#Dead sea sparrow
alonglistofbirds · 5 months
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[2934/11080] Dead sea sparrow - Passer moabiticus
Order: Passeriformes Suborder: Passeri Superfamily: Passeroidea Family: Passeridae (true sparrows)
Photo credit: Yoav Perlman via Macaulay Library
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Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Men Tell No Tales (2017, Joachim Rønning and Espen Sandberg)
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0lg-a · 2 months
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⋆.˚ Pirates of the Caribbean .𖥔˚
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tooselfaware · 1 month
What I like about this volume so far:
Danitz and Gehrman interaction
Alger and World meetup
Sun and Moon history beef
Hanged Man and Hermit sizing up each other
Hanged Man and Hermit feeding each other's anxiety
New god persona
What I don't like about this volume so far:
Fearing for random characters
Wendt's romance (stop making me cry)
More teasing of Klein and Leonard meetup
Not. Enough. Susie! Give me more Susie!
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navarchus · 1 year
tag drop me hearties.
#devilry. ⟊⚔⟊ || : and really bad eggs.#answered. ⟊⚔⟊ || : ye come seekin’ adventure and salty old pirates,eh?#meme. ⟊⚔⟊ || : prepare to make sail!#meme response. ⟊⚔⟊ || : it be too late to alter course,mateys.#ooc. ⟊⚔⟊ || : no need to expose your superstructure!#musings. ⟊⚔⟊ || : one cannot be moderately dead,or moderately loved,or moderately free.#elizabeth swann. ⟊⚔⟊ || : let me wrap my teeth around the world.#jack sparrow. ⟊⚔⟊ || : a little tune he whistles and a little song he sings,mounting,still triumphant on his torn and broken wings.#cutler beckett. ⟊⚔⟊ || : killing innocent pirates with a gusto.#aesthetic. ⟊⚔⟊ || : we betray the ones we love for those we love a little more.#william turner. ⟊⚔⟊ || : only cruel immortality consumes: I wither slowly in thine arms,here at the quiet limit of the world.#hector barbossa. ⟊⚔⟊ || : and they all dead did lie: and a thousand thousand slimy things lived on,and so did I.#davy jones. ⟊⚔⟊ || : Charon,the proud and sombre beggar stood,with one strong vengeful hand on either oar.#james norrington. ⟊⚔⟊ || : but man,proud man,drest in a little brief authority,most ignorant of what he’s most assur’d.#mr. cotton. ⟊⚔⟊ || : rule 42 of the Code: no one shall speak to the Man at the Helm,and the Man at the Helm shall speak to no one.#v: pre cotbp. ⟊⚔⟊ || : in memory of golden summer hours,and whispers of a summer sea.#v: cotbp. ⟊⚔⟊ || : I am sick of prettiness,I am sick of privacy. I ride rough waters and shall sink with no one to save me.#v: dmc. ⟊⚔⟊ || : man's apparel she put on,and she follow'd her true lover,for to find him she is gone.#v: awe. ⟊⚔⟊ || : we set out with a map and a flag,with a gun and a rag,with ambitions and dreams.#v: post awe. ⟊⚔⟊ || : when our truth is burned from history,by those who figure justice in fond memory,witness me.#norribeth. ⟊⚔⟊ || : we were two ships in the night,hellbent on trying to survive,and capsized.#willabeth. ⟊⚔⟊ || : all the fear and the fire of the end of the world happens each time a boy falls in love with a girl.#sparrabeth. ⟊⚔⟊ || : we were not made to let ourselves grow rotten on the vine,I know heaven can’t be better than your body next to mine.
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hawkelf · 1 year
In the weird hot takes in stale fandoms category, I still think Jack should have died at the end of AWE.
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socksracoon10 · 8 months
The Banter of Thieves
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Pairing: Jack Sparrow x F!Reader
Jack Sparrow was by no means your friend. He wasn't even an acquaintance. His mere presence irked you, caused you to vomit overboard and wipe the drool that dabbled your chin as you spat out the lovely painting your stomach decided to spew out. The entire Caribbean sea knew better than to mess with you; you were the jewel of the ocean, the only woman to have stood for so long on your feet without ever backing down. Once your crew was outnumbered by the British officers, but you bravely traversed the seas and implied that you had more guts than your opponents. Another instance was when you managed to have stolen an artifact aboard a merchant ship that costed you a good fortune. You were the talk of Tortuga for weeks on end - added to that were rounds of free rum with jealous ladies and ecstatic men surrounding your presence.
So it was of to no surprise that upon hearing your name being tossed around like a ball, Jack Sparrow would've felt a little bit of resentment. Well, not a little - it was a LOT. He was devastated, he was hurt. How could the people trample around singing your name when HE was the infamous Captain Jack Sparrow! THE Captain Jack Sparrow of THE Black Pearl! He couldn't handle it. He just couldn't sit there and watch you swinging your arms around with the other pirates, gleefully cheering on your success. Drink after drink, he noticed the amount of rum you were being passed. Some men forced a glass to you, and though you politely declined, he noticed the way you'd give in after the third persistent person chimed in with a 'please' and there the rum would go down. It would cascade down your neck, around your breasts and find itself sloshed on the ground; Jack hated it. He hated to see the sight of pure, good rum being wasted away like that. 
When you were passed out, slouched against a sturdy chair with the glass still in your hand, Jack had tip-toed to where you sat and stood over your sleeping form. You weren't a hideous creature; he'd seen much worse on his escapades. In his mind, he couldn't fathom to understand how a girl as beautiful and intelligent such as yourself could have the nerve to be a pirate and go against him? Him? Ugh, it made his blood curl at the thought. In any other circumstances, he would've tried to woo you or played some sort of game, but clearly those options were out the window. His eyes cast over to you once again, and he caught onto the tiny sliver of shimmering gold tucked away in your shirt against your bosom. Pursing his lips together, he grabbed a small dagger and carefully used the blade to hook onto the gold's chain; despite being a pirate, he still had SOME manners. Not all of them for a gentlemen, but at least enough so that he wouldn't have to be slapped by the rest of the women on Tortuga. Two was enough for him at the moment. Lifting the chain up into the air, his eyes flickered onto you for a brief moment; you stirred in your sleep, but not too much to indicate that you might be awake. He sighed in relief, holding the chain to the light as his eyes followed the path down to an intricately designed key. He narrowed his eyes at the design pattern, noticing a fresh emblem with the letters "C.D." inscribed. His eyes widened, bringing it closer to him. No, he couldn't believe it. How did she manage to find the key for The Cure of the Dead? Impossible! He pocketed the key, grabbing the glass of rum from her as she whined in her sleep. Chugging it down, he let out a hiss as the liquid flowed down his throat and marched out of the tavern with a new mission set on his mind.
"I'm going to cut off that dirty bastard's prying fingers," You growled, seated firmly in the cabin of your ship; when you had woken up after, you already knew what must've happened when the gold chain was missing and you cursed every God that existed in your mind to help you find Sparrow before he'd get his filthy, grubby hands on what you had desired. The Cure was no simple thing - no, it was not a simple little vial or a chest of wealth - it was much more. There was a certain ritual that was foretold in the legend; the one soul, after giving up four equal drops of blood, would be able to pursue the path of immortality and greatness. Your father had spent ages pillaging and tormenting anyone who proved to be an obstacle just to find the key. And now, under your possession - or well, was under your possession - you were extremely keen on protecting your father's legacy through the key, anxious to seek the glory in honor of your fearless father. At the present moment, that dream was starting to sink faster than a ship caught in a whirlpool thanks to the lovely Captain Jack Sparrow himself.
A few days had passed among the seas and your crew had slowly abandoned your ship, one by one. They knew it was going to be a very tiresome journey, but you should've known better that the slightest inconvenience would have them scuttling away back to their mummies. You cursed at them as they rowed away, swearing to enact your revenge one day if they ever dared to return to your captaincy. Your eyes shifted from them to the large island approaching your ship. You noticed another ship seated on the shore, some crewmen walking about the deck or on the sandy land. Assuming this was Jack's crew, you managed to park your vessel besides them and leaned over the deck to bellow,
"Oi! Is that Gibbs I see there?" 
The old man swiftly turned at the mention of his name, narrowing his eyes at you with a scowl.
"Aye it be, Captain (L/N)," He rolled his eyes, nudging Raggetti whose bulging eyes seemed to seep right through you. Grimacing at the sight of the skeleton-like man, you climbed down onto the beach shore and dug your hands in your pockets.
"Where is that scoundrel?" You snapped, marching forward as a hand rested on the hilt of your sword. Gibbs scoffed, 
"Bit of a strong word to use there, love," He paused for a moment, rubbing his nose before looking at you, "But if you must know, he went through the trees himself."
"Nobody else with him?" 
"Nobody else."
"Well, then, after I acquire what is rightfully man, you all will very much be welcome aboard my ship." You grinned, scanning Jack's crew.
"But we've already got ourself a captain," Raggetti scorned to which you quickly added,
"Not after I'm through with Jack, you won't."
You left the gaping faces behind as you marched into the leafy forest ahead of you. Stepping over a few roots, you noticed a distinct imprint on the mud just a few inches from where you stood; the fool must've slipped and fell on his own face. With a guttural groan, you pushed through and followed the signs among your surroundings, the very same that your father used to tell you. Remembering his tales comforted you immensely, and you wished he was here to see his little girl all grown up and ready to see the treasure he had wished for so long. He would be proud of her, he would've loved her. He would've... surely not expected to see Jack Sparrow stuck between the branches of a tree.
"Jack?" You cocked your head to the side, stepping around the tree to see his face. His features were all scrunched up as he tugged his body to the best of his ability against the branches.
"Those stupid roots!" He exclaimed in a muffled tone. He cried out in exasperation, continuing to tug himself as much as he could before shrieking, "Don't just stand there! Help me!"
You stepped forward, just about ready to push his face out but you caught yourself, hands still in the air as you raised an eyebrow, "Give me the key first, and then I shall help you."
Upon hearing your words, Jack huffed out in annoyance, "Darlin', I think there's something more important here than your stupid key. Help me, first."
"No," You hissed, "You give me the key, and then I'll help you." You extended your arm out, beckoning for him to hand over your prized possession. Jack glared at you, muttering some cursed under his breath; you could've sworn he had said "that insufferable wench" and you scowled at him.
"Listen, love... darling... sweetheart," He groaned between tugs, "If you help me, I swear I'll hand over the key to you."
"You swear? You swear on your ship?" You prodded, and unbeknownst to you, he crossed his fingers behind his back,
"Of course! Of course, my love! N-Now just g-get me out of this stupid mess!" He seethed. You rolled up your sleeves, and placed your palms against his face, beginning to apply pressure.
"Ow... ow, ow, ow, ow, that's my precious face! You're gonna mush my skull in!" Jack screamed, and your blood boiled at his ungratefulness, causing you to begin pushing harder. You tuned out his cries of pain, finally released him from the stockade-like tree, and watched him howl and roll around the dirt. You kicked the side of his body, extending your hand out again for the key. He groaned as he sat up, taking your hand to lift him off the ground.
"You idiot!" You hissed, swatting his hand away, "I want the key!"
Jack blinked a few times, biting the inside of his cheek, "And here I really thought you'd care for me."
Standing back up on his feet, he noticed the way your gaze never faltered on him. He gave a disgusted expression towards you, sauntering off towards the cave opening with a determined mission on his mind. He paused, looking back at you with your open hand for a brief moment, before instantly picking up his pace. Screaming in anger, you charged after him and hopped onto his back, tugging his locks of hair as he shrieked in pain.
"Ow! Ow! Off, off! Look, women aren't meant to pull on my hair unless we're laying in bed together!" Jack hollered.
"I'm a pirate, you oaf, I can do as I please!" You bellowed, tugging harder and steering him away from the cave opening's keyhole. He stumbled backward and stood still for a moment trying to process something in his head,
"You mean to tell me you're not a woman?" He asked in a genuine tone of voice, before gasping loudly, "You deceitful bastard! You mean to tell me you're a filthy bugger impersonating a female?"
"Are you stupid?" You snarled, completely flabbergasted by his words. Not only was he the most aggravating pirate you'd ever met, but currently while on his back, he was definitely the stupidest one you'd ever come across. Jack trudged forward, trying his best to ignore the sharp pain of his hair practically ripping off his scalp as he shoved the key into its designated home. You cried out in frustration, watching the cave slowly open to reveal the circular stage under the beam of light. Upon seeing the glory in front of you, your head poked around his hair and leaned forward, completely in awe of its beauty. 
"You know, you can get off me back now," Jack smirked, turning his head ever so slightly to catch a glimpse of you. You shut your gaping mouth and hopped off him, dusting yourself of any of his filth as you walked past him. It was almost a dance in the way you blocked his path towards the light, your back facing him as your foot extended outwards and your body swayed.
"Don't be a child," Jack mumbled, stepping back and forth as he tried to find a way around you.
"Shut up, you don't even understand the value of this discovery. My father had spent ages-" You began before being cut off,
"Oh, the same old wishy-washy, swishy-swashy story. We know the legend, we know the journey (Y/N)," Jack yawned, "Your father was a thief for stealing that from Davy Jones."
"Thief? He was a pirate, if anyone's a thief you're the thief! You stole it from me when I was asleep!" You roared. Jack chuckled at your answer when you turned to face him,
"Pirate," He gestured to himself, with his eyebrows raising in the process, "It's part of the job description. And now you're a thief for wanting to steal what's mine... especially after the hell you just put me through," He moaned, rubbing his scalp, gently.
"It's mine." You hissed.
"No, it's mine," Jack stated, pointing to the circular stage.
"Nope, still mine, darlin'."
"You buffoon! It's mine! I get to be immortal, not you!"
"Eh, I've escaped death more times than you have, it's definitely mine, love."
"Oi, don't raise your voice at me. My ears are a bit sensitive," Jack raised a finger, "Still mine, though."
"Now you're just actin' like a child, be a lady... if you even are one," He raised an eyebrow with a suspicious look on his face. That was it, you couldn't take this banter any longer. You lunged forward, tackling him onto the stage as his head scraped against the rocky material. He groaned in pain as he thrashed around, rolling over you. Your elbows brazed against the ground under you and you hissed in pain before grabbing onto Jack's neck and dragging him under you.
As the fighting ensued, you both were completely oblivious to the drops of blood that seeped into the cracks beneath you. You tossed a punch at his jaw as he pulled your hair roughly. The opening of the wall behind you two was overshadowed by the insults that were thrown around with the occasional scream tossed into the mix. It wasn't until the light above you shifted towards the treasure chest meters away did the both of you stopped fighting; you lay on top of him, your head snapping towards the direction of the light as he did the same.
"Is that supposed to happen?" Jack asked, frowning.
"I-I don't know. I never really thought I'd get this far." You replied, trying to make out the sudden shift of the light. In an instant, Jack shoved you off him and bolted towards the chest. His fingers wriggled excitedly as he had a playful smirk on his face. He wrapped his hands around the edges of the chest and brought it open, only to find a small sheet of paper with instructions. That was a whole lot of build-up to nothing.
Glancing over his shoulder, he noticed your unconscious form slouched against a stone. He winced at the sight, carefully walking over to you. He must've shoved you too hard against the rocky stone when he flew to the chest. He glanced back down to the instructions in his hand, before looking back up to you. He took a deep sigh, realizing what he had to do.
When you had woken up, you found your head bandaged firmly. You lay on a small hammock as Gibbs stood before you.
"Aye, you aren't too much of a bad shape. It's a lucky thing Jack managed to bring you in like that." Gibbs smiled, his fingers brushing against your head. You rolled your eyes,
"Let me guess. He must've taken the treasure and run off, didn't he? He must have immortality and the greatest glory to ever exist." You seethed, crossing your arms.
"What? No. Lassie, he left you a little note before venturing off on his own to Tortuga. He's entrusted you to be Captain of the ship for the time being." Gibbs exclaimed, holding a note for you to see, "There's more to this whole shenanigan than just immortality. Apparently both your bloods were combined at the cave... meaning you both are one soul. He's gone off to search for more clues. In the meantime he wants you to rest. He seemed rather worried when we were fixing you up, and kept asking questions as to if you'd be alright or not."
Your mouth slightly parted at Gibbs' words, completely in disbelief. "He was probably making sure I was alright to ensure he'd get his share of the treasure."
"Oh, it was more than that, love," Gibbs winked at you, "I'm sure of it. I've never seen Jack like that around any other woman. Now, enough with me rambling, get your rest. You'll be having lots of more adventures with Jack Sparrow soon."
And with that, he left you with the note and you couldn't help but somehow feel your mind slowly consider Jack Sparrow as more than a thief, more than an acquaintance... and certainly more than a friend.
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hail-brod · 3 months
The Days To Remember [1/2]
Jack Sparrow x FReader
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Summary: What if Will had survived Davy Jone’s attack? And in return, the captain of the Black Pearl got what he wanted—to sail the seas for eternity. But as much as he desired the thrill of that curse, he was torn between a longing sentiment and his greed for exploration. It was either that or honor his chances. Well, he is a mad pirate. Why not settle for both?
WC: 3.1k
Warning/s: Mentions of gore, battle, and consummation, light cursing, light angst, suggestive themes, kissing, madman Jack, sexual tension, smut (next part).
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The battle with Cutler Beckett has met its end. The Black Pearl still stands as your fellow crewmates rejoiced with each other’s cry, voices rumbling out of their chests. Even in your previous state of panic over Jack’s actions to carve his heart out, and ramming it shut into the good ol’ dead man’s chest, your lungs cried out in victory. It was a battle that no man could have ever imagined to happen right before their eyes.
Well, at least maybe just in your case. But you’re damn well sure your mates had the same thought.
This is history.
And as much as you wanted to cling in this moment’s joyous reverie, a single look at the other ship floating right next to yours reminded you of what else your party had gained.
The Flying Dutchman carried itself with a new light, and at the helm stood its new captain, all with his sloppily grandeur demeanor and a wildly pleasant grin. He looked satisfied, and you can’t blame him. This is what he had his eyes on the moment he learned what the ship had to offer; immortality with his beloved sea.
You’re glad that he’s alive and will be around for a very long time and that he got what he desired. That he’s there standing in the presence of his new crewmates who will definitely treat him as a revered captain, heeding his command for it is he who sails it. But as he crossed the deck and towards the plank to bid his farewells on the trusty Black Pearl, his long time darling ship, as well as his loyal crew, you start to feel how much it pained you to see him go as your earlier mirth wisped away into shards of yearning.
You already knew what he planned to do. You were made aware so. And yet, why does it seem like you aren’t prepared yet for this outcome?
There was a falter in your emotions. You have half the mind to not let your bitter smile turn upside down. This is not how you wanted your dear captain to see you one last time.
“No point in hiding it, can ya?” a murmured-like voice speaks next to you. The one-eyed pirate, Ragetti, looks upfront at the sight you were looking at, and points a finger at Jack who’s making the most of his banter with Mr. Gibbs. “If you don’t say it now, ‘tis but a moment you’ll look back on with only regret to accompany it. Well, personally I think you’d regret it more if you’re looking to be with the captain. The Dutchman ain’t worth o’ it all, I tell ya.”
Next to him, his bald-headed companion added. “What the bloody hell do you know? We could take on the ocean and be immortal beings. I’m sure the captain wouldn’t mind us boardin’ in.”
“Go on then! See how it feels to be alive for centuries. It’s just more work ferrying souls—endlessly,” the man bites back with a wisdom you never thought he’d have.
The two bickered on, but you went back to Ragetti’s words. No point in hiding it, can ya? Exactly. At this very moment, you and him are now on a very different footing, on vastly separate worlds. Even if you meet each other at sea whilst he carries on his duty as captain of the Flying Dutchman, it’d be but a fleeting memory that will only tear you away from him before you could even touch the man. So it’s now or never.
It’s either you pursue him or not at all. You have to do it. With only regret to accompany it.
But a line has been drawn, so what in the hells could change once you did so? Wouldn’t that leave you with a broken heart that could easily shatter more into bits?
Jack got what he wanted. What else could he want from you? The helpless woman he saved once from the ocean’s wrath. The torn woman who became a part of his crew even when she had a family waiting for her at shore. The awed crewmate who was only grateful to be a part of his adventure. The teary eyed crewmate who tended to his fatal wound, thinking he would die at her hands.
The appalled crewmate who questioned his choices for choosing her over a hill of wealth—which was very unlike him.
And those were just that. A bond that you will never forget, much less something that you’ll regret. This is what he clearly chose, and you don’t plan to disrupt it. Just like you thought earlier; he’s satisfied.
Yet you see him almost drop his smile from across the deck, a passing gloom that felt so wrong to see on him. It worried you. Nevertheless, his loose smile still hung on as he ran his eyes around the crew, before landing it on you. There was only one thing you could give him, a lopsided smile that you know he’d always return. But this time, it didn’t reach the creases of your eyes and for a moment there, Jack’s expression was that of a relieved one. As if being able to navigate your presence amongst all of the other people onboard was a shining starlight in a vast dark sky. Though, it wasn’t long before he was back at his countenance of flaccidity, elbows at his sides as he sauntered over to you.
“And my darling partner in crime. How could I forget about you?” he teased.
“I’m honestly thinking you did,” you quipped. You then gestured to the docked ship beside the Black Pearl. “With that marvelous thing waiting for you? I’d be over the moon. Well…it could use a bit of color if you ask me.”
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” he replied, eyes seemingly not leaving you. There was something about his gaze that felt intense, and you couldn’t help but meet it, engraving those gleaming dark brown irises into your memory.
As if he was examining you the same, a slight tilt of his head made you aware of the seconds passing by.
“The sea is yours to sail, captain. There’s a lot waiting for you out there,” you said. Your tongue felt bitter.
“Well, yes.” He nodded nonchalantly. “Dead souls precisely.”
“And an endless round of treasures I suppose,” you added as you smiled. And he returned it all the same as the corners of his mouth stretched up into a genuine grin, his golden tooth peeking through. The way he looked at you—it was heartfelt. Not the usual mischief he'd wear. Not a prickle of anything unserious. But it didn't last long as his grin slowly dropped to a melancholic one, his eyes never leaving your own.
Some swell of pride resided in you, seeing that this separation also bothered him. But you won’t assume the extent of such sentiments. You were a team, and that’s where it lies just as it ends.
“Yes…” he hesitantly says. “I believe so.”
For a second there, the world stopped. It was only him that you could see. And in the process, something cracked within you, but you held yourself up with a tilted and pathetic attempt at an amicable smile.
It was time.
“Fair winds, captain," you bade.
His eyes fell from yours, taking him a moment to respond. “Farewell, love.”
And the next thing you saw was his back turned as he strutted far out of your reach.
This was it. This is your choice, and his. No matter how much it hurts, you know that he cherished you as a crewmate just as much as you cherished him as your captain—the savior who made you see light again into this world.
Jack Sparrow was your beginning, and now it’s time to venture forth where that will take you. You owe it all to him.
But, as the said pirate headed towards the plank ‘proudly’, then catching a glimpse of both Elizabeth and Will, that demeanor of his quickly changed with a tilt of his head, annoyance settling through himself like the many times he had to change his course of action. He was one step up the plank when he stopped, seemingly contemplating on the choices he just made.
You had no clue what irked him so. And as you wondered, he turned to you.
The next thing you know he was already striding towards your way, and soon smashed his lips into yours.
At first you didn’t know how to react, but by then it was instinct to shut your eyes close as you felt him deepen the kiss with his hand cradling your head from behind. There was no room for rejection, so you melted into it as his other arm banished all distance between your bodies. He held you closer like nothing before. As if this particular split bothered him just as much as you did.
Out of all the women he wouldn’t be seeing for a long time, it’s you he chose to cherish. And you dreadfully feel lucky right now.
Somehow, the kiss felt like flying as you feel yourself slightly tilt back with his support, his lips a passionate maneuver. Not even his beard could hinder anything as it only served a far more thrilling sensation.
Who would’ve thought your dear captain felt the same?
For that single moment, the pirates around you didn’t matter. Although, you didn’t miss the comment given by one of them, pride dripping in their tone. “Aye, the captain must’ve heard me advice.”
Honestly, you’re fortuitously thankful if Jack actually did hear. And even if not, you’re not really complaining. Perhaps you should start listening to Ragetti’s words of wisdom more from now on—if you ever see each other again, that is.
But you didn't dwell on that further; you’re far too busy at the moment. 
When he slowly pulled back, the hand behind your head trickled down to your neck as you met his blazing dark brown ones, and you simply couldn't tear yourself away from them. Your poor heart rammed in your chest wildly.
Gods, your thoughts ran. Mum never forbade me to fall in love with a pirate, didn’t she?
And as if he could read your thoughts, that charming smirk of his surfaced.
Which is actually a sign that he's about to do something mad.
You frown. "Jack, what—"
Before you could complete the question, the pirate beat you to it as he diverted his attention right past you, his voice booming across the ship. "Hector!"
"Oh, mercy," the said man sounded displeased as he replied, seemingly knowing what Jack had in mind. "No."
From a second's moment of confusion, you eventually realized what Jack was trying to ask the feathered hat pirate. And if your memory serves you right, this almost feels like the one you’ve witnessed during the battle in the maelstrom. With the look Jack chanced at the two newly wedded couple earlier, you started to register where this was leading.
And you can’t believe it yourself. He is Captain Jack Sparrow for a reason, and he's as mad as ever.
The said man simply stretched out an accommodating smile at Barbossa, and with his arms still holding you close, you tried to look behind you only to see that the latter was staring down his nose at your captain.
“Come on, mate. Do it for an old friend, will ya?” pleaded Jack.
You immediately turned back to Jack. “Please confirm it to me that you’re asking him what I think you’re asking him.”
Jack averts his attention back on yours, his smile turning soft. “I think it’s perfectly obvious now, love.” His hands held you closer from behind just like before, thrill stirring in his dark-pooled irises. Though, it quickly changed as his brows folded. “Unless you don’t fancy the idea.”
You almost wanted to laugh at that, but you refrained. “With me? Now?”
“Aye.” He courtly nodded, as if he was telling you the obvious. “And I doubt your village would want you to join the Dutchman’s crew, so there’s no other day, is there?”
You chuckled at that. “Yes. Yes, I suppose they wouldn’t.”
There’s a part in you that’s begging to digress—that this is your choice. But you also know that they are waiting for you; the rapport of kinship to your homeland is what you also held dear. Besides, piracy was not your first option into livelihood. You already had your fill of adventure, even though it was only a matter of debt. To you, the soils of a land and the buzz of a lively village is where you belong.
Yet you stall here, thinking of bounding yourself to someone who’s now forbidden to step on land. Even so, you believe marriage has more to it than just living together.
“Marry me?” Your words came out quite impulsively than you let on.
Jack’s brows deepened a frown as he tried to process your question on whether you were asking him about his point—or that you’re actually asking him to marry you. But it wasn’t long before he eventually caught on, the corners of his lips upturning.
“Yes,” he answered, a compulsion he can’t turn away. “Marry you.”
You hear Barbossa mutter something as all the other heads turn to his annoyed form, who’s now stepping down from the quarter deck. Stance as intimidating as ever, the feathered hat captain sneered at Jack. But when he landed his attention on you, it at least subsided.
If you blink, you could’ve missed the somewhat compassionate expression he almost fully wore.
“Are we doing this or ya lot already regretting it?” he plainly asked, standing a few feet away from you and Jack, looking like he’s already regretting it himself.
“Oh, no,” Jack started. He pulls away from you, but his palm met yours, and bends down to place a kiss on your backhand without breaking an eye on yours. “No regrets here…nor will I ever.”
You should’ve been shrinking in embarrassment by then, knowing that you were surrounded by a crowd of all kinds of pirates, or melting on the wooden floor from the way Jack ravaged you with his gaze. But none of that prevailed in overwhelming you when Barbossa started his officiation of this middle-of-nowhere marriage.
Jack gave you all of his attention, and it was clear that whatever Barbossa was saying didn’t matter to him any more than you were. You hadn’t even realized how quiet everyone was—maybe just out of respect. But you thought wrong when you glimpsed both Ragetti and Pintel leaning at each other in a heartfelt manner as they eyed the occasion. It was sweet of them. Even Elizabeth herself regarded you with a wide smile as she rested her head on her newly wedded husband’s shoulder.
“Just get to it, mate,” Jack called out to Barbossa. “Skip it to the ‘I do’ part?”
You swear your officiant looked like he was one word away from shooting Jack. You couldn’t help but lightly shake your head, smiling. Jack didn’t even spare his first mate a look.
“Jack Sparrow,” Barbossa mentions the name venomously, and soon after, actually heeds Jack’s request.
When he was finally asked the question, he answered it in less than a heartbeat. “I do.”
There was no teasing at play, nor the walls he puts up as a captain. This time, he sounded as serious as he could have ever been. The smile he hung wasn’t the same ol’ frisky one he’d give you when he’s wrought with excitement. It was different, and you know where you'd seen it before.
A time where he decided the fate of something he couldn’t bear to lose.
And at that moment, he took your breath away.
You had not even heard what or how Barbossa asked you the question, nor the words you unleashed from your mouth. But you know it’s what your heart desires.
“I do.”
Your officiant didn’t even have to say anything else when Jack himself leaned in, catching your lips on his.
I could get used to this, you said in your head. For whatever time we’ve got at least. You couldn’t think of anything else, aside from realizing that Jack had such softer lips than you would have thought of.
“Somehow I’m surprised I haven’t gone and tried to kiss you before all this,” he says as soon as he breaks away, his forehead leaning closely to yours as his hat casts shadows over your faces.
“Did I actually leave you wanting, Captain?” you replied, reminiscing the ghost of his lips on yours.
“No captain, no,” he folded a brow. “Darling would be rather appropriate, wouldn’t it? And yes. Should I demonstrate my love for you again? Because I’m willing to take me single day at shore with just you.”
His gaze didn’t waver as he said that. Sure, you could identify the lingering sexual desire in the door of his soul, but there was also vulnerability. If this was anything like the ways of his seduction to other women, it was not. Because he isn’t trying to seduce you—you’re already his.
Though, with the weight of what the future holds, along with the fact that he’s bound with his new cursed ship with ten years worth of service, there is only one day of respite given to him from the harshness of the seas.
And to be with you.
Well, you mildly think he’d view the seas as harsh when for all his life he loved it. But only a day on land is just as harsh. A longing desire even.
And it certainly doesn’t change the fact that this is the last day you’ll ever hold each other again like this. Not for the next year, nor five. But for a decade. And just until that single day comes again, will you two be able to burn your hearts out.
Your hold on him tightened without you noticing. Getting eloped so suddenly without thinking it through first was certainly not on your list for today. It was all about surviving Davy Jone’s Locker and the battle with the pirate lords. But by the time Jack incited his desire of marriage, it was pretty much clear you both wanted no regrets. For even how too mad it was for you, it is a decision that you will look back on with gratitude for yourself.
Whatever may come, you know that you love and will love this madman.
So as you brushed past the flutter his words had given you, shamelessly suggesting the idea of consummation, your toes pushed you up as you tasted his lips once again. “Shall we make it worthwhile for the next ten years then?” you softly muttered to him after.
Recovering from the kiss, he fluttered his eyes open, grinning. “As worthwhile as can ever be, love.”
>> Part 2
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A/N: Thank you so much for reading! As what I've typed above, this will have a pt. 2 which I've already written and been moving onwards to finishing it with a wee bit of editing (jk not wee actually). Here's to hoping I'll be able to settle that next week. I'm just excited because it's been fun writing this >.< Especially the next spicy part— Do don't expect too high on my smut prowess. It has been awhile since I wrote one but it isn't for naught. Because even I shocked myself with what I've just written (´。_。`) And lastly, if anyone wants to be tagged for the next one, feel free to comment about it or anything!
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anonymousewrites · 3 months
Pearl of the Sea
Found Family! PoTC Cast x Teen! Non-binary! Reader Platonic! Will Turner x Reader Platonic! Elizabeth Swann x Reader Platonic! Jack Sparrow x Reader Platonic! Tia Dalma x Reader
Based on the Events of Curse of the Black Pearl, Dead Man's Chest, and At World's End
Prologue: Found at Sea
Chapter One: Troublemaking at the Promotion
Chapter Two: Battling in Port Royal
Chapter Three: Commandeering the Interceptor
Chapter Four: Recruiting on Tortuga
Chapter Five: Arriving at Isla de Muerta
Chapter Six: Outrunning the Black Pearl
Chapter Seven: Stranded on an Island
Chapter Eight: Dueling on Isle de Muerta
Chapter Nine: Hanging a Pirate
Chapter Ten: Arrested at a Wedding
Chapter Eleven: Captured by Cannibals
Chapter Twelve: Visiting the Witch
Chapter Thirteen: Hiring on Tortuga
Chapter Fourteen: Finding the Chest
Chapter Fifteen: Sword-Fighting for the Chest
Chapter Sixteen: Attacking Kraken
Chapter Seventeen: Sacrificing for Escape
Chapter Eighteen: Meeting Sao Feng
Chapter Nineteen: Journeying to the Locker
Chapter Twenty: Seeing the Dead
Chapter Twenty-One: Escaping the Locker
Chapter Twenty-Two: Bargaining for Freedom
To be continued...
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spirit of nature ~ jack sparrow;pirates of the carribean
word count: 2716
request?: yes!
“Yay! Could you do Jack Sparrow with a water Nymph?
Maybe where his crew found them and thought they were a mermaid at first?
Please and thank you!! 🦋🦋💘”
description: in which they save a creature of the sea, and their captain takes interest in her
pairing: captain jack sparrow x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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Captain Jack Sparrow was not the type to ignore cries for help. Especially not when the cries sounded like they were coming from a woman in distress.
It was an otherwise calm day as sea when shrieks of fear broke through the otherwise silent sea. Jack quickly rushed to the bow with his telescope in hand. In the distance, he could see another ship sailing away from them while a figure that looked like a woman was thrashing in the water, what looked like a net wrapped around her making it hard for her to stay afloat.
“Prepare a rescue, men!” Jack announced. “We have a potential distressed captive dead ahead!”
His men quickly rushed to the side of the ship as they approached the still thrashing figure. One of them threw a rope into the water as they got closer and it landed just next to the distressed woman. She didn’t hesitate to reach out one of her arms - which the ship came to realize was partly bound to her - the best she could and hold on tightly as they began to raise her onto the ship.
Her entire body was bound and a net was thrown over her, now clinging to her as they pulled her in and laid her out on the deck. She was shivering and she had a fearful look in her eyes as she took in the crew of pirates standing around her.
Jack pushed to the front of the crowd to take a look at the woman. Through her bindings, he realized she was naked. He turned to Gibbs and commanded, “Get her something to cover up while we cut her free.”
“Jack,” Gibbs said, “she’s...she’s not human.”
When Jack looked back at the woman, he saw that Gibbs was right. Although the top half of her body was human, the bottom half seemed to be slowly turning from a tail to human legs. This woman was a creature of the sea - potentially a mermaid, which was one of the most dangerous thing a sailor could come across in the entire world.
But she was also scared. She was also tied up and thrown overboard. For what, Jack had no idea. It didn’t seem overly smart to try and drown her since she could breathe under water, but maybe having her tied up so that she couldn’t swim and instead would sink to the bottom and risk being attacked by other sea creatures.
Whether or not she was a mermaid was currently irrelevant. Right now what matter was helping her.
“Get her something to cove up,” Jack repeated. “Find her somewhere to stay that is away from the others.”
Gibbs seemed reluctant, but he did as Jack said. None of his other crewmates would dare to approach the woman, so Jack was the one who had to step up and set her free. When he took a step forward, she whimpered and tried to move away from him.
“I’m not going to hurt you,” Jack assured her. “I’m going to get these bindings off of you. My first mate is getting clothes for you and finding a place for you to stay. But first, I have to cut this stuff off of you, okay?”
She looked at him with wide eyes, like she didn’t believe that he wasn’t going to hurt her, but eventually nodded anyways. Whatever he could do to her couldn’t be any worse than what the other ship had done.
Jack produced a knife from his belt and worked at the net first. She was so tangled in it that there was no way he could just pull her free without harming her. He cut away at the net until it fell around her. Next, he started cutting at the ropes that bound her arms to her body, and that bound her now formed human legs together. The rope left behind terrible rope burn that felt like a fire was set around the areas of her body that it had been tied. She wished to leap back into the water to try and cool the burn, but she was still so exhausted and in so much pain that she knew she needed rest for the night.
Jack positioned himself so that his men couldn’t take in the sight of the naked woman in front of them. He found it a struggle not to glance down at her body, so close to his, but he did his best as he waited for Gibbs to return.
“Who took you before?” he asked her in a hushed voice. “Who threw you into the sea like this?”
She just looked back at him, her eyes wide. He could see she was still afraid. There was no use in pushing her for details now, especially when they were so fresh in her mind. Eventually she would speak, or maybe she wouldn’t and she would just wish to be released back into the water once she was rested. Either way, Jack wasn’t going to push the topic if she wasn’t willing to speak.
Gibbs finally returned with a blanket to wrap around her. He told Jack he had a private area prepared for the woman to stay in along with clothes for her to change into when she was alone. He still looked skeptical of Jack’s decision, but he kept that to himself.
Jack wrapped the woman in the blanket and helped her to her feet. She was hesitant to follow him at first, but eventually gave in and allowed the pirate captain to show her to her room.
“May I ask your name?” he asked her once they had arrived.
In a soft voice she responded, “(Y/N).”
He nodded. “Welcome aboard then, (Y/N).”
The crew were abuzz the entire night about their passenger. None of them would bring the issue up with Jack directly, not wanting to go against the orders of their captain.
Gibbs, however, had no problem bringing the crew’s issue to Jack.
“They don’t trust that woman,” he was saying to Jack. “They’re afraid she has put some sort of spell on you with her mermaid powers. They think she’s going to make you do something stupid like give her the ship.”
“Gibbs, have I ever done something stupid for the sake of a woman?”
Gibbs gave Jack a look and opened his mouth to respond, but Jack held up a hand to cut him off. “Don’t answer that. I understand everyone’s concern, but I truly do not believe that woman is a mermaid. Mermaids usually use their powers to entrance any many around them. If she was truly a mermaid, then she would have all of us under her spell, not just me.”
“Then how do you explain the tail?”
Jack shrugged. “A bad cause of scabbies, maybe.”
“Jack,” Gibbs sighed. “I can’t talk you out of something once your mind is set to it, and I know that, but I want you to truly think about this. That other ship may have tossed her over because she tried to entice them as well and they realized before it was too late. What if she tries to do the same to us?”
“Then you can rub it in my face that you were right. But until then, I want you to respect my decision and do as I say. And that goes for the entire crew. You got that?”
Gibbs nodded. Jack waved a hand to dismiss him and turned to the closed door to the room that held their visitor. He approached the door, intending to go in to check on the woman, but stopped short and instead, deciding to knock.
There was a moment of silence before a timid voice asked, “Who is there?”
“It’s the captain, Jack,” he said. “May I come in?”
Another moment of silence, broken by the sound of the lock on the door being pulled back. When the door didn’t open, Jack let himself in.
She was sat on the bed, now clothed. She had herself curled up as far away from Jack as she could get. He could see she was still trembling, but he knew this was from fear now as opposed to from the cold.
“I just wanted to check on you,” he said. “See how you were feeling.”
“I appreciate the private room, and the clothes that you have provided for me,” she responded. She wouldn’t look at him, opting instead to study the wall in front of her. “Once I regain my strength, I will be going.”
“If that’s what you wish, we shall leave you on whatever island you desire to go.”
She shook her head. “I can swim.”
“I should rather think you wouldn’t want to go back into the water after an attempted drowning.”
“You know I am not human,” she said. “I saw the way your crew looked at me. I saw my own tail when you pulled me on board. You must know that I will be more than fine to be released back into the water.”
Jack nodded. “Whatever you wish, (Y/N).”
When it became evident that she was not going to speak anymore, Jack turned to the door to leave. He had his hand on the doorknob when suddenly she shot up from the bed, reaching out to stop him from leaving. Her hand met his and he felt the ice cold feeling of her skin. She jumped away just as quickly as she touched him, almost as if a switch were flipped inside her.
“I want your word that you will let me go,” she said. Her voice was still low, but there was more force behind it now.
Jack raised an eyebrow at her. “Why would you trust the word of a pirate?”
“I don’t. I don’t trust the word of any man, actually. But I want to hear you say you will let me go so I can determine whether or not you are lying.”
Jack turned to fully face her. She almost shrunk away from him, but found her courage and stood up tall. Jack could still see the fear in her eyes when she looked at him, but he could also see that it was starting to melt away. She was becoming more confident, more courageous. Maybe not comfortable, but he doubted any woman, sea creature or not, would feel comfortable in the presence of a pirate captain.
“I, Captain Jack Sparrow, give you my word that when you wish to leave this ship, we will let you leave without a fight,” he told her.
“You will not harm me?” she asked.
“We will not harm you,” he confirmed.
She studied his face for a moment before turning away. “You seem honest.”
“What did the men on that other ship do to you?”
She tensed. “They wished to kill me. They tied me up so that I wouldn’t be able to free myself from the net or to swim away, and they threw me in with an anchored net so that I would sink to the bottom of the ocean.”
“Lucky for you they didn’t know you weren’t human.”
No response. (Y/N) climbed back onto her bed. She wouldn’t meet his eye again, but this time she looked down at her lap.
“They knew,” she whispered.
Jack sat at the foot of her bed. He made sure to keep a distance between them as to not startle her further. It seemed he was starting to earn her trust if she was willing to tell him even the slightest details of what the men on the other ship had tried to do to her.
“What are you?” he asked. “My men think you are a mermaid, but I think otherwise.”
An amused look crossed her face. “Why do you think that?”
“I have encountered mermaids before. If one was on our ship, she would not let the men fear her. You would have enchanted everyone on this ship to worship you the moment we saved you.”
(Y/N) made a face of disgust. “Those retched creatures have ruined us. They have left a horrid reputation for us Naiads who just wish to protect the water and all its creatures, and do not wish to engage with humans.”
“A water nymph,” (Y/N) explained. “That’s what I am. I do not wish to cause harm to humans, just to care for the creatures who live in water. We don’t even live in the ocean the way that mermaids do. We prefer bodies of fresh water, like rivers and streams. That’s how those men found me. I was in my home pond in the woods when those men came trampling through. They saw me there, just watching them peacefully, and they grabbed me. They though that I was a mermaid, and apparently one of their men had been killed by a mermaid. They wanted revenge.”
Something about the hurt and afraid expression on her face angered Jack. He hoped they would come across the terrible men who had hurt (Y/N) so he could take care of them himself.
“Did they harm you?” he asked.
She shook her head. “They wanted me to suffer. They locked me in a tiny cage with no food for days, they’d give me water occasionally but only by pouring it on me so that my tail would come out and they could jab at it. And then they tied me up and tossed me into the ocean hoping I would sink or be eaten. I’m lucky you and your crew were sailing the same waters, otherwise I may not be here now.”
“I’m glad we saved you.”
When (Y/N) looked up to meet his eye, Jack could’ve been convinced that she truly was a mermaid, because just looking into her eyes took his breath away. He was willing to go to the ends of the Earth to protect her if that’s what she wanted.
But then he realized it wasn’t that she was using some sort of power on him to make him feel this way. It was that he was finally seeing the real (Y/N). The one who wasn’t afraid of him, but the one who trusted him enough to confide her true identity to him. The one who felt enough trust that she was letting her walls down, and now that they were down he could finally see her true beauty.
“Do you still wish to leave so soon?” he found himself asking.
(Y/N) was studying his face again before shaking her head. “No. I feel safer here than I do in the water right now. Not while those bastards are still out there.”
“Whenever you are ready to go back to the water, we will take you somewhere secluded enough that you won’t have to worry about them. And we’ll be sure to protect the area, and you, whenever we are around.”
“But how will you remember where you have left me if it is as secluded as you promise?”
“Oh, I’ll remember.”
(Y/N) seemed to understand what he was inferring. She smiled at him; a small, beautiful smile that almost took Jack’s breath away. He couldn’t help but smile back at her.
Their moment was quickly interrupted by the sound of (Y/N)’s stomach growling. They looked at each other for a moment before beginning to laugh.
“Would you like something to eat?” he asked. “We don’t exactly have fine dining on board, but we have enough food to feed a new passenger for a while.”
“I’ll take anything. I’m starving,” she responded.
Jack stood again and started for the door. “Alright, I’ll be back with something in just a moment.”
“Bring something for yourself, too,” she told him. “Perhaps we can eat together.”
Jack nodded, a smile tugging at his lips again. When he left, he didn’t close the door behind him so that (Y/N) knew that he truly was not trying to lock her away the way her captors had. He was merely giving her the option of privacy if she so desired.
And when he returned, the door was open, a welcoming gesture of her inviting him back into her room.
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ibunyang · 8 days
pirate au go brr. sorry quick lore drop about this au
so it starts with moleswift(DUH...) as pirates they were first mate and his captain (swifts) captain, they were probs looking for something to make them immortal idk fountain of youth pirates of the Caribbean core, they find it they drink from the fountain and mike dies almost instantly compared to norton and he has to get traumatized to see him die in his arms
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Norton realizes he is immortal under the full moon like he's full skelly under the light, so he's just actually a dead man walking. Mike's dead tho but he gets another form of immortality (constant reincarnation)
Anyway, norton and every iteration of Mike throughout 500 years
< soul and sparrow - i think this was his ronald of ness era where he was still trying to hide the fact he was immortal so he kept changing his identity, the first ever time he met another mike that found in a barrel at like 19 years old.. maybe idk, sparrow grew part of his Golden Rose crew, during the whole time… and mike looked up to him as his captain.. until smth more… Ronald projected swifts the most on sparrow, and honestly ended up having to leave him when sparrow was realizing that norton wasnt aging at all since they met, he had to leave him bc he was having an existential crisis about being immortal and not aging at all anymore no matter how he tried to hide or ignore it, so he left sparrow (and the crew, basically fakes his own death.) this is when he just embraces his immortality at this point, after being kind of a recluse for a while
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< cocoa and soul - maybe 100 years after sparrow, and hes given up trying to fake his identity, he has the face paint and everything, hes mostly known as soul now.. cocoa is the owner of an inn and he meets him every time he docks at his towns port, hes nice to him kind.. much softer than sparrow or swifts, but still as cocky and confident in himself (he notes that this mike smokes) cocoa lets him stay over whenever he wants to (hes trying not to get attached to this mike , so hes thankful for the fact that hes not a pirate or a sailor, just someone he can come home to any time, his light house per say.) he didnt have to do a painful goodbye with him, just a letter and the occasional sack of gold and jewels to spoil his favorite chef.
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<pomegranate mike, and soul honestly pomegranate was probably part of a traveling merchant boat that got destroyed at sea, luckily souls crew was around to fish them out of the water, this mike tho wasnt interested in anything that he had to offer preferring the life of being free with his guild at sea or anywhere, he loved to entertain but staying with soul probably felt like a cage. he probably asked soul to take them to the nearest port, hes was a nice equally fun mike, but wasnt interested or too scared to commit to soul. (Wahh da one that got away) soul respects him, of course, but it cant be denied he was hurt over this. and he grew a little bitter because of it.
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<cunning and soul.. - at this point 300 years passed already…pomegranate was the last mike he found and he didn't stay with him long and let him go without fighting because thats mikes choice man WHATEVER anyway, this is nortons sad emo boy era or as i like calling it weezer norton era. he became relentless, ruthless and his name was known through the seas, hes travelled the world at this point and his immortality has never failed him yet. he learned magic from patricia at one point, and now he has a crew of ghosts he necromanced into life to man his ship,- really kicking up the visuals in my head here but he has a literal ghost ship, its a physical ship but everyone on board is probably a ghost or a zombie (WHATEVERR MY AU MY WORLD BUILDING I SAY THEY EXIST.) anyway (onepiece reference i guess) when he saw cunning in one of the meetings for idk pirates or smth, tagging along with hollow (also a pirate bitch on his ass for the past years hes annoying as hell), he ws down right pISSED. (he hasnt seen a single mike reincarnation in 300 years, hes tried sleeping around getting over him, but NOTHING really compares to his soulmate.)
BUT anyway basically, in this au Hollow is looking for Alice (eternity whatever) and Soul knows where she is so he makes a bargain, he'll give Hollow Alice in exchange he gives him of of his most trusted men. (Points at cunning.) IF he gives him Alice in a pretty little bow for him, he can have cunning for himself.
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Cunning is like "pft. Yeah right. You're not gonna find her before we do." And soul is just smiling (horny depressed and has been blue balled for years at this point, u don't know what this guy can do) so he just smiles.
Hollow, surprisingly agrees. "OKAY if u find her before we do I'll give my end of the bargain." Cunning is a little upset at this, but he's determined he'll find Alice before soul. (eermmm)
Soul wasn't lying about knowing where Alice was tho, so he kidnaps her and takes her to hollow. Like a sack of potatoes.
"Gimme gimme." smth like that and mike is so distraught about this he's crying, verbatim; " I don't want to be that bag of bones property- I'm not property " but he's already at souls shoulder and he's kicking and screaming. He's such a bitch in this au I LOVEE BITCH ASS CUNNING WHINEY WHORE. nortons kind of an ass here and hes sort of using him as a way to distress the last 300 years away. Before he spoils him with everything hes gotten (for mike.)
So it's just rough hostage core treatment for the first couple of months until he starts using the money he's been hoarding on mike to spoil him.
But anyway, after cunning dies in idk when, 🤷‍♂️anyway when he dies kay the next one and final one is quinlan, he's an immortal vamp/witch and hes the only mike who remembers every mike reincarnations memories, he knows that soul is out there looking for him but he doesn't care about that rn, in this life he's looking for his mom, and ignoring souls horny whale calling in the back of his mind until they inevitably cross paths BEC they are SOULLMATESS AUGRGRHSHAHAGGZ In my head the way they meet went like this "Mole."
soul looking at him in surprise bec ever since someone misheard his name being soul and he grew tired of correcting people its mole, he hasn't heard that name in years. he wasn't even sure if this was his Mike, he doesn't have the blue eyes he used to have they were more green/gold… and each mike he's met always had swifts eyes. So thats why he's like emo. Do u get it anyway, this is their reunion in the middle of an pub that cocoa bean used to run, they standing in front of each other and quin almost looks too relaxed when their EYEESS MEEETTT FUCKKK anyway, "Swift?" and theres just that LOOK thats unmistakably mikes on his face that mole just couldnt help but take him into his arms like a the sad depressed man he is. They kiss and they start sailing together forever until they turn to ashes.
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mozziu-s · 10 months
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[Pictured above is that of SkyWing General Sparrow and ex-captain Searing engaged in sparring with swords. They are highlighted by a lightning storm that rages around them.] (SFAU)
-Annual report recorded by SkyWing scribe, Secretary, to superior, Scalding, approx. 15 years after the War of SandWing Succession began-
"This war has afflicted the tribes of Pyyrhia in way no other disaster has. Every of them raked to their core fighting for the SandWings and their royal squabbles.
The MudWings are nearly extinct. The IceWings sealed themselves behind their borders. The SeaWings have all turned to high-seas crime and piracy. The NightWings are only alive because they've enslaved most of the RainWings. (I hear their labor is used for making that awful thick and oily armor they wear) The SandWings themselves are all starving. I wonder what guilt they feel for the war they started? Any at all? The princesses better be sorry at least. I'm happy one is already dead.
The SkyWings survive. Not that we dont have our own problems though. The Queen has gone absolutely mad with gladiatorial gluttony. Drunk on violence. Her generals, Sparrow, Vermillion, Bloodstone, and Peregrine have taken over in her mental absence, it seems. The rest of us train. We protect our border and fight with vicious vigor. Iron sharpens iron. Flame adds to flame. We spar to keep us in practice in the event we are attacked from a force on the outside, or within. We'll be ready nontheless. The SkyWings will not fall to this war. Not to anyone. Not even to ourselves."
-end of report-
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peacekeeperangel · 7 months
The CRK Pirate OC Challenge!
Hello everyone! So I've set up a little list of prompts for writing/drawing for all these Pirates I've been seeing wandering across my field as of late. But I'm going to make it a little more interesting.
If possible please either pick up four Six-Sided dice or use this dice generator and roll out a random number- that number will be your prompt! Cause pirates live on chance y'see?
If you take this challenge please do not read your options before you roll, but if you are uncomfortable with the result do go ahead and re-roll. Thank you and I hope you enjoy these prompts
1. Lunch! Your crew is having a meal in the ship’s mess. Do they behave themselves? What are they eating? BONUS: you show either the Cooking process or the cleanup
2. Dead End Race- your oc is sailing in competition with other oc pirate crews! (Bonus: What is the prize at the end?)
3. Your Crew have somehow made it to the Vanilla Kingdom! Costume swap for the win? (Note: If you don’t follow the CRK game/lore feel free to re-roll)
4. Soon May the Wellerman Come~ pick an appropriately sea-themed song for this prompt!
5. UNO REVERSO! Your OC has done a complete 180! What do they look/act like now?
6. Someone on the Crew has done a Naughty. How does your OC punish their sailor? 7. Sea Monster Attack! It’s up to your OC’s crew to save their ship. How does it go?
8. Your OC has gotten sick. Who looks after them and do they behave as a patient? BONUS: How’d they get sick anyway?
9. Your Crew have somehow made it to the Hollyberry Kingdom! Costume Swap for the win? (Note: if you don’t follow the CRK game/lore feel free to re-roll) 10. Someone needs to look after the Cannons. Does it go well or does it go poorly? 11. Bananas and Coconuts. No I will not explain further, your OC must deal with Bananas and Coconuts.
12. Your OC encounters a pool of water that turns everything it touches into solid gold. How did they discover it and how do they deal with it? 13. Your OC encounters a very snooty treacherous noble who has your OC dead to rights. How does your character Jack Sparrow their way out of this one?
14. Draw your OC as a human/meme. If you’re doing this as a writing challenge then you must write a story with as many dad jokes as possible!
15. Drinking Contest! Team up with a friend and have your OC’s in a drinking competition! Decide the winner by rolling a six-sided die, the winner will be whoever rolls higher! (Note: if you’re too nervous to ask anyone, please re-roll)
16. Your OC got into a bind and now must use their Charisma to escape. Are they successful or cringey?
17. Your Crew have somehow made it to the Dark Cacao Kingdom! Costume Change FTW? (Note: if you do not follow the CRK game/lore feel free to roll for a new prompt!)
18. Things are getting Lovecraftian around here. How does your OC cope with the squishy horribleness of it all?
19. A Captain must go down with their ship. Depict the last stand of your OC
20. Mutiny on board! What does your OC do? 21. Your Crew has Made it to the Golden Cheese Kingdom! Costume change for the win? (Note: if you don’t follow CRK game/lore feel free to re-roll)
22. GIANT BOULDER! AKA, your OC’s Indiana Jones moment. How do they handle it?
23. Depict your OC’s proudest moment.
24. Time for bed. Depict your OC sleeping (Bonus: Make it Wholesome/spicy as you see fit) EDIT BONUS: If you have Completed all 24 Prompts you must have the dreaded CABIN FEVER! Draw/write your OC concequences suffering Cabin Fever
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blanketorghost · 4 months
Okay hi hello I have seen a sudden new influx in EAH fans (hiiiii welcome <3) and while I am very happy to see this little fandom still be more than three pieces of lint and a paperclip, I am here to give y'all a list of already DEBUNKED EAH myths that somehow always show up whenever this happens every 1/2 years:
"Apple White and Raven Queen are related."
They are not. In Chapter 2 Episode 11 "Blondie Branches Out" there's a throaway line explaining how the 'Prince Charming' role is distributed between multiple unrelated Charming families. There is also no mention in any of EAH media of Apple and Raven being related. The only related characters are:
Poppy and Holly O'Hair (Twins)
Giles & Milton Grimm (Siblings, Milton is the oldest)
Cerise Hood and Ramona Badwolf (Siblings, order not specified)
Daring, Dexter and Darling charming (Siblings, Daring is the oldest and Dexter and Darling are fraternal twins)
Briar Beauty and Rosabella Beauty (1st Cousins)
Gus and Helga Crumb (1st Cousins)
The Hood/Badwolf sisters, Sparrow Hood (Distant cousins)
In Apple White's 'Royally Ever After' diary, the retelling of the Snow White fairytale has Apple be Raven's personal assistant that later overthrows her rule, meaning familial relation and them sharing a royal bloodline is not a necessary part of the narrative.
"XYZ Background character is the descendant of ABC fairytale character."
Unless directly confirmed by a GURU media employee or mentioned in the show, none of the background characters have a direct counterpart.
Most of the most famous background characters are actually cameos/based off of animators (pictured below):
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The fandom wiki is not a reliable source given the fact it has no edit protection and the moderators are no longer active.
Be carefulnot to confuse popular hedacanons or fan designs (more often than not fanart by red_red_heels, boots.caitlin and/or theprincessswan on instagram)
"XYZ's fairytale parent is dead."
Unless specifically stated, this is also not true. Certain stories have a loophole or workaround that prevent major character death. So far we have been given confirmation of:
Cinderella (Unknown loophole): shown to still be alive in 'Ashlynn Ella's Story'
The Swan Queen (Turned into a swan forever): It is not known wether or not Duchess' mom gave birth to her while she was still a human or if she was born from an egg. Raised by her grandmother. It is implied her curse is generational.
The Little Mermaid (Happy Ending): The first time this loophole is mentioned explicitly (Meeshell's diary). She was given a happy ending and lives under the sea, unlike the original HCA story. Story variation further explained in 'Fairy Tail Ending'.
The Big Bad Wolf (Unknown loophole): Self explanatory.
Baba Yaga (Possible Immortality?): Self explanatory.
The Candy Witch (Version recorded in the Storybook of Legends confirmed to be inaccurate): Explained in 'Kiss and Spell'.
"Descendants killed EAH."
Look, I am as much of a Descendants hater as the next guy, but the unfortunate truth is that EAH was never as successful as Mattel expected it to be. Their style was too 'childish and girly' for kids who were already into Monster High, and their themes were far too complex for younger kids to fully grasp. So their target audience was unfortunately not very interested. This is coming from someone who was around 11-12 when EAH came out. As an existing MH fan, I was turned off by it as at that time kids were entering their more 'edgy' phase and wasn't willing to give it a chance.
What dealt the killing blow was Mattel and Disney severing their contract over the Disney Princess doll line due to decreasing quality, and then after the release of descendants with Hasbro, one of Mattel's biggest competitors.
There's probably some other myths I missed, but these are the most common/widely believed ones. I'll maybe reblog/update later with more myths as I come across them.
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the-gnomish-bastard · 11 months
Alright, more tips for DMs when making a campaign: Villain Edition
When creating a BBEG, stop taking ideas from popular mainstream dnd campaigns, or classic villain ideas. You can still do this if you want, but I’m suggesting a better idea.
Aspire to create Davy Jones. Why? Because he’s the perfect villain. Think of the Pirates of the Caribbean movies as a dnd campaign, with everyone choosing Swashbuckler Rogue. You got the three main players, Jack, Will, and Elizabeth. Barb pass is a player too, but they joined late in the campaign and were given a premade character based on a previous villain for time reasons.
They all get caught up in stupid shenanigans. The whole first part of Dead Man’s Chest is world building. The DM shows off the kraken, and shows off what kind of man Davy Jones is. The second half is pretty much all combat. The DM sends in the kraken cause the party is running away from a planned fight, the kraken does a lot more damage than the DM was expecting, and Elizabeth betrays Jack to save the party. The DM did not plan for this.
In At World’s End, the first thing that happens is they have a time skip, and the DM introduces the true villain, the one behind everything. The British. The party goes on a quest to revive Jack, and they succeed! To put people’s minds at ease and really hammer in what a villain the East India Trading Company is, he shows off the corpse of the kraken. Jack is on a quest for immortality now, having seen death for himself. We get to the final part, the showdown. Shit happens and the main combat BBEG is slain, at the cost of a party member.
That is a dnd campaign there.
And why does it work? Because Davy Jones plays off of each character so well. He has a sense of humor, he’s intelligent, but most of all, he’s heartbroken.
A perfect example of a tragic villain. He falls in love with a goddess, she gives him a temporary job to ferry the souls of the dead, and on the one day every ten years he can go on land, she doesn’t show up to relieve him of his burden. She abandons him. And in his rage, he betrays her. He sells her out to the Brethren Court, and upon realizing what he did, he falls deeper into despair and cuts out his own heart. He goes on the be a legendary terror amongst the seas, but he never finds peace. He was used as a tool and he dies as a tool for the British.
Then there’s the comedic aspect. He deals with Jack’s antics very well, and at times he makes jokes, albeit dark ones, but still. And in a dnd campaign, you’re gonna have at least one or two Jack Sparrows.
Best part? He’s not even the main villain, nor is he in the wrong when we first meet him. He’s come to collect on the debt Jack owes, which he has every right to do. Jack then steals from him again, and he ends up forced to serve the real villain behind everything. The British. Davy Jones is the villain made to be fought, and the British were used as the overall villain.
Basically, put Davy Jones in your campaigns.
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dragon-kazansky · 11 months
Spirit of the sea
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Izzy Hands x Reader (GN)
Blackbeard rules the sea. Despite wanting his captain back, Izzy realises his mistake. Protecting the crew is his concern. Protecting you is his life mission. Stede's return brings hope, but there's a lot of work to be done before this crew becomes a family.
{Previous Chapter} - {Next Chapter}
Warnings: Spoilers. The ending he deserved. WHEN I CATCH YOU RICKY.
Chapter Seventeen - The unicorn and his sparrow
It was funny. In a way. This whole thing had started with you in Stede's brig and now you were locked up with his crew. So much had happened since then.
The fucking Navy. Not even just that. Richard Banes.
Zheng had intended to use the Navy, but the prince as used that against her. He had given each ship a gift, a grandfather clock, as a sign of "peace." Only they were full of explosives and he had used them to destroy her fleet.
Now the Republic of Pirates was flooded with the English.
You were sat in the cell below Jackie's bar with the rest of the crew. Izzy hadn't left your side the entire time. When the bar got flooded with Navy men, Izzy had pushed you behind him. When you were caught and being manhandled, Izzy swore more than you had ever heard before. It was a constant "get your hands off them." He did not like seeing you being pushed around.
As soon as the cell was locked behind you, Izzy gathered you in his arms and held you to his chest. You had to reassure him you were okay.
Prince Richard decided to come pay you all a visit. "Hello, friends."
You reach for Izzy's hand. He squeezes yours back.
"This is bittersweet. I mean, here we all are at the end of piracy and you'll all be hung in the next few minutes and all your stories will be lost for the ages. Which is a shame because I do love a good pirates' tale. But don't you worry. Because I will not be hanging you by the thumbs like that deranged Captain Kidd." The prince rattles on.
"That's not what he did, you twat," Izzy says from the back of the cell. His hand was still holding yours.
"Oh, my. The great Izzy Hands," the prince claps.
"And you're... Pinocchio?" Izzy asks, mocking the man. You laugh with the others.
"A new one. Bring him upstairs."
You stop laughing.
"Sir, aren't we going to hang them?" The man beside the prince asks.
"Oh, yes. But they're not going anywhere." Richard smiles. "So I have time for a drink with a legend."
As the prince walks away, Izzy is summoned closer to the gate. You squeeze his hand, silently asking him not to go. Izzy turns to you. You look at him with leading eyes, shaking your head softly.
"Don't." The word falls from your lips in a soft whisper.
"I'll be alright. I'm coming back for you," he says softly. Your expression doesn't change and it hurts Izzy's heart to see you look so worried for him.
Izzy let's go of your hand and exits the cell. He turns to you once more before going upstairs.
You sink against the ball.
"Can't believe I have an audience with the great Israel Hands. That's absolutely astounding." Richard is in awe.
Izzy just focuses on the candles on the table.
"I've always thought you were underrated. I mean, it's absurd, isn't it? Isn't it? That Blackbeard, he gets all this praise, when you are quite clearly the brains of this operation?"
"Ya don't know the first thing about piracy, do ya?" Izzy asks him, looking up from the candle.
"Don't I?"
"It's not about glory. It's not about gettin' what you want. Its about belonging to something when the world bad told you you're nothin'. It's about finding the family to kill for when yours are long dead. It's about letting go of ego for something larger." You and the crew cross his mind. "The crew."
"Oh, my goodness. You've just grown so tedious." Richard chuckles dryly.
Archie and Fang are trying to help pry the bars open enough for someone to slip through. You're sat on the cold ground of the cell staring at your dirty old boots.
What was this prince fuck talking about with Izzy? Why did he have to take him upstairs? Was Izzy okay?
Frenchie sits down beside you. "You doin' okay?" He asks.
"They'll bring him back. Izzy won't go down without a fight."
You sighs softly. "I know..."
"And he's not going to leave you here. Izzy cares for you more than he does for anyone. He's not gonna let you down."
You smile. "He could never do that."
Frenchie nudges your arm lightly.
"I worry about him. Like, all the time. I've sailed with Izzy Hands for years. I've known him deeper than anyone else ever has. He's let me see sides to him you would otherwise think didn't exist. I love him so damn much and now we're trapped here surrounded by the fucking Navy... And that prick has Izzy up there. I swear to god if that dick touches my Izzy, I will drive my sword through his eyes."
Frenchie grimaces. He gets the picture.
"Don't be. I get it," he says, smiling.
You chuckle softly.
"I destroyed the Republic of Pirates and that makes me the ultimate pirate," Ricky said to Izzy.
Izzy is amused. "You're not a pirate, lad. You're a spoiled, entitled bunch of twats dressed in puffy, blue nighties."
"Shame, I was going to let you live."
"Kill me." Izzy smiles. "Kill us all. Our spirit will last throughout your entire fuckin' empire because... we're good." Izzy states, full of emotion. "And you... are a rancid, syphilitic cunt."
The sound of vast footsteps entering the bar has everyone turning their heads that way. Stede has entered with Zheng and Ed behind him.
"There's a lot of them," Stede says, looking around the room.
Within second of the Navy drawing their swords, they all keel over. Poison.
"Is that us doing that?" Stede asks.
Roach and Pete look around the room in confusion. Jackie laughs from behind them.
"What the hell was in that brandy?" Roach asks.
"Nothin' you want to fuck with." Jackie grins.
While Jackie assures the Swede he will be fine, Zheng walks over to Ricky and grabs him by the coat. "This is for Auntie."
Zheng looks up to see Auntie there. She's fine. The rest of the crew flood into the bar. Auntie hits Ricky over the head and the crew greet their captain.
You waste no time making your way over to Izzy and checking him over. He smiles at your fussing.
"I'm fine," he assures you.
You take his face in your hands and look at him, sighing softly. "I was worried about you."
"I know," he smiles.
He brings one of your hands to his lips and kisses it gently. His eyes don't stay from yours.
Zheng and Auntie hug.
Everyone is together again.
"So we should probably make a plan here," Stede says, looking around.
"Still surrounded by English Soldiers."
"I think a royal hostage could prove valuable," Stede states.
Everyone gathers to hear the plan. It's completely diabolical. Probably the most insane plan you had ever heard. So dangerous and risky, anyone with sense would never go through with it.
"So, that is the plan." Stede says proudly. "We all live to fight another day."
"Or it's a complete suicide mission," Ed says.
The crew agree with that. You and Izzy glance at each other. Once again his hand is nestled in yours.
"It's only suicide if we die."
You shrug on the blue coat, a size too big for you. You pick up one of the hats from the floor and place it on your head. The crew do the same. Stripping down the soldiers and taking their gear.
A disguise.
Izzy stares at the coat he is holding in his hand. You look at him softly. He doesn't react as you come over to him and slowly take the coat from him. He lets you take it from his hands and lets you help him put it on. You will the coat around him and smile.
"Very handsome."
"I'm not wearing the fucking hat."
You chuckle. "Course not. But I like the coat. Maybe we should get you a nice long coat."
Izzy rolls his eyes and shakes his head with a smile. "Don't be daft."
Once everyone was dressed, Ricky was trusted to you and Izzy, and everyone left the bar. Including Jackie and the Swede. Everyone was going to get off that island.
You were all going to take down as many English as you could. Groups of them were littered around the island.
The crew just needed to reach the shore.
Izzy handles Ricky. You follow him, staying close. The others follow.
"Hello," Ricky greets the group of soldiers. "The operation is over now, so we're just gonna head back to the ships, please."
It could have gone so smoothly.
You hadn't seen Ricky gesture down where he parted his legs enough for Izzy's wooden one to be seen. In a split second Ricky drew a gun and shot it.
"They're pirates!" He yells.
You hear Izzy groan, having been close enough to beside him. Your head snaps to him to see him holding his side. Blood is oozing out.
The crew fight the soldiers as you push Izzy to the side. You try to get a good look at the wound, but he refuses to move his hand.
"Come on," he grunts. He marches past you and onward. The crew follow. You hurry to catch up to him.
Izzy has been shot! That fucking prick.
The prince gets away.
The path down to the shore is clear. It's a straight run down. The crew will just have to watch behind them.
Izzy is falling behind. You refuse to go on ahead. You come over to his side and hold him where he hasn't been shot.
"Just... fuck off." He says it softly, no malice behind his words. He's hurting. When Izzy is in pain, you hurt too.
The crew are being shot at from behind. You hold onto Izzy as best as you can. Ed slows and hurries over, taking Izzy on the other side. You both get him to the boats.
Once everyone is on the ship Ed lays Izzy down. You remove the coat you're wearing to make a cushion for his head. Roach left immediately to get medical supplies.
Izzy looks up at you. There's a lot of blood and everything hurts, but still he sees you clearly. You're keeping pressure on the wound and giving out orders.
He smiles. He likes it when you're bossy.
You look down at him, tears welling up in your eyes. "Look at me, okay? Keep your eyes open. Don't you dare close them."
Izzy just smiles up at you.
"Why are you smiling?" You ask.
"Because you're beautiful," he says.
"Shut up. You're literally bleeding out," you say, but can't help but smile.
"I'm a lucky man."
You look at him, not sure what to say, but at least he was talking to you. You should keep him talking.
"Any man would kill to have a partner like you by their side. Especially in our line of work."
"You're getting sentimental..."
"I have that right, don't I? As a dying man."
"You're not going to die. I won't let you." You frown at him.
He continues to smile.
Roach returns with the stuff. You instruct him on exactly what to do. Izzy lays there and looks at you. His beautiful sparrow.
Eventually he passes out.
Izzy wakes up feeling a horrid ache in his side. He inhales sharply, trying to get himself together before he opens his eyes properly. His mind is a little confused.
Something warm slips into his hand.
Izzy smiles.
His eyes open slowly and he turns his head to look at you. You're watching him closely. You lean forward when you see him wake. His smile brightens.
"Hello, love." His voice is hoarse.
You smile and let out a sigh. "You moron."
"You alright?" He asks.
"Me? I should be asking you that! Do you have any idea how worried I was about you? You passed out on me. I thought... I thought I lost you."
His smile fades as he gazes at you.
"I promised ya, didn't I? I'm never leavin' you again."
You lean over the bed and wrap your arms around him tight. You're careful of his wound. Izzy moves his arm so it wraps around you. He gives you a gentle squeeze.
"I'm sorry, love."
"I was so scared." You look up at him. "What would I do without you?"
He offers you a gentle smile, caressing your cheek gently with his finger. "I don't know. But I do know I'm one lucky man."
You laugh softly. "You already said that."
"I've been shot twice. Both times I've had you nurse me back to health. I'm very lucky." His gaze on you is full of fondness.
"I love you."
He pulls you closer and kisses you. It's slightly desperate, well needed.
"I love you too."
Lucius and Pete just got married. Despite needing as much rest as he could get, Izzy insisted on being there to watch. It was lovely.
The crew cheer as they kiss.
You smile and look at Izzy. He smiles at you. "Maybe we should try that," he says.
"Try what?" You ask.
He shrugs lightly. "Marrying."
Your expression softens. "Is that a joke?" You ask, not entirely certain.
He shrugs again.
"You thought about it?" You ask.
"It's crossed my mind."
You smile softly. "Guess we'll see what the future holds."
His hand finds yours.
Ed and Stede stood on the shore. On the horizon The Revenge sails away. The two watch their friends go, leaving them behind. Behind them was a run down building. They hoped to turn it into an inn.
The crew of The Revenge promised they'd be back someday, but they had a mission of their own.
The Revenge was under new command.
Captain Izzy Hands. His first mate, you.
There was a prince that needed hunting down. The Revenge would live up to it's name.
A calm came over the ocean. Like everything was how it should be.
Edward Teach knew deep down everything would be okay. The ship was in good hands and the crew would thrive.
Izzy Hands would thrive. He would live. He has everything to live for. He has you to live for. Just like how Ed had Stede.
Good luck to anyone who tried to mess with the unicorn and his sparrow. They were not people you should trifle with.
Izzy Hands is happy. Happy and in love
@grippleback-galaxy - @askmarinaandothers - @godlikegallagher - @for-fuck-sake-im-alive - @whiskeyswriting - @lxsm2 - @bloody-bunni666 - @the-chocoholic-writer - @bugbugboy - @callmemana - @the-shenny-of-azkaban - @cool-ontherun-world - @outer-space-beech - @ahewi24 - @grace585 - @innertimemachinegirl - @dmitrytherat - @emilynissangtr - @fruitymoonbeams-blog -
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