#Dental Medical Billing
instapayhealthcare · 29 days
Struggling with complex billing and collections? Let Instapay Healthcare Services handle it for you! Our specialized Dental billing solutions streamline your revenue cycle, ensuring you get paid faster and more accurately. Focus on what you do best—caring for your patients—while we take care of the rest.
✨ Why Choose Instapay? ✅ Comprehensive, end-to-end billing services ✅ Expertise in Dental coding and compliance ✅ Faster reimbursements, fewer claim denials
💼 Ready to boost your practice's profitability? Partner with the best in the business. Contact us today and watch your revenue soar!
📞 +1(646) 851-2115 📧 [email protected]
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mososimos · 1 year
Malocclusion – Types and Diagnosis | OSI Podcast
In this podcast, Amber Darst, Solutions Manager at OSI, discusses what a malocclusion is, including types, symptoms and diagnosis. With extensive experience in the dental medical billing and coding field, OSI can ensure accurate and compliant coding for dental conditions, leading to proper reimbursement, reduced claim denials, and effective patient care. https://www.outsourcestrategies.com/podcasts/malocclusion-types-symptoms-diagnosis/
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thurisazsalail · 4 months
Uh. I just spent $1000 usd on a dentist. That was unexpected. Sure. Okay.
The cat's bloodwork for his serious heart problem is ~$400 at the cheap vet tomorrow. Fuck.
This is the cat in question. He's dreaming but he's ALWAYS this huffy + puffy. There is fluid building up in his chest but now he's so far gone, he can't have surgery. All we can do is bloodwork, x-rays, and medication. His meds can't be refilled without new bloodwork.
I could use the help. Even $1 at a time.
$A - DanielOneiroi
I also do paypal, but message for email address <3
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dynjay · 2 months
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Howdy! I'm opening up commissions to save up for some upcoming health expenses! If there's a type of commission you want that's not shown here, please DM me :]
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d20system · 8 months
Hey all- We know life's rough and money's tight for a lot of us but if y'all can help us share this gofundme for our friends and/or donate what you can, we'd really appreciate it. They've explicitly consented to having it shared on social media and directly so if any of you guys feel comfy doing so, please share on your social medias! The link is here-
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chryza · 3 months
Love getting $50 in overdraft fees for a fucking dollar banks are a scam and I’m getting violent
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lilariesmoon · 1 year
Is there anyway I can help?
ok i hesitated about this one but i’ll post this for now and if i change my mind i’ll delete,
but if anyone wants to donate a few dollars or something to help me with my medical bills and upcoming surgery my cash app is
i am not selling content or anything in return using this, i’m solely posting this for donations because i’ve gotten multiple requests and i could truly use the help and support right now. So if you enjoy me or my blog and want to help me with my health issues i appreciate more than you guys know.
Any little bit would truly help. Medical Tests are expensive AF in the US and so is wisdom teeth removal without dental insurance plus i’ll be out of work to recover.
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callistosystems · 11 months
Severe tooth decay, Call for help.
Over the past several years I've had to deal with steadily worsening tooth decay and tooth damage. I live and grew up in poverty and haven't had dental insurance for as long as I can remember, so I could never afford to get any of the problems fixed and they've piled up to the point where now I have no choice but to go for emergency dental work. The only thing that has stopped me up to this point was that I wasn't in pain. That's changed. Two of my more damaged teeth have become abscessed, and others are at risk. I'll go into more detail below but I would recommend avoiding that segment if you're squeamish about dental issues. I've been prescribed antibiotics and painkillers, and I'm going to have emergency dental work done. I'm looking at at least 3 pulled, more likely 4. I will stress: I DO NOT HAVE DENTAL INSURANCE. I will be forced to take this on as medical debt, while I'm unemployed and between concrete homes. I'm making the decision to ask for help if anyone is able to provide it. I'll be accepting donations to help put a dent in the bill, my paypal email is "[email protected]". Any amount helps, everything I receive will be used exclusively to reduce the bill I'll be forced to pay. If you have the time I would appreciate if you could reblog this to help get the word out. (CW: Tooth decay and Damage described in detail. Don't read past this point if that bothers you.) The full extent of the damage to my teeth is much more severe than a couple of infected ones, but for the most part it can be put off. Right now I'm worried about the ones that have broken or split open deeper than the enamel, exposing the inside of the tooth itself. I have three, possibly four teeth that are damaged to this extent. My upper right canine and upper right back molar are two of them. These two are the infected ones, and the ones causing me pain. My bottom back left molar is split open with half of the cap missing and the inside exposed, this one was broken by my wisdom tooth, both of which have fully grown in. It's probably at the greatest risk of infection out of the rest of my teeth. My upper back left molar is in a similar state, but not as damaged. Aside from those most of my front teeth are severely crooked and many of them have extreme enamel damage, one of them has lost it's entire front facing surface, and the inside of these teeth under the enamel has turned completely black. These will probably all either need to be pulled or require root canals for the ones I intend to keep, but that can wait just a bit longer until I'm in a better living situation. My upper canines, including the infected one, have been shunted up into and are sticking out of the front of my gums. Both are going to wind up being removed eventually, as well as my lower right canine which is severely decayed. My lower left is in decent shape and I'll probably be able to keep it. If there's any doubt or skepticism that this is as bad as it sounds, I would be more than happy to provide images if they're requested of me. I would ask that those stay private, I'm extremely self-conscious about this issue. TL;DR I need thousands of dollars worth of dental surgery. Some of it is severe enough to be threatening to my health or even life and I need help to pay for the medical bills.
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hubbyalh · 2 months
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I will answer any questions and take any confessions.
Let's be friends in Pokémon GO! My Trainer Code is 020213869855!
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Tiffany and I are expecting near May 10 and will update:
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instapayhealthcare · 2 months
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mega-stellar · 2 days
Mutual Aid Post
I'm about 300$ short on bills this month after having a dental emergency. I see people I follow share mutual aid posts somewhat regularly so I am hoping for a little help as well.
Here is my Venmo But I also have Paypal. I'm not sure if one is better than the other for people.
Thank you in advanced. It means a great deal to me. I have never asked the internet for financial help before.
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sniperct · 2 years
fun fact, if you live with someone and they die, even if your spouse is their legal, blood daughter, the probate court might still make you sell the house even if you have nowhere else to go and can't afford rent and you're already dealing with a mess of your own medical issues and resulting debt(which is an entirely different stresser we've been dealing with over the last year), just to cover their debts!
fun fact 2, I still have a bankruptcy on my credit report so guess how hard it's going to be to get a mortgage, which would be a lot cheaper then rent!
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goannafr · 1 year
heading to the dentist to get a tooth fixed...think of me..hope i make it back alive ...
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onyourstageleft · 11 months
hello friends! I won't be making a GoFundMe for this, since I thankfully don't have to choose between buying groceries & getting vet care for my cat Peggy, but things are a lil *tight* bc of a series of unfortunate financial events (which I will list below the cut for those interested) so if anyone has a few bucks to spare and wants to help me offset the $485 mysterious lump removal surgery my lil baby is getting on Tuesday, I would greatly appreciate it
Cashâpp: $jessiedube (my cat Peggy Sue is my profile pic/name is Jess Bee)
Venmô: jessie_dube (Peggy is in the profile pic w/ me)
this is Peggy <3
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heyoo if you wanna hear the money shit that's plagued us you are in the correct place. let us begin our chronicle in August, when I made the grand decision to go back to college for a school media specialist certification. I am enjoying it v much and do not regret it at all, but it did mean that I left my decently paying but incredibly toxic retail job and went back to getting paid beans as an adjunct professor at a community college + had to pay 3k in tuition
next Luna, my loveable but temperamental 2011 Ford Fiesta, started having Problems™️, including but not limited to: water pump replacement (which for some fuckall reason on my car requires cutting & replacing the timing belt?? which of course means it cost more), downstream oxygen sensor replacement, and a new set of front tires bc those bitches were BALD (you could literally see the steel coming out of the side). to add fuel to the fire of my ongoing anxieties, her check engine light comes on and off every few days, it's a perpetual game of chicken. when I was able to catch it on and get it checked she reported a catalytic system issue, which has in the past been cured by a bottle of cataclean, so of course she needed that too. all of which adds up to the tune of about 1.5k (thankfully she's paid off but like she's only worth 2.5k so if she keeps having issues i am SOL)
during all of the back and forth with Luna, my partner has been having dental appointments for ongoing teeth issues. we were under a time crunch to get those taken care of since she turned 26 in October, and in the great land of America that means she was kicked off of her dad's insurance on Halloween. so, after a couple appointments that included tooth extraction and the making of a denture set in exchange for CareCredit agreements, we're in 2.1k of medical debt for that (she also is now without insurance so that's fun)
and, the cherry on top and the thing that has pushed me to appeal to the Internet, a few weeks ago we found two mysterious lumps on my cat Peggy Sue's hip, which are scheduled to be removed and sent off to a lab on Tuesday. I won't retell the whole story here, but you can check the "Peggy Sue" tag on my blog for a few more in depth posts on the situation. overall her care adds up to around $900, $485 of that which is the Tuesday surgery that I'm driving to another state for (my vet was crazy expensive so I'm going to a friend's recommendation)
anyway, I know that I'm lucky to even be able to cover all of these via savings and credit cards without it threatening my food/housing, but things are, understandably, a bit tight. I hate asking for help for myself, but if anyone wants to help take care of my cat, I would greatly appreciate it
or, if you prefer to buy things, I will be listing some collectable Barbies on my eBay in the next week or so, if you're interested in that I can send you my eBay page
pic of Peggy for getting this far, thank you <3
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