scipunk · 22 days
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Armitage III: Dual Matrix (2001)
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phanchester · 5 months
since there are so many data nerd phannies i decided to make a compilation of all the spreadsheets i could find - lmk if i missed any or if you want me to add any additional details <3
last updated: 30/06/24
actively updating spreadsheets
dan and phil uploads from 2021-2024
dan and phil’s upload schedule from all their channels with days and dates
amount of days in between videos in each channel
pie charts of days of the week they upload
made by @ahappydnp 
everything dan and phil related
all of dan and phil’s video links from all their channels from all their accounts (including super amazing project, snapchat, vine, tiktok and more)
all of dan and phil’s radio shows, including reuploads and playlists, as well as the dan vs phil, fan war and internet news if available for each show with misc clips and written recaps
all of dan and phil’s liveshows, including some written recaps and the app where it was originally posted
all of dan and phil’s vyous including the question they were answering
all of dan and phil’s collaborations and video features (even if they were in the background), including the channel they were originally uploaded on 
all of dan and phil’s interviews
all of dan and phil’s merch, including originally shop links and links to the phandom wiki which has further information
all of dan and phil’s professional photos as well as some fan photos, including the event, photographer and platform
the dates and statuses of each of these videos (lost, archived, unlisted or public)
made by @stillarchivingdnp
dan and phil 2024 upload stats
each of their 2024 videos with channel, upload date, upload time in uk, length, sponsor and editor/s (if applicable) with an accompanying colour-coded calendar
(for amazingphil videos) whether dan featured and (for dapg videos) whether it was gaming/talking and who tweeted it
interactive part where you can see the time period between two videos
averages, maximums and minimums for times between uploads, upload times and runtimes with accompanying graphs
percentage of videos with other editors, with pie charts for all channels and each channel
made by @dnpbeats
all or nothing: dan vs phil season 2
all of the games for season 2, with the year they played them and the results with and without all or nothing coming into play
how often all or nothing came into play and who suggested it
the general impact of all or nothing
made by @organized-chaotic-disaster
dan and phil saying “i love you”
when dan and/or phil said ily
the video and timestamp from when they said ily and whether it was prompted
pie chart of dan or phil saying ily
made by @ahappydnp
games where one of them decides the winner
date and link for each video
overall winner with the winner for each round
breakdown of the amount of times each of them have won each round and the percentage phil has won
made by @dnpbeats
dan and phil 2024 upload schedule
upload date for each video, with the day of the week and approximate time it was uploaded in cst, including the most common and second most common upload day for dapg
days between each upload, including the longest gap, shortest gap, average gap and first and second most common gap for dapg
a colour-coded calendar displaying the upload schedule for dapg and amazingphil
made by @kat-aa
completed spreadsheets
all or nothing: dan vs phil season 1 with a great accompanying document with further details and analysis of the data
all of the games they played, with the year they played them and the results with and without all or nothing coming into play
how often all or nothing came into play and who suggested it
the general impact of all or nothing
made by @organized-chaotic-disaster 
youtuber tours
(not necessarily dnp but it includes them!)
120 different tours, including the creators, names, dates, countries, links (if available) and producers (if applicable)
each tours’ venue capacity range, average and total attendance
individual tour show breakdown with city, state, country and additional notes
data on each venue’s capacity, number of tours, and which youtuber went to each venue
data on each country’s amount of shows, broken down into states and cities
made by @stillarchivingdnp 
gamingmas 2023 schedule
all gamingmas video titles from 2023
the time each video was uploaded in gmt
made by @cactuslester
spreadsheet screenshots in posts
listening trends in all or nothing
scatter graph for the correlation between track number and number of listens
analysis of the data
made by @serendipnpipity
analysis of dnp’s letterboxd ratings and movies with part 1 and part 2
(pt 1) rating distributions for all the movies they’ve rated, including details about which movies one rated higher than the other, and which movies they rated the same
(pt 1) a list of their five-star movies
(pt 1) a list of movies one logged but not the other
(pt 1) cute little misc notes about the specific movies and dates
(pt 2) ratings broken down into genre, studio and franchise with accompanying bar charts
made by @philsrosesweatshirt
views on post-hiatus dapg videos after specific time frames
i believe this is a work of progress!
video titles with the dates and months, along with details of whether they were sponsored or had external editors
view count after 24 hours, 48 hours, 1 week, 2 weeks, 3 months and 6 months
made by @goldenpinof
favourite dnp tour song statistics
years phannies started watching vs the year they joined the phandom represented in a bar graph
favourite dnp tour song in a donut pie graph and a bar graph
favourite song vs year joined represented in a bar graph
made by @serendipnpipity
terrible influence: the tour trailer video analysis
all the videos that appear in terrible influence with additional notes
the list sorted by date, view count and channel specifics
timestamps provided for each clip, both in the video and where they appear in the trailer
made by @emojackolantern
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alwaysbewoke · 5 months
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here is the sheet. it's an excel spreadsheet so it will download to your computer. this is really important for all the people who constantly say "democrats and republicans are the same." if they're not willing to do the work to either prove or disprove that notion, they're NOT someone ANYONE should be taking political advice from.
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herpersonafire · 5 months
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Hey everyone! enjoying my (two) week break of uni, so I've been lazy and playing games. Today, working on Python, I'm just doing repetition of learning the basics; Variables, Data types, Logic statements, etc. Hope everyone has a good week!
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stemgirlchic · 2 months
data analysis is rly like
it's so over we're so back it's so over we're so back it's so over
i know, i know, negative results don't make my work any less valid but cmon please give me something
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Due Tuesday 8/27
Reply to this post.
In your response, or in the notes, or in the tags, please include the names of 5-10 of your favorite characters, as well as 2-4+ descriptive words for each one.
Example below the cut, as well as in the notes.
(I'm doing a data analysis project and I need as much data as I can, so please help me out)
Hatake Kakashi
Troubled Backstory
Caring to a fault
Warm demeanor
Biscuit Krueger
Cold demeanor
Irina Jelavic
Seems dumb until she needs to be smart
Scene-stealing beauty
Butt of the joke
Troubled backstory
Cold demeanor
Troubled backstory
Master Roshi
Warm demeanor
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artwithlama · 8 months
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Morning <3 I I hope you guys have a lovely day.
Going over my notes and reviewing my proposal this morning while enjoying the rainy weather.
Who’s your favorite artist atm?
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thedatarogue · 2 years
All D&D 5E Spells, in one place
Hello, D&D players!
Are you tired of having to go through multiple books, pdf files or third-party websites just to find the one spell you're looking for? Don't want to pay hundreds of dollars to be able to access all the spells in DND Beyond?
Well, I've got just the thing for you.
In this Github repository, I've uploaded a dataset with information on all of the 5E spells (inside the datasets folder). The README file has all the information you need to use it, along with some other stuff.
If you have any problems using these assets, feel free to contact me either through here or Github. I'm thinking of adding pictures to the guide on Github, but it might be a while before I do that.
If the link isn't working, just remove the https://href.li/? part and you should be good.
Happy travels, adventurers.
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anotherobeymeblog · 9 months
Alright who wants some data??
I often see people talk about how underappreciated their favourite character is, regardless of which character it is, so it got me wondering which character actually has the most fics? Tumblr doesn't really allow for this type of search, but AO3 does, so here we have the number of fics tagged "(insert character)/Reader" on AO3!* (Disclaimer: other tags also exist, such as /Main Character, /Original Character, etc, but trying to incorporate multiple tags while avoiding fics that use both would be a nightmare, and /Reader seemed to be the most frequently used one across the board.)
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*as of December 18th, 2023
No major surprises here, at least to me. The character with the most fics is Mammon (2020), followed pretty closely by Lucifer (1882), and the character with the least fics is Thirteen (46) followed by Raphael (59). I was mildly surprised that Asmo had more fics than either Beel or Belphie, but it was by a small enough margin that I wasn't completely shocked.
What I'd love to do is further break this down. See how many male, female, and gn mc fics there are, the ratio of sfw to nsfw fics for each character, maybe looking at which characters have the most sub! or dom!MC fics, but that would take a l o t more effort, so it'll be a bit before I can get that to you.
Anyway, hope this scratched your brain the way it did mine lol
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momoguido · 5 months
Presenting the results of my latest hyperfixation
Tam Lin is a Scottish folktale, usually presented in ballad form, dating back to at least the 16th Century. It has been summarized and re-told by different people over the years, including Overly Sarcastic Productions. It is the subject of a one-act opera, and was the inspiration for a 1970 movie that updated the story to the present day.
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The fairy queen yells at Tam Lin in every version analyzed except for the Anais Mitchell version. Her version is an outlier in many respects, since the entire parade is left out, Janet simply grabs hold of Tam Lin mid-conversation.
Another oddity is Pentangle's version, which was written for the movie and consists of a jumble of images meant to complement scenes from the film, without a coherent narrative.
The biggest surprise to me is how few versions mention Janet seeking an abortion, something that I had always thought of as a central part of the story.
One thing I wish I could have looked at in more depth is the balance between versions that describe Tam Lin's transformations before he goes through them, and versions that describe them as they happen. As they happen is more common, but some songs will do the entire sequence twice.
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Going into this, I had two versions prominent in my mind: Anais Mitchell's pop-folk version that leaves out much of the story, and Anne Briggs' very traditional (and very long) version. Because of this, I thought perhaps we would see a decrease in the complexity of the story over the years, but that's not the case, it's basically flat. I think a better comparison might be to separate into traditional and revised versions, although that is something of a judgment call.
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There were so many minor discrepancies I couldn't even keep track of them all, but these four stood out because they are so oddly specific. Even the main character's name and the setting aren't consistent across versions, if they're even mentioned at all. Some versions don't even give the main character a name!
My data collection process leaves a lot to be desired, as well as the way in which I decided which events were major or minor, and which things to leave out altogether. This was mainly just a fun way to explore different versions of my favorite folktale, listen to a lot of different people sing different versions of the ballad, and rotate the whole thing in my brain.
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cbirt · 5 months
InstaDeep and BioNTech scientists introduced ChatNT, a multimodal conversational agent that has an advanced understanding of biological sequences like DNA, RNA, and proteins. ChatNT opens up biological data analysis and modeling capabilities to a wider user base via its conversational nature.
After examining a lengthy segment of DNA, have you ever thought about what secrets might be hidden within it? What about the elaborate ballet performed by proteins and RNA that directs all life’s processes? Typically, this has been the work of highly trained scientists who crack these codes of life. But what if you could have a conversation with your DNA, asking it to reveal its function in a way anyone can understand?
This is where ChatNT comes into play. A groundbreaking AI model that’s changing the game for bioinformatics. It acts as an interface between human language and complex biological sequences like never before seen. Just think of having an AI biologist on speed dial in your pocket, ready to answer any question about DNA, RNA, or proteins in plain English!
Continue Reading
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scipunk · 4 months
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Armitage III: Dual Matrix (2001)
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mindblowingscience · 7 months
Cornell quantum researchers have detected an elusive phase of matter, called the Bragg glass phase, using large volumes of X-ray data and a new machine learning data analysis tool. The discovery settles a long-standing question of whether this almost–but not quite–ordered state of Bragg glass can exist in real materials. The paper, "Bragg glass signatures in PdxErTe3 with X-ray diffraction Temperature Clustering (X-TEC)," is published in Nature Physics. The lead author is Krishnanand Madhukar Mallayya, a postdoctoral researcher in the Department of Physics in the College of Arts and Sciences (A&S). Eun-Ah Kim, professor of physics (A&S), is the corresponding author. The research was conducted in collaboration with scientists at Argonne National Laboratory and at Stanford University.
Continue Reading.
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jstor · 2 years
Frankenstein defeats Dracula
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So, ITHAKA (JSTOR's parent nonprofit org) now has a new service called Constellate, and in it you can do data analysis, among other things. Not wanting to do what we're really supposed to be doing right now, we thought we'd check out how Dracula performed against Frankenstein, and to our surprise, the monster gets A LOT more mentions in scholarly literature than our Transylvanian Count. Y'all are a smart bunch, so feel free to do something less frivolous (or at least more interesting) at Constellate.org. All you need to get started is your free JSTOR login (or you can create one if you haven't yet).
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herpersonafire · 5 months
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Hey! and welcome back!
As Uni is about to begin in a few days....I upgraded to a third monitor! Also!! I job a Data entry job! Big things moving forward :)
Let me introduce myself;
I'm Mick, (she/her) and I currently study Data Analytics. I'll be 26 in July and I love to read and play video games in my free time. I also like to watch football (LIVERPOOL xx)
Im currently taking the time to learn Excel and Python. However, I know for school I'll be learning Python, SQL and maybe some other things.
FOLLOW me along on this journey and if you have any questions please ask!
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chocolatepot · 2 years
A while back, when there was concurrent ship discourse on Twitter and Tumblr, I started looking at the AO3 statistics for OFMD to get a sense of what the actual proportions are of different ships. The basic stats are pretty clear from the sorting sidebar:
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet (12321)
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Israel Hands (2269)
Black Pete/Lucius Spriggs (1561)
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet/Israel Hands (1411)
Oluwande Boodhari/Jim Jimenez (1394)
Stede Bonnet/Israel Hands (976)
Israel Hands/Lucius Spriggs (839)
Blackbeard | Edward Teach & Israel Hands (677)
Israel Hands/"Calico" Jack Rackham (474)
Minor or Background Relationships (283) (label not appearing in pie chart)
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However! There's a significant amount of overlap with some of these. Pete/Lucius and Jim/Olu are common side ships to Ed/Stede, for instance - 327 fics are tagged with only Ed/Stede and Pete/Lucius (23% of the Pete/Lucius tag), 195 fics are tagged with only Ed/Stede and Olu/Jim (14% of the Olu/Jim tag), and 749 fics are tagged with Ed/Stede, Pete/Lucius, and Olu/Jim (48% of the Pete/Lucius tag and 54% of the Olu/Jim tag).
It's also common for fics with Ed/Stede/Izzy to tag one or more of the two-person ships that make up the triad - 378 (27% of the Steddyhands total) include all four ships, and each of the side ships have 600-700 fics that overlap with Steddyhands in some way. As best as I can tell from careful inclusions and exclusions in the filters, there are 11,106 fics that are just Ed/Stede and not the other three, 1,113 that are just Ed/Izzy, 456 that are just Ed/Stede/Izzy, and 248 that are just Stede/Izzy.
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So then I went in and tried to find the data for fics with each of the ships as the only pairing out of the group (italics indicate that the label wouldn't generate because the slice was so small, but this is the order they appear in in the chart):
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet (9294)
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Israel Hands (898)
Black Pete/Lucius Spriggs (214)
Blackbeard | Edward Teach/Stede Bonnet/Israel Hands (426)
Oluwande Boodhari/Jim Jimenez (320)
Stede Bonnet/Israel Hands (236)
Israel Hands/Lucius Spriggs (411)
Blackbeard | Edward Teach & Israel Hands (160)
Israel Hands/"Calico" Jack Rackham (279)
Minor or Background Relationships (31)
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This isn't perfect - there's no way to filter main vs. background ships, so there's no way for me to differentiate between an Ed/Stede fic with Lucius/Pete and Olu/Jim tagged for background mentions and an Olu/Jim fic with Lucius Pete and Ed/Stede tagged for background mentions; there are also even smaller ships that come into play once I cropped out the heavy hitters. However, I think this data gives a clearer picture of authorial priorities on AO3.
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