#Don't pay any mind to rude people post
1shadowhole · 1 year
(What I want to do with this post is to motivate writers who may see negative posts and get discouraged.)
So uhhhh. Not saying any names.
But criticizing the fanfic writers for not writing exactly what you want and being hateful about it is not that great at all. Especially when using very rude words.
If you want a certain trope of Merthur fics to appear more often just write it yourself! Like it was mentioned if "things don't change soon around here". Like an old man looking at a playground of kids laughing a bit too loudly. Writers don't owe us a thing.
Plus. If you really want to criticize the ability of our amazing writers you should probably learn to write yourself. Otherwise, you look like a massive hypocrite.
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So. Since I would like this to be against negativity:
I'd like to thank all the amazing writers in this fandom.
Honestly, Merthur fics are the best I've ever read and some deserve to be acclaimed as the masterpieces they are!
And with kinkalot going on... I'd like to give you all a massive round of applause. You rock, babes (gender neutral) 💪💪💪
Your smut can be whatever you want it to be, and if you see a post complaining about it ignore it because no one agrees and we all love you.❤️❤️
On my end:
I'm someone who always has to have a controversial opinion. So you'll often see me saying stuff like:
"Hey, I think this particular trope doesn't really work well..." or "This is something that bothers me, because it's really common and doesn't acknowledge so and so..."
But I always make it clear that the post is not against the people using that particular trope. I always try my best to be respectful. Fic writers do this for free and I only want to spark conversations because, to me, that's the best part of fandom life. And maybe a few people get to see a new side to a certain topic and get inspired to do something with it.
Personally, I think the only time it's okay to openly criticize someone is if:
1) The writer knowingly doesn't tag trigger warnings even when asked.
2) The writer him/herself acted rudely or put other people down.
This is all really funny to me because I would have agreed! It's a trope I'd love to see more of. It's among my favorites! But it's not like I think people are dumb for not thinking the same way I do.
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oracle-of-dream · 1 month
Just A Dare
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Summary: One day, Soobin played a game with some friends. Truth or Dare. One dare led Soobin to pretend to be in love with you. 3 Months later, you're still dating, but Soobin's recently grown cold toward you...
Warnings: Male Reader, Soobin x Reader Relationship, All of TXT are friends, Rude/Mean Soobin, Breaking up, Fake relationships
Wordcount: 3.35K
You stretch widely as you walk into the kitchen, Soobin sitting at the table with his phone in his hand.
"Morning, Binnie." You hummed to him.
He looked at you with indifference and sighed.
"Would you like something to eat?"
He raised an eyebrow, leaning back in his chair as he crossed his arms. "No, I'm not hungry."
"Any plans today?"
He shook his head, eyes trained on you. "No plans. Why?"
"I was wondering– Never mind, it's nothing."
He rolled his eyes. "Spit it out."
You took a deep breath. "I'm going out today and wanted to know if you wanted to come with me. but you don't look like you want to."
He shrugged. "I'm not interested." His voice was cold and completely uninterested.
"Okay, I'll text Yeonjun you said no."
Soobin's eyebrow twitched slightly at the mention of his friend's name. "Why are you texting him about me?"
"He asked if you were coming with me, and I told him I'd ask you."
"And you're just going to tell him everything I say?"
"N-No! Just that you're not interested in coming."
Your boyfriend leaned forward, eyes narrow. "You know, it's not your job to tell people about my plans."
"And it's not your job to tell me what to do!" You spat.
He scoffed. "I'm not telling you what to do. I'm just saying you shouldn't be telling Yeonjun everything I say. It's none of his business."
"I'm not telling him everything!"
He threw his hands up. "Sure, you're not."
You tried to speak through the lump forming in your throat. "Look, Soobin, you're in a bad mood. I'll just leave you alone for a bit."
As you turned to leave, Soobin mumbled under his breath. "Yeah, that's a good idea. I could use some quiet."
You covered your mouth, keeping any grimaces silent as you went to your room to change. You locked the door as soon as you shut it, softly sobbing at how Soobin had been.
He started stepping backward in your relationship about a week ago. First, he was irritated with you for being around. Then in front of his friends, he scolded you for being in the way. And he's fussing at you for bothering you during his "game time".
After taking a breath, you put on some nice day clothes and dried your eyes. You ran to the front door, seeing Yeonjun's car parked outside. "Okay, Soobie, I'm headed out. Text me if you want anything while I'm out!"
He stood in the doorway of the kitchen, glaring at you. "Fine. Have fun with Yeonjun."
You walked out and shut the door, sighing in relief to be out of the house. You didn't have time to put your key in the door before you heard the lock snap behind you. Soobin must've been kind enough to lock the door for you...
You spent the day with Yeonjun, shopping and touring the town. You'd planned to meet up with Beongym and Taehyun too!
The original plan was for Soobin to ask to be there since they were his friends, but as soon as they pushed for you to come along he said he wouldn't go anymore... They always tried to make you feel like a part of the group, to the point you'd even started hanging out with them without Soobin. You'd grown close to them over the last three months and were glad to have them around. You took a picture and posted it on your Instagram story Dinner with my favorite dudes. Before you could put your phone down, you already got a reaction. A thumbs down from a blank account...
You frowned at it but didn't pay it any mind.
You and Yeonjun were seated outside the restaurant waiting for Beomgyu and Taehyun to arrive. As soon as you saw them, you waved them over.
"Hey Taehyun! Beomgyu!"
The pair waved back as he got closer.
Taehyun smiled. "How's it going?"
"I'm okay, how's everything with you?"
He shrugged. "Same old, same old. Just hanging out at the gym. Beomgyu came with me but refused to step into the main area. What have you been doing today?"
"Nothing really. We went shopping and bought a few things. And I got Soobin a gift that might cheer him up."
Beomgyu raised an eyebrow. "Oh? What's up with him?"
"I don't know... he's been weird lately." You slouched in your seat. "I told him I was going out with Yeonjun and he totally went off on me."
Beomgyu rolled his eyes. "Typical Soobin. He's always been a bit of a jerk when in a bad mood."
"But what could be putting him in such a bad mood? He's been like this for a week!"
The boys all exchanged looks of confusion before Yeonjun spoke. "He hasn't told us anything about you or anything else. So he's being super private about it... But now that you mention it, he has been dark and brooding than usual."
"What am I going to do guys? I feel horrible when he talks to me like that."
Beomgyu patted your shoulder. "Just talk to him. Communication is key, or whatever. Tell him how you feel and see what he'll say."
"What if it just pisses him off?"
Taehyun smiled. "Then maybe you can try and get him to spill why he's so wound up lately."
"W-What if... he dumps me?" The fear started to seep in as the sky felt like it was getting darker.
"If he dumps you, then he's not worth your time. You deserve better than that, and I'm saying that as his friend and yours. But, don't assume the worst before you even talk to him."
You sighed. "You're right..."
"That's the spirit! Just be honest and don't take it personally if he's being difficult," Yeonjun added.
"Should I just text him? I don't know if I have the heart to hear him say mean things to me."
Taehyun nodded. "Yeah. A text might be a good way to get things rolling."
You pulled out your phone, texting Soobin.
YN: Hey Soobin?
SB: What do you want?
YN: I wanted to tell you something if you're not too busy
SB: Fine, what is it? I am a little busy, so make it quick.
YN: I feel like you've been a little mean and distant lately–Did I do something?
SB: No, you didn't do anything. I'm just not in the mood to deal with your constant clinginess.
Your jaw dropped at the message. Beomgyu and Taehyun leaned in to read what he said.
Yeonjun, on the opposite end of the table, couldn't see. "What? What did he say?"
You tried to hold in a sob. "He said he's tired of my clinginess."
"What a jerk! How could he say that to you?!" Beomgyu grunted.
"What do I say?"
Tarhyun, calming patted your back. "Just tell him he's being hurtful and that's not something you're really willing to put up with. You deserve better."
You picked up your phone again.
YN: Well... you're being really hurtful and I won't put up with it.
SB: Oh, so you're gonna play the victim? Grow up already. I'm not obligated to cater to your every need.
A rush of anger took over your fingers as you replied faster than your mind could register
YN: Then don't cater to me at all!
SB: Glady. It's not like I enjoyed spending time with you anyway.
YN: Fine! We're through then!
SB: Fine. Good Riddance.
You block his number and slam your phone down. Your eyes stung as you reeled from what just happened. "It's over..."
Yeonjun got up from his seat moving next to you. "It's okay, you're better off without him. He's being a jerk, and you don't deserve that.
"What am I going to do now? I can't go back home."
Taehyun pats your shoulder. "You can stay with one of us."
Beomgyu nodded. "Yeah, my house is pretty big, you can stay in the guest room. And Kai lives with me, so we can both support you."
You nodded in between your tears. The tears you held in for so long finally rolled down your face as your friends collected your things and helped you into Yeonjun's car.
"Can we all spend the night together? Just for tonight?" You begged with big eyes.
Beomgyu looked at the others for agreement. "Sure! It'll be like one big sleepover."
After making a pit stop at Yeonjun's house, the group meets at Beomgyu's place. You knocked at the door and Beomgyu opened it, with Kai behind him.
"Beomgyu told me the news. I'm so sorry..." Kai mumbled.
You felt the tears coming back and started wiping your eyes.
Yeonjun tried to smile. "Hey, don't cry. We're here for you, okay? We'll have fun tonight and forget all about Soobin."
Beomgyu's house was warm and cozy. It was huge compared to Soobin's house. Beomgyu passed at least three other doors before reaching the guest room where you'd sleep for a while. He helped move your things into the room.
"Are we going to do anything tonight?" You asked.
"We're gonna have a movie night and order some pizza. How's that?"
"Sounds awesome." You sobbed as you hugged your friend.
Taehyun arrived with the pizza while the group was still deciding on a movie. "Hey guys, no romance ones tonight. I want something scary!"
Yeonjun groaned. "I hate scary movies..."
The boys started arguing over movie choices. You took a moment to slip away into the bathroom, your phone glowing in your hand. You knew it was a bad idea, but you had to know... You unblocked Soobin and waited to see if he'd texted. Nothing... Then you checked his Instagram, which sent your stomach off a cliff. He'd removed all the pictures with you in them...
You felt the pain in your chest grow unbearably. You left the bathroom in tears. The boys stopped arguing as they heard you, rushing to you.
Beomgyu knelt to look at you. "What's wrong?"
You showed them your phone, pointing out the changes to Soobin's page. "Soobin's really just going to move on? Just like that!? What do I do..."
"It's your call. You can try, and ask him about it, but I don't think he'll give you a straight answer. Or you can just move on too?" Beomgyu's words were soft and gentle.
"I was sort of hoping you'd say something a little more devious. Like payback or something."
He smirked. "That works too."
"I wanna make him jealous. Make him see what he's losing."
Taehyun chimed in. "Are you sure? It's risky. If it pans out badly, you could make things worse."
You shook your head. "I'm totally sure!"
Beomgyu started again. "There's a few ways to make him jealous. But I think using social media will be the easiest. He always has his phone."
You nodded. "He probably has me blocked by now. So that means one of you guys should post it and accidentally tag him."
Yeonjun smiled. "I can do it. You mentioned he didn't like the thought of you hanging out with me, right? That shows he's already possessive of you when I'm involved."
"Before we do anything crazy, I just want to make sure. Soobin is your friend. Are you sure you want to sign up for this?" You looked over the group closely.
Yeonjun spoke for the group, "Of course we do. There's no way we'd let him get away with treating you like that. Not ever."
You smiled. Their support meant the world to you. So now, you have to run with it.
"Okay, Yeonjun, let's pose and make it super flirty."
Yeonjun doesn't hesitate to pull you by the waist to him. "'Just stand like that and smile. And look like you're in love with me."
You smiled brightly and stared into Yeonjun's eyes. Soobin never held you like this before, it felt... nice. Yeonjun could not help smiling back at you. He took a step closer, his body pressed against yours. He ruffled his hand through your hair.
"You look pretty good like this, you know."
The sudden compliment caught you off guard, and Yeonjun kept going.
"Flustered already, cutie?"
As soon as Beomgyu takes the picture, you squirm out of Yeonjun's grasp. You dust yourself off and rub your cheeks, trying to dispel the warmth in them.
Beomgyu showed you the photo.
It looked perfect.
"Now we just need Soobin to see it."
Yeonjun snatched his phone up. "Oh, he'll see it alright." He typed a few things before hitting the post. A few minutes later, Yeonjun's phone buzzed with a text from Soobin.
"S-Soobin! He texted!" You covered your eyes.
Yeonjun read it aloud.
SB: What the hell is this? (A screenshot of the post)
Yeonjun smiled. "Exactly as planned. We got him!"
You uncovered your eyes. "So he does care?"
"Seems that way, but let's really mess with him." Yeonjun started typing away.
YJ: Just some friends hanging out.
SB: I don't care. But you better not do anything stupid.
YJ: And what's that?
SB: He's mine. You shouldn't be spending time with him.
YJ: He's yours? I heard you broke up. He's fun to be around, so why not?
SB: Yeonjun, don't fuck with me. He's mine.
YJ: Someone's jealous~
SB: I'm not jealous! I just don't want you around him.
You take the phone from Yeonjun, typing out your own messages now.
"YJ": Well, when I'm done with him, he'll forget all about you.
SB: What fuck does that mean!?
"YJ": Me, Taehyun, Kai, and Beomgyu are here. Keeping him company. And he's gonna sleep with me tonight.
SB: You're lying!
"YJ": Wanna bet?
SB: You're dead if you touch him.
You looked over at Yeonjun. "It's working!"
He nodded. "You're good at this, he's losing it."
Another devious idea popped into your head. "Guys, if you're okay with it, can we all do a picture where we're close to each other? Like flirting?"
Yeonjun smiled. "I'm always down."
Kai stepped away. "Count me out. I'd rather be a bystander on this one."
Beomgyu and Taehyun exchanged doubtful looks.
"Please? Just one quick one!"
Beomgyu looked at you. "Are you sure?"
"Yes!" You nodded.
The pair agreed to make you happy. They curled up next to you on the couch.
"Closer guys! Like you wanna make a move on me."
Taehyun laid your head in his lap, stroking your hair, while Beomgyu lay between your legs. Yeonjun held up his phone, ready to take a selfie with the four of you in the shot.
He immediately sent it and handed you the phone back.
"YJ": It's just a little fun, Soobin. No need to get worked up~
SB: This isn't funny! You know we're together so stop it.
"YJ": Then why'd you leave him like trash?
SB: I didn't! I just needed some space.
"YJ": Then we'll make sure to give you space.
SB: What do you mean by that?
"YJ": Nothing. Just supporting y/n the best way we can.
Before you send the next message, you stop and turn to Yeonjun. "Can I ask for a favor?"
He nodded. "Anything for you."
"Can you pretend to date me?"
He raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Pretend to date you? What's in it for me?"
You shrug. "What do you want?"
"I want to get Soobin back bad. So, I want you to act like you're falling for me. I want him to think you're choosing me over him." He smiled deviously.
You nodded. "Okay!"
"Excellent." Yeonjun grabbed your arm and waist and pulled you in. "Let's get a little more touchy-feely then. hold my hand, lean on me, and giggle at my jokes a bit. And Taehyun, record a bit of this."
Yeonjun's advances were more than you were ready for. But you had to stay strong. You forced yourself to be as close to Yeonjun as you could, nuzzling his neck and humming softly. The way you used to be with Soobin...
Yeonjun pulled you closer, his hand resting on your hip as he whispered in your ear. "That's it. You're doing so well. Just keep acting like you're enjoying my company."
"I am enjoying your company... and thank you for doing this for me."
Yeonjun, clearly enjoying himself, smiled. "No problem. Anything to mess with Soobin. Plus, you're not so bad to be around yourself." He pulled you fully into his lap, wrapping his arms around your waist. "You're into this, aren't you?"
"You're more into it than I am..." You blush.
"Can you blame me? You're pretty cute when you're flustered." He ran his hand up and down your back, his touch sent shivers down your spine.
"S-Stop..." You almost moan.
He tightened his grip on you. "Why should I stop? You're enjoying this, aren't you? You're practically melting In my arms."
"Hey, I think that's enough," Taehyun interfered. You climbed off of Yeonjun and watched the video. "It looks pretty convincing. Soobin will definitely believe it."
You pressed send and waited. You say Soobin's text bubble pops up multiple times before going away. It took him almost fifteen minutes before he replied.
SB: What the hell was that? You guys were all over each other!?
"YJ": So? You broke up.
SB: Don't give me that bullshit. You're way too close, and you're fucking enjoying it.
"YJ": Well, you broke his heart.
SB: And that gives you the right to be all over him?
"YJ": He chose me. I didn't force him to do anything.
SB: He's confused or drunk. He doesn't know what he wants right now, and he'll come back home eventually.
"YJ": Not if I keep him. Then you'll have to come get him yourself.
SB: You're not keeping anything. I'll make sure of it. And I'll do whatever it takes to get him back.
"YJ": Even beg?
SB: Except that. I'll do anything but that.
"YJ": Then it looks like you won't be getting him back anytime soon.
SB: You don't get it. You don't know anything about my feelings for him.
Tears built up in your eyes as you read his words.
"YJ": I know you're being super shitty about it. You can have all the space you want without being an asshole. You don't deserve him.
SB: You don't get to decide what I deserve. You don't know anything about heartbreak!
"YJ": But you broke Y/n's heart.
SB: I didn't mean to hurt him. I just... got angry. And said some stuff I shouldn't have. He'll understand I'm the only one he needs.
"YJ": Well, you've got a funny way of showing that.
SB: I know I messed up. But I'm going to fix it. I'm the only one who can make him happy. And I intend on getting him back, no matter what.
"YJ": Good luck with that.
You turn off Yeonjun's phone after pressing send on the last message,
"So, what's the verdict?" Beomgyu asked.
"He said he'd do anything to get me back..."
Yeonjun patted your head. "Well, don't give in too easy. If you do, he'll just hurt you again. You have to show him you're serious about this. And that he can seriously lose you."
Taehyun nodded. "And we need to keep an eye on Soobin. He won't forget about what "Yeonjun" said to him."
You looked off into space. "Yeah... Soobin might try to fight Yeonjun."
Yeonjun chuckled at the thought. "I'd like to see him try it!"
You laughed at Yeonjun's words. A full genuine laugh... one you haven't done in a while. You hug Yeonjun tightly. "Thank you... for saving me."
"Of course, I'll always be here for you. And so are the others. We're going to make Soobin pay for ever treating you like this..."
With a loud cheer, the group went back to the TV to finish their movie. One by one they fell asleep on the couch, you slept in Yeonjun's warm embrace...
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floralcyanide · 9 months
— 𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚜𝚎 𝚗𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝𝚜 (nsfw)
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important note: if you don't like rpf (or fanfic about real people), please just scroll past. don't be rude in the reblogs or tags or I will just block you. it costs zero dollars to mind your business and keep scrolling. tom will literally never see this. I will never send it to him. therefore, no one is getting harmed by this. rpf is written by many about many real people and has been for a long time. if you'd like to file a complaint, I'd love to see you say that writing rpf is weird to the Hamilton fandom, the Billy the Kid fandom, the Elvis/ Queen/ Greta Van Fleet/ other bands and singers fandoms, (especially the k pop fandom. I pray you survive if you do.) etc etc. basically, just ignore this if you don't wanna see it. have a good day (:
⌯ pairing: tom blyth / fem!reader
⌯ warnings: mentions of alcohol, consumption of alcohol, mentions of smoking, reader smokes but it isn't explicitly described (can be an ignored detail), eventual smut, penetrative sex, unprotected sex (please protect yourself with strangers), oral sex (f receiving), nipple play, cum eating, fluff if you squint
⌯ word count: 3454
⌯ summary: at your friend's christmas party, you meet tom blyth and there's a strong connection off the bat. after a little too much to drink and a night spent talking, the two of you have an intimate christmas eve together. (based on those nights by bastille.)
⌯ author’s note: I've been so busy that I haven't been able to finish this until today lol and it took ages because I kept getting distracted ((: anyway!! merry christmas and happy hanukkah, I hope everyone enjoys this (: if you don't pls keep it to yourself
divider credit: @arminsumi | @eloquentreverie | @cafekitsune ⌯ masterlist ⌯ taglist form
this fic has been cross posted to ao3.
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You’re nursing a glass of half-sipped champagne, trying your best to pay attention to what your friend is saying to you through the pounding music. Being social with them is the least you can do, considering this is their holiday party you’re attending. And they’ve supplied the alcohol that you’ve helped yourself to all night. This is one reason why you can’t focus very well, but there’s another reason, too. You swear you feel eyes from somewhere in the apartment searing into the back of your head. At first, it wasn’t a big deal. But now it’s almost as if you’re scared to move in case someone is watching. Still listening to your friend, you realize you’re unable to look around to find the source. So you push away the sensation the best you can for now. A mutual friend waves at you from across the room where the makeshift bar is. Downing the rest of your champagne, you bid the friend you’re conversing with a quick goodbye for the time being. Hurrying to your friend who beckoned you over, you look at them with a raised brow when their face scrunches up into a giddy smile.
“Why do you look like that?” you ask, carefully eyeballing them.
Your friend chuckles at you, leaning into your ear, “There’s a hot guy back there who has been eyeing you for quite some time.”
Your face contorts into realization. So that’s why you’ve been feeling eyes burning into you. You hesitantly turn around, hoping you aren’t too blatantly obvious in finding who is staring. However, at this point in the night, you aren’t entirely graceful by any means. Your eyes catch onto a brunette man almost immediately, like you’re drawn to one another somehow. The man glances down at his drink before letting his eyes shoot back up to yours, his determined gaze sending goosebumps across your skin. Your friend has been too busy making you a drink to notice the tension but still manages to switch out your empty glass with a full one despite your daze.
“I’ll be right back,” you say just loud enough for your friend to hear over the song blaring through the speakers.
With the alcohol burning in your system, the atmosphere of the apartment seems otherworldly. It’s a fairly glitzy party, so you’re dressed for the occasion. Your outfit highlights your best features, allowing you to have an air of confidence. A kind of confidence you don’t usually carry. The alcohol certainly helps with that. The shimmery lighting bouncing off the walls gives off an ethereal vibe to the apartment. The dim glimmer of the room casts the shadow of the brunette man’s eyelashes onto his cheekbones. The closer you get, the more you notice about him. His aquiline nose, the contour of facial hair on his face, the tasteful and subtle golden hoop in his left ear. You see a small smile stretch across his lips as you approach him.
“I am so sorry if I’m coming off as creepy,” he shouts over the music, laughing to himself, “I promise I don’t mean to. You’re just really attractive.”
You take a moment to let your eyes take in his form as discreetly as possible, noticing his towering height and lean physique. Now that you’re close enough to properly see his face, you note that his eyes shine a hauntingly beautiful shade of icy blue. He takes a moment to study your face as well, waiting with bated breath for your response.
“That means a lot coming from someone who is also attractive. And I thought I felt someone staring,” you jokingly smile at him around a sip of your drink.
“Sorry about that,” the man rubs the back of his neck nervously, “I just never know how to approach without being awkward.”
Butterflies flutter in your stomach at the heavy weight of the brunette’s eyes on yours, your drink burning away any nervousness that had previously lingered.
“I get it,” you match his smile that has yet to wipe off his face, “I’m not the type to come up to someone I find cute. But…” you trail off, taking in the man’s attractiveness, “There’s something about you I can’t put my finger on.”
“Well,” he chuckles at you, bringing his glass to his lips before hesitating, “You’ll figure it out eventually.”
“Oh really?’ you raise your eyebrows, a playful tinge to your voice, “How’s that?”
“Do you smoke?” the man asks.
“Only when I’m drinking,” you chide. 
The two of you weave around the other party-goers toward the fire escape, and you snatch the bottle of something from your friend’s hand while passing the bar on the way out. After clambering from the window behind the tall man, who effortlessly climbed out, you take his outstretched hand. Planting your feet on the landing, you watch as the man fishes out a pack of cigarettes and a pack of matches from his back pocket. He looks up at you expectantly, patting the spot on the metal grating next to him.
“I don’t bite,” he jokes, “Not hard, anyway.”
You bite back a snort but sit down anyway. You take a swig of the clear liquid in the bottle you took before offering it to the man with a sour face. He’s in the process of lighting up, the cigarette hanging between his lips casually as he holds a lit match to the end. You watch him do this, and something stirs inside you. He takes a drag before handing the cigarette to you and taking the bottle from your hand. 
“You smoke a lot?” you ask him before taking a drag of your own, your eyes not leaving him.
He shrugs, “I picked it up while in college. It’s a bad habit I go back to sometimes.”
“I see,” you say, “I forgot to ask, but what’s your name?”
“Tom,” the brunette says, the cigarette dangling from his lips as he offers a free hand for you to shake. You gently take it.
Despite the chill of the night, Tom’s hand is warm against yours. You both hesitate to pull away, but a shy chuckle shared between the two of you causes a natural break of grip. You continue to smoke and pass the bottle to and from each other, talking about this year’s notable events in your lives. You speak for a while before more personal details begin spilling. Like how much you hate your job and how Tom missed his co-stars from his last project. Or how you both hate being single during the holidays. The more alcohol that’s consumed, the more you discuss your lives. It’s only been an hour or two, but it feels like you’ve known each other forever. 
A comfortable silence falls over the two of you. Tom looks over at you, admiring how your cigarette looked so natural in your hand. And how your hair fell perfectly around your face and how you swung your legs back and forth innocently. The corners of Tom’s lips twitch upward as he subtly moves closer to you, his thigh pressing against yours. He thinks you’re quite interesting and pretty- he doesn’t know why you’re still single when you’re such an amazing person.
You feel the roughness of his trousers against your bare thigh as you finish your final cigarette. You swish the remaining contents of the bottle around, deciding that your blurry peripheral vision means it is time to stop drinking. When you turn to offer Tom the rest of the alcohol, he’s facing you already, mere inches away. Your breath hitches as his eyes look into yours. They drop to your lips, and despite your intoxication, you feel giddy in your stomach. 
“Can I,” Tom whispers, lifting a hand to your cheek, “Can I kiss you?”
You sit the bottle down on the other side of where you’re sitting, a drunken smile growing on your face, “Of course you can.”
Tom leans in, pressing his lips to yours gently. You inhale sharply through your nose at the intense feeling of electricity between the two of you. You can taste the alcohol on him when you run your tongue across his bottom lip, testing just how far he wants to go. Your hand reaches up and cards through his dark hair, bringing him as close as possible as the kiss becomes more passionate. Tom’s free hand grasps your hip, his thumb digging deeper into your skin the harder you kiss him. Your head swims as he peppers his lips along your jawline and under your ear.
“We should probably go inside,” you pull away reluctantly, but even in your stupor, you don’t want to get carried away and fall off the fire escape.
You struggle to push up the cracked open window, and Tom giggles at you as he effortlessly pushes it open for you. Both of you climb through, and your friend shakes their head at you when your feet land firmly on the floor.
“I had wondered where you ran off to,” they chuckle, “I see you’ve met my friend Tom.”
“Uh, yeah,” you smile, looking up at him as he stands beside you.
Your friend looks closely at the two of you, noticing your bitten lips and Tom’s flushed face, “Now that the party has dwindled down, you guys can chill upstairs where it’s quiet. I have a book collection you two would enjoy.”
“Gotcha,” you nod as they walk away to mingle with other partygoers.
Looking around, you notice the remainder of the gathering is in other parts of the apartment, leaving the living room and upstairs unoccupied. Tom grabs your hand, pulling you away from the kitchen to the hallway leading to the stairs. You pull him into another kiss, Tom giggling at your eagerness as he sways slightly. He walks you backward until you feel your back against the nearby wall. Neither of you would do this on a typical day, but the energy between both of you is so intense. Your hands move underneath his shirt, your cold palms making contact with his warm skin. Tom gasps into the kiss at the contact, and you scoff, pulling away from him and grabbing his hand to drag him up the stairs.
“Careful,” Tom says to you as your legs wobble. Meanwhile, he’s struggling to climb them as well.
After a few minutes of tussling and laughing, the two of you finally reach the second floor.
“So about that book collection,” Tom raises an eyebrow, catching his breath as he grabs you by the hips, bringing you close to him.
“Only if you really want to,” you look up at him, both your and his eyes glazed over.
“I do,” Tom runs his hands along your sides, his gaze heavy on you, “Lead the way.”
You walk ahead of him, pulling him into the guest bedroom, where the books do happen to be stored in a giant bookcase along the wall. String lights around the ceiling give a soft golden glow to the room as you approach the mass of books. Tom closes the door softly as he enters the room, walking up behind you as you trace the spine of one of your favorite books. Tom wraps his arms around you, leaning down to kiss the back of your neck gingerly. You melt into his chest, closing your eyes as he travels down your shoulder. Your dress has an exposed back, and Tom is taking advantage of it as Tom falls to one knee and continues kissing down your body. He delicately unties the silk ribbon holding the two sides of your dress together, pausing before allowing it to fall to the floor.
“Let me know if you want me to stop,” Tom says.
You turn around and walk to the bed, allowing your dress to fall behind you. Sitting down, you motion for Tom to come over to you. His eyes scan your face, avoiding your intricate and deep-colored underwear as he stands up. Tom stands between your slightly parted legs, and you move your hands to the lapels of his black blazer, pushing them open. He discards it from his arms and to the floor before pulling his t-shirt over his head. You try not to ogle at his perfect body, but your hands wander anyway. Up his abdomen and across his chest until you reach his neck, where you pull him down for a heated kiss. Tom lightly pushes you onto the bed, and you move to the pile of pillows to rest your head. He climbs over you, caging you underneath him. Before you can react, Tom pulls your legs up around his waist as he rests his body on yours. His lips hover over yours, his darkened eyes boring into yours much like they did the back of your head earlier in the evening. 
“Don’t stop,” you say, crossing your ankles behind Tom’s back.
Tom attacks your neck with hot kisses and soft bites, your hand grasping the back of his head. As his body relaxes into you, his weight presses you against the bed, and you feel how hard he is. You lift your hips to lightly grind into Tom, and his soft bite into your collarbone turns harsh in reaction. He continues downward, slipping his fingers underneath the straps of your bra and sliding them down your shoulders. You arch your back so Tom has the room to unclasp the band and remove the garment from you. He wastes no time resuming his kisses on your sensitive skin, avoiding the areas you desire his kisses most. You gasp when Tom lets his hand brush against your breast, his thumb circling your nipple softly. A small moan leaves your lips, and Tom glances up at you through his lashes to gauge your reaction. He admires how your eyebrows crease momentarily in pleasure, so he circles his thumb again. You moan louder this time, craving his touch without hesitance.
“Please,” you sigh, “Don’t hold back either.”
Tom hums in response before dipping his head down and enveloping your nipple in his mouth, flicking it with his tongue teasingly. He rubs your other nipple with his thumb, simultaneously stimulating you. You whimper, heat from your still buzzed body rushing to your clit. Your hips roll in response, and you’re sure Tom can feel your dampened panties against his chest. He gives your nipple a sharp tug with his teeth before focusing on your needy core. He leaves an open-mouthed kiss on your clothed heat before removing your underwear. Still buzzed from all the alcohol earlier, Tom tries his best to be soft with you despite the pit of desire growing between you. You want him- all of him, and you want it now. And Tom wants you. Before you can speak, Tom’s warm mouth meets your folds, his tongue lapping at your arousal. You squirm from the sudden stimulation, but he stills your hips with his grip. A hand flies to Tom’s mussed-up hair as he plunges his tongue into you, his nose pressing to your clit. He inhales your scent, and it intoxicates him more than alcohol ever could. Shaking his head, Tom’s nose rubs against your clit perfectly as his tongue fucks you. Your whole body is up in flames, your fingers tightening in his hair. 
You’re muttering incoherent praises as you ride Tom’s face. He replaces his tongue with two of his fingers, your relaxed wetness allowing him to slip them in easily. They scissor against your fluttering walls as Tom sucks on your bundle of nerves. Your fuzzy mind keeps you from hiding how good his mouth feels on you, and your moans grow louder. His mouth leaves your cunt abruptly before reattaching to yours, silencing you immediately.
“Gotta be quiet,” Tom huffs against your lips, “People are still downstairs, love.”
You wrap your legs around him again, grinding yourself into his still-clothed cock. He’s the one to moan this time, slipping his tongue into your mouth and letting you taste yourself. You unwrap your legs and work to unfasten Tom’s trousers, pushing them down his thighs. He kicks them off the rest of the way, along with his underwear, as he continues to kiss you. You reach down between your bodies and palm Tom’s length, to which he groans into your mouth. You guide his tip to your entrance, allowing him to comfortably push into you. Your hands grasp Tom’s shoulder blades, your nails lightly digging into his skin with every inch that enters you. You whimper in pleasure at him finally being inside you after longing for it all night. Tom bottoms out with a content sigh, also elated at the feeling of you clenching around his length after craving it for so long. 
Your chests heave against one another, your forehead pressed to Tom’s. His enticing blue eyes meet yours as he slowly pulls out before slamming his hips against yours. You gasp, arching your back and letting butterflies swarm in your belly when Tom kisses the corner of your mouth. He fucks into you again, slowly building a steady pace. Your lips barely brush against Tom’s as he snaps his body into yours. Your buzz has now faded away, allowing you to feel him entirely sober. He sneaks his hand between you and presses his thumb to your clit, making you hiss at the sudden stimulation. Your head pushes against the pillows, exposing your throat. Tom lets his hand lazily wrap around it, not squeezing but instead holding it as he grazes his teeth on your skin there as he kisses your neck. 
“Feel so good around me,” Tom says dazedly, and you feel his eyelashes flutter under your jaw, “So gorgeous.”
Your hand rests in his hair again, gently combing through his locks as he rocks into you faster. His weight on you, his thumb still rubbing your clit, and his hand around your neck seals the deal for you as he plows into that sweet spot inside you. 
“Tom,” you moan, “I’m close.”
“Me too, baby. Me too,” he whispers into your skin, leaving soft kisses in contrast to his rough thrusts.
“You feel so good,” you mutter, your chin resting on Tom’s head.
Tom lifts your leg and places it on his shoulder, allowing him to hit a new angle inside you. You bury your face in his hair to deafen the cry that escapes you in response. 
“Right there,” you pant, your hands desperately holding onto Tom’s hair as your mouth hangs open in silent pleasure.
Tom breathes heavily into your neck, using all the energy he has left to mercilessly fuck your weeping cunt. You feel your stomach tensing, alerting you of your impending orgasm. Tom chants your name as he firmly presses his thumb into your clit, causing the tightly wound knot inside you to snap undone. Your thigh clamps into the side of Tom’s neck while the other shakes against the bare skin of his sweat sheened back. The feeling of your tight pussy pulsating around him makes Tom explode inside you with a gasp. You grip Tom’s hair desperately as you milk him of everything he has, his thumb still not letting up on your clit. Another orgasm washes over you suddenly. This time it makes you convulse, your cunt gushing around Tom and dripping down your thighs as you cry out in pleasure. 
“Fuck,” you gasp for air, Tom pulling out of you.
He moves down to your pussy, cleaning up the cum spilling from you with a hungry tongue. You’re so sensitive that your thighs slam into the sides of Tom’s head. He suckles your clit for a moment for good measure, making you writhe underneath him. You pathetically whimper when he pulls away, finally catching your breath. Tom returns to his previous position on top of you, his face buried in your neck. He wraps his arms around you, softly stroking your skin. 
“Wow,” you giggle, letting your nose dig into Tom’s brunette hair.
“Yeah,” he smirks, “You’re amazing.”
“That’s all you, I’m afraid,” you say.
Tom hums, “I disagree, sweetheart.”
He rolls over momentarily, lifting the duvet for you to climb under. He embraces you again, holding you close as if you’ll disappear like some sort of dream. You wrap your arms around Tom’s, smiling as he presses his nose to your hair. 
“I still haven’t put my finger on it,” you say after a moment of silence.
“Hmm? On what?”
“That something about you.”
“I guess you’ll have to stick around and find out, then.”
“Deal,” you chuckle, “Merry Christmas, Tom.”
“Merry Christmas, beautiful.”
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@barbaraelaine @devotedly-sassy @nowitsmissing @arzua10 @screamqueenpink
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mrs-starkgaryen · 1 month
Meet me at the Corner (Shop) teaser
Modern! Aegon Targaryen x Reader
Teaser 2, Teaser 3
✍️ (My other writings) ✍️
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You keep meeting a certain silver-haired man at the local corner shop and whilst you only came in for a snack, you leave with a whole lot more.
Warnings: Will post more with the whole ones-shot later, but for now- Rude Aegon, British corner shop life, missing punctuation and grammar, probably
A/N: This is my first fanfic. I don't know why I wrote this, I just wanted to get me started. THERE IS MORE TO COME TO THIS ONE-SHOT IF PEOPLE LIKE IT (or even if they don't)!
I just love my man, Aegon, and you know what they say- if there isn't a fanfic you want, write it yourself so tada!
Please like, reblog and leave constructive comments (or any) :D
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The bell dinged when I pushed open the heavy door, announcing my entrance to the shop’s inhabitants. I hated the thing. I’d rather slink in, grab what I want and leave, like a snake slithering in the long blades of grass, pouncing on its prey and disappearing. But now, I had to endure walking around the shop as the only cashier available had his eyes fixed on my movements.
He was an older man, probably mid-fifties, greying hair and even though he was always behind the till, he had a noticeable belly, like a balloon shoved underneath his shirt. There is nothing outwardly wrong with him but he always makes me feel uncomfortable, from how he would watch me wonder or judge me for what I buy. The latter probably wasn’t true and the former… well the former was probably him watching for shoplifters- which I don’t blame him for. Corner shops were prime targets for theft.
As the embarrassment of the bell’s acknowledgment evaporated, I make myself look up begrudgingly to him, to acknowledge my arrival with a nod or a smile. But upon looking at the man behind the till, instead of the sides of my mouth lifting upwards, they went down. For in the place of the typical man, was a much younger one. He had scruffy hair in the shade of ice dripping down his head and sported snow-sprinkled stubble which he was scratching absent-mindedly as he scrolled on his phone.
He was leaning over the counter as I made my way past the magazine section next to the door but he must have been too engrossed in whatever was on his screen for he didn’t once look up at me. I was grateful for it but it was odd, coming into a corner shop and not being watched. With this new revelation in mind, I made my way around the aisles, looking for the items that I came in for: cookies, a Cadbury bar, a bag of Doritos, a can of Monster and a milkshake. I was planning on watching the new season of my favourite TV series in its entirety tonight and I was planning on having a good time. I navigated the thin aisles, trying not to bump into the products that hung off the shelves, adding the necessary items to the growing pile in my arms.
Trying to balance the unknown brand of cookies on top, I position myself to hold the items better with this new addition. However, the packet falls to the floor with a crunch and I wince at the sound interrupting the silence of the shop. Heat blooms in my cheeks as I peer over the pile of food to the cookies on the ground before tentatively turning my eyes to the man behind the till to see if he noticed. Oh man, oh man. He is going to think I’m a pig who can’t resist all these snacks
Fortunately, the man was still flicking through his phone and not paying attention to the happenings of the shop that he oversaw. A brief idea of me just walking out with the items flashed through my mind but I banished it away, heading my way towards the cashier. I stood in front of him, waiting for him to notice that he had a customer.
But the white-haired man seemed intent on pretending he was not here, and that was something we had in common. I started to wish the creepy older man was back. At least he was aware of the people in the shop. My arms were beginning to ache, so I had to break the silence we both were unwillingly in; I let out a small cough.
His eyes flick up from the screen and land on me. He rolls his eyes and slowly puts his phone in the back pocket of his jeans. He wasn’t wearing uniform, but instead a short-sleeved checkered shirt that was open to reveal a t-shirt with a quote on, underneath. I tried to get a glimpse but after reading the top three words, ‘Sorry I’m late,’ he moved to cross his arms, blocking the rest of the words. He waited for me to put my items on the till.
Noticing his disgruntled face, I smile shyly as I empty my arms. “Hi. Just these please.”
He grabs the items and starts to scan. Beep, beep, beep. I stand there, swaying on the soles of my feet as I waited. He places the stuff in a blue-lined bag and places it in front of me. Then we go back to the silence, staring at each other. Why is he staring at me? My eyes start to look around, trying to avoid his intense gaze, especially as his eyes are a weird colour, like an amethyst cracked open, gems being disrupted from their rocky slumber.
Nervously, I flicker back to his shirt. ‘Sorry I’m late- my alarm didn’t go off. Because I didn’t turn it on. Because I didn’t want to be here.’ A puff of unwanted laughter escapes my mouth; the shirt is appropriate for the man in front of me. Who was still staring at me.
Maybe he was waiting for me to say something. I open my mouth, “So how- “
“Do you want the cookies or not?”
He nods towards the pack that I dropped on the floor earlier, the ones that I forgot to pick up. “Oh,” I rush back to grab them and plonk them on the till, smiling, “Yes please, wouldn’t be a movie night without them.”
The man doesn’t say anything to attest if that was true but scanned the biscuits and shoved them into the bag with the rest. Not talkative, I see.
I nod, pulling out my purse, searching for the change. 25p, 32p, 46p. Oh for the love of- the one time you need to be drowning in copper coins-
Realising that I am delaying this man returning to his favourite pastime, I start to panic. “Sorry” I say.
Oh, he isn’t going to like me. I need 2p, where is it? I finally find one stuck in the crevices of my purse, I pull it out. Huzzah! I happily extend my clenched fist over his, “I knew I had it.”
I drop the money and wait for him to count it. He nods and hands the bag over to me, before pulling his phone back out. I take it business was done.
I shuffle on my feet, eager to patch up the bad taste I must have left in his mouth, “Thank you!”
He doesn’t respond, I fidget with the plastic straps, “Sorry about the wait,” I realise he still hasn’t moved from watching his phone. Well, okay then… I head for the door, tugging it open with my free hand. Before I exit into the cold night, I look back but he’s still not looking, I stretch out one more olive branch, “Have a good night.”
He was as stoic as ever. I huff and let the door close between us. As I trudge home, I ponder about the weird man and for once, I start to hope that I’ll see the old man the next time I go into The Hightower corner shop.
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More to come (only a few thousand words left)
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yuri-is-online · 2 months
I'm asking this question because I find it an interesting topic. It relates to the criticism the Tokyo Debunker MC receives.
It's not just TD's MC—it's a common theme in otome and gacha games. Genderless MCs in games like *Obey Me!* and *Twisted Wonderland* face less criticism than female MCs. Even though the genderless MCs get some hate, it’s nowhere near the backlash female MCs receive. For instance, *Twisted Wonderland* had debates about a female MC being unsuitable for an all-boys school, despite the presence of monsters and robots. This debate ended with a female MC in the *Savanaclaw* manga.
Another example is *Tears of Themis*, where the female MC is well-received in my opinion due to her having a character. I am very happy that she isn’t a self insert and people seem to agree.
In contrast, female self-insert MCs like TD's MC and *Love and Deep Space*'s MC get a lot of hate for what seems like trivial reasons. TD's MC is often criticized for being ordinary, while LADS's MC, who is strong and brave, also faces backlash, with some claiming she's rude despite evidence to the contrary.
In conclusion.
woman mc in this day of age can’t have flaws now….wait no they can’t be prefect either! As then they are Mary sue! What do you mean that LI are grey sue as well? No that not true Leo having a backstory would justify his actions don’t you get it? What do you mean we should hold the male characters as same standard? Jin treating mc as a servant is her fault as she didn’t say no…..😐 
... so I have two lines of thought about this particular topic, it is something I have thought about for a while because I am working on my own game/games and pay a lot of attention to what people think.
It isn't personality people like it is competence
The love and deepspace MC and Rosa from tears of themis actually have very similar personalities. They are bad at/hate studying. They really love food. They both are sort of dorks and known for being kind. What people like about them isn't any of those things, what they like is that both of them are adult women who you can believe live on their own. They actually have skills related to their jobs, you can believe Rosa is a lawyer and that MC is a hunter, the love interests aren't the only competent people in the narrative. I think this can sort of relate to the target audience for both of these games being working women, but that's for a different post. Right now I really want to focus on that concept of competence: the two other otomes I really love and want to bring up are Amnesia: Memories and Hakuoki. The Amnesia MC makes a lot of really stupid decisions, but as the game title gives away she has amnesia. There is an underlying explanation for why she's a bit dim so I don't see too many complaints about her personality (outside of Toma's route but that is a different story) because you don't exactly expect her to be competent. The same goes for Hakuoki's MC whose name escapes me at the moment, she is the daughter of a doctor so she is never made out to be incompetent in medical matters, but she isn't the best fighter. And she doesn't need to be that's the male love interest's role in this particular story.
The problem with MCs like our dear Luna? I believe you said her default name is, in Tokyo Debunker is that we don't exactly have anything she is stated to be good at beyond boosting Stigmas. The various ikmen games get around this by giving their MCs a job, but we don't have that for Luna so we don't have anything to show some backbone or character so people read her as being a bit of a doormat. Like I have said numerous times before, I don't mind this and think that so long as they keep allowing us to see her thoughts this the writing will be good. A relatively easy fix to this could have been to make her someone who really loves music and constantly talks about it, she was going to a concert at the start of the game so that little bit of character would go a long way for her to be more of a human for people to project themselves onto. Generally speaking, when writing an MC, it is perfectly acceptable to give them certain personality traits and a history. But if you do that you need to make sure the narrative respects that interest and does not use it as an excuse to make the male lead look cooler.
Gender Neutral MCs
*sigh* so you bring up Twisted Wonderland and I uh... have some experience with that fandom! And I have observed the gender wars over Yuu with a weary heart. I genuinely could not care any less about how people identify or the type of o.c.s they make, but some people really really care and if I am honest I find that a bit disturbing. It honestly makes me sad to see fanfic, which used to be a really accepting space, fight over writing... well anything really. m/m blogs screaming about how they don't want fem aligned reading their things, f/f blogs screaming about men, the f/m fic writers feeling the need to defend themselves writing for a female reader- doesn't that exhaust you? Why do you care so much? I do not have the energy to care about people writing fanfic I am not interested in reading, is this because I am anemic or have I managed to be normal about one singular thing?
My personal theory is that the commodification of fanfic and fandom has made people think there is something fundamentally wrong with properties that are marketed towards people who are not them. The reaction to Love and Deepspace not having a male MC option sort of cemented that for me, there is nothing wrong with wanting a game where you can be a man or non-binary and date anime boys. There is also nothing wrong with writing m/m fanfic for a property like lds, or wishing you could play as a man in it. I think there is a genuine market gap in good games for people who aren't fem aligned, but you do not get good games by harassing people or implying they suck for wanting games where you can play as a woman. You get that by financially supporting projects aimed at you! There is a blog I follow on here called @amaregamesdb. They post a bulletin of projects, both vn and if, with an emphasis on making people aware of projects that aren't simply otome (ie male love interests with a female protagonist.) I think the people who run it are also the people who coined the term "amare game" to use for games where the MC isn't necessarily female. They also ran a blog to help people like me learn how to code if/vns so I am very grateful for them, so please do give them your support.
I write for a gender neutral reader because I wanted to write interactive fiction and felt like I needed to practice doing so. I have continued to do because honestly? I really enjoy it. I love seeing how many different people identify with my writing and are moved by it. There are some projects I want to do in the future (original works, not fanfic) that I probably will lock the MC to female for, but I want to continue providing gn fic for people for as long as I write. And original projects too! I have two in particular I am working on behind the scenes. The solution to the problems like "what gender is yuu really," if you will permit me to preach for a second, is to not care. Yana said Yuu was meant to be you, and dear reader I don't actually know who you are! So you can be whoever it is you wish to be in your heart and I will make room for you to sit next to me. I'll even make tea (。•̀ᴗ-)✧
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obeymematches · 4 months
♡How to keep Satan obsessed♡
Yall been liking my posts from 2021 and it reminded me that i started doing this series-
● Okay the worst thing you can do is try to control him. Tell him what to do and how to do it and that's the last straw before he loses interest. Yes he is very independent and he loves his freedom. Telling him to "text/call when you get there" is also more negative than positive.
● Regarding independence, he also prefers you being your own person, not really depending on him. See you don't have to be a houseowner, you don't have to ask him for permission to spend time together, that's not what I mean, but if you center your life around him he is going to feel overwhelmed.
● He also has a hard time tolerating jealousy. Aren't you grown? Don't you trust him? Why do you have to make a fuss? You are supposed to know him better than this. He would never cheat on you even if his hands are forced to. He doesn't like anyone so if he likes you; you are supposed to feel special & not attack him with things that didn't even happen. Peak stupidity in his eyes.
● Pretending to listen to him but not actually paying attention; instead of that just tell him you don't care, something else is occupying your mind right now and he is being too much. That sounds rude but it is still better than him wasting his breath. He gladly comforts you if you are actually upset; or if you just genuinely don't care it's better that he knows.
● Keep your interactions with people he dislikes to the bare minimum. It might be better for his soul to heal and make peace in the long run - but you are not supposed to force him! You have nothing to do with his beef in any of the cases. Let him be his own man in his own pace. He might never forgive someone and that's also ok! Don't try to change him; but if he needs it be there to support him!
● With him you'll need good communication skills. Being passive aggressive turns him off quickly. Don't even think of the silent treatment. He'll just break up then and there. If you are upset with him/anything and need to be left alone to think for a while, just tell him exactly that! Good communication also includes telling him with your own words that you love and appreciate him! Makes him feel confident! Reassurance is always a good point!
● He definitely enjoys well-thought-of surprises. It could be a handmade gift, doesn't have to be anything extravagant. Just spoil him from time to time, it really does make him feel appreciated!
● idk how to put this but i think he doesn't like horoscopes and crystals as he is trying to be the most rational person to ever exist, so he doesn't like topics like these at all. Personality types are on thin ice also. It's not a total turn-off for him but if you base your entire life around these things he is not going to be interested for long.
● I think it is obvious but he likes his partner to have opinion on lots of things. Hold a proper conversation about intellectual stuff. You don't have to have ambitions or things to achieve in life but if you usually reply "i dunno about that", "never-ever heard of it", that's not gonna end well.
●Yes he is introverted but that doesn't mean he sits at home 24/7 - sometimes he loves going to places, doing and experiencing life, and if he constantly has to nag you to go on a date he is going to get bored fast. It's OK if sometimes you'd rather stay in, don't get me wrong, but literally never going anywhere/only going if he argues about it, is a red flag.
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g0giro · 7 months
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Someone sent this to me, and I have something to say about it. Don't buy what she said on her Twitter, I explained every single detail below.
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I'm adding these pictures as well since these tweets were basically her referring to me and saying a lot of bad things about me. I've heard this meant "I wish you go kill yourself", "You don't deserve any friends" and so on, so I decided to translate it. She deleted it, and it's gone by now, but I could get a screenshot of her saying it.
TL;DR: I cut neopentane5 off and blocked her last year, I've been struggling because of severe depression since last year and she was the main reason who caused it, I vented about how I felt and what I couldn't understand her to my friend, and somehow it ended up with Neopentane5 seeing my DM with my friend and she self attacked me on her Twitter because of the DM, revealing my personal information and writing on her Twitter that I need to kill myself.
Below this is about what exactly happened and how Neoepentane5 tried to justify her actions. I explained it with all the proof that she was wrong and spreading misinformation, including some NSFW pictures she sent.
I don't know where to start, but let me talk about what happened last year between me and her.
The first reason I cut her off :
A few months ago, a guitarist of my favorite band passed away, so I was really shocked and sad, and I wanted to talk about it to someone and get comforted. There was a discord server where I, Neopentane5, and some other people were so I went there and talked about it. One of them asked me about it, but Neopentane5 just said nothing but sent a nsfw pic right below my text, completely ignoring me.
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It was really rude and disrespectful, not just because the guitarist was my favorite but it was really weird and absurd of her to send a nsfw pic when she heard that someone died. Because of this, I was feeling depressed, so I tried not to pay attention to the server and her. I muted the notifications and tried to do something else like watching movies, playing games, or going out and so on because I thought it would become better if I could ignore this.
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But she kept sending a bunch of nsfw pictures like these pictures without my consent and I was really overwhelmed and mad because of it.
This is the uncensored version of the screenshots.
The second reason why I cut her off:
Around last Halloween, I posted this to do inbox trick or treating. People who wanted to join it left likes there, and everyone who left likes on that post answered back, but Neopentane5 was the only one who didn't do anything even though she left her like. I thought she might be busy, and I asked her why she hadn't answered. She said she read it and wanted to draw something for it and would post it that night, but I didn't really mind if she wanted to draw something or not, because I was content with communicating with people by sending some candy pics and it was wholesome.
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She really seemed to draw one for it, and I didn't want to let her down by saying I didn't really need her drawing or so, so I gave her enough time and she didn't post anything about it even two weeks had passed. I was really getting upset and depressed because it felt like I was worthless and not worth being remembered or cared about. I stopped texting her and everyone back then because of my depression.
Then she suddenly texted me first unusually and it was like this.
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She just wanted to use me for translating that picture when she clearly knew that I didn't like the reboot stuff and didn't want to see it at all. She could've just googled it and used a translator, but she still decided to ask me to translate it for her. I had been feeling really down that time, and I didn't want to text back, but I also didn't want to make her feel bad so I just joked like I was all good and translated it for her. I felt I was worthless than the google translate and she just laughed it off and didn't really care about it when she should've made a proper apology. It didn't look like a person who was genuinely feeling sorry and it made my mental state worse. So I said just forget about it, and she didn't even answer back.
Other reasons I cut her off:
I had been already feeling depressed because I had always felt that I was the only one who cared about the 'friendship' she claimed to call it. Whenever I wanted to 'talk' with her, I always had to bring something interesting related to the fandom stuff, or she didn't even reply or reply very carelessly like "okay cool" a few days later when I texted her. She also didn't text me first usually, and I noticed it when I started talking with her last year. I thought I could talk about it to her and solve the problem together, so I seriously asked her to text me first sometimes and told her that I was feeling neglected because of her lack of messages. She said she wasn't just a talkative person and didn't really start a conversation first, but it was also the same for me because I wasn't a talkative one either. At least she promised that she would change and try to message me first, but she didn't. I talked about it to her more than three times, but she didn't even try hard to keep her promise and I lost trust that it would fix anything if I talked with her.
This was the last conversation when I blocked her.
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I was trying not to be rude, and I explained why I decided to distance her. If she actually cared about the 'friendship', then she should've apologized to me and asked me if we could start over. But she immediately decided to cut me off (which means she didn't care about me) and started making excuses to justify her actions.
About Neoepentane5 saying something supportive about rape:
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She tried to make her words promising about rape is okay by using the logic that she's Asian and Asian people are like that. Me, as a Korean, I don't support rape and I am against people who tolerate rape in any case. I couldn't understand how could a person be okay with rape at all and I was so disgusted by it, so I vented it to my friend because I'd already cut her off and there was no way for her to see this, a few days ago. But somehow, Neopentane5 was able to see my DM which I only intended to share with my friend, and wrote about it, making excuses and revealing my Discord name and Tumblr blog to the public, allowing her followers could easily attack me when I had no intention to expose her when I was talking with my friend.
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We used to be friends, but we didn't quarrel and the quarrel she means is the last conversation I wrote about above, where I was explaining why I decided to block her. I didn't drive a distance between Neopentane5 and her friends, in fact, there was only one person I asked why didn't they distance Neopentane5 yet. The friend she was talking about was also my friend, and when I decided to block her, I told the friend too. I was genuinely worried about the friend because they said that they also had problems with Neopentane5 before and had an emotionally hard time because of her.
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I talked about my interaction with her to my friends, not making it go on the public. Every person can feel bad and hate someone, and I needed to vent my feelings to my friends, Neopentane5 is talking about this as if I did something wrong after seeing what she wasn't able to see. About how she could manage to see my DM, my friend shared it with someone else without my consent and their friend shared it again to another, and so on. This is a wild guess, but when I talked to the friend after blocking Neopentane5 they said they already knew what happened, and in the way Neopentane5 talked in the last conversation I had with her, it's not hard to assume that she probably said many bad things about me. I don't blame her for talking back behind my back, because it's natural to vent someone's feelings to someone, but it's very disappointing and frustrating to see her attack me.
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When I said I could make her an account, she denied it because she didn't want to look weak in front of me and said it was cheap to buy a new phone number, saying it didn't even cost a single dollar.
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It was one game she bought, and I told her how much I appreciated it enough that she told me to stop praising her. However, she hadn't played it once when I asked her to play it together later. I don't know what she's talking about the 'learning new ways to use AI for me' because if she's talking about CAI, I was the one who was making characters mostly and I've never asked her to make one for me.
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I asked her to do RP with her because it looked like she was getting tired of CAI's waiting line and the limited responses. I said it was totally okay if she didn't want to do so, but she accepted it and then I made a server to invite her. She talked like she didn't enjoy it at all, but as embarrassing as it might sound, I enjoyed it and appreciated her for doing it together, and when I asked her if she was enjoying this too, she said yes and saved funny moments we had.
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I say it again that it wasn't an argument or a quarrel. I explained why I wanted to distance her instead of just blocking her without any words, giving her the last chance to apologize and to make things better again. I explained it in the last conversation I had with her, you can read about how she keeps trying to justify her careless actions toward me by saying she's just forgetful and I don't understand her at all when I was struggling because of my depression and I needed someone to show me that they cared about me, but she couldn't understand me at all. I expected her to show it to me because she said I was special and different unlike the other friends she had, but maybe I was too naive.
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I've never talked about anything related to her to the public or in my account where anyone can see it until now. Look at who decided to point me out and blame me, revealing my blog and discord account.
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It's also not healthy to write me to go kill yourself.
This is all, and it was Neopentane5 who started blaming me on the Internet first. These are her Tumblr, Twitter, and Instagram pages. I hope anyone who reads this will distance yourself from her and her devotees, and it would be appreciated if you could reblog this post and share it on other websites like Twitter too.
Sorry for tagging the fandom tags, but I don't want other people to suffer the same thing I did. Thank you for reading a long post. + I edited the post since it was flagged.
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weepingchronicles · 5 months
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platonic yandere best friend headcanons
a/n: hi everyone :) im working on requests but it might take awhile since I've been busy. I just wanted to do this short lil post since I had the idea tw/cw: yandere behavior, stalker behavior, taking of ones belongings?
Platonic yandere friends are so special to me since they toe the line of what's normal in a friendship but are able to get away with more, I feel like? You share everything with your friends, your deep thoughts, your inner self that even your s/o and parents don't know about.
Partly I believe this is because they're your equals and you just feel more comfortable sharing stuff like that because your parents are more authority figures and sharing everything with your s/o might be embarrassing, at least to me.
You become very close with your new friend, to the point you don't even remember how you guys met and became so close. I think yandere best friend easily weasels their way into your life, gaining personal information that you've never told anyone before, yet told them.
Stuff like this creates a very tight bond, when you share trauma and embarrassing things you feel like you've known yandere best friend your whole life
And everything is great, until...
For the purpose of this post, let's say you have other friends, maybe not as close as yandere best friend but friends nonetheless! Yandere best friend is tolerant of your other friends, maybe even friends with them too, but all of that friendliness disappears if they feel threatened in the position as YOUR one best friend.
It starts off as nitpicking, waiting for them to mess up somehow.
Wow, they canceled on you that one time? That's rude. They don't invite you to everything and everywhere they go!? That is so shady!
Once they truly mess up somehow, coincidental or not, yandere best friend tells you to cut them off. Which you do, because they're your best friend! They're just looking out for you.
Yandere best friend is very possessive and protective of you! They might be the 'mom friend' but literally only for you. They even carry a separate bag for you in case anything happens.
You get hurt? Here's a band aid. Forgot perfume or need any makeup? They got you, even your favorite brands, of course they know what products you use, they're your best friend! (Totally didn't take pictures of everything you use to buy later on.)
They insist on always paying for you! Probably even makes a list on things you randomly mention you want just for them to gift you it on your birthday or Christmas. They don't expect anything in return but it's so difficult when they go all out for you and you got them a couple gifts. (They treasure it more than anything.)
If for some reason they don't have enough money to buy you dinner or something, they get insanely embarrassed!
One thing they do take advantage of, though, is your home. Specifically your bedroom. It is such a safe space for them, they swear they sleep better when you're right next to them. They often come over whenever you're there(or not) even if it's just to laze around and scroll on your phones. You probably even gift them a key to your house since they come over all the time.
They want you to have a very specific view on them. This may include coming from an abusive home which makes you let them over to your house often, wanting it to be a safe space for them. Whether it's true or not, they can't lie that it benefits them!
People often mistake you for a couple, whether you're same-sex or not. You find it uncomfortable but yandere best friend doesn't mind!
I mean, are you even really friends if people don't assume you're together?
Not to say yandere best friend has feelings for you, it's just that they don't care? All they want is you, if you gain romantic feelings for them they'll even be in a relationship with you, afraid that if they reject your bond will break.
If you get together with someone else though they'll be insanely protective. They don't think anyone is good enough for you and will poke and prod at your s/o, trying to find any flaws they can.
The most annoying behavior is probably their clinginess, when they're not with you they often text or facetime. They like facetime better or calling since they get worried over text. (what if you're secretly mad at them cause you responded with 'k' instead of "okay!!"?)
They get INSANELY worried if you don't respond or call them back. First, they spam you with calls, messages, even debating to call the police. They decide to check your house, using their keys to your home.
If you're still not home, they have no choice but to wait on you, the worry and anxiety turning into anger. Why the fuck aren't you responding!?
You come home after your busy day and go into your room.
Right as you turn the lights on is yandere best friend there going all like "what are you doing? where were you??" and you literally almost died from a heart attack.
It's super annoying to constantly check your phone in case your friend is worried about you over a "gut feeling" they had. You think about taking back the keys you gave them but they already made tons of multiples
All in all, just go along with everything they say and it'll be fine. They are less deranged than romantic yanderes as they probably won't kill for you. They prefer manipulation and sneaking around to get what they want, but killing people for you... they definitely would- but the job is much easier if you already think everyone is out to get you or toxic- other than your best friend of course!
A unique thing about yandere best friend is that if something major happens the friendship might not last. It turns into their dark obsessed enemies situation. They hate how your friendship ended whether it was your fault or theirs(most likely) but they still can't shake off their obsession towards you. They become much more secretive and manipulative and mean. They keep tabs on you however they can if they can't physically be around you. Whether that's social media or just plan ol' stalking your schedule. They remove all your friends by starting rumors or talking badly about you, you have no one.
Finally you break, guilt and loneliness overcoming you to the point where you apologize to yandere best friend and hope to rekindle your friendship whether it was your fault or not that it had ended.
Of course, they forgive you! But don't expect it to come without consequences, they are much meaner to you and keep a closer eye. If they suspect you distancing from their grip again, they don't beg and sob for your friendship like before- instead forcing you into their grasp, who else will be your friend except for them?
They guilt and humiliate you all in the means of you being beside them, and cuz it feels good to punish you for even trying to leave their side.
They are much more clingy and touchy, wanting to make up for lost time spent apart.
You better pinkie promise your loyalty because they are not letting go of you ever.
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h50europe · 4 months
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When one side of the fandom lies bleeding while the other one is thriving or how I learned about fandom wars the hard way
This is a message from someone whose beloved ship rests forever in the depths of the ocean.
We had high hopes. It looked like our ship was afloat and ready to explore the seven seas for three seasons. Then, the show got a new showrunner who was very homophobic, and from that point on, the show and our favorite ship went downhill. Even though I'd been in different fandoms for about fifteen years and should have known better, I let myself get caught up in an unprecedented fandom war. Those who favored the Het couple were attacking one half of our ship, not just his character but the actor. Don't think they don't know what's going on just because an actor isn't on social media. We knew some crew members and learned that everyone knew about this fandom war.
The whole thing escalated until the show's final episode, which came to a more than undignified end after ten years. Knowing what he was doing, the showrunner wrote an ending that damaged the show and destroyed our ship. It was bad. There were words like, "Now we're dancing on your grave," and much worse. I was mentally at the end of my rope at that point. Then, the sets were immediately dismantled after the last scene was shot. It's something that happens very rarely when a show reaches some cult status. Our ship didn't even do a joint farewell interview for the fans because the actors left the set quickly and never looked back.
Why am I telling you this? Because I've learned to observe things from a certain distance.
We are fans of the same show but have different priorities and ships. As a multi-shipper, it's easier, I'd say. But those who are running amok right now because their ship is staying in the harbor while another is sailing away with flying colors brings back extremely unpleasant memories to me. But the same goes for those who are just as happy about what's happening and are starting to lose their grip. Please take it from someone badly burned: This is not a competition. This is not me winning and you losing. It's deceptive to think you're on the winning side and make fun of others for it. The tide can turn. We don't know what the showrunner has in mind. We don't even know that season eight might not be the last. Take what we have right now and be thankful for it. Enjoy it while it lasts. But don't be tempted to point fingers and mock others or say, "Your ship will never be canon. Mine already is. Your ship is crap. Mine is better." Also, do not be fooled by the fact that the haters in the fandom are a small group of people who only appear to be many because of their vocality and because some are playing the old sock puppet account game again to make it look like they are many.
I can only tell you from experience that we should treat each other respectfully. Not every Buddie fan is an enemy. Unfortunately, I also see another phenomenon that is becoming more and more common. Fans barely dare to post anything for fear of the crazies in the fandom (which unfortunately exist on both sides). Fans who have nothing to do with a fandom war want to have fun. And if they have a ship, they just want to interact with like-minded people. Which - especially on X - seems to turn into a gauntlet. Because suddenly, Your Rudeness sneaks into the conversation and starts pissing on the timeline. For clowns like this, the block button still works. Getting involved in any discussion is pointless. I also had to pay dearly for this realization.
"Never wrestle with a pig because you'll both get dirty, and the pig likes it." - Positive energy is much more powerful than negative energy. If you stay positive, negativity can't touch you. Oh, and I've wrestled a lot of pigs. Other than excessive blood pressure, gastritis, and countless sleepless nights, it didn't do me any good.
Stop participating in dick-measuring contests. Stop bragging about your favorite ship and how the others are nothing but losers. Stop saying we won because we didn't. Again, this is not a contest. We are on equal footing, and we can all coexist in peace. There is plenty of room. For everyone, for every ship, for every fan. Oliver made a single statement for those unhappy with Buck's journey and his current travel companion. He dropped it for good. And I couldn't agree more with the message and how he did it.
Of course, we would like to see more of our ship. Of course, we want the actors to have a relationship storyline to sink their teeth into, and hopefully, we get to see some domestic stuff and some hot scenes. But so far, that is fanon and not canon. So far, there is usually more going on off-screen than we see. We can only hope that this will change. Those who call themselves open-minded and tolerant while going on a witch hunt should think twice about what those words mean, and they should live them and not just throw shallow phrases around.
My wish for the future of this fandom is that it becomes a safe place. Safe as in a h*te-free zone. A place where no one has to be afraid to speak their mind. And a place where you can express (constructive) criticism without getting a shitstorm. Peace out.
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inkblackorchid · 28 days
Hi ,I love your writing and the way you write Yusei ,Aki and Faithshipping overall ! Would it be okay to ask for some Faithshipping headcanons ?
Also ,wanted to ask if there will be any new fic for Faithshipping in the future :)
Thank you so much! And absolutely, faithshipping hc requests are always welcome! <3
At some point after the DS arc (probably in order to take on repair jobs that pay decently), Yusei got himself a diploma to the equivalent of a high school graduation certificate. Aki helped him lots while he was studying for it, because there are a lot of subjects he never interacted much with when growing up in Satellite.
Aki and Yusei's relationship, once it becomes official, ends up suffering from something like the Tony Hawk effect—it's technically an open secret and many people outside the signer group (like Aki's classmates) know about it. Yet, more often than not, they still catch people off guard with the fact that they are, in fact, a couple. (This is absolutely based off @sojourner-between-worlds' hc that Yusei, post-canon, when he's a guy trying to lead a normal work life, also gets Tony-Hawk-ed a lot.)
Having never really spent much time dating before they met—Yusei because old Satellite wasn't exactly a dating hotspot and Aki because she was too scared to grow close to people and people too scared to grow close to her—Yusei and Aki both don't really know how the "dating" thing works. Sometimes, they'll manage to go on stereotypically romantic dates (and sometimes, Aki enjoys that more than anyone could get her to admit), but much of the time, they just do whatever comes to mind and call it a "date". They don't care what they're doing, they care that they do it together.
On occasion, when the opportunity presents itself, Yusei likes brushing Aki's hair. It's soft, he loves the colour, and she always looks very calm when he does it. It's something they indulge in behind closed doors.
Sometimes, when it's late and they have nothing better to do, they watch the duel channel together. Unbeknownst to their friends, their discussions about people's card plays can get downright philosophical, because at the end of the day, they're both passionate about duelling. (And really freaking good at it.)
Before Yusei, Aki didn't think she would ever be comfortable sharing anything than a double bed with someone else, because she needed her space. As it turns out, it works just fine with him.
Yusei generally isn't one for opening up about his fears or bad experiences in the past much, but when he's sleepy or when things weigh a bit too much on him, Aki's the only one he manages to open up to. They have a mutual understanding between them that whatever they share, it might be met with concern, with care, with sadness, but never with judgement.
Yusei is the first person to make Aki feel any semblance of actual pride about her powers. Divine tried, but ultimately still worshipped them for their destruction, which she hated. But Yusei regards the things she can do when she's not lashing out in anger with something like quiet awe, and it makes her melt, because that, more than anything else, is proof that he doesn't and could never see her as a monster.
Aki is the only one besides Yusei himself who's allowed to drive the Yusei-Go. Even Jack and Crow aren't, unless it's a dire emergency.
Aki never really warms up to the idea of modifying or repairing her runner herself, per se, but she likes watching Yusei do it—and manages to pick up on more mechanical stuff than she thinks along the way.
If somebody is rude to or insults Aki within Yusei's earshot for any reason, he absolutely stands his ground and defends her. If anyone is rude to or insults Yusei within Aki's earshot for any reason, that person had better run.
Also, to answer your final question, there will absolutely be more faithshipping from my side in the future! It features heavily several times in the WIP fic already—it's just that the WIP is sooo long and not even done yet, haha.
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sudokufag · 2 months
Mmm it's something I've always wanted a chance to talk about but have never gotten a real chance to online or in real life but since it's disability pride month and all
I wanna give a huge shoutout to people with phobias. (long post ahead)
I feel like phobias aren't talked about nearly as much as they should be in mental health spaces. We talk a lot about people's triggers related to traumatic events, but we don't really cover what it's like to have a trigger from a phobia.
Phobias can come from trauma, but just as many times that happen for no reason at all. Sometimes a slightly uncomfortable, embarrassing or spooky one time occurance buries itself into your mind for no reason at all and it just stays there because the human mind is funny and often slips up.
There's not really a community for phobias, if you look up your phobia online you will be flooded with really triggering images, you can't search any tags online because those tags exist to censor triggers, not to form a community. (not to say that those tags aren't important ofc they are) The closest I've seen is the tag "actual phobia" in Tumblr but this seems small and drowned out by fandom posts somehow.
Phobias are hard and exhausting. They effect you in ways that people wouldn't expect and you cant really explain. They can be humiliating to have: kids in middle school intentionally would trigger my phobia because they didn't understand the severity until I fainted onto the floor. I'm an adult by my mom has to hold my hand and head at the doctors office so I don't break down like a child, the worst was when I had to get my covid shot and confused children and judgemental elderly people alike stared at me in the midst of my meltdown.
Phobias are very isolating. That new movie everyone raves about has triggering subjects right on the poster and no one really thinks to tag it while it's trending. That video game looks right up my alley, but oh, it triggers my phobia and theres no way to censor it in the settings. You try to tell friends and family about your issues as they halfway pay attention as they file your fears under the same urgency "needs to ask their partner to kill the spider". If you've got an uncommon or silly sounding phobia, you will straight up get laughed at for expressing your fear, even in what should be really progressive and accepting places.
It's hard to really describe a meltdown to someone who's never had them. Phobias often make people cry and scream and kick involuntarily, we can vomit and drop in blood sugar and have migraines and faint. To say that it's the feeling of walls closing in on you is to only put in the slightest terms. When I have a meltdown, I feel like I am dying. It's the most pain and fear you can feel, reverting you back into a confused childlike state, and the only reprieve I can get is knowing that I 15 minutes I will feel better if a little tired and I will get to drink a coke with a silly straw as congratulations for making it through.
Lots of people will give you a flat and unsympathetic "get help." even when they're typically progressive enough to know it's rude to say that to people suffering from things like depression. It applies to us too! It's damn hard to get a therapist already, even harder to feel ready to look a phobia in the eye. Signing up for exposure therapy is a very scary thing to do.
So to anyone reading this with a phobia or phobias:
Weather being the very common ones or ones so rare and niche that you aren't taken seriously, and God help you on avoiding triggers
Being unable to enter doctors offices or grocery stores or the post office without shaking in fear
Those whole also struggle with OCD too and have intrusive thoughts about their phobias, triggering them even when sitting alone in their room
Those who's circle doesn't take their phobia very seriously and feels lost and alone when triggered
For those who have been hospitalized or institutionalized because of their phobia
You're not alone! And all feelings, even the very worst feelings, always will come to pass.
I wish that there was a community around phobias the same way there is for my conditions ADHD and anxiety, so we could learn coping mechanisms and better understand ourselves as people through each other's experiences. I'm not sure how that'd work or what that'd look like, but the best way I can think of to get started is to post things like these!
*feel free to share you experience if you want to in the tags
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ozzgin · 1 month
hope this doesn't come off as rude, but do you condone the usage of ai art? because I noticed you use ai art for quite a few of your post headers ^^;
No worries, it's a reasonable question, although a rather complex one! There are multiple layers that I would like to go through when answering you.
Do I condone the use of AI as a replacement for actual art? Obviously not. I enjoy drawing, and I enjoy collecting art. This won't change regardless of technology. The reality, however, is that generative AI will continue to develop, whether we like it or not. So, you know, instead of denying its existence, I would prefer to openly discuss it and have it regulated by laws and ethical conducts. For example, laws that would protect artists from being laid off in favor of one single AI engineer. Or laws that would limit the profit companies can make using undisclosed AI. Basically, making sure that this new technology serves the people instead or rendering them useless.
Do I condone the use of AI for individual use? Depends. My opinion is that non-profit, entertainment purposes are not the root of the problem. Someone generating a funny image of a cat is not the equivalent of someone generating hundreds of images a day. Those terrible environmental statistics you see online are mostly targeted at this kind of business usage. If you were to go on Instagram, for example, you would find a lot of accounts who publish vast amounts of AI works, often omitting this fact. Some sell merch, advice, or - if they are honest about their methods - courses and books on prompts and AI imagery. It's an actual thing. Does it take visibility away from actual artists? Absolutely. Even worse, it leads to a lot of doubt, where artists must prove themselves against accusatory claims. Again, I believe the solution is not to ignore progress or demand it stops, but to find concrete measures and implement them.
I use AI images for story headers, strictly for decorative purposes. If I want to express something visually, I will draw it myself. I do not have the time nor resources to draw every single picture I want to use on my hobby blog. Whoever disagrees with it is free to pay me a full employee salary. Mind you, on that note, I've seen a lot of people mentioning Pinterest and similar as open sources for pictures. They are not free repositories to just grab whatever you want. That photograph of a foggy forest was taken by someone and requires crediting. That unspecified manga panel was drawn by someone and requires crediting. 90% of the images I see here have no source or credit. I find it terribly hypocritical to parade as a supporter of human arts while conveniently ignoring every case where said human art is stolen, modified or uncredited.
Lastly, do I condone the use of AI by artists? This is an interesting topic, and a recent case immediately comes to mind: a well-established artist I've been following for over a decade has alluded to potentially training AI to replicate their art in the future. It's their way of easing their workload. Is it any different from comic artists using filtered photos to skip drawing backgrounds, for example? Is it any different from commission artists pre-drawing body parts and objects as brushes and stamps, so they can skip a lot of the drawing process? I am not a professional artist, nor do I require the use of this sort of assistance, but I cannot help but wonder: how many of the individuals who had a meltdown over this suggestion have actually paid or tipped an artist in their life? How many of them regularly call out stolen content? How many are mindful about the content they share/distribute/save, making sure it involves given permissions and fulfills ethical standards? I'm not necessarily calling people out; rather, I'm saying that the outrage is misdirected and untargeted.
I don't have a concrete conclusion to the last paragraph. It's a novel dilemma, a gray area with a lot of factors involved. At least to me. I wanted to include it in the conversation to show that generative AI and its implications are rapidly changing and expanding, so it's difficult to encapsulate it all in one definite opinion. All I can tell you is that my appreciation for human art has not changed, and I will continue to support it. :)
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meaningofaeons · 1 year
Sampo with a reader who does metal music- and bonus if they have like this stern and angry personality 😍😍😍😍😍
tysm btw your works are really nice
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-ˋˏ✄┈┈┈┈ hard rock
⊹ character(s) - sampo koski ⊹ word count - 954 ⊹ notes - gn!reader, reader is part of serval's band (implied to be more of a contract member than a permanent member tho), post-belobog storyline, reader is also implied to be friends w/ both serval and gepard
hi anon!!! thank you so much for the req, it sounded so fun I just had to do it right away! and thank you for the sweet words (₌♥ᆽ♥₌)
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As someone who remains in the shadows—as said himself, "People like us are more suited to being shadowy comic-relief"—Sampo didn't exactly expect to get tangled up with someone who shined so brightly in the spotlight.
You were blunt, almost rude, with a fiery personality that clashed with plenty of people.
Sampo's... conman-styled disposition also clashed with people, sure, but not in the same upfront way yours did.
Needless to say, when you two first met, opposites did not attract.
"I've half a mind to go tattle to the guards now! 'Savior of Belobog' or not, I don't care!"
"Hey, heey! No need for all of that, huh, sweetheart?"
"Call me that again and you'll be scamming the demons in Hell next, you filthy leech!"
So maybe Sampo had tried to sell you a counterfeit electric guitar, and maybe you weren't quite as gullible as he thought you looked weren't interested.
Can't blame a guy for trying, eh?
But still, your reaction and intuition interested him somewhat.
Despite the situation with the Supreme Guardian and the Stellaron clearing his name a bit, Sampo was still pretty universally despised by the Silvermane Guards, and they still had it out for him
So walking around the Overworld wasn't quite the walk in the park he sometimes made it look like...
But still, he found himself considering paying more visits to the overworld Belobog, hopeful to catch a glimpse of you.
You, meanwhile, actually found yourself in the Underworld more often.
The people were less uptight, less noble, and far more able to take your rough and tumble personality.
Plus, there were far more enjoyers of the metal music you loved putting on shows for.
Sure, you'd still play with Serval in Belobog when she had a show going, but the Underworld was a different type of crowd.
However, more than once, you'd notice an unpleasantly familiar head of blue hair enjoying your performances.
So finally, you confront him.
"What are you doing here, Koski?" You'd heard plenty about him from Gepard by way of Serval.
"Aw, just coming to appreciate the beauty of your music!"
It was rather irritating how his eyes raked up and down your form on emphasis of "beauty".
"Aren't these free-for-all concerts? Can't blame a guy for trying to find some good entertainment down here, huh?"
"Just don't cause any trouble with my fans."
"But I'm also one of your fans, Y/N!"
Eventually, Sampo wormed his way into your company by way of sheer annoyance.
It didn't take long for you to become reluctantly used to his company, allowing him to hang out after concerts and show you the ropes of the Underworld.
He got on your nerves, but you tolerated him.
Sampo, meanwhile, enjoyed your presence a lot. You were rough around the edges, sure, but he saw that hidden sweet side occasionally.
As you put up with him, he started to grow on you, too.
A conman, sure, but he always repaid his debts just as he claimed. Not to mention, he was a pretty good audience member for your shows.
Though you still got on his case if he tried to scam you, you quite frankly scared him a bit.
Soon, sometimes, you'd pretend to go along with his scams. When you were quick to transfer him some credits for his latest scheme one time, it freaked him out so bad that he stopped trying his tricks on you.
In fact, he had showed up to your doorstep with a bouquet of flowers and a deeply nervous grin.
"H-Heey, Y/N! Sorry again about that... little misunderstanding with the product link, ahaha... I thought these might make it up to you!"
"Flowers? Really? Do I look like the flower-enjoying type?"
Please spare him... he's already at his wit's end.
"Take me out to dinner instead. Your treat."
"Then maybe I'll forgive you for that little stunt."
Sampo had had plans to ask you out formally, but you kinda beat him to it.
He honestly thought you'd be more difficult to catch.
"All thanks to my endless charm!" he would preach months into your relationship, to which you would bluntly remind him that he annoyed his way into your life, and that you were the one with more charm here.
After that night, it was clear to everyone that you and Sampo had begun dating. You were quite the odd pairing to most, though.
Gepard even asked you if he was extorting you or anything, and if you wanted him to beat Sampo up on your behalf.
But no. In fact, Sampo was quite a gentleman as a partner.
You didn't go on dates all too often, but he was always your loudest supporter at every concert.
He already took a real shine to your music, but after getting together, he had a newfound appreciation for your work.
You also taught him to play, though he wasn't the best at most instruments. His voice isn't too shabby, though.
You found yourself worming some lyrics into some of your newer compositions that had to do with him.
Somehow, it felt like the songs that were subconsciously about Sampo were a bit easier to write.
Serval took a habit of teasing you whenever your lyrics would get mushier than usual, and as though reflecting your hot-headed embarrassment, the next several lines would be loud and raging.
Still, Sampo appreciated what you did.
In spite of all his flaws and unsavory ways, you could at least be thankful for that.
Besides... running up prices on ticket resales to your shows was a way more lucrative business opportunity!
He got a smack over the head for that one, though.
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cordeliawhohung · 4 months
People are so fucking outrageous you take some time for yourself that you told us you were taking and now they're up in your asks demanding stuff tell them to pay you for it, sincerely someone who doesn't mind waiting for whatever you post
on god i literally spent the last few days driving hours on end and just got back yesterday, today is my first full day back home. and i've been traveling out of town for the outreach clinic i have to work at the next few weeks, and even then i've still been writing allskdjf
lmfao i don't want to shit on that anon too much, and i'm def not trying to be rude or anything, but i'm also going to hijack your ask real quick to address stuff since i do have quite a few new followers.
while some users might not mind questions regarding when someone is updating/if they have anything planned for an ongoing series, and things like that, i specifically have it in my rules to please not do that, which is why i got a little short with them even though they arguably weren't being rude or malicious (unlike a few anons in the past have when asking things like that). this one is especially annoying because it's been literally eight days since i last updated for that, and i have other series i've been working on! like even though i'm not posting for it, i've still written a couple thousand words for pet!au, and i just finished a chapter for in limbo i'll have up for early access here in a bit, and then on tumblr probably tomorrow or wednesday.
but mostly, the reason why i specifically request that people don't ask if i have plans/when i'm updating/if i'm updating something is because i literally have an irl life. i've been pretty open recently about how i've been traveling and the work i've been doing, it's not a secret or anything lmao. it just feels... tone deaf, you know? like you come into my inbox not talking about the work, or what you like about it, or otherwise engaging with it, but just to ask if i'm giving you more, like i didn't just do that a week ago. hell, even if it's been months or years that's still rude imo because if you like something enough, then you'd probably be doing more than just asking for more, ya know? at least that's how it comes across to me. and like i said before, some people really don't care, which is why i made sure to specify it in my rules, because i do care. it ruins my mood to write and create because then it feels like a chore and people are waiting on me just to consume it and then beg for more rather than tell me what they actually enjoyed about the work lmao.
anyway, no hard feelings against that anon at all, i'm sure they didn't mean anything by it, so please don't show them any hate or anything. but just use this as a reminder to read the rules of the blogs you interact with please. or at least don't be surprised when you do something that irks them and then they're annoyed at you because of it lmao.
sorry about the rant in the tags
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tsukiisposts · 4 months
Hiii! Can I request Venus, Jupiter, Uranus and Neptune with a gn! Reader who appears, acts and dresses very aggressively to anyone at first glance but is actually very sweet and kind with those they like? Have a good day! (Love your writing style by the way <3)
Hi dear anon! I'm very pleased to hear that, thank you so much! I don't really like what I wrote, so I apologize if that's really the case, especially since the characters didn't turn out very canon in my opinion...and I hope you don't mind that I made them guys, I just forgot to add some things in the attached post. You can read them here. Also, if you don't like what I wrote here, you can ask to change it in requests, comments, or private messages! Also, I hope you don't mind that I made them in the form of humans, and also made it so that there is life on Earth (he is here in the form of a human, after all). It probably sounds weird, but I couldn't think of anything better. Also, I apologize that the layout of the post here is a little different.
ᴀɢɢʀᴇssɪᴏɴ — ᴠᴇɴᴜs, ᴊᴜᴘɪᴛᴇʀ, ᴜʀᴀɴᴜs, ɴᴇᴘᴛᴜɴᴇ.
✩ You and Venus were introduced to Mars and Earth, and when Venus saw you for the first time, his eyes immediately fell on your clothes because he had never seen anyone dressed like that.
✩ But what pissed him off the most was your temper.
✩ Mars and Earth say you may seem aggressive at first, but if you get along, you'll be fine.
✩ But Venus did not pay attention to him, and he not infrequently behaved aggressively, so it was difficult for you and Venus to communicate. You fought almost constantly. When you were near Mars and Earth, one of the guys had to separate you and calm you down.
✩ But one day, everything changed.
✩ Seeing that Venus is offended by the fact that it, unlike Earth, has no life on it, you approach it and strike up a conversation.
✩ At first, Venus said he didn't care and sometimes answered you rudely. This annoyed you a little, but after all you were not an insensitive person, so you decided to refrain.
✩ Venus ended up talking to you a bit and you were able to support him in some way.
✩ After this incident, you've gotten a little closer and seem to have stopped fighting. There were times when you could be rude to each other, but that's the nature of Venus, what can you do, so don't dwell on it.
✩ In the end, Mars and Earth were right. You're actually a good person.
"Hey Y/n...thanks for supporting me that time, I'm glad we were finally able to bond".
✩ Although Venus said it with difficulty, those words were sincere.
✩ When you were introduced to him, he complimented your appearance, even though the clothes were not his taste, they still looked amazing. It wasn't the first time he'd seen people dressed like that, so he wasn't surprised.
"Y/n, I must say that your clothes look really good".
✩ Your relationship wasn't the same as with Venus, but at first you were annoyed that he was giving all these "boring" lectures and science stories, which caused you to be rude to him.
✩ Jupiter just decided to have a calm conversation about it.
✩ In the end you felt a little guilty because he is a really kind person.
"I apologize for being rude, I didn't mean to..."
✩ You just said it, and it made Jupiter smile.
✩ And when he said something boring, you just gently told him you weren't interested. So your relationship is pretty good, he actually thinks you're a good person even after that.
✩ When he saw you for the first time he didn't say anything about your clothes, but he was a little surprised, but it's barely noticeable on his face.
✩ Uranus himself is a very calm, quiet person, so you didn't have any quarrels.
✩ But he saw you being rude to other people and he didn't like it very much, he doesn't like noise at all. So he decided to talk to you about it.
✩ But at that moment you were angry, it was not the right time to talk to him, because you were rude to him too, which offended him a bit.
✩ He just walked away, realizing it was probably futile.
✩ But the next day you apologized to him.
"Hey, I'm sorry for being rude to you yesterday, I was just angry at the time..."
✩ To this, Uranus just talked to you about it for a while and eventually forgave you. After that your relationship has improved, he thinks you are a good person.
✩ When he saw your clothes. Honestly, he didn't react, he didn't care. But he thinks your clothes are cool.
✩ Even though he was fun to be with at times, you were annoyed that Neptune kept forgetting your name and many other things, almost everything! This made you so angry that you couldn't help yourself and yelled at him.
"Neptune! Why are you so forgetful! What's the problem with memorizing my name if you see me so often! Why do you forget almost everything!!! You...you're so annoying!"
✩ Suddenly, the expression on Neptune's face suddenly changed....does he seem sad? This is the first time you've seen him so sad.
"But it's not my fault I have memory problems..."
✩ You didn't pay any attention to it and just walked away. You ended up not talking for days.
✩ Everything changed when you told Uranus about it. To be honest, he didn't approve of what you did, though I guess it was expected. He said you should apologize, since it wasn't Neptune's fault. You hardly agreed with Uranus.
✩ You approached Neptune, who seemed to be talking to himself. But it didn't matter.
"Hello, Neptune. I'm sorry I was rude last time. It's just that I was really mad about it then... maybe we can be friends again".
✩ Neptune didn't seem to hold a grudge against you, as he quickly forgave you.
✩ That's all he said...well, no wonder, it's Neptune.
✩ After that incident, he tried very hard to memorize at least your name. And I think he's already having a little success! Well, let's hope things get better for you in the future, he seems to think you're not a bad person.
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elminx · 1 year
Elminx considers: Graveyard etiquette as a witch or other magical practitioner
Note: I am going to use the term graveyard here to refer to all types of burial places. Yes, there are differences. For this purpose - they don't matter. Note: I am going to try to make this an ongoing series about graveyard etiquette and dealings with the dead in general. If I have done so, I may have made a masterpost which I will try to remember to link, here. If you think that this should be on a masterpost, message me.
It can be a hard thing to wrap your mind around (and I am sure that you are trying to do the Right Thing) but your Graveyard Etiquette isn't worth shit if the spirits of the graveyard don't follow the same etiquette.
That means that it is not one size fits all. Go figure.
A Catholic graveyard will demand different etiquette than a Baptist graveyard that will have different etiquette from a non-denominational graveyard from the 1700s. Fuck it, a French Catholic graveyard will have different etiquette from an Irish Catholic graveyard.
I see a lot of posts floating around with things like: always carry iron, always bring a gift, always wear protection, always cover your head, always pay the gatekeeper with coins, etc.
These are all culturally specific superstitions (nothing wrong with that) but taken out of context they mean absolutely nothing.
The big thing that those of us from Western cultures need to get over is the idea that things are universal. They just aren't. The dead are just people who lived within a certain culture. That culture and their own lives determine what they will view as rude or polite. We actually get no say in the matter.*
They are just people. Dead people. Some were lovely old grandmothers who will dote on every living child they encounter. Some were angry teenagers who died too young. Some were infants who don't really know what it is to live or to die. Each individual in a graveyard has their own story and each graveyard has its own story.
Those are the things that you need to take into consideration when approaching a graveyard.
Spirits should be treated in the same way that you would a loved one. We all know Uncle Jake can't drink so we don't drink around him. Grammy doesn't like apple pie so we make cherry instead. Cousin June can't eat the gluten so we make it a gluten-free pie instead. Spirits are the same way - they have the same likes and dislikes they had in life (for the most part? my dead family does at least).
This is why a random food offering, while well intended, might not work out so well for you. (I don't mean getting haunted not well, it just might just go over like a lead zeppelin, ya know?)
So here I am telling you that nothing is right?
More truthfully what I am trying to confer here is that nothing is AUTOMATICALLY right and that if you want to work with and get to know a graveyard, you need to fucking ask. Just like you would with any other spirit or human being. Something like "Hi, <name on grave>, I would really like to bring you something to eat. Do you like blueberry pie? My grandma just made some." or "Hi, <name on the grave>, I would like to give you some whiskey. Do you like this type of whiskey?"
Sometimes, nothing will happen. You can take that as an assent. It could mean that the spirit of that grave is no longer present in this world, or it could mean that they aren't paying attention to you, or that they just don't care. But if you get a bad feeling or something bad happens immediately afterward, skip it. Sometimes you'll get a good feeling too - that's an obvious yes.
If you are more comfortable as a spirit worker, you can ask the spirit what it would like you to bring it. Please remember to be careful with boundaries and not promise anything because spirits - very occasionally - ask you for some pretty weird stuff. Then, listen. Wait. Be patient. You might smell fresh doughnuts as you are leaving, or have a sudden craving for rose tea. Over the next few days, look for synchronicities that could be the spirit answering you. If you are new to this, divination can be a great tool to help you understand what is and is not spirit communication. I would point out here that there is an inner knowingness that happens for a lot of people during spirit communication - you smell church incense and instinctively know that the spirit misses the smell of frankincense and myrrh, for example.
If there is something that you feel that you need to do before you enter a graveyard - by all means, do it. Magic that is meant for you will resonate WITH you - if you feel the need to cover your head, cover your head. But be wary of doing it because some rando (even big-name Tumblr-wise people because they are still randos, just randos with a following) told you that you "had to".
There is no absolute or right answer. There's only the right answer for you and that graveyard. And that's something that you have to figure out for yourself.
*We get no say in the matter about what a spirit finds to be rude or polite. We obvs get boundaries about what we think is rude and polite, and those are equally important.
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