#Christopher Davis
sheltiechicago · 1 year
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“Haerenga (Journey),” Christopher Davis, of New Zealand.
In the World of WearableArt, 88 Dramatic Garments Grace the Stage in a Spectacular Performance
All images © World of WearableArt
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Estère in the 2022 competition
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Left: “Apocalyptic Angel,” Sherri Madison, of the United States. Right: “Wild Things,” Saar Snoek, of the Netherlands
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“Call of the Kōkako,” Stephanie Cossens, of New Zealand
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akajustmerry · 6 months
I would also really encourage people to read up about Russell T Davies and Julie Gardner and how they treated Eccleston while shooting season 1 of Doctor Who in 2004/5. A good place to start is Eccleston's memoir where he writes in detail about how insensitive RTD and BBC producers were to his health struggles, and the rights of the crew which Eccleston helped fight for that got him blacklisted by the BBC. There are also plenty of interviews where Eccleston talks about how hard he had to fight Russell on using his natural accent. RTD was also showrunning Doctor Who and Torchwood the whole time John Barrowman was sexually harassing cast and crew. When I say I don't like RTD Who it's not just a subjective thing of not liking his ideas, there's very tangible reasons to do with how he's treated people in the past. I hope he's changed, learned lessons, etc. But the BBC have made a huge effort to bury this stuff because it's bad publicity for them, and people really need to remember he's not the perfect showrunner the PR hype wants you to believe. Don't fall for nostalgia.
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khruschevshoe · 6 months
You have to understand that the reason why Nine is my favorite doctor is not because he is grizzled or edgy or a bad boy- it is because he is, fundamentally, kind. He is full of hope and optimism and compassion and he tries to convince himself that he is wrong to do so because the world tries to convince him otherwise (Jabe's death, Dalek, Adam, the Time War, the Slitheen, etc.) And yet at every opportunity he is given he is in awe of the majesty of the universe and the wonder of human kindness and Rose is important because she reinforces this over and over, her ferocious humanity, her relentless empathy, her flirty teasing, her incredible warmth, the fact that she reaches out to a Dalek with kindness.
And it's not just Rose, either- there is Jack and Cathica and Jabe and Lynda with a Y and Harriet Jones and even Mickey and Jackie, they are all so incredible, so flawed and complicated and wonderful and Fantastic.
I love Nine because he is hopeful and kind and a coward, not a killer, any day. I love Nine because of the absolute sheer, healing joy we see as he gets to shout "Just this once, Rose. Just this once. Everybody lives!"
I love Nine because, at his core, he is the Doctor. He is a healer. He is angry and traumatized and carrying the weight of the universe but most of all, his heart, damaged and broken and so full of love for the universe and humanity and one girl in particular that he welcomed the time vortex into himself without a single regret. He regenerated not with tragedy or regret, but with pride and optimism.
I love Nine because "You were fantastic, Rose. And you know what? So was I."
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based Doctor who
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there-is-only-air · 10 months
Recently bought a copy of Billie Piper’s autobiography, and there where some very cool photos about and behind the scenes of Doctor Who:
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the return of david ten-inch
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orbitbrain · 2 years
HYAS Unveils New Tool for Continuous DNS Monitoring
HYAS Unveils New Tool for Continuous DNS Monitoring
Home › Network Security HYAS Unveils New Tool for Continuous DNS Monitoring By Kevin Townsend on August 08, 2022 Tweet Canadian security firm HYAS Infosec has released a new DNS protection tool dubbed HYAS Confront that was designed to provide clear visibility into DNS transactions into production networks. While there are existing corporate network DNS products available, Confront is claimed to…
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nawowow · 2 years
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The Lord of the Rings trilogy The Fellowship of the Ring (2001) The Two Towers (2002) Return of the King (2003)
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abraincellandahalf · 27 days
You start watching Doctor Who for the whimsy and the fantasy of having first hand knowledge of the past and future and the silly alien person and their police box, but you stay in the fandom for episodes with one word title that will absolutely ruin you forever
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thefiresofpompeii · 2 months
thank god the effects are still terrible the beatles look nothing like themselves and the new DWM cover looks like it was designed by a 12 year old in clip art. ncuti is out there in a new teaser proclaiming himself the last of the time lords. a street in cardiff was recently plastered with incredibly obvious DON’T WORRY TRUST THE GOVERNMENT posters and some fascist guy named conrad demanding the people keep their heads up. bird monsters are infiltrating regency england. anyone feel 2005 in the air tonight? disney money can’t touch a thing <3
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mathilde-with-an-e · 7 months
since doctor who is trending, lemme share the nine/rose tribute I made using studio ghibli music that youtube blocked
other videos here
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maraschinocheri · 6 months
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It was 20 years ago (ish) :: Empire magazine publishes The Lord of the Rings: A Celebration, a special booklet enclosed with the magazine's January 2004 issue, which was released in December 2003. The booklet carried interviews with the principal cast of the LOTR trilogy as well as a significant amount of the creatives involved. The photography was taken in Watford, New York, Wellington, London, Sydney, Los Angeles, Surrey, Melbourne, and Vancouver between February and October 2003. Shown here: Ian McKellen (Gandalf), Elijah Wood (Frodo), Billy Boyd (Pippin); John Rhys-Davies (Gimli/Treebeard), Dominic Monaghan (Merry), Sean Bean (Boromir); Orlando Bloom (Legolas), Sean Astin (Sam), Viggo Mortensen (Aragorn); Miranda Otto (Eowyn), Andy Serkis (Gollum/Smeagol), Liv Tyler (Arwen); Bernard Hill (Theoden), Christopher Lee (Saruman), Karl Urban (Eomer); Hugo Weaving (Elrond), David Wenham (Faramir), and Cate Blanchett (Galadriel). [Note: Dominic Monaghan's photo here is an outtake; the actual shot in the booklet can be seen here. These photoshoots provided several excellent outtakes that I'd be happy to share if there is interest.]
[ The Wellington premiere of ROTK | Air Frodo from NZ to LA | Los Angeles | Berlin | London | New York (1) | New York (2) ]
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i've still got a lot of problems with the rtd era but i will literally never stop talking about how warm the colour palettes in early nuwho were. so much modern sci-fi is sterile and minimalistic (which i understand considering it's a trademark of the genre), but series 1-4 felt warm and dirty and lived in. the set design wasn't always the best, but you could feel that the people had homes and lives before the doctor. rewatching it feels like coming home from a very, very long day and sitting in front of the fire and i love that so much
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roastedsloth · 1 month
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Shouldn't have rewatched the last of us
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wwillywonka · 21 days
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☆wwillywonka's GET TO KNOW ME MEME‎♡: [5/?] Favorite Shows
Doctor Who (2005-Present)
Winning? Is that what you think it's about? I'm not trying to win. I'm not doing this because I want to beat someone or because I hate someone or because I want to blame someone. It's not because it's fun, and god knows it's not because it's easy. It's not even because it works because it hardly ever does. I do what I do because it's right! Because it's decent! And above all, it's kind. It's just that. Just kind.
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lucy-sky · 2 months
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Shea Whigham as Briggs and Greg Tarzan Davis as Degas in Mission: Impossible – Dead Reckoning Part One (2023)
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