#Cigar Dojo
blindmanspuff · 1 year
Cigar Dojo & Fratello Collaborate on After BurnR - Cigar News
Cigar Dojo & Fratello Collaborate on After BurnR - #Cigar News @CigarDojo #cigars
Cigar Dojo has collaborated with a LOT of cigar companies to release a special cigar. One they haven’t work with, until now, is Fratello Cigars. Their first collaboration cigar is called the After BurnR cigar, a special project with deep ties to each company’s unique histories. Cigar Dojo often gets inspiration from Japanese/ninja culture while Fratello often gets theirs from Italian and space…
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yandere-writer-momo · 5 months
Yandere Baki Head Canon: Let’s Play A Game
Yandere Reverse Baki Harem x Afab fighter Reader
Otome Game AU
TW: unhealthy behavior, yandere themes, stalking, obsession, HORROR, etc
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You, a famous fighter, had accidentally died in a horrific car accident by saving the life of a child that was supposed to pass away. Luckily, a deity had taken pity on you and decided to give you a second chance at life. One where you must play a game in order to go back to your world. Romance five of the male leads and you’ll be able to return to your world. Katsumi Orochi, Baki Hanma, Kaioh Retsu, Hanayama Kaoru, and Jack Hanma are the five main males you must romance in order to go home but the deity had thrown in some other mystery men just for shits and giggles. He even gave you a house that’s exactly like your old one! Just don’t invite anyone over… Sounds simple enough right? Wrong. How were you to know these emotionally constipated men have never experienced love before?
Katsumi Orochi
The first man you met when you landed in this strange world. His eyes were wide when you suddenly appeared in the rain before him. What on earth was a woman doing in the rain by herself? He rushes over with his umbrella to place it over your head. He’s surprised by how attractive you are. How soft you look… he doesn’t realize he’s staring until you place your hands over his cheek and smile at him.
There was a bar above his head that rapidly began to grow pink when you touched him. He must be one of the male leads you had to romance… perfect!
“I’m a bit lost… can you help me?” Katsumi was quick to offer you his coat when he saw you shiver. There was something almost magical about you… he was a moth to your flame.
“Of course, here. Let’s head into the dojo.” Katsumi ushered you into Shinshinkai while the rain continued to pour. He was immediately smitten with you.
Katsumi offers you a Karate uniform to wear since your clothes are wet. The two of you share small talk and he’s excited to learn that you’re a practitioner of taekwondo. You were pretty and you could fight? It must have been destiny for the two of you to meet!
He by far was the easiest to romance or so you thought… poor you had gotten a little in over your head about this particular man. He’s so obsessive and delusional. A horrible combination but one he developed due to dedicating his entire life to karate.
Katsumi offered free training at Shinshinkai and he was always eager to spar with you. It wasn’t uncommon for him to wrestle with you or to take you out to eat after training. You didn’t notice the way he’d slowly become more and more touchy. Nor did you notice how weird he was when babies were around.
“Don’t you think that baby is so cute?” Katsumi asked when a baby was sat with its mother in a table near the two of you. The baby was super cute with their chubby cheeks. “(Your name), would you ever want to have kids?”
And you stupidly told this man yes… you shared how you wanted to get married one day and have kids that hopefully wanted to be marital artists. You stupid girl! You didn’t even notice the obsession that lied behind his chocolate eyes or the lingering touches whenever he’d pin you to the floor beneath him when you sparred. Not until it was too late. Not until you’re introduced to his parents as his future wife. And there no way to run from him. He has over a million members at Shinshinkai and they’d hunt you down if you ever tried to escape from your doting fiancé.
Hanayama Kaoru
Once you had settled into your house (and carefully made sure not to invite the overly friendly Katsumi over), you ran into him on the street. It was just a chance meeting, but it was one that caught Hanayama by surprise. You had bumped into him and knocked his cigar onto him.
“I’m sorry, sir. I wasn’t looking where I was going-“ You were shocked to see such a tall man covered in scars. The heart bar above his head was slightly pink by the small encounter with him. Neither one of you looked away from each other’s eyes.
Hanayama nodded his head and went to turn away but he was surprised when he heard your voice again. “You have ashes all over your jacket… please let me at least brush you off.” Hanayama blushed when you quickly brushed the ashes off him without his answer. How brazen of you! He’s never been hit on first like this…
When you walk away, you noticed his romance bar is already at twenty percent. Perhaps you’d be able to go home sooner than you thought if you kept this up?
A shame you didn’t notice the blush on Hanayama’s face. He’s never been so excited in his life… and now it was your problem. How were you to know how possessive he was?
He was a silent presence compared to the chatty Katsumi and Baki. He would randomly sit beside you when you weren’t preoccupied by the other men which wouldn’t have been such a bad thing if he didn’t stare at you. His gaze was unnerving and terrifying. Yet you must accept him in order to go home. So you tolerated his presence with gentle smiles and one sided small talk. You didn’t realize how much Hanayama truly enjoyed your company.
He began to bring you gifts. Roses, jewelry, and clothing. Loud gestures of adoration despite his stoic exterior. You’d always thank him with a smile because his romance bar would rise with each gift… but his pink bar was the first to reach a blood red. Why was his bar so red? And why did you always feel as if someone was watching you?
His gifts began to become inappropriate. Rather than regular clothes, he’d gift you red, black, and violet lingerie. And then it was chocolates and invitations to fancy dinners where oysters were almost always served. You were starting to become really scared when you found out what his occupation was. How were you to know he was a yakuza boss?! And there was no escape from Hanayama, he was too powerful and he was too obsessed with you to share you.
Baki Hanma
You were on a jog when you met the twenty year old. He was sitting on a bench all alone looking so down. The heart bar above his head was a depressing shade of blue. Oh no! Why did he look so sad?
Baki was shocked when you sat beside him with a smile. You offer him your hand to introduce yourself and you offered to listen to him since he looked so sad. He instantly clung to you like a tick. You were so warm and sweet… he adored it. He’s never had affection like this since his ex girlfriend… you’re warm like a mom!
You pat Baki’s head as he cries in your arms. You’re shocked by how his heart bar sky rockets to a sixty percent with this small interaction. Holy smokes! You were crushing this game!
You exchanged numbers with him and offered him solace so kindly. Baki was so thrilled to finally have someone care about him. It was what he has always wanted…
Baki spent almost as much time with you as Katsumi did. The two friendly men running around you like little kids as they excitedly would take you on lots of dates. It was a little overwhelming.
But you didn’t think Baki would be so clingy… please don’t leave him! Don’t leave him, he’d do anything for you! Please only look at him! Love him!
Jack Hanma
The hardest to romance. This man was mean. Mean as hell. He had no interest in you whatsoever, he only had his goal of strength in mind. Jack constantly rebuffed you, but your persistence began to wear down his walls
Why did you insist on being so close to him anyways? He was a mess. He was always sweaty and he would train to the point of incontinence… did you have a piss kink? You were weird as hell and he didn’t like the way the other fighters hovered around you like helicopters. You were nothing special… at least that’s what he told himself until he overheard you defend him when someone bad mouthed him.
“Sure Jack can be a little rough around the edges, but he works harder than any of you!” Jack clenched his jaw when he heard you berate some of the fighters who commented on his methods for strength. “You don’t have half of what it takes to want to be the best.” Your words made something flutter in his heart. It was a weird feeling but it wasn’t something entirely unwelcomed.
Jack’s presence usually sent the other men running away with their tails between their legs but he began to like the way you smiled so warmly at him. For the first time in years, someone didn’t look at him like he was a monster. And he didn’t ever want you to disappear. No. Jack wouldn’t ever let anything happen to you. He’d rather die.
You became as important to him as his journey to strength. You were his one and only friend. His companion. It didn’t matter to him that there were others. Jack was just happy to have you by his side.
Jack enjoyed how you’d sit beside him whenever he sat alone or how you’d occasionally lean on him when it was cold. Jack slowly warmed up to you and his romance bar slowly began to rise. He took the longest to romance out of all the others but he’s the most normal out of all of them. Jack rarely sought you out unless he had a gut feeling you needed him. Jack slowly began to become easier to talk to… and you made the mistake of venting to him. Of showing him your most vulnerable side.
So when he saw you crying for the first time about how weird everyone was to you, something in him snapped. How dare they make you uncomfortable. How dare they make you cry! And now you realized just how over protective Jack was of you…
And from that day forth, Jack began to protect you. He was like a giant, blonde tank that shoved the other men out of the way. You didn’t have to worry anymore. Jack would protect you!
Kaioh Retsu
You met him at the dojo. Retsu was very nice to you. He was a voice of reason and usually would step between you and Katsumi when he noticed Katsumi being particularly weird to you.
You’d spar with Retsu and you were always awestruck by his Kenpo. Retsu enjoyed your compliments and even taught you some Kenpo. He was thrilled that someone was interested in his martial art. To have it be appreciated.
His romance bar was hidden from you, which was strange. Occasionally it would pop up with a high percentage but then it would fade into obscurity. Retsu would always give you a soft smile and reassure you whenever you were particularly overwhelmed. He was a really good friend.
Retsu was easy to talk to and he made the best tea. And Retsu always had a logical response whenever you vented about the other men. You felt safe with Retsu… like you could trust him.
And so you shared with him the truth of you situation. Which made the Chinese man sympathize with you. He’d help you get home!
A shame you didn’t realize how he secretly manipulated you. How he pretended to be reasonable and level headed. He used his maturity and kindness to lower your guard but he didn’t realize just how much you were hiding. You’re from another world? That would explain why you were so unique compared to everyone else in this world of his… Retsu found you fascinating.
Now Retsu was going to help you leave this world… but he was going with you. You entrusted him with such precious information and didn’t he deserve a reward for helping you?
A wild card. You will only meet him if you decide to go hiking on a Thursday.
You were not supposed to meet him but you did. On a complete accident too. You decided to go on a hike in the forest to get away from your… suitors.
He was just hunting in the forest when he noticed you. And he was curious about you. He began to follow you around like a lost dog. It would take a few miles of hiking to notice him but once you did, you were very puzzled. Who was this guy and why was his romance bar red from the get go? And that’s when you finally put together that the red bars that were above all the men you have been around meant danger.
Pickle was quick to snatch you up in his arms but rather than attack you, he sniffed you. He was surprised to smell all those fighters he’s fought on you! It fascinated him.
You were quick to escape him and run but he chased after you. He was so happy to play! If he caught you, could he keep you? Pickle would like a mate.
A shame Baki was waiting for you at the edge of the forest. The redhead glared at Pickle who began to throw a tantrum. No fair! Pickle wanted to play with you too! To keep you and to mate with you! That wasn’t fair.
Now you didn’t leave the city often because Pickle was always watching… always waiting to strike. For you had caught his eye.
Hector Doyle
Another wild card. You weren’t supposed to meet him but you did at the dojo. He was supposedly a reformed convict, one that didn’t have much of an interest in you… at first.
Doyle was kind of mean but in a snarky way. He always had something smart to say whenever you’d talk to Katsumi. You thought he was gay when you first met him since he liked Katsumi so much. But after you got to know him, you realized he was just attached to the Karateka since he defeated him.
Doyle slowly opened up to you since you were a constant presence in Katsumi’s life. You were very nice to him despite his sharp tongue so Doyle respected you. The two of you slowly became friends… but you constantly had to stop him from stealing products from the mall. Doyle had sticky fingers despite being blind. He insisted he knew the quality of what he took by the way it smelled and felt in his fingers. It was kind of silly.
Doyle’s romance bar slowly rises up the more you go out with him. He’s secretly a softie beneath his rough exterior. (If you’re a touchy person, it’ll shoot up faster. Doyle is easily flustered). Doyle is also very jealous of Katsumi
You seemed to make his friend happy so he was happy with you… until he noticed a change in Katsumi. The Karateka was obsessed with you to the point it was concerning. At least in the way Katsumi spoke of you, since Doyle was blind.
“Katsumi told everyone that you’re his fiancée but I never heard you talk about it.” Doyle whispered to you as the two of you stretched in a corner in the dojo. The blind assassin adjusted his blindfold. “I may be blind, but I’m not stupid. Are you okay?”
Doyle was shocked when you answered back in a choked sob. “No, I’ve tried to get away but he’s sent the whole dojo after me… I’m scared, Doyle.”
Doyle was so shocked when you hugged him. His body shook when he felt his first hug since he was a child. He instantly wrapped his arms around you and lost himself within you. He could imagine a life with you. You were so sweet and you were capable… he had money from his old job as an assassin and he had favors he was owed by people. Doyle could help you escape.
You pulled away and you felt your blood run cold at the red bar that was now above Doyle’s head. Oh no…
“I’ll help you escape.” Doyle whispered in your ear. “But we’d constantly be on the run. Would you want to live like that, darling?”
The choice is up to you with him. Doyle will help you but you’d lose your opportunity to go home… forever.
Jun Guevara
Another wild card. This dashing man can be found on Fridays at the docks by his boat. He’s usually shirtless with a jacket draped over his shoulders and a cigarette between his lips. He is also very easy to attract if you ask him about the ocean. This man loves the ocean. He won’t stop talking about it and he may even give you a shell if you’re extra sweet.
Jun is incredibly flirtatious but don’t let that fool you, he’s also extremely possessive. His heart bar will only rise if you’re charismatic. You have to be able to talk the talk too. And once you successfully romance him, you have the opportunity to get onto his ship! Hurray!
Jun will share rum and stories with you if you sneak off to come see him. He’ll even drape his jacket around you and call you, “Meu amor” or “Meu anjo.” You don’t have a clue what that means but it seems like a nickname!
Jun is great to use as an escape option if the other men become overwhelming. Just keep in mind that he won’t let you off that boat, because he’s determined to make you his wife! And eventually the mother of his four children.
Biscuit Oliva
Another wild card but can be encountered if you interact with criminals (Jun or Doyle). Biscuit may ask you about their whereabouts but you should lie to him to save your friends. Compliment this man to distract him! He’s a pretty revered bounty hunter so it won’t take much.
He’s recently a widow and he’s easily flustered since he’s never been flirted with before. Oliva is very easy to romance once you stoke the fires of his ego.
Oliva is a gift giver just like Hanayama except his gifts are more from the heart rather than his pants…
Oliva will buy you very nice clothes and offer to take you abroad. His romance bar will only ever turn red if you share your woes with him.
Just like Jack, Oliva is extremely protective. And he will not lose another love so he’s willing to whisk you away and lock you up forever.
Just be his cute sugar baby and everything will be okay! So long as the other men don’t crash your date… then you may never get home.
Once you successfully romance all the men, the deity will appear to you. But sadly they won’t be able to send you home anyways because you’ve ruined the story here since all their bars all turned red. Sorry toots, but he can’t take you away from these men who are willing to kill each other to have you. The deity just hopes you can make a choice.
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terrence-silver · 2 months
would Terry like to cuddle? and how would he like to cuddle? i presume he doesnt watch tv but would he cuddle and watch a movie with beloved?
Of course he watches TV!
How else is he going to know the pulse of everything going on around him?
The pulse of the era?
The people!?
After all, there's something deeply alluring and amusing turning on a channel and seeing yourself on there, be it on a commercial for Cobra Kai dojos now opening all over The Valley, so come join today, or thirty years in the past, the latest and most exclusive news on a courthouse hearing after being indicted for the millionth time so he can giggle and snicker how he's gotten away with it all over again, or entirely sadistically speaking, watching and witnessing some natural catastrophe Dynatox caused somewhere in the world that'll line his pocket just fine. Why, the outcry almost makes him hard. The narcissist in him entirely craving even more; attention in any shape, way or form; good or bad. Watching the TV is as an American of a pastime as America gets and Terry Silver prides himself on that and all things Capitalist. Why, anything close to the opposite is almost, dare I say, unpatriotic?
I actually see John Kreese as the type not to watch TV far more than Terry, being a loner who possibly doesn't have the type of technology in his surroundings no matter the era and usually by choice, seeing as how he more or less lives where he trains and teaches (that, or being in a homeless shelter in his later years) and preferring the company of his own thoughts and own damn self instead of an idiot box and Terry being the one taking heated offense to it because 'Johnny!? What do you mean you don't have a TV!? C'mon, my man, quit bullshitting me with this hermit crap! I'll have one sent over right away!'
In fact, Terry, he'd watch the TV naked, out of his jacuzzi, having ordered Milos and his staff to position the screen right in front of him, he'll do it out of bed, smoking a cigar, sipping on champagne, tea, while conducting business with Margaret or otherwise, multitasking while being on an international call or present day, he'll do it on some mega flat screen of colossal size so he can witness every high quality pixel of admiration people have for him now that he's spoken up for Teens Against Violence as an organization with everyone's out here reporting on it with all the praise and adulation imaginable. And of course --- he'd do it cuddled up with beloved. He loves TV because it gives him insight into things --- all things --- both intelligent, ridiculous, true and entirely false and he loves giving physical touch whenever and however, so there you have it; all things considered, it's two of his preferences meeting.
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thee-horny-thicky · 1 year
The 141’s Music Taste
A/N: The genres and artists I’ve selected were chosen through the lenses of a Black American, and I have no clue how popular they are in the U.K. However, given that these men have traveled the world, I doubt that really matters. Anyway, enjoy :)
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Captain John Price:
Now, I know he’s canonically only in his late 30s, but I imagine him loving oldies. And when I say oldies, I mean songs older than him. Blues, jazz, and classic rock have his heart. After a mission, he loves nothing more than to kick back with a cigar and whiskey, with some Ray Charles or Louis Armstrong playing in the background.
The only modern genre he really likes is R&B, largely due to how much the aforementioned genres influenced it. And by modern, I mean the stuff around during the early 2000s.
Also, despite his love for old music, he cannot stand classical. It gives him a headache and irritates him to high-heaven.
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Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley:
I see a lot of people headcanon that Ghost is a metalhead. It’s an obvious choice and honestly makes sense. However, given his past, I believe that he’d have an aversion to metal. He might not be opposed to the classic rock ‘n roll sound, but metal? That’s a no-go.
I imagine him loving music that centers around self-expression and conveying what the artist has gone through. It grounds him and helps him feel a little more human. Thus, I think that he’d love blues and rap above all genres.
He especially loves 2Pac because of how often he talked about the social issues around him, even if Ghost himself can’t relate to the bulk of them. He just likes that 2Pac used his fame to talk about what his community was going through, and he loves his versatility.
R&B is another genre he regularly listens to, and I can even see him dabbling in pop. And by pop, I mean Lana Del Rey esc music. Also, as odd as it may seem, I can see him really liking Melanie Martinez.
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Johnny ‘Soap’ McTavish:
Soap’s the metalhead of the bunch. He can give you an in-depth critique of all the famous bands and has a list of underground metal artists he adores. Due to being a part of an elite task force, he rarely gets a chance to see his favorites, so when he does, he buys a ludicrous amount of merchandise to commemorate the show.
However, though he’s a metalhead first and foremost, he can vibe with any music he can dance to. Beyonce’s Renaissance? He had it on repeat, playing it so much, that his bunkmates were too annoyed to even tease him. And after a particularly rough mission, I imagine he’d turn to a softer-sounding genre like R&B.
But don’t play anything too slow around him, because he will complain. And opera? It makes him murderous.
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Kyle ‘Gaz’ Garrick:
Gaz was the only one to willingly listen to Renaissance with poor Johnny. I don’t know why, but I can picture him being a big Bey fan, his love for her going all the way back to her Destiny Child days when she was his celebrity crush. Play any Beyonce song, and he’ll be able to tell you the name of it within 2.3 seconds. And since he grew up during their domination, he’s also partial to the Spice Girls.
Prince and Michael Jackson are two more of his favorites, and he even managed to get Sosp hooked on them.
Now, he does also enjoy more ‘masculine’ music, the primary example being ‘90s gangsta rap. However, I imagine him preferring genres like R&B, pop, melodic rap, and neo-soul. And unlike Ghost, his pop music doesn’t need to have a sad girl or sad-core lilt. No, he’ll be fine jamming to Britney Spears, Dojo Cat, and Dua Lipa.
If you can’t tell by now, R&B is basically the only genre the 141 can agree on. Rhythm and Blues is a very versatile genre, allowing every member to enjoy it despite their varied music tastes. And honestly, I’m kinda obsessed with them blasting it during missions.
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wicked-jade · 7 months
Dutch Sick Fic!
Thanks for the ask!! 💖
This is another old one. It's also set in my primary Dutch/Johnny 'verse. The basic setup is that Dutch has gotten back into karate, and is training to compete in an adult tournament. But he ends up coming down with the flu, just a few weeks before the competition.
Even though he's with a new dojo now (Locust Valley, he's training with the Vidals), some of the old Cobra Kai mindset is still ingrained. So instead of staying home and resting, Dutch tries to power through, despite Johnny's reservations. He ends up passing out in the middle of his next karate class, and his new sensei is forced to call Johnny, who comes to take him home. But Johnny gave up karate after the '84 All Valley, and hasn't set foot in a dojo since, so this puts him in an uncomfortable position. The rest of the fic is him trying to take care of Dutch, while also coming to terms with what happened in '84 and realizing that maybe he has finally healed enough to move on and try karate again.
I got most of the first chapter/intro written on this one, before I set it aside for something else. Here's a snippet:
“It’s not the same without you.”
Johnny laid the open paperback face down on his chest, adding a new crack to the spine. Turning his face into Dutch’s denim-clad thigh, he closed his eyes and breathed him in.
“I know.”
Sometimes it made him feel guilty, turning him down. Karate had been so important to them both at one point. And it still was, to Dutch. It was good for him, helped him focus. Whether he was helping teach beginners classes at the dojo or prepping for his own upcoming tournament, karate allowed him to channel some of that wild, frenetic energy he always had crackling just under his skin into something positive. Something constructive instead of destructive. Johnny understood that. Dutch needed that outlet, and he would never begrudge him that.
He just wished that Dutch could understand his need to keep a healthy distance from it.
Oh, Dutch respected it. He never pushed when Johnny put his foot down and said no. But even after all that time, he still didn’t understand it.
He didn’t understand how just the sound of a kiai could make his palms sweat and his heart race. How to this day, just driving past a dojo made his stomach clench in anxiety. How the phantom scents of blood and cigar smoke and sour sweat curled in his nostrils until he choked.
Dutch didn’t feel the oppressive weight of Kreese’s hand on his shoulder or hear his silky voice whispering poison in his ear. Because Dutch could separate karate from Cobra Kai. So could the other guys.
But Johnny couldn’t. Kreese was karate and karate was Kreese. They were forever, indelibly linked in his mind. Like those conjoined twins he’d seen on the news that couldn’t be separated. Destined to live and die together.
“Please?” Dutch asked one last time, his voice barely a croak. He lightly tugged at Johnny’s hair, coaxing him to meet his eyes. “Come with me. Just this once.”
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senstrike · 8 months
@wasworthy / sam — I DON’T KNOW WHY I EVEN TRY.
shadows and sidewalks and the artificial glow of streetlights and surrounding stores ... it's late, and robby keene's footsteps are vanishing somewhere in the stretching darkness. kreese's keys jingle in the lock on the dojo door, the only sound now except for that whining voice talking to itself. he rolls his eyes at his own reflection in the glass, who reciprocates, whose cigar-end glows distorted and diffused like the red eyes of a snake. he straightens, turns, and pulls it from his lips. in a step or two, his shadow encroaches on little larusso, teeth flashing in a white and draconic grin. he blows out a plume of smoke. ( defeat does not exist … in this dojo. for the rest of the world, it’s just something they have to deal with. ) ‘here’s a thought — give up.’ 
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kreerence dub/noncon anon and lmao thank you for putting CK kreese / TKK Johnny into my head omg
And now I keep thinking about CK Kreese slowly drag TKK Johnny into this thing where he's the top student of the dojo and when the dojo doors close he's basically a warm hole for Kreese. After every class he stays late to 'clean the mats' - which he does but then after his other duties are to clean himself, put on his blindfold and sit next to the things sensei will 'train' him with.
And Kreese just walks in after a drink to this boy, naked and blindfolded next to the collection of dildos Kreese has introduced him to. Wooden and ornately carved, Johnny doesn't know they were a gift from a friend of Kreese's. A friend that he is preparing Johnny for, so that when Johnny is ready - he can take them both together.
Hi there anon, welcome back! ❤ (Made the typo 'welcoke back', channeled Terry there for a sec 😂)
Omg yes! 💯💯 Johnny is perfectly trained. The part where he puts on his own blindfold is especially good 😩👌 He trusts his Sensei completely. Sensei knows what's best and Sensei would never hurt him (the parking lot choking hasn't happened... yet).
Johnny takes his sexual training as seriously as he takes his karate training. Sometimes Kreese sends him home with a big plug inside of him. The first time that occurred Sid got mad at him for squirming in his chair during dinner. After that, Johnny always tries his best to sit still (and not to blush).
The day when Kreese finally introduces Johnny to his special friend is when all the hours of training pay off. Not only is Johnny able to take both of them at once (to Terry's delight), but he hardly even questions it when Kreese explains to him what's about to happen.
Sharing Johnny with his good friend becomes a weekly ritual; sitting in Terry's mansion, sipping fine whiskey and passing not only a cigar but also Johnny between the two of them.
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zappedbyzabka · 2 years
had kreerence and cobra thots
kreese going to the dojo after hours bc he forgot something, only to hear noises out front only a little later
hes about to come and beat the snot out of whoever it is when he sees Johnny lawrence? And Dutch and Bobby Brown? He's given them the keys for emergencies, not -
and then he stops because Bobby Brown is feeding Johnny his cock. And Johnny's taking it, drooling around it as Brown fucks his face. Kreese starts getting hard.
Dutch isn't too far behind, he's pulled down Johnny's gi pyjamas to reveal his round, pale ass. Kreese's pants start to get tight as he watches Dutch slick his fingers with crisco to work them into Johnny's hole.
The mirrors in the dojo offer a thousand viewpoints. Bobby's balls hitting Johnny's chin. The way Johnny's velvety rim clings to Dutch's knuckles on every stroke. Kreese pulls his cock out.
That's when Dutch slides in, balls deep. The movement rocks Johnny forward onto Bobby's cock and he chokes. And then because they're boys, the movement becomes erratic; Dutch slamming in gracelessly into Johnny as Bobby fucks his mouth in the wrong rhythm.
Johnny's cock is still weeping when they both pull out. Kreese curls his lip. Amateurs.
He walks out, snapping his hands. And he's obeyed; the boys look shocked but they part for him immediately, wet cocks still in hand.
"Mr. Lawrence delayed his pleasure for you," he glares at Bobby and Dutch, and then smooths his expression out a little for Johnny. "Just like a good captain should."
And Johnny, red faced, with come dribbling down his face, shivers at the praise. Kreese’s cock is hard to the point of pain as he takes in Johnny's open gi, at the red flush of his tits. They hadn't even touched him right.
"Come here, Mr.Lawrence," murmurs Kreese, and Johnny shuffles towards him slowly.
He arranges Johnny his lap, facing Dutch and Bobby, and takes his cock out to rest it against the boy's leaking crease. Johnny's blush has spread down his neck and back. Kreese rubs his cockhead over the boy's hole, and is rewarded by a sharp inhale.
"This is how you should do it," he says and lets one hand dig into the meat of Johnny's hip. The other snakes forward to thumb at a nipple. Johnny hiccups, and then wails as Kreese spears him in one solid thrust.
He pounds into the boy, rolling the nipple between his fingers, until soon enough: a thin string of precum joins the tip of Johnny's cock to the floor.
"You want him to enjoy it, just like he made sure you enjoyed it," instructs Kreese, pushing Johnny down at the neck. It pushes his ass higher, and he takes Kreese deeper at the new angle. Then the only sound is the hard slap of skin against skin until Johnny lets out a gasp like he's dying and spatters come all over the floor. Kreese pulls out, painting Johnny's hole and thighs to obliterate any evidence of Dutch from before.
Johnny lies there, gi bunched at his waist and come glistening on his thighs.
Kreese tucks himself away, looks at the other two boys. Their faces are in shock, their dicks rock hard.
"Clean up the floor, with bleach."
He looks down at Johnny, panting and dazed.
"Clean up you captain," he looks at them meaningfully, "with your tongues.
Fifteen minutes, no more," he barks.
They scramble into action, Brown getting to work between Johnny's buttocks and Dutch scrambling for the bleach. Kreese walked into his office, getting out a cigar. The bitter taste feels good after all of it. Maybe next time he'd teach those boys how to really show Mr. Lawrence a good time. That was a sensei's job after all, and Kreese always made sure his students were the best.
This is soo good👌👌👌👌
Kreese has Johnny and the Cobra's stay after class the next day for more "lessons" on how to properly fuck Johnny. He has each cobra fuck Johnny in front of him while he instructs them on how to make Johnny wail, and when the Cobra's are done Kreese has his turn..
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lil-tokyo-42 · 1 year
Assassin of jazz Spike Spiegel x Y/N
-The offer of this Lady Jo character was interesting but, you had friends now a woman who could take care of you as well. To betray them on the same day?
-"I'll pass." Jo's face went to shock. "Hm, And I thought we were the same...Guess I was wrong." Throwing the cigar on the ground but not stepping on it to put the flame out. "You still have my offer, Delta Tokiyoma. Just know that" She said before giving you the same lighter she used. It was black with the same initials. She finally left the diner waving without looking back. "What was her deal?" A voice called out. You jumped because you didn't detect any movement around you and didn't hear the diner bell ring. "JEEZ VICKY WHERE DID YOU COME FROM" "The damn door ya asshat. Now come on Lou's sending us somewhere again." Walking back in, Lucy sent you guys to an assassin training dojo. She said ya'll could come back when you know what it means and it takes to be an assassin.
-Time skip bc im not writing what yall did
-You were all 28. Ya'll trained, suffered, and worked together all these years, and now you could go see Lou again. Vicky didn't want to for an unknown reason, but Laura did! Walking to the diner you see Laura standing by the entrance swinging a kunai around her hands. For someone who was energetic af never saw her look so sad tonight.
-"Hey, Laura!" You yelled, but with little energy. Looking to her side seeing a (Like i said with the name that vicky gave u im doing ur character desc so its easier to imagine) 6'1 Woman with black hair and tea green highlighted bangs. You had a green (dont mind the amount of green and black ill explain later) Crop jacket with long sleeves.
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These were ur shorts (IK IM USING GACHA CLUB BC I DIDN'T KNOW HOW TO EXPLAIN IT) and knee high black heels. "Dels?" She gave you that nickname when ya'll were training. "Hi Laura, It's been a long time hasn't it?"
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larabiatasstuff · 1 year
Imagine there a big party at Terry's House and its for the dojo like getting more students and all that stuff so Johnny is talking to a man and his daughter is bored so she skipps to her daddy saying "daddy I'm bored" she says he rests his hand on her head crouching down, what's that gunny? He asks "I'm bored" he huffs nodding OK baby let daddy just see a few more people and we can go OK? The little girl shakes her head what's up? He asks "I wanted to stay her with you and uncle Terry" where Terry? "playing poker" which Johnny knows that he always wins, he sends her to Terry he is going very excited over winning he is smoking and drinking but once he sees his little angel coming to the table he takes his eyes off the game in to her "what's up angel?" he asks and she's tells him that she wanted to stay with him and Johnny tonight but the party is still going on she would cross her arms and Terry would smile with a chuckle "you Terry time?" she nods now would he kick everyone out and spend time with his goddaughter and Johnny or wait for the party to finsh? Say if he does kick everyone out, after the party they sit and watch a movie the little girl sleeping in her daddy's arms and Terry wrapping an arm around Johnny who is also a sleep he looks at his sleeping friend and his daughter smiling at them both he kisses Johnny on the cheek and sits up and kisses the little girl on the head throwing a blanket over then and turning the light off after he leaves the room. Could you see Terry doing this like telling everyone to go home even if it is an important party? Can I have (kk3) Terry on this please and older Terry
When kk3 Terry hosts a big party to get more students for the dojo John and him would be very busy talking to people, while Johns daughter is playing in the living room with her dolls. But since there are no other children it would be boring at some point, so she grabs her plushie and goes searching for her dad. John stands outside talking to someone, she approaches him and tugs on his sleeve. "Hey babygirl, is everything okay?" she'd shake her head "I'm bored daddy." He crouches down to her level "Oh honey, let daddy talk to a few more people and then we're going okay." "No daddy I wanna stay here with you and uncle Terry. Where is uncle Terry daddy?" "He's in the conservatory playing poker with some friends." She nods "Okay, I go to him." She grabs her plushie tighter and makes her way to the conservatory. Terry sitting there smoking a cigar as soon as he sees his goddaughter approach him he drops it into his drink. "Hey there's my favorite little girl! What's up sweetie?" she'd climb on his lap looking at him with her big puppy eyes. "Uncle Terry I'm bored and daddy is busy." He'd hug her tight "Oh my poor little angel, do you want some Terry-time?"He gives her a big smile "Yeeesss Terry-time yaaay." Terry would immediately kick everyone out, yes the party was to get more students but his princess means alot more to him. Of course John would scold him, tell him that she can't always get what she wants but he has no chance against Terry and his daughter. The three of them would end up sitting on the couch watching her favorite movie. His goddaughter sleeping in Johns arms who is sleeping too. He'd turn off the tv, get a big, soft blanket and tucks them both in. He'd give the little girl a kiss on the forehead and John on the cheek. After that he'd turn off the light and goes to his bedroom. Old man Terry would sit in the seating area in his garden when he sees his goddaughter coming to him. "Hey sweetie are you okay?" she'd stand before him looking at her feet her bottom lip slightly shaking. "I'm bored uncle Terry and I can't find daddy. There are no other children here and nobody wants to play with me." Terry's heart would ache when he sees how sad his little angel is, so he picks her up sitting her on his lap "What do say when uncle Terry says goodbye to everyone and then we play whatever you want." her face would instantly light up and she'd hug him "Thank you uncle Terry you're the best." Terry would turn to the men sitting next to him "Gentlemen I'm afraid the party ends here. If you'll excuse me my goddaughter needs my attention." When John comes back from the bathroom and sees everyone is gone and Terry and his daughter playing on the living room floor. "Look daddy uncle Terry and I are playing," "I see that honey. Terry what the hell happened?" Terry would look at him with a charming smile. "This little lady over there was bored and sad that no one plays with her." John would pinch the bridge of his nose "So you dropped everything, to play with her? She's got you wrapped around her finger Terry." Terry would pull the little girl in his arms "How can I say no to such an adorable face John?" John would just shake his head and laugh. ✌️☺️
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blindmanspuff · 1 year
Cigar Dojo and Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust Announce Wagashi - Cigar News
Cigar Dojo and Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust Announce Wagashi - #Cigar News @CigarDojo #cigars
Dunbarton Tobacco & Trust and Cigar Dojo are collaborating on a new Japanese-Themed Sobremesa Cigar. This marks the first time the two companies have collaborated on a cigar. The cigar is the Sobremesa Brûlée “Wagashi” 和菓子, a slightly tweaked version of the original Sobremesa Brûlée blue, Japanese-inspired twist. The name comes from a dessert delicacy of Japan that rose to cultural import…
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adamwatchesmovies · 2 months
The Karate Kid Part III (1989)
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While I didn't enjoy this film, that doesn't mean you won't. No matter what I say, the people involved in this project did it: they actually made a movie. That's something to be applauded. With that established...
The strength of the Karate Kid series lies in its emotional power. You could probably predict how the first one might end but you were so invested in the relationship between Daniel and Mr. Miyagi (Ralph Macchio and Noriyuki “Pat” Morita) that you forgot about all the times you’d seen the story before. Everything that rang true, that was effective in the first film (and the sequel to a certain extent) is present in this third chapter… but none of it works. Cartoonish villains, characters who’ve regressed and a repetitive plot make The Karate Kid Part III feel like a cash grab and nothing else.
Having lost his students and dojo, John Kreese (Martin Kove) visits his best friend, Terry Silver Thomas (Ian Griffith) to tell him he’s giving up on Cobra Kai. Instead, of moving on, however, he and Terry decide to partake in an elaborate revenge scheme. Posing as a new friend and teacher for Daniel, Terry will infiltrate his life so he can tear the boy and his beloved teacher apart.
I’m not sure if Ian Griffith is the best or the worst thing about this movie. One of his first scenes has him chomping on a gargantuan cigar in a hot tub, giving notes to his secretary about how he’s going to hide all of these mega-pollutants from the authorities. Combined with his ponytail, eagerness to jump on the revenge bandwagon and easily-revealed colours, you expect him to be facing off against Captain Planet, not some teenager and an old man trying to make a living selling bonsai trees. He’s ten times as maniacal as any of the bad guys we’ve seen in this series and less subtle than Emperor Palpatine.
On his own, Terry might’ve made the film unintentionally hilarious if it weren’t for Daniel. You’d think that by now the boy would understand a thing or two about Miyagi, that he’d respect him. No. At every instance, Daniel questions Miyagi’s tried-and-true methods, goes against his wishes or tries to do something sneaky behind his back. What’s infuriating is that you know exactly how it will play out. The movie holds no surprises whatsoever. In fact, it choreographs itself in ways that would be clever if they weren’t so transparent. For example, the film begins - once again - by informing us that the relationship we spent the previous movie developing has dissolved. Kumiko is briefly mentioned but never appears. She’s been replaced by Jessica Andrews (Robyn Lively) who quickly informs Daniel that she’ll be moving away in two months. At least the screenplay has learned SOMETHING from these movies. It establishes a way for her not to appear in any subsequent sequels!
Writer Robert Mark Kamen (who didn’t like this premise but whose alternative was even worse) does the bare minimum and director John G. Avildsen does not attempt to turn this pile of straw into gold. The villain’s plan involves sending his cronies to commit vandalism, theft, and attempted murder but the police are briefly mentioned once and then never again. This plot isn’t concerned with what would actually happen. It’s just going through the motions so we can get to the tournament at the end of the movie and watch Daniel beat the odds AGAIN. The Karate Kid Part III isn’t merely a disappointment, it’s a waste of time. (March 10, 2022)
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terrence-silver · 10 months
Any random 80s Terry headcanons please :)
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― Undoubtedly fell into the (in)famous aerobic craze of the 80's, or rather, was the aerobic craze of the 80's, where he appeared in multiple extremely high-end, glossy, legitimate and very stylish articles concerning body wellness. Not of the neon spandex variety that was fresh and hip. I mean, truly elegant stuff that only aided his image of a positive benefactor that 'cares about the role models young people consume'. If Kreese had his life-size cardboard cutouts of himself on the entrance of the Cobra Kai dojo, Terry Silver had entire exclusive Men's Health type periodicals detailing how he balances high-powered Yuppie corporate work as CEO and maintaining an immaculately trimmed physique (humbly speaking).
― Relished in having an All-European staff at the time (an English secretary, a Czechoslovakian butler...a Swiss pool cleaner for the laughs and gags, for all we know.) because it was a personal showcasing of wealth on his part and served to cement the idea that America's an exceptional World power during that particular decade, and that he, by extension of money being that plenty and that exceptional, can have a handful of classy, Old World employees and all the status symbol and traditionally associated 'mystique' that entailed as being their Boss (and not the other way around). Economy was booming. He was booming all around. He wanted to show off, simply because he could. So, he did.
― Was possibly embroidered and secretly or not so secretly in cahoots with multiple corrupt governments Worldwide going through the tumultuous transition from dictatorship to an unstable democracy during the 70's and 80's, which tactically allowed Terry (and Dynatox, by extension) to, yes, you guessed it, dispose of toxic materials with ease in the Global South and in Third World Countries as a whole. Toxic materials that would be deemed illegal and absolutely out of the question in any developed ones, but were passable if you knew the right people and officials in (throws dart) Nicaragua. Or hey, case and point, in Borneo. Basically, I am convinced Terry Silver had some very questionable and bizarre names marked down in his phonebook.
― Case and point; to keep it properly 80's --- drugs. Cocaine! He got all of his substances and narcotics right from the source, directly from the people that produced it just for him. Cleanest, purest, highest of quality, because his organism and taste palette deserves the best. Same as his Cuban cigars, which were deemed illegal due to a trade embargo with Cuba at the time. Generally, if one keeps their brain open, again, just envision the type of acquaintances and contacts Terry knew and was connected with during the decade to get ahold of all of these goods. I don't know, it is hilarious (and a little frightening with the right context involved) how plausible and easy it is to imagine a crossover between The Karate Kid III and Narcos, for example.
― On a slightly lighter note, I feel that all throughout the decade, Terry Silver had the tendency to disguise himself; as various things, yes. A hobby all of his own. Hard done by dojo owner, regular Joe Schmoe at the club downtown, struggling martial artist, blue collar guy of the most ordinary variety or just another nameless stranger on the street. You name it. Pre-Internet era, when it was infinitely more difficult to recognize someone, look them up or photograph them in public, he enjoyed going about unbothered and just observing things. People. Situations. Being a bit of a voyeur and a prankster of his own variety, he liked seeing and experiencing how people treat him when they think he's just some nobody and playing with their mind through it for his own amusement.
― At the height of 80's consumerism, there was no need to downplay his wealth, quite the contrary; if Terry lived in a mansion, it was the biggest, most gigantic brutalist bit of property overlooking all of LA from Beverly Hills. If he dressed rich, he wore a red silky ascot like he's a character straight off of Dynasty (and he knew it too!) If he drove around in a car, it was a chauffeured Rolls Royce, of all things. He trained in a white satin Gi as peak decadence. It was only the coming decades that he, as I see it, choose to strategically go about the route of a bit of stealth-wealth, because it became the new acceptable way of being a member of the 1%, and chameleon that he was, he went and adapted. Flew under the radar. Downsized on purpose. Means, that when the 80's ended, the tenure of him dwelling at the Ennis House ended too. And everything that went along with it as well. Times change. Terry (seemingly) changes with them. The earring in his ear had to go too (once it went out of fashion.)
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reglux456 · 11 months
Gurkha Cellar 6 Cigar Sampler
Created over a century in the past and named after legendary Nepalese fighters, Gurkha has been reborn to become a popular model in the world. The model has introduced a plethora of cigars in the earlier few years, and heaps of of them are favorites of cigar aficionados and smokers. Apart from the native cigar store, you can buy Gurkha cigars online to experience their unique smokes. The Castle Hall is a basic Grandfathered title re-packaged, re-blended, and re-released. A nice value cigar hailing from the incredible American Caribbean Cigars manufacturing unit of Nicaragua it includes a Nicaraguan binder, filler, and Ecuadorian Habano wrapper.
Which you can’t see as a result of it is raining and gloomy outside. Cigar Dojo consists of a devoted group of cigar people who smoke, who’s one objective is to present one of the best cigar reviews on the net. “Our firm has seen speedy progress despite its boutique strategy. Owning our personal manufacturing facility is a pure transition and the following strategic step in with the flexibility to continue to satisfy the needs of Gurkha followers worldwide,” said Kaizad Hansotia, CEO of Gurkha Cigars. The Essential Guide for MenThe Manual is easy — we show males the way to reside a life that is more engaged.
The San Miguel by Gurkha consists of solely Nicaraguan tobaccos. Tobaccos in the blend come from the Aganorsa farms in Estelí, Nicaragua. The cigar is highlighted by a Shade Grown Corojo wrapper, one of many specialty tobacco leaves grown on the Aganorsa farms. This Discount cigar deal is an distinctive worth and comes in a special edition Gurkha sampler box of 6 hand packed cigars. This Special Cigar Sampler brings one of the best of the Gurkha line multi function beautiful reward field.
If you prefer to smoke without smoke-producing chemicals, you must consider buying gurkha cigars online. Most local cigar outlets also have a small number of premium cigars that are typically discounted if you are going to buy them in bulk. Buying cigars in bulk can sometimes supply a major discount and is an efficient way to deal with yourself on particular events or simply to get pleasure from an everyday stick of espresso. The Heritage has a Rosado Ecuadorian Habano wrapper, Nicaraguan binder and Dominican, Pennsylvanian, and Nicaraguan fillers.
On the bottom half of the middle third some sweetness joins in with the cedar. Of course this trend couldn't final lengthy within the cigar business, particularly after the cigar increase of the mid Nineties when most cigar customers romeo and julieta short churchill were now blue collar employees on a middle-class salary. To meet demand, Gurkha broke away from their high-end offerings to make cigars utilizing top quality tobaccos that everybody can afford.
Hanzotia is quoted as saying, "When I came into the industry, quite honestly, all I noticed was a bunch of crap. Everyone used these low cost paper cigar packing containers, and the packaging was boring." Most cigars within the late Eighties retailed between $2 - $2.50, with high-end cigars round gurkha cigar $5 - $6. When Hansotia debuted cigars to duty-free outlets in 1990 at around $12 - $17 every, business players thought he was crazy and have been skeptical that they would ever sell.
Now, in the era of streaming, there is no central method to get access to every little thing on TV. Even if there have been, it might romeo y julieta doubtless be insanely expensive. Educated staff dedicated to the best cigars at one of the best prices.
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cubanvault · 1 year
Shop for Cigar Lounges Online with Fast Shipping, Casper, WY
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Cigar lounges online are virtual spaces where cigar enthusiasts can connect with one another, share their experiences and knowledge, and enjoy cigars together. These lounges are usually hosted on social media platforms, cigar forums, or specialized websites and offer a range of features such as discussion boards, virtual smoking rooms, live streaming events, and online stores.
Here are some examples of cigar lounges online:
Cigar Dojo: This is a popular cigar community that offers a mobile app, a website, and a social media platform where cigar lovers can share their experiences, reviews, and photos. The app also includes a virtual humidor where users can keep track of their cigar collection.
Reddit Cigars: This is a subreddit on Reddit where cigar enthusiasts can discuss all things related to cigars, share their experiences, and ask questions. The subreddit has over 80,000 members and is a great place to connect with other cigar lovers.
Cigar Federation: This is a community-driven website that features forums, reviews, and a virtual cigar lounge where users can smoke cigars together and chat in real-time. The website also has an online store where users can purchase cigars, accessories, and merchandise.
Cigar Advisor Lounge: This is a virtual cigar lounge hosted by Cigar Advisor, a website that provides cigar reviews, news, and educational content. The lounge features live streaming events, virtual smoking rooms, and a chat room where users can connect with other cigar enthusiasts.
Overall, cigar lounges online provide a great way for cigar enthusiasts to connect with one another and share their passion for cigars in a virtual setting.
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mobarbq · 1 year
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La Perla Habana Black Pearl Dojo Robusto. #cigars #cigarsandcoffee☕️ #nicaraguancriollowrapper🇳🇮 #nicaraguanlongfillers🇳🇮 #laperlahabanablackpearlrojo #lphrojo https://www.instagram.com/p/CnmkuxgOdjY/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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