#Cousins mistery
alqimistayashaciphe · 5 months
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Fem chuuya when she have her periods, it's a code red and a state of emergency for the port mafia, they even have a bunker preparred for the occasion, i mean fem dazai with her periods is dangerous too and make you question your entire existence but fem chuuya is really irritable while dazai is passive agressive and she lose control of her ability.
Chuuya wear sport short , spandex, stocking or pants under her skirt or a running skirt but she prefer to wear pants for easier movement, she prefer to use sport bra when she train but mysteriously when she does that the training room seem to empty itself with the room's security camera always ending up hacked.
Kouyou like to dress her up with mori sometimes joining like bickering with kouyou passive agressively about what would be the best outfits to chuuya dismay ( Elise always save the day by distracting mori and chuuya treat her to cake afterward), kouyou especially like to see her in kimono .
I can see yuan liking to do her makeup or doing differents hairstyle on chuuya and enjoying girls time with her while she was in sheep.
I think that she used to wear short hair ( maybe a bob haircut or shorter), because she found it more pratictal but then after that dazai left she let her hair grow after all anyone who would try to use her long hair against her would discover what is like to be crushed by gravity.
( And i just imagined elise trying to braid chuuya hair or doing others haircut like my cousins used to do with me).
I also think that it will be nice to have the port mafia girls going shopping together like in the omake of chapter 23 when gin and higuchi Hangout together in a cafe ( i also headcanon chuuya and gin having similar taste in music ( maybe not in everything but i found cute to have chuuya, gin ( and ryunosuke) quietly enjoying the same music together.
For fem soukoku I love their time in the arcade when they could be kids together but i also see them go to karaoke together and make bet on who would have the best score , i can also see them doing purikura and trying to mess up the others photo but also going shopping together ( they definitelly did shoplifting dazai goaded chuuya into it and they made bet about it and they criticize the others techniques.)
The first time that dazai saw chuuya with a cherry lip gloss, she couldn't keep her eyes on her lips it was ackward.
Fem Dazai is a black widow, her charm, charisma and seduction are her weapon and she's even more manipulative than canon dazai, when she was on the run she stayed with her lovers.
she's very proefiscient with a gun and chuuya insisted to teach her martial art ( and it was also forced upon her by Mori so that she at least know how to defend herself even when she was grumbling all the way) but she prefer psychological and emotional warfare.
Chuuya is oblivious and too workaolic to realize that peoples are interested in her and all the confession that she receive always misteriously disappear before that she notice it .
( Dazai, Verlaine and Kouyou are scaringly efficient when they work together).
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scotianostra · 8 months
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January 15th 1803 saw the birth of Marjory Fleming, "Pet Marjory", child writer and poet, who died in 1811 of meningitis at the age of 8 years and 11 months.
One of my favourite, yet tragic tales, young Pet Marjory is a touching story of a wee lass that packed so much into her short life.
Marjory Fleming was an extraordinary child prodigy, she left poems, letters and a journal that are now one of the treasures of the National Library of Scotland; and in 1889 Sir Leslie Stephen, Virginia Woolf's father, wrote an entry about her for the original Dictionary of National Biography, believing that 'no more fascinating infantile author has ever appeared. What makes this all the more remarkable is, Marjory was a mere 8 years old when she died.
It’s been said she was a distant relative of Sir Walter Scott, although there is no real evidence they ever met Robert Louis Stevenson and Mark Twain also thought highly of her.
Marjory spent most of her sixth, seventh and eighth years in Edinburgh being tutored by her teenage cousin, Isabella Keith. Isabella is mentioned is the somewhat odd opening line of Marjory’s famous journal: ‘Many people are hanged for Highway robbery Housebreking Murder &c. &c. Isabella teaches me everything I know and I am much indebted to her she is learnen witty & sensible.’
Marjory returned to Kirkcaldy in July 1811, and wrote on 1 September to her cousin, ‘We are surrounded with measles at present on every side’. She herself contracted measles in November and although she apparently recovered, died in December from what is now thought to have been meningitis. She was a month short of her ninth birthday.
Marjory was an accomplished and witty poet and diarist although she was not published until 50 years after her death. Her writings became hugely popular in the Victorian period albeit with the published editions altered as some her her language was thought inappropriate for an eight year old. The first account of her was given by a London journalist in the Fife Herald and reprinted as a booklet entitled Pet Marjorie: a Story of Child Life Fifty Years Ago. The nickname ‘Pet’ and the spelling of her name with ‘ie’ were inventions of her biographer: both appear on Marjory’s gravestone in Abbotshall Kirkyard, Kirkcaldy erected in 1930.
Marjory’s precocious intellect is noted in the Oxford Dictionary of National Biography: ‘She records enjoying the poems of Pope and Gray, the Arabian Nights, Ann Radcliff’s ‘misteris [sic] of udolpho’, the Newgate calendar, and ‘tails’ by Maria Edgworth and Hannah More.’ Her abilities are also apparent in the pithy comments in her journal and in her valiant attempts to write in rhyming couplets.
Robert Louis Stevenson is quoted as saying, ‘Marjory Fleming was possibly – no, I take back possibly – she was one of the noblest works of God.’
I had a hunt around and found a few of her poems and have picked out two that I liked best the first is written about her cousin with whom she lived in Edinburgh, the simplicity and innocence of the poem I must admit has brought a tear to my eye, especially as it written by a 6 year old……“
My Dear love Isabella”
Here lies sweet Isabell in bed,
With a night-cap on her head;
Her skin is soft, her face is fair,
And she has very pretty hair;
She and I in bed lie nice.
And undisturbed by rats and mice;
She is disgusted with Mr. Worgan,
Though he plays upon the organ.
Her nails are neat, her teeth are white,
Her eyes are very, very bright;
In a conspicuous town she lives,
And to the poor her money gives;
Here ends sweet Isabella’s story,
And may it be much to her glory.I love in Isa’s bed to lie,
Oh, such joy and luxury!
The bottom of the bed I sleep,
And with great care within I creep;
Oft I embrace her feet of lillys,
But she has gotten all the pillys.
Her neck I never can embrace,
But I do hug her feet in place.
The manuscripts of Marjory Fleming’s writings can be seen in the National Library of Scotland online here https://digital.nls.uk/marjory-fleming/archive/100989212
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fire-but-ashes-too · 1 year
things that went down during my last family dinner
-an incestous relationship between a family friend's sister and her cousin (ew)
-all the thousands of crushes my aunt has had over the years plus comments from my grandma
-a hardcore shipping session from all my family for my aunt and her "ex" boyfriend whom are currently together in colombia and will be there alone together for the next month
-what went down during my parents'wedding
-my dad's version of scary story: he once got stuck in a house in somewhere while a storm raged outside with no electricity on halloween
-my grandpa leaving my aunt in the economy class while he went in buisness during a flight from italy to canada
-my grandpa leaving my grandma in an hotel in said canada without her credit card, so she couldn't pay for her hotel room
-my aunt's airplane sleeping methods
-this guy who once flew next to said aunt, whod probably taken a xanax before and had his blanket up his head, a sleeping mask over it and managed to sleep through all the several attempts at waking him up
-my aunt and her cousin (my uncle) pretending to be a couple on their honeymoon to get a free upgrade
-how to kill scorpions according to my grandma: smash them with a hammer
-me screaming when a wasp sat next to me
-zia cocchi goes to verona and back to melbourne: special edition
-how many crickets we saw
-this guy my aunt had a "crush" on whom she actually wanted to poison/j
-whether or not you can take melatonin while pregnant
-a tech glove made of a sock my brother made
-where the moon was (we couldnt see it)
-my aunt singing the australian anthem
-my uncles landlord who misteriously disappeared
-more people who misteriously disappeared, among which this guy my dad met who ran away from everything and everyone and travels america on his motorbike
-what my grandmas gonna do now that my grandpa's away
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louissatturi · 11 months
I will talk about my hatchetfield family oc's
Starting with the oldest one
Rosabella Butterfly ~
She is a 25 year old black woman, she is very dramatic and Bisexual and absolutely loves musicals, she works at Miss Retro (depending on the timeline she owns the thing) and she also participate in the starlight theater, sometimes acting sometimes being a voluntear, she seems to nome have a family and doses't talk much about hed past, she is dating li for some time (5 years) and loves them dearly, she also has powers, she can change her appearance and she has used it before, she also has time powers but she never uses them at least not anymore
Dean Li ~
They are a 23 year old chinese heritage non-binary lesbian that uses all pronouns, they are a bit stoic since they have social anxiety and they work as security in the lake side mall (or the ccrp depeding on the show), they are besties with ziggy and also have super powers, control of metals and super strength but she beraly uses her metal powers
Bean Li-Hwang ~
it's a 18 year old chinese-korean girl that is the younger sister/cousin of Li (it's complicated) she is very shy and quiet and kinda of a nerdy prude, she studies at hatchetfield high and likes to hang out with grace chastidy (clearly it isn't a crush or anything) and sometimes works as a nanny for Sheila young and baby-sits sherman (she is very uncomfortable with the situation but money is money and she likes to have it) she also has powers, she can control her voice and make it identical to other or super loud this is why she is super shy
Doyle Drew-
a non-binary white he/they 18 year old that loves misterys and photography, he is kinda angry and emo but is a cinnamoroll on the inside, he studies on hatchetfield high with bean (in the tgwdlm and forever and always timeline he studies in sycamore high) and likes to smoke at the old waylon's place sometimes he also has powers! He can see the future and the past when toutching objects and people, this is why he generaly uses gloves
Shelly Barros -
It's a 13 year old brazilian girl that studies and is best friends with hannah foster (at least shelly thinks they are besties) she is a "exchange student" and loves colors, rainbows and painting she also has powers but absolutely HATES them, she can manipulate, consume other people's fear, she really avoids anything scary so to not see those stuff
Mindy White-
She is a nine year old Brown girl that has intense eyes (one blue and the other being green) she is quite cynical and sarcastic to the standards of a 9 year old, she dosen't have friends her age so Rosabella forces her to hang out with Tim Houston, she also has many powers, most of them unkwon, she has the avarege mind powers and she also can see and talks with webby sometimes, she really likes webby
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nerium-aquifolium · 11 months
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Three more designs for the story.
First is Noamí. She’s a white rock dove. She’s a misterious girl that gets named now and then.
Damián is Augusto’s best friend. They look similar because zone-tiled hawks and red-tailed hawks share the same taxonomic classification. They’re like cousins, species-wise.
Guillermo is a barn owl. Surprisingly important for the narrative, probably.
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morbidmemories · 1 year
Cousins in a tub.
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1989, Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Gloria Fernández (15) was working with her cousin Irma Beatriz Girón (21) in her house, they had a flower arrangement little business. She had a fever so they called a doctor on April 14, he prescribed some antibiotics and left. Gloria took two pills according to what was found later.
On Sunday, April 16, a neighbor came across a terrible smell and called the police.
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The corpses were found in the bathtub severely decomposed, the presence of cadaveric fauna made the investigators believe they were dead for about 20 days, but only 2 days before they were seen by the doctor and other neighbors.
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This case remained a mistery for several years until it was reopened. Turns out that Irma's boyfriend worked at a serpentarium. His reasons are unknown, but he injected both cousins with black mamba's venom, a species present at his workplace. Due to accelerated necrosis, the bodies were left almost unrecognisable just after 48hs. Irma's boyfriend is still a fugitive.
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mult1aescharas · 2 months
movies muses.
ANGELA SHEPARD, the girl who tries to keep her boys at bay, the girl who work to help her family around, tries not to stay around the gang too much, twenty, inanna sharkis, bisexual.
BETTY COOPER, perfect girl next door, daughter, who wants to do things for her. girl next door who tries to solve mistery like her old friend, nancy drew, eighteen, josephine langford, bisexual.
BEN HANSCOM, the boy who tries to live a normal life when a clowns isn’t trying to scare him away, a boy who loves poems and loves to build homes, eleven/thirty, jeremy ray taylor/ jay ryan, straight.
SAM CARPENTER, girl who left town because of a dark secret. girl who tries not to lose her mind and talk to ghost that she so wants to forget dearly, twenty, melissa barrera, straight.
JULIET CAPULET, capulet’s princess who falls in love with her enemy. loves to go shopping and being there for her loved ones. eighteen, madelyn cline, straight. MERCUTIO, the montague’s clown who loves to tourment people, especially his cousins and the prince, who’s family, twenty, john eyzen, biromantic.
KIT CHARMING, prince who’s looking for his lost princess. though, a shoes isn’t helping, when ella comes home, everything is good in both world. twenty, richard madden, straight.
VERONICA SAWYER, teenage girl who loves to write on her diary on how much she hates the world and why not get some slushies somewhere. eighteen, adele exarchopoulos, bisexual.
WADE WILSON AKA DEADPOOL, mercenary with a bit of adhd disfuntional. loves to make jokes even in situations who appears bad, can't help but flirt with danger all the freaking times. spoiler alert: curses a lot. twenty-eight, bisexual, michael vlamis.
FOOTLOOSE. ( 2011 versions )
WILLARD HEWITT, cowboy and dancer boy who doesn4t know what he is doing half of the times, loves to help people around and dance, even when it is forbiden. eighteen, bisexual, miles teller.
SHANE GRAY, rockstar who doesn't like camps. goes to his uncle's one anyway to do some music and maybe escape that bad boy image that kept being stuck on him, eighteen / twenty years, bisexual, nicholas galatzine.
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idontknowmyownmind · 2 years
OG!Cale AU
After his mother's death and when the Count is on his 'vacation', Cale lock himself in his mother study and accidently found an accient power. It was in a blank book. When his blood accidently drop on the blank page, random images and text appeared around Cale. In the end he has to eat one page of the book to aquire the accient power, Knowledge of Fate. A power to see the past, present, and future of the world. It also give you the snip set of alternate timeline. The power is merge with the soul.
Because of this, he know what will happens in the future (both TBOAH and TCF). He doesn't want TBOAH to happens but he also doesn't want to be TCF. So he determinate to create other alternative.
Here, Cale is a sharp and quick witted kid. Able to think thousand plan upon plan for the best in a matter of minutes. He is observant and manipulative, a sly little fox.
He decided that he will keep Ron and Beacrox because they are a constant presence in many timeline. Sure, there are some where they left but they always there. So he want to keep one of the treasure he cheerish.
So this Cale is more open and close with the father and son duo. He got The Indestructible Shield and Vitality of the Heart before his father back from his 'vacation'.
He sneak out to forest of darkness to the swamp. Store the dead mana in a magic orb he create and store all the poison around for the kitten he will pick up adobt in the future. He then got Dominating Aura, White Crown and store the skeleton. He is shock when he found a dragon egg under the skeleton so he take it with him. It was a gray dragon.
While he is there, he also went to where her mother half-power is to take it before he visit her grave to take the other half. So now he has Annual Rings of Life in his posession. Before he get it, he went to get Super Rock. Acquire a hidden villa along the way.
So, yes, my baby get dragon dead mana, poison, dragon skeleton and eggs, a villa, an artifact, and three ancient powers in one day. It's happen before he turn ten. He just badass like that.
And he know that Choi Han is there somewhere in the forest of darkness but he doesn't care, he is not that good of a person. He doesn't want to get involved with him and only want to work in a shadow.
Sorry, but I want Cale and Choi Han to be in a different 'group' despite they have common enemy. Choi Han will be under the spotlight while Cale will work behind the shadow.
He distant himself from his family. But will show a warmth side when they take initiative to get close with him first. He only become himself when he is with the Molan duo. Violan and Basen determinate to know him better and he never push them away. So they are actually a warm family but at the same time distant with Cale.
On one of the day when Cale just want to be alone in his mother's study, he found out about Thames bloodline ability. An ability to control puppet with red strings, Strings of The Performer. It's been ten years since the ability manifest. Since there is no future or timeline where he see 'himself' manifest the ability, he think that in this timeline it's also not gonna happens.
He also find a hidden room that contain treasures and a misterious artifact. When he make a contact with the artifact, he acquire another power that tied to his soul rather than his plate. A power of shadow, The Lurking Shadow. An ability to control shadow.
He take everything and move them to his Villa.
How wrong he is when he did manifest the powet when he watch one of his cousin harass Basen. He is shock beyond belief but manage to stop the 'invisible' strings that tied his cousin.
He thought that no one will 'see' but he is wrong again when Ron confront him. Ron see the string for a split second manifest from his young master before 'dissapear'. In the end, Cale choose to trust the Molan duo about his secret.
He bring the Molan duo to his secret Villa. And tell them everything. He explain about Knowledge of Fate vaguely. He show them the dragon egg and everything he store in the Villa, (dead mana, dragon skeleton, poison, treasure, magic stones, etc).
By the age of eleven, he success on retrieve the black dragon egg and shockingly also the red dragon egg with the help of the Molan duo. (In this timeline, I make the black and red dragon as twin. The dragon heart the half-dragon eat is the heart of another baby dragon)
Cale take care of the eggs carefully and full of gentleness and warmth and love. Few weeks after he got the other two, the gray dragon hatched. Like in a legend and books, Dragon is a mighty and smart creature. By the end of his first week, the dragon already fluent in speaking. He imprint on Cale and view him as a father figure (dispite he still 11 years old).
He named the gray dragon, Astraeus.
Not long after, Cale bring in Hannah and Jack. He doesn't know how but he manage to win them over to his side. The twin cut their ties with the Church of the Sun God after meeting Cale.
On his way home bringing the twin, he stumble upon an abandoned temple. Curiosity get the best of him so he take a detour to explore it. On the altar in the middle of scrifice-like room, there is a spear stuck in the middle. Absentmindedly he grab the spear and obtain a new power that not goes to his plate but merge with his soul, A Frozen Soul. An ability to control ice.
Cale use a cloak embodied by rune to keep him warm.
A year after Astraeus born, the twin dragon hatch. Cale named the black dragon, Damien, and the red dragon is named, Ilya.
(I want to keep named him Raon, but even though this Cale have knowledge of Korea he is not fully understand it. And he also want to named his children the dragons himself. And yes, I made them hatched earlier because of a factor, Cale's love and care when they still inside eggs.)
*sobs* my baby already a father of three at the tender age of twelve *sobs*
Before the twin hatched, Cale took in a runaway slave. The slave is a pureblood Dark Elf, age 15. He doesn't have a name and after he swore loyalty to Cale, he (C) grant him a name. Cale named him, Hermes. His loyalty only laid on Cale. Hermes is a natural swordmaster and a genius when it come to any type of weapons.
He also establish connection and ally with Billos earlier. Along with a lunatic magician named Judas. Just like his name, he is not someone who stay loyal to anyone. He is known as a powerful and genius magician who only work for himself and will not hesistated to betray you in a blink. But in reality, he is searching someone he can put his faith on. He almost give up until he meet Cale. After that, he become loyal to a fault to Cale, he willing to stab himself when Cale jokingly asked him if he will stab himself if he (C) ask. Cale grant him a new name, Besnik. The other still known him as Judas, but only Cale and his family known him as Besnik. Cale is his moral compase.
By the age of thirteen, he went to Ubarr Territory to get The Sound of the Wind. After he acquired it, he stumble into three children at the age of 1 year unconcious near the sore. He tsked like he found something unpleasant but end up taking them to his Villa.
His kids The dragons are acstatic that they will get new siblings, which of course Cale denied because he doesn't plan to take in the unconcious kids and will released them to where they come from. Or, that's his first plan. But after found out that they are an after product of war between whale, mermaid and shark (yes, even shark, goddamit, a thribe that already extinct. Cale is not paid for this.). It seems like they born (or hatched?) around a same time close to each other and have been together since then. Which is bizzare how in reality their thribes are enemy. He took them in, much for the dragons delight. Cale sigh, it seems like he become too soft after became a father guardian of three kids.
They have no name so it's become Cale responsibility to name his kids them. He named the mermaid, Kairos. The shark is named, Calandra. The whale is named, Nikolas.
Two month after adopting take in the kids, Cale got another family members allies. Princess Jopis and Gashan, both are shaman but one is human while the other is from Tiger tribe.
He also help Freesia in hiding when her organization betrayed her. After spending time around Cale and watching him, she decided to place her trust on someone one more time. (Since Freesia lived in Henituse territory for three years before tcf!Cale reqruited her, that's mean it was when og!Cale is 15 years. But in this timeline, imma make her come to the territory when Cale is 14.)
Before he got Freesia, Cale got another family members allies in a form of a necromancer and a saintess of Abandoned God. The name of the saintess is Eilif. While the necromancer is named, Achlys.
After adopting sheltered the three kids and meeting Eilif and Achlys. Cale went to get Fire of Destruction. After he got it, he stumble upon a dying green dragon, Olienne and an elf named Asher. Living with three young dragons made Cale develope some kind of kinship with the dragon race. So reluctantly he drag the green dragon with him, along with the elf, ignoring the death threats thrown his way.
He found a way to keep the dragon to life longer (which definately will outlived Cale) with the help of Knowledge of Fate. The young dragons are ecstatic for having another dragon in the family and they calls him Olly gramps. Which baffled Olienne because this young dragons are so different from other dragon he ever met. They are disrespectful, protective toward their father (which what the fuck?), and don't let him started with the humans and other tribes around Cale.
So reluctantly he stayed to teach the young dragons the ways of dragons and pass down his knowledge. It's definitely not because he grow a soft spot toward the human who sacrifice himself to help him and started to see him as a son. And definitely not because he (C) indulge his (C) kids by calling him Father-nim since he is their self proclaimed grandfather. Definitely not!!
And somehow the Father-nim stuck until present time.
The elf also begged Cale to let him stay with him. So, yes, Cale not only got a new ancient power but also a new father and older brother figure.
Oh, when Olienne told them about how the hell Cale still intact after getting more than two ancient power, he is grounded by Ron for a week and being chewed by his other family members for his recklesness. Even the kids look dissapointed at him!! Where's the arrow that stab his heart came froms?!
At the age of 15, he can't wait anymore to find the kittens. So he take Hans and the dragons to visit the cat tribe.
(Oh, I forgot to mention that Hans join Cale's little family when he was 14. In this timeline, Hans's loyalty is for Cale since the beggining. Another assassin!!)
When he arrived there, he is boiled in anger when he watch his future kids the kitten being tortured. He kidnapped them and terrorize the tribe for a month non-stop. And that's how he adopt take in another kids.
Not long after the kittens join the family, Cale decided to collect the remaining ancient powers. In his journey getting Blood-Drenched Rock, he established a connection with Bud and Glenn. And in his journey getting Sky Eating Water, he acquired an abandoned island far from everywhere and made it his secret base.
And in between getting the last two, he accidently made a blood pack with a demon and have a vampire following him around. How, you ask? I don't even know. Just like Goldie-gramps said, Cale is an unlucky bastard. The vampire name is Esmeray, and the demon is named by Cale, Noir.
They life together in Super Rock Villa with Bud and Glenn, Jopis, and Gashan come over from time to time. They also often spend time together on the island, Noelani: Mist of heaven.
At the age of 16, Cale come clean to his family. He bring them (Deruth, Violan, Basen and Lily) to visit the Villa and meet his second family.
Forgot to mention, Eric, Gilberth and Amiru aware of Cale's little family since he was 14. What can he say, they are his hyungs and noona, and they dote on him too much. The three of them are his eyes and ears among noble as he never went to any gathering. He also allied himself with Taylor and Cage. He help Taylor defend himself from the hitmen sent by Venion, so in this timeline he is not paralyzed.
In between his 17, Cale got another lunatic in his family in a form of Clopeh Sekka. The heir went to Henituse Territory to train inside the forest of darkness but got ropped by Cale to his Villa. Cale know who he is and who he will become, so why not acquired him earlier? He know he already regret it even before dragging him to his Villa, but he guess it's better? Whatever.
He didn't reveal everything of course. Only few months after he finally decided that he can trust Clopeh. I mean, look at how crazy he is about Cale and he only know a little. I can't imagine how it will be when he know what the family know. Clopeh feels blessed when he found out and officially meet Cale's family. He and Besnik decided to team up to create a new religion to worship Cale behind his back.
Cale suddenly got a chill.
In this timeline, Cale is known as The Guardian of Henituse Territory IN the territory. He only act trash toward unfavorable people INSIDE his territory. So everyone who life in Henituse Territory know Cale true nature. Indifferent care, noncallant worry, and the double meaning of his words that often being misunderstood by people around him (in a good way). The servants and resident adore Cale.
His trash reputation is only exist amongs other nobles. While inside territory, he is view as a guardian and benefactor. Cale is basically a walking contradiction.
Cale family connected to him by their shadow. It's a really useful ability where he can contact each other easily. Cale also able to teleport them by their shadow.
A few week before the first event in TBOAH happens, Cale accidently help Pendrick who want to free ten kidnapped wolf children. They followed Cale after that and like being around him. Pendrick somehow also ropped into their little family. Which he is not complaint even a bit and think that he actually blessed. Meeting Cale is truly a blessing for him as he meet many awesome people, especially the dragons.
(Imma named the 9 unnamed wolf children and make Cale adopted those who 7 years old and under)
Lock think that his siblings are dead while in reality they are abducted to become slaves.
I am tempted to make Alberu appear earlier since I am a hardcore Alberu x OG!Cale shipper 😭
Please check this out!! If you confuse or something..
Explanation 1
Explanation 2
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wandixx · 3 months
I got a bright idea of writing and binding book for my cousin's birthday in October which I know is ambitious and I may not make it but who cares. Maybe I'll push it to Christmas to get some more time.
Anyway I was talking about it with her to get a grasp on what she would like to get and it went like this:
My cousin: Low fantasy
Me: *internally* I'll have to develop a world in a month or so, alright I can totally do it *sweating*
Me: *over the text* Okay, sure
My cousin: Murder mystery, maybe?
Me: *hasn't read a murder mistery since she was 12* Okay
My cousin: Romance!
Me, a questioning aro, most likely ace: *again, haven't read romance in some time, outside of fanfics* ...Sure
My cousin: Enemies to lovers, but their true, crave the blood type of enemies at the start!
Me: *kinda hates enemies to lovers* Okay
My cousin: First person narrative
Me: I may not be able to do this, actually
My cousin: Sure, don't worry
My cousin: Humour with at most sprinkles of serious
Me: *with exactly one funny fic I managed to finish, and I still put some angst in it (up to four, maybe, if we count my Wattpad era and one-shots people asked me to write)* *flippingthe table* AaAAAaaaA
Me: Okay, though it'll be hard :)
I am not even getting out of my comfort zone, I'm launching myself out with the power of freaking trebuchet and just hope at the end is something a bit softer than a concrete
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ifmikeywereavillain · 2 years
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Spooky season is my favorite season. I love autumn, rainy days, pumpkin spiced lattes in the morning, soft blankets and, mostly, HALLOWEEN!
If We Were Villains: my favorite book EVER. If you like dark academia settings, murders, secrets and tragic love stories, this is the right book for you! Oliver and his story will surely have an impact!
The Picture Of Dorian Gray: I feel like I don't even need to say anything about this. Wilde is my favorite author and I've read this book more than once, it's like my Halloween tradition i guess.
The Strange Case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde: a quite short but very captivating story about a man, Dr Jekyll, that finds a way to set his worst and savage side free.
Wuthering Heights: Ngl, I hated this book at first, I just couldn't stand Catherine and her antics. But, when I re-read it for school a couple of years later, I changed my mind and it became one of my favorite books. I personally think it's a perfect read for the spooky season.
Ninth House: My favorite Bardugo book. I read it in August last year but honestly it's perfect for this period. Secrets, ghosts, misteries, a dark past and demons! Also, the sequel will be out soon, I'd take the opportunity!
Gideon The Ninth: Back again to gilrbosses, ghosts, deads, enemies to something (friends or maybe lovers?) BUT with lesbians. How could you wosh for more? A badass lesbian himbo trying to find her place in the world.
Dracula: a classic, but how could I not put THE vampire story in a spooky season books rec? Might be a bit long and discoursive, but I personally loved it.
Cemetery Boys: The story of a trans brujo trying to prove himself in order to be accepted by his very traditional and close-minded mexican family. What happens when, while trying to summon the ghost of his dead cousin, Yadriel summons a stranger who used to attend the same school as him? Spooky and heart-warming, a perfect book if you need something not too difficult but still likeable.
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cepheusgalaxy · 7 months
Y'know, once I thought about purposefully doing a story full of clichés and molding them to my likings, just to loose up, you know? Not having to worry about using too oversaturated tropes, since I'm doing it purposefully, and I abandoned it a while ago but I think it'd be nice to revisit it.
cws: death mention
Mary Sue has a tragic backstory: Her parents died in a gruesome way in front of her, and she was sent to live with her uncles/a foster family, who are like, very bad at parenting, and she is also trans to add a little more angst and make her an outcast as well
She also has a magical heritage of being from the noblety of a magical people but she doesn't know that yet, of course
One day, she is being attacked by a vampire! But then another, conventionally atractive and conveniently skilled and well-meaning vampire appears (hes a vampire hunter) and saved her
He figures she has some magic abilities (from this part i draw a lot from The Mortal Intruments coz i like that series very much) and takes her to his base where he works with a lot of other people and eventually she ends up joining them
The team and their dynamic is gonna be inspired by the Institute in tmi
Oh and they're also the harem:
We're gonna have an older mentor figure, ofc, but then there's the guys,
The Vampire Vampire Hunter who saved Mary Sue
Flamboyant Gnc Catboy because I Can
Angsty Sasuke (Trans) Boy
Exiled Prince
and some others i haven't thought about
Okay, so, at some point, (they're anomaly/ghost/vampires/bad magic people hunters) we Burn Down the Setting, maybe a little literally, and they have to run away. The mentor is Out so they have to deal with things on their own and they decide to travel to The Misterious Forest of Something (so misterious i dont even know what happens there) and arrive at a temple-ish of a retired Sage Mage
they spend some time there (insert bonding of Mary Sue + Angsty Sasuke) and then they decide to go to the Magic Capital (there is a whole bunch of countries that are hidden from the Normal People and inhabited by magical beings like them) to reagrupe, and, hmm, plan of taking down the Evil Mage who actually Burnt Down their Institute
When they go to the capital, there is this prince guy who agrees on helping them and giving them the information they need, but only if Mary Sure wants to sleep with him (coz shes very Desirable as a Mary Sue, remember?), and at first she tries to go along despiste her teammates advising her not to since she doesn't really want to do that, but anyways, nothing happens because she just ends up leaving him there. Shes a little ashamed of destroying their only chance of getting Information (teammates are currently trying reassuring her) when A New Guy Appears
He's Dumbass Prince's younger brother, and wants to help them
He ends up joining the Team and in the next arc they leave the Capital and go to another Magical Kingdom/Country (maybe a fae land >:] ) to get more info on Evil Guy (who, although they don't know yet, is Mary Sue's--wait, not father, since his dead, my bad--uncle/cousin/brother/idk, something)
That's what I had planned so far lmao
Yeah, it's a fun concept to mess up with so I think I'll eventually revisit it
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firsttarotreader · 8 months
NOTHING to do with Pedro but just a good example of how folks going around on social media telling "I worked on so and so and (...)" can be a total BULLSHIT. And for those who don't want or can't click: Sydney Sweeney has said on a interview she worked as a tour guide on Universal studios and some random guy on some social media said he also worked there and never saw her there and then people believed him and thought she was a liar. Turns out HE lied and she indeed worked there. Now, how many times we read stories of people who "worked with" Pedro or knew someone who did? 🤔 and coincidentally 9 out of 10 of these stories were about Pedro being "out and proud" and "totally not into women" 🤔
PS: same goes for Pedro "barbie careers" fans (not just one, VARIOUS) who conveniently always works or have worked on positions that are involved in some controversy regarding him. Magazine interview they think is sus? "aw, I worked in a magazine publishing office I know how it works!", mistery on his health? "I worked in an hospital and that's not how it works!"... honestly? SUCK. MY. DICK. The amount of lies in this fandom is fucking ridiculous.
I KNOW! Thank you, anon! Honestly, even people who have really met him or met others around him can lie. These “insiders” who go “my cousin worked with him on -insert project here- and said he is -insert any bullshit narrative they want to convince people of-, so I know!”. We’ve had TONS of bullshit like this in the fandom and we still do.
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ninjonnyuszi · 8 months
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BARBIE MEME 🖤🐱Chux and Caz Kinxie - OC 🐱❤ Speedpaint by Ninjon-chan 🐇💙 from 2023. - part 32.
Chux and Caz are a cat-hybrids. They are very introvert and misterious. They have a little sister, Summer. Their cousins are Jet, Zee and Zinny. Their dad came from an other planet, where lives a cat-like humanoid species.
In my story they live in the future around 2300. In these years superhumans rule the whole Solar-system and travel through the Galaxy and visit other exoplanets and alien spieces is absolute normal.
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spiritsword-with-a-hat · 11 months
The elementary school; it's only a ten minutes drive, but you are late.
Even on your worst days you are a careful driver. Statistics are looking bleak for an occupant of a car enough as it is.
As mentioned, the elementary school is only 10 minutes away. You make it in 11, because you get stopped on red lights.
The school itself bears marks of a full generation of teachers trying to make it look more cheerful and less like a prison for kids. You discover you have a lot of opinions about public education.
You walk in with the confidence of a man who is a full grown adult and therefore the teachers have no authority over him. Your feet carry you by their own memory to the school club, also known as the place where children wait for their parents to pick them up to go home. Very convenient this school club.
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"Father!" a young boy shouts the moment you step in. So that is him. Your son. Miles Edgeworth. He doesn't call you "dad" or anything like that. He is also very formally dressed, the button-up clearly stands out in the middle of T-shirts, handed down by older siblings and cousins. He even has a little bowtie!
"Miles," you smile at him. "Hi, sunshine."
He makes a long face. you sense that he does not as much mind the nickname as having it dropped in front of other people.
"You are late," your son chides you.
"I've gotten into a fight with a table," you offer as an explanation.
"Did you hide under the table like we did when the earthquake hit?" Miles' eyes are enormous when he asks. "It was so scary! The biggest earthquake I remember."
Those are news to you. [Earthquake] added to Thoughts.
Now that you are thinking about it... Wasn't your office in a state of [General disarray] and didn't it experience a [Blackout]? Both of those could have been caused by an [Earthquake]. Look at you, logical genius. You had to speak to a child to figure it out, but figure it out you did in the end. A mistery no longer misterious. A way to go. And now that you've solved this little puzzle, you can peacefully forget all this.
You will still need to clean up the office later, because while you did solve the blackout problem, you did not fix the haphayard state of the place you've found it in. That, however, is a problem for a future you. Or hopefully for an intern working for you.
A woman, a teacher who is looking after the kids in the club, approaches you: "Mr. Edgeworth may I have a moment?"
"Of course, madam." You call her madam, because even though your memory is improving by the minute, her name is still escaping you.
"It's about Miles' lunch account balance."
Oh yes, of course. The monthly lunch payment. Honestly, it wouldn't be a problem for you to prepare Miles' lunches at home, but you sitll harbor some hopes that he is going to sit with kids his age at lunch and make friends at the school canteen. So far he young man has been sabotaging that attempt by bringing a book along. Currently the book in question is Forensic Psychology (3rd revised edition). Miles has promised to return it back to your bookshelf once he is done with it, this time without drawing pictures in. (The crayon drawings in your Psychology of Murder and Murder of Psychology are the highlight of the entire tome. You are not going to give that book away, ever.)
You hand the teacher the Cash envelope. That should settle it. You wait for the woman to count the 38$ inside and nod approvingly.
As you and your son make your way out of the school and get into the car - Miles is still too young and too short to sit next to you in the front - the boy peeps: "I am a grown, father, you know. I can handle delivering payments for my lunches."
"Alright," you smile as you start the engine. "Tell you what: Next time you deliver it. It's a big responsibility, but I know you can handle it."
And then... then you go home, trying to figure out what are you going to make for dinner. Miles reads in the car and predictably gets a motion sickness, but he pretends he is fine, because you've told him many times that reading in a moving vehicle is not a good idea, and he has that stubborness of a child.
Congratulations, you've reached the end of this investigation!
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lovegyutodeath · 2 years
Soooo me and my cousin finished watching Strangers from hell (my second time lmao) and he says that it's now his favorite series, but he feels kinda empty for the ending🫥
Honestly, it would be amazing to have another season but i think that the final scene it's kind of part of the mistery 🦷
moonjo pic bc he's hella hot and even my cousin fell in love with him lmao
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