1800titz · 1 year
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I really need you to see the potential in this Paragon self duplication thing.
“Again,” Harry encourages, nudging at her sternum with a palm that lacks the gentleness of amiable coaching. Deftly, he blocks her weakened onslaught of ice with a forearm radiating deterrent and takes a step back, wriggling with his fingers in a come hither motion, “Again.” 
Arctick attempts to catch him off guard, throwing an underhand aimed for his family jewels, and white radiates from her palm — the expanse of the attack is stifled, instantly, and a pale hue of violet glows translucently ahead of his stature. Ice splinters into shards that fall in crystals. 
“Ooh,” the man dips his chin, pivoting as his brows pinch and his strawberry mouth curls, “Sneaky aim. Low blow, sweetheart. That would’ve hurt.” 
“Are you angry? Y’look angry,” the hero tells her on an open-mouthed beam, then juts at her with his chin, taking another casual step back over the mat, “That’s good — use that.” 
“Are you angry? Y’look angry,” the hero tells her on an open-mouthed beam, then juts at her with his chin, taking another casual step back over the mat, “That’s good — use that.” 
The young woman sends a flurry of chill spiraling, and as the man blocks the first onslaught, as expected, with an effortless burst of power from the tips of his fingers, a second wave erupts, this one aimed for his legs. Arctick can only grimace as Paragon smoothly bars the attempt — what a dickhead. 
“You’re weak — you’re angry because you’re weak,” he goads, irises glinting, “You’re angry because I’m calling you weak. So use that. Show me I’m wrong,” he twists away from her and stretches his arms out — an invitation, his back, and the young woman makes a last ditch effort, her pent up rage rushing out in a torrent of ice aimed to pierce. 
“Better,” Harry exclaims, enthusiasm interweaving the syllables, and he turns his chin, just a bit, over his shoulder. His forearm bends to emit a luminous glow that blocks what would have tagged flesh and muscle. She sees the corner of his mouth visibly twitch. “But not quite.” 
“This is ridiculous — it’s not a fair fight,” Harry sees Arctick buzzing when he turns, an intrigued crease over his brow bone — she stands with her hands at her sides on the opposite side of the room, but every muscle in her body is tensed, like she physically aches to freeze him. 
“No?” Harry cocks his head, venturing toward her on bare soles.
“This isn’t active combat,” she expands, letting the frustration leak into her tone, “You tell me to strike, and you expect it when I do.” 
His mouth quirks, and there’s a lull, like he’s ruminating. Finally, he asks, “You want active combat?” 
Arctick lifts her chin at him, expecting a vivid, violet current of electricity to hurl from his palm, to send her nerve endings on fire. She expects him to vanish, shard by shard, into invisibility that’ll leave her craning her neck and flitting her gaze about the room in apprehension. She expects him to twist and grapple for the weight rack, to fling it at her with superhuman strength.
“Then let’s make this—“
What she doesn’t expect is the crook of his lips, his figure stood ahead, and then the subsequent warm press of a palm over her stomach. It slinks from behind, and she feels his mirror press behind her as his original form illustrates a smirk from across the floor. 
“A fair fight,” croons the voice behind her — the same inflection as the cadence ahead. She stiffens at the touch. It’s soft, unlike his prior ministrations. Her head twists over her shoulder, and irises ogle the reflection in the broad expanse of mirrors on the wall beside her. Paragon stands ahead of her, feet away, his arms crossed, and …Paragon stands behind her, his arm rippling with muscle as it flexes over her. He’s duplicated. 
“Hm?” Harry hums against the shell of her ear. In his original form, he watches the display like a strange sort of voyeur — the whole experience is odd, and he can tell the showcase of ability has caught her off guard. It’s sort of a weird process — acting through different vessels, the coordination of it all. More than anything, it’s an interesting party trick beyond a single split. From there, he feels his powers weaken in their tether when divorced among a plethora of vessels. 
“Get your hands off of me,” Arctick grits out, her own grappling over his forearm, and Paragon’s original form just keeps his arms crossed as the touch of his copy grows sturdier. 
“Oh, but I can’t do that,” Harry says from across the floor. 
“Active combat, remember?” his copy wrangles its arms over her own flailing limbs. The original Paragon nonchalantly watches a warm, glow zap between his fingertips, across the room. The young woman manages to dig an elbow back against the warm body behind her, and the motion incites the priorly steady buzz in his hand to falter. That fucking hurt. 
“You don’t want to play nice?” the man’s head cocks from across the floor, and Arctick sees his duplication clasp over her, in the reflection, before she’s launched through the air with a grip over her wrist. The only thing that keeps her from catapulting against the back wall of brick is her own grip — she maintains it over the copy’s joint as she’s spun through the air. She lands on her feet. 
Now, the copy faces her, and behind that, stands the true Paragon, just idling by like he’s watching a show. 
“Alright,” the copy contends, mouth curling, “Then I won’t play nice.” 
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shiningmystic · 25 days
A peek into your soul PAC
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If you don’t believe in souls then this isn’t for you!
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You may not know yourself as well as you think; Your soul is its own thing, separate from your ego and higher self but is apart of the whole that is you and your energy. It's also only a peek into it so don't be too hung up on the minor details, just have fun! If it doesn’t resonate sorry man! Maybe next reading :)
If you see me describing you, then your pretty aligned with your soul!
How to choose a pile: Pick your favorite superpower and head down to your paragraph. You can choose a second one too if you’re a multi powered superhero 😉
。°。°。°。°。°。°。°。°。°。°。°。°。° support me on my journey: [Ko-fi]・❥・[Tip me] commissions are open and limited! $6 readings sent through email. Channeled songs: My Love Mine All Mine by Mitski
Flight ➳
Channeled colors: Blue, white, grey
You're a creator at heart, a fool on his journey of awakening. I see hard work isn't for you or your soul. you're a slow mover, a trendsetter someone that holds an explorer's heart and the imagination of a child. you seek freedom in all its forms and a person who enjoys the finer things in life. you take your time and like to do what you want; you're not stubborn but may enjoy sitting around at times when things are going to slow and get boring. Your soul is actually full of surprises, and it advises you to stand up and work on the vision you want even if it may take a while; just feed your soul along the journey like going on adventures and you will be fine. Always keep building what makes your heart dance. Your soul sees through a lot of the ‘fake’ in reality, you do not lie to yourself if you can help it. A wisdom permeates from your soul, an old knowledge ready to be released through you, never be ashamed of the chaos for we are made by it. A beautiful wild mess I hear, and someone is laughing in my ears. You bring joy, speak your truth, wisdom flows out.
Super strength ★
Channeled colors: the rainbow, yellow, orange and red
You have been wronged and your soul remembers; it fires up whenever something unjust plays out in front of you. Your soul is the flame, a fire that burns so bright that you are unavoidable especially in the darkness where you shout to the heavens how things should be different. Your soul desires unpredictability and a monotonous life is the complete opposite of what your soul seeks. Do you deserve a good life? it depends on you and no one else. you're the fighter, the warrior, you know you have the power you just need a direction to point it in. You're not afraid to be the thief and conniving villain if someone forces you in that position and your soul reminds you of this, that you hold destruction at your fingertips and also creation. Follow the sight of the unjust and see where your flame takes you. Your love is magical and to powerful that it even hurts you sometimes; you're explosive, a bloom of a different hue; never water it down to fit into the background. Your soul owns the world, do the same.
Duplication ❋ ❋
Channeled colors: Bronze, blue, and black
Your soul is liquid fire, molten lava descending from a volcano. Your soul says you know where you're going, stop looking so far ahead that your brilliant mind clouds what is destined. I see a wise old old soul, something I can't even fully understand, but you do, you know it deep in your gut. your soul looks upon you like a child, but a child they feel conflicted by, as if the lessons from the past keep repeating, and the pain follows along. your soul absorbs it all but needs to be channeled properly out through physical action like exercise. Your eyes are powerful, have you heard your eyes are windows to the soul? well your soul is intimidating yet also very loving when given the chance, the energies are so flip flop it makes me believe you might not believe this. Psychic abilities might plague this pile, to the souls who understand take your time and see your tears are not unreasonable but come from a deep knowing, for your deep soul harbors many things for the people its loved and who it will love. Many witches will pick this pile and even if you aren't, you hold a dark kind of magic; not the one on T.V but magic that goes back to instinct, intuition true witchcraft type shit. A compass inside is leading you, but it doesn't mean it's always straight line and it may lead you somewhere unexpected; just know you aren't in the wrong place. Your soul knows you shouldn't rely on your foresight to know what will happen but your will to learn more about the world. your fear may hold you back, but fear isn't the one living with the consequences, you do; so, let your soul exist in the sound of music, the colors of the sky and the love in your heart.
Telepathy ⚜
Channeled colors: pink, purple and blue
Your soul sings a melody that is irresistible, seekers of your love or presence will want a taste of your delicious soul. It may sound disturbing, but you feed the sick and lonely, the helpless and the needy. even if you may not like it your soul exists to radiate acceptance and healing, you may even be a sexual healer but that does not apply to everyone because it not even that exactly. If you enjoy music or like to sing or play an instrument, your soul expresses itself through it best; whatever helps you express do it more. Your soul is childish if you aren't, it is. it holds onto the precious things that you held dearly when you were young. your soul leaves room for everyone it can but this can be overwhelming. souls are learning along with us, accept what may be and walk along knowing you know what you need. I feel an excitement for the world, again your soul is young or has a beautiful and youthful understanding of reality that you may not even grasp yet. an innocence that wants to be shared. You are beautiful your soul says, you make me sing louder when you know it. Don't let the song lead you to far away from yourself but let it show you how amazing you are and to grow from there.
Healing Factor ❤
Channeled colors: pink, red, yellow
Uh, I'm honored to come in contact with such a powerful soul. Your soul is stuck in the ‘in between’, a place of life and the beyond. It doesn't hate being there though, but you may feel it in different ways. I believe the dream walkers have picked this pile; you guys have some vivid dreams huh? Even if you don’t, your heavy sleepers. your soul is so connected to both sides so when you sleep it does its own thing and just dips into other realities. this may sound cool but I think many people here have physical ailments or issues that it's contributing too (not the cause but it’s contributing, just to emphasis). some of you have heavy mental issues that do not have to stem from trauma but born with it, even if you have been through something your soul carries a wound from your ancestors. i see your soul seeking something, going back ‘home’ and coming back to your body, trying to help you heal or find something to help. Your soul is happy when exploring and going back to ‘home’ its like going back to your roots so maybe that’s a message for some good back to your roots. There is a call from your soul to go back to reality as well and face something with you whatever it may be and accept what is; your strength, your beauty and that fear will not rule here, you’re not alone. you already know a lot about your soul (that’s what I’m hearing) so your personality is probably very aligned with your soul's energy. nice your souls are pretty chill and being the healing pile the vibes do add up.
Decks used: The Wild Unknown Archetypes by, Kim Krans, and The Original Rider Waite Tarot deck
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dartagnantt · 3 months
Trickery Domain: Revised | Making a domain more than just its one feature
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PDFs of this and more can be found over on at my Patreon here! I release everything for free, so your support makes this possible. I'm working on a new class for 5e! Follow the Kickstarter here! I've also started making a new system based off of 5e, 6th Dawn! Become a patron and join the playtest.
So, in this month of deceit, what sort of trickery could I devise? No… revise! Haha! I've always been slightly disappointed in the trickery domain. It has one of the coolest channel divinities (the coolest belonging to forge) but past that, everything else is unremarkable. At will advantage on stealth for one person. Be invisible for 1 round when you could be doing the cool thing. and finally cool thing, but stronger! The divine strike was okay, but that's also the one thing that it only had one of two options for anyway
Bonus Proficiency
Behold the divine providence of lies! What do you mean it doesn't teach you to lie? I considered getting disguise kit, but I solved that with the next issue.
Sacred Mask
So, warlock's get unlimited disguise self at level 2, so what if a cleric could too? But how do I rationalise making it more limited, I know! By making it mundane so as to bypass divination magic
Invoke Duplicity
How do you improve upon perfection? Not sure, but I had to do something. I am all for fuckery with a doppleganger of some sort, well, I decided that making an important feature of this CD require melee combat doesn't really fit every kind of trickster. But what is tricky? What if what you thought was an illusion is now suddenly real?
Redirect Attack
I was inspired by the old treachery paladin and this seemed fun. This could probably do with some kind of restriction, but one reaction per round is a pretty good limit
Sacred Visions
When designing domain capstones, I find it useful to ask 'what is the ideal of this aspect?' So, when tricking someone, what if it was REALLY convincing? This is similar to my programmed hallucination spell, but more specific.
And now to plug my stuff. I release homebrews weekly over on my Patreon. Anyone who pledges $1 or more per post don't have to wait a month to see them, and also help fund my being alive habit.
At the moment, they have exclusive access to the following:
School of Illusion: Revised
Oath of Discord
Modular Airships
I also have three classes, and a splatbook over on DriveThrueRPG to check out:
The Rift Binder. A class specialising in summoning monsters and controlling the battlefield.
The Witch Knight. A class that combines swords and sorcery in the most literal way.
The Werebeast. A class that turns you into a half beast to destroy your foes.
d'Artagnan's Adventurer Almanac. A compendium of races, subclasses, feats, spells, monsters and more!
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winterfireblond · 9 months
You're one of the newest addition to the teaching staff of Nevermore just turning a year in service, but you're too familiar with the academy since it's your alma mater living after graduation to pursue college then return to teach. Since then you already got your eyes set to your former principal, now boss/colleague; Larissa Weems.
You have to bite back a moan everytime you got a whiff of her perfume when she walks near your vicinity, or have to cover partially your face to hide your blushing face and all-teeth showing smile when you see her around. The urge to stop anyone from talking to her especially in staff meeting (the adult ones only), you got nothing against them or the students particular, it's just you only want her attention to you. You love teaching and so the students but you are making sure that they'll never have to go to the principal directly unless you can intervene so less interaction for them. Well, you got somehow an idea when you fell for the woman yourself the same age as most of the students.
One time when she went to the Weathervane for some short time break from work and to indulge herself a little with a fresh chocolate drink, her favorite. You followed her secretly, despite your busy schedule for the day teaching your classes and taking up another task when no other teaching staff is available. But you got it handled, given that you can duplicate yourself. It's taking a lot with your body not to collapse from the effort but you will not miss an opportunity to be with your sunshine even from afar. You and your duplicate self wear the same outfit, a hoody and a black pants your usual outfit everyday. You watch her got out of the establishment walking to where she parked her car a little secluded from the usual since the ones near the cafe is fully occupied. You waited a few moments before following her making sure that no one suspects you of what you are doing. When you spot her, a man is behind her spitting insults towards the students and the school, but the one's that really triggered it all when the man insulted Larissa, you saw her stop just outside her car take a deep breath and turn towards the man with a small smile and excused herself then get inside the car, starting the engine then drive back to the school.
You will not let this slide, not when you saw the hurt in her eyes, how tense she become when she's supposed to have a little break from stress. And so you plan something to somewhat avenge her from the man. No one gets so mean to your love and gets away with it, not if you can handle it with your own hands.
Your real body is with your students, now you're getting a little distracted with fatigue and the emotions you're sharing with your other self. But thankfully the ring of the bell indicating the end of classes is heard then the happy noises of the students one by one living the classroom. You are left alone, you sat back down to calm yourself and collect your things opting to end the day early and retire to your room. You stand up to head out now but the sudden movement caused you to loss balance and take your things with you when you fall down the floor, vision turning black and noises fading from your ears that you didn't heard her call your name or shout with panic when she saw you almost slowly falling. But at least the man get something he deserved for hurting this goddess of woman trying to wake you up with evident worry in her eyes for you...
(Continue with your own choosing)
LARISSA WEEMS X obsessed Reader
Yeah... Did I forgot to post this the last time after I'm sobber?? YESSSSS 😆
Also I'm very aware of plot holes and the likes >.< XD
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imminent-danger-came · 5 months
Would love to know your thoughts on the similarities & differences between the master/student relationship of Subodhi/Wukong compared to Wukong/MK
The main similarities we see are the ones Subodhi list out himself in 4x06:
Scroll Subodhi: "Do you even believe that? The students I train spend lifetimes to posses a fraction of your power! Am I to believe Sun Wukong is the greatest master in history?" MK: "I mean...maybe he's pretty great-" Scroll Subodhi: "I am the greatest master in all of history! However, even I admit my mentorship is not the sole reason for Sun Wukong's absurdly fast learning, just as his is not reason for yours."
Both Subodhi and Wukong had students who were uniquely capable. Though, to be quite honest, MK taught himself the majority of his abilities (presumably with a foundation laid by Wukong in eps like 1x07 and 1x09). Gold Vision? That ability was triggered by the mural in AHIB. Monkey Mech? That's an ability MK creates himself to defeat DBK. Duplication? MK learns that through Tang. Shrinking? MK teaches himself. 72 Transformations? MK teaches himself. Cloud Walking? MK TEACHES HIMSELF ("Every time I learned a new ability, it was because there was something I needed to do, when there was no other way.")
So, an interesting difference between the Subodhi/Wukong and Wukong/MK dynamics is that Subodhi teaches far more than Wukong does, even being a master to Mei, Tang, Pigsy, and Sandy. In s3, despite being the most knowledgeable, Wukong hardly informs the gang on anything. I also think "Just believe in yourself! Even a smidge can make all the difference" is a similar philosophy to "By breaking these shackles you have imposed upon yourselves, you will become truly unstoppable warriors—which is what the universe is going to need sooner than we might hope", due to MK's "shackle" often being his low self-worth. Subodhi in 4x09 does a great job at being the mentor the gang needs to improve, in ways Wukong often isn't (4x01 being the large exception ("Mistakes happen, but so long as you leave the world better than you found it, then it's all good.")).
Subodhi and Wukong also draw parallels between Mei, Tang, Pigsy, Sandy, and their path lives: "We can't change who we were yesterday, or in a past life, or a hundred lifetimes ago!" versus Subodhi comparing everyone to their past lives and the ways they're worse and better, insisting that they can improve.
In JTTW, Subodhi gives the Monkey King his name, and he trains him in immortality, 72 transformations, and cloud walking. I find Subodhi naming Wukong particularly interesting when paired with this interaction, where Subodhi connects the title of "Monkie Kid" to MK's name:
MK: "I- I can't be! I'm just- I'm just MK!" Scroll Subodhi: "The Monkie Kid?"
He essentially "named" MK Monkie Kid, claiming that his destiny/role > than "just MK".
Other than that, we know so little about lmk Subodhi that it's difficult for me to draw more connections!
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quornesha · 2 months
Prophecy And Symbolism of European Bee-Eater
The Following Channel is from higher powers, Divine, the ancestral plane and is prophetic through Quornesha S. Lemon|
Whether the European Bee Eater appears in dreams, visions, waking life or synchronicities, it is a sign and message that you will begin to see the animal kingdom send you messages. Some of these will be plain and understandable, whilst others you will need to decipher. You will receive confirmation through birds/parrots, wildlife, or even through visions.
For the most part it will be in your waking life that these messengers will come through. You may hear messages from the other side through this animal medicine or they could be prophecies that correlate to your present life/circumstances. The European Bee-Eater is a message that some annoyances will leave your life and a problem has already been resolved. You can rest assured that prosperity has arrived in your life and whatever/whomever was in your way before has now conceded. The European bee-eater is a reminder that you’ll come out of the months ahead shining and full of life. Allow your light to shine and show up as your best self. Give all worries and concerns or fears over to a higher power/divine and you will see it worked in your favor.
You will always be loved, cherished, and appreciated. The European Bee-Eater is a reminder that you deserve someone who will not only be a partner and on your level sexually, but mentally, socially, spiritually and in alignment career wise. Prayer is your power and you should utilize it. A Pressing situation will soon come to an end. Rest assured that what you are visualizing will come to realization soon. Pay attention to the signs. Nature is speaking to you. Beautiful things are on the horizon. It is ok to redecorate or restyle your home, as it is time for renewal. Misunderstandings aren’t your battle to fight, especially when your intent was pure.
Pay attention to your dreams and visions during this time as, you’re astral traveling to different realms and places. If you’re going through a loss (divorce, death of a loved one, job, career, etc) you’re coming into your peace after such a shock. You’re getting ready to ‘eat’ at tables only God/Divine has prepared for you. You’ll walk through doors no man can shut. The European Bee-Eater is a prophecy that you’re getting ready to sing, Whether this is literal or symbolic, your voice will be heard. People are drawn towards you as your aura is beaming. You can rest assured for good news. Your intuition/instincts is/are strong right now.
You are seeing through the masks of others. You know exactly what the truth is and yet, you listen anyway. You don’t have to be a safe space for others who take advantage of your kindness. Know when to say no. Because your abundance is growing. Pay attention to messages from all spaces, time and places. You are walking into your season of YES.
This message isn't, obviously resonant with all whose paths it crosses, as perhaps you may encounter someone of this vernacular, mastery or skill. Therefore, it is a sign from the universe that you're meant to work with such a person. 
Need further clarity or your own queries answered? Book your own reading as my schedule is full and I do not guarantee a reply on social media regarding this post.
If this is not you, then it is time to get clear to rejoin your tribe or the rest of the world of infinite beings. It's time to bring your light to the forefront. However, if you aren't able to invoke, heal or otherwise on your own, call on the assistance of shamans, healers, intuitive people, etc. to assist you. This synchronicity can possibly have specific meanings for you, it's time to get insight. 
The Gift that Quornesha Has can never be duplicated, She is a Shaman, Writer, Healer,  And Teacher with incredible prophetic/healing gifts. Please do not infringe upon her rights as the author. You are not permitted to reuse, nor are you to sale as you wish. This information has been made available to you for the purpose of introduction and demonstration. All rights reserved. If you'd like to use this in a magazine, online publication, or other, please ask for permission first. Legal actions will be taken if you proceed to impose. Be blessed, bless others and be at peace on your journey. What you do is coming back on you. Make sure that it is good, and all is well within you, through you and around you.  The source sees all and knows what you think it does not. 
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trashyswitch · 1 year
A Predictable Friendship
Patton has somehow ended up in the ballpit of the Daycare in Freddy Fazbear's Mega Pizzaplex. He meets the Daycare Attendant for the first time, and a somewhat predictable friendship starts to unfold in a matter of minutes.
This fanfic was suggested by @evadedking. I hope you enjoy!
Patton groaned and slowly opened his eyes. Almost immediately, his eyes took in the large collection of colorful things that were clouding up his vision. All he could see was duplicates of red, blue, pink, and green in his vision. What were these things? 
He moved his hands, and immediately felt light, round things shift and move around his hands. Confused, Patton tilted his head in pure confusion, but widened his eyes once he heard the bright things around his head start to shift and roll around as well. Finally realizing that these bright things could move when he moved his body around, he quickly started wiggling around to get out. He remembered what Logan told him about what to do if buried alive: Hold your breath, and wiggle around so that you can reach the light. 
And it looks like Logan was 100% correct. Because not long after, the bright light finally showed itself to his eyeballs! And though it was bright, it was quite pleasing to see the light again. Quickly, Patton realized what this was: A ball pit. He tried to push himself up onto his feet, but wound up flopping back into the pile of colorful balls. Patton verbally groaned and pushed himself out of the ballpit a bit. Closer to a green cushion, Patton pulled himself up onto the cushion and let out a sigh of pure relief. He was out of the pit. He’s okay. He’s alright. 
Now to focus on the next step: To find out where he was, and to figure out how he got here. 
Patton looked around the large place, and noticed the size of this room. It was HUGE! Who was this room supposed to be for?! It looked like this room was built for kids, but the size of the room made it bigger than what’s required for adults! He couldn’t even fathom how large and closed in the room was. He felt claustrophobic…and yet…he felt free at the same time. 
Patton jumped out and landed on the other green cushion that was supposed to help kids get out of the ballpit. He walked up the cushion ramp and across the blue cushy ground. There was climbing equipment, slides, wooden cutouts of animal creatures (A couple of which looked familiar), and even little tables and chairs! The tables and chairs were so small, they almost couldn’t fit toddlers! 
Seriously, who was this daycare supposed to be for?! But Patton froze in place when he saw the oversized bear stuffy in front of another piece of play equipment. He squealed, sprinted up to the bear and gave it a big hug. “Oh my gosh YOU’RE SO SOOOOFT! I could just-” Patton squeezed the bear as much as he possibly could. “-SQUISH YOUR PLUSHY BELLY!” Patton shouted. 
“Hoo hoo HOO!” Something said from somewhere above him. 
Patton turned around and looked around at the ballpit. “Huh?” Patton asked, before seeing something fall from above the ballpit. 
Patton widened his eyes as he saw a flash of red and yellow had dove into the ballpit! And with no time to comprehend it, that same flash of red and yellow jumped out of the ballpit, and started skipping its flamboyant, abnormally thin self over to the human with the bear. 
“Hello there, new friend! It’s so nice to meet you!” The animatronic declared. “Do you have a name? You look a little old to be in here! But don’t worry! The Daycare Attendant loves new friends of ALL ages!” The animatronic declared. 
Patton was staring at the robot that looked to be based off of the Sundrop. Patton slowly let go of the bear and walked up to the robot. “I…I do have a name. It’s Patton.” Patton told him. 
“Patton, huh? What a cute name! Hearing your name just makes me wanna pat your head!” The Daycare Attendant declared. 
Patton looked down slightly, smiling and blushing at the robot’s little statement. “Th-Thank you.” Patton mumbled. 
“Now tell me!” The animatronic grabbed Patton’s shoulders. “Tell me, tell me, tell me!” the Animatronic started squeezing Patton’s shoulders a slight bit too hard. “What brings you to the Superstar Daycare, here in Freddy Fazbear’s Mega Pizzaplex?” The robot asked him. 
Patton widened his eyes as he finally got a name for his location. He was in a daycare facility that was based on the Five Nights at Freddy’s Pizzeria franchise! 
That’s why those animal characters looked so familiar! They were characters from the horror series! And now that he sees it, Patton quickly realized that the stuffed bear he was hugging earlier, was actually a replica of the old Freddy Fazbear model! How did he not see that before?! 
But with this in mind, Patton couldn’t help but feel his chest tighten in worry as more questions filled his mind. How did he get here? Why was this location a thing? And more importantly: 
Is William Afton still alive?! 
“I…” Patton mumbled. 
“Awww, You look lost. Even more lost than Alice in Wonderland!” The Daycare Attendant reacted. 
Patton chuckled. “I…I certainly feel like Alice right now.” Patton admitted. 
“So what should we do, new friend named Patton? Can we color? Can we climb to the top of the climbers?” The Sundrop animatronic let go of Patton’s shoulders and started jumping around and clapping his hands. “Can we play with glitter glue? Or get ice cream? Maybe even a cupcake?!” The Daycare Attendant asked, growing more and more excited by the second. 
Patton laughed and giggled at the robot that was now acting like an excited toddler. “Those all sound great, Daycare Attendant.” Patton admitted.
“Oh no no no.” The daycare attendant got closer to Patton and patted his head. “From now on, you can call me Sundrop!” The daycare attendant told him. 
“Sundrop?” Patton clarified.
“Yes! Sundrop is the name of a candy drop with my face on, that we sell to children!” Sundrop told him. 
Patton nodded. “I see.” He replied. 
“It’s supposed to give kids LOTS of energy! So we can all run around and play for hours without getting tired!” Sundrop told him. 
Patton blinked with his widened eyes, and let out more of a nervous chuckle this time. He hoped and prayed Sundrop was just over exaggerating. Because if he wasn’t, then what could possibly be in those Sundrop candies that would keep kids energized for hours?!
“So what should we do? What should we do? What should we do?!” Sundrop asked, jumping and dancing around even more. 
“I don’t know. What’s your favorite thing to do?” Patton asked. 
“Oh boy, there’s so many!” Sundrop reacted. “I can’t possibly pick just one!” He added. 
“Okay. How about we color first?” Patton asked. 
“Okay! I’ll get the crayons, the markers, and the pencil crayons!” Sundrop declared. “And you can get the coloring sheets! FOLLOW ME!” Sundrop started heading to a boxed climbing equipment area with a white cutout version of Chica hanging on the equipment. 
Sundrop quickly hopped up to a gate door that blended in with the netted boards, and opened it up. With the door now open, Sundrop gently pushed Patton into the area behind the nets with the checkered floor below them. While Patton kept going, Sundrop closed the gate and hopped about to catch up to Patton. They walked past the kids' cubbies and over to a small, wooden door. Sundrop eagerly opened the door for Patton, and waved his hand into the opening. “After you!” Sundrop declared. 
Patton giggled as he walked up to the open door. “Thank you!” Patton said as he curtsied like a princess before entering. 
“Noooo problem!” Sundrop declared before turning on the light and closing the door. With the light now on, Patton could see what room this was: It was an entertainment room! A room full of play equipment, coloring and crafting supplies, little plushies of the animatronics, kids masks and gloves, and even large bouncy balls and hula hoops in the corners! The room was quite big despite being filled to the brim with things. But Patton didn’t care! He knew exactly where the coloring supplies were, and headed to that corner right away. 
Patton grabbed a stack of coloring sheets and went through them. Though there were 15-20 different coloring sheet options, there were lots of duplicates of the same coloring sheet. Patton decided to grab a coloring sheet with Sundrop and a moon character on it, as well as coloring sheets of the new Chica with cupcakes, the new Freddy with the microphone, and the Bonnie coloring sheet with the bowling alley as the background! “OOooh! Wonderful choices, Patton!” Sundrop reacted, looking over the man’s shoulder. 
Patton chuckled and put the rest of the stack away on the shelf. “Thanks! I may not color all of them right away, but we’ll see how long we spend coloring.” Patton replied. 
“Okay! I grabbed as many coloring boxes as I could carry!” Sundrop declared, showing Patton the 5 cases of coloring items. 
Patton bursted out laughing and took a couple of the cases for him. “Here, let me help you.” 
Sundrop smiled with a soft reaction. “Awww, thank you.” Sundrop reacted. “This gives me more room to carry MORE coloring supplies!” Sundrop declared as he rummaged around in the box of coloring things. 
“Wait wait- That’s not why I-” Patton sighed with a small smile as he watched Sundrop pick up 3 more pencil cases in his hands. While Sundrop carried 6 pencil cases out the door, Patton carried his two pencil cases and coloring sheets out of the closet and out into the daycare again. 
When they reached the tables and chairs in the daycare, Sundrop started collecting tables and put the tables together to form one big table. Patton knelt down at the table, and laid out the coloring sheets for Sundrop and himself to color. While Sundrop opened the pencil cases and laid them down, Patton opened the pencil cases and dumped the pencil crayons and markers all over the table. 
Patton let out a giggle as he watched pencil crayons and markers roll onto the floor. He looked up at Sundrop for approval, but wiped his own smile off his face the moment he saw Sundrop’s face: 
Sundrop was staring at Patton with what looked to be a horrified face, mixed with the ‘insanity’ eyes. He was staring deeply into Patton’s eyes…before looking down at the mess of pencil crayons and markers on the ground. “Oh no…” Sundrop’s eyes started to glow red as he looked back up at Patton. “What a mess.” Sundrop said to him. 
Unsure what to do, Patton had looked down at the pencil cases in his hands and chuckled awkwardly. “What’s wrong with a little mess?” Patton asked as he dropped the pencil cases onto the ground and made the ‘why’ signal with his hands. 
Taking this as a sign that Patton was testing the waters, Sundrop took action. 
For Patton, It all felt like slow motion. It even felt like the pencil cases did not touch the green floor until after Patton and Sundrop hit the ground first. Sundrop had tackled Patton down to the ground like a police officer would. It happened so fast, that it all felt like a blur that didn’t refocus itself until a few seconds after the man had hit the ground. 
Patton shook his head and looked up at Sundrop. “H-Hey! What was that for?!” Patton asked him. 
“You refuse to clean up!” Sundrop declared. “You didn’t tell me I needed to clean up!” Patton told him, actually attempting to make sense of the situation.
“It’s time for your punishment!” Sundrop started wiggling his fingers at him. 
Patton looked at the fingers with shock at first, before squealing. “EEEK! W-wait a minute-” Patton begged, holding up his hands in self-defense. 
“TOO LATE!” Sundrop brought his hands down to Patton’s belly and started tickling right away. 
Patton practically exploded with laughter right away, trying to get Sundrop’s nimble fingers away from his belly. “BWAHAhahaha! Cahahan’t wehehe TAHALK FIHIHIRST!?” Patton asked. 
“My new friend needs to learn to clean up! And what better way to teach and discipline, then to tickle, tickle, tickle?” Sundrop declared. 
Patton soon gave up defending himself, and instead tried to hide his laughter a little bit. But covering up his mouth would only make him look more embarrassed ーand more childishly adorableー in Sundrop’s eyes. 
“Awww! For a fully grown child, you’re very cute! I could just squeeze you and cover you in kisses!” Sundrop reacted, stopping his tickle attack to give Patton a big hug and plant kisses all over his forehead and cheeks. 
Patton squeaked and stuttered at first. “Ohokahahay- uhuhuh…” Patton had started blushing a lot. 
Sundrop kept planting kisses on Patton’s forehead. Even going as far as to say ‘I love you’ before every kiss. 
“I love you!” 
“I love you!” 
“I love you, love you, love you!” 
*kiss, kiss, kiss*
Patton had begun snorting from embarrassment, which only worsened his embarrassment. “Ohoho nohoho- *snort* Hehehehe! *snort* Dahahahang ihihihit!” Patton giggled, soon hanging his head in defeat. 
“Aaaand now Sunny wants to tickle you again! But for fun this time.” Sundrop declared next. Sundrop started skittering his thin, creamy yellow fingers all over Patton’s sides and up his ribs. 
This, naturally, caused Patton to throw his head back with newfound laughter all over again. “EEEEHEhehehehehe! Eheeheeheehee! Hohohohow ahahare you so gohohood ahat thihihis?!” Patton asked. “Ahahare you buhuhuilt to tihihickle?!” 
Sundrop let out a slightly evil laugh. “I’m not a tickle robot, silly! I’m a Daycare Attendant! Though, tickles are certainly part of the job description.” Sundrop told him proudly. 
Patton closed his eyes and just let Sundrop tickle to his heart’s content. And as a result, Patton laughed as much as his body would let him. Though he had to admit, he was already a blushy mess. 
Sundrop moved his fingers to the armpits. “Hey, hey!” Sundrop stopped tickling at one point to look at Patton. “Are ya having fun yet?” Sundrop asked. He squeezed Patton a slight bit. “Are ya? Are ya?!” 
Patton hid his face in Sundrop’s abnormally small chest. “Mmmhmhmhmhmhmhmm…Mahahaybehehehe?” Patton replied, slowly looking up at Sundrop with puppy eyes. 
Sundrop laughed and leaned in. Patton closed his eyes, expecting another kiss on the forehead from Sundrop. But instead…he felt a metal, slightly cold forehead touch his own. Patton opened his eyes and went cross-eyed to look at the Sun’s face. 
Sundrop was connecting foreheads and noses like a human would with their dog. Then, Sundrop gave Patton little bear kisses by moving his hard, pointy nose left and right across Patton’s rounder, softer nose. And as if he couldn’t get more cute, Patton had blushed more of a darker color of red. 
“Goodness, I didn’t know grown children could blush that color! It’s almost like…” Sundrop looked around at the many pencil crayons and markers on the ground, and searched the floor for an accurate color. Soon, he picked up a pencil crayon and placed it up to Patton’s face. 
“...No, a bit darker.” Sundrop dropped the pencil crayon and looked around for another pencil crayon or marker that better suited Patton’s cheeks. Soon, Sundrop found another marker. “Hmm…” He put it up against Patton’s left cheek. “No…That’s too burgundy. Your cheeks look more…” Sundrop thought for a moment. “I don’t know. Darker than my pants, but not red-brown like those hemlock trees.” Sundrop admitted. 
Patton tilted his head. “Hemlock trees?” Patton asked. 
“They’re trees that had reddish-brown bark on them.” Sundrop admitted. “Ah, here we are!” Sundrop picked up a marker, took off the lid and placed it to Patton’s right cheek. 
He drew a line on Patton’s cheek, and gasped. “Perfect match!” Sundrop declared. He looked at the lid and read the name of the color. 
“RV205…Peony! More purple than I expected, but it works!” Sundrop declared. “I guess that was the color I was missing.” Sundrop admitted. 
Patton chuckled and blushed more. His blush seemed to slowly reach the tops of his ears, as well as the tip of his nose. 
Sundrop giggled and drew more lines on Patton’s cheeks, almost like drawing an anime character. “Aww! So purpley!” Sundrop reacted. “Purple…Purple, purple, purple…why does that word sound familiar?” Sundrop asked next. 
Patton’s smile slowly dropped as he realized what Sundrop was talking about. Oh no…This isn’t good. Patton quickly tried to think of something. Not knowing what else to do besides tickle, Patton quickly skittered his fingers on Sundrop’s belly. “Uh- Look! I have an important phone call to make.” Patton told him as he started poking the buttons on his belly and sides. 
“EEEE! EEEK! WHAHAT AHARE YOU DOHOHOIHIHING?!” Sundrop suddenly yelled. 
Patton started making boop sounds in different tones and octaves as he poked Sundrop. “Boop! Boop, boop, boop boop, boop! BOOP!” Patton pretended to pick up the ‘phone’ Hello? Hello, hello?” Patton asked. 
Sundrop laughed from both the ticklish feeling, and from genuinely finding Patton hilarious! “Hello!” Sundrop replied, pitching his voice hilariously low. “This is the old man in your bathtub upstairs! How’s it going down there?” Sundrop asked. 
Patton wheezed and laughed at Sundrop’s words. “Thehe old man in the bathtub?! Where did you come up with that?!” Patton asked. 
“Ihi…Well, some little girl told me about it. She said her brother used to hide behind the cereal box and pretend to be the voice of an old man in the bathtub.” Sundrop told him. “It’s a little…odd…but she found it to be the best game in the world.” Sundrop told him. 
Patton could’ve cried from how cute it was. But he quickly went back to tickling instead. “Wrong number!” Patton declared, putting the ‘old telephone’ down. 
Then, Patton started poking his belly and making more sound effects. “Boop boop! Boop boop BOOP boop! Boop boop boop! bOoP!” Patton teased. “Helloooo?” Patton asked. 
“Hello, hello? Hey, you’re doing great! Most people don’t last this long. I mean, you know, they usually move on to other things by now.” Sundrop declared.
Patton froze in place when he heard those words leave Sundrop’s mouth. 
Oh…my gosh…
How…how did he- 
“How do you know those words?” Patton asked. 
Sundrop tilted his head. “What do you mean?” Sundrop asked. 
Patton bit his lip and chuckled a bit as he shook his head to shake it off. “Nothing, nothing. Just…Deja vu.” Patton admitted with a chuckle. 
“Ah, okay.” Sundrop replied. 
Patton thought about what to do now. He looked around at the pencil crayons and the markers. “Welp…I think I learned not to make messes around you.” Patton told him. “I should probably clean up.” 
Sundrop almost blinked into focus again. “Okay! And then we can color?!” Sundrop asked. 
Patton giggled. “And then we can color.” Patton replied. 
Sundrop clapped his hands and got up onto his feet. “Yay! Clean up! clean up!” Sundrop declared, picking up pencil crayons and markers off the ground. 
Patton helped him clean up, and placed the coloring supplies onto the table. When everything was collected, Patton and Sundrop grabbed coloring sheets and began to color. And much to Patton’s surprise, Patton was better at coloring than Sundrop was! Patton could soon guess that Sundrop was programmed to color as well as a toddler, so the toddlers didn’t feel alone in their creative coloring styles. And Patton didn’t mind that. Not one bit. 
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gohan420 · 2 years
I just had this crazy idea for an alternate Tue episode where the concept of ‘time remnants/doubles’ is brought in from the flash tv show.
(I’m aware the concept exists in other places but that’s where I first heard about it)
Where when future Vlad is pulling out the time medallion, Danny takes hold of it as it’s exiting his body and sends himself back a few seconds in time.
He then stops his Original self from doing so, earning himself a death sentence once he removes his own medallion. (The original Danny is sent back to the past like cannon) Breaking the causality chain, and making this Danny a Time Remnant.
From there Remnant Danny take future Vlad’s ghost gauntlets and travels back to the past using the medallion like Dan did.
From there the episode plays out mostly like cannon until the fight with Dan starts but it’s Remnant Danny waiting for the right moment to go straight for the kill by removing Dan’s time medallion, sending him back to the future and removing him from play.(this happens immediately after original Danny pulls a ghostly wail out of his ass for the first time) rather than simply sealing Dan in a thermos.
From here the episode could play out in one of two ways:
Option one:
Remnant Danny sees that Original Danny can’t save his loved ones in time due to the ghost restraints from Dan, and sends himself backwards a few seconds again to allow himself to use the gauntlets(things are sharp), to cut the restraints.
At the last second turning himself and the Napalm tank(don’t tell me this nasty sauce isn’t a high grade explosive) intangible, dying to save his loved ones while his original self watches. (original Danny is completely drained and very much capable of dying to the explosion and he played out the time travel to internationally leave one Danny behind)
There is no third duplicate because he didn’t stop his past self from using the medallions like last time. The causality chain is maintained.
He decided to tank the explosion because there was no time to put it anywhere else and he needed to be sure it stayed intangible throughout the blast, meaning he doesn’t get to dodge.
When it’s over a flash of white light is seen behind the former hostages and a medallion covered in ash is all that remains.
Clockwork comes in and explains how not everyone gets second chances and that the Danny who saved his family, died in order to do so.
He does not rewind time here because unlike cannon, Original Danny’s friends and family are still alive, averting the creation of another Dan.
Option 2:
So this mostly plays out like option one but this time Original Danny is the one who tanks the explosion.(Turning the tank intangible, since he can’t do so to his loved ones)
Maybe have Remnant Danny say something like “No, you idiot, you were supposed to be the one who Lived!” in the last moments before detonation.
Clockwork comes and explains again and tells Remnant Danny that he has a choice to make, mend the timeline by dying(removing his time medallion). Leaving his friends and family at the tender mercies of all Danny’s enemies, including half ghost Vlad masters, or live out the timeline in the original Danny’s place for better or worse.
Clockwork can’t predict the outcome of Remnant Danny’s actions so he does not know either way.
From there Remnant Danny phases his own medallion back into his chest and lives out the timeline in original Danny’s place.
Making clockwork’s job infinitely harder because the Danny that remains is immune to his time vision and losing that immunity means his immediate, irreversible death.
He also does not rewind time here, mostly because the timeline’s already too broken for his tastes and he doesn’t want to chance breaking it any further.
Also please reblog! If you don’t the only people who will ever see this are you and my other followers. And I kind of want more people to notice and/or iterate on this.
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floatinginzerogravity · 6 months
Murder Drones Episode 3 Analysis
I was bored and in the mood to theorize, so this series continues. Also, I've given up on keeping these free from future episode spoilers, so be warned I guess.
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Right off the bat, I find "3071" to be an oddly specific number, and it is for this reason that I think the mansion era stuff took place in 3021, because 50 is a nice round number that makes sense, and follows the "year of production" thing that shows do, aka, make the year in show the same as the real world date. You may be asking, "Tessa doesn't look over 50!" And to that I reply, Cryogenics, Cyborg, Tessa is dead and that's not Tessa.
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Text: [Name: Angela Palmer [Age: 19 [Description: 4'7" Gray hair Grey eyes Grey shirt [Last seen: Confusing the ancient digital artifact collection "The Office with a personality core. [Additional Info: To further prevent further dying, I'm sorry, "going missing," the WDF recommends avoiding the following: Going anywhere, being curious about anything, thinking about making friends, talking to anyone, looking at anyone, ignoring someone for too long, being unlucky, being too lucky around those less fortunate than you, {come on back} Text: [PROM: CLASS OF 3071 [THEME: ANCIENT DARK AGES LIKE YEAR 2000. EWW] [TIME: LIKE TOTALLY WHENEVER] Text: [Name: Kenzie Rivers [Age: 19] [Height: 4'4"] [Last seen: Coonnstantly talking about how much her limbs and organs are soooooo intact, God she's insufferable]
Text: [Name: Lainey Gilmore [Age: 20] [Height: 4'4" [Last seen: Playing the best long con prank on her friends and family
Text: [End of year exams [Where: in the... idk why you... [When: ... i guess [Why: judging your... pay i haven't... (I can't read it) Text: [Name: Dillan Hall [Age: 18 [Description: 5'2" [Last seen: Being a bad person, so this is okay. This is a fine narrative path to take. This is a good message - I'm a hero] <- Liam talking to himself lol
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Text: [ERROR: OPTICAL CALIBRATION [20/160]] [LOL NICE VISION [KELSY [SURVIVIAL MODE While we're here, I think it's worth mentioning how V wore glasses in the mansion, but no longer does as a Disassembly Drone. This leads to the conclusion of either: A. With the orbs acting as replacement eyes, any previous visual defects are rendered null or B. V has been walking around with terrible vision, and in the end, that's what will save her from the sentinels, not being able to see them. I mean, we haven't seen her be bootlooped by them, sooooooo- ...Probably the first one
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Doll has some weird anti-gravity stuff going on with her hair, similarly to the anti-gravity effect seen in the FINAL DESTINATION trailer
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It seems object duplication is within the solver's arsenal Do you think that would work on entire drones, mayhaps related to the Disassembly Drone cloning?
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It was revealed in Glitch X that these roaches were originally self-duplicating cleaner bots, but duplicated too much and became pests Just some lore :> THEORY TIME! Today we are analyzing: the symbolism of killing cleaner roaches (yay!)
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It has been pointed out by Youtuber Narujen that certain characters, who are seen as more malicious, are seen killing roaches (Pictured above: Doll stepping on a roach), while others...
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(pictured: N stopping himself from stepping on a roach)
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(Pictured: Uzi healing a roach) ... are seen valuing the lives of them more. What am I getting at here?
Well, What's the other notable roach scene?
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When the solver killed the roach in Cyn's introduction scene. While this is most likely simply an indication of the solver's evilness and nothing more, it could also suggest, that while Cyn is a separate entity from the solver, perhaps she's not entirely opposed to it either... Yeah, this is literally just my recent fascination with this headcannon talking. I think the show itself will take the good-Cyn route, but it's fun to think about!
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Text: [Phrase, Absolute Solver could mean: [1. It solves math shit (like a nerd)] <- Strong words from someone who built a railgun, oh, excuse me, a "magnetically amplified photon converter." You telling me you didn't use math for that?? [2. It's an algorithm for "big worm thing] [3. It absolutely sucks lol GGs]
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Text: [TRUST NO ONE: That's why I don't have any friends... no other reason...
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Text: [STRANG DRONES FOUND] [MOBILE, Ala, Oct. 8. - The... Commission today adopted recommendations of the committee of public health closing all schools in the niotion(?) joture(?) houses and theater on account of the prevalence of the epidemic of Spanish influenza (The spanish flu) Public gatherings including Liberty raliee have been ordered stopped. The health authorities have recommended that persons refrain from kissing] I... have no idea what this means. Most likely from pre-core collapse era, but the headline and the text have nothing to do with each other...
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Text: [Gravitational (Waves?) Detected] In light of recent events,
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Braiden's head is still on fire from when Uzi possessed him Also, Uzi sitting directly on top of the desk :D
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What's up with the picture on the side of Uzi's locker? Some sort of Drone boyband? An advertisement posted in every locker in the school?
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Jank school posters
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(Rebecca tripped Uzi with her foot) You can't say she didn't get what she friggin deserved in Cabin Fever
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That is... a lot more missing posters than there were before
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CAUTION: WET MURDER I want to own one of these
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another shot of Uzi's room
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northmarch · 1 year
In light of Herora-nuva’s most recent deep dive videos, I figured now was a good time to write out and share my own thoughts regarding the concept of Destiny in Bionicle. Specifically Destiny as a cosmic force and how it might tie into time travel and the multiverse.
First off, the term Destiny in Bionicle seems to refer to multiple distinct things.
- Destiny as a philosophical ideal.
- Destiny as a pre-programmed ‘mission’ or purpose set by the GBs or MN.
- and Destiny as a cosmic force.
The first has already been covered in greater detail than I could have given by Herora-nuva.
The functionality of the second is fairly explicitly explained in canon (through word of Greg) though I do want to add my interpretation that ‘programmed’ or ‘assigned’ destiny is more, circumstantial. Destiny responds to and can be altered by different situations. For example there were likely dozens of Matoran in Metru Nui with the potential to become Toa, but the Toa Metru, that specific team, were the best suited for the particular scenario they found themselves in. Similarly, it was the Toa Mata’s assigned destiny to awaken the great spirit, but if everything had gone according to plan, they never would have been needed.
The main thing I want to talk about now though is the third kind of destiny.
My personal interpretation of Cosmic Scale Destiny, is that this is the universe’s way of dealing with temporal paradoxes and maintaining a stable timeline.
It has been said before that the Bionicle story team didn’t want to include time travel in the Bionicle lore/story because it was just, too messy. However the concept obviously did make its way into canon, most obviously in the form of the Kanohi Mohtrek. The mask of Time Duplication worn by Makuta Bitil in 2008, which allowed the bearer to summon versions of themselves from the past. BA10 Time Trap also featured examples of time travel in the Krattana vision and potentially the damaged Vahi itself.
Specifically regarding the Mohtrek and how it sidesteps the issue of creating a paradox with each use;
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(I’ll address Greg’s implication of an infinite multiverse later.)
If a grandfather paradox is created, the bearer (source of the paradox) is simply removed from the timeline… while a new timeline is created where they never existed. It seems a bit redundant but ok.
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Yellow - Original timeline.
Green - Bitil stops existing.
Red - Bitil never existed.
This could also address the other major talking point of the Mohtrek: ‘If physical injures are retained when a duplicate is sent back, could a message be sent back in time by carving it into your own armour?’ I believe the answer to that would depend on whether or not you’d be creating a grandfather paradox. If the message is inconsequential, then yes, absolutely. If the message would actually alter the course of history or your personal timeline (ie; you never send the message in the first place) then the universes respond would be the same as if you’d died. Both scenarios create the same paradox.
One universe where the paradox occurred.
One self constant universe where the Paradox never occurred.
Which is the main timeline is a matter of perspective, though I am inclined to see the more consistent timeline as the primary one.
Cycling back to the infinite multiverse issue. In the above QaA Greg suggests that any decision (or chance outcome) would result in multiple new timelines, collectively realising every possibility. An infinite and infinitely expanding multiverse. This is both incredibly depressing and inconsistent with some of the core themes and ideas of Bionicle by rendering both Destiny and Free Will utterly meaningless.
Thankfully Greg has also explicitly dismissed the idea of an ‘Infinite Bionicle Multiverse’ by dismissing the idea that the Bionicle Multiverse could contain any version of the; Transformers, Hero Factory, Earth arg etc. franchises. As an infinite multiverse would logically have to contain.
(Unless the Bionicle Multiverse actively culls timelines which diverge too far, similar to the Nasuverse)
My conclusion therefore is that the universe must require a particular catalyst in order to split the timeline. Thankfully the Mohtrek gives us the perfect catalyst. Temporal Paradoxes. Specifically a Grandfather Paradox.
Now, I’m not suggesting that the Toa Empire exists because someone traveled back in time to help Tuyet. But ‘something’ happened to alter the course of history in such a way that a paradox was created. Actually that ties into another, significantly more speculative headcanon I have regarding the Vahi that I’ll really have to write down one day. To sum up, my theory is that the Vahi’s very existence is one massive, unstable Bootstrap Paradox.
A causal loop wherein the mask has no true beginning or end as it effectively causes its own existence.
The Vahi;
- Arrives from future - exists - breaks - reforged as disks - reforged as mask - exists - sent to past -
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Yellow - Vahi timeline.
Green - main timeline.
Red - divergent timelines.
(Please forgive the inconsistent colour keys on these diagrams).
Destiny is effectively the force which ensures causal loops (aka bootstrap paradox) remain stable and consistent. But Because some of these loops aren’t stable, we get slight differences and inconsistencies which could have cascading effects. If an event occurs which would break that loop, those events are shuffled off into their own timeline while the ‘main’ timeline remains constant or is nudged back on course.
I’m going to leave it there for tonight cuz it’s late and I have to work tomorrow.
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nijicx · 1 year
Loved spiderverse. When it comes to your characters, is there any alternate universe version of them you think would be interesting to explore or to have the original meet? Like a hero meets a villain version of themselves, etc.
So did I! The passion that has been put into both movies always re-ignites my passion to work on my own heroes~ As for them meeting alternate versions of themselves, I actually made a post a few years back about a little sidestory involving two villains of mine named PinPoint and Wayfarer in which they meet alternate selves. Pinpoints power is finding the exact duplicate of any object, so like, if you've lost a button from the same shirt, she could locate the other button if she was holding one of the remaining ones. Wayfarer on the other hand, can transport himself anywhere he's seen, and when Pinpoint shares a vision of a place that an object is, Wayfarer is able to transport them there instantly. But people don't have exact duplicates, even as twins its rare for someone to have completely identical DNA, so when Pinpoint touches people, she's able to see a version of themselves not of their dimension, and if she shares that vision with Wayfarer, he can take them hopping back and forth through it. The kids get accidentally sucked along with them as Pin and Wayfarer look for versions of themselves where their lives didn't take the route it did, and they end up meeting a few of their counterparts. I think the one I enjoyed daydreaming about is them meeting Jin's twin (who's name I cannot remember because I am a TERRIBLE OC creator! It will hit me 15 minutes from now while i do dishes im sure). Jin's twin didn't get born, his Art cells bonded to Jin's fetus instead allowing him control over his parasitic fetus's power. In that timeline Jin simply goes to culinary school more or less like he wanted, and meeting the brother that never actually existed really freaked everybody out since he isn't a conscious being in their dimension. Shimi's timeline actually doesn't change in the other dimension which also kinda freaks everyone out, even though in the other dimension he's slightly older than he is now. Winston finds out that he doesn't even go the hero route and simply goes to work and basically isn't present for that whole arc. Which allows him some very necessary self insight since he's an idiot and is allergic to any self awareness whatsoever lol Izumi remaining a villain in that timeline and trying to get back into their dimension is very fun to mess around with as well, like Pin and Wayfarer, Alternate Izumi would want to be in the dimension where he is saved by friends he never was allowed to make in this one. One day I'd love to do a little comic about it cause I LOVE alternate timeline shinanigans, but I don't have a single character I don't have fun thinking about if they met their alternate selves how that'd be like~
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curio-queries · 10 months
Jungkook Audacy Performance
Here's a link in case you haven't watched it yet. Please do watch it first as I don't like influencing anyone's initial reaction.
Back? Cool, I have thoughts.
I desperately wanted to love this but there are just some execution issues that I'm struggling to get past.
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I actually didn't mind this performance much, still don't really care for the song but it's just not to my personal taste. This was the best application of JK purposely putting down the mic though, having him place it on the table. I always get just a little cringe when he puts it on the floor in the other performances but I have a suspicion it's supposed to be an enticing move that just does nothing for my ace self.
I still don't understand why there are so many dancers with JK. Especially on this small stage, it just looks crowded. Thus song is supposed to feel a little more intimate but the juxtaposition with so many others on stage with him is just awkward.
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I got so excited when I saw the first JK duplicate! This type of filmmaking requires planning and preparation and I know the BTS production team is capable of some pretty cool visuals....but apparently the intended direction was to make the audience feel as seasick as possible while staring at a screen? What is with the continuous Dutch angles and floaty zooms?? Oh it's so bad. I can tell there was a great idea but it's just so poorly executed...
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I absolutely DESPISE the 'mute' method of censoring in songs. As much as I dislike the rap in this song, I'd so much rather hear it than the abrupt muting of specific words. Pretty sure there's something happening psychologically that makes me fill in the gap mentally and then those individual words stick around longer but with no context. I realize they do it because they need to comply with some broadcasting policy but I wish never again to hear a clean version of ANY song with this approach, fill it in with something else or don't do it.
But THIS song absolutely makes sense to have so many dancers, and they've allocated enough space for it.
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I wish I hadn't been spoiled as to this song being in this performance. It would have been a great moment of wonderment when a song other than the titles was about to start. Oh well, had to be in esrly meetings.
So...um...I understand the vision for this performance and it's actually an interesting idea with this song but...how do I say this nicely... This was completely reliant on JK's acting abilities to walk that fine line to not get into actual creeper territory and while JK is a great performer, he's really not that great of an actor. The edit didn't help him much either.
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I'd like to end on a positive note though and go over some of the things that were great with this performance.
The set design! Absolutely gorgeous! Excellent idea and blocking for joining these songs into a cohesive performance.
The lighting! Oi, whomever was in charge of this, they did a great job! Absolutely perfection functionally for coverage and to support the storytelling.
That's it though...there will absolutely be some gorgeous stills and gifs that can come from this material. (not my crappy screen records, see someone else for the good ones! Lol) Overall this performance has continued the Golden theme of a great idea with some execution issues.
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kayssweetdreams · 2 years
Maestro Hiccups 2 Nightmares Unleashed Part 28
Cal and Lucy separated as they went searched for Attilio. The former chess champion was having Trouble navigating through the strange new terrain, but he followed what looked to be Attilio's hair. He stopped to catch his breath "How (pant) on earth is (pant) he that fast?!" He yelled, starting on the trail again.
Cal ran through the brightly colored forest, when he started to see that the flora around his was starting to become less...colorful. The bright pinks and greens were starting to become more and more light, or dark... on both sides of Cal. The Checkered King gazed at the plants with an uneasy look. "I don't like where this is going..." He said.
And as it turns out...Cal's hunch was right.
When he continued forward, the sprawling flora was gone, and the sky turned jet black. Instead, what lied ahead was a never ending chess board, as far as the eye can see. On each side there were chess pieces, all the size of sky scrapers. Cal went pale "Oh no...Not again..." He pleaded, backing away.
A heavy hand rested down on his shoulder "Well Well. Look who's returned..." His own voice said from behind. Cal slowly turned around, and to his horror, the arrogant version of him had returned. "Why it's the FORMER chess champion." He taunted, a terrifyingly large smile on his face. Cal's face went hard. "What do you want?" He asked, pulling his shoulder away from the double.
"Why, I'm simply asking for a one on one match. If you win, I'll simply leave you Alone. However...if I win...let's just say you're gonna be here for a while." The double said cryptically. Cal looked uncertain, but he reluctantly agreed. "Fine. One game." He said.
The double gave a suspicious smile as he snapped his fingers, and the two of them ended up at a table with a chess board on it. Although, Cal had a simple stool, while the double had a large Diamond encrusted throne. He narrowed his eyes at the double "Show-off." He muttered, taking his seat.
The two of them began to play, however, almost instantly, the double got the upper hand. And soon, it got to the point that it was borderline cheating, from Cal's stool breaking, to the double flat out eating the Chess pieces. Soon, Cal only had one piece left, and he was about to lose.
"Well. That was almost TOO easy." The double jeered, picking up his own king piece, and moving it towards Cal's "I guess this can only mean one thing..." The dubious duplicate said to Cal, as he didn't notice that a giant king piece was above his head...
And the piece crashed down onto Cal.
Lucy however, was having a rough time as well. While she followed what seemed to be a glimpse of Attilio, the road that she tread upon began to feel less and less solid, as the foilage around her had become more...sticky. the colors above had swirled together, making the sky look like a tye dye banner, while the ground and trees had become solid paint.
"Even I can't stand this...and I'm a painter." She said, grimacing at the paint that found its way into her shoes. Lucy found herself moving faster to find at least some SOLID ground, so that she could get her bearings. After a few moments, Lucy did manage to find some solid ground. A familiar marble checkerboard flooring that reminded her of her gallery.
Lucy squinted her eyes un confusion, and turned around, only find herself face to face with a pitch black canvas, splattered in various shades of black and grey. Lucy's eyes widened as she turned away from it, but her vision caught more of those dark canvases, each one splattered with more and more paint.
The poor painter found it too overwhelming, and turned away from them all, she had bumped into a very large, and dark canvas...with a horrible self portrait of her. Lucy backed away, as tears leaked from her eyes, as bad memories of artist block came back to her...all the while she didn't notice that the canvas was falling towards her.
Back in the 'Nightopia...'
'Attilio' walked around the forest, looking for his friends with dulled out eyes and a far off expression in his eyes. He looked through a bush, and found 'Cal' and 'Lucy' canoodling each other. "There you two are! Having fun in La La Land?" 'Attilio' asked.
"Better than we ever have." 'Cal' said as the two of them rubbed their noses against each other "Indeed my Checkered King." 'Lucy' said giving 'Cal' a passionate kiss on his cheek. 'Attilio' gave a Hearty laugh "Well then, what say that we get out of here and find the others?" He asked. 'Cal' snuggled 'Lucy' close to him "Sure! In a minute." He said giving the painter another kiss...
All the while, Two icy blue eyes watched them from the shadows...
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kronosfm · 1 year
hello! do you have any most wanted faced and abilities? <3 thank you
hi! for most wanted fcs, we'd love to see oscar isaac, gong yoo, omar sy, rami malek, arian moayed, tenoch huerta, idris elba, lucy liu, maggie q, michelle yeoh, elodie yung, yaya dacosta, dichen lachman, golshifteh farahani, jessica alba, salma hayek, tao okamoto, gina torres, uzo aduba, sen mitsuji, john cho, andrew koji, wi hajoon, david castañeda, henry golding, yahya abdul-mateen ii, martin sensmeier, aldis hodge, john boyega, francois arnaud, laith ashley, manny jacinto, ncuti gatwa, sean teale, ritu arya, deepika padukone, wakeema hollis, nathalie emmanuel, wawwa nicha, aiysha hart, laura harrier, aditi rao hydari, tessa thompson, zión moreno, nathalie kelley, archie renaux, brandon perea, justice smith, kento yamazaki, apo nattawin, aria shahghasemi, sota fukushi, jade hassouné, kofi siriboe, madeleine madden, khadijha red thunder, courtney eaton, medalion rahimi, banita sandhu, sun yihan, maris racal, imaan hammam, brianne tju, alba baptista, park sooyoung, kitty chicha, zorzo natharuetai, lovie simone, tati gabrielle, baifern pimchanok, adeline rudolph, eva noblezada, keke palmer, mina el hammani, jessie mei li, poppy liu, avan jogia, moon gayoung, dilraba dilmurat, and sydney park!
as for abilities, we'd love telekinesis, temporary power mimicry or nullification, light manipulation, teleportation, sound manipulation, omnilingualism, self-duplication, metal manipulation, earth manipulation, air manipulation, heat-ray vision, intangibility, mediumship, animal communication, flight, dimensional storage, weather manipulation, enhanced strength, weapon manipulation, or maybe poison resistance around here!
members, feel free to chime in below!
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sparklytigerreview · 2 years
15 Surprising Stats About Black Rice Benefits And Side Effects
Thus, much continues to be created on the subject of leadership and a lot of writers and speakers have made an effort to listing People characteristics they believe are essential for leaders. Having said that, most often these tries focus upon qualities that make a frontrunner personable, affable and common. The following six attributes are success of character and private integrity and therefore are deeply seated inside people who have them. They need to be produced as a result of self-discipline, time and tension; they aren't inherited; and cannot not feigned, not less than not for prolonged. This kind of attributes are the result of instruction, dedication and also a deep problem for what is true, and also for the most beneficial interests of Other people. They are modeled on a daily basis. Tested and verified in times of demo and adversity. Moreover, These are as valuable as gold and Similarly scarce.
Attribute #one of Leaders - Set Substantial Standards
Leaders established high benchmarks for by themselves and those that observe. I'm reminded of leaders like Booker T. Washington, who started which has a vision, not of what was, but of what could and will be. Born a slave Soon prior to the outbreak of the civil war, he taught himself to read. As an Grownup, he saw the need to determine a university for ex-slaves, who had been excluded from the present higher education method. When he 1st arrived at Tuskegee, AL, the place he had anticipated First funding and also a making suited to his function in founding the Tuskegee Institute, he located only ruins. At this time, Many of us might have provided up or made the decision it was not the right place or time, retreating to await a better convert of situation. Instead Booker T. Washington started by teaching his pupils to back garden, making sure that they may try to eat and offer the surplus to boost the money essential to invest in textbooks. Then he taught them for making bricks from which to develop the properties and for sale to boost income for the opposite components essential. Booker T. Washington realized that almost nothing of accurate benefit resulted from any program of action aside from by effort. Without a doubt, this was his motto and also a Basis on which his college students began their instruction. He set high standards for himself and his learners and he predicted results.
Attribute #2 of Leaders - Reside Your Expectations and Mentor Individuals that Stick to
Leaders Dwell up on the standards they have set and mentor those who are attempting to comply with them. Quite a few leaders are constant in demanding of on their own compliance Along with the specifications they espouse. People who usually do not are only fooling them selves. Nothing at all disqualifies a would-be leader faster than a double normal, a person for them and another for anyone below their authority. Anybody who thinks which they can sustain this type of charade is sorely mistaken. Their subordinates will quickly see by their duplicity and loyalty will rapidly get replaced by disgust and only grudging obedience and lip assistance.
Where by most leaders are unsuccessful nevertheless, is in mentoring people who follow. For a few motive leaders count on that their followers will understand by way of osmosis, the best way to achieve towards the specifications established by their leadership. Absolutely, modeling from the leaders is usually a necessary component of the procedure, but way more is required. You don't practice a baby from infancy on through adolescence by modeling correct actions by itself. It will require regular, concerted exertion verbally communicating not merely what is predicted, but how. Yet for some explanation, most leaders imagine that merely setting up the specifications is all that is important. Powerful leaders make investments them selves into their followers. The top illustration from all of background is Jesus. He spent a few several years teaching, mentoring, and dwelling out his criteria intimately ahead of a dozen followers, who later on set the Roman earth on fire. In that small a few 12 months period, Jesus' disciples came to check out, settle for and declare His eyesight as their own individual and the remainder of their lives Obviously mirrored His profound effect upon them. He became to them the embodiment of the standards He espoused.
Attribute #three of Leaders - Create and Share a Vision
Every single thriving leader should instill the eyesight of where the Firm goes and what is critical to achieve that intention. And not using a eyesight, there is absolutely no unity. I am constantly astonished at the volume of organizations that go on yr immediately after yr in the in the vicinity of whole absence of vision and thus unity. In the corporate world, exploration and growth departments make services and products for which there is no marketplace, manufacturing proceeds to supply things with which consumers are dissatisfied, find difficult to assemble and use. Engineering results in designs that happen to be highly-priced and inefficient to manufacture and customer care forces shoppers to endure a labyrinth of voice mail options and Web-site menus that frustrate and confuse customers in search of a "real" human being with whom to talk.
Even in businesses that tout by themselves as "visionary", all as well frequently this eyesight extends to only some facets and functions of the Business. Almost never does it permeate its essence and completely to its core. A splintered eyesight or one which is carried out in a very fragmented way will often end in competing passions and factors within the Firm, vying for assets, Every single contemplating their specific purpose and sphere of effort and hard work is most crucial. Winston Churchill experienced an enormous undertaking while in the war a long time subsequent the demise on the Chamberlin authorities. The way to unify and acquire Britain's terrified populace and speedily dwindling industrial foundation into only one cohesive pressure With all the will to defeat Nazi Germany, Regardless of the seemingly impossible odds and specter of impending invasion. What did Churchill say at such a essential hour in Britain's heritage? "I'm able to give you only blood, sweat, toil and tears", was his contact into the nation. He certainly didn't sugar coat his message. Britain responded with every little thing its people today experienced, hanging on by way of seemingly ceaseless bombings, rocket attacks and finally the Fight of Britain. His words of encouragement, just: "By no means, never, by no means give up." He possessed a singular vision in All those dim days of Earth War II, just before The usa entered the war against Nazi Germany and he communicated it ceaselessly to the nation that hung on by a thread.
Efficient leaders are driven by a singular vision, not of what is, but of what's to become they usually Be sure that Every person all around them understands and buys into that eyesight.
Attribute #four of Leaders - Make the Really hard Choices When Essential
Powerful leaders are characterized by a willingness to create the difficult conclusions when vital. Gene Krantz, the Apollo 13 Houston Flight Director supplies an excellent case in point. Half technique to the moon on the "program" House mission, an on-board explosion rips the outer shell from the spacecraft, detrimental vital lifetime help and propulsion systems. The most beneficial Option is also the one which seems most difficult. Continue on the mission to your moon and use its orbit being a slingshot to return the three astronauts to earth. The only problem is that they deficiency the mandatory lifetime guidance and electricity for a trip that extensive. Krantz's response; declare first that no astronauts will probably be missing on his watch. "Failure is not really an alternative", Regardless how impossible the present dilemma seems. Then make the irreversible motivation to the best system of action. The explorer Cortez burned the boats, thus generating retreat impossible. However it really is human mother nature that occasionally of maximum crises, the majority really wants to keep their selections open. Real leaders, on the other hand, figure out that for that Firm to achieve the specified aim there has to be whole focus on the selected Resolution and everyone will have to understand that heading back isn't a choice.
Attribute #five of Leaders - Be Visible and Out Front
Leaders, to be revered, need to be seen. That is certainly visibly out entrance. The unseen leader is definitely the chief not followed. Visibility is essential and The good news is in our age of global telecommunications, this is well accomplished. Having said that, remaining obvious and being "out front" are not necessarily 1 in exactly the same. Marriott Motels is exciting in their observe of quite conspicuously https://en.search.wordpress.com/?src=organic&q=black rice positioning a portray on the Marriott's, father and son, inside the foyer of each lodge. Why did they do that? Self-importance? No. Identification. To both their clientele and team, this father and son group was existing and main how, not simply from their presence inside their portray, although it was undoubtedly a relentless and graphic reminder that somebody was really within the helm. Everybody inside the Marriott companies appreciates someone is in the end responsible and Moreover, they know who that someone is. Everybody knows where by the buck stops, as Harry Truman would say. In the present significantly flung corporations spanning contents, as part of your Group, whatever its dimension, do people truly know wherever the buck stops? Do they, clients and employees alike, have a transparent and constant feeling that somebody, a real individual, not voicemail, is absolutely in charge? And a lot more than in charge, do see you as their Management, remaining out in front, or basically locked absent in a few ivory tower company Business, out of sight and away from thoughts.
Normal George Patton is often a vintage illustration of out entrance Management. Previous blood and guts George. His Guys liked him and his Adult males hated him, often concurrently. Patton had a name for incurring the heaviest casualties from the opening hrs of each conflict where he engaged, and his troops realized it. In addition they understood that he had the bottom casualty fees for every engagement, simply because he was unafraid to dedicate his resources unsparingly and without the need of regard to the lives that could be missing in so doing. He realized that to save the most Adult men from Loss of life, he have to be ready to endanger by far the most and Of course, deliver some for their deaths, occasionally, several. His troops also knew one other detail about their leader. That when he sent them into beat, It doesn't matter how savage, he, Basic George Patton, would go along with them. Major from out-entrance. A practice for which, he was consistently subjected to criticism from his superiors. Contrast this with Standard William Westmoreland in Vietnam. Evidently there have been several causes for the morale complications endured by U.S. troops through the Vietnam War and no one lead to may be singled out as overriding, but The truth that how to cook black rice as his infantrymen lay from the muddy rice patties, seeing their buddies dying to get a result in they didn't have an understanding of, In addition they realized that their commanding typical was dining daily in Saigon, on gourmet food items served on wonderful china and linen table cloths, served by G.I. attendants sporting starched white waistcoats and white gloves. Patton's response to his superiors when criticized for his exploits for the frontlines of struggle was characteristically that, "he realized no way to steer from behind".
Attribute #6 of Leaders - Instill Hope in People that Comply with
The final attribute of profitable leaders is their capability to instill hope. None of us can continue to increase, produce and perform at our optimum probable with no hope. Hope for fulfillment, hope for recognition and reward and most of all, hope that in truth we can make a change from the long-term result. Hope materials the vital gas that allows the human spirit to carry on transferring ahead, particularly in the encounter of critical adversity. This was the context during which President Lincoln spurred the North forward in light-weight of your Union's defeat immediately after defeat within the bloody carnage in the Civil War. A hope that at the end of the prolonged and horrible evening, we would emerge Again as one nation and this time, all men would have the capacity to take pleasure in the privilege of remaining absolutely free.
We reside in a time when cynicism and doubt, especially in regard to leaders as well as their motives are rampant in just about every spot of our tradition, including don't just company, but will also authorities and nonprofit businesses. Could be leaders, to generally be efficient and in the long run profitable, need to exhibit to Those people they count on to steer, the personal integrity needed to acquire in themselves these six characteristics. To Dwell out these characteristics, not correctly, but humanly, such as failing, admitting failure and Understanding from it. Thus, leaders can instill in their followers the loyalty and determination needed for them to simply accept the higher specifications the chief sets, designs and mentors; undertake the chief's vision as their own individual and acknowledge the inescapable tricky decisions; for his or her leaders are out front, visible; furnishing hope for the long run.
Copyright 2005 by John Di Frances
With the mounting epidemic of obesity and diabetes on earth, it is crucial to choose actions to circumvent these critical illnesses. Below are a few foods that will help to decrease and Command your blood sugar, if they are extra for your diet regime:
A new Swedish university research showed that consuming pickles or incorporating vinegar in your meal can cut down your blood sugar ranges by around 50%. In addition to pickles, most anything at all with acetic acid in it, for example vinegar, has an identical outcome. It really is somewhat uncomplicated to include vinegar right into a food, just utilize a vinegar centered salad dressing on your salad or use it for a dip for vegetables. Pickles and vinegar works by slowing down or stopping the carbohydrates you ate with the meal from breaking down with your stomach, So it can be absorbed slowly and gradually, which stops it from remaining transformed to sugar quickly. The impact isn't the same in case you consume bread and butter kind pickles, as These have sugar.
A current analyze screening the consequences of almonds on blood sugar had astonishing outcomes. People that ate about two ounces of almonds right after eating a piece of sliced white bread experienced significantly lessen blood sugar than those who did not consume the almonds. The examine also showed related effects when screening with mashed potatoes and rice. Almonds are full of antioxidants as well as other natural vitamins and minerals, so They may be a fantastic addition to any one's diet plan, no matter if you have got blood sugar complications or not.
Sweet Potatoes
Higher in fiber and carotenoids, sweet potatoes are also high in antioxidants which were proven to help you Your entire body improved reply to insulin. Skip the brown sugar and syrupy canned varieties, nevertheless, as they will not have the identical effect.
This includes flax seeds and flax oil supplements. Some research have demonstrated a stabilization of blood sugar degrees with supplementation or amplified use of flax seeds and flax seed oil.
A research in Pakistan confirmed that diabetics who took compact does of cinnamon, from just 1/four teaspoon to 2 teaspoons daily, experienced their bodies organic insulin creation increase. The examine also showed beneficial consequences on cholesterol.
So, why not try baking some sweet potatoes and remember the cinnamon! When you're at it, Have a very big salad that has a tasty and tangy dressing of olive oil and vinegar.
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servantofthefates · 3 years
How a Scorpio REALLY Sees You
Now that it’s Scorpio season, it’s time for brutal honesty.
Aries – As a Twin
A love-hate dynamic. Not because we do not understand each other, but because we are way too similar. Same level of temper and ambition. After all, Aries is Cardinal Fire and Scorpio is Honorary Fire; and Aries’ father Mars is Scorpio’s ancient ruler. Between the two, there is intimidation. But at the end of the day, nobody comprehends Scorpio like you do.
Taurus – As an Ally
Great at marathons and other challenges of endurance, Taurus is an asset to Scorpio. We both have an inner sense of stability, long-term vision and the capacity for patience with a purpose. Of course both being Fixed signs, there may be clashes at times. But also because both are Fixed signs, our values deep down tend to align.
Gemini – As a Potential Enemy
Just because Scorpio likes or loves you does not mean Scorpio trusts you. Gemini at its core has the tendency for duplicity. A manipulative streak that may be calmed but never really killed. That is why Scorpio can greatly enjoy Gemini’s fun personality, while never forgetting that with them, falseness is always a possibility.
Cancer – As a Cousin
You love some of your cousins. Others, you hate. Others yet, you have absolutely no feelings for. Scorpio and Cancer are similar but not alike. Both being Water signs, our level of sensitivity and capability for strong emotion should be comparable. But Cancer’s passive-aggressive tendency is something that makes forthright Scorpio reject their company.
Leo – As the Potential Soulmate
At their best, Fixed signs Scorpio and Leo are the most loyal of the twelve. They also tend to have the greatest sense of self love — something deeper and more meaningful than ego. And so when you combine two people who truly love themselves and who are also capable of pure faithfulness to somebody else, then what you have is a connection that will last for ages.
Virgo – As a Best Friend
There is simply no friction between Virgo and Scorpio. Earth and Water will always create harmony together. And even though Virgo’s intensity is practical while Scorpio’s intensity is emotional, at the end of the day, intensity is still intensity. That is something we recognize and admire in one another. Because of mutual respect, we give way to each other’s peculiarities.
Libra – As an Acquaintance
It is not impossible, but it is difficult, for Scorpio to forge a profound and lasting connection with Libra. Because Scorpio is deep water, and Libra is carefree air. The former craves stability that the latter seems too breezy to offer. Scorpio needs more than what Libra can usually give, and Libra tends to be afraid of Scorpio’s depth. So we just smile at each other from afar.
Scorpio – As a Potential Rival
Chameleons, we can wear any face we want for the day. That is why, of each other, we are wary. Dealing with another Scorpio feels like having a gun pointed at you, while also pointing your gun at that person. Either could go off at any minute. Both people will have strong opinions and even stronger personalities. When not kept in check, explosion is an inevitability.
Sagittarius – As a Younger Sibling
Scorpio sees Sagittarius as a cooler kind of fire. We share Aries’ temperament and Leo’s self esteem. But somehow, we do not have a lot of common ground with Sagittarius. They are, to us, a safer, more transparent version of Gemini. Fun and sociable. But never quite capable of understanding us the way their Fire siblings can.
Capricorn – As a Peer
Scorpio has deep respect for Capricorn. Because this Earth sign knows the true meaning of hard work, commitment and never taking any shortcuts. Even more, Capricorn can just be as ruthless as Scorpio when it comes to things they truly believe in. And that is something that Scorpio acknowledges and very much appreciates.
Aquarius – As a Wildcard
We love some. We hate some. And even those whom we love, we hate sometimes. Aquarius is Fixed Air. But the “Fixed” seems to be less pronounced than the “Air”. We appreciate their innovative mind and fearlessness of being different, but we see in them a tendency for frivolousness that we find unattractive, even repulsive.
Pisces – As a Child
Water at its calmest, Pisces is very sweet and soft-spoken. Scorpio enjoys this submissiveness. We do not see it as a weakness, but rather, something endearing that needs to be protected. Moreover, romanticism, creativity and mysticism are abilities these signs share very strongly. There is between the two a deep kind of affinity.
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