musicarenagh · 2 years
Dale McPhail Releases His New Album - McPhailure
Dale McPhail Releases His New Album – McPhailure
Dale McPhail is a singer-songwriter, book publisher, and firefighter based in Glasgow, Scotland. McPhail uses the songs as a way to express his experiences of everyday life as a firefighter, Glaswegian, and partner With a new album recently released, which he titled it Mcphailure. The whole album has clear lyrics on carefully filtered production. The whole album spans over 22mins 42secs. His new…
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originalartblog · 1 year
pamper tiny chuuya tooo pleaseeeee (also can i see tiny verlaine and rimbaud) 🙏
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I tinified them :)
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chimeride · 3 months
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Merrow, the 244th Known One.
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saint-ambrosef · 2 years
i honestly, truly don't think most Europeans understand how big the U.S. is.
we are basically fifty different countries stacked in a trenchcoat. we are almost the same size as Europe in its entirety. it takes 15 straight hours just to drive across my home state. the cultural and economic difference between Oklahoma and California is like comparing Croatia and the Netherlands.
stop forming your ideas of what living here is like based on that one trip to NYC you took in college or that one influencer you follow that lives in San Fransisco
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genericpuff · 8 months
Intresting how its only trivializing and mocking green myths when non-greek white people do it, but not when non-greek poc do it. Its almost if you dont actually care
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lmao bro what
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i literally have zero clue what you're arguing here, "stop criticizing rachel for writing her greek myth retelling from a predominantly whitewashed westernized and christian-washed point view" ?? yeah okay lol
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laurasimonsdaughter · 5 months
Dear Magisowo, id like some legal advice if you have any.
I’m a wizard and have recently acquired and renovated my home into a proper wizard tower. However problem is I’ve been getting harrased by the local HOA, them complaining that my tower is an “eyesore” and “disturbing” their neighborhoods image. My tower was built perfectly legally, I’ve got all the proper building permits and followed all local county tower laws. That still isn’t enough for them as they’ve sent countless “inspectors” who’ve found nothing, and have been sending threats of legal action. Is there any way to get them to stop and do their threats actually hold weight?
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Good morning!
That sounds like a horrid situation and let us assure you: this so-called Homeowner Association hasn't got a leg to stand on. Of course neighbours are always free to band together for purposes of mutual support - like establishing a feral griffin watch or communal herb garden - but legal rights are only granted in the case a HOA of owners that share communal real estate. As is the case with apartment complexes where one buys an apartment instead of renting it.
If your home is a detached building and you obtained the proper planning permission, your tower construction is perfectly legal. I imagine these people are threatening to report your building to the urban aesthetics commission, but if you have your papers in order the municipality will have ran your plans by them already. Besides, wizard towers are protected under the Occult Habitat Provision, as studies have shown they are a requirement for performing certain types of magic and frequently attract endangered magical species.
We advise passing this information on to the individuals that are bothering you, asking them politely to stop, and if need be warn them that you will treat their actions as intentional harassment if they continue. We will send you an example of how to keep a log to build a harassment case, if worst comes to worst.
We absolutely can not recommend contacting the Wizard Orb Assistance Helpline (WOAH) and inquiring after the latest neighbour-repelling wards that they have on file under Occult Commons. That would be irresponsible from a community building perspective and as such we would under no circumstances advise you do such a thing.
All the best,
~ the MagISoWo Team  
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What year does synergized take place?
There is no set year, but it takes place sort of in the mid-2000s, at least technology-wise for humans. Aesthetically, it's somewhat a mix of multiple decades.
I set the technology at the mid-2000s for two main reasons. One a lot of my inspirations for this project are shows/comics from around that time, and two, the major reason I don't want to write smart phones or modern type social media. I don't find it fun to write (mostly modern social media integration), and what is considered modern changes so fast. No matter how up-to-date I try to keep it, the nature of a long-term project like this, it will fall behind anyway, so why not set it slightly in the past where I already know we're human technology is at and will go...
I kinda got a light alt-history thing going on where no real-world brands, cities, or countries are name-dropped. It feels pretty close to our world, but occasionally, a character will mention something like "at least Earth only had one world War" or how theirs a town that and all the people living in it mysteriously all turned into solid metal like 300 years ago, also it just a tourist attraction you can just visit now or religions/holidays being lil different from the real-world ones, the vibes are definitely east coast America, and it is sorta set there but it is definitely not a 1 to 1 with the real world (sorta how Steven universe handled things)
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mapsontheweb · 6 months
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United States Military Base/Presence in Europe as of 2024.
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cowboysmp3 · 1 year
i am both a phoenix kristoph enemies w/benefits truther and a phoenix and miles relationship develops softly in visits to europe truther no i will never elaborate on how it would work
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bobakowalski · 9 months
Guys you need to watch 1670!! Like I'm obsessed. And it's polish so it's my culture and that's why!! Historical comedy with beautiful costumes, paradocument style jokes, and cunty priest?? Goo!!
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cemetery-baccanal · 25 days
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Pall Bearer, Informant for the Phantomhive Family
A bizarrely scarred pony with a rancid sense of humor who’s been serving as an informant to the Phantomhive house for as long as anyone can remember.
He is typically wearing an elaborate funeral pall (not pictured because i got bored of drawing it) which hides the distinctly strange state of his cutiemark.
I wanted a way to distinguish the Reapers as inhuman in a distinctly MLP way, but going with “all their cutie marks are their weapons” didnt make sense since in this au its most typical to gain your cutiemark during puberty. Thus, disfigurement >:3. Im excited to explore that with the other reapers as well!
My goal is to make him more and more disturbing looking as time goes on :) bc he deserves it.
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nordickies · 3 months
What do you think of the Nordic's relationships with the other characters? Do they have friends outside of each other? Maybe enemies? Who do you ship them with?
Aaah, okay this is going to be messy, so embrace yourself. I have to speedrun my views this time, let's go
Sweden: The idea of Sweden and Ukraine getting along is oddly wholesome to me since they have likely known each other since childhood. And I like the idea of Greece being Sweden's first childhood crush due to the whole Eastern Viking Trade. To me, Estonia is Sweden's old-time friend and potential love interest in the past. Latvia is a runt of a litter Sweden tried to take under his wing at some point, though with varying success. Sweden and Poland have such drastic personalities, and I don't think they get along that well, which is especially funny considering they were technically married for a few years. Plus Poland has his reasons to dislike Sweden. Sweden and Spain's interactions in the canon are so cute; I like to think of them as friends. They may have had something extra going on during the 1960s/70s tourism boom, hehe. On the other hand, Sweden's and France's relationship is intriguing; it has fluctuated significantly in their lifetime. Either they're close allies, with France having massive influence over Sweden, or they despise each other, basically. But Sweden has relatively good relationship with England. I can't see Russia and Sweden getting along at all, sorry. While the Netherlands and Denmark have always been closer, I think Ned and Swe are old friends, too. They're just both lowkey about it. I think Prussia is a bit intimidated by Sweden for some reason; he can't think of ways to converse with him without making things awkward. However, Germany and Sweden get along well! Germany can always count on Sweden to be competent and trustworthy; he talks so little, which is appreciated. And I love the idea of Sweden having a "dad group chat" with e.g. Austria and Australia. They need that peer support at times. Norway: I like Ireland and Norway as potential love interests, but Scotland's romance with Norway intrigues me way more. There are centuries worth of alliances and cultural ties to draw inspiration from for those two. I could see them pining for each other for ages and going back and forth about it. However, I could see Norway getting close to Ireland and Southern Italy (plus the US) during the 18th century! I personally think Norway was one of the few nations that spent some time in the Americas. Obviously, Norway is a close friend of England's; one of the few, actually. They seem to get along, and imagining how much Norway's genuine friendship must mean to the Brit is rather cute. And yeah, I love the Magic trio; Romania and Bulgaria would also make lovely dates for Norway. I stand by the idea of Norway and Switzerland getting along and having a friendship based on their shared love for mountain sports. Liechtenstein and Austria can join in, too, why not? I don't think Norway would get along with France; they seem like such distinct personalities. And I don't believe Norway cares that much for Germany or Prussia; he doesn't seek to spend time with them like the rest of the Nordics. He probably finds them a bit annoying, in all honesty. Oddly enough, Lithuania seems like someone Norway would get along with, and maybe they find themselves hanging out surprisingly often. Norway is an explorer at heart, and he travels by himself a lot. I could see him making unlikely friends during these travels in, e.g., Asia and South America while getting lost on a jungle hike or something. New Zealand and Norway have surprisingly many things in common, so it's cute to imagine them being on friendly terms, as well
Denmark: In my opinion, Denmark would be closer to France than the rest of the Nordics. And Denmark is the cause of England's childhood traumas, hehe. Denmark is obviously close to the Benelux countries; he and the Netherlands are especially tight. Denmark and Estonia are childhood friends who have had their struggles, but they are close nowadays. Their friendship has a lot of potential for cute interactions. I love the idea of Denmark and ASEAN countries connecting through sports, and I could honestly see Denmark and South Korea getting along surprisingly well. Or Australia and Denmark due to their passion for swimming and watersports. I love the idea of Ireland and Denmark having some past romance and being connected due to their long cultural ties. But for some reason, their relationship never lasted to the modern day. In the past, Denmark and Russia had contact through mutual alliances, but they weren't exactly close friends; it's probably hard to break the ice with Russia, yknow. But Denmark probably tried. Austria, Thailand, and Portugal are Denmark's past allies, but they don't have that much going on between them to call each other close friends. Poland and Denmark are old allies, too. While Prussia and Denmark get along nowadays, they have held their grudges and had complicated relationship. I love the possibility of pesky drunk hookups between them; I get my enemies-turned-something drama from those two, tbh. Germany and Denmark are close too, but maybe Germany prefers Sweden's quieter and calmer character. Also, I kind of love the idea of Italy flirting with Denmark and him just playing into it, being a raunchy inside joke between them which keeps confusing unaware bystanders. Denmark and the US are longtime allies and thus on pleasant terms. Denmark is kind of like an older coworker, ready to cheekily mess with you whenever he gets the chance (in this case, targeting Canada specifically). Finland: Estonia and Finland are best friends, practically glued to each other, and Latvia is like the forgotten little brother in this dynamic. Hungary is like a long-lost cousin with whom Finland just immediately clicked. Russia and Finland have their own difficulties, it's complicated. And I don't think Finland would like England or France that much, either. They can be professional, but they're not exactly close friends. But Germany and Finland have always gotten along. I think it's a fun idea that their friendship began in the 19th century, both being lost in how this nationhood responsibility works, and their friendship developed from there. I love the idea of Monaco and Finland becoming friends over their love for motorsports - or Japan and Finland geeking over each other and having surprising cultural similarities. Czechia and Canada share their passion for ice hockey with Finland, so they probably spend time together due to their hobby. Poland and Finland would make great friends, too, even with their past difficulties. Poland and Italy being great friends and adopting Finland into their circle sometimes is a charming idea to me; they make a lovely trio.
Iceland: Well, Iceland is friends with practically everyone—except England. They need to have their petty rivalry because I think it's funny. I also think Iceland's and Turkey's unlikely friendship could be entertaining, but not in a romantic or "creepy" way like everyone tends to portray it. Turkey gives me Uncle vibes. He'd take the poor kid to eat proper food while visiting his place. I think the manga chapters with the ASEAN countries were so cute, proving once again that Iceland could make friends anywhere. I see Iceland being especially friendly with nations like Hong Kong, Seychelles, Liechtenstein, Belarus, Northern Ireland, and Luxembourg. I think he's also very close with the Baltic states! Especially Latvia, since they're so close in physical age compared to others. And the US just one day decided to adopt Iceland as his friend; I don't think they're that compatible personality-wise, and the US probably thinks of Iceland way more highly than Icey does of him. But Iceland just tags along with his louder friend nevertheless
Sadly, I can't go into detail with every single relationship out there. Just picked out the most relevant ones with a sentence or two! So there's a lot more going on and a lot more nuance to each relationship, you know. Feel free to ask for more specifics, I suppose
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ultrainfinitepit · 6 months
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UltraInfiniteShop is available wholesale on Faire. Here are some of the items available now, with more to come after this year's pin campaigns.
If you're a retailer I hope you'll check out my storefront; and please let me know if you find any issues with it, I am still figuring out the new platform.
I am especially looking for retailers or potential stockists in Canada, Europe, and Asia; feel free to contact me on social media to discuss a special deal.
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anghraine · 2 months
Just thinking about Gondor, as usual, and how wild it is that the (supposedly minority!) population of Gondorians who speak Sindarin and/or know Quenya at the end of the Third Age is likely higher than the combined number of all Elves still remaining in Middle-earth who can speak either.
Tolkien's specific statement is that more Men speak Sindarin or know Quenya than Elves do either, but while this group of Men would encompass people like the Northern Dúnedain, Théoden, etc, the letter directly links this to Gondorian usage of Sindarin and Quenya. That does make sense given the extreme population disparities involved; the vast majority of the Men in question would pretty much have to come from Gondor. Certainly, the only place where we actually see widespread, casual, local Sindarin usage among Men is Minas Tirith (though we know the linguistic patterns of MT are also characteristic of Dol Amroth and likely throughout much of Belfalas).
In addition, Tolkien tried to make sense of the limited evolution of Gondorian Sindarin by saying it's an acquired polite language among Númenórean aristocratic elites and scholars. In the actual process of writing LOTR there were various explanations (in one draft Faramir explains that Westron is a Gondorian conlang invented for dealings with other peoples, for instance). But Tolkien's standard justification for Gondorian Sindarin being so recognizable soon settled on an idea that Gondorian Sindarin is a language of the elites taught to them in childhood and used as a courtesy or mark of high status rather than evolving naturally.
I've always found this explanation a bit odd given that in the main narrative of LOTR, the Gondorian groups we see using Sindarin in full sentences/conversations rather than for specific names like Mithrandir or isolated words are mainly Gondorian soldiers outside of leadership roles. Faramir's men in Ithilien switch to "another language of their own" that turns out to be Sindarin. In the streets of Minas Tirith, "many" random soldiers call out to each other in Sindarin to gossip about Pippin. The almost entirely Gondorian armies following Aragorn praise the hobbits in Sindarin and Quenya.
But if we take Tolkien's statement at face value, the implication is that Númenórean elites in Gondor (i.e. a small fraction of the overall Gondorian population) outnumber the combined populations of all Sindarin- or Quenya-speaking Elves remaining in Middle-earth.
Many Elves have left or died, yes, but we're still talking about the Elves of Rivendell and of Lothlórien and all the ones scattered throughout Lindon, combined. If they really are outnumbered by Gondor's ruling aristocracy alone, I think the usual estimates of Gondor's overall population must be far too low. Tolkien simply noted that the population of Minas Tirith and its fiefs (presumably referring to Lossarnach, Anórien etc), while declined from the past, must have still been "much greater" than the combined Elvish populations of Rivendell, Lothlórien, and Lindon. That's not even getting into the more outlying fiefs of Gondor like densely-populated Belfalas.
(Alternatively, you could fanwank that Sindarin/Quenya are more widely spoken in Gondor than this and thus the population disparities, while certainly present, are not quite so extreme as this suggests. But that interpretation does require ignoring explicit statements from Tolkien in a way that something like theorizing population based on vague canonical suggestions is typically going to avoid doing.)
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shortnotsweet · 3 months
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Charlotte is hardwired for realism. It’s a hefty task, given the present company and the dubious physics that have kept them all alive for the past few years, but if a resume could receive an A+, her feats in risk assessment and time-sensitive innovation deserved it. Charlotte would know; she installed the updates herself. Still, with the leader of their trio absent and Jasper dealing with impossibilities on the side, the biggest challenge these days is seeing eye-to-eye.
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[ Jasper and Charlotte discuss Henry’s leave of absence, as well as his radio silence. ]
The mythology of Greek craftsman, inventor, and architect Daedalus has been cited by a variety of sources, including Homer, Pliny the Elder (Pliny’s Natural History, AD 77-79), and Plato, the latter of which interpreted his inventory and intellect as a parallel for the pursuit of truth. Pliny credited him with the invention of carpentry, as well as ship sails and masts, in addition to sculptures so lifelike they may as well have been animated; his genius was so evident that life was born into the wood. The most famous of his feats, however, was the tale of wings constructed out of wax, and the fall of his son, Icarus, into the sea.
It’s one thing to live in pursuit of knowledge. It’s not like that’s a bad thing, per se. Plenty of people do, and are perfectly content people with no lingering emotional or psychological hangups. That being said, the itch of knowing and the object of doing are not the same. For doctors who treat the sick in the morning and the engineers who study maths to reach the moon, knowledge alone is poor sustenance. For years—too early—invention has been a means of civic duty. She is too clever to fall into the sea unplanned, but she’s not heartless. She’ll make them wings, and a parachute. She left Harvard and the future she’d made for herself to follow the people she loved. Love—to the point of modification. To the point of invention.
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florallylly · 8 months
italian steve harrington who went to international school before moving to hawkins for high school
his english has no perceptible accent except for a couple of words he mispronounces bc IDK why but international school kids always have a bit of britishisms (think: aluminum). people mostly chalk it up to him being a little dumb.
and when he takes a while to answer in class, he's really trying to remember the right translations.
and robin practicing her italian in front of steve, and he casually responds back. suddenly it's their egg language
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