodded. “Yeah, my apartment isn’t too far from the bar. Walking shouldn’t be an issue.”
He looked at you skeptically. “Are you sure? I know you guys have some pretty late shifts.”
“Curtis, I’ll be fine. I’m tougher than I look.” He sighed in response.
“Alright, if you say so. I’ll put in for that part and in the meantime, your truck can stay here.” He walked over to the workbench and scribbled on a piece of paper, tearing it off and handing it to you.
“Here’s my personal number. In case you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to call me. I could even set up a ride for you if you change your mind.”
You took the paper, creasing it in the middle and stuffing it in your pocket. “Well, I’ve got a shift tomorrow and I think I might get there on time if I start walking now. Bit of a ways to my place from your shop. Any chance you could drive me home so I can sleep?”
Curtis sighed and checked his watch. “Yeah, I guess so, considering I’m holding your car captive. Come on, I’ll close up and we’ll get you home.”
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As you waited for the new car part to be delivered to the shop, you kept working. Bills had to be paid. You had to keep living.
You were surprised the next day at work when Edgar had offered to walk you home after your shift, and every night after then, but didn’t question it. You were just appreciative to have a nice coworker you could trust.
Another surprise was the amount of take out orders that you’d have to give out from the bar. Most of which were going to a certain handsome mechanic.
It was Wednesday night, and the fourth time he’d come to pick up dinner this week. The man must really like cheese curds. You didn’t question it, though, as you handed him his order, asking for updates and waving goodbye with a somber smile as he left too soon, and spoke very little.
What you didn’t know was that Curtis had food at home, sitting in his fridge as he opted for the extra opportunities to see you. You also didn’t know how much he feared opening up his mouth and exposing himself by saying the wrong thing to the first person to make him nervous in a long time. Curtis was generally steady, driven, easygoing, but he could feel that world, that demeanor, start to tilt.
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Curtis had a long week. A week much longer than he expected with the extra work he had to do out on the farm instead of in the shop. Sure, he was getting along better and better with Bucky, but that didn’t change the fact that there was too much going wrong.
Cole, that little shit from high school, was back and Curtis’s cousin had gotten stuck in a mine. There was no time for sleep, let alone stopping by the bar with this much of a crisis going on.
As soon as the rocks collapsed in the mine, Curtis was freaking out. “We have to call the police, the fire department, someone to get her out of there. She might not be injured now, but I can’t say the same if there’s a secondary collapse. We need to do something. Now.”
Bucky grabbed him by his collar. “No. No police. It’ll ruin everything.”
Curtis put his hands up in surrender. “Okay then, what do you suppose we do, big guy?”
Bucky paced back and forth, biting his thumbnail with worry. “Gimme a second. I’m figuring it out.” He stopped in his tracks. “Who all knows about the mines?”
“What? What does that ha-“
Bucky cut Curtis off. “Who. All. Knows?”
Curtis shook his head and shrugged. “I-I don’t know, not many people. Me and her, her college roommate, and Jake. That’s it, I think.”
Bucky rapidly reached into the pocket of his jeans and handed Curtis a card from his wallet. “This is my associate Sam. You’re going to call him and tell him those names. We’re gonna need all the help we can get.”
Curtis immediately pulled out his phone, trusting the judgement of his new friend. He called Sam, telling him everything he could about those who were close enough to have heard of the mines. After that, he got to work.
He assessed what all would need done in the next day and did as many small tasks as he could, staying up until he could greet the helpers on the way.
All Curtis wanted to do was sleep, this was taking a toll on him, but he did his best to not let it show, to not become a grump. He just put his head down and made himself useful while Bucky waited back at the mine. At the first available opportunity, he was going to drop into a bed and nap. This week was stretching him thin.
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Meanwhile, you continued to work at the bar. After seeing him for several days in a row, it was concerning that Curtis seemingly fell off the face of the Earth. Surely that wasn’t your business, though. Maybe it was just a coincidence he was ordering food so often before. He had better places to be, like work, or maybe on a date.
Why would you care, though? He was just the nice guy fixing your car. There was no way he was going out of his way to visit; probably just had some late nights at the shop and that’s why he picked up dinner, not to see you. Anyway, work was always busy enough for your mind to be occupied. You’d at least see him again hopefully once that coveted car part came in.
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After a much easier Saturday at the farm, Curtis was ready to have a nice, relaxing time at the bar. As the crew he came with went inside, he hung back to talk to Edgar. He clapped a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey man, how’s it going?”
Edgar patted him back. “Good, I’m good. Been walking your girl home like you asked. She’s working tonight.” A smirk crept onto his face as Curtis looked down.
“But besides that, what’s going on with you?”
Curtis sighed and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolded it. He turned a picture of Cole Turner towards Edgar.
“Um, I’m alright. A little stressed, but I’m hoping you can help. I’ve got something for you.”
Edgar looked up from the piece of paper. “What’s this?”
“Someone who we need to make sure stays out of here. And if you see him, you let me know, okay?”
Edgar nodded. “Sure thing. Have fun with your girl.”
Curtis rolled his eyes and walked through the door to catch up with everyone else.
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You were pouring out drinks for the group that came in when a familiar tall, broad form approached from the doorway. You took in the way his shoulders pushed at the flannel fabric of his shirt as he sauntered into the room. You couldn’t help the way the smile already on your face grew to see him again.
“Oh hey, if it isn’t the big cheese.” He laughed at the nickname, shaking his head as he moved to take a seat at the bar.
“Yeah, sorry I haven’t been in for awhile. Had some family matters to attend to. Speaking of which, that’s them over there.” He gestured toward the group who had just ordered food and drinks from you before heading towards the booths on the far side of the room.
“Ah! Okay, in that case, this is for you.” You grabbed a short rocks glass from the lower counter in front of you and set it up on the bar top in front of Curtis. The glass made a small thud against the finished wood as you looked at him.
Curtis tentatively grabbed it and sipped. After swallowing he hummed.
“Sweet. Like a cherry.”
You nodded. “Oh yeah. That’s because it’s got extra cherries. Your buddies over there said you’d drink whatever, so I made you my favorite.”
Curtis lowered the glass and looked at you deeply with his warm, burning sapphire eyes. His voice grew low and raspy. “I wasn’t talking about the drink.”
He winked at you and you had no idea how your legs didn’t fail you right then. You were able to quickly recover, though, shooting a remark right back.
“Maybe if you’re nice, I’ll let you test that conjecture.” You could see his cheeks grow warm at the suggestive statement. You grabbed your rag and threw it over your shoulder, leaning closer to the towering man who was just confident, now evidently bashful.
“Curtis, are you…blushing?”
His eyebrows were quick to arch as his attempt of a scowl failed to break through past a shy smile. “No! Blushing is fake. It doesn’t exist. That’s just an old wives tale.”
You looked at his skeptically, not even attempting to hide the laugh that burst out. “What do you mean you think it’s fake? You’re so red right now.”
Curtis’s eyes shifted around the room, unsure of how to respond. “I just feel really…warm…when I look at you.” He muttered so low you could barely hear it.
You wanted to keep pushing before his embarrassment made him turn away from you.
“Hey listen, I’ll be back. I’ve gotta check in with the group, but keep this stool saved for me?”
You nodded. “Sure thing.”
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As soon as Curtis returned, he was glued to his chair. He spent the entire evening chatting with you, asking about your life, and telling you about his on the farm and at the shop.
You were honestly grateful for the one bit of peace on a busy bar Saturday night. Every chance you got, you were leaning against the counter by him to take a breath, watching his friends ride the bull and dance together. What a group of great people.
“So, have you been able to make it home alright this week? I’m sorry that truck part still hasn’t come in yet.”
You nodded as you poured a line of shots for a group of girls waiting on the corner. “Yeah, it hasn’t really been a problem. Edgar’s been insistent on walking me to my door, which helps me feel better when it’s that dark out. Just makes me feel bad, though, because I think I finish a little later than his shift time is supposed to be.”
“Well that’s nice of him. If you want, I can drive you home tonight. Might take some of that load off if you’re worried.” Curtis’s eyes watched you slide the shots to the patrons as you came back to his seat and sighed.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you staying here later than you have to, either. It’s really okay. I can definitely take care of myself.”
Curtis shrugged. “I don’t doubt that at all, Cherry. But I’m offering. And I’d be a fool to prematurely end one of the best nights I’ve had in awhile. I really don’t mind.”
“Okay, then. Sounds like a plan.”
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As the night was winding down, and Curtis’s group had already come over to close out the tab, the two of you watched the remaining people prepare to head out. Who was Curtis that he knew someone with a black card? Supposedly they were business associates of the farm. Was farming really that lucrative? You guessed so.
You rejoined the present as the last few slow songs came on the juke box and Curtis held out his hand.
“You know how to dance?”
You scoffed, “Curtis, I’m still working. But yes, do you think I could’ve gotten by all this time without a little bit of knowledge?”
He shook his head. “I would’ve been worried if you did. Come on, there’s hardly anyone left. Shuffle with me, you little Houston stranger.”
You sidestepped the bar and walked out the small half door to join Curtis on the dance floor, holding both his hands and looking up into his eyes. “I’d say we’re hardly strangers now. You don’t learn nothing after hours of talking like that.”
You began to swing to the twangy music, holding each other close. Curtis twirled you and pulled you into his chest where your ear could hear his racing heart. The warmth and the scent of his cologne were comforting. His arms blanketing you, shielding you from all other thoughts besides this moment. As the song faded out, you realized you two were the only ones left besides the other employees doing the final tidying up before shutting down for the night. You reluctantly pulled your body from Curtis, left only holding each other’s hands.
“I should probably go help with the closing duties. Can you wait for me by the door?”
Curtis nodded. “Of course. I’ll be ready whenever you are.”
Curtis watched you go back to your cash register as he walked back towards Edgar, keeping an eye on you the whole time.
“So, anything interesting happen tonight?”
Edgar nodded with with wide eyes. “Um, yeah. That guy you gave me a picture of, he came by. Threw a fit when I wouldn’t let him in. Some dude in fancy clothes and a mustache was with him, too. Not sure what that was about, but they at least respected the badge.”
Curtis huffed and nodded. “Okay, thank you.”
This was not good. Curtis pulled out his phone and texted Bucky.
Next >
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Bonus A/N: Tbh, even I don’t know where this story is gonna go, but I love Curtis a lot and will need some time to find a niche plot that will do him some justice.
I hope you enjoyed. Comments, reblogs, and likes are sooooo appreciated.
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smediumsmeatbae · 4 years
And They’re Always Glad You Came
TITLE: And They're Always Glad You Came PAIRING: Bartender!Chris Evans X Reader SUMMARY: After being stood up on a blind date, a certain blue eyed bartender wants to cheer you up WORDS: 2.5K WARNINGS: Smut, swearing, fluff, brief mentions of cheating, reader feeling sorry for herself, bad smut writing (probably, idk) A/N: I think this was supposed to be a drabble but ended up being a one shot as I got carried away with this fic.  This fic was made for the prompt: "Bartender!character and you having sex on the bar after it closes" by @the-ce-horniest-book-club. Hope you guys enjoy! I had a lot of fun writing this. Likes/comments/reblogs are always appreciated!  As always, don't be a dick and post my stuff elsewhere without my permission. 
You were still on your first drink that you had been nursing pretty heavily for the past hour. You had been stood up, and by a blind date, no less. You were pretty sure the night couldn't get any more humiliating. Who gets stood up by a blind date? 
About a year ago, you had caught the supposed “love of your life” happily in bed with another. Your friends had understood, at first, your apprehension about dating someone else. As the months progressed though, they became less and less understanding and you had less and less excuses to use. Sara, your friend, had talked you into dating a friend of hers that was “so perfect” for you. He was smart, funny, charming. He was a lawyer at a reputable firm and was looking to make partner within a year. You had exchanged text messages with him and made a plan to meet at a local restaurant for drinks after work. You had even decided to sit at the bar to make it easier for your date to find you but apparently that wasn't an issue anyway. Had he seen you and backed out? You decided not to dwell on it too much. Not being good enough for yet another man in the span of a year was almost too much.  
Even the bartender was seeming to take pity on you as he came to check on you every so often. You had started out the evening giving out such a good, positive vibe. Now? Not so much. His voice got softer and sweeter every time he came over, as if he was tending to an injured doe and didn't want to spook you off. At least he was very easy to look at with his neatly trimmed chestnut colored beard and crystal blue eyes. His hair was a little longer in the front and shaped nice and short in the back; it had a little bit of product in it but not enough to be obnoxious. He was tall with slender hips and a built upper torso. Christ almighty, was he built. He probably had no issues lifting the kegs in back for the beers with his broad barrelled shoulders and thick as hell arms. You hoped he didn't notice you staring at him. You didn't know how much more hits your ego could take in one night. Or maybe… you did want him to see you stare. You imagined him lifting you up in those strong arms and taking you over the bar top… Jesus, get a grip! You didn't even know him and already you were left wanting. 
“How you doin’ sweetheart.” He came over to check again. You noticed a slightly New England accent that made you melt a little.  "Well… I think I'm going to give up the ghost on this and call it. He’s not coming." "Date stood you up?" The man asked, genuine curiosity on his face.  "Worse." You admitted, your cheeks flushing slightly. "A blind date."  "Ouch… that sucks. If you don't mind me askin', what are you doin' on a blind date anyway? You're too pretty of a girl for all that." "Thanks." You chuckled out an awkward laugh. "Just too busy for actual dates I guess. My friend took pity on me and set it up. It's the first date I've been on in a bit."
You don't know what was making you admit to all this. Maybe it was because he was a bartender and they're used to hearing life stories. Maybe it was because he looked so trustworthy, like you could tell him anything. You were spilling top secrets and you couldn't put your finger on why. He didn't seem to mind though, his kind eyes and sweet smile were trained on you, genuinely interested. 
"Hey, you want a coffee or somethin'? My treat." He offered. "I'm Chris, by the way."
He stuck out his hand to you with a smile and you shook it, the feeling of his hand in yours electric. 
"Thank you. That's very kind of you, Chris. I'll take tea if you have it." "Comin' right up." Chris nodded as he started to prep your tea. 
As he turned back around to set up for your tea, you got a look at the back of Chris. His broad shoulders were even more impressive from the back than the front and it gave way to your imagination of his toned back muscles. He also had an impeccable ass. You bet you could bounce quarters off that bad boy. You shook your head, trying to get your thoughts off of practically a strangers rear out of your mind. You never ogled someone this much before but there was something about him that just drawed you to him.  
The next couple of hours seemed to go fast. The two of you talked about everything from your families to hobbies, favorite music, and what movies you thought were terrible and great. The bar was dead so it allowed Chris to put his focus on you and you not feeling like you were getting in the way. You found so many other things in those two hours that attracted you to him even more than physically, if that was possible. Chris was well spoken, kind, and funny. God, was he funny! He had you laughing for a solid 5 minutes, tears streaming down your face, telling stories about the stunts he used to pull with his younger brother Scott. It had begun to feel like more of a connection with him than you had felt for anyone in quite some time. The butterflies that you thought had long ago died, were fluttering furiously in your stomach. 
A comfortable silence came between you, where you were both just looking at each other. After a beat, Chris cleared his throat and began wiping down the bar top for the night. He had done most of his closing duties while talking to you and was basically just running out the clock. 
"Hey, I only have about 30 minutes left on my shift. Do you wanna maybe go get a drink after this with me?" His blue eyes looking straight into you, making you blush. "Yeah, I'd like that." 
His body seemed to ease in tension after that, as if he was waiting for you to say no. For a man who looked like Chris and was so charming and sweet, you doubted how he got told no often. You liked that about him, though. He didn't know that he looked as hot as he did, or at least didn't put on airs about it. 
The next 30 minutes seemed to go by at a fairly clipped pace. Servers came up and cashed out their tips, making small talk with Chris as they left for the night. Soon, it was just you and him in the entire restaurant. You got off your chair and went over to the opening of the bartop. Chris met you there, a shy smile on his lips.
"So, what d'you want to drink?" He asked. "You." You murmured.
You took charge, grabbing onto his shirt and pulling him to you, not being able to stand the electricity between the two of you any longer. You had never been so bold, never been so forward with a man before but Chris… God you couldn't help it with him. You kissed his lips hungrily, as you snaked your arms around his neck. He, in turn, put his big hands on your hips and massaged them with his fingertips. He broke away from the kiss with a breath.
"Don't take this the wrong way but I was kind of hoping that your date wouldn't show up so I could be alone with you." Chris chuckled in your ear.  "Oh is that a fact?" You giggled. "Well I've been checking you out all night so I'm glad he chickened out too."
You continued kissing him, your hands running down his shoulders, squeezing them gently. Your hands went down the solid wall of muscle on his pecs and abs and you got to the hem of his shirt and began to tug. You both broke the kiss for a second as he helped you take off his shirt. You slid your hands back over his chest, loving the feeling of his chest hairs against your hands, and curled your fingers around the nape of his neck before you went to kiss him again. He stopped you and you looked at him questioningly for a second. 
“D’you want this?” He asked, his dark blue eyes bore into you.
Nodding your head, you scraped your fingernails along the nape of his neck. God, he was working you up so much.
“I need you to use your words, sweetheart.” He whispered gravelly in your ear as he nibbled on your lobe, sending a shockwave straight to your core. “Yes Chris, I want you.” 
That was all Chris needed to hear. He grabbed your waist and turned you around to face the bar top. He swept your hair from your back to leave wet kisses on your neck, his hot breath leaving goose bumps on you. His hands, wandering achingly slow down your sides, grabbed on the hem of your shirt, and pulled it up, kissing and licking where new flesh was found until the shirt was off of you. You were grinding your heated core into his hips, feeling his erection against you, growing by the second.
“Goddamn, you're so beautiful...” He whispered against your shoulder, giving little kisses and nips.
He wrapped one of his arms around your waist, his hand grabbing your hip and squeezing. You would probably be sore there tomorrow but what a way to get a bruise. His other hand came up and cupped the opposing breast, thumb moving down the fabric of your bra. He drew light circles on your nipple until they were hard as pebbles. You mewled at the feeling, throwing your head back so that it was leaning on his chest, eyes closed and breathing hitched. He had enveloped all of your body in his arms. 
The hand that was grabbing onto your waist left and started travelling south towards your aching sex. He cupped your mound in his hands moving fingers over the fabric. You bucked slightly against his hand, craving for movement from him. 
“Gonna make you feel so good.” He cooed in your ear as he moved his hands up your skirt, past your panties, and into your folds, feeling how wet you were. You were suddenly glad you wore a skirt. He hummed in approval as he gently stroked your clit. Moaning out, you wrapped an arm around his neck to steady yourself as he kissed and sucked on your neck. He pulled one finger inside you, then another, alternately pumping into you and working on your clit. You could feel the coil in your stomach rapidly tightening as Chris worked on you. 
“Oh… god Chris… I-I’m gonna... “  “I got you baby. Let go for me.” The coil snapped as an intense orgasm shook through your body. Screaming out Chris’s name, you rode his fingers coming down from your high until you were back on earth again.  “Jesus Christ....” 
You breathed out as you turned around and grabbed his face, kissing him deeply, your tongues darting in and out of each other's mouths, passion building again. Your hands dropped from his face and moved down his hard chest and abs, feeling him flex against your fingers. You found his belt buckle and undid that, then unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down, his fly coming undone in the process. Tugging on his boxers, it didn't take long for his manhood to spring free of their confines, standing proud and ready to play, precum leaking out of the tip. He placed his hands against the bartop, giving himself a place to steady himself as you placed a hand around him and started running your hand up and down his shaft. Chris groaned and bucked his hips forward into your hands, his head pressing onto your shoulder. 
You stopped stroking him and he whimpered from the loss of contact. You took your hand that was wrapped around his neck and pulled his head close to you, getting his ear right next to your lips. “Need you, Chris. Please.” HIs breath was ragged as he nodded his head. He grabbed your butt and motioned you to jump. You did, wrapping your legs around him. You felt like you were weightless in his arms as he held you. He positioned himself near your entrance and pushed in, you both moaning as you took him in. He felt so big around you; pleasure and pain mixed as you stayed still for a second to get used to his delicious size. 
“Fuck, you’re so tight.” He groaned out, taking a couple of deep breaths so that he wouldn’t climax too early. 
Slowly, he started to pump into you, moaning and hot rasping breath on your neck as you weaved your fingers through his hair and tugged on it. You let out little moans as well, your body feeling electric and super sensitive as you felt him going deeper into you until he was at the hilt. You wanted him, needed him to fuck you harder, a storm in your eyes as the full feeling finally washed over you and you craved motion. You scratched a long line up his back with your fingernails, eliciting a growl from him and he picked up the pace, eyes lust blown and needing to reach his peak. 
“Yes, fuck yes… right there!” You cried out, throwing your head back in ecstasy.  “You like that? You like it, huh?” “God yes, more!” 
Still holding onto you, he swiveled around and sat you down on the bar back. He grabbed your right leg and lifted it to rest on his shoulder, allowing him to get a new angle with you. You cried out in pleasure as his dick hit your g-spot over and over and over. You could hear the bottles of alcohol clink beside you as Chris rutted into you. 
“I’m so close.” You moaned out, grabbing the bar back with your hands so you could match his thrusts.  “Me… too…”
He reached down in between your bodies and rubbed tight circles on your clit with the pad of his thumb. Your back arched, eyes slammed shut, and all you could see was white as another mind blowing orgasm rocked you. You shouted out incoherently with shaky breath, walls clenching around his cock, milking it. Shortly after, he followed, a string of curses and your name leaving his lips as his thrusts became sloppy and his head fell forward onto your chest. 
“Wow…” He breathed.  “I know... Me too.”
He looked up at you, a small smile forming on his lips. 
"So… how's about that drink?"
TAGS: @angrythingstarlight @cheeseburgersstuff
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thewhitejournal · 5 years
the handsome barkeep
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(AU) steve rogers x reader
prompt: in this au, steve works as a bartender at a bar that your more extroverted friends drag you to. how will it go?
warnings: alcohol, cursing
want a part two to this story? like and reblog. thanks so much!
the theme song for your favorite show fills the air around you. the softest blankets you own wrap themselves around you. your favorite comfort food in your lap and fuzzy socks on the ottoman, this saturday night is sure to be an amazing one.
suddenly, your phone buzzes with a text from one of your more…extroverted friends. let’s just say she parties more than she breathes.
‘hey (y/n)! i know you’re sitting on that couch, but get your ass up and ready because me and the girls are picking you up to go out drinking. don’t try to tell me you don’t need it. see you soon! xoxo’
a groan erupts from deep in your chest. your friends always seem to drag you out when your plan is to have a marathon night in. throwing off the blankets and turning off the tv, you rise from the couch reluctantly. the food goes in the fridge for later, and you shuffle into your bedroom in search of something to wear.
after pulling on a black party dress and slipping into some heels, you add light makeup to your face and fix the rat’s nest atop your head to make it look decent. who could you possibly meet tonight, anyway? you always end up being designated driver for your friends that didn’t go home with some stranger for a night filled with regret and bliss.
putting some things into a clutch, you wait on your porch. not long after stepping outside, whistles from an suv belonging to your friend sound around you. you laugh, shaking your head at them.
climbing into the backseat, the short drive to a nearby bar begins. songs that you all used to listen to back in high school come over the radio, and how could you not sing along with them?
you reach the bar and not long after entering, some friends retreat to attractive bar-goers. some wander around to dance. the girl that invited you slips some money into your hand and requests you get shots for all of you. you do so hesitantly, not really wanting to be here at all.
sliding into a barstool, you sigh and look at the drinks on the shelf, resting your head on your hands. the handsome bartender filling up the glass of the man next to you catches your eye. he talks to the man as if they’re friends. maybe they are, who knows? you mind your own and turn your attention back to the shelves of alcohol.
a mutter from the dark skinned man the bartender was speaking to causes you to look up, and he’s smiling at you.
“can i help you?”, you ask, returning the smile. the bartender’s friend is handsome too. he chuckes, taking a swig of his drink.
“he’s not going to make the first move, especially with you being as beautiful as you are, so you’re probably going to have to take the first swing.” he speaks to you in a low voice. you scoff.
“what’re you-?”
“don’t play with me, girl. i saw you making eyes at steve. now, go get him.” he speaks in a humorous tone. with that, he gets up and saunters out the door.
steve, hm?
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vxntagedior · 3 years
wedding bells
summary | you had your bad thoughts but chris shut each of them done
pairing | mob!chris evans x fem!reader
warning | fluff, angst, like barely though
word count | 1.3k
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You dreamed of your perfect wedding since you were a little girl, the dress, the flowers everything down to the color of your nails. It had always been portrayed to you as this magical moment you would get to spend with the person you would be with for the rest of your life.
And Chris didn’t set the bar low.
You met the mobster when you were 24, fresh out of graduate school, working at a bar while you were an intern for a CEO, Chris’s cover job at the time. The two of you officially met while you were bartending, at the bar he owned which you didn’t know at the time.
He kept a watchful eye over you after he found you worked for him. You always assumed he never had the time of day for you but after he sat down at the bar, it was game over.
Sitting on the highest floor of the building, seeing the rain fall against the New York streets, your hands rested against the railing on the balcony. No matter how long you lived with Chris, you couldn’t get over the view. In the center of the Upper East Side, giving you a beautiful look at the park overlooking the city.
“My love.” Chris called from inside, so in the moment, not hearing your fiance call for you nor hearing come out to the balcony to join you.
You stiffened slightly when he touched before melting into his hands.
“I called you.” He whispered, his arms rubbing up and down your arms, feeling your goosebumps. “It’s time to come back inside, you’re gonna freeze to death.”
You had spent the last 6 months planning your wedding, Chris giving you free reign, letting your dreams come true, just sitting back, watching you shop and eating a few slices of cake here and there.
Coming back into the master bedroom, the warmth envelops you, a small sigh leaving your body. Your hands were still wrapped yourself trying to warm you up again, watching Chris disappear into the bathroom, hearing the bath faucet turn on before coming back out.
You smiled at the man in front of you, always putting your needs first, making sure you felt comfortable and safe. Since moving in with Chris, you noticed the small changes in the penthouse, more art on the walls, the house always smelling like burnt wood, you turned his place into a home.
The tub was big enough for the two of you, mostly Chris, letting him fully extend his legs, letting you sit in between them. He showered you in love, making sure that everything he did in his life was to benefit you.
Staying in the penthouse in the middle of the city wasn’t long term for him after he met you, Chris imagined the two of you moving upstate, living in a city that was fairly small, having a house big enough for a few kids to play around.
He imagined himself with you for the rest of his life.
“Are you ready for this weekend?” You whispered, moving the bubbles around the tub. After months and months of planning, your wedding date is coming up this weekend. You talked about it constantly, keeping him up to date with every detail, just for him to smile and nod along. “You haven’t talked about it much and I don’t want you to regret anything.”
Your voice was meek, scared that he would say he didn’t want to marry you.
“I’m ready.” He said, kissing the top of your head. “I have been ready since the day I met you.”
You exhaled, melting more into his touch, feeling better than you were an hour ago.
Waking up in the arms of your fiance for the last time, the two of you nourished the moment together, before someone started pounding on the door, probably Sebastian and Scarlett, both ready to take you to the venue.
“I’m gonna miss you.” You whispered against his chest, your arms tight around him.
Chris tried not to laugh knowing you’d see him in a few hours. Patting your bum, sending you off with Scarlett, Sebastian smirked looking over at his best friend.
“Who would have thought?” He laughed. 
“Shut up.” Chris rolled his eyes.
The venue was everything you dreamed of and more, caterers and decorators were running around, getting everything set up to the way you wanted. Scarlett pulled you away before you could continue watching, bringing you up to the bridal suite.
Your makeup artist and hair stylist had already been waiting, practically pushing you into the chair so you could get started.
“You look nervous.” Your makeup artist said, “giving me wrinkles.”
“I mean who wouldn’t be nervous.” You sighed. It wasn’t guilt or cold feet, just a realization of what was to come in your future, Chris always said once you were in, you were in for life.
“I know you aren’t getting cold feet.” Scarlett yelled at you from the other room. 
“I’m not, I’m not.” You said. “I’m just scared, I just want to be with Chris and not worry about anything else.”
The rest of the time gave you a minute to compose yourself and realize you’d marry him no matter the circumstance.
The photographer had come in just as you were finished, being able to get snapshots of you alone before your father came for you.
“Look at you.” He smiled, kissing your cheeks. “My little girl is growing up.”
“Stop.” You slapped him lightly. “You’re going to make me cry.”
The two of you walked from the top of the venue, taking the grand stairway, you could hear the music and the small chatter from the people in the hall. Your grip tightened on your father as the two of you got closer and closer.
“You know it’s not too late, I have my keys in my pocket and we can book it.” He teased.
“No, no.” You laughed. “I’m ready.”
Two servers pulled the curtain, letting you see down the aisle, you stood in place for a while, just looking at everything, everyone.
Chris stood under the altar, black suit, his hair slicked back, you watched as he brought his hand up to wipe away the tears.
Your guests stood, watching you walk down, whispering among themselves quietly, their eyes trailing on your back, as you started to walk up the steps.
“You promise you’ll take care of my little girl?” Your father asked.
“With my life.” Chris swore.
Helping you up the rest of the way, your hands laid delicately in Chris’s, looking in his eyes.
By the end of the ceremony, there hadn’t been a dry eye after hearing both of your vows, seeing the clear love and devotion between the two of you.
You squealed when Chris kissed you, his hand wrapped around your thigh pulling it up, dipping you down. The rest of your families cried and cheered for the two of you.
Chris eagerly pulled you out of the ceremony, wanting just one private moment with you knowing there wouldn’t be many throughout the rest of the night.
“Hi wife.” He smiled, the two of you pushed against a wall in a secluded room.
“Hi husband.” You pecked his lips.
Chris didn’t say anymore, dipping his head down to kiss once more, before pulling away, but continuing to pepper you in kisses all over your face.
“You’re gonna mess up my makeup.” You tried pushing him away, his arms wrapped around you. “And we need to go take photos with everyone.”
“No.” He said bluntly. “Wanna stay with you.”
“I know, baby.” You said sweetly. “How ‘bout a couple photos and then you can help me change.”
You watched his eyes light up like a child getting an extra dessert, starting to leave the room, tugging you along.
Laughing at the antics of your husband, you smiled, knowing he was one you were going to be with forever.
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