#Clone Facebook?
ikiprian · 5 months
Clark is taking Kon and Jon out for a classic, super-style bonding flight. Just a quick jaunt around the US and back!
They don’t get far. Somewhere in Illinois airpace, they run across another family.
The three (a hulking man, a snarky teenage boy, and a cackling youngest girl, each a grayscale blur in the blue, blue sky) throw neon-lit beams of energy at one another, quips and insults flying almost as fast as they do. It looks like training. It looks like fun!
The boy of them looks like a younger version of the man. Exactly like, even. Clark is familiar with clones.
The youngest, a girl, looks like both of them, but not quite. Perhaps she will, age sharpening her childish features, but it’s hard to say. More likely, she’s the man’s daughter.
Interested, Clark introduces himself to Dan. He seems to be a hero in his own right, even if Superman’s yet to see him in action. And it’s not often Clark sees a family so like his own!
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thrawns-babygirl · 4 months
Whos gonna tell him?
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Cody: Oh and for your information, I don't have an ego. Cody: My spacebook photo is a landscape.
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my-autism-adhd-blog · 9 months
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It was sweet Anakin took care of Ahsoka’s lightsabers, but why did he tinker with them?
Star Wars Animation Geeks, Unite
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juniperika · 10 months
not me shamelessly advertising my own fics part2
Nobody Told You How to Unfold Your Love (21102 words) by KindOfASorcerer
The war is over and there is a romance novel going around Coruscant. Everyone seems to be convinced it's based on Cody and Obi-Wan.
I still can't sum it up better than this, so I'll just share a few memes (they're very silly but won't spoil the story):
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(rest under the cut)
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And this one isn't mine but it fits:
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Agen, texting his Creche's group comm: Pretty sure I just got glass in my foot
Bultar: take it out
Voolvif: no leave it
Voolvif: it livens up the place
Lissarkh: Agen's foot is so boring
Lissarkh: Agen if someone asked me my top three most boring additions to this world I'd say your foot that you have to shank with glass so people find it more interesting
Jak'Zin: Are you ok?
Voolvif: Agen please answer
Agen: what would you do if i died of a glassy foot and that was the last thing you ever said to me, Lissarkh
Agen: What if I got so mad that I forgot there was glass in it and stamped my foot and it shot up into my brain and died?
Sha: I just laughed so hard I heard something click in the back of my head
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ladyinrainbowglasses · 3 months
Lolita" as a facet read of the rise of fascism
Title may not make sense. Don't care.
Anyway, was drawn into a discussion about "Lolita" on Facebook, when an old quote from TERF wizard surfaced. In this interview, she referred to "Lolita" as a love story.
Proud of what I wrote there, so copy-pasta:
"Lolita" IS a book with superlative literary merit. It has some of the most beautiful and elegant prose of any prose work in the Western literary canon.
Nabokov made a deliberate choice to write Humbert as articulate, verbally suave, persuasive, and downright charming *because the entire point is that people can justify anything to themselves and will attempt to justify their most unconscionable actions with obfuscation. Intelligent and/or sophisticated people are incredibly good at this obfuscation, to the point that they can charm you into agreeing with their truly monstrous actions.*
If you fall for Humbert Humbert, you will fall for a Bill Cosby. You will fall for a Jim Jones. You will fall for an Adolph Hitler. If rhetoric can persuade you that the blatantly evil and monstrous ISN'T actually bad, then you are normal, but weak.
The criticism IS that a major frailty of the human condition is allowing ourselves and others to tell us lies about our own moral rightness so we can sleep.
On a separate comment, assuring another person that Nabokov was NOT a pedo apologist:
"Lolita" is not an easy read, because the point is not that pedophilia is good - the subtext leaking around Humbert's interpretations of events are VERY clear on that point - it is because Humbert is so elegant and persuasive that an unaware reader will actually start to buy in to his logic.
The cautionary tale is inherently "Be careful who you listen to, no matter how persuasive or charming their rhetoric is. They can get you to agree to the greatest depravity if you are not careful."
The existence of "Lolita" porn and every single film ever made of the story shows that a lot of men in particular do not get the point, while a lot of women do not read it, because they assume it is yet another apologia for the sexualization of girl children.
Nabokov himself insisted that the cover NEVER sexualize Lo. His own instructions on the cover were "NO GIRLS!!!!"
He referred to her as his "poor little girl" and made it clear that 'Lolita' is Humbert's fantasy of the sexually tempting nymphet, while 'Lo', the actual little girl, is already a survivor of sexual molestation who takes the path of least resistance when her stepfather causes her mother's death and kidnaps her. Lo IS inappropriately sexual with adults, but as Humbert discovers the first time he rapes her, it is because someone else beat him to be the first to take sexual advantage of this child.
Edifying for anyone who has not worked with children - a common sign of child sexual abuse is a child who is inappropriately sexual, especially with adults. A person trained in spotting potential flags of an abused child will notice that Lo has a whole 4th of July worth of flags from the moment she appears on the page.
Though "Lolita" as one book on a list of books that people constantly misinterpret so that they can pretend the book supports their thoughts and actions would be fascinating. "1984" is the other one that leaps to mind.
So, how does that circle back to fascism?
We are not quite there yet.
First, I took a bong out to the back porch and listened to "The Books and Movie Guy" about the lack of stories that take place inside the rise of fascism. We, meaning English-speaking audiences, tend to prefer our WWII narrative: fascism is here, it is very clearly bad, and we few, we noble few, we band of brothers are here to ride for ruin and the world's ending. Now the evil fascist leader is dead and we are all covered in ticker tape and champagne and various bodily fluids, hurrah. And suddenly, No One was fascist *ANYMORE*. Enjoy your civilization, you fascist... well, not anymore ~uwu~ ... dragons.
That point is true.
My God, is it true.
It is really hard for us to see "It Can Happen Here" as a narrative, because such a huge part of the American psyche is wrapped up in the narrative of us as THE ELECT. The religious terrorists who formed our first real systems of laws had a religion that was based deeply in the reading of signs and symbols to determine if you were to be allowed into eternal paradise or condemned to eternal suffering. Eventually, it became too complicated to figure out what was and what was not a revelation from God as to whether you personally were one of THE ELECT. Instead, we got to the much simpler idea that if you were born into the community that had the TRUE WORD OF GOD, if you didn't leave, you were probably pretty solid. After all, if God didn't want you personally in heaven, why would he bother having you be born to the only group of people that were joining him in eternity?
This is a vast oversimplification, but gives a general idea as to how America the Divinely Inspired really took root over here.
Every country that has fallen to fascism, therefore, did so because they lacked some of the unique wonderful specialness inherent to Americans, who never, ever do anything bad ever. Especially not politically, my dear doctor.
Thesis established, whys supported, the next step in the conclusion for me was recommending the "Clone Wars" TV series. It takes the lackluster "We are fighting a war and there's like incremental stuff building up over time and something is bad and fascism now!?" that the prequel films deliver as stand alones, and fills in all the things that lead to the decline of republicanism and democracy and the rise of fascism. The allowing of institutions to grow hidebound and rules-lawyery. The impatience with a system that needs to consider all possible angles when there is an EXTANT EMERGENCY RIGHT NOW AND PEOPLE ARE FUCKING DYING WHILE YOU WINDBAGS ARE BLOVIATING. People feeling disenfranchised, silenced, shoved aside.
Filoni makes it work on an extra step, because the audience also gets to watch the decline of Anakin Skywalker into Darth Vader. How does a well-meaning kid, awkward, dorky, but sweet and kind-hearted (established way better in the show than the movie) get to the point where he is willing to slaughter children with his own hands - to murder his own pregnant wife in the support of a fascist regime who could not give less of a fuck about him personally.
THAT is where the disparity connects in my lovely ADHD brain.
If "Lolita" is fundamentally a novel about the use of rhetoric to allow oneself to excuse any depravity, then can it not also be read as cautionary to the rise of fascism?
Obviously, sexual violence against children does not need to get metaphorical. People who brutalize kids aren't thinking of their actions as symbolic of greater problems writ large, nor are the fascists and other planet rapers thinking of more intimate forms of violence as reflective of their own goals. Putting that out there.
But reading in this train of thought opens another line of thought into the insight of propaganda efforts in supporting demagoguery. The violence of fascism is the inherent violence of control. All control forcibly taken is traumatic violence and violation.
The mental gymnastics and linguistic cul-de-sacs Humbert Humbert deals in are all the forms of rhetoric of a classic fascist leader. She is so much stronger. She needs his protection because she is so much weaker. She must have enjoyed it, because he enjoyed it. It has to be solipsistic, because he has to believe he is justified in his actions - if Dolores is a real person - if she is Lo, not his idea of Lolita - then he has done an evil thing.
If we learned anything from Nuremberg, it is that people's minds will go through the most extraordinary pericombobulations to arrive at the idea that one's own actions are always justifiable, and therefore, if not always, at least mostly correct.
Does it really reflect a much broader trend, to read the point of view of a selfish, vain, deluded man using his own opinion of his own innate superiority as having interesting parallels to the rise of fascism?
I think I'll leave that up to Twitter.
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wain-wright · 11 months
This is my googled 30 min research so i'm just guessing for fun.
Looks like either you need to be a hip place that attracts so many new users (makes a splash in numbers for investors?) and get good press as THE place to be in order to attract advertiser dollars OR
Make your core usability lock behind a paywall like spotify, which is cashflow positive, but can't tell if this worked out for medium (probably not)- (and looks like Substack isn't doing too well) This focuses less on advertisers and more on users.
Alternatives? Monetizing content + ads on selected produced articles? That's a niche that isn't filled.
You know there's this whole style of paying for webnovels in China or something, like if they didn't ruin the concept of wattpad by viewing users... like that, instead of treating them like content creators a la Youtube. Which looks like it's going strong.
In lieu of nonprofit, I guess you'd have to get a community of people producing good content that the site made a no brainer to use- and a kind of distributive ad process like uh... tiktok.... hm..... untargeted is that big of a deal? But it'd take advantage of the tumblr social pathways- the ability to monetize a post if you chose. Can't remember much about post+ but that came out of nowhere... I don't remember having any idea how to use it. I hope it was something like- you can choose to monetize certain posts behind a paywall? That's the only way you could do it, right?
Fanfic concerns: nobody on youtube worries about this when making videos about established properties tbh. I guess don't write fanfic specifically and put that behind a paywall (or do and see where this leads us) but fanart is free game? How confusing. Home of fandom could be like.... reviewers.... taste makers..... god tumblr actually IS good at stealth word of mouth marketing for a lot of properties. Very funny.
But if I was thinking informational- or like "how to recognize chords", or news feed that would be an idea I didn't even think of when post+ in it's unclear use state came out.
Okay, maybe that wouldn't work- we come here to shitpost. Maybe you could have the option of making a goodpost blog (original posts only) behind a paywall. But a general fee, like spotify charges $5 for access to all songs, instead for monthly access to paywalled content? The response would be a little different now, I'd imagine.
Both options, as well as an option to see blogs more automatically as the constructed sites and not just on the dash like squarespace? that's doing well, though I've seen random complaints about the nature of the not-html style site constructions. Complexity was mentioned as part of the issue retaining users along with lack of immediate interaction/reason to stay, but showing off various blogs as their own sites and then letting you follow the author of the blogs on the dash seem like it'd work out..........
It retains the free functionality but the alternative would be presented as a sidegig.
Chaotic patreon.....Patreon and Reddit are private, with Reddit maybe having an IPO by the end of 2023, so I'll assume they aren't doing super great. Tumblr up for IPO soon?
Best case scenario for site survival: it's sold to huge company that can eat the cost of operations until the site is made hip to advertisers, or shrug.
But there really isnt a good microblogging site- that allows all the ability to make a searchable blog..... (I see maybe they were thinking they could just use the social part of tumblr and somehow get wordpress to show up on the rss feeds) but yeah there's not really any social capacity baked into to wordpress, on lj I would go over to see what people were doing for that day and read their comments. That site does live on in spirit in dreamwidth
Bluesky and mastodon have that character limit and you can't format anything, but if they get successful they can rake in ad money. I don't know about this. Can't even remember what pillowfort is like but I remember there was some weirdness with the founders that scared me off, I didn't think it was going to last well.
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rebeccabarrett · 12 days
Facebook Hacker To Check Your Partner’s Secret Messages
Facebook Hacker to Check Your Partner's Secret Messages: An unethical and illegal tool used to invade privacy and breach trust in relationships.
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Related: 5 Ways To Facebook Hack In Cheating Evidence Investigations
In today's digital age, where communication primarily takes place online, concerns about privacy and trust have become increasingly prevalent. With the rise of social media platforms like Facebook, individuals may be tempted to use various tools, such as Facebook Hacker, to check their partner's secret messages. However, before delving into such methods, it's essential to consider the risks and ethical implications involved.
Why Check Partner's Secret Messages?
Doubts about a partner's faithfulness can gnaw at the core of a relationship. When signs of potential cheating emerge, such as secretive behavior or unexplained absences, individuals may feel compelled to delve into their partner's messages for confirmation or closure.
Trust forms the bedrock of any healthy relationship. However, if trust has been eroded due to past experiences or ongoing behavior, one partner may resort to checking the other's messages as a means of seeking reassurance or validation, hoping to quell their insecurities.
When communication falters and transparency wanes, suspicions can arise. In such instances, individuals may turn to monitoring their partner's messages as a last resort to gain insight into their thoughts and feelings, attempting to bridge the gap and salvage the connection.
Ethical Concerns
Aside from the risks, there are significant ethical concerns associated with hacking into someone's Facebook account. Invading someone's privacy without their knowledge or consent undermines trust and mutual respect in relationships. It can also cause emotional harm and strain interpersonal relationships.
How Facebook Hacker Tools Work
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Reasons People May Want to Check Their Partner's Messages
Suspicion of Infidelity
One of the primary reasons individuals may consider using Facebook Hacker tools is suspicion of infidelity. If someone suspects their partner of cheating, they may resort to monitoring their online activities, including their private messages, in an attempt to gather evidence of wrongdoing.
Concerns About Online Safety
In some cases, individuals may justify hacking into their partner's Facebook account out of concern for their safety. They may fear that their partner is engaging in risky or inappropriate behavior online, such as interacting with potential predators or sharing sensitive information.
Benefits of checking your partner's secret messages by a Facebook hacker?
It's crucial to emphasize that there are no legitimate benefits to checking your partner's secret messages by using a Facebook hacker. Engaging in such behavior not only violates ethical boundaries but also carries serious legal implications. However, for the sake of understanding the misguided motivations some individuals may have, here are a few perceived "benefits":
Confirmation of Suspicions: Some individuals may believe that by accessing their partner's secret messages, they can confirm suspicions of infidelity or dishonesty. They see it as a way to validate their concerns and potentially uncover evidence of wrongdoing.
Sense of Control: There's a misguided perception that by monitoring a partner's messages, one can exert a sense of control over the relationship. This false sense of control may provide temporary relief from feelings of insecurity or uncertainty.
Emotional Closure: For those grappling with doubts or fears about their relationship, accessing secret messages might be seen as a way to gain closure. They may hope that uncovering the truth, even if painful, will allow them to move on from the relationship with a clearer understanding of what went wrong.
👉Related Article: Hire Professional Facebook Hackers
Trust Issues in Relationships
Using Facebook Hacker tools to spy on a partner's messages undermines the foundation of trust in a relationship. Trust is essential for maintaining healthy and meaningful connections, and violating someone's privacy erodes that trust irreparably. Even if the suspicions turn out to be unfounded, the damage to the relationship may be irreversible.
Alternatives to Using Facebook Hacker Tools
Open Communication
Instead of resorting to secretive and potentially illegal methods, couples should prioritize open and honest communication. If there are concerns or suspicions in a relationship, they should be addressed directly and respectfully. Engaging in constructive dialogue allows both partners to express their feelings and concerns without resorting to invasive tactics.
Seeking Professional Help
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If suspicions of infidelity or other serious issues persist, couples may benefit from seeking professional help. Relationship counseling or therapy can provide a safe and supportive environment for addressing underlying issues and improving communication skills. A trained therapist can help couples navigate challenges and strengthen their relationship in a healthy and constructive manner.
Final Touch
While the temptation to use Facebook Hacker tools to check a partner's secret messages may be strong, it's essential to consider the ethical and legal implications of such actions. Invading someone's privacy without their consent not only violates trust and mutual respect but also carries significant legal risks. Instead of resorting to secretive methods, couples should prioritize open communication and seek professional help if needed to address underlying issues in their relationship.
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ezrasf · 2 months
Facebook cloning
Someone copying the name of another person on social media is annoying, but I don’t think of it as hacking. Anyone can make an account. Social media companies made verification methods precisely because clones are easy to make and when do so about someone famous, it could lead to a devaluation of a brand. For everyone else, scammers can clone anyone. This happens quite a bit on Facebook as…
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wmatthewt · 8 months
Hacked, Cloned, Spoofed and Phished...
The internet is truly the wild west of modern day society. Social media, electronic communications and instant access have made daily life easier and more painful! Hacked= use a computer to gain unauthorized access to data in a system. Cloned=cloning  the process of copying the contents of one computer hard drive to another disk or to an “image” file.  Spoofed= Spoofing is a type of scam in…
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View On WordPress
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ohnonanobots · 1 year
You can be biometrically impersonated using your Fitbit
Research article:
A Genetic Attack Against Machine Learning Classifiers to Steal Biometric Actigraphy Profiles from Health Related Sensor Data
Research paper PDF:
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sailahina · 1 year
I get why people are bummed about Twitter but the longest I was active on Twitter was for like...four months? And I kept waiting to enjoy it but all that happened was I'd fight with strangers online and find things to be angry about.
I know losing it as a journalistic/news source is shitty, but honestly I'm glad to see it go. It's just a breeding ground for hatred.
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dreamguystech31 · 1 year
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general-ida-raven · 4 months
I saw a post on here a few days ago with a screenshot from Facebook of a guy saying something along the lines of “wait people are drawing shirtless clones what?” and this is the first thing that came to mind.
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gmsignz · 2 years
Bite Me Combat
So I just found this video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=imWCNM7hLbU
I didn't realize that the og Bite Me didn't use turn based combat, it used cooldown based stuff!
Imma have to change so much lol. But that's kinda unique and cool so I'm not too mad about it
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