#Derek Murphy
fyblackwomenart · 2 years
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Derek Murphy
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littlequeenies · 1 month
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1983 - Family portrait: Demri Parrott (R) with her mother Kathleen and younger brothers Devin Remme (c), and Derek (R) and David (L) Murphy. Arlington, WA. Kathleen would outlive all her children...
Shared by Shellie Friedrich on her nephew David’s online memorial board almost 2 years ago.
Thank Memories of Demri very much.
I post the other photos from this photoshoot session as I have seen they are not on our blog.
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Photo 2) Shared by Demri’s cousin Kaytie Lee.
Photos 3 & 4) Shared by Memories of Demri, the close-up of the 4th/5th photo was made by us long ago using the remini app.
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UPDATE: 04.06.2024
NOTE: You can find other masterlists in  my mother masterlist
I have updated the following masterlists:
Criminal Minds Masterlist - One Shots/Drabbles
Peaky Blinders Masterlist - One Shots/Drabbles
Peaky Blinders Masterlist - Series
Cillian Murphy and his Characters Masterlist - One Shots/Drabbles
Golden Trio Era (Slytherin) - One Shots/Drabbles
Genshin Impact Masterlist - One Shots/Drabbles
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derekklenadaily · 4 months
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broadwaydirect: Here’s your first look at the current cast of Moulin Rouge! The Musical starring Courtney Reed, Derek Klena, and Boy George. Find even more photos on Broadway Direct!
📸: @evzmm for @murphymade
#CourtneyReed #DerekKlena #BoyGeorge #MoulinRouge #Broadway
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christopheroshea · 5 months
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So the latest Chibi Tiny Tales short came out and they've got the whole lot here! Not just half of the HnG villains, not just Derek Pistachion but Igor, that one guy from 'The Dog Who Knew Too Much'.
I remember seeing him but couldn't remember his name until I just looked it up!
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fanaticloser · 10 months
Finding a good character Spotify playlist is hard cause I want THEIR playlist not a playlist of their vibes.
Like no I don’t think they listen to this artist. Does the song apply to them? Yes. Do I love this song? Yes, but they wouldn’t play it themselves.
Like I want a playlist they created themselves.
Yeah, we can joke and say they’d listen to this or that, but they actually wouldn’t and it so weird when a one of those songs pop up.
It’ll still be a great playlist. But not THAT characters playlist.
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articus-icecream · 16 days
HELLOOOO <333 could u tell me about your mml/pistachion hcs? :D
Their skin is rough(because it's bark) but their bodies/muscles are squishy (like us humans! :D)
They only eat meat and have a huge prefrence for human meat
I feel they would have mixed feelings on deez nuts jokes. Some like them and some find them offensive. It depends on the pistachion really
The 'adult age' for them is 30 years
Speaking of ages, by a 100 years one starts to asexually reproduce by having a pistachion tree grow out of their nutshell and sprouts growing from the branches. King pistachion has been the only instance though (I'm not sure about Derek-)
If you were to cut one of their limbs open you'd see rings that show their age
Despite their looks, their anatomy is similar to humans! They vaguely have the same organs and stuff, though their blood is like a thick yet liquidy sap.
They have a way higher immune system and stamina, toughness, strength though.
King pistachion had cried tears of joy once he realized he became a father.
Child pistachions are about 4'9 ft, teen pistachions are about the average size of a human adult and full adult pistachions are taller than human adults! Their height can range from 7ft to 9ft! King is the tallest one (15 ft) and Derek would become the second tallest one! (12-13 ft!)
Despite hating humans they do have standards. None of them would hurt a human baby. They'd simply leave it somewhere safe.
They don't know why they hate humans. Some say it's instinctual. Some would say that they simply want to protect nature from humans. But most of them would avoid that question.
They're neutrual towards insects, but they love bees and butterflies the most!
They hate all birds, espiecally wood peckers.
A lot of them have the same name, so they use numbers to differentiate themselves better
All the female pistachions we have seen are trans. KP is a lil confused/uneducated about lgbtqia+ stuff but he's still supportive :D
Speaking of the female pistachions, since their hair comes from under their shells then it would mean that the other pistachions have hair as well.
Some pistachions would wonder what it would be like to have a human as a friend or as a romantic partner...xtheyxarexallxvirginsxixmeanxwhatx
Sibling wars are LITERAL. But they mostly end in peace and hugs :p
They're love language is physical affection!
The leaves on their lower body are their equivalent of clothes.
Eating pistachions is a hate crime for them.
They're pretty neutrual towards other types of plants that aren't in the nut family or trees but they still take offense at any harm done to them.
They sleep in gardens. Like, half buried in the ground. They can also sleep in beds just fine :p
If a limb is cut off they can just easily regrow it. But if their shell gets damaged there's nothing they can do.
They're all pretty emberrassed that their main weakness is dog piss. Espiecally KP, he's ashamed of it.
I think that's mostly it tbh! I apologize(not really /hj) for no hcs on the other characters ¦p
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bee-tee-rus · 4 months
MML AU where King Pistachion is a single dad going on a T/indr date with you and Derek keeps fucking shit up:
(press "Keep Reading" for the fic)
Your legs bounce with anticipation. You tie the 50th knot out of the paper sheath that your straw came in, now noticing how strong it-- oh! Nope, it finally tore. Broken out of your daze now, you take a look around the little sandwich shop that you sit alone in, wondering when your date will show.
Online dating isn't really your thing, due to the countless articles and stories you've sunken time into reading, giving your paranoia a whole 'nother level of paranoia. But it really can't be that bad, right? You are hyper aware or any potential danger, so it all should be fine.
Some minutes pass, and you just got back to your seat with a Pistachio latte. You laugh to yourself, remembering that the guy's screename who you are supposed to meet was... "King Pistachion". He didn't look like your typical human. In fact, dude didn't look human in the slightest. Like some hot sexy monstrous treeman. Hey, there's a first time for everything! You pat your pocket to be sure you brought tweezers-- in case of any splinters.
RING! The door opens after what seemed like an eternity and you are 99% sure that the being who came through is him. I mean, how many men made of wood really live around here... Actually, that's a great question and you'll look into that later.
The tree man swivels his head and squints his eyes as he looks around the room. I lock my eyes onto him, yet remain silent as he surveys the room. I can't help but feel a bit intimidated. Once he turns my way and meets my gaze, I flash a weak smile and wave. He straightens up, nearly missing the ceiling as a huge smile forms across his face. The man comes forward and then I realize just how much taller he is than I. If this date gets far enough... I wonder how THAT will play out? I shake those unwanted thoughts away.
"H-hi, I'm Anon. Um from the uh... The app." God, why are you nervous?
"I know, as soon as those gems glistened my way, they drew me in... Anon~" the man says with smoothness as he kneels down and grabs your hand, his large stick thumb caressing the top of your hand in a seductive way.
Oh God, he is laying it on a little too thick.
"Uh..." You pull your hand away, feeling awkward from the sudden gesture. "Here, let's sit down and maybe talk some first, kinda get to know each other?"
"Ha ha yes, my little berry. Here... Let me--"
Suddenly, you are light on your feet. In fact, you aren't even on your feet anymore! This man had the audacity to pick you up and carry you bridal style to your seat. Sir, this is a Jimmy John's. He pulls out your chair with one hand and gently sits you down, then goes over to his seat and plops down in it. He leans his chin on his clasped hands as he leans forward to give you his undivided attention. What is with this guy? It seems like he is wanting to get to the good part already, like slow down!
"Haha... " You chuckle nervously, not knowing how to react to his chivalrous antics. "So... Is 'King Pistachion' your real name?"
"Really? No really?"
"Well I suppose if I had a human identity, I would go by 'Pcarl'. The 'P' is silent."
His face looks proud of his swift answer to you. The gears in your brain start turning and churning. There's not a single 'P' in 'Carl', what is he... ? Whatever, you won't question his logic for now.
"Okay, Pcarl..." You look the strange man up and down, not really feeling the name. You get the strong feeling that he just made that up on the spot. "Can I call you KP?"
"If that's what your heart desires, little berry~" he purrs out as he flashes a wink in your general direction.
You let out a sigh and try your best to reel the tree man back to square one with you.
"Anyways, KP, tell me a little about yourself. What do you do for fun? What sorta job do you do?"
"Oh you know. Terraforming foreign lands with my bountiful seed to grow my fiersome army of Pistachion soilders so we can rule this dying planet."
A smirk forms on his face as he leans back with his arms crossed.
With a strained poker face, you can only bring yourself to respond with a repeated question.
"... And for work?"
"Terraforming foreign lands with my bountiful seed to grow my fiersome army of Pistachion soilders so we can rule this dying planet."
Hm, so he's pretty much a Line A to Line B guy. You are uncertain whether you should feel threatened or not. Your thoughts get cut off when you hear an adult male voice boom through the restaurant.
The whiny voice feels as though it is being focused towards us. KP lets out a grumble, face palming and muttering something under his breath. You can only make out a, "Not now" due to the Ed Sheeran music drowning out miniscule sounds. King Pistachion lifts up a finger to you as though he is motioning you to hold on, stands up and turns to face the door where the voice came from. He inhales as his eyes close and brows furrow, then responds.
"What now, Derek? Daddy's busy with 'business'!" KP holds out his hands towards you. So you are a business matter now? You would feel offended, yet the curiosity of this situation keeps you quiet as you become the onlooker of whatever is about to transpire.
This "Derek" was smaller in size compared to his father, being the size of a human adult male. He kinda had a BioShock thing going on with his fashion, with the top hat and tailcoat combo. He stuck some resemblance to his dad, except for the chiseled features of his face. You would think this guy could be a model or something.
"You said you would be quick and it's been 5 hours already!" Derek says with exasperation.
"Derek, stop being so dramatic. I've only been in here for 10 minutes and was this close you getting you a mommy" KP hisses as he presses his index finger against his thumb to emphasize how close he was to--
"What? I never agreed to anything like-- Is that why you have been so flirtatious from the get-go?" You can't believe that this guy really thought that it would take a mere day of cheesy romantic antics to get someone to just marry him.
"It was going so well, I could see in your eyes that your heart began to call out to me." He turns his head to you and looks a little smug, as though he truly believed this date was going great.
"I don't want a new mom! I'm happy with the one we got at home" Derek stomps his foot to assert his belief.
"Your 'mom' is a heat lamp, that's not a mother. That's a machine that aids. We need the touch and love of a real being, especially for when I'm busy with my plans."
"Her name is 'Laura' and you would know that if you ever came home and spent time with us!"
You are assuming that the heat lamp 's name is Laura. It's a bit hard to follow this conversation, yet you try your best since it involves you in the mix. Derek begins to walk towards the table and stands in front of you, rubbing his chin as he thinks.
"How old are you?" He asks as he narrows his eyes, making sure that you do not lie to him.
He huffs as he throws his arms up and spins around to walk away. Derek begins to become as boisterous as he was before.
"Really, Dad? They're not much older from me or your other kids! That's like you're dating my siblings or something!"
"Don't be disgusting, Derek. It's not like that at all, get over it!" King Pistachion 's tone is now becoming more impatient at how his son is publically judging him around strangers. Something flat and green grows from the bush on his head, he reaches and picks it off. Wait, is that... Did he just illegally grow cash?
"Here's $50, just-- PLEASE, go find some entertainment and let Daddy finish business."
The steamed tree man towers over his son, holding out the totally legal cash for Derek to accept. A few seconds pass and Derek silently snatches the cash and leaves. Kind Pistachion lets out a heavy sigh of relief and dusts his hands, sitting back down and his face quickly transforms from anger to... Oh he's gonna keep trying, isn't he?
"So... Anyways, have you ever lay with a man of lumber?" His eyebrow raises as he leans forward, doing his best (and failing) to woo you.
"Uhh... "
This time, you did not hear the door open but you recognize the voice. It's Derek once more, only this time he is holding a yellow dog. You hear the chair scoot and look to find King Pistachion looking horrified. Is this man afraid of dogs?
"D-Derek, put that thing away now! You don't know what you're doing!" KP shakily says as he presses his back against the wall.
Derek chuckles as he pets the blissfully unaware dog that he carries.
"Oh I do know what I am doing, father..."
He puts his hands under the dog's arms and holds it up and far from him, Lion King style. The smile of Derek fades, his head tilted down with his brows furrowed, causing dramatic shadows on his face.
"I just gave this dog a full bowl of water and cranberries... He hasn't relieved himself yet. Now if you don't piss off from this pointless date and take me home..." Derek pats the dog's belly and a swoosh of fluids can be heard. "Then I'll have no choice but to piss you out of here."
What the hell is going on? Without a peep, King Pistachion stands up and heads towards the door. He seems cautious as he passes the airborne pup, squeezing his large frame by his son and through the exit. Derek has a prideful grin, puts the dog down and goes to follow his dad into the parking lot.
You are now out of your seat and rush to the window. You want to see what sort of vehicle these two travelled in. What exactly are these beings? Are they aliens? A science experiment gone wrong? Surely, something like them wouldn't be driving something so basic, right?
Why are you surprised? KP and his son enter a dual colored PT Cruiser, the top half being a pale green while the bottom half is a pale yellow. Ha, it's a PisTachio Cruiser. From here, you can vaguely make out both of their expressions from the car. King Pistachion wears a look of irked defeat and Derek has the smile of someone who got their way. The car drives off and now you are just sitting alone in the shop, not wanting to even finish your pistachio coffee.
"I don't think I like pistachios anymore."
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fyblackwomenart · 1 year
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Derek Murphy
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littlequeenies · 1 year
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Ca. 1980/81 - Little Demri with her family celebrating a birthday.
(L to R) Kathleen Austin holding possibly baby Derek, a family member, Demri's cousin Kaytie blowing the candles and Demri behind her, and Devin.
Posted in https://www.instagram.com/demri_lara_parrott/ who thanks @memoriesofdemri
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posting my scribblies from 2021 hoo haa
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routesixty-six · 1 year
Howdy ! I’m Farz / Kel and I’m looking for anyone looking for a literate / advanced literate CanonxCanon or CanonxOc roleplay ! I’d be the one using one of my few ocs. (I’m looking for any Rire, Vincent, Farz, Derek, Sano or Akira writers !!) <-- the ones in bold are the ones I’m looking for the most
As for canon, I will list my muses from most confident, to least confident as well as the pairings I do (most are crackships / rarepairs bc I'm a sucker for those and its lowkey funny fr):
- Farz (Vincent, Ren)
- Ren (Farz, Lawrence)
- Sano (Strade, Rire)
- Strade (Sano, Rire, Lawrence)
- Derek (Celia, Jack, Komodo, Akira)
- Lawrence (Ren, Strade, Vincent, Ashe)
- Komodo (Dragon, Derek)
- Akira (Derek bc they give homosexual frat bro energy)
If interested PLEASE dm, or like this post so I know who wants to write with me and who doesn’t ! 
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derekklenadaily · 1 year
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murphymade: PHOTOS OF THE DAY: MOULIN ROUGE! starring @iamjojo and @derek_klena
Check my stories for a few more ���📸📸
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Batman: Beyond The White Knight (2022-2023) #8 by Sean Murphy 
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ashkay2014 · 2 years
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