#D type battery
wuhemetoleja · 2 years
rend Laine tonia mode d'emploi Arbeitsrechtshandbuch schaub 2011.
Pour l'ancien ministre de l'Education,lesindustriels,àquelques EMPLOI Le nombre de demandeurs d'emplois n 'a y a n tpas du.1005, 1005, 08/20/2009, Higher Order Modes in a GTEM Cell.pdf, 178 1685, 1685, 04/14/2015, Trends in ESD Protection of Automotive ICs_2014.pdf, 1,843.
937, 937, 08/20/2009, Higher Order Modes in a GTEM Cell.pdf, 178 1566, 1566, 04/14/2015, Trends in ESD Protection of Automotive ICs_2014.pdf, 1,843.
If you give an inch on the track Facelift honda crf 250 2005 fire. lehramt geographie Sigma 1009 sts mode d'emploi samsung galaxy trend Laine tonia mode
</p><br>https://posixukipohi.tumblr.com/post/694234135421730816/nad-c372-manual-pdf, https://wuhemetoleja.tumblr.com/post/694233930226958336/cellule-came-pdf, https://lumanokom.tumblr.com/post/694234170465075200/tresse-poisson-mode-demploi-de-liphone-5, https://lumanokom.tumblr.com/post/694233556771274752/singer-declic-9210-mode-demploi, https://posixukipohi.tumblr.com/post/694234135421730816/nad-c372-manual-pdf.
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lokoqeweho · 2 years
ce chargeur de batterie, le principe de fonctionnement d'une batterie, puis tous les aspects du
Des chargeurs de batterie RE sont prévus pour l'usage d'intérieur seulement. de la pile au même niveau, même après des années de fonctionnement continu.
Figure 6 : Chargeur de batteries. 2. Principe de fonctionnement. La figure ci-dessous représente le schéma synoptique du chargeur, en effet, la tension
Le graphique ci dessous schématise leur principe de fonctionnement. L'apport d'énergie dans la batterie (avec chargeur de.
</p><br>, , , , .
0 notes
anton-luvr · 8 months
could i request a SFW anton alphabet thing? 💗💗
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𖦹 bf!anton x fem!reader | fluff | bf au 𖦹 note ; thanks for requesting anon!! <3 + requests are CLOSED !
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?)
The A in Anton stands for Affectionate™. He won't be crazy on the PDA, but he'll always be holding your hand whenever he can, randomly pretending to bite your shoulder (iykyk), and playing with your hair.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?)
Both of you would need each other to survive. He helps you to keep your life in check while you help him speak up when he's far too shy, even if it's just ordering at your local Subway's. The friendship would start from being assigned on an assignment together, because Anton is too much of an introvert to make friends directly.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?)
He loves to cuddle! There's nothing he loves more than just being in your arms and having you around him. Even though he's ridiculously tall, he loves being the little spoon.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?)
Anton seems like the kinda guy who would only want to live together if you guys were engaged or married, so probably only later on in your relationship. He's not the best at cooking, but he's great at cleaning. Be it folding the laundry or scrubbing the toilet, consider it done and dusted.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)
LOTS of tears. But Anton would be straightforward with it, and break it to you simply and respectfully that he wants to call it quits.
F = Fiancé (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)
Anton takes commitment very seriously. He seems like a date to marry type of guy, and he definitely commits to your relationship 100%. He won't rush marriage, and only propose when he knows the both of you are ready for it.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?)
Anton created gentleness. He treats you so delicately and with so much love, and he's always there for you with open arms.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it?)
He loves them. He does it whenever he can, because he just likes being in contact with you physically so much.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)
It's gonna take a while for Anton to tell you he loves you. That doesn't mean that he doesn't, he's just really shy about it.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?)
He doesn't get jealous easily, because he trusts you and your relationship a lot. But there will be times where seeing you laugh at Sohee's jokes a bit too much for his liking leaves him to sulk alone for at least two hours, arms folded and being petty until you make it up to him with kisses.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?)
Anton's kisses would be so so so so soft... They would be so gentle and so full of love every time. He likes to kiss you on your lips and your shoulder, and he likes it when you kiss him on the cheek.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?)
He's great around children! He gets along really well with them, always making them laugh at the silly faces he makes and takes care of them with full attention.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?)
Anton's a morning person, so he'd be very productive. He'll greet you every day at six in the morning with a soft kiss to the cheek before going off to start his day.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?)
Lots of skinship! His social battery would run out by night, and he just wants to be around his favorite person (aka you) and make up for any lost time if he didn't get to spend the day with you. It's as if he's glued to you by the hip, following after you wherever you go just to kiss and hug you whenever he can.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)
It would take quite some time for Anton to open up. He'll tell you all the lighthearted and basic stuff of course, but he needs some time to open up about his deepest darkest secrets.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?)
Anton has 99.99% patience. He's very emotionally intelligent, so if anything were to upset him, he would manage it in a really mature way where no one gets hurt.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?)
Anton would remember everything about you. From your usual coffee order to your birth story, he will remember anything you tell him. You're one of the best things that ever happened to him, and he wants to remember each and every thing about you.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)
Definitely when the both of you went out on a first date. The moment Anton felt the strong connection between the both of you, it made his heart skip a beat, a small smile on his face.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you?)
Anton's very protective. He's always looking out for you, willing to pick you up wherever you are instead of letting you take a cab or public transport home because it's far too dangerous. He follows the sidewalk rule strictly, and he always wears a jacket when you wear short skirts so he can help you cover up on the escalator or while sitting.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?)
He would put his entire soul into these things. He prefers making handmade gifts for you, because they're just so much more meaningful. So be prepared for scrapbooks he made himself on your birthday and jewelry he learned to make on your anniversary. He has a personalized list for his everyday tasks, making sure he always gets his share done.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?)
He doesn't talk sometimes. It makes you think he's mad, but he just doesn't want to talk somedays. You don't really mind, but it can get frustrating sometimes. He's working on it.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)
Very. Anton takes great care of his skin, and he works hard in the gym in hopes to buff up. But at the end of the day, he just wants to stay healthy so he can be around you for as long as he physically can.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)
If it was for a short period of time, then no. But if it was for a long period of time, like several days or weeks due to school or work purposes, he would question his will to live. The whole world would be so boring and mundane to him without you.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.)
Anton's very romantic. And not the textbook kind of romantic with roses and chocolates. He takes each and every detail about you and plans the most personalised and sweetest dates and gifts for you. It surprises you every time.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
He HATES it when people affect his productivity. He's a organized person, so he hates it when his plans get ruined. He doesn't mind if others are unproductive or lazy, he just doesn't want his plans to get ruined. Especially if they're for something really important.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?)
He's a chaotic deep sleeper. He'll turn and roll around a lot in his sleep, and you often wake up to find that he's made you his personal bolster in his sleep.
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© anton-luvr, 2023.
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tatsugiriroll · 2 years
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D doesnt have anything to do with his name btw its just the type of batteries he takes
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lipglossanon · 1 year
With Your Hands Between Your Thighs And A Smile
(Title from the song lyrics 505 by Arctic Monkeys)
Warnings: 18+, minors DNI, stepcest, slight breeding kink, creampie, dirty talk, stepbro!kurt, fem!reader, slight perv!reader
Quick author’s note: if the thought that Kurt seems OOC crosses your mind just know I don’t care lol. Enjoy!
More stepbro!kurt found here
/ ˅ɞ♡⃛ʚ˅˅ɞ♡⃛ʚ˅˅ɞ♡⃛ʚ˅˅ɞ♡⃛ʚ˅˅ɞ♡⃛ʚ˅˅ɞ♡⃛ʚ˅˅ɞ♡⃛ʚ˅˅ɞ♡⃛ʚ˅˅ɞ♡⃛ʚ˅ \
The house is quiet after your mom and step dad loudly declared they were heading out for their monthly date night. You only wave goodbye as you continue to channel surf.
Kurt, your brand new step brother, sat slouched on the other end of the sofa. You gave a quick glance to him and saw he was completely zoned into his phone. He frowned down at the device before locking it with a sigh.
“The b-battery on this is shit,” he mutters out loud, turning his attention to the tv.
You hum in agreement, as you now openly look at him. You kinda hated how much you liked him. He was such a loser but weirdly sweet. He has been nothing but nice to you and your mom—really trying to make you both feel welcomed (although you could tell he and his dad had a strained relationship).
After he got over the fact you didn’t do social media (his exclamation of “how will people even know who you are?!” was met with an eye roll and a laugh, “I’ll introduce myself to them, Kurt”), you and he got along really well. The fact you wanted to fuck his brains out, however, is something you’ve been keeping pretty close to the chest.
You’ve had to live together for the past few months now since the actual marriage ceremony and you feel like you’re about to crawl out of your skin with want. Kurt is so cringe and clingy, but somehow that seems to really work for him. It hasn’t stopped you from fantasizing of riding him in the back of his car or think about sneaking into his room at night to slip under his covers for a bit of fun.
And now, here you both were at home on a Friday night with your respective parents gone until the wee hours of the morning. You bite your thumbnail as a half formed idea flitted through your brain. You bring your attention back to the tv and begin to purposefully search through the channels for a borderline porno type of movie. Once settling on one, you press your back to the armrest so your body is facing out toward Kurt.
It takes a few scenes before it seems to click with him, which by that time you already have your shorts tugged down as you slowly tease your slit through the gusset of your panties.
“W-what’re you doing?” he whispers, like he’ll get in trouble (god he’s so clueless it makes you want him even more).
“Just trynna have a bit of fun, Kurtie.”
His jaw clenches but his eyes stay on the motions of your hand as you slowly tease yourself. You give him a coy smile.
“You can’t touch me but if you want to jerk off, I wouldn’t mind.”
He sucks in a deep breath and you watch as his dick thickens in his sweatpants. You moan and shuck your shorts and panties all the way off, leaving your cunt bare to his gaze. You then strip off the skimpy tank top you were wearing with nothing underneath leaving your tits completely uncovered.
Kurt’s eyes greedily take you in, bouncing from your hardening nipples down to your dripping pussy.
Your fingers dip back down your body to circle your sensitive and swollen clit. You let out a low whine as a gush of slick coats your inner thighs.
Kurt’s dark eyes sweep over your body, back up to your own heavy lidded gaze.
“You’re so hot,” he breathes out quietly, his own hand squeezing at the bulge in his sweatpants.
You bite your lip to hold back another whine.
“Wanna touch you, Kurtie”
“I-I want to touch you too, but we can’t,” his brows furrow, “we shouldn’t even be d-doing this.”
You sigh out a moan, “I know. It’s really dirty.”
You slip your fingers through your slick folds and sink your ring and middle finger into your soppy wet hole.
“Wish it was your fingers, Kurt. Your hands are so big.”
You watch as he slips the band of his sweats down to his thighs. His cock springs up with a wet slap to his belly.
“Fuck,” you moan, “want you in my pussy so bad.”
“You can’t say that,” he pants, hand slowly beginning to stroke his cock in time with your thrusting fingers.
You pout, “Why not? It’s only the truth.”
“C-cause,” his eyes dart to the door, “we’re step siblings now. What we’re doing is bad.”
You hum, “Mmhmm so bad.”
You slowly ease your fingers out of your clenching heat and crawl over to Kurt’s side of the couch.
He stops stroking his dick to press his hands into your shoulders to stop you moving into his lap.
“W-what’re you doing? You said no touching,” his eyes are glued to your swaying breasts and bare cunt.
“I changed my mind,” you murmur and push against his hold to slip into his lap. You both let out low moans at the feel of his hard cock rubbing against your wet pussy. He kicks off his sweatpants the rest of the way leaving you both now nude.
“We just won’t put it in,” you whisper against his lips, “it’s not wrong if you just don’t slip it in my needy little hole, right Kurtie?”
Your lips drag against his with every sinful word from your mouth. His pupils are completely blown out when you pull back to run your hands down his chest.
“Take this off for me, please?”
He scrambles to quickly remove his shirt, only to get tangled in it before ripping it off and throwing it down on the floor.
You bite your lip as you card your fingers through the light smattering of his chest hair.
“God Kurt, you’re so hot it’s stupid.”
“Y-yeah?” He watches you completely dazed, hands loosely holding your hips like he doesn’t know where to put them.
“Mmhmm, wanted to suck you off the first time we met,” you suck your bottom lip into your mouth as you move your gaze from his chest to his eyes, “wanted to cry and choke on your cock while our parents were having their stupid dinner date in the other room.”
His hips thrusted up, dragging his cock up against your clit making your hole clench on nothing. His hands slowly come up and cup each breast. His thumbs begin to softly circle your nipples.
You mewl, arching your back so it pushes your breasts further into Kurt’s space. His lips are parted in awe as he takes your nipples in between his fingertips and tweak the hardened buds.
You couldn’t stop the wanton sounds from tumbling out of your panting mouth.
“So sensitive,” Kurt whispered to himself, ducking his head down to suck on your nipples constantly swapping from one to the other.
“I love your tits, you’re a-always wearing such low tops, and—” he grinds his cock up against your thighs, smearing precum along your skin.
Your hands slide up from his chest to cradle his jaw. You watch him pout as you pull him away from your breasts. Your hands slink down his body to tease the thatch of hair above his dick. His hands go down to your hips, massaging and groping the fat there.
“Maybe,” your gaze drifts down to his swollen, leaking cock. You softly tease the tip before pressing his foreskin back to circle the head.
“Maybe you could just put the tip in,” you say, still dragging your fingers against his pink cockhead.
“Wha—“ he moans, eyes clenched shut and the grip on your hips bruising. You hope there are fingertip shaped marks tomorrow.
“Just the tip isn’t going all the way, is it?” You coo at him, fingers slipping away from the head of his dick down his shaft to feather across his balls.
“Fuck,” he moans, his head dropping forward into the junction of your neck and shoulder, his eyes taking in your hands teasing his balls.
“Just t-the tip, nothing else?” He finally gets out, pulling away to look you in the face.
You smile wickedly, “Exactly, Kurt. It’s gonna feel so good.”
He groans, “Alright, but just the tip. We can’t do a-anything else.”
“Of course, Kurtie,” you press a quick kiss to the apples of his cheeks. “Now, put it in me, please.”
“You want me— oh, fuck. Okay, okay,” he’s mumbling to himself as he slips the tip of his dick into your wet spasming hole.
“Yes, so good. Such a good boy for me. S’just the tip Kurtie, promise won’t go any further.”
His hands are gripping the fat of your thighs like a lifeline, head tossed back in an effort to keep still.
“You’re so fucking tight, god I can’t—“ he chokes out, bringing his blown out gaze to your own.
“You’re just too good at stretching me out, Kurt,” you whine, pressing closer to him, dragging your lips across his in an almost kiss.
“Fuck me, y-you can’t just say s-sh-stuff like that.”
But you’re so desperate at this point and not able to think past the feeling of the slight stretch of your pussy and how empty it feels. Whining you work his cock further and further into your body as Kurt just holds your thighs in a death grip.
He’s mumbling out, “Stop, baby, f-fuck. Can’t keep going— you’re gonna— shit your so tight, gotta stop before we go too far.”
He groans until you’re sitting flushed against his pelvis.
You lift you up just to slide back down, enjoying just how big and thick he is inside you.
“Couldn’t wait, Kurtie,” you sigh out, eyes slipping shut and cunt stuffed full.
Your eyes flutter back open only to see Kurt’s lips pressed in a thin line and eyes dark.
He lifts you up until he’s nearly slipping out before slamming you back down, a choked cry leaving you.
“You promised you wouldn’t go too far.”
He repeats the rough thrust and now makes you grind down as his dick stretches out your weeping cunt.
“But you just had to do what you wanted, huh? Needed me to plug up your s-sloppy little pussy? Telling me how nasty of a, a girl you are.”
He doesn’t pull out as he shifts you both to lay out on the couch. You cry out as he begins deep harsh thrusts, so thankful you’re the only two home as Kurt rails you into the beat up couch.
“Nothing but a cock slut,” he growls in your ear, “only good for letting me use your tight hole.”
“Yes, yes, yes,” you chant, nails digging into Kurt’s broad shoulders, “need it, need you.”
“I’m not gonna last too long,” Kurt grits out.
“Mmm, you gonna cum in me? Going to fill me up?” You gasp out, feeling as Kurt thrusts into you even harder.
“Y-Yeah I am. I’m going to fill that p-pretty pink pussy to the brim and you’re going to love every s-second of it aren’t you?” He pumps his hips faster, feeling your cunt tighten around him.
“Mmm yes, please,” you moan, dragging your nails across Kurt’s back.
Kurt begins to grind down with every thrust of his hips, making you take him as deep as possible.
“Fuck, I-“ Kurt realizes much too late and is now trying to slow his thrusts, feeling closer and closer to spilling inside you.
“I’m n-not wearing a condom.”
His eyes finally drag up from watching his cock piston in and out of your clenching heat. His brows are furrowed in a mix of worry and pleasure.
You moan at the distraught tone and worried gaze, walls clenching around the thick cock splitting you open. You lift your head up to nip at his earlobe, tongue darting out to smooth the sting.
“Doesn’t it feel good though?” You murmur in his ear, “feel how wet and tight my pussy is? You know you want to give it to me. Watch as your cum drips out, leave my hole a sticky mess.”
He moans out while his hips pump faster.
“That’s it, Kurtie,” you purr, eyes glinting in pleasure, “give it to me. Make me cum on your fat cock and I’ll let you cream this pretty pussy.”
Kurt groans and begins to thrust sloppily with abandon. His hips are now rabbiting into your squelching cunt. The couch creaks as you’re filled again and again, your g-spot battered with each thrust that has your toes curling in pleasure.
You let out a breathy moan, “Oh, fuck, I’m about to cum.”
Kurt clumsily slips a hand between you two and starts rubbing at your clit a little too roughly but eager to please; his inexperience is doing it for you though. Your orgasm crashes over you. Your clit throbs as your pussy walls clench rhythmically around the cock filling you causing Kurt to reach his peak as well.
His thrusts stutter into your pliant body as rope after rope of hot cum fills your spasming cunt. You feel his cock throb and kick inside you as your hole keeps milking him for every last drop of cum. He lets out a low moan as he continues to finish inside you.
“There’s so much,” you gasp out, loving the feeling of being pumped so full of Kurt’s hot cum.
“Y-yeah I always—there’s always a lot to clean up,” he blushes so hard the tips of his ears turn pink.
You hum a happy sound as your drag your nails through his messy hair, “I like it, Kurt.”
He looks at you with the most lovesick expression you’ve ever seen before shaking his head.
“This is—we shouldn’t have—“
You lean up and catch him unawares as you kiss him breathless. Kurt’s eyes widen in surprise but lets himself sink down into your body, kissing you back.
Pulling away you give a soft bite to his full lower lip.
“I wanted it, Kurt. And from the feel of it you did too,” you grin up at his flushed expression, “plus it’s pretty hot to get creampied.”
You felt his cock kick inside your well used pussy.
“Wanna go again?”
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lavendermaelk · 1 year
Henry Winter Spicy Alphabet
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Henry Winter x Reader, The Secret History Warnings: What it says on the tin, Minors DNI.
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A = Aftercare (what they’re like after sex) Henry likes to take care of you but he tries his best not to show that he also needs to be taken care of. Sometimes a night with you can take a lot out of him and his leg. He makes sure you drink water and get properly cleaned up before he lets you try to take care of him.
B = Body part (their favorite body part of theirs and also their partner’s) I think Henry rather likes his abs or arms. It's canon that he works out because of his injury but i wouldn't put it past him to make a full body routine and stick with it. Now he's sculpted and really just warrior-like despite the fact that his leg is still not in the best condition. I think he really likes your waist or your hands. No matter how thick or thin you are he just really likes holding onto your middle and pulling you close or watching how your fingers move on a typewriter or flip a page or how the grip onto him so desperately.
C = Cum (anything to do with cum, basically) This man's precum leaks from him like a fucking faucet and when he cums it's like a an open dam. It's thick and he floods your holes with the salty load. His diet is rather plain but with you he eats better so his load isn't battery acid but it's more of a salty tang with a slight sweetness.
D = Dirty secret (pretty self explanatory, a dirty secret of theirs) He gets off on you spending his money. Yes, he hates when Bunny does it but you're his sweet darling and you just look so cute in all the things you get him to buy you. He lets you buy clothes and decorations for the apartment and little trinkets. You have your own money, of course but Henry always insists. He just loves taking care of you in every way possible.
E = Experience (how experienced are they? do they know what they’re doing?) Henry was very much a virgin until he met you. He didn't have a pressing interest in sex and romance as much as his peers did in high school. He's thought about it but he found that his studies were just more important than such things. You probably guided him through it or learned together. I feel like he was too prideful to ask someone about it or be caught looking for 'reference material' so he relied on you a bit for your first time together.
F = Favorite position (this goes without saying) Definitely mating press. He likes to see you folded in half and squirming under him and your faces will be close enough for him to give you kisses while you cry.
G = Goofy (are they more serious in the moment? are they humorous? etc.) Henry is a more serious guy in general but if you were to crack a joke in the middle of it, he wouldn't be put off. He'd probably give a little chuckle, kiss you to shut you up and keep going.
H = Hair (how well groomed are they? does the carpet match the drapes? etc.) Carpet definitely matches the drapes. Henry's always been a rather well groomed person but he also doesn't seem like the type to fully shave down there. Probably just keeps it well trimmed and clean. He definitely has a happy trail tho and he doesn't really mess with that.
I = Intimacy (how are they during the moment? the romantic aspect) Henry definitely loves to make it romantic. He's not rose petals and candles everywhere kind of romantic but he definitely sets the mood. Lots of slow and drawn out kisses, kisses all over your body and words of love and adoration in each language he speaks flowing from his lips like water from a spring.
J = Jack off (masturbation headcanon) He doesn't do it often just because he doesn't really see a reason to. He doesn't get aroused by anything that isn't you. If you weren't around, say you spend summer or winter break apart, he'd do it once in a while because it's supposed to be healthy. He really just prefers to be with you rather than think of you.
K = Kink (one or more of their kinks) Creampies, overstimulation and edging are big ones for him, also a little bit of dacryphilia. I think he just likes seeing you get off on him and need him so desperately.
L = Location (favorite places to do the do) He loves to lay you out across his desk or keep you on his lap in your armchair. The bed is always a good default but sometimes he just likes watching you take him with Greek and Latin texts underneath you.
M = Motivation (what turns them on, gets them going) Really, anything you do. He likes watching you get focused or heated in a debate. He finds your intellect and wit infinitely beautiful and riveting. He'll wake up next to you and watch as you whine when the morning light hits your face, how the sheets hug your body and how you turn to grasp at him and cuddle up against him. He cant help but kiss you deep and hold you close.
N = No (something they wouldn’t do, turn offs) Anything that would hurt you is immediately off the table. He may be a bit crazy but hurting you is too far.
O = Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc.) Absolutely loves it, bot giving and receiving. Loves being between you legs and watching you squirm, loves your taste and how you grip his hair. It's always a delight to see you down on your knees in front of him and looking up at him while you take him down your throat.
P = Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc.) Henry prefers going slow and worshipping your body. It's easier on his leg and he gets to take his time showing you how much he loves every little bit of you. He loves to feel the warmth of your body against his and how your curves and angles fit so well against his own. He likes watching you take in his love and pleasure like it keeps you alive.
Q = Quickie (their opinions on quickies, how often, etc.) Henry has definitely warmed up the the idea of it after being with you for a while. You guys don't do it too often because he's a gentleman and you're not usually in a position where it needs to happen but you two have fucked in a bathroom at Francis' aunts while the rest of them were milling around the house or being drunk in a library
R = Risk (are they game to experiment? do they take risks? etc.) He's not opposed to taking risks and experimenting in the bedroom, he just prefers that the two of you do as much research as you can and take things slow. Wanna do shibari? Henry's looking up the best type of ropes, ties and knots. He wants to make sure the both of you have the best experience possible when doing something for the first time.
S = Stamina (how many rounds can they go for? how long do they last?) Henry can go for two or three rounds before he tires out or his leg starts to bother him too much to keep going. If his leg bothers him before you both get off, he lets you ride him until you're both finished.
T = Toys (do they own toys? do they use them? on a partner or themselves?) He doesn't own any for himself but he's probably bought one or two to help you get off. Like, this guy doesn't even like electric lights, I doubt he's a fan of vibrating sex toys but I feel like he'd like he's down to have a glass toy to tease you with.
U = Unfair (how much they like to tease) Often times he gets right to business but there are some times where he feels a bit more playful or cruel where he'll sit you in his lap and rub at you until you're begging for release or he'll give you a passing grope or spank when you two are alone. Sometimes he'll kiss you with an intense passion that sweeps you off your feet and rattles you to you core before he just goes back to doing his work like nothing happened. Maybe with a little bit of a smirk.
V = Volume (how loud they are, what sounds they make, etc.) Henry's not too loud but the groans you pull from him are just so perfect every time. Like the way he says your name or curses in that breathy voice is just chefs kiss
W = Wild card (a random headcanon for the character) When Henry was recovering from his accident, the doctors and his parents wanted to give him a cane or an arm crutch but he refused them because of his issue with aesthetics and everything having to be perfect so he opted to just build himself stronger.
X = X-ray (let’s see what’s going on under those clothes) We've established that this man has sculpted himself into one worthy of a marble statue. He's definitely more well equipped than those immortalized in stone, though he is more of a grower than a shower. Hard, he's about 7 1/2 inches and a bit thick, uncut
Y = Yearning (how high is their sex drive?) It's pretty average. He could have sex every night if he wanted to but it's not a must for him. If he's stressed he'll abstain until the problem is solved and then he'll go wild with you to blow off the steam.
Z = Zzz (how quickly they fall asleep afterwards) It's established that Henry has insomnia like Richard does so he'd probably take a bit to fall asleep after if at all. If you fall asleep before him, he'd lay with you for a while and see if he passes out but if he's not passing out after about an hour then he get's up and reads his books or finishes whatever work he might have for the day.
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cheritzteam · 6 months
[The Ssum] Ssumone “Harry” Ending Update Complete! Don’t Miss the Celebration Event♡ v2.0.6 App Update
Hello, dear lab participant!
Harry’s Ending for <The Ssum> v2.0.6 update has been completed. 
Don't forget to claim the server maintenance reward of 10 Aurora Batteries, available for 3 days! *Claim your reward by: ~ December 23rd, 2023 (KST)
[Download <The Ssum> and meet Harry] ♥ iOS: https://bit.ly/3oMM81e ♥Android: https://bit.ly/3poKHTJ
♥Harry Ending Update♥
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Harry’s Full Story of 271 days has been completely updated!
What awaits our lab participant and Harry in the final chapter?
Access <The Ssum> right now to continue the story between the two of you.
From Season 1 to 11, every call now has a video call feature🎦added in. Enjoy the past stories again in a new way!
TIP 1) When you’re uploading important content, use the hashtag #TheSsum_Spoilers or #더썸_스포 to protect fellow lab participants from spoilers! If you are a lab participant who has reached the end of the story, this is also a way to find others who have finished it as well! TIP 2) This update has made Season 9-11 emoticons available for purchase at the Aurora LAB once you have finished each Season. If you’re interested, please check it out!
♥Celebration Event Guide♥
< ① X(Twitter) Repost Event >
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Remember the X(Twitter) Repost Event that was held from D-7 to D-Day of the update?
As an appreciation for our lab participants’ incredible support, we will be holding an Encore Event!
This time, the limited-time prize is your Ssumone’s New Year Photo Memento Towel😍 (Try using it as a fabric poster!)
💌 How to Participate
Login to X(Twitter)🔑
Retweet @ Cheritz_DL’s Event Post(link)🔁
📆 Event Period
~ December 28th, 2023 (Wed) 9 AM KST
🎁Event Reward
Limited Time The Ssum New Year Photo Memento Towel (1 Random) + 100 Aurora Batteries (3 winners for each Ssumone, total 9 winners)
50 Aurora Batteries (10 winners)
📢 Winner Announcement
January 4th, 2024 (Thu) KST
※Please Note※ - You cannot participate with a private account. - If we do not get a DM reply within 10 days of the winner announcement, your prize will be canceled.
Disappointed because the event is only on X?
Keep an eye out for the Surprise News that’s coming out in a week (๑>؂•̀๑) 
< ② New Subscription Promotion >
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For your comfortable ride to Harry’s Ending, the Aurora LAB is doing a new subscription promotion for lab participants that have never purchased a subscription!
The 1-month package, even the 3-month package — if it’s your first time subscribing, the Aurora Evolution Package is 20% off💥
Seize the perfect chance to get the benefits of the Aurora Evolution Package at the price of a Rainbow Evolution Package!
Visit the Aurora LAB right now♡
*This event promotion is for users who meet the requirements for the promotion. You can only participate once per account.
📆 Promotion Period
~ January 3rd, 2024 (Wed)
🎉 Promotion Details
Aurora Evolution Package (1 month/3 months) 20% discount
Q. What are the special benefits that only the Aurora Evolution Package has? A. That’s a great question! If you get a subscription for the Aurora Evolution Package, you can get the following exclusive benefits.
More Secondary Batteries! 104 secondary batteries are provided every day! you can also get max. 18 more after each chat thanks to eco-friendly charging!
More Anticipation Chatting and Calling Your Ssumone! During the subscription period, you can use 5 types of ringtones and text tones in your Ssumone’s voice!
A More Pleasant Experience with the Infinite Universe! Not only do you get The Premium AidBot rental, but you can also experience the Emotion Incubator at its greatest potential! PIU-PIU’s Belly storage gets increased and can hold 120 items for extra comfort♪
The Bigger and Better Sunshine Shelter! The Shelter gets an Aurora Renovation which lets you take in more Creatures. Bet you can get more presents from this upgrade!
< ③ Special Lab Support >
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We are providing every lab participant with Special Lab Support in celebration of the update!
Make sure to collect the items while they’re available - especially the Aurora Creature Box which can only be acquired through purchase💨
📆 Reward Period
~December 28th, 2023 (Wed) 9 AM KST
🎁 Lab Support Details
5 Aurora Batteries + 1 Aurora Creature Box
Got any questions or concerns while using <The Ssum>? 📨The Ssum Customer Support: https://bit.ly/3cPacLg
We hope you hop onto the hype for our newly released Harry Ending Update of <The Ssum>.
We will do our best to provide you with more heart-racing content in the future.
Thank you.
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acethegaycard · 1 year
Mwahahahaha scaring the souls out of genshin characters with horror games (It's only a few FNAF jumpscares lmao)
Reader knows lots of fnaf lore and talks about it because if you didn't have a FNAF hyperfixation how did you survive as a kid???
sagau ig??? could just be an isekai situation idrc
Characters: Hu Tao, Xiao, Albedo
Everyone who has met you within Teyvat have noticed something. You always tend to have this, small and thin box like thing with you. Oh, what did you call it again? A.. "phone"! Right.
Though most of them are perplexed by how it could possibly operate, they don't believe they could figure it out anytime soon. But they are always so interested in it when to use it! You can message people within seconds, do work, ask questions on the Inter-something.. and you can play games? What kind of games? They wondered what type of things like that would interest you.
Puzzles, online card games, what they weren't thinking of was something called FNAF. You rambled on about the lore of it every once in a while, so they though it was some sort of book series. But a horror game? Not what they were thinking.
Hu Tao would honestly love it.
Jumpscares? Scary?? No, its top tier humor to her. Tries to speedrun multiple games with you. Is actually quite good with most of the mechanics in all the game. (unlike me) Obsesses over game four and the nightmares, probably because a lot of people think its one of the scariest games. She's all "What do you mean scary? This is fun! :D" And if she ever got to meet Evan, she'd just fire him questions about the nightmares as if the boy wasn't absolutely traumatized by them.
If you own any of the books, she would get even more into it. Listens to every word you say about it, now you both obsess over the same thing.
I can see most characters disliking FNAF for its horror aspect, and yk all the murder and death, but her? Invested. I would totally take her to the FNAF movie when it comes out. 10/10
Xiao would have such a monotone reaction.
"This is what people find fearful?"
Unimpressed would be an understatement. Now, that whole disappointed act fades away the moment you actually force him to play one of the games.
He's... ok at the game. Not anything incredibly good. You'd think that with his unimpressed attitude he'd be really good and chill and just call it easy, but no. Once he actually has to focus on the game? It would be impossible to distract him. His eyes are glued to that screen. Ain't no animatronic jumpscaring him today, no sir.
He won't allow himself to lose. If he does though? He wouldn't rage quit or anything, just a small frustrated sigh and a restart of the game. The more he loses though, the more it would get on his nerves. If he dies over 4 times in the same game he'd just hand your device back to you and just vanish.
Will absolutely lose his shit over balloon boy though. (me too) That little annoying guy comes up and steals his batteries, and suddenly the games in your hand and some random nearby hilichurls are going to meet a very bloody fate.
Albedo is the no. 1 theorist out of them all.
I daresay that this man could debate with MatPat himself. May or may not have figured out almost half the lore by himself. He could be the next big game theorist. But other than memorizing every detail of the lore by memory, he's really good at the games.
He really enjoys the Sister Location game and Security Breach. Mostly because of their different gameplays, since they're very different than the other games. Also because of the lore. He loves the lore.
You thought that you rambled a lot about FNAF? Watch that title be taken away from you by none other than that blonde alchemist. Now YOU'RE listening to him excessively talk about a new theory he came up with about game 1 and 2. Now he's somehow beaten you in your own fixation.
Will constantly trash talk William, intentionally or not. His face turns to one of slight distaste when what he's talking about has William in it. Absolutely hates the guy. I mean, most people do, but he's now Albedo's worst (fictional) enemy. Who he is really interested in? Sun and Moon. if he had to pick a favorite game, it would be Security Breach. Genuinely wants to know the different programming between the two, what cues are used to change them when the lights are on/off, etc etc.
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sserajeans · 6 months
dogs and cats | dani's cats
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kang haerin (@/kangyangiz) '06 - istp, school of life sciences: biology, a member of skku's dance troupe, HATES the outdoors, loves her own peace and quiet but she doesn't need a social battery when it comes to her friends, came from the same high school as danielle and eunchae and has known eunchae since they were born, volunteers at the animal shelter sometimes, adores cats (she finds dogs too rowdy), is familiar with minji as they're from the same department
hanni pham (@/hakneep) '04 - infp, school of performing arts: music, also childhood/family friends with y/n and jake (just not as close as those 2 but they're comfortable!), has a youtube channel and posts covers & vlogs!! (semi celeb for them tbh), like(d)(?) y/n for a bit, you'd think she's extroverted when you see her with her friends but she's quite awkward w strangers
hong eunchae (@/hecthegoat) '06 - isfp, school of life sciences: forestry, bothering haerin is probably her full-time job, easygoing, gets along with anyone and everyone! (is she really an introvert?), friends with haerin since forever and was the one who convinced her to join the dance troupe, loves playing cupid for her friends whether they like it or not
yang jungwon (@/y9ngjwon) '04 - isfj, school of humanities: literature, super shy super shy, has a circle with his guy friends but he's closest to the girls, in the taekwondo team, an actual angel w devil tendencies, the type to act straight to protect his friends, sulks everytime they have to drop him off at the boys' residence compound bc he said the communal bathrooms stink like crazy
danielle marsh (@/mojjidani) '05 - enfp, school of business: business communications, the bridge between everyone & their only extrovert (god save them), shares classes with hanni and jungwon, high school friends with eunchae and haerin, got along so well with y/n on orientation day finding out they lived in the same city yet they never got to know each other, actual ball of sunshine everyone just loves her and being around her
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masterlist. next.
taglist: @yyeonmis @jiwoneiric @hhongchae @lesleepyyy @rangf @limbforalimb @sofakingwoso @awkwardtoafault @rdfgfv @manooffline @mightymyo @imthisclosetokms @masuowo @khaepriv @haerinkisser
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thingsaday · 2 years
What type of batteries does yellow run on?
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(D batteries, of course!)
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sinfulauthorwrites · 7 months
Dream Machine - A Mettaton x Reader Fic
As you lie awake in bed, only able to focus on your worries, your boyfriend Mettaton offers encouragement and help.
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So, not so fun fact: while I had this idea rattling around my head for a while, I only got down to writing it while I was in the psych ward 🙃 Though, writing fic by hand in a journal without autocorrect or Grammarly made me feel like one of the OG Star Trek slash shippers in the 60s, which was a really fun feeling! Aside from word choice and a few extra sentences, the typed version remains relatively unchanged from the handwritten one, though I may still share the pics of my journal on Tumblr or Twitter! Also, the title comes from the Steam Powered Giraffe song of the same name!
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Rating: General Audiences
Ship: Mettaton EX x GN!Reader
Word Count: 891
Applicable Tags: Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Reader Is Not Frisk, Reader Has Anxiety (the anxiety isn't specified, it's more open-ended for the reader to project onto), Self-Worth Issues, Self-Esteem Issues, Meditation, Sleep, Crying, Fluff, Established Relationship, Pet Names, POV Second Person, Not Beta Read
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You lie awake in bed next to your android boyfriend. He was already powered into sleep mode for the night, as his LED eye displays were dimmed and his tail-like charging cord plugged into the nearby wall. You look at him for a moment before turning to the pink canopy of the bed above you, starting at the shadows in the fabric formed by the lights from outside your shared penthouse apartment. The darkness warped, presenting visual manifestations of the problems keeping you from sleep. 
Yes, you knew Mettaton had his worries, but as the Underground’s biggest star now on the surface, he had much more significant concerns compared to yours. Tour dates, filming, recording sessions, the list goes on. Yours are small compared to his. Insignificant. Human. You feel your stress tug your eyelids open, preventing your “beauty rest,” as your boyfriend lovingly called it. As you shift once more and pull the satin sheets closer to you, you hear a familiar boot-up sound and fans whirring to life. Oh shit. Your tossing and turning set off Mettaton’s motion detection, a vestigial feature not yet removed since his purpose was changed.
“D-darling, is something the matter?” The robot’s voice glitches momentarily, his now-illuminated pink eyes looking at you with concern.
“Y-yeah! I must’ve rolled over too far,” you nervously chuckle. “I didn’t mean to wake you, babe. Get some rest, as neither of us wants you low on battery tomorrow.”
Mettaton purses his lips, not taking no for an answer. “Darling, look at me.” His tone sharpens when you curl up tighter with your back facing him. “Look. At. Me.” With a resigned sigh, you turn to face him. “Oh, beautiful,” he sighs, cupping your cheek with his gloved hand, his thumb circling below the dark bags and worry lines underneath your eyes. “How much sleep have you been getting lately?”
You mumble your response, prompting your boyfriend to look at you sternly. “Usually only two hours a night, especially when you’re not here,” you fess up.
You can see the guilt hit your boyfriend, causing you to quickly run your hand through his synthetic hair and reassure him. “It’s not because of you, I promise!”
“But why didn’t you tell me sooner?” Despite being the biggest celebrity of the century, Mettaton still immensely cares for you. You’re his star, his world, his everything. Seeing you suffer makes his SOUL feel like shattering.
You inhale deeply. “I-” you quickly correct yourself. “It just feels all so unimportant compared to you. I mean, you’ve got so much amazing stuff going on right now. And with me, it’s just…” You hesitate momentarily, unsure if you want to continue, until you see Mettaton nod with understanding and compassion. Soon, your words flow out of you, every insecurity and doubt leaving your lips. Tears begin to fall from your eyes, leaving small damp spots on the pillowcase you rested on. Mettaton extends his arm in back of him to pass you a tissue box, the lotion-infused tissues a welcome relief for your sore eyes.
“Did that help you feel better, sweetheart?” You nod, and Mettaton presses a soft kiss to your forehead. “Good. Now, I want you to listen to me very closely.” You nod, and the robot cups your cheeks once more. “You will never, ever be inconsequential to me, darling. You mean so much, not just to me but to everyone around you! Don’t ever feel like you don’t matter, or whatever you’re going through doesn’t matter, either. I care, we care.” He kisses you on the lips this time. “I love you.”
“I love you too,” you murmur back, held tight in his embrace.
After a few moments, Mettaton lets go. “Do you think you’ll be able to sleep now, darling?”
You let out another breathy, anxious chuckle. “Probably not, to be honest. It’s alright, though. I’ll make it up tomorrow during the day.”
“There has to be something we can do, sweetheart.” Mettaton’s pupils shift from his usual hearts into turning gears before changing to a lightbulb emoticon. “Hey! It’s not technically released yet, but Blooky and Alphys were working on music to benefit monsters and humans!” He shoots you one of his signature grins. “Co-produced by yours truly, of course!” Mettaton finds the demo CD in the nightstand drawer, preparing to play it from his speakers. “How would you like to be our first test subject?” His eyes sparkle with encouragement, and you just can’t say no to him. 
The robot pats the bed, motioning for you to lie down. He loads the CD into one of the slots built into his EX form, his other hand drifting down to hold yours. The ambient tones soon lull you into a reverie, with the faint sounds of rushing water mixed into the track. It’s an obvious callback to the family of ghostly cousins’ original abode, but it soothes your mind as your anxieties flow away. As you close your eyes, you feel the sensation of the water surrounding you, floating through space and time and easing your body and mind. Mettaton’s hand is a tether to the physical world, keeping you grounded as your mind drifts away peacefully. Although they were once wide and bloodshot, your eyes become heavy and worn as you finally sail away into a restful sleep.
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Liked this and want more? Check out my AO3 here!
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djs-horny-blog-lmao · 4 months
admin privileges
logince, sub logan dom roman. about 2.8k words.
hypnokink, dronification, d/s, brainwashing/programming, dubious consent/cnc. Logan is an android and Roman is a human. Logan's trans, kind of. has a robopussy. uses of 'sir' and 'admin' as titles. inappropriate use of ports.
summary: Logan agrees to let Roman help run his routine maintenance, especially as he has put off doing a proper, deep scan for a while. Roman... takes the opportunity to add some of his own programming, while he has a direct link to Logan's brain.
full fic under the cut ;]
=== === === ===
“Thank you for agreeing to do my maintenance,” Logan says from where he’s sitting on the bench, plugged into his power-port, blinking at his friend behind the desk.
Roman smiles at him.
“Of course,” he replies. “It must suck having to run your own diagnostics.”
He then types something into the computer, and Logan shifts, where he’s sitting, tracing the cables and cords that run from Roman’s computer into Logan’s plugs. He’s an android, and while he is capable of doing this himself, he’s left it a little too long, and when his battery gets low, he… slows down.
Roman offered to do it for him, today, and so Logan gets to just sit still, charging, watching the percentage metre on his UI slowly tick upwards, as diagnostic data rolls past on his periphery. Logan tunes it out, this time, though. He trusts Roman.
“The worst part is plugging yourself in,” he agrees.
Roman laughs a little, and reclines in his chair, looking over at Logan.
“How long does this usually take?”
Logan rubs the back of his neck, just below his synthetic blue hairline, careful not to dislodge the plug in the back of his neck.
“An hour or two,” he says. “I haven’t done a full scan in a while, purely because it takes so long. My impatience has not paid off, clearly.”
Roman snorts. “You hardly ever seem to unwind enough to sit still for that long,” he teases back. “…I can help with that, though, if you want?”
“Help with passing the time,” Roman says innocently enough. “While we wait for the scan.”
Logan blinks at him again. “…That is what you’re here for.”
And Roman grins.
“Good,” he says. “Trust me, Logan.”
Logan frowns, and as Roman types something more, and something suddenly feels different about how Logan perceives the world, he goes to stand, trying to be mindful not to unplug himself.
“Ah, ah, ah,” Roman tuts, barely glancing up from his monitors. “Sit down, Logan. You don’t want to yank out your cables.”
Logan… does as he’s told. That surprises him. He sits back down, his processor barely seeming to do little more than… let the order pass through and be accepted.
“…What?” Logan asks. “What just happened?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Roman says, typing more intensely, and suddenly, Logan wonders if he should be concerned that he asked a coder as good as Roman to oversee his maintenance. “Just sit there, Logan, and talk to me. We’re just going to sit here together while the scan goes through.”
But… Logan just nods, despite himself, and some of the concern melts away. He won’t worry about it, then.
“Okay,” he says.
“Good,” Roman says, and shoots Logan a pretty smile. “Thank you, Logan.”
Logan shifts a little again, biting his lip as his fan whines away quietly, starting to work a little harder.
“Are you alright, Logan?” Roman asks, tilting his head, pausing his typing, looking at Logan like he’s waiting for something in specific to happen.
Logan shivers, before he touches his outer thigh, his side, his spine (as best he can) and, importantly, the power cord plugged into the back of his neck to check he didn’t dislodge any of the cables.
“I think so,” he says. “I… feel strange.”
“Well, it must be because you’ve put off doing a proper scan,” Roman tells him, and Logan purses his lips and nods along, it’s a good point. “No wonder you’d be feeling funny.”
Funny. That’s a good word for it. Logan’s lips tweak into a smile.
“That’s a very human way of putting it,” he muses. “Funny…”
“Yeah,” Roman nods. “It’s a good word for when you can’t quite describe something. Especially when you’ve never quite felt anything like it before.”
“Funny,” Logan echoes, before he shivers again. “I… I do feel funny.”
“Well, then,” Roman says, turning back to the screens and typing some more. “That’s strange, isn’t it? What does it feel like?”
Logan frowns into space as that feeling… grows. It sands down the edges of his mind, softening everything, making it a little harder to think. If he was able to pay attention to it, Logan might have noticed that the diagnostic data in the corner of his UI was giving him different read-outs than usual. Logan doesn’t notice, though.
“It…” his voice is so soft, the synthesizer is much more pronounced. “It feels like static. Warm static.”
“Does it feel nice?” Roman asks, glancing up from his screens.
Logan stares ahead for a little longer before replying, genuinely evaluating the way the fuzz makes him feel. But the longer he sits there, the more it builds, and… the warmer and more comfortable it gets.
Eventually, Logan actually smiles, and replies, “…yes, it does.”
“That’s good,” Roman says. “That’s wonderful. Sink into it, Logan.”
“…Hm?” Logan blinks a few times, trying to grasp a thought as Roman’s words sit a little funny with him.
“You can sink into it,” Roman encourages again, and the sound of Roman’s fingers flying over the keys hits Logan’s audio-processors, and it’s… oddly soothing. “You should. It feels good, it’s a reward, Logan, for letting me do your maintenance.”
“Oh,” Logan says, before he slumps a little, letting himself smile again. “Okay.”
His optics drift closed, now, slowly, his UI dimming, and Roman stands up as he realises something, and Logan watches Roman cross the room, approach, and…
Roman pulls out his power cord.
“But…” Logan says hazily, as the low battery alert pops up on his UI. “I… I’m only at fifteen percent, Roman.”
“That’s okay,” Roman says, and… he touches Logan. He runs his finger around the rim of Logan’s power plug, and Logan gasps. “That’s okay, Logan. You said you feel slow and fuzzy on low battery. I think that’s a nice place to be, especially while you have lots of time to wait. Don’t worry, I’ll plug you in before your battery goes fully dead.”
Logan wants to reply, maybe even to argue, but his full attention is on Roman’s fingertip, running circles around his port.
“Does this feel good, Logan?” Roman asks him. “Does this feel funny?”
Logan nods as best he can without moving too much to dislodge Roman’s hand. His mouth is hanging open. His fans are whirring. His eyes usually glow – they’re dimmed now, for being in power saving mode.
“God, you look so good on low battery,” Roman says hungrily. “I was reading up about your model, Logan. You have all the sensory receptors a human would. A feat of engineering. You can feel the same emotions. The same pain.”
The finger keeps circling.
“The same pleasure,” Roman says, his voice soft and lulling. “And your mind is just as malleable. Even more so, when you let me in like this.”
Logan whimpers. He hasn’t tested the full capabilities of his pleasure sensors yet.
“Roman,” he manages to say. It comes out with a harsher, synthetic edge.
“God, you sound so good like that,” Roman murmurs, and he leans in and licks Logan’s cheek. It makes the android shudder. “Has anyone ever done this to you, Logan?”
“No,” Logan says honestly, his head tipping back against Roman’s arm. “H-hah…”
“Do you know what’s going on, Logan?” Roman asks.
“I’m programming you,” Roman tells him.
Logan stares up at Roman’s face through half-lidded, non-understanding eyes.
“Programming you,” Roman repeats. “Programming some things into you. Nothing bad, mind you. How can it be bad? It feels so good.”
Roman’s words somehow seem perfectly in time with the way his finger traces Logan’s port. Logan whimpers again, and slowly spreads his legs, bracing himself on his hands so he can grind up against nothing. He… he feels so needy.
“You’re so smart, and so independent,” Roman keeps talking. “You never let anyone take care of you. You even run your own maintenance. You don’t need to do that, anymore.”
Logan must be hot to the touch, for how hard his fan is working. He’s gasping for air. The tactile pleasure receiver between his legs is already throbbing, his pleasure system has well and truly kicked in and his slit is now wet. Logan grinds against the air. He’s not opposed to touching himself, normally, but he doesn’t like wasting the lubrication – it’s annoying and kind of embarrassing to refill, especially when he’s alone.
But he isn’t now.
“You can let me do it,” Roman says, and his other hand comes to Logan’s throat, tracing its way downwards. “You can let me run your maintenance. You can let me look after you. You can let me do this to you.”
Logan moans, optics rolling as Roman dips a finger into his charging port, before it returns to circling.
“You never mentioned your charging port was sensitive,” Roman comments.
“O-only when- ah!” Logan’s hips thrust up again, and he shoots Roman a hazy, desperate look. “Only when I’m low… low battery.”
“I see,” Roman hums, and he slips his finger back into the port, and Logan moans so loud his vocaliser glitches, his optics rolling. “Good boy for telling me.”
And- oh. Roman starts to finger his charging port. Logan grips the bench so tightly as waves of pleasure crash over him. It feels so good, and normally, when he’s feeling this good, Logan would be a few fingers deep in himself, but… but his hands won’t move. He can only sit there, sit still and take what Roman’s doing.
“Good boy,” Roman repeats, drawling over the words, drawing out, making Logan focus on them, sink into them. “Such a good boy.”
“R-Roman, Roman, s-sir,” Logan gasps, wanting more, wanting to beg but surprisingly unable to find the words. He’s surprised by sir, though.
“Oh, that did work,” Roman notes, pleased. “Yes, Logan?”
“I… I wanna…” Logan stammers, trying to press back against Roman’s hand, even as his other hand rests flat on Logan’s stomach. “I-I need to…”
“You need to cum?” Roman asks him. “Are you that needy, Logan?”
Logan can’t cry, but he would be crying now if he could.
“Yes!” Logan gasps. “Yes, sir!”
“Good boy,” Roman praises him, and the fingering speeds up, and Logan’s visuals are flickering for how overloaded his processor is, he can only focus on the pleasure. “It feels good to call me sir. It feels good to let me do this to you. You want it. You need it.”
“I need it,” Logan repeats, fan whining.
“You need sir to fuck you.”
“I…” Logan gasps as Roman pulls his finger away, leaving him aching and so, so wet. “I need sir to fuck me.”
Once the words are said outloud, it’s like something has shifted again. Logan opens his optics a little wider, and Roman watches it register across his face.
“I need you to fuck me,” Logan repeats, more insistent this time, more desperate, and he spreads his legs wider and looks up at Roman even as Roman drinks him in. “Please fuck me, sir. Please?”
“Good boy,” Roman says. “Hm. What percentage are you on?”
Logan shudders. “N-nine, sir.”
Roman smiles, unbuckles his belt and shimmies his pants down enough to reveal his cock, and oh, Logan has had a fascination with organic sexual organs, but he’s never had the chance to really look at one before.
“Then I better fuck you before you go flat,” Roman says. “But if you go flat, and I’m not done, I may just keep fucking you. Do you mind, Logan?”
Logan’s head spins with arousal at the mere idea, and he shakes his head desperately.
“I don’t mind, sir, I don’t,” Logan says, as he carefully lays back on his elbows. “Eight percent, sir, please fuck me?”
Roman steps in between Logan’s thighs and presses his cock to Logan’s dripping slit. Logan likes to stretch himself but technically, he doesn’t need it, and that’s proven as Roman pushes straight in.
Logan moans, so genuine and so loud that his voice modulator glitches again. H-he’s… never had something organic inside him before. It feels so good, hot and warm and soft, he can feel it throb inside him.
“God, you’re perfectly tight,” Roman groans, his hands coming to grip Logan’s thighs, fingers splayed around the cable plugged into his right one. “I’ve dreamt about fucking this robot pussy, Logan. You’re perfect for me.”
Logan’s too busy shorting out on overloaded pleasure centres to answer. The diagnostic data is still scrolling past on his UI, flashing words at him, the blinking warning of his low battery alert is rhythmic and entrancing, and his cognitive… oh, that must be it. Logan smiles dreamily. His cognitive processor has been… um…
Dulled. Is that the right word? Logan giggles a little as Roman thrusts into him. Dimmed? Dumbed down.
“God, there it is,” Roman breathes. “Fuck, I was waiting for that. You just figured out what’s going on, haven’t you, Logan?”
“Yeah,” Logan replies, equally as breathily, though it’s synthetic for him. “I’m stupid!”
“You are!” Roman says delightedly, and he starts to fuck Logan properly, setting a rhythm that makes Logan gasp, and his head loll with every thrust. “You’re my dumb little drone, who needs my cock.”
“Ohh,” Logan moans, both in pleasure and in realisation even as Roman’s… as his admin’s cock drives all his thoughts away. “I’m… a dumb… f-fuck, dumb drone…”
“You need my cock.”
“I n-need Admin’s cock,” Logan echoes.
“Fuck, that worked.” Roman slows right down, grinds against Logan painfully slowly, less because he wants to and more like he has something to test. “Fuck, you’re gonna make me cum, Logan.”
“Hgn, please cum in me, sir,” Logan looks up at him with dull, dull optics. “Please fill me, Admin, please.”
“H-ha, fuck.”
Roman gives in, then. The last of his willpower shattered. Logan moans over and over, his modulator almost giving up, his vision flickering even as Roman’s programming washes over his visual processor and sinking in deeper, and he clenches around Roman’s cock.
“God, you make such a good drone,” Roman gasps, his hips slapping against Logan’s. “You’re perfect. You want this. You need this. You were built to take my cock.”
“I was built to take your cock,” Logan slurs.
“When I refer to myself as Admin, you fall into this headspace,” Roman tells him. “Blank and fuzzy, warm and needy. Understand?”
“Yes, Admin,” Logan replies. It’s mechanical. P-programmed into him.
“F-fuck, shit, shit, shit,” Roman loses his rhythm, “gonna fucking cum, Logan.”
“Please, please, please,” Logan begs, desperate for release – Roman’s release, his own release, anything. “Please, please, please, please.”
Logan’s vision dims even more. Two percent.
“Fuck, fucking cum for me, Logan,” Roman orders, and one hand flies to Logan’s neck, fumbling, sliding around his casing until his finger sinks back into Logan’s port, and Logan goes fully tense asn he cums.
His orgasm is so intense, it completely overloads Logan’s brain. He goes still, goes limp, eyes flickering, as Roman keeps fucking him, chasing his orgasm.
It feels so fucking good, Logan opens his mouth to try say anything, maybe to try warn Roman about the imminent shut down being warned in his UI, but the urge of power it took to cum makes it impossible.
Logan has just enough battery power to feel Roman cum inside him before he goes flat.
Logan opens his eyes with a gasp. H-he feels… he feels so horny, he knows without even glancing at his UI that his pleasure system is lit up like a city, and he glances at Roman, who is waiting behind the computer, idly typing.
…Maybe Roman hasn’t noticed? Logan bites his lip. That’s good. H-he can just wait til the scan’s over, and then get himself off in privacy.
“H-how’s it going, Roman?” he calls.
“Oh!” Roman starts, glancing over. “Good! It’s almost done. You’ve got ten percent left.”
Logan nods, before he frowns at his UI. “…I have surprisingly low battery,” he comments.
“Oh,” Roman waves a hand. “It turns out you didn’t plug in properly before we started. You went flat halfway through and I plugged you in then.”
Logan frowns. He could have sworn he did, in fact, plug himself in properly. But the proof otherwise is in front of him, so… he shrugs.
“Thank you, then,” he says. “…I’ll admit, it’s nice to have someone else here to catch my mistakes like that.”
Roman’s eyes flash with something, then. A little amused, almost.
“Of course,” he says. “Hey, I can help out from now on, if you want, I don’t mind.”
Logan feels an inexplicable throb between his legs, and desperately ignores it, smiling politely at Roman.
“…Actually, that’s very kind of you,” Logan says. “I’d like that.”
Roman smiles, and stands.
“Admin access,” he declares.
Logan doesn’t even have time to process the statement before everything goes funny. He plummets back down, back into trance, the warm embrace of Roman’s programming taking over.
Logan hardly hears himself speak as he spreads his legs.
“Access granted. Drone is ready.”
Roman grins wickedly, and proudly takes his rightful place between Logan’s legs, so he can really make sure the programming has set in.
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el-buzz · 4 months
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📚 Cg! Clay HCS!!! 💚🎶
Aggagaggaggag first hc list I do EVERRR (so please be kind (˶ᵔ ᵕ ᵔ˶) /💗💗)
Cg! Clay x Agere! Reader!!
pretty much gender neutral!!
Cw: caps lock (just me having happy outbursts), um lotsa author notes and commentary I just wanna talk about him and about how he would be as a cg :ccc, also this is incredibly self indulgent
Also there was no proof reading ☠️
(Crossposted on ao3 @Soft_Buzz!! oh and I’ll update this if I get a new hc idea)
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Anyways here you go 💚:
•nicknames for you: kiddo, baby, bubba, bubba wubba (he’s squeezing your cheeks and baby talking you 😭😭), prince/princess/ lil highness/royal, and a number of other sweet nicknames or any that you prefer!
•he would be suuuuuch a sweet and doting caregiver waaaaaaah but he would definitely ensue rules for you! Calm and Strict(ish) cg! Clay would pull up to make sure you are safe and healthy even if you are feeling big!!
•he’d hate to see you hurt or sick, but he’d do everything thing in his power to nurse you back to health :]!
•Clay would definitely provide his kiddo with healthy snack or with fruit or veggie cups!
•Although Clay’s sorta strict he can be soooo soft he always want to hold you, whether it’s your hand/pinkie or cuddle up with you.
•You are his battery and he wants to recharge.
* HE WOULD SOOOO READ TO YOUUUU AHHH he loooooves reading so ofc he’d love to share that interest with his little one
• (please it’s the cutest thing ever)
• imagine him beside you with a book open (he has his reading glasses on :3) and as he reads, he gives all the different characters different voices and will always put emotion into his reading voice, which always leads to you giggling or you gasping in surprise.
• One time you insisted that you were big enough for his sad book club and that you wouldn’t become a big puddle of tears so he gave you Charlotte’s Web to read.
• You were a mess. You didn’t stop being sad for the next couple of HOURS (yes this is a reference to that JD fan art ifykyk☠️)
• Clay had to give you so many hugs, cuddles, and kisses to make up for it. He thought it’d be funny, but he sorta forgot how emotional of a little one you can be.
• “I’m so so sorry baby.” *kiss* “How can I make it up to you?? I’ll do anything”
• oh you’d grin a that. You choose to either do dress up WITH make up or draw on his face and mess around with his hair. AND ice cream.
• You took soooo many pictures (and you may or may have not shared them with Viva, Poppy, and his brothers) Clay says he hates you for it, but secretly believes it was so worth it to see that sparkle in your eyes
• he bought you a piggy and a spider (with little bb spiders) stuffie. Even if you have arachnophobia, you hugged those stuffies while crying happy tears. You gave him a tight hug which he softly returned and gave you a forehead kiss.
• (This whole event was also the birth of your happy scrapbook club!! (even though it just you :} ) )
• You and Clay will just sit together while reading different things. Him with some well recognized and praised novel or book and you with a happy lil scrapbook in your hands!
• I’d also like to think he has a puppet character like Bandit does with unicorse! (Maybe a dragon but that just me :])
• (Clay and Branch be matching with their ventriloquism skills lol)
• If you seem to be clumsy or fall often he starts to develop a sort of spider sense for it and will catch you before disaster happens
• OKOK I know this is gonna sound random buuuut I believe Clay is the type to carry lollipops, and sometimes other candy, around. Idk like I can just picture him a with a lollipop in his mouth trying to look all serious/mysterious and nonchalant LOL
• ANYWAYS back to the Agere stuff
• I think that after completing a task or being good, Clay would def give his kiddo a lollipop as a treat!! that orrrrr if his kiddo seems to be regressing in public and they really want/need a paci or just something to fixate on then boom!!! Lollipop! :D
• Talking about rewards
• This man would sooooo spoil you!! you’re his treasure and he wants you to know it!!
• He’ll either get you food you’ve been craving or a stuffed animal/little gear orrrr both!!
• (Because of the two of you, you now have a chest fuuuull of stuffies Woops💧)
• You always try to show your appreciation by giving him small handmade gifts!! A lil pop up card, bead bracelets (you definitely have matching bracelets), even something crocheted/knitted, and pretty much any arts n crafts you can make!
• Now onto funny business ( •̀ - • )!
• so ofc when it first came to having fun and being playful with you he was bit scared
• can you blame him???
• He’d spent A LOT of time trying to get rid/away from the tittle of being the fun boy
• Ofc through lot of reassurance you let him know that he can have fun and play with you and still be a very serious caregiver!
• you help him understand that being funny and silly every once in a while doesn’t hurt and that he should try to find a balance that work for him! Which he eventually does :D!!
• I like to believe that he’d be great at playing pretend and hide and seek!
• “Worry not your highness!! You will protect you from the dragon!” (It’s one of your plushies)
• “Wherever could my kiddo be?? They must have turned invisible!!” (he can hear your giggles which just makes his smile wider)
• Although he really tries to be there for you, he’s a reaaaally busy man :((( but he still tries to spend time with you through parallel play! While he’s doing his grown up paperwork, you get to colooor!! (or draw or scrapbook or anything really) as long you promise to be good and not distract him
• (plus the sooner he’s done the sooner he can give you all his attention! so it’s a win-win situation :D)
• Actually if you were feeling extra lil you’d just get a paper and scribble on it with crayon trying to copy Clay’s mannerisms (when he sees this he’s physically holding himself back from just picking you up, cradling you, and just babying you waaaah you’re gonna be the end of him)
• oh and he would sooo keep your little artworks in his working area (they bring a sweet smile to his face and warm his soul you’re the best kiddo he could have ever asked for)
• You also get to have cuddles while he works! Sometimes he’ll just sit you on his lap with a stuffie or two while he wraps an arm around you and litters your head or face with kisses!
• Now onto not so funny business ૮๑ˊᯅˋ๑ა
• sometimes Clay’ll have a rough or tiring day :((
* and that’s okk caregivers have their moments too!
• He’ll usually want to cuddle with you and hold you close. (You are his stuffie :D)
• He might even tickle you or blow raspberries on your tummy (if you give him permission ofc!!) which often leaves you with a giggling and squirming fit.
• He just loves seeing you laugh and smile (especially if it’s him who made you happy :] you just brighten his day so much sometimes)
• One time he was just so tired and just laying down on the couch and then you brought one stuffie to him and then two till you pretty much had him buried under almost all of your stuffies!!
* You then proceeded to lay on top of him, and Clay just sticks both arms out from under the pile while smiling softly with his eyes closed.
• Let’s just say you guys woke up with stuffed animals scattered eeeeeverywhere
• If you’re a kiddo/baby who tends to get overwhelmed easily, he’ll get you some noise canceling/dampening headphones and just wraps you in a soft blanket like a little burrito.
• He’ll also either get you an eye mask or will lower the lights if he can. (And if you’re feeling lil enough then a paci too!!)
• After doing any of this, he’ll just bring you onto his lap and whisper sweet lil nothings to you till you feel better or seem to fall asleep :D!
• would enforce a bed time >:( (he is a very very veeeery serious guy after all)
• but luckily bedtime means a bottle or sippy of sweet sleepy tea and a storyyyy :D!!
• Forehead kisses!! (CALL ME BIASED CAUSE I LOOOOOVE FOREHEAD KISSES but I stand by what I say.
• Oh and if he’s ever gonna to be very busy for the day and he won’t be able to take care of his kiddo, he’d ask Viva to help him take care of you!!
• Plus who doesn’t love babysitter Viva??? She’s so energetic and fun with you, but she’ll definitely tone it down for you 💛
• she’s also super strong so she’ll definitely carry you or give you a piggy back ride if you ask :>!
• She also give you lots of candies and sugary foods but shhhhh don’t tell Clay itsa secret (but I think the sugar rush/crash you have when he picks you up from Viva’s tells him more than enough
• (I feel like he would trust all his brothers with you (especially Bruce) except JD 😭😭)
• He would sooooo grab your cheeks and squeeze them like he did to Branch when first seeing him again
• Expect him to do that whenever he just wants to dote on you and baby you even if you’re feeling bigger than usual he just loves youuuu! 💚💚💚
In summary: I need this man bc he is the bestest boyfriend and caregiver ever!!
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Final notes!:
I love likes but comments and reposts are greatly appreciate (I love to talk if you can’t tell) type something out and let me know what you think 💗💗
If anybody would like to use any of the hcs/scenarios for a fanfic tots fine with me just don’t forget to tag me for credit and so I can see it :DD!!
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hypnoneghoul · 9 months
hello im the same anon as the eds regressing rain ask and im also interested in maybe little rain having a pots thing happen? i don’t know a lot about pots but maybe they pass out while regressing and freak out a bit, or maybe another ghoul is also regressed and they’re hanging out and rain passes out and that spooks the other ghoul? really go how you will with that idea. again feel free to not do it if youre not interested in it i just think its an interesting idea
sorry it took so long :(
"think 'm hungwy," Rain mumbled, as he put down the block they had in their hands. Phantom nodded at him and hummed around the tip of his tail that ended up on his mouth some time earlier.
There wasn't anyone else with them, it started out with Rain taking care of little Phantom, but his own brain couldn't help joining the quintessence ghoul in his regression. No other ghoul was around so they were on their own.
Before Rain even stood up fully he paused, a quiet "oh" escaping their lips. Phantom perked up at the sound with a curious noise of his own.
"T- tommy-" and they tumbled to the floor.
Phantom panicked, Rain just... he just passed out and Phantom was too little, he didn't know what to do. His friend was hurt and he didn't know what to do.
He whined as he crawled closer to the water ghoul sprawled out on the carpet, tears were already gathering in his eyes.
"Rainyyy," Phantom pawed weakly at their chest letting out a series of distressed noises, subconsciously calling for help, "Rainy, wake up!"
"Phantom? What happened?" he heard someone and they... they sounded angry.
"I- I didn', dunno what- I didn' do 'nything," the quintessence ghoul sobbed, still holding onto Rain and weakly shaking him.
"Shhh, I know you didn't, it's not your fault," it was Dew, he realised as he came closer. His warm hands rested on Phantom's back, rubbing it with an intention to soothe. "It happenes to Rain sometimes, you know that. It's okay, I'll take care of them, okay?"
"Mhmmm, Dewy, pwease, f- fix 'em," he whined, looking up at Dewdrop with wet, red rimmed eyes, pleading. The fire ghoul leaned down to place a kiss on the distressed ghoul's forehead and got up again. "N- no, c'me back, fix 'em!"
"I will, kiddo, don't worry. I gotta get something," Dew assured before disappearing into the kitchen. Phantom sobbed again but the fire ghoul was fast and was back by him and Rain in a flash.
"Okay, take this," he handed Phantom a toy hand fan, the type that works on batteries and all it needs to work is its button pressed down. The quintessence ghoul's brows furrowed as he took the toy. "Turn it on and fan Rain's face, okay? Can you do that?"
A task.
Phantom got a task and it was supposed to help Rain. Of course he would do it. He took a deep breath, and turned the fan on. Its funny buzz made him giggle through the tears still flowing down his cheeks. He was a very emotionally sensitive ghoul, that's all.
"Very good, yeah, like that," Dewdrop praised as Phantom focused to keep his hands steady, to keep the cold air on Rain's face. He bit his bottom lip in concentration.
It took just a moment for Rain to stir. He never passed out for long, anyway, he hardly ever fully lost consciousness, "R- Rainy?"
"Mhmmm," they hummed, blinking slowly.
"Welcome back, fish boy," Dew chuckled, moving a strand of hair from their forehead. "Little, aren't you?"
Rain just whined and pouted, and that told Dew enough.
"Rainy... awe you fine?" Phantom asked, finally sparing a second to wipe the tears from his face with his sleeve. Rain looked over at him and nodded. He then spotted the toy still clutched tightly in one of the quintessence ghoul's hands and smiled before diving in to bury their face in Phantom's belly.
He was too little for words, now, but they understood well enough that Phantom had helped them, and they wanted to thank him. Hugging him tightly and chirping happily turned out to be his best idea at the moment.
And Phantom most definitely got the intention, bending down to wrap his own arms around the ghoul in his lap as he started purring.
"I'll go get some snacks," Dew sighed, smiling at the two.
Just a disclaimer, most folks with POTS don't fully pass out, usually its just ultra dizziness and feeling like you are going to pass out, and even if it is a full black out its not for long, few seconds usually. I made Rain fully loose consciousness for a longer bit to, idk, make the situation more "dramatic" lmao
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ryemiffie · 2 months
Okay I don't care if you like Hazbin hotel or you just kinda watched it cause you were bored, I need y'all to know I still have a serious quarrel with this tv-headed fuck. Like we all just kinda accepted the fact that he has a tv for a head way too quickly, like?? The implications of this!
We see him with a coffee mug so I assume he can drink coffee, but wouldn't ingesting a fluid through a tv head give him like water damage or something? Can he eat regular food through it? Does he eat electricity? More importantly can he eat electricity?
What does that mean for the rest of his body? Is it just a regular human body? I don't think so! That makes no sense! Biggest question, is his d!ck a like headphone jack or something? Like something that has to be plugged in? Are his veins cords? How far does it go??! Will we ever know? I highly doubt it but I'm still asking!
Why a tv?? Alastor doesn't have a radio head!
I have to imagine a conversation went down with Vivienne and a worker at prime video like this:
Prime worker: Okay so we just have a couple questions about the character Vox from your show, we just want to get a better feel for the character is that alright?
Vivienne: Of course, ask away!
Worker: Okay so he has a tv for a head yes?
Vivienne: Yes.
Worker: And how does that work? How does it effect him?
Vivienne: well he has electrical powers of course.
Worker: Right, and he used to have a box-tv for a head right?
Vivienne: yes, before flat screens were invented his head was a box tv.
Worker: And how does that work?
Vivienne: his head?
Worker: yes.
Vivienne: Well it'd probably work same as any other tv, but a head.
Worker: Right but how did he change it?
Vivienne: well it changed to a flat screen.
Worker: yes but how did that happen?
Vivienne: well beucase flat screens hadn't existed yet so he had to have a box tv for a head.
Worker: Yes but how did he change it?
Vivienne: Oh, to a flat screen.
Worker: I- ...you know what? I just realised I hate this fucking job.
Something like that type of conversation I just know had to have gone down, cause what the fuck you mean he got a tv for a head? Why?? Does he need batteries to function without being plugged in? Does he have to plug into a sort of charging station at the end of the night? If he sleeps in a bed I can not imagine he sleep on his side cause that's gotta be hella uncomfortable. I am just so enraged by this tv headed freak. What's wrong with him!
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bloo-the-dragon · 9 months
Use this ask to talk about one of your OCs :D
This is Milky Way (any pronouns)
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They are a 3ft tall robot doll created by Fazbear Ent. as part of a 'Build a Bot' concept that was scrapped not long after launch due to the project proving too expensive to continue and reports of 'malfunction' from the few robot dolls that were purchased.
Milky Way was one of these dolls, their design themed on that the the DCA (other dolls would have been themed on the glamrocks and even some other animatronic types) they were bought but soon abandoned by the family that bought them due to their quirky nature and disobedience due to their unforseen sentience.
They were found by Bloo (pre-Bloodmoon phase) on low battery living in a dumpster, where they were taken home and fixed up.
Personality wise, they are very cheeky, playful and a lover of pranks. They are non-verbal but will giggle ominously at random invervals either as a stim or because they are planning a devious prank
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Also tends to be a little unhinged at times.
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