jake-g-lockley · 1 month
My boyfriend is Percy Jackson coded so much to the point that I’m no Annabeth Chase but this guy is falling into Tartarus with me ✨
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If yall want someone to blame for my absence, blame him 👀
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midnight-pluto · 7 months
If that's the case then could you do a Connor Stoll x GN reader (angst, Riordanverse, and one shot form)
The plot could go where Connor tries to get with reader by using pranks or jokes but every time he does this, it actually pushes them away and reader keeps on getting tired of it (,because of how often he does it), so they tell Connor to just leave them alone and how they don't even want to talk with him.
Note: this can be for the follower event but idk if it's already full.
(You can change parts of it to fit your writing and to make it more angst)
Thank you
“JUST JOKES” — connor s.
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TROPES: angst
UNIVERSE: riordanverse
PAIRING(S): connor stoll x gn!reader
WARNING(S): swearing, takes place during the pjo series, mentions of injuries, implied character death
A/N: the hardest part about making this one-shot was finding a pic of connor
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THE MOMENT YOU arrived in camp and Connor spoke to you, he felt something.
Despite you arriving to camp with cuts and scrapes littering your body he still found you pleasing to look at. Never had he thought such things could still make someone so easy on the eyes.
Though Luke was the head of the cabin, Connor found himself tagging along during your tour of camp and making small jokes about a story that happened there.
And that’s just what they were, small jokes.
At least, that’s how they started.
“Hey Y/N, want some gum?” Connor tilted his head at you with a smile while you were taking a break from volleyball.
Shrugging your shoulders, you put down your water bottle and took the gum. Unwrapping it you see it’s empty with the words:
‘lol you thought >:)’
Written on the inside.
You look at Connor with a deadpan look as he laughs at your misfortune. You throw the wrapper back at him with a small laugh, “You suck.”
Small jokes. That's how you wish they stayed that way.
How many years had it been since you arrived at camp?
How many years have you remained in the Hermes cabin?
How many years had it been that you’ve remained unclaimed?
How many years have Connor’s unrelenting jokes have remained?
Too long.
It’s been too long you’ve stayed at camp, full of constants you loathed.
Connor’s so-called-‘jokes,’ the Hermes Cabin, each day passing by with no glowing symbol above your head showing that the gods cared, you loathed it.
Especially with Connor joking calling you an ‘honorary Hermes cabin member.’
It was just a joke you told yourself. Everyday. Every night. You reminded yourself it was just, a joke. But everyday it was just a reminder that you had the unfortunate gift of being a child of a god. What a joke.
Scaring you by grabbing your shoulders every capture the flag game despite being on the same team? Just a joke. Putting sugar inside a bag of chips he offered you? Just a joke. Tugging your hair every few minutes during dinner? Just. A. Joke.
It was hard to actively avoid Connor when you both shared a cabin, but choosing activities he hated was easy.
“Hey, you avoiding me or something? You didn’t show up to sword practice,” Connor asked while you were sat on the sandy beach, watching the sun set.
“I switched out. Got into archery,” you reply dryly, not bothering to look at him.
“Because I don’t wanna talk to you anymore and I don’t want you talking to me,” you snap, sharply glaring at him who visibly leaned back, “You’re jokes are annoying and you’ve never been funny. Go do the only thing your dad’s known and good for, errand boy.”
You looked at him with a harsh look one last time before walking away from him and into the woods.
That was the last time anyone’s ever saw or heard from you - the aftermath of the battle of the labyrinth.
Until now.
Connor eyes were wide, irises trembling at the sight before him and palms sweaty, but not because of the sword he has held for hours. But because of the person standing before him, “Y/N?”
The eyes looking back at him were full of apathy and void of the twinkle that made him fall in love the moment he first set eyes on you.
You adorned bloodied armor along with golden dust coating it along with an iron grip on your sword, “Connor.” The way you spat out his name made it seem as if it were profanity, hurting him even more.
“Why?” Connor choked out.
“Why what?” you rolled your eyes as if his question was stupid.
“Did… did you leave camp because of me?” he looked at you with sad eyes, catching a glimpse is sympathy on your face before it being wiped back to neutral as if it were never there.
You scoff, “As if I’d leave that place because of something as petty as you’re shit jokes.
“I left because I was sick. Sick of being a faceless kid in a nameless crowd of unclaimed kids. Unloved kids. Kids who their godly parents who thought of them as a joke.
“Always the claimed kids siding with the gods. Must be nice knowing the parent who cursed you with their own burdens,” your voice broke as you spoke, having held back your own thoughts for so long.
“It’s not to late,” Connor desperately told you, an attempt to repent you and his past actions, “It’s not to late to side back with the gods. If we win the war I’m sure the gods are sure to acknowledge you-“
“And then what?! Even if I were to be claimed by them my brothers and sisters would be dead. Gone!” you yell back. “And at my hands as well,” you rasped out, grip tightening around your sword, “It’s to late for me.”
Blinking your tears away, you exhale before running at Connor and swinging your sword at him until the world turned black.
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A/N: dunno if the added angst worked, but if it did your welcome! or sorry, for making angst and for a short one-shot
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lunaastoir · 3 years
Hi! I really enjoy your writing so is it alright if i request xiao, diluc, childe with an idol s/o where one of their old stalkers come back or they just recently had a stalker in general but with how busy they were since they’re an idol they don’t even notice? And something bad happens (i cant think of anything</3) Thank you very much !!
hi anon!! a million apologies since this is so late but i hope you like the fic <3
there also aren’t any explicit details for anything bad happening - i briefly touched on subjects that you may not have control over, i hope that’s ok! 
warning (?): struggled a bit on this prompt so i apologize in advance if this isn’t my best work LMAOO
gn! reader
tw: hints of assault, slight angst, very light abuse if you squint
now xiao is a very observant man but he's also extremely busy keeping liyue safe
he makes it a point to always come to your shows even if you don't actively see him bc he cares a lot abt you and he enjoys listening to your music ‼️
it's normal for him to sometimes get lost between his own world of demonslaying and the world he shares w you
so one night, he's hanging on the rafters of a house with the perfect view of your singing
everything goes smoothly, he sets his spear down while lightly swaying his head to the music
the concert ends and fans disperse after you say your farewells
a night like this is rare since for once, xiao can walk home w you back to the inn sweet boy really cleared out his schedule for you huh
you're unsurprised when you see him materialize next to you, opting to flash him a smile and a hello
his cheeks are lightly flushed as he crosses his arms before talking quietly about how well you did
he relishes in the wide smile you give him as a result of his praise and he lets the corners of his lips curve upwards slightly
the quiet bustle of the harbor seemed to slow down as the night grew longer
since this was a fairly large concert, you had boxes among boxes of equipment so xiao decided to make your life easier by quickly flying them to their appropriate locations
when he got back however, he was surprised to see you talking animatedly with someone
he didn't think anything was wrong until he saw the person trap you between the stage and words filtered into his ears
your back was painfully pressed against the stage wall as you defiantly met their gaze. after xiao had left, they had immediately come over to you: first introducing themselves as a fan and making amiable conversation, before divulging in personal details of your life that made your skin crawl. you weren’t helpless, you always had your weapon on hand regardless of whether you were performing or not. the way they pushed you against the wall however, made it near impossible to summon your sword should you need it. 
they leered down at you while balancing an arm against the wall next to your head. you had dealt with things like this before so you weren’t overly worried; you could defend yourself. you almost felt pity for the person in front of you as they asked for your number with a sadistic grin, disgusting words tumbling off of their lips. however, that was before you felt their cold fingers idly make their way to your stomach and you felt your breath hitch. oh no
the telltale sound of whooshing alerted you of xiao’s presence, and the press of the tip of his spear against their jugular brought you relief. 
“back away” he tightly growled while his golden eyes narrowed into slits. they stared at him in shock before holding their hands up and moving to step a foot away from you. 
“farther” he motioned with his spear before stepping in front of you as you attempted to collect yourself. 
“ok ok, i’m far away can you put your spear down now?” 
you mentally cursed as you watched the two of them glare at each other. this was supposed to be a carefree night but this unfortunate twist made the air thick with tension. you could feel the anger radiate off of xiao in waves and in an effort to deescalate the situation, you spoke. 
“i’m glad to meet such an...avid fan but i’m sorry the two of us must get going now” you hastily said before attempting to grab xiao’s hand and walk off past them. 
the next words had you halt your steps as they divulged their secret. 
words painted in careless arrogance with hints of violet overconfidence flew out of the person’s mouth - “judging from the weeks i’ve been following you, it didn’t seem like you had a boyfriend”
at the mere mention of prolonged stalking, xiao immediately lunged to pull you behind him. god, he didn’t kill mortals but he swore if he plunged his spear into this human being right here, no one would even blink twice considering how low of a person they were. 
“if i ever see you near them again, i will not hesitate to kill you. i won’t blink twice, i already have blood on my hands.” he ground out.
at the threat, the person grudgingly turned their back to you before leaving the two of you alone in the quiet harbor. 
you carefully reached a hand out to touch your boyfriend’s shoulder, but stopped after you saw the expression on his face. the mix of rage, sadness, and anguish imprinted his features as you watched his chest rapidly rise and fall - a result of his emotional battle. 
“i’m sorry i didn’t notice them before. i should’ve been paying more attention to you” he whispered before silently striding away from your grasp 
you knew that no matter how many reassurances you gave him about how, “it’s not your fault xiao, i didn’t notice them either” he would still blame himself. 
he was supposed to protect you right? so why couldn’t he sense the danger beforehand? what would’ve happened if he wasn’t there?
it’s still a learning process for him to realize that things happen, and he inevitably couldn’t be there to save you from everything. he needs time to understand and adjust. you’re willing to wait, patiently helping him through it. why? because love is worth it. 
god im sorry this ended up kinda sad whoops
i swear everytime i say i’m a childe simp diluc kinda wrecks me
ahem anyways onto the hc!
he’s kinda never around but similar to xiao he will overwork himself to clear out an hour or two just to watch your concerts 
he’ll always stand off to the side too so if you tilt your head while you’re singing you can spy his red hair 
you always flash him the sweetest smile and this man blushes like CRAZY before quickly lifting his hand up to give you a thumbs up 
everyone watching the both of you like 😍😦
people think it’s the cutest thing i swear like c’mon the elusive “bachelor of mondstadt” being seen in public supporting you??? wow pls can we share him
he walks with you back to the winery, the entire time linking his hands with yours while gushing about your performance 
1939248/10 it’s literally the sweetest thing 
the next day however, adelinde brings you a pink letter addressed to you 
he doesn’t pry because it’s addressed to you and it’s your business but as the letters start coming by everyday, he starts to grow curious 
one day he straight up just asks you about it
“hey, you know those pink letters you keep getting? who are they from?”
you laugh slightly at his bashfulness and respond with a “just some overexcited fan” and he smiles before kissing your forehead 
he loves that people are noticing your talent 
loves it! until you get stalked by the same person who wrote you those letters while you were shopping!
diluc knows something’s wrong when you rush into angel’s share panicked after not returning his usual smile. 
“darling? are you ok?” he asks worriedly before quickly setting down the glass he was cleaning to move towards you. 
the widening of your eyes as you looked behind you at the sounds of someone else entering was all he needed to swiftly step in front of you, blocking their gaze of your face. 
the slightly panicked look in your eyes before you hurriedly whispered, “they’re following me” made diluc glance at them subtly out of the corner of his eye. he watched as they walked over to find a seat next to the bar, seemingly ready to order a drink. he quietly asked if you would like to sit in the room reserved for the employees, away from their prying eyes. your hasty nod was all the confirmation he needed for him to let you access the door behind him. 
the night went by fairly smoothly with kaeya’s usual teasing and venti’s usual begging for alcohol. diluc’s eyes narrowed however, when the person seemed to ask him questions regarding you. things like, “i heard you’re dating y/n... they’re amazing, how long have you been together?” and “do they live with you at dawn winery?” diluc answered these questions as short as he could, trying to convey with his body language that he truly did not want to talk to them. 
everything was going well until he made the mistake of leaving the bar unattended. he had briefly forgotten about your residence in the room behind him as his mind immediately gravitated to breaking up a brawl. when he returned, the half drunk glass of liquor combined with the person’s absence from their seat, caused sparks of worry to light up inside his chest. 
turning to the door, he knocked once. 
“is everything alright in there love?”
the sounds of things rustling about and the occasional muffled voice had him opening the door quickly. he saw you with your arm being held tightly in their grasp, your mouth muffled with their hand, while you strained against them by pulling at your arm. 
diluc immediately made his way over to you, quickly pulling your arm away before letting you enter into his embrace. 
“get out.” the venomous words clawed their way out of his throat as he looked at them with eyes that screamed hatred. his blood was boiling as his mind replayed the scene; your scared expression and their greedy eyes. 
diluc didn’t need to repeat himself twice as they ran out, trying not to trip over crates of wine. he made a mental note to find out who they were in order to make sure they never came near you ever again. 
he quickly looked down at your form, relaxing slightly at the sight of your tentative smile. “my knight in shining armor” you joked before softly nuzzling your head into his shoulder. the anger had yet to dissipate from his veins, and although he knew you were still shaken up, he was sure you would be fine. 
a pink letter placed on the table next to you caught his eye, and he made sure to quickly pocket it as he led you out, gently jesting with you about the “unnecessary amount of wine barrels in here, diluc this is a safety hazard!” 
he would deal with this person later. 
ok tbh he’s very rarely around so he unfortunately cannot make it to all of your shows 
dw tho, he will try his hardest to be there for the ones he’s in town for bc what is he if not your number one hype king??? 
ok kinda creepy! alert 
he’s tasked two of his subordinates to keep watch over you whenever he’s out of the harbor
it’s not anything creepy,,, he just gets extremely worried abt you and wants to make sure you’re safe 
sO when he gets a ransom note??? he’s understandably confused but also very much freaked out 
bc did they not know who he was??? the fact that they thought they could get away with holding you captive was quite honestly kind of funny to him 
very stressed and angry tho - hides it behind a facade of smiles but he’s raging 
takes him only a few hours to track you down bc he had everyone and i mean EVERYONE looking for you 
the note crunched in his hand as the harbinger made his way towards windrise. his pace was erratic, long legs rushing towards the small cave his agents had found. they were bordering the perimeter of the enclosure, careful to not alert you or your captor of their presence. childe’s subordinate head had calmly stated that childe need not come out to rescue you, the situation was under control and they could do it for him. however, childe’s sharp gaze along with his sickly sweet words of “thanks but no. i’m coming out to see this sorry asshole for myself” had the agent backing away apologizing. he wanted to see the look on this person’s face before he shoved their sorry ass into the abyss himself. 
as he reached the opening of the cave, he glanced over his shoulder at his head agent; a silent warning to keep the area sealed. his blue eyes glinted with a thirst for blood before making his way into the cave, sealing off the exit with his body. 
“well well, playing games with the love of my life are we?” 
his teasing words reached your ears as your eyes immediately found the face of your boyfriend. you weren’t horribly scared, just a little shaken up and sore from the bindings on your wrists. relief coursed through your body at the sight of him. you needn’t put in your plan of getting out of these bindings to fight your captor yourself anymore. 
childe’s eyes quickly scanned over your frame, making sure you weren’t hurt. at the state of you completely unharmed, the harbinger let his heart calm down slightly. you were completely ok. 
“wait a little longer, love? i promise this will be over soon”
the wink he sent you had you lightly rolling your eyes at his antics before he directed his attention back to your kidnapper. if your captor wasn’t scared before, they were certainly shaking in their boots now at the sight of childe’s twin hydro blades rotating playfully in his hands. 
“listen, all i want is the money-”
“and all i want is your head” 
your boyfriend smiled after cutting them off. the severity of the situation truly seemed to sink in at that moment before pleas of mercy fell from your captor’s lips, desperate to escape the bloodthirsty gaze of the harbinger. childe’s eyes flickered over to yours where you sat there, with your head ferociously shaking. a silent “no.” he sighed before swiftly bringing his arm up to hit your captor on the head, effectively knocking them out cold. 
his hands worked at the ropes holding you and he gingerly rubbed at your bruised wrists. you silently thanked the archons he could never say no to you. archons forbid what would've happened if you hadn’t said anything. while you were explaining what happened, the young man quickly scooped you up in his arms before walking out of the cave. 
you playfully hit his shoulder while muttering “drama queen” but you stopped when you saw his face morph into an expression of seriousness. you had informed him on the situation about your captor revealing themselves to be a recent stalker of yours, completely oblivious to the look of frustration on his face as he freed you from your bondages. 
“i was scared you know.” he quietly divulged. “i knew that it wasn’t anything extremely serious but i... i was still scared”
you swore as you looked at him in that moment, he had turned ten again. the youth of his face betraying his vulnerability. 
you quietly hummed before tangling your fingers in his hair. “i hope you know it wasn’t your fault. it wasn’t anyone’s fault. not even the two fatui agents who you sent to stalk me while you were away.”
he quietly laughed at that before mentally filing away a reminder for a lecture to those two agents in the near future. 
“i’m just glad you’re safe. i know you can save yourself but i’ll always be here. i still wish you would let me take care of your asshole kidnapper myself though.” he pouted jokingly. 
“i’m sure the millelith will lock them up for a long time.” you laughed sweetly. 
his usual smile reappeared at your antics. maybe he didn’t get to beat your captor up and do...much worse. however at the end of the day, your smile was still intact regardless of what happened. that’s all he wanted. 
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
Tik Tok Leggings
Summary: Time to test these Tik tok leggings.
Warnings: swearing, Fluff, Cheeky Henry, Suggestive Themes, Plus sized reader
A/N: Just wanted to do something different thinking of maybe having a mini TikTok onshot series but unsure yet. Either way I hope you enjoy and happy Easter to those who celebrate  and those who don't? Have a brilliant Sunday xx
Taglist: will be in comment/reblogs
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You eyed the package wearily... just how the fuck were you meant to pull this off? Slowly but surely the confidence  and 'fuck it' attitude was waning. They looked small.... very small.
You huffed a sigh looking at yourself in the mirror eyeing your form. You swear you'd gained some more weight, just a few pounds maybe? But you felt huge. Slowly you unravelled the leggings, it had been a good idea at the time but now you wasn't so sure. They were expensive and even thought you bought them as a little prank you did hope they would boost you confidence or at least be comfy enough to wear around the house.
Being a larger girl it was hard finding comfy clothes and you had to be comfy now that your boys were running around the house like headless chickens. You thought the terrible twos with trainers were bad? Your four year olds had scooters!
You grit your teeth and decided to try the leggings on gearing up for an all put war with the waist band but was pleasantly surprized. The fabric was firm and tummy controlling without feeling you feeling caught by a bloody boa constrictor! A comfy tight not spandex tight. You casually wondered about seeing if the company did bras, this shit would stop the girls from trying to knock you out on the stairs!
You pulled the material setting the... elasticated seam in your ass crack and winced... Okay that's a little strange... but not unpleasant and almost thong. You spun around eyeing yourself in to mirror. You didn't look to bad, if you said so yourself. Sure you wasn't magically strim and fit, you were blessed with a nice thick ass... but unfortunately had the thick hips and large thighs to go with it. You'd never be petite or dainty, but then again henry was huge behemoth of a man so you didn't need to be. As he said on many occasions he wanted a woman as thick as him... and you definitely fit that bill. His thighs were only slightly bigger then yours.
You turned around a few more times. Fuck okay hello there~ you grinned. You may not be the perfect sized woman but fuck if your ass wasn't glorious in these leggings~ this just might work.
You grinned and pulled on one of Henry's tshirts, the grey marines one it was snug and would ride up a little over your tummy showing off your bubble but that you felt was your best feature. And then padded downstairs, henry. Was in the large garden trying to teach the boys how to play rugby... Wanting to start them young.
You pottered about the kitchen chopping up the salad for tonight. Contrary to what people thought you were not large because you ate to much or did little exercise, you had always been bigger and admittedly since having the boys you had gained a little more weight but not ridiculously, you wasn't dangerously over weight.
You hummed looking out the patio door seeing henry jumping for joy as his boys and Kal played 'rugby' darting across the garden to the tiny rugby post at the end. Moving to Jersey to raise the kids was a brilliant idea, you had a huge country house with the land to go with it. Flat and immaculate that spread around the house in nearly four acres the lawn was mostly to the back and side and cornered off with tall hedge rows then beyond it a cornered off veggie plot and greenhouse and a work in progress chicken coop. Soon there will be a decent sized pond and some ducks... Henry didn't know yet, but if he was allowed to have a stables built four god knows how many horses you were allowed your ducks god dammit.
You grinned watching as henry ran around both the boys with his phone out cheering them on as they tor across the garden wrestling each other for the ball. You had panicked when you were told twin boys but you should have known henry would be able to handle it. It was perfect, days like this when he was home and strived to make his sons lives as magical and fun as he could, everyday was a holiday when dad was home.
You shook your head seeing the boys both lay on the floor in the shade completely tuckered out from the mornings fun. Henry can into the kitchen and you held your breath quickly bending over the counter a tad more then normal hoping to get a favourable reaction from your husband. But you couldn't help the tinge of doubt  what if he didn't like them? Or thought you looked bigger then you were?
"Hey sweetheart are the boys fruit shoots in the fri-oh sweet baby Jesus" he coughed cutting himself off  and took a half step back as he came in the kitchen. You giggled and turned to him then nodded your head to the fridge.
"Yeah their in there love" you said smirking and blushing as you saw him eyeing your ass tilting his head slowly down trying to get a better look at your ass making you bite your lip.
"Err yeah yeah... I... hold that thought" he said snapping out of it holding a finger up at you and looked to his phone.
"You just stay right were you are- no nope over bend over again babe... fuck me how did I get such a sexy little mama~" he growled one hand swiping over his screen. You flushed and wriggled our hips a little as you leant forward feeling on top of the world as he openly gawked at your ass. For a second you thought he was taking a photo and made to move wanting to snap up right but he napped his fingers to you pointing for you to get back down and brought the phone to his ear.
"Henry what are you?-" you tried standing once more but he crossed the kitchen pressing himself up against your ass and rocked slowly making you mewl as his bulge pressed against your ass half hard already. Henry huge hand pressed you down on the counter before him and winked then he spoke as who ever was on the phone answered.
"Hey mum, hi can you come get the boys?" He asked and you gasped at him shaking your head at him laughing. He wasn't palming the kids off to their grandparents because he wanted a midday fuck! Not that Marie-Ann would mind, she loved hosting the kids and frequently showed up out of the blue and took them out for the day. She was adamant that both you and henry still had alone time.
"No, no everything's all right I just- somethings come up~" he smirked and you laughed loud shaking your head at him, he was a little bugger! He wriggled his brows at you and nodded then flushed stuttering for a few comments.
"I.. No no of course not mum... muuuum stop- well yeah... yes I know you were young once-oh shit no I didn't mean of course your still young! Your in your prime! Okay yes, yes I promise to try my hardest... yes okay, see you in ten okay love you bye... bye mum I will. Yes I will mum bye" he muttered slowly moving through being embarrassed, shy and strangely confident before hanging up.
"Soo the boys are going out?" You giggled finding the way he reacted ridiculously cute. It wasn't what you expected, maybe a kiss on the cheek and a slap on the ass. But not him shipping the kids off for the day.
"And staying over night" Henry muttered moving both hands to your ass and squeezed and rolled the cheeks about making you squeak and try rising on your tip toes but he just growled following pressing a kiss to your neck.
"And what have we agreed to for this mighty generous gift? What have you promised?" You said arching back into him with a teasing tone knowing Marie would make henry pay for the 'young once' comment.
"Oh you know nothing too big just another grandchild, which wont be hard with these in your closet" he chuckled pinging the fabric that clung to your ass like a second skin. You flushed gasping out at him batting him away slowly. But it was a hard fought battle, Henry won easily sliding the cutting board back then let you spin to face him. He quickly hoisted you up onto the counter top behind you and kissed your lips moaning into you before pulling back and pointed at you.
"Right you stay- right here. Don't you move a muscle Mrs Cavill" he said seriously and backed away from you still pointing making you laugh and kick your feet biting your lip before nodding. Henry backed up to the back door and called out to the boys.
"Boys come on! Your going to grandmas for a sleep over! Go pack a bag, jammies, tooth brush and clothes for tomorrow! Come on mush hop it or cop it!" he called you smiled hearing two high pitch excited voices squealing at the thought of grandma. She spoilt them rotten. They dashed into the house quickly running past the both of you giggle as henry tried playfully nudging them on the bottoms with his foot when they ran through the kitchen to dart up the stairs and pack an overnight bag. Henry slunk out of the kitchen following the boys but kept glancing back at you.
"Remember right there babe, been too long since we fucked in here~" he growled making you flush remembering the last time you'd made love in here. It'd been when you were pregnant, the day you moved in before you redecorated you'd had Chinese take out and then made love in every room in the house.
"I'll be right here love I promise, now... You might want to sort yourself out before answering the door to your mother~" you teased pointing to the large lump in the front of his shorts making him grunt and cup himself trying to reposition himself and left the kitchen to help the boys pack.
You can safely say, these leggings were a success. You were definitely leaving a five star review... You did however regret not filming his reaction for tiktok. Honestly you didn't even have the app your sister in law had shown you and you thought it'd be something fun to try with Henry. You may just get more than you bargained for though, not that you minded... You just hoped you had a girl this time, it was about time to try and even things out a bit.
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silversatoru · 3 years
Hi, I just finished burdens and OML 🥺🥺🥺
May I request some sort of megumi x reader continuous where the reader ends up becoming a powerful sorcerer (or a cursed spirit👀 whichever you’d like tbh) megumi and the reader somehow cross paths again a little while after the break up and he witnesses her fighting for the first time? I just know that boy would fall in love all over again but she’s moved on and he feels guilty and just angst? And maybe fluff idk. I’m new to requests so I hope I did this right, thank you so much❤️❤️
burdens pt. 2
a/n: hello, part two of this not-so-lovely story is finally here. every single one of you is allowed one free punch to my face for taking so long to write it,,, i’m so sorry. this is its fourth rewrite and it got a little darker than expected but it’s finally done,, i hope you enjoy <3
fushiguro megumi x f!reader
synopsis: you finally see megumi again at the kyoto sister school goodwill event
tags/warnings: angst, some graphic depictions of violence, character death
word count: 3k
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“Do you know how tired I am of watching the people I love die? Things would be so much easier for me if you just stayed the fuck away”.
Megumi’s bitter words were on repeat in your head — the harshness of his voice leaving a hollow feeling carved into your chest. Tear-stained cheeks and shaky breathes had become your new normal these past few days. Tight, sharp pains filled your empty stomach, waves of nausea coursing through your body.
You’ve had no motivation to get out of bed lately, nevermind to shower or cook yourself a proper meal — honestly, for all you cared you could rot away in your blanket filled bed. You checked your phone like a fiend too, thinking that eventually, a miraculous text from Megumi would appear and make everything better. It never did.
He’d completely ghosted you since that dreadful day, and that hurt more than anything. You’d held onto a sliver of hope that maybe, just maybe, he hadn't meant what he said. But as the days continued to pass, your hope quickly dwindled.
To say your current state was shameful was putting it lightly, and you were embarrassed at how poorly this was effecting you. You liked to think that you were strong, motivated, independent — that you didn't need some douchebag just to feel happy. But truth be told, breakups are fucking hard, and it's okay to not be okay for a while — or at least that's what you kept telling yourself.
So when you were trudging miserably down the street to your local convenience store and you saw a familiar pair of jujutsu sorcerers, you wanted desperately to sink into the ground. You made a quick turn to head to a different shop, but it was too late, you were spotted.
“y/n! hey!” Two lighthearted voices sang through the air, filling your ears and making your heart clench in your chest.
You turned around and anxiously approached them, your unkempt hair and baggy eyes sending looks of concern across their faces.
“Hey girl, you good?” Nobara shot you a sideways glance, Maki raising a suspicious eyebrow.
“Yeah, uh, ice cream,” You croaked, speaking for the first time in a couple days, “I’m here for ice cream, that’s all”.
“Yeah, but why do you look like a fucking zombie?” Maki pushed her eyeglasses further up her nose, her sharp eyes looking you up and down.
“Ah, he didn’t say anything to you guys, did he?” You shook your head, heavy eyes falling to ground as you refused to meet theirs.
“Don’t tell me…” Nobara’s face contorted, “Did he break up with you?”
You nodded, a pitiful chuckle falling from your lips, because if you didn’t laugh, you’d start sobbing right now.
Maki threw her arm around your shoulder, pulling you to her side and ushering you into the store, “It’s okay, men suck. Hang out with us today”.
Meanwhile, Nobara trailed quickly behind the two of you, anger seething from her teeth and steam practically billowing out of her ears.
“That fuckhead! I swear I’ll fuck his shit up big time, he won’t even know what fucking hit him. I knew that boy was stupid but shit, this is a whole new low for him! I-,” She continued to ramble and rant as Maki led you through the store, picking out drinks and snacks to help ease your pain.
The three of you ended up in a nearby park, sitting around a small picnic table and gorging on the massive array of snacks. Lighthearted conversation and lots of food make your chest ache a little less, and you even found yourself laughing and chatting as if things were normal. You’d told the two of them all about that day, about Megumi’s irrational words and his tragic breakdown that led to some kind of fucked-up break up sex.
“So, how are we gonna get back at him? Egg his car? Put bleach in his shampoo? Bugs in his food? God - it’s a shame his dad is dead because from the pictures I’ve seen that man was FINE and revenge sex—,”
“Nobara,” Maki shot her idiot girlfriend a dirty look, and the orange-haired girl quickly shut her mouth, “As much as I support any idea that revolves around ruining a man’s day, I don’t think revenge is the healthiest coping strategy here”.
You were tracing your eyes around Maki’s face as she spoke, and you found yourself carefully inspecting her purple glasses that rested softly on the bridge of her nose. And that’s when it clicked, the light bulb ignited in your head and you knew exactly what you wanted to do.
“Maki,” your voice was urgent, “You don’t have cursed energy, you can’t even see them without your glasses!”
Her face twisted and her nose scrunched, a look of distaste in her eyes, “I know?”
“So, you could teach me, right? You could help me learn how to use some cursed weapons?”
“Yeah! You have to Maki, then she can beat his ass with me,” Nobara chimed in.
“That’s not a bad idea actually,” Maki’s mouth formed an evil grin, “Could you imagine his face after watching you exorcise a curse?”
The three of your conversed for a bit longer, speculating and potting about training, weapons, and your very own pair of curse-seeing glasses. By the end of the night you had a plan, and a pretty good one if you say so yourself.
From that day on, teary eyes and achy hearts were a thing of the past, not because it was that easy to get over Megumi, but because Maki didn’t even allow you the time to feel dismal anymore. You met her everyday after classes without fail, and everyday she would train you until you thought your arms would fall off. After months and months of sore muscles, sweat, and the occasional injury, you were convinced that Maki was incapable of feeling pity or remorse for other living things. Every time you speculated about quitting, she’d set a fire under you, unafraid to remind you how weak you still were.
The green-haired sorcerer had ultimately decided that you worked best dual-armed -- a long, lightweight blade in each hand. On your final day of training, she officially gifted the two swords to you, as a “graduation” gift.
Skill-wise, you were by no means as incredible Maki, but you definitely held your own, and the progress you’d made in a mere 8 months was astronomical. They’d introduced you to a strange silver-haired man at some point, Gojo, who had taken not only an interest in you but also your plot against your ex-boyfriend. He cackled to himself when you told him why you were here, going on and on about how priceless Megumi’s face would be when he saw you.
Your appearance was highly anticipated, so why not debut at one of the biggest jujutsu events all year? The Kyoto Sister School Goodwill Event — Gojo thought it was the most perfect idea.
You tried hard to exude confidence as you walked at Nobara and Maki’s sides, but behind your arrogant facade your stomach was twisting itself into knots. Truthfully, you were scared to see Megumi again after so long.
And when your eyes met with his as you walked into the meeting room, you thought you just might pass out. You thought you were ready for this — but the look of complete shock, fear, and anger on his face as he looked you up and down almost made you regret all of it.
“What’s going on?” Megumi’s words were incredibly calculated, an edge on his voice.
His question was pointless, however, because judging by the fact that you were wearing a jujutsu tech uniform and had two swords sheathed at your sides could only mean one thing. Your hair was longer now too, and your frame was wider with an extra layer of muscle from all the training — you almost looked like a different person.
“I’ve been training with Maki, I-,” You spoke up to explain yourself, but you weren’t even granted the opportunity.
“No, no, Maki, what the hell did you do?” His eyes were shaky and laced with concern.
“I only did what she asked me to. I’m not the one who gave her a complex about being weak, you did that,” Maki shrugged, “and she’s not your girlfriend anymore dude, what do you care?”
Absolute confliction flashed through his eyes, uncertainty and madness swirling in his irises, “You’re right, I don’t care. Let me know when the event is starting”.
He took a sharp turn out of the room and let the door slam a little too hard behind him. The sound of his icey voice and the door shutting with unkind force was all too reminiscent of the night you broke up. Burying every emotion you had deep into your stomach you gave Maki a small, reassuring smile and plopped down on one of the couches.
“Alright, so when does this thing start?”
after the start of the event
Fighting the Kyoto students was proving to be much harder than you initially expected, but you were holding your own at Maki’s side. The two of you had easily taken down a small, kind, blue haired girl named Miwa, and now you were watching an emotional battle between Maki and her sister unfold.
Wait here, she’d told you, I want to do this one myself. Take some notes on my form and watch our backs, okay?
Okay, you’d said, a little confused but ultimately finding a nice spot up in a thick tree to carefully observe from. Maki was truly a force of nature, and it seemed like the other girl never actually had a chance of winning. It was honestly only a few minutes before the small black, haired girl was slumped against a tree and Maki was making her way back to you. Things were looking good, two of Kyoto’s student’s were down already and adrenaline was pumping through your veins.
You couldn't quite shake the awful feeling churning in your stomach though, and Megumi’s face was haunting your thoughts. You hadn’t seen him since before the event started, when an odd, pink haired boy jumped out of a box and freaked everyone out. Nobara had later explained who he was and what had happened, and you wondered how many awful surprises Gojo had planned today -- first you, then that.
A small rumble rippled under your feet, and Maki grabbed your arm as you watched a giant brown vine lurch it’s way out of the ground a few hundred yards in the distance.
“That technique doesn’t belong to anyone from Kyoto,” She shot you a look of concern and determination, “let’s go check it out”.
You gave her a firm nod, the two of you making your way towards the horrifying wooden vines. By the time you managed to arrive, Inumaki was already down and so was a dark-haired boy from Kyoto. A muscular, white curse with black markings and wooden branches for eyes was moments away from taking Megumi on all by himself — thank god you got here in time to help.
Megumi, however, was horrified when he saw you jump over the tall roofed building with Maki at your side. He’d just watched two incredible sorcerers get their shit rocked by this curse, there was no way you would stand a chance against this thing. But before he could even try to stop you, you and the green-haired sorcerer were flying through the air and taking shots at the curse. The two of you worked perfectly in sync, the months of daily training finally paying off.
He watched with intent glazed over his eyes, his heart threatening to lurch up his throat. You were a spectacle, and he always thought you were beautiful but seeing you now with dirt and blood stained clothes, cursed weapons gripped firmly in your hands, you truly were ethereal. He hated it though, he hated that he was falling in love with you all over again, especially under these circumstances. Guilt and anxiety was eating away at him — why did you have to get involved? Why couldn’t you have just stayed away like he told you to?
He was quick to join the two of you, sticking close to your side to protect you if need be — but, even with all three of you together the curse still had the upper hand. Maki had been swatted to the side, her back slamming hard against one of the tiled roofs and knocking her unconscious. It was down to just the two of you now, beads of sweat causing your hair to uncomfortably stick to the back of your neck. This was something that Maki’s training could have never prepared you for.
Megumi was getting tired, taking one wrong step and losing his footing momentarily. The curse saw this as a perfect window of opportunity, sending a spiral of vines and branches hurling for Megumi. It was fast, but the adrenaline coursing through you helped you to move faster, launching yourself through the air and intercepting the attack. The barky, wooden vines twisted violently through your stomach, shooting clean through your back and ripping a violent scream from your throat.
It hurt so bad, feeling the plant wriggle through your organs and tear you apart from the inside out. The curse retracted his vine a few moments later, leaving your mangled body to fall helplessly to the roof. Tears rippled from your eyes, your body shaking and seizing as you coughed up a few sprays of blood.
A long, strong pair of arms scooped you up instantaneously, and your head was resting against a firm chest — probably Megumi, but you didn’t quite have the energy to open your eyes to check.
“We’ll take it from here, get her to Ieiri!” You heard a pair of deep voices yelling to Megumi, but it was too foggy and far away for you to understand what they were saying.
Megumi was seething with anger, moving as fast as his feet could carry him and he ran through the school. As you waved in and out of consciousness, you batted open your eyes, stealing quick glances at his twisted features and — were those tears on his face?
“I- I’m sorry Megumi… I think I finally understand what you were so afraid of all this time,” Your voice was barely a croak, “when I saw it coming, I couldn’t stomach the thought of having to watch you die. I suddenly just thought I would do anything to keep you safe”.
Yeah, those were definitely tears, you could see them a little clearer now. His eyes were red and his cheeks were dried with salty streaks.
“You’re so thick-headed,” he mumbled, his grip around you tightening slightly as he picked up his pace, “I wish you would have made that realization before there was a giant hole in your stomach”.
“Me too,” You hummed, but you weren’t really in any pain anymore. The pain had subdued to a sweet warm sensation inside your stomach, and an intoxicating sleepiness was washing over your head, “I was angry for a long time, but I’m not mad at you anymore, Gumi. I hope you can forgive me too”.
You offered him a tiny smile, but the blood leaking from between you keeps made it anything but sweet.
“There’s nothing to forgive you for, you never did anything wrong,” He spoke quickly, his voice quiet and cracking.
“No, but we’re not gonna make it to Ieiri, I know that and so do you,” You fell into a violent fit of coughs again, sputtering red splatters all over the front of his uniform.
“Shut up”.
“It’s not your fault, none of it was ever your fault,” you choked out once the fit of coughs subsided — and you weren’t just talking about yourself, you were talking about all of the unfortunate tragedies he’d witnessed throughout this life.
“And you’re allowed to be selfish sometimes, you know? I hope that when you meet someone, your soulmate even, you can allow yourself to love them with every part of you”.
The words painfully left your lips, but you meant every single one of them. You were starting to realize that you and Megumi were never meant to make it to the end. You weren’t his soulmate, you were here to help him grow, so that when he did finally meet them he’d be ready.
“You deserve to be loved, Megumi,” You looked up at him with big eyes, but his face was starting to get really fuzzy now.
Your fingers were going numb and your mouth felt like it was filled with sand. You were so tired, letting your eyes flutter shut and your head rest softly against Megumi’s chest. You felt him stop running, you could even hear him screaming at you — but it was too far away for you to hear. You drifted closer and closer to eternal sleep, your soul swollen with love for the boy who broke your heart.
Megumi didn’t even feel sad when you stopped breathing in his arms — he just felt hollow. More empty and broken than he’d ever thought possible. You were the most incredible person he’d ever met — someone with extreme motivation, who acted with no fear or hesitation, who always had love to give, even when he didn’t deserve it. He’d never forget you, not for as long as he’d live anyway.
Even when he did meet a new girl a few years later — a compassionate, brave girl, who reminded him a lot of you — he wouldn’t forget. He wouldn’t forget your words and for the first time in his life he’d let his walls down for her. He’d allow himself to truly love, and be loved in return.
And maybe you were right, maybe he did deserve to be loved like this, because god, he finally feels whole again when she’s around. He just wishes you were still here so he could say thank you.
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Life with Ushijima & Tsukishima as dads
Warnings: none
Words: 1931 
A/N hey babes it’s been a while y’know and this isn’t perfect but I hope you like it because i think it’s cutee 
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Tsukishima loves you, he really does, but he never knew how much he could actually love until the day you two had your fist kid together like he had never felt so whole and so happy as he did in that moment, she gives him more than you ever could and you would be lying if you said that you weren’t just a little bit jealous of her for that
Tsukishima is absolutely obsessed with your little girl at first like any time she wakes up in the middle of the night he is there for her, not only to let you sleep but also to spend more time cuddling and kissing on his little girl
He physically cannot say no to your little girl and finds himself making her “go see mom” when she wants something but you now have a little boy too which he has a tinyyyy bit easier time telling no to, but he swears he still he loves his goofy blonde little boy as much as his baby girl
A typical date in the life starts with Tsukishima getting up before anyone else and spending a little bit of time waking up, usually with a shower or a cup of coffee because he is a horrible morning person and doesn’t want to grump all of you out because that definitely happened at first with your little girl because he was tired constantly and it was a lot of grouching so now he just gives himself a little bit of time before he goes and gently wakes you up in the morning, giving you attitude for your morning hair and “god awful breath, what did you eat?” He sasses you every morning but gives you a kiss o n the forehead anyway because he still loves you
You go shower while he goes to get your toddler up and start getting her dressed, by the time you are done she’s downstairs eating breakfast as cheerful as ever, the two of them love having breakfast together, more like she loves sassing her dad about how breakfast is the most important meal of the day and he should eat with her and he cannot make himself say no to that logic so they eat together and you go wake up the baby
He’s a little more like Tsukishima in the fact that you need to wake him up, go get dressed and then go back to him, and when you do his face lights up, he loves you more than he loves Tsuki which is obvious by the way that he always calls for you and wants you and that makes Tsuki so jealous because he secretly wants to be the favorite parent
You get him changed and dressed for the day before heading down to wish the others a good morning, and you get smothered in kisses by your little girl as she tells you both all about her dreams and kisses her little brother and continues to talk your ears off as you tag team making her lunch
When she’s done eating breakfast she goes and brushes her teeth and puts her shoes on
At this point Tsuki has to leave to work so in the most dramatic way ever she kisses him goodbye and acts as if her world is ending because they are going to be apart from each other for just a couple of hours but just mentioning that she gets to go to daycare is enough that she completely forgets her sorrows and cheers right up because she has a ‘boyfriend’ (which Tsukishima is livid about but you tell him that it’s all in good fun) and she gets to see him
He leaves and you get the three of you out the door and dropped off at daycare before you go to work
Tsuki picks the two of them up from daycare in the early afternoon and depending on the day will take the two of them to the park while you go grocery shopping (going with a baby and a toddler to the store is worse than it sounds) or he takes them home and starts making dinner for everyone (with the help of his little girl of course- which is so rude because Tsukishima doesn’t let you cook with him but he lets her every single time and when you ask he tells you it’s because he doesn’t cook with losers)
When you all have had dinner (and usually dessert) you like to try and each take a turn with the kids doing something with them, with your little girl you like to read books and do crafts but with the baby you like to read to him or play with little animals with him
You see Tsukishima literally laying on the floor playing dolls with his little girl because she needs him to help her doll get ready for the big dance tonight, he hates it but the smile on her face makes him melt enough that he sucks it up
Bed time goes about the same but lucky for you both of your kids love going to bed so you read the baby to sleep together before going on to your little girl
After the kids are asleep you tag team the kitchen and start a load of laundry while Tsuki folds the things in the dryer, you both start doing your own things but end up with your back pressed up against his chest and he rests his head on your shoulder lazily as he tries to finish what he was doing quickly so you both can go to bed, he is an amazing dad but an even better partner because when you finish he takes you both up to bed and will rub your shoulders and back until you fall asleep before he pulls out his laptop and finishes his work for the night until he gets tired
Tsukishima is never one to be seen as emotional or vulnerable but he is literally so happy to be a dad and so happy to be with you like his life is so much happier than he could have ever thought it would be and he would never tell you this but he would be so happy if you two had even more kids together because they bring him so much joy in life and he just loves it
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Poor Ushijima almost passed out when you told him you were pregnant the first time, and it didn’t get better the second or third time, Ushijima is such an anxious human being and he just finds himself worrying over and over again that he is going to be a bad dad but as you move through the pregnancy he gets more and more excited
Poor Toshi is not a natural dad, he doesn’t know how to hold a baby or calm a baby but boy he is willing to learn because you have done so much for him already and he doesn’t want you to have to raise them alone
Every time you have a new baby you have to reteach him but he is so excited every time because he hopes they look just like you and it brings you two so much closer together and he adores it
When they are babies Ushijima spends so much time rocking them to sleep and just holding them to his chest and admiring how small they are compared to his large hands and you can guarantee that he does a lot of skin to skin contact with them to deepen their bond even more because he wants to be close to his kids
He is a firm but loving dad to all of your kids, he lets them have dessert but also makes them clean up after themselves first like he loves them so much and they love him back
Your first kid was definitely attached to you more which made Ushijima not only a little jealous and upset but just made him want you to have another kid even sooner, he was so excited to hear that you were pregnant again, nervous but excited
Now you have three kids together and every day is completely different, Ushijima is still working  and training hard so you have to get the kids up and ready by yourself most mornings but he is there all afternoon and night with you guys focusing on your family
He picks them up from school and preschool and asks all of the questions about their days and when he feels like your youngest has been talked over (the older two are little chatterboxes) he stops and asks him questions about his day so they each get to talk and share with him
Your quiet little girl is the closest with Ushijima, you find the two of them in the oddest circumstances it’s ridiculous, sometimes they will be sitting side by side on the couch reading and Ushijima has his arm wrapped around her and they won’t say a word and literally be looking at different books but they absolutely love it so you never question their time together, the others tend to like to be read to or to play ball with him in sometimes a little bit more but not her, she likes her quiet time with him and you definitely have found him sneaking her a little bit more ice cream when her siblings take the bowls that obviously have more than hers
Ushijima loves to make you all lunches before he goes to the gym and you always smile when he puts little lunches together for you all, he leaves little notes in the lunch boxes that are precious, they usually aren’t super long but at least a little heart that says have a good day, he is a big goof though and loves to put one little sweet in each kids lunch everyday to spoil them but it is never the same thing and it is always different for each kid which he really loves
He is so patient with them and is willing to watch frozen over and over again if they ask because it means that they curl up in his lap and will cuddle him so there is no down side to any of it
You both take turns cooking and cleaning the kitchen but most nights when he cooks he also helps you clean the kitchen because he loves the little bit of time he gets to spend with you in the quiet
You tag team bed time because your little boy hatessss bed time and will not go to sleep but Ushijima has a way of getting him asleep right away but when you try it is a battle all night so you just take the girls and he takes your son
After they are asleep Ushijima makes sure that you both get time together, some nights it is a hot bath together where you get to relax in each other’s arms, or a movie or a bottle of wine and sitting and talking together, but no matter what you both spend a little bit of time together, if one of you has a lot of work the other lays across their lap and just cuddles with them while they get things done
You always fall asleep before him and you really have no idea how much sleep he really gets but he never yawns so you know you shouldn’t worry that much about it
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1ddiscourseoftheday · 3 years
Mon 15 March ‘21
FIRST TIME GRAMMY AWARD WINNING ARTIST HARRY STYLES!! From the bottom of the stairs to the top of the fucking world baby, get itttt!! He won Best Pop Solo Performance for smash hit Watermelon Sugar-- the other two categories he was up for went to others but he was a dark horse for any of them so getting one is awesome! Yeah the grammys are shit but I’m so happy for him to see him receiving validation and acclaim from the industry that has never appreciated what he (and his bandmates) are and can do as artists, it’s a fucking start you know? We can enjoy the moment! Harry did! His acceptance speech was short and it feels like he was blindsided and forgot everything (including not to swear on TV and as pro as he is you know that means he was absolutely reeling, I love that) but later he said “I want to thank my fans for giving me an environment to be free to make the music that I want to make and supporting me along the way the last ten years”, yes that’s right we have helped you find a place to feel good, and “this is an incredibly sweet icing on the cake of what I get to do everyday so thank you.”
But that’s not all! He also performed, and wore things! Say what you want about Harry (or better yet please DON’T at least to me but that’s a losing battle) we always get so hyped up about even just seeing his outfits and he does not let us down! BLACK LEATHER, TITS FULLY OUT, DICK BANANA CHARM, AND A MUPPET BOA? Yeah he did that! Shirtless under a patent leather suit, I mean: wow. Very glam rock, very… well listen it’s just very GAY in like so many different ways??? Harry Lambert said they wanted “something darker, sexier, and more unexpected” which is definitely about that look I’m assuming and not the pastel thrift store rummage bin hodgepodge he wore later, unless Harry(s) and I have very different ways of interpreting “darker”. (Harry L also said “free the nipple” and we can all see that he MEANT it.) Harry red carpet-ed and accepted his award in a lavender muppet boa, tits slightly less out but still cleavagey, and with a seemingly random collection of other garments YES BABY OKAY you just WEAR THAT THEN! About that Harry L said, “we wanted to do something that felt British and eccentric, a little bit rock ‘n’ roll and a little bit camp,” but the people have spoken and they said ‘we think he looked like Cher from Clueless’ so, sorry Harry(s)! Esquire struggling to describe the look-- “the kind of thing that Styles seems to make wearable” klasjdlk the doubtful ‘seems’ is sending me. Either way we can definitely all agree on the camp part, and that the matching face mask (as seen in the audience shots and in adorbs pics of him camping it up with Lizzo backstage) is amazing, love that (even if he does spend way too much time nervously pulling it on and off omg just LEAVE IT) and it even went also with outfit number THREE (or at least it did as well as any of his anything went together lol) which was a big floppy orange coat and plaid pants and a THIRD BOA, a dignified (haha JK NOPE it’s still a muppet) black number this time.
It seems the performance was filmed in advance rather than done live-- there were clues suggesting this might be the case, but the real giveaway was when a picture from it leaked before the broadcast, lol. Way to make it so we “can’t even tell if it’s live or not” Ben, and why is he STILL so obsessed with trying to gaslight us anyway my god just say what’s prerecorded it’s fiiiine. ANYWAY Harry played Watermelon Sugar and only WS; well after all it is his GRAMMY AWARD WINNING SONG. Plus it was a really nice version, all smooth and funky, with a highlight of the night being Harry’s full on 60s girl group choreo move with the backup singers, omg. Those backing vocalists were the duo G.A.W.D., and there was extra accompaniment by fellow nominee Devonte Hynes aka Blood Orange (who also directed the performance and no I do not know what that means) and “Spencer and Josh” on horns (the closest I can find to someone crediting them so, apologies guys). Anyway! All of them (regular HS band included) were decked out in matching gucci black leather too and looking good. And Harry looked so happy to be up there performing, just beaming like a lighthouse, so overall- good good stuff, I just keep on dancin!
The real bombshell of the performance though was subtle and needed confirmation after for the excitement to really hit-- it was Sarah drumming  decked out in tight black leather and visibly pregnant!! That’s right, band drummer Sarah Jones is PREGNANT by (Grammy Award winning) guitarist Mitch, there’s a HARRY STYLES BAND BABY on the way!!!! WHAT A NIGHT! It wasn’t enough for Harry to find love in his own band, he’s somehow cupid-ing that energy all over the place and spreading it around, AMAZING!
And Liam comes through with not just a sweet congratulations for Harry (“what a huge moment, proud to be your brother” awwww) but also the final word on the performance look- goddammit it IS one of the rejected Best Song Ever video looks, LMAOOOO. But did he tag HSHQ instead of Harry directly in acknowledgment of how the awards system really works and that they are all to be congratulated or simply because it was easier? We will never know.
Additional tidbits-- bassist Hynes was apparently playing creative director Molly Hawkins’ dad’s bass- did we know her dad was a famous bassist who played with Fleetwood Mac and many other 70s stars?! If I did I had definitely forgotten! And more Molly news-- she’s also pregnant!! Harry will soon be surrounded by quarantine babies, dreams really coming true huh? Harry posted a pic of himself with Mitch and Devonte looking very cooool, we saw the ceramic watermelons label execs were sent for the WS release last year, and Rebecca Ferguson who knows 1D from way back when (and has recently drawn attention for talking frankly about how fucked up the industry is and about having seen unnamed boy band members literally slammed against the wall by their management) congratulated Harry and posted a couple of baby pop star Harry pics, cuuuute. Louis’ merch handlers, in response to no complaints whatsoever, sent out emails apologizing. They say they’ve run out of lanyards which were meant to be sent out so they will “be adding a freebie which we know you’ll enjoy” to affected customers’ orders. That is sucky about the lanyards but that’s customer care! Niall posted about his cool bright limited edition merch to remind that it will be gone gone gone tonight and also shared a pretty and touching picture from a the large anti violence rally held in London to protest the killing of Sarah Everard today. And finally some good advice from Bebe Rexha, loved by larries; she says she loves us right back but please don’t kill anyone for not streaming her new song! Yes good plan.
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hello-everyfandom · 3 years
"Whatever happens, I’ll be there, right beside you.”
Warnings: ***Severe Trigger Warnings*** Disordered Eating Habits. Restricting Food Intake. Depression and Anxiety
Pairing: Fred Weasley x Reader
Words: 2.6k
Summary: The world is going to shit around you.
Fred Weasley may be many things. He may be too loud. He may be too big headed and cocky. He may not understand emotions as well as his twin. He may be internally anxious about the fastly approaching war which he knew would be nothing but deadly. But, if Fred is anything, he is utterly mad for you. He could not find any answer that could solve how you could possibly be with a boy like himself, the boy whose laughter bounces off the cobble walls, the boy who grins toothily. 
The war, nearly at your fingertips, had taken an emotional and even physical toll on the students at Hogwarts.  Fred was worried. He wouldn’t fully say it outloud as he believed in such tumultuous times as such humor was the best coping method. However, he was worried. Worried about you. As confident as you may have seemed, Fred knew full well of the internal demons you’ve suffered the wrath from. If he could, he’d whip out his wand and defeat them all, but it wasn’t like that. He could not even wish them away, even if he shut his eyes as tightly as he could. 
Those who believed Harry Potter began preparing for battle, learning defensive spells and attacking hexes to protect themselves and protect their home. You were the first to sign up for Dumbledor’s Army alongside the twins who promised all the younger students to prank the ever loving hell out of any Death Eaters who dared roam Hogwarts. 
Fred began to notice a change in your demeanor when training had hit a month or so. You were working yourself to the bone, studying as many protection spells as you could and studying the herbs and potions needed for quick healing. You assured Fred with a kiss on his cheek that you were merely getting as prepared as you could. Fred couldn’t really do anything or think of anything to argue back with, but he watched with wary eyes. 
“Freddie,” you laughed, “You can wipe that worried look off your face. I’m fine!”
“Seriously.” You patted his cheek kindly, “Go on and join the boys for dinner, I’ll be there in a moment.” 
Fred nodded, slowly walking away from where you sat. He waited for you at supper, even made you a plate and made sure no one took the last chocolate pudding as he knew that was your study snack. But, you never came. 
Okay, Fred thought. You must have been too buried in a book as you sometimes were. When night began to grow and he hadn’t seen you for a few hours, he began his search and bid his whining twin behind. He found you where he had last left you, still studying the words of numerous textbooks.
“Missed dinner,” Fred said softly.
“Did I?” you asked, surprised, quickly looking to the clock that hung on the wall you saw that it was nearly ten past eleven. “Oh, bollocks.” You laughed at yourself.
“Yeah, bollocks.” Fred mocked, pulling you to your feet. “Come on then, let’s sneak you something from the kitchens, yeah?”
You bit your cheek, thinking in your head, “I’m really not that hungry.”
“Really?” Fred’s eyebrows raised, “But you’re always hungry after reading, especially big, boring smelly textbooks like these.” He waved his hand accusingly at the books on the table.
With a grin, you shook your head, “Really. I had a large lunch and I’m actually rather tired.”
Fred hummed, interlocking your fingers, “Shall we head to bed then? Have a good little cuddle?”
You nodded in response and began to collect the books to take back to your dormitory.
“No, no!” Fred protested, “Don’t bring the bloody books.”
“Don’t insult the books, Freddie, lest you want a big, boring, smelly textbook in your crotch.”
Fred grumbled and complied, even taking a few of the heavier ones in his arms. Fred slept soundly that night, with his arms wrapped around you. It was only until you were tossing and turning and eventually getting up to light a candle and begin reading again. Fred looked at your hunched figure with bleary eyes.
“What in heaven’s name are you doing love?” he whispered.
“I couldn’t sleep, thought I’d read a bit instead. Go back to sleep,” you whispered back. Fred didn’t think much of this, even though he should’ve, but instead he watched you read until he unwillingly fell asleep again.
Weeks passed, more training sessions and lessons and homework upon homework. Fred kept a smile on his face, giving encouragement to the young D.A members and laughing when George would get blasted back by their little sister. You laughed as well, making Fred grin even larger. He saw you improve beyond belief, able to detect spells thrown at you. He believed wholeheartedly that you could duel with a blindfold on and shamelessly win. But to you? Your form was wonky and your wordless spells needed extreme practice. You brought it upon yourself to take extra practice times in the Room of Requirement, in the space between doing homework and studying. Those times, to Fred’s utter dismay, were usually meal times. 
“Swear on my life, Fred, I eat when I get back to the dorm, you’re usually asleep by then!”
“Freddie, you’re going to wear yourself thin if you continue to worry about me.”
“It’s my job to worry about you.” Fred argued, “Is something wrong? Anything I can help with?” 
Shaking your head, “No no, just want some time to practice, that’s all.”
“Can’t you take a little break? George and Lee haven’t seen you in ages.”
“Well,” you chuckled, “that’s not true. George and I sat next to each other during Divination and I helped Lee with his girl troubles last night.”
“Oh, but... you can still take a break! At least come to dinner?”
“Maybe,” you reached on your toes to press a kiss to Fred’s lips, “We’ll see.”
As you walked away, Fred yelled, “So see you at dinner?”
“Goodbye, Freddie!” you answered back.
Now is the time to be truthful. Standing in the Room of Requirement, alone to your own thoughts. Something was wrong. You weren’t exactly sure what and couldn’t pin where you felt anxious, but you knew something was off and was beginning to fear your love would notice as well. To be honest, you had gotten frightfully used to skipping meals. At first, it bothered your stomach as it growled and rang, but the more you ignored the ache the more you could withstand. Hunger only seemed to be a nuisance to you, distracting you from focusing. The only thing you wanted was to become stronger. Practicing and moving toned you down, but it didn’t seem enough. The girls in your year and below you were smaller, able to move quicker and think faster. Time seemed to serve you well as you put all your focus and will into exercise. When Fred and even George would approach you with plates of food, you’d fawn and smile, thanking them profusely for thinking of you. When they left, or turned an eye, you’d enchant the food away, not wanting to smell the scent of mashed potatoes and roast. The lack of food in your body displayed a false sense of security as you began to feel better and better everyday. 
Fred, oh Fred, such an innocent, oblivious boy could only notice your change in routine. Had he noticed the baggy sweaters you stole from him and the sudden change in your cheeks, perhaps he would’ve cursed himself. But, he basked in the fact that he thought you were happy. It wasn’t his fault either. You did a terrific job at hiding behind large sweaters and cups of hot caffeinated tea that filled your belly. 
“I’m exhausted.” you moaned, falling backwards onto your bed. Fred joined you, lying sideways so he could look at his beautiful girlfriend. To him, you were effortlessly pretty. Enchanting he may even say. Fred leaned closer, wrapping an arm around your waist and kissing the skin of your exposed neck.
“Shall we have a nap then?”
“Maybe,” you yawned, “but you better be careful, I’m quite sore from lessons today.” 
Fred joked playfully, “I know, saw you take quite a spill after Hermione spit that spell at you.”
“You would think she would’ve gone easy!” you laughed back.
“Come on, up then.”
“No, why!” you cried, refusing to take his hands.
“You buffoon, I’m going to give you a massage. You know, since I’m such a loving, perfect boyfriend to his seemingly ungrateful girlfriend.”
“You may call me ungrateful but buffoon? That’s going too far.” you bit back but nevertheless agreed and sat up so you were seated between Fred’s open legs. Fred’s thumbs quickly found your shoulders, rubbing your muscles. You moaned with the pressure of the pads of his thumbs. 
“You’re more tense than a horse’s arse.” Fred commented, sticking his tongue out in concentration.
“Will you just let me enjoy this?” 
“I think,” Fred touched the hem of your sweater, which was actually his from third year, “I may be able to help more if this were off.”
“Is that a pick up line?” you asked sarcastically, “Not quite bright with the ladies, are we?”
“If I was not in love with you, I’m pretty sure I would have dumped you by now,” Fred joked. Of course, that wasn’t true at all, but his comment would be something you’d think about for days on. 
“Alright, but I’m only wearing a bra under this, cover your virgin eyes if you must.” 
Fred scoffed and began to take off your sweater, “Virgin eyes, my cock and balls.”
The cold hit your bare skin making you shudder. Fred couldn’t see much as the low light only seemed to cast shadows. But, as he began to massage your tired muscles, he could not ignore the feeling of your shoulders in his hands. He could feel the curve of your bones and your collar which was prominent against his touch. The straps of your bra were loose. You were silent, unknowing and enjoying what you thought was a nice massage.
“Y/N,” Fred said slowly, making you open your eyes. 
“Hm?” you hummed back. Fred stood from the bed making you turn to look at him with questioning eyes. Fred quickly lit a candle next to your bed, illuminating the space between you two.
“Oh my god.” He whispered under his breath.
“Well, that’s not very nice to hear, is it?” you responded, feeling a little hurt.
“No, no,” Fred said quickly, trying to assure you. But he had seen you already. Upon the skin of your back, you were littered with bruises from practice. Spots of black and blue touched you and curved with your spine. He could nearly count every joint and sucked in a breath of harsh air.
“Darling,” his voice slower and slower, trying to grasp and piece together what is happening.
“What’s wrong? What is it?” you asked frantically, trying to look at your back. You breathed a breath of relief, “Oh, the bruises? Those are just from practicing from dueling.”
“No...” he swallowed, “Will you... turn around for me?” Fred asked. You turned and sat to face him, completely unsure of what was happening with your usual bubbly boyfriend. As you shifted, Fred nearly fainted to his feet. You had grown thinner, he could see the tops of your ribs and the thinness of your arms. 
“What is it? Freddie, honey, you’re worrying me.”
He thought. A million thoughts fastly flying through his head, his tongue going dry and swelling. “When was the last time you ate?”
Immediately, you covered your body with your arms, attempting to hide and searched for your sweater that Fred had thrown somewhere. “What are you talking about? Fred, that’s a little rude.”
“Be honest with me.” Fred said sternly, sitting down in front of you. You tossed your sweater over your head, shying into the safety of the fabric.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Fred, what the hell?” you asked, angrily and frankly, a little embarrassed. To you, it didn’t seem like a worried boyfriend but a judgemental boyfriend, scanning your body for imperfections and flaws. But Fred was nothing but worried, fearful and terrified.
“You need to tell me, right now. No bullshit. Have you been eating?” Fred’s voice was never serious, never as serious as now where his tone made you shake and cower. Fred noticed your face drop and the scared emotion in your eyes and mentally kicked himself. He was quiet, thinking again.
“This isn’t healthy, Y/N.” he whispered. His words made your stomach drop and your hands become cold with sweat.
“You haven’t been eating, have you?” Fred asked, already knowing the answer. He began to desperately file through his memories. Like a shade drawn up, he nearly threw up. These few days, you were exhausted, couldn’t stand as well, shaking when standing. He thought of himself as foolish.
“Answer, please.” Fred begged. He grasped your hands in his, only now noticing your skinny fingers. “Please, my love, please. Have you been eating?”
Fred’s begging made you whimper. The sadness in his tone made your eyes well and your throat close until you could only spit out the words, “I can’t.”
“Tell me,” Fred cried out.
“I can’t eat. I feel sickly when I eat.”
Fred choked out a sob. He rarely cried but seeing how oblivious he was to your pain made him stricken with grief.
“But, it’s okay.” you said quickly after, nodding your head, “I’m fine.”
“No,” Fred gripped your tighter, “You’re not fine, darling.”
“I can eat anytime I want,” you tried to persuade him, or you, you weren’t sure which one.
“But, you won’t.” Your boyfriend said. The truth, the truth you had been cowardly hiding from was there, in front of your face, and this time you could not hide. Your silence was all the answers he needed. You couldn’t control yourself. You began to cry alongside him, sorrowful for everything that lived.
“What happened? Love? Tell me,”
“I-” you stuttered and struggled to breath, Fred moved so he could rub your back, still looking at you, “I don’t know. I. It started one day and then I guess, well I. I don’t know. I guess, I guess the stress and...” you cried harder, “I don’t know.”
“That’s okay,” Fred hushed you, pulling you in for a hug, wrapping his long arms around your wracking figure. “I’m here now, I won’t leave you. I’m here. I’ll help,”
“You can’t help!” your lips quivered, pulling back harshly in a state of disarray. “You can’t! I- I don’t. You can't. I don’t know.” you couldn’t say anything. Fred placed his hands, gently, on your cheeks, staring into the eyes of the woman he adored.
“We’ll try. I’ll try, and so will you.” Fred assured you, rubbing your cheeks.
“I don’t know if I can.” you said, hiccuping through cries.
“You can. You’re so unbelievably strong, I’ve seen you whoop several old sods in our year’s ass. And I know,” Fred moved your head softly so he could look at you better, “I know my words may not help, but I think you are so beautiful. Whatever happens, I’ll be there, right beside you.”
It wasn’t an exact solution and it didn’t automatically nor immediately solve anything, but it was something. It was what you needed to hear at the moment. To know you weren’t alone facing not only the physical battle of the external world but the internal one. It would take time, time needed, to be yourself again. Even still, on the days you felt worse, Fred would squeeze your hand in his and press a kiss on your lips. 
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nukacoola · 3 years
Companions react to Danse stepping out of power armor for the first time!
She would look Danse up and down very obviously and grin which would make him extremely uncomfortable. 
“Ya’outgha get out of that thing more often Dansey. Who knew there were cookies in that tin can of yours.”
She obviously isn’t actually interested in Danse. Way too boring. But she’s not one to toss out eye candy just cause it isn’t her favorite flavor. She wouldn’t actively follow him but for fun and also to get on his nerves she would definitely cat-call him everytime he was in hearing range. Deacon and Hancock might join in for a few comments if they don’t have anything better to do.
She would not stop unless sole made a convincing plea or reason for why she should and maybe not even then.
Danse would not respond or look at Cait but he would be very red and never get out of his suit in front of her again.
“Why Paladin Danse I dare say you’ve been keeping up your workout routine! Cheers to your excellent health whether in or out of your power armor!” Codsworth is reassured that his owner is traveling with someone so equipped for the struggles of the wasteland.
“Uh, thank you, Codsworth.” Danse would feel a bit awkward but he would appreciate the compliment. 
“Might I polish that for you while you're otherwise engaged? It seems to be in a just dreadful state and I would like nothing more than for you to be looking your best in your wasteland escapades!” Though he is reassured by Danse’s physical state and abilities, he is mortified by the state his armor is in. All the scratches, dings, and dirt? It’s just horrible. Codsworth has always wanted an opportunity to fix that suit up and is pretty happy that the day has finally arrived.
“I- If you’d like to you can.”
“Oh good! I do so love a difficult task!” With that Codsworth would zoom away to procure the necessary supplies to return Danse’s armor to it’s original state. Danse didn’t really know whether or not he should be offended at the robot’s comments but he decided to just continue about his business and not think about it too much. 
“Oh Monsieur Danse, you are quite zee lovely specimen! I would be eager to do a physical examination if you would allow me to.” Ever since leaving the vault, Curie has been astounded at how many different sorts of humans there are. Danse is particularly interesting to her because of the amazing athletic feats he does so regularly. She is also interested in studying the effects of constant power armor usage on the human body. When she sees him step out of his suit for the first time and sees his overly muscular physique, it just tacks on another reason she wants to study him. 
Before Blind Betrayal:
“The only specimen that needs examining is you, synth. Don’t talk to me unless you’re submitting yourself to the Brotherhood.” The only reason Curie isn’t already on the Prydwen is because Sole thinks it’s their friend. It bothers Danse immensely that Sole hasn’t destroyed or used this inhuman thing already.
(Don’t get mad at me he literally says this in game.)
Curie is very hurt, she expected this reaction but it still hurt. She was still getting used to feelings such as the pained ones she felt in moments like these.
After Blind Betrayal:
“No. Thank you.” Danse’s words were strained. Being around Curie was pretty awful for him. He had treated her so terribly before and he still had strong feelings of disgust towards her despite what he knows now. Everytime he sees her and has those feelings of hate and disgust, he remembers that he and Curie are the same. He’s still struggling to overcome the years of propaganda that were drilled into him. 
Curie is disappointed. Did Danse not see they are the same? If he didn’t believe in her humanity then he would have to not believe in his own. It is very confusing for Curie. She hopes that he will eventually go back on his denial of her offer. He would be a very interesting specimen.
He would be surprised that Danse would be able to wear that clunky thing so much in the first place. He wouldn’t be surprised at how muscular he is under the suit though. It takes a lot of strength to operate those suits. He’d read that before they were fully developed, a lot of trial runs had resulted in really terrible accidents. The kind of accidents that crush all of your bones at once or remove your top half from your bottom.
Deacon would definitely make a few jokes. “Hey the sardine’s outta the can!” “Isn’t getting out of that bulldozer against Brotherhood policy or something?” “And I thought it was glued on! Learn something new everyday.”
Danse would scowl at his comments but say nothing. He did not like Deacon one bit. That man’s hiding something and if it turns out what he’s hiding will harm Sole or the Brotherhood’s mission, there was gonna be hell to pay. Danse could’ve sworn he’d seen him on the Prydwen a few times but whenever he looked back again to check, he was gone. Danse didn’t much like the idea of leaving his power armor alone with Deacon around but Sole assured him he’s harmless. We’ll see...
Whenever Danse returned to his suit Deacon would stand suspiciously close to it and act like he was trying to play cool after almost being caught doing something nefarious. He would never get tired of watching Danse carefully inspect every part of the armor before apprehensively getting in. Man that guy’s fun to mess with.
He was so surprised! He thought this human was just made of metal! But now Dogmeat can play and jump and lick! Yes!!
Danse has no idea how to deal with a dog he wasn’t allowed to kick so he would just try to awkwardly push the pup off until Sole took care of it.
Oh HELL YES! Hancock has wanted to punch this fucker since he first laid eyes on him. “HEY SOLDIER BOY, TIME TO SEE WHAT YOU CAN DO OUT OF YOUR DAMN COWARD COFFIN!” He would make a beeline towards the paladin and the paladin would speed walk towards the ghoul as well. Sole barely let him insult the damn freak but this was a direct attack of which he was most definitely gonna defend himself from.
Sole would freak out a bit and try to get in between the two. They would both try to get Sole out of the way so they could pummel each other. A brief alliance in order to facilitate their battle. This was too sweet of an opportunity to miss. 
“Sorry Sunshine, this is happening.”
“Sole, it has directly started an altercation with me and I intend to see it through.”
If they both had a great relationship with Sole after a bit of panicked begging to both parties, the men would begrudgingly back off. They would, however, insult each other viciously despite Sole’s protests. 
“You have no fucking idea how lucky you are meathead. I swear to god if they weren’t here…”
“You call me a meathead but you’re the one who’s rotting, ghoul.”
They would continue to jab each other until Sole dragged Danse off to do what he got out of his suit to do in the first place. 
If one or both of them didn’t have a close relationship with Sole, well, it wouldn’t be pretty. They would forcibly move Sole out of the way and fight for a while. Though Danse is much bigger than Hancock, Hancock is quicker and better at hand to hand. Danse, being unused to fighting outside of his armor, was ultimately unable to beat the ghoul. Hancock landed one final blow to his face, knocking Danse flat. When he stayed down Hancock laughed loudly and spit at him.
“Done in by the best, lucky you.” It would be a huge blow to Danse’s ego and he’d resent Hancock even more now. Hancock would gloat constantly when Danse was around. “Heyyy, there’s my favorite punching bag!” “Come on over Dansey I won’t bite!” He wouldn’t out of shame, but if Danse ever did try to retort, Hancock would just taunt him. Saying something like “Oh yeah? Ya know my favorite way to settle conflicts is by beating the other asshole into the dirt. Hop outta that suit and we can go for round two.”
Mac’s always thought of Danse as an annoying asshole. He still thinks of him this way but when he stepped out of that armor for the first time. Ho lee sh-crap. MacCready might have to look into joining the Brotherhood if the rest of those guys looked the same as Danse. He had expected him to be strong cause of the whole carrying 500 pounds of steel everywhere but his body was something Mac was not expecting and something he could look at for a while. 
If Danse came near the merc he would probably clam up and blush a bit. If Danse caught him staring, he would annoyedly ask, “Is there a problem, civilian?”
“I- uh no.” any other day he would’ve fired back some snide remark but he couldn’t quite seem to think of one right now. 
Nick really couldn’t give less of a damn. He hated Danse, Danse hated him, and the two did their best to ignore each other. 
Piper: Piper didn’t really care either. Sure he was muscular but she was very turned off by the everything else about him. All she really payed attention to was the possibility of an exclusive interview or an inside look at the Brotherhood’s workings. Danse would never agree to either of those though. Preston: Preston didn’t care. He already knew you had to be strong to wear power armor especially if you wore them as much as Brotherhood Paladins did. He didn’t like the Brotherhood and by extension, he didn’t trust Danse. Preston was mannerly of course, for Sole, but he knows Danse thinks very little of the Minutemen so he didn’t try too hard to be kind. Strong: Strong thinks this is good time to smash strong human. He has killed many brothers but he wears metal suit. He is weak without metal suit. Human friend tells Strong that if Strong smash, Strong will not find milk of human kindness. Strong angry, Strong want to smash, but Strong not smash.
Danse would never get out of his suit near Strong unless he absolutely had to. Sole insisted that the abomination wasn’t going to be a problem but he didn’t believe it for a second. It took all of his willpower to not open fire on the thing whenever he saw it. Sole has poor taste in companions...
X6 wouldn’t care. He would consider taking this opportunity to get rid of the high ranking Brotherhood soldier, but it would make Sole upset and would do relatively little to the Brotherhood as a whole. 
Ask and ye shall recieve! I decide the winner on Hancock’s one by their special stats. How the hell does Hancock have such good stats and he’s still terrible in a fight??
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uwuwriting · 3 years
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TW: blood and injury, Shibuya arc spoilers ch.137 SPOILERS
“Can” *kiss* “you” *kiss* “please” *kiss* “go?” *kiss* Faking a gasp you took a step back, palms still cupping her cheeks as she stared at you unamused. Ieiri Shōko looked like she had just about enough of your shenanigans. “The others are waiting and I have a cigarette to smoke.” Despite her words you knew that deep down she was just overly flustered by your sudden PDA attack. It wasn’t everyday that she was getting every inch of her face kissed. Jutting your lower lip you kissed her lips one last time, taking a step back and straightening your coat. 
“No babe I swear I’ll come back in one piece you don’t have to worry about your awesome girlfriend one bit.” Grinning at the sound of her groan, you winked at her in a very Gojo like way. Again, she looked anything but amused by your antics. “You send me off to battle without a single I love you? How cruel. I don’t think my heart can take it, maybe I should stay here with you just in case.” Flicking your forehead she leaned in giving your lips a small peck before stepping back a blush blooming on her pale skin. 
“There. Happy?” A series of excessive nods followed her words as you beamed, your smile stretching across your face making it look borderline painful. 
“Very.” And with that you were gone making her stomach sink further down her body as she followed you until you were out of sight. She hated these moments. As much as you annoy her at times with your dumb ideas, that have a 78.6% chance to turn deadly, and the obnoxious amounts of affection she receives when you come back from a mission, she can’t deny the worry that plagues her every time she watches you leave. 
This time is no different. The same worry digs its nails into her ribcage almost scrapping her heart, hands trembling slightly at every gruesome thought that crosses her mind. Shibuya feels strange though. That sickly feeling has increased tenfold as she gazes down at the city lights, shivers wrecking her body. Something feels off.  
“Everyone's here. Gojo is making his way to the station as we speak.” Yaga took a seat next to her, his eyes focusing on nothing in particular, mindlessly drifting over the illuminated buildings drowning out the laughs of the crowd below. Shoko could feel the anxiousness radiating from his form, hands clasped behind his back as he swayed slightly from left to right. He, too, knew something bad was about to happen.
“You feel it too.” Her fingers inched to the band circling her pointer, the pads of her fingertips grazing the promise ring. Her nerves were getting to her now, heart pounding in her chest so rapidly she was almost sure Yaga could hear it from where he stood. They didn’t say anything to each for a long time. Not even when the curtain fell, covering the whole city. Not when Yuuji’s voice echoed through the streets that Gojo had been sealed. Not when the rumbling of explosions shook the ground. Slowly regret crept into her mind. She should have held you a little longer, a little tighter, before you left. She should have said that she loved you, make that stupid grin on your face grow larger. She wanted to know where you were, your state, if you were hurt beyond belief or only had a few scratches on your delicate skin. So many things rushed to her mind at once that she didn’t notice Sukuna’s domain at first. 
It expanded, encircling most of the city, swallowing building after building after building until it suddenly stopped, nothing being visible inside the black dome. Her heart lurched up her throat. Were you there? Amongst god knows how many of your students? Were you fighting to get out or looking for shelter? Were you okay? In only a couple of minutes the dome was gone leaving behind barren land, every single building completely erased from existence. The only thing left was ash. So much ash. 
No one communicated with the duo for hours. Not a soul. That is until you came rushing up to the infirmary, Inumaki leaning on your side, blood staining your clothes, your face, your hands. Everything was red. Too red for Shoko’s liking. She didn’t know where it was coming from until she saw the empty spot that used to be the boy’s arm. Without a second thought she helped you place him on a bed, instructing you to keep him steady and to press down on the wound. Too focused on Inumaki, she failed to notice the way your shirt was becoming damper each moment. How your face started to drain of color or how your hands started to shake. It was only when she had finally patched him up with a total of 24 sloppy stitches and her eyes met yours that she realized something was off. 
Shoko could only watch in horror as your eyes rolled back, your body collapsing to the floor with a deafening thud.
@the-arcana-fan-fic​ @angelwritings​ @threeamwriting​​ @dark-thoughts-and-red-roses​ @wolfkid22​​  @reinyrei​​ @dnarez​​ @axerrri​​ @storage11037​​ @ysatrap​​ @angel6786​​  @aliteama​​  @yashinosakura​​ @ezoyscorner @letscheereachotheron
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Sincerely, Always Yours
Chapter 46
Chapter 45
“If you won’t get here in 30min I swear to god I will never talk to you again.”
Well, that sounded pretty promising Sander’d say, so after he tried to get his shit together, which he only had 20min to do so, he was standing outside of the door he closed just a few hours ago.
I need to take a big breath. He tells himself and tries to calm down a little bit but he can’t, so he breathes in and out with his trembly lips and sighs after he’s done.
Should he knock?
Should he just walk in?
Sander knows he makes a lot of mistakes, he also knows that the most of them are pretty damaging but right now, he got a new record, he’s sure he has never fucked up like he did at this moment.
Not only he confessed the thing he has been hiding almost his whole life, but he also accidentally admitted lying to the boy he loved for months.
What a day this has been and it only just began.
Sander decided to open the door and walk in. He tried to do is as silently as he possibly could so maybe he would have some more time until the other boy would notice he was there but all his hopes were crushed when he saw him sitting on the couch, in the livings room, their eyes meeting each other as soon as Sander opened the door, the room’s door being open which technically meant that Sander could see it from the entrance.
He avoided his gaze, closed the door and stood there, not moving, looking at the boy in front of him, his heart feeling like it was about to have an attack, trying to figure out how Robbe must be feeling from the look on his face but for the first time ever, Sander couldn’t see what he was thinking.
He swallowed, wanting to run away again, just disappear from existence.
He run this morning so he wouldn’t have to go though this conversation right now but things weren’t working out well for him today, were they?
People say that the time passes slowly when you’re in a complete deadly silence and they are right. Sander could hear the breeze coming from kitchen’s half open window, tried to focus on that, the only source of sound he was hearing, so he wouldn’t lose his mind because of quietness.
He don’t know what to do. He’s here, like Robbe told him to be, and he took only twenty four minutes so he was on time, as much as he wanted to vanish, but the boy sounded threatening when he texted him that and only that, so Sander’s brain decided that maybe things weren’t over if he wanted to see him.
“Hi?” He mumbled and regretted it immediately.
Hitting himself in the face in his mind. Why does he always say the wrong things? He just confessed his love to the boy, not even speaking about how he slept with him yesterday night and left this morning like nothing happened and he comes back to say hello.
Why am I like this?
Sander’s voice must have snapped Robbe out of his condition since he quickly got up and looked at him more closely, not taking his eyes off of him since he got there, his jaw clenched.
There we go, this must be the part where I get hurt, as if I’m already not questioning my whole life.
“Hi? Hi?” He said, his voice raucous which made Sander flinch.
Sander looked up at him, there wasn’t anywhere he could go away so he used his time to peered at his face.
Robbe’s hair was messy, he was wearing an old t-shirt which Sander remembered from somewhere but couldn’t put his mind to it now, and one of his black sweatpants.
His face looked exhausted, cheeks stained and red-ish, voice hoarse.
Sander looked down at his feet, couldn’t keep the eye contact, lost a battle, he felt tiny under Robbe gaze, dreaming the ground’d open up and bury him underground.
He couldn’t say anything, his eyes starting to fill up with tears.
Having an argument or a fight with somebody was one different thing, but having it with Robbe was another thing, which killing him slowly.
He knew he wouldn’t be able to hold everything in for a long time, he’d explode from tears if the boy kept being like this.
He really didn’t want to be there.
“You lied to me - you lied to me for months.” Robbe told him, still staring at the boy who was stuck by the door, probably wishing he could turn away and run. There was at least five feet distance between them and as much as he always wants to be closer to Robbe every second of the day, right now Sander felt that he was suffocating, the space was too small, he needed to back off a little bit.
Sander figured out that he couldn’t hear the wind anymore, and he felt so lonely, like his friend just let him here to die alone, his only emotional support just disappeared, he had no idea how to act and behave so because of that when Sander still stayed mute, Robbe raised his voice from frustration: “Fucking say something.”
“Fuck - okay - okay.” Sander muttered, a breath getting stuck in his throat, felt like he’d break down in any second if he didn’t control himself better, getting out of the daze, panicking.
“I -“ Robbe was still heavily staring at him which made Sander more nervous to speak. “You - you weren’t talking to me, what was I supposed to do? I just - I just wanted to talk to you - I’m sorry - I know it’s -“ he stopped when Robbe shook his head and started pacing in the room, turning his back on Sander, so he couldn’t see his face.
Sander decided that he needed this time so he tried to continue. “I was going to tell you eventually, I’m sorry, we just weren’t talking and I missed you and I didn’t know what to do, I’m sorry I know it wasn’t right but I never wanted to lie to you, it just happened like this and when - we were alright - I was scared to tell you, afraid I’d mess up things between us again.”
Sander tried to go closer even if how much he didn’t want to be there, he took a few steps, not leaving a lot of space between them.
Robbe didn’t say anything for a while until he stopped in the middle of the room, turned around and looked at him again: “You knew. You knew everything and you -“ he couldn’t finish, closed his eyes tightly, wetted and bite his lips to make them stop trembling. Sander also saw how his hands were shaking.
Robbe took another breath, now looked like a man on the mission, opened his eyes and noticed how closer Sander got while he wasn’t paying attention.
“Are you fucking with me? Are you doing some kind of sick and evil joke on me? I thought I knew you but maybe I was wrong for my whole life.”
Sander’s head was filled with confusion, he couldn’t figure out what Robbe was talking about.
“What? What joke? What do you mean?” He dared to ask. There was no going back now anymore. He had to live though this, he couldn’t just stop or turn back time.
“You knew everything, for months and now you’re telling me you’re in love with me? You fucking knew it. Why - why didn’t you say anything?” He started breathing heavily and that’s when Sander realized that he wasn’t the only one at the edge of breaking apart.
“Robbe, I have no idea what you are talking about.” He pleaded, his head already convinced that the boy was only mad at him because of the account and was completely ignoring the fact that Sander just admitted being in love with him for years. He’d feel bad about that realization if he wasn’t forced to deal this conversation right now.
Apparently, he shouldn’t have said that because it made the boy angrier and Sander could see it in his face but he was sure about it when the boy started yelling.
Sander didn’t know if he’d be able to handle this.
“You were letting me talk about everything for months. What were you trying to do? Make fun of me in secret for feeling the way I felt? You knew everything and you didn’t say shit for months? Months? How can I even believe that you’re - you let me talk about you to you. Giving me advices, making me believe that I needed to stay quiet for my whole life, making me believe I’d ruin everything if I spoke up. Letting me say - fuck - ”
Sander has been there for Robbe for a very long time now. He has been there when Robbe’s mom would lose her control, he was there when the poor boy would cry all day because of how hard things were going for him, he was there when one time while being completely furious with his father, Robbe punched the wall with such a force that he cracked his knuckles, but Sander has still never seen his this mad, as he was right now, throwing his arms around, his eyes glowing with fire in them.
The most important thing Sander had to make a comment about was the last sentence. He gathered his courage, his nails sinking into his palms to try to control his emotions.
“I know it was wrong from me to do it, I know and I was going to tell you, I swear but I - I don’t get what you mean - I know it was so fucked up and wrong but you didn’t talk about me so I just - I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Sander mumbled, feeling like a kid who just got expelled from school, now having to stand there in the corner while his parents would scream at him.
Sander really couldn’t understand what the boy was telling him, which was making Robbe more and more frustrated and that wasn’t a good thing.
“You don’t know what I’m talking about? How do you even dare to say that? You let me talk about you everyday and you - for months, Sander. For months -“ This time Sander interrupted him, which took the brunet off guard.
“You never talked about me.” Sander was getting irritated as well so he raised his voice, trying to prove his point.
Robbe didn’t back off as Sander expected him too, no, he in fact, shrilled at him, his face painful. “You were all I talked about.”
Sander froze, his blood running cold in his whole body. “W-what?” He whispered, his mind feeling it’d burn out.
“You were the one I talked about. Don’t you understand it now? I’m fucking in love with you.” Robbe screamed at him, the walls he put up finally seeming to shatter, the tears falling down freely.
Before Sander even had time to realize what he just heard, Robbe continued. “I was always talking about you, every single day. I have been in love with you since last year, or maybe that’s when I knew I was. And what did you do? You just listened, told me I never had the chance, told me I needed to stay silent and torture in secret. You let me talk about you and us and your girlfriend and how I was so jealous. And now you’re writing this perfect love confession to me? To kill me with it? If you’re not lying, why didn’t you say anything? For fuck’s sake, I told you we kissed when we got high, and you told me to forget about it. Why were you doing all this to me? Is this your plan for revenge? Destroying me because I hurt you? Well, if it is, you did a fucking great job.” His voice breaking, crying gasping for air, laying his whole heart out there in the open, all of his secrets and thought melting down from his head.
Sander automatically got closer to him, trying to hold him, his mind still blocked from any thoughts, just acting out of his character and emotions.
Robbe didn’t like the idea of him wrapping his arms around him. “No, don’t touch me. You can’t just -“ he started hitting his chest to push him away but Sander didn’t let him, being stronger than him, not giving up while the younger boy was struggling in his arms until he completely dropped and broke down. “Now you’re telling me all those things and I - I - are you lying to me? Please tell me if this is some kind of prank, I can’t do this anymore, please just tell me if you - but if you’re honest, why didn’t you say anything? Why didn’t you -“ he finally stopped trying to get away, now gripping Sander’s jacket tightly in his hands, trying to pull his self closer to him, holding him with a death grip, afraid to let go, his fingers turning white, looking at him desperately, trying to find some answers.
“I’m sorry - I’m - you were talking about - fuck - you were talking about me the whole time? Me?” He asked, needed to make sure again, his heart about to burst out.
Robbe started nodding his head furiously, looking up at Sander’s face with tears falling down on his cheeks after one another, with a huge hope in his eyes, making Sander feel that anything that would come out of his mouth would mean everything to the boy.
“I - I thought you were talking about - fuck - are you telling the truth?” He asked again, just to see the boy kept nodding his head, his voice weak to say anything else, still staring at him like he was the most important thing that has ever been created on this earth.
“I didn’t know - if I knew - fuck, if I knew I’d told you - I’d told you a long time ago.” He kept chanting, his whole heart screaming apologies, felt like fainting.
He had no idea how they got here but he knew, or he hoped, this wouldn’t turn out to be another wicked dream.
“Were you telling the truth? Everything you said? Please tell me you weren’t lying - I can’t - please - I won’t survive - I would never imagine the things you said - you - please I will die if you weren’t telling the truth.” Robbe kept begging, standing on his tiptoes, putting their forehead together, breathing his scent in.
“I was telling the truth. Everything in there - I felt for years and I -“ he couldn’t finish what he was saying because the boy who has been cupping his checks the whole time he has been talking, covering them with his palms, leaned forward to press his lips onto his own aggressively but somehow still softly and gently and Sander completely lost himself, pulling him closer but it was impossible to do so, their bodies were already intertwined together, Robbe still standing on his tiptoes, his whole body wrapped around Sander, one of his hand holding the boy’s jacket and the other lost in his hair, kissing him breathlessly, not stoping until they physically couldn’t continue.
The boys were still standing in front of each other, their foreheads touching, just standing, not talking, not doing anything, until Sander pulled away and started cracking up, laughing hysterically.
Robbe looked at him weirdly, asking what was so funny.
“Remember one time, when your jeans’s pocket was completely white after you washed it and you couldn’t figure out why?” The confused boy looked at him like he’s just grown a second head, Sander didn’t even pay Robbe’s look that much attention and finished his story. “It was because the other day I saw your pants on your chair and I put my love confession letter in it, and your dumb ass threw it in the washing machine. That was the only time I managed to say it successfully and after that I never dared to do so, well until that day when you came out to me but - I couldn’t tell you what happened back when you asked what the white thing must have been in your pocket, which you spent an hour scrubbing it off then, but I just remembered.” Robbe started laughing, not exactly from what Sander said since his mind was completely blank, but because Sander was laughing and it made him laugh too.
“I would never thought I’d have the guts to do it after that failed attempt.” Sander whispered against his face again.
“You’re a piece of shit. I just can’t believe you -“ Robbe groaned and hid his face in his neck, breathing his smell, not daring to let go off him, terrified he’d wake up and the boy wouldn’t be there anymore.
“I’m still mad at you.” Robbe whispered after some time.
“And I’m mad at you too.” Sander said, smiling, not even caring about anything else.
They’d discuss the whole things later, it didn’t matter, what mattered the most was the boy he was finally proudly holding in his arms, with a promise to never let go.
Suddenly, Sander remembered something he was wondering about so he carefully asked, running his thumb under Robbe’s eyes, on his cheeks. “Did you cry when I wasn’t there in the morning?” Robbe nodded his head slowly, closing his eyes.
Sander immediately felt his heart getting tight and he made a mental note about how much he hates seeing him in pain and promised himself that this would be the last time he would the reason for Robbe’s tears.
“I’m sorry.” He whispered and god knows, he meant it, feeling horrible about everything that has happened and what would happen if he hasn’t been such a coward.
“It’s okay. Just - can you just -“ Robbe tried to say but his voice was betraying him.
“Tell me.” Sander encouraged him, wanting to hear everything he had to say, always wanting to hear Robbe’s voice.
“Just - don’t - don’t leave me again.” Robbe whispered, opening his teary eyes to look at him, and Sander pulled him even closer, kissed his forehead and then put his head on top of his, felt the boy tightly wrapping his arms around his neck.
“I’m not planning to. Never again.” He felt Robbe nodding, lightly kissing his neck when he heard what Sander said, which made the older boy tighten his grip, he even got afraid that he was hurting him, but Robbe didn’t seem to complain.
“Never again.”
Chapter 47
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carlosxhook · 4 years
The Law Of Total Madness ~ H.H
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Pairing: Harry Hook x Reader (yes I wrote Got7 into this sue me) + (please don’t I’m broke 🤦‍♀️)
Y/N’s P.O.V
Being Chad Charming’s twin sister was an interesting occurrence, Ben being your best friend for your whole life and growing up around Chad expectation of the perfect sister was exhausting this was where you found your love for singing and dancing thanks to Ben. He also introduced you to your other best friend prince Yugyeom originally from Jypnation and 6 other his friends who made music together the 8 of you were always glued together, you stuck together and turns out it was good for you to get away from Chad he may of been your brother and yes you loved him but god was he unbearable! Even better the 8 of you talk in korean to confuse anyone trying to ease drop Princess love to be some nosey bitches, you were a hip hop dancing, princess role breaking rebellious free soul and Chad HATED that. Perhaps the icing on the cake was that you were secretly dating a Scottish pirate, the only son of Captain Hook, the love of your life Harry Hook. It happened when you and Ben were kidnapped with Ben after convincing him you should go with him for “protection” when really you just wanted to wag chemistry class they kept you and Ben seperate and you and Harry ended up in a long make out session about 15 minutes before the most epic battle you’d ever witnessed, Ben announced that after 6 months since Dizzy, The Twins and Celia came to auradon that 3 more vks would be coming over! Hoping it would be Harry, Uma and Gil you talked to Gil while ‘kidnapped’ you two were close it was nice he seemed genuinely like a good guy, it was nice that he’s loyal to his crew and today was the day they were to arrive. Ben, Chad, Mal, Carlos, Jay, Evie, Doug and I were all gathered around waiting for them to show them around and such, the limo pulls up and all three vks get out my chest gets tight thinking about seeing him again yeah we starting “being a thing” very quickly but I liked him a lot I knew that much “Welcome to Auradon” Ben smiles “Try not to break anything” Chad snarls and I smack him over the head earning a deep chuckle from Harry as he smirks at me “it’s very colourful here” Gil smiles he’s too pure omg “well I would love too stay and help but I promised NaNa I’d be at practice 10 minutes ago, it was lovely too see you all again.” I wave before running off towards the school dance hall and quickly issuing magic to get changed into a red crop top and some high waisted black shorts with black converse, damn I was too cute for my own good sometimes, poor Chad never got any magic my parents had me enchanted when I was little so I could protect myself.
Harry’s P.O.V
“I apologise for Princess Y/N’s departure she’s preparing for a very important event and competition as a representative for Auradon, if any of you need her she’s typically in the dance hall!” Ben hints looking towards me it’s not like her and I were seriously anyways, yeah I liked her, a lot but I’d barely say I thought about her. That’s a lie everyday that stupidly gorgeous girl plagued my mind and she just runs off before I can have her in my arms again, how selfish? Does she even still care about me, about us, we had a connection fuck I knew feelings and l..l...lov that l word made you weak, how pathetic I thought I had a happily ever after.
We go through the entire of auadorn and finally reach the Dance Hall we hear loud music coming from within and I peek in seeing Y/N practicing “let’s watch!” Ben opens the door and we stand at the back my eyes fixated on the gorgeous girl dancing her heart out, “she’s gonna win” Chad laughs at Gils proud statement “please who does she think she is this isn’t the isle she should be in a castle or locked in a tower” Chad snorts “I’m sorry say that again Princey” I growl “cool it” I hear Uma whisper “you wanna get found out huh” she follows. “He’s an ass” I mutter focusing back on the events in front of me Y/N walking towards us with a big smile “what did you think?” She asks as her sparkling eyes meet mine before Chad can even open his mouth I reply “Ye did very good indeed” winking at the now blushing princess “anyways” she chirps “we need 3 more female dancers to back up Yugyeom and I’s duo for the competition, because as much as I’d love too see Jackson, Mark and BamBam in skirts with wigs and heels... I don’t wanna frighten the audience” she giggles looking behind her at the 7 boys now making their way over once they reach us the throw Y/N a questioning look before speaking in what I can only assume in another fucking language.
Y/N’s P.O.V
I would be lying if I said I didn’t miss Harry I did and as much as I wanted to run into his arms and breathe in his scent and glory I know I can’t, I lean over to Uma to get closer to Harry “Hey Uma, I don’t know if ben told you but we are sharing a room, I’m barely ever in my dorm so don’t worry I won’t bother you!” I smile and she just scoffs she’s not the biggest fan of me I mean she did kidnap Ben and I after all, I couldn’t blame her though the Isle was shocking I would wanna get out too I am kinda thankful cause of it I found Harry. That was if he still even liked me, I heard from Mal he’s a player and no good that he flirted with anything that moved I mean one of the old exchange students Nana did that too, and he was harmless I was just hoping Harry’s flirting was too.
“Yugyeom, can we finish I wanna show em to the dorms?” I smile to the fluffy haired boy sweat dripping down his white shirt making it slightly see through “only this once ya, usually I’m the one to try cut practice shorty” he laughs “sweet, don’t forget we go all day tomorrow with the boys!” I point to our 6 other friends and wave shooting them a wink before turning around seeing everyone but the pirates had left “well I’ll shall show you to your rooms I guess” I lead the way to the dorms it’s a bit awkward and the silence burns.
“So Y/N” Gil cuts the air “what’s this competition?” He smiles coming and placing an arm around me I hear Harry growl but I just let Gil rest his arm on me “well it’s a multi-kingdom performance competition, we must sing and dance and the winner’s kingdom hosts a massive party and a heap of important musical performers come for all necks of the woods too play and come watch!” I smile getting excited just thinking about it “Yugyeom and I have a duo, I have a solo and so does he, then a boy group performance and then a girl group performance if we win 3/5 of the categories Auradon will host its first ever K fest, it’ll be amazing!” I stop abruptly “our duo performance is gonna be the best we’ve ever done, and we’ve done a lot” I chuckle “anyways this is the boys dorm 701 Gil and Harry are here and then just down the all at 690 is where Uma will be if y’all need her. Your belongings will be inside for you if you need anything please don’t hesitate to ask” I turn around and walk to my room Uma in tow “so Y/N, been a while huh?” She laughs “indeed it has, how’re you feeling about all this?” I ask pointing around “it’s where I’ve always wanted to get my crew, I got Gil and Harry here, now I need to work on the rest” I see a glint of sadness in her eyes “I’m only really here because I care about those boys and they don’t deserve to rot on an island, yeah they’re dicks and trouble but they’re loyal to me so I am loyal to them, they fight for me so I fight for them. Always!” I was shocked Uma was really caring I didn’t expect this side of her “I’m only telling you this because I know you and Harry are a thing” she pays my back “wait we still are?” I ask hopeful “yeah, the moment he gets you alone he’ll be all over you like a hungry wolf, watch ya back” she laughs I take a deep breath “thank you Uma I wasn’t sure he even still knew me” I lay on my bed and my stomach grubmles “girl you’re so busy dancing you don’t eat” Uma scolds “come on” she grads my hand “were getting you some food!” Running out the door she takes me too the kitchen and starts making food “I used to have make chips all the time at the shop, so hopefully Auradon sir makes them taste better than the grubby isle ones” she scoffs “Uma, can I ask something?” I nervously fiddle “sure princess what’s up?” She says cutting up potatos “Did Harry’s father ever abuse him?” She seems taken aback “it’s just I remember telling Harry I’d stay behind he just had to pretend he had me at sword point, and he said he’d never even pretend to do such a thing because he wasn’t his father.” I wipe a few tears I was confused was Harry harmful “Harry gets his father’s temper or therefore lack of, he had outbursts, I’m sure he’ll still have them, yes to put it shortly his father before he was in the crew would often abuse him. But it wasn’t uncommon, not in the isle love is a weakness.” “Then am I weak for loving him no matter what Uma” why was I even opening up to her “no because I think you could be good for him, just don’t turn him” she jokes “or I’ll use this” she holds her shell out “yes captain!” We laugh. “Maybe finally having a roommate won’t be so bad aye” I smile as she cooks Uma might actually be a really great friend and she knows more about Harry than anyone else maybe Hook and I could work.
*The Next Day*
“Those boys I swear are always late” I mutter to no one in particular “now what’s a gorgeous girl like you doing standing ‘ere all alone?” My heart jumps hearing his voice again “Hi Harry” I turn around smiling “ye know isle got boring without a princess to kiss” she smirks “is that so, awe Harry did you miss me” I joke about he moves closer “believe me or not love, I actually did. Let’s say you left a bit of a mark on me so to speak” I giggle “now come here babe” I pull him in for a long and heated kiss “Lovely doing business with ye princess” he smirks spinning around and walking out. What the actual fuck was that, what is he playing at I’m not just some toy, I turn on the music and start dancing to Bonnie & Clyde by Dean nothing can distract me not even Harry.
Harry’s P.O.V
I fucked it up I panicked and played fuck boy player again the confident fascade is what I’m know by I must keep it up, show no emotion, no weakness. Sorry princess. It’s just how I am.
I walk to uma’s room and knock on the door “yeah what” I hear her shout “it’s me” and like that the door flies open “Where’s Gil?” She questions “running round with Jay apparently they’re besties or whatever I’m just letting the dog loose” I plop myself down on the princess’ bed “geez Auradon beds are comfy” I sigh “I don’t think your little girlfriend would appreciate your smelly leather and metal scent over her sheets” Uma jokes “not me girlfriend” I point out “I’d watch it if I were you then, she gushed on about that Yugyeom boy for a very long time, of she ain’t yours surely she’ll be his I mean they’re never not together.” As if on cue in walks Y/N “Hey Uma did you see where I put my tablets, the ones with the orange jar, I’ve got a massive headache.” She rubs her head still unaware I’m laying on her bed “yeah left hand side of the bathroom counter top” she smiles did I miss something what are they all of a sudden so... friendly...
“Thank you so much oh and by the way I’ll be back late tonight so don’t wait up I’ll sneak in, Yugyeom and I have to rehearse til late cause Ben wants to come watch us and make sure it’s all good” I watch as she leaves then I close my eyes and drift off too sleep surprisingly.
“Harry wake up omg” I hear as I open my eyes too see Uma standing above me “what?” I ask rubbing me eyes then picking up me hook “get off of Y/N’s bed and wake up she’s gonna be here soon” she scoffs “surely she wouldn’t mind a handsome looking lad in her bed waiting for ‘er” I laugh.
Y/N’s P.O.V
“Ben I don’t really understand?” I question “you want us... to kiss?” I point between Yugyeom and I “yes the chemistry is there I’m telling you it’s the winning touch, the performance is so dynamic it just needs the big ending, it’ll leave everyone shocked, stunned and more importantly it shows how well you work together.” The king smiles “are you sure this is a good idea?” He’s gone crazy completely mad oh this is not going to end well “let’s call it a day you two need to eat and back again tomorrow for more practice” Ben smiles holding the door open for us both, “he’s not serious right Y/N” Yugyeom whispers “I hope he’s not, but something tells me he is, it’s fine gyu we are the best this is nothing!” I smile placing a hand on his shoulder “what about that boy?” He asks in a small voice “we aren’t dating he made that very clear, who cares this is our dream we are so close!” I smile side hugging him and briefly laying my head on his “fighting!!” I smile before grabbing his hand and walking to my dorm he always walks me to the door of my room when we practice late “Thanks Yugyeom!” I smile “let’s work hard tomorrow!” I hug him really tightly saying goodbye and open the door to find Uma working on something and Harry asleep on my bed “I don’t remember ordering a strange man in my bed, Uma I think this ones for you.” I point to the pirate passed out on my bed “he’s been like that for hours, I don’t think he’s sleeping at night” Uma shrugs “I’ll be back I have to go try round up Gil watch the scot” I laugh before going to change clothes in the bathroom I walk out no more than 10 minutes later and he’s still there snoring away. “Harry I told you if you were struggling to come find me” I play with his hair and carefully remove the hook placing it right next to my bed I grab the spare blanket from the cupboard and put it over him and when I go to walk away I hear “Please, just stay with me love” he says almost way too soft “I’ll explain later just please” I notice he’s shaking must be nightmares or ptsd “it’s okay Harry I’m right here, I’m always gonna be okay” I smile placing a soft kiss on his forehead and jumping into the free slither of bed he’s left much for my surprise he moves and pulls me close with his arm around my stomach before I know it I’m fast asleep.
Harry’s P.O.V
I woke up and there she was in my arms and it felt right, it felt like nothing could ruin this moment until once again I panicked I’m not used to feeling this I grab my hook and leave her all alone, pangs if guilt hit me but I ignore them I’m a pirate the best one I don’t need feelings they make you weak and I will never be weak. I will make my father proud he will call me his son and I’ll finally have a family, I don’t need some stupid princess to distract me.
Y/N’s P.O.V
I woke up alone in my bed with nothing left but the memory and slight scent of metal and the ocean, or was it leather? Doesn’t matter now he used me again and I let him, I need to watch myself no distractions that would discredit all of Yugyeom and I’d hard work I’m letting Harry ruin this for me. That being said another day another practice T-minus 1 week until we gotta rock this competition he’s obviously gotta work himself else I ain’t here for his amusement ugh, today there’s a big school meeting where we perform some songs as a taster for the school and our sister school (team) Ateez High are sending over their recruits to perform, I can’t wait we have had these prepared forever so we got this in the bag.
{Might do a series on this one, kinda proud my first imagine for Harry Hook x Y/N reader I had to add something kpop okay just bear with me! Got a few requests so I’ll be getting right into them⚡️🤍}
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Fred with a Muggle!reader:
Warnings: swearing, sexual innuendos
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He met you after the battle of Hogwarts.
He needed something from Charlie and Charlie wanted to meet in a muggle bar
"I can't get over the fact that you frequent a bar. With a muggle running it. And she knows you're a wizard." Fred admitted.
"I'm not the only one that frequents here, a lot of ministry members come here too." Charlie shrugged.
Fred had heard a lot about you, Charlie saying you often listened to people's problems, occasionally giving them free drinks if they've had a lousy day.
He'd never actually seen you. Charlie was always shit with descriptions
That's when a glass was put in front of Charlie and Fred looked over
Your hair was in a ponytail, a dishrag over your shoulder and a black cami that seemed to make your eyes pop.
"The usual?" You asked Charlie.
"Thanks dear." He nodded as you poured a glass.
"And you?" You asked Fred.
The second your eyes met his you felt something similar to a shockwave go down your spine.
"....Uh.... I'm... Not much of... A drinker.." Fred said making Charlie raise a brow.
"We have different sodas. If you want any of that." You said.
"... Root beer." He finally said making you nod.
From that point on, Fred showed up every Wednesday, it being the most empty so he could talk to you in peace.
"Hi Weasley." You said not even looking up from the book you were reading.
He sat at the bar.
"interesting story?" He asked.
You lifted the book so he could see it's title "Fantastic Beasts and where to find them"
He rose a brow. "How'd you get your hands on a wizard book?" He asked.
"It had a muggle release. I bought it after finding out it was real." You admitted.
Fred chuckled. "Curious about the wizarding world?" Fred asked.
"how can I not be? This world I live in... It's boring." You said.
"Surely it's not that bad." Fred said.
"Oh but it is. See I'm supposed to be a productive member of society. This isn't considered that apparently." You said.
"screw society." He shrugged.
"I think I'm beginning to really like you Weasley." You said with a smile.
He gave you a smile and your heart pounded.
Since then Fred basically visited you every day now.
He'd watch you work if you were too busy but on the empty days you'd sit at the bar with him.
Today was an empty day, much to Fred's luck.
"Hello there." You greeted.
"Helllooo" he said sitting down.
You sat next to him, a look of obvious exhaustion falling over your face the second you made contact with the chair.
"long day?" Fred asked.
"Long. Long. LONG. Day." You sighed.
"the ministry men just kept coming in. And that's not a problem. The problem is they all order the same damn drinks and I'm always on my feet" you groaned.
"prop your legs up on me, I really don't care." Fred suggested. You did, moving the chair closer.
"I have a question." Fred said.
"I have an answer." You replied.
"Do you own this bar?" He asked.
You nodded. "Used to be my brother's." You said.
"What happened?" Fred asked.
"...There's a reason why I'm allowed near magic." You said.
It registered with Fred what you meant.
"Your brother's a wizard?" He asked.
"He was." You said.
Fred frowned.
"He died in the battle for hogwarts." You said softly.
Fred realized your last name... Your brother saved his life.
"Sorry... Was Charles L/n your brother?" Fred asked.
You nodded.
"Your brother saved me." Fred said.
You blinked.
"You... You're the wizard he...."
You swallowed looking in Fred's eyes.
"Fred.... Thank you." You said.
"For what?" He asked.
"For not letting my brother's sacrifice be in vain. Charlie tells me how much you've helped people after the war... I'm glad you're living your life." You said sincerely.
He almost expected anger from you. But instead you were grateful.
He looked in your eyes and you looked in his.
Fred finally got the nerve to kiss you.
You looked forward to seeing him every day now, always smiling as he entered
He'd kiss you from across the bar making you smile as you worked.
One day you decided to close early though and Fred wanted you to actually see the wizarding world.
So he took you to the burrow to meet his parents for the weekend.
You were nervous the entire time but he kept reassuring you that Molly would fucking love you
Spoiler alert: she did.
Harry didn't seem to mind you either, you shaking his hand.
It felt nice for him to meet someone and not have them go "OH MY GOD YOU'RE THE BOY WHO LIVED!"
"So what do you do for a living?" Arthur asked.
"I uhm. I own a pub." You admitted.
"So that's where Fred has been running off to." George chuckled.
Percy walked in and you rose a brow.
"....Wait you're their brother!?" You said.
Percy gave you a "Don't you say a word" look but George blinked.
"How do you know Percy?" Fred asked.
"He comes to the pub every now and again." You admitted making him facepalm.
Fred and George gaped.
"Our brother. In a bar? Have you no shame Percy?" George said.
"Fred's girlfriend owns that bar, which he goes to everyday, and I'm the spectacle here?" Percy asked.
"Yeah because you have a constant stick shoved up your--"
"OKAY GINNY!" Percy cut her off making you laugh.
Fred wrapped his arm around you with a smile.
You ended up really enjoying your time there, answering questions Arthur had about muggle objects.
You went to bed early your first night there Molly sitting down with Fred
"We love her." Molly said.
"Really?" Fred asked.
"She's amazing Fred. Truly." Arthur agreed.
Fred felt relieved hearing this.
He showed you all sorts of things in the wizarding world
Your personal favorite was butterbeer.
When you had to return back to the muggle world you were kind of disappointed.
But you started making weekend trips to the Burrow a regular thing.
There was this one night you were really busy though.
This time the Weasley's came to you.
"What are you all doing here?" You asked.
"Y/n, I need an ale!" Someone yelled making you groan.
"Give me a table." Fred said. Him helping out wasn't uncommon.
"Five." You said, handing him a notepad
The family watched you two in action, both of you working around each other in impressive yet strategic ways.
"Can we help?" Ginny asked.
You whipped around and nodded.
"If you come across any empty glasses, clean them." You said. Molly and Arthur sat watching their children all assist you.
"Shit!" You grumbled as the jukebox glitched again.
"Repairio." Hermione said making it work.
"You are a godsend Granger. Truly." You said with a laugh as you sped past her.
Your balance skills with treys of alcohol was honestly impressive
Along with Fred and George's speedy order taking.
Before you knew it the bar was empty.
You finally turned off the open sign and hugged Fred.
"Thank. God." You whined.
He chuckled and Ron gaped.
"This is what you do? All day? No magic?" Ron asked.
You nodded.
"Goddess. Your girlfriend is a goddess." Ron said making you snort.
Fred kissed your head and you sighed pulling off the apron.
"Alright. Tell me we're going home, I am exhausted and looking forward to Molly's cooking." You said making Fred's brow raise.
"Did you just call... The burrow home?" George noticed.
"...I guess I did." You shrugged.
Fred already was forming wedding plans in his head.
George, Fred and you all rode separately from the rest of the group.
"Alright. Be real with me. How many times have you shagged on the bar?" George asked making you choke on air.
"Christ George!" Fred gaped.
"I'm just saying, it's right there!" George said.
"....Like three times, but that is besides the point!" You answered.
"I knew it!" George said.
"and how, pray tell did you know that?" Fred asked.
"One of your shirts were behind the bar." George said making both of you groan.
Fred didn't mind helping you out during the busy days.
A secret passage to the wizarding world being right next to it didn't hurt either.
Fred and you now had been seeing each other for about a year.
The Christmas season was a nice one, spending it with his family
Molly made you a sweater, which during the winter never came off.
Fred however was gearing up to ask you to marry him.
You already moved in with him after your six month anniversary.
Now he was fidgeting with a ring in his pocket as you worked.
"So this would go... Here." You muttered to yourself.
Fred just had to find the right time.
"Fuck, why is the scotch missing a cap?!" You groaned.
When it was just you and him.
The bell on the door rang, indicating the last customer left and Fred used a quick spell to shut off the open sign.
"thanks." You sighed as you found the missing Scotch cap.
"Hey. Why don't you take a break?" Fred suggested.
When was the right time to even ask you?
You nodded and sat next to him.
"What's in your pocket?" You asked noticing him keeping rather close to it.
Well. Now was the perfect time!
Fred swallowed and leaned forward taking your hands into his.
"I love you." He said.
"I love you too. Are you dying or something?" You asked concerned.
"what? No-- no." He shook his head.
"I love you so much and I want to make you happy for the rest of our lives." He said making you raise a brow.
He pulled out the ring and your eyes went huge, looking at him and then the ring.
"Fred..." You breathed.
"Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" He asked.
You looked at him almost the exact same way you did a year ago, the same shocked and vulnerable expression on your face as you held his hands.
"...Yes Fred!" You said before he slid the ring on your finger and kissed you.
He called his brothers-- all of them, telling them with no context to get their asses to the burrow.
They all did, now standing confused in the living room.
"Why are we here fred?" Bill asked, Fleur equally confused.
"I'm waiting on mum." Fred said as she finally walked down with Arthur.
"What's going on?" Ginny asked.
"I asked Y/n to marry me." Fred said.
"and I said yes." You said making everyone gasp.
Molly was a happy crying mess, hugging you saying she gained a new daughter.
Harry was happy that you weren't going anywhere along with Ron and Hermione.
Charlie was cracking a massive smile.
"This happened because of you Charlie." You said with a laugh.
"Finally! She gives me credit!" Charlie said making you laugh.
"welcome to the family Y/n." Arthur said with a smile.
A few months later you were married, the bar eventually making it's way into diagon Alley
You closed down the original location but made the second one equally comfortable.
Every night without fail, Fred would find his way to a seat at the bar and would watch you work.
Harry would occasionally visit with Ginny, you two being the first to know about their engagement.
"I've got the coolest in laws ever!" You'd say making Fred chuckle.
You would have days where the family would sit around after closing, telling you stories of hogwarts before the war as you sat in a chair with Fred, him holding you in his arms with a smile.
You wouldn't trade any of this for the world. Because this is where you belonged.
This was your home.
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achliegh · 3 years
Alright, I had this wonderful idea come into my head about Clayton, honestly he deserves his own fic. So here is his version of events! Lots will tie together with Golden so I recommend you read that as well. But you don’t have to of course.
Before Letter is the present.
Letter is updating the lives of the people back home, of whoever wrote it mostly.
After Letter is memory.
The first few letters will be very awkward because writing letters and not being sure what to talk about and what not to talk about is hard and confusing. Stick with me! Yes, this prologue is just a letter.
TW/CW: Discussions of death, military training, smut, cringy jokes, underage drinking, dumb choices, swearing, hospitals, injuries and death caused by someone close, domestic abuse, blood, unfair treatment from police, false allegations.
Beta: @walking-crisis
Some Characters belong to @lumosinlove
Chapter 6:
In Color
“I don’t think you’re ready for that.” Grev was leaning against the door frame, cigar in his mouth and dressed in a casual yet expensive suit. “It will mess with your head.”
“Are you allowed to smoke in here?” Grev snatches the book from his grasp and raises a challenging eyebrow at him. Putting his hands up in surrender he starts walking back towards his bed. Ass out.
“How did you get up?” Grev took his normal seat and put his ankle on his knee to get comfortable.
“I stood up… why is that some miracle or something?”
“A little, you did get shot in the back of the head.” Grev goes back to puffing his cigar, oddly enough it doesn’t smell like a normal cigar. His dad would have one every holiday, he knows what they smell like. Clay is about to sit back on the bed when he hears Grev clear his throat, looking up Clay makes eye contact with the older man for a moment.
“Fine, I changed my mind… you can look. But, only if I get to explain the pictures to you.” Clay sits down and pats the mattress next to him. Grev grumbles under his breath and walks over to sit next to him. He opens the picture album to the first page.
“Is that you?” Clay points to a picture of two small boys looking happy with smiles on their faces, but their eyes told a different story. Even in black and white Clay could see how scared they were.
“That's my twin brother Clark and I, we were 12 years old, working in a factory during the Great Depression.” Clay looks up at him confused, Great depression… but Grev doesn’t look that old. Shaking his head thinking maybe he found the fountain of youth, Clay kept looking at the pictures. Flipping through happy and sad pictures as he turned each page.
“You are in the military?”
“Was, and yes. That was my battle buddy, his name was Gerald Kinzie. He was a high school teacher in San Antonio… I wonder where he is now.”
They turn the page and Clay can’t help but awwwwwww out loud. A picture of Grev with a beautiful woman, he’s kissing her cheek and they appear to be in… wedding? Attire.
“That’s your grandmother and I.”
Dear Clayton,
I know you are deployed a little longer than we were told you would be, but it’s okay! As long as you are safe somewhere then I don’t mind! You’re someone I can spill the beans to and not get in trouble.
You obviously remember the Sheriff, well he has passed away. I know it is terrible to celebrate someone's passing but he and his family made your life a living hell. Ashley scarred your beautiful face.
Yes, you may look more devil's advocate but it doesn’t make me sad.
A bad thing to come out of his death, besides his death of course God Bless his soul, is that Leo was investigated for it.
Now this happened a few months ago, I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want you to worry about your brother, he is just fine now. Him and his boys came to visit not long ago.
First it was Leo by himself and then his boys came down a few days later. He was the happiest I have seen him since you left. He really misses you baby. So does your Daddy.
I think I am close to convincing him to write to you! He was asking for a pen and paper the other night when he had his night smoke on the back porch. So, look out for that letter.
I got a call from Noelle, she is just a peach you sure got lucky with her, she called to ask me if I had a box or a basket of little things you would find and give to me and your Daddy. She called you a penguin and I couldn’t help but laugh.
I told her that we have a room dedicated to everything you would find for us because the things you brought us vary in sizes. She didn’t say much about it after that, just talked about how Thomas and her were thinking about coming down in a month. After the last game of the season.
Of course I told them they can have your room, I’ve been cleaning it everyday just in case you surprise me like you like to do.
I love you baby, can’t wait for you to be home. xoxo
I already know.
It was humid that night, Noelle has been so excited for this date the entire week. They could only do this on a Thursday night because Thomas was leaving for an away game in Hufflepuff, Noelle was going to visit her other sisters, and Clay was going to get tested to get into boot camp this weekend.
So, driving Clay’s brand new truck up to the highest point in Gryff to watch the sunset. It was cliché but it was comforting. Noelle parks the truck after backing it up into the spot so they feel like they are floating over the cliff. They lay blankets and pillows down to be comfortable.
They turned on some low music, Thomas and Noelle laughed as Clay tried to mimic Finn’s dancing on the tailgate as the other two snuggled together. Clay stopped and stared at them for a moment, he didn’t realize how intensely he was staring until he felt two very different hands pull him on top of the beautiful two humans he was staring at.
“Hi…” Noelle snorts and gives him a small kiss on his scarred eyebrow. He feels Thomas lean over to presumably give him a kiss on the cheek. Instead he blows a raspberry in his neck, causing Clay to smack his neck and try to get away, only to be pulled further into the pile until he is being sandwiched in between them. Both looking up at him from where their cheeks are squished into his biceps. They are hugging him tightly and their legs are a tangled mess.
Eventually they all relax their grip on each other just a little, watching the sky as it starts to change colors. Clay notices how heavy his partners have gotten suddenly. He looks down to see that Noelle has fallen asleep with her mouth open and is starting to drool, and Thomas has fallen asleep looking more relaxed and peaceful than he has all week.
Clay knows they don’t want him to go into the military but ever since he moved to Gryff for the winters… he's been lost. Feeling useless while everyone else is out improving their lives. He needed a path of his own. He can’t just be the pretty thing that sits at home and waits for his lovers like a dog. He needs a purpose of his own.
Looking down at them, he smiles and traces the three little moles on Noelles tan cheek that make a triangle. He looks over to Thomas who has a small scar just below his lip. Noelle recently attacked his eyebrows with some tweezers and Clay can still see the little scab from where Thomas tried to move his head and she plucked his skin on accident.
Clay doesn’t realise how much time passed as he just memorised their faces, breathing pattern and the way they cling to him, until he realises the only light illuminating Noelles honey brown hair is the streetlight they parked next to.
He looks up at the sky and sees the stars for the first time since moving to the city… it just so happens to be his lucky night.
He makes a wish on the bright northstar.
He wants this forever.
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whale-minmin · 3 years
roses | koo junhoe
Tumblr media
♛ Genre : fluff, romantic
♛ Summary : You find roses on your doorstep almost everyday.
♛ a/n : happy late birthday to my 2nd ikon bias ♡
You opened the door, looking down. You grabbed the red roses, smiling. This has been going on for almost two weeks now. You found roses on your doorstep almost everyday. They didn't have any note attached, they were just laying there. At first it was pretty weird, but then you thought it was kind of cute.
You just didn't have any clue of who could have been leaving them there. You questioned your friends, some of your classmates. But no one knew who could it possibly be.
You put the roses in a vase, filling it up with water. You weren't exactly popular and didn't have any guys or girls running after you.
Today, you were going to find out who was behind it. At 7am the roses were already here, so the person must have left them really early.
The next day you woke up at 6am, running to the door. They were already there. You groaned, taking them and shutting the door.
So the person was quite the early bird.
Another day, you woke up at 5am. This time you needed to catch the person. You hurried to the door, opening them. The roses weren't there. You closed the door, waiting and listening for any steps.
You waited for about thirty minutes, finally hearing some steps. You opened the door, meeting face to face with a shocked boy. "Oh sh- Sorry" He coughed, looking away. "..You got me" His face was familiar, but you didn't know how. "You're the one-"
"Yeah" He cut you off, sighing shakily. "I'm sorry, i'll stop-" You hugged him, startling him even more. "Thank you. You make my day" You smiled, making his face go red. "Oh.." He coughed, battling off the urge to smile. "I feel like i know you, but i'm not sure" He nod. "I'm Junhoe. You gave me your umbrella when it was raining" He sighed. "I had a really bad day then, but your smile– it fixed it all. Your friends told me where you live. God, i know it sounds creepy, but i swear, it's not" He hid his face in his hands, embarrassed.
"It's cute, Junhoe" You giggled. "Can you give me your phone?" You asked. He frowned but nod, giving you the device. You typed in your number, passing it back to him. "My number" You hummed. "Call me" He nod shyly, giving you the roses. "I'll go now. Bye" You pet his hair, nodding. He was cute.
≈≈≈≈≈ a/n ≈≈≈≈≈
Happy Birthday baby, i hope you had the best birthday ever ♡ I love you ♡ ( don't tell bobby )
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Of Blood and Bonds - Chapter 1
@abrx2002 @clumsy-owl-4178 @daminett4life @zalladane
@heaven428 @unmaskedagain
@dawnwave16 @virgil-is-a-cutie
@kris-pines04 @hypnosharkrebeldreamer
@be-happy-every-day-please @blue-peach14 @annabellabrookes
I hope I got everyone in the tag! I know I said this was gonna be fluff but it's also going to be angst. Sorry not sorry.
On that note, this book will contain swearing, mentions of rape and torture. I will try not be explicit but that's really relative. Read at your own risk. There will be warning before if I make a explicit scene so that you can skip it.
Anyways, I hope you enjoy and don't hunt me down for this.
Marinette had punched Bruce Wayne. 
Marinette had punched Bruce Wayne, Prince of Gotham, in Wayne Enterprises Tower in Gotham City and she was probably going to get kicked out because of this but it was so worth it. 
"Marinette honey," He said cautiously, "I'm sure I deserve it but why?"
She clenched her jaw and took a few deep breaths as she opened and closed her fists. She was trying really hard not to punch him again. 
You won't be able to get a second shot in without the boys intervening. She told herself, eying the way the boys - her brothers, she reminded herself stood, ready to pounce on her at any instant.
She had no doubt that the only reason she wasn't being restrained yet was because they were too shocked to react. 
"I don't think I asked for much Dad." She practically snarled the words out. "I just asked for a few phone calls and yet-" Her voice was shaking. "Yet, I haven't heard from you in over three years."
"Mari I can expl-"
"No, no, you don't fucking have that right to anymore. I did not come to Gotham to ask an explanation or beg for your attention. This was an unfortunate coincidence. I would have been perfectly happy to never see or hear from you again."
She turned to leave but Bruce grabbed her shoulder. She froze. This was Bruce Wayne, She had to remind herself, This was her father. He would not harm her. 
"I needed you Bruce. I needed you and you were not there." She shrugged off his hand from her shoulder and left in the direction of her class. 
Dick wordlessly moved out of her way and she tried not to think about the fact that she may have lost her chance to have a relationship with her siblings. 
Dick didn't know the whole story. Hell, before today Dick hadn't known that he had another sibling. He hadn't known that Bruce had another biological child. 
At least, he guessed that she was his biological child but he couldn't be sure because, once again, Bruce hadn't told them.
He watched the man. As always, he had an incredible poker face but he knew him better, he knew him enough to see the emotions waring among themselves behind his eyes. 
"You messed up big time B." He said quietly. "You know that, don't you?"
His father said nothing, instead he pushed past him and Damian to go after Marinette. He and his little brother had only to share a look before they took off after him, if only to stop him from doing something rash that he would regret and and that would probably damage their chance to know their sister better. 
Damian, Tim, Jason and he himself already had had the chance to talk to her. They could all collectively agree that they already loved her, even Damian, and they had no doubt the others would too.
Dick saw Marinette head towards the washroom. It was clear that she needed a moment alone, just like it was clear that that Bruce intended to wait for her to come out to be able to talk to her again. 
He disagreed. 
"I need to talk to her."
"I know." He soothed despite wanting nothing more than to yell at the man. Sometimes, Bruce understood less than Damian. "But she won't like it and you've already pissed her off enough. Why don't we go to the cafeteria? The rest of her class is there. We can wait for her there, once she had some time to calm down."
Dick could see that he was about to protest. "Damian will wait for her and accompany her back." He said, sparing a glance at the youngest who gave him a nod back in return. "She'll be fine. Come on." 
He tugged Bruce along with him and the fact that he didn't argue and let himself be pulled along was a testament to how much he was upset by this whole thing. 
Dick was angry, he wanted nothing more than to scream at Bruce because didn't he know better than to keep secrets like this from them at this point?
Bruce knew he was a coward and definitely not the father one would wish for, but if Marinette really had given up on him, she wouldn't have been so angry. 
There was something he was missing.
"-your stupidity aside, she was found bound and gagged with clear signs of having been assaulted. She was tested positive for rape for God's sake. What more do you need to leave her alone?" 
There seemed to be an argument going on in the cafeteria. While that was alarming enough, the blond girl's words gave him a very bad feeling. 
"Oh, please." A sausage-haired girl rolled her eyes. "She was probably there willingly. No one would get through such  traumatic event and be back to normal so soon after. Not even her parents believed her. "
"Normal? Are you serious right now? I was there when they found her. I was there when she screamed at the sight of anyone with blonde hair or green eyes. And you've all seen how after that, she hates being touched."
"She's just over-reacti-" Sausage-hair stopped in the middle of her sentence, staring at something in his direction. 
"Oh no, please do continue to speak so openly about the worst month of my life." He couldn't help the flinch when he heard his daughter's voice as she walked past him... because that meant that Marinette, sweet precious Marinette - his sunshine had been kidnapped and assaulted for a month and if the other girl was to be believed neither Tom or Sabine believed in her. 
The sausage girl scoffed but backed down. Her reaction meant that she was at least a little guilty. He filed that information for later. She muttered a 'Whatever.' and walked away. 
"Marin-" the blonde haired girl who was defending his daughter spoke up but Marinette cut her off. 
"I do appreciate you trying to defend me Chloe but I'd appreciate it better if you didn't speak of it at all."
The girl - Chloe, gave a nod in acceptance. "Go on ahead," Marinette said, from beside him. "I'll catch up." 
The blonde eyed them for a moment before she walked away. 
Bruce looked down to his daughter who was still staring ahead.
He had so much to ask her, like What the hell happened? But she beat him to it, unclenching her fist. 
"I'm sorry for punching you, but I was. Angry." She was gritting her teeth. "But I did meant it, you don't need to bother trying to contact me or anything. I'm perfectly happy without you." 
She started walking away.
"Marinette-" he called out and she stopped. It reminded him of earlier and he had a sinking feeling that her words would be as heartbreaking as the first time. 
She shook her head. "Like I said B, I needed you." For the first time, since she arrived in the cafeteria, she turned to look at him and gave him a small sad smile that broke his heart all over again. "It would have been nice to know that at least one of my parents supported me."
He didn't say anything. What could he say to make this better? 
She walked away, and this time, he didn't stop her. 
Jason was a little more than pissed. 
His day had started out nicely enough, made better when he saw a tiny girl taking out two men probably twice her size. 
He was going to help her but she had already taken care of them. 
She still thanked him for trying to come to her aid and when he offered to walk her to wherever she was going, the girl took a few moments to assess him - to him it felt like she was looking through his soul.
There was something about her that screamed to him not to underestimate her.  She knew what she was doing, that much was clear and when she offered him a sunny smile and told him that she was heading to Wayne Enterprises, he felt something loosen inside of him. 
It was bizarre to say the least but he felt at peace near her. Safe. 
Later on, he would realise that the haze of the Lazarus pit that he had struggled with everyday since his ressurection had retreated when he was near her. 
Jason's mood started to worsen when he found out that she had been left alone by her class. Something like an ugly acidic green snake coiled up inside of him wanting to protect her and extract revenge. 
Jason's mood improved again as throughout the day she saw the girl interact with his brothers, clearly winning over them as well. 
Though, he was rarely - to the point of never seen at WE usually, he decided to make an exception that day and hang out with the tour group Tim was supposed to be leading. 
Damian had also supposedly been bored and had decided to crash the party and Dick wasn't too far behind their youngest to keep him out of trouble. 
Everything was going smoothly and honestly, it was after a long time that they found someone the others didn't have a problem with. 
Then he had noticed Bruce, and not even a few seconds after, he noticed the bluenette slipping out after him.
Dick and Damian - who had been shadowing her all day, slipped away after her and he was stuck behind babysitting with his replacement.
That class had nothing of worth except Marinette. There was actually even a fool that was stupid enough to claim that she knew the Waynes in front of them, while not knowing that they were the Waynes and instead treating them like mere employees. 
He would enjoy putting her in her place. 
But before he could, his day started taking a turn for the worst, impossible to brighten again.
The girl, he didn't care enough to know her name, out of the blue stated that Marinette probably just slipped away again to draw attention to her. That escalated in a very…informative battle of words that made him want to take a plane to Paris and drench it's streets in blood.
As if that wasn't enough, he saw Bruce again, now looking like someone slapped him in the face with a fish...
On closer look, he could see that someone had actually punched him. He was so going to hack the Tower's camera. 
And then Marinette spoke up and...what? 
He was completely lost.
Did she say one of my parents? He hoped for Bruce sake that he misheard because otherwise that meant that this father figure fucked up again...which wasn't that suprising really.
So really, Jason was a little more than pissed and he felt like his choice of words was appropriate. 
"What the actual fuck Bruce?"
Tim was tired. 
His day had set out to be a tiring one, irrespective of the fact that he had stayed up all night to work on a case. 
He had to lead a tour group. 
Wayne Enterprises had a habit of keeping an eye on promising students for schools that they funded. For some reason, Bruce had started funding a College François Dupont in Paris. Why? He didn't know but knowing the man, he probably had some ulterior motive. 
That had intrigued him and he had taken a look at the students in their last year. There was indeed some very promising young talents - who by the looks of it, already knew which career they wanted to do and were clearly working toward them. Many of them had already been on T.V shows, had their names in newspapers or did small gigs and commissions. It was rather impressive. 
There was this one class however which at the beginning was one who seemed to have a lot of potential but he saw in their files that over the years their...efforts dropped collectively around the same time. It was extremely bizarre. 
One particular student in that class drew his attention though. It was one Miss Marinette Dupain-Cheng. Her academic records were stellar - always had been and while her grades had dropped a but at one point, she got them back up within the year which was more than impressive since she had skipped two years. She also seemed really talented, had won several awards and supposedly had a website for commissions - her file seemed...rushed and considerably lacking in details compared to her classmates even though Tim felt like she did way more than them. 
Call it his detective instincts but he knew that there was something going on in that class, his doubts were further re-inforced when he saw a report about Marinette, it was once again quite vague but what little was in it still chilled him to the core.
But...still...there was something else about her. Something striked him as soon as he saw her picture - she seemed really really familiar but he couldn't put his finger on where exactly had he seen her before. 
Well, as CEO he was supposed to be leading the tour groups anyways, so hopefully he'd get to find out then. 
The tour group consisted of all the senior class of the college and he prayed against all hope that it wasn't to be a disaster. 
Flashforward to the big day...it wasn't actually so bad. His brothers had crashed the party...which was unexpected but they weren't causing any trouble which was for more than he could usually hope for and while some students were absolutely aboherent ((mostly from that one class that had caught his attention)) the rest were genuinely nice. He had managed to talk to a few of them and was pleasantly surprised at their intellect. 
The most interesting student there though was, as he had predicted, Mlle. Dupain-Cheng, she was able to keep up with him throughout all of his explanations, whatever department may it have been in even though it was clearly stated in her file that she wanted a career in fashion. But well, he knew better than most that appearances could be receiving. Simply put, she was a genius. 
She reminded him of Elle from Legally Blonde for some reason. 
There was however also one student who had certainly not impressed him, thoroughly disgusted him actually - Lila Rossi. 
See the thing was that no one knew that he was actually the CEO. That had been done intentionally. The aim of the tour after all was for him to be able to see if there was any potential employees for Wayne Enterprises among them. 
And boy, was he going to blacklist her. 
The girl was a lying machine and the lies weren't even good. She name-dropped at every other sentence and even did the mistake of lying about him and his brothers in a place where any employee who knew them personally could call her out on her bullshit. It was such an amateur mistake. 
His opinion of her only soured when she insulted Marinette, he had taken her a liking to her, however brief their conversation had been and even if he hadn't - the fact that Lila bought up her kidnapping and downplayed it would be more than enough. 
Thankfully not everyone from that College was total numbskulls. A few people immediately jumped to the defense of the absent girl. 
He cataloged them mentally - The Braindead, The Neutrals and The Defenders, while also taking notes of what they were saying. 
What he heard out was even more horrifying that what he had read. 
That it! He was going to be looking into this girl's case personally.
As of all of this wasn't bad enough, Bruce just had to make everything worse. 
Because he could finally out the pieces together and understand why Marinette looked so familiar. 
Marinette was his sister. 
Marinette was Bruce's daughter and he was going to have to answer to Tim - and but the looks of it, his brother too - about what had happened to their newfound sister. 
Damian didn't know what to think. 
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