#Dick falls somewhere in the middle and tries to charm his way out of stuff
thelionandtheeagle · 11 months
Do you guys wanna see something so immensely Tim Drake it kills the man? (In a good way. Affectionately. I love him so much)
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There's so much that could be said here, it's great
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octalove · 4 years
IV: The Dinner
(Batgirl/Red Hood)
Brief note; per demand, this little trilogy will now be an ongoing series🥺thank u all for the support! i was not expecting it at all. ur comments make my day!! i hope u enjoy this chapter bearing in mind that i wasn’t intending on a full length fic, so i hope u can put up with any missteps in the plot or writing. i’m making it up as i go. kiss kiss
Description: Reader makes an ally, and attends a tense dinner. part one, two, and three.
A mild blue dawn was just beginning to flit through the blinds, and I sighed heavily, stretching a little, and running a hand across my face. My skin was cold to the touch. Rolling over stiffly, I glanced at the clock on my nightstand.
Nineteen minutes before my alarm. I was too cold to go back to sleep, I knew, as much as Alfred had requested I try and get more of it. Pulling myself up, the sheets slipped off my bare shoulders and folded onto themselves. Once in a blue moon, I would forego making it up again, usually accompanied by an excuse. Today, I didn’t have one. I put my feet on the floor, mind buzzing.
I was done tossing and turning, and decided to get up and shower. Afterward, I threw on my uniform, and got to work on my face. A little bronzy eyeshadow, some mascara and lip balm. I could’ve turned my face into a work of art, but I was tired from my sleepless night and doing much else seemed like a strain.
There was a knock on the door.
“Come in.” I was expecting Bruce or Alfred, but I caught Tim’s reflection in my vanity mirror.
“Hey.” He said.
“Good morning.” I replied tensely. He sat on my bed. Okay. Weird. Tim was a year younger than me- but always ordained himself something of an older brother. His brainpower made learned helplessness and easy state to slip into when he was around- always fixing my PS4, or recovering lost files from my laptop. When we first met, I used to use those things as a crutch to interact with him, as neither of us were particularly forthcoming. These days, we were as close as any pair of siblings.
“What’s up?” I asked, tucking away my mascara wand.
“Oh, I just thought I’d… check up on you. Before school started.”
I was the only one of the Waynes attending Gotham Academy at the moment. Damian was still at Gotham Prep, but by the time he would attend next year, I’d be graduated. I wondered if Tim ever missed it. He garnered his fair share of attention; mostly because of his attractive status and predisposition of agreeability. Before he dropped out, I used the be the subject of mediation for every eligible teenage girl that wanted to get to know my brother- no, the other one. With the soft hair. The chem tutor.
I laughed a little. “Do I seem like I need it?” Tim shrugged. I got up and plopped on the duvet beside him. My window was open a crack, filling the room with a chilly breeze and the scent of moisture and petrichor.
“Did Bruce make you get up for this?” I tried again, keeping my playful tone. He sighed and shook his head.
“Bruce isn’t the only one who’s noticed you lately.” He said, with contrasting seriousness that made my smile fall.
“What’s there to notice? Seriously.” I questioned.
He sighed again and twisted his lip. I knew what that meant. He was about to list everything different I’d been doing for the past three weeks, either alphabetically or by severity. “You look tired. You get home and go straight to your room. You keep fidgeting during briefings. You look distracted. You’re avoiding Damian- which, I get it- but like, more than usual. Dick said you haven’t texted him all week. You usually have something to say about your day at dinner, but-“
“Okay. I get it.”
A brief moment passed, where I watched him pull a looser string from the duvet.
“I know you went somewhere. On the 21st, when we were patrolling in Otisburg. You went somewhere for forty-two minutes.”
I blinked. “Oh.”
“I’m not accusing you of anything-“ He added quickly, looking at me. “Really, I have know idea why you left. I’m sure it was nothing, I just… you’ve been acting weird ever since. Where did you go?”
I swallowed, and my intestines felt like lead. Really, I was relieved. Here I was, in my room I’d decorated with Wayne money, with my brother who evidently cared enough about me to notice my typical word count at dinner, asking me what was wrong. And a lot was wrong.
So, I smoothed my plaid skirt and told him about the night of the 21st- and only that. From Red Hood, to Hoffman, to the warehouse. Every vivid detail I could remember. I decided to leave out my little truancy adventure, along with meeting him in the alley. Lifting up his mask. Having his exposed skin close enough to touch. His gunpowder smell. By the end, Tim was frowning. The following silence could’ve crushed a coke can.
“Shit.” He muttered.
“Yeah.” I echoed. “Shit.”
He didn’t asked why I didn’t tell Bruce. Or Anyone. He didn’t ask why it was so important to me to do this by myself. All he did was take in the information and start putting it together.
“Jesus- you could’ve died. But all that Hoffman stuff. Why you?”
“Exactly!” I breathed.
Another knock on the door, and Alfred’s voice carried through, telling me it was time to go. I got up. Tim nodded and followed suit, no doubt carrying my every last recounting in his piggy-bank memory.
“Please don’t tell Bruce.” I said, some amount of fear slipping into my voice. “I know it was a stupid thing to do and it was stupid not to tell anyone. But he’ll never trust me again.” Tim hesitated at the door.
“There’s nothing to tell.”
I climbed into the backseat of the car, and stared at the cityscape running past the windows. The anxiety had lifted. One of my growing number of secrets revealed. In its wake, the sudden absence left a sense of clarity. I remembered why I had kept it to begin with.
Dick was gifted. The first. The talented boy who could fly. Babs and Tim were brilliant; genius far beyond the confines of academia. Damian was skilled. Trained from birth, the blood son. It nestled here him neatly, right where he belonged. What was I? I wasn’t born with athletic ability beyond my years, or genius intellect. Without that information- without my secrets- I had nothing else to give.
Thursday night was dinner. The whole family. It was Bruce’s excuse to drag Dick out of his apartment in Blüdhaven, and for Alfred to exercise a new recipe, since everyone was on a strict lean-means and superfoods regimen every other waking day. Babs attended occasionally, when work didn’t keep her busy, and Tim was only allowed to pass if he promised to rest instead.
I met his eyes as everyone was rounded into the dining room by Alfred like a herd of sheep; he gave me some imperceptible knowing look that promised to keep my secret.
We sat down and sipped water from crystal glasses as the table was set with food, muttering amongst ourselves about our days. Dick was given a coffee with the wrong name (‘Nick’), Babs met up with her friend from high school (Olivia something or other), and Damian completed a group project with some incompetent classmates (they all were- even the professors). Vigilante talk wasn’t forbidden, but generally skirted around so as to offer a small reprieve of normalcy during the week.
There was an exception to this unspoken rule when there was a particularly exciting case on the table. Unfortunately for me and my anxiety, the case of the Red Hood was a very exciting one.
“Any new breaks with Red Hood?” Dick asked through miso soup. Bruce sighed.
“He made some movements in Robbinsville. Gone before we could get there. He’s got his men on a tight leash- we couldn’t get any of them to talk.”
“Course not. There’s rumors flying all over the department. One of the Ioveanu family branches payed out a huge security detail for their private mansion.”
“He hasn’t hunted anyone in their home, has he?” I asked. I pictured him standing in front of me- maskless, in my academy uniform.
“No, it’s not his MO.” Barbara answered.
“Not yet. It’s only been six months, and he’s progressing rapidly.” Bruce diagnosed grimly.
“Are you scared he’s gonna join us for dinner?” Dick joked, throwing a wink my way.
“Haha.” I muttered. Actually, I hadn’t slept because of the very idea.
“If you’re nervous, you could always stay home next patrol.” Damian suggested pointedly. To him, existing in the realm of crimefighting was a competition, and he was always looking for others to drop out of the race. I resisted the urge to fling a pea at him.
“I’m not nervous.” I said coolly.
“You’ve been practically trembling since we fought his pathetic lackeys.”
“Damian.” Bruce warned, from the head of the table. I flipped the smallest Wayne the middle finger. He resigned, but I swore I saw amusement on his lips.
“There’s nothing to be ashamed of. Red Hood is very skilled and very prolific. It’s a daunting case.” Bruce continued.
“Thanks, but I’m okay. Really.” I said, trying not to sound annoyed, and feeling like a spotlight was over my head, operated by the ghost of Hoffman. I almost laughed as I pictured it.
“That’s good to hear. We’ve been concerned.” Alfred added.
“Wow. I’m the star of the show around here.” I remarked dryly.
“We can’t help it, Miss Independent.” Dick said teasingly. “You’re just a good mystery.”
“Reminds me of Talia.” Tim said casually. The silverware stopped clanging.
It was a shameless subject change. Damian’s mother was an inflammatory topic for all parties. Bruce’s moral contempt didn’t reach the likes of Talia Al Ghul and Selena Kyle, immoral though they were. Beauty makes anything charming- and when paired with an impeccable taste in dress, even murder and thievery can be minimized into something of a quirk. Bruce thought so, anyway.
As for Damian, he had grappled with his dismissal from Talia’s side for what was now a majority of his life, and still possessed this deep-rooted, inextinguishable attachment to his mother. It was the hollow soreness any young boy would have in his position. Tim called him mama’s boy until he finally displayed a frightening amount of disdain for the title and actually begged him to stop. Tim agreed to, and I agreed to pretend I never heard a thing.
Dick disagreed with both of those sentiments and viewed Talia as someone who wasn’t worth the trouble. His dismissal embarrassed Bruce and offended Damian, so I knew the dinner table had been sufficiently turned into a powder keg. Tim and I shared a look as I expressed silent gratefulness, and he resigned to inspecting a dumpling, while I picked around my haka noodles.
The rest of dinner was quiet. Somehow, somewhere in the silence all had been decidedly forgiven. First by Babs who asked me to pass the pepper. Then by Dick who said the vegetables were good. Thank you, Alfred. Damian still looked pissed, and Bruce kept stealing glances at the clock.
I texted Tim under the table.
Thanks for taking one for the team.
The reply: You owe me one. I think Damian’s gonna poison my food.
We both glanced at the youngest, who was darkly mesmerized by what appeared to be Tim’s soup bowl.
He quickly added, Wait, actually tho? And we both fought laughter like two kids in the back of the class. It felt good to have an ally. Even if he still didn’t know the whole truth.
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imagineurfavs · 5 years
VIXX - Ravi A-Z
“Hiiii, could you please write an A to Z for Ravi?? 🙏🙏”
“vixx ravi a to z 👀thank u ❤️”
“Ravi A-Z NSFW please?”
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A - Aftercare Bless him he tries, but he’s so exhausted afterwards the most he can probably stretch to is maybe getting you both a drink...after that youre on your own lol sorry 
B - Body Part (their favourite body part of theirs and also their partner) does it count if i say his favourite part on himself is his tattoos? idk, i just feel like theyre something about himself that he really cherishes, and he knows how much you like them too. On his partner, he likes the cakes, the booty, the butt meat. He can’t get enough.
C - Cum Likes to cum on your face or neck. Bonus points if you let him cum in your mouth then kiss him, it’s something he finds so unbelievably hot.
D - Dirty Secret (a dirty secret of theirs) He really REALLY wants to record the both of yall going at it and use the audio in one of his songs, but he thinks you’d never agree to it so he’s afraid to bring it up :((( 
E - Experience He strikes me as someone who’s no stranger to one night stand kinda things so he’s definitely got a fair amount of experience. He just gives off the energy of someone who knows his way around the female body lmao
F - Favourite Position Loves having you ride him, he likes the lazy approach and watching you bounce on him is his favourite site in the entire world. Always has a soft spot for doggy as well, he’s always a fan of anything where he get’s a full view of your ass.
G - Goofy (are they more serious in the moment, or are they humorous etc) Not that goofy at all tbh, sex is something he just takes super seriously, he’s not here to mess around lmao. He’s here to fuck you up and get you shaking fgfdgdg
H - Hair (how well groomed are they) Trimmed to the point of almost being bare, but he leaves a little bit lol
I - Intimacy (how are they during the moment, romantic aspect) He has his softer days every now and then, but he’s not really all that intimate in the moment tbh. He knows that you know how he feels about you, so he doesn't feel the need to be overly sentimental when at that moment all he wants is to rail you into the mattress until you're shaking oop.
J - Jack Off (Masturbation) Honestly he probably does it basically every day; it’s pretty much a part of his nighttime routine at this point. He finds it the perfect way to relax just before he goes to sleep
K - Kinks (one of more of their kinks) For sure marking, both giving and receiving. He doesn’t even care if anyone sees them, he wears them all with pride and a massive smirk lol. He’s into maybe lowkey bdsm stuff too, just a little light pain and restraint kinda things.
L - Location (Favourite places to do the do) His favourite place would be his recording studio. It’s just that bit different enough to be a lil saucy, but private enough to where he’s like 95% certain no ones gonna walk in on you. It’s the reason he bought a super big sofa to go in there tbh lol.
M - Motivation (What turns them on) He’s a simple man, literally just touch him in an even slightly suggestive way and his brain will go straight to his dick. His thighs and lower stomach are the places he really likes to be touched
N - NO (something they won’t do, turn offs) No sharing, so that means no three(or more)somes lol. You’re his and he’s yours. That’s how he wants it to stay. 
O - Oral (preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc) Lowkey the type to be more into the whole “face fucking” thing when you go down on him. He can get super intense when giving too, he wont stop until you've had a least one orgasm from foreplay alone lol.
P - Pace (are they fast and rough? slow and sensual? etc) I feel like he’s somewhere in the middle lol, a happy medium. Probably a little on the faster side, but not crazy rough. He’ll be sure you feel it the next day.
Q - Quickies (Their opinions on quickies rather than proper sex, how often, etc) He’s quite a fan, he thinks they definitely have their charm of just scratching that itch whenever it occurs. They happen every now and then, usually in the morning when he wakes up with a boner but has to be somewhere soon.
R - Risk (are they down to experiment, do they take risks?) To a certain extent. He does have a few hard limits, but aside from that, he’s totally open 
S - Stamina (how many rounds can they go, how long do they last? etc) I dont think he lasts all that long, mainly because of how much energy he puts into whatever he’s doing. But providing you catch him before he falls asleep, he’d be down to go a second round.
T - Toy (do they own toys do they use them on a partner or on themselves?) Definitely owns a few. Not a crazy amount, but mainly what he considers the “essentials”. Stuff like a vibrator, blindfold, silk ties and maybe a paddle if he’s feeling extra spicy.
U - Unfair (how much they like to tease) Maybe surprisingly idk, but i really dont think he’s that into teasing. I think he’d much rather just get straight to the main event then draw things out needlessly long.
V - Volume (how loud are they, what type of sounds they make) Some super gravely moans and very very sweary. Super into dirty talk also. Very much a “let the neighbours know my name, baby” kinda guy sdfds
W - Wild Card (a random headcannon) He love love looooves it when you’re super vocal, the louder the better. It doesn’t matter where you are, what time of day it is etc. He knows all the right spots to hit that’ll get you screaming and he’ll keep going until you’re as loud as you can get.
X - X-ray (what’s going on inside those pants) Average in both senses i’d say, pretty n veiny though lol
Y - Yearning (How high is their sex drive) Pretty high, like it’s not that high where its unbearable lmao but it’s probably a little higher than average. 4-5 times a week at most
Z - Zzz… (How quickly they fall asleep afterwards) Super fast lol. Pretty much as soon as he pulls out of you, he’s out like a light lmao.
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andrea-lyn · 5 years
If you're up for a mylex prompt, how about Michael and Alex make a bet on who can make Kyle smile the most in three days without Kyle noticing something is up.
“I’m at two points,” Michael boasts when he settles into a booth at the Wild Pony, shoving his phone across the table so Alex can see the proof. There, in a picture, is Kyle genuinely smiling because Michael had made a joke about Max Evans that more or less implied that Liz had to keep going back to him so often because she’s in the process of looking for his dick. Crude? Yes. Effective? Oh, yes. Alex scowls and Michael can’t help but feel like this is going to be his victory. “It’s two to one, now,” Michael can’t help tempting fate by pointing out.“Yeah, and we have two more days in the bet,” Alex counters, sipping his drink as he raises his eyebrow in that way that implies that he has something terrifyingly efficient and dastardly up his sleeve. This all started last week on the anniversary of Jim Valenti’s death. Even though Jesse has been dealt with and all of that should be firmly in the past, Kyle still has a habit of getting mopey and depressed. Last year, the first year all three of them had been together as a couple and not just friends, they’d bunkered down in bed in a giant pile of bodies to try and lift Kyle’s spirits.This year, they have a better plan – in three days, Alex and Michael need to earn as many documented smiles as they can out of Kyle. The winner gets rewarded winsomely for his efforts. It’s a good plan not just because it keeps Kyle distracted, but also because it’s brought out the competitive streak in both Michael and Alex. ”Bring it on,” Michael encourages, leaning over to kiss Alex on the corner of the lips before he’s off his stool. Alex watches him go, confused. “Where are you going?” he demands. ”It’s war, babe,” Michael shouts at him from the door. “Can’t have you getting ideas from trying them out on me. I’ll see you in two days when I win the bet!” ”We’ll see about that.” Alex shouts back at him, but it’s too late. Michael’s already out the door. *“To what do I owe the pleasure?” Kyle asks suspiciously when Alex turns up at the hospital with a tray of coffees, wearing his old leather jacket, and sitting at the nurse’s station. He can’t help his fond smile as he leans forward to take the coffee that’s marked as ‘Dr. Hot Stuff’ from Alex, eyes landing on the second coffee (which is Alex’s, right there in the tray). Alex gives Kyle that too-sweet smile, the one he has when he’s plotting something. “I can’t come bring my boyfriend a coffee?”“Is Guerin hiding somewhere? Am I going to get tackled while I’m distracted?” He’s still smiling, though, Alex doesn’t worry about grabbing a picture at the moment, because he’ll just get into the security cameras and pick one up later. “I had the morning off and I wanted to see you,” Alex replies calmly.The one big rule about the bet is that Kyle isn’t supposed to find out. If Kyle finds out, that’s an automatic forfeit on the part of whoever leaked the contest and Alex has no intention of losing like that.He has no intention of losing at all.”I thought we could have a coffee break together,” Alex says, rubbing his thumb over the curve of the cup. “I missed you.””I saw you this morning,” Kyle replies, sipping his drink. “Remember? Once I dislodged Guerin from aggressively little spooning into me, which…I still don’t get how he does it. Is it alien glue?” he whispers, voice low. “Because I swear, no one should have that much power from that position.””I still missed you,” is Alex’s calculated and soft response, his eyes fixed on Kyle’s mouth. “Come on. Let’s go sit outside,” he says, reaching over to tangle his fingers into Kyle’s, gently tugging him outside with a slow walk. “Don’t make me beg.””And yet, that sounds really tempting…”Alex grins at him and earns another smile back. By the time the little mini-date is over, he’s managed to get three clear smiles out of Kyle that he can document, which officially puts their score at four to two, for him. It’s a decent lead, but it’s also one that he knows Michael won’t let stand for very long. *He’s right about that, obviously. Michael lets out a pleased huff as he zips his jeans back up, getting back to his feet in the supply closet. After Alex had shown him the yields of a coffee date, he’d marched right down to the hospital the next night during Kyle’s night shift and got right down to it. Kyle, dazed, has his eyes closed and still has one hand wrapped around the shelving poles, grinning with a blissful smile, doesn’t even notice the click of the camera. , but is probably just Guerin putting his belt back on. “Okay,” Kyle mumbles. “Yeah, you’re right. That was way better than getting coffee on my break.”“I’m always right,” Michael says, leaning in to kiss Kyle on the lips. “See you later, doc.”Sure, that’s only worth the one point, but when he returns in the morning with a greasy and full breakfast from the Crashdown (before Alex has even woken up for the day), his night owl tendencies have evened up the score.*“Okay,” says Kyle when he comes across Michael and Alex as thick as thieves together in the bunker, leaning together and bickering over some notebook, “what the hell is going on with you two? I mean, I’m not complaining about all the dates and the gifts and the sex, but it’s weird.”It’s been nearly three days of really odd behavior from his two boyfriends and he’s not so unobservant that he hasn’t tracked the pattern, he just hasn’t known what to make of it. He’s also not sure he’s so upset, because it’s been a damn good distraction from the anniversary of his dad’s death, which…Oh.Well, now Kyle is beginning to understand part of this. Michael at least tries to look innocent, but Alex shrugs like he’s not about to feel bad about whatever this insanity is.“We’re tied,” Michael says, which is clearly directed at Alex, because what the fuck? “We could always say we both won.” From the look on Alex’s face, he’s not really happy about losing the bet, which makes sense. That competitive need to win might differ from Jesse Manes’ style of needing to win, but it’s still there.“Won what?”“Loser was in the middle of the DP sandwich,” Michael shares, his eyes flicking over Kyle like he plans to end this insanity. “Let’s settle it right now, the bet’s only got six hours left on the clock anyway. Hey Valenti, smile for you, would you?”He glares at him, arms crossed over his chest. “Kyle?” Alex says, calm and seductive and sweet. “Smile for me and we both get to fuck Michael, together.”He very deliberately turns to Alex and smiles warmly at him.“Fuck me,” Michael hisses out.“Yeah, babe, that’s the plan,” Alex agrees with the gleeful and wicked smirk of a poor winner.Sure, they’re both going to have to deal with Alex being smug about winning this little bet, but with plans to work together to fuck Michael until he’s begging and practically melting into the bed, Kyle’s willing to put up with that frustration. He’s still smiling and if he’s honest, it’s the happiest he’s been in a long while, so if this is a distraction, then it definitely worked. *“Okay,” Kyle pleads, later, when they’re curled up together in bed and Alex is preening victoriously about being the winner of the bet (and Michael has collapsed, protesting that his aching ass means he can’t move). “What the hell was that about?”“Whoever got you to smile more in three days won,” Michael mumbles, the words absorbed by the pillow that his face is shoved in. “We wanted to distract you from the time of year.”Kyle turns his mind to the last few days and presses his laughter into Alex’s shoulder, because Michael is doing his usual nightly routine of falling asleep wrapped around their boyfriend pillow before he ends up yanking one or both of his actual boyfriends to curl up around him. ”That explains so much.”It also reveals their techniques in a telling way that Kyle’s pretty amused by. Alex had gone straight for strategic wooing, charm, and compliments. Michael hadn’t bothered with subterfuge and had been direct.Clearly, Kyle’s a sucker for both methods. In the morning, Kyle can’t stop smiling, so he’s pretty sure that this little bet of has done exactly its intended purpose and really? He’s not mad, not by a long shot. He might not say ‘thank you’ directly to their faces, but he makes breakfast the next morning and takes his time kissing each of his boyfriends’ good morning. He doesn’t say it enough, not really, but he knows how much he’s lucked out to have this and times like this throw that into stark relief. “Next time,” Kyle says, while they’re eating, “I pick the bet.”“It’s all yours,” Michael allows, absently eating as he scribbles notes, Alex nodding as he stares blearily into his coffee, not yet a person.*It’s why, three months later, he and Alex are head to head in a new competition on the anniversary of Caulfield’s destruction. “Two to one,” Kyle says with a smug smirk. “He used his powers when we were making out in the car.” Alex, calm as ever, sips his drink like he hasn’t got a care in the world.“There’s still two days left,” he says.He’s not wrong, which is why Kyle intends to get moving.He has a bet to win.
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aggresivelyfriendly · 6 years
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Chapter 3- Hana No Ami
Thanks for the reads, interest, and love! All of it!! Thanks to the tripod, @bleedinglove4h & @dirtystyles it would not happen without you. or would be shit and barely English, and definitely lack Japanese!
And a big special thanks for Harry, for proving me psychic at times, for giving me so much fodder, and for being a god damn Greek Muse!
"God dammit!" Ada seethed. She wanted to scream, but she had been making nice with Harry on set, and when she did that, she was able to get a few decent takes out of him.
Fine, they were more than decent. They were magic. 
But, a few decent takes out of so many, and only one to two stellar ones was making her so frustrated she wanted to scream.  It was there, it, whatever that was but it was buried under foot thick nerves, that got thicker if she was clearly frustrated. So she whispered it while she watched him look like he'd never been in love in his life.
She'd listened to his album, once, when she agreed to do the movie, so she knew him a little better.
And a couple more times, not so begrudgingly, because she liked it.
If she went by that, he had been in love. Ada supposed she should ask him, but all of her niceties were expended on set with him. That seemed like and after hours question. When he tried to talk to her after hours, she was short with him, and left no quarter for small talk. He was too nice.
So nice, he was exhausting her. He was so good when he was good, but it took very broad shoulders on her part to get him there.
Harry was really great before the camera turned on, everyday. When they first met for the day. He was enthusiastic and bright. His ideas were good. Those first few minutes were a glimmer of an oasis on the horizon. Somewhere midway through the conversation he would drift off, ah, a mirage then, again. The he would be that balloon slowly floating away until she found some way to grab his string. She was beginning to think he may need Ritalin. She may have to look up her roommate from college, Ada thought she lived here. Katie, Yeah, Katie usually had a hook up.
He needed something, or she needed a helper. She felt a little like elvis' colonel, able to pull the performance out of this modern day musical king. Maybe with a prescription. That was wrong, even to think, and she couldn't. She was able get the goods out of him without director's little helpers. But it was such a chore.
He would talk well, then get a little drifty. She'd have to cut take after take, and he'd get more and more insecure. She'd watched him on stage, and before takes. He wasn't insecure, hell sometimes he was cocky, she could use some of that. The shades of it she saw in interviews. Maybe it was the hair cut? The longer his hair the bigger his dick energy?
Well, his hair wasn't growing fast enough!
"Go again! Keep rolling!" Ada felt like there was no time to stop. They had a section of Ueno Park to themselves, stunningly. Almost as amazing as the blossoming surroundings.
The city government had been more than generous, they had gotten access to so many open spaces. Her dream spaces. Well, she supposed it was Harry's or the scriptwriter's dreams. But they were magic. And getting to film in them was a gift. Like all gifts though, this pass had limitations. The city wasn't willing to shut down entirely for whole days. So they got specific times and areas to use for filming.
The areas were still open to the public in a limited manner. Ada loved that, and the curious locals looked good on film. The park looked dreamy to her eyes and on the dailies, and the people added to it. Sakura season was nearing its end, but the blossoms were hearty this year and were full in most spots, but still dropping like snow.  Heavy and magic, casting pink light on the already beautiful setting.
It was a perfect set up.
Ada needed Harry to twirl in them in wonder. It wasn't in the script, but it was on her plan now. Because of him. He needed to twirl, just as he had been when they arrived.
She wasn't even sure he knew she was watching. His wardrobe was wondrous, and the setting, perfect, and she had no nerves at all for a few minutes. The unscripted moment was better than the plan. Today was gonna be different.
Ada was sure this was a turning point. Today was the day she got more that Harry's magic, but singular moments.
Maybe she should throw the boy a bone and sit down for the drinks he inquired about several times. If he did better, her irritation would go away enough for it. She liked him, it might help. Maybe they just needed to establish a better rapport. She'd turned him down several times. She was just recovering from her killer jet lag and, well, he was proving to be a pain in the ass. She didn't want to see him when she didn't have to.
But that was before, now she was even sadder to be wrong after all that hope, maybe even a bath in her future when they got home early. Instead.
Today looked like another long one, and she wasn't sure if she had enough novacaine to inject him with, or caffeine for herself. And she knew she didn't have enough time.
He'd continued his batting average. Either Harry whiffed at air, hit nothing, or knocked it out of the park.
She was hoping he'd be first time lucky earlier, when things had been set up and he'd walked out of his trailer, in the street clothes Akio had styled for Henry at the Harajuku shop. Nothing crazy or too bright. It was perfect actually, he was rockabillied out. A poof of hair in front, white y shirt - she refused to call them wife beaters, a leather jacket cocked off his shoulders- a large black belt and black straight pants with a high cuff, combat boots. He'd had a comb in his hand and Ada dug it. She'd have to high five wardrobe. He was a daydream. And it looked like it fit. Harry Presley indeed.
She watched him walk into set and stand in the middle of a blossom fall. His cheeks had lifted and his eyes shone. Big coin spot dimples daring anybody to try their pin ball luck. He looked pretty dreamy. If he could keep that up, there'd be no trouble believing Akio would fall, maybe even try for a kiss, but be interrupted and have to make a run for it just as the scene called for.
"Just like that, Harry." She'd walked up to him. "That's exactly how you should look in this scene. It's pretty irresistible." She'd smiled at him, all the hope and good feelings of her early morning workout and real, delicious matcha running through her veins. It wasn't even too cold for such an early morning. The scene was perfect. He looked perfect, like a hip Tokyo boy dressed him up, and the weather even cooperated.
His confidence looked high as well, along with the color in his cheeks.
"Yeah, this is pretty magic." He said and looked around and a petal fell upon his cheekbone. They pressed against his skin when he looked up, soft, but sharp enough to hold the side of the petal.
Ada wished she was already rolling, and she doubted the petal would stay. They needed another flower to float on down and stick to his cheeks. It wouldn't. But they could create movie magic.
How'd you do that, she had asked her first mentor?
Well, you cheated of course. She'd have makeup use a trick.
Ada reached up to brush the petal off and Harry turned his cheek at the same time. His cheek was warm and smooth, like her lakebed in the summer. She awkwardly realized that she was basically cupping his face for a long moment, and was about to yank her hand away when he blinked his eyes slowly closed and left them gentle there. She nearly ran her thumb over the sharp cheekbone.
"Makeup!" She flinched her hand off of him and went back to her seat when she realized what she was doing.
She had such a good feeling about this morning, but after their flower moment, he was a mess. He almost fell in the pond when he and Yuki decided to play around in the scene and walk on the railings like overgrown kids. It could have worked. She let them because she was desperate, they had about two minutes of usable stuff for their time.
What happened? He was ready to go just a little while ago. She was sure of it.
Harry was shaking. He had been for a while. Yuki was looking at him like he was crazy. "You ok Hari?"
"Yeah, Yeah, man, maybe my blood sugar is low?" So he'd had a pressed juice. This was after his near fall. A place to put clumsy blame. It helped a little. Mostly, it gave him a chance to get himself together. He was a little better when they started rolling, but he was off again. He was unbelievably frustrated. He'd had a good feeling about today. That he would "act good" like Jeffrey suggested. But he knew he was not doing his best, right now. Dunkirk had not been like this. But it was so physically taxing and mostly just a matter of reacting to the things around him.
And he was not the focus, dammit. That was wonderful, actually. To have the focus broadened, shared. Truly divided. Even in the band, he felt zoomed in on. Sometimes like a bug pinned down under a microscope. Dunkirk had given him a break.
So that when he was ready to be in the spotlight again, he felt ready, like it was on his terms.
Harry had decided these terms too. He wanted this movie. He was the force behind it. But now he felt like he was under the microscope again.
He was squirming especially because of Ada. He'd been happy to see her loose and open when she'd come onto set. The smudges under her eyes, the ones that worried him so, were lighter, almost gone. He could feel the dimples from that. And he'd seen hers! He'd only caught those in pictures before.
Plus, he was so excited about this day. He had never gotten to be in Tokyo, in Japan, during cherry blossom season.
His breath caught when he walked from his trailer to the bridge. Harry had given himself a talking to, and had agreed with himself that he was gonna loosen up, and he'd only ask Ada to have a drink with him one more time.
Just once more, he wanted to talk to her. He was sure he  could charm her then. If he could just calm down. Since the shoes hadn't worked, he could finally give her a satisfactory apology. Which was probably just for him at this point, he needed to purge. Also, he wasn't sure she knew how sorry he was, how embarrassed. It was messing him up, his performance up. That the lack of resolution was affecting him.
She was affecting him. The way he felt when he talked to her, looked at her.  It wasn't like a lightening strike, it was like......ichariba chode, she felt like home. But more, not just like his mom with hot tea, but those moments he'd had so rarely, with Grimmy and Camille a time or two. When he would come home and they'd be waiting for him, their arms outstretched with warm kisses, warm food, hot embraces, lazy lie ins.
Like a lover, a family of his own creation. He had a crush before he met her. But it was more now. Growing. He loved watching her on set. She was the boss, in such a way that she didn't need to be bossy. But she could be. God it was sexy.
Another thing he couldn't ignore. He was gonna have to. It was not mutual. That was jarring.
And distracting. He was so distracted today, he'd been on it, had absolute confidence that today he was turning a corner. All the elements had combined to make a great day. How could do it, and her confidence at the beginning of the day felt like closure. He didn't know what happened.
That was a lie.
Truth was, he knew exactly what was going on. Ada had touched him, again. And every time she did his stomach flipped like when Gemma forced him to go on the zipper at a carnival when he was eight.
He never learned to like rollercoasters.
Ada made him feel like he was upside down and inside out when she touched his shoulder while she gave him a talking-to. He could see she was really frustrated with him, but she was gentle and he wanted to please her.
And he should have known he was a bit fucked when she touched his cheek. He'd maybe never felt that good, maybe when Irving first told him he could be a legend. That was a similar feeling, but he didn't want to fall into Irving. Or kiss him.
That was when he knew he would need an intervention. Like every day. But he wasn't sure it could be her, she was definitely the problem today. If he was honest, like most other days. Though she intervened then too. She was the problem and the cure.
She was intervening earlier and earlier. He wasn't sure if she had figured out that she could appeal to his need to impress her and he would perform. Harry hated that he required so much work, he was supposed to be the leader on the film. He wanted to be the leader on set, be an example. But he seemed to require handholding.
"Cut!" Ada yelled while he was on his penitent Road, whipping away at himself mentally.  Shit, head in the game Styles.
"You ok, Harry? Yuki?"  They both nodded.  "How can we make this better, get this shot before the city Insists we get the hell off of this bridge for the day?"
"What if Harry makes the move, maybe it's the set up he's uncomfortable with? Me kissing him?"
"I'm not uncomfortable!" Harry exclaimed while Ada was saying "I don't think he's uncomfortable with the affection, or dynamic."
Yuki looked confused. Harry laughed. "Mate, I'd hold your hand all day, on camera," he pointed to the fans nearby. "Don't really care about that so much, cats nearly out of the bag. I'm just...."
"Distracted." Ada filled in, She was good at reading him. Harry loved that. When he didn't have to talk. That would be so nice to come home to. Stop it! Those thoughts were not helping.
"Yeah!" Harry pinched his lip between his fingers, he did it often, it had been known, because it centered him. It had caught him so off guard, effected him so, when Ada touched his cheek, took him out of this scene of supposed natural affection. He looked at her and his cheek tingled. His eyes fell closed on the two hours old memory, still. He touched his cheek and opened his eyes and looked at Ada. A spark fired then and they talked over each again.
"You should touch his face!" Ada said.
"You should take a blossom off my face!" Harry basically yelled into Ada's ear.
She rubbed it for a second, but his "Sorry" was said on the sharp corners of his smile.
And Ada was the car, her lips curved like a Porsche on their collaboration. They could corner like they were on rails right now.
"Yuki-" She beckoned him over, and waved her hand at wardrobe.  To the girl with the palettes in hand she said, "can you make his face sticky, so if I drop these," she pointed to the baby pink petals above, "they'll stick?"
"Yeah, I can use gloss, light will catch on it too!" The girl was thinking out loud,. "I'm afraid it will shine. Look out for that. Hold on."  She disappeared and Ada turned to a waiting Yuki.
"So, I want you to come up behind him, and I'll have petals dropped on him." Ada pointed at her star, Harry was nodding too. "When he turns, it should look pretty dreamy, you should look like it is anyway. Like really compelling. Smitten, do you know this word?"
Yuki was laughing, and Ada felt like there was a conversation going on she didn't know about. Both boys were looking at her, Yuki back and forth between her and Harry.
"Yeah, I know what look you want. I can imagine it." He looked at Harry and cracked up. "We have a way to say - koi no yokan - a future at love, a vision." He looked at Harry, brow high. Like Harry knew what he was talking about. Could explain it.
Ada focused on him too, like he had an example in he and Ada's common language for it.
Harry's attention refocused on his costar, tore I His eyes off ada. "I don't know. I'm just learning Japanese. Trying." He supposed he felt that's little when he fell into Ada's cleavage, before he puked on her. After too he supposed. It just felt more hopeful before. He guessed he knew smitten, and a premonition of love.
"Oh, I think you know." And Yuki was laughing again. Ada was excited, and she was engaged, with her actors, but they were still pressed for time. And they needed this shot. She knew it was gonna be good, could feel the energy.
"You smitten, Harry?" She laughed at him, and Harry could feel his eyes get really big, but her attention shifted and she was walking back to her chair.
"Ok, let's do it! Roll tape!" She watched the make up girl come back to wipe Harry's cheek, apply lip gloss, and somebody throw flower petals at his face, which seemed both highly fitting and like something he was used to.
He barely blinked.
And then, the shot was perfect, they got it so easily.
"Yuki, almost kiss him! Closer!" Ada shouted, that wasn't in the script, but it felt perfect.  Harry was lookin at her over his partner's shoulder and she could feel him lean in to Akio's space. Like a magnet. Magnetic, wow.
It only took one take, it was perfect. Ada jumped out of her chair and was running to start tearing down, so they could do some make up shots. Her excitement made Harry smile. Good, he had finally done something right.
"You could tell her." Yuki said over his shoulder.
Harry turned back to him. "Tell who what?" He missed that train when it pulled out of the thought station.
"The lady director, Hari!" He raised his eyebrows in a gesture Harry had never seen a Japanese person make.
"Ada? Tell her what?"
"Tell her you like her!"
"What do you mean? What's not to like? Course I like her, she's so talented, and she's our boss."Harry felt naked in the middle of Ueno Park.
"You like her. Koi no yokan. You look like Akio looks at Henry with the petal on his cheek - like you want to be the petal."
"I don't." Harry shook his head. Was he that obvious? What a mess, he knew she barely tolerated him. Never took him up on his invitations. To dinner, or tea, or the Gucci store. "I don't!" He protested too much. He shook his head like he had water in his ears, this was more uncomfortable than the cold Atlantic.
"Ok, ok, you don't like her. But you could invite her to the thing tonight?"
Harry just shook his head. It would ruin it. He did well in that scene, finally, surprised her. She had been happy. And he was so pleased that the rest of the day went well.  He wasn't going to invite her to the bar where Konichi's band was playing.
Only because she had blown off all his other invitations.
But she was smiling so much at the end of the day, when he had accidentally on purpose passed her, he couldn't help it.
"Hey, Ada, if you have recovered from your jet lag and well, everything, we're all going to see my friend's band play. Want to come?" He doubted she would, he should have had Jeff invite her, she liked Jeff better. Harry worried his bottom lip.
Ada thought it over for a second. It might be good to bond with the cast. She hadn't been to anything they had done as a group. At first because she was tired, and then because the days often felt like she was pulling teeth, slow pitching Harry so he could hit his grand slams, leaving her mentally exhausted.
At least a few times it was because Harry had asked. She wasn't sure if it would be just the two of them. He hadn't mentioned the shoes she returned without tempting herself by looking at them. She was hoping to avoid that discomfort all together. Alone meant she'd have to flat out say no. She would, but would rather avoid it all together.
This was everyone though. She could go. If she could get herself out of her hotel room and out of the joggers and band tees that were her uniform. Though the zeppelin shirt she had on would look good with jeans and heels.  She guessed she was going, if she was already planning outfits.
Her black lace red bottoms crossed her mind, definitely going out shoes.
"I'll try."
God, he really loved her smile. It was pretty much perfect, and he felt like he knew great smiles, his was praised so often. He hoped she came.
The night was winding down, for Harry at least, and he had reconciled himself to Ada not coming.
He wasn't drunk per say, not like the night before he made Ada hate him.
But he was warm, and had another shot to get over her no show.
It was just enough to get him on stage. After urging all night. It wasn't his band. He missed his band, performing too, apparently. This was fun!
He was really warmed up by the time Smells Like Teen Spirit came on.
"Gambarimasu!" Was the first word Ada heard once she had talked herself into coming in. She'd dilly dallied and found herself starving, she'd ducked into one of the little yakitori places. But dining alone was a drag. She needed to make friends, which is what finally pushed her through the door. She was gonna enjoy her already bonded cast and crew. Find her place.
"That sounds just like Nirvana!" She looked down at the shirt she'd changed to last minute. Funny coincidence. The voice at least, the instruments were great too, but not quiet as electrifying as the voice.
Which belonged to her star.
"Well, damn!" She heard herself say, and saw Yuki chuckling at her side.
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coffeelouis · 6 years
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one of my resolutions for 2019 was to post monthly fic lists of every fic i’ve read that month! i’m really excited about it, as it’s driven me to read more and catalog my fic reading more intently. i also have been really enjoying the fics i’ve read in the past few months, as i’m reading so much more by taking the tube so often, so it’s a perfect fit! and without further ado: 
here’s every fic i’ve read in january 2019, in order of reading: 
Take Your Time by @laynefaire
When Harry finds himself in the middle of a messy break-up with no place to live, Louis offers a spare room in his flat. Unbeknownst to Harry, Louis has been infatuated for years. Over the objections of their friends, who know the truth, Harry accepts. Can Louis survive Harry moving into his home…and closer to his heart? Will Harry see what's right in front of him?
Whirlwind by @darlou
“Noisy boys over at that table there, yes, you two, would you like to share something with us?”
“I was just saying that you’re probably the only person who’s ever literally taken my breath away"
AU inspired by Phoebe and David from Friends.
⭐ to the brim with fright by @hereforlou​
The only reason he’s here is because it’s tradition. And also, Harry said it’d be fun to make Liam wet himself in fear and Louis agreed. It’ll be hilarious. He’s not an insecure new transfer anymore, thank you very much. It took him no more than a week to insert himself into a group, to get invited to his first party, and to start crushing on someone—he’s not what anyone would call socially impaired. He doesn’t need validation.
(Or, the one where Louis’ high and scared and Harry’s...also high and scared.)
caught up in your love affair by @disgruntledkittenface​
“And the corgis took to you straightaway,” Harry remarks.
“That’s true,” Louis chuckles.
“I’ve spent the last 29 years being barked at,” Harry deadpans, jerking his hand toward Louis, “this one walks in, absolutely nothing.”
Louis outright giggles at that, saying, “They were just lying on my feet during tea.”
“Wagging tails,” Harry says, shaking his head.
“It’s because they don’t understand flirting,” Louis tells him, “you can’t charm them the way you do everyone else.”
Royal AU. Prince Harry announces his engagement to Louis Tomlinson in an interview with longtime friend and BBC host Nick Grimshaw. Inspired by Prince Harry and Meghan Markle.
There’s Nothing I Can Do (I Only Wanna Be With You) by @chaoticallyyours​
Roommates Harry and Louis both consider themselves matchmakers. Louis' latest crusade is finding the perfect match for Harry, despite the admittedly disastrous results. With just a little bit of help from their friends and a lot of whining, Louis realizes that the best match for Harry might just be the person already sharing his flat.
OR: Louis is a dumb gay who doesn't realize he's in love with his best friend. Until he does.
a fire in us by @hereforlou​
Louis had always thought it wouldn’t catch him off-guard. If he ever got his Time, he would be ready, and he would be calm, and he would make his way to wherever his soulmate waited for him and blow them away with how ready and calm he was.
When he got his Time on that Monday, years after he had stopped fantasizing about meeting his soulmate, Louis was not ready, and he was not calm. What he was was late.
(Or, the one where Harry waits and Louis worries.)
Wild Love by purpledaisy
“Good,” Julia says, clearly pleased to have them both uncomfortable and unable to look at each other. “Now, I only have one more question before you can go. What are you planning to do when this experiment ruins your friendship?”
“We said we’d stay friends no matter what,” Harry says smoothly, his chin lifting in defense.
“That was our one thing going into it,” Louis agrees. “Stay friends no matter what.”
Julia raises a perfectly manicured brow, “That’s all fine and good. But I hope you realize your emotions aren’t going to realize this is an experiment in the end. If one of you falls for the other and finds out those feelings are not reciprocated, you’re not going to be able to laugh it off as a social experiment. I’m not saying you shouldn’t do this, I’m just hoping you’ve considered all of the possible outcomes.”
- AU: Two best friends try to date each other for forty days. It's supposed to be fun until emotions make it complicated.
gonna dream of how you (tasted) by @hereforlou​
It was clear that they were not going to talk about how they knew each other. Harry was relieved, he didn’t need Louis to spell out how fast he’d wanted to get out of the house back then, but it also made him anxious. The fact that they had seen each other naked and they were pretending it had never happened was hanging between them.
I had your dick in my mouth, Harry thought loudly at Louis, and then remembered there was a baby in the room and felt a little dirty. He decided to stop thinking about it altogether - Louis seemed to be managing just fine.
(Or, the one where Harry needs a handyman and it turns out they have a bit of a history.)
⭐ bloodsport by @tofiveohfive​
“You know how our next game is against the Cardinals, right? You remember how vicious those guys can get. I wanted us to come up with some plays, maybe work on a block from the left—”
Louis stops when he hears a chuckle.
He doesn’t think he’s said anything particularly funny, so he turns to Harry, waiting for an explanation.
“‘S funny, ‘s all.” Harry throws his finished bottle somewhere near the other discarded ones. “This is the first time you’re talking to me in eight months, and it’s still about football.”
i’ll take your pain by @suspendrs
It’s kind of romantic when Harry thinks about it, feeling all the pain of the person he’s supposed to love for the rest of his life. Sure, it’s rather inconvenient when he’s in class and his soulmate gets kicked in the balls, or when he’s sleeping and his soulmate knocks his head or his knee off something. It’d be nice if the function helped them to find each other, but Harry supposes he can live with knowing that they’re destined to run into each other someday.
Or, soulmates have the ability to feel each other's pain, and Harry finds his after getting his arse waxed. (Or, the soulmate au crack fic I can't believe I actually wrote.)
A Few Good Mistakes by @louisandthealien
He almost wishes there were a better story.
"Fucked up pop star ends five day bender by wandering into a dive bar alone and passing out in public."
That would've generated press, he thinks, and if there's one thing that's constantly on his mind (or more accurately, on the mind of everyone else around him) it's that all press is good press, and good press is good press but bad press is great press.
Besides, he's 25 and trying to do the whole transition from boyband to solo pop star. He's pretty sure a press-fueled meltdown is, like, a right of passage.
The truth, alas, is a whole lot more boring.
Louis falls asleep in Harry's bar. Harry takes him home to hang out.
No Place Without You by @fackinglouis
Harry's in love with life and he's in love with the world.
Louis' in love with Harry and he doesn't think there's any way he can possibly compete.
A Wanderlust AU in which Harry doesn't have a permanent home and stays with Louis when he visits NYC.
Fortify Me by @louisandthealien
“I’m just so happy I have you, Lou,” Harry says softly, prodding his toes against Louis’ ankle. “I feel like I’m going to get Simon’s little talking-to any day now…I don’t know what I’d do if you weren’t here.” Louis very much doubts that, but stays quiet. “It’s just, like, it’s so good to have someone here who’s going through the same thing, I guess?”
Louis tries not to smile too wryly when he nods. “Yeah, yeah it is, I suppose.”
“And…and— ” Harry starts again, voice sounding a little braver, a bit more jokey, “and how much better could this be?” he gestures with one hand at the bed around them. “Two very gay, very fit mates having a very platonic cuddle during their very exciting boy band adventure?” He kicks Louis again. “That’s the stuff of movies, right?”
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thetradeway · 3 years
Session 41 17 Apr 2021: Wait, a TRAP door? Ahleqs casts Mage Armour.
Duncan is walking back from the opticians, so we start a little bit late. Ed is also going to be late, but he says to go ahead without him and he’ll catch up.
Mr. Pickles has a gift for Ahleqs (which Joe forgot until this week…)
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Should be fun riding through the streets of Waterdeep - until he gets done by animal rights activists.
Matthew reminds us of what Brother Charity and Gideon did at the end of the last session - the buddy cop movie, during which they got some names of some people. (He explains in a very sketched out way until Sophie asks him to clarify a bit further, ‘like I was asleep or something’.) (For those who weren't there at the time, she *was* asleep.)
Mirt, Harper’s quest, Maxeene, talking horse, ride around the city, inn with a glory hole in it, disguised selves, names of a sun elf fellow and a half orc lady. Timothy P. Fuckapple and Thunderbuns, ah yes. (apparently Matthew was going for Danny Dyer, but he’ll take Ross Kemp.)
“That was exhilarating!” Charity says to Gideon as they flee down side alleys.
(Joe shows us an image of Undermountain, the dungeon under the Yawning Portal.)
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(holy shit.)
We pick back up at the Dagger. Kessler wanted to ask Shanks about procuring us a book to offer the monks at Candlekeep. (Joe shows Melaina her new weasel…)
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Kessler and Ahleqs arrive back at the Dagger, shortly followed by Charity, Carl and Gideon. Kessler points and laughs at Gideon’s disguise.
Tarragon has gone to find Renah and challenge her to an arm wrestle, loser buys drinks. Matthew worries that it might turn into a bar fight. Ahleqs: “It’s all fun and games until someone throws a dwarf.” Tarragon wins 18-21, and asks for a half an ale. “I’m very small and I’m not used to drinking.”
The others are deciding how to contact Shanks about the book. Ahleqs asks at the bar what would be the best way to get in touch. Ria and Jirr are tending bar tonight. Ria isn’t sure who Ahleqs means when he asks for Shanks. She offers to ask the other staff, and has a chat with Jirr.
Jirr can get a message to Shanks for us. Or - do we want to meet her? That might be better. Jirr will organise a meeting in the cellar. This might take a day or so to arrange.
Do we need preparations or supplies for the journey to Candlekeep? (Shopping episode! Somewhere, Travis Willingham sighs.)
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We probably need rations. We also need to get passage on a boat - we could ask Surge (Gunna's water genasi friend in the Docks Ward), or Larissa. Either way, to the Docks Ward!
(Charity Prestidigitations Gideon before we leave.)
Kessler debates buying a shield and goes to speak to Filiare before we go, as well. (Scribe’s note: Her AC is already 18.) He will sell her one for 7gp; she accepts, choosing a metal one with a plain front so she can add her own design. She sells her crossbow bolts as well.
Ed joins us and Charity remembers about the mad druid that Tarragon needs to speak to, but that’s not for a few days. We decide to speak to Surge first as he’s slightly less dodgy, and if he’s unavailable or can’t help, then we’ll try Larissa. We’re trying to get passage but also get paid for it, like going to a festival and pretending to be cleaners.
(Duncan gets lost on his way to the kitchen to make coffee, and finds himself in the off license buying beer.)
As we go through the streets toward the docks, a bird lands on Tarragon’s shoulder and gives her a scroll from Amithrel, giving her the name of the druid whose tome may be of use in curing Tansy’s illness. She asks the bird to thank Amithrel for her and it flies off.
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Kessler: “I wonder if I could snatch that bird out of the air…”
Duncan OOC: “This whole time I’ve just been imagining you grabbing birds out of the air and eating them.”
There follows a discussion about the diets of goblins, and how much evidence there is to suggest that they really do eat babies.
Melaina makes a Perception check to get us to the Docks ward (I almost wrote Dicks ward by accident lol). We find the temple, and Surge is in the middle of it, feeding sick sailors. He sees us and recognises us, and asks straight away if we’ve seen Gunna.
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Melaina, suddenly and excitedly: “Have you seen him? Not that we care about… where… he… is…”
Surge says that he saw him briefly before he left, and that he said something about visiting his father. It could take a few months for him to return.
Melaina asks about passage on a boat. Do we want to pay, or work, Surge asks us? Well, we’ve acquired some skills in recent times. He asks about what sort of skills we have. Fire magic?, Ahleqs suggests. Tends not to be popular on wooden boats.
Kessler can make stuff…? Melaina is an elf, she could make a good lookout? Tarragon is a herbalist, she can make poultices. How many are there of us? Six? Yeah, six. Seven, if you count Brother Charity. (We’ve accepted Carl as one of us.) (Charity looks wounded.)
Ahleqs makes a Persuasion check with Guidance - 25 total.
To Candlekeep, you say? Maybe the return journey as well? Space for seven, we’re looking at a cargo ship. Is there any way Surge can contact us? We’re staying at the Dagger. Surge will ask around and send word.
Brother Charity has some shopping he wants to do. Where would he find adventuring supplies? Market in the Trades Ward. He wants Healer’s kits and scroll scribing kits, that sort of thing. We like to travel in a lump; our lump arrives in the Market.
Between a lucky roll and help from Charismatic Ahleqs, Charity can have 20gp off the asking price of 70, to the shopkeeper’s chagrin.
Tarragon buys some more herbs, as she’s offered her services as a herbalist on whatever ship Surge can get us passage on. Kessler buys some healing potions.
Anyone else want to do some panic buying? Chain mail! A gun! Some big bombs! The Death Star! Nope, that’s it. We head back to the Dagger.
So - rations, and a meeting with Shanks to maybe procure a book. Gideon has a heavy supper and falls asleep in front of the fire. (Tarragon: Five bean chilli from the new vegetarian menu, and a peach liqueur.) As we sit down to eat, Jirr motions to us. We’ve got a guest.
Shanks meets us in the cellar. Can she procure rare and curious books? Ahleqs explains what it is we need - a book that the monks of Candlekeep don’t already have in their collection. What about something unique, like a journal? Are we familiar with Xanathar’s thieves’ guild?
No-one is really sure what it’s real name is. The higher ups in that guild are known as The Hand. Their master of magic is a woman called Emerine (I think?). She’s a powerful wizard, not to be crossed. But she is undertaking research in the sewers, Shanks knows where. She has a something called the Tome of Bindings. Shanks could take us there to get it? She can time it for when the wizard isn’t in.
Would this wizard part with the book, or will we have to nick it? If we time it right, she won’t be there to defend it. But she’ll likely have traps and stuff. Ahleqs asks what do we think the chances are that she has an actual Beholder there? Low, says Shanks, as the guild leader is one and Beholders are notoriously territorial and won’t put up with another close by.
It would be doing Shanks a favour, if we got that book away from her. Can we be ready first thing?
Charity: “All those in favour say Aye.”
All of us except Kessler: “Aye!”
Kessler: “I don’t see why not, I mean I’ve got no objections…”
Shanks tells us it’ll be another trip to the sewer, so get ready.
Tarragon, thoughtfully: “Do you know anyone who sells nose plugs…”
Shanks returns the following morning and leads us into the sewer. We make CON saves against the smell. Only Tarragon fails and is polite enough to lean away rather than puking on Brother Charity, which she feels is very magnanimous of her.
Shanks leads us to a new (to us) part of the sewer, where we haven’t been before. It looks in poor state of repair. She points to a locked trap door. The wizard has been seen going in and out of there. Do we need help picking the lock…?
Melaina: “I think we’ve got this.”
(Wait, a TRAP door? Ahleqs casts Mage Armour.)
Melaina checks for traps and unlocks the door with ease, and after some wrangling, Joe gets a marching order out of us. (A police car goes by in horrible Nottingham.) There’s a small delay while Joe fights his way through all the gubbins I’ve filled roll20 with (SO MANY RED DRAGONS!), and puts our tokens on the board.
Back in the charming sewers again! It’s a nice part, and doesn’t smell. It’s part of the old elven sewer.
Ahead of her Kessler sees a metal door, with a slot into which something presumably fits. She checks for traps - it is not trapped. She goes for a pick, but rolls a 12 so nothing happens. She could try impact engineering… (Is that a fancy-lady way of saying she’s going to twat it?) Melaina elbows her way to the front and does it properly.
(Gideon has had too many meads and has probably fallen asleep - or gone to the kitchen to get sausages, so the DM moves him gently out of the way.)
We are just exploring when Joe tells us to stay where we are - uh oh!
We all make STR saves except Tarragon, who is now glad she was stuck at the back.
They roll so badly that they couldn’t pass if they added all their scores together. They are hit by lightning from the pillars in the room, as well as being blown around by wind.
Kessler shoots at one of the pillars to try and discharge the magic, but is at Disadvantage because of the wind and rolls a 9. It zaps her, and she takes 13 lightning damage.
Melaina has a go but also fails and takes some lightning damage. Joe rolls 4 1s for her damage though, noice.
Ahleqs makes an arcana check to see if he can figure out this magic, but rolls a nat 1. He uses a Sorcery point to re-roll for a 17. It seems to be retaliating when attacked, and there are glyphs on the floor that zap you if you stand on them.
Kessler and Tarragon see that the winds inside the sphere seem to be physically blowing the ammunition off course. Perhaps magic might work better…?
Ahleqs tries an Eldritch Blast, and it hits. Yay! He assumes the foetal position; just as well because he gets hit with lightning.
Tarragon does a Thorn Whip, which also hits. The pillar is starting to look damaged, and she takes 17 lightning damage. Oof! Kessler fires off a Firebolt, as Ahleqs downs a potion. She hits for 3 damage and takes 15 lightning damage. Yikes.
Melaina does a magic arrow at it - or, a spell? Or Charity can do a spell, so Melaina isn’t using up a spell slot?
He does a Divine Eldritch Blast. (A what? He is a Cleric, right? Sophie, OOC: ‘He’s a sneaky bastard is what he is.’) It does 1 damage, which is just enough - the pillar breaks. He does a Cure Wounds for Kessler, and offers the same to Ahleqs.
Melaina tries the door. It is a large, metal double door. She checks it for traps - once she’s found her character sheet again. She sees the telltale signs of trappage! She sleight of hand disarms it with a 27 - “Bazinga.” She then unlocks the door. It swings open to reveal a monster - “Lock it again! Lock it again!”
We roll initiative. DM asks if one of us want to take the Grease Wizard “because I think you’ll need him”. Oh shit. Matthew and Sophie both take him so they can squabble over him.
(Sophie OOC: “What is that thing? Oh, it’s massive and it’s got a big old sword.”)
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It moves forward and breathes poison on Kessler, Melaina and Tarragon. Only Melaina makes her save. If only our front-line fighter wasn’t on a boat going to see his mum!
Tarragon rages and does Cure Wounds on herself (but the other way around); Melaina casts Woundbind on Kessler, who went down after the poison breath. (How’s that shield working out?) Melaina bonus-action-disengages and backs up.
Kessler gets to her feet and goes for a Thunder Gauntlet, which misses. She stands her ground.
Ahleqs: "I stand my ground too!" (We all laugh.) He screams (part of his spellcasting ritual), and casts Fireball. It doesn’t bother trying to make the save - ah shit.
Kessler, Tarragon, Ahleqs and Gideon (and Melaina) make perception checks - we all notice that the creature absorbs the fire, and any little dents in the armour repair themselves. Matthew-as-Gideon - “Fire appears to mend it!”
Ahleqs runs away.
Grease wizard doesn’t have Enlarge-Reduce prepared, sadly. He has a go at Enfeebling it instead. He rolls an 18 and it misses.
Oh fuck…
Kessler, right up in melee range: “Run, save yourselves!”
Ahleqs, already halfway out of the room: “Way ahead of you!”
Charity casts ‘a buffing spell’ on himself to get more HP, and then shilleweghilghosllhsoaslkhhah. Carl holds an action, as there’s not much he can do.
It’s the golem’s turn. It tries to squish Kessler, who is standing right in front of it, by bringing its sword down on her noggin. It misses! But dents her new shield. Then it swings an arm, trying to slam her into the wall. That time it hits for 14 damage.
Tarragon goes for an Indiana Jones slide between its legs but fails her Dex check and hits it in the legs. (If Duncan was DM she’d have hit something else.) She tries to batter it with her quarterstaff, but misses.
Melaina hides and shoots, and hits the thing! She rolls badly on her damage, however. (Joe assures us that this fight is winnable; we all make dubious noises.)
Kessler goes for the Thunder Gauntlets and hits it for 11 Thunder damage. She uses Fury of the Small on top for an extra 7 damage. She would like to disengage for a bonus action and split her attack; after a short discussion it’s decided that she can. She wants to move behind it so she makes a DEX check - and passes! Like a greased seal she slides between its legs. She goes for her second attack, with Advantage as she and Tarragon are now flanking it. She hits again for 8 more Thunder damage.
"Are we still in the shit? We kind of are, aren’t we." Ahleqs uses all his remaining Sorcery Points to create a 4th level spell slot before screaming “GO AWAY!” at it and casting Banishment. It fails the save and disappears!
We still need the gem around its neck, which is very much phase 2 of the plan, and Ahleqs will leave that to us.
Kessler: “I would say next time make that your opening gambit?”
Ahleqs, Concentrating: “Look, let’s not waste this minute bickering.”
(DM decides that was inspired so he won’t enforce it now, but next time Ahleqs casts Banishment he will actually have to produce the spell component - something distasteful to the target. Duncan, OOC: "I may go full monkey and fling my poo at it.")
We prepare - moving to flanking positions and rerolling initiative. Tarragon goes bear and waits to re-Rage.
Bear Tarragon and Kessler both hit with their attacks of opportunity as the thing pops back. Brother Charity goes for a whack with Sheldflhjdasdlaflfghhh, and natty 20s it for triple damage - 36 total!
It’s Kessler’s turn. She punches it upside the back of the head for a 19 which misses, then natty 20s for her second hit. Max damage, then she rolls the damage dice again, yeah!
Tarragon does a multi attack and crits with her claws - bloodied nose. Max damage and roll again - she gets max damage on that roll too! She’s so pleased it’s hard to maintain her rage.
Melaina goes for a shot but misses.
Ed has woken up! He is pleased to know that Matthew, about to take Gideon’s turn, was about to Grease something. He asks how this thing feels about fire, and is warned that it loves it. He’s very disappointed until he realises that he can use his new toy.
Wait is this the main big bad, or is this on the way to the big bad?
Sophie, OOC: “We just got into this dungeon, we’re in the foyer.”
He does Phantasmal Killer! The thing makes a WIS save - at Advantage - and fails. Ed, delighted: "It’s timid and scared and frightened." It makes another WIS save on each of its turns, or takes more psychic damage; for now it takes 16.
It’s immune to psychic damage - and being frightened.
That is a poor show, Joe.
Brother Charity is up, and he’s the last one before the golem. Gideon: “We’ll have to do this the old fashioned way Charity, go and stab it with a spear!”
It’s still flanked, so Brother Charity rolls with Advantage and hits it with a 26 for 12 bludgeoning damage with Shillgslahkfksjddkghglhlhllbblhh. It’s looking tatty now, yeah!
It doesn’t get its breath weapon back, phew. It attacks the bear, at Disadvantage (because it is not attacking Kessler). It hits, but she takes half damage.
It’s Coward Time! He doesn’t need to move closer so he casts Shenanigans at level 2. He expends a spell slot to regain a sorcery point. Now he casts Shatter at level 3, using the sorcery point to use Careful Spell and steer it around his friends.
It does a CON save (“I imagine it’s okay at those”) which it has Advantage on, but it’s a construct so it has Disadvantage as per the spell. They cancel each other out so it makes a straight roll, and gets a 16 which succeeds. It takes half damage though. Having covered his eyes as he cast the spell Ahleqs shouts, “Did I get it?”
We all want Carl to get the how-de-do-dis. He does Gauntlets of Helm but misses even with Advantage.
Kessler goes for the Thunder Gauntlets and hits with her second attack, for 7 thunder damage. It’s at Disadvantage to attack anyone but her again.
Tarragon does a multi attack and hits with both - and gets the how-de-do-dis! She rips it apart with her bear claws, with a horrible screeching noise of claws on metal.
We get the crystal key!
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(After the dust settles, Joe reminds us of when we fought the Flesh Ripper and Melaina very cleverly hid herself on the other side of a doorway through which the Flesh Ripper was too big to fit. We look again at the map we’re on now to see that we came through a corridor that would be too big for the golem… We are so stupid.)
The crystal fits in the slot in the door, which leads us down another corridor into a study. Melaina rolls to pick the lock with a 27. We get the book, yeah!
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(Next week we pick up with our old campaign, for which I DM. I will try to add an entry here, but it won’t have the same level of detail!)
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himbowelsh · 7 years
if it would interest you: high school au winnix, lew sneaking out to dick's house while his parents are fighting?
this interests me like hELLA
ever just the same, ever a surprise (ao3)
There are days when Dick considers himself a very grounded, down-to-earth person; and then there are days when he wonders if his life has been a modern-day Shakespeare reenactment all along and everybody just forgot to tell him.
Seeing Lewis Nixon scaling the side of his house tells him it’s one of those days.He watches, intrigued, for almost a minute before it occurs to him that he could be a lot more helpful if he bothered to help. By that time Lewis has already reached the middle of the trellis beneath Dick’s window. Before Dick can warn him about the dangers of rotting wood, he wraps his hand around the nearest rung – and immediately tumbles back.
Dick watches Lewis fall, and makes a noise of sympathy when he hits the ground. It doesn’t look too bad, but that’s going to leave a definite bruise for a while.
“We have stairs,” he calls. From the ground, Lewis lets out a long groan.By the time Dick rushes down the stairs and has left the back door swinging behind him, he finds his friend no longer prone. Instead Lewis is sitting up, admiring the patch of begonias he nearly landed on. Long fingers are caressing one flower’s slender stem. He looks dangerously tempted to pluck it before the sound of the porch door slamming causes him to look up.“Your mother’s garden gets more beautiful every time I almost destroy it,” he says. The remains of what used to be one of the rungs is still clutched in his free fist. Dick rolls his eyes, holding out a hand.“You broke my trellis,” he says as Lewis hauls himself to his feet. “I nearly broke myself. Your trellis should be easier to climb.”As they meander their way inside the house,  Dick shakes his head. “Or you could have used the front door like anybody else,” he says, even as he holds the back door open for Lewis to follow him through. His friend’s footsteps are heavy on the wooden porch. Against the carpeted floors of Dick’s home, his shining loafers finally look a bit less out of place. He grins as they step into the cooler air of Dick’s home, eyes darting around to take in halls he’s seen dozens of times before. “My mom is making fried potatoes.”“Have I mentioned I love your mom?” Lewis pauses at the end of the hallway, not sure whether to continue up the stairs to Dick’s room or head into the kitchen. The heady smell of dinner seems to tempt him, but Dick can tell from the set of his shoulders that Lewis doesn’t feel like interacting with  people right now. (Dick does not count as people to Lewis).So he pokes his head in the kitchen instead. His mother is at the stove, stirring a pot with one hand while adjusting the temperature with the other. He waits for her to finish before speaking. “Mom, Lewis is here.”His mother looks up in surprise, stray curls flying about her temples. “Oh! Is he staying for dinner?”Lewis quickly says “yes” behind him, and Dick smiles. “He is.”“Hi, Mom,” Lewis calls, poking his head over Dick’s shoulder. Dick’s mother waves her spoon at him, a fond smile playing across his lips. Dick’s parents love Lewis like another son. It’s not unusual for Lewis to drop by unannounced, so there’s always a free place at the table and enough food to go around.
“Do you need any help?” asks Dick, and his mother shakes her head.
“Nothing to help with. Dinner’s almost done – be downstairs in twenty minutes, but finish your homework first, alright?”
Dick nods and steps back into the hallway. He finds Lewis already waiting for him on the stair landing, leaning against the wall with deceptively casual nonchalance.
“You heard the lady,” he says as Dick leads the way up to his room. “What’ve we got today? Physics? Advanced calculus? The Art of War?”
“Nothing so interesting,” Dick replies. He pushes the door to his room open, and can feel Lewis’s smirk when he sees the mess of notebooks crowding his bed. “Three paragraphs of analysis on The Scarlet Letter and a bit of algebra. Pretty exciting stuff.”
“Dick, that sets my intrepid brain on fire. Don’t tease me like this.” Ignoring the mess, Lewis flops down on the bed. With his arms spread he looks like a starfish. Dick huffs and rescues one of his books from beneath his friend’s back. “I’m almost done. Give me five minutes.”
Lewis makes a noise of agreement, eyes slipping shut. He lies without movement, content to be still and silent as Dick’s pencil resumes its gentle scrabbling against paper. He’s not in a chatty mood. Not in a bad mood, either, but that could flip on a dime. Lewis’s temperament is mercurial at best.
At least tonight he doesn’t reek of whiskey. The memory of several weeks ago, with a stumbling, slurring Lewis throwing stones up at his bedroom window drifts into Dick’s mind uninvited, and he frowns as he pushes it away. Maybe this happens too much. He would never begrudge Lewis the sanctuary, however. He knows, and more importantly, he understands. There are times when Lewis cannot stand to stay in his house another second. If he didn’t come here he would wind up somewhere far less welcoming. If a house of friendly faces can assure Lewis’s peace of mind, Dick is glad to leave the door open at all house.
(That is, if he ever willingly used the door.)
Five minutes stretches into ten, and by the time Dick sets his finished work down Lewis’s breathing has deepened out. The hand cast over his face prevents Dick from seeing his eyes, but he guesses they’re closed. When he leans forward, his friend doesn’t stir.
“Lew. Are you asleep?”
“Yes,” replies Lewis.
“You better wake up then.” Dick gives his friend’s shoulder a light shake, and doesn’t bother letting go. When Lewis makes a noise of content, he turns to massaging his shoulders, easing out all the stress that has gathered there throughout the day. Dick keeps his tension in his stomach and back. Lewis builds his in his neck and shoulders. When he’s under strain, Dick can always tell from the tension in his throat, or the way the muscles of his shoulders bunch together. It is impossible to miss – at least, for him.
(Many people don’t pay Lewis the attention he deserves. Dick tries to make up for this every chance he gets.)
Lewis seems perfectly content to relax into his massage instead. Dick indulges him for a few minutes before the clock really starts ticking. Downstairs, he can hear his sister Ann chattering as she sets the table. They have to get ready for dinner.
He leans down, close enough for his breath to brush the dark fringe that falls over Lew’s forehead. “Lew, come on. Aren’t you hungry?”
Lewis is always hungry, frequently starving. That’s his teenage metabolism at play, and unlike at his own house here he isn’t scolded for eating too much or too little. Coaxing him down to dinner isn’t difficult – getting him out of bed is the hard part.
“Fine,” Lewis eventually sighs, and rolls off of Dick’s bed. He makes a show of drowsiness as they descend the stairs, but by the time they’re at the table Lewis is bright eyed and alert. He greets Dick’s father, pulls at Ann’s braids, and the family settles down to eat.
Lewis’s appetite hasn’t been affected by whatever happened at home. As time goes on, he gets his social graces back too. By the time Ann starts talking about re day at camp, he’s able to chime in and joke with her. He compliments Dick’s mother’s cooking, asks his father about work, and is every inch the charming Lewis that Dick met on their first day of high school.
He loves to see Lewis like this. When he is at his best, he makes up for every second of his worst. Dick can not help but love him when he sees Lewis happy, and these are the memories he holds fast to when Lewis is drunk and self-destructive.
Maybe he’s being too obvious, because when Lew looks over he catches Dick smiling at him. His hand nudges Dick’s own – subtly, but just enough for them both to feel it. Lewis’s lips twitch up in a smirk, and Dick meets his gaze, unabashed.
(He admires Lewis, and wants him to know it. Lewis is wonderful, amazing, intelligent, beautiful ��� and if he won’t think those things about himself, Dick will think them all tenfold.)
“Careful,” Lewis says after dinner, sprawled out on Dick’s bed once more. “You keep staring at me like that and I’ll go weak at the knees.”
“Well, that’s the plan,” Dick replies, scanning over his bookshelf for something to read. He does not look behind him, but he knows he’ll see Lewis with his chin in his palms, elbows balanced on his bed, that same wicked smirk on his lips. He selects a book before turning around. “Did you bring nightclothes?”
“I climbed out the window again, Dick. I barely brought my shoes.”
“What is it with you and windows?”
“I live dangerously.” Mr. Dangerous barely manages to catch the night shirt Dick tosses his way. “Ugh, plaid? What, are we on a farm?”
“Pretty much,” Dick replies, and settles next to Lewis with his book. Lewis knows he can pick whatever he wants from the bookshelf, but he chooses to read over Dick’s shoulder instead. His body presses up against Dick’s side, and Dick tries to pretend the proximity doesn’t make him feel warm all over.
He knows how this night will end. Lewis will read with him, they’ll talk for awhile, and Dick will eventually fall asleep. He’ll wake up in the night to find Lewis passed out next to him, as unashamedly as if they were two children sharing a bed. Maybe he’ll be wearing a placid, blank expression; maybe he’ll be frowning, caught in the midst of some unsettling dream. Either way, Dick will run his hands through his hair and soothe him until content has take over his sleeping face.
They’ll wake up tomorrow for breakfast, and another day spent in each other’s company. Eventually Lewis will have to go home, but that is a far off concern until the time comes.
They’ve done this enough times that Dick knows exactly how it goes.
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