#WHY are we trying to replace this dumb thing at all??
sailahina · 1 year
I get why people are bummed about Twitter but the longest I was active on Twitter was for like...four months? And I kept waiting to enjoy it but all that happened was I'd fight with strangers online and find things to be angry about.
I know losing it as a journalistic/news source is shitty, but honestly I'm glad to see it go. It's just a breeding ground for hatred.
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nexus-nebulae · 2 years
i amb. Dissociating
#low health#<- this tag for mental health too ig#ask to tag#i dont know why i am brain not working#literally do not know what is causing this#havent been able to focus at all yesterday or today#probably longer than that idk#id ont know who i am or whos nearby front#i dont think our brain wants echo anumore but we dont have a replacement what do we do#we almost got two relplacement but they werent fit for being host for various reaosns#i keep just. like. going blank for so amny minutes at a time#jsut staring at nothing midsentenece and never finishing the thoght#sorry for all the misspellnigs too i dont really have the energy to fix them tbh#brain is being not ok but i dont know why its happening or what can fix it#maybe its hust fall idk#fall always fills me with dread for like. many reasons#like soon im not gonna be able to walk as much and im almost never gonna be able to leave the house once winter hits#plus fall seems to be exactly when bad things alwys happen to me so#thank u august 2020 for that oen#but its not even august anymore youd think if it were connected to the august incident itd fuck me up during august#i dont know. i dont know whats wrong or why my brain is upse t#and i dont know how to fix it#i keep thinking 'talking to friend will help' and maybe it is i dont know i cant tell#but im too fucking dumb and anxious to do that half the fucking time anyways#... i think i have trust issues#not in the sense of 'i think everyone around me is hiding something' or shit like that#btu more in the sense of 'i am so scared at every second that i am going to fuck this up'#so i never even try bc it's the only 100% guaranteed way to not fuck up right????#wrong then i lose all my friends bc i dont talk to anyone ever
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evilminji · 1 year
Okay... so it COULD be because, as a writer, I'm an ASSHOLE to my Characters...
Danny, innocent, gets YEETED into DC. As ya do. And he's a bit messed up. But! He's a Baby Ancient in the making. Gonna be master of Spaaaaaace(~~~☆!) one day. Very exciting, only slightly relevant.
See, Ectoplasm? Dumb. That's why we need Cores and Brains etc. Never let Ectoplasm decide things. It WILL chose the "technically correct but now the buildings on fire" option EVERY SINGLE TIME. And you are running out of fire extinguishers.
Because it is dumb.
Very, VERY No Brain, Just Goo, Dumb.
And THIS Goo has a life to save. A Halfa too maintain in Peak Performance(tm). Because THIS Goo is VERY smart Goo(according only to itself) and TOTALLY knows what it's doing! Damaged meat bits? Oh that's EASY! You just FIX that! Replace with meat bits! See? It's BRILLIANT Goo. 10 out of 10 stars, me!
Small problem.
The instructions have been damaged.
Wait! No! We got this! We are Very Smart Goo(tm). And have Space Powers. This is FINE. We'll... we'll just FIX the instructions! Hand me a hammer! If we smash enough bits together, it'll sort? Of look right? Close ENOUGH? Yeeeeeah. We're GENIUS Goo~
But where did they GET their ill begotten DNA? Well OBVIOUSLY the place all the OTHER DNA they had was stored, DUH? Keep up, says the Goo with literally no braincells making horrifying choices for an unconscious man. It's Earth.
As in... the planet.
It's not even HIS planet. It's AN Earth. A Planet CALLED "Earth" that dwells in the DC universe, not his, and is covered with ZERO(0) Fentons but plenty of superhumans and aliens. THAT planet.
The Goo grabbed the Very BESTEST Meat Instructions it could FIND! The Goo is also a collective and did not AGREE on what the "Best" WAS. But it's... okay, no, I can't lie to you, it is NOT fine.
But thankfully it IS stable.
Because Ectoplasm may be dumb and indiscriminate as super-bacteria with a flamethrower, but it is a MASTER at the jigsaw of Life. It can reanimate ANYTHING.
Including the now SINGLE MOST CHIMERAD MAN you've ever SEEN. Who is he related too? YES. His left knee is Kryptonian, the fingers on his right hand are Tameranian, his skin tone has shifted to the most ambiguously multi-ethnic tone imaginable (think that future of humanity mock up, where they combine every ethnicity on the premise that inter-racial marriage will becoming increasingly common up to the point where we all just kinda look averaged out thanks to the ease of travel) because it's trying to do all of them at once and none of them are willing to back down, because all of them got the instructions "Be Skin". He might have Slade Wilson's cheek bones and hair.
Danny wakes up and basicly is half Ectoplasmic Goo, half the extended Super Community.
Because of course this IS fixable. It's just medical shape-shifting. But without HIS template, undamaged. His body is REFUSING to change from what is OBVIOUSLY the CORRECT form. And he keeps getting clocked as "probably related to me".
With the Fenton Luck kicking in? The parts of him people manage to swab and/or get DNA from? Keep MATCHING them. Danny doesn't know WHO is behind this but-! *spots a giggle child with a cat* !!!!!!
Klarion you little SHIT!
So now he's wearing a face that's BARELY his, running from very determined superhumans who want to parent him, trying to steal enough technology to build a portal. AND vowing to kick the witch boy's ASS.
His body is Frankenstein's FEVER DREAM! Every time he gets hurt, it tries to "FIX" itself! He lost a chunk of his should back there and HIS ENTIRE BODY CHANGED SKIN TONES. He's pretty sure if he SITS funny, his teeth might fall out and regrow POINTY! He's handing you over to WALKER you horrible little gremlin child!
Just? Take the "Danny is related to X" and "Danny is sick" and turn them uuuuup. Make EVERYBODY concerned except Danny. This is just another fucked up adventure in a long string of fucked up adventures. Give him his DNA back. If he has to suffer the Fenton Luck then he should AT LEAST get to keep the Fenton "built like a tank"!
*gets hit again*
*is GREEN now for some reason* The fuck?
Garfield, aka Beast Boy: I HAVE A CLONE SON!?
Danny: Zone DAMN IT not another one!
@ailithnight @hdgnj @nerdpoe @the-witchhunter
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dreamofbecoming · 1 year
listen i know we all love steve “completely ignorant of queer culture to the point that bisexuality is a surprise” harrington being roasted and educated in turns by robin and eddie, yadda yadda, good stuff. i read “they made a horror version of rocky?” in a fic recently and cackled. also a big fan of “he knew he was bi from the start and just never talked about it” as a trope, love it excellent well done
but what about steve who realizes after starcourt that the most important person in his life now has this thing that’s a major part of her life that he knows nothing about, and what if he fucks it up? what if he says something ignorant or rude by accident, and hurts her? what if he loses her because he didn’t know the right thing to say? what if he can’t keep her safe because he doesn’t know what to look out for? absolutely fucking not, this steve says
and listen she’d never say anything, because she can tell that he can tell how much she likes teasing him and teaching him things, so he plays dumb, and she thinks it’s very sweet. but she notices when the zines she keeps under her bed that she buys at that one secret bookshop in indy when she can sneak away on family trips start going missing, always one at a time, and replaced in a few days with another disappearing. and she finds the new ones he must have gone to buy the weekend she was at her aunt’s house hidden in the back of his closet when she goes to steal one of his sweaters. and she notices when he slips more of her queerer movie recommendations into his personal take home pile rather than the movie night stack when he thinks she’s not looking.
she doesn’t notice when he drives to indianapolis after she tries to explain to him why she can’t just ask out a cute girl, tries to impress on him the fear attached to every moment of attraction that he simply has never had to feel, but later she finds a crumpled receipt from a diner in one of his jacket pockets when she’s looking for his keys, and the address is across the street from the bar the gorgeous woman at the bookstore told her about, the one she memorized the address of but hasn’t worked up the guts to think about visiting, and she knows he must have gone looking for a place like that, must have been trying to understand, must have been scoping it out to make sure it was somewhere she could feel safe, after she told him she never had.
so when eddie nearly pops a blood vessel when they clock each other and she mentions that steve is the only person she’s ever come out to before, her hackles come up. because she gets it, she does, he’s only known king steve until recently, so it makes sense that he would be afraid, be concerned for her safety.
but steve is her person, and no one- no one- has ever made her feel as protected or as cared for as he does. no one has ever tried as hard to understand her, no one has ever put so much work into making her feel safe and seen and loved. and she thinks maybe even if no one else ever does, that’s ok. because she has steve, and more importantly steve has her, and that means no one gets to question his ally credentials in her presence without a dressing down to remember, no matter how well they mean or how recently they helped save the world.
(and maybe she’s not as surprised as she could be when he figures out bisexuality all on his own, because she’s been reading all the same pamphlets he has, after all. and she’s seen the way he looks at eddie, i mean come on. maybe no one else has noticed, but then, nobody knows steve harrington like she does.)
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heyhiwhatsupdude · 8 months
Here’s a dumb thing I wrote enjoy. Astarion x Reader :3
(You were in a particular rough battle, one that ended in Withers needing to resurrect you, and Astarion is not happy)
His eyes are dark as life jolts back into your body. No longer are you in the cave in the Underdark where your life was torn from you, but lying in Astarion’s arms in a camp amidst glowing mushrooms. Crowded around you are your other companions, a mix of worry and relief hanging in their expressions. As you try to sit up, Astarion gently guides you.
“Are you alright, love?” He asks softly. You nod and start to stand up, stretching your recently replaced soul throughout all of your limbs, trying to make it fit back where it once had. Karlach extends a hand and helps you to your feet.
“Thought we lost you there, soldier,” she says, a weak laugh creeping out behind her words. “Fortunately for you this guy is better than us at healing.” She gestures over her shoulder at Withers, who seems rather uninterested in the whole ordeal. He nods slightly, and then continues to stare blankly ahead of him.
“Thanks, guys,” you say. You reach your hand up the back of your neck where in theory a gaping wound should still stand, but there isn’t so much as a scar. The sword that should have ended your life for good didn’t even leave a mark.
Astarion rises to his feet next to you, eyes still dark with something you can’t distinguish. Suddenly all of your other companions have somewhere else to be, quickly and awkwardly slipping away to their tents as Astarion stares you down, eyes taking in your every movement. Rather than ask him his thoughts, you silently begin to walk away from the camp, towards an area where your conversation will not be so easily overheard. After a moment you hear his footsteps follow you.
“What were you thinking?!?” His voice comes out in a hiss, anger seeping into his words. “Why would you do something so stupid?”
You turn to glance at Astarion. “It wasn’t stupid in the moment. I didn’t think he would be so fast.” Astarion tilts his chin up.
“But WHY did you have to do that? I was perfectly fine to handle myself!”
“Are you angry with me for trying to protect you?” Despite the haze of being resurrected, you still remember seeing the rush of a sword toward Astarion, and feeling your body move on its own. Though he may have been able to evade it, the blade meeting it’s mark on Astarion would have meant his certain doom as well.
“Yes. I am.” Astarion takes a step closer to you. “I would have been fine.”
You shake your head. “You don’t know that. It might have ended up like this anyway, someone being resurrected.”
“Something that we didn’t even know would work until just now. And might never work again!” He adds the second sentiment on hastily, pointing a finger at you.
“But it did work, and I’m fine now.”
Suddenly he can no longer contain himself.
“You didn’t have to watch you die!” Astarion shouts, his voice breaking. “You didn’t have to watch all of your blood rush from your neck, the life slip from your eyes. You didn’t have to watch as the only person who you have ever cared about crumple to the ground. And it was MY fault.” Tears spring from his eyes. “I thought I lost you forever, love. Hells, you DIED.”
Tears pour freely down his face, his voice catching in his throat. Tears well in your own eyes as well, knowing the hurt you have caused him, knowing you would have reacted the same had the situation been flipped, still further knowing that you did not regret your decision one bit.
“I would do it again, Astarion. For you.” He grabs your face in his hands, thumbs forcing your chin to tilt up, forcing your gaze to his.
“Don’t. Please, for my sake, don’t. I don’t care if you’re fine in the end. I cannot….. I cannot…” he buries his face in your neck as a sob cuts off his words. You wrap your arms around him gently. After a moment he regains his composure and whispers,
“I cannot bear to see you die again. Please. Don’t make me watch my worst nightmare a second time.” He pulls back, making sure you meet his gaze once again. “Please.”
“Okay,” you whisper. Astarion brushes his thumb across your lips before gently bringing them to his.
“Thank you, darling.”
You spend the rest of the night wrapped tightly in his embrace, his fingers tracing the back of your magically unscarred neck as though afraid your wound may reopen and steal you from him once again.
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stealthetrees · 2 months
I am impatient and not actually finished with it but whatever. I tried to write Fox angst but angst is hard and why make it sad when it can be funny.
The others POV would be sad but the Guard just want Fox to stop being a dumb ass.
When Fox woke up, it was to the sound of children arguing. But that’s not his problem. They were grown adults and could solve problems by themselves. Or Thorn would deal with it.
Fox rolled over and went back to sleep.
When he woke up again, after what felt like only a few minutes, the kids were still arguing, but much louder now. Fox blinked his eyes open and tried to focus on what was now apparently his problem.
“Shut up! Shut up shut up shut up! I don’t believe you!”
“Well that’s too bad cause is the truth whether you like it or not!”
“There is no way in hell he’s the youngest!”
God damn it, that wasn’t one of his kids, that’s his medic.
“You weren't even there how would you know!?!”
And that was… Wolffe?
“Well then how is he so much cooler than you?”
“If Fox is younger than why did he kill multiple sith when you got your ass kicked by Ventress of all people? Explain that dick head.”
“What do you mean he killed multiple sith?!?”
Well that’s a perfect time to intervene if any, because everyone Fox worked with knew about the feud with Darth Maul, and anyone who didn’t was not going to like the circumstances of his little nap.
Unfortunately, there were circumstances to his current predicament. Sitting up too quickly, Fox nearly passed out again when his vision went black and his ears filled with static. Several arms grabbed him to make sure he didn’t collapse.
Fox breathed deep, trying to stay conscious and not throw up as his vision cleared. He didn’t recognize the room he was in, but he did recognize the people so it was probably fine.
Copper, the Guard’s head medic, was holding Fox’s shoulders while glaring at Wolffe, who stood on the other side of the bed, having let go of Fox because of the intense glare. Ponds, Bly, and Cody filled the rest of the room while Sparrow, still in full armor and fresh off patrol, was crouched in the corner looking like he was in the middle of a mental breakdown.
“Are y’all gonna sort out yer problems like adults or am I gonna have to deal with your bullshit?”
Copper had the decency to look a little embarrassed while his batch mates avoided his gaze.
“That’s what I thought,” said Fox, nodding. “Now where the hell are we?” He pushed his brothers off him.
“The Jedi temple,” said Wolffe, dropping into the chair beside the bed.
“Those… guys found you in the Chancellor's office and freaked out. Dragged you all the way here. I got pulled into this mess cause they kept asking questions about yer medical history,” Copper said, wisely replacing whatever he was going to call them.
“Do you remember what happened? We found you on the floor of the Chancellor’s office awake but unresponsive,” Bly asked.
“Well, one minute I was working in the safe in the chancellor's desk the next thing I know I’m back on Corellia strapped to a table while some guy peels the skin off my arm. It was crazy,” said Fox, scratching the back of his neck.
That was the wrong thing to say. The uproar that followed his words brought the wrath of a Jedi healer down upon all of them, and after many threats of banishment from the room, everyone quieted down.
“Just an undercover job that went bad. It’s not a big deal, exept when the mind fuck thing happens,” Fox explained.
“What is the mind fuck thing?” cried Bly.
“What do you mean it’s not a big deal?” demanded Ponds.
“When a sith makes you relive your worst moments, like with the force or something,” explained Sparrow while everyone talked over him.
“Look, y’all fight sith way more than I do, you’ve probably had it worse,” said Fox, trying to divert their attention away from how he lost his arm.
“No? We don’t?? We fight droids???” Cody’s voice climbed in pitch as he edged towards hysteria. Wolffe buried his face in his hands.
“No offense, but I doubt your batch goes looking for Sith Lords to antagonize,” said Copper.
“I do not go looking for anything! Sidious just likes torturing me,” Fox shot back, causing more dismay from his brothers.
“I don’t think breaking into his ‘secret’ lair and trying to kill him in his bed count,” called Sparrow. Little fucker was always ready to gang up on Fox. How the medics had won him over was a mystery.
“And you said you were trying to get into the safe with the contract, so it’s no wonder Sidious tried to off you,” said Copper dismissively. “Honestly, I’m on his side for this one. Sith Lord or not the old fuck is entirely within his right to fuck you up.”
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rarityroo · 5 months
Obviously Jax is bad at feelings; even worse with apologizing. He and his girl have their first big fight and she just gives him the cold shoulder to the point he’s frustrated. He’d definitely say something “Come on, doll face, I said I was sorry! What else do you want from me, woman?!”
Fumbling apologies
(Jax x Fem!reader)
Hi! Im sorry this took a bit, I sadly have strep and feel like I ate a cheese grater lmao. This isn’t proof read so please forgive me if this is wonky, I honestly really like writing for Jax so I’m very happy I got this request! If you like this please lmk, Enjoy!
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You didn't mind Jax's crude nature, more often than not you found it funny. Sure his jokes and such were mean but he had a certain air about him you found so enjoyable. Until this moment at least...
"I just don't get what the big deal is!" Jax says in a dismissive tone. Your eyes flashed with frustration, was he serious? "It's not just about saying sorry, Jax. It's about meaning it! You can't just toss around apologies like they're nothing. I need to feel like you actually understand why I'm upset." Jax crosses his arms, a stubborn glint in his eyes. “Come on, doll face, I said I was sorry! What else do you want from me, woman?!” Jax said exasperated, he just wanted this to be over.
You shook your head, unbelieving. "I want you to acknowledge why I'm upset! I want you to understand how your actions hurt me." You were so sick of his insensitive jokes, or dismissive attitude whenever you try to talk about how you feel. He was so mean sometimes, but you still loved him.
Jax's frustration finally boils over, and he snaps, "Well, maybe if you weren't so damn sensitive, we wouldn't be in this mess!" "
Your eyes widen, hurt flashing across your face before it hardens into resolve. "Y'know what, fine. Jax, if that's how you feel, maybe we need some time apart." You started to regret those words, you didn't want him to go, you didn't want space but you were so exhausted from the constant back and forth. This has gone too far.
For a moment, silence hangs heavily between them, tension crackling in the air. Then, Jax's expression softens, regret seeping into his features. He knows he messed up. He knows he needs to make things right.
"I... I didn't mean that," he says quietly, his voice tinged with remorse. "I-I'm sorry, I didn't-." Jax was struggling to find the words, he doesn't like apologizing, he thinks it's a waste of his time and that it's below him although he knows he's wrong for what he said. You look at him, maybe he finally says a decent apology instead of brushing it off, maybe it was different this time.
You meet his gaze, your expression softening slightly. "Do you really mean that?"
Jax nods earnestly. "Yeah, I do." He said his eyes earnest, he looked embarrassed. "I know I'm not great at this stuff, but I want to try. I care about you alright? I don't want you to be all sad because of some dumb thing I said, I care about you or whatever." He finalized with a huff. You internally softly smile at that.
You take a deep breath, calming yourself, "I care about you too, Jax. But we need to communicate better. I don't want this to happen again."
He reaches out, gently taking your hand in his. "I promise I'll work on it. Starting with this." And then, with a tenderness he didn't know he possessed, Jax leans in and presses his lips to yours in a sweet, apologetic kiss. In that moment, the tension melts away, replaced by a warmth that spreads through you both. You may not be perfect, but you were willing to try, together.
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aurorawhisperz · 4 months
little romance documentary
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contains: swearing, fluff, use of y/n and a whole lot of dumb things.
tom!peter parker x stark!reader
a/n: the long-awaited rory comeback! and i’m in my spiderman phase so..the ethan landry stuff will have to wait.
summary: (based off the video diary scene in homecoming) a compilation of all things you’ve done with peter :3
“What are you doing?” You poke at the camera, causing it to shake a little bit. “Please don’t tell me you’re going to show that to the rest of the world.”
Peter shakes his head, “What? No, it’s a little behind-the-scenes thing. Video diary, documentary..” He tries to find the right word.
This is probably why you thought your father hiring someone your age was a bad idea.
“Right, who are you gonna show it to?” And all you can do is stare into the camera while he keeps on recording whatever’s happening in the fancy car.
“Oh, it’s just for me. For memories!” Peter moves the camera away from your view and makes it look like he’s in the spotlight instead.
You’re quite overwhelmed, so you give him a smile in return. “You can do a little introduction.. if you want.” He says with a grin as he makes the camera face you.
“Okay,” You clear your throat, fixing the way you looked. “I’m Y/N Stark, we are going to Germany, currently being driven by my trusty servant, Happy Hogan!”
Happy quickly interrupts the process, “And I’m not too happy with how you have the nerve to call me your trusty servant.” You roll your eyes at his words. “Whatever.”
“And I’m here with uh..Spiderboy!” You continue after a short while, Peter laughs, turning the camera back to himself before correcting the name, “It’s Spiderman, actually..”
The car speeds along the road, and everything felt okay. You were staring into the sun, enjoying and relaxing, Peter was recording you as you were doing so. Admiring how he was able to work with a really cool person..and his daughter.
Reporters and even influencers were calling you a privileged pretty girl, but he didn’t believe those people at all.
You look back at Peter, who’s quick to move the camera in Happy’s direction. You knew what he was doing and all you hoped for was that he didn’t capture a bad angle.
“Okay, okay, let's do this properly,” you say, taking the camera from Peter. “I'm Y/N Stark, the brains and beauty behind this operation. And this,” you turn the camera to Peter, “is Spiderman, our main character and friendly neighborhood hero in Queens.”
Peter gives a mock salute to the camera. “I’m here to save the day or, at the very least, make some pretty cool memories.”
Happy shakes his head, a small smile tugging at his lips as he focuses on the road ahead. “Just don't get yourselves into too much trouble, kids.”
“Trouble? Us? Neverrrr~” you say with a smirk.
This was also the start of a great friendship.
The camera flicks on and Peter’s face fills the screen as he grins mischievously. “Alright, we’re going to pull the ultimate prank on Happy. Wish us luck.” He whispers into the lens.
You appear next to him, just as excited, holding a box. “We’ve been planning this for a while. This is going to be EPIC.” You whisper.
The two of you sneak through the hallway of the lavish suite, making sure you aren’t attracting any attention. Happy was inside his room, absorbed by a movie, completely unaware of what’s happening as usual.
“Ready?” you ask Peter, who nods to the camera.
You press a button on a small remote, activating the surprise. Suddenly, the speakers hidden around the room begin to play the song “WHO LET THE DOGS OUT?”
Happy’s movie is long gone when it’s replaced by a compilation of embarrassing moments such as Happy looking into the fridge at three in the morning, him slipping on the floor, Happy trying (and utterly failing) to dance and getting scared by jumpscares.
He looks up, startled at first. “What the hell..?”
And that was your cue.
You and Peter burst into the room, laughing hysterically. “GOTCHA!” You shout, holding up the camera to capture his reaction. Happy was trying to suppress such levels of anger behind his crossed arms. “Really, kid? You’re involving the boss’s daughter OR SHOULD I SAY THE DEVIL’S OFFSPRING in your shenanigans?”
You both grin sheepishly. “Happy, relax..it was all her idea. I was just the accomplice, I was cool.” Happy shakes his head in disgust. “You’re lucky I have a sense of humor.” He says, holding up a finger as he walks to the bathroom. “THIS MEANS WAR!” Happy yells out.
“Bring it on, grandpa.” You tease. “You’ll never top this.” You and Peter high-five. “Think we need to wrap this up before he gets any other ideas..” Peter scratches his head as you turn the camera back to yourself.
Peter put on a cowboy-ish accent, “Until next time, folks. We are now signing off.” He tips his invisible hat, still grinning.
You’re on a plush couch next to the famous Tony Stark, sitting across from Peter who has the camera in his hand.
“Hey, nonexistent audience, welcome back to our comedy club! We’re here with Mr. Stark since this is a special episode.” Peter leans over at the camera, making him look like he’s upside down.
He pans the camera to you and Tony. Your father looked slightly bewildered and you were enjoying the spotlight.
“Thank you so much for joining us, Mr. Stark.” Peter settles down in front of the two of you. “First off, Y/N—how does it feel to be the daughter of Iron Man? Is it all..uh, glitz and glamour?”
You laugh, glancing at your dad. “It has its pros and cons. I still wanna sue that reporter for calling me a bitch.” Peter laughs at your words and focuses the camera on you as you go on and on about trying out the latest tech before it even reaches the world.
Tony raises an eyebrow at Peter and then looks back at you while you ramble about being a Stark.
“That’s a bit odd,” He places a hand on his chin, probably showing off his goatee. “My daughter likes to do solo projects, so it’s odd seeing you two of all people working together for this..video diary but if you’re out of trouble and it keeps Y/N happy, who am I to complain, right?”
You smirk, “At least Dad’s on board.”
Peter smiles, moving on to the next question. “Y/N, what’s one thing people would be surprised to know about Mr. Stark as a dad?”
You think for a moment, then grin. “He’s actually a big softie. He pretends to be all tough and serious, but he’s the first to offer a hug when you need one. And he makes the best pancakes.”
Tony chuckles, shaking his head. “You’re ruining my tough guy image, kid.”
Peter chuckles but doesn’t remove the camera’s focus from you. “And Mr. Stark, what’s one piece of advice you’d give to Y/N as she navigates her way through life?”
Tony’s expression turns sincere, his tone softening. “Always be true to yourself, buttercup. It’s easy to get caught up in what people expect of you, but at the end of the day, it’s your own integrity and heart that matter the most. And remember, you’re stronger than you think.”
You smile, touched by your dad’s words. “Thanks, Dad.”
Peter glances at his notepad, then back at the two of you. “Alright, final question. Y/N, what’s next for you? Any exciting projects or plans?”
Tony raises an eyebrow, he definitely caught on Peter’s not-so-secret intentions by now. “Well, I’ve got a few ideas in the works,” you say, smiling at the camera. “But you’ll have to stay tuned to find out. Can’t give away all my secrets now, can I?”
Tony leans back. “You know, Peter, you seem very interested in Buttercup’s plans. Any particular reason for that?”
Peter stammers slightly, his cheeks turning a bit red. “Oh, I just think she has some really cool ideas, Mr. Stark.“
You laugh, leaning towards the camera. “And you can bet we’ll be documenting every step of the way in our video diary.”
Peter grins, wrapping up. “Well, that’s it for today’s episode. Big thanks to Tony Stark for joining us. Until next time, keep watching for more adventures.”
As the recording ends, Tony shakes his head, smiling at the two of you. “You know, this might actually be a good thing. Just don’t let it go to your heads.”
You leave the room and the first thing Tony does is head over to Peter. “I’m not the kind of father to tell boys to stay away from their skanky little daughters but..don’t lay your..spider hands, spider legs, eight legs, whatever spiders have on my daughter.”
Peter sits on the edge of his bed in his hotel room, bouncing slightly with excitement despite the cuts and bruises covering his face. The adrenaline from the fight still runs through his veins. He can't help but giggle as he replays the battle in his mind.
There's a knock on the door, and before he can respond, you step inside. “Peter? You in here?”
“Y/N! You won’t believe what just happened, I met Captain America and I took his shield and I was like..” Peter puts on a deep voice as he runs his mouth even faster, “Hey, what’s up, everybody? I’m Spiderman from Queens and—”
“Okay, okay, you’re talking too fast.” You stop him but you can’t help but laugh at how enthusiastic he is about everything. “You probably looked impressive out there, Spider-boy, but are you okay? I mean-”
Peter’s grin widens and he interrupts, “I’m more than okay! IT WAS INSANE! I was out there with Iron Man, Black Widow, Captain America, Hawkeye and a bunch of new guys and I..” He stops when he sees how genuinely worried you are. “But yeah, I’m fine..really. Just a scratch.”
You can’t help but smile. “Alright, let’s see those ‘few bruises’ then,” you say, sitting down on the bed and patting the spot next to you.
This was the moment where you realized you were falling in love with him.
Peter sits beside you, still bubbling with excitement. “Okay, so there was this one moment where I webbed Cap’s shield and—”
“Wait, you webbed Captain America’s shield?”your eyes were wide. “Yeah!” His face lit up. “And then he’s like, ‘You got heart, kid,’ and I’m thinking, ‘Did Captain America just compliment me?’”
You laugh, shaking your head. “That’s incredible, Peter. But seriously, are you sure you’re okay?”
Peter nods, his expression softening a bit. “Sore, but good. It was just... so surreal. I’ve never been in anything like that before.”
You reach out and gently touch one of the bruises on his cheek. “I’m glad you’re okay. You did great today, Peter. Just don’t forget to take care of yourself too.”
“I will, I PROMISE.” He gives you a little pinky promise, both of you linking your small fingers together. His excitement gave way to a more relaxed, contented smile.
As Peter finished talking about everything that happened at the airport in detail, you lean in and press a gentle kiss on his roughed-up cheek. “Goodnight, Pete.”
Peter’s eyes widened in surprise, nearly all of his blood rushing to his face. “Aww, thanks.” A blush creeped up his face.
As you stand to leave, Peter's gaze shifts to the table where the camera is.
His cheeks flush even deeper as he realizes the camera caught your goodnight kiss. He quickly reaches over to turn it off, Peter can't help but smile as he replays the moment over in his mind until he drifts off into sleep.
This was also the moment he realized he was falling in love with you too.
The two of you sat side by side on Peter’s bed, watching the footage from his laptop.
Suddenly, the scene transitions to the part where you kissed Peter goodnight. Peter shifts next to you, scratching the back of his head. “Um, so..that was uh, unexpected!”
You nod as well, “Totally unexpected.”
Peter clears his throat, his eyes darting around the room, looking anywhere but straight into your soul. “I mean, not that it wasn't nice! It was... really nice. But, um, I just didn't expect it.”
You chew on your lip, trying to find the right words. “Right, yeah. I mean, it's not like I planned it or anything. It just... happened.”
There's a long pause when the awkwardness decides to stay forever. Finally, Peter breaks the silence. "I... I have to tell you something. Ever since we started this video diary, I kinda..uh, liked you. Not like a ‘you’re cool’ like but yeah! I..like-like you. More than just a general..likeness.”
You were caught off guard. “Oh, wow, that’s um, even more unexpected.”
Peter winces, his cheek turning as red as his suit. “Yeah, I know, it’s kind of out of the blue..sorry. I didn’t wanna make things weird because I work for your dad of all people.”
“No, it’s not weird..uh.” You shake your head, trying to find the right words to say. “I don’t feel the same way but uh-“
Peter’s eyes widen, “Oh, that’s alright, I mean, I wasn’t forcing you to like me back but—”
“NO! NO! NO!” You sit up and look down at Peter, “I do feel the same way, I uh..like-like you too but it feels like I care a lot more than you do..like I like you a lot more than you like me. Shit like that..”
“Really?” He breathes out, “You do?”
You nod, fixing Peter’s messed-up hair. “Yeah, I do.”
Before either of you can say anything else, Peter gets up, places the laptop on the other side and leans in hesitantly, his lips mere inches from yours. He looks at you, and all you can do in the intensity of the moment is nod. Peter closes the gap and captures your lips in a soft kiss.
He grabs you by the waist and has you straddling him as you try to deepen the kiss. Peter, considering your father, probably thought you had some experience but you didn’t. You, on the other hand, were thankful for the playboy genes kicking in so this wouldn’t turn out horrible.
It's awkward, clumsy, and completely perfect in its imperfection, just like how any other first kiss two people have should be.
You both pull away, breathless and wide-eyed.
Suddenly, a loud knock on the door breaks the moment, causing you both to jump apart in surprise. Aunt May's voice calls out from the other side, oblivious to the lovey-dovey moment within.
“Peter, dinner's ready!”
You share a sheepish smile, Peter realizes he’s not alone in his embarrassment. “Guess we'll continue this later,” you say, your cheeks still flushed.
“She makes terrible meatloaf, I just wanted to tell you.” He says as you get off his lap.
You look at the laptop next to Peter and laugh at the sight of Peter blushing and gushing like a fool after you kissed him that night. “I think we turned your video diary into a little romance documentary instead.”
“At least I’ll have something to show people when they ask how we met.” Peter shrugs and closes the laptop.
“You still can’t show that to anyone else, man..” You groan as you stand up, grabbing Peter’s hand to help him up.
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aajjks · 1 year
Debt (m)
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synopsis. you’re so unlucky that he’s lucky.
warnings. yändērē, sädïstïc bëhävïöür, öbsëssîvë thoughts, öbsëssïön, hê ïs sö ËVÏL, ünhëälthy rëlätïönshïp, yändêrê jk 10x, mäfïä köök, mëntïöns öf kïdnäppïng.
note. HAPPY KNJ DAY! send asks? ENJOY!
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“Aren’t you tired of fucking crying all the damn time?”
His words pierce you, how can he be so insensitive to you? He kidnapped you, of course he doesn’t care about your emotions.
He never did.
That’s why you left him.
You only sob harder and don’t look at him, what is the point? His face is the only thing you get to see these days, you feel like you’ll go insane.
“What e-else can I do! P-Please let me go..” your body temperature is burning, you sit on the dirty floor, your clothes are dirty, your heads hurts but this man doesn’t care.
He’s cruel, you hate him.
“Yn. I won’t let you go. So stop fuckin crying, it’s starting to annoy me.” Jungkook groans, you push your head deeper into your lap, he frustrates you to no end, if only you could kill him so you could leave.
“I hate you! I’ll never love you!”
“Do you honestly think that I give a fuck about that? Baby you should know me better.” He tsks, you want to scream from frustration but you can’t.
Because you’re too numb.
“Yn are you seriously that dumb? Huh? Really?” This man makes you want to pull your hair out of your skull, you want to die.
“Yes! I was dumb enough to love you once!”
He tsks again, you roll your eyes as you turn your head in his direction, tilting your body, biting the inside of your cheek.
“Jungkook, sincerely fuck you.”
“Oh but you have, so many times, remember?” He smirks, locking his eyes with yours, you want to wipe that smirk off his face, but you don’t have the energy.
He’s too strong for you.
“We broke up jungkook, get over it. You never deserved me, you lying asshole!” His eyebrows furrow in amusement, you’re entertaining him, oh he’s so sick.
“You broke up with me, baby I never did so it’s not over until I decide it is.” He folds his arms, the tattoos so visible, he’s sitting on that chair so comfortably while you’re on the cold hard ground.
“And you even had the audacity to try to replace me in your life, it makes me laugh at how you think I can be replaced, baby.” You notice him grit his teeth.
Oh now he’s the one that’s getting frustrated?
You want to laugh, he is such a narcissistic person, he thinks he’s so special to you, he was, once. But not anymore.
“What’s his name? Kim Namjoon, eh?”
You scoff, “what a fuckin stalker you are, Jungkook.”
“Of course. You are mine. I kept my eye on you every single day. My men did some digging and guess what, turns out that your boyfriend is in debt.”
“I know everything yn.”
He stands up, while you gasp in shock. You watch him walk towards you, his black shiny shoes hit the surface, his eyes never leave yours for a minute.
“W-What?! You’re a liar, why would you think that I’d believe you?”
He leans down infront of you, matching your level, “I never lie when it comes to you yn.” He looks at you with intensity. “You know that.”
“So, him and I had a little conversation. I approached him of course. And… let’s just say, you are a very unlucky woman in love.”
You feel tears well up in your eyes.
“But I’m lucky, guess what baby. We had a deal. I offered him humbly to clear up his debt and… in return for my favour to him…”
You don’t like this at all, you know this expression of his soul too well, his lips curl up into a smug smile, his eyes are twinkling, yet a dark hue covers them, oh you’re so in trouble.
“I get you back, forever.”
You let out a sob, you finally let it out, Jungkook doesn’t try to comfort you, he just watches you, “n-no…”
“Oh yes baby. Looks like he sold you. And I put my price on you.”
He chuckles, a sadistic cruel bastard.
“And now you’re mine forever, baby. Forever this time.”
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lizardaggro · 11 months
on the flip side
part 2 is out! part 3! part 4!
whaddya know, i already have my first piece of writing that's not for an rp. it's a mess, but that's okay, because i admit i have no clue what i'm doing! i welcome all feedback as long as it's not just plain mean. when i asked for writing ideas, i was suggested to try my spin on the twst bully!au, and so i present: reader/yuu is done with their bs. no beta we die like my sleep schedule. genre: gn reader, angst trigger warnings: bullying, slight yandere that hasn't escalated yet word count:896
You’d had enough, thank you very much. The constant jeers, “misplaced” textbooks, and shoves in the hallway were only the beginning. Before long, you were beaten and bruised, and all for what? Just because you didn’t have magic? According to your research, the majority of the population here didn’t either! But alas, such was your plight. The professors turned a blind eye, and Crowley couldn’t care less.
So, when someone “accidentally” dislocated your shoulder during PE, you decided enough was enough. The students you’d never bothered to learn the names of were one thing; you were going to call your former friends out on their bullshit. Despite Grim’s protests, you dragged him all the way back to Ramshackle the moment you had a break in between classes. Why that timing? Because the model student prefect would never cut class, of course!
You locked the door not once, not twice, but three times, thanks to the padlocks you’d had placed on your stuff in the past. Then you took your time creating the Junk Tower. Your materials were all the scraps people had thrown in your yard in the past. You had quite the collection. The windows? They’d been boarded for years, according to the ghosts. Back door? Kalim had it removed. Something about first years sneaking in. You figure it’s better not to ask how he managed to have a door seamlessly replaced with walls in one afternoon.
About twenty minutes after the last class of the day ended, you had your first knock on the door. “Oi, prefect, open up!” Ace demanded. Because of course it was Ace. He was the first student you met here, so it was only fitting that he’d be the first to know you weren’t fucking around anymore. You ignored him.
The knocking stopped “Oi Ace, maybe they’re not home?” Deuce, ever the voice of reason, pondered. You weren’t sure whether to love or hate him. He’d stop others from picking on you, sure, but the moment you disobeyed him, he went back to his old delinquent ways.
“Well, they weren’t in class, and there’s no way my prefect’s with someone else, so they’ve gotta be inside!” Ace insisted. His prefect? Since when were you his? Did Ace eat something funny while you were gone? Because the last you checked, he couldn’t stand the sight of you.
Deuce’s voice dropped an octave, or maybe two. You weren’t too sure how that applied to speaking voices. “Oi, Ace, what the fuck do you mean your prefect? They don’t belong to you!” Yes, thank you for the reality check. Deuce must’ve had the brain cell today. “Obviously I’m way closer to them than you are!”
Scratch that. Deuce did not have the brain cell today. Really though, what was with them? Why in the world were they fighting over who was closer to you when all they’d done lately was make it clear how much they hated you? Oh, wait. They thought you could hear them. This must be some sort of trick. Trey and Cater must’ve put them up to it, since they were far too dumb to think of anything this elaborate on their own. You decided to ignore everything they said from here on out.
All was well, until Adeuce simultaneously let out an ungodly screech. Now that was troublesome. What could possibly scare those two like that? Surely nothing good for you. With luck, it’d be Riddle come to behead them for not wearing fluorescent pink or some other dumb rule, but you wouldn’t bet on it.
You soon had your answer. “Ne, where’s Shrimpy? I wanna squeeze ‘em!” Suddenly you didn’t blame those two for being scared. Floyd Leech in a bad mood was always a force to be reckoned with. You could never tell if he was in a good or bad mood when he was “squeezing” you, and quite frankly, you’d rather not know. The sick fucker probably took pleasure in hearing your bones pop and crack under the extreme pressure.
“Floyd-senpai! The prefect is, uh, we’re not actually sure where they are,” Ace volunteered. You almost pitied him, having to put up with the more rambunctious Leech during basketball practice. Almost.
“Hah? What do you mean you don’t know? Crabby is always crowding around Shrimpy like a little parasite,” Floyd whined. Um, what? Is Floyd in on the joke too? Is the whole school conspiring against you? You wouldn’t put it past them.
A cloud of dust blew up from the floor where you swung your foot back and forth, making you sneeze. You froze. Did they hear that? Wait, what were you acting so scared for? What were they gonna do anyway, break the door down and hit you? All within your expectations when you’d formed this plan. The point was to prove that you wouldn’t just sit and take it anymore. You’d seen all their dirty little secrets, especially during the Overblots; you could hit them where it hurt if you felt like it. No one would ever think the perfect little prefect would tell someone else what they’d confided in them! So when Floyd broke the door down with a display of monstrous strength, you were prepared. You greeted them with a smile. “Ne, you guys,” you began, “would you believe me if I told you I’m done with your bullshit?”
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luckykiwiii101 · 3 months
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A Tendency To Kill…
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And It Takes One To Know One….
Hey Upper East Siders.
Words out that it’s been…6 months since you’ve been sitting on your ass, procrastinating. Maybe that why it’s so flat…
Wait…you haven’t been procrastinating?
What a shame. When B built a bridge, it all came crashing down. Well maybe, the bolts weren’t strong enough.
Persist once. Shame on you. Persist twice. The blame’s on you. Persisting is nothing if you aren’t out to persist forever. Because your persistence should result in the 3D also showing you proof later…meaning that you can’t just “stop” persisting when it’s right in-front of you. If you know what I mean.
But what’s “persisting” if you don’t take it seriously.
If you ask me, you’re too bold playing around with the only thing holding your hope for a bright future. Or any future at all.
The only way to persist is, with a tendency to kill.
Woah woah woah!! Let’s not get too ahead of ourselves here and unleash the murderers roaming tumblr.
What I mean is…murder the old state. Until it no longer exists. Replace it with your new state.
You’ve already created the monster that you call “yourself” today. So what makes you think you can’t create another one. Except, this new one will be more in your favour. Completely in your favour.
Done with being nice. Because look how ever so far that’s gotten you…
You’re out to kill. (Metaphorically incase some of you illiterate dumb fucks can’t get this information into your brain, as usual, because if you did, you’d be sitting in your mansion right now, or wherever you desire, just anywhere but your lazy arse).
A wise girl once said, peak failure is the moment you’re too lazy to get off your metaphorical arse and persist, even though it doesn’t require getting off your physical arse. How embarrassing. Now how do you stoop that low….into your couch. You’re leaving a dent. It’s been ages. The springs must feel a new awakening when you finally choose to get up. If you get up. Don’t you feel butt hurt? Like literally? I cant imagine. How will you be able to do anything? Instead of running on treadmills and getting absolutely nowhere, quite literally. Instead venture into your mind, and actually get somewhere. You know you create your reality. Yet you refuse to…
The old you no longer exists. The old Taylor can’t come to the phone right now. And I mean literally. Get the hell off your phone, and start applying instead of scrolling tumblr searching for answers you already know the answer to.
You haven’t truly persisted if you haven’t drowned the old state in the new state. You’re somebody else now. And if you ever return to your old self, then you never truly claimed your new state. Only call yourself a success when you actually persist. And currently, by the looks of it you aren’t.
Cmon, try it. You’ll start to like who you become along the way. Wouldn’t it be satisfying to give yourself what you deserve?
Well either way, it’s not my problem what life you choose to live. Nobody’s going to shake you out of your trance when we all leave with our success stories, and you’re just…here.
And if books could kill, we wouldn’t wanna be you…since all you really seem to do is look for more info in them. It’s about time they bite your face off. You’re supposed to be attending Constance Billard/St Jude’s private school, not Hogwarts.
I hope I don’t see you here instead of enjoying your summer with your dream life. How many summers have gone by? I’m losing track. Well I guess some things never change…especially you.
- gossip girl
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bulgingforbucky · 3 months
Splotch of an Infected Mind
Warning: Unhinged Anakin, Choking, Slightly Apathetic, Breeding kink
Summary: Anakin Skywalker turns to the dark side and he comes and finds you in your room completely unaware of what's happening with the Jedi and he takes advantage.
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You watch where his eyes go as you see him analyze your every move. Through your eyes, you can see the doubt behind them, but at the same, it's like there's nothing there. Anakin can feel the uncertainty coming from you though, he doesn't like that. You're supposed to feel secure and have no hesitation.
"You don't like me anymore, do you?"
That question hangs in the air as the air surrounding the both of you starts to get suffocating. You fiddle with your fingers, and you can see his eyes get shifty.
"Answer the question." Anakin demands with slight anger, making you look shocked. This results in a sigh from you before you look at him you see this look as if he is daring you to say no.
The dark things in Anakin's mind are surging high as he waits for your answer. If you say no, he won't know what to do. He'll just have to think of a way to get you to like him again that's all, no pressure.
"I still like you..." The response also hangs in between you two before he answers. "You're lying." He simply says, "You hesitated. If you liked me, you would've said it right away, why did you hesitate?" He narrows his eyes at you as he starts to stand up. Different thoughts run inside Anakin's head as he tries to figure you out.
Do you hate him? Maybe you're scared? Or maybe you found out he betrayed the Jedi that has raised him to be the man he was supposed to be. Will you think of him as a murderer? Will you think of him as the enemy?
You frown at his reaction, he seems zoned out in his own world, "Ani what's wrong? Why are you hostile?" Anakin snaps back before he lifts his chin up as if he were royalty. "Nothing is wrong. I want to know which side you are on. mines, or theirs." He says with seriousness tinted in his tone. "Side? Ani what-" You try to say before you feel his hand grip your throat.
"I love you. Stop acting dumb and innocent, you know exactly what is happening. Chose me. Yes?"
All these questions, it feels like an integration. The sense of anger fills the room as it surrounds Anakin. The soft boy you knew, one who was so nervous to even make eye contact with you for too long, has been replaced with someone... different.
Anakin huffs, "You said you like me which means you're mine, and you're on my side." The look you give him seems unsettled, but you try to remain calm. "You are going to stay by my side. Everyone will want you on their side, I can't have that. No one will take you away from me, not again."
You're confused. what is Anakin talking about? Sure, I had a little crush on him but... we never really got anywhere.
From the feeling of uncomfortableness, you look away before you feel his hand grip your jaw making you withdraw making him agitated as he tightens his grips glaring at you with his evil eyes. That look makes you feel small as you begin to shrink into yourself.
Anakin can feel the shift inside you, with the voices in his head making him distracted as more time passes. He slowly runs his thumb on your jaw, almost as if he is examining you. What for? Who knows, you don't want to upset him any further.
The nervousness in your throat bobs before you open your mouth, "What are you doing?" you ask softly before he replies, "What I can't look at you? Do you have a problem with me looking at you?" He gets defensive narrowing his eyes. "No, I didn't mean it like that I-" your voice quivers before he cuts you off.
"Don't explain yourself, I know."
The tone sends shivers down your spine as you look in his eyes. Anakin starts to lean in slowly before he kisses you, his lips travel to your neck as he can feel the pulse. Your hand connects with his bicep as you gasp while the kisses on your neck making it to your shoulder before you feel him bite you making you yelp. "Ow Ani." You protest before he shushes you, "Shh, don't be a baby." The Jedi says before he licks a stripe on your neck.
The nerves in your body are starting to rise as you feel his warm tongue on your skin. His dominant soft kisses are planted on your chest as his hands feel on your soft night shirt. The scent of you fills his nose as it surrounds him.
"I don't want to see you with anyone else. I mean it, I will kill them, and make you watch I don't want to hurt you, I really don't but if you're running around the temple with others that isn't me... you're going to go down too." Anakin whispers as he threatens you.
The sentence shocks you, sending shivers down your spine as you are too scared to even look at him, but you force yourself to as your eyes meet with his paranoid ones.
"Do you understand me?" He asks sternly to which you immediately nod. The smile on his face is soft which complexes you with how he just switched his emotions. The man's hand tugs on the hem of your shirt, "Can I lift your shirt?" He gently asks which you say yes to.
Your shirt starts to get lifted until your breasts are exposed to his vision. "You're so... angelic." He mumbles before his slightly rough hand gropes you before squeezing. The softness of his lips meets your breast kissing it before he latches onto your nipple.
Arching your back leaning into him feeling his warm wet mouth on you. He sucks on your breast as he hums making your nipple perk. His hand goes to your other breast squeezing softly making you bite your lip. "So sensitive." he says as you feel your spine tingling.
He kisses your chest before his hand travels down patting your clothed cunt making you squirm and lean into his touch. "Want me to rub your clit?" He kisses your jaw whispering. "Yes please." A whine slips through your lips as you grip his arm. Anakin's hand slips into your underwear as his thumb makes contact with your clit, you gasp in response biting your lip. His thumb starts to make a circular motion before he pulls down your underwear all the way down and his finger makes his way back to your button.
You hum softly from the feeling of his finger on you, touching you, making you feel good. The Sith's Jedi's finger spreads your wetness around your button making you clench your fists. The speed starts to pick up as his finger goes back and forth fast making you cry out. Your legs start to close on their own as you let out soft noises. He grips your thigh spreading them apart, he's stronger than you and you can't resist him as you take the abuse on your poor achy clit.
Your hips rock side to side either trying to get away from the sensation or trying to get more of it. Anakin stops his abuse before he runs a finger on your soaked slit feeling it pulse. He presses down slightly as you feel pressure making you smoothly grind your hips.
"That's what you need? Something inside?"
You nod encouraging him to give you what you need. The soft padding of his finger starts to invade your slit as you bite your lip as you immediately start to clench as his finger goes deeper. Anakin hears the soft noises coming from you as moves his finger.
"Ani..." You moan softly, "That's going to make you cum, isn't it? I know it is baby." He whispers making you squirm as his finger move at a steady pace. You slightly start to grind down on his finger rolling your hips before he pulls away taking the sensation with him. "Not yet want you to cum on my cock."
Anakin pulls his throbbing cock out which is hard and his tip is covered in precum. He kisses your knee before he spreads your legs getting on top of you making you slightly squirm under his frame feeling his hand grip your hip. "Stop it." he demands making you look confused. "Stop what?" You say genuinely confused. "Stop squirming." he grits his teeth.
You feel him pushing against your entrance making you pulse in response, but you shifting makes him glare at you, and a frown forms across your face. "I'm not trying to move, I'm just nervous, you're making me nervous." You look up at him seeing a smirk on his face. "You're scared of me?" he says in response receiving a no from you. "I'm just, on edge I think." You whisper before you feel his hand on your jaw. "Don't be, I'm here." He says with a fake smile but calming you down a little. His tip rubs on your slit before his hand intertwines with yours.
Anakin looks down at you waiting for your green light which he receives. His cock begins pushing into you causing you to squeeze his hand. He keeps pushing in slowly until he's fully seated inside you. The little pants you make catch his attention; he presses little kisses along your jaw along with little whispers. "You ok?" the Jedi asks as you nod in response making him smirk. "Of course you are, you're a big girl, you can handle it." A small kiss is pressed on your forehead as he distracts you from the pain letting you adjust to him.
The Jedi's big hand gropes your boob squeezing it softly as you bite your lip. You see his head lean down before you feel his mouth come into contact with your nipple once again. He begins to suckle softly as your body starts to react making you clench softly around him. A moan escapes your lips as your hand grips Anakin's bicep. "Ani.." you whisper making him look up at you with hooded eyes but don't stop sucking on you.
"I'm ready."
Anakin's hips start to move making you tense, "Don't tense, you'll hurt yourself." He says moving slowly as soft noises fill the room. "Feel good?" He checks in as you nod wrapping your arms around his neck.
In Anakin's head, he doesn't want to go slow like this, he wants to take you hard, so you'll know who you belong to. Having you begging him for more with tears running down your face as you say no one will have you but him. One day... one day you're going to give him everything he wants one way or another. If it means to manipulate and pull a few strings, then so be it.
You gasp softly as you grip him as he smirks in response, "I got you." Your hand shakes with adrenaline as you nod. You feel so full and overwhelmed already while you squeeze his cock making him moan holding onto your hips. His cock thrusts inside of you kissing your forehead praising you on how you're doing so well at taking him.
The slit on his cock drips precum inside you making your cunt squeeze him. Anakin moves his hips back and forth trying to get deeper inside you. So good, it feels so good to be yearned this way. Grabbing your hips he pulls you more onto his pulsing cock making you cry out.
"Shh, you're taking it so well your little pussy is squeezing me like she doesn't want to let go."
The sounds of wetness and skin are heard in a pattern throughout the room. You pull his locs with your soft fingers wanting to keep him close. "Ani, deeper." The neediness is heard through your voice as your bed rocks hitting the wall.
The force inside Anakin gets stronger as he can feel the corruption. The fear, desire, and possession take him further away from the right path, into the darkness. In his mind, you're on the right path and he will do anything to have and keep you.
The pace gets faster as an idea pops into his head. You grip his shoulder letting out whimpers pressing your head under his chin in longing. You feel his hand on your stomach before he whispers into your ear.
"What if, I got you pregnant."
Anakin's urge to get you pregnant so you can stay with him and never leave might be a success in fulfilling the ache and the complexity within the force... in his head.
Your heart drops, neither in a bad or a good it's just... where did this come from. "Hm? What if I knocked you up and had you swollen with my baby. Nothing will ever happen to you." The promise gives you somewhat comfort as it makes your cunt flutter around him.
"I'll take such good care of you, take you away from here wherever you want to go." He whispers feeling your pussy clench as he takes that as a good sign. "Do you like that idea? I can make it true you know, you being a mother to my kids, you being mine and only mine." The tip of his achy cock taps on your g-spot as you moan for him.
You try to push him away you get overwhelmed as your legs start to shake slightly. Anakin shakes his head before he pins your arms down as he grinds into you keeping your legs open. "Don't fight it baby just feel it." A whine comes from you as you lay your head on the pillow grinding on his cock.
Anakin moans, "That's it baby fuck my cock." He helps you grind on him holding your hip while the other slips behind you holding your back. Your breasts jiggle from the thrust as you hold onto the sheets while your hips roll as you repeatedly invite him into you. Your breathing starts to pick up as the thrusts get harder. "C'mon, cum on my cock." He encourages you softly as he keeps the same pace not wanting to disturb your upcoming climax.
You bite your lip as you focus on his cock pumping in and out of you hitting your spot and squeezing your legs around him. Your cunt squeezes his cock before you start to cum around him. "Anakin..." you moan as your thighs shake making him hold you down. Both of your skin is damp pressing against each other as your body temperature rises.
He hums in response as he can feel his climax rising as his now sticky cock rams into you. "Cum in me, Ani do it please." You beg trapping him, so he won't pull out, like he was going to do that in the first place. A groan escapes him as his thrusts get desperate and sloppy as his cock starts to pulse.
"I'm gonna cum." He warns as he pants feeling his abs get tight. You kiss him begging him to cum for you as he pounds your now sensitive pussy. After a few thrusts he cums inside you filling you up just how you wanted collapsing on you. You hold him close to you as both of you calm down from the pleasure.
You feel complete almost, being close to someone like this. Your thoughts say this might not be so bad. All the while Anakin thinks that you trust him as his plan is now in full motion now that he has you by his side, and he won't let anyone change it.
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exrellian · 7 months
Replaced MC AU
Three parts in one day! This part gets a lot more serious and where the drama really starts!
TW: Descriptions of pain/burning, the brothers being assholes to MC, manipulation.
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Could things get any worse?
The rest of the day came and went, MC just stayed in his room, holding the tears from overflowing. MC didn’t sleep a wink that night, instead deciding to clean his room and organize all his things… just in case. Luckily for him, Amelia must have spent the night in someone else’s room so he didn’t have to worry about being suspicious or having Amelia find where his valuables were.
When it become morning MC made his way to Lucifers room. Raising his hand to knock on the door, he stopped, hearing voices from inside.
“Don’t worry Amelia. We will make sure he will never hurt you again.”
“Please don’t be mean to him! I don’t think he is a bad person, he might just be jealous! You and your brothers seem to like me more so I can see why he is bothered!”
“That is no excuse for him to attack you and hurt your beautiful face. He will not bother you any more.”
‘Did someone attack Amelia? Was it a demon?’ The door opened, interrupting MCs thoughts, he was now face to face with an injured Amelia and angry Lucifer
“Hey, sorry for eavesdropping but was Amelia attacked? Are you okay Amelia?” He asked, inspecting the wounds littering her face, it looked like a pretty bad attack
“Don’t play dumb MC. Are you trying to completely ruin the exchange program?” Lucifers voice was filled with a poorly restrained rage, as if he was about to unleash “All of my brothers have told me of how mean you’ve been to Amelia and it is unacceptable.” He continued, pushing Amelia behind him as if to protect her
“What? I’ve been nothing but kind to Amelia! She is a human and I know how dangerous the Devildom is!” MC tried to defend himself, unsure why he is being blamed for the attack on Amelia when he hadn’t left his room all night
“Stop talking. Your excuses will not work on me. Now Amelia insists on not sending you back to the human world like I had originally intended, so, we will be separating the two of you for her safety and you will be staying at Purgatory hall for the time being, at least until you have learned how to be a decent human being. I have already discussed this arrangement with my brothers and lord Diavolo and we all agree this is the best course of action. Be better, MC”
MC walked back to their room in deafening silence, what was happening? Why was everyone turning against him?
Amelia’s POV
“Thank you Lucifer! I actually wanted to ask you and the brothers something at breakfast, but MC can’t be there so let’s get going!” She giggled, dragging Lucifer to the dining hall, him following with a small smile, what an adorable human.
When the two got to the dining hall the other six were already eating
“Everyone, Amelia has something she would like to ask so pay attention.” Lucifer drew all eyes to him and Amelia
“Where is MC?” Satan asked, growing more concerned when a chorus of scoffs and groans came from his brothers “What happened!? Is he okay?”
“He will not be living here anymore. He has crossed the line by attacking Amelia and has been moved to Purgatory hall, he is up packing his belongings this moment.” Lucifer explained, rolling his eyes at his younger brother
“What!? He attacked Amelia? He would have no reason to do that though, they have been getting along well and MC is absolutely not the type of person to attack someone without reason.” At this point Satan had stood from his seat and completely disregarded his book. “Has MC not saved this family on multiple occasions? Has he not sacrificed everything for us? Why are all of you suddenly turning on him!?”
“Satan. Sit down. The decision about MC has been made.” Lucifer scolded, his demon form emerging
“Satan… I also have faith in MC! I was the one who convinced Lucifer not to fully kick him out of the exchange program! Please Satan, just listen to what I have to ask” Amelia spoke, not breaking eye contact with Satan. Satan sighed and sat down, attention still on Amelia “please, I want all of you to do me a favor, break your pacts with MC.”
As he was packing his belongings into his bags, MC felt a scorching pain flowing through his body, like someone had replaced his blood with molten lava. He screamed in pain before collapsing to the ground, seeing the pact mark on the back of his hand burn and fade away
“Why… why did Satans pact mark… burn off?”
He had no clue what was happening, he couldn’t even think due to the pain coursing through his veins. After a few minutes the pain dissipated, leaving him with just an ache through his whole body as he lay on the ground, curled into a ball beside his bed. With that, the boy lost consciousness.
When he awoke, the pain was only faint.
“Oh dear, why are you on the ground? Have you really stooped so low you would do anything for attention?” A slightly feminine voice spoke from above him, looking up he locked eyes with Asmodeus
“Asmo… why did my pacts burn away? What… what happened?”
“Is this really ok because we broke our pacts with you? You being this dramatic for something as minuscule as that? Foolish human.” He scoffed at the boy on the ground before leaving the room.
‘They broke their pacts with me? But why? What did I do wrong?’
His mind was racing, he knew he had to finish packing and get out as fast as he could. That task seemed to be easier than expected, seeing as his side of the room was suddenly stripped empty, none of his belongings anywhere to be found, even his DDD which was previously in his pocket was missing.
MC wasn’t stupid, he knew exactly what happened and that he had zero chance of getting any of it back. He had one more place to look, where he had previously hidden some spare change, just about 50 Grimm in case of emergency. He lifted his mattress of the bed frame and looked for the small tare in the fabric, finding the Grimm he had hidden… thank god they weren’t smart enough to check here.
He left the house in silence, noticing a note on the door that was addressed to him
“To; MC
I am extremely disappointed in your actions toward Amelia, it is shocking to see someone as kind as you give into your emotions so easily. I expected better from you. Due to the recent events you will be suspended from RAD for the time being, I will reach out when you can come back.
Lord Diavolo”
MC didn’t even react to the letter, just shoved it in his pocket and left. Not going to Purgatory Hall, he couldn’t trust anyone anymore. He had no clue where he was going.
MC found himself in an alleyway, tired and hungry, unable to go buy himself food without wasting all of his emergency money. As if the world just wanted to make things worse, he felt a few drops of rain turn into a downpour. Could things get any worse?
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adorabluesposts · 5 months
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requested by @alientee because they want to see the love blossom :)). (I am actually so happy you requested this<33)
Part 1 and 2 are on my acc!
at this point Alastor got a bit more used to the only reason of your visits to the hotel being Lucifer..
he's still mad about it, constantly sending the ambience hotel music into a void and replacing it with static as the sound followed you two for the next few minutes, but hes not as pissy about it as he was.
At first, when you and Lucifer came open about your secret relationship (which stayed secret for only a few weeks) , Alastor almost tried to kill Luci.
He gave you a three hour lecture on why men suck and followed your every move, but chilled slightly when Lucifer promised to keep you safe.
"Break her heart and I'll break your limbs". Lucifer knows it's not like Alastor could kill him, but he agrees anyway and does it with a 'scared' face, to get on Al's good side.
Alastor's got some sort of sixth sense or just spies on you two all the time, because the second your lips reach Lucifer's, faint static sounds can be heardm and the radio suddenly turns off.
Lucifer is also the sweetest man ever. He makes you gifts, always trying out new inventions for you to try, and being really clingy.
Reaallllyyy clingy.
I'm talking you could be working your ass off at the hotel (since you begged Alastor to let you work there, and now you do) and he'll just sit around you , play with your hair or fidget with your jewelry, make you sit on his lap as you work, or simply just whine until you drop whatever you're doing and cuddle him.
He loves surprising you, too. Taking you on dates, spawning you in his office..
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"Love, Alastor's out of town!" Lucifer's voice startled you, as he walked out of his portal.
You continued signing a document, letting out a "He is? I haven't noticed."
"he's in Cannibal Town." Lucifer kissed your forehead as he dragged a chair and sat next to you, watching you work with a shine in his eyes.
You looked at him with a dumb smile. You knew that look.
"We should go out."
"we should." You agreed. "But we cant." His smile faded.
"Why not?" He took your hand in his, a frown on his face. He always loved taking you out.
"I've got a bunch of work. Charlie needs these documents signed, needs someone to do all of the new shopping , plus I need to order a bunch of stuff for the hotel. "
"can't someone else do that?"
"I don't trust Husk with online shopping"
Lucifer sighed. Even though he could've cheated everything you needed, he knew you loved to work. After being locked away in the Radio Tower with nothing to do, and everything you wanted being given to you, working felt like a luxury.
"Can we stay together, then? Cuddle? Kiss? Paint each others nails?" Lucifer suggested as you wrote your signature on a paper.
You laughed at his attempt to find things for you to do. "As long as you let me work."
Lucifer's face brightened as you got up and he sat in your office chair, befire plopping you on his lap. He buried his face in your neck and let his arms around your torso, playing with your shirt.
He kept kissing your neck, earning giggles from you. "Luci, I can't work like this!"
He pouted like a child, hiding his face into your back with a whine.
You sighed and got up, taking your laptop with you as you and Lucifer walked towards the couch. You layed down, his body on top of yours, your legs interlocked and his fac buried in your chest as he played with your hair. Your laptop was on his back as you did your work, completing documents, and shopping online.
The working session didn't last much longer, because you both pulled in for a soft kiss , which turned into more kisses, until you both fell asleep, this time the positions reversed.
They're so cute I can't 😭<3
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novashelby · 28 days
The Storm That Heals Us~ Tommy Shelby x Cancer patient!Reader: Angst
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Pairing: Tommy Shelby x Reader
Warning: Triggering topic such as cancer
Word Count: 1,223
Summary: Tommy's wife is diagnosed with cancer and tries to hide it from him because they have a rocky marriage
This was requested by anon a while back. I hope it is okay. I don't do well with the topic of cancer
We’ve only been married a year. They say three is a lucky number. I was supposed to be the lucky number. But truth be told, nothing about our marriage had been lucky. In the midst of all his darkness, I was convinced he married me for emotional convenience. But when Tommy Shelby found out I wasn’t going to be walked on or over, we started fighting more. A hot head and one who hates to be wrong. It’s a bit tricky to figure out which one of us is which. Perhaps we are the same person and that is why we suck together. 
But that is not why it’s unlucky number three. Just last month I was bathing, feeling the warm soapy water encasing my body. When I dragged the sponge over my right breast, something seemed off. Something seemed tender and bruised. Quickly, I threw the sponge in water and felt around with my hand. There was a small lump, but nonetheless a lump. If I was anyone else, I would have assumed a pimple or swollen hair follicle, but I’m not anyone else. It’s the family curse. My great grandmother, my grandmother, my two aunts, and my mother have all found the lump. Thankfully for my mother, she was able to get it treated. But I am doomed for bad luck. That’s what Tommy tells me everytime something happens. “You have that fookin’ luck…that bad luck.” 
As soon I found that fucking lump, I went to the doctor only to get confirmation of what I already knew. I hate to say that the first thing that left my mouth was, “how long?” But the doctor sighed. They always sigh. 
He told me, “Well, it’s small. We’ll remove it and do some radiation treatment-”
“And lose my hair?” I also hate to say that was the second question, but Tommy loves my hair. Sometimes I think what he loves about me is thinning with each day.  
I never told Tommy about the procedure, and one night, when he went to run his hand over my body, I stopped him. It was as if I was repulsed by him. Just as I knew, Tommy didn’t take very kindly to my refusal. He sat up, looking at me before saying, “is this how our marriage is going to be now?” We sat side by side, under the covers on the bed. He replaced my breast in lieu of a cigarette.
“I don’t feel well,” I said, and his response made my blood boil. 
“You never feel well anymore,” he said. “I’m starting to think it’s me. Perhaps we should discuss something that will make you feel better.” There was always a tone of threat. He dealt with his lovers as he did his business partners. 
That was it for that night. 
Which brings me to now. The bathroom floor feels cold against my clammy body. I puked up my dinner which was nothing, but a few biscuits and a glass of milk. Milk is a no-no for my new stomach, I’ve learned. But as I’m on this bathroom floor, I realize. I realize that Tommy will know. He will figure it out. My body will thin out, I’ll be bruised, and my cheeks will sink in. Nevermind my hair that is already falling out in clumps. As I hear his footsteps approach, I try to gather myself to save face, but moving just makes it worse. My body feels like it’s on a merry go round, and I cling to the toilet once more. At this point, as I feel the burning acid climb up my insides, I don’t know what I am throwing up. It is a clear bile. 
As I am hunched over, Tommy walks in and asks, “are you pregnant?” Oh, how easy that would have been. 
I turn to him, face pale. I could see myself in the mirror. My eyes look sunken with heavy bags. “No.”
He sighs. “Have you seen a doctor?” he asks like I am dumb.
I’m blunt. “Yes.”
“Well?” he presses, coming inward, leaning on the bathroom vanity, puffing on his smoke. Always a smoke. Before I can answer him, I beg him to put it out.
“The smell, Tommy-”
“How far along are you?” he asks, disregarding the fact I told him I’m not pregnant. “Funny enough, love, we haven’t fucked in two months. Every night I wait for your comfort. Perhaps you’re going elsewhere for it-”
“I’m not pregnant, Tommy.” My head is boiling at this point and I feel my temper on the verge. I sit up, resting against the toilet, trying to catch my breath. He’s not convinced, I can see it in his face. How he’s half ignoring me. 
“You know,” he starts, pointing a finger my way. “I do fuckin’ love you. You married me, thought you understood the way I am-”
“Tommy,” I plead, closing my eyes. “Please.” But he goes on and on about how I betrayed his trust, but he still loves me and wants to work through whatever it is. 
“But that fuckin’ baby is going-”
“I’m not fuckin’ pregnant!” I yell at him in a tone I never dared to before. It was enough for him to get a bit startled. He is about to say something else when I say, “I found a lump on my right breast.” Tommy pauses mid-smoke, and looks over at me, eyes knitted. “A few weeks ago, maybe a month ago now…I don’t know. They ran a test-”
“You never told me,” he says in this low, depressing whisper that makes me feel like every problem in the world is my fault. Tommy finds his way to the bath basin and sits on the edges. He throws his lit smoke in the sink and runs his fingers through his hair. “And you never thought to tell me?”
“I didn’t want it to be another burden-”
“What?” He turns to me, face like a ghost. He slides to the marble flooring next to me. He doesn’t say anything. He doesn’t have to. I feel him tenderly grab me by the face, placing me in his lap. His chin rests on my head. “Fuckin’ ‘ell, love, I’m…love, you should have told me?” This was the Tommy I met and agreed to marry. The one who is tender and loving, smooth talking and sweet. I twist in his lap and his hand rests on my cheek. “I’m scared to ask-”
“It’s early enough,” I say, nodding, swallowing the lump down. “But it doesn’t feel any better-”
“No, no it doesn’t,” he agrees, leaning down to place a kiss on my forehead. “God, love, I love you so much. And I just…I've been so selfish. From now, you and I are going to go through this together-”
“Tommy, Tommy, please,” I whisper. “Just lets not act all weepy-”
“I’m not,” he protests, gripping my chin. “I’m taking care of you because if you have forgotten, I am your husband.” Yes, I have forgotten, but at this moment, I forgive it and soak up his affection. I need every inch of tenderness I can get my hands on. And so, I move on and relax into his words. “I love you.”
“Thank you, Tommy,” I say before quickly adding, “I love you, too.” 
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cyb3rtarot · 11 months
Pick a Pile: What's an Insecurity You Need to Confront?
Disclaimer: tarot readings are not replacements for professional advice! Take what resonates; don't force a reading to fit. Readings are based on current energy; your future's in your hands. For this reading I used a recolored Smith-Waite, the Osho Zen tarot, and the Oracle of the Radiant Sun.
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pile 1⋆pile 2 pile 3⋆pile 4
Pile 1:
What’s the insecurity?: hi pile one! You seem to have interests that aren’t very socially accepted. You could like things considered “nerdy, childish, cringe, or weird.” Some of you feel like you’re a frivolous or immature person. You may also feel this way about your friend group or job. There’s some sense of awkwardness, embarrassment, or shame about the things that fulfill you. This may be a career that others don’t take seriously—like the arts—or something really niche like being a clown. However, I see most of you still try to pursue what feels right despite others’ pressure.
Why do you feel this way?: I feel you’re wrapped up in how others perceive you. You may fear being shunned, ostracized, and alone. Some of you have already experienced that level of loneliness before, so you don’t want to be pushed out again. You could be or have been the friend who feels least important, like the one who gets pushed off a sidewalk while everyone else walks side by side. Many of you have social anxiety; you could feel like everyone is staring at you or get easily embarrassed.
Current method of dealing with this: you like to take your mind off your insecurities and emotions as fast as possible. When you feel judged, you change the topic really fast, like by making a joke. You might blurt out something you didn’t really mean to redirect attention, like making a joke at someone else’s expense. Your constant flight or fight pushes you towards impulsiveness, and flip-flopping between embarrassment and defensiveness. This could take a physical toll, like feeling very tired after socializing. A few people in this group could’ve been bullies to deflect from their own issues (though others of you were on the receiving end).
Advice for healing: reflecting on how projections create shame is beneficial. When we judge ourselves, we feel everyone else is judging us too. When others judge us unfairly, they’re projecting something from inside themselves outwards. We can stay trapped in a cycle of shame where everyone is unhappy, or accept that we deserve happiness in our harmless interests. By taking a different perspective of your fears instead of accepting them as the full story, you can leave thought patterns you no longer align with. For those who often say things they regret, there’s emphasis on thinking before you speak, and working through thoughts before projecting them outwards. A few of you are entering a new community that will be a great opportunity to work on this. If you were drawn to pile 2 I encourage you to check it out!
Extra details: a bench (especially green), staring, golf carts, driving, dancing, physically active, excitable/hyperactive, bubbly, theater kid, geeky, black hair, cringe culture, shy, fandoms, the comedian/funny friend, always smiling, secret/hidden life, bullying, travel/moving, leaving friends, feeling dumb, fake persona, panic, school friends, college, dorms, fairies (fairly odd parents?), Are We Friends or Not by Zeph
Pile 2 [TW abuse/childhood abuse]:
What’s the insecurity?: hi pile two! You guys may feel insecure or struggle in what you want to do with your life. You may feel stuck in “analysis paralysis;” constantly ruminating over all the possibilities but never reaching a conclusion. If you compare yourselves to others, it might seem like you’re going very slow in life, a late bloomer, have no solid plan, or like you’re regressing. Some of you struggle with a heavy past, like major childhood trauma that contributes to your present feelings. 
Why do you feel this way?: you have a lot of thoughts in your head that pull you every which way. You might have an inkling of what you want to do, but you get caught in the planning versus the doing. Some of you are stuck between choosing something lucrative or something more purposeful. There are also opinions from others that are confusing you. A few of you have imposter syndrome about a new opportunity, and another few are having problems at a job which is pushing them away.
Current method of dealing with this: this pile seems to deal with it by not dealing with it lol. You want to make the perfect choice so much that you either don’t make any decision or you turn away from what you like. The latter is specific to some of you that have already chosen a more material-focused path but still feel indecisive. However, I don’t feel like you guys are living in an illusion; you’re aware of your situation and the different aspects. You may enjoy the position you’re in despite the insecurity. For example, if you don’t have a job right now, you could enjoy the free schedule. You may like still being taken care of by your family and not having to work. Or, you could enjoy the potential of having many possibilities and not fully committing.
Advice for healing: you need to take a serious look at what you want out of life, what’s important to YOU and not society or others. This includes being more selective with the perceptions and advice you consider; you might also need to be more selective with who’s in your circle. Are there people in your energy who are only there for themselves? Are you maybe a bit too free with sharing your plans and ideas with just everyone? Find out who and what makes you feel fulfilled and empowered. If you also felt drawn to pile 1 I encourage you to look it over!
Extra details: looking for a job or between jobs, optimism, eagerness, vests, libraries, plants, round glasses/brown glasses, light brown hair (especially a bob), quiet or shy kid (some of you outgrew it), teacher’s assistant, childhood trauma or abuse, masculine or androgynous look, horror (the genre), drawing, pop music (some of you love ariana grande 🤨), drag, job opportunities, meditation, overthinking, inner demons, nickelodeon, moving, being busy, lack mindset
Pile 3 [TW mental illness, substance abuse]:
What’s the insecurity?: hi pile threes! Is everything all right?? You guys have an indecisive energy like pile 2, but it feels philosophical instead of material. The insecurity is life itself. You could be having an existential crisis or existential anxiety. You don’t know your purpose or why you’re here, and this creates a stagnant but chaotic feeling inside. Some of you don’t want to be here. Another part of this “insecurity” is that you don’t share this struggle with most. Because others can’t comprehend what you’re going through, it’s isolating. This pile could be very disappointed with how society and survival works, and don’t want to put their energy into the broken system.
Why do you feel this way?: This group has pressure from themselves and others to be successful and “well-adjusted.” To achieve, move forward, and at least appear “normal.” There’s a great internal struggle happening and the pressure to keep up appearances adds to the stress. Mental health issues feel very significant for this pile. You may still conform to so-called normal life while feeling ready to snap.
Current method of dealing with this: most of this pile puts a lot of energy into keeping up the image. There’s a split self where the external you and internal you are living two different lives. You may like to hang out with friends a lot and focus on their lives instead of your own. Your friend group or the activities you do together seem to be filled with gossip, drama, or other excitement that distracts you from what’s going on. I also see a big struggle with overindulgence or addiction. There’s a sense of feeling out of it during the day and then coming alive at night; you might like to stay up or go out really late. Some of you also use partners to fill the void.
Advice for healing: there’s an extremely strong emphasis on removing yourself from people who no longer align with you. There could be a few people or places that always “enable” you to make choices you regret, or always bring drama and toxicity into your life. Specific people in this pile are in a romantic relationship that makes them feel very unhappy. The advice is to reflect on what takes peace from your life and what you can do to protect yourself from toxicity. If you use relationships to never face yourself, you can re-evaluate the energy you put into them. Some time has to be spent with the self to see what the self wants and needs (if you’re drawn to meditation it can be helpful). I highly encourage everyone who wants or needs them to see what mental health services are accessible to you, and to explore potential healthy coping mechanisms.
Extra details: impatient, may like to sing, vocal stim, or rap, goofy, “IT’S FAKE!”(?), a facade/mask, hiding feelings, uses humor to cope or avoid a topic, trap house, memes, spiritual, viewing life as sacred, anti-capitalism, immigrant family, questioning orientation, substance abuse, painting, bathrooms, the middle of nowhere, courage the cowardly dog, pop music, karaoke, bars and clubs, I think we ALL sing, housing insecurity, the characters Mabel or Sarah Lynn could be significant
Pile 4:
What’s the insecurity?: hi pile four! This is an insecurity about being vulnerable as your true self due to the oppressive environment around you. It feels like you carry many responsibilities. You’re expected to act strong, carry out duties, maintain tradition, and in most ways you’ve done this. On the inside you reject this way of life, but also feel fear in fully living out that rejection. This pile may deem themselves as weak, immature, or sinful. I also feel many of you want to be taken care of or protected instead of always having to be the carer and protector, and this could contribute to feeling weak.
Why do you feel this way?: living as your true self may mean becoming the black sheep wherever you are. You may be afraid that the fallout will push you into an unfavorable situation, such as having to leave where you currently are. You might’ve already seen it happen to others. I feel many of you have had to live in a mature role or take care of responsibilities since childhood, and this adds an extra layer as to why it’s so hard to break free.
Current method of dealing with this: I feel like you guys are doing the best with what you have! A good amount of this pile has left or is leaving their hurtful environment, and you’re moving into new communities that align with you. For others, this may just be an internal change. Either way, I feel you’re refusing to be bullied into agreeing with things you don’t believe in. One way or another, you’re going to find a way to rebel how you can and live the way you want. It’s just been hard to reflect on ingrained beliefs and sometimes you catch yourself falling back on ideas you don’t mesh with anymore. But great efforts have been made towards the path you want to be on.
Advice for healing: be open to a completely new journey you would’ve never imagined before! There’s already a lot of energy directed towards the life you envision for yourself. You’re encouraged to be open-minded and allow yourself continuous evolution. There’s an emphasis on giving your inner child a lot of grace and space to heal, even if your first impulse is to judge them. Just as others shouldn’t keep you in their box, don’t keep yourself in your own box either! You may have had to develop certain traits to help you leave old, toxic situations, such as having a hard exterior or going ham during your rebellious phase. Keep what still feels good and let go of the rest; embody what you need and want to be in the present and not the past. But, there’s no need to shame other versions of yourself that had different personalities and beliefs; compassion for past selves leads to compassion for the present and future selves :]!
Extra details [TW abuse mention]: teeter-tottering/off-balance, scooby & shaggy, religious trauma, conservative community, church, childhood trauma, abusive relationships, regretting parenthood, religious deconstruction/leaving, becoming more spiritual, new religious beliefs, Buddhism, moving, financial struggle, single parent, hesitating, sea/sea animals, parties or gatherings, moving/travel across the ocean, writing/journaling, nature, herbalism, plant-induced spiritual experiences, acupuncture, purple
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