#Decided to do a forest since I don’t normally do those
starryfirmament · 1 year
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deadgurlfilmz · 1 month
CHAPTER 1- “what. The. F*ck”
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Ford pines x platonic!teenage!reader
Summary- Reader and their friends go out to the forest. When reader is looking for a secluded area to pee instead they find a creepy statue. That definitely won’t lead to nothing more… right?
Warnings- teeny bit of swearing, reader is gender neutral, this is probably the only time these friends will be in the story they are only here to add context for the chapter.
it’s been 4 months since stand and Ford returned from their travels on the Stan o’ War and for the most part life has been normal. fords house is still ‘The Mystery Shack’ Stan and Soos co-manage the shack, Ford still continues his studies of Gravity Falls even writing a 4th jornal (it’s more of a personal jornal just for Dipper) and best of all there is no Bill. The pines family is no longer being terrorised by demonic triangle. YAY!
Now for you a 17 year old kid living in Gravity Falls. You are very ordinary you go to high school, have a close group of friends, decent grades and like every other teenager in Gravity falls you want to get the hell out of there. Even with Gravity Falls weirdness for example the gnomes you’ve encountered (that tried to force you to become their wife), and the ghost that haunts you’re old hangout spot (the abandoned 24h convenient store) the weird and supernatural just never really interested you.
Now for the present. It is a Saturday afternoon July 2017 you and your friends (Maren, Rebekah, Owen, and Julia) All decided to go deep Into the forest just for something to do. Owen and Julia were walking ahead of you, Maren, Rebekah, and You were gossiping about some junior his name was something like Gary? Gideon? Definitely on those lines. You spoke about his criminal history what is insane as at the baby age of 11 this boy was in prison. You all continued walking until you shouted to the group.
“Wait guys! I gotta pee” you shout so Owen and Julia would hear aswell.
Rebekah turned to you “babe… where about are you gonna pee? We are miles away from any bathroom.”
You look around and see a patch of land totally hidden with thick trees. “I’ll go over there” you point.
“Cool. We’ll just be here” Owen nods.
You walk over to the “pee spot” you walk into the tall trees and as you do the vibe changes from ‘normal woods’ to ‘suddenly I don’t need to pee anymore’. You feel as if you are being watched. You walk further in trying to shake the feeling. That is until you see a stone statue sticking out from the ground. It’s triangle shaped. On the one hand it’s creepy but on the other how can anything look creepy when it’s wearing a top hat and bow tie? You take a quick picture of it muttering under your breath “ahaha this is cool” and quickly leave (without peeing). You head back to the group not mentioning the statue you saw. A few hours pass and it’s getting dark so all of you head home.
When you 5 make it back to main gravity falls you all go your separate ways saying byes. The walk to your house isn’t long just 5 minutes away from lazy Susan’s diner. You reach you’re home taking out you’re key from you’re pocket and letting yourself in, you heat up left over pasta in the microwave and go to your room. You place the bowl on your dresser when you see a black book sitting on your bed. You know for a fact you didn’t put it there. Curiosity takes over and you pick it up skimming through the pages and taking in it’s horrifying illustrations and stories.
Two things you notice about the book-
1) the book was covered in drawing of the statue you saw in the woods. (Strange)
2) there was one man who repeatedly showed up. You recognise his face from somewhere… you take a moment to think that’s when it hits you the mystery shack! This is the man who owns the mystery shack!! You need to talk to him ask him what the fuck is going on.
You close the book and toss it under your bed not wanting to look at it any longer the only thing you can say is
“What. The. Fuck.”
Okay!!! Chapter 1 done. Yay!! I know the dates and ages of characters I’ve used may not line up with the actual plot of GF but oh well just try to ignore it lol
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dreamwritersworld · 2 years
The chore. Part 2 (Sully family x reader)
this is part two of my first story! :) I decided to add the healing and growing of our character to ease the pain and panic that mayyyy or may not come in the next part 😭. I hope you enjoy it! 💕
Tuk had only just now fallen asleep since it’s been a couple of hours flying. I know that sooner or later she’s going to be hungry so I decided to take a break and go out hunting for our meal. I laid her down safely with my Ikran while I went to go hunt. It had only been an hour since I left so I whistled to see if Tuk was at least up, patiently waiting for a whistle back. She wasn’t thankfully but I was indeed so tired so I just decided to set our meal and future meals for the flight ahead.
I slept longer than expected not as much as Tuk though, I could only hope that the trip wasn’t taking a big hit on her. So I started preparing the meal that I hunted and started a fire, moved Tuk even closer in case she was cold. We ate and got back to flying. A couple of days passed and I can tell as much as Tuk tried to hide it, she was tired of flying and searching for “a place to settle”. She just constantly asked me “are we almost there?” All I had to give her was “We’ll see Tuk-Tuk! Just hold on goofball! :)” I don’t have a plan but I hope she doesn’t notice, she should be at peace and I can’t cause anymore trouble, especially since I’m the reason she wanted to leave the forest.
It wasn’t until a couple of hours I felt tears and a frustrated sob that I noticed Tuk was over hiding how she felt. “Im tired of flying. I want to go home. I want to settle wherever you said home would be. But we can settle another place can’t we? I just want a home.” I couldn’t do anything but hold her while she cried because I knew I had to keep going. I soon realized she was starting to catch a fever, a really bad one so I was in a hurry to find a clan to approach.
Her fever was only getting worse she was hanging on but I didn’t have much time. I feel tears build up, feeling like I let her down until I see huts I think we’re close to something. I hear calls, announcing a newcomers arrival, my arrival. I hold Tuk in my arms crying begging for help. “I do not come to harm anyone Please. Help my sister is sick and it’s only getting worse.” I see the Olo'eyktan and Tsahik coming towards us and I take a kneel to show some sort of my respects since I am holding Tuk in my arms.
“Why do you come here on our island for?” The woman speaks. “I seek a place to call home. A place to settle. I understand I am different but I will adapt. WE will adapt. We will learn your ways but please accept us. My sister is burning up and- please just heal her please.” The two turn to each other and discuss with their eyes as I wait and hold Tuk tight “Sister it hurts, everything hurts”
“I know Tuk, I know it’s ok just hang on” they turn back to me and the Tsahik says “Come with me child.” I follow quickly, hearing the Olo'eyktan urge everyone to return to the normal “Everyone go back to your duties!”
I stand by watching her do her work by the time she’s done Tuk is feelings better but quickly rested. The Olo'eyktan walks in as soon as she is done and she turns to me and says. “My name is Ronal, this is my husband Tonowari. How long have you been out flying?” I look up nervous to speak “M-my name is y/n. Who you just treated is Tuk. We have been flying for a couple of days now.” Silence is between us as she contemplates her next words “You seek a place to settle yes? Well you must learn our ways as you already stated. You must not fall behind.”
“Yes, yes I understand thank you. Thank you truly” She takes a moment to look at my face “Child, what is that scar?” I watch as she touches it. “Oh, it was from a fight I was in. Trust me I don’t do those anymore.” She laughs at how quick I was to cover it up. Then they decided that although we were newcomers, we shouldn’t have our own mauri since we were young. I couldn’t argue this since we are their guest, so they settled us comfortably into a far corner of their Mauri.
Finally a real sleep.
I woke up to a meal being cooked and settled on the table. I had greeted the leaders and introduced myself to their children. The girl, Tyseria lead the conversation asking about Tuk and I’s interests and hobbies and we all seemed to get along until it was time to clean up and I was asked to stay longer while the two siblings did chores. Tuk had walked away into our corner to start beading a bracelet with the new materials Tyseria gave her.
In a gentle voice Tonowari said “We do not mean to bring harm but we must know what went wrong seeing as you are a child taking care of a child. How has it come to this?” I looked down slightly saddened taking in what he said as it was true and seemingly sad. Although I had to be honest and stay true to my word, I told them everything, every detail, every word ever spoken about why I fled the forest.
“Well then y/n…we will take care of you and house you. It seems as though it is in your nature to protect the innocent, you have a strong heart. So I am sorry that on that day, the day you were once again shut out and left to die. No one was there to lift you up into their arms, the way you lifted others like Tuk into yours. No one cared for you the way you should’ve been taken care of then, so allow us to care for you now. It’s time to be at peace Y/n. ” and for the first time ever it was ok to cry, cry tears of happiness and comfort. I was finally going to be at peace.
So that’s what they did. We soon became daughters to them. I grew close with Tyseria, took care of Tuk and surprisingly got along with Aonung even if we seemed to always leave conversations with both of us blushing like crazy. At some point it was hard, to lose old habits. I was so used to being on my own and taking care of Tuk I sometimes lost sight of how others perceive me…just a kid.
I unknowingly over worked myself, fighting to show I can still stay on the island, a war nobody even knew was happening. Once Ronal told me to stop working as my hands were starting to bleed, I accidentally got upset and told her “I can’t stop I need to keep going, stopping means I don’t care anymore.” It wasn’t until then Tonowari and Ronal pulled me aside to talk is when I realized this isn’t like before, I’m not alone.
“All right, your not alone anymore and your not a bad person for leaving. You did not come out of the womb as a frustrated person Y/n. You. Y/n, came out of the womb a beautiful child who unbeknownst to her had a couple of wires crossed. So when you have finally received true love. The love you were always meant to have, it set something off in your brain that wants to deny it and keep fighting. You have been fighting a losing game since the first day you were in your other parents care. So you can sit here and continue looking me in the eye and say as calmly as can be, “I’m fine, it’s not big deal, I’m not thinking about it anymore and I am no longer upset at my past.” That. My child, is the disease of silent frustration. It is deadly. The hardest part about having this disease is that no one in the world can see it besides the ones that hold you close. And that is why we are here to show you we care, we are not leaving, we are not going to ignore your feelings, and we will go through this together. As long as we are here no one can hurt you” *
It was moment like those when I needed someone to pull me out of my old habits, even Tyseria and Aonung did.
I was looking over Tuk while she slept, it had only been a couple of days since we arrived but I was still pondering over the fact that I could’ve lost her if I had no solution to her fever. “What are youuuu thinkin?” I heard Tyseria giggle and say. I stood quiet considering if I should even say anything with the two siblings in the room but I decided to anyways “I thought Tuk would be the one…finally.” Confusion was written on their faces until Aonung said “the one what y/n?” I looked back down “the one who’s life I didn’t harm.” I immediately feel their hugs as Aonung said “you didn’t do anything wrong y/n, you did the best for her.” *
So yes it was difficult, but I made sure we knew their ways and observed everything to show Tuk to be better. We got many eyes and compliments because we learned at a quicker rate and speed than anyone at the island ever did. I didn’t want to overwork Tuk, I could never do that to her so instead while we were doing extra practice I taught her in games, the same way we did in the forest. It was going good and she maintained a smile until we were entering our home and I mentioned us having to practice breathing techniques. That’s when she got frustrated.
“No Y/n I can’t do it. It’s hurts. I can’t practice breathing. It’s easier for you to do when you already know the ways. This is the only thing I can’t and won’t do.” I sigh contemplating my next words, this is about survival and if I need Tuk to be safe I need her to learn how to breath underwater especially since she is surrounded by it. “Tuk please I know it’s hard and trust me I don’t know the ways fully either but we will learn. Together.” She’s silent considering what I’ve said “You made it so that we don’t have to fly anymore Y/n, so we that we can be together still. We’re safe now.” I glance down and smile “yea I guess we are” we sit for a moment enjoying the view of the beach. “All this. It’s worth it. All those times you would ask me if we’d find a home, all I could ever tell you was “We’ll see” and your face would fall every single time.”
“It’s better than saying yes and lying to me.” Tuk admits. “That’s what I told myself. But you want to know something I didn’t tell you? I never had a plan, I never knew where we were going. I never knew anything. I just fought and fought and fought and hoped you didn’t notice. I hoped we’d find something before you did. Did I do a good job?” My voice cracks as I start to tear up hoping I didn’t ruin her. “Of course you did sister! Are you crazy?!” I laugh and continue “When I was about to leave and you swore that you didn’t want to stay. Tuk, I fully believe if you hadn’t come I’d probably be lost. I was right to hear you out back in the forest, you made a request and I just had to trust myself and you to make the hard call. To take you with me. How did I get so lucky?” Tuk smiles and says “You made it so we can so thank you. For everything” I take a moment to stare at her and hold in the morning before saying “your welcome, for everything.”
We clean up the Mauri for awhile and continues the night like normal instead this time I felt a small hand reach out to me. “Can I..? Could I maybe sleep with you tonight.” Something we hadn’t done it in what feels like years. “You know like I did when I was little.” I agreed inviting her in. “Yea I-I’m not scared, just tired.” I smiled at her trying to reassure me while she hugs me in silence “….Tuk you’re still little” I hear her laugh and sigh “yea I know” and we drifted off into sleep.
Hope you enjoyed my loves :)!!! 💕
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verystrxxwberry · 4 months
We need more ML Content on god 😭🙏
MOONLIGHT LOVERS routes as your partners!
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
𝐂𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐧𝐭: fluff, only routes, comfort, them as your partners (individual headcanons). ↝ 𝐂𝐫𝐞𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞: Of course, and my pleasure to give more ML content! I decided to do the relationship hcs for them as to match it with the Eldarya ones. I hope you enjoy them!
♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•. ♪¸¸.•*¨*•.
Compliments. Aaron is an honest speaker when it comes to his feelings and thoughts. You are going to feel loved thanks to the infinite words he uses to show his love for you. He’s gonna use any single opportunity he has to remind you how beautiful you are as well, no matter if you just woke up, if you came out of the shower, if you are all sweaty… He’d tuck a strand of your hair behind your ear and mutter how good looking you are that day. His hands are warm and big, even though they are callous.
Hands. Talking about his big and pretty hands, the way they touch is the most delicate way ever. His thumb will caress your cheek when he cups it, his fingers will caress your back up and down when you are offering him your back in a sign of trust… he’d hold your hand in a gentle manner as if you were a fragile glass.
Manners. He guides you through the forest, using his hand to make sure you don’t slip due to the wet floor or any rock. Or whenever you are both going out, he’s gonna keep the door open for you. You’re never walking through dangerous places if he is there, he’s not gonna allow it as he will make sure you’re safe and in front of him so he doesn’t lose you at any moment.
The same goes for those moments when he has to suck your blood. He will definitely bring water and sugar with him in case you feel bad once he drinks from your blood. He is aware of his bites being hurtful due to his hybrid condition, so that’s why he is extra gentle with you when he has to do it. He normally takes blood from your wrist or collarbone, and will always ask first, no doubt. He can control his instincts as if he is an old vampire, still when he is in heat season or there is a full moon, he can’t help it but feel more attracted to the scent of your blood.
Attentive. Thanks to the time he spent with his pack of wolves, he developed into a natural caring role for him. He notices any slight change on your scent, on the taste of your blood, on your expression, on your voice. He is well equipped with kindness, patience and empathy. He is a good listener and an honest advisor.
Communicative. Since Aaron likes to talk about his honest thoughts and intentions whenever he is going to act, you will be the first one who he will tell about it, and probably the only one. In your relationship with him you will find no problem with communication. He has no taboo, he doesn’t cut a bit when he talks. If you are overthinking something, he will make sure he can reassure you with the truth instead of letting your mind create cruel theories. He likes to listen, but he also likes to talk.
And he actually can talk a lot when he is relaxed and comfortable. Whenever you two go on a walk in the forest, he’d open up to talk about his past with you and many historical things he literally was able to experience because bro has been alive for centuries. He also talks passionately about the things he loves, and it is completely adorable when he gets into that mood.
Lots of forehead kisses.
Pet names: Honey, dear, babe and simply your name. And sometimes he’d spontaneously said some spanish pet names for you (cielo, cariño, bebé and definitely mi vida)
You might believe that he doesn’t take your relationship seriously but he does. He is the kind of guy to use a lot of dark humor and take everything with a laugh, but when it comes to you, he makes sure that his words can have a positive impact on you.
Physical affection. His way of showing love is definitely being close around you. He isn’t as clingy as you might think, but he likes to rest his hand on your shoulder, over your hand, or simply play with your hair. You’d feel spontaneous kisses on your head, or small massages to your shoulders.
Moondance. Even if you don’t want to go, he will still go to make company for Ethan. But do not worry, he is not interested in any lustful thing with any other person that isn’t you. Beliath thought that he’d never get into a relationship, and he’d thought that he would never be capable of loving someone. But guess what? You changed that. You are his lovely human and he is grateful that you are the one teaching him how to love. He might be a goofy silly man, but he respects the ones he loves and you are the first one he respects. Also, he’d be happy if you joined him to the Moondance! He’d have a dancing mate then, and if you wish to, he’d be there to sit on the bar and talk as you two drink something. 
He is physically incapable of getting drunk with human alcohol, as it is weak for him. If you wish to drink, he’d simply say that once in a while it doesn’t hurt, but moderately. He knows that humans can get addicted to alcohol, and he wants to avoid you getting into that loop of unhealthiness. Although it is your choice, he will take care of you whenever you get drunk.
You are invited to join him to party. He’ll stay close to you to make sure that you are alright and safe.
If you are the type of person who gets anxious about going to parties and simply does not like them, that’s valid. He will return back to bed quietly, when the sun is about to set. If he finds you awake, he will explain to you all the gossip he found out during the night. If you are sleeping, he’s gonna admire you for a few minutes until he finally gets to embrace you and sleep.
Expect him to share all of his gossip with you. He knows EVERYTHING about everyone somehow. Even about people he never interacted with. (Kinda hard because he is a social butterfly)
Shopping center dates! He is a good advisor when it comes to fashion, and he has a skill to pick the things that fit you the best. And of course he’d help you to find something comfortable for you. You’d be stunning for him anyway, but if it’s a little bit old fashioned, he’ll definitely tease you just as he teases Vladimir…
He’s the type of person that anytime you’re going to kiss his cheek, he tilts his head a little so it falls right on his lips.
When it comes to drinking your blood, he knows to control his instincts and hunger for it. He is a succubus so he can get the energy through intimacy or your blood. He was born being a vampire, so he has grown up knowing how much he can make his desires wait. He won’t drink of it until he truly feels weak, but he isn’t a weak man. His bites are kinda hurtful because his fangs are pretty sharp and long, and he generally uses his powers so you don’t have to feel much pain in case you are too sensitive. He will ask you if you want that though. The neck is the best spot for him -if not the thighs-
Pet names: Always will be calling you baby, and sometimes sweetheart.
Little dates. He would be too embarrassed to confess that he is actually a soft man when he is around you, and he loves to enjoy quality time with you. So he’d like to invite you to romantic dinners with candles, only the two of you and a quiet environment as you enjoy each others’ presence. If you like writing, there will definitely be writing dates!
He’s pretty serviceable and formal. He would remove his jacket and give it to you to wear if you’re cold. If it’s raining, he’d hold open an umbrella for you. If you need more pillows to sleep, he’d gladly place them under your head. 
Even though during sleeping time his arm is gonna be your pillow, there is no discussion.
Flowers. This goes if you aren’t allergic to pollen… He’d give you some of the most precious flowers he has in his garden in a small bucket. He’d trust you so much to let you be near his flowers and take care of them, he’d even teach you how to do it properly with will and happiness about someone interested in his interests.
Letters. He is ashamed of saying cute stuff at first, so whenever you wake up alone in bed during the first months of the relationship, you’d find love letters on the nightstand. He writes how he feels into words so you’re always updated. He might be secretive with his speech, but he certainly loves you as he never loved anyone before. He uses certain words from his era which meanings behind them are more powerful than you may imagine. 
He’s prone to negative emotions which causes him to isolate himself for a long while until he feels better again. He doesn’t want to ask for it, but during that time he needs you the most. The authority he always carries on his shoulders completely disappears and he gets into a vulnerable and depressive mode. He may be hostile towards the other residents, but simply because he doesn’t want them to realize that he is actually someone sensitive (they know it tho). So the moment you get to his side as he is feeling like this, he’d press his head against your belly and stay there until his anxiety and negative thoughts disappear.
Caress his scalp, play with his hair… he has been for centuries without receiving genuine love. Ah, and do not expect less from him. He is truly romantic and clingy the moment you two are alone in bed. He likes hugs and even more to be able to hold you as you sleep.
And please, this man is absolutely stunning. He has delicate and pretty features, he looks like a prince. Any compliment you give him he’s gonna become a blushing mess, because he is that kind of handsome being who is unable to see his own beauty. He’d roll his eyes and tell you to not speak lies, since the only one whose beauty is comparable with a rose is yours. 
Deep inside he is truly happy that you have chosen him to offer him your heart. He will take care of it as he takes care of his flowers. 
He can be possessive over you though. But he is aware that it isn’t because of you doing anything wrong, it is just about his own insecurities which he will do his best to fix. But I’m sorry, everyone has flaws and his flaw is to be possessive…
Drinking blood is an intimate thing for him, so expect him to do it when you two are going to sleep. He generally likes to give little kisses to your neck and then bite deep down on it. He makes it slow but makes his hands to caress other spots of your body meanwhile, so you don’t have to mainly focus on the pain.
Pet names: When you are in public, do not expect him to say anything cute. He will simply call you by your name. But in private he’ll call you sweetheart, my beloved, my dearest with that elegant British accent (I may be simping a little rn) which spits royalty with each letter.
Quality of time. He doesn’t really mind how you both spend your time as long as he feels your presence around him. That means that there will be constant dates in the library in which both of you would be reading different books. He’d pick interest in listening to your comments or reactions to certain books, and as you gasp in surprise when the MC does something so unsettling, he’d be chuckling softly and asking you what’s wrong.
God he absolutely loves listening to your voice, your breathing, your laugh. There is something about your voice that makes all his problems disappear and his mind is at complete peace. He tilts his head towards the direction of your voice and pays attention to every single one of your words. He’s an active listener and as you talk he will make questions or add comments to show his genuine interest for you.
Words of affirmation. He is very talkative when it comes to his interests, but also expresses his love for you. You will hear him doing small oral poems to compliment the scent of your hair, or the softness of your skin, or the warmth of your touch. He is open about what he needs, and he normally lets you know that he needs your hugs to pull you into his lap for some cuddles.
Loving kisses. Those moments in which you get to sit on his lap, he gives soft and innocent kisses to your shoulders and nape, as he keeps his arms wrapped around your waist. Whenever he is around you he likes to give spontaneous kisses to you. Even when the others are around, he doesn’t mind giving subtle kisses to your hand. He is not secretive about his relationship, simply private. He won’t hide his affection in front of others but won't be clingy or needy.
Sleeping time. When it’s time to sleep, he truly adores being your small spoon. He genuinely searches for comfort and love with your touch. He has been through a lot in his life, and the only thing he wants is to have a stable period in his life. Feeling his back pressed against your chest as he sleeps makes him feel genuinely protected and it feels the happiness of his inner child.
Baths together! He actually will allow you to undress him in a sign of trust. More than once he’d wander his hands all through your body to imagine your shape in his mind. And damn, he adores doing so. He absolutely adores the confidence and intimacy he can get to have with you.
Raphael is truly a nice man who will make sure that you can learn to love yourself as the relationship lasts, because you are truly stunning!
His bites are always consented and you will even have to offer him because he kinda feels guilty of doing it. He actually likes to take it from your shoulder or neck, but of course, always knowing your opinion. If you offer any other place, he’ll accept. Luckily his bites aren’t as painful as the others’.
Pet names: He has no problem calling you sweet things in front of others. It’s not with the intention of letting others know that you are his partner, but simply because he is completely used to call you like that. He calls you hun, darling, sweetie… he actually uses a lot.
Touch starved. At the beginning of the relationship he found it hard to show his affection through his touch, but he craves to be touched. He might not start it, but he will give subtle signs that he desires to cuddle with you at the moment. Once he gets the knowledge that you like certain touches, he will give them to you. He adores when you cup his face and caress his jaw, you will have him melting at the moment.
His arm is always wrapped around your shoulders, no exception.
He’s bringing you to McDonald’s after going to Moondance, and if you wish, he will even bring you to eat them at some hidden place in the town he somehow knows. And yeah… Ethan is the typical dude who knows the weirdest places of the town and randomly offers to go explore them.
Ethan desires to love and to be loved. He loved a very few times in his life, and when he loves, he is intense and loyal. Beliath always teases him for being so cheesy, and even Ivan calls him simp… and yes he is.
Inside jokes. Ethan is pretty funny and has a dark sense of humor, and he will include you as a partner in crime to tease others. He will gossip about other people to you and whenever there is a reference made around you two which had been mentioned before, he looks at you with an unserious face and soon you two burst out laughing. Or sometimes he’d even say stuff only you would understand.
Vladimir has hit you both with the walking stick more than once to cease the laughing because he didn’t understand if you were laughing at him or what (and you indeed were).
You are his weak spot. He can’t say no to you. You don’t have to try too hard with begging, just as you ask for something, he is giving it to you.
He’d kill for you if you ever asked.
Gives you his jacket. At the minimum he sees you are cold, he is placing his jacket on you. He is a big guy and his jacket will be big to you, so he finds it adorable. And the way he stares at you is filled with love, admiring completely how good you look on it. 
He shares his food with you and that is enough to say that he loves you deeply.
When it comes to drinking your blood, he does it casually. His bites aren’t as hurtful as others as he knows the better places to handle the pain. He doesn’t like to use his powers on you to make it lighter or use some kind of medicine so it hurts less. He will fill you with kisses afterwards.
He has nightmares when he sleeps, and will cry your name during his sleep. He keeps having memories of the war he lived and there is a constant fear of losing the ones he cares about. If he lose you or Beliath, he’d be completely lost in this life. More than once he will wake up screaming, probably near a panic attack. Seeing you with him is definitely the most relieving thing for him.
Beliath is the couple therapist whenever you two need it. And he actually is almost a part of your relationship, not in terms of intimacy, but wherever you two go somewhere, he will ask “may I join??? :3333”
No one can change my mind that this dude has knowledge about how to ride a motorcycle, and he will take you on late night motorcycle rides. He loves it simply because he knows he’s gonna feel you gripping on his waist desperate as he increases the speed, laughing at you when you yell at him for it.
Pet names: He only uses “babe” and other pet names in Finnish mainly.
Best friend and boyfriend. People will literally wonder if you are truly dating as the treatment isn’t really a clingy one. He literally hits your arm or nape (not painfully, dw) in joke, he mocks you whenever you pronounce a word incorrectly, he teases you at the minimum… He has the behavior of an annoying best friend. And thanks to being comfortable around you, he can perfectly do cringe stuff with no shame.
He is also very open minded and can switch his playful behavior to a serious one whenever you feel like talking deeply about something. If you need to rant or vent, he will listen, but don’t expect any good advice because he is the type to suggest that you punch someone or you even burn their house.
Gaming dates. Ivan managed to get his own phone, hiding it from Vladimir, because what the hell he wanted to have some freedom and fun… He is concerningly good at phone games. You two will be lying on his bed and playing together any random competitive game. As I said before, Ivan basically treats you with a lot of trust so whenever you win he yells and rolls in the bed as he complains. “Oh, fuck! What is this team? Why are they SO bad!?”. It’s funny to see his reactions as he suddenly might sigh and turn off his phone, turning around to sleep (to whine and complaing actually)
Of course he would never get mad at you for winning at any game! After he has cried about it for 20 minutes, he’d hug you and say “well, at least I am proud of being with someone so skilled.”
Whenever he wins he is also going to mock you about it for 20 minutes.
You two got forbidden from playing games when everyone else is sleeping because the volume of your voices got too loud for your own good -Vladimir scolded you two the next day-.
But this also means arcade dates!
Every time you call him any pet name, he needs like 5 minutes to collect his thoughts and know what to answer because his mind is simply thinking about how you called him.
You literally can not get rid of him. You go to the kitchen? He will go with you to get a glass of juice. You go to the couch? Cool, he goes with you. You wanna go outside? He’s gonna whine but he will go.
Do not remind him about the window incident or he is gonna cry and hug you to apologize about it.
Ivan is really insecure about his vampire condition and being able to hurt you. He tries to warn you whenever he starts to feel hungry so you go away, because he is truly afraid of biting you without your consent. His bites are hurtful since he bites with desperation and needs self control with his hunger and his own fangs. He is a young vampire and he can’t control when his fangs appear or to control himself too much.
He asks Aaron help to control himself.
But whenever he is completely conscious, he is gonna be completely gentle with you. And even if he is playful, there is no way he is harming you for real. If he ever did, he’d cry with you.
He dedicates tiktok meme videos to you (sometimes cheesy ones)
Matching!! Necklaces!!
He will give you an earphone so you both can hear music together. He definitely won’t have any problem with making a playlist with you, and even doing one with songs that reminds him of you.
Pet names: He calls you mon amour or ma chérie when he is feeling more romantic -and usually during intimacy- if not, he calls you anything ridiculous that’s related to your name or hun.
✰; remember to reblog and like to support my content, I hope you enjoyed it!
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whxre-bxby · 2 years
Period Oneshots: Quaritch, Mansk, Wainfleet
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How I think these 3 (big) men would react to you having your period.
I don’t know whether Na’vi women get their period but since they would probably be mammals, I assume so. Either way, I’m going to write this how I imagine it goes for them. Since this fandom decided that they have mating seasons and heat cycles, the period is a 2-3 day period once their mating season is over. Meaning they get it only once a year ( I wish that was me )
Also, choose whether you are human or Na’vi. Doesn’t matter, both go for this one. 
Also, yes I am on my period while writing this. Credit to @jinx14 for the idea. I apologise for any typos, it's almost 2am :)
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Now Miles is a man who, back when he was human, knew everything he needed to know about the woman’s body. Of course, his memories are still with him now, but his old normal life seems more distant to him now that he is focusing on one mission only. 
Either you are on his squad team and are a part of project Phoenix or you work in the lab as a scientist or doctor/nurse. 
Miles knows you as a colleague and has grown unintentionally closer to you in the last month. He found you interesting and liked that you were helpful with missions, polite and knew your place, and loyal to him. Those aspects were very important to him as a person. 
One day he sees you working on something, whether it be working out or filling out lab reports. He notices you look worn out and agitated, which is unlike your usual upbeat mood. 
He comes over to question you and make sure you’re okay. He won’t mind bringing you something if you need it, as long as you ask politely. Asking polietely is one of the least important things on your list if you are fighting cramps, headaches or other pains. It doesn’t help that you may not have slept well. 
You’re too tired to dance around the subject. You know you look tired as shit and you know he can see that, so you just cut down to the chase. 
“I’m on my period, Miles.” you groan out frustrated, stopping your workout or dropping your pen on your lab report. 
He freezes and shuts up. It doesn’t get him embarrassed or anything like that, the answer just takes him by surprise. He was expecting you to say that someone was getting on your nerves or that you had too much to do. 
He had almost forgotten that that happens to women. Then again, your answer had refreshed a few old memories and he understood what you were going through, from the biological view. He knew how it worked and why it happened and for how long etc. 
He didn’t want to make you feel worse so he silently left the room and returned with a hot drink in his hand for you. He will let it slide once. Then, you will have to ask politely again. 
“Do you want company?” he asks, not wanting to get on your nerves. 
You are unable to answer and you nod your head, groaning again before taking the cup into both hands and just holding it for a while. 
He doesn’t start small talk, you both just sit in peaceful silence. He might scan over a few of your reports without understanding them or might take a look at the equipment you were using to workout. 
Miles enjoys your company just as much as you do. And he was ready to help you if you needed anything. He was also happy to be spending time with you. 
He knew you were quiet when it came to personal things so he felt a sense of pride in his chest when you felt comfortable enough to just tell him what’s going on. 
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Mansk: (sorry for the low quality gif)
You would both be outside on a mission. The whole team was out but you were divided into groups to cover more ground. He was focused on his surroundings, eyeing every tree and listening to every noise. 
You were both advancing through the forest pretty quickly and after a while, you started to feel bad. 
Mansk was walking ahead of you when he heard a groan behind him. With quick movements, he swung around and aimed his gun right at you. He relaxed his body and let his ears perk back up when he saw that you were not being attacked. 
“What are you doin’?” he asks, lowering his weapon and slowly walking back to your hunched-over figure. You were leaned against a tree, one hand clutching your stomach and wrapping around your waist tightly. 
Mansk noticed your odd position and started to think about what was happening. He stood next to you, eyes scanning over your body before he looked around again to ensure both of your safety. 
“You good?” he asked, leaning down to try and read my facial expression. 
“Just- give me a moment.” I say, biting my lip. This cramp was almost unbearable and it hit me without a warning. 
He nodded, standing up-right again but in reality, this man had no idea what was going on. His first thoughts were food poisioning or maybe you got sick from the helicopter ride here.
I stood up again, the feeling gone. 
“All good, let’s go.” I say, my normal self back again. Mansk was confused as shit. He stood still, watching you start to walk again. His mind was like a television without signal. After a few moments, you gasped and bent over, clutching your abdomen again. 
While he was still oblivious to your period symptoms, he was more worried and jogged over to you, resting a hand on your back. 
“Do you need-” he started to ask but my moody self interrupted him. 
“Shhhh… I need quiet.” I mumble. He ran out of ideas. He was about to settle on the hypothesis that you had just lost your mind until you mumbled something that made his ears perk up. 
“I’m on my period, it’ll be fine in a sec.” 
Right. Periods. He forgot about those. 
His eyes glanced at your shorts and he was relieved to not see any blood. Mansk had no idea what to do, how to help you or just how to deal with the situation himself. 
“You want water?” he genuinely asked, offering me his bottle. I look up at him, showing clear signs of discomfort and he doubts his question, leaning his ears back. He felt a little stupid for not knowing what to do. Usually in missions, he was the one to have the best ideas on how to do whatever. Now, he felt useless.
“Yes, why not.” I say, grabbing it from him. My answer surprised him. 
“Thank you.” I mumbled, wiping a few drops with the back of my hand from my mouth. He nodded, smiling to himself that he had managed to do something in your favour.
“We can keep going again.” you softly say, straightening your posture and turning around again. 
Mansk isn’t a very talkative person, therefor you both walk in silence most of the way again. But neither of you mind. You are distracted by your discomfort anyway. 
From now on, he will always offer you water.
Water obviously doesn’t help against pain, you were just thirsty from walking, but Mansk doesn’t know that. You weren’t going to tell him either. Looking at him, you saw how he was holding the bottle ready in one hand, so he could give it to you again. It was sweet that he wanted to help, even if he didn’t know how. 
He makes sure to stay close by your side, incase you need to stop again. Mansk is slightly more cautious now because he knows your attention is elsewhere. That is also why he suddenly feels very protective of you. 
When you return to the others he doesn’t spill that you are shedding blood as you speak. If you weren't there and it would be his buddies, he would though. Just to brag about how well he thinks he handled the situation. 
Upon arriving, he pretends as if nothing happened and that it was a normal situation, trying to forget the little panic moment he felt before. 
Mansk also pushes anyone sitting next to you away, so that he can be by your side. 
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Lyle Wainfleet: 
You and Lyle work out regularly together. It started off when you would just run into eachother at the gym room. He started conversation with you and it formed a friendship. Now you meet up and both do your workout together. You help spot him while he helps to ensure that you keep a stable form and stuff. 
Anyway, right now you and him are competing against each other, trying to see who can hold a plak the longest. 
You’re going 2 minutes strong and you were ready to hold it longer. Lyle was keeping his posture obtained too. 
Suddenly you started to feel a light pressure in your lower abdomen. Within seconds, it became more intense and then it struck you like an arrow from hell, causing you to fall flat on the ground. Immediately, you turned to your side, scrunching up and hugging your waist as you experienced discomfort. 
Next to you, Lyle cheered. 
“Ha, told you so. You almost had 3 minutes. I can go for another 3, just watch and-” he started bragging until his gaze landed on you all curled up into a ball. 
“Okay, don’t you dare trick me into thinking you’re hurt just so I can’t break my record.” he chuckled, focusing on his plank again. After you hadn’t moved in a few seconds he glanced back at you. 
He was starting to get worried. 
“Y/N quit playin’.” he said but already, you were able to pick up a hint of worry in his voice.
“Y/N.” he repeated, hoping you would turn around smiling. But you stayed still. Something felt off to him so he decided to stop. He got out of his plank position and knelt beside you. Lyle looked down and noticed your facial expression. You were in fact not messing with him. He felt slightly relieved by that but then again worried for you. 
“You okay?” he asks, slightly shaking your arm. You nod but stay in your position. Lyle is confused now. What are you doing?
Did you get a cramp from the workout? Even the word ‘cramp’ didn’t ring a bell in this soldier's head. 
“I think I just got my period.” you whined. You were dreading it but it had to come eventually. 
Lyle’s eyes went wide. “Oh…” he said, almost sounding like it was a whisper. “Right…” 
“Just give me a moment, I’ll be fine in a few…” you mumbled, keeping your eyes squeezed shut. 
“Yeah, sure. Of course. Take as-as long as you need…” he started rambling. “We are in no hurry, just- yeah take your time. You know, relax.” 
“Lyle.” I warn him. 
“Yep, I’ll be quiet. I’ll just sit here and wait with you until you feel better. Which you will, right? Like, this thing won’t-”
“Lyle!” I snap at him. I was short-tempered at the moment and I couldn’t deal with his long string of words. 
He sat in silence, watching me to make sure I wouldn’t pass out or die. While he did still find himself fascinated with how the female body worked, it scared him to a certain extent. If he would see blood on your leggings, he would definitely freak out.
Once the cramp fades away, you sit up, taking a few deep breaths. Lyle continues to watch you patiently and you smile and apologise for snapping. He isn’t upset. Lyle is an overly friendly angel and just wanted you to feel better. If you had asked him to, that man would have sat next to you for a few hours. Even if you fell asleep, he would not leave your side.
Since you were in a vulnerable state, he was happy he was the one looking out for you. And look out for you he will. He will get you absolutely anything and will make sure you are comfortable. If someone would need to talk to you he would handle it, sending them away. If you would get cold, he would cover you in his jacket or hoodie, etc. Wainfleet was just a big friendly giant to those he cared about.
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ladiemars · 6 months
I love Nor and her giant sad puppy eyes, I would love to know more about her
thank you!! have a hastily drawn nor ft. her giant sad sopping wet puppy eyes:
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+ a giant nor lore dump below the cut જ⁀➴
➸ her whole character was inspired by that one textpost that’s like, “characters with both the abject terror and desperation of an animal that knows it is cornered and destined to be eaten. you just can't get that kind of angst out a successful hunter” and this quote by james harriet: “if having a soul means being able to feel love and loyalty and gratitude, then animals are better off than a lot of humans.”
➸ she’s is the product of a union between a drow woman and a deep imaskari man. for those who don’t know, the deep imaskari are a human subrace (from 3e) that have stone-like skin and hair that’s white or black. because that’s nor’s human half, most people assume she’s completely drow upon meeting her, since did not inherit any features from her father that would make her look less like her drow mother.
➸ the deep imaskari live longer than other humans—up to 550 years—so nor ages at a rate more akin to drow and elves than half-elves or humans. nor believes she’s currently around seventy years old, though she could be off by a decade or two. she’s not sure when she was born and has long periods without human contact. she really isn’t sure how much time has passed.
➸ she has no given name, but eventually ended up going by the name ratcatcher, which is what the locals in baldur’s gate called her. halsin is the one who names her nor shortly after they meet, which is the elven word for “passion” and also “run.”
➸ this excerpt from one of my fics sums up her urchin/orphan to urban ranger/beastmaster pipeline pretty well:
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➸ around the age of twenty, nor grew to resent humanity so much that she decided to leave baldur’s gate and live in the forest with only animals for company for half a century. (this is when she lost track of time completely.) in the forest, she became an expert in survival, attuning her ears to the slightest twitch in the air, to every noise and smell. she lived in a cave and slept curled up beside velvet on a bed of willow leaves. the events of baldur’s gate 3 is the first time in decades that she’s had social interaction.. and it shows.
➸ she has a little wolfdog companion named velvet. (i’ve drawn him and her and halsin and scratch here). he was another half-breed who didn’t quite being anywhere, so they bonded very deeply. (fun fact: velvet killed the elder brain in my first playthrough as nor. he’s a legend in faerun now.)
➸ laezel is her bestie. they are ride or die. neither of them understand a damn thing about faerun or its inhabitants. but that also means they don’t judge each other for anything, cause they both just kind of assume what the other is doing is normal
➸ a big part of her character is her dynamic with the emperor. she gets manipulated by him so bad because he tells her everything a forgotten, unloved creature wants to hear: i need you, i’ll protect you, you’re not like other people, we’re a team, you can trust me, i want you to join me, you aren’t alone. it’s not until he begins to pressure and compel her to become illithid against her will she starts to fear him and his power over her, and after certain revelations she realizes he was using her and turns on him altogether.
➸ obviously she romances halsin. i love the dynamic of beastmaster/druid. they’re extremely well suited because they’re both such inherently good people and they bond a lot over their love for nature. they are also the only two people who can really understand each other’s animalistic quirks.
i’ve written some fics with her that you can read here if you’re interested. >:3c
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Them reacting to seeing you do something weird
characters: Collei / Kuki Shinobu x gn!reader (separate)
warnings: none
a/n: I decided to try and write something for two of my favorite 4 stars again since I don’t get all too many requests for them.
Anyway, hope you enjoy!
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Among the forest Rangers in Avidya Forest, almost no one could confidently call themself a bigger expert than you when it came to the wildlife inhabiting the forest. If there was an animal living in it, you knew it, if someone needed to know how it looked like so they’d be able to recognize it, you had sketchbooks full of detailed portraits at the ready and if there was anyone that wanted to learn about them, their best choice of action was to ask you.
That being said, you had a tendency to get lost when wandering around the forest alone, and so Collei was quickly assigned to helping you keep your sense of directions when out to research, the win-win situation of you having a helping hand while Collei got the opportunity to learn from the experts beating the prospect of having to search for you day and night everyday.
“I remember the first time I ventured out into the forest, I was what? Barely ten years old? My mother always told me how panicked my father was when I didn’t return at nightfall, you should have seen his face when he found me playing with a shame lion not far from home, he was so relieved you could basically see the weight fall off his shoulders, it was great… I did get into trouble afterwards, but that didn’t stop me from going back barely a week later”, you talked about your childhood while shoving branches to your side, trying to make a somewhat clear path for the two of you, all the while Collei listened to you as if put under a spell. 
You weren’t that much older than her, probably only a few years older, and yet you were already regarded as an expert in your old field. Collei couldn’t help but admire you and yet, when she heard how early you started to get interested in the animals living in the rainforest, she started to understand the reason for your success.
That being said, not everything in your stories seemed to make sense.
“Your father was relieved when he saw you playing with lions??”, you could hear the shock in Collei’s voice as clear as day and while her reactions seemed like the only plausible one when confronted with such a detail in your childhood story, the sheer and utter confusion on your face made her question if playing with lions wasn’t as abnormal as she thought.
“Lions? Oh Archon, no. Shame lions, those small green creatures that can change their colors depending on the background. I can show them to you if you need a refresher”, you offered, shooting her a quick smile before turning your head back forwards.
“Shame lions? …Do you mean Chameleons?”, Collei asked hesitantly, hoping she was on the same page as you and didn’t accidentally insult you by implying you didn’t know how to pronounce the animal’s name.
“...Chameleons? I-is that how you pronounce that? Heh, that explains quite a few of my weirder conversations actually”, you stated with a nervous giggle, your face growing red as you awkwardly scratched your cheek, only to eventually break out into full-on laughter, worrying your companion for a moment, before your laughing eventually infected the ranger.
“Thanks for telling me, I guess the others didn’t have the courage to correct me… that or they were far too confused to.”
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Kuki Shinobu
For most of her days, Shinobu was surrounded by Inazuma’s brightest, watching their sober forms do things normal thinking people wouldn’t do after drinking a barrel of the strongest alcohol money could buy the same way a child would watch an animal in a zoo, and yet, she knew her colleagues long enough to not bat an eye, no matter how stupid the predicament they found themselves in.
Hanging around Itto and his boys made her appreciate the quieter moments in life as well as thank whatever deity was responsible for introducing people to each other that you were a part of her life. You knew how to hold a conversation, were kind and always thought about how your actions impacted others and hid a brain behind those eyes of yours… a welcome change of pace for her.
So when the two of you bumped into each other on her way home, only to decide to walk along the beach in hopes just being near the water would be enough to cool you down somewhat, considering the scorching hot weather, only for you to ask her to stop for a bit so you could cool your feet in the water, refusal wasn’t on Shinobu’s mind for even a second.
“Don’t you want to step into the water as well? It has just the right temperature!”, you happily asked after putting your hand in it for a second, testing the water before quickly readying yourself to step into it, pulling your pants up a bit so they wouldn’t get wet, only to stop when Shinobu called out to you.
“Your shoes.”
Without missing a beat, you hit your forehead with the palm of your head, an embarrassed look spreading across your face as you giggled to yourself. 
“Of course, I nearly forgot. Thanks a lot Shinobu!” Your shining smile coupled with hearing her name leave your mouth was enough to make her cheeks heat up, not enough for you to notice, considering her facemask, however, something she thanked the heavens for.
Just as quickly as you had stopped, you returned to pulling off your shoes before placing them on the sand and jumping into knee deep waters… your socks noticeably still on your feet, a fact Kuki didn’t miss in the slightest, her eyes widening at the sight of your drenched socks.
“Something’s wrong?”, you asked, completely oblivious to what caused the person in front of you to be rendered completely speechless. 
It took her a few seconds and about ten times of blinking her eyes in hopes it would all turn out to be a hallucination before she finally responded, trying her best to look away as to not constantly remember her brain of what was in front of her.
“N-no, nothing.”
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Chapter 2: Planning Ahead
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Na'vi: Kaxltì -> Hello Appearances: So'lek, Ateyra (OC) Word Count: 1 812 Authors Note: There again is no need to have played the game. Since this is a So'lek fanfiction there will be minor Spoilers. I hope you enjoy reading and have a beautiful day ❤ The other Chapters are HERE
As you woke up, you already knew that this day would be hard. After everything that had happened yesterday you had a lot to get done.
First off all you wanted to ask So’lek for another Bow lesson. You knew you needed to learn this, so that everybody in HQ could stop worrying so much about you. And furthermore, you agreed with Alex. He might not normally be good at this type of thing, but for you to wait around until So’lek talked to you was ridiculous. After all it was So’lek. He never really talked to anyone if it wasn’t totally necessary.
Second you needed to check on Ateyra, see how she was doing, now that the Aranahe had taken her in. You also hadn’t forgotten that you needed a plan on how to stay close to her and redeem yourself in the eyes of the Aranahe. This would also be the thing you decided to do first. Since So’lek wasn’t particularly fond of you, even though you did your best to change that, and you did not want to ruin his day first thing in the morning, neither did you want to ruin your own day if he decided to reject you.
Slipping into the pod, readying yourself for the connection, excitement arose in you. Closing your eyes in your human body and opening them to see Pandoras forest and beautiful nature in front of you would be something that you would forever worship. There was nothing better than the sensation of the soft noises, the different smells and the intensity of how your Avatar body took all of it in. Eywa, you loved this feeling. More now than yesterday you whished to stay in this body forever. In the back of your mind the dread of going back to your small and fragile body, where you could not feel, hear or smell all those sensations was building up again.
Pushing those thoughts aside you stepped out of Wooded Glen Field Lab and started heading to the home tree. Priya had already informed Ateyra that you would come meet her there. As you came closer you already saw Ateyra waiting for you. Quickening your steps as to not waste anymore of her time you already shouted “Kaxltì” in her direction. Ateyra had taken a few environment samples for you to take back to HQ that she gave you the moment you stood in front of her.
“Here, I couldn’t take more. I also tried talking to them to let you in again, but it’s no use. I’m really sorry.” A soft smile formed on your lips “Don’t be. It’s their right to keep me out, after all that happened. I will find a way to prove myself to them again. Or at least I hope to do that. Anyway, did they teach you anything useful?” You knew Ateyra wasn’t the one to blame. Of course you were sad, that for one you couldn’t be with the Aranahe anymore and that there was no way for you to be a representative for the Resistance at the moment, but for now there was nothing you could do about it. It was best for you to fixate on the things that were within your reach and that was bow training with So’lek. Or at least you hoped so.
“Well, we didn’t do much yesterday. I met some of the people and we shared a meal. But today is going to be very exciting. Nevika plans on showing me how to dress Na’vi and Etuwa also wanted to talk about something. I will keep you all updated.” With a smile and a nod, you said “Good, let me know if you need anything. Also, it be great if you will take me along if an opportunity arises.” You knew this was a selfish request, but Eywa you just wanted to be a part of this. You already missed the smells inside of home tree and while you knew that you would be in the way, considering your non existential skills with any weapon, you wanted to go along. At times like this you really wished, that during the first fight against the RDA, someone would have shown you how to properly wield a weapon. But then again you didn’t because now you could make So’lek your trainer. “I’ll do my best” Ateyra answered. With a last nod, the two of you parted ways.
Since you planned on bow training you started heading towards HQ. Taking your sweet time to take everything in. After all, you were more than happy to be back in this body. You grabbed yourself a fruit to eat on the way. The taste of Pandoras foods was another sensation indescribable. It made you miss the good foods from earth even more. You would practically kill to eat something properly in your human body again.
Once you had reached HQ it was time to search for So’lek. As he wasn’t in his usual spot you had to check practically everywhere, until you found him standing outside. He seemed to want to head off somewhere. Stopping him in his tracks your heart began to flutter. Eywa, that man had no business looking so good.
“What do you want?” his usual annoyed self made you feel at ease, as it wasn’t anything against you or anyone in particular. So’lek wanted his peace and quiet and did everything to protect that. He was a loner, and it was only on rare occasions, such as your bow training or when the Sarentu arrived, that he allowed someone invading his personal space. This thought arose something in you. You hadn’t yet thought about why the lone soldier had even suggested bow training you. You wanted to think about it more, but you still owed So’lek an answer. “I wanted to know if you would again show me the ropes on how to use a bow.” You began speaking. Already you could see him frowning at your request so you quickly added “I promise I will do better this time. No missing the target anymore!” still frowning he said “But only one more chance. However, it has to be tomorrow, today I have to go on a mission. Meet me tomorrow morning in front of the HQ. Be early, you have a lot to get better at.” With that he turned and left you standing there. Frozen in your spot.
You had expected him to say no, or to make it more difficult for you. He seemed to do that to everyone else. Maybe you had gotten away with it because he had a good day? He also didn’t seem to be too appalled seeing you today. When he was with Alma, you could see it in his eyes how he tried to keep his hatred in check. Today that seemed different. Or maybe it was your imagination whishing for him to like you. To at least become friends, so you could be near him.  
You headed inside, giving the people in the Lab the samples that Ateyra had taken. Now that Bow training was planned for tomorrow you asked around and helped where help was needed, in order to pass the time quicker. The thought alone of being with So’lek tomorrow made you cheerful.
So’lek wasn’t sure what exactly had ridden him to say yes to your request. It also didn’t seem to make sense to him as to why he wanted to help you train with a bow in the first place. You were a Dream walker, a human but sometimes you seemed more Na’vi. Maybe that was the point that intrigued him. How you managed to hide your roots like that.
He remembered well the day that he asked you to first train with him. He had always kept a close look on every one of the Resistance incase that any human, Dream walker or Na’vi decided to do something that he did not approve of. Therefore, he was one of the first to notice your change. It did not surprise him, after all you had spent a lot of time with the Aranahe, learning their ways and exchanging culture. However, to his surprise he felt sorry for you and wanted to help you get your mind off this topic. He did not know why, the two of you never really had a close relationship. All you ever did was exchange formalities when it came to missions. And now he allowed you to train with him again. It confused him. There was no reason for him to allow you to be close.
What made even less sense was the fact that you were talentless when it came to the bow, why would you want to continue learning? No matter how often he had corrected your posture and no matter how often he had told you to hold your breath in before firing your arrow you never seemed to really execute it. And Eywa the number of arrows you had missed were impressive. Just thinking about it made him annoyed.
And yet it also seemed to intrigue him. The thought of getting to know you better, to unravel what made you so Na’vi in his eyes, why you were so eager to get to know Pandora in all it’s ways. Yes, you were quite the opposite of the other dream walkers he had gotten to know. Most of them refused to let go of their ways. They made themselves look Na’vi, but their actions were disgusting and wrong. They were demons in the wrong body. But you? Somehow you were not.
He also remembered how angry you were at Alma the day she had confessed that the Sarentu children were sleeping in cryopods. It had made him happy, to see that someone felt the same way about it as he was. And when you tagged along on the mission? You might not had noticed it, but he kept fixating on you. You were no fighter, but the way you spoke to the children and lectured Alma, it had made him grateful. He saw himself in the Sarentu children, or at least a part of him. They had also lost their clan and lost precious years being in the TAP. He now wanted them to experience Pandora to the fullest and you agreed with him. While Alma needed them to fight for the Resistance, you told them that they should do as they pleased. Of course, Alma did not only want that for them. But there seemed to be something twisted about her, that So’lek had yet to uncover. He liked the fact that you appeared to think the same way about this. All of this had made him curious about you. Maybe that was why he agreed to give you one more lesson.
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quibbs126 · 11 months
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Okay, I can’t find the ask that requests this pairing, but I know I got a request for it somewhere, so I’m just posting it normally
Anyways, so this was the first oc x canon requested, by @amythecat2001, and this is Purple Plum Cookie
The oc also belongs to @amythecat2001, and her name is Rose Tea Cookie
Okay, so with her name, full disclosure I think I forgot the “Tea” part of Rose Tea when I came up with her name (as well as the “Juice” in “Prune Juice”), because I was like “okay, what’s in between prunes and flowers?” and I learned that prunes are basically just dried plums, so I decided to base her off of those. But I really liked how the plums looked, so I just stuck with it
European plums (since I think those are the specific kind):
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So I’m gonna go ahead and say that she’s the previously mentioned fankid who doesn’t really look like her parents but I liked the design of
She looked like a fantasy magic user that I really want to see in a video game
Like I didn’t intend for her hair to be entirely curly, it was just supposed to be some of her hair like Rose Tea, but I liked how it looked, so I kept it. Though some of her hair got obscured by her staff. I also gave her those pink parts at the top to reference the red spots on the plums
Speaking of the spots, I gave her a bunch of plums in her staff and brooch because that’s what she is. Though originally the plums were darker and the spots lighter, until I looked at the references again and realized that it was the other way around, so I changed that
I realized when I was doing the feet, I realized neither Prune Juice or Rose Tea have visible feet, but I decided to keep her with boots anyways. I gave her long boots because why not
If I’m being honest, I feel like her dough is too light, but both characters have light dough tones, so not much I can do. But I did give her blush because I thought it looked good
Oh also, I was considering giving her a bottom hair gradient, but I thought it made the hair design too much, so I didn’t do that
And also the colored sketch was the original draft of her I did before I did her design
I’m sorry, my brain’s not entirely working when it comes to explaining the design. Just know that I like it a lot, even if I admit she probably doesn’t look enough like her parents. Let’s get on to her character
So she’s a wizard that graduated from Parfaedia. Her magic is plant/juice based, which is what those circles you see on the staff are. But she also makes and uses potions, which she learned from her father
She’s a bit absent minded and directionally challenged, she will have points where she’s just like “wait…where am I?” or “what am I doing?” because she forgot. She usually means well, she just doesn’t always know what she’s doing
But don’t let that fool you, she’s very intelligent and has a lot of ingenuity. She uses potions alongside her magic so she could cover her bases if her magic’s depleted, or she needs something specific
I was listening to Licorice’s Cookie Trial theme, so I just imagine her wandering through a dark forest. I dunno, I just needed something to say
To be honest I feel like if I knew more about Rose Tea, it might help me get a better idea of character for Purple Plum, but ah well
So yeah I think that’s about it. Hope you enjoy
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gtbutterfly · 5 months
Quincy and the forest giant part 6
Hey, here's part six of the gt story I'm writing. This one is a pretty uneventful chapter, but things will get more exciting soon after this. As usual, criticism is appreciated.
No cws this time (I think)
Here's the previous part:
I didn’t know many card games. I didn’t understand the rules of most mature card games, and most of the young card games I knew from playing them at school couldn’t be played with normal playing cards. I did know how to play “Go Fish,” but I wouldn’t call myself too good at it.
“Go Fish’ isn’t exactly a skill-based game. But it was the only game both me and Ella knew that could be played with the large, generic playing cards she had. The cards were big, about two feet long, but for Ella, they were just barely big enough for her to see without squinting. Proportionally, they were about the size of “mini” playing cards for her. Meanwhile, I had some trouble holding my cards so she couldn’t see them. I ended up having them face down on the floor (which was actually the table) and remembering which cards I had and which card was which in my head. I considered asking Ella why she even had these cards since most card games needed more than one person to play, and she was here alone, but I decided against saying anything, due to how she usually reacted to my questions.
“Do you have an ace of diamonds?” Ella asked, looking down at me while holding her cards in one hand.
“G-go fish,” I said, looking down. Ella took a card from the pile on the table. She struggled a bit to only take one.
“So, kid,” Ella asked, picking up her card, “you have any friends back home?”
“Uh, kinda,” I said, peeking at my cards while they were still face down, “do you have…a 10 of spades?”
“Go fish,” The giant said. I got up and walked to the stack of cards, sliding one off the top.
“So, there are some people I like, hang out with, sorta,” I said, “they’re…kind of my friends,”
“What do you mean ‘kinda’?” Ella asked, “Got any kings of hearts?” I took the king of hearts from my deck and held it up for her. She took it with two fingers and placed the pair in front of her on the table.
“I mean, I dunno, they would talk, and I'd ... .sorta just be there,” I said, looking down, “they like me and all, but it doesn’t really feel like I’m part of the group…do you have any 2 of spades?”
“Hmm…no,” Ella said, looking at her cards before looking at me, “so, you're not too attached to anyone in that village of yours?” The giant asked, “you wouldn’t be too sad if…y’know what? Nevermind,”
“What?” I asked, looking up at her worried,
“Don’t worry about it, it's nothing, I shouldn’t have brought it up,” Ella said, “you have any queens of clubs?”
“...no…” I said, looking down, thinking about what Ella was just saying. I tried changing the topic, “So, where’d you…uh…learn cards? Um ... .have any…one of hearts?”
“Kid, ‘go fish’ isn’t exactly the most complicated game to learn,” The giant said, taking one of the hearts out of her deck and gently placing it in front of me. I flipped over my one of hearts and paired it with hers.
“um…I mean…who taught you? Um…was it…the people from your job?” I asked, before realizing what I was asking, “Um, sorry if that's…one of those questions ... .um, do you have an ace of spades?”
“Don’t worry, it's fine,” Ella said, looking down at me, “also, you already went,”
“Oh..sorry,” I said, sheepishly looking down,
“I learned how to play cards before any of this, that's all I can say,” Ella said, “you have any 10s of spades?” she said with half of a smirk. I sighed and gave her my 10 of spades.
“um ....I know…I probably shouldn’t ask, but ... what do you mean before this?” I asked, looking up at her,
“Hmm, before this,” The giant said,
“You mean…before you were hired by…whoever you work for? Before you were a giant?” I asked,
“Maybe before those things, but definitely before I brought you here,” Ella said nonchalantly,
“Got any fives of clubs?” I asked,
“Go fish,” Ella said,
“...so…you said ... .you're human, right?” I asked, taking a card from the stack,
“When I say that?” Ella asked, shuffling through her cards,
“...when you first brought me here…when I woke up..” I said,
“Oh,” the giant said, “yeah, I said I’m a human, but bigger. Got any threes of diamonds?”
“....so….were you always like that? Um…a giant?” I asked, handing her my card.
“Hmm, y’know what?” Ella said, putting her pairs of cards on the table, “Guess,”
“...what?” I asked. Ella placed her deck of cards on the table face down and leaned towards me.
“Guess. Tell me what you think this is all about, and I’ll tell you if you're not right.”
“..really?” I asked, looking up skeptically,
“Yeah, it's not like you’ll guess correctly anyway,” the giant said,
“Um, ok, so,” I looked down trying to figure it out, thinking of everything I knew so far, “you…work with a bunch of other giants…and….um….they….no…” I tried again,” You work for….some kind of…forest god…that made you a giant ... and the disappeared humans are sacrifices for it?” Ella smiled and laughed under her breath,
“Nope, not even close,” Ella said,
“Oh…um….can I try again?” I asked,
“No, I don’t want you to try finding out through the process of elimination,” she said more sternly this time.
“Oh…ok…” I said,
“Anything you want to do other than play cards?” Ella asked me,
“Um….do you have any other….um….games?” I asked,
“Ever play chess?” The giant asked blankly.
“No, I’ve played checkers though,” I answered.
“I don’t have checkers pieces.” Ella said,
“But you do have giant chess pieces?” I asked, “and a giant chess board?”
“There are only so many board games they make giant versions of, kid.” Ella sighed,
“But…..doesn’t chess need two people?” I asked,
“...yeah,” Ella said, looking down, rubbing the back of her neck. She tried changing the topic herself, “maybe there's a game we could play without cards or a board or whatever, do you have any ideas?”
“Um…” I thought to myself about what to suggest, “I don’t think we could play like….ice breakers or anything like that…since….y’know,”
“Hmm, yeah…” Ella said, looking down, “we could do them one sided. I could stand to know a bit more about you,”
“Huh?” I looked up at her again, “what…like what?”
“I dunno, you said you were stargazing when I found you, right?” the giant asked,
“Yeah,” I said, rubbing the back of my neck,
“Do you like stargazing?” Ella asked, tilting her head at me.
“Um, I…I think so,” I said, looking down,
“You think so?” Ella said, confused.
“The stars and the sky are wonderful and all, but…” I paused, still looking down, “I don’t really…feel anything looking at them.”
“Huh, really?” Ella said. She looked down at herself before looking back at me. “I’ve never really been stargazing before. I mean, I’ve been outside at night and looked up, but I’ve never really specifically done it to look at the stars.” the giant turned towards the window. “The rain is starting to let up,”
“It is?” I asked, “Does that mean they’ll be here soon?”
“They’ll still probably won’t get here until tomorrow morning,” Ella said, “so, Quincey, if it stops raining tonight, could you maybe…. I dunno, show me what to look for?” she asked, looking down and rubbing the back of her head sheepishly, “when stargazing I mean,” I gave a light smile.
“Yeah, I could do that,”
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annestie · 8 months
The Courting Gift
Summary: Lo'ak asks about a strange piece of art Ao'nung has in his marui
Pairing: Ao'nung x Neteyam
Word Count: 805
Notes: Just something I posted on Tumblr but decided to expand on because I really like it
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Lo’ak walks into Ao’nung’s marui with Tsireya like usual for their monthly dinner. A year or two after Neteyam’s return to Eywa, Ao’nung passed his rite of passage, allowing him to move into his own marui. Ever since, Lo’ak and Tsireya have come over for these dinners, which normally include Kiri and Rotxo but those two are running late.
In the meantime, Lo’ak wanders Ao’nung’s marui. Something, he’s never really had the opportunity to do. Looking at the different animal skins and decorations across the walls. While looking at them, Lo’ak finds something a little different among the decorations.
“Ao’nung, what’s this?” Lo’ak asks as he points towards the choker hung neatly on the wall like a display piece. It had obviously been crafted well, looking almost like a courting gift. The craftsmanship, while not up to Omaticaya standard, is above normal Metkayina. Knowing Ao’nung’s weaving skills, it probably took weeks, if not months to make.
Ao’nung’s shoulders tense. “I made it for someone,” he explains, not giving much detail. Lo’ak stares back at the choker. The intricate details seem to be unique to whoever Ao’nung had made it for.
“Did they not accept?” Lo’ak asks confused. Hanging up a piece of a failed relationship on the wall is strange but Lo’ak doesn’t judge, he’s just curious as to why. Tsireya slaps his arm slightly for overstepping. Though Ao’nung does answer.
“No, they did,” Ao’nung says as he walks over to the choker. Lo’ak watches as Ao’nung brushes off the dust and sand. Ao’nung looks at it almost sentimental like a dream you don’t want to wake from.
“Oh, then why is it on the wall?” Tsireya asks, not having expected that answer. Ao’nung’s posture falls. His lips in a tight line.
“This is the second courting necklace I gave him,” Ao’nung explains, somehow a small smile forming on his face. “The one that I began courting him with was terrible, but he still took it. After that I spent weeks secretly learning to weave better. I wanted to surprise him for his birthday,” Ao’nung says, his smile turning into a sullen look as he continues to stare at the necklace.
“Why does he not have this one then? It’s beautiful,” Tsireya asks curiously.
“He returned to Eywa before I could give it,” Ao’nung answers. No fault in his voice except for the grief in his eyes. He sighs, finally looking away from the choker like it’s too painful to continue to do.
Tsireya gasps. “Oh, I’m sorry-”
“Don’t be,” Ao’nung says cutting her off. “I’ve asked and I doubt he would even wear it.” A beat silence passes through the three of them before Ao’nung continues, “His spirit still wears the first one.”
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A few days later, Lo’ak goes for his visit to Neteyam. He normally goes every month or so. It’s a habit he started shortly after Neteyam’s passing. The visits don’t need to be long, most times Lo’ak’s there for less than ten minutes. He simply just wishes to know his brother’s spirit is doing well.
Hopping on a tsurak, Lo’ak rides to the spirit tree, the route is ingrained in his memory. He doesn’t even really think about how to get there.
Once he arrives, the soft glow of the tree illuminates the water. It’s nice, comforting even, to see. He takes a moment to appreciate it before slipping off of his tsurak and into the water. Lo’ak leaves his tsurak to swim freely in the lagoon, he trusts them enough to not wander too far.
Slowly, Lo’ak swims his way into the water. He carefully takes hold of a branch and connects to it. A feeling of nostalgia washes over him as usual.
When he opens his eyes, Lo’ak sees the forests. The place Neteyam’s spirit is always. The trees are high, and the sun shines just slightly through all the branches. It looks exactly like Lo’ak remembers it.
Neteyam soon appears, climbing down from a tree. Lo’ak’s not sure whether it’s Eywa’s doing or Neteyam’s, but Neteyam looks older. The age he should be. He’s aged like he should have if he were still living.
“Lo’ak,” Neteyam says happily, throwing his brother a toothy grin. “For what do I owe this visit?” he asks as always.
“I just missed you,” Lo’ak replies like he usually does.
“I’ve missed you too.”
Lo’ak opens his mouth once more to speak when something catches his eye. Around Neteyam’s neck is a choker. It’s looser fitting, messily woven though in some parts it looks like someone really tried, there’s also shells attached to it. A courting gift. The courting gift.
“Where did you get your choker?” Lo’ak asks, but in his heart, he already knows the answer.
Neteyam smiles softly, touching his hand to the choker. “Someone very dear gave it,” he answers.
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mattzerella-sticks · 1 year
side quest (ao3 link)
Xedgin, 1k, G
In the few days since they'd been separated from their adventuring party, Edgin and Xenk had gotten into and out of many situations, crises, and jams. The latest was fixed by some quick thinking on Edgin's part, though he seemed to regret doing so if the awful mood he'd been in since their escape meant anything.
Xenk had no clue as to what might be troubling Edgin. Soon enough, the pressure erupts and the truth is revealed.
           It was when the surrounding treescape began to thin, and they had nearly set upon the forest’s outer boundary, that Xenk decided to break the discomforting silence awkwardly straddling both his and Edgin’s shoulders while they journeyed together.
           He cleared his throat and waited for Edgin’s gaze to flit over towards him before speaking. “That was a rather ingenious tactic you employed back there.” His hands came to rest on his sword’s hilt as he complimented Edgin. “I doubt we’d have gotten out with our lives if you hadn’t thought of it.”
           “…I don’t want to talk about it.”
           Edgin turned his attention elsewhere, the normally unruffled bard suddenly bashful in the face of Xenk’s praise. His face, which had been a blank slab of marble since their escape, was now marred by anxious fissures. His lips were twisted like a gnarled root. His chin stabbed his chest and his pace had doubled. The entire scene caught Xenk off-guard. He rolled through the shock, as best he could, and kept walking rather than being fully stunned by it. He would have trailed behind Edgin if he hadn’t.
           Xenk tried again. “I wasn’t being facetious.”
           “Seriously.” He was rebuffed a second time. “I don’t want to talk about it.”
           They lapsed back into silence. Xenk used it for contemplation.
           He reflected on the series of events that led him and Edgin to this moment. They were haphazard, fumbled, and mostly Edgin’s fault. If he hadn’t caustically insulted the ancient crone they were battling with, maybe she wouldn’t have split the cavern in twain and separated them from their party. From there the quest to reunite with the others had taken them down an arduous path that, most recently, involved being at the mercy of cunning bandits who had disarmed them both when they were unawares.
           If Edgin hadn’t dropped onto his knees, and turned his baleful stare onto Xenk despite the daggers held against his neck, and –
           “I can hear you thinking about it.”
           They had soon reached, and passed, the forest’s exit. The road in front of them stretched far into the horizon with smooth, emerald plains on either side of it. Edgin had paused near the right beside a small boulder, glaring at Xenk with both his fists pinned to his hips.
           Xenk scoffed. “You don’t have the feats capable of doing so.”
           “It was an expression.”
           “I do not care –“
           “Care for expressions, I know. I know!” Edgin, without prompt, had exploded on Xenk. Then he, as if realizing how absurdly aggressive he had acted, deflated almost instantly. Edgin closed his eyes, pinched his brow between his thumb and forefinger, and took a deep, calming breath to center himself. He advanced on Xenk, his tone more stable as he spoke. “I don’t want any reminder of what happened back there in the forest, okay? What happened there, stays there. End of discussion.” He stabbed his chest plate for emphasis during every word of his last demand.
           Xenk brushed his hand aside. “I do not understand your apprehension,” he told Edgin, “your plan was a success. Why are you loath to admit it.”
           “Because I don’t want anyone to get the wrong ideas!”
           “Well, it is just you and me at this moment. Are we not allowed to discuss it?”
           “Yes! I don’t want you getting the wrong idea, either.”
           “What, to you, is the wrong idea?”
           “That I like you! Or… something.”
           It had been named. The issue that ate away at Edgin’s patience from the moment those bandits sheathed their weapons and sent he and Xenk down the correct path was a simple matter of pride. In Xenk’s opinion, Edgin was being ridiculous. He didn’t say this to him.
           He also refrained from mentioning how Edgin had no one but himself to blame.
           Xenk was in the midst of strategizing their best chance at defeating their captors when Edgin interrupted his thoughts by grabbing his hand and placing a gentle kiss along his knuckles. It was Edgin who pleaded for clemency as he spun a convincing tale that he and Xenk were travelers on route to the closest city that would certify their union after a devastating skirmish brought both their feelings to a fever pitch and forced an impromptu confession. It was Edgin who leapt to his feet, their captors now the captive audience, and dragged Xenk in by the lapels and crashed their faces into each other. Xenk assumed it was a kiss. It didn’t feel that good in the moment, but the bandits believed it well enough.
           He let the fruits of his argument wither on the vine as he studied Edgin’s appearance. For all the bluster he caused, it was nothing more than an act. He truly was nervous at the prospect of others discovering what he had to do to survive.
           Xenk didn’t understand his shame, but that wouldn’t stop him from being kind.
           Edgin’s brows jumped. “What?”
           “There will be no further mention of what transpired in the woods,” Xenk said. His gaze rolled across the bard from head to boot and back again. “Is that satisfactory to you?”
           “Uh – um… yeah. Yes, it is.” Edgin froze for a moment, confusion having overwritten his rage and leaving him at a loss as to what he should do next. “Thank you.”
           “Think nothing of it.”
           However, before dropping the matter fully, Xenk had a final matter to settle. He snatched Edgin by the scruff of his neck and pulled him forward, bringing their chests flushed together and gently slotting their lips together. Edgin’s hands were deathly still at his sides. The fingers not threaded into Edgin’s hair brushed the pink tinted line that highlighted his cheek as Xenk deepened their embrace. Xenk released Edgin after a few seconds, a grin brighter than the sun above shining from his face.
           “Much better,” Xenk sighed. “I would definitely rather that be my first kiss than the other one.”
           Edgin gaped at him. “What – your first kiss?”
           “As promised, we shall say no more about this.” Xenk spun on his heel and carried on with his usual stride, not waiting for Edgin to follow him. “Come, our friends have to be close by.”
           Despite not wanting to discuss it previously, suddenly all Edgin wanted to talk about was their kiss as they strode down the road, side by side.
           He continued to be the most infuriating, perplexing, and somehow enchanting man Xenk had ever met.
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victorluvsalice · 4 months
Sims 4 Valicer Outfit Fun III -- Dark Academic Crystals Edition!
Time for another "I've been fucking around in CAS making outfits for Victor, Alice, and Smiler" lookbook post! This time focusing on outfits created in response to me getting the Crystal Creations stuff pack recently! So, without further ado --
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This is Victor in the outfit I most wanted to put him in ever since I saw the previews for the clothing you got with Crystal Creations – that vest and shirt combo is PERFECT for a slightly more casual Victor. :) The black pants aren’t bad either, and I rather like the little boots. Another Valicer In The Dark look, I think!
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While normally I’m all about the blue with Alice, I really liked the forest-green swatch for this particular dress, so here it is. :) It’s a very pretty outfit (though looking at it, I can understand why some people were like “some of these clothes look like they should have been part of Realm Of Magic”), and I like it in combination with the patterned tights, and the other new set of boots.
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Back to traditional blue swatches with Alice here – I had to try this dress on for size as well, and I think it looks pretty on her. Though I suspect this is something I’d be more likely to give a “teen” Alice over a “young adult” one... Maybe if I ever do that save file where I have Alice, Victor, Victoria, Emily, and Smiler all grow up together. :p As I had this outfit replace one of her formals (hence the fancy necklace and bright white stockings), I decided to pair it with the fancy crystalline shoes you get with the pack too – VERY cool-looking. :)
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Okay, this is an amusing one – I was using Smiler to hunt down new clothes that I hadn’t clicked on yet from any pack, having thrown them in one of the comfy sweaters that you get from Crystal Creations (in the black swatch, because obviously it doesn’t have a good yellow one – dark academia is not know for its bold colors, after all) – and I stumbled across a pair of ripped leggings from Werewolves that I had apparently never properly clicked on. A pair of leggings –
That came in a “one yellow leg one black leg” swatch that was perfectly Smilerish! :D So yeah, I had to show them off – with a quick pair of mini-shorts thrown on to help hide Smiler’s, uh, bulge a bit better. XD But yeah, don’t those look very them? I’ll have to find a “real” outfit to use them in, instead of this monstrosity. :p
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Here's Smiler in some real pants to make a proper outfit for them -- and honestly, I rather like the combination of the yellow slacks with the nice loose black sweater. :) Probably should have gone with black shoes over the yellow ones, but I was literally just messing around in CAS with all the new clothes I could find, so... Oh, and you may notice that Smiler's got something around their neck?
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Yeah, it's the new double-strand necklace made in conjunction with Simmer arethabee! You see, I also used Smiler to clear out some of the stuff in the “head” section of CAS (including all the new hairstyles from all my new packs that I hadn’t looked at yet – let me tell you, Smiler does NOT look like themselves if they don’t have this specific weirdass haircut), which meant that Smiler got to be the one to show off this cute little necklace! I rather like it – and not just because it comes in Smiler-appropriate colors. XD It’s simple without being TOO simple, you know? And it does look like something Smiler might wear. Or Alice, come to think of it. I’ll have to play around with it a bit more.
Enjoy this handful of new looks! And be prepared for a few more in the future, because I also did some playing around in CAS in response to the SDX "new swimsuit stuff" drop last week on 5/14. XD First though, another Chill Valicer Save update -- see you then!
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alaskashigh · 1 year
i keep getting texacali in my feed (/dir /lh), which is fine, but i swear to god if someone doesn’t make a yorkcali fic or at least a tumblr post i might go insane.
i have this headcanon for one of the many, many, yorkcali stories i have constantly flowing through my mind that california gave new york the beanie he always wears when they were younger.
in this they are “acquaintances” (friends, but they are too dumb to realize it) and hang out pretty often. (new york is too much of a loner to come to terms with the fact that he is friends with cali and would jump to protect him if need be. california is oblivious and too scared that he’ll accidentally push new york away by asking to be friends.)
one day (after hesitating and re-thinking this for weeks) california decided to give new york one of his beanies as a gift for him actually hanging out with him unlike everyone else who would normally ignore him.
“I know your cold often, and that you like beanies, so I wanted to give you this as a gift! It’s okay if you don’t accept it I understand that you don’t really like being given things but I-”
“Just hand it over, B.”
“Are you sure? Seriously dude you don’t have to take it if you don’t want too- I completely understand-”
“Stop ramblin’ and hand it over California.”
New York would never admit it but out of everything he cherishes California’s gift more than (almost) everything.
I also have a headcanon that they both got their hands on a tattoo machine a few years later and decided to tattoo stuff on each other. California has New Yorks state initial on his collar bone and New York has Californias on his neck.
They also have a few doodles and random stuff in other areas. California liked doodling bears, stars, and stuff that NY likes on his arms and chest. New York liked doodling pigeons, song lyrics, and other things on CA.
When states ask about it they usually just ignore them. Especially the teasing that the other states love to push onto CA and NY about them being “oblivious lovers.”
New York was the first one to realize that his feelings for California weren’t platonic, and that they hadn’t been for several years.
California realized it a little bit later after staying up way too late one night and scrolling through New York’s twitter. Let’s just say that night was a roller coaster of emotions for him.
New York would give California small hints and gifts, such as his favorite candy or giving him things that reminded NY of him.
California would accept them albeit nervously, feeling guilty about liking New York because he didn’t want to ruin their friendship that they had for years.
Finally after years of New York giving California hints and gifts, and California started reciprocating those gifts and hints, he finally got the courage to ask him out after a meeting.
New York spoiled the hell out of him when he took California out.
California would do the same when it was his turn to take New York out.
California and New York had been together for years and hadn’t told anyone until Florida accidentally found out one night after New York had snuck into Californias room.
It was awkward for all three of them.
Florida suffered from a concussion.
Florida learned how to knock after that night.
That didn���t stop him from telling everyone at the next meeting though.
Not many states were surprised because of how protective New York was over the other and how only California was allowed to get close to him, although they were shocked to hear that they had been together for years already and had been engaged for a few months.
and that California was the one to propose.
New York cried on their wedding, California cried with him. They had their wedding in their favorite place in the forest where they had been going too since they were young, and where California had purposed.
It was beautiful.
Florida almost burnt down the forest on accident though. That’s alright.
They both got a house in that forest, just a little ways away from their spot in the woods.
Although they aren’t allowed to live there, since gov needs to watch over them, they still stay at their home during their free time and ask for weeks off to be on their own when they need it.
New York and California have never been happier.
Neither of them would trade this for the world.
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writer-komaru · 1 year
‘. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳ ꕥ. Slick with Oil of Ivy ❀ ⋆꒷꒦₊˚𓆩♡𓆪˚₊꒦꒷⋆ ❀
Warning ✧ Smut [aphrodisiacs/drugging, somnophilia, slight dubcon, risky sex]
Characters ✧ Hyouka Fuwa
Words ✧ 2.2k
Summary ✧ During a sleepover with your best friend Fuwa, lead researcher in discovering the secrets of body melding, you decide to take a chance by sleeping in the same bed as her. While soundly asleep, you don’t realize the risk you’ve taken. When jostled awake, you find yourself face to face with a very pushy Fuwa staring deep into your eyes from between your legs so fiercely you’d be petrified if she wasn’t so frail. Your hot bodies pressed together as strange hormones pump through your bloodstream, making your body unbearably aroused. What is this strange feeling? There’s no time to question it as it seems Fuwa is trying to use this opportunity to finally attain the knowledge she’s been longing for. You know just how much she craves the truth… Even if it means she has to take… extreme methods. Will you be able to fight her off?
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One Friday night after a long, draining day at school, you and your closest friend Fuwa decided to spend the night at her house. You agreed, of course, interested to see what the house of a scientist would look like. The two of you play games, chat about school, the annoying law, her questionable research, also eat snacks, and finally call it a night. Fuwa says you can sleep in her bed tonight since the floor is hardwood and she doesn’t have any blow up mattresses. You’re a bit nervous but cautiously take her up on the offer. Now here you are, dressing into your pajamas in her bathroom while giving yourself a pep talk.
“You can do this. It’s just sleeping in the same bed. It doesn’t mean anything. Just sleeping. Nothing inappropriate,” you splash your face with warm water, “Sleeping in the same bed… as Fuwa… nghh-n-no! No no! Stop that! Bad, stupid brain! Ughh… I’ve been hanging out with her too much…”
Suddenly, there’s a knock on the door which makes you yelp.
“Are you okay?” Fuwa’s muffled voice slips under the door.
“Ah- Yeah! Yeah Yeah yeah everything’s fine. I’m just washing my face,” you grip the counter and try to sound normal.
“Oh, okay. I’ll wait for you in bed,” you hear her walk away. Why did she have to say it like that?! You turn the water cold and splash gallons of frigid water on your burning face, hoping your blush will melt away. Eventually, it works.
“Now go out there and be a good friend,” you point at yourself before grimacing, “why am I so fucking cringey…?”
You turn and head out of the door, biting your lip slightly as you spot Fuwa patiently sitting on her side of the bed. When her eyes met yours, you felt the fireworks immediately return in bright, blistering colors. She pats the spot next to her expectantly, making you gulp. Being so close to her… in the same bed- no, no not again with those thoughts! If you stupid hormone filled brain kept this up, you could be arrested! You push the intrusive thoughts down and sit gently on the cotton bed. To your horror she leans over and wraps her arms around your arm.
“H-hey! Y-you can’t-“ your strained warning is cut short as she presses closer to you, almost forgetting how unintentionally clingy she is. She’s quiet for a few seconds, studying your face so closely you feel like a germ under the microscope. She was a scientist after all.
“If only…” she brushes her finger over your collar, “I could take this off…”
“Let’s just go to bed,” you laugh it off. To your relief she backs away and flops on her side, “Goodnight Fuwa, and thank you for letting me stay over.”
She softly nods in response, always so quiet. It’s almost endearing… anyways, you adjust your position and begin to fall asleep.
When you open your eyes, you find yourself in a forest, tangled in tons and tons of vines. Wha?! What the fuck is going on?! How did you even get here? The vines aren’t that tight but you still couldn’t move an inch. When you tried to call for help, your lips were sealed shut and a thorn pricked your arm. This has to be a nightmare. As you keep struggling, an unfamiliar vibe begins creeping up your body like it’s alive. Fear zaps through you as it crawls closer and closer to your fly. This wasn’t a fucking nightmare, this was some perv’s wet dream.
“No no no no!” You cry out and try to move your hips away from the pulsing vine. The leaves in the vines flutter, almost like your struggling is amusing it. A surge of warmth leaks into your body through the vines, clouding your mind. Was it pollen? Poisonous oil? Whatever it was it made every part of your body ache and twitch with a level of lust you’ve never felt before. Just as the vine traces over the zipper and pulls it down, your eyes snap open yet again. This time, instead of a forest, you’re in the same room you fell asleep in.
“Hhhg… huhgh… huh? Where… what… ah?!” You gasp as a familiar girl with tired eyes and green hair stares up at you from in between your legs, your fly trapped between her fingers. Wait… what the fuck?! She’s so close you can feel her warm breath against your… Your gasp turns into a scream.
“F-fuwa what are you doing?! You’re going to get us arrested…” you try to squirm away.
“Shhhh… don’t struggle. It’s no use…” she whispers softly inching down your fly. If it wasn’t for the burning sensation in your gut, you’d race all the way back home. Even for Fuwa, who’s been trying everything humanly possible to get you to “mate” with her, this was a totally new tactic. “I was trying to sleep… but my hormones suddenly spiked as soon as my collar started to buzz… just like the announcement said….”
She lets go of your fly and sits on your lap. The press of her clothed pussy against your painfully aroused dick is almost enough to make you cry.
“Announceme- AHHGH?!-“ she once again cuts you off by putting a hand over your mouth and leans closer to your neck. Nothing out of the ordinary seems to be happening yet, most notably, this feeling… It's like your body is surging with lustful energy powerful enough to make anyone unbelievably aroused.
“Stay still…” her low voice orders. As she carefully grabs your chin and studies your face, your dick pulses harder and harder against her. There’s no way she can’t feel it too. It takes everything in you not to buck against her to satisfy the strong urge inside of you.
“The collars meant to keep us clean are now feeding us strong doses of aphrodisiacs… which is why we are feeling weird… how amazing…”
“I-it’s not amazing in the slightest! This is terrifying! I’m going go to jail-“
“Shhh… I told you to be quiet. It might hear you…” her hot breath hits your neck, “and the soft noises you let out…”
“Y-you’re making this way harder than it needs to be…” you whisper.
“I’ve always wanted to try out aphrodisiacs…” she adds.
“Why is that not surprising coming from you- hnghh!!” You yelp as her body begins to rub against you.
“Shhh… if I don’t do anything about it… we both will go crazy… I’ve seen it happen to mice before.”
“S-stop… we’re going… going to get in t-trouble…” you stammer out.
She ignores you and keeps moving her hips, intentional or not.
“Maybe this is how the government influences people babies…” she thinks out loud.
“B-but why us… ngh…”
Barely a few seconds later and you both are grinding your hips against each other in tandem, trying to relieve that itch beneath your skin. Even though she scolds you every time you try to speak, she lets out a never ending string of soft whimpers into your ear. It only made your dick grow with the carnal need to fulfill her dream of body melding.
“We… have to… stop…”
“Can’t… I’m too close to… finding the truth.”
“But… but w-we need to try…”
Your hands grasp her waist with the idea of holding it still so she can’t jump against you, only for the plan to change halfway through, gripping her soft, soft thighs tightly and thrusting up against her. If it wasn’t for your annoying underwear getting in the way.
“More…” she breaths
You grip her waist tighter and grind her small body harder against yourself, causing her to silence herself with a hard bite of her lower lip.
“Stupid… stupid stupid…” you groan, mentally cursing the government and their stupid policies in your head, “all this is stupid.”
She nods silently in agreement, “So… close…” she mutters.
“A-already?!” You gasp
“No… I’m… I’m so close to figuring it out…” she clarifies through panting breaths.
“Oh that… I…” you sigh, unsurprised.
“If my research is c-correct… we just… have to…” she slowly inches down both her panties and your boxers. Why stop her at this point when your minds are so high off aphrodisiacs? The collars had to be disabled since there’s no way it didn’t hear all the noises you two are making. And if she really wants to know about the truth to sex bad… Now's the time to finally show her. Well, more like let her.
“O-oh my…” you exclaim as she finally removes both of your underwear. She stares with wide eyes at the way your dick twitches and leaks… it almost feels invasive.
“Would you… mind if I did some tests on you? I’ve never got to see a man’s penis up close…” she hovers her excited fingers around it, making it twitch even more.
“As long as you’re careful I guess….”
After being given permission, she immediately begins poking the bulbous head, stroking it from all sides with her petite fingers. Just a little touch yet it makes you cry out in pleasure. It’s more stimulation than you’ve had in years!
“It’s leaking even more… you must be liking this… I’ll make a note of it,” she scribbled something down with her other hand.
“P-please…” you beg, even if it feels humiliating.
She continues with the poking and prodding until she presses her thumb right against your taint, leaving you right on the verge of orgasming.
“I’d love to see what an orgasm looks like…” she presses even harder, her normal frown switching into a slight smile.
“I-I-I can’t hold back, please, please just slow down!” You beg once again.
“Holding back? You can hold it back? Can you show me?” She speaks bluntly as her invasive hand suddenly wraps around your cock and gives it some strokes. Your nails dig into the sheets. Who in the right mind would be able to hold this back?! It’s no surprise you finally release into her hand and all over her stomach and chest. Even with the large amount of seed spilled, your dick is still just as hard as ever.
She audibly gasps at the sight, “how beautiful… so this is what cum looks like… I wonder…” your eyes roll back as she scoops some up and gives it a taste. “I think it’s finally time I do this ‘releasing’ too…” she pulls herself back onto your lap, hovering her oozing pussy above your overstimulated dick. There’s no way… there’s no way she’s really planning on… before you can stop her, she sides right onto your sex with a pronounced slick pop. Fuwa shudders, her eyes brows knitting together.
“This feeling… I’m so full… I think… I think I…” she begins to bounce slowly on your dick, “I think I now understand what body melding truly is…” the scientist bounces even faster, making you wail out in pain and pleasure. This was amazing… terrifying, overwhelming, and amazing… all these urges and desires that you’ve been holding back for years… you’re now able to listen and even act on them. She was right from the beginning. This is amazing! You suddenly push her onto her back and begin pounding into her.
“Wah- aaaahhhgggghhh! It’s… so fast… oh my…. It’s so good…” you watch as her eyes roll back, basking in the glory of her scientific discovery, “it’s finally time… it’s finally my time… please… please give me babies… let me know the truth.”
“A-alright… it’s not like.. nghh.. Aghh I… I can’t stop anyways… you’re too tight…” you moan in tandem.
“Please… please… please!” Her voice gets more and more desperate.
“I will… I will… I will I will I will…” you chant over and over again as you thrust every which way inside of her. When you catch a glimpse of the fucked out expression already plastered on her face, something in you snaps. You force her body into a mating press and fuck into her twice as hard.
“I’ll fill you… fill you up… make you mine… m-mhhh… mine forever! Forever!! Aaaggh!!!~”
“Oh gods… I’m tightening… I… I…i!!~” she lets out a surprisingly loud cry as her cum squirts around your dick, mixing together with a new, hot load of cum you release inside of her. It felt so intoxicating to the both of you. It’s no surprise you begin to fuck the cum back into her all too accepting pussy. You stayed firmly on top of her, pumping load after load right inside her womb as she moaned for more. This has to be heaven.
“One more… please… one… one please more…” she babbles incoherently, drool cascading down her chin. You nod enthusiastically and continue breeding her full, even as heaps of cum spill from her overflowing hole and onto her fresh bed sheets.
“My research… my life’s goal…. Is complete…” she smiles with a dazed expression, so ecstatic and euphoric she’s sobbing, “I love you…. I… you… I love….”
“Y-yeahhh… yeah… I… I looovvee….” Right before the words left your mouth, your body finally couldn't take it anymore. With a smile almost as bright as hers, you tumbled face first into her cushiony chest. As you faded in and out of consciousness, something caught your eye. It was… it was a syringe… next to a tiny bottle of pink liquid… How strange. Not like it mattered to you. The only thing that you truly cared about right now was making Fuwa’s dream a certainty.
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Comment + Like + Repost if you’d like to see more Fuwa or Shimoneta specific content, or any content related to breeding, aphrodisiacs, etc :)
{slowly healing up again and getting to know my new schedule. Once I get in the swing of things I’ll finally complete my Fydor post that’s been sitting in the abyss for so long. Stay tuned!~}
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t-horn-n · 2 years
— he who wears the crown of thorns
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PAIRING: peter ballard/henry creel x reader (female) 
GENRE: angst, h.end
WARNINGS: canon-level violence, allusions to substance (mis)use 
Stranger Things S4 spoilers.
SUMMARY: when you are injured in the lab, peter must finally admit what your relationship is.
NOTE: I have exhausted the well of Peter Ballard fanfiction, so I decided to write my own.
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If you were one for poetics, you would craft the story of Hawkin’s Lab into a drama, or more likely, a tragedy.  Peter Ballard Henry Creel the hero, a fallen king who wears a crown of thorns around his neck.  And Martin Brenner, the arrogant mortal who tries to wield a god’s power.  
What does that make you?  Once, you may have simply been the narrator.  An outsider who felt obliged to tell the story of those who could not tell it themselves.  But now?  As time has passed, are you the fallen king’s guardian angel?  His pawn, a subject made to be ruled?  His friend?  Or his lover?  
It is not yet clear. 
What is certain is that you are entangled with him as though you have been ensnared by invisible threads, as unnoticeable as fishermen’s line, but as strong as spiders’ silk.  To Henry your presence in the lab has been as permanent as the white-tiled walls.  Though you are his age, you have been there since the beginning—to lend some normalcy into his life, Brenner had claimed.  Though, surely, you are not so ignorant as to believe anything about Henry is normal.  
Nonetheless, you are a constant in Peter Ballard’s life.  A rock that has stood even as Martin Brenner’s forest grew.  Peter became taller, older, more deceitful.  Together you raised the doctor’s saplings, fostered them with sunlight in the form of smiles.  
And now, your relationship?
Well, it’s simple in its complexity.  It’s peculiar in its secretiveness.  Your private grins and unspoken jokes and the strange way you store a piece of your weird, mangled souls in each other.  
But Brenner gets high off control.  If not, what need does he have for the collars?  The cameras?  The rules?  And when he loses his grip he suffers from withdrawal.  And he can be so very cruel when he does not get his fix.  
For a while, he pretended that that attraction did not exist.  He chose not to see the proximity because with all of the power Brenner tells himself he possesses comes laziness.  
“Don’t you think that if we all lined up on a checkerboard we would look like oversized chess pieces?” you murmur to Peter one afternoon—or at least that is what the clock claims—in the Rainbow Room.  
The two of you stand against the wall with the twin doors, facing the mirror with its reflection of your white uniforms and a dozen shaved heads.  
He chuckles quietly in amusement, the kind only you can earn.  “If that’s the case, that would make us the King and Queen.” 
You smile and your hands inch together.  A fingernail brushes against a fingernail, but a pinprick of red light bores into your forehead and you do not dare to do anything more than whisper.  
Brenner may be lazy, but he can also be sly and sneaky.
Two of the younger children colour on pristine sheets of paper.  Flowers and suns, things they have never seen for themselves, are conjured from the coloured wax of the crayons they hold.  Eleven drops a red disk into a numbered peg board, again and again.  Two, Three, and Four toss a bean bag between them.  Anything to cure their boredom. 
Suddenly, the door is pushed open.  It is not Martin Brenner, so the children do not rise.  They continue their puttering and only the oldest look to see who caused the disturbance.  Another Orderly addresses Peter.  
“Your shift is over.  I am here to take your place.”   
Peter smiles, his beautiful lips stretched thin.  
“I’ve been assigned a double shift today.  Don’t worry about me, Ballard,” you say to his hesitance.  
He smiles again and now his eyes crinkle too.  Then he leaves and you are left to stand with this Orderly on opposite sides of the steel door as though the lab is the prison Brenner tries so hard to deny.  You avoid staring at your own reflection because you have found that if you look at yourself for too long your reflection will become unrecognisable.  And then the person across from you is alien, and will certainly drive you mad.
Before your thoughts can run around your head in dizzying loops, the children start yelling.  Two and Three have stalked over to where Ten kneels surrounded by a fortress of blocks.  Wooden walls will not protect him from entitlement.  
“Move,” Two demands.  
For a moment, Ten does not reply and you think he will ignore Two—that he will weather this onslaught.  The silence permeates and is only broken by a soft whirring as the camera stationed in the corner of the room angles to watch the performance unfold.  
For that same moment, you do not know what to do.  Brenner has never liked Orderly interference in his children’s matters, always eager to see the extent of their capabilities, and of their rage.  But then again, he will be undoubtedly upset if one of his assets is damaged.
“No,” Ten says.
In a swift movement Two kicks his block towers and they go sprawling on the floor.  You and the other Orderly rush forward as Two takes Ten by his collar, yanking him up so quickly that he is not allowed time to yell, and his toes barely brush the tile.  
“Say again?” Two snarls.
“Two, your behaviour is—” you start.  
Two thrusts an arm outwards and the other Orderly flies backwards and into several chairs.  You do not move.  A rock. 
Perhaps Two would have been surprised if he were not so busy spitting in the other boy’s face.  “When I tell you to do something, you do it.” 
Ten’s face hardens defiantly and you are almost envious.  Where was this courage when you were a child?  Did you lack Ten’s bravery or the fodder of the other children?  
Two swings hard and his fist meets Ten’s cheek because in a deranged rage he must have forgotten that he is always being watched—or is the true reason more sinister?—and Ten is on the floor.  Blood runs down his face and stains his teeth.  Two appears drunk from adrenaline. 
A grin is spreading across his face, arrogant and smug.  But from the ground Ten throws a wooden block at his face.  It cuts his eyebrow, its point digging into his skin and now he too is bleeding.  Again, Two lunges forward like he is about to commit murder, but you are there, holding his shoulders and trying to push him against the wall.  His hands fly up, your face stings as Two drags his fingernails across your skin.  
Your fellow Orderly has since recovered and is holding Ten’s arms behind his back as though in the past three minutes the child has been traded for a criminal.  
“Let go of me!” Two yells.  
Your lips press together. 
Startlingly, the doors fling open, Martin Brenner has arrived.  Now, the children all jolt and stand in their lines.  
“Hello, Papa,” they greet. 
Even Two’s anger has waned in the presence of the doctor.
He speaks to the other Orderly first.  “Please escort Two and Ten to the infirmary.  I will have a chat with them later.”  
Then he looks directly at you and juvenile fear seizes you, the kind you should have grown out of.  “Come.” 
You release Two.  Approaching Brenner you do not look at the children, you try to relax your shoulders and raise your chin.  Peter would not be afraid, you remind yourself.  Brenner grasps your wrist in a handcuff not made of metal but flesh.  Roughly, he pulls you from the Rainbow Room and down the hallway.  
“You are here to protect them, Y/N, and today, you have failed to do that.” 
There is no point in protesting nor is there a reason to sputter apologies.  Simply, you allow him to drag you through the corridors of Hawkin’s Lab. 
A collar of metal and wires is fixed around your neck, a bite guard in your mouth.  You sit in a chair and an electrical shock races through your veins.  Your nerves alight and already perspiration beads at your hairline.  
Humiliation as you slide from the chair because your muscles spasm and you see Peter watching behind glass with an expression that discloses nothing.  But in his eyes, you see horror.  You tell yourself that you are not crying, and that the water that turns your vision bleary is the natural reaction to your situation.  
Pain as your legs commit treason and kick in odd directions.  
You count to yourself the seconds that pass.  It is all manageable if the time you suffer is compartmentalised.  When it is over and Brenner has left and Orderlies have taken the collar from your neck, Peter gathers you into his arms.  He tucks his head into your neck and whispers into your ear.  He does not tell you that you are okay because obviously you are not.  
“I’m sorry.” 
Still, your fingers twitch.  Your head jerks periodically while your feet tingle. 
He does not apologise again.  He does not need to.  Now it is certain that what you are extends past labels.
“They will not control us forever,” he promises.  “Soon we will rule them all.” 
Perhaps Henry Creel still wears barbs like a necklace, but his pledges to you are like a crown of thorns placed over your brow.  Those who wear the crown of thorns will not be caged for long.
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— m. list
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