#ESPECIALLY when sorcerer suits her so well
ctrl-alt-em · 3 days
When the whole Wyrdwood team levels up (which I don’t think will be for a while), I hope Robin gets to level up. I want him to be able to grow and adapt too from his journey. He’d probably get to be level 1, but I can see them jumping him to level 3 for the subclass benefits for mechanics and role play potential.
Using the classes and subclasses for 2024 PHB, there are three classes I think could suit Robin right now: Fighter, Warlock, and Sorcerer. They each highlight how I think Robin and Morven will grow over time, either separate, against, or alongside.
Fighter would give Robin combat skill while keeping magic as Morven’s thing entirely. There would be two sides to the body: physical and magical and that could be interesting to explore, particularly with the different combat styles. Narratively, his new abilities could be explained by Happen and/or Lug teaching how to use weapons. For subclass, I think Champion fits best. It’s the most straightforward, makes the least use of magic, and feels like something more feasible for a commoner than Battle Master.
For Warlock, I think there would need to be some decay in Robin’s relationship with his friends and growing hostility and fear with Morven. If he’s afraid enough Morven will be given his body completely and he’ll be killed or essentially imprisoned, Robin could be desperate enough to make a pact, especially when he’s surrounded by others so much more powerful than him and an outside world trying to kill him. I’m leaning towards Archfey subclass for the support abilities and movement spells, like Misty Step, Faerie Fire, and Calm Emotions, or whatever Cadence is because of the narrative potential that with Happen. Warlock would show contrast between Morven’s innate skills vs Robin making a deal for power out of desperation and how both of them seek gain control of their situation.
Sorcerer, specifically wild magic sorcerer, is my favorite for him. It would keep the two in the same class but show two very distinct uses of sorcery. Morven is a skilled sorceress who has complete control of her magic. She’s has an intellectual and calculating approach to magic. Robin, on the other hand, would have a much more instinctual and maybe even volatile relationship with magic. He hasn’t spent years studying and training and now he suddenly has access to abilities he never gave much thought towards and needs to use them quick. Where Morven is a champship dressage rider, Robin has only seen a horse from afar and is now suddenly in a saddle on a temperamental horse. Wild magic surges fit with magic going wrong in Heoth as well, giving other example of magic going awry. Wild magic sorcerers don’t get their own spell list, but I think the core list with cantrips like Acid Splash and Mending and spells like Chaos Bolt and Shield fit him just fine. Robin is not nearly as confrontational as Morven. Robin could stick to ‘simpler’ or mundane cantrips/spells further differentiate their styles and personalities.
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littledashdraws · 1 year
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custom classes for flora! sorcerer, dark knight, troubadour
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brain-rot-central · 6 months
Up In Smoke
A/N: Basically he smokes weed and has a really good orgasm. That's the whole fic. Very self-indulgent, but whatever. Hope you all enjoy!
Rating: light E Word count: 3.5k Pairing: Spawn Astarion x Fem!Tav Warnings: 18+, dubcon for being under the influence, drug use, alcohol mention, breeding kink, praise kink, male masturbation, mutual pining, trauma mention, intimacy issues
Summary: The gang finally reaches Baldur's Gate. Astarion isn't handling it so well, knowing he's so close to Cazador again. Tav makes an innocent suggestion that he go down to the shops and find something that can help relieve some of his pent up anxiety.
Sitting on the edge of the bed, he leans over to further inspect the small clear jar within his hands. Inside, a dried cluster of pungent flowers resides. Their faint smell lingers about the small tavern suite. He shakes the jar slightly, following how each bud bounces between the glass.
They've finally made it to Baldur's Gate, and gods what a relief. Not to say he didn't enjoy getting his hands messy, but there was never quite enough he could do to dig out the dirt caked within his nails. He dreamed of soaking in a hot bath for weeks.
Yet, being back in Baldur's Gate also means something more sinister.
It means he’s closer to confronting him.
His old master.
He panics the night before, screaming whenever he'd slip into trance. Horrid memories play behind his eyes. He feels paralyzed within them – the feeling of a hand closing around his neck, a dagger slicing into his back, shackles around his arms and legs, unable to move within the confines of the coffin he lay in for a year.
Tav wakes him eventually, holding him close within their warm embrace. She lulls him back to sleep until he slips into a more peaceful trance. When they awake the next morning, Tav proposes he go down to the shops and look for a sleep aid, or something that could potentially help quell the overwhelming sense of anticipation building within him.
“I only wish for you to be at peace,” she suggests. “You deserve it. Especially now.”
So, he does exactly that.
Perusing the various carts and shops, Astarion inevitably finds an apothecary. He's been to this one before; many, many years ago. He doesn't quite remember the shopkeeper, but feels as if it's the same woman, just now older. 
She's nice enough, giving a warm greeting as he enters the store. The smell of patchouli incense fills his nostrils and almost instantaneously Astarion feels some of the tension melt off his shoulders. 
He explains, in very vague terms, what it is he's experiencing to the shopkeeper. She holds out a glass jar filled with herbs. When he raises a questioning eyebrow, she clarifies, “This is known to help calm even the most fussy of ogres.” She smiles, nudging the jar closer to him. “Go on, take it. You won't regret it.”
With a quick nod of his head, Astarion pays for the herbs and dips out of the shop, stashing the small jar within a pocket of his armor. He reconvenes with Tav and the others; they're to address some sort of problem with a wizard prodigy at Sorcerous Sundries. He sighs audibly as Gale rambles on about the various tomes and wealths of knowledge the store holds. Gale rarely ever lets up when this sort of mood takes him. He briefly wishes he had a scroll of Silence to cast over the wizard.
With the pompous brat slain, the crew returns to the Elfsong Tavern to share a hot meal. Astarion nurses a glass of wine while the others share various plates of grilled meats, vegetables, and fish. Lae’zel offers him the drippings of her steak; he politely declines, though the smell causes his stomach to rumble. He simply chases the sensation away with more wine.
They return to their shared suite within the tavern. The party makes a joint decision that Astarion and Tav share the private room. They aren't the only two having relations, but they are the more… rambunctious couple. Both retire to the bedroom, Tav drawing a bath for herself while Astarion rests on the edge of the bed, as he is now, studying the small glass jar. 
He dares a quick whiff of the herbs, bringing the jar to his face. His face screws up tight, wincing at the offensive odor. “Smells like a godsdamned skunk,” he scoffs. He stares into the jar again.
Fool’s Tongue. 
He’s partaken before at the behest of a client. It was an important brokerage between Cazador and some far-off noble. There wasn’t much choice in the matter for Astarion. But yet, this encounter was a touch better than the others. To this day, Astarion is unsure if it was due to the drug or the man himself. He recalls the comforting embrace of the nobleman with slight fondness. At least the man tried. Not many others did.
Astarion reaches into the small satchel on his hip and pulls out a wooden pipe. He lifted it from Halsin earlier in the evening at dinner. The wood elf becomes soft once drink is involved, making him all the more easy to target. He’ll return it by morning, Astarion promises himself. He may even leave the druid a small token of appreciation for letting him borrow it, should this all work out.
Placing the pipe down onto the comforter, Astarion begins to unlatch his cloak. He lays the jar of herbs down next to the pipe and stands, letting his cape fall to the floor. He works on his armor next, until he’s down to his underthings. Bending down, he begins rummaging through his pack on the floor for his camp clothing. He slips them on, leaving his shirt untucked, and sits back down on the bed.
Astarion picks up the pipe and lays it between pressed-together thighs. It acts as a makeshift support, allowing him to open the glass jar of herbs and retrieve a single nugget. Closing the jar, he places it back down onto the bed, and begins breaking the herbs into smaller pieces to fill Halsin's pipe.
Raising the pipe to his lips, Astarion summons a small flame to the tip of his finger. He stares down the length of the pipe, mustering the resolve to continue. He hears Tav’s voice in his head, as well as that of the old shopkeeper. With a sigh, he brings his finger to the herb, pulling gently on the pipe until it begins to burn.
Smoke fills his lungs a bit too quickly, and he rips the pipe from his mouth. He coughs loudly and a bit dramatically, before finally taking a gasping breath in.
“Astarion!” Tav calls from the washroom. He can hear the sound of water sloshing around in a tub. “Are you okay?”
“I'm fine, darling!” he calls back. “Not to worry,” he adds in a mumble under his breath, mostly to himself. He surveys the contents of the pipe, bringing the mouthpiece to his lips once more. Again he summons a small flame to the herb, inhaling more shallowly this time as to not scorch the back of his throat.
He holds in the hit, leaning back onto the bed. Outstretching his arms he lets the pipe rest gently on the bed as he blows out the smoke. He coughs softly – better than the first time.
A few moments pass without so much as a sound. Astarion begins to wonder if perhaps the herbs are stale. It isn't until he rolls over that he notices the first sign.
The bed is soft. Inviting. Astarion is acutely aware of how the pillow top envelopes his form. He lays flat on his back again, sighing. His eyes slip closed. An unusual warmth rushes over him, tickling his skin. It feels like he's laying in the sun and suddenly he's transported back to the forest. To the morning after.
He remembers waking up to the morning sunlight bathing his skin. He wakes up slowly, slipping back into his leathers. Tav still sleeps; he moves as swiftly as possible to not wake her. She was beautiful, even then. Naive, yes. He didn't have the best of intentions. But, she was beautiful. And infuriatingly pragmatic.
Another sensation begins to light. Astarion doesn't recognize the feeling right away. He opens his eyes and stares at the ceiling, a surge of heat rushing to his face. He swears his chest thumps with the beating of his undead heart. He stares into the lines of the ceiling, tracing the patterns of wood lining the wall. His eyes fall upon a knot; they slip closed again.
Tav straddles his lap while he lays out on the ground. Astarion’s hands hold her thighs, guiding her hips as she rocks back and forth over him. He travels up the expanse of her abdomen, passing over her navel and up to her swaying breasts. Her hair cascades down her shoulders in loose curls, his gaze continuing upward toward her face. Redded by the blush running across the bridge of her nose, her mouth hangs open in a silent gasp. She meets his gaze through heavy lids.
Astarion feels the flitter of a dormant ember ignite within his lower belly. His back arches off the bed as a gasp slips past his lips. This can’t be what he thinks it is… could it? No, certainly not. He’s surely lost the ability to feel this way without necessity. Without a performance. Without it being a bargaining chip of some kind.
A pulling behind his navel has his hips twitching in response and he feels warmth begin to pool between his legs. Gods, is he…
Is this truly unprovoked arousal that he feels? Astarion sees visions of Tav glistening after a bath; droplets of water sliding down tanned, freckled skin. He moans aloud and again his hips buck. His cock is beginning to stir, each rub against the confines of his leathers having him sliding his hands closer and closer to their waistband. He turns his head toward the direction of the washroom.
Astarion groans as his hand runs over the bulge in his pants and it dawns on him momentarily that it is, indeed his cock hardening at the thought of Tav naked. Her skin flushed from the warm water of the bath, hair wet, nipples pert, hips, thighs, cunt-
He's pulling his pants down quicker than he can manage, letting them pool around his ankles on the floor. He hisses as his fingertips brush the swollen length of his arousal, and he dares a quick glance between his legs. His cock has a reddish hue, similar to after he sups of Tav. It pulsates against his lower abdomen and he cautiously wraps a hand around his shaft.
It's not often he performs acts of pleasure upon himself. Usually his mind cages him off – scolds and berates him until he's too ashamed to continue. But with the influence of the Fool’s Tongue swimming within his consciousness, the voice is silent. The only thing Astarion feels is pleasure. Lust. Want. And openly; he openly wants to pleasure himself. And by the Gods, does it feel good.
He pulls up his shirt with the opposite hand to expose more of his abdomen and takes a few experimental jerks of his length. They're soft and slow; unhurried movements as he bathes in the pleasure rushing over his body. His eyes slip closed as he gives himself over to the sensation, hips bucking up each time his thumb passes his frenulum. Behind his closed lids he sees Tav again, kneeling between his legs, ready to take him within her inviting mouth. He moans wantonly as he focuses for a moment on his tip, trying to replicate the feeling of her suckling the head of him.
The door to the washroom opens, jolting Astarion from his thoughts. He makes no effort to cover himself, but instead waits patiently on the bed for Tav to discover the scene awaiting her. She exits the bathroom, running a towel through her hair, seemingly unaware of what has been occurring during her absence.
“I was thinking maybe we could mingle a bit with the others before calling it a night,” Tav suggests. She stands before the room's mirror, running a hand through her dampened locks. “How does that sound, Astar-” The rest of her sentence dies back in her throat as she observes him laying on the bed. “Oh,” is all she manages; a soft, strangled sound rising up from her chest.
He pants as he looks her over; she's wearing a simple, short beige dress. No brassiere, so her breasts fill the top of the dress naturally. It cinches at the waist with two drawstrings, while the rest flares out. The hem of the dress comes to right above her mid thighs, and Astarion swallows the sudden uptake in saliva pooling within his mouth. His cock twitches in his palm. “Y-you suggested I go to the shops,” he tries to explain. “Find something to help ease my trepidation.”
“I guess it was a success.” Tav replies, stepping closer. “I don't think I've ever seen you like this.”
Astarion catches a true blush rising to her cheeks as she studies him. As she stands before him, the scent of her arousal dances below his nose, and he groans. “It was, very,” he answers. “That d-dress is… nice,” he adds.
Tav smiles, stepping before him. “Is it?” she asks in a sultry tone. She grabs the hem of the dress and begins slowly pulling it up her thighs. “What about it do you like?”
Visions of her riding his lap flood his mind's eye. Astarion tosses his head back as he envisions taking her from behind, against the wall, on the floor – animalistic mating rituals between them both; rough, hard, fast. He can't help but suck in a sharp breath as he opens his eyes again to meet Tav’s gaze. He tries to answer her but no sound comes out.
With a smirk, she climbs onto the bed over him, hovering just above his cock. “What about the dress do you like, Astarion?” Tav reiterates. She's sure to leave her hips as far away from his hand as possible; she's aware of his intimacy issues, how delicate this situation is. She leans over him to place chaste kisses over his forehead. She smiles against his skin as he resumes tugging at himself with soft jerks of his hand.
“The convenience,” Astarion replies in a whisper. His desire is mounting, threatening to burn out of control unless release finds him soon. Tav laughs, and briefly drops her hips over the hand pumping his cock. They both moan as his knuckles brush between her slick, sending Astarion's mind reeling. “You're… you're n-not wearing-”
Tav nips gently at the pale elf’s ears, reveling in the instinctive bucking of his hips into her core. “No, I'm not,” she teases. She feels Astarion shudder beneath her and she licks the shell of his ear, moving quickly down to kiss the underside of his jaw. Tav brushes her center over his fingers again, this time deliberately passing over the tip of him.
He swallows thickly as a gasp escapes his parted lips. As hot as the thought of Tav riding his cock makes him, the shackles of his subconscious are threatening to yank his chain. “I can't, not all the way,” he pleads. Ghastly hands are threatening to enclose around the column of his throat. “Just this, please.”
Tav pulls away from him momentarily, her brow knit in concern. She studies his eyes – ruby red gems hooded over in lust. She nods, placing a gentle kiss to his forehead. “Just this, then,” she says reassuringly.
Astarion sighs in relief and continues stroking himself in earnest, knuckles brushing now and again against her sex. He groans as her arousal mingles with his, slickening the palm of his hand to create a luscious glide. “Gods, how I wish I could,” he groans out.
“Could what?” Tav teases. Her breasts are pushing against his chest as it heaves with labored breath. She returns attention back to his ears, licking along its shell to nip gently at the tip.
Astarion's eyes roll to the back of his head as his body convulses in pleasure. “T-take you,” he admits through a shuddered breath. He twists his hand over the head of his cock in a specific rhythm, pulling a guttural groan from the back of his throat. “I think about it often.”
“Do you?” Tav raises a hand to cup the back of his head. She leans over, bringing her mouth close to his ear. “So do I,” she whispers. “It's not fair, you know. Having experienced you prior. Only to be cut off and denied any more.”
“You're one to talk,” he replies. He stares up at Tav, his mouth hanging agape. “D-do you think it's any easier for me? To want so carnally, only to have to deny myself?” He slides a hand up her thigh to hold her waist, guiding her down onto his core. They both sigh at the sensation as he takes the same hand and now threads it through her hair, pushing their foreheads together. “To see how the others look at you, knowing I cannot yet claim you for myself. It's… maddening,” he breathes against her lips.
Tav sighs. “Yet, here I am… in your lap. And not theirs.” She captures his lips in a chaste kiss, though Astarion surges forward. She slackens her jaw to allow him better access; like a man starved he explores the warm cavern of her mouth, tongue intertwining with hers.
He breaks the kiss with a pull of her bottom lip. “I promise that one day I will,” he speaks against her lips. Astarion pumps himself faster, feeling the coil behind his navel wind tighter. “And when I do, you’re not to leave my bed for days.”
Tav pulls her head back, a smirk tugging at the corner of her lips. “Days?” she reiterates, feigning innocence. “Do you wish to mate me, Astarion?” 
His back suddenly arches off the bed, a gasp slipping past his lips. His knuckles brush against her sex again. “Yes,” he hisses through clenched teeth. “Fully, properly, lavishly.” He's babbling now. Logic escaping him, replaced by a tempting carpet of depraved carnal lust that threatens to unravel at the seams.
Tav kisses him gently again. “Should I tell you a little secret?” she asks. She doesn't wait for a response before continuing. Sliding her face again to Astarion’s ear, she says quietly, “What if I were to tell you that you already have me?”
He blinks up at her in bewilderment. “H-how would that be?” he stammers. “I've barely done anything. I can hardly touch you without-”
“Because it's you,” Tav explains. “It's you I think of when I'm alone.” She shakes her head. “No one else.”
Astarion rushes forward again, capturing his lips in a desperate kiss. “...The Gods truly made you just to ruin me,” he says, pulling away with a huff. He closes his eyes as he twists his wrist over the swollen tip of his length again, a soft sigh falling from his lips.
“Are you close?” She speaks softly to him, rubbing the pad of her thumb over his cheek. “Would telling you how good you are to me help?”
The coil winds tighter in his lower belly at her praise. He hums, cock twitching in his palm, pre-fluid now gathering at his tip. “A-almost,” Astarion stammers again. “M-my ears, touch them again, please.”
With a giggle, Tav dips her head into the crook of his neck, kissing along his skin leading up to his ear. She rubs at his other with her opposite hand, lavishing delicate attention to each of their tips. “Have I ever told you how handsome you are when you reach your peak, Astarion?” she pants into his ear. “The way your mouth hangs open in a silent gasp, how your eyes roll to the back of your head.” She watches him throw his head back, his hand picking up speed as he strokes himself. Tav dips her head again to his neck, nipping gently at the exposed column of skin.
“I'm going… if you keep, a-ah,” Astarion insists, breathing ragged. His chest is heaving, the influence of the Fool’s Tongue and overwhelming lust threatening to consume him. He's on the edge, right at the precipice, almost there, just a touch more-
Tav drops her hips over him again and he seizes, hips bucking wilding up to meet her. She latches onto his neck and sucks, hard enough that he knows a mark will be present by morning. Suddenly Astarion is falling over the cliff, mouth dropping open in a drawn out groan. His vision blanks, thick ropes of his release paint his lower belly as he jerks himself through the last of his orgasm.
She kisses the tip of his nose as she climbs off, picking her towel up from off the floor. Astarion lay on the bed panting, the room still spinning around him. As he comes to, he opens his eyes to meet Tav, who holds out the towel to him. “Did that feel good?” she asks, curiously.
He nods before replying, “Quite. I've used Fool’s Tongue before, but it was nothing like this.”
“Hmm,” she hums as he takes the towel from her. “Perhaps I should join you, next time?”
He huffs a quick laugh as he wipes the release of his belly, giving Tav a genuine smile. “That would certainly be something.”
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 11 months
Okay so assuming there is absolutely nothing going on come Halloween night, no ancient threats or out of nowhere invasions or anything, which of the HoM would be up for trick-or-trwating, from most to least hyped?
These 6 would be especially excited for trick-or-treat out of the lot!
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Their trick-or-treating would probably consist of them crashing people's homes (enemies and friends alike) to play some harmless (or not) pranks in the spirit of Halloween.
Randy just in general enjoys Halloween and dressing up. Danny is more excited to have Halloween fun with people not from Amity Park (or more like fun to mess with people who are actually afraid/get scared of ghosts unlike most of Amity citizens). Ben and Jun just likes any excuse to mess with people. While Zak and Rex are all up to have some relatively 'normal' fun with a group of friends (something they didnt have many opportunities for when they were younger).
The other three wouldn't mind joining them, but they would be more excited about hosting a big Halloween Party!
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Kim, Jake and Jenny always sought out more social forms of holiday celebration, and they really would enjoy hosting a big party, open to all of their friends, be they magical, alien or human. Rex would also be incredibly excited (if not to actually host but to participate in it) because it is another 'normal' experience he never had a chance to get before.
Also can you imagine how rad the party would be???
There is also another thing two of them would be very excited about...
Haunted House/Maze.
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Danny and Ben would get into a contest of who could make a better Haunted House/Maze for the party (with some assistance from Randy and Rex).
As I said before, Danny, with all his ghostly powers and expertese would be excited to make a Haunted House for people outside of Amity Park. While Ben would probably rise the challenge to Danny's efforts, saying that he could make a scarier maze.
And the truth is, despite all the ghostly things Danny can do, Ben would make a very decent opposition (and for why, you really need to only refer to Ben 10:AF episode Above and Beyond, that kid can be very sinister lol).
So the party would end up with two haunted mazes, one themed around ghost /spirits /magic, and the other themed around horror movies/sci-fi/aliens, which would fit really well, considering the diversity of their friends. ;D
also i dressed them up like that because
Danny as Phantom, dressed as Fright Knight because i just keep thinking about the dude. Danny as Fenton, a low effort t-shirt because he would be spending more time as Phantom.
Randy as Sorcerer, because despite defeating him, Randy can admit that he was pretty freaking spooky.
Zak as Francis (agent clone boy), because they planned to crash their agency HQ and Zak knew it would annoy Francis.
Jun as Loki of Marvel Variety, because she knows it would annoy Taylor (their universe Loki's demigod son) and it just amuses her in general how popular and different a Marvel Loki is, compared to that Loki she knows and is imprisoned.
Kim as Warmonga, mostly because i wanted to dress her as one of her enemies, but didn't want to go easy way of dressing her up as Shego or Dr. Krakken.
Jenny as Vexus, because Vexus design slaps and i wanted to.
Ben, Rex and Jake went the low-effort easy route (because they are like that), with Jake just freely walking around as Dragon (and people complimenting him on his scaly suit lol), and Ben and Rex transforming freely and whenever the want.
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littleabriel-blog · 1 year
Why You Shouldn't Watch Loki S2
With Season 2 of that show making its debut tomorrow, I thought I would make one last ditch effort to convince people not to watch it. It's not just because it's a horrible show that makes a mockery of my favorite Marvel character. There are a lot of problematic elements that contribute to the long list of reasons why people should not give Disney their money or ratings.
I am imploring people, one last time: If you must hate-watch the season, pirate it. If you must watch with some lingering hope that the real Loki will somehow make an appearance (and based on the reviews I have seen, that seems very unlikely), pirate it. Please don't contribute to Disney's ratings. Disney isn't going to care if you're hate watching or if you are only watching it hoping to get a glimpse of the Trickster we all know and love. They only care about numbers, and high ratings might mean we'll get stuck with another season of this utter dreck.
That said, here are some reasons why you should rethink giving this show your views:
It glorifies abuse and torture
In this show we are treated to the sight of Mobius using torture as "therapy", emotionally beating Loki down to the point where he capitulates to the TVA's demands, punishing him for having a crush on someone else by sticking him in a room for hours (at least) with an illusionary Sif who kicks him in the balls and punches him on repeat while further hammering the whole "you'll always be alone, you don't deserve good things" message, and generally working for an organization that subjects Loki to mockery, bullying, sexual assault (being stripped without his consent--that scene wasn't hot. It wasn't sexy. It was horrifying and I really, really have to wonder about the mental state of anyone who is at all turned on by it. Think about it, if Loki were a woman who was being forcibly stripped, there would have been loads of hatemail filling up Disney's servers), and slavery.
That's even before we get into the atrocious way Sylvie treats him. I've gone into how she treats him many, many times, how she belittles, invalidates, silences, and oh yes tries to kill him for daring to ask her to reconsider killing HWR. If the roles were reversed and Loki treated Sylvie like that? You ladies who love the ship so much would be boycotting Disney. It's no less abuse just because it's a woman doing it to a man.
It glorifies fascism
The TVA is very much Nazi coded yet they are framed as heroes...well, except when they're picking on Sylvie of course, since she's all pure and good and can do no wrong (Mary Sue powers activate!) They torture a character who is very much Jewish coded, an effeminate man who is very much the Other in the home he grew up in.
And what the hell is this?
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As a Jew, I find this image deeply, deeply disturbing. It's a fucking gas chamber, y'all. It. Is. A . Gas. Chamber.
I don't know how anyone can NOT see how problematic it is.
It has Jonathan Majors in it
I really don't give a flipping shit if they're "only" allegations or if they wrapped up filming before the allegations came out. People boycotted Flash for Ezra Miller doing basically the same thing, so I don't see why it should be any different with Majors.
But then I know from experience that some of you so-called feminists out there are only about protecting or believing women when it suits you. Can't have a little thing like not supporting a domestic abuser get in the way of your wish fulfillment self-insert fantasies of beating the crap out of Loki before fucking him.
The first season was written by a total creep, and that same creep is producing the second season
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'Nuff said.
I don't want to hear how "selfcest doesn't exist", especially in a fictional universe where you have sorcerers, witches, men with super soldier serum running in their veins, magic plants that turn individuals into superstrong Cat People, and talking raccoons.
And even without the selfcest, that ship is a very problematic one, as I stated above, and have continued to talk about at length.
It's just plain awful
The plot is predictable, full of holes, and not even that original (it's cribbed directly from a script Waldron wrote that was so awful, even SyFy wouldn't produce it, plus see my post with the clip from Batman Returns). Loki is grossly OOC in it...seriously, there is not a single hint of the character I had grown to love from Thor 1, Avengers, and the Dark World. He's nerfed all to hell (an Asgardian god who can take on Thor easily is beaten up by human rednecks?), and he's lost all his cunning, wit, intelligence, and grace all in favor of turning him into a sophomoric slapstick clown and the butt of everyone's jokes. The newer characters are poorly mapped out and one dimensional.
It's just...bad.
So there, that's my last ditch attempt to convince people to boycott this piece of shit. I realize my pleas might be falling on deaf ears, much as Loki's pleas fell on Sylvie's, but I had to get it out there.
Other Loki show antis can add to this or elaborate if they want. I'm too tired to be too coherent right now.
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lowkey-a-loser · 7 months
Deeper Feelings (Satoru Gojo x fem!Reader)
This is my very first time writing something like this, so I apologize for any future mistakes or mischaracterization made in the following work🙏 
Hope you enjoy! 
[Chapter One] - Subtle Intentions
It was the beginning of their second year at Tokyo Jujutsu High when Satoru, Suguru, Shoko, and (Y/N) were stopping by a café. They just finished a mission and agreed on checking out this new place to grab themselves some refreshments.
(Y/N), whose drink was served first, was sent to find a table for the group. Satoru had followed her after convincing his best friend to order his drink for him.
The female sorcerer settled at a booth by the windows, Satoru sat in the seat opposite of her.
Bits of strawberry in her drink sunk to the bottom of her cup, which she stirred up with the straw before taking a sip. She almost couldn't hold back a squeal at the sweet flavor of her go-to beverage.
Then a quiet, zoned out Satoru caught her attention. Quiet? That was a bit odd for someone like him.
At least he seemed quiet. In reality, Satoru's attention was stuck (Y/N). He took notice of the little excitement she had shown after tasting her strawberry lemonade, a beverage he thought suited her perfectly-sweet, refreshing, and cute.
(Y/N) gave it some thought and let out a soft hum. "You want some?" She asked, holding her cup out to the boy across from her. She figured she'd offer some to the guy, thinking that they were at least close enough to share snacks or drinks like this.
Satoru blinked. He looked surprised at the offer and raised his cheek off of his fist. She was practically offering him a kiss! Well, an indirect kiss.
Not that Satoru was complaining. He's been crushing on this girl for a while now, almost letting the thought of that indirect kiss fluster him. Luckily, the sorcerer was able to contain himself.
"Eh? Sure!" He accepted in his usual energetic tone, taking the beverage from her hand.
Satoru paused before drinking it.
He couldn't help but notice the faint lip gloss residue on the straw, left by the cute girl in front of him. His gaze impulsively flickered between the pink stain and (Y/N)'s glossy lips.
Ah, damn.
He sucked in a breath of air. "Then, thank you for the drink~" His words came out in a playful song. It was an attempt to play off the subtle pink tint coloring his face. If he had to be honest, the sugary sweet strawberry lemonade fit his tastes amazingly, especially considering how much of a sweet tooth he had.
Except, the sweetness of the drink only added to the sweetness of (Y/N), or at least it did to him. As dark as his round black frames were, there was no doubt about it-Satoru's vision was obscured by rose tinted glasses.
The girl didn't seem to notice the subtle hesitation he had, or the glances he stole at her.
Satoru chuckled lightly at that, thinking about how innocent this girl was. Or rather, how inattentive she was for not noticing his behavior around her. But, he thought her cluelessness was endearing.
He sighed, finally taking a sip, or rather, gulps, of the strawberry lemonade.
(Y/N)'s eyes widened when she noticed how much of the liquid he was consuming. "H- hey! Don't drink it all!"
She hurriedly snatched the plastic cup back, looking disappointed at the amount left remaining. A defeated grumble left her lips.
Satoru laughed, feeling only a bit bad for downing half her lemonade. "Aha~ Sorry, sorry! I'll buy you a new one, swear!" He put his hands up defensively, but his face wore the biggest grin in existence.
The girl knitted her brows, glaring at him disapprovingly. Satoru knew she wasn't truly mad at him, but he did feel a hint of guilt. Was he really going to be this mean to his crush?
(Y/N) huffed. She propped her elbows up on the table before resting her chin in her palms. Satoru had gotten up during this. She saw him making his way to the counter and assumed he went to check on Shoko and Suguru. The liquid in the cup slowly depleted and (Y/N) stirred the straw idly, waiting for Satoru to return with their friends.
After a few long minutes, the three finally met at the table with their drinks in hand. Shoko slid into the booth beside (Y/N). She had ordered some kind of bitter tasting coffee, a drink (Y/N) couldn't find appealing unless it was sweetened. Though she had to admit, she loved the smell of freshly brewed coffee.
Suguru took the next seat across from the girls, the one where Satoru had been sitting earlier. From what (Y/N) could tell, it looked like a hot tea beverage. She thought about how that was just like him-calm, relaxing, and charismatic.
But it seemed like she forgot something.
"Where's Go-" Her concerns were cut off when a certain someone pretty much slammed a drink down in front of her. When she looked up, it was the very white haired teen she was about to mention.
"Ah, Gojo-"
"Haah... Sorry." He groaned exasperatedly. That was when (Y/N) realized that the drink he 'slammed' in front of her was the same strawberry lemonade she just shared with him.
Suguru seemed amused by this, grinning softly at the interaction. Shoko spared a glance, her own face gently creased by her usual unbothered smile.
"Satoru, you should really be more polite, especially when you're apologizing." Suguru chimed in, sampling his tea.
The white haired boy scoffed, shooting Suguru a dirty look. (Y/N) couldn't help but snicker at Satoru's actions. He glanced at her as she did so, rolling his eyes at what he deemed to be-playfully-mocking laughter.
"Well, you kept your word in the end." She commented through chuckles. "You felt bad, didn't you?" A smirk graced her lips as she teased him.
Satoru clicked his tongue at her comment. "Huuhhh!? No way." He denied. "I just thought that look on your face was pitiful, so I did you a favor." He 'explained', sitting down next to Suguru. The two were now diagonal to each other.
"Pfft-" She broke into laughter again, habitually bringing a hand up to cover her mouth. "Aha- ahaha!" It was obvious she didn't fall for that made-up lie, finding it amusing instead of taking offense to it.
Her laughing fit subsided a few seconds later and she wiped away an imaginary tear. "Were you so set on my forgiveness that you forgot your own drink?"
Satoru didn't even notice it himself, but he'd yet to buy his own refreshments. Suguru didn't get him one either, claiming he 'just forgot'.
The white haired sorcerer didn't know what to say to that, only retaliating by refusing to respond.
Both Shoko and Suguru chuckled at his childishness.
(Y/N) giggled as well. Although, she felt a tad bit bad for him, seeing as he went out of his way to make it up to her. "Mm... Thank you anyway, Gojo. Since you were sweet enough to keep your promise, you can have a bit of mine." She proposed.
"A bit, okay? Don't chug it all like earlier..." She warned, eyeing him skeptically despite being the one to offer.
Satoru attempted to seem uncaring, draping his arms over the booth. "Uh huh, of course ." He shrugged, trying to seem as smug as he usually was.
Except, the slight flush on (Y/N)'s cheeks didn't go unnoticed by Satoru. His heart pang at the sight. God, did he like this girl.
She was cute, clumsy, and way too easy to get along with. And she always enjoyed Satoru's company, which he silently appreciated. And God, the way she laughed was just so contagious. She was the kinda girl with a big but quiet smile, the type you'd only get to appreciate if you were really paying attention.
Satoru snapped out of his own thoughts when he noticed himself staring at her again. He quietly hoped that the others didn't catch his change in behavior. He exhaled when he saw them preoccupied with their own conversations.
Unbeknownst to him, Shoko did notice his behavior. He was lucky that Shoko was nice enough not to point it out.
Shoko was a girl, after all. She had a sense for these kinds of things. Well, so did (Y/N). She was great with reading the room, people, and general emotions. Unless it was someone with romantic intentions towards her. Ironically, she struggled with deciphering their feelings, though that might be due to her own fear of confronting them.
"They've been putting us on so many missions lately..." (Y/N) complained, supping her beverage. She groaned at the idea of more missions being piled onto them, Satoru did the same.
"Hey, you should be thankful to have me and Suguru here with you." He referred to themselves being the strongest and shrugged cartoonishly.
(Y/N) clicked her tongue. "Are you kidding me? You guys are probably the reason we're getting so much work." She let out an exasperated sigh.
Suguru grinned at their bickering. "It's because of the sudden increase in cursed spirits." He informed. Although the group already knew that, no one had pointed it out yet.
Shoko didn't say much. Instead, she took out a cigarette to light. (Y/N) noticed that.
"Ah, Shoko," (Y/N) tapped her shoulder before referring her to the no-smoking sign. "I don't think you can do that here."
Shoko let out a small noise of acknowledgement. "Ehh? I see..." She disappointedly tucked her cigarette away, opting to drink the coffee she purchased instead.
A bit of time passes in the café. The group of teens agree that it's about time to get back to campus, and they do so.
On their way back, Satoru steals a few sips of (Y/N)'s drink. Well, it should be fine, right? (Y/N) was the one that offered in the first place. He didn't seem as hesitant about it like he was before. In fact, he was totally taking advantage of her offer now! Not in the way that he was trying to steal her drink, but in the way that Satoru Gojo, whose feelings towards (Y/N) continued to blossom, liked the subtle intimacy with these small acts.
[End notes]
I'm debating on how much fluff/angst/smut there should be in here, though I didn't initially intend to make it super emotional🤔
My original idea was something cute with a lil smut, but since I decided to start off right before the hidden inventory arc...
Anyway, thanks for reading! Hopefully my writing wasn't too bad lol (feel free to criticize me)
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alexendria-rose · 2 months
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~The love Between a sorcerer and an ex assassin~ 3
Part 1, Part 2
A/n- so this is a little bit of the readers childhood past, this is mostly what the chapter is about. It will be a lot, I won’t go into specific details because that’s too much but I will basically be stating it. And yes the avengers do break up in this and I know it doesn’t make sense since Thor hair was already cut and Stephen isn’t in any of it but ya know it’s a fanfic so cut me some slack lol but most of it from here on out should be accurate. Also more of Stephen and readers slow burning love.
Warnings: cussing, Childhood trauma, SA, assault, PTSD, the inability to have children:(
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I never should’ve gotten involved between Tony and Steves fight. And now here I am hiding out in the sanctum, knowing Stephen would take me in. We’ve gotten closer in the last couple months-him not getting involved with either sides. Well unfortunately for me I was; especially on Steves side, where I was a walking criminal now and didn’t know where the others were-before I got onto that stupid jet; Stephen decided to get me before I got to far into the fight. The fight against the only family I knew triggering me in ways I didn’t even know. I couldn’t sleep knowing the avengers were split up and no longer had that family bond that we all once had. It was rough- not being able to go to Natasha and rant to her about this going around in my head. Now I was stuck with my thoughts- my childhood/the red rom triggering all of it; thinking about how it all started when I officially became a widow and there was not turning back,
“No please don’t!” My 5 year old self cried, the tears rolling down my cheeks as they pinned me down to the gurney. The doctor pinned my wrist down before putting a cuff on both of them.
“This is for the better. Dear child.” The doctor shushed me before patting my hair in a disgusting manner. “We’re just going to do a small procedure…” he whispered harshly. The other male opening up my small legs. I sobbed loudly wondering and pondering what procedure they should attempt to do-I was just a child not realizing that they were about to take the ability of not being able to have them myself. The doctor sticks the needle in my neck-me screaming at the pinch before realizing the black around me.
The fact that Draykov had so much faith in me at such a little age-made me sick to my stomach. Five years old I got the involuntary hysterectomy… most widows didn’t get those until they finally graduated but he knew I didn’t remember much of my family being the youngest widow; easily brainwashed it was like he kept me as a little trophy to prove to the other girls that I was smarter, swifter and better then them which made me an easy target for the girls that were jealous of the “great treatment” I was getting-not knowing being the favorite was ten times worse.
Draykov watched as I continued to fight the widow in front of me, my small arms and tiny body that was not even reached to full adulthood-just merely 12 years old, fought a widow much bigger then me; much older, more experienced. But for me-I was still quicker, faster and had much more advantage than her. I swept under her feet making her fall harder onto her back punching her across the face in the process knocking her out in an instant. Draykov starts clapping slowly making his way towards me before grabbing my chin- his thumb caressing my lip.
“Good job little one, look at you go.” He voice dripping with venom and poise. The way his eyes flicked up and down my body with the very exposed tightness of the suit clinging into the youth of my skin. I shake slightly under his touch, terrified as I stared at him.
“Thank you.” I mumble trying to stop the shake in my hands as he stared at me. The other widows watched in distaste, Natasha was the only one who looked at Draykov with disgust and anger in her eyes at the situation. God how badly I wish I can run away from this with her. Draykov grins at me his hand moving down to my waist caressing it with a soft touch but a disgusting one at that.
“This is why you’re the best widow my child.” He whispers lightly his hand resting on my waist. “You’ll get your reward later.” My stomach drops knowing exactly what that “reward” implied, something painful, something I’ve always wanted to stop but never could knowing it would just lead to torture rather than death. Draykov pats my hip before moving swiftly away from me. Natasha looks my way as the tears start to cloud my eyesight before looking at the widow that was unconscious below me- I quickly blink the tears away trying not to let the emotions fall knowing that punishment would eat away at me, I couldn’t be a weak widow-
The memory often ate me up, it hurt me that I couldn’t stop it but hurt more that I was just a child. A grown man idolizing a child that way… I laid in my bed staring at the wall before slightly gazing at the alarm clock near the bed- oh wow that’s lovely it’s already 1:00Pm and I’m here doing nothing. I sigh loudly taking the blanket off my body, my body shivering from the heat that was taken off my body but the cold hitting my exposed skin instead. My head pounded as I sat up too fast, the memories that sat in my head were knocking against my skull. I didn’t even notice the dry tears on my cheeks nor the red dark circles under my eyes. Why did the avengers have to split up? Everything was good, everything was great until that moment that everything went down hill for the team. And here I was hiding out in the sanctum because I was a literally criminal now; well I guess I’ve always have been… I guess it’s a different kind now huh?
I feet pad towards the kitchen in the sanctum rubbing my red eyes from the lack of sleep.
“Well good morning sleeping beauty.” I jump slightly at the voice turning around to face the only voice that I knew better then ever now.
“Why do you do that!” I groan towards Stephen. He chuckles lightly walking towards me as I lean against the counter. He stands right in front of me-way too close where our bodies are basically touching but reaches above me grabbing a mug a smile on that stupid smug face.
“For an assassin you really don’t seem to focus on your surroundings.” He laughs softly before moving his body away from me. Suddenly missing the closeness- nope can’t think of that. I roll my eyes at him before turning around and grabbing my own mug.
“An ex assassin.” I mumble lightly watching Stephen grab the pot of coffee pouring some in his mug, I bring my mug out giving him pleading eyes. “Can I have some?”
“You can,” he quicks an eyebrow giving me his teasing stupid smile.
“You know what I mean!”
“I know what you mean but you’re not saying it right.” He laughs moving the pot away from my grasp, I move my way in front of him trying to grab the pot from his hand but he moves way up so I couldn’t reach it.
“You’re an asshole. You know I could just flip you. Remember I’m an assassin.” I mocked him from what he said from earlier.
“You know that’s an unfair advantage. I’m just looking for one word.” He jokes looking down at me with a grin on his face. I try to jump up to grab the pot but he keeps it out of my reach before I end up tripping on my own toes because of my own stubbornness(can’t believe I use to be an assassin) Stephen uses his other arm catching me in the process of me basically almost falling flat on my face, my face close to his and his close to mine. My hand automatically placed on his chest as I looked at him. The tension obviously there from the way we both freeze from the contact, the intense eye contact. My eyes flickering all over his face, his doing the same as both our breath hitched at the same time. His head seemed to move closer to mine, my head unintentionally moving closer to his before realizing the situation; I grab the pot from his hand pushing my body away from him as quickly as I could. He clears his throat noticing the way I was hastily pouring the coffee in my cup trying to escape this situation.
I didn’t understand how Stephen made me feel these things. The way my heart always sped up around him, or the fact whenever he got super close my mouth would go dry, or whenever he would sit at his desk while I read my eyes would always linger towards him. Was it just strong friendship feelings? Maybe… but it was different that’s for sure. Something I haven’t felt before, but it also felt wrong. Part of me knew what I was feeling but that also scared me. Knowing I told myself that I would never get close to someone like that. Never. And I mean never.
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“Y/n. It’s a go.” The widow whispered into my earpiece. I brought the sniper up to my eye as I watched the person I had to take out. I didn’t care for who it was, my brain felt blank, as I just followed instructions. Yelena stood next to me as she stared at the same girl. I look towards Yelena and nod silently.
“Ready.” I mumble. Yelena nods back, focusing on the mission on hand.
“Fire on the place of three.” Yelena mumbles. “5,4-“ suddenly the alarms start ringing and kids start shouting. “She made us, target deployed smoke.”
“She’s on foot with the package. Stay high. Yelena and I are going to ground.” I mumble into the earpiece placing the sniper down as does Yelena. Before we start repealing from the roof onto the ground. We unhook our things before dashing towards the woman on foot with the package. We kick down the door that she moves across the woman getting hit with a car in the process. Yelena sees the package immediately going towards it, I run towards the woman tackling her down so she could grab the package, the woman starts to tackle me back before landing a hard punch on my face kicking Yelena legs in the process and grabbing the package back, she grabs Yelena hair pulling it back trying to get her to drop the knife but she also grabs a the thing from the package spraying it in Yelena face. I grab the woman while Yelena looks lose all the suddenly. I grab my knife before stabbing the woman in the stomach, and Yelena snaps her head towards me.
“Y/n stop!” She yells, the woman lays still looking at both of us, as I stand up to look at Yelena.
“Spray her with it.” The woman grunts out. “Free the others.” She manages to gasp out. Yelena looks at me as I glare Yelena the antidote holding close to my chest. Yelena grunts before trying to grab the bag from me but I kick her down grabbing my knife- not knowing what I was doing I start to lift my hand to stab Yelena but she was able to grab the antidote before I could spraying it on my face. I gasp out loudly dropping the knife in the process looking down what I was doing; wait where was? What was I doing? Yelena?
“Yelena?” I gasp out looking down at her, tears welling up in my eyes realizing I was about to kill the only kind of sibling I had.
I scream out loudly as I sat up from my bed. The sweat collecting on my forehead-actually everywhere on my body. I gripped the bedsheets as the tears welled up in my eyes thinking of the awful memory of being mind-controlled. All the evil things that draykov did while being mind controlled. How much he took advantage of that situation. My bedroom slams open revealing a very worried and scared Stephen. My hands start to shake as I look at him trying to form some sort of words. The tears trickling down my cheek. He rushes over to me moving himself on the bed before holding me close to his body. I grip onto his shirt my eyes wide in fear, he rocks me trying to calm my shaking form.
“It’s okay. I’m right here.” He consoles running his shaky fingers through my hair holding me close and tight; I feel my body relax from his warm and gentle hands running through my hair. I sigh deeply sniffling softly.
“I wish it was just a nightmare.” I murmur out calming down my breathing and my trembling. He places his head ontop of mine.
“We don’t have to talk about.” He coax me softly his voice gentle and tender as he continues to rock me and hold me close. “Just relax, I know you haven’t slept in days. I need you to sleep.” He moves his hand to my back rubbing gentle motions to calm me down. I take a deep inhale breath appreciating the fact that he wasn’t forcing me to talk but rather worried by the fact I was indeed not sleeping well. He lays down against the bed more, my head on his chest as he continues to rub circles on my back and his moving through my hair. I close my hairs enjoying hearing his heart beating against my ear, and his soft breaths included in so.
“Don’t leave.” I muttered sleepily holding him close as I feel the sleep overcome me.
“I won’t. Im right here doll.” He whispers before the sleep finally overwhelms me.
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The feeling of two strong arms around me, the soft patterns of breathing overshadow me as I start to stir slightly; I open my eyes to see the familiar cheekbones and facial hair that I’ve become accustomed to. His lips slightly parted from his soft breathing, his chest heaving up and down, and the way his nose scrunched up at whatever dream he was having; made my heart fluttering. He slowly opens his eyes sleepily looking down at me, he hums gently rubbing my back gently.
“You okay?” He says in a murmur but in a raspy sort of way. Who knew his voice could go even deeper. I nod shyly not use to being this close to a man(well consensually…) I had to admit this was the best sleep I’ve ever gotten- well ever.
“I’m okay.” I whisper quietly. “Thank you.” He closes his eyes leaning his head back a small smile coming up to his lips.
“Anything for you.”
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A/n: LET ME KNOW IF YOU WANNA BE ON TAG LIST. LOVE YOU ALL. please let me know if you like this btw I want to see love in the comments!!
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lumienyx · 10 months
bloodless much?
I see @spacebarbarianweird's excellent point on Tav being unable to give Astarion blood that often since it would deteriorate their health.
But also listen.
One thing I love about DND sorcery is metamagic. At its most basic, it's ' twisting and adapting your spells to suit your needs.' Sure there are the canonical effects, but thinking outside game mechanics—technically as a sorcerer you can tinker with spells however you damn well please.
Which is what my Tav does when he makes a scroll that replenishes his blood faster than is humanly (or, well, half-elvenly) possible.
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Astarion ends up drinking the extra blood, leaving Tav with just enough for him to function normally and go about his day as usual (something to be definitely included in touch too much ehehe)
Which means:
A totally valid canonical reason for Tav letting Astarion drink from him daily, sometimes several times a day, i.e. Astarion never has to go without a sentient creature's blood ever again and is always well fed
I'd assume the first times Tav attempts this don't go over that well and that makes his blood cells multiply a bit too fast. He ends up going over to Shadowheart, thoroughly embarrassed and asking for a complex healing session for the Serious Condition he really could not have ended up with that quickly, having to painstakingly explain to her what the hells even happened (spoiler: she is Not Impressed. “You’re seriously making me waste a day’s worth of energy fixing you up because you wanted to become an infinite blood bank for your thirsty vampire lover?”)
Alternatively, and this fits EVEN BETTER (thanks to @satanicspinosaurus for pointing it out), the excess number of red blood cells is called erythrocytosis, which is what Tav would accidentally end up with as he experiments. And one of the primary treatments for this is LITERALLY phlebotomy, i.e. removing blood. So Tav explaining the whole situation to Astarion would probably go somewhat like this...
“Uh, Astarion?” “Yes, my sweet—” Astarion frowns after taking one glance at Tav’s face. “What is it? You look a bit feverish. Is something the matter?” Tav bites his lip, feeling his cheeks grow warm as he speaks, “Well. Yes. And no? Kind of.” “Eloquent.” Tav heaves a deep sigh. “Anyway. Shadowheart sent me. She can’t heal this… disease I have—or, well, she can, but she actually said the best treatment is something you can do for me. And we need to get to it fast, otherwise I’ll die, so. Here.” Tav extends his wrist, bared and ready to be drunk from. Astarion only blinks at him, zero understanding in his eyes and now quite a bit more concern. “You’re going to have to be a bit more specific, love," he says. "Why exactly did our resident healer send you to get healed by me? Especially since this is serious? My talents lie in stealth, trickery, and necromancy as of late—and you still look very much alive.” “Blood,” Tav grits through his teeth, looking anywhere but Astarion’s face. “You need to drink my blood. A lot of it. I completely fucked up the strength of a spell.” “What spell,” Astarion demands, “would lead to you needing to lose blood?” “I wanted to create one that would increase the amount of blood I have by speeding up the body’s natural blood replenishment speed,” Tav explains to the clouds he’s distinctly observing. Anywhere but Astarion’s face. “And well. I ended up with far more of it than I need. It’s my first attempt, all right?” He forces his head to turn to look Astarion at last, who’s still staring at him blankly, with slightly parted lips. Probably thinking Tav is a massive idiot. “You can drink just about a quarter of my blood at this point," Tav offers weakly. "With no consequence.” Astarion doesn’t react at first. At all. Simply stands there before Tav, looking at him long and hard as if waiting for more words that never come, as the weight of embarrassment blocks all of Tav’s attempts at further explaining himself. “Well, darling,” Astarion finally says, taking the couple of steps that separate them—and suddenly, Tav feels Astarion’s hands on him, locking him in an embrace he’s happy to be captive in. Tav melts into it, mesmerized by the hungry look in those red eyes, as always comforted by the coolness of Astarion’s skin as he leans in to place a kiss on Tav’s neck. “How could I say no to such a delicious treat?”
Astarion gets his treat every day from now on. He is very happy with the arrangement
The result of Tav’s experiments is a Scroll of Blood Replenishment that I imagine Tav would stylize to look quite cool, red parchment and all. But since he would be making those scrolls on the daily, I guess the red would be a bit overkill to do that often and it ends up looking like any other scroll, much to Tav's dismay, but he needs to keep things efficient for his lover
In time, Tav learns to cast the spell sans scroll (does Gale help him out with it? sorcerer-wizard buddies ftw??) So, Astarion can just slide up to him, pull a Puss in Boots look, and Tav would just have to whisper a few words, his body instantly providing a filling meal for Astarion whenever and wherever they are
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And I just think that’s neat, thanks for coming to my BloodTed Talk.
requests open
tag list (comment or dm to be added)
@spacebarbarianweird @satanicspinosaurus, @tallymonster, @tragedybunny
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arisenreborn · 4 months
VOCATIONS - Reverie:
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It came pretty naturally to her despite her lack of memories. 
She likes being able to keep some distance to have a better view and understanding of the lay of the land/how the battle is moving.
Usually this means she's quick with an arrow to help others, but sometimes she's recklessly inclined to want to rush in and physically put herself between others.
Seems almost lucky with her archery sometimes. She has a way of making it look effortless and skillful, but actually she has no idea how she did that. 
(Comes partially from her first cycle and being taught archery by her elven father; that 'luck' is more of the elven style of 'following your heart' still leaking through.)
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Comes very naturally to her, but she’s a little reluctant towards it in the beginning for reasons she can’t define.
She's very good at melee, but it does tend to fuel some of her less cautious inclinations - she gets very vicious and brutal, and takes more risky moves. Fortunately she also apparently has a high luck stat (usually).
I chalk it up to: her body remembers the movements, but she doesn't actually remember her thieves training, so she loses some of her subtlety.
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This doesn’t come naturally to her at all at first, and she’s primarily taught by Rann. 
She’s not as good as him, but takes to it pretty well. Especially the levitation spell, which she uses often.
Rann subtly hoped she'd take to it more so she could find a less reckless way of assisting others, but she just prefers it when he's healing. His magick feels so much calmer and soothing.
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There's a degree to which this suits her very well; she likes getting in there and being equipped to protect others...
But it requires slightly more patience and tactical-mindedness than she has either of.
Again, Rann taught her this - he's not really sure where he learned it either, but he at least had the basics down.
Overall she's very competent with this vocation, but better suited to others - besides, Rann cuts a much more dashing figure when he takes up the sword and shield.
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Nope. That sword is too heavy and unwieldy to her and her thiefy build X'D
Beren taught her initially, but because he was dismissed couldn't continue - (she was secretly a little relieved.)
She tried to continue training afterwards but hated it; could never time her attacks right. Spent more time getting laid-out and taking harpy talons to the face.
She was however stubbornly resolved to keep trying, until Rann landed some puppy dog eyes on her to finally stop. ("...All right, if it's for you." - Yet she's relieved to have a good reason to give it up.)
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Has an extremely high affinity for fire-based magicks.
Kind of goes into a semi-"berserk" state; she gets a bloodthirsty, nigh-mindless exhilaration from raining down so much destruction.
Honestly, it's a little intimidating to her. She'd rather not lose control of herself like that...
And Rann is so good at it anyway.
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Mystic Spearhand:
Perhaps surprisingly, this didn't go very well for her... The polearm is just not very intuitive to her.
Was shown the basics by Sigurd in Melve, tried a couple of times to hone her skills in it after they parted but repeatedly found herself flummoxed.
She really likes how it looks and thinks its very cool though when she watches Sigurd - wishes Rann could pick it up.
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Also not intuitive to her at all. It's far too hands-off for her.
There's a degree to which this illusory power seems familiar, it pulls her in... And similar to sorcerer, it unsettles her. Like she's looking too closely at something that will haunt her later.
Her and Luz tried multiple times to get it to work, and Luz believes she shows promise, but ultimately Reverie just tries to hit enemies with the censer.
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Magick Archer:
It feels like it should make sense to her! It feels like it ought to come naturally, and yet she struggles with it a lot.
Tried multiple times, failed terribly multiple times.
(This was Yumé's main vocation in DD1, so I think that reflects here narratively: Reverie feels drawn to it for that reason, but she isn't Yumé anymore.)
Something started to click when she picked up Warfarer though - putting her own spin on it and learning it in her own way.
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Towards the end of things she started to have some worries about how well she was pulling her own weight. When she began studying under Lamond, Rann complimented her that he thought this suited her perfectly, and she took a shine to it.
Perfect for balancing out her proclivities for both assessing things from a distance and seeing who needs help where - and rushing in quickly when needed.
She primarily uses it to swap between her bow and daggers, but she keeps a magick bow on back-up to try to get more comfortable with it while also being able to rely on her more tried-and-true methods.
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daquila · 1 year
Satoru’s Birthday Surprise! || Gojo Satoru x Reader
synopsis: in which you and your students surprise Satoru with a painting!
part 1: https://www.tumblr.com/daquila/717999046671925248/happy-birthday-toru-gojo-x-reader
Satoru is not the person that you really know.
He is independent, cocky, and loud around anyone— especially the higher-ups! But with you? He completely melts as he steps into your shared home.
But he’s also unpredictable.
The smell of freshly-cooked pasta lures him into the kitchen, only to be greeted by an eager Y/N that’s ready to knead some dough. You were attempting to bake a loaf of garlic bread since it would go well with your tomato-basil pasta. It was a recipe from the cookbook that Nanami gave you on your 25th birthday.
Normally, you wouldn’t really cook pasta so early in the morning; however, Megumi, Nobara, and Yuji are visiting later that afternoon. It was because of your husband’s birthday.
“ The kids are about to come inside— they’re just picking up some extra ice cream at the grocery store nearby, “ Satoru said as he hugs you from behind, pressing soft kisses on your shoulders and neck.
“ ‘Toru, please change out of those pajamas, “ you scolded, staring at his spider-man suit. The sorcerer proceeded to pout as he quickly took it off and replaced it with a button up shirt and pants.
“ Why! Did you want to gatekeep spidertoru! It’s MY birthday, “ he proceeded to complain as you scoffed and placed the dough in a pan.
The sorcerer heard giggles coming from the front door, assuming it were the three, he quickly ran to greet them.
Nobara and Yuji were carrying heaps of snacks, because they didn’t want Megumi holding anything. Apparently, they lost a silly bet while training with Inumaki and Panda. Megumi sure is receiving top-tier princess treatment!
“ Ah— ‘Toru, please hand them some drinks! I made some orange juice earlier, “ quickly shoving the dough in the oven, you started to clean the messy kitchen.
The students began greeting their teacher a happy birthday, and your husband delightfully greeted the treats into his mouth. They all gathered in the living room to play board games.
Megumi, who clearly just woke up from the car ride, helped you clean up. His head was still in the clouds, clinging onto that thread of sleepiness.
“ Shoo! Shoo! I don’t need your help, Megumi. Go have fun with your friends— I’ll be right here if you need me, “ breaking the silence, he just looks at you and nods. You just smile in reply— it’s his habit of staying silent when he’s still sleepy.
You proceeded to walk into the living room, carrying assortments of different types of pastas, croissants, and treats. The oven suddenly chimes as you settle the last tray of food.
“ Y/N’s bread tastes amazing while it’s still piping hot— my wife is such a chef, “ Satoru smirks, stuffing his mouth with a croissant.
“ Stop talking while eating, Gojo-sensei, “ Nobara scoffed, disgusted as she watched her teacher choke on his food. Megumi stands up and walks to your bedroom, finding the still-life that you and the students painted last time.
Satoru’s eyes melt into a softer expression once his student (and son) hands him the painting.
“ Is this for me? “ he says, hands clutching his chest.
Nobara then proudly boasts about her contribution to the painting as Yuji urges their teacher to open it.
But then something unexpected happens…
Your husband breaks out in an uncontrollable wail.
Chest heavy, nose running with yellow snot, he dramatically says, “ T-t-th-tha-thank….. y-yew…. “
He is the literal embodiment of a tall child.
You grab a box of tissues and wipe off the drama on his face. Nobara quickly takes out her phone and steals a picture of the sobbing sorcerer. I mean— who wouldn't! Megumi takes a mental note to remind himself to post that photo of Gojo crying.
For the next few hours, you and your students spend the time by absolutely destroying their teacher in a game of Monopoly. Satoru, however, would spend these next few hours thinking about how grateful he is to have you by his side.
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didnt proof read bc i never do … this is probably my longest fic yet
i have had this in my drafts for so long… i just decided to post this now bc ive got two requests for the part 2 already hehehehe
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Hi! I saw you were doing matchups and I would love to get one for Bg3 and Hazbin Hotel! <3 here’s the info about me:
Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Sexuality: I’m asexual biromantic, for the matchups I would prefer a male character, but any gender is fine if you think a girls fits me better!
Appearance: I have green eyes and dyed cherry red hair. I dress with vintage/fairy grunge clothes. Long skirts and corsets are my fav type of outfit. I wear lots of rings and crystal/pearl necklaces and love to exchange them with others. I also have tattoos, currently I have three but I’m planning to get more; and I recently got a vertical labret piercing. I love to wear makeup and come up with something creative and different everyday. Also if someone lets me do their makeup they’ll have my heart forever.
MBTI/Enneagram: I’m an ESFJ but I don’t know my enneagram.
Personality: I’m the mom friend of the group, always there for everyone and my friends say that I’m really good at comforting people. I’m also calm and responsible, I usually am the one that takes care of other people. I’m very optimistic, I always try to see the good in everything and I often put other’s needs before my own. I love making others laugh to lighten the situation. I’m not afraid to stand up for myself or for someone else but sometimes it’s hard for me to say no to things. I’m also very ambitious, I always try to achieve my goals.
Likes (at least 3 things): I absolutely love listening to music, it helps me relax and I really like reading (I love reading out loud to others, when I read dialogues I act them out a little to help picture the scene). I especially love fantasy and I recently got into greek mythology. I also love watching horror movies even though it’s impossible to scare me. I also play Dungeons and Dragons with my friends anytime I can. also, I absolutely love musicals and I’m definitely a theatre kid. Lastly, I adore art.
Dislikes (at least 3 things): I dislike when someone is too serious and really can’t take a joke as I tend to use humor as my coping mechanism. I also dislike people who need to judge others and comment on everything they do. Lastly, I dislike sports, they’re not really for me!
Extra fun fact: my favorite music genre is either musical songs, or like medieval folk songs/sea shanties, I found so many playlists on spotify!
Race: Tiefling, 100% my fav race
Class: Either a bard, or a sorcerer. If I can multi class both of them!
D&D alignment: lawful/neutral good.
I really hope I did this correctly, have a great day! 🫶🏻
~~~~~ MATCHUPS ~~~~~
When choosing these two characters for you, I took many things into account. First, the minute you said you act like a mom and everyone views you as a mom, I was immediately drawn to two very specific characters for both fandoms. Your aesthetic suits these two, and I chose them very well. Taking into account your hobbies, your passion, and the vibe I get from your message, I am confident in my two choices.
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~~~~~ HEADCANON ~~~~~
It's well known that Rolan has taken on the role of father with his two younger siblings.
Rolan wants to protect what he loves and cares about, which includes you. However, he doesn't necessarily see you as a child; he sees you as his equal.
Since you two met, his siblings would call you two mom and dad.
He can be harsh and overly serious, but once you crack his shell, he can be a big softy who loves to participate in playful banter.
He loves color-coordinating outfits with you.
He loves helping you learn and explore new topics you find interesting.
He is interested in the different properties of natural-born and learned magic.
He will ask you to show off your skills to him sometimes so he can admire you.
~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
The tower had been running smoothly for the last few months since Loroikan had been killed. Rolan had begun to heal, and you two had made the tower better than ever before. Wizards and spell casters from near and far came to your establishment to gain knowledge new and old. While Rolan ran the purchasing and sorting portion of the tower, you ran the extra activities and teaching portion of the building. From time to time, his siblings would come and go, helping every now and then.
As the day ended, you cleaned up the bottom part of the shop, ensuring everything was where it should be. Once done, you headed to the door, ready to lock it for the night, when Rolan's siblings came in. Cal and Lia looked reasonably intoxicated, blubbing with laughter, falling over, and not making any sense. Sighing, you wrapped their arms around your shoulder and began going up to the portal leading to the tower's living quarters. As you appeared inside the drawing room, the siblings started to sound even more delirious. You can only assume hearing the commotion Rolan came out from your shared room, a look of shock on his face, "We let them move out and look at the trouble they cause." You laugh lightly, allowing Roan to take Cal off your shoulder while you continue with Lia.
Once you two had cleaned and cared for the siblings, you lay in bed staring at the ceiling with Rolan. "I am glad they decided to come here and not wander around some alleyway." Rolan sighed, rolling on his side to face you better. "I agree. Doesn't mean they are any less of a problem." You smile, moving on your side now to face Rolan. "Oh, like you weren't a problem child growing up, Rolan. I heard the stories." Rolan laughed softly, moving to place some hair behind your ear. Slowly Rolan leaned in ready to kiss you, just as the ghost of his lips touched yours the door to your room opened. You both turned to look at the intruder and saw Lia holding her stomach. "Mom, Dad, I grew up."
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(You and Rolan had taken the day off, leaving the tower with his siblings. You two had found a lovely meadow near the town and began working on some new spells from a book you two were gifted)
Rolan: No, Y/N, I believe you have to do it like this (tried the spell and failed)
Y/N: No, Rolan, I am serious. This spell is meant for a blood-born magic user, and it's all about channeling your energy.
Rolan: Anything a Sorccer can do, a wizard can do too.
(Many hours of failing on both your parts happened. You took the book and sat down, looking over the words, noticing it sounded like a poem)
Y/N: Rolan, maybe it's meant for something other than the magic we are thinking of.
Rolan: huh?
(You begin to sing the poem, and the spell works, causing flowers to bloom all around you two)
Rolan: (sighing dreamily and staring at you) You are so talented and beautiful, my love. Now it's my turn.
Hazbin Hotel
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Lucifer Morningstar
~~~~~ HEADCANON ~~~~~
When I think of the cool, out-of-touch dad who wants to be present but is so far off, I think of this man.
He loves dad jokes and using humor to cope; the man has a rubber duck collection for crying out loud.
He would commission every fashion icon in Hell to make clothes for you two.
He is very protective of you when it comes to other demons, he has already lost so much that he's so afraid of losing you too.
He never limits your creativity or knowledge, though he wants to watch you excel in everything you want.
If you and Charlie hit it off, he's the happiest man on earth.
Even if you two don't hit it off immediately, he reassures you and helps you through it.
He loves to cuddle and just know you are there and haven't left him alone.
~~~~~ BLURB ~~~~~
You sat with Lucifer on a big red couch at the Hazbin Hotel. Though you and Charlie had a great relationship, you still felt out of place helping her make such large decisions as this since you didn't want to replace her mother. Lucifer had his arm wrapped around you, watching his daughter intently as she explained her plan for rehabilitating sinners once more. You were proud of Lucifer for stepping up and helping his daughter achieve not only her dreams but also his.
Charlie, striking a brilliant idea, pulled her dad up and walked him over to another part of the foyer to show him something. You sat there politely, watching the father-daughter duo having a good time together. As you watched from afar, the seat next to you dipped in. Turning to see who took your partner's place, you saw none other than Alastor. The relationship between you two was odd, see you came to hell due to killing those that harmed the ones you loved and Alastor respected that since he did that for his momma. He also gravitated towards you simply to piss Lucifer off. Knowing this, you spoke, "If you are looking to tease the man today, Alastor, you are out of luck. He and Charlie are enthralled in conversation." Alastor smiled that same smile every day, "Y/N, you see, he is always watching when it's the people he loves, and I just so happen to know he will come storming over here to push me away from you in the next few seconds."
As if on cue, Lucifer appeared heated; you could see the flames flying from him. You laughed into your hand while Lucifer sat down directly on Alastor till he moved. With a pout on his lips, Lucifer spoke, "You can not have Charlie, and you sure as hell can't have my future spouse, bud." Your laughing died down, gently caressing the back of Lucifer's head. Once Alastor and he had their verbal diss match, you leaned over and whispered in Lucifer's ear. "So, my love, when is the wedding?"
~~~~~ EXTRA ~~~~~
(Up in Lucifer's room in the hotel, you went to work on his face with your makeup. He willingly offered to help you achieve the new look you were going after. Just so happens your door was wide open, and every sinner couldn't help but take pictures of the vulnerable king)
Y/N: Alright, now close your eyes and wait to open them until I tell you the eyeshadow and liner are the essential parts.
Lucifer: My love, is this all necessary? You are beautiful without makeup, you know.
Y/N: yes, yes, you tell me every time, yet still let me do this once a week.
(A sudden bright flash blinded you, causing you to smudge your line)
Y/N: dammit
Lucifer: what's wrong, my love
Alastor: Nothing good, pal, just some mementos for future use
(Lucfier proceeded to chase Alastor around the hotel in an attempt to claim the pictures)
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creatorofstarrealm · 7 months
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I've a bit of issue with Mileena's writing in the Kahn coin au especially when it's comes to her backstory. But today I find a solution. What if I merged both of her origins stories. From Midway timeline and the NRS trilogy.
In the Midway timeline Mileena was created some time after Edenia was conquered and she and Kitana grew up together as sisters. In the NRS trilogy Mileena was a recent creation and she and kitana did not grew up together since her only purpose was to replace her.
So here the new idea that I propose. Kitana and Mileena grew up together but there was multiple Mileena's clone through out Kitana's life. Since Shang Tsung haven't been able to fully master the art of cloning, the Mileena clones just kept on dying. Resulting in each clone with a short lifespan and weak immunity.
Through out this time Kitana just thought that her sister was either missing, kidnapped or sick. But nah she was just straight up expired. With Shang Tsung creating a new clone for the next day.
With each new clone Mileena's memories would be updated. Although lacking the whole dying part. In Mk9 Shang Tsung had finally fixed his biggest issue with the clones and was able to get Mileena suited with the Edenian's longevity. Unfortunately it happened on the same day that Kitana learnt the truth. She found the new clone in the flesh pits and mistake it for a abomination. Shang Tsung revealed the truth.
Feeling betrayed and filled with anger Kitana rejects her sister. She brought Shang Tsung to the Emperor for judgement. But as all know Shao congratulates the sorcerer and reveals the truth of Kitana. But in all fairness Shao Kahn wasn't mentally well that day. He had finally combated the voice's influences but that cost him his intellect and sanity.
In his unwell state Shao Kahn has Kitana sentence to execution and proudly proclaim Mileena as his true daughter. Filled with anguish at Kitana's betrayal Mileena becomes fully obedient to Shao Kahn believing it to be her only purpose in life.
As for the purpose of Mileena's creation, she was created to kept a close eye on Kitana in case she would one day learn of truth of her realm and betray Shao Kahn. Beyond that she pretty much useless. The Tarkatan dna made Mileena more obedient and her blood thirst nature and ferocity made her an excellent assassin. Contrary to her sister Kitana.
I guess in a strange way this makes Mileena's origins all the more tragic since it pretty much clear that she was nothing but a experimental tool since the beginning and has more experience with death than any other character. Beside Geras. On and another tragedy on the twist is that Shao never loved Mileena. He always loved Kitana more.
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jb-nonsense · 11 months
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I feel like they're all pretty close in age, guessing by how he mentions parents when he wanted a kitten but then never mentions anyone but his mother afterwards. So I imagine maybe about 2 years between each sibling.
First I'm going to discuss thoughts on parents, to better explain the sibling relationships.
I feel like his father was a low born sorcerer and his mother a higher born woman, who may have met during adventuring. That's why his surname is Dekarios, as sometimes lower born people wouldn't necessarily have surnames. This may have caused his father, at times, to feel like he was not good enough for Morena.
Now, to the siblings.
I have named the older brother Taran, which means thunder. He was a gifted sorcerer who had no discipline for studies and books. This, of course, could cause great concern but that concern could be misconstrued as favoritism. Especially considering while Gale was more than likely a sorcerer as well, he had the discipline to sit down and study and apply himself. Maybe Gale's father trusted Gale to study more and focused on trying to reel Taran in. Maybe their father left with Taran to try to instruct him in a safer environment and they didn't return and that left a sore spot for Gale. The personality traits I would give Taran are impulsive, charming, and a bit roguish at times.
As for Aella, his sister, I'm still chewing on her development but I think her eventually being a bard suits my thoughts. But being the baby girl of the family, it's inevitable she was doted on and excuses made for her. She's a little spoiled but has a generally good heart and maybe her favorite thing as a child was when Gale would read her to sleep. Once both Taran and their father left, the three were close, but Morena could relate on certain matters with Aella more and Gale had to look elsewhere for guidance on matters.
This is really just word vomit and ideas swirling in my head. More development will happen in time.
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jlmichigan · 2 years
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Warning: My first fanfic attempt, please be gentle. Soft smut read at your own risk, episode 8 ending left me with a question I had to answer...
~set just after Willow episode 1x08~
The city gates behind them, they paused for a moment, looking to the horizon. Only way out was back to the water, back the way they came. They would have to figure the rest out from there.
Hearing a soft metal clanking beside her, Jade glanced over to see Kit self consciously smoothing her new chain/plate armor down her trim waist. She let her eyes travel down past Kit's hands, to where the armor hugged her deliciously curved bottom in a way Kit's leather trousers never had. "Mmmh". The sound escaped her lips before she could stop it.
"What?" Kit glanced back at her. Jade could only smile helplessly. A warm tingle lit in her belly at the way the Cuirass outlined every curve and valley of Kit's athletic frame. As many times as she had admired her friend's body, mostly in stolen glances while Kit rambled on about the next adventure she wanted to take, Kit had never looked like THIS. The tight fitting armor left little to the imagination. Her eyes started to slip back down across the suit...
"I'm gonna take it off," Kit asserted, looking back towards the horizon again. Jade's smile widened, a sudden thought of the soft skin underneath causing her cheeks to flush. "When?"
"As soon as I figure out how," Kit tugged a finger at the collar of the mail shirt.
Kit really had no idea how beautiful she was. She was fidgeting wth the armor the same way she always tugged at her gowns, as though she felt exposed in anything other than the loose manly shirts and leathers she normally chose to wear.
As the group started walking across the sand, Jade leaned in to murmur in Kit's ear, "I'm sure we can figure something out."
"Yeah? Well we better, because this thing is giving me a wedgie like you wouldn't believe". Kit hopped slightly, trying to shake the chain mail more loosely around her legs.
A sudden laugh bubbled out of Jade's mouth. She felt almost lightheaded, the loss of adrenaline leaving her shaky. How long since they'd had a good rest? Gods, and a bath. She still felt crusty from all the "camouflage" and rock dust.
"What's the plan?" she called up to where Boorman and Willow were leading the group, followed by Airc and Elora, who were talking earnestly.
"You're lucky a sorcerer plans ahead" Willow called back. "Everyone was so quick to run off the edge of the world, no one thought to bring supplies."
"Just so happens, I tied our things together with some inflated pig bladders, and sent them off the edge ahead of me. They should still be tucked safely by that big rock where I climbed up out of the water. We can rest there while we plan how to get back"
True to his word, Willow had managed to salvage most of their meager belongings. A worn tarp they could use to get some relief from the unsetting sun. The bits of fishing tackle and catch nets they had used to procure food on the long trek across the Shattered Sea. Two cracked leather bladders for carrying water. Flint and stone, a battered tin pot. And a pouch of tough as leather eel jerky. Ugh. If they ever got back home, Jade would happily forswear any food that came from the sea, especially eel.
"Ladies, who's up for a skinny dip?" Boorman boomed, already stripping his shirt off.
"Ugh," Kit exclaimed, while Elora flushed furiously. "Uh, I don't think so."
"No one? Your loss!" Boorman shed the rest of his clothing unashamedly, then climbed the rock to dive headfirst into the swirling waters.
"Ladies, if you want to clean up, I think there are some tidal pools around that hillock" Willow stated. "Prince Airc, if you'll come with me. I want to see what you remember of the Crone. Maybe we can gain insight to plan our next encounter with the Order of the Wyrm."
True to Willow's word, there were several shallow rock pools on the other side of the ridge. They could almost not hear Boorman's whooping and splashing.
Elora stripped down to her shift and entered the closest of the pools, sighing with satisfaction as the water pulled the sand and ash from her skin.
Jade took Kit's elbow and walked them a bit further, settling on a deeper blue pool with a flat outcropping on one side. "This look alright, princess?"
"Gods yes." Kit dunked her face and hands into the water, then shook her hair out like a dog drying off.
Jade sat on the outcropping and pulled her boots off, setting them carefully aside, then reached up to start unbuckling her leather tunic.
"Here, let me." Kit plopped down next to Jade and reached for the buckles of Jade's shoulder pauldrons. As she deftly pulled the straps from their buckles, her wet hair tickled against Jade's neck. Jade shivered. They had helped each other into and out of their fighting gear countless times, but there had always been an understood distance between them. The knight-to-be and the princess. Now she wasn't sure what they were. Kit's hands gently pulled the leathers off and set them aside, leaving Jade in just a thin shirt and breeches. One of Kit's hands softly brushed the base of Jade's throat.
"What about the Cuirass, your highness?" Jade croaked, then cleared her throat.
"Um, yeah. This should be easy to figure out." Kit started patting her armor down, looking for straps and edges to pull it apart. "Hunh. Where's the... I can't find the edge of this."
Jade twisted and started running her hands over the armor as well, looking for loose pieces. Despite the combination of plate and chain mail, there seemed to be no beginning or end to the garment, it all seemed made of one piece. Jade blushed as she realized where her hands had come to rest, on the rounded front of the breast plate. Uh, literally. She pulled her hands back as if burned. Self consciously, she looked back down the coast, and saw that Elora had her back to them and was singing to herself.
"No, hey..." Kit grabbed her hands. Looking directly into Jade's eyes, she put her hands back where they ached to be, on the swell of Kit's breasts. Jade's breath caught. "That's nice." Kit's breath sounded a bit ragged too.
"Your highness..."
"Don't. I'm not anymore. Or, I won't be after we bring Elora home. She'll be the royal and I'll just be the knight protecting her. Don't you get it, you and I, we don't have to play those parts anymore. We can just be... us."
Jade stared wonderingly into Kit's eyes, starting to see the possibilities. Could that even be true? Her hands trembled.
Something moved under her right hand as a finger twitched. Suddenly, with a series of metallic clicks, the Cuirass started folding in upon itself, returning to the smaller form it had been before it was activated.
Kit's eyes got wide. "You found it!"
"Unnhh," Kit's eyes suddenly rolled back in their sockets and the life went out of her.
"KIT!!!" Jade screamed.
∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆
"What's wrong with her?" Jade was frantic, patting at Kit's cheeks as she crouched on her knees beside her.
"Back up, I can't see." Willow lifted Kit's wrist in one hand, flattening his other across her forehead. Elora peered over as well, her red locks dripping onto Jade's shoulder and Kit's neck as she pressed in tightly against Jade. In the blur of moments after Kit fell over, Elora had fetched the sorcerer and alerted the party to Kit's distress. Jade sensed the others around them, but she only had eyes for Kit.
"You say this happened right after you deactivated the Cuirass?"
"Yeah. We didn't know how to get it off. I found the switch by accident, it's the Lux that does it."
"Elora, I don't know if you can see anything I cannot, but there doesn't seem to be any evil magic about her. I think she's just unconscious."
"I'm not sure how I would..." Elora sucked in a breath and blew it out slowly, closing her eyes and stretching both hands towards her friend and protector. "Ohhhh, there's this... Green glow thingie. It's like it's pulling some kind of energy out of Kit and drawing it into that, the flox capacitor..."
"Lux arcana" Jade supplied.
"Right. That."
"You mean it's draining her? We've got to get it off of her right now!" Jade fumbled at the straps on Kit's shoulders. The others lifted Kit's torso so Jade could slide the Cuirass off. She tossed the cursed thing to the side and gently lowered Kit back down, but the princess did not stir.
"I don't think that helped," Elora stated. "It still seems connected to her."
"I think I know what's happening," Willow interjected. "In magic, there is always a cost. Mystic artifacts, even and especially ones of great power, demand a price. In our world there must always be a balance. When that balance is upset, nature corrects."
"So you're saying she took out a power loan, and now the Cuirass has come to collect with interest?" Boorman puzzled. "Bummer."
"Eh. Something like that," Willow answered. "What powers did the Cuirass give her? From what you've all said, she had blinding fast speed, super strength, invulnerability... All while resisting the forces of darkness. That energy has to come from somewhere."
"Is she going to be all right?" Jade was desperate to know how to help her friend.
"I think so. Suffice to say, she won't be using that armor again anytime soon. A point we should consider when we plan our next encounter with the forces of darkness. I think she just needs rest, and some restorative nutrition. Elora, let's see what we can find for dinner."
"I can fish," Airk spoke up. "I'm the best at hunting and fishing. If there's something out there to catch I can find it. Here. Let's get sis back to camp, we already set up the shelter."
Jade grabbed one arm while Airk got the other, and they supported Kit's limp form between them, one arm over each of their shoulders.
"Here, I'll get your..." Elora quickly collected Jade's boots and leathers, while Boorman snagged the Cuirass with one hand and trailed behind them.
∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆ ∆
Jade twitched as a finger started tracing her eyebrow. Her eyes cracked open to see Kit's brilliant hazel eyes mere inches from her own green ones.
She had settled Kit's unconscious form against hers with Kit's head on her shoulder as they reclined on a cloak, Jade's own head cushioned by her boots, providing what little comfort she could to her friend in this harsh terrain. The flapping tarp over their heads provided the only shade from the ever present sun. The others didn't seem to be nearby, though she could hear the crackle of a fire somewhere outside.
"How you feeling?"
"Good. I think. Thirsty."
"Hang on." Jade's free hand patted behind her until it found the bladder of water she had left there. "Here."
"Mmm." Kit half rose to a sitting position and accepted the drink, wetting her lips and then drinking deeper.
Jade let her eyes rest on the movements in Kit's neck. Thought about how it would feel to place a kiss right there, at the base of Kit's throat.
"So what happened?" Kit's voice still had a slight rasp to it.
"That damn Cuirass. Pardon my speech, your highness. Apparently it gives you all this power while you're wearing it, then sucks it all right back out of you when you turn it off."
"Hunh. Well. It was too tight anyway."
"It looked just right on you."
"Is that so?" Kit settled back against Jade, one arm draped across her chest, her eyes catching Jade's again. A roguish grin pulled at the side of her mouth. "You think I'm sexy," she teased, her eyes sparkling. One of her legs tangled in between Jade's.
"I..." Jade started to protest.
"Don't think I didn't catch you staring, madame knight. You looked like you wanted to undress me."
"Uh!" Jade tried to look indignant, then sighed and gave it up, her head knocking back against her boots, her eyes helplessly roaming across Kit's oh-so-beautiful face, the pulse at the side of her neck.
"Gods, Kit. What'm I going to do with you?"
"Well I dunno," Kit laughed, her head dipping down until her nose brushed against Jade's and her sweet warm breath puffed against Jade's lips. She half rolled onto Jade, her knee pressing up between Jade's thighs. A groan escaped her, which only made Kit laugh harder.
Her mouth lowered to brush Jade's as she whispered. "I hope... everything."
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pinkthick · 2 years
Hi :)
Let's just say the reader is starting to have some wet dreams about Doctor Strange 616 and she starts to avoid him but because America is now learning at Kamar-Taj, she can't avoid him anymore because the doctor is more often there.
Then Stephen is asking the reader to help him with something and when she agrees he finally makes the reader admit the dreams she's having with him, because the sorcerer is having them too,
Then both of them finally sleep together and their relationship changes from there.
Thank you <3
I hope you like it :)
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Help me?
Pairing: Doctor Strange x Fem!Reader
Doctor Strange & America Chavez
Summary: When the doctor asks for your help you gladly go to the Sanctum. The only problem is that he has other things in mind.
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You'd been avoiding Stephen at all costs for the past week. You decided to put some distance between the two of you after having some dreams with him. Mostly because the incident with Wanda implied that you were sleeping with him somewhere in the Multiverse.
It didn't help you at all, especially since you'd been having feelings for him for a while. You had no idea when they changed; you just woke up one day and your heart decided you were in love with him.
The only problem was that Strange wasn't over Christine yet, and you didn't want to push his buttons. After all, you'd be better off just being friends with him.
Also because of America, Stephen was spending more time at Kamar-Taj, avoiding the sorcerer wasn't working so well anymore. Especially since you were currently working in the library.
You could almost swear he was aware of what was going on in your mind. You just hoped he didn't because you'd die of embarrassment.
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You smiled as soon as America walked into the bibliotheca, but when you saw who was behind her, you felt your heart drop.
“Hi Y/N!” She shone like a ray of sunshine. "We came to return these books."
"Already? Didn't you start the Key of Solomon last week?" you asked softly
"Yea, well. You know my teacher quite well." she added as she rolled her eyes
"The grimoire with the raising of spirits is one of the most important books for the novice, America." Stephen immediately added
"I know, I know. I believe you've mentioned it at least 50 times" she laughs
"It's for your own good," he said softly, ruffling her hair.
"All I know is that I'm done with reading until next month." she smiled fondly at him "You will keep your promise, right?"
"Of course, kiddo." Then Stephen lifted his arms and quickly created a portal. "I just need to talk to Y/N about something. Choose a film to watch; it won't take long."
"Just so you know, the popcorn is all mine." America said as she walked through it.
"All right," he chuckled slightly before closing the portal.
Being alone with him made you feel like you were going to explode. Your mind was racing from one idea to another, and you weren't really paying attention to what he was saying. Nobody could blame you. That baritone voice was a distraction and it was really difficult for you to concentrate.
"Earth to Y/N?" He waved his hand in your direction.
"Sorry, what were you saying?" Your voice had a slight tremor.
"Could you please assist me with Maxim's Primer? I really need a second opinion because I'm having trouble with it."
"It was never your strong suit, was it?" you laugh
"As if plants were that significant." His lips curved into a small smile.
"Magical plants, Stephen," you said emphasizing the word "magical."
"They remain plants. So, can you help me or not?" He drew closer to you.
"Sure," you began to feel as if you couldn't breathe anymore, but thankfully he took a step back.
"Thanks." The sorcerer then constructed a portal. "See you at the Sanctum tomorrow." He winked as he left the library.
You were dumbfounded by what had just occurred. What exactly does he mean at the Sanctum Sanctorum?
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You made a portal to the Sanctum and took a deep breath before entering it. Come on, you've got this; all he needs is a second opinion.
Your heart begins to race, just at the thought of Stephen. Maybe it wasn't such a good idea after all.
Looking nervously at the back of the door, you want nothing more than to return to the safety of your room from Kamar-Taj. It was too much to face him alone after those dreams. Quickly turning on your heels, you turn to leave.
“Y/N?” You come to a complete halt. As you slowly turn towards the door, you notice Stephen, looking as pristine as ever.
"Doc," you murmur, your eyes meeting his, noticing a subtle glint behind them.
"Where are you going?" he asks confused
“Sorry” you say softly, trying to conceal the nervousness in your chest “I’m not feeling very well, so I thought it would be better if I..”
“Didn’t your mother teach you not to lie?” He smirked as your heart skipped a beat
“You ought to know better than to lie to me” he says smoothly, making you tense.
You observe him as he circles the desk between the two of you. His hands were folded behind his back, and his face was expressionless.
Oh my goodness, he knew.
Even tough you were dying on the inside, you tried to keep a neutral expression on your face. Stephen then chuckles softly, making you jump slightly. Then he pulls you in closer, wrapping an arm around your waist and placing a finger under your chin to bring your gaze back to his.
“Why are you so tense, Y/N? You know I don’t bite” He inhaled deeply before looking you in the eyes.
“It’s nothing.”
“Are you certain it’s nothing?” you avert your gaze
“I just didn’get enough sleep. Some books from the library have gone missing and I need to take care of them.”
“Ah.. What did I say about lying?” Your face suddenly turned pale
"Are you certain your current state of uneasiness isn't the result of some dreams you're having?" You found yourself pressed into the wall behind his desk, with him pressing into you, before you could even register what was happening.
As you feel the distinct out line of his erection pushing into your clothed center, your eyes widen.
"What have you dreamed about me?"
"Stephen, please—"
"Don't try to lie to me. I know what they are about. I simply want you to say it."
You turn around, and he quickly grabs your wrists. "Hands must remain on the wall."
You do as he says after he releases your wrists, earning a compliment from him “Atta girl,now, tell me about your dreams."
"We were in one of the Sanctums." Stephen's trembling hands clutch your sides, causing you to bite your lips as you feel yourself start to ache.
“Go on”
"And you were watching me..." As Stephen begins to remove your robes, you struggle to find your words. When he's finished with the top, which reveals your black bra, you make sure your hands are back in their original position. "W—watching me.."
"Masturbate," he simply finishes as your eyes widen once more. How did he—
"Then we do share the same dreams." He laughs.
Your cheeks flush as a result of his confession. "I can't wait to dominate you. To punish you. I want to bring you the same state of euphoria as I did in our dreams."
Stephen smiles as he notices your body trembling in response to his words. His hand reaches around and unbuckles your belt.
"Stephen," you say as you feel him pull your robes down.
"Doctor," he corrects you as he steps around and brings your gaze back to him. "What's going on in that pretty head of yours?"
"What about America?" He returns to his position behind you, pulling your robes all the way down as he runs his hand over your smooth ass. "Don't be so concerned. She is having a sleepover with Lisa, a friend from school. I promised she could go if she finished The Key of Solomon this week."
Stephen pulls your panties aside, taking in the sight of your gleaming core before slowly inserting two fingers into your waiting cunt, causing you to gasp.
"Such a responsive girl." you bit your lower lip as his fingers slowly thrust into you. "Now, tell me Y/N. Are you familiar with the term safe word?"
"Yes," he laughs at your quick response.
"And what would you like to be your safe word, dear?"
“Excellent” Stephen takes his robes off as well, exposing his hard cock, and his blunt head teases your wet slit before probing slightly into you.
The former doctor slightly thrusts his hips, causing the tip of his cock to go inside. You squirm at the forgotten sensation of being stretched. From what you could tell, he was bigger than any of your previous lovers.
Stephen watches as his cock slowly disappears into your waiting cunt. You both groan as he pushes himself to the limit.
"Oh God." You made a choked remark. It had been a long time for both of you.
"Not exactly." He laughs. Stephen's hand grips your hip firmly enough to bruise it, while the other tightly grips your hair. Soon, he quickens his pace, and with each thrust, his grip on your hair tightens, causing you to bite your lip even harder. "No,no. Sweetheart, don't silence yourself." the sorcerer pulls you back by your hair, your arms now fully extended. "I want to hear you."
“But—" Stephen slams himself into you even harder, eliciting even more whimpers from you.
"Come on, there's nobody in the Sanctum." As he twists your nipple through the thin layer of lace, he moans. His other hand gently presses against your throat.
"Yes, doctor," you say with ragged breaths as Stephen's grip and thrusts tighten.
"You have no idea how long I've been thinking about this. Y/N, you're so fucking tight. My little minx, you were made for me."
"I—I need to cu..." Stephen cuts you off by biting your earlobe slightly.
"Yes, cum for me." You take a deep breath as the hand on your throat disappears. You're pushed back to your original position, the cold wall providing some relief from the rising heat. His hand moves to your clit, roughly rubbing it.
Your moans grow louder, and you're suddenly relieved that America isn't here. Stephen observes your body stiffening as a result of the rising fever within you.
Before falling over the edge, he feels your wall clench around him. Stephen quickens his pace because of that feeling. He observes your body bouncing and pushing back with each thrust, sending him over the edge.
He pulls away from you, eliciting a gasp from you, as his cum goes all over your back, creating a pornographic image for Stephen that he'll never forget thanks to his photographic memory.
As he strokes his cock, the neurosorgeon catches his breath and lets the last steams of liquid come out. He wipes himself clean with tissues from his desk before tucking himself back into his pants, righting himself, and gently cleaning you.
As he watches you struggle to find your balance, Stephen casts a simple spell that puts all of your clothes back on. Then he takes your hand in his and pulls you into an embrace, lightly kissing your forhead. "You're so fucking stunning."
As Stephen gently placed you on top of the table, you noticed yourself blushing slightly. He kisses the corner of your mouth, making you even more flustered.
"Just a question," he says softly, gently pressing his forehead against yours. "Were you avoiding me this week?"
"I believe you know." you chuckle a little "However, I'm not sure I know the answer to what I'm about to ask."
Stephen puts some space between you two so that he can look you in the eyes. "What we've just done... What does it mean for us?" you pause a little.
"I believe I should ask you on a proper date so we can clear this up," he says softly.
"A date you say?" you laugh out of breath
"If you want to," Stephen frowns slightly
"We just fucked, and you don't think I'd like to go on a date with you?" Before stealing a kiss from the all-powerful sorcerer, you look amused at him. "You can be a complete idiot at times, Stephen Strange."
"So, 8 p.m. tomorrow sounds good?" He leans in again to capture your lips.
You hum in agreement as the kiss resumes its passionate nature.
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full-loup · 1 year
Tales of Lipomancy: A Sweet Demise
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"Just a little taste..." Vincenzo Rotella had thought to himself.
As he looked at the black pool before him, he knew how stupid that would be, especially given current circumstances. The traveling swordsman had run into a bit of bad luck lately: Jobs were drying up at the Exploration Guild, and what little they had didn't exactly suit his expertise. Fed up with the lack of work and running out of money to keep fed, the dark haired fox had decided to strike out on his own, hitting up his connections in the capitol until he struck a lead that had suited him.
Now here he was, deep under some hill in the countryside, well inside of one of the treasure vaults of the infamous Lipomancer of Bitemarsh, and he was thinking, quite absurdly, of taking a sip from this pool. Vincenzo might have been brash at times, some might even call him foolhardy, but he was no idiot.
"Yet still..." He sighed, drool beginning to fill his maw as he looked at his own reflection in the perfectly calm, black substance. He might have thought he were looking into a mirror made of the purest obsidian, had he not seen objects submerged within the liquid's surface, had he not scented that sweet, tantalizing smell filling the cavernous hallway.
"No, Vincenzo, do not give in..." He sighed, placing his paw upon the hilt of his sword, as he always did when faced suddenly with overwhelming temptation. Usually though it was something more carnal that pulled at his desires, there were many fine ladies in Bitemarsh he had found, but he had resisted his cravings always. His fingers traced the finely wrought filigree upon the pommel of his sword, shaped into the symbol of the order he and so many other Fervosian fencer belonged to, The Order of the Tangled Thorn. It was there, at its fortress in his homeland, that he had pledged himself to their service, and in particular to the service of his Lady, the fair marchessa Delfina Guererra...
A smile found a place upon his lips as he thought of her, and he nodded, now resolute. Lifting his paw from the pommel of his sword, he proceed forwards. He still had to cross the pool, the cistern that the black liquid filled having taken up nearly the entire width of the hallway, but he knew now that he could resist his temptations, if only he remembered his oaths, his purpose for living, for being here. As he drew closer to the pool's edge, he drew his thin rapier from its sheath, still wary of some sort of trick, and carefully dipped its sharp tip into the still, flat surface.
The pool barely rippled, the substance seeming much thicker than the swordfighter had expected, and dripped sluggishly from his blade as he lifted it to his eyes. The smell was stronger now, so very sweet and tempting, but all Vincenzo had to do was stare down the length of his sword to its intricately decorated hilt to be reminded of his duties.
"I am no glutton!" He snorted, flicking the sludge from his sword with a razor-quick slash before re-sheathing the blade, "And I will NOT be tricked by the trap of a dead sorcerer!"
Now satisfied that the sludge wasn't some kind of slime creature laying in wait, and held no enchantments beyond whatever it was that made it seem so damnably appealing to his pallet, Vincenzo stepped into the cistern and began to wade through to the other side. The pool was much more shallow than the fox had anticipated, his body only sinking in up to his waist at the deepest, central part of the cistern. Even so, the sludge was horribly thick and wading through it felt worse than trundling through mud, clinging stickily to his red fur.
Even in the literal thick of it, the fencer was able to maintain his focus well until he suddenly bumped into one of the objects he had seen half-submerged in the sludge earlier. Looking down, the male caught sight of a fine silver goblet, gleaming in the torchlight as the ooze dripped languidly from its curves. The bowl was ornate, inlaid with sparkling rubies on four equidistant points, but it was the stem of the chalice that caught Vincenzo's eye. Where a normal, featureless stem would be on any other goblet, there instead was a figure carved from the silver, a wolfess both corpulent and voluptuous. Her generous, naked curves were reverently wrought by whoever it was that created the drinking vessel, the artisan naturally integrating the wolf woman's form into the goblet by having its bowl appear to be carefully balanced upon her swollen, globular and bared buttocks. Watching the tar-like fluid drip down the wolfess's curves as he lifted the goblet out of the pool, Vincenzo smiled. The figure reminded him of a woman he knew from the Exploration Guild, though with cellulite and blubber where her toned musculature would be. An unexpected sense of arousal filled the fox as he looked over the curvy wolfess, but he found himself smiling for another reason altogether.
"Perhaps I needn't travel any further..." He pondered, turning the goblet over, letting it shine in the light, "This may well be enough to feed me for the year!"
Much more than that even, this chalice may yet be the ultimate prize he had set out to Bitemarsh to seek, something worthy of his maiden, a gift that could prove his love, his devotion to her like no other woman.
As he turned it in his grasp, thick, sweet sludge poured from within the bowl, dripping slowly into the pool below. Once more Vincenzo found himself salivating, his stomach soon beginning to growl...
He tried to reach for his sword again, but his paw swung past it, grasping empty air. He pulled his eyes briefly away from the sweet liquid, but his surroundings were bland, mostly featureless architecture from some civilization he was not familiar with, the only points of interest worn statuary, much of it defaced with the symbols of The Lipomancer's heraldry. The fox squeezed his eyes shut, and when he opened them once more, the goblet's rim was already hovering inches from his lips.
"Just a little taste..." He whispered, "Just one sip."
Soon the goblet was emptied, and then plunged back into the sludge for more. The tasted of the liquid was even more decadently wondrous than Vincenzo had dared to imagine, filling his eager maw with a sweetness like no other. The taste of the black liquid was like that of the darkest chocolate, the most satisfying vintage, and the sensation of his dear Delfina's lips upon his... all rolled in one!
He needed more.
He needed ALL of it!
A loud snap, a strange and sudden relief. Vincenzo grumbled thickly past a mouthful of black, sweet sludge, suddenly brought back to reality.
His belt had broken.
"No... It can't... This is..." He stammered as he looked down, an immense swell of stomach rising to meet his eyes. He grasped his bloated, bare gut in his free paw, still clutching the carved stem of the goblet in the other as his heart began to pound in his chest.
The fox's once tiny stomach was now swollen at least five times as large. It was easily the most prominent thing about him now, but as it gurgled loudly, the lazy, heavy noise filling the hall, he realized it had been busy. Almost as soon as it was swallowed, the malevolent sludge began to digest inside of him, somehow accumulating rapidly into fat. Thus far his body looked as though it had gotten off easy, his clothes only somewhat tighter, little damage done to them besides some popped buttons and his belt, both ruined by his gravid stuffed gut. As his belly churned though, the fencer knew that even if he stopped himself now, the toll would still be quite heavy...
Stop. He needed to stop!
He grabbed for the sword, HIS sword, but it was gone. Probably snapped free from his waist just as his belt had, probably buried deep in that disgusting slime. That was fine, he didn't need it anyways! The only resistance Vincenzo had met until now were stale and moldy food constructs, and the skilled fencer could have dispatched them with ease, even without his swo-
"F-Focus!" He gasped, gagging up some of the sweet sludge, its taste on his tongue drawing him in again, already pulling him back into the liquid's saccharine yet deadly embrace...
"NO!" He shouted, shaking his head, squeezing his eyes shut tight.
He thought of something else, somehow, in some way. He thought of home, of Fervosa, of the Twisted Thorn...
Of Delfina, his dear, sweet, sweet love...
He grinned, chuckling with relief as he was able to push the taste of the dark liquid from his mind. He thought of his bovine lover, picturing the ox dressed in her most luxurious silks, its color contrasting with her black fur as she lay lounging upon her bed, waiting for him...
"Yes... that's it... So wonderful, so delicious, my love..." He sighed, still smiling as he looked down at his paw, fingers parting slightly to reveal the relief that decorated the goblet's stem.
He began to picture his love in the wolf woman's place, her body swollen to similarly obese proportions, her silks clinging to her form, revealing all... His fingers began to rub along the wolf's curves, feeling their roundness, as he imagined them upon his love's, his Delfina's body. He pictured her now, not in silver nor miniature, but in flesh, looming large in the pool before him, the liquid reaching up her delightfully full thighs...
"Vincenzo..." The blond haired ox cooed as she waded towards him, hips swaying, her rolls of fat shifting against one another, bouncing with every movement. So heavy, yet strangely, so fantastically graceful; It was as though she were gliding through the sludge, as though it was thinner than water, nothing but air even.
"Vincenzo, my darling..." She purred softly, her voice husky with her size as she straddled him, her lips plump and wet as she licked them, a trail of black slime coating their glossy surface in the wake of her tongue, "Just a little taste my dear... just one taste..."
She pressed her lips to his. He tasted her tongue, sweet like the pool's decadent waters...
He pictured clutching her curves as his fingers curled tightly about the goblet's stem.
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