#Drac HC
ecstarry · 3 months
humbling requesting single dad james with regulus hcs 🙇
this is adorableeee!!!
I have a soft spot for age gap jeggy sooo for me it's always james a bit older, extra points if he already has some grey hairs here and there
James is the kind of dad that carries his son on one arm and everything else on the other arm likes it's NOTHING, all potter men are like this!!!! monty was the same
Okay James is usually very protective of who takes care of Harry but with Reg he felt sooo comfortable leaving them alone
Regulus NEVER uses a baby voice to talk to Harry!!!! they have lovely conversations even when Harry is a small baby who barely makes sounds. My Reg is making sure that baby will be SMART AND WELL SPOKEN
James sings a lullaby that Effie used to sing to him when he was a kid and Regulus learns it so he can sing it to Harry if he's ever upset and James isn't around
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sesamenom · 1 month
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quick 15min doodle, bc I'm working on (currently only hypothetically tho :c) Something based on that post about "would mae survive castle dracula"
inspired by this snippet of a conversation w @nelyoslegalteam
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freaky-flawless · 3 months
Now we can say that all three of the main ghouls (Frankie, Draculaura, and Clawdeen) have fallen for human dudes in some of the different medias.
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dracaelus · 11 months
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So what i'm getting is jason is taller than his dad ok cool thanks dc for confirming the hc
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dentpx · 10 months
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Oh my fucking god. She slays so so so much but I hit my Draculaura cap….and also I think I would want to display her OOB because that dress silhouette is so gorgeous but I can’t be trusted to display OOB dolls…..help ack
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hydrostorm · 1 year
the idea of Evil Richter becoming like some kind of doppelganger is still so fun to me. like how alucard has the doppelganger which i headcanon is alucard at Full Vampire Potential like a hypothetical alucard who joined drac instead. so then doppelganger richter is a hypothetical richter who fully succumbed to shafts influence (oh shit i could use that ai generated succubus richter- what a wonderful accident that was)
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deathsbecome · 7 months
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girlwithnoface · 10 months
i always try to be mindful of my consumption when talking about dolls and i avoid getting caught up in the manufactured FOMO around collectors releases. but if i dont get that doll mattel headquarters will be reduced to rubble ill tell you that
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ecstarry · 3 months
euuuuuuge may i ask for your favorite nsfw jegulus headcanons
- they never let more than a couple of days go by without doing at least SOMETHING, they are so so good at just making out!!!! THATS HOT IT DOESNT ALWAYS NEED TO BE EVERYTHING FOR THEM TO HAVE FUN WITH EACH OTHER!! THEY LOVE JUST HAVING HOT MAKE OUT SESSIONS
- they’ve done it in most of their friends house at some point!!!!
- if they are sitting next to each other at a setting where there is a table YOU CAN BET THAT REG’S HAND IS ALL OVER JAMES
- Reg is LOUD!!!! L O U D and he does NOT care if anyone heard 😭✋
- they never tell anyone about their sex life but when asked about it they both have the most GAHDIDJDKSJA grin!!! YOU KNOW???
- im saying this!!! THEY FINISH 100% OF THE TIMES THAT AN ORAL IS INVOLVED!!!!! 100% !!!! idc if one of them has a lot going on, once they are ON IT THEY ARE ABSOLUTELY CONSUMED BY EACH OTHER
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sadlazzle · 2 years
hc lagoona shipped like last week n im getting rlly impatient after going thru that bs w the reseller for cleo. i want my fish ghoul !!!!
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puppyboymikeyway · 2 months
Fun Ghoul hcs!
loves poking fun a jet to see how long it takes until he snaps. he genuinely thinks its hilarious until jet punches him in the mouth. he never learns his lesson
has tried keeping a drac as a pet one time. it ended with a very angry jet star and party poison
as much as an adrenaline junky he is, hes also really calm, especially around the girl. but he did also teach her how to say fuck and swear consistently. its about a 50/50 everyday on if youre gonna get a calm or chaotic ghoul
tried fixing the trans am one time when the battery died. did not go well
makes everyone think that hes annoyed by kobra but kobras actually his favorite person in the world. he loves getting silly little presents from the autistic guy and has kept every single one
unintentionally calls jet 'mom'
has stolen partys jacket one too many times. he is now no longer allowed to touch it :(
he also loves stealing shit just to mess with people. if you wait in the diner long enough, eventually youll hear someone cuss ghoul out for taking their blaster
basically like a golden retriever but on steroids
has a dummy drac mask that he pranks the other four with. one time, the girl ended up punching him in the nuts when he scared her
will murder anyone without hesitation if they look at the girl funny or try and pick on her or something. he is so much more protective over the girl than any of the four - even jet
loves listening to music from the radio with kobra and will throw hands if someone tries to turn it off
tried proposing to party with a ring pop one time. they didnt say no, so apparently they're married now
idk what else, reblog with more hcs please :,)
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toastydoll · 3 months
My Favorite G1'rs that Need to Come Back
I'm loving the new season of g3 so far, so to celebrate I'm making a list of my personal faves from g1 that I'd love to see in g3 again!! Plus at the end I'm gonna include the monsters I don't personally need but think will probably be back somehow :3
Gooliope Jellington! My late addition queen. I love her goopy design, I love that she's so giant compared to the other boos, I love her circus aesthetic!! Ideally her doll would be ginormous again, plus I think they could integrate some novi stars moonbow slime so she's lava lampish. At her giant size, she could probably even still have articulation plus goo! Her character could also be potentially fascinating in g3--is she the daughter of the Blob? Or are her parents mad human scientists, creating experiment 8108?
Wydowna Spider. Her design is PEAK. A doll with six arms would be so cool to see again, especially since the varying body types mean the clothes aren't meant to be swapped like before (so her unique shape shouldn't be much of an issue!). In this gen she might even be a were-spider?
River Styxx! Ever since Draculaura brought up pastel goth aesthetics in Nightmare Nightmore I've been seriously missing River. Yes, she was only in one movie, yes, it was for like thirty seconds, but her design is so creepy cute! Plus her ghost design, semitranslucent with bones peeking through, is one of my absolute favorites. Maybe more focus on her candy love?
Luna Mothews. She was done SO DIRTY in the original (sorry to those who loved her she just was not for me). As a mothman (and Mr. Mothmanson) stan, I need a mothier, West Virginian Luna. Maybe she bonds with Scarah over their shared bad luck prophecy powers. Speaking of...
Scarah Screams. I feel like we're getting a banshee in Mrs. O'Shriek considering her name (and a throwaway line about her yelling), but Scarah was such a sweet and lovely character that I'd just love to see her again. And more Irish this time too! An episode explaining the history of bian sidh lore, complete with explaining the Anglicized spelling, would be super cool!
Sirena von Boo. This is almost purely on design alone. The ghostly mermaid tail, the shadowy finned hands, the chain detailing?? She is so iconic in her design (plus her characterization was p cute). Her color scheme is similar to Spectra, so maybe an update for that. Her character could be a really interesting foray into monster afterlife this gen (aka maybe she's the ghost of a teen mermaid, not a ghost-mermaid hybrid).
Kiyomi Haunterly! Yeah, I loved the ghosts lmao. She was such a cool concept! I loved that her face was barely visible yet still there, her lesbian moments w Drac were all ADORABLE, and it was super cool to see ghost lore from Japan. If they bring back monster exchange I think she'd be so fun to see again through that route.
C.A. Cupid!! Chariclo Arganthone, we've all been missing you since 2013. Please come home to Monster High!! Absolutely adored the concept of a bone elemental, for one, plus her radio persona was so fun! I could see her hosting a matchmaking podcast in g3, plus a missed connections EekTok. Since I hc aro Deuce for g3, I think they'd make really great friends. Plus he could teach her that romantic love/matchmaking isn't for everyone!
Elissabat! With all the focus on the were-ruler this season, plus the focus last season on Dracula's PFFT title and what it meant for Draculaura, I think it could be really interesting to see the traditional Vampire Queen return to Monster High. How do tradition-dependent vampires deal with a power struggle between the original vampire royalty and the premiere, first and foremost top monster? Also getting a GOTH goth character might finally get people to stop griping about how g1 was "way gother!!"
Honey Swamp. Okay yes, same as River, she was in one (1) movie for about forty five seconds, but her crocodilian design was one of my favorites in the entire generation. I always thought she was particularly cool since Lagoona ended up more sea monster than "Creature from the Black Lagoon." Honey was the actual swamp monster!! Plus we've already got New Orleans through Apollo, so why not a little New Goreleans as well? More exploration of human cities and their monster counterparts please!
Robecca Steam. She's so far down the list, but I cannot emphasize how much I need my steampunk queen back. More goggles, more gears, more copper and steam! I loved that her father was human, which frankly could be a really cool idea to explore in g3. What are the ethics of monsters created by humans? If humans are monsters too, was Hexiciah alive during a time of peace?
Rochelle Goyle. Her design was always so classic and chic. We've seen some gargoyles in the series so far, but none of them have been animate (or made their sentience known). Plus she could be great friends with Deuce, and maybe even save the day if his gorgon gaze gets out of control.
Hoodude. I'll be honest: as much as I like the idea of a living Voodou doll, the first generation handled him like garbage. Having Frankie practice rituals from a closed religion to make herself a boyfriend was uh...yeah. G3 could take Hoodude in two interesting directions. For one, they could get a consultant who actually practices Voodou to help design the character. He would be a living doll created by a Voodou practitioner, introducing kids to the idea that Voodou is a real religion currently practiced today that isn't evil, isn't witchcraft, and is deeply culturally important. If they're not willing to put the work in (which, honestly, they've been so much better about in g3), he could also make a really fun renamed living doll/plush.
Vandala Doubloons. Another ghost who showed up for thirty seconds in Haunted? In my list? It's more likely than you'd think lmao. This is solely bc I love pirates and I love ghosts, and think a pirate ghost character is always fun. I prefer her design to Dayna Jones's, but I like the daughter of Davey Jones aspect.
Operetta. Last but absolutely not least, I need the phantom of the oprey back again! Her rockabilly pin up style was so cute and her origin story is so batty (her dad is a human, guys). Honestly she'd work so well in g3 with her "monstrous" human father!
And there they all are! My personal faves from g1, brought back into g3. Some of them are just there for the peak design, some for how their lore could work really really well w g3, all bc I love them :3
Bonus list of characters who should probably come back too (due to importance in g1/popularity):
Jackson Jekyll/Holt Hyde (hello human monster conflict!)
Casta Fierce (and Spelldon) (maybe from witch camp?)
Amanita Nightshade (unless Frankie smushed her when they dropped a gargoyle on the corpse flower)
Moanica D'cay (not g1 but a really cool zombie)
Slomo (more zombies!)
Neighthan Rot (more zombie unicorns!)
AstraNova (love an alien)
Catrine DeMew (a solid Scarisian were-cat)
Valentine (I mean. Come on.)
Gigi and Whisp Grant (except less Orientalist this time)
Inivisi-Billy (is he a ghost? is he a normie?)
Lorna MacNessie (her dad is iconic and so is she)
Ari Hauntington (again not g1, but interesting in the g3 politics)
Garrott (I just want gargoyles)
Isi Dawndancer (please hire a cultural consultant this time)
Kiersti Trollson (loved the literal troll who games)
Batsy Claro (a were-bat would be so funny guys come on please)
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dracaelus · 1 year
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from Batman (2016) #6
My father was a good man, but... I could never talk... He was very... formal. But I could always just talk to my mother. She was the only one. The only one.
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cartoonpigeon · 10 months
some killjoy hcs/rambles :3
big fan of the HC that Ghoul has hearing loss like. look at that fella and tell me he has any sense of safety precautions
i also think he knows how to shoot his raygun and obviously has his explosives but if a fight ever becomes close range she just starts Biting
and that fucker can bite HARD he has dogshit dental heath (but that's pretty much a given if you live in the zones, i think) but his bite is so strong he often would rather use his teeth than scissors
also playing around (like. considering) with the hc of him being bigender? idk, thinking about that
cause i hc him as being raised in the zones + his crew died when he was young, i think he doesn't really have like. a strong idea of binary sex/gender/sexuality? like, i feel like labeling people is mostly a City concept, and killjoys just do whatever (although some killjoys do label themselves, it's just not an often occurrence)
SPEAKING OF THE CITY!!! i think Party and Kobra where both raised there and escaped together
Party realized they were NB and probably some flavor of queer when they were pretty young and tried to repress it at first, but that's obviously not health so it lead to them having really shit metal health/had a mental health crisis, but eventually they told Kobra and he tries to give them advice/ just be someone for Party to talk too
i also think they stopped talking their pills pretty young (like, i think Party stopped around puberty? so 10ish) and Kobra stopped a bit before Party came out to him (which is why he didn't report them and was able to help them)
Party's queerness is kinda what led to them leaving the city (i think there also may have been a confrontation with their parents that narrowed down their options to either running away or getting turned over for "reprogramming" but hey ho)
i think they would've met Jet Star and his crew pretty soon after them leaving the city, and they helped them to get to Dr. D
Jet couldn't convince the crew to let Party and Kobra stay any longer so they parted ways there
i actually don't have many Jet specific hcs other than that his eye patch is probably either due to an accident Ghoul caused or due to a clap with a drac
i think about a year after meeting Party & Kobra he leaves his own crew to go form his own/traverse the desert
which kinda leads to a general killjoy hc that they tend to be in crew with their families till they leave to form/find their own at around 15-20 (although some killjoys do stay in their original family crew)
there's probably zone-wide gatherings/parties where a tone of killjoys meet up to relax and have a good time
i flip flop between Party and Ghoul meeting at one of these and them meeting in some abandoned area while Party's doing a supply run
Ghoul speaks Afrikaans because i said so :3 (don't ask how it makes sense in canon - it doesn't really)
He reverts back to speaking it when angry/feeling very strong emotions (although it tends to be very choppy cause although speaking afrikaans is like his coping mechanism, he wasn't taught much of it by his family before they died)
I think she'd try to teach the other killjoys at some point cause it'd make communication easier, but Party's the only one who's remotely good at it cause they're the only other person in the group who can roll their r's
Party & Kobra r very shocked when they learn that other languages is a thing like. at all. cause growing up in the city they wouldn't have been taught that other languages r like. a thing ++ they would kinda also be taught at the same time that "everyone only speaking english is better cause then there's no error in communication ^_^" or something like that
idk whether or not i want Ghoul to be the reason they find this out… it'd definitely make for a good fic idea
like I said, I hc Ghoul as having bad dental health, but I think that also applies to Jet
Party and Kobra's good dental health is actually pretty unusual -- people tend to be able to tell they're from the city because of it
I also think they all have some kinda acne/acne scarring
for Party (and to a lesser extent, Kobra) it was a (bad) way to cope with the stress and anxiety of living in the city, and it became a habit that's still very hard for them to break
for Ghoul and Jet i think it's more a background thing they've never thought too hard on? like, oh there's red spots on my face now and some of them hurt? slay /pos
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What age do you imagine Trevors half sister is In your hc?
Hmm, good question. She's younger than him by several years, I'd think. This makes sense as to why she has no recollection of ever being a 'Belmont', or living with that family. She'd probably have been around toddlerhood (1 or possibly younger).
The Castlevania Wikia says Trevor's age at the beginning of the series is 20, but I don't buy that. He seems a few years older at least. Granted his lifestyle of drinking and wandering ages a person, but if Alucard is still a 'teenager' in human years (19 at the most), then Trevor should be older than 20 as his family was most likely killed/prosecuted years before Alucard was born.
Lisa knew of a man with 'secret knowledge', but she did not call him Dracula. I don't know if she knew this man and the infamous myth of Dracula were in fact one and the same. Perhaps she considered it a possibility, but it was far from fact to her. She meets Dracula, and then from the time jump we know she's burned alive 20 years later. Even if she and Drac got it on right then and there after meeting, Alucard would only be 19. If it took them about 3-4 years to fall in love/marry, then Alucard is like 15/16.
Alucard says to Trevor that he was surprised to find he had more of a childhood than Belmont, which to me, suggests that Trevor is not only older than Alucard but was given less time with his family as a child.
Thinking realistically, Trevor knows a fair deal about monsters and monster hunting. He's been trained. He couldn't have just been like 5 when everyone was killed because then he wouldn't have had the physical ability to retain all the knowledge he had. It's also implied that from his family's exile and his escape, he hasn't been back to his ancestral home. That coupled with the fact he was considered too young to be taught how to open the Belmont hold makes me think late pre-adolescence (like 10 or 11), but not quite tween terrority upon his family's murder.
So let's say Trevor is 11 when his family is killed, and at that time his younger sister is 1. Fast forward five years- Lisa has just met Dracula. This makes Trevor 16 and his little sister 6. Sometime before our time jump, say another 4 or so years later, Adrian is born. So Trevor is 20, his little sister is 10, and Adrian is a baby (1). Post time jump by the year 1475 when Lisa is murdered by the church, Trevor is 36, his little sister is 26, and Alucard is 16.
I'd imagine Sypha to be in her early twenties at the beginning of the series. Maybe 24 or 25.
I know there's this myth that people got married at like 14 because they dropped dead at 40 in the olden days, but that's not. The average lifespan is 40 because a lot of people died early deaths and brought the pooled average down. People did not automatically become considered grown-ups at 13 and great-great-grandmas if they lived till 50.
So the ages for this fic / most of my headcanons are as follows:
Trevor: 35/36
Trevor's Younger Sister: 26/27
Alucard: 16/17
Sypha: 24/25
Of course, this is just my interpretation and I suck at math so, please take all this with a grain of salt.
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hc lagoona sneaks drac's old bat plushie into her fangypack (just to make sure he wasn't scared! not bc SHE was scared and needed cuddles!!!) then spends a week going through the five stages of Guilt before confessing all while pleading on her knees for forgiveness (theater kid)
draculuara just thinking she's adorable and officially bequeaths her the bat as Señor Squeaky's adopted sibling, Vein Hellwing
lagoona insisting they share custody over both
drac, miss 'im not a baby bloodsucker anymore!' ends up carrying the plushies during lagoona's swim practice (thankfully they both fit under her hat) bc they're really cute actually and she legit can't say no to lagoona anyway
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