#December 2023 astrology
astrology-with-charu · 10 months
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𝐆𝐞𝐦𝐢𝐧𝐢 𝐅𝐮𝐥𝐥 𝐌𝐨𝐨𝐧 𝟒º𝟓𝟏’ (𝟐𝟕 𝐍𝐨𝐯 - 𝟏𝟐 𝐃𝐞𝐜)
Gemini full moon at degree of “desire to reach beyond established forms” inflicted by Mars Saturn square is like driving a race car with breaks on. It’s frustrating & we resent the caution as we itch to move fast.
It doesn’t help that ruler of this full moon - Mercury is in a turkey stupor with a confused mind, low immunity & possibly a flu or stewing in self inflicted mental inferiority torture chamber. Neptune while helping us blur the boundaries so we can color outside the lines - is also making us procrastinate in vulnerability.
Gemini full moon aren’t known for explosions of emotional anger or repressed feelings - May be verbal diarrhoea to be entertaining but not compulsively contrarian. We seem to be compulsively contrarians right now & it’s not funny or entertaining or well contained!
Reminds me of slime - not the dirty kind, the play kind. It has no purpose but to probably let one know some things can exist outside a defined container. Looks yucky to observer but entertaining to owner
We explode into formlessness…
Playful slime as it tries to reflect a child’s brain evolution is surely reprimanded shortly by Saturn as it despises the glitter on the wooden floors which would probably never get out & makes once formally set house look like a semi playground of a creator with no clue of end result
“Rules control the Fun!” Saturn is the apex of this T-Squared full moon.
A t-squared full moon comes with conflicting choices - normally we duck to make the choice but Saturn leaves no room to duck out.
To avoid making this choice we could color our hair & join the revolution blowing up whole world into a goo of our colorful slime or repress telling anyone what we intend to do & withdraw totally where no one can question our playful slime.
Saturn would like us to get hold of this bipolar full moon & make it hunker down to have some good old slime making rules. No hardwood no upholstery for example (true story!) Yet some formally allocated time to color outside the lines & a tangible outcome ?
We would retrace these steps again as these are not final decisions as Mercury will walk these degrees again as it goes retrograde on 13 Dec. Rethinking, deciding again, making rules, resenting the boundaries, being compulsively contrarian again as Neptune makes the year end fog thicker as it dawns on us by going direct on 6th & strongly debilitating our ability to act & think decisively. Health and immunity also become a key topic.
Expect less of you, expect less of the moment, expect less of playtime as slime is not the outcome its the process.
It’s there to stimulate the senses we would normally suppress or ignore. It’s calming, it’s grounding, its formlessness surprisingly brings us back in current moment instead of future anxiety. It’s teaching us how some unlikely ingredients can come together to make a new thing that didn’t exist before.
Gemini slime is never made alone.
Social elements as much as conflicting, as messy, as seemingly a time waste or frivolous can come together & stimulate a part of us that we ignore or suppress making us alive to current moment. Just because you cannot name your madness, doesnt mean you have to live it alone. The thing you might judge in you - might be inspiring to another as you try to color outside the boundaries of sanity. And to those it doesn’t they would help create the friction which would help yield usefulness out of this process of self discovery…
Either ways there is no need to hide your colorfully frustrating formlessness as everyone is dying to experience something original. The something original you are probably calling your madness…
Much ❤️
#astrology #horoscope #fullmoon #geminimoon
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one-time-i-dreamt · 9 months
My boyfriend made fun of me because I was an omega. :(
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mochinek0 · 9 months
Daminette December 2023: 23-Astrology
Jon was browsing the horoscope app again.
"You don't really believe that stuff, right?" Marinette questioned.
"Yes." Jon answered.
"Why?" Damian asked.
"Sagittarius are sometimes opinionated, impatient, and detached, but they can also be passionate and inspiring." Jon spoke, "Doesn't that sound like Damian?"
"Actually, it does." Marinette stated.
Damian huffed, "What about yours?"
"My what?" Mari asked.
"What is your sign?" Jon questioned.
"I don't know." Marinette answered, "I've only followed the Chinese zodiac."
"When is your birthday?" Jon prodded.
"Late July." she stated.
"It says here, that you are a Leo." Jon continued.
"Is that a good thing?" she asked, looking confused to Damian.
"Well, your romance options are better than his." Jon chuckled.
"Explain." Damian growled.
Jon winced, "It says your crushes usually end up falling for your friends."
"I don't have friends." Damian replied, "I have people I tolerate." making Mari giggled.
"For Marinette," the half-alien continued, "it says lots of people have crushes on you."
Mari shrugged, "Except the people I like."
"What?" The Wayne heir asked, confused.
"There was Nathaniel, a guy who flirts with puns, a musician, two girls, and my own crushes' cousin." the designer sighed.
The boys just sat there in shock.
"Did you date any of them?" Jon asked.
"The musician for a month." she answered.
"Did he do something?" Damian pushed.
"No." Mari replied, "He was very sweet, but I was always busy."
Jon quickly changed the subject, sensing Mari become uncomfortable, "It says here, Damian wouldn't date because his mother said no."
"You have met my mother." Damian spoke, "You wanna go against her?"
"No." Jon declared.
"Then, it's not a lie." the ex-assassin stated.
Marinette giggled.
"She is the strictest woman I have ever met." Damian spoke.
Jon continued, "It says, here, that you fall for confidence."
Mari nodded, "I can sorta see that."
"What does mine say?" Damian questioned.
"It says you fall for cute smiles." Jon answered, gleefully.
"Well, that's bullshit." the Wayne heir declared, "I see a bunch of harpies smiling at men every time I go to galas."
Marinette patted his shoulder, hoping to comfort him. The bell rang, ending lunch. Mari stood up, waving at them, and left the table.
Jon leaned close to his best friend, "Were any of them cute? Did any of them make you think of their smile again, later?"
"No." Damian answered.
"Then it wasn't a cute smile." the half-alien answered, before leaving as well.
'Cute smile?'
Damian couldn't help, but think of Marinette's smile. Damian stood up quickly.
"Astrology is bullshit." he snapped and left.
Only the few people that were left, notice that his ears were tipped red.
TAGLIST: @maribat-calendar-events @animeweebgirl@a-star-with-a-human-name@meme991001@vixen-uchiha@abrx2002@alysrose-starchild@fandom-trapped-03@dood-space@moonlightstar64@saltymiraculer@marveldcedits20@09shell-sea09@icerosecrystal@animegirlweeb@insane-fangirl-of-everything@blueblossombliss@nickristus-dreamer@megawhitleycalderonpaganus@missmadwoman@meira-3919@princessdaisysolosyourfaves@blep-23@fangirlingfanatic@darkhinauniverse@ravenr22@im-a-satanic-ritual@ravennm84@bianca-hooks123@a-slytherinish-gryffindor@starling218
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khajiithaswitchywares · 10 months
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ms-m-astrologer · 10 months
December 2023 Good Days
Here are the days during which the transiting Moon (1) is in a sign ruled by a particular planet, and (2) makes a flowing aspect to that planet. (Sextiles and trines, sometimes conjunctions.)
Sun: Friday, December 1, 16:00 UT - Saturday, December 2, 11:45 UT
Good for ego boosts, general health and well-being, and shining.
Mercury: Monday, December 3, 03:50 UT - 10:12 UT
Good for learning, thinking, reasoning, and communicating. Mercury is in its pre-retrograde shadow, so we can also use the time to identify which Mercury things we need to work on during the retrograde.
Mars: Tuesday, December 19, 22:47 UT - Thursday, December 21, 08:23 UT
Good for physical fitness and strength. We have all kinds of energy to burn.
Jupiter: Sunday, December 17, 19:58 UT - Monday, December 18, 05:49 UT
Good for the Pisces side of Jupiter - we can reflect a little with this.
Saturn: Wednesday, December 13, 15:31 UT - 18:39 UT
Good for serious matters, building, scaffolding, and being nice to the grandparents.
Pluto: Saturday, December 9, 03:35 UT - Monday, December 11, 08:57 UT
Good for plumbing, therapy, detective work, and getting to the bottom of things.
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saturniandevil · 10 months
December 2023 Important Dates
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AKA my notes on The Astrology Podcast's December forecast, hosted by Chris Brennan and Austin Coppock. As you can see from the calendar, this is quite the busy month. I've put the recap at the end again for those interested in mundane astrology. Generally, it's about the October 28th lunar eclipse in Taurus.
We're entering the month off a Mars-Saturn square on November 25th, and Mercury has already entered his pre-retrograde shadow (during the rx he will go back to about 22 degrees of Sagittarius). There's been a Mars-Saturn square making motion grind to a halt, and though it present frustrations and delayed gratification, Mars-Saturn can also indicate perseverance and relentlessness.
December 1st - Mercury enters Capricorn The next day he sextiles Saturn, further activating that Saturn-Mars square. He'll retrograde back into Sagittarius later. Mercury will trine Jupiter in Taurus around the 7th-8th, and sextile Venus when she enters Scorpio, bringing us some helpful communication in the first half of the month. The second half will be very different, though, as he retrogrades and conjoins Mars--think explosive arguments or disrupted communication like in late October-early November. Do your careful planning and mapping while Mercury is constructive in Capricorn, as his regress into Sagittarius will bring have us acting recklessly out of necessity.
December 2nd & 3rd - Auspicious Elections (not pictured)
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The charts are both around 1:35AM local time and takes advantage of Mercury's application to a trine with Jupiter, before the chaos of retrograde & contacting Mars. It also takes advantage of the last bit of Venus in Libra.
On December 2nd, the chart has Libra rising with Venus in domicile in the first (whole sign) house. The Moon is in Leo, either applying to or just separating from a square with Jupiter, and trine the Sun in Sagittarius in the 11th house. This is a good Venus-related chart, for things that need to appeal aesthetically to others or unify people. As this is a night chart, Venus is also the sect benefic, and is especially equipped to help things build up and grow (plus she's in a position of strength in the first house). Venus elections are also good for design, getting back in touch with people & other social activities, and working together. Venus in Libra is especially good for bringing together two things that are at odds, whether it's disagreeing friends or disparate business endeavors. Although the degree of Venus isn't too important in timing this, Chris recommends trying to get the Midheaven around 5-6 degrees of Cancer, so that it sextiles Jupiter in the eighth house. The Moon rules the 10th house and is in the 11th house of friends, making this a good election for friends, groups, and social movements.
The 2nd is the primary election, but the 3rd has most of the same benefits. The Moon is later in Leo, now applying directly to a sextile with Venus, emphasizing her themes of unity and reconciliation as well as tying in the 11th house of groups & alliances even more strongly.
December 4th - Venus enters Scorpio Though in detriment here, Venus is opposite Jupiter in her sign (exact December 9th-10th, especially activated by a conjunction from the Moon), and this reception & contact bring forth more helpful qualities. She will also overtake slowing Mercury by sextile around December 10th-11th, bringing some reconciliation to our communications. However, the New Moon conjunct Mars will pose some challenges.
December 6th - Neptune stations direct
December 12th - New Moon in Sagittarius
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A close square to (newly direct) Neptune adds some nebulousness to the picture, and a loose conjunction from Mars to the lights, with Mercury stationing soon after, mean things may not go as planned. Mercury's configurations to the benefics seem hopeful, but we should expect some misalignment and miscommunication over the following weeks. Additionally, Mars's proximity to the Sun means he'll be coloring the next few nations with martial qualities. This New Moon sort of resets things for the month.
December 13th - Mercury stations retrograde The Moon enters Capricorn and conjoins Mercury soon after his station, which will further trigger or activate general Mercury retrograde significations.
December 21st - Sun enters Capricorn
December 22nd - Retrograde Mercury conjoins Sun (Cazimi) This occurs in at zero degrees of Capricorn and marks the halfway/turning point in the retrograde. Normally we'd expect to start figuring out what's wrong and begin heading out of the woods, but once in Sagittarius Mercury approaches a conjunction with Mars, changing the layout of our path. Sometimes looking to the past for actions will bring up old conflicts, or further investigation into a problem reveals that we have to rethink our entire approach.
December 23rd - Retrograde Mercury enters Sagittarius Discussed above.
December 26th - Full Moon in Cancer
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Mercury at 25 Sagittarius and Mars at 23 bring even more heightened emotions than usual to this Full Moon (think tense communications). Neptune squaring Mercury and Mars adds further muddies the waters; expect a mix of hostility and misunderstanding. Meanwhile, the Moon is in domicile and both lights form soft aspects to Jupiter, which Austin compares to a nice country breakfast. It's like getting an idyllic Christmas postcard along with some poisoned arrows. Being home for the holidays is comforting and familiar, but we may also fight with our relatives, perhaps over politics. A Neptune-Venus trine brings a dreamy, escapist quality to the lunation as well. This lunation will hit different people very differently. (Those with emphasis on the lights, Jupiter, or cardinal signs will do well, while those with strong mutable placements may feel strife, etc.)
December 27th - Retrograde Mercury conjoins Mars This is the second of three Mercury-Mars conjunctions, the first having been around the October eclipse in Scorpio, and the next one occurring in Capricorn during late January. Mercury will station direct at 22 degrees of Sagittarius on the first couple days of the New Year, and will be slowly chasing Mars for most of January.
December 29th - Venus enters Sagittarius This is a fairly big shift, as she immediately squares Saturn, dumping a bucket of ice water on our attempts to come together on New Year's Eve gatherings.
December 30th - Jupiter stations direct This station can be a positive turning point for anyone with important Taurus placements nearby. Austin points out that Jupiter's usually retrograde for about ⅓ of the year (he entered Taurus in May and stationed retrograde in September), giving us time to reevaluate things and see whether we've failed or succeeded. It's like a shock absorber as we traverse this bumpy road. We can try to stabilize things in the midst of a destructive world. The rapid growth and expansion we were feeling this summer may start to come back, visible in the part of your life corresponding to the house Taurus occupies in your chart. Strike while the Iron's hot, as we've got until May before Jupiter enters Gemini. Uranus is copresent in the sign and may remind us of previous Jupiter-Uranus conjunctions: unexpected growth, innovation, and benefits from out of the blue.
November Recap:
The last forecast was recorded days before a lunar eclipse in Taurus on October 28th, which heralded several world events not discussed in the November forecast. In Palestine this coincided with the beginning of ground invasion and telecom blackout (Mercury-Mars involvement=severing of communication). Last month our hosts predicted the Venus-Mercury sextile would indicate brief diplomacy in this situation, and we saw the beginning of "humanitarian pauses" as well as negotiations around prisoner exchange. Chris wants to emphasize that more civilians have died in these two months in Gaza than in the entire Ukraine war, and predicts that larger geopolitical tensions are likely to rise as world leaders split with each other and their constituents over these events. He sees upcoming eclipses in 2025 as well as Uranus in Gemini (USA return) heralding possibility of larger global conflicts. Austin reiterates from last month that the North Node near Mars (as was the cast 10/28) indicates, in combat, using force madly beyond what is necessary or proportionate.
In US politics, Joe Biden has the Moon in early Taurus and thus the last eclipse cycle has been getting closer and closer to his natal moon, with 10/28 being the closest. Because it's in the 6th house our hosts had speculated about his health, but in this case it seems to have affected his work more (another 6th house topic), as his prospects for reelection have been plummeting. In early October the US House fired the Speaker of the House right on the last stretch of the US Pluto return, and eventually Mike Johnson was elected speaker on the 25th--born on a lunar eclipse and appointed to this office 3 days before another. This fits with Chris's findings lately that a person born on an eclipse will have other life events occur on them as well. Chris's concerns around the breakdown of US democracy with its Pluto return events seem well-founded, as Johnson had a significant part in trying to overturn Biden's election and is now third in line for the presidency, as well as in a critical role for the 2024 election.
Other eclipse stories: Sam Bankman-Fried of FTX infamy was found guilty of one of the largest US fraud operations during a Taurus (signifying money) eclipse. Matthew Perry of Friends fame passed away, who was born under and published his autobiography near a lunar eclipse as well.
On November 17th-18th there was an exact Sun-Mars conjunction (cazimi) in Scorpio, and in tech news the board of OpenAI fired the CEO/founder, described among business and tech circles as "closest thing to a boardroom assassination" they'd ever seen. Chris predicts Pluto reentering Aquarius in two months will indicate major developments in the use of AI technology. Pluto was in Aquarius earlier this year for a couple months, giving us a preview of the next 20 years (aside from a brief 2-month dip back into Capricorn next fall before leaving for good).
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elminx · 10 months
Energy Update: 12/4/23 Venus in Scorpio and our upcoming Mercury retrograde
Today, Venus enters the sign of Scorpio, our fixed water sign. This is a big "vibe" switch in this sketchy holiday season. At least Venus in Libra made an effort to try and get along with everyone - sometimes even faux niceness is necessary. Now, there's no faking anything.
In Scorpio, we meet Venus as the vindictive bitch (affectionate). Scorpio is a sign prone to deep emotions that often include a fair dose of paranoia. While (so far as I can tell) people are mostly caught up in their own shit right now, Venus in Scorpio may make us a bit too sensitive to other people's bad moods. A high level of discernment may be needed during this time so that you don't go all revenge movie on somebody who didn't even see you.
(not that it's cool that they didn't see you, but is that really worth the effort of a big revenge plot? Scorpios please refrain from answering this question)
The world needs more kindness right now, not less.
With the Sun in Sagittarius, things are pretty straightforward - what you see is what you get. Venus in Scorpio is always digging around for a deeper and more meaningful answer, but there probably isn't one. Sometimes assholes are just assholes. Sometimes their stomach hurts and they are worried they might shit their pants.
You won't know what is going on in someone else's life unless you ask. That's always a good tip for Sag season: be blunt but don't expect to like the answer.
It's not that deep. If you start questioning if it is, you are almost certainly overthinking things.
Keep in mind that we've entered Mercury's pre-retrograde shadow which can really fuck with our perception of events. Mercury retrogrades resemble the fabled story of Merlin in some ways - they sometimes seem to happen out of order.
The answer you seek may already be here, but you might not understand the question. Rather than digging for it, let it lie fallow for a while.
The time we spend in a pre-retrograde shadow is the time to get right with ourselves. Where can you create the boundaries needed to navigate this tough holiday season? Are you capable of letting everybody else be "in it" without taking it on yourself? What can you do to reinforce that boundary between "your shit" and "my shit"?
Sure, you can let someone else ruin December for you, but wouldn't you so much rather ruin it yourself? (thanks for that reassurance, Scorpio) Or, better yet, how 'bout learning to navigate the tough times with enough grace to NOT wreck yourself?
That's a lofty goal for a Mercury retrograde season, but it is certainly doable.
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symbolicliving · 9 months
Chiron Direct in Aries
Chiron stations Direct in Aries December 26, 2023. Extra sensitivity and reactions to hurt feelings are enhanced now. Learning from what hurt you can help you to understand others and to not hurt someone else in the same way.
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everyendeavor · 9 months
Sagittarius New Moon
December 2023
Intuitive Astrology by Tanaaz
The Sagittarius New Moon falls on the auspicious twelfth day of the twelfth month and is the last New Moon for 2023. Mercury also stations retrograde shortly after the peak of the New Moon, making it a potent day in our cosmic skies.
Let’s break down the incredible cosmic offerings of the Sagittarius New Moon and how we can make the most of it.
2023 is fast coming to a close, and many of us will be scrambling to get things done. While life may feel extra busy this time of year, the Sagittarius New Moon is our chance to set our final intentions for 2023. While it can be tempting to jump ahead into the new year, see if you can channel your intentions into the last remaining weeks of the year.
How would you like the next three weeks to flow? What do you want to focus on?
If this time of year has brought some challenges your way or you know some stressful situations are on the horizon, this would be a good time to create some reminders for yourself. Create one intention for each of the three weeks left in the year and fill them with supportive words for all you have going on.
One of the most profound cosmic energies working with this New Moon is Chiron, the asteroid of healing. The energy of Chiron is harmoniously flowing with this New Moon, helping to bring strong healing energy our way.
Mars is also beautifully intertwined with Chiron and the Moon, making us feel more motivated to get to the root of our problems. Something that has been troubling us for some time may finally begin to feel manageable, or the results we have been looking for may come about quicker or with greater ease.
When Mars is involved, we need to be proactive and take action, and under this energy, our actions are going to be supported and amplified. So, even if they are small, think about some steps you can take to instigate a deeper healing for your mind, body, and soul.
Mercury stations retrograde shortly after the New Moon peaks. Mercury is the planet of communication, and ancient astrologers believed that when it traveled retrograde, our more subtle senses and forms of communication were heightened.
On the surface, Mercury Retrograde can bring foggy mental thoughts, miscommunications, and technology mishaps, but on deeper levels, it is a powerful time for trusting our intuition and paying attention to our senses beyond the typical five.
Mercury Retrograde, happening on the same day as the New Moon, will heighten its energy and thin the veil. We may feel a little indecisive or confused, or instinctually feel that all the facts have not been presented to us.
When Mercury Retrograde is involved, moving slowly and methodically and trusting our intuition is important. With the veil thin, we have the potential to receive clearer guidance from our dreams, intuition, and higher self.
The New Moon in the fire sign of Sagittarius is a time when adventure and excitement can be triggered. Many of us have a lot of responsibilities, especially at this time of year, but use the energy of this New Moon to push yourself out of your comfort zone and to find some playfulness in your daily routine. Shaking things up, trying new things, and exploring new worlds are all powerful ways to channel this Sagittarius energy.
The New Moon falling on the sacred 12/12 also creates powerful waves of energy that support the vibration of this number pattern. 12 is a number of understanding and wholeness. It represents coming full circle with a complete and clear picture of all that has unfolded.
Even though Mercury is in retrograde at this time, and there is new energy flowing from the New Moon, we also have the energies of 1212 reminding us of completion, wholeness, and greater wisdom.
It seems that just like the archer, we are being called to line up our arrow, take our aim, and then trust in the wind! Life is a ride, there is only so much we can control. So perhaps overall, that is the message this New Moon has for us.
Set your intentions, focus on healing, acknowledge your intuition, move slowly, but ultimately, trust the ride!
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alyjojo · 10 months
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The Person On Your Mind in December 🧑🏿‍🎄 2023 - Capricorn
Whole of their energy towards Capricorn: Page of Pentacles rev
Feelings: The Fool
Intentions: Temperance
Actions: King of Swords & Ace of Swords
Who they are could be anyone, family, friend, lover, etc. They feel like this is a cycle with you, they work things out, it doesn’t work, or you tell them you’re going to do something/show up, and you don’t, over and over again. They’re over it, sick of it. Page of Pentacles rev & The Fool can both be showing you in a very young energy, especially with your messages, idk if you even realize you’re being like this with this person. It’s like you’re repeatedly putting your foot in your mouth and they’re assuming you’re full of it, something’s going to come up like it always does. There’s been space, probably this person needed a break from this dynamic. They could be an older family member and it’s just you got on their nerves for awhile, they feel like you aren’t learning, or maturing, this isn’t changing for the better, it’s just same shit different day. Could be a roommate even, because there’s emphasis on “moving out”.
They intend to keep calm, work through their emotions in a balanced way, and take care of the things that are unstable in their life first. If this is family, they intend to heal any rifts between you, but they’re focused on other things right now, or they need to be. They could be really irritated, and instead of lashing out, they’re keeping their mouth shut and just moving away from this for the time being. They’ll be back when they don’t want to “pop off.” Or when they’re/you’re more stable, either side. In actions, they will communicate but it’s going to be “just the facts ma’am.” They feel you need to put effort into healing your side of things, applying changes where it’s needed, they’re being honest about what they think - without being cruel. They’ll definitely cut right to the point though, if you’re unreliable, they’re just going to flat out say “I can’t deal with this, show up or don’t bother making plans”, like it’s not mean buuut…if you don’t like direct confrontation on things, it could feel that way. They do want to heal things, with certain expectations attached, they’re not stepping back into the same cycle of what they consider to be bs - however that applies to you.
Their side:
- Moving out, Moving on
- You hurt me first.
Your side:
- I don’t know what love is.
- If I could I would.
Possible signs:
Leo, Aquarius, Aries, Virgo & Libra
If you’re dealing with:
Strength can show getting through some difficult situations with several of your relationships, you’ve had to muster all of your strength to handle things thrown your way, either due to life or specific people. It can also show you holding back from people, because you want to “pop off”, or they do, like the reading shows. The woman here is restraining a lion, she knows it can do damage but doesn’t want it to. Real strength is self-control.
Aries - calmly, patiently releasing negative perceptions or issues that have cropped up between you, their wish is for stability and happiness in a family, could be this person
Taurus - sorting through things on their own, they could be very spiritual, ultimately will come to the right decision or conclusion
Gemini - has healed from a very painful situation involving unrequited love, with you?
Cancer - releasing everything they once held onto, grudges & such, they’ve healed 🕊️
Leo - loves you deeply, doesn’t want this to end, but they’re not feeling confident either - or this is about their love life separately
Virgo - has deep love for you but does nothing
Libra - feels they avoided a disaster by leaving this or moving away, if they’ve been blocked from you in some way, it’s for the best
Scorpio - waiting on you to do something, they’re attracted to you but passing the buck
Sagittarius - has been hurt by you, or some outside person/thing, and they give up on this
Capricorn - cooperating with you, but it’s because they don’t have any other choice
Aquarius - likes you, but someone is connected to other things and so long as that’s a roadblock, they’re content with missing this, could also just be skipping out on plans, due to roadblocks
Pisces - making a decision their heart isn’t really a part of, revolves around being nice, they could have money issues or feel a way they aren’t expressing - negatively, but showing up for the holiday party anyway
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michellefromthemoon · 10 months
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enerGy update: Venus in Scorpio
dec 4 - 29 ༘♡ ·˚ ♀ ♏︎
~ its awakening ~ a transformation
it’s an unconventional road to love,
it’s deep passion built through intimacy or deep intimacy built through passion when in scorpio!
memo for this transit: Shapeshifting into intimacy .
This transit is all about deep and purposeful, soul elevating and conscious relationships blossoming —and superficial & karmic relationships end.
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piscesseer · 9 months
Mercury Retrograde: Tips for Staying Grounded and Focused
Mercury Retrograde: December 13, 2023 - January 1, 2024
For the last few weeks of the year, Mercury is in Retrograde. This transit always brings some chaos. If something can go wrong, it likely will. The best way to deal with the challenges that Mercury Retrograde brings is to slow down, take things one step at a time and remain flexible. With a little effort, we can make it through this challenge.
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What is a Mercury Retrograde?
Retrogrades happen when a planet appears to have switched directions. It’s an illusion caused by Earth’s relation to the planet. It produces that trippy feeling, like being on a train and watching another in parallel motion. Most planets have Retrogrades, but Mercury’s effects are often felt more strongly.
Mercury Retrograde always brings its old tricks, frustrations and delays. It will usually throw us off with communication problems, misunderstandings, technical difficulties, travel delays, and general frustration. Plans can go awry and be reconsidered. New information can come up to change a situation. Maybe there is a change in goals or priorities. This is why flexibility is important to survive Mercury Retrograde with the least frustration.
This isn’t a great time to make contracts, promises, start a relationship or launch anything new. It can be a good time to reflect and plan for those things. Intuition is high at this time and coincidences can be extraordinary.
Mercury in Sagittarius Influence
This Mercury Retrograde moves back into Sagittarius, which is known for being spontaneous and fun-loving. We could find ourselves feeling giddy and reckless as the year wraps up. We could feel more open to risk-taking, but remember that cheap thrills are not always fulfilling.
Mercury in Capricorn Influence
Capricorn is known for its stability, which may give some semblance of order in the chaos. We may take a hard look at our finances, goals, and what’s keeping us from achieving them. Capricorn gets a bad rap for ruthless practicality, but when Mercury rolls into this sign, it gives a chance to break out of any delusions, limiting patterns and old belief systems. There is a will to problem-solve and put the pieces back together. We can use this Retrograde period to build strong foundations for our goals in the coming year.
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How can Mercury Retrograde help us?
It’s beneficial to reflect and revisit things to determine what is and isn’t working. Review what we are putting your energy toward. For example, if our friends are important to us, have we put in the effort to reach out and spend time with them? Or are we overextending when it comes to our career and our relationships are suffering? Reflect on what is important and how we can bring more attention to those areas.
Journaling is a great activity for Mercury Retrograde. Mercury enjoys writing, and it’s a great way to navigate our brains and find what is bothering us and what is amazing. Having a gratitude list can help us to remain positive during this difficult time.
It’s also a great time to have a creative outlet. Find a way to be creative by browsing Pinterest for craft and recipes. Try painting or grab a coloring book. Try blogging. We never know what we might learn when we try new things.
Mercury Retrograde is a great time to take a step back from Social Media and general socializing! Take a day (or two) to completely unplug. One of the best things to do is relax! Hibernate and snuggle up with a favorite movie. Have a spa night. Enjoy time to yourself!
How to Survive!
Truly, there is nothing to worry about while Mercury is in Retrograde. It’s a reminder to slow down and check the details. The best thing to do is remain flexible, patient and understanding. Allow extra time for travel. Double check your email responses. Avoid big plans and new contracts if we can! 
Review projects and plans, but wait until Mercury is direct again to make a final decision. We can’t stop your life, but we can plan ahead, have back-up plans and be prepared for people’s miscommunication. Be thoughtful and patient. Heat of the moment reactions are not usually good for our future well-being.
Take a moment to reflect. It’s an excellent time to reanalyze who you are and what you’re doing. Just refrain from any drastic changes until after retrograde has ended.
If mistakes happen, life won’t end! These are just a few things we can do to make it easier.
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esotericfaery · 10 months
Mercury enters Capricorn & Venus enters Scorpio (December 2023) [Info. and Affirmations]
Dec. 1st, as Mercury (rx) leaves Sagittarius for Capricorn, we switch from feeling adventurous and playful, more into focus towards long term goals. We’re more practical, organized, a grounded into physical realism, and less fun-loving jokester. Humour changes from silliness to a more subtle form; sarcasm.
We’re also less likely to get caught up in pretension or inconsistent behaviour. Philosophy changes from exploring a wide range of topics or options, to the precision of what’s most essential. We get to the point, knowing our ambitions are best conquered most efficiently this way.
Watch out for ourselves and others, as cold, harsh behaviour is experienced. Not particularly expressive, Capricorn can be cautious, and may even seem guarded. We should attempt to not have tunnel vision, and to not allow cold behaviours.
For those who do any sort of teaching and guiding as work, we will enjoy this stable and focused energy. It’s great for getting tasks and projects finished faster, and better than when Mercury was in Sagittarius.
How effectively are we communicating both within and without? We’ll have time to work with dependable Capricorn, and figure it out.
We’ll also have a bit of a break from that energy, as Mercury hops back to Sagittarius on the 23rd, then surfs back into Capricorn on Jan. 14th. Mercury gets out the protest signs for Aquarius on Feb. 5th, around the time He finishes His rx exit shadow.
Dec. 4th, Venus leaves one of it’s home signs, Libra the balancer, for mysterious, unpredictable Scorpio. Venus will be there until She meets up with Sagittarius on Dec. 29th.
Passions flare like white water rapids, as the superficial just isn’t appealing, and anything mediocre is viewed with disdain.
Intensely unforgettable romance often happens when Venus is in Scorpio. Scorpio is either all in, or has no interest. You will lose the trust or devotion of someone with Scorpio prominent if you don’t speak clearly about your thoughts and emotions. This is an energy where it can be difficult to trust others, even with no tangible evidence that lack of trust is warranted. Even while Scorpio can be secretive in order to avoid vulnerability, any vague energy from loved ones can be perceived as feeling that person could be hiding something that is important to know. Don’t shut others out, and work consciously to not get shut out.
We can’t help but to have some level of suspicion towards at least some loved ones, though particularly towards those we don’t know well. At the same time, we become engaged in deep, even darker art and activities. Even the profoundly disturbing can have quite the appeal.
Whether dealing with a romantic situation, or anything else, channel in some of that cautious, stable Capricorn energy, as not only Mercury, but Pluto (obsession, domination, mutation, transformation, enterprise, construction) is in Capricorn. The Sun also enters Capricorn on Dec. 21st, amping up the goats energy.
Dec. 3rd-6th, Venus in Scorpio square Pluto in Capricorn (exact first day) - affirm: If I feel socially manipulated and like I want to be rude, I know I have to conform to what others are doing for now. I compromise and work on obstacles, knowing I can express myself later.
Dec. 7th-14th, Mercury in Capricorn sextile Venus in Scorpio (exact on 12th) - affirm: To maintain the peace, I smooth over feelings for now, knowing that after this transit, something more serious can be discussed.
Dec. 10th-12th, Venus in Scorpio opposition Jupiter in Taurus (precisely exact on the 10th) - affirm: If I’m sure to be gracious and tolerant, I know I can expand my social life elegantly. I’m careful to not overindulge or show off, as I have a good time. I’m careful to not overspend, be pretentious, or count on more than I could get in business or a social situation.
Dec. 19th-23rd Venus in Scorpio opposition Uranus in Taurus (exact on 21st) - affirm: If I meet someone unusual and alluring, I know not to count on anything long-term. Though others may be crass, I’m determined to be agreeable and can attain interest. I avoid being emotionally unstable, knowing this can cause disaster.
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everydayhoroscope · 9 months
Daily Horoscope for Sunday, December 31, 2023
Daily Horoscope for Sunday, December 31, 2023 As Sunday approaches, many will evaluate the past year, focusing on achieving stability and security rather than material possessions.
As Sunday approaches, many will evaluate the past year, focusing on achieving stability and security rather than material possessions. You might find inspiration for enhancing your future security, which will become a priority in the new year. Photo by Element5 Digital on Pexels.com While the day may not promise great results, it offers an opportunity for reflection on the past year, allowing…
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jeevanjali · 9 months
Aaj Ka Rashifal 29 December: शुक्रवार को क्या कहते हैं आपके भाग्य के सितारे, पढ़ें दैनिक राशिफलAaj Ka Rashifal 29 December 2023: दैनिक राशिफल (Dainik Rashifal) ग्रह-नक्षत्रों की चाल पर आधारित एक भविष्यवाणी है, जिसमें सभी राशियों के दैनिक भविष्यफल के बारे में विस्तार से बताया गया है।
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ms-m-astrologer · 10 months
Cosmic Events: December 2023
Lunar Phases
Friday, December 1, 03:41 UT - Disseminating Moon, 23°40’ Cancer
Tuesday, December 5, 05:49 UT - Last Quarter Moon, 12°49’ Virgo
Saturday, December 9, 07:16 UT - Balsamic Moon, 1°56’ Scorpio
Tuesday, December 12, 23:32 UT - New Moon, 20°40’ Sagittarius
Issues with keeping the faith, with a little crusading on the side, and a dash of (holiday?) overindulgence.
Saturday, December 16, 09:08 UT - Crescent Moon, 9°08’ Aquarius
Tuesday, December 19, 18:39 UT - First Quarter Moon, 27°35’ Pisces
Saturday, December 23, 07:29 UT - Gibbous Moon, 16°11’ Taurus
Wednesday, December 27, 00:33 UT - Full Moon, 4°58’ Cancer
A nice way to end the year, with good memories and reasonable hopes for the future!
Saturday, December 30, 23:50 UT - Disseminating Moon, 24°00’ Leo
Void of Course Moon
Friday, December 1, 13:07 UT (Cancer) - 16:00 UT (Leo)
Monday, December 4, 02:12 UT (Leo) - 03:50 UT (Virgo)
Wednesday, December 6, 13:50 UT (Virgo) - 16:35 UT (Libra)
Saturday, December 9, 01:05 UT (Libra) - 03:35 UT (Scorpio)
Monday, December 11, 08:57 UT (Scorpio) - 11:11 UT (Sagittarius)
Wednesday, December 13, 06:48 UT (Sagittarius) - 15:31 UT (Capricorn)
At 8 hours 43 minutes, this is the longest Void Moon in December.
Friday, December 15, 16:04 UT (Capricorn) - 17:56 UT (Aquarius)
Sunday, December 17, 12:04 UT (Aquarius) - 19:58 UT (Pisces)
Tuesday, December 19, 21:03 UT (Pisces) - 22:47 UT (Aries)
Friday, December 22, 02:47 UT (Aries) - 02:50 UT (Taurus)
At three minutes, this is the shortest Void Moon in December.
Sunday, December 24, 06:40 UT (Taurus) - 08:15 UT (Gemini)
Tuesday, December 26, 13:45 UT (Gemini) - 15:15 UT (Cancer)
Thursday, December 28, 22:57 UT (Cancer) - Friday, December 29, 00:23 UT (Leo)
Sunday, December 31, 05:18 UT (Leo) - 11:53 UT (Virgo)
Transiting Mercury starts the month in its pre-retrograde shadow. It stations retrograde on Wednesday, December 13, and remains retrograde for the rest of the month.
Transiting Juno is in her pre-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Vesta is retrograde all month.
Transiting Jupiter starts the month retrograde. It stations direct on Sunday, December 31, and enters its post-retrograde shadow.
Transiting Saturn is in its post-retrograde shadow all month.
Transiting Chiron starts the month retrograde; it stations direct on Wednesday, December 27.
Transiting Uranus is retrograde all month.
Transiting Neptune starts the month retrograde; it stations direct on Wednesday, December 6.
Transiting Eris is retrograde all month.
Friday, December 1 - transiting Mercury enters Capricorn
Monday, December 4 - transiting Venus enters Sagittarius
Wednesday, December 20 - transiting Vesta retrogrades back into Gemini
Friday, December 22 - transiting Sun enters Capricorn
AKA the Capricorn Solstice.
Saturday, December 23 - transiting Mercury retrogrades back into Sagittarius
Friday, December 29 - transiting Venus enters Sagittarius
Opportunity Periods
Sunday, December 3, 10:13 UT - Monday, December 4, 02:11 UT. “Use this OP for self-improvement, relationship-building, or whatever interests you.”
Wednesday, December 6, 06:17 UT - 13:50 UT. “Use this time for high productivity.”
Sunday, December 10, 17:03 UT - Monday, December 11, 08:57 UT. “This OP during the Balsamic lunar phase should be used for clearing up emotions and deep thinking.
Sunday, December 17, 02:53 UT - 12:04 UT. “Very positive OP for reaching out to people and building rapport.”
Tuesday, December 19, 18:39 UT - 22:47 UT. “A good time for anything, especially the arts and healing.”
Friday, December 22, 01:11 UT - 02:47 UT. “Use this exta boost of energy in positive ways for optimal results!”
Saturday, December 23, 19:04 UT - Sunday, December 24, 08:15 UT. “Take advantage of this perfect time before the holidays for anything from the arts to practical matters or for connecting with others.”
Saturday, December 30, 14:39 UT - Sunday, December 31, 05:18 UT. “Despite Mercury being retrograde, this OP is excellent for creativity and celebrating a happy new year.”
Et Cetera
I really like the Capricorn Solstice chart. If you have some practical achievements in mind, that will be a fine day to launch them.
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