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my-burnt-city · 1 year
"Voi cittadini mi chiamaste Ciacco;
per la dannosa colpa de la gola,
come tu vedi, a la pioggia mi fiacco."
—Dante Alighieri. Inferno, VI, 52–54 (1321)
"Ye citizens were wont to call me Ciacco;
For the pernicious sin of gluttony,
I, as thou seest, am battered by this rain."
—Henry Wadsworth Longfellow (1867)
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bagnabraghe · 1 year
Il Gruppo Patrioti Apuani rifiutava il commissario politico
Massa. Fonte: mapio.net Durante il passaggio da Brigata Lupi Apuani a Gruppo Patrioti Apuani [GPA] iniziarono a verificarsi i primi contrasti all’interno della formazione. La cronaca dettagliata dello scontro che si sviluppò in seno alla formazione ci viene fornita da una relazione scritta da “Ciacco” (Tristano Zekanowski) il 17 luglio 1944 e indirizzata a Giuseppe Antonini “Andrea”. Motivo…
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collasgarba · 1 year
Il Gruppo Patrioti Apuani rifiutava il commissario politico
Massa. Fonte: mapio.net Durante il passaggio da Brigata Lupi Apuani a Gruppo Patrioti Apuani [GPA] iniziarono a verificarsi i primi contrasti all’interno della formazione. La cronaca dettagliata dello scontro che si sviluppò in seno alla formazione ci viene fornita da una relazione scritta da “Ciacco” (Tristano Zekanowski) il 17 luglio 1944 e indirizzata a Giuseppe Antonini “Andrea”. Motivo…
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fyblackwomenart · 9 months
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Brett Ciacco
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lajusticedemoise · 2 years
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moka-pot-official · 2 months
ÉTER who's ur oc Gabriella that you tagged in that post 👀 sorry if you've mentioned them before and I forgottttt (🫶🫶) but I'm curious now so feel free to ramble about this oc hehehehehe 👁️👁️
I have mentioned her but I've never really explained her! 👁️👁️
She's an oc from an old discarded fantasy story, I had trouble forming the worldbuilding and power system so it didn't go very far and are very vague. Resuming them the powers/magic were divided by two different energies, dark and light, most creatures in the kingdom were users of either in different levels. The only almost 'pure' users of dark magic were demons, the 'royals' (the users of almost pure light magic) became afraid of being overpowered by demons so they declared war on them, killed many, casted the rest to hide forever in a mountain hive and deemed every demon and dark magic users evil.
In all of this two humans appear in the kingdom, Olvido and Gabriella and soon discover that they are users of actually pure light and dark magic respectively, Olvido is the protagonist of the story who doesn't remember who she is, and Gabriella is the antagonist.
Gabriella is a lunatic and snappish young woman whose intentions are to take control of the kingdom and release the demons from their hive proclaiming herself their queen. She's a mastermind in what she does tho, taking social power and expanding the assigned demon territories at a rapid rate. She takes special interest in Olvido 👀, seemingly angry at her amnesia. She's always accompanied by her two closest allies, Ciacco the last standing demon in the kingdom and Carja a runaway fairy of laughter. The reasons behind her goals are a mystery to everyone but she'll do anything to achieve them, from conquering town after town to carving her own skin with demonic runes in her proclamation of Queen of Demons
Overall the story was a bit generic and vague that's why I discarded it but I like to come back to it from time to time because I liked the geography of the world and some of the races and characters I made up for it and the dynamics between Olvido and Gabriella and the concepts behind their characters. I'm not sure I'll ever continue it but they're still a recurring daydream!!
Also here is Gabriella
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Shit happens! (Short Film Animated)
from Marcos Ciacco Como uma conclusão simbólica para os estudos que tive no último ano, tive a ideia de produzir esse curta, colocando todo o aprendizado em prática.Depois de um sketch inicial da personagem, veio a escultura, retopologia, rigging, materiais e texturas, #animação, iluminação e render. Sem falar no cenário, tudo feito no #Blender.O resultado foi esse. � As a conclusion of…
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writers-potion · 6 months
hey, can you do a circles of hell post like the heaven one?
The Nine Circles of Hell 😈🔥
Dante Alighieri’s The Divine Comedy is divided into 3 parts: Inferno, Purgatorio and Paradiso. The Inferno presents us with the popular concept of Nine Circles of Hell.
Think of this as the Ground Lobby for Hell.
The Gates of Hell have this inscription: "Lasciate ogne speranza, voi ch’intrate" (Abadon all hope, ye who enter here)
Souls who couldn't choose between good and evil reside here, tortued and chased by hornets and snakes. (Seems like indecision is also a sin, haha)
There are angels here as well who chose to be on the side of neither good and evil, and they're also tormented.
After crossing the river on the boundary for hell with Charon, you meet the first level of hell:
First Circle: Limbo
The first circle is home to the unbaptized and virtuous pagans, who simply didn't know that Christ exist.
These souls have lived morally, but failed to accept Christiantiy as a religion
No physical torture, but waves of sadness flow through the souls, lamenting the fact that they're close to Heaven but aren't in it.
Retirement community of the afterlife: Hippocrates, Aristotle, Virgil, Homer, Horace, Ovid, Socrates, Plato, Saladin
Second Circle: Lust
The wind-buffeted second circle of Hell is the final destination of the lustful and adulterous.
Souls are blown about in a violent storm, without hope of rest. They are torn in a raging storm and thrown against rocks.
Cleopatra and Helen of Troy were among its most famous residents. Francesca da Rimini and her lover Paolo.
Third Circle: Gluttony
Those who overindulge themselves are forced to lie in vile, freezing slush, guarded by Ceberus
Unable to move, they lay on the ground forever while being hurled with sweage and dirt.
Ciacco of Florence is here.
Fourth Circle: Avarice & Prodigality
This section of Hell is reserved for the money-grubbers and overly materialistic among us. Those who hoarded money come here.
The greedy battle each other, forever rolling giant boulders on each other. When they push the heavy weights, it rolls back and the process starts all over again.
Plutus guards them.
Fifth Circle: Wrath & Sulllenness
Dante tells us that the wrathful and angry souls of this circle spend eternity waging battle with each other on the banks of River of Styx.
The sullen are forced to breath below the dark waters, chocking on the black mud derived from the world above.
Fillippo Argenti is here.
───〃★ Door to Lower Hell: gate guarded by fallen angels ★〃───
Sixth Circle: Heresy
Heretics spend eternity entombed in flaming crypts in the sixth circle. Think of a graveyard with burning tombstones.
Heresy is the sin of having beliefs opposed to the Christian belief, which can be a little vague in modern times.
Florentines Farinata degil Uberti and Cavalcante de' Cavalvanti are here.
Seventh Circle: Violence
The Seventh Circle is sub-categorized into 3 smaller rings: Oter, Middle and Inner.
The outer ring is filled with blood and fire and reserved for murderers and thugs. Centaurs guard the Outer Ring, shooting criminals with arrows.
The middle ring is where, according to Dante, suicide victims go. They’re transformed into trees and fed upon by harpies.
The inner ring, a place of burning sand, is reserved for those who are violent against God and nature (blasphemers)
Eighth Circle: Fraud
Geryon, a creature symbolizing fraud, welcomes you to the eighth circle. He has a human face, a scorpion tail and giant wings.
The eighth circle is subdivided into ten trenches, where you’ll find con artists of all sorts. These trenches are called Malebolge (Evil pockets) and each contains different types of criminals who commited fraud.
Panderes and seducers, flatterers, sorcerers, false prophets, liars, thieves, people who created false money, counterfeits, impersonators, schismatics, etc. reside here.
Ninth Circle: Treachery
The final circle is a frozen wasteland occupied by history’s greatest traitors. Betrayers of are frozen in a lake of ice, and most of Satan's body is also immersed in ice.
It is divided into 4 stages: (1) Caina - traitors to family (2) Antenora - traitors to nation or politicians (3) Ptolomaea - hosts to betray theiur guests (4) Judecca - those to betray their lords/masters.
In the very center, Satan punishes the greatest betrayers of all time: Judas Iscariot, who betrayed Christ, and Brutus and Cassius who betrayed Julius Caesar.
Satan has three mouths, each of which eats a specific person: with left and right devouring Brutus and Cassius and the centre mouth devouring Judas. 
If you like my blog, buy me a coffee☕ and find me on instagram! 📸
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copperbadge · 1 year
If you're looking for a way to continue your cheese tour, I suggest trying Ciacco, both the shop and the restaurant are pretty close to Termini. Their charcuterie boards (usually only available at aperitivo time) tend to include weird cheeses and I'm pretty sure you can ask to not get pork on your plate if you want to keep kosher. Otherwise, it's not really cheese but Fonzie's is a Jewish kosher fast food chain and the main one is close to the Synagogue. My personal favourite is the crispy royal. Also, Ercoli and La Tradizione are well-known for their wonderful selection of cheeses. If you want other food suggestions ask away
Anon, I want you to know that I did see this while I was in Rome, I just didn't get a chance to try Ciacco or Fonzie's -- but I did see Fonzie's several times on the map, and if I'd had one more day I would definitely have hit one or both, so I'm taking notes for next time :D Thank you!
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my-burnt-city · 1 year
not as confident as i was that the new series of taskmaster is going to sufficiently distract me from losing tbc
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santoschristos · 24 days
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Dante's Inferno - The Boatman Phlegyas and Filippo Argenti
Divine Comedy by Gustave Doré
NOTE: Dante is learning as he travels deeper into the Inferno. Previously, he pitied Francesca da Rimini and Ciacco, but he has no pity for Filippo Argenti. Virgil approves of Dante’s righteous anger.
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Dante and Virgil in the Skiff of Phlegyas are Hailed by Filippo Argenti
(from Dante's "Divine Comedy") William Blake
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fata-vocant · 1 year
let’s have discourse about NEW bad commedia takes. i’ll start.
- virgil is actually alive the whole time
- dante the poet and dante the pilgrim have nothing in common. two entirely different dudes.
- francesca effectively utilized girl power
-  the concept of florence is one long metaphor for sexual repression
- the most important character is malacoda
- statius is a hallucination
- dante was actually protestant
- the most important character is ciacco
- beatrice is an aries, based off of her interactions with dante
- dante predicted homestuck
- dante never read the aeneid
- theres actually a lot of dogs in heaven dante just didn’t write about them
- beatrice gay for matilda
- the most important character is henry vii, he doesnt even show up but he is the most important
- everyone is jesus in purgatory
- everyone in inferno is a theater kid. thats actually not a bad take hold on
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myburntwritings · 11 months
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Day 11: Fav Duet (Dance/Plot) After seeing all the other posts for Day 11, I'm starting to think this day should be "Fav Duet, and tell us why it's Apollo/Cassandra in Klub."
But still...
This is where I start to cry as I try to choose only one.
This show is chocked full of incredible duets. In fact, I would say that duets create the majority of the dances.
I'm trying to list them all in my head. It's not going well. Or it's going too well, depending on how you look at it.
There are duets I loved because of their beauty. Duets that affected me emotionally. There are duets that brought me such joy and laughter. There are also duets that told such intricate stories that it is almost impossible to consider them in the same realm of the question.
But, like the majority I've seen so far: the duet I'm choosing is Apollo and Cassandra in Klub. Out of the tryptic of dances at the beginning of Apollo and Cassandra's loop, this is the one I feel we saw the most of the personality of the two characters, and the differences in their performers and how they were interpreting this incredible emotional journey.
This is the one and only time (in my opinion) that we see Cassandra's truly playful side. She is reverent before, scared and angry afterwards. She is determined later in the loop. Vengeful even. But never playful except in this one short scene.
As well as being a beautiful and emotional duet, this scene also contains some of my favourite dance phrases.
Ingrid Kapteyn's Cassandra experiencing such glee and excitement as she tests her new gifts, hips swaying and hair flowing.
Georges Hann's Apollo firing an arrow at Cassandra as she uses her newfound gift of prophecy to escape his every move.
Seirian Griffiths' Apollo's whirling, chaotic, screaming smackdown of Cassandra, sending her to the floor. The timing and power of it is gasp-inducing.
Seirian Apollo standing on the U shaped bench, and Pin Chieh Cassandra in the space between the seats, as Apollo moves on top of the seats, directing Cassandra to dance the way he chooses. Or perhaps he's dancing to her tune... Depends on how you look at it.
Where my choice of a favourite solo was so performer dependent, this dance gets top spot because I have loved it so completely no matter the pairing of performers. Each pairing brings something new, exciting, and stunning to the portrayal.
When I first heard that Tim Bartlett (one of my early favourite performers) would finally be playing Apollo (something I had wanted to see for the entire run of the show to that point,) this was the dance I was most excited for. And he twisted his half of this duet into something so dark and furious. The commanding and belittling tone he put into some of his moves was an entirely different experience. Reaching for Cassandra's hand at the end, there was nothing apologetic about it, unlike with the other Apollos I saw and loved. Apollo had already made his decision, and it was Cassandra's refusal that cemented it.
This twist of the performance, even with the same choreography and timings, really solidified what I already knew: that these performers are all impossibly talented. That as little as a facial expression, or the motion of a single gesture, could switch out an entire character for me.
Which, leads me back to why this is my favourite duet. Because it is this dance that says the most about Apollo and Cassandra's tragic relationship, which is, for me, one of the most emotional stories in the show.
Some other duets that were in the running for my personal favourite: Blue Monday (Artemis and Apollo in Peep) Battle of the Worlds (Artemis and Apollo lightning dance) Apollo gifts Cassandra with Prophecy Apollo curses Cassandra to never be believed Apollo and Zagreus in the Crate Room Zagreus and Eurydice on the DDR Apollo and Zagreus chase from Troy to Mycenae Neoptolemus tries to save Patroclus Patroclus and Iphigenia in Ciaccos Artemis revives Iphigenia
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twoshotsofhappy · 1 year
Outside Ciaccos. Before the royals have arrived to hold their celebration, Laocoön is alone, peering in the window nervously.
Tonight he's in luck. Eury has taken pity on him. She hands the ragged man a glass of water, smiling. Her good deed for the day. He smiles diffidently in return.
She returns to her duties, and Laocoön lingers. He peers at the prices on the menu, and pats down his pockets for change. The ragged man still has some pride.
His face brightens as he finds a coin. He brings it out of his pocket, to leave on the table.
But wait. It's not a coin. It's a small statue, metal. A horse. The first portent of many, of what's to come.
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