#Especially when he's laying in bed with Stiles' ear resting on his chest
noyzinerd · 4 months
When Derek does the deep, chest rumblies because he's happy and content
That's it. That's the whole post. Have a great day.
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sheerfreesia007 · 4 years
You’re Absolutely Terrifying
Title: You’re Absolutely Terrifying
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Pairing: Stiles Stilinski x Reader
Author: @sheerfreesia007​​
Words: 1,875
Warnings: Fluff, Injury, Cursing
Teen Wolf Tag List: @linkpk88​, @pure-ghost​
Permanent Tag List: @paintballkid711​, @fioccodineveautunnale​, @phoenixhalliwell​, @synystersilenceinblacknwhite​
Author Notes: Yay some Teen Wolf fic! This one was inspired by the Cinderella gif below. I love me some Stiles! Feedback is always welcome and appreciated! I hope you enjoy!
Gif Credit: Google
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         Soft music was playing in the background as you lay on top of Stiles’ bed going through old books on ritualistic killings, different books laid out on the bedspread around you opened up to different pages as you wrote anything you came across that sounded promising in your notebook. Your eyes widened slightly at the drawings that were in the book you were currently looking at. They showed depictions of the actual killings and you quickly turned the page over to curb the bile rising in your stomach.
         “You alright over there?” Stiles asks as he moves to sit on the floor in front of the bed next to where your face is. You lift your head to look at him and smile softly. 
         “Yeah totally. I normally spend my Friday nights researching ritualistic killings and staring at horrific depictions of those killings.” you respond sarcastically with a grin and Stiles scoffs at you softly as he rolls his eyes.
         “You and me both.” he quips back and you laugh softly as you tilt your head at him.
         “For some reason I can’t tell if you’re serious or not.” you say curiously and he grins over at you as he gets the book he’s looking through situated on his lap. You can feel your heart fluttering in your chest at his grin and the way his eyes follow you closely. Ever since you met Stiles back in the third grade he’s been one of your best friends, the other being Scott McCall. And once Scott was bitten by Peter and developed his werewolf problem you and Stiles have been beside him step by step. You and Stiles were the research gurus of the little trio you formed. While Stiles was more the detective you were more the librarian of the two. Stiles had been quite impressed by how easily it was for you to be able to find information on any topic and how quickly you were able to research it and take notes that helped him and Scott.
         And while you were a key asset to the two young men in your life, there was just something about the way they viewed you you wished would change. Especially with Stiles. For the longest time you had been harboring the hugest crush on him and unfortunately he didn’t seem to reciprocate it.
         “Ha, ha, ha. You got jokes huh?” Stiles says as he peers over the bed at the book that you’re looking at.
         “Only for you Stilinski.” you quip back at him and the grin that falls on his face is almost blinding. You blush softly and look back down at the book you’re researching and begin to get lost in the words and knowledge it stores. You’re so deep into your reading that you don’t come out of it until you see Stiles stand up from his spot on the floor. He’s frowning as he looks towards his open bedroom door. You tilt your head at him curiously wondering what he’s doing when you hear it, the sound of floorboard creaking is heard from downstairs. Your eyes snap over to Stiles and see him already moving to the bedroom door. “Stiles? Wait!” you called out as you tried to scramble off the bed. 
         Slipping in the blanket on his bed you fell to the floor with a crash, slamming your shoulder into the floor with a groan. You tried to get to your feet quickly but it wasn’t quick enough as you saw Stiles grab the metal baseball bat at the side of his door and then quickly rushed out shutting the door behind him. Your eyes widened as you heard the soft click and knew that he locked you in by way of that stupid little keyhole that he never got replaced. Who in their right mind would still have a door with a keyhole? 
         “Stiles! No wait!” you cried out as you finally got to your feet and got to the bedroom door. You desperately tried to open it tugging on the door knob to no avail. You slammed your closed fist into the door and screamed loudly in frustration. Panic was quickly consuming your body and you tried to tame it but the thought that he had just gone out there with any protection besides a bat was fueling the panic. “Stiles! Please! Come back! You have to come back!” you screamed as your fist kept pounding on the door.
         Suddenly you heard a crashing noise from downstairs and the panic, desperation and fear that was slowly trying to choke you was now drowning you. You screamed as loudly as you could and kept slamming your fist against the door. Suddenly you remembered his window rushing over to it you quickly unlatched it and slid it open. In your hurried panic state you had already gotten one leg over the windowsill before you heard the lock click on the door and the door slowly opened.
         Your brain wasn’t thinking as you slid your leg back into the room and rushed the door. Slamming it closed on whoever was on the other side you heard their groan and you used that to your advantage as you whipped the door open and cocked back your arm letting your fist fly. Your fist connected with a face and when you looked up you stared wide eyed at Isaac Lahey who was now groaning and holding his bleeding nose. Chest heaving you tried to make sense of what you were looking at and Isaac just stared at you in shock.
         “What the fuck!?” he snapped suddenly and you shook your head quickly.
         “Where’s Stiles?” you asked in a rush and Isaac looked over his shoulder.
         “Downstairs with Scott.” Isaac answered.
         “Sorry for breaking your nose. You’ll heal. I have to go kill someone though.” you said without any breath as you pat Isaac on the chest and moved around him. He stood there for a moment still holding his hand over his nose before he whipped his head to your retreating form.
         “You have to what?!” he called as he chased after you. 
         You were breathing heavily with emotion as you processed that if Isaac and Scott were here then Stiles was safe. All of your emotions were still coursing through you and you tried to slow your breathing but it wasn’t working. He had left you to go do something stupid. You could have lost him because of his stupidity. Tears began to pool in your eyes as your thoughts raced and you made your way down the stairs. 
         Scott stood with Stiles in the living room watching over someone who laid on the ground with their hands tied behind their back. Scott noticed you first as his head snapped over to look at you. You could hear Isaac coming down the stairs behind you but your main focus was on the tall gangly young man who was just hanging up his phone. You didn’t think as you moved and before Scott could grab you you had shoved Stiles up against the wall as your breathing picked up again.
         “Whoa!” Stiles said shocked as his back hit the wall and you pointed a finger in his face.
         “Shut up Stilinski! I am so close to murdering you it’s not even funny.” you snapped at him and watched as his eyes widened. His hands slowly came up in a gesture of surrender and you released him so that you could begin to pace. Scott and Isaac stood close by but gave you room to process through whatever it was that was going on with you. “Did you even think before you acted just now? Was it really worth it to go against this idiot by yourself?!” you asked rhetorically as you paced. Your hands flew in the air as you asked each question and when you looked over at Stiles with a sharp turn of your head you saw him watching you silently. 
         You took him in quickly and saw that he had a bruise forming on his right cheek bone and what looked like a cut under his left. But for all intents and purposes he looked like he was going to be okay. You shook your head as tears began to pool in your eyes again as you stood and stared at him. His body jolted away from the wall when he saw the tears in your eyes.
         “You left me up there when I could’ve helped you.” you cried to him as you flung your arms out from your body. “It’s you and me Stiles, we have to have each others’ backs! We don’t have the supernatural gifts that the others have.” Tears began to fall from your eyes and you watched as Stiles began to approach you. “I thought the absolute worst was happening to you because you decided to play hero. I-” you began to say and suddenly gasped as your mind raced with your horrifying thoughts. “I thought I was losing you.” you finished softly as Stiles came to stand in front of you his amber eyes gazing at you softly as his arms came up and hugged you close.
         “You’ll never lose me.” he promised softly as he held you close.
         “I fucking hope not you asshole.” you grumbled out to him as you buried your face in his chest and hugged him tightly. “I’m pretty sure I’d do worse than give Isaac a bloody nose if I lost you.” You heard Stiles chuckle softly as he rested his chin on your head and pulled in closer.
         “I didn’t know I meant that much to you.” he confessed softly to you and you pulled back with a jerk glaring up at him.
         “I love you dickhead. I’m in love with you. Of course you mean that much to me.” you snapped at him angrily. Silence fell over the four of you as Stiles stared down at you with adoring eyes. Scott was grinning from ear to ear happy that finally you had said something to his best friend. Isaac was just staring at you like he was terrified of you and kept inching closer to Scott.
         “I’m in love with you too.” Stiles said softly as he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to your lips. You hummed softly against his lips before pulling away harshly, Stiles lips still hung over your in a pout.
         “I’m still mad at you for being a hero.” you gripped out and Scott laughed loudly making both you and Stiles to smile over at him. Stiles leaned down and brushed his nose against your ear softly.
         “Let me make it up to you.” he whispered into your ear and you titled your head away from him while you looked over at him.
         “Maybe.” you said with a soft smile.
         “Remind me to never piss you off.” Isaac said suddenly as Stiles wrapped his arms around your middle when you turned to face Isaac and Scott. “You’re absolutely terrifying for a human.” he finished and all of you burst into laughter. Stiles leaned down and nuzzled his face into your neck pressing a soft kiss there and you hummed softly again.
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tickletastic · 4 years
Four Discoveries And A Weapon
Fandom: Teen Wolf
Ship: Non-explicit Scisaac
Summary: The pack discovers things about Isaac, but Isaac discovers things about them too. (AKA four Isaac discoveries, and one time they’re used against him.)
Notes: I accidentally wrote a really long fic and couldn’t think of an adequate title but here’s this. I ended up loving teen wolf so much that I immediately started rewatching it once I finished, so prepare for some teen wolf fics
Isaac is cute. He would never admit it, but he is. Don’t get me wrong, he’s hot too- but mostly cute, in a puppy kind of way.
He despised being complimented in general, but he always got especially uncomfortable when the girls would coo over him like some child saying its first words or taking its first steps. Allison had seen through Isaac’s exterior quickly compared to the others, he was full of bravado and dark humour, but she could see the fear and desire for companionship within him.
Isaac lost his mother, and then he lost his brother, and that’s hard enough for a kid to go through. But then he lost his father too. Isaac has never had a family, but he’s not opposed to the idea. In fact, although he’d never say so, he would love to be part of a family.
Allison was the quickest of the bunch to realize, cuing Lydia in on the situation. Lydia was the one to realize that although he would flinch away at first, if the touch lingered, Isaac would lean into it. Isaac couldn’t fight his instinct to flinch away or protect himself, but he could show his appreciation for affection wordlessly through his actions once the panic subsided. 
The way that Isaac would lean into pats on the shoulder and head scratches was really, really cute.
And a lot like a puppy.
Dinner and a movie at the Hale loft had become a weekly tradition for the pack. Every week they would find themselves strewn in random places across the loft waiting for someone to cook them dinner, before they would binge watch some cheesy series or some Pixar film.
Derek had become increasingly domestic lately in his attempts to be a better alpha. For Stiles and Scott, it was super bizarre, but Boyd, Lydia, and Allison found it kind of endearing. Erica would’ve probably found it endearing too… If she were capable of feeling anything but annoyance (unless it was towards Boyd, of course). 
As a part of Derek’s initiative, he had finally caved in and purchased some ‘homey’ furniture. The pack was lying anywhere comfortable, taking in the scent of the pasta Derek was cooking. Lydia, Stiles, Scott, and Isaac were arguing over which Disney movie was the best, and which they should watch first.
Isaac hadn’t seen many Disney movies since Camden died, but he knew his definite favourite. “Why would we watch Wall-E when we could be watching Meet The Robinsons? Don’t be a sucker, Stiles.”
“I am not! I can just appreciate a good romance between two lonely robots. Are cute robots in a dystopian future too much to ask for?”
“All I’m saying is The Princess And The Frog was a cultural reset, that movie is amazing and Tiana’s totally badass!” Lydia responded, seemingly disgusted at the mere notion that anyone would find any other movie the best.
When dinner was finally ready, they ended up settling on Aladdin, because Scott, Lydia, and Boyd all wanted to watch a Disney princess movie, but they couldn’t come to a consensus on which one. (Scott, of course, wanted Beauty And The Beast, while Boyd wanted to watch The Little Mermaid. And who knew that Derek wasn’t impartial to Disney Channel Originals?)
Isaac had remembered bits and pieces of the film from when he was younger, but not too much. He did remember that he was attracted to both Jasmine and Aladdin, which was his first of many strange awakenings as a little kid.
Almost like a formula, by the time A Whole New World was blaring from the TV’s speakers, Isaac was laying on the couch and receiving as much physical contact as possible. His head was in Allison’s lap and his feet and legs were draped over Lydia, who was also lying down but not nearly as horizontally and as comfortably as Isaac.
He seemed pretty relaxed despite the fact that he had managed this position by slowly inching closer and closer to the both of them until Allison gently pushed his head down into her lap. She began to scratch his head, Isaac responding by pushing his head further into Allison’s hand, melting into the touch.
Lydia cooed softly, not loud enough for the others to hear her, but loud enough for Isaac’s cheeks to dust pink, even in the low light.
Allison just smiled fondly, scratching a little harder and receiving a quiet, pleased groan in response. Isaac was trying to fight the tiredness that hit him the second Allison had began her calming touch, but it was becoming increasingly hard to fight the closing of his eyes.
Allison started to stray closer to Isaac’s skin, and when she started to scratch behind his ears she believed that his gasp was out of pleasure… It was, but that wasn’t all. When she continued Isaac started to giggle softly, his nose scrunching up at the sensation.
“A little ticklish?” Allison teased when she realized the reason for the giggles. She scratched a little softer, and Isaac started hiccuping softly, a small grin on his face while his eyes remained closed. “Do you want me to stop?”
“‘S good,” Isaac moaned tiredly through his giggles in response, “feels nice.”
Allison laughed as Lydia started her own, ever-so-light tracing over Isaac’s shins. 
“You’re such a puppy.”
Isaac fell asleep giggling softly. He didn’t worry about the pictures that Scott and Stiles would take of him sleeping, curled up with Lydia and Allison as he snored lightly. That was a problem for tomorrow, and oh yes, it is a problem.
Discovery One: Isaac is a lot like a puppy.
Scott’s eyes shot open, immediately trying to figure out what sound had woken him up. He heard it again, a mix of whimpering, panting, and screaming, and it took him a second to realize where it was coming from. He bolted up from his bed, opening his bedroom door and seeing his mom walk down the hall. 
“It’s alright, I’ve got it, Mom,” Scott assured her, waving her off. She smiled out of gratitude, it’s not that she doesn’t want to help her surrogate son, she just knew that Scott was always much better at the job.
Isaac was covered in sweat, his hair matted to his forehead, his hands balled into fists, holding his blanket as tight as he possibly could, white-knuckled. He was in the fetal position, his back to the wall.
Scott sat down on the edge of the bed slowly, reaching out and rubbing circles over Isaac’s back. “Hey, Isaac? Isaac, it’s okay, you’re okay.”
Isaac continued to shake, his eyes squeezed tightly shut as he started to form words through his dream. “N-no, please. I’m sorry. I d-don’t w-want to go in, p-please.”
Scott knew what Isaac was afraid of, and he was suddenly wishing that he could take away mental pain instead of physical. He shook the taller boy harder, until his eyes shot open and he recoiled into the corner of his bed. 
Isaac was breathing hard, panic written on every feature of his face, trying to figure out what was going on. 
Scott looked at him sympathetically, slowly reaching back towards Isaac to put his hand on the boy’s arm. “Hey, you’re alright Isaac, everything’s okay, you’re safe.”
Isaac’s eyes turned to Scott, but they were distant, he wasn’t really looking. Scott brought both of his hands up to cup Isaac’s face.
“It’s okay, I promise you’re safe.”
Isaac’s breathing was still laboured, but he brought his hands up and placed them over Scott’s, gripping on as if his life depended on it. “Th-the freezer?”
“You’re not going in there ever again, Isaac, I promise.”
When Scott saw the realization on Isaac’s face, he pulled him into a hug, one hand across Isaac’s back and the other cradling his head. 
They stayed like that for a few minutes, Scott cradling Isaac and whispering words of assurance while Isaac allowed himself to calm down and breathe.
Wordlessly, Scott ended up getting Isaac to move forward, and Scott slipped himself between Isaac and the wall, holding him close to his chest while they spooned.
Scott had one hand draped over Isaac’s chest while the fingers of his other hand were running through Isaac’s hair. Isaac smiled at the sudden warmth, cuddling into Scott as much as he could. Trying to further soothe him, Scott started to draw shapes with his dull fingernails over Isaac’s hipbone. 
Isaac twitched before bringing his hands to his face, a deep chuckle slipping from his lips. Confused, Scott furrowed his brow, craning his head at the taller boy.
Isaac was still covering his face, but he could feel Scott’s eyes on him. “Stohop thahat.”
“Stop what? This?” Scott started moving his fingers quicker and Isaac flinched hard against Scott’s chest, unable to stop the frantic laughter that spilled from him. “Is someone a little ticklish?” 
“Nohoho! I’m trying tohoho slehehep! Cut it ohohout!” Isaac snapped back, trying to pry Scott’s hand away from his hips. 
Scott smiled, he always loved the sound of Isaac’s laughter, but it was so rare. This laughter was everything in comparison to the ironic, dry laugh that Isaac would let out after he said something sarcastic. Scott stopped, even though he would love to hear the music of Isaac’s laughter for as long as he possibly could. He would have to investigate further another time, but for now, he was content with falling asleep holding Isaac, listening to soft giggles that escaped him as he drifted off too.
Discovery Two: It’s going to take a while for Isaac to be okay, but Scott is more than willing to stay by his side the whole time. The rest of the pack is completely willing too.
With Scott being much busier and all, Melissa had grown to miss spending time with her loud, hyperactive teenager every evening after work. Since Isaac had moved in, he had been spending a lot more time at home after school than Scott. 
Although Isaac was very different from Scott, Melissa enjoyed spending time with Isaac when he was home. The longer Isaac lived with the McCalls, the more like family Isaac became, and Melissa certainly wasn’t complaining. She definitely had enough love in her heart for a new addition to the family.
Isaac was quiet compared to Scott’s usual crowd. Allison and Lydia have always spoken their minds freely, and Stiles was.. well Stiles is Stiles. Isaac was different. He was timid, and he always called her Ms. McCall no matter how many times she would tell him that Melissa was fine. 
Melissa found the manners and timidness cute at first, until Scott had told her about everything Isaac had been to. Now, she tried with every interaction to bring out Isaac’s childish side, the kid deserved a family, and he deserved to act like a kid sometimes too. 
Today, Melissa had come home from a shift to find Isaac cutting up vegetables at the kitchen counter. 
“Hey Isaac, what are you doing?” Melissa greeted, placing a hand on his shoulder. Isaac flinched slightly, looking, as usual, like a deer in the headlights.
“Hi Ms. McCall, I- uh- I was just making dinner because I knew you were working late and I thought you would probably be hungry s-so I decided to make dinner, b-but I started too late so it’s not finished yet. I’m sorry, I swear it sh-should be finished s-soon I just h-have to-”
“Isaac, Isaac it’s alright. It was really nice of you to make dinner, I’m sure it’ll be amazing,” Melissa should’ve stopped him sooner, instead of letting him ramble on and apologize unnecessarily, but she guessed it was better late than never. 
She sat in one of the barstools at the counter, watching Isaac as he tried to cut some carrots in his hand. His hands were shaking and he wasn’t making any progress on the veggies, and Melissa couldn’t let it go on any longer. 
Melissa reached out, holding Isaac’s shaking hands in her own after setting the knife aside. Isaac looked up, he looked fearful, scared that Melissa was going to yell, and she could feel her eyes going soft. She started to softly rub circles over his knuckles, watching slight confusion flash on his face. 
“Isaac, hun, you don’t have to apologize for anything. You haven’t done anything wrong, and even if you had made a mistake, which you didn’t, I wouldn’t hurt you. People make mistakes, and the worst punishment you’d ever expect under the McCall roof is a weekend grounding and a talk. You’re safe, you’re okay Isaac.”
Isaac looked up from their hands, relief in his eyes and a small smile on his face. “Th-thanks Ms. McCall.”
“I’m still fine with you just calling me Melissa,” She got up and walked behind the counter, “now, can I help?”
She had tasered Isaac in his side to get him to scoot over, and he recoiled with a giggle. Melissa recalled fond memories of tickling Scott absolutely silly, something she would do to him up until only recently, when he was about fifteen or sixteen. The memory triggered her maternal instinct, and she started spidering her fingers up and down his sides, going from his hips to the top of his ribs. 
“Mihihiss McCahahall!” Isaac doubled over, he was trying not to fight back so that he wouldn’t hurt her, but his instincts weren’t always easy to fight. Instead of trying to bat her hands away or grab her wrists, he sunk to the floor, ending up with his back against the cupboard and his knees up, Melissa still hovering over him and poking him wherever she could reach. “Plehehehease, it tihihickles!”
“I’d sure hope so!” Melissa teased, but she let up, offering Isaac her hand so he could stand up. She ruffled his hair before passing him the knife he had been using to cut the veggies, grabbing one for herself. “I’ll do the onions, Scott always complains about how they hurt his eyes.”
Discovery Three: Isaac deserved kindness, he just didn’t know it yet, and Melissa would be damned if she didn’t help him realize.
Allison, Lydia, and Melissa weren’t the only people to realize that Isaac desired a family, the entire pack had caught on eventually. Derek was a little late to the revelation, but better late than never. 
As a shock to both himself and the rest of the pack, Derek stepped up to a parental role rather quickly. He had already had the cooking, cleaning, and pack hugs down, but now he found himself fussing over Isaac like a mother would. Derek was over-protective, caring, and understanding. It was everything that Isaac hadn’t realized he needed, even though he wouldn't admit it.
Whenever Isaac was hurt, he immediately had Allison, Lydia, and Derek fussing over him like a child who had fallen off of his bike. It made him blush beyond compare, and he would always try to bat them away, but time and time again they would still rush to his side despite his quick healing. 
Derek had started attending every lacrosse game. He wasn’t vocal like Melissa or the sheriff, but his eager thumbs up and the big smile he would plaster on his face every time Isaac looked over were enough to fuel a lifetime’s worth of embarrassment.
Isaac was killing it this game, and paired with Stiles and Scott, the team was definitely winning. 
Afterwards, they had ran into the changing rooms, but something told Isaac that he should be listening to the parents outside. 
“The boys were amazing today, it’s crazy how much they’ve improved since the start of the season,” Melissa said. 
“Yeah, they were great, I’m so proud of my boy,” the Sheriff seemed to agree.
At this point, Scott had noticed Isaac’s preoccupation, and he decided to listen for himself.
“It was a great game, I’m proud of Isaac and how far he’s come to trust his team.”
It wasn’t much, Derek had always been a man of few words, but it was enough to have Isaac cover his face, blushing up to the tips of his ears. 
Scott smiled, moving closer to ruffle Isaac’s hair. “Aww, Derek’s proud of his favourite puppy.”
“Shut up!” Isaac groaned, packing all of his stuff into his bag. 
“You’re definitely getting a ‘Daddy’s Favourite’ shirt for Christmas,” Stiles joked, following suit with Isaac and packing his things. 
The three of them walked out, greeted by their guardians awaiting them. 
“Good job, guys, that was a great game!” Ms. McCall praised them, putting her arm around Scott’s shoulder. The sheriff hummed in agreement, while Derek gave Isaac a small smile. 
“If it’s okay with you two, I’d like to take the boys out for some food,” Derek spoke, looking at Ms. McCall and Sheriff Stilinski for approval.
“Totally fine by me, I have a night shift to be getting to,” Sheriff Stilinski approved, giving Stiles a pat on his shoulder and saying goodbye. 
“Totally fine by me too,” Melissa nodded, eyes Scott and Isaac, “I will see you two later, don’t get into too much trouble.”
Derek smiled at the three teens before asking them where they wanted to go, Stiles and Scott branching off into an argument of Olive Garden vs TGIFridays. Isaac just got physically closer to Derek, walking next to him instead of behind like Stiles and Scott were.
“You played really well that game, Isaac. You’ve really improved,” Derek praised him and Isaac was back at his furious blushing. He rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly, looking down.
Isaac looked awkward, but Derek knew he liked the compliments. Derek could smell it on him.
Derek brought a hand up and tried to swat Isaac’s hand from his neck, but Isaac gasped and twitched away. 
“No way,” Derek had a mischievous smile on his face, Isaac just let out a long groan in response. “Well, if you won’t take my compliments, I might have to use my discovery and take some drastic measures. Next game, I’m gonna make a sign, it’ll say ‘I’m Isaac’s #1 fan’.”
Discovery Four: Isaac liked compliments, he just didn’t know how to take them
-And 1-
“Just- lay still!” Stiles grunted, pulling the tweezers away from Isaac’s neck. Stiles had snuck up on Lydia and Lydia had screamed, shattering every glass within a 5 metre radius.
Isaac, sadly, was in that radius, and he had been bringing his glass up to his mouth when it shattered. Most of the glass ended up piercing through his shirt, some small shards lodged in his chest, but others had ended up in his neck.
Stiles was trying to take the glass out, but Isaac’s wiggling was a little too much. 
“I have like four left, Isacc, can you just stop wiggling?”
“I’ll stop wiggling if you stop touching me.”
Stiles sighed, watching as Isaac’s cuts practically healed instantly. He had gotten all of the shards out, but Stiles still wanted to have some fun. 
“Hey, Scott? Could you come hold Isaac while I try to get the rest of this glass?”
“Sure thing, Stiles,” Scott had clued in on the situation as soon as Stiles had started speaking, the familiar glint of mischief in his voice. 
Isaac had bolted upright, getting up to run, walking straight into Derek instead.
“What’s wrong, Isaac? A little… sensitive?” Stiles paused for dramatic effect as Derek stopped Isaac from leaving.
“He is, actually! You should try his ears,” Allison piped up.
“Or his legs.”
“His hips are pretty bad.”
“Yeah, his ribs are too.”
All the werewolves in the room had perked up, Isaac’s pulse had skyrocketed when Stiles had mentioned his ribs. Scott hadn’t even realized that a heart could beat that fast considering Isaac had already been on edge when his sensitivity was mentioned. 
Isaac wasn’t one for negotiating, or begging, really, so instead he just turned to run, getting as far as a grand total of two feet before Scott came barreling into him, knocking him to the ground.  They rolled for a bit until Scott inevitably got the upper hand, pinning Isaac’s arms to his sides.
“Any last words?”
Isaac had opened his mouth to respond, but ended up interrupting himself with a bouquet of giggles as someone dragged a finger up his sole.
“I’m sorry, were you planning on saying something? My bad,” Stiles taunted.
Scott chuckled at his best friend’s antics before tracing his fingers over Isaac’s collarbones. Isaac started to chuckle, shaking his head frantically in an attempt to shake the fingers off. 
Allison and Lydia had gotten closer to the three of them, but didn’t dare join in in case Isaac got overwhelmed by all the touch. They did, however, share a look as they both mutually agreed to play a game that they often used to tease Isaac. The goal was to see who could make him blush the most for the longest, and it was far more entertaining than any movie or tv show ever is.
“Aww, is the whittle puppy ticklish? The puppy can’t take a little belly rub?” Lydia teased, leaning in to quickly scratch over Isaac’s belly once. Isaac snorted, throwing his head back.
“Is the big, bad beta giggling? Is a little tickling too much to handle? Maybe you’re gonna need a little extra protection against those hunters, what if they found out about your little secret?” Allison hadn’t expected for her comments to embarrass Isaac so much, but he desperately tried to hide his violently red face anywhere that he could. 
Stiles was growing bored, and he had started to trace upwards, scratching over Isaac’s thighs. Isaac tried to kick away, but Stiles wasn’t sitting in any position that could lead to himself getting hurt.
“C’mon Derek, aren’t you gonna join?” Scott asked, tracing his fingers over the shells of Isaac’s ears and appreciating the lazy, adorable laughter that it produced. He was gonna have to catalogue that for future cuddling.
Derek considered the offer before finally leaning over the beta, rapidly tasering Isaac’s ribs as Isaac began to flail and flop like a fish out of water, screaming out protests.
“Oh Gohohod!” Isaac squealed, desperately trying to retrieve his wrists from Scott’s grasp. Scott finally did let go, but Isaac’s brain had gone into overdrive as his laughter entered a territory of silence. Isaac couldn’t even begin to think of an effective use of his hands, let alone instruct them to follow through. 
“Ple- Pleehehe-” Isaac wasn’t one for negotiating, or begging, but now he was certainly wishing that he had the ability to do either. His words kept dying in his streams of laughter, which were only interrupted by snorts, hiccups, and gasps.
Isaac was radiating joy, the werewolves in the room could smell it stronger than anything else, but the kid needed to breathe too.
“Alright, that’s enough bullying for one day, kids,” Derek swatted Stiles and Scott off of his beta and Isaac suddenly wished he had the ability to express his gratefulness, but instead he curled in on himself, still laughing hysterically against his own will. 
“Now that,” Stiles began, flopping himself on the couch, “is a useful discovery.”
“Oh really, Stiles? If it’s so interesting then I guess you’d be okay with being next, huh Stiles?” Derek responded, partially to embarrass Stiles and partially to take some embarrassment away from his favourite puppy. 
“Don’t you dare- Derek, no don’t even think about it! Stop!”
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girlmadeofivory · 4 years
epiphany (Melissa McCall/Chris Argent)
Gerard shook his head at Chris’s aim. “Again.”
Chris raised the gun, trying to stop his hands from shaking. The semi-automatic weapon felt too heavy in his hands. He was barely 16. He didn’t want to be able to take a life.
The next shot hit the target dead-center. Gerard smiled. Chris smiled back, feeling bile rise in his throat. The smile didn’t meet his eyes.
Chris adjusted Allison’s grip on her bow ever so slightly. “It’s important that you focus on your target. You’re distracted, and it’s messing with your aim.”
Allison nodded, wincing when the string of the bow cut into her fingers. She had forgotten her leather gloves in her locker. 
Chris handed his daughter his own gloves from the pocket of his jacket.
Allison smiled. “Thanks, dad.” His gloves were loose around her hands, and her brow furrowed a little in pain when she loaded her bow again. She was only 13, but Chris wanted to be the one to teach her. Before Gerard could.
“Just power through it.”
Keep your helmet, keep your life, son.
Just a flesh wound. Here’s your rifle.
Chris stood in the stark white halls of Beacon Hills Hospital, on the phone. “Hey, Allison, it’s me. I need you to come to the hospital.” 
His daughter hung up almost immediately, but as she did, he heard the door lock. She would be there soon. Chris peered through the window to where his wife’s body lay. For the millionth time, he cursed Gerard and his stupid anti-werewolf decrees. 
Allison ran into him, skidding a little on the shiny tile. “Where’s Mom?”
Chris shook his head, holding his daughter tightly. “She’s gone.”
Allison screamed, cursed, begged, sobbed. He couldn’t listen to it anymore. He just gripped her tighter. 
She looked up at him with teary eyes. “How?” Her voice broke over the word.
“She was bitten,” he whispered into her ear. “And it was the full moon last night. And-” 
Chris had intended to tell Allison about Gerard’s rules, about his blind hatred, but she cut him off. “I’ll kill him. The Hale. I’ll kill the whole damn pack.” And this time, her voice didn’t break. It was steely and sure and Chris was scared. Not of Allison, he could never be scared of her, but of what she might do for the sake of Gerard’s rules. And what it would do to her.
Crawling up the beaches now.
“Sir, I think he’s bleeding out.”
And some things you just can't speak about.
When Chris drove up to the battleground, he inexplicably knew something was wrong. He ran over to Scott where the boy sat on the ground, and-
Oh, God, no. There was blood around her mouth, and her chest was still. Scott sobbed over Allison’s body and for just a second, Chris felt his world shatter. No, not her, please, anything but that. And then another one of Scott’s sobs pulled Chris back into reality.
Chris kneeled next to Scott, putting his hand on the wolf’s shoulder. “Breathe, okay. Breathe. I’m calling 911. You tell them you called me first, okay? Get your pack out of here when they leave with her, I’ll take care of it. You just have to tell them you called me first, and then go home.” 
Scott nodded blankly, and Chris made the call. He turned away from the kids as tears threatened to spill over, but he bit his tongue and forced them back. Allison’s friends needed him. The ones she died for. He had to honor that.
With you, I serve, with you I fall down.
Watch you breathe in, watch you breathing out.
When the Stilinskis first brought Claudia in, Melissa assumed it was nothing. A routine checkup, or maybe a rough case of the flu. But then she was there again, and again, and when Melissa checked the files, she realized that her best friend outside of the hospital was dying. Not only that, but her mind was going, and that was almost more painful than watching her body wither and fail. 
Melissa did her best to support them. She brought over food when she had the time to cook, she invited Stiles over to her home to spend some time as a carefree kid, and she visited Claudia sometimes, after a long night shift when visiting hours were long over. 
The manager of the hospital had asked Melissa to pick up an extra shift once. Another nurse was attending his daughter’s wedding. Melissa had been all for it until she realized that it was Claudia’s floor. As much as she loved her friend, she didn’t trust herself to treat her. Treating friends and family was never a good idea, especially when she came home in the afternoon to see Stiles and Scott curled up on the couch together, Stiles sobbing into her son’s shoulder. 
Something med school did not cover:
Someone’s daughter, someone’s mother.
Melissa was working when Claudia died. The nurse had been at the front desk when she heard Stiles’ heartbroken shout, even from a floor below him. Mom. 
Melissa had grabbed another nurse, asked her to take over, and run up the stairs to Claudia’s room. Everything was silent in the hospital room. Stiles’ shoulders shook, and the Sheriff muffled his own cries into his son’s shoulder. 
She had a million things to say. She didn’t know what to say. She didn’t say anything, scared to break the tension in the air. What do you say? I’m sorry, you don’t deserve this, she lived a good life, it’s no one’s fault. 
When Stiles and the Sheriff left for home, Melissa held the boy in her arms for a long moment. As she stood, she said, “Anything you need, come over. Any time, we’ll figure it out.”
Holds your hand through plastic now.
“Doc, I think she’s crashing out.”
And some things you just can’t speak about.
Melissa yawned, letting her head rest in her hand. She was sitting at the front desk of the emergency room, as she often did. It was exhausting to watch broken people drag themselves through the doors all day and night. Sometimes, as her vision blurred with tiredness, she would imagine Scott or Stiles, lying on a gurney, clothes soaked in blood, and jerk awake, heart racing. 
There was a lull in the ER, so she closed her eyes, pretending she was laying in her bed at home. Home, where everyone was safe. Where Scott and Stiles might be studying in a bedroom, where Isaac and Erica would play video games while Boyd made dinner for their little pack. Their little family. Derek might stumble in, streaks of dry blood on his shirt, and everyone would swarm around him to make sure he was okay. Because in their pack, they took care of each other. Maybe Derek would bring his sister, Cora. From what Melissa had heard about the youngest Hale, she guessed that Erica would get along beautifully with her. 
Maybe Lydia and Jackson would visit, too. They were barely pack at that point, but it was always nice to have them around. 
Only twenty minutes to sleep,
But you dream of some epiphany.
A light rap on the counter woke Melissa from her reverie. Scott and Isaac were smiling at her, holding a brown paper bag. 
“We brought you dinner. We didn’t want it to get cold, sorry for waking you up.” Isaac handed her the paper bag with a grin, his other hand woven through Scott’s.
The boys saw her eyes flick to their hands, and quickly disentangled themselves, looking away from her. 
Melissa offered a small smile. “I don’t mind, I just hoped you would tell me when you started dating again.”
Scott’s face lit up, and he kissed Isaac on the cheek. “I’m dating again.”
“Alright, boys, now go finish your homework and get some sleep. I’ll be home late again.”
The two teenagers left, holding hands much more comfortably, and Melissa allowed herself a moment of joy before returning to her work, eating as she reviewed patient files.
When she got home, Scott was sitting on the couch. She walked straight to him, dropping her purse on the ground, and pulled him into a hug. “I love you.”
Just one single glimpse of relief,
To make some sense of what you’ve seen.
Chris lay in the hospital bed, breathing raggedly. He rasped out several ingredients before his eyes closed, and Melissa ran to find them. She quickly concocted the potion before spreading it over his wounds. They smoked, and Chris screamed, face contorted in pain. Melissa forced a rag between his teeth, muffling the noise. 
Several moments later, the lash marks had faded. Chris panted, trying to catch his breath. Melissa removed the rag and filled a glass of water, carefully pouring it into his mouth. 
Chris coughed weakly. “Thank you.”
“Of course,” Melissa replied. “I’m just glad you’ll be okay.” She leaned down and kissed his forehead gently as he fell asleep.
With you, I serve, with you I fall down.
Watch you breathe in, watch you breathing out.
Melissa was in the hospital. Melissa had been shot by hunters. Melissa was in the hospital. And Chris was a fucking mess. He hadn’t slept since he heard the news. Rather, he had climbed into his car and driven frantically back to Beacon Hills. Melissa was still asleep when he sat in the chair next to her bed, having received permission from one of her friends to stay past visiting hours.
Pain flooded Melissa’s body as she woke up in a hospital bed. What had happened before was hazy; she assumed her house had been shot up by hunters. Scott had asked her for advice, as he often did, and she had told him to fight back. Her chest throbbed over the bullet wound, but she would be okay. She had to be, for her son. For her pack.
“Melissa, thank God.” Chris reached out hesitantly to take her hand. “I was so scared, I thought… and after Veronica and Allison, I couldn't…” he trailed off, a couple of tears running down his face.
“Hey, I’m okay,” she whispered. “What are you doing here?”
“I heard about what happened and I-”
“I do appreciate it, really. But shouldn’t you be off saving the world?” Her lips quirked up into a playful smile.
Chris shook his head. “Not until my world is safe.” He bent down to kiss her before settling back into his seat. “I’ll be here when you wake up. Rest.”
With you, I serve, with you I fall down.
Watch you breathe in, watch you breathing out.
Melissa held Chris’s hand. They stood in the cemetery, staring at the Argent tombs. Veronica Argent; Allison Argent; Kate Argent; Gerard Argent. Chris didn’t bother checking the dates. They were carved into his mind already. 
“And then there was one.” Chris laughed, his voice hollow. “I can’t believe…”
Melissa held his hand. “I know.” 
Chris choked down a sob and Melissa held him. They stood there, by the graves, holding each other, for a long time. When the sky began to darken, Melissa led Chris to her car. 
“Let’s go home, okay? The kids will probably be there, and it would do you plenty of good to be around a dozen lively wolves.”
Chris nodded, and they headed back towards their home, towards their family.
Melissa was right; the entire pack had taken up residence in her house. Scott, Isaac, Mason, and Malia sat jammed together on the couch, Isaac on Scott’s lap. Derek, Stiles, Ethan, Jackson, and Lydia sat around the dining table, catching up with each other over a game of poker. Corey, Theo, and Liam were lying in a puppy pile on the living room floor.
Chris and Melissa walked in to scattered greetings and the smell of brownies baking. Chris raised an eyebrow at the mess, but Melissa just laughed. “Don’t worry, I make them clean everything up before they leave.”
They shared a smile and headed up to Melissa’s room, where they changed into pajamas and lay under the covers.
“Good night, Melissa.” Chris kissed her. “I love you.”
She smiled. “‘Night. I love you too.”
Only twenty minutes to sleep,
But you dream of some epiphany.
Just one single glimpse of relief,
To make some sense of what you’ve seen.
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nicole-lynne · 5 years
Who Makes You Happy
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Pairing: Stiles x Reader
Description: Stiles realizes (more like told) who he truly should be with. 
You slapped your case study onto the table in front of your partner with enthusiasm, a bright red 99/100 circled at the top. 
“Hah! Eat it, Stilinksi.” Stiles groaned in defeat as he looked down at his 98/100. “I believe you now owe me pizza and a movie of my choice, sucker.” 
Stiles grinned up at you as you started bouncing up and down on the balls of your feet and shaking his shoulders with excitement. Nodding his head in acceptance, he shoved his case study into his bag hastily and gestured for you to lead the way out of the classroom. 
“You better pick something good. I don’t think I can handle another night of romantic comedies.” He teased and nudged your shoulder a couple times. You glanced up at him for a fraction of a second and your cheeks started to heat up. 
“I was kind of thinking A Walk to Remember,” Stiles puffed up slightly at the pick before you continued, “but then I decided on Return of the Jedi.” You smiled widely as the irritation disappeared and his face brightened.
“You are a saint!” He exclaimed and threw his arm over your shoulder lazily as you walked out of the FBI building into the blazing afternoon.
You let yourself lean into him for a moment, enjoying how intoxicating he smelled and how good his body felt against yours. Just as fast as it had happened, he had pulled away from you and started to walk backwards to look at you. 
“I just want to know how you cheated to get that score. There’s no way you could have beat me.” Stiles joked, loving to see how worked up you got. You opened your mouth to protest when he winked at you. You rolled your eyes at him, an annoyed smirk playing at the edge of your lips. 
Your eyes flickered over to him, “you’re gonna fall on your ass if you keep walking like that.” The moment the words left your lips, Stiles’ feet tangled together and he was falling backwards, limbs flailing everywhere. 
You giggled as you watched him lay on the ground, his eyes closed, contemplating if that had really just happened. 
“Well, I’m not one to say I told you so but...” 
“Oh please, your catchphrase is ‘I told you so’.” Stiles couldn’t help but chuckle at the look of amusement on your face. “What can I say, I guess I fell for you.” 
Your heart fluttered and your eyes connected with his golden eyes for a fraction of a second too long. Butterflies were swarming your stomach from the way he was watching you, but the reminder of his girlfriend itched at the back of your mind and you cleared your throat awkwardly. Reaching a hand out, you pulled Stiles to his feet and promptly dropped the hold. He sidestepped and you could feel the tension in the noticeable space between your bodies. 
“Um, so I was thinking pizza for dinner. Does that sound good or were you wanting something different?” You asked in an attempt to get back to normal. 
“Yes, I’ve been craving pizza all week. I need that sweet melty cheese to relieve my stress of this hell week.” Stiles rubbed the back of his neck, squeezing the tight muscles that were growing. 
Thrilled at the choice, you fist pumped the air, “I was hoping you’d say that. I had this dream last night that I got turned into a chicken dumpling and a bunch of giants were trying to dunk me in soy sauce. I just don’t think I could eat one in good conscious tonight.” You shivered at the memory of your dream. 
Stiles threw his head back and started cracking up, “I can see how that might be slightly terrifying, but I can picture you as a dumpling and I think you’d be totally adorable.” You scrunched your face at him, pretending to be embarrassed at his sentiment instead of dwelling on the fact that the guy you had a massive crush on just called you adorable.
Thankfully, you spotted your dorm building in the distance and could put all your focus on that, instead of the handsome man babbling about something he’d read next to you. As you reached the building, you both flashed your badges at the front door guard and waved at a few other friends in the common room. 
“Let me just change out of the monkey suit and we can head to your room.” Stiles said over his shoulder to you as he loosened his necktie. 
You nodded in response as you watched his back muscles tense and release through his shirt. He glanced back at you over his shoulder and you jumped slightly realizing you hadn’t answered out loud. 
“Uh yea-yes,” you cleared your throat again, “yes that would be magnificent.” 
Stiles raised his eyebrow with confusion but laughed it off before pulling his key out and opening his room. You shook your head trying to get your mind back in the right space. 
You kept your eyes focused on the swirl pattern of the carpet, following in behind him, when you slammed face first into his back. You looked up at him standing frozen in his spot and then you peaked around his body to see a gorgeous redhead lounging on his bed. 
“Lyds? What are you doing here?” Stiles burst into a flurry of movement, stepping forward and tugging the girl into a tight hug. Your chest filled with melancholy and you averted your stare to the window. “Wow, hey, Y/N this is Lydia, my-my girlfriend. And Lydia, this is Y/N, she’s uh my partner in class.” Stiles chuckled nervously. 
Immediately, you put on a happy face and smiled at the girl. “It’s really great to meet you, Stiles talks about you all the time.” 
Lydia flashed a small smile and Stiles let out another nervous snicker. “Well thanks, it’s nice to meet you too. Stiles said you’re the best partner he could have hoped for and a good friend too.” Your tummy flipped. 
“So what are you doing here, Lyds?” Stiles interrupted, slinking an arm around her waist. 
“I just thought I’d surprise you since it was the weekend and I was already going to be in town for a Math Theory Workshop. Besides, it’s been a while since we’ve really had a chance to talk since you’ve been so busy.” 
Slowly, you took step after step backwards towards the door. It had been a long week and you weren’t planning on spending the whole evening watching Stiles cuddle with his supermodel girlfriend. You weren’t even sure you could handle ten more minutes of being in the same room as her without bursting into an embarrassing amount of tears.
When the door was just a step out of reach, you said, “I’d better let you two have some alone time, but it was really nice to meet you officially, Lydia.” You waved your hand once in their direction as they both snapped their attention to you. “I guess I’ll just see you on Monday, Stilinksi. I’ve got to rest up for another full week of kicking your ass.” You taunted before shooting out the door and down the hallway like a bullet. 
A hush fell over the room as Lydia and Stiles both stared at the spot you had stood previously. 
“Well she seems nice.” Lydia quipped before slipping out of Stiles’ hold and starting to dig through her bag. 
Stiles’ eyes darted to his girlfriend standing in his dorm room. He should be ecstatic but instead he was feeling a little discontent that he wouldn’t be spending the night watching Star Wars with you like he’d been looking forward to all week. 
“Yeah, uh she’s awesome...” He trailed off as Lydia kept rummaging through her things, pulling things-his things-out and setting them to the side. “Are you looking for something specific there, Lyds?” 
Lydia hooked a loose strand of hair that kept falling in her face behind her ear with frustration before standing up and looking at her boyfriend. She took a second to appreciate the man before her. He still looked exactly like the same boy who had fallen in love with her all those years ago. But now, he had this air of maturity to him. She could see how much more sure of himself that he was. It was also impossible for her to ignore that he just didn’t look at her the same way anymore. 
They had both known that you were lying through your teeth when you said Stiles talked about Lydia all the time. When the truth was, he barely mentioned her when he was with all of his classmates, especially you, and he just didn’t make the time to call her like he used to. 
She sighed, “I’m giving you back your stuff, Sti.” 
Stiles’ face blanched and his eyes went wide. “Um can I ask why? Did I do something wrong?” 
“Not wrong, per say...” Lydia trailed off. She wanted to be heartbroken or devastated but it just felt like the end of a chapter. She took a step towards him and slipped her hand into his. 
“So what is it?” Stiles looked a little defeated and she wanted to caress his mole-speckled cheek. But that wouldn’t do either of them any good, so she just squeezed his hand reassuringly. 
“You know you’re in love with her, right?” 
Stiles didn’t even have to ask to know exactly who she was talking about. “Since when?” 
“Since forever. It’s why I’m breaking up with you.” 
He knew he should be devastated, but truthfully, he just felt relief. Lydia watched the emotions pass over his face and she knew it had been the right decision. She truly loved Stiles but it wasn’t the same as when they had first started this. She knew she would also support him in everything, but he was her best friend, not her boyfriend. 
“I’m sorry that it happened this way, Lyds. You know, I never meant for this to happen. Hell, I’ve been planning on marrying you since third grade.” 
Lydia gave him a sad smile at the thought of what may have been in another life. “Sti, I want you to marry someone you’re actually in love with.” 
Stiles tugged her hand lightly and engulfed her in a hug. “You’ve always been one of the good ones. I have no doubt you’re gonna go far in life, kid.” He said into her curly red hair. 
“Yeah yeah, now stop talking and go get the girl.” Lydia pushed him away graciously and Stiles gracelessly stumbled toward door. “Uh Sti, I think you’re forgetting something.” She hollered before he could leave. 
He whirled around and looked at her, rolling his eyes when he remembered, he leapt forward and pecked a kiss on her cheek, “thanks, Lyds.” 
“No, you spaz, you need to change into something better than you regular uniform. She sees you in that all the time.” 
Stiles snapped his fingers in agreeance before yanking off his white button up and digging through his drawers, random pieces of clothing flying in every direction. Finally, he found his lucky flannel and flung his arms through the arm holes. He spun around and vanished out into the hallway. Lydia let out another heavy sigh before turning to start gathering the rest of his things for when he returned. 
Heavy footsteps thudded against the floor as he raced to your door. He had been to your room a handful of times for movie nights or study sessions and he had the location burned into his brain. 
Your door shone like a beacon at the end of the hallway and he slowed to a stop in front of it. Praying for courage to show up, he rapped his knuckles on your door softly. There were faint sounds of you shuffling around and he thought he could barely make out sniffling. He was so nervous and it felt like a swarm of snakes was slithering around in his stomach.
After what seemed like an eternity, the door creaked open and your tear-stained face peaked out from the dark.Stiles watched shock pass over your face while you hurried to wipe away a few stray tears that were left. 
“Wh-what,” your voice cracked, “what are you doing here, Stiles?” 
“We had a movie night planned...”
“Yeah, that sort of got canceled when your girlfriend showed up.” You snapped, a little harsher than intended. 
Stiles hovered a little closer to the door, “can I just come in? Please, Y/N?” He begged when you crossed your arms over your chest. 
You searched his eyes, the urge to give in to him overtaking your need to be left alone and cry in peace. Stiles’ determination wavered and he was beginning to think you really wouldn’t let him in when you nodded and stepped back to give him room. 
You sniffed again and dragged yourself to sit on the edge of your bed. Stiles took a minute to take in your form. You’d already changed into your gray Federal Bureau of Investigation tshirt and your ratty navy pajama shorts. He was amazed at how beautiful and cozy you looked to him, but his heart squeezed at your puffy eyes that were avoiding looking at him. 
He plopped down next to you, “why are you crying? What happened? I just saw you a little while ago.” 
“It’s nothing, Stiles,” You croaked, “just...why are you here? You should be spending as much time with Lydia as possible.”  
Stiles twiddled his thumbs for a second, “We broke up.” 
“You what?” You sat up straight, completely forgetting your own pain. “Oh my god, are you okay? What happened? You guys seemed so excited to see each other.” 
“We were, are, glad to see each other. Look, I really love Lydia, but not the way that I should love my girlfriend.” Your brows furrowed in confusion. 
Stiles cautiously picked up your hand that had been resting between your bodies. 
“Lydia knew that I...liked someone else the way that I should like her. And she thought that I deserved to be with the person who makes me happy.” 
Blood rushed behind your ears. The sensation of Stiles hand in yours was causing your breath to catch but you were trying to focus on the words he was saying to you.
“Do you like someone in our class?” You all but shouted at him, interrupting his sentence. 
Stiles’ head bowed as he chuckled to himself. “Yeah, you might even know her.” He winked cheekily and you gulped heavy with nerves. 
“Why were you crying?” Stiles softly interrupted you. 
You looked down to your clasped hands, the words felt heavy on your tongue. “Because the guy that I like has...had a girlfriend.” 
You kept your eyes trained on your bedspread, the possibility of dying from embarrassment crossed your mind the longer he stayed silent. You closed your eyes and took a deep breath trying to gain the courage to look at him. 
You mustered up all the bravery you could and opened your eyes to glance up at Stiles, just to find him grinning at you like he’d won the lottery. Heat flushed your cheeks and you lost the battle at suppressing a smile. 
“You like me?” Stiles asked timidly. 
“How could I not?” You blurted out, tired of holding back the truth. “You’re hilarious and intelligent, you always know what to say or do to make my day better, you challenge me to be a better agent and person. And you’re extremely attractive without even trying.” 
It was Stiles’ turn to flush at the compliments you were doting on him. The words suddenly registered in your mind and you fell back on your pillows in exasperation, fear that you might have just freaked him out. But your heart leapt into your throat as you felt Stiles lean over your body, his chest pressed against yours. You gripped his biceps firmly, secretly admiring how wonderful they felt, all while trying to ground yourself as the room started spinning around you.  
His face was inches away from yours and his minty breath was covering your face, fogging every one of your intelligent thoughts. You were desperate to hear what he was going to say next. 
“So you think I’m attractive?” He purred out, trying to be cute. 
You huffed grumpily and pushed his chest, but he slipped his arms underneath your body so that you couldn’t move him off of you. In reality, you didn’t really want him to get off you but you couldn’t let him know that. 
“Did you just come here to mock me, Stilinksi?” Your lips pursed into a pout. 
“Not at all.” He whispered, inching forward slow enough to give you time to pull away. You didn’t want to pull away, you never wanted this moment to end. 
Finally, he tilted his head and pressed his lips to yours timidly. The moment your lips connected, it lit a fire in the pit of your belly and you slipped your arms over his shoulders, all hesitation gone. 
Every time he pushed, you pulled. When you twisted, he turned. You two moved in sync with each other and you suddenly knew how it was supposed to feel with every other person you’d ever been with. 
The overwhelming need for air took over your senses and you broke apart from him. Stiles’ eyes were still closed with his lips puckered and you had to giggle at how wonderfully silly he looked. Slowly his eyelids lifted and he gave you a sheepish grin like he was completely dazed. Sweetly, you brushed your lips against his one more time. 
“Did you just come here to kiss me, Stilinski?” You asked playfully. 
Stiles grazed his nose against yours, enjoying every moment of having you in his arms. “No, I came here to watch Star Wars with the girl I like. Kissing you was just an added bonus.”
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dahliawolfe · 5 years
Pairings: Peter Hale/Alwyn Clarke (ofc)
{Before anyone freaks out, this is slightly AU, so the timeline and some of the characters won’t fit truly to the show. }
Trees whip past her, cutting into her flesh, but she couldn’t stop. Alwyn Clarke gasps for air as she tore through the woods. She’s just witnessed her entire family being slaughtered, and she knows they’re after her too. She glances behind her occasionally, trying to gauge how far ahead of them she is, but she refuses to stop, even if she can’t see them anymore. It’s on one of these glances back, that she run smack into someone’s chest. She thuds to the ground, her body whacking into it with extreme force.
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Peter Hale is out for a stroll in the forest. He likes time to himself, and the McCall/Hale pack can be…suffocating, so Peter tries to take time everyday for a walk in nature. It pleases the wolf inside of him.
He suddenly hears loud, running footsteps running toward him, so he stops walking. Just in time to have a young, blonde girl barrel into his chest. She hits the ground with a thud and looks up at him in fear. That’s when he smells it. She’s a wolf. And this is his pack’s land.
“Who are you?” he demands, as the girl begins to scamper to her feet. She looks worse for the wear. Her blue jeans are torn and soaked in mud and blood. Her bare feet glisten with blood and are covered in leaves and twigs. Her white t-shirt is torn in several places, but there’s a large hole in the side. A burn hole. And while the small abrasions to her face, arms, and feet are healing before his eyes, the deep burn on her side won’t fade as quickly. She refuses to answer him, instead, opting to make her way painfully upright.
“I said, ‘Who are you?!’’ he growls, flashing his alpha red eyes at her. She cowers, and her eyes flash gold in return. Omega.
“I…Please…They killed my family. I didn’t mean to come on to your pack land, Alpha. Please, don’t hurt me,” she begs, her eyes clouding with tears.
“Who killed your family?” She glances fearfully behind her.
“Hunters,” she chokes, falling back to the ground, her knees giving out on her.  Peter grimaces. He knows all about losing your family to hunters. And he knows that this puppy in front of his is no threat. So, he bends down and scoops her up. She goes rigid in his arms before beginning to shake.
“It’s alright, Omega. No one will hurt you here.”
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“So, what, she’s just part of the pack now?” Scott McCall demands, when Peter brings the omega back to base.
“No, Scott. She’s my pack,” Peter responds, fishing the antiseptic out of the cabinet. The omega looks at him in fear, her eyes a permanent shade of gold, a sign of an omega’s distress.
“You can’t do that! He can’t do that!” Stiles yelps. Derek sighs.
“Actually, he can. He’s an alpha too. He has the right to choose his pack, same as Scott. Same as me,” the younger Hale disagrees. Peter smirks. “That being said, we don’t do things that way. Peter, you shouldn’t have brought her here without a vote from the pack.”
“A vote from the pack?! Derek, need I remind you, her entire family was just killed in front of her?! Sound familiar, Nephew?”
“Guys, she’s obviously terrified. And I really don’t think she’s going to kill us all in our sleep,” Lydia interjects, motioning to the omega. The strawberry blonde approaches the girl with her hands raised. “I’m Lydia. What’s your name?”
The omega looks up at Peter for assurance that she can speak. He nods and gives her a smile. “This is a safe place. You can always speak your mind and feel comfortable here.”
“A-Alwyn. Alwyn Clarke. Everyone calls me Wyn.”
“I’m Peter Hale. This is my nephew, Derek,” Peter introduces, nodding in the direction of the other alpha. “This is Scott, he’s also an alpha. That’s Stiles, he’s…well, he’s Stiles. That’s Malia. Ethan is over there. And Chris Argent is brooding in the corner there.” At the hunter’s name, Alwyn begins to shake again, and her claws pop out involuntarily.
“It’s alright, Wyn. He won’t hurt you. Chris is part of our pack,” Lydia assures, laying a gentle hand on Alwyn’s back.
“I’m not after you, Kid. I promise,” Chris placates, pushing away from the door jamb he’d been leaning on.
Alwyn looks uncertainly around the room. “Three alphas? We only had one. Alpha Brant. He was… scary.”
“Brant Wenton?” Chris asks. Alwyn nods. “He’s a tyrant. He abuses his pack, especially his omegas,” the hunter adds grimly. Alwyn looks at the floor. Peter, Derek, and Scott let out low growls, further scaring the omega.
“Any idea who the hunters were?” Lydia asks Chris.
“No, but I’ll look into it. And I suggest that we stay alert. If they’re in the area, they could head this way.”
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“Alright, here we are. Let me show you to the bathroom so you can wash up,” Peter says later that night, leading Alwyn into his apartment. There had been a good bit of argument amongst the pack as to where Alwyn should stay, but Peter won. And when Alwyn looked up at him with certainty in her eyes and said she wanted to be where he was, his alpha preened. “I’ll lay some clothes outside the door for you.” Alwyn nods, gives him a small smile, and lets him lead her further into his home.
Peter’s sitting on his couch sipping on some very good scotch when he hears whimpers and sobs coming from the bathroom. He’s on his feet and to the door in no time. He knocks (he’s a gentleman, after all), and the response is a hiccup and a wail. Without thinking, he wrenches the knob to the side, and barges in. He can see Alwyn huddled in the corner of the shower, knees to her chest, sobbing. “Oh, Sweetheart,” he soothes, walking closer to the shower. “May I come in?” he asks gently. At her nod of approval, he strips down to his boxers and steps into the shower cubicle. He helps Alwyn to her feet and tucks her into his chest, rubbing her back and soothing her as they stand under the spray.
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The next morning, Peter is scrambling eggs at the stove when the doorbell rings. He glances at Alwyn, who’s perched on the counter, wearing one of his v-neck sweaters and his socks and smiles. “Can you answer that, Wynnie?” he asks. She nods and hops off of the counter.
Chris, Derek, and Scott follow Alwyn into the room. “Lydia, Stiles, Malia, and Ethan are on their way. We need to talk,” Derek informs.
The decision is made to keep Alwyn out of the loop for the moment, so the rest of the pack gather in Peter’s living room while she eats breakfast. Chris looks grim.
“The hunters that attacked Alwyn’s pack were the Mason family. They’re radicals, and the rest of the hunter community refuses to accept them. A friend of mine tells me that they’re making their way through the packs in our area. They’re hellbent on annihilating all the wolves that they can. They’re going to make here eventually, and sooner more likely than later. We need to be on the offensive. I think we should all set up at the Hale house and hunker down.” Derek nods.
“I agree. There’s enough room for everyone there, and it would be a good time to get some training done.”
“So, it’s settled. We’ll all meet at the Hale house tonight. Before sunset,” Scott says, nodding to drive his point home.
“Peter, she needs to train too,” Derek argues the next day.
“Derek, she’s not going against the hunters, Derek,” Peter states simply. “She’s not ready for that.”
“I get it. You want to protect her, but she has to be able to protect herself too. She can’t be out here without being able to defend herself and the pack.”
“I-I’ll do it,” comes a small voice from behind the two men. Alwyn is standing in the doorway, looking nervous.
“Wynnie, that’s not necessary,” Peter assures, coming to stand beside her.
“I want to. I want to be able to protect myself. And…the pack. You guys have been nice to me. Let me help.”
“Wyn, watch your feet. Make sure you’re perfectly balanced, or they’ll take you down,” Chris coaches. Alwyn had been knocked down more times than she could count, but she had gotten up every time.
“Yes sir,” she responds, getting back to her feet, just in time to be swarmed by Scott, Derek, and Ethan. Delivering a swift kick to the youngest alpha’s midsection, she uses him as a hurdle and vaults herself over him, kicking Ethan in the teeth before squaring off with Derek. Peter smirks. He’s proud of his little omega. She’s quite an impressive fighter.
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Peter comes up to his and Alwyn’s shared room later than usual to find her still awake and staring out at the forest.
“Everything ok, Sweetheart?” he asks, approaching her and rubbing her back gently.
“Yeah. I’m ok. Just thinking.”
“About what?” He pushes a curl behind her ear.
“When do you think they’ll come?”
“The hunters? I don’t know, Baby. But you’re safe here. I’ll protect you, no matter what.” She turns to face him, leaning into his chest.
“I know,” she says looking up into his eyes. She’s so young, barely 19, and so soft. And so innocent, and so beautiful. She shyly leans up, putting her mouth over his and giving him a swift kiss, blushing and looking away afterwards. Peter catches her arm and turns her to him, dipping down to kiss her soundly. He scoops her up and places her gently on the bed, leaning down to kiss her again. Finally, he pulls away.
“I need you to tell me what you want,” he says, looking into her sea green eyes.
“You,” she responds, drawing him closer.
Peter gently removes her clothes, and he’s between her thighs soon enough. She gives him a small nod of approval, and he pushes his way inside. He feels the tension, and then the snap as he seats fully inside her. There’s a small gush of blood over his cock, and Peter gives her a reassuring smile, wiping the small tear away that’s rolled down her cheek.
“It’s alright, Baby Girl. I’m right here,” he assures as she grasps for him. He sets a slow pace, getting used to the feel of her body. And soon enough, she’s moaning. She comes undone for the first time when he reaches a hand between them to flick her clit. He can feel himself needing to come, but he knows that he can get another orgasm out of Alwyn first, and that’s exactly what he intends to do. He lifts her hips up, drawing her closer, and he goes as deep as possible before picking up his pace and leaning over to nibble on her neck. He clamps his mouth around her shoulder, biting hard enough to draw blood, and she howls as she comes around him, clamping down on his cock.
“Alpha!” she yelps, eyes going gold. His turn red in response, and he growls as he buries himself in her and comes. Hard.
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“Shit,” Alwyn hisses as she barely dodges an arrow. The hunters had swarmed them in the middle of the night, and now the pack was under attack. Lydia is screaming somewhere in the background. There are growls and grunts everywhere. And a knife has just flown past her head. It’s chaos. That’s when she sees Stiles trapped against a wall by a hunter. She wastes no time racing to the human. She jumps, landing in front of him in a lunge. She flicks her claws out, raking them across the hunter’s chest and growling. The man stumbles away, reaching hastily for his gun. Alwyn shoves Stile back and pounces on the hunter before he can fire a shot. She tears his throat out, and when she looks up at Peter, he’s giving her a bloodthirsty smile.
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The next few days a sense of peace falls over the pack. They’re safe for now, and they have each other, and that’s all they could ask for.
Six weeks after the hunter’s attacked, Peter finds Alwyn in a field near the Hale house lounging in the sun. Her golden hair blazes in the noontime light, and the white dress she wears makes her look like an angel. She’s found her place and her pack. And Peter, for one, hopes she sticks around.
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The End
Word count: 2194
9 notes · View notes
tateisabigmood · 5 years
I.L / S.S / D.H- prove it
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requested by @horsiegirl998
summary: Isaac and Laura want to date, but Derek is getting in their way. Stiles and Cora are facing the same problems. What do they need to do to prove that they are worthy to date Derek’s sisters?
warnings: swearing 
wordcount: 1281
Stiles stares at Cora, all of his focus is on her causing him to ignore Scott’s story, which is most likely about Allison. He looks away from her when he feels a hard hand coming in contact with his arm, giving his skin a slap. The brunet looks up at his friend. “ Dude! “ he exclaimed.
“ Did you even hear a word of what I was saying? “ Scott says as he folds his arms over his chest angrily. Stiles shakes his head and looks over at Cora against, only to see that she is now gone from her previous position against her sister’s locker. “ No, “ he responds irritated.
Scott wants to lecture him about not paying attention to him while he is talking but he is cut off by Isaac pushing both of them apart and leaning against the lockers in the middle of the two friends. “ Have you guys seen Laura? “ the curly haired boy asks nervously.
“ No, why? “ the Alpha asks. Isaac stops looking around for the girl and looks at Scott. He sighs as he says just barely above a whisper, “ I wanna ask her out. “. Scott quickly gives him an understanding look. “ Gonna be hard with Sourwolf. “.
Isaac looks to his left at Stiles. “ You got no room to talk, Stilinski. “ Isaac says, spitting out the last name like it is poison. “ Fair enough. “.
“ Where are you two going? “ Derek asks his younger sisters that were about to leave the door. Both dolled up more than usual, going to the extent of both of them wearing a dress. “Nowhere. “ Laura lies.
Derek scoffs and folds his arms over his chest. “ Don’t lie to me. “ he says, flashing his eyes red for just a second to try and make them spit it up. They both look at each other while contemplating their choices. Neither of them is feeling like getting into a fight with their brother but they know he won’t let this slide.
“ We’re going on a date. “ Cora says softly while looking him straight in the eye. “ With who? “. Laura nervously tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear as she looks anywhere but in her brother's eyes. “ Isaac., “ she says. “ Stiles “ Cora follows directly after her.
“ Lahey and Stilinski? Not a chance. “ Derek almost shout before turning around and walking away. Cora throws her hands in the air while her sister shoots her an “ I-told-you-so “ look. “ Come on, Derek! We’re not babies anymore. We can go on dates. “.
Derek turns around again and nods as he shifts his weight to his left foot. “ Yeah, but not with Lahey or Stilinski. “ he says, spitting out the last name like it was poison on his mouth. “ Just, please, Derek. I swear I’ll do the laundry for a month-”.
“ Nope, “ he cuts Laura off as he starts to walk away from them and towards the couch, letting himself fall onto the plush furniture. “ Guess I’ll be single until in 38. “ Cora says as she walks towards her room, Laura following behind her.
The girls sit down on Cora’s bed. Laura quickly starts taking the variety of pins out of her hair that she put in so carefully. Cora slips out of her dress and throws on a sweater and a pair of joggers before letting herself fall down on her bed next to her sister. She grabs her phone from her nightstand and sends a text Stiles’s way to cancel the date. Laura sends to same text to Isaac as she finished getting the pins out of her hair.
“ Fuck! “ Stiles exclaims as he lets himself fall onto his bed. The one time he actually has enough confidence to ask out a girl he likes, she has to cancel the date. “ Fucking Derek. “ he whispers.
The loud and quick footsteps of the sheriff echo through the empty hall leading to the stairs. “ What’s up? “ he asks his son, having heard him yell from downstairs. “ Derek won’t let Cora go on a date tonight. “.
Noah sits down on the bed next to where his son is lying. He places a comforting hand on Stiles’s shoulder. “ That happens sometimes. At least, you’ll see her tomorrow at school. “. The brunet sarcastically pumps his fist in the air with little energy. “ Yeay, school. “.
The sheriff rolls his eyes as he gets off his son’s bed. He walks towards the door, holding onto it as he reaches it. “ You’ll go on another date with her, “ he says. Stiles doesn’t respond, he just keeps on laying on his bed. Noah sighs as he closes the door behind him as he walks out of the room. “ Fucking sourwolf. “.
Stiles looks up happily as he sees Cora walk through the door. He waves at her, mentioning for her to sit down next to her. “ I’m sorry about last night. “ she says as she sits down. Stiles shrugs, not caring about that anymore. “ At least I’m seeing you right now, “ he says as he leans a bit closer to her. Cora quickly pushes him back as she gives him a stern look.
“ What are you doing? Derek will be able to scent you on me! “. Stiles runs a hand through while cursing under his breath. Fucking werewolves. Stiles knows he should probably back off, Derek will rip out his throat if he smells him on Cora, but he doesn’t care. He simply pulls her closer to him, nuzzling into her neck.
Cora pushes him off of her and scoots away a little bit from Stiles. “ Stiles! I don’t want Derek to get mad at me, “ she huffs out. The brunet rolls his eyes as he looks up at the teacher who has now appeared in front of the class.
Outside of the school, Isaac and Laura are enjoying their free period by soaking in some sun. “ I really wanted to see you last night, “ she says with her eyes closed, face pointed up at the sun. Isaac looks up at the girl next to him. “ I know. “. He moves a bit towards her, letting his hand brush over hers. Laura, with her eyes still closed, intertwined her fingers with his as she gets his hint. “ I’m gonna show him, “ Isaac says, causing Laura to look at him with confusion in her eyes. “ I’m gonna show him that I’m worth dating you. “.
She twists her body so that she is now facing him. Laura’s free hand moves up to rest on Isaac’s shoulder. “ You’re ‘ worthiness’ to date me was never questioned. Derek just doesn’t want his little sister dating someone. Especially not someone from Scott’s pack. “. Isaac looks up at the milky white clouds flowing through the sky. “ So it would be better if I was part of his pack? Because I’m willing to change back if it let’s-” Laura shuts Isaac up by pressing her lips against his softly. 
Her lips leave his as soon as they touched them, leaving him yearning for more. “ I think that would only make it worst, “ she laughs out softly. Isaac pulls her towards him, forcing her head to rest against his chest, but Laura is not complaining. “ I’m gonna show him. “.
Permanent taglist ( OPEN ): @quacksonbarnes @cassiopeia-barrow @alex--awesome--22
Stiles Stilinski taglist ( OPEN ): @stilessarcasmqueen @screamxqueenx94
22 notes · View notes
duskholland · 7 years
More Than This (Stiles Stilinski soulmate imagine)
Summary: a soulmate AU in which you can talk with your soulmate through a link in your minds. Based off the prompt ‘this is yours’.
Word count: 8.1k 
Warnings: just the odd curse here and there!
A/N: I rewrote this prompt three times and I’ve finally come out with something I like! The soulmate AU isn’t something I’ve tackled in this fandom and it’s always been a favourite of mine so I reckoned it was about time...I hope you enjoy it! :) Pls don’t let it flop.
For @fillthevoid-stilinski ‘s writing challenge!! <3
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Age 16.
“Has it happened yet?”
Glaring at your best friend, you shook your head. “I don’t think it’s something that happens all of a sudden, Amber. Besides, he might not be sixteen yet,” you said, lips twitching as you watched her bounce up and down on your bed. It was the morning of your sixteenth birthday and she’d woken you up at the crack of dawn, demanding to know if it’d happened - if you’d got it.
“You never know,” she pointed out. “They could start speaking any second.”
Nodding hopefully, you layed back on your bed and closed your eyes. “I guess I just need to wait.”
Amber mirrored your actions, laying down beside you. “Tell me the moment you hear something.”
“If I hear anything,” you clarified, nodding nevertheless. “Will do.”
For as long as the earth had turned, soulmates had existed. Although there were many connections one shared with their soulmate, there was one fundamental link that could never be turned off - a communication bond. Once sixteen, the tradition was to grow a mental connection with your soulmate in which it was possible to communicate with one another.
Of course, the universe couldn’t make it that easy for you. Your soulmate always had their voice muffled somehow so you never truly knew how they sounded. There were also pieces of information that couldn’t be passed along the link. If you tried to tell them where you lived or where they could find you, they’d hear nothing but blank noise.
To many, the mind link was only a curse. It could be torturous to be so close to your soulmate but have no real way of coming into contact with them, having to rely on fate to bring you together.
To you, however, it was exciting. You were practically bouncing off the walls! Most of the people around you had found their soulmates and never failed to tell you how incredible it’d been to hear their voice for the first time - you were ready to have a similar story. Despite knowing that your soulmate may not yet be sixteen, you were feeling incredibly optimistic that the link would open any minute.
“Y/N,” Amber whined, a few minutes later. “Have you got anything yet?”
Biting your lip, you shook your head. “No, I’ll let you know if I-”
“Hi? Anyone...um, there?”
“-oh my god!” You exclaimed, sitting straight up, eyes wide. “That was a voice! A voice,” you repeated, pointing at your forehead. “Amber, there was a voice in my head.”
“Oh my god,” she mirrored, reaching out to grab your arm. “Say something back!”
“Uh,” you said, “how do I do that?” When Amber rolled her eyes, you threw your hands in the air. “I’m freaking out!” you excused, heart beating a thousand miles an hour. Despite reading many accounts of it, you hadn’t expected his voice to sound so near.
“Concentrate on a distant person. Close your eyes and imagine you’re talking to them - just like you would if you were talking to yourself,” she explained, repeating the words that’d been printed in a textbook.
“Okay,” you responded, closing your eyes.
After briefly composing yourself, you tried it. “Hi?” You called out, no words leaving your mouth.
For a moment you were afraid you’d done it wrong but were pleasantly surprised when a voice came back. “Oh my god, I can hear you!” He exclaimed, sounding as excited as you felt. “This is so weird.”
“So weird,” you agreed. “I’m Y/N,” you introduced, knowing better than to attempt to tell him where you lived.
“Stiles,” he answered, causing you to relay the information back to Amber.
“That’s an unusual name,” you said, not really sure what to say to him. It was incredibly weird to have someone else’s voice rattling around your head.
“It’s just a nickname. My real one’s Polish and people tend to mess up the pronunciation.”
“I like it,” you replied honestly. “Have you been waiting long for the link to open up?” You asked, curious. It was the tradition that, if your sixteenth passed and no voice was heard, you’d try to reach out through the link each day for your soulmate. They’d turn up eventually - normally most soulmates were around the same age.
“Only a few weeks, thank god,” he began. “I was getting kinda scared you’d never show up,” he admitted, suddenly sounding a little bashful.
You were about to reply when Amber climbed off your bed, reaching out to pat your shoulder. “I’m going downstairs. You keep smiling and I feel like I’m interrupting your special moment,” she whispered. Nodding, you waved her off, laying back on your back and grabbing a pillow to clench your excited fists around.
“Well, I’m here now,” you replied, voice soft, “you’ll probably get fed up with me talking in your head, though, just warning you in advance.”
You heard him laugh, and although you knew the link distorted his real voice, you found the light sound very pleasant to listen to. “I won’t get fed up with you. Promise. If anything, you’ll get annoyed up with me.”
Shaking your head, you smiled into the empty room. “Doubt it. I’m so excited to get to know you, Stiles. So excited.”
When he responded less than five seconds later, you were forced to rub at your mouth, muscles aching from all the grinning.
“Me too, Y/N,” he said, voice honest, “me too…”
Age 17.
“Will you stop freaking out?” Stiles’ voice chimed through your head, giving you the fright of your life.
“Fuck!” You exclaimed, surprised. “Stop scaring me like that,” you scolded, sighing. “Anyway - you can’t tell how I’m feeling,” you pointed out, rubbing at your temples, “and besides, I’m not freaking out.”
“Yes. You are,” Stiles disagreed. “I might not be able to feel your emotions, but I know you and I know you’re undoubtedly freaking out over tonight.”
Annoyed at the way your lips twitched into a smile at his explanation, you shook your head. “Prom seems so stupid,” you began, reaching down to pull your dress off the bed, “especially when you’ve gone through all these exams and tests. They build it up to be such a big thing.”
“I guess it is a big thing,” Stiles offered, “you get to go and have some fun with your friends?”
“Nah,” you decided, beginning to change into your dress. “It was created for the fashion industry to earn money off broke students and make all the kids stressed over finding dates.”
Stiles let out a laugh. “That’s definitely true,” he agreed. “Do you...Are you going with anyone?” He broached, voice unbelievably light. You narrowed your eyebrows, biting your bottom lip.
“No,” you replied, “I didn’t really...I didn’t want to go with anyone.” Although you weren’t together with Stiles, a part of you would feel bad for taking a date, almost as though you were cheating on him. It wasn’t a rule that you weren’t allowed to go out with someone other than your soulmate, but you just had no desire to. “Are you going with anyone for yours?” You followed up, a surprising wave of jealousy sweeping across you.
“No,” Stiles said, voice sounding a little happier. “Like you, I just...I don’t want to go with anyone else.” A beat of silence followed before his voice came back, frantic, “n-not that you said that. I know you didn’t say that, I just...I want to go to prom with you. And, and I know that’s not possible, but, I don’t know,” he broke off, and you could tell he was beating himself up, “it just...it feels wrong to go with someone else.”
Now in your dress, you sat by a mirror and began to style your hair. “Stiles,” you began, trying to pretend your heart wasn’t trying to rip free of your chest, “I do feel the same. A few people asked me but I’d feel weird going without you.”
You’d never really discussed your relationship with Stiles with him. It was clear that there was something there - you didn’t talk to someone you were perfect for every day and there be no spark - but you’d never actually admitted your feelings. Instead, you both simply went about your daily life, talking whenever you could and - on your part, at least - falling in love with every passing moment.
“I wish I could be there with you,” he admitted. “Oh my god, I’m so glad Scott can’t hear what I’m saying because he’d say I’ve gone soft, but,” Stiles broke off for a moment, and you found yourself waiting with baited breath. “I like you a lot. Like, really...a lot.”
Pushing down a lump in the back of your throat, you finished fixing your hair and stood up, checking your phone to see a text from Amber telling you she was just a few minutes away.
“Stiles, I, uh,” you tried, never having been one to find confessing feelings easy, “I like you too - a lot.”
You heard a knock at your door. “I do need to go, though. That’s Amber, we said we’d finish getting ready together. Talk later?”
“Yeah,” Stiles replied. There was a limit to how much you could convey through the link, but you could almost sense the love in his voice. “Have a good night. I’m here if you need anyone.”
“Thanks, S.”
Age 18.
“Y/N, I’m not trying to start anything, I’m just saying that I miss you!” Stiles’ frustrated voice exclaimed, words ringing in your ears.
You groaned, resting your forehead on your kitchen table. “No, you’re not. You’re having a go at me for something completely out of my control!” You complained, aware you were coming across angry. You were angry.
When you’d moved to college six months prior, you’d tried your best to keep in touch with Stiles. It could be assumed that being so close to one another - the communication link could never be shut down, after all - it’d be easy to stay close. You’d found it harder than expected to keep in touch with Stiles, though, and your relationship had suffered considerably.
“Stop yelling at me!” He exclaimed, causing you to wince at the volume of his voice. “We’re drifting apart, Y/N, why can’t you see that?”
“I do, I do see that.”
“Then why don’t you care?” You sucked in a breath when you heard the hurt in his voice, felt the pain his words carried. “How are you….how can you just be okay with this? We went from talking hours every day to barely speaking. This is destroying me, but you don’t seem to care. I don’t understand.”
Gnawing on your bottom lip, you began to see just how much you’d messed up. Whilst you hadn’t deliberately gone out of your way to ignore him, you’d admit that you’d sometimes heard his voice in your head and pretended to miss it or made an excuse and said you were busy. This was normally because you were out with friends or busy studying - your new college life had been the thing to come between you and Stiles.
“I care. I do, Stiles, I care, I just-”
“Don’t bother,” Stiles interrupted, so completely out of character that you found your words dying in the back of your throat. “I’m done listening to your excuses. I’m sorry I even tried.”
“No, Stiles, c’mon,” you begged, hot tears prickling your eyes. “Please, I’m sorry. I can change, I’ll try harder. I- I don’t want this to ruin things between us.”
“It already has,” came his response, biting cold.
Swallowing, you brushed at your moistened cheeks. “It hasn’t. Things can always be fixed, you know that-”
“I want to be alone right now,” he said bluntly. “Please, don’t talk to me.”
“Okay,” you gave in, knowing better than to prod a bear with a stick. “I’ll give you time.”
It was a few days later that you heard his voice again.
“Y/N,” Stiles spoke, voice drawing out the syllables. “Y/N, are you there?”
Jerking up, you blinked quickly. “Yeah. Yeah, I’m here,” you responded immediately. 
The past days had been torture. Knowing you’d hurt Stiles - one of your closest friends, someone you held so tender feelings for - had been horrible for you to live with. You felt like a horrible friend, horrible person and above all, a horrible soulmate.
“We need to talk,” he murmured. You realised his voice was slurred and came to the startling realisation that he was drunk.
“Are you sure we should do this right now? You sound a little...intoxicated.” Whilst you didn’t want to offend him, you also didn’t want him to say anything he could come to regret.
“Yes,” he responded firmly. “Now.”
“Okay then,” you replied, growing nervous. “What’s on your mind?”
“We need to stop this,” he began, voice too carefree for you to believe his words. “Do that thing where we just stop talking. Find new people. Fall in love with people we can see, not shitty voices that disappear when you need them.”
Swallowing, you tried to process his words. “What? No, Stiles. That’s a terrible idea. You...You can’t believe that.”
“Yeah,” he confirmed, no hint of regret or reluctance in his voice. “I can’t do it anymore. I need more than this, Y/N, I need...I need…”
“More than me,” you supplied. You could feel your heart breaking into pieces and were desperate to say anything to change his mind. “You’re drunk. Please, go have some water and sleep it off. We can talk in the morning.”
“I’m not that drunk,” he countered. “The only reason I drank was to have enough courage to tell you this. This setup isn’t enough for me - I can’t go through life missing out on experiences and people and love whilst you don’t care. And I don’t want to hear it if you disagree - you don’t care enough and I know it. You need to stop talking to me.”
Voice cracking, you tried to plead. “Stiles, no.” You didn’t know if it was possible for him to hear you crying but had an idea that he might. “This isn’t right. You can’t want this.”
“I want it. I’m sorry we had to end this way, but there’s no other option. Please, don’t try to contact me again.”
The link fell dark.
In the morning when you tried to reach him, you only found him ignoring you. You tried again, every day for two months, getting the same each time. Stiles didn’t answer. He’d given up.
You knew your life would never be the same again.
Age 19.
“Y/N, you need to pull yourself out of this rut.”
You blinked, the words of your best friend taking a few seconds to sink in. “Huh?” You asked, looking at Amber through half-closed eyes.
She’d dragged you to a café, reasoning that you’d stayed cooped up at home for too long. It’d been half a year since you’d last heard from Stiles - it was time to move on, she’d said.
“Stiles isn’t coming back,” she tried, voice gentle. Despite the tenderness to her words, each sound felt like a shot in the back. “I’m sorry it happened but I can’t watch you throw your life away any longer. You need to move on.”
“I can’t just move on!” You spat, suddenly angry. Amber held up her hands defensively, causing you to sigh and sit back. “I’m sorry,” you apologised, regretting your outburst. “He’s the love of my life,” you tried to explain, “you’ve met yours - you know what it’s like. I can’t just go through life knowing he’s so close when I can’t be with him.”
Amber nodded sadly. “You can. People do it all the time. Things don’t work out with their soulmates for whatever reason, and they try again with other people. You could sign up for one of those clubs, umm…” She broke off, biting her lip as she tried to recall the details, “I saw a poster for one the other day! It’s for single people. It’s like a massive club but you all go and meet up and make friends. You should try it- please try it.”
Squinting your eyes suspiciously, you tried to shake your head. “I don’t think that’s my kind of thing.” Quite frankly, attending a singles mixer was at the bottom of your to-do list. Your heart felt irreversibly broken - there was no way you could even begin to consider finding someone new.
“One meeting,” she urged. “One meeting is all I’m asking.”
Knowing your friend and recognising her stubborn streak, you begrudgingly agreed. “Fine. Text me the details and I’ll go to one. Only one, though.”
Grinning triumphantly, Amber reached out to squeeze your arm. “Thank you, Y/N. I hope it helps you.”
“Me too.”
You’d only been at the singles mixer for ten minutes but you already hated it. So far you’d seen no one your age and were ready to throw in the towel and go home.
As you ordered a drink at the bar, you saw someone slip into a stool beside you. From the corner of your eye, you managed to deduce that she was around your age and seemed equally frustrated as she sighed before leaning over to rest her forehead on the bar.
“Tough day?” You asked, smiling in what you hoped was an approachable manner. The woman looked up, brown eyes speaking volumes of sadness and frustration.
Raking a hand through her brown hair, she nodded. “Horrible. My friend forced me to come to this place but it’s been fifteen minutes and I’ve only been hit on by old men. This isn’t doing what I’d hoped it’d do.”
“Neither,” you said, surprised to find yourself in a similar situation. “I’m not ready to think about other people but my friend forced me here too.”
The woman smiled softly. “How long has it been?” She asked, and you knew exactly what she was referring to.
“He stopped talking about half a year ago,” you admitted, taking a deep swig of your drink to wash away the lump in your throat. “You?”
“About the same. Came completely out of nowhere. We knew each other, too,” she explained, throwing back her drink. “Completely out of the blue.”
Biting your bottom lip, you held out a hand. Something told you that you’d become friends with her. “I’m Y/N.”
Smiling ever so slightly, she returned your grip. “Allison.”
Age 21.
“Y/N, c’mon! I need you at my wedding!” Allison pleaded, voice cracking down the line. You were at the airport, gazing up at your gate. Your flight had just been called but you were having last-minute doubts.
“I don’t know, Alli,” you began, anxiously playing with your fingers. “No one knows me. What if I don’t get on with them?”
“Y/N,” she said, voice flat. “No offence, but this is my wedding. It’s about me, not you. I want you there, and Scott wants you there too. Sure, no one knows you, but they’ll welcome you with open arms. Please, don’t leave me hanging.”
Allison and Scott had got back together a few months after you met her at the singles club. Although you’d never met the man, you got the impression that they both made each other extremely happy, and despite feeling an initial spark of jealousy when she’d told you of their reunion, you were so happy that they’d finally decided to tie the knot. In spite of being a young couple, you knew they’d last - they were perfect for each another.
“Okay,” you breathed out, beginning to walk towards your gate. “I’ll be there.” “Thank god,” she exclaimed. After exchanging a few parting words, you hung up and got on the flight. Allison and Scott had decided on a destination wedding, meaning you got to escape college for the Bahamas for a few days.
Arriving at the hotel a few hours later, you were quick to make a beeline for your room. Allison had booked you a double, her reasoning being that you could bring a plus one if you so wished. You knew it was a kind offer, but it just made everything hurt more.
It’d been a year and a half since Stiles had gone dark. There had been other people, but none of them worked for more than a few months. They’d been nice, sure, but none of them had managed to patch the Stiles-shaped hole fixed firmly over your heart.
After taking a short nap, you changed into a light dress and began to make your way down to one of the hotel’s restaurants. Allison had promised to introduce you to her friends ahead of the wedding rehearsals tomorrow, and if you were honest, you were feeling extremely nervous.
As you entered the hotel lobby, fretting over the looming encounter, you weren’t looking where you were going and managed to walk straight into something. Letting out a small noise of surprise, you saw the stranger’s clipboard fall to your feet.
Bending down, you picked it up and passed it over. “This is yours,” you said, sucking in a breath when you met the stranger’s eyes. An arch of warmth seemed to spread down your back at the contact, the deep shades of amber held within his eyes igniting a fire inside your heart. Something...Something was happening.
“Th-Thank you,” he replied, accepting the board shakily. He had his eyes fixed firmly on yours, and you watched as he tilted his head to the side. “I’m…” He trailed off, eyes losing focus for a brief second. “I’m Stiles.”
Stiles. Stiles. You found yourself freezing. It couldn’t be...could it?
“Stiles?” You repeated, name foreign on your tongue. You hadn’t spoken of him in months - had never even mentioned his name to Allison. It felt weird to use it to address someone, especially a stranger that made you feel more alive than you had for years.
“Well, that’s just a nickname. My real one’s Polish but people tend to mess up the pronunciation.”
Suddenly, you felt your throat close. It was him - it had to be him.
“Mieczyslaw,” you uttered. If this was Stiles - your Stiles - he’d told you his real name after you’d spent hours trying to guess it.
Stiles froze. “Who are you?” He asked, eyes narrowing. You took a few steps back, not sure which emotions were beginning to overtake you, but knowing that you needed to leave before you did something regrettable.
Before you could answer, or run, Allison appeared around the corner. She clapped her hands together, giddily skipping over to you. “Oh, Y/N! You met Stiles, I see!” She said, throwing an arm around you affectionately.
“Y/N?” Stiles breathed out, voice weak. Then, stronger, “Y/N?!”
Allison looked between you both. “What’s going on?”
You couldn’t do anything but shake your head. “I can’t do this,” you said, both to her and to Stiles. He hadn’t taken his eyes off you, and his stare was starting to leave fiery trails over your face. “I’m sorry- I, I’ll see you tomorrow,” you addressed Allison. After shrugging off her arm, you turned and began to speed walk away.
“Wait, Y/N!” She called out, causing you to spin around and shake your head.
“I’m sorry.”
And then you were in the elevator, doors sliding shut, Stiles’ stare on your retreating figure being well and truly cut off.
It wasn’t until you were back in your hotel room, crying into a pillow, that you heard the voice you’d wished would appear for months.
“Y/N...Was that you?”
If you’d had any doubts, they evaporated the moment you heard his voice. Matching with tradition - now you’d met your soulmate, his voice was no longer disguised. Stiles’ matched the man you’d met in the lobby; you had met your soulmate.
Biting on your lip, you thought of a response. You were angry. You were so, so unbelievably angry. He’d abandoned you for a year and a half - would have left it even longer had you not stumbled across each other. Stiles had hurt you more than you’d ever been hurt before. You didn’t know if you’d be able to forgive him.
“Don’t talk to me,” you pleaded, words echoing your last conversation together.
“It is you,” he said, incredulous. He sounded happy. “Y/N, I-I can’t believe this!”
“I’m here for Allison, that’s the only reason I’m not on a plane headed back home right now. I’m serious, Stiles. Don’t try to talk to me. I don’t want to hear anything you have to say.”
You heard him swallow through the link and suddenly became aware that the connection was sharper than before.
“I’ll leave you alone now,” he said, “but I’m finding you tomorrow. We need to talk.”
Closing your eyes, you turned over and switched off your bedroom light. When you didn’t reply, he left you with a final sentiment.
“I fucked up, Y/N, I know that. But fuck - if you think I’m going to let you go now I’ve found you, you’re so, so wrong.”
Allison was the one to drag you from your bed the following morning. She seemed to have a master key to the rooms as she woke you by hitting your arm with a pillow, almost giving you a heart attack.
“Fuck, Allison!” You exclaimed, sitting bolt upright as you clutched at your heart. She grinned sheepishly, holding up her palms.
“I had to wake you up somehow.” She sat on the side of your bed, demeanour shifting to something softer. “Stiles is your soulmate?”
“You heard,” you stated, crossing your arms. “Yes, he’s my soulmate. And also your friend, apparently.”
Allison nodded. “You never mentioned his name, I...I didn’t make the connection.” She looked like she felt bad so you reached across to pat her arm. “He’s been a mess all night, if it helps. Kept Scott up until 4am trying to make up some master plan. I can tell him to drop it, if you want.”
You nodded immediately. “I don’t want to talk to him,” you began, running your fingers through your hair. “I told him as much, but apparently he didn’t listen.” Allison grimaced. “I’ll pass it on. Stiles is very headstrong, though. He’s been...different since he lost you. Distant, fragile, sad. You could- you could try hearing him out?” When you glared at her, she bit her lip. “You know I wouldn’t ask if I didn’t think it was for the best.”
“Allison,” you said, trying to keep your voice calm. “He iced me out. I begged him to talk to me - sobbing - and he’d just ignore me. I started it, I know I did, but I can’t forgive him for ignoring that. As bad as I treated him, he was a thousand times worse. You saw what I became,” you said, casting your mind back to the nights you’d spent choking on your tears. “I’ve just started to date again, get my life back on track. He’s not going to derail it again,” you finished firmly. Your resolve was absolute - you would not let him in. You could be civil if you had to be, but that was for Allison and the sake of the wedding.
“Okay,” she said, nodding. “That’s completely fair. I’ll tell him you want him to stay away.” She got up, moving forwards to pull you into a short hug. “I need you downstairs in half an hour, though. I want to introduce you to everyone before we start with the first rehearsals.”
Sighing, you clung to her for a few moments longer than usual, using her soft shirt as a place to hide your tearful eyes. “I’ll be there,” you promised.
When she pulled back, Allison gave you a soft smile.
“Thank you.”
Meeting Allison’s friends was...weird. Despite the absence of Stiles (you’d been told he’d been dragged on a last minute errand from Scott), it was clear where the loyalties in the group lay. Apart from a few, most of Allison’s friends met you with curious glares, both wanting to know the woman who’d hurt Stiles and wanting to punish you.
“They’ll get over it,” a woman called Kira promised. Apparently, she’d used to date Scott, but things had ended so civilly that she’d been invited to the wedding. “The people that matter - us,” she gestured to the small group around you, “we know it wasn’t just your fault. Stiles is a great guy but he’s by no means a perfect person.”
There were a few people surrounding you. You’d managed to catch most of their names, but hadn’t placed them to faces yet. There was a Lydia, Derek, Isaac, Malia, Boyd, Erica and Liam. You’d heard of most of them before and resolved that they were the core of Allison’s - and presumably Stiles’ - friendship group.
“Thanks,” you said, smiling tightly. You really didn’t want to discuss it - especially with Stiles’ best friends. “So,” you said, trying to change the subject, “do you have any idea what we’re doing?”
“I think we’re going through the ceremony,” Liam(?) piped up. You’d made your way out to the beach and were standing in front of the aisle.
Allison appeared a few moments later, out of breath. “Y/N, I need you to pretend to be Scott,” she begged. When you looked confused, she rolled her eyes and began pulling you towards the end of the aisle. “He’s out with Stiles and someone needs to stand at the end. He knows what to do, don’t worry, I just need someone to be there.”
“Okay,” you agreed quickly. You didn’t have a specific role in the bridal party, so by filling in for Scott, you weren’t missing anything important.
“You’re a lifesaver!” She exclaimed, patting your shoulder gratefully. “Okay, stand here. Someone’ll give you instructions. I’ll see you in a few.” And then she jogged back across the sand, leaving you at the end of the aisle.
A few minutes later, the wedding choreographer wandered over and gave you specific instructions. Scott’s role (thankfully) lacked complexity - all you had to do was stand beneath an arch and wait for Allison to walk up the aisle.
It took about an hour until the entire thing was seamless. There were a few people to go up in front of Allison - distant cousins, close friends - so you just had to stand there. Liam and Derek would wander over to you every so often and keep you company, though, and you appreciated the effort they were making. Despite being alone, you were beginning to feel welcomed.
That was, at least, until two figures appeared across the beach.
You recognised the one on the left immediately as Stiles. Scott - the other - ran across the beach, meeting a slightly-frazzled Allison with a brief kiss.
“I’m so sorry,” he apologised, breathless, “it took longer than we expected.” His attention then shifted over to you, and you watched as his kind eyes lit up. “Oh, you must be Y/N!”
You went to nod and were surprised when he tackled you into a sweaty hug. Your eyes wandered and you met Allison’s as she was mouthing ‘I’m sorry.’
“That’s me,” you greeted, voice slightly weak. You were painfully aware of how close Stiles was getting. “I was filling in for you, but I guess now you’re here, I can go,” you said, muttering slightly towards the end.
“Oh, no,” Scott said, brows furrowing. “You don’t need to go.” You didn’t miss the way his eyes darted over towards Stiles.
“No,” you countered, giving him a tight smile. “I need to go now. I’ll see you all soon.”
Before they could intervene, you were walking up the aisle, dodging people. You didn’t look back and managed to make it halfway towards the hotel before you heard a shout.
“Y/N! Wait up!” Stiles hollered, voice carrying clearly across the beach. Despite seeing the looks given to your by passers-by, you continued to speed towards the hotel.
“Y/N, c’mon, please! I just want to talk to you!” His voice rattled through your head.
You stopped abruptly, reaching up to press your fingers against your aching temples. Stiles caught up with you, quickly jumping in front of you to block your path. “Y/N, please,” he repeated, voice soft, pleading. “Let me talk to you.”
He reached out to take your hand but you jumped back the second his skin touched yours, feeling as though you’d been shocked. It wasn’t an unpleasant sensation - it was quite nice, really - but it wasn’t welcome. “I don’t want to talk to you,” you disagreed, looking anywhere but his eyes.
“Why?” He asked, hurt. “I know I made mistakes, but we both did. This isn’t completely on me,” he began, sucking on his bottom lip. “I want to fix it, I-I want to know you.”
You shook your head, kicking at a pebble. “I don’t. It was both of us, yes,” you agreed, “but it wasn’t me that purposefully ignored you for months. I don’t want to know you, Stiles. Just let it go.”
You dodged around him and suddenly realised you were shaking. You felt unbelievably conflicted to be around him. On the one hand, you were irritated, but on the other there was an ache in your heart that begged for you to forgive him, begged for you to leap into his arms and make a home there forever. “I’m sorry,” he called out, following you. “I’m sorry for everything.”
“But are you? Are you really? You have no idea what it was like, Stiles - no idea at all. I’m sorry, but I’m not ready to look at you, let alone talk to you. Give me space.”
When you began to walk off, you were relieved that he didn’t follow you. Instead, his voice carried through your head.
“There’s been enough space. No more, Y/N, no more…”
It was late evening. You’d gone to the rehearsal dinner and were relieved to see you weren’t sat anywhere near the best man. Instead, you’d spent the time getting to know a few of Allison’s friends, painfully aware of a blinding stare constantly sticking to the back of your head.
Every few minutes, you’d hear Stiles’ voice in your head. He’d say something small and then fade into the background. For the first time, you found yourself realising you’d give anything to be able to turn off the communication link.
“You look so beautiful today, Y/N.” 
“I think your laugh is the best sound I’ve ever heard.” 
“I missed your smile.”
When you bit the bait and responded by saying he’d not seen your smile to miss, he’d replied with an infuriating, “Hah! I knew you were listening,” and then followed up with, “after this, I need to talk to you.” To which you ignored.
Nonetheless, you ended up on the beach, Stiles sitting beside you. You’d initially gone out to sit on the sand dunes and watch the sunset, a glass of champagne in your hand, and although you’d taken a few of Allison’s friends with you, they’d disappeared when Stiles made an appearance.
With a little alcohol in your system, you finally felt ready to talk through some of the anger you felt towards the infuriating man sat beside you.
“Hi,” he greeted, scooting up the sand dune until his thigh was pressing against yours.
“Hey,” you responded, voice the calmest it’d addressed him in years. You didn’t have to be looking at him to know Stiles’ eyebrows arched.
“You, uh, you’re going to talk to me?” He asked.
“Yeah,” you affirmed, swallowing more of the bubbly liquid. “It’s time.”
“I agree,” he said. Silence fell, neither of you wanting to destroy this small slither of peace you’d managed to create within the chaos. “I am sorry, y’know? Really.”
“I know you are,” you replied. You did - Stiles had been an honest man two years ago and you could tell the same qualities still lay there. “I’m sorry, too.”
“It’s okay,” he responded. When he noticed the stiffness in your shoulders, he hesitated. “There’s something else, though, right?” When you nodded, he bit his bottom lip. “Please tell me.”
“You,” you began, pausing to finish the champagne. “You listened to me cry for months. Every night, you just...you ignored me. I was hurt and you pushed me aside.” This was the root of the problem. Not the suggestion to start afresh, the accusation that you weren’t enough - it was how easily he’d slipped from your life. For the first time, you began to see how he must have felt when he thought you were leaving him.
“I know,” he admitted, rubbing at his temples. “I regret that the most. It was horrible, but I just...I couldn’t do it. Every night it was harder to reach out, and eventually, you stopped and I was just relieved.” Hurt flared through your chest and felt Stiles stiffen beside you, “I missed you, though. Every day. I would’ve reached out but I thought you hated me, and I guess I was right.”
“I don’t hate you,” you said firmly. “You hurt me more than I’ve ever been hurt before, but I could never hate you.” It was the truth. Time had softened the harsh edges of his actions, and you’d grown to see why he’d acted the way he had. “It’s time to forgive each other.”
“Yeah?” He asked, voice hopeful. Finally, you turned to meet his eyes. You felt the breath leave your throat as you became completely lost in the depths of his amber orbs.
“Yeah.” You reached out, tenderly picking up his hand. You were slightly tipsy - you knew that - but you also knew your words to be true. You wouldn’t come to regret any of this.
Stiles’ hand slotted perfectly into yours, long fingers tangling with yours in a way that felt so right - so unbelievably meant-to-be - that you couldn’t quite believe it.
“I forgive you, Stiles,” you followed up, words merely a whisper.
With the sun’s setting rays glinting off his hair, a warm smile arranged itself on his pink lips. “I forgive you too, Y/N.”
Nothing more was said.
His free arm went to curl around your shoulder and you found yourself leaning into his side. It was a safe position - you felt nothing but at ease inside his embrace. Every now and again, his thumb would flick across the back of your hand, rubbing small circles into your skin. It was a small gesture, but it made your heart go crazy.
With so few words, everything had changed. For the first time in forever, you found yourself feeling content as you drifted off to sleep that night. Things were finally looking up.
When Allison walked down the aisle, you cried harder than you had in days. She looked absolutely beautiful, and as she and Scott sealed their love with a sweet kiss, the clapping you erupting into was completely genuine.
“Uh, Y/N, you have a bit of smudged mascara.” You heard Stiles whisper, jumping slightly at the unfamiliarity of having his voice back in your head. Glancing across the aisle, you saw him pointing to a spot on his cheek so mirrored his actions on your own face. “That’s it, yeah. All gone.”
“Thank you, Stiles,” you replied, grateful. You gave him a smile, the expression widening when he blushed in response.
“No problem.”
Soon enough, you found yourself in the restaurant, beginning the wedding breakfast along with the newlyweds. Despite being tables away, Stiles kept up a running commentary.
“Hey, look. That guy used to be our old lacrosse coach - can’t believe Scott invited him here...oh my god, do you think he’s going to eat that entire steak in one mouthful? Please don’t, please don’t, please- oh! He did it. Well, that’s just charming…”
His cheerful rambles had been gone for so long that you’d forgotten how funny Stiles could be.
As his voice began to return and make itself familiar, so did the feelings that you’d spent months trying to bury. It was infuriating, somehow - you’d spent so long trying to move on and get over him that it seemed such a shame for your heart to flutter whenever he was around.
However, all it took was one of his small smiles to have your anger dissipate. Having him back in your life wasn’t wasn’t a bad thing. You had no idea how he felt, but you found yourself growing giddy over the possibility of being with him. You’d fallen in love with a voice in your head - now you had the man attached to it, as well as all the time in the world.
After cutting the cake, the wedding party disappeared to take photos. You were called through to take a couple with Allison and her friends but didn���t find yourself having any time with Stiles until everyone moved into a second hall and the dances began.
Following the traditional order, you stood with the rest of the guests and watched as Scott and Allison took their first dance as a couple, trying to hold back additional tears.
“Are you going to cry again? Because if so,” Stiles slipped to be beside you, holding out a plastic packet, “I found tissues.”
Letting out a short laugh, you reached out and wrapped an arm around his waist, resting your head on his shoulder. “It’s been such a beautiful wedding,” you said sincerely.
“I know,” Stiles agreed quickly, free hand resting on your arm. He gave it a small squeeze before continuing. “Scott’s a hopeless romantic, I always knew they’d go for something like this.” He gestured to the grandeur of the hall, the traditional ornaments scattered around. “I’m happy for them, though. They both deserve something like this.”
You glanced over to where Allison had her head resting on Scott’s shoulder, and then at the expression of a doting affection written across the man’s face.
“Mhmm,” you agreed.
A few minutes passed. Scott danced with Allison’s dad as Allison did likewise with his mum, and the way Scott tried earnestly to avoid Mr Argent’s feet had you laughing. You barely knew the man, but as Allison’s husband and Stiles’ best friend, you knew that’d change soon enough.
Stiles cleared his throat. “May I have this dance?” He asked, voice nervous. 
“Of course,” you replied, taking his outstretched hand with a grin. You found your way onto the dancefloor as a variety of other couples did likewise, quickly slotting into his open stance. “Hey,” you realised, reminiscing somewhat, “this is kinda like prom.”
Stiles laughed bittersweetly, nodding as he pulled you into a slow waltz. “The prom we never had.”
“So much better than my actual prom,” you commented, earning yourself a raised eyebrow.
“You told me it went well!”
You bit your lip. “That was a small lie,” you admitted. “I missed you too much to have any fun without you. I’d never met you, but I knew you were the one I wanted to be dancing with.”
Stiles swallowed, and for the first time that evening, you took the time to appreciate the suit he was wearing. It was a navy number, the material making the gold flecks in his eyes stand out. It fit him well - snug in all the right places.
“Mine, too,” he said, looking wistful. “I liked you so much, all I wanted to do was dance with you. But I guess we’re doing that now, right? Making up for lost time?”
“Yeah,” you replied immediately. “We have a lot to make up for, but we can do it. If you want to, of course. Don’t want to force you into life with me if you don’t want to be here.” You realised that you’d assumed he wanted to know you, to pursue a relationship with you, and had never actually checked with him.
When Stiles let out a sound of indignation, you found your fears of rejection melting. “We’re going to make up for lost time, Y/N,” he reassured. “We’re going to get to know each other again, and then we’re finally going to get to try again. This time it’ll work.” The unwavering conviction in his voice let you know just how serious he was taking it all.
“Yeah,” you agreed. “It’ll work out this time.”
“It will.”
Once Allison and Scott had left for their honeymoon, you found yourself on the beach again with Stiles. This time you were perched on the edge of the pier, sharing a waffle he’d bought at a café. You both had a few more days in the Bahamas before you had to return home, and you’d just discovered that you only lived about an hour away from each other. Things were finally falling into place.
“Hey!” You exclaimed, nudging his shoulder. “Stop hogging the waffle!”
“It’s mine,” Stiles shot back, pouting. He handed it over despite the fact, watching you with fake annoyance as you took a bite and moaned. “So unfair.”
“It’s not my fault,” you defended, “this is the best waffle I’ve ever eaten. It’s your fault for only getting one.” After rolling your eyes, you went to pass it back to him, only to find Stiles vacantly looking off into the distance. “Hey, Stiles,” you reached out to prod his shoulder, “what’s wrong?”
He turned to face you, sighing softly. “I’m really happy you’re here,” he admitted. “I didn’t think this moment would ever happen, ‘thought I’d ruined it all.”
Reaching down, you took hold of his fingers and squeezed them. “I’m here,” you murmured, reassuring. 
When he spoke next, you were surprised that he chose to whisper them through the link instead of open his mouth.
“I love you, Y/N,” he muttered, voice shaking in a manner that betrayed his nerves.
You blinked. “Wh-Why did you just say that through the bond?” You questioned, blinking quickly as you mind tried to process the sacred words.
“So you could ignore them if you didn’t feel the same,” Stiles reasoned with a short laugh. You could see the vulnerability in his eyes, almost feel the apprehension and the budding regret.
“Stiles,” you said, meeting his eyes. “I love you too. Never stopped.”
He sucked in a breath. “Okay.”
“Okay?” You queried, laughing slightly.
“I love you,” he said, finally using his words. A beam split across your face and you found yourself feeling happier than you had in a long, long time. “Can I, uh,” he broke off, eyes flicking to rest on your mouth, “can I kiss you?”
“Of course.”
You both leaned in. An act of fate seemed to occur, as you both leaned to the right and managed to avoid bumping noses, your lips slotting against one another a few seconds later. Although you were sat on the edge of the pier, you managed to move in close, maintaining your balance as you wrapped your arms around his waist, deepening the kiss by tenfold. He made a small noise of surprise when you reached up to drag your fingers through the ends of his hair, twisting your digits through the strands.
“Hey, can I talk to you whilst we’re kiss-”
“Jesus Christ, Stiles!” You exclaimed, pulling back. “Don’t talk to me when we’re kissing!” You said, laughing slightly. You didn’t mind his voice floating through your head at any other moment, but whilst you were kissing, it felt weird.
“Sorry,” he said, a glint in his eye betraying his sincerity. “Won’t do it again.”
“I don’t believe you,” you admitted, fingers playing with the ends of his hair. “I don’t think I care, though.”
“Mhmm?” He hummed, eyebrow raising. His warm hands squeezed your sides and you found your cheeks warming.
“Yeah.” You leaned closer. “Kiss me again.”
As you watched his lips twist into a smirk, an inescapable optimism fixed itself inside your chest. You had Stiles back - you had your soulmate sat beside you, arms holding you close. As you grinned back at him, you knew things had slotted perfectly into place.
“Oh,” Stiles said, shooting you a wink. “You don’t need to ask me twice.”
any feedback? I would love to hear any thoughts you have on this!
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dylan-o-yumm · 7 years
Stiles X Reader - Comfortable
Warnings: I think there’s like, one f-bomb.
Word count: 5k
Plot: you get night terrors and your staying at Stiles’ house for the night.
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“Here, I got the dishes” I smile politely at Noah as I take the plate out of his hands. The smell of Chinese take out wafting though the kitchen as Stiles puts the leftovers in the fridge for lunch tomorrow. Noah smiles and pats me on the shoulder.
“Thank you, child I should have had” he makes sure he talks loud enough for Stiles to hear him. I chuckle as I walk around the table, collecting the rest of the plates and utensils. The energetic boy spins on his heal with a frown on his face, pointing a finger at his father.
“Wha- hey!” Stiles mocks being offended. Mr Stilinski folds his arms and waits for the boy to defend himself.
“Are you saying I never wash the dishes? C-cause I did… That one time on that day … that I can’t remember” Stiles mutters the last part of his ramble, clearly not being able to pin point a time when he did the dishes.
“Shut up and give me a hand, Stiles” I laugh, handing him the plates with the forks and knives. He started to protest, saying that I’m meant to be on his side but I cut him off. “It’s three plates. It won’t kill you” I fill the sink with soapy water and toss him the hand towel. “There, you dry while I wash” I hand him the plate I’ve already washed and he grumbles as he dries it. We both know he doesn’t care that much, he probably doesn’t care at all. But the little act he’s putting on is adorably funny.
“Hey, are you feeling okay?” Stiles asks in a hushed voice so his dad doesn’t hear. He nudges my side with his elbow as he wipes down the now clean plate. I smile at his concern, this being the fifth time he’s asked today.
“I’m a little worried but I should be just fine” I sigh, handing him the second plate to dry. “I know that everything will be fine in the end but that doesn’t mean I’m not scared” I confess, shrugging it off.
“Yeah, no I totally get it. Just remember that you can ask me for anything” he continues “I want you to feel comfortable… Wow that was cheesy” he comments and I giggle. “Don’t laugh at me! I’m trying to be nice” he tickles my side and I instantly tense up. “Oh, I always forget you’re ticklish” he smirks.
Stiles goes to tickle my side again but I quickly splash him with the soapy water in the sink. “Don’t even think about it Stilinski” I try to sound intimidating but I can’t stop the chuckle from slipping past my lips as I see the small droplets of water dripping off his nose.
“Let’s try not to make a mess, alright you two?” Noah warns from the doorway. Both Stiles and I apologise and go back to finishing the dishes, pulling faces and nudging each other. “Okay, I’m headed off. You guys have fun” Mr. Stilinski opens the front door after grabbing his keys, he pauses before exiting the house. “But not too much fun” he adds, pointing a warning finger at us.
“Oh darn! There goes our plans” Stiles calls through the house, overly sarcastically. I laugh as I wipe my wet hands on his shirt after draining the sink. Noah chuckles then finally closes the door behind him. We hear his car start only seconds later and suddenly it’s just me and Stiles.
“Okay, dishes are done. Movie time” Stiles claps his hands and is already on his way to the television. “Do you wanna watch something down here or on my laptop in my room? That way you’ll probably just fall asleep while watching the movie and not have to be afraid” Stiles asks gently, knowing that what I’m going through isn’t an easy task.
“Um, probably your room, if that’s okay” I have spent a lot of time in Stiles’ house but I’ve never stayed the night. Stiles is one of my closest friends and I’ve known him for years. I bonded well with his dad too which made this whole situation so much more comfortable. “Thanks again for letting me stay with you. Since my parents are out, I don’t feel comfortable being alone, especially with the night terrors” I fiddle with the hem of my shit as I speak softly.
“You don’t need to thank me. I completely understand” the boy replies, grabbing my wrist and pulling me upstairs with him. “Now. What movie?” He asks, nudging me into his room where the blue, blown up mattress lays beside his bed. He turns the light off, leaving the lap beside his bead to illuminate the room.
“Do I really get a say?” I ask, standing in front of his stack of movies on his desk. He’s got good taste, I’ll give him that. He never lets me choose the movie, he always asks what I want to watch but he will never take it into consideration.
“No. Star Wars it is” like always. He snatches the first movie on top of the stack that just so happens to be his favourite movie. I swear I’ve watched it with him at least a thousand times. I roll my eyes and nudge him as he smiles and batts his eyelashes at me. “Well, what were you expecting, really?” He chuckles as he sits on his bed and props his laptop on his lap while he sets the movie up.
“I was expecting you to be a nice friend and let me choose the movie for once in your life” I cross my arms and pout. The theme song starts on the laptop and Stiles places the device beside him. His hand reaches out and latches onto my arm, pulling me down onto his lap.
“Don’t be such a baby” he teases and I wrap my arms around his neck, preventing me from falling onto the floor. I poke my tongue out at him and giggle, only for my soft laughter to drift away once I realise how close his lips are to mine.
I feel my heartbeat increase slightly and my legs turn to jelly as he also realises how close we are, yet neither of us move apart. My eyes drift down to his lips and I begin to admire how defined they are. And as if just to tease me, his tongue darts out to wet them. I quickly blink away the haziness and revert my eyes to his whiskey orbs.
His eyes stare straight back into mine, almost too intently. As if he is using all his might to not look anywhere else in particular. Flecks of gold litter in his eyes, bringing out the lightness of the brownness. His pupils are wide, only intensifying the colour even more. The only sound filling the room is the intense music coming from the laptop.
“You have nice eyes” the words slip past my lips in a hushed whisper. I pray that he didn’t hear me but the sudden shift in his gaze tells me he did. I clear my throat “Sorry, th-that was weird. I’m sorry” I chuckle nervously as I shift off his lap quickly to sit beside him. I pull my hair in front of my face to hide the nervous blush that has creeped onto my cheeks.
“No, it’s okay. You - uh - you have nice eyes too” Stiles smiles sweetly, also seeming slightly nervous. I tuck my hair behind my ear and finally look at him. He swallows thickly and wets his lips with his tongue once more. I can’t help the smile that creeps onto my face.
“Shut up” I scrunch my nose up and chuckle. That had seemed to break some of the tension cause he let out a laugh too. I lie down and shift the laptops screen so I can see it easier. Stiles follows my actions and lays on his side with one arm under his head.
“Remember, if you are feeling tired, just fall asleep if you can and I’ll sleep on the mattress” Stiles adds, seeming to relieve the awkward tension between us. I nod my head, appreciative of how understanding he is of my night terrors. A lot of people just think of it as typical nightmares but it’s so much worse. Stiles gets it, and I can tell he is trying to make me feel as comfortable as possible.
We let the awkwardness pass as we watch the movie, relaxing into the bed and feeling warm. The whole “incident” was practically forgotten, until I felt something brush against my hand. I glance down and see Stiles’ index finger curling around mine and pressing his palm against my palm until he is holding my hand.
“What are you doing?” I ask softly as he intertwines his fingers with mine. His eyes drift slowly to mine from our hands, squinting and cringing as if he’s disturbing a lion.
“I don’t know” he quickly replies, almost sarcastically. I have a sneaky suspicion that he’s still just trying to make me feel comfortable, which is a very Stiles-like thing to do. “Do you want me to stop?” He asks. There he goes again, being so nice to make me feel overly comfortable.
“No” I shake my head, intertwining my fingers with his that are already gently squeezing my hand. I’ve never thought of Stiles this way. He’s always just been my closest friend. Im not going to make up some fairytale story that I’ve have a crush on him since I first saw  him. Cause that’s simply not how it was. We haven’t known each other since childhood, I only met him first year of high school and I actually had a small crush on Scott. But Scott was with Allison so I quickly realised that we wouldn’t be a thing. And now he is one of my best friends.
I keep out hands locked together and roll on my side, wrapping my other hand around his upper arm. We continue to watch the movie in this slightly more intimate way than we ever have before. However, I’m not complaining. I actually like having him this close to me, practically hugging his arm.
The movie slows to an end and we’re left watching the credits rolling through. My eyes feel heavy and I need to sleep, but as I watch the names on the screen slide upwards, I can’t help but feel a slight panic in my chest. I feel stiles’ eyes on me but I keep my eyes on the screen. His thumb begins to rub soothing patterns on the back of my hand and I sigh in relaxation.
“Do you wanna go to bed?” He asks softly and I bite my lip as I nod my head. Being scared to go to sleep is a horrible feeling, I wish I never had night terrors. I guess I’m just scared that my mind will play tricks on me and I will some how hurt Stiles. “I can sleep on the mattress if you would prefer to be on the bed. I don’t mind” he adds quietly.
“No, it’s okay. I got the mattress” I smile even though I’m panicking inside. I sit up and let go of Stiles’ hand, an empty feeling fills my stomach at the loss of contact. I slide off the bed and onto the squishy mattress, sinking into the airy bed.
“I’m right here if you need anything” Stiles reassures me, rolling onto his other side so he can see me. I pull the blanket over my body and also roll on my side so that stiles and I are looking right into each others eyes. “Don’t feel bad if you need to wake me up, alright?” I nod my head and smile softly. My eyes slowly wander to under his bed, it’s surprisingly clean but I just know that it’s something else to worry about. Under beds, cupboards and open doors/windows are what will make the night terrors even more horrible. There’s just endless possibilities of bad things to happen.
My heartbeat picks up slightly and my chest rises and falls a lot quicker than usual. Stiles reaches down and grabs my hand again, intertwining out fingers and rubbing circles on my skin. I instantly clam down and my eyes grow heavier. “Thank you” I whisper as I let my eyelids shut, keeping a tight grip on his hand.
Throughout the rest of the night I held onto his hand. I did wake up a few times, but feeling his skin against mine and hearing his soft snores sent me into a comfortable sleep once again. However, there was one time when even Stiles couldn’t calm me down.
A faint rustling made my eyes snap wide open, griping Stiles’ hand tighter. He stirred slightly and grumbled but never opened his eyes. The noise continues, sounding from the far corner under the bed. It’s just a mouse or something, right? Stiles’ room can get pretty messy so I’m sure that’s a possibility. What am I thinking, Stiles wouldn’t be sleeping in this house if he knew there was a mouse under his bed.
My heart stammers in my chest and my eyes are forced wide open, just in case anything happens as I blink. The rustling turns into a deep rumble, almost growl-like. I feel eyes on me, something is watching. I open my mouth to speak, scream Stiles’ name to save me from this terror. But, a disturbing image causes all words to leave my throat.
Slowly, two hands creep out from the darkness, inching into the faint light towards me. They’re covered in fur, sharp claws, almost like talons protrude from the fingertips. They slide across the floor slowly, ripping at the grey carpet.
I begin to shake stiles’ hand profusely, breathing so fast and hard that I fear I’m having a panic attack. I can practically hear my heartbeat, let alone feel it deep within my chest, beating on my rib cage. My eyes follow up the arms of the dangerous hands, into the darkness.
Two red, glowing eyes, blink at me. The growling grows louder and I feel a scream slowly rising from my chest. My feet are frozen in place, the only movement I can do is shake the sleeping boy above me. The eyes begin to inch closer but this time, fast.
I feel two hands on my shoulders shaking me. My eyes open, only to be met with the gnawing teeth of a beast. A werewolf… The alpha. I swing my arms and kick my legs, managing to whack its nose with my knuckles. However, as I flail around, the snapping jaws fade, turning into the plump lips I was staring at most of the night. Stiles.
I know that dreams can feel real, but that was … way to real. It was as if I was living in a dream, but it wasn’t too crazy to seem like a dream. I felt the panic, the fear. It wasn’t a nightmare. It was a night terror. I knew I would have one tonight, but I didn’t think it would have been so bad.
I notice stiles moving his lips. I shake my head, ridding the white noise that I didn’t even notice was ringing in my ears. “Just breathe. You’re okay. Fill up you lungs with air then let it out slowly”  he states calmly, knowing exactly what to do since he’s had many panic attacks.
Stiles uses one hand to rub soothing circles on my shoulder while the other hand caresses my cheek. Slowly, my lungs fill with air and I’m not breathing so panicky. I close my eyes and focus on my steady breaths, bringing my hand up to rest on top of Stiles’ and leaning into his touch.
After a few moments of regaining air, I reopen my eyes and squeeze Stiles’ hand, silently telling him that I’m okay. His thumb quickly and softly brushes over my bottom lip, I almost loose my breath again from the feeling. “Do you wanna talk about it? You still seem pretty shaken up” the brown eyed boy asks me.
Instead of replying verbally, I simply shake my head and take another glance under the bed, just making sure that I’m not in some horrible nightmare or night terror again. A small noise escapes my throat in what sounds to be pain even though I’m not feeling any pain whatsoever.
“You’re bleeding” I notice out loud. A small drop of blood leaks from his nose and falls onto his top lip. I must have hit him when I was flailing around before. I reach up and caress his cheek like he did me, in a form of apology.
Stiles wipes his nose with the back of his hand, looking down at the blood now on his fair skin. He chuckles softly and brushes the hair out of my face. “It’s okay” he smiles, grabbing my hand and pulling me up into a sitting position.
Stiles hops back up on his bed, snuggling under the covers. Maybe he’s mad at me? I did hit him. And I woke him up, probably screaming. I stare at my hands in my lap and fiddle with the blanket in between my fingertips.
“You coming?” He asks, patting the space beside him and holding the blanket up for me to scoot under. My expression turns into a smile as I slowly creep into the bed with him. I go to lie on my back to face the ceiling but Stiles grabs my wrist and spins me over so that I’m cradled in his arms. The gesture was sudden but the warmth of his body welcomes me.
“What is happening, Stiles?” I ask, looking up at him through my eyelashes, feeling his chest rise and fall with his breaths against mine. Stiles looks down at me and absentmindedly leaves feather lite touches on the slightly exposed skin on my hip.
“What do you mean?” He asks with his brow furrowed and eyes squinted. The same face he pulls when he’s looking at all the coloured strings on his board. The look of pure confusion. He leans back a bit, only a bit, to get a better look at my face and not having to look cross eyed at me from being so close.
I don’t really know, or have a plan, on what I’m wanting to say. But, I know it’ll come out somehow with my racing heart and spiralling mind in control. I take a breath and place my hand on his chest, fiddling with the fabric of his maroon t-shirt.
“I think that I … I mean, I have this feeling-” I cut myself off quickly, hating every sentence that comes to my head. Everything just sounds so cheesy and lame, plus I don’t even know what I’m trying to say. “Ugh, just don’t worry. It’s stupid anyway” I sigh and avert my eyes from his.
“I’m sure it’s not. You know you can tell me anything” Stiles runs a hand through my hair, stopping to massage my scalp. Oh god, why have I never felt these feelings before? He’s so … Ugh. Perfect is the only word that comes to mind. “You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to, but just know that you can” he adds, making my heart skip a beat.
I glance back up the whiskey eyed boy and feel my chest tighten. His lips are incredibly close to mine, close enough that his warm breath fans over my hair and blows it out of my eyes. All thoughts leave my mind as I lower my gaze to his defined lips, my chest slowly rising and falling heavier than before. I feel fear creep up my back, but it’s not the fear I was feeling just moments ago.
“You’re my best friend” I whisper, mainly to myself. Reminding myself that if I go with these feeling, there’s a chance that he could reject me and then things would be really awkward. As if he knew what he was doing to me, hearing my words, he took his hand off my hip, stopping the soothing patterns he was tracing on my skin.
As if on instinct, my hand shoots out to grab his, placing it back on my hip. I gulp as I realise what I just did, feeling his warm hand on my cold skin. As I stare into his eyes I can tell that he isn’t angry with my actions. I prop myself up on my elbow so that I’m slightly higher than him. He licks his pink lips as his eyes train on mine, drifting down towards my lips. I take that as an okay.
I place my hand on his cheek and welcome the silence as I slowly lean down and let my eyes drift close. I pause my movement a centimetre away from him, letting him make the final decision. His hand that isn’t on my waist, reaches up and tangles in my hair, pulling me down that extra centimetre.
Our lips touch softly, pressing together just enough so that I can feel his nose nudge against my cheek. Our lips mould together perfectly, fitting together like a puzzle piece. We breathe in and out though our noses, not wanting to break away for air. I sigh as a small smile creeps up on my lips, stiles hums and slides his hand up my back, under my shirt.
I pull away, smiling softly as he runs his hands up and down my sides lovingly. “Best friend?” He asks with a smirk, licking his lips and then tickling my sides. I flinch at the contact, hooking my leg over his so that I’m trapping him under me.
“Okay, maybe a bit more than that” I smile, leaning down for another kiss. He quickly dodges me, staring at me with a serious hint in his eye instead of the playfulness that was just there. My smile disappears and I start to feel worried. Have I gone too far?
“Is this real or am I dreaming?” He suddenly asks and a smile spreads out of my face, whatever worried feeling I just had, now passed. “Am I actually making out with my best friend?” He asks himself, seeming to be genuinely in a state of disbelief.
“Do you wanna stop?” I ask, leaning away from him, fearing that I’ve pressured him into something he doesn’t want. I unhook my leg from around his and take my hand off his chest.
“No!” He blurts, quickly grabbing my hand and pulling me back into him. My eyes widen at the sudden movement, we’ve been so quiet this whole time and hearing him practically yell startled me like a deer. “I mean… do you… wanna stop?” He asks with a sad and worried tone as he sees my expression.
“No” I shake my head with a small and nervous smile on my lips. Before I lean back down to connect us at the mouths, I pause. “Can I try something?” I ask shyly, not really even understanding why I’m wanting to do this. However, Stiles nods.
I wrap my leg over his waist and sit myself up so that I am straddling him. Stiles stares up at me with wide eyes, his lips curling into a big sleepy but adorable smile. The nervous feeling in my gut disappears as I look into his golden flecked eyes. I finally connect our lips once more.
Feeling that bit extra intimacy between us makes me realise I’ve probably had a crush on this giant nerd for a long time now. And I’ve just never realised.
I wake up the next morning with a smile on my face and feeling refreshed. Even though  I woke up in the middle of the night, falling asleep with Stiles made e have the best nights sleep in a long time. I didn’t wake up again to night terrors, I didn’t even dream. Which, to some people that probably sounds sad, but I’d rather never dream again if it meant the night terrors were at bay.
Stiles is still asleep beside me, snoring softly with his arm wrapped around my middle. His breath hits my forehead every time he exhales, and I giggle. Part of me doesn’t want to wake him up since he looks so adorable with his mouth agape and his nose twitching every few seconds. But on the other hand, I wanna annoy the fuck out of him by pushing him off the bed. (What are friends for?). So I decide on a middle ground. I’ll simply poke him until he opens his eyes.
I start by poking his stomach, then his sides, thinking that he’s ticklish there. He wriggles a bit and scrunches up his nose at the contact. I try poking his arms and chest but he completely snoozed though that. So I settle on poking his face, jabbing his cheeks and nose until he opens his eyes.
He frowns, jutting his bottom lip out in a pout. I simply laugh at him and stop my incessant prodding. He closes his eyes once again, drifting off. Now it’s my turn to pout. I begin poking him again but as soon as my finger jabs his cheek he quickly grabs my by my waist and pulls me into his chest, keeping my arms pinned between our bodies.
“Okay, since I can’t poke you any more, I’ll just settle for some calming singing shall I?” I ask sarcastically and Stiles groans. I begin wailing, somewhat loudly, a random tune. I sound worse than an alarm clock and we both know it. Stiles grabs the pillow from behind his head and stuffs it over my head, muffling the horribleness that is my voice.
I huff and roll over, pushing myself away from his body and out from under the covers. I hop off the bed, taking the blanket with me and dropping it on the floor. Stiles simply rolls onto his back and continues to snore. I’m tempted to just get a bucket of water to wake him up but I’ve done that once before and it didn’t end well.
I smile to myself when I think of the perfect thing to wake him up. I simply walk around to his side of the bed and kneel on the floor. With his face inches away from me, I lean in and press soft kisses to his neck. I pull away quickly when I hear him make a small noise, it almost sounded like a moan. His eyes snap back shut, indicating that they were open and he’s just messing with me.
I narrow my eyes. “Stilinski. I will give you a hickey” I state in a warning tone, which he simply smiles at. “I’ll make sure you wind be able to cover it up. So that everyone can see. Even your dad” I lean my lips closer to his neck ready to do as said.
“I’m okay with that” he hums and I stop my actions. Grabbing onto his arm and shaking him from left to right.
“Stilllles!” I whine like a toddler. He chuckles and opens his eyes. I’m surprised there’s no awkward air between us after what happened last night. I know he’s my friend and all but that’s why I was thinking it would be awkward.
“How was your sleep?” He asks, reaching out to run a hand though my hair, massaging my scalp. I lean into the contact, loving every bit of it. I pinch the material of his shirt and fiddle with it in my fingers as I answer.
“Good” I reply, then continue with “it was probably the best sleep I’ve had in years. And I’m not just saying that to be nice” I chuckle, feeling even more comfortable with this boy than I ever have before. Maybe we’re just meant to be? I’d like to think so. Just being in his presence makes me happy and giddy.
“Maybe you’ll just have to stay here every night” he smiles.
“I’m okay with that” I state, quoting what he said just moments ago. “You know, you’re lucky it’s not a school day. Other wise I wouldn’t have hesitated to pour a bucket of water on you again”
“Oh yeah? Well I wouldn’t have hesitated to pour water on your lap during breakfast in front of my dad” he remarks and I simply reply by poking my tongue out. I stand from the floor and hold my hand out to the sleepy boy. He grabs my hand and lets me pull him from the bed.
We go down stairs and make breakfast together, staring at each other while the other isn’t looking. Only to catch each other and smile like fools. I end up realising how cheesy we are and begin to laugh. Stiles comes up behind me and wraps his arms around my waist.
“What’s so funny?” He whispers in my ear. God we’re already like newly weds or something.
“Cheese. A lot of cheese” I chuckle, spinning in his arms to wrap mine around his neck. “I haven’t said it yet, but did you know that I like you. Quite a bit” i state and he chuckles, grabbing my upper arms and pulling me away from him so that he can look me properly in the eye.
“Did you know that I feel the same way?” He replies, leaning back in and connecting our lips. He licks my bottom lip and refuse to let him in, to which I start laughing as he continues to tongue my lip. He starts laughing too, about to question me on why I’m teasing him but the sound of keys being dropped on the table forces us to jump a meter away from each other.
“Wha-! Dad!” Stiles yells, clearly startled. I simply cover my mouth to stop the giggles from escaping. Noah shrugs off his coat and folds it over the dining chair, the look of pure confusion on his face. “I thought you weren’t coming home till later” Stiles rubs the back of his neck, already blushing.
“I was meant to get back later but I came home early” he explains, crossing his arms and narrowing his eyes at the two of us. “Why are you both so embarrassed? I don’t care if you kiss. Haven’t you kids been together for a year anyway?” He asks and Stiles and I glance at each other before turning back to the sheriff, shaking our heads. Noah tilts his head, very confused now. “You sure?” He asks his son.
“You really thought we were already dating? For a year! Dad, I would have told you if I had a girlfriend” Stiles seems shocked as he flails his arms about. Noah shrugs and seems unfazed, trudging over to see what we’re cooking. “We literally had our first kiss last night!” He adds, glancing at me and gesturing to his father with a look of confusion and shock written all over his face. I simply shrug and smile.
“Well, either way, I’m glad you two are together now” he states as he grabs a slice of bacon off the plate and takes a bite. He pats me on the shoulder and looks at his son as he speaks. “She’s a good influence on you” he nods, pointing a greasy bacon flavoured finger at Stiles.
The crazed boy goes to make a comment but I raise my hand “how about we just eat? Yeah?” I ask, waking over to him to lead him to the table where he sits and mutters about how ridiculous his dad is. Noah has already walked off, probably going to bed since he was at the station all night.
I grab Stiles’ plate and place it in front of him, pressing a kiss to his cheek. I take a seat beside him and begin to eat breakfast, just like we would as friends, except I sit a little closer and there is definitely a different mood hanging around us. Sexual tension? Love? Maybe both.
I just know that I really dig this boy.
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bxcketbarnes · 7 years
Pairing: Dylan O’Brien x Reader
Author: @ninja-stiles
Words: 2947
Author’s Note: This was fun and also heartbreaking to write, but I kind of like writing angsty stuff. I hope y’all enjoy it! Listen to this. Thanks to @mf-despair-queen for proofreading this for me!!
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Six months.
 Six months since the last time I saw you.
 Six months since the last time I talked to you.
My phone ringing had woken me from my pleasant nap. Picking my phone up, I saw that Tyler was calling me. I furrowed my eyebrows together, confused as to why he'd be calling me. I pressed the green button, holding the phone to my ear.
 “Hello?” I answered, sitting up against my headboard, rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes. Goodness, I've been sleeping a lot lately. I sighed, leaning my head against the wooden board behind me.
 “Hey, Y/N. It’s Tyler,” Posey reminded me and I chuckled, shaking my head at him.
 “Yeah, Tyler, I know,” I laughed quietly, getting out of the bed. I guess I should be productive. I waltz towards my closet, opening it before walking inside.
 “Right, um, I was wondering how you were doing,” He asked me and I sighed, not wanting to have this conversation again. I didn't say anything for a minute, thinking as I rummaged through the clothes, stopping at one piece of clothing that wasn't mine and forgot that I still had.
 // I'm still rocking your hoodie and chewing on the strings //
 I gulped, touching the soft fabric, noticing the chewed up strings, tears pooling in my eyes. Shaking my head, I turned around, walking out of my closet.
 “I-I’m alright,” I muttered, ignoring the feeling of my chest constricting.
 “Then how come you don't sound fine?” Tyler asked and I let out a sigh, leaning my head against the wall, trying to blink away the tears.
 “I, uh, I found his hoodie in my closet. I-I wore it for a while after he broke up with me. Just brings back memories…” I whispered into the phone, sliding down against the closet door.
 “Do you want me to come get it?” He asked and I shook my head, not saying a word until I realized Tyler couldn't see me.
 “N-No. It’s okay. I'll be fine,” I muttered. “I have to go,” I murmured before hanging up, not giving him a chance to say goodbye. I stood up, making my way back into the closet, standing in front of Dylan’s old hoodie, running my fingers on it softly, tears threatening to spill.
 // It makes me think about you, so I wear it when I sleep //
 I took it off the hanger, slipping my arms through the sleeves, nuzzling my face into the soft material. I walked back into my bedroom, climbing onto my bed, laying on my side with my eyes shut, thinking about everything Dylan and I went through when we were together. I sniffled, letting out a quiet sob, hugging myself as I cried myself to sleep. Why did he have to leave me? I thought we were happy together?
 I woke up again around five in the evening, walking into the kitchen, still wearing his hoodie, not wanting to take it off. A few of my friends that I met through Dylan, Holland and Crystal, had been texting me, begging me to go out with them but I didn’t want to go anywhere. I haven’t actually left the house for pleasure in a few months. I would just sulk around my house, thinking about what I had done wrong. I’ve thought about texting him a few times but never gain enough courage to go through with the idea.
 The two girls came over on their own, not wanting to see me this way anymore and walked in finding me on the couch, examining the hoodie I was wearing.
 // I kept the broken zipper, and cigarette burns //
 I sadly smiled at the broken zipper, remembering that I had accidentally broke it while we tried to zip both of us in it, wanting to get warm on a chilly winter night a couple years ago. I noticed some of the burns he had made with cigarettes he smoked. Although I hated people smoking, I didn’t really mind him doing it. Dylan would always put cologne on after he smoked. Plus, he looked really attractive smoking.
 Holland snapped her fingers in front of my face, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked between the two girls, confused on how they got into the house.
 “Your door was unlocked and we knew you were home so we invited ourselves in,” She explained and I nodded my head, playing the the sleeve of the hoodie. “You okay?” Holland asked and I nodded my head, pressing my lips together before shaking my head no.
 “N-No. I miss him…” I whispered, wiping the tears that escaped my eyes with the sleeve, sniffling a bit. “The past six months, I’ve been trying to figure out why, why he decided to leave. Was I not good enough?” I asked no one in particular, feeling the girls’ stare on me, both of them sitting down on each side of me.
 // I used to put my hand in your pockets (holding on), the smell of your cologne still on it (but you’re still gone), I slip it on over my shoulders, you’re someone I’ll never get over, it makes me feel a little bit closer to you //
 I inhaled the scent of his cologne on the hoodie, surprised that the smell is still intact after a long period of time, but I haven’t exactly washed it either, not wanting to lose the smell of him. I wish you were here.
 “Have any of you talked to him lately?” I asked, looking between the two girls and Holland nodded her head, softly stroking my arm. “Has he… has he talked about me?” I asked again and Holland nodded her head once more.
 “Yeah, he’ll ask Tyler and I how you’re doing. He says that he doesn’t have the balls to text you,” She laughed slightly at her wording and I smiled, loving that he still talked about me. “I’m sure he regrets leaving the love of his life,” She reassured me and I sniffed, taking my bottom lip between my teeth.
 “I just wish he’d realize that he might’ve been wrong. I’m assuming that he did it because of his career, but I always supported him and went to see him when I could. I guess he couldn’t take being so far apart anymore,” I sighed, looking around the room, seeing pictures of Dylan and I in picture frames.
 // I’m still rocking your hoodie, and chewing on the strings //
 “Come on, let’s go out tonight. I’ll even let you wear his hoodie if you don’t want to take it off.” Crystal smiled and I thought about it for a minute. I guess it’ll be good for me to get out. I nodded my head in agreeance, smiling at them.
 “Let me just go change into something else,” I muttered, getting off the couch and running up the stairs to my bedroom. I searched through my drawers, finding a pair of shorts that stopped at my thighs, accentuating my ass nicely. I slipped on a black tank top before putting his hoodie back on, looking myself over in the mirror, liking what I’m seeing. I unconsciously started chewing on the strings as I placed on my gladiator sandals, heading back down the stairs, grabbing my purse. “Alright, I’m ready.”
 // Still rocking your hoodie, baby, even though it hurts //
 We walked around downtown, strolling towards a nightclub as I hugged myself, looking around at the scenery of L.A. We showed the bouncer our ids before going inside, making sure that we are, in fact, over twenty one years old. I gave him a small smile as we walked in, hearing the vibrations of the music reverberating throughout the place. The three of us walked towards the bar, Holland buying me a drink, saying that I needed to let loose.
 I sipped on the mixed drink, my skin feeling warm from the liquor as we made our way closer to the dance floor. I always hated dancing, especially if there’s a drink in my hand. Makes it kind of awkward in a way. I had bumped into many people, almost losing Holland and Crystal when I had fully run into a broad chest, spilling some of my drink on his black shirt.
 “Oh god. I’m so sorry. I-I wasn’t paying attention,” I half-yelled over the music to the guy. Glancing up at the stranger, my breath hitched as I realized who I had just bumped into. Dylan. I swallowed thickly, my heart pounding against my ribcage.
 “It’s alright. Um, hi,” Dylan muttered, glancing down at my outfit, noticing the hoodie I’m wearing and he smiled slightly.
 // If you want it back, if you want it back, I’m here waiting, come and take it back, come and take it back //
 “H-Hi…” I whispered, not sure if he actually heard me or not, looking up into his eyes, noticing the dull look in them, his whiskey colored orbs not sparkling like they usually do. “Um, h-how are you doing?” I yelled over the music, leaning in towards his ear a bit as he bent down. I loved how tall he was, even though he was only a few inches taller than me.
 “I’m doing alright. Could be better. What about you?” He said into my ear, goosebumps all over my body. His hand rested on my arm, making it a little difficult to breathe properly.
 I leaned up towards his ear, feeling the warmth radiate off his body, placing a hand on his bicep. “I’ve been okay. This is the first time I’ve actually been out in a few months,” I muttered into his ear, pulling away from him as he looked down at me, a frown on his pink lips.
 “I like your hoodie.” He smiled, his fingers toying with the chewed up strings and I smiled lightly, feeling like the first time I met him, the schoolgirl crush coming out of me. I blushed, looking down at it, biting my lip softly.
 “Me too. It’s my favorite.” I smiled, glancing up at him, my heart fluttering. I finished my drink, wanting another one as I noticed that his was gone as well. “D-Do you want to get another drink with me?” I asked him and he nodded, resting his hand on my lower back, leading me back towards the bar. I noticed the two girls on the way, both of them giving me knowing smirks and I furrowed my eyebrows. Did they know he’d be here?
 We got back to the bar and I look towards Dylan as he leaned over the bar, ordering our drinks. “Hey! Can I get Corona with lime and,” he looked back at me, wondering what I had been drinking.
 “Uh, sex on the beach.” I muttered to him, blushing a bit as he gave me a small smirk. The bartender nodded, beginning to make the drinks as Dylan leaned against the bar, smiling down at me again. His smile kills me.
 “God, I missed you.” He frowned a bit, sighing loudly. I furrowed my eyebrows a bit, not hearing him clearly as I stepped towards him, the space between us shrinking. Dylan grabbed my hand, leading me to the dance floor and I parted my lips, wondering what he was planning. We were in the middle of the sea of people, looking around as people bumped into us, making me move closer to Dylan, laying my hands on his chest.
 “Dyl, what about our drinks?” I asked and he placed his finger on my lip, making me shut up. I gulped, skin flushing pink as he placed his hands on my hips, moving to the beat of the song. I swayed my hips a bit, not really knowing how to dance and I heard Dylan chuckle above me, my eyes looking up at him.
 He leaned down, pressing his lips to the shell of my ear, breathing out. “Y/N, relax. Just picture it’s only us, like the times you’d give me a strip tease.” I gasped, gripping his shirt as I began to move my hips more seductively, smiling a bit, singing the lyrics to the song. Dylan turned me around, my ass pressing against his groin as we danced together, a new experience between us, since he never took me dancing. Well, he never took me dancing because I always thought I couldn’t dance.
 Dylan and I danced for about an hour before he asked me if I wanted to go somewhere else, which I agreed to, hoping it’ll be a good choice to make. We took a cab to his apartment that’s not far from my house as he leads me inside, our hands intertwined together. I sat down on his couch, noticing the pictures of us he has on his end table, smiling at it softly. I picked it up, remembering the day that this picture was taken. We were at Julia’s wedding and his mother took a picture of us when we weren’t paying attention. His hand rubbing mine gently, his thumb over the spot a wedding ring would be as I was looking at the beautiful bride, his eyes were on me, a large smile on his lips. I started to tear up, missing those days as I felt his hand moving the hoodie, exposing my shoulder before pressing his lips gently to the skin.
 “That was a good day,” Dylan muttered and I nodded my head, agreeing with him. “I’m really sorry it had to come to this. I-I didn’t want to end things with you, but my job. I thought that if I didn’t have you, it’d make things easier for me when I was away, but it wasn’t. It was a lot worse not having you in my life.” I looked over at him, his eyes brimming with tears as I placed the picture on the couch, shifting a bit so I’m facing him before wiping the tears away.
“I was so heartbroken, Dylan,” I started, looking down at his hand, which is on top of mine. “I-I didn’t leave the house unless I needed food. All I wanted was for you to come back to me. I kept thinking I had done something wrong because we were so happy,” I frowned, leaning my forehead against his.
 “I’m so sorry I made you feel this way. It wasn’t my intention. God, I’m such an idiot,” He muttered, pressing a small kiss to my forehead. “Could you possibly be able to forgive me? The past six months have been hell and I don’t know if I want to continue the next without you.” Dylan looked into my eyes, rubbing my cheekbone with the pad of his thumb softly.
 “Promise me you won’t break my heart again?” I asked quietly, my hand trailing up his shirt, feeling the hair on his torso. Dylan nodded his head, tucking a piece of hair behind my ear, goosebumps rising on my arms.
 “I promise,” He whispered, his lips ghosting over mine softly. My breath hitched, scooting a little closer to him, trailing my lips up his, brushing them together. His hand ran through my hair, pulling me in by the back of my head, mushing our lips together. One of my hands trailed up his chest, draping it over his shoulder as I moved my lips against his, missing the feeling of them on mine. Dylan moved his arms down towards my waist, pulling me onto his lap and I placed my knees on either side of him, sitting down on his hips.
 “I love you,” I muttered against his lips and his grip on me tightened, his lips moving down my jawline.
 “I love you too, baby,” Dylan murmured lowly, biting my lip softly as he pushed his hoodie off my shoulders, the cloth falling to the floor. His lips attached to my collarbone, pressing wet kisses as I ran my fingers through his hair, my eyes fluttering shut. His fingers tugged down the front of my tank top, exposing the black lacey bra he had gotten me for my birthday. Dylan licked his lips, glancing up at me through his lashes as his hands moved to the hem of my tank top, pulling it over my head, throwing it to the floor. “You’re so beautiful.”
 I smiled down at him, running my fingers over his scruff, licking my lips lightly, always loved the hair on his face. I pressed my lips against his again, my bottom lip in between his lips as the kiss began to get a little heated. He licked my bottom lip, granting permission for entrance and I tease him a little more, bolting my lips shut as he groaned, squeezing my sides. He went to go unclip my bra when I stopped him, feeling that this is going slightly too fast.
 “Wait, wait,” I muttered, pulling away from him, panting lightly as Dylan looked up at me, a worried expression on his gorgeous face. “I-I don’t know if I want to… you know.” I blushed, playing with the baby hairs on his neck, not making eye contact with him. Dylan’s finger hooked under my chin, moving my face to look at him as he smiles at me.
 “I totally understand, baby. We can wait. I’m just glad that you’re back in my life,” He whispered, moving my face towards his, pressing a chaste kiss to my lips. I slowly closed my eyes, feeling his lips leave mine and my fingers grazed his cheeks, pulling him back in, kissing him softly.
 “You’re my everything,” I whispered, resting my forehead against his.
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sheerfreesia007 · 4 years
May I Have This Dance Headcannon
Mitch - The gala that you’re undercover at is grand and luxurious. The attendees all dressed to the nines and in all their finest fabrics. You can’t complain too much as you’re dressed as nicely in a floor length silky gown that has a high slit giving you access to the gun strapped to your thigh. Sticking to the edges of the party you keep to yourself not wanting to draw too much attention. You can feel eyes on you and the earpiece crackles softly in your ear. Just then a body steps in your path and you look up to stare confused at Mitch. He's smirking softly at you as he holds his hand out palm facing upwards. "May I have this dance?" He asks politely and suddenly the earpiece crackles to life. "Stay on task Delta One!" You bite your lip as your eyes dart up to Mitch's. He's grinning now at you still waiting for your response. Placing your hand in his you watch as his eyes sparkle with mischief. "Target's on my left over my shoulder." "Got him." You respond as Mitch pulls you closely into his body and begins swaying to the soft music. You focus on the target as Mitch moves you about the dance floor effortlessly. "Had to get you in my arms sometime tonight. Especially with that dress on you." Mitch says heatedly as he steps even closer to you. You smirk softly and shake your head slightly. "Stay on task sweetheart. Later you can help me take the dress off." You tease and watch as his eyes darken at the thought of undressing you.
Marcus - The annual Christmas is well underway and you lean against the wall watching in awe as your fellow teammates continue to drink themselves into oblivion. You've been nursing the same beer for at least an hour. You didn't want to potentially embarrass yourself by getting drunk. Especially since your team leader Marcus Pike was here. He had shown up with his on again off again flame Teresa Lisbon for the party and when you had seen them walk in your heart had shattered. He had come straight to you and introduced you to Teresa yet again. You had been polite and said hello but once pleasantries were given you had left the little group and avoided him at all costs. Your heart was still bleeding after seeing him show up with her. "You're awfully quiet tonight." Came the smooth voice that you had wanted to stay away from all night. Turning your head to the side you spotted Marcus leaning against the wall next to you. Shrugging you took a swing of your beer. "Anything I could do to lift your spirits?" He asked with a hopeful smile. "Nope, think I'm gonna head out." You responded as you pushed off the wall to go throw out your bottle. "Hey." He said softly, trying once again to find out what was wrong. "I'm fine Pike. Go ask your girlfriend to dance." You spat out bitterly as you walked away not bothering to look back and see the shocked face of your team leader as he quickly put the pieces together.
Francisco - The music played softly around the two of you as Frankie guided you a relaxed dance. You smiled softly as you rested your head against his chest with your arms slung low around his hips. His head was resting atop your hair and you could feel his breath ghosting against the strands of your hair softly. The wedding had been beautiful and Pope had looked so handsome standing up at the altar with his bride next to him proclaiming his love. “It was a nice wedding wasn’t it?” Frankie asked quietly and you nodded against him burying your face in his chest. “Yes it was a beautiful wedding. Thanks for bringing me along as your date.” you replied. “No one else I’d rather bring.” he said truthfully as you pulled away to smile warmly up at him. “Do you ever see yourself getting married?” he asked curiously as he looked down at you. You felt your heart beat hopefully in your chest at his question. You had always loved Frankie ever since you met him when you were kids. There was just something about him that had drawn you to him and to stick by his side throughout the years. You had always hoped that eventually he’d get the hints you threw his way but he never had so you had just contented yourself with being his friend. “Mija?” he asked softly. You blinked your eyes for a moment shaking your head softly. “Sorry got lost for a moment.” you responded. “Actually no, I’ve never thought marriage was in the cards for me.” “Why not?” he asked with a soft frown. “The one I had hoped for just never showed an interest.” you answered with a shrug before your lips pulled up into a grimace. “He’s a fool.” Frankie said firmly. “You’re a catch mija.” You laughed ironically at his words and shook your head. “Who is he? Maybe I can talk some sense into him.” he suggested and you laughed before shaking your head again. “You’d be talking to a mirror than Frankie.” you blurted out and once your mind caught up to what you said your eyes widened and darted up to to see his own wide eyes. You tried to quickly pull away but Frankie’s arms held you tightly against him as he gazed down at you searching your eyes. “Verdad mija?” he asked softly and you nodded your head. “I am a fool then for not seeing it sooner.” he said softly as he leant down towards you. “I’m so sorry mija, I could’ve saved us both from heartache years ago.” And it was your turn to stare at him as his words filter into your brain. Frankie nodded his head and pressed his lips softly to yours. You sucked in air through your nose and gripped him tightly. Better late than never, you supposed.
Stiles - The gymnasium was filled with students as strobe lights flashed and bounced around the walls. You smiled widely at your friend as the two of you walked into the dance. It was the Winter Formal and you were excited to finally be able to let loose after the semester you had had. Werewolves were now a thing in your life and after being bitten by Derek Hale you had joined his pack reluctantly. You hadn’t asked for the bite and he had given it to you after your parents had had a horrible car accident that had left you on the verge of death. Your eyes peered around the room as you silently looked for the one person you were hoping to see. While you hadn’t asked for the bite you were thankful for the people the bite had brought into your life. More specifically one awkward spastic young man, Stiles Stilinski. You continued to look around the room until you were able to latch onto his scent and your eyes quickly followed to where he was. When your eyes landed on him you could feel the despair coming up to suffocate you. He stood swaying on the dance floor with Lydia Martin in his arms. You halted in your steps and let go of your friend’s arm allowing her to continue on into the dance. You watched silently as Stiles turned Lydia slowly in a circle until he was facing you and his eyes caught yours over her shoulder. His eyes widened as he spotted you standing there and you could hear his soft gulp. Gritting your teeth in anger you spun on your heels and stalked out of the gym not bothering to stop as you heard him calling your name. You managed to make it out of the school and into the cool night air before he caught up to you. “Wait please!” he called as he stopped a few steps from you. Turning your head over your shoulder you didn’t bother turning around to face him. “She just wanted to dance, I swear. It’s not like that. I don’t have feelings for her.” he tried to explain. Your heart thudded heavily in your chest as you heard his heartbeat pick up as he spoke, he was lying. “You know I’ve gotten better at listening to heartbeats.” you said sarcastically and heard his heartbeat pick up again in his chest. “So I know you’re lying.” You shook your head in disappointment. “I hope you’re happy with her Stiles.” you said softly before you walked away from the confused young man and into the dark night. 
Tequila - You smiled softly as Tequila as he parked his truck on the edge of a field of wild flowers. You watched curiously as he turned off the engine and quickly got out of the truck. The sun was just starting it’s descent in the sky and the colors were turning from a bright orange to a soft pink and purple. Tequila came around the truck and placed an old radio on the hood. Turning it on he found a radio station he liked and turned up the volume as it played a slow country song. You then watched as he made a beeline for your door and opened it easily holding his hand out to you. "May I have this dance honey?" He asked sweetly and you gasped at the romantic gesture he was presenting to you. "Why I'd be honored." You said around a soft gasp. He grinned at you before helping you out of truck. Pulling you to stand in front of the radio he tugged you close into his body and began dancing with you in a circle twirling you around under his arm. Your laughter rang out into the quiet evening and you felt your heart beat an extra beat just for this romantic silly man you got to call yours.
Whiskey - You grinned as you heard the soft crooning voice of your husband singing a soft country song. Slipping from the bed you silently walked through the house and his voice got louder the closer you got to the kitchen. Coming to stand in the doorway of the kitchen you smiled as you crossed your arms and leaned against the door jam. There he stood in front of the stove singing softly along with the song on the radio as he stirred the eggs in the hot pan in nothing but a pair of unbuttoned worn blue jeans. Your smile widened as you watched him start to sway his hips to the chorus and you couldn’t help the soft chuckle that fell from your lips as his feet started to move. When he heard your soft laughter he whirled around with a grin on his face as he spotted you. “May I have this dance?” you asked, teasing him with a wide grin on your face as you stepped closer to him. His bright happy chuckle made your heart soar as he grabbed onto your hand and tugged you close into his body while his other hand came to wrap around your side and his hand lay flat in the middle of your back. “Sweetheart you can have all of my dances.” he said warmly as he leant down and pressed a passionate soft kiss to your lips swaying you to the music on the radio.
Raymond - You quickly walked up the steps to the dance studio after waving at Bunny who sat in the black SUV parked at the curb. He saluted you with a bright smile and you ducked into the building. Removing your coat you hung it on the hook by the door. Your hands slid down your dress smoothing it out as you stepped hurriedly down the hall and into the large dance room with tall mirrors alongside one wall. You stopped once you saw the dark colored coat clad back of the man standing in the middle of the room. “I’m so sorry I’m late. My work took much longer than anticipated. I hope you haven’t been waiting long.” you said in apology as you took a step closer to the man. You watched as he slowly turned and your eyes widened as you recognized the man who stood before you. “Haven’t been waitin’ long love. Just got done myself.” he said smirking softly at you. “Raymond? But I thought I was going to have dance lessons.” you said confused. “You are love. It’s going to be with me.” he said knowingly as he began to remove his outer coat. You tilted your head to the side in confusion as you watched him fold his coat and lay it on a chair against the wall. “Rosalyn felt that since we would be the two attending the gala it would be best to have dance lessons together.” he said in explanation. “You know how to dance though.” you blurted out and watched as Ray looked at you with a raised eyebrow. “And how do you know that love?” he asked softly as he stepped closer to you. You felt the blush heat your skin as he stepped up into your space, his arms coming out to hold out at his sides. “C’mon then love, tell me how you know that.” he challenged you softly and you watched him silently as he stepped another step closer. “Bunny told me.” you said softly as you gazed up at him lifting your chin in defiance at his challenging manner. Your knees were shaking in the face of his deadly presence. You knew he was a dangerous man, he had to be as the right hand man of Mickey Pearson. “Fuckin’ Bunny.” he said softly and you ducked your head to hide your grin. “So it’s true then?” you asked him softly avoiding his eyes. “Never you mind.” he said dismissively and you grinned before you set your hand in his outstretched one and your hand landed softly on his shoulder. “Teach me to dance Raymond.” you said as you stepped into his arms. Ray looked down at you and you saw something flash in his eyes before a slow smirk pulled across his lips.
Forrest - The air felt charged in the large barn as everyone mingled and laughed. The church group was playing a lively song and people were cheering as they danced along the floor. You smiled softly as you watched them dance and felt your heart clench in your chest with want. Just then you saw movement out of the corner of your eye and when you turned your head you couldn’t stop the smile from forming on your lips. Jack, Howard and Forrest Bondurant had finally come to join the gathering. Your eyes trailed over to where Forrest leaned against the post and tilted his hat so that it covered part of his eyes. When your eyes moved to Howard who leaned against the stairs behind Forrest you rolled your eyes at him as he wiggled his eyebrows at you and his salacious smirk was directed at you. Jack sat on the stairs with a crate of their famous moonshine and tipped his hat to you while you smiled and nodded your head back at him. Walking purposely over to the three brothers you watched as Howard’s smirk grew even wider on his face and Jack grinned delighted at your advancement towards them. But the attention of the one Bondurant brother that you wanted to catch didn’t seem to happen as you stepped over to the men. “Evenin’ boys.” you said warmly and nodded your head. “Evenin’ sweetheart, how’ve you been?” Howard asked kindly and you responded politely before darting over your eyes to Forrest who was still leaned up against the post watching the gathering. Pulling up your stature you stared determined at the middle brother and gathered your courage. “Hey Forrest.” you said softly and stepped closer to his side, his eyes darted over to you and he grunted softly in greeting. “Would you like to dance?” you asked softly. “I don’t dance.” he responded gruffly and you felt the confidence you had just gathered quickly leave you. “Oh, alright.” you said dejectedly in a soft tone. And before you turned to leave Howard spoke up. “But Forrest the lady is asking you to dance.” he said trying to ease your bruised pride and while you were grateful you’d rather he wouldn’t. “I don’t dance.” Forrest repeated still in that gruff tone. You shook your head at Howard and quickly left the brothers not wanting your poor little aching heart to break any more. “You’re an idiot Forrest Bondurant.” Howard said fiercely as he glared at his younger brother. “What are you talkin’ ‘bout Howard?” Forrest asked in a grunt and Howard shook his head. “That poor girl was asking you to dance because for some reason that I can’t fathom she’s sweet on you.” Howard said sternly. Forrest furrowed his brows as his eyes darted over to your retreating figure as you left the barn to walk outside. “I don’t dance.” Forrest said in a grunt again and Howard shook his head. “You’re a fool then.” Howard said angrily and Forrest sighed silently knowing Howard was right.
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thiamlife · 7 years
Thiam Week Day 3: Games
**NOTE** This is a continuation from Day 2 which can be found on my page
**NOTE 2** This story will continue on day 4 because I’m all about the slow burn that turns into an all out fire 😈
Liam nodded his head up and down at Theo’s question. He had never wanted to play a game more in his life. Well maybe except for a few lacrosse games but this definitely topped those. Theo was still pinning his hands against the wall and flicking his eyes between Liam’s lips and back up to his glowing eyes. Liam was ready for Theo’s next move and was unpleasantly surprised when he dropped his hands and took a step back from him.
“Go shower. You stink and the smell of your blood is going to drive me insane.” Theo said unapologetically. Liam stayed against the wall not believing that Theo was able to just step away from him like that AGAIN. Get a grip on yourself, it’s just a game to him. Closing his eyes, he thought of his mantra to get his eyes to change back. Once he knew he was in control again he pushed off the wall and stomped his way into the bathroom slamming the door. He heard Theo chuckling from the other room and flipped him off through the wall.
After throwing his dirty clothes on to the already large pile in the corner, he turned the water on to hot and climbed in. He watched as the water at the bottom of the tub went from clear to a dark pink and then back to clear once all the blood was gone. Picking up the bottle of soap he poured some on his head and some down his chest as he began to scrub everywhere. As his fingers ran through his hair, his thumb accidentally touched the spot on his neck that Theo had found in the alley sending a zing of excitement through him.
Liam jerked in surprise at the feeling and wanted to do it again just to make sure he wasn’t imaging it. The second time he had to slap his hand against the wall to keep his knees from buckling. The thought of Theo licking, sucking, and biting him there was too much. Breathing heavily, he decided to try it one last time because why the hell not. His fingers brushed over it and he opened his mouth to let out a sigh as the feeling rushed over him again.
His eyes snapped open at the sound of a growl coming from his bedroom. It was a warning, Theo could smell him and had heard his heartbeat increase. Asshole. He growled back which was his way of saying piss off. Turning the shower off and stepping out to find that his towel was in the dirty pile wasn’t a shock. God he wished he had taken his mom up on her offer to do laundry before she left.
He listened as he heard his bedroom door open, footsteps going down the stairs, and the front door open and close. Great he left. He shook his head at himself in the mirror. What did he expect? Theo never stuck around. It was just like him to take off whenever it suited him. Now that he didn’t need to cover up, he walked in to his room and grabbed a pair of boxers out of his drawer. He was bending over to pull them up his legs when he heard Theo gasp. Falling forward a bit and knocking his head on the wood dresser he swore.
“Jesus make a sound or something would you!? I thought you left.” He exclaimed with embarrassment flooding his cheeks.
Theo kept moving towards the bathroom and said “I did, you just need to listen better.” Liam was left standing in his room with pink cheeks and a large bump on his head. A few seconds later the shower was turning on and the smell of Theo’s soap was his hitting nose. He took a deep breath in and remembered how it smelled the first time when he was in the woods with Stiles. It was spicy and yet earthy, like fresh woodchips and cloves. It smelled like Fall in a bottle and it smelled so good.
He was reaching for a shirt when Theo came out of the bathroom in nothing but his boxers so he decided against it. He was so completely distracted by the sight and scent of him that he failed to noticed the trickle of blood leaking from his side on the first and second pass of checking out his toned body.
When he did notice it he double took and immediate concern flooded through him. He should have healed by now.  Walking up to Theo he grabbed his arm and yanked it away from his body to get a better look at the four holes on his side that his claws had left in the alley.
“Ow…” Theo said dryly at the force with which Liam grabbed his arm and then pushed his hands away stepping around him.
“Why aren’t you healing?” Liam’s voice came out more aggressive than he intended.
“One of the hunters put wolfs bane in my drink so my healing is a little delayed.” Liam frowned and was about to ask more questions when Theo took his left hand and examined each finger carefully.
“They were done healing after I tackled you.” He said because he knew that’s what Theo was looking for. Theo nodded, dropped his hand, and walked to other side of the bed and started pulling back the blankets. Uhhh what the hell. He figured Theo would sleep on the couch or the floor… He didn’t know if he could take him being so close all night. It may be a fun game to Theo but for him Liam couldn’t seem to control his feelings towards the chimera.
“What are you doing?” He questioned, “that’s my bed.”
Theo looked up from separating the blankets and nodded. “I figured as much considering it’s in your room.” There was a twinkle in his eyes that told Liam he was laughing at him.
“And who said you could sleep in my bed?” He said as he started moving towards his side.
Yeah no way in hell was he sleeping on the floor, he’d rather sleep in his truck.
“You invited me to sleep in your house instead of my truck. There’s no way I’m sleeping on the cold floor when there’s a perfectly good bed right here.”
Dumbass Theo thought to himself. He was glad he went out to his truck to grab his soap though. He wouldn’t have been able to make it through the whole night if he was sleeping next to Liam in his bed that smelled entirely of him. He needed something to ground him, to keep him focused especially after seeing his ass. His little slip in the alley and when Liam had been smelling him was not good. He was Theo fucking Raeken and he wasn’t supposed to show any emotions let alone let his control go unchecked 
“There’s a pretty comfy couch downstairs…” Liam trailed off as Theo gave him one of the nastiest looks.
“You’re welcome to go sleep on the couch if you want, I’ll be up here if you need me.” He responded while laying down and turning on his side to face away from Liam. He listened as Liam muttered under his breath calling him an asshole. Sighing “Quiet down would you, I’m trying to sleep.”
He felt Liam flop angrily into bed and tensed as he felt his leg brush against his. How Liam slept on a twin bed he had no idea. He was the kind of guy that liked a king size mattress so you could spread all the way out, not that his truck provided that, and he never liked to run out of blankets. Exactly how he did when Liam pulled the comforter leaving him only half covered.
He knew that laying so close to Liam would make it hard for him to sleep. Luckily, Liam didn’t seem to have the same problem as he was out in under 4 minutes. Impressive really Theo thought to himself. So he just laid there breathing in Liam’s clean crisp scent putting off the sister waiting for him when he closed his eyes. Two hours later and Theo was just on the edge of sleep when Liam rolled over and caged him in. Liam’s arm was across his chest and one leg was thrown over him making him freeze in place.
He could feel Liam’s nose in the crook of his neck and the soft tickle of breath going in and out. Liam’s arm trailed down his chest finding its spot on his stomach making Theo quiver as goosebumps formed across his flesh. He could feel his heartrate pick up and tried to take deep breaths to slow it back down but the only thing that came through his nostrils was Liam. His scent was everywhere and it was starting to make Theo crazy.
Theo gulped and went to move Liam’s hand up and away from the very sensitive area on his stomach when Liam let out a very sleepy moan/growl right by his ear. Theo couldn’t help but start panting at this point and Liam must have noticed the shift in breathing because he started to wake up.
Liam pulled him in closer and groggily asked “What’s wrong?” Theo couldn’t answer. He wasn’t sure what would come out of his mouth but he was pretty sure it wouldn’t be English. Liam detangled himself and Theo couldn’t help but feel a loss from the baby wolf now that he was no longer wrapped up by him. Liam grabbed his jaw and pulled it towards his face so could look into Theo’s eyes. “What’s wrong.” He pushed harder with his voice. Theo closed his eyes before turning the rest of the way.
“Nothing.” He replied with a barely this whisper. “Go back to sleep. 
“Why won’t you look at me.” Liam pushed again.
“What is this the Spanish inquisition? Go back to sleep Liam.” Trying to sound annoyed but it came off as desperate.
“One that doesn’t even make sense, the Spanish inquisition was about religion. Two, I just want to know why your heart is beating like crazy and why you won’t look at me… then I’ll go back to sleep.” Leave it to Liam to actually bring up the history behind a saying he thought as he rolled his eyes behind his closed eyelids. Liam griped his jaw harder “Eyes. Now.” Theo pushed his eyes open showing Liam two bright yellow rings in the darkness. He went to turn away but Liam held him still.
“I don’t smell any anger, fear, or pain. So what’s with the eyes Theo.” Liam and his fucking questions did he ever just shut up. Theo was already riled up from Liam’s fingers dragging across his body and that hot sleepy growl that happened right in his ear. The last thing he needed was for Liam to go pushing more buttons in his already fucked up control room.
“Always so chatty. Guess I’ll have to try something else.” Theo could feel the smile in Liam’s voice even though he wasn’t looking at him. And that’s when he felt it. Liam started to run a single finger over his jaw and down his throat. Without knowing what he was doing Theo pushed his chin up and out to give Liam better access. The fingers continued to trace their way across his collar bone and down in between his pecs.
Theo was about to grab Liam’s hand to get him to stop when he felt claws drag over his abs making him snarl. He felt Liam lean in and whisper “So the eye change counts as one point and I’m gonna go with two points for the growl. Looks like its 3-1 in my favor.” Theo turned his head to look at Liam. It was a game, Liam was playing the stupid game he started and now he was screwed. He’d be damned if he let his baby wolf take control like that.
Liam loved the reaction he got more than he probably should. It finally showed him that Theo wasn’t a marble statue with zero emotion. He felt what Liam felt when they were around each other: Desire. And Liam wasn’t about to let him forget it as easily as the other times. He gently bit his earlobe while his mouth was still so close to it. Before he knew it he was on his back and the chimera was on top of him.
“Moment of weakness, it won’t happen again.” Theo smirked at him but his yellow eyes told Liam a different story.
“I don’t know Theo; you might just get beat this ti- shit!” Theo went right for the spot on his neck. His warm breath caressing it right before his tongue swiped against it.  Liam’s claws dug into Theo’s arms at his sides.
“Claws broke skin… I’d say that’s at least 3 points.” Theo said deeply before he flicked his tongue over the spot again and giving it a quick nip with his teeth causing Liam to gasp. He grabbed Liam’s jaw and turned his head to the side so he could give the other side of his neck some attention, quickly figuring out that it wasn’t as sensitive as Liam’s spot.
Liam removed his claws from Theo’s arms and lazily dragged them down his chest and stomach making Theo twitch and pause his attack on Liam’s neck. Theo stayed utterly still when Liam reach the line of his boxers and dipped one clawed finger in tracing the V of his muscles. Time seemed to freeze and before he knew it the scent of blood hit the air as Theo bit down on his shoulder.  It didn’t hurt at all, it actually kind of felt good. Liam pulled his finger back out and moved his hands to sweep up Theo’s back and in to his hair at the nape of his neck.
“Teeth broke skin… I’d say THAT’S at least 3 points,” Liam mimicked him, “seems you found my spot and I found yours…” He trailed off as Theo licked the spot he bit and slowly moved his mouth to Liam’s lips lightly brushing them together. Liam extended his neck silently asking for more contact but Theo pulled back slightly teasing him.
Annoyed that Theo wasn’t giving in fully he decided to provoke the hot chimera on top of him. “You’re still losing at your own game Theo, it’s 6-4 I believe.”
He barely finished the taunt when Theo’s lips crashed down on his demanding they open for him. Liam held out as long as he could until Theo growled at him and nipped his lower lip making him open his mouth on a gasp. Theo took advantage of the opening and slid his tongue right in swirling it around. He ended the kiss by sucking Liam’s bottom lip in between his and releasing it with a pop.
Smirking down at him, Theo took a deep breath in and exhaled with the words, “You’re playing with fire baby wolf, be careful.” He gave him a soft peck on the lips and then turned Liam to his side and wrapped him up in his arms so that Theo was the big spoon.
Liam was about to open his mouth to speak when Theo covered it with his hand and whispered “Sleep.” In his ear. Liam huffed and closed his eyes. If Theo thought he won the game he was sorely mistaken. He was gonna have to step it up a notch he thought to himself as he nodded with finality right before drifting off to sleep in the warm embrace Theo had him in.
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You’re A What
Sunshine Take A Sunshine I had no idea what time it was but I was glad it was Saturday. My limbs were somehow entangled with those of Stiles.  I have never slept with a boy before, not in a sexual way and definitely not in a spooning sense.  This was whole experience was strange, because when we finally fell asleep I remembered laying on my side with my back facing his front.  Now my head is on his chest, with his right arm draped on my side holding me tightly against him. Flashes of last night crawled back into my mind, calling him, him showing up on my doorstep. Him demanding me to open up to him, not taking no as a valid answer, making my walls crumble faster than I could rebuild them. I’ve only really known him for what, a week? Now he’s sleeping in my bed? I couldn’t believe how weak I’ve become recently, how I broke my vow of never letting someone get close to me in a matter of minutes due to a certain boy. It’s completely ridiculous! How did he snake his way through the defenses I thought were strong? I heard a groan coming from the boy next to me , making my breath hitch, “Stop it. I can practically hear your brain over analyzing everything. Relax and go back to sleep.” he said casually, sleep still thick in his voice, making it sound husky and deep. It in all honesty sent a shiver down my spine, I released the breath that had caught in my throat and I peered up at him wide eyed, how did he know I was over analyzing everything? He cracked open his eyes gazing back at me lazily. “I’m just that good, Sunshine,” was all he said before closing his eyes once again.  I didn't dare move and after a few minutes his eyes flew open asking what time it was while sitting up and grabbing his phone. He had missed calls from Scott and Lydia and a bunch of texts as well, he hurriedly dialed Scott.  I sat up rubbing my eyes and checking my phone to see a few calls from my mom and dad. They were probably worried that I hadn’t picked up even though it was noon.  After a few rings Scott picked up and practically yelled at Stiles saying he was worried about him and asking him where he’d gone. “Scott calm down, I’m fine alright… I couldn’t sleep… yes I know what’s out there… I’m not a freaking idiot Scott. No… yeah okay I’ll meet you there in say like half an hour…yes I’m with her. Okay, bye." During the call he glanced at me a few times and he groaned a lot to whatever it was that Scott was saying. He pulled the blankets off of him standing up and stretching. He sat down slowly putting on his shoes, when finished he looked at me and smiled apologetically. "I uh, have to go, Scott and Lydia need my help with some things. I really don’t want to leave especially when we still have a lot to talk about but this other thing is kind of important,” he paused realizing what he said then panicked, “Not that what is going on with you isn’t important-” I put my hand on his instinctually then I realized what I had done and ripped my hand away. “It’s okay, if you have to go,  I understand.” I smiled, I already knew that he’d have to leave once he called Scott. I stood up  making my way out of my room and downstairs to my front door with Stiles trailing behind me quietly. I unlocked the door opening it slowly stepping to the side so I wasn’t in the way. Stiles turned to me looking hesitant, “I’ll call you when I get a chance? You’ll be okay right?” I rolled my eyes and nodded, he seemed to feel like that was all the  reassurance he needed to walk out to his car. He got into his car, waving to me as he backed out of my driveway. I stood in the doorway for a few minutes after he left, in a daze, that is until I remembered I had to call my parents back. I closed the door, running up to my room and grabbed my phone. I quickly dialed my mom’s number and pressed the call button, it rang three times and she answered the phone angrily. “Why haven’t you answered your phone young lady,” her accent was thick because she was so pissed, I winced. “I didn’t wake up till now so I didn’t hear my phone. I’m sorry, I was so tired that as soon as I got home I passed out, then I woke up around one and I fell asleep again till now.” It wasn’t totally a lot of it was true, I just edited out the fact that Stiles came over. “Okay, did you sleep well at least?” She asked not as mad as she was a second ago. “Yeah, I actually slept really well, I feel a lot better today.” I acknowledged truthfully, images of being entangled with the idiot named Stiles. “Well I’m glad you’re feeling better, make sure you eat something that isn’t only Ramen. You need real food that’ll make you feel better. Be sure to rest and do your homework,” I rolled my eyes with a smile, she continued, “I told your dad to put money  in your account for gas and food so don’t go to crazy but have fun for once. You’re too young to be a recluse all the time.” She finished and I laughed at her comments of being a recluse. “I’ll have you know I kind of made a friend.” I retorted with sass. “Is this person real or is it someone that’s a fictional character?” She asked seriously. I face palmed laughing. “Mom, he’s real, I mean I think he is. His name is Stiles Stilinski, the Sheriffs kid.  He kind of just plopped down at my table in the library one day and kept bothering me and wanting to know more about me. I just kept blowing him off then yesterday, I saw Lynn, she was her usual rude self trying to bring me down, I of course stood up to her but she just kept going and then all of a sudden Stiles comes to the rescue, throwing some insults while grabbing my hand and led me away. Yesterday was kind of insane mom, and for the first time I don’t mind having someone around. It scares me,” I finished with a sigh. My  mom was silent for a while then she spoke, “Wow, so he stood up for you in front of that girl? I’m glad your made a friend mija, God knows you need one,” she chuckled lightly, “I think he’ll be a good friend for you, and his dad is the sheriff so now I know you’ll be safe while we’re away. Don’t be scared, it’s normal to be nervous or apprehensive when you make a new friend,” she finished. “Mom that’s not what I’m scared of, I’m scared that he’s slipping his way passed all the walls that I’ve created and that’s scary. I feel myself wanting to trust him, but the part of me that is scared feels like I’m just going to be let down again.” I expressed. “You know you can’t live your life like that anymore right? How am I supposed to have grandchildren when you won’t even get to know someone, I can’t die without having grandchildren Y/N!” My mouth was hanging open. “Well that escalated quickly.” That was all I could say, not sure how to follow the rant she went on. “Yeah and it’s going to escalate even more quickly  if you don’t stop trying to close yourself off from people because of fear. People sometimes hurt us but that’s life and that’s how we grow.” My mom responded. “You’re right, ” I sighed, knowing I was not going to win because she was right. “I know I’m right sweetie, mommy has to go now but remember to check in every so often and I’ll let your dad know that I talked to you,” She paused, then continued, “Please be careful out there, especially at night Y/N, it’s not the safest time to be out and about. Don’t forget to cleanse the house this week,” I mumbled a quiet okay and hung up. The day went on in a lazy haze, I made myself breakfast which consisted of scrambled eggs and some bacon. I watched some TV for a while, then I gathered motivation to work on my homework. I still hadn’t heard from Stiles, not that I was paying attention or checking my phone every so often or anything.  When my homework was done I was tried of being at home so I decided to put on clothes and go for a drive, I looked at the time and it was around six o'clock in the evening. I put on a pair of leggings, some cute black ankle boots, a plain grey shirt with a black and grey flannel wrapped around my waist. I pulled my hair into a pony tail and put in some dangling earrings. I have to admit I looked pretty nice, it was an improvement from the big shirt and shorts I’d worn all day. I grabbed my bag, keys and phone as I walked out the door and getting to my car. My car roared to life, I plugged my phone and pressed play to the playlist I still hadn’t fully listened to. I didn’t even know what was playing but it had a nice beat so I turned up the volume, I rolled down the window and backed up out of my driving, I had no idea where I was going to go. All I knew was that I wanted to feel the cool air and drive around for a while to clear my head. Before I knew where I was going I ended up at the look out point, where you can see all of Beacon Hills county. The lights and the clear night sky looked beautiful, so I put my car in park but left it on so I could listen to music, and got out stretching my legs. I took a deep breath and sat on the hood of my jeep. The stars looked perfect as they shined, the only light apart from the full moon that made the sky seem not as dark. Maybe that’s all it takes, one glimpse of light to calm the overwhelming darkness and make it seem less dreary. I had never been terrified of the dark, in some ways it comforted me, but when I heard a howl break through the vibrations of beats coming out of my car I hopped off my car turning the music off, so I could listen. Then another howl erupted breaking the second of silence that had passed. It was almost as if the howls were communication, it was strange because wolves haven’t been in Beacon Hills for a long time. I didn’t feel like I was in danger oddly enough though, it was more like I knew deep down that I’d be safe. After a while of not hearing anything, I went back to sitting on the hood of my car. I had zoned into a trance of sort, not thinking about anything, just staring out into the distance. My trance was broken however by the sound of a loud growl coming from my right side, I looked to the right gazing into the grim looking woods. I heard the growl  again and I could have sworn I saw a pair of dark eyes with a pale face staring back at me, I then saw a flash of red and then all four eyes were gone. I was frozen, what did I just see? I jumped when I heard my phone ring a few minutes later, I jumped off the hood and got in my jeep answering my phone. “Hello?” I didn’t look at the caller I. D. “Uh, hey, it’s Stiles. I was wondering if you were home.” I was surprised to hear his voice but I couldn’t look away from the woods. “Huh, what was that? I didn’t hear what you said.” I mumbled distractedly. I had an inkling to go and search for whatever I had seen just then but I also didn’t want to be the dumb person that goes after the strange thing in the woods and who turns up dead the next day. I couldn’t do that to my mom, she would die if I didn’t give her the grandchildren she so wanted. I could smell something that smelt familiar but I couldn’t put my finger on what it was. “Are you home right now? Are you okay?” He asked, concern laced with his husky voice. “Um, no I’m not actually. I'm at the look out point, I decided to get out of the house but I swear I had just seen-” I gazed intently trying to see if I’d see those blood red eyes again. “What did you see? Its not safe to be out this time of night Sunshine,” He asked nervously almost as if he had knew what the answer was. “Hmm? Um nothing never mind. I think I’m imagining things. You’re right, I should probably head home anyways. Was there anything uh, you needed?” I spoke still in daze but I was trying to snap out of it. “Well I was at about to head home from being out and I wanted to watch Star Wars,” Stiles said slowly, I mumbled and uh-huh with butterflies roaming around in my stomach, then he continued, “Well I was wondering if you wanted to come watch it with me? You don’t have to, its not an obligation or anything, I just wanted to pass an invitation.” He stuttered, unlike the cocky façade he’s shown me in the past, which made me smile. I contemplated it for a little bit. “Hmm, well seeing as I have nothing better to do, sure I’ll come. Do you want me to bring anything, I could pick up some pizza on the way? Or Chinese?” I asked matter of factly but on the inside I was freaking out. “Um, I could go for some Chinese, if that’s okay.” He stuttered again, I got the feeling he didn’t expect me to actually say yes. “Sure, its no problem, what do you want? Or do you just want me to get like fried rice and chicken? Is it gonna just you and I?” I asked the nerves finally settling in. With a chuckle he replied, “It’s just you and me and get whatever, I’m not picky,” and suddenly his smug attitude was back. I mumbled a quick okay and hung up, I turned my car around and headed to the Chinese restaurant dialing the number as I drove back into the city. The line had begun ringing when I passed the animal clinic and I saw Stiles jeep  and Scott’s motor bike while Scott was carrying a guy in his arms. I slowed down and it was as if Scott knew I was driving by because he turned and looked in my direction, eyes glowing red, my eyes widened in shock. Those were the same red eyes I had seen in the woods next to the look out point.  I pulled the car over to the side of the road.  I didn’t even notice that someone had answered my call saying hello, waiting for me to respond. I quickly hung up and stared at the steering wheel, my mind going blank. What should I do? Should I just act like I didn’t see anything and go to Stiles’s house? Or go to the Animal  Clinic and go there and face whatever that was?  It didn’t look as if Stiles would be home any time soon, so why did he ask me to go to his house? Why did he lie?  I felt confused and I had this feeling that if I ignored the situation, it would come back around and kick me in the face, so naturally, I turned around and drove to the Animal Clinic. I pulled into the back and parked my jeep next to Stiles's jeep, the nerves were slowly eating at me as I nervously sat in my car while I decided if I was going to go through with this. I grabbed my keys, taking some courage from who knows where and I got out of the car. I made my way to the double doors I saw Scott and Stiles enter before, I took a deep breath, my hand on the door, I pulled it open quietly. I followed a dark hallway to another set of double doors that had a small window to peer in, I could see Scott and Stiles’ back in front of me, a guy laying on the table and a bald guy  examining the person on the table. Fear started to explode within me, I shouldn’t be here, I suddenly wanted to run back to my jeep and not look back. I could here their voices as they asked questions to this strange man standing in front of them. “What’s wrong with him?” Asked Scott. “ I don’t know. What happened to him?" Asked the bald man. "He just called me sounding urgent, I knew something was off. He told me to meet him in the woods, then tried to kill me. Suddenly collapsed in front of me, The weird thing is his eyes were black instead of yellow like it was before.” replied Scott. “He’s still a werewolf right? What does black eyes mean?” Asked Stiles. A werewolf ? Those aren’t real are they? I felt so confused. “I honestly don’t know what that means but if I have to guess, black eyes aren’t a good thing," answered the bald guy. "He hasn’t been back to Beacon Hills for almost a year right? I mean it’s been almost a year since-” Stiles cut himself off short, looking down sadly. I think they were referencing the girl who’s name was Alison, I heard that they got mugged and that’s how she died, I remember over hearing people gossip about it. I could see Scott take a deep breath and freeze. I found myself freezing as well, my breath got stuck in my throat. Did he know I was there? I was so scared. “Guys, I don’t think we’re alone,” stated Scott, he turned his head to the side like he was trying to hear for movement. “What do you mean? We’re the only ones here, Lydia is out with Malia,” questioned Stiles. Please don’t look behind you, I thought to myself or at least I thought  I said it in my head. Apparently I whispered it out loud and Scott turned around and saw me, stupid, stupid me .  I was frozen in place what was I supposed to do, I’d been caught. “I mean the girl standing behind that door right there. Come inside Y/N.” He pointed at me  and Stiles’s eyes widened when his gaze met mine. I slowly pushed the door open putting one foot in front of the other stumbling into the operation room. “I think I made a mistake, is this not the Chinese restaurant?” I tried to be as convincing as I could’ve been but I knew I’d failed when Scott gave me the you’re full of crap look. I sighed not looking at Stiles at all while shifting from foot to foot. “How much did you hear?” Asked Scott. “Um, pretty much the whole thing.” I deadpanned. “What do you mean the whole thing?” Asked Stiles, I could feel his eyes burning holes in my direction. “Uh, just that you don’t know what’s wrong with the guy on the table, who’s eyes were black.” I looked at Scott nervously. “She knows,” sighed Scott. “She knows what exactly?” I asked confused my eyebrows furrowed. “You saw me in the woods didn’t you? That was you wasn’t it? You know I’m a werewolf,” Scott pieced together. “You’re a what?” I asked my eyes widened, but Scott gave me a weird look like he didn’t believe me, “Look, I honestly don’t know what you are talking about, I didn’t see anything, honestly. If you want to believe you’re a werewolf you go ahead. I think I’ll just head home,” I started walking backwards but I was in too deep, I knew that from the moment I stepped out of my jeep. “You were supposed to meet me at my house? Why did you come here?” Questioned Stiles, breaking the silence which stopped me in my tracks. “I was on my way to get the food, when I noticed you guys carrying that guy,” I pointed at the unconscious dude and continued, “I don’t know, I got this feeling like I needed to turn around and come here. I’m not exactly proud to be here. Especially when your best friend thinks he’s a werewolf,” I spoke quietly. Scott looked back and forth between the bald guy and Stiles,  I think they were trying to decide what to do. “I can prove I’m a werewolf.” Scott sighed. In an instant his eyes glowed blood red for the third time tonight, his face changed into something that resembled an animal. Suddenly a smell surrounded me making me take a deep breath. “Does anyone smell that?” I looked around the room, re-entering the room more completely. The same smell from the woods flooding my senses. “What is it that you smell exactly?” Asked the bald man. “It smells a lot like the herbs that my mom and I burn every few months around the house,” I tried to remember what it was they burnt, when I did I continued, “It’s Sage, Myrrh and Sandalwood. There’s something else there and I’ve only smelt it once, I think its Brimstone powder. It’s subtle though, so I could be wrong,” I felt weird, almost like I was in a trance of some sort. “Why do you and your mom burn those herbs?” Inquired the bald man. “Uh, I don’t really know all too much, it’s just something that we’ve done for as long as I’ve been alive. I asked once though and all my nana said was that Sage purifies and protects, Sandalwood cleanses and Myrrh heals. That’s all she told me but once I was old enough to be apart of the process. Since my parents are almost always out of town and nana died a few years, I have to do it.” The bald man nodded slowly, clearly pensive. “The Brimstone powder is the weird thing though, my Nana said that if you smell Sulphur it means a hex or a possession has been placed. She said hex’s are the worst,  because most are irreversible. Possessions are a bit easier to take a way. If you smell the Brimstone powder it means someone tried to remove either the hex, possession or both.” I explained. “How do you know so much about this? Do you happen to be a descendant of witches?” Asked the bald man.  I could feel everyone’s eyes on me. “I’m not quite sure, what I do know is that my Nana was born in Louisiana. My great great grandfather was a medicine man and my great grandfather was a healer, so it was just something that was passed down through both my dad’s mother’s side and his dad’s side. When my dad married my mom, my Nana loved my mom so much that she taught her all the home remedies she knew to help protect the family,  the same went for me when I became of age. It isn’t something we talk about though or show others unless we trust them,” I replied quietly. “Do you trust us?” Stiles asked, I glanced at him while looking around the room. I mean to some extent I trusted Stiles, that much I knew but Scott and this bald guy I didn’t really know enough to trust. I then remembered when Scott was leading us out of class and I could sense this aura of authority and purity emanating from him. At the time I didn’t think much of it but now it arose a new question. If Scott is a werewolf who has authority does that make him an alpha? “Scott by chance are you an Alpha?” I asked shifting from foot to foot. “Yeah, I’m a true alpha. Why?” replied Scott. “I can’t say if I trust you guys ‘cause honestly I don’t really know you, but I have this feeling as if I’m supposed to help you.” I peeked up at everyone stopping when I was greeted with Stiles’s brown eyes. There was something unreadable about his expression and it sent a shiver down my spine. I looked up and remembered that I had all the same herbs at home, “If we want to make sure I was right, I have the herbs at home?” I suggested. Scott nodded, “Okay, well someone should stay with Isaac , while we go see if these herbs are the right ones.” “I’ll stay while you guys go, my name is Deaton by the way, I realized that we hadn’t formally met yet.” Deaton had his hand raised for me to shake. I walked closer to him and took his hand smiling as best as I could, “Pleasure to meet you, I’m Y/N.” I stated. Scott, Stiles and I walked out the doors, I  got into my car with Stiles sitting in the front with me, Scott said he wanted to take his bike and that he’d follow me. I tried not to focus on the glances Stiles would give me every five seconds. I pulled out of the parking lot, making my way home with an alpha werewolf trailing behind me and next to me is  this pale faced boy that was making me feel things I couldn’t comprehend. So I did the one thing I’m very skilled at, avoid eye contact  and conversation until I could sort out what I was feeling and where I stood around this boy and his friends. The ride to my house was awkwardly silent the whole way there. Finally, arriving I pulled into the drive way, parked my car and got out. Scott wasn’t too far behind but he was far enough that it was just Stiles and I walking to my front door. I unlocked the door nervously, when I opened the door Stiles grabbed my arm preventing me from going in. “I can see that you’re trying to crawl back into that hole inside your head where you don’t want to talk to me and you want to avoid me. Stop it, you can trust me, Scott and the pack. I know it’s comfortable there, familiar even, I know you’re scared about getting involved in whatever is going on, but we will protect you, I will protect you.” Stiles took a step closer to me making my breath get stuck in my throat. He knew what was happening inside my head without even having to say anything. I glimpsed up at this strange boy that never ceased to amaze me, his eyes were studying me and he opened as if he wanted to say something but then Scott had drove  up the driveway and was walking up to my door. Stiles released his hold on me while clearing his throat, I entered my house with Stiles and Scott trailing behind me. I led them down to my basement, turning on the light as I walked down the stairs. We had a special room that was used to store the herbs that were necessary for different remedies of sorts. I opened the door and turned on the light to see large shelves lining the walls with every herb someone could need. In the middle of the room there was a table, the table had a grinder and rope to bind the herbs. I walked to the sections where the herbs I had mentioned were. I grabbed them and handed them to Scott for him to smell, then walked over to where the Brimstone powder was and sniffed it. I was right, that was the powder I could smell even if it was faint. “You were right, this is the smell coming from Isaac. I can smell it clearly now,” confirmed Scott. “Yeah, I’m sure the faint smell was the Brimstone powder.” I confirmed. “Okay this is great and all but what do these herbs represent, why would Isaac smell like these herbs? How do we help him?” Stiles asked with furrowed brows. “Well the main focus of these herbs are to restore what once was and to protect the user from harm. These herbs aren’t the hardest to come across but they aren’t easy either, meaning someone went through some effort to help your friends. Brimstone is pretty hard to come by as well,  so whoever this was knew what they were doing. The real question is what happened to him before to warrant someone to gather these herbs? Why hasn’t it worked?” I responded. “Is there anyone you could ask about those herbs? To know more about their properties?” inquired Scott. “I could do some research but its gonna take some time. My mom will know a little bit about them but I don’t know what will come of asking her. I’ll call her in the morning, till then I’ll look online for some info.” I replied, taking a deep breath. “Okay, Stiles stay here and help her with the research, I’m gonna go back to the clinic and try to see if I can wake Isaac up. Maybe he can tell us what happened,” Scott started to walk out of the room but I stopped him, “Scott, wait take this with you and have Deaton burn some around the clinic, and put the brimstone powder around Isaac, if something negative is around, this will subdue it. He won’t able to leave the circle,” I handed him the Sage, Sandalwood and Myrrh that were already bound together and a little bag with the Brimstone. Scott nodded slowly and left,  leaving Stiles and I in the basement alone. I grabbed some more of the herbs quickly binding it  and making two sticks to burn, I handed one to Stiles then I went back to the shelves to look for Blueberries, Juniper berries and Rowan and Rowan berries. When I brought them back I placed the items in the grinder, I added a touch of water then started grinding the ingredients. “What are you doing?” Asked Stiles, he stepped closer to me peering over my shoulder. “These are berries that offer protection from hexes and everything pretty much. It’ll become a paste and when it’s ready we have to burn the herbs while walking throughout every room making sure we hit every corner of the rooms. Then with this paste I will rub it one each corner of the outer walls of the house. The herbs cleanse the inside and the berries protect the outside.” I defined, “Since we don’t know what is wrong with Isaac I don’t want to risk anything negative to follow us here. When we’re done we can start on research.” I mumbled shyly. “You are really are the most interesting girl I’ve ever met, this coming from a guy who dated the girl that was living in the woods.” He chuckled. “I’m just going to take that as a compliment.” I muttered sarcastically. “You should,” he smirked. When I was done I lit the two bundles  taking one for myself  and handing the second to Stiles. I showed him what to do starting in the herb room, then around the main room in the basement. We walked upstairs to the main floor, repeating the process in the front room, kitchen, living room and den. Then we made it upstairs to the bedrooms and the attic. After we had finished, we made our way outside.  I had Stiles hold the container holding the paste  in one hand so I could take two fingers and rub some of the paste on each outer wall. It took about an hour to cleanse the whole house, by the time we were done I was hungry and the bundles were reduced to ashes. Stiles and I walked into the kitchen in which I told him to set down the container that once held the berry paste and wash his hands. When he was done I followed suit, my stomach grumbled loudly. “A little hungry are we Sunshine?” Smirked Stiles, I rolled my eye a smile appearing on my face, “There it is, she smiled, ladies and gentlemen, she smiled.” Stiles joked, looking around as if there were a lot of people in the room. “You do realize that we’re the only ones here right dork?” I scoffed. “Wow Sunshine, what’s with the name calling?” Sniffled Stiles, he tried not to smile but failed miserably. “This is going to be a long night isn’t it?” I mumbled to myself, shaking my head. A/n: Hey Loves, I hope you enjoy this chapter! I’m sorry it has taken me so long to get this chapter out. I started school again but I’m trying to be consistent and update for you lovely people.  I love ya’ll :)
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sassysweetstories · 7 years
I Did This...
Request: “Since you want to do more LGBTQ related writing, I would like to request something were the reader was posed by the nogitsune and blames himself for Allision’s death. But Stiles tries to assure him it wasn’t his fault by giving him hugs and kisses and all that cute stuff❤️😊”
Ship: Male!Reader x Stiles Stilinski 
Warnings: fluff, blood, angst, nightmares, swearing, crying, cuddling, malexmale, etc. (If you have any problems with malexmale anything, lowkey gtf off my blog)
Notes: none of these gifs are mine, credit to owners. 
Your P.O.V
I wanted to fight back. I tried- at least I thought I did. My counter-part, the nogitsune within me, the beast that controlled me, stood a few feet away from my good friend Allison. “How ‘bout her?” He said, tauntingly, and the worst part, it was only directed towards me. Nobody else could ear me struggling from within my own meat-suit. It was weird, being controlled, I mean. You’re still there, mentally and physically present, but you have absolutely no control over your body or mind. I didn’t know how to fight him. Where would I even start? The nogitsune smirked, looking behind my pack, my family, that fought for their lives at one of his henchmen. An arrow at the ready. Directed at Allison. “NO! PLEASE! DON’T! I BEG OF YOU! HAVE MERCY ON HER! PLEASE!!” I cry out, desperately. 
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I’m on my knees, begging at my counter-part. He only smirks back at me before turning his gaze over to the events that are about to unfold. I yell, scream and thrash, at what, I do no know. All I know is that I’m tied down in chains in my own brain. I clawing at the light, some sort of hope, an escape. And then, it happens. Allison, my good friend since she moved to Beacon Hills, crumbled to the dirt floor. Blood drenching her dark attire. The light slowly leaving her beautiful eyes. Her limp body hits the dusty ground, with a loud thud that echoes throughout the chasm. I clutch my stomach, kneeling before I cry out in grief. “NOOOOO!” Scott ran to her, his first love and wrapped his calloused hands around her now cold form. My alter-ego stood over them, looming as he- we watched the events unfold. Scott, another one of my good friends, was holding his first love, the girl I killed. 
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He cried openly, but so did everyone else. I felt like I was suffocating, like I was being drowned. And the worst part is that I had all the air in the world. But I’ve never felt so broken, so torn, in all of my life. I was thrashing, screaming, kicking against my mental prison that withheld me from the world. “NO! STOP! ALLISON! I’M SO SORRY! PLEASE!!” My alter-ego had the pure audacity to snicker, especially at a time like this. Scott turned to him- us, growling. “You did this. You killed her.” His voice wasn’t his own, low and meaningfully aggressive. When Scott was mad- livid, he would get low, not like usual people. I took a step back, my alter-ego not moving. Almost like he was enjoying me suffer from within my own body. “You did this..” His voice continued to chant. At this point, I didn’t know who’s voice was saying what. Whomever it was, was saying it over and over in a taunting manor. I shook my head, crying out. “NO! NO! NO! NO!” 
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“(Y/N)!” I jolted awake, thrashing at the voice. “(Y/N)! STOP YOU’RE OKAY! IT WAS JUST A DREAM!” I peer up to see Stiles, his massive hands wrapped around my shaky, uneven wrists. Glancing down at my body, I noticed I was completely soaked in my own sweat, probably from the nightmare. My throat was dry from screaming, breathing uneasy, unsteady. “(Y/n), you’re okay. It was just a nightmare..” He said, this time, in a much softer tone. I was so mentally and physically exhausted that I hadn’t noticed Stiles pulling me closer to him. My right leg under my left, while the left spread out. The top half of my body pressed against Stiles shoulder. He wrapped his hands around my head and neck, rubbing his thumb up and down in a soothing manor. Surprisingly, it calms me down more than I thought it would. But not enough. 
“It’s all my fault..” I mumble, “It was a nightmare, but it doesn’t make it any less real because at the end of the day. It’s my fault.. I killed her.. I-I killed Allison.. I did this..” I cry out, tears drenching my face. Stiles wiped my tears away, shaking his head. “No, (Y/n). You fought as hard as you could. Nobody blames you for what happened. You didn’t kill Allison. Her blood is not on your hands. It’s on the nogitsune’s..” I shudder, unable to stop the tears as I cry harder into his shirt. He pulls me closer, kissing my head, repetitively. As my tears slow down, I pull away from Stiles, shaking my head. “I still remember that night. The night, I-I-” Stiles interjected, kindly, “The night the nogitsune-” I nodded, thankful that he changed the wording. “The night Allison-” I pause, not sure if I want to continue and then do. “That was the nightmare I was having.. I have been reliving that night over and over again.. No matter how hard I try, I can’t stop thinking about the look in Scott’s eyes.. The way the light left Allison.. I-” 
Without any sort of word play, Stiles knowingly wraps his arms around me. He adjusts us to a comfy position on my bed, letting me rest my head on his chest. “I’m sorry I woke you.. I wish the nightmares would just stop..” I say, sighing in exhaust. I force myself up and off the bed, missing Stiles’ warm almost immediately. He watches me from my bed, legs prompt up as he leans against the bedpost, listening intently. What I say next, shocks the both of us. “I did this.. it’s all my fault.. I should be the one that’s dead, not Allison..” My words startle Stiles and even myself. But that was the most non-filtered confession I’ve had in a long time. For some reason, I felt relieved to have finally said it. However, the did not settle well with Stiles. Before I new it, he got up from his position on my bed and walked over to me. No, not walked. He practically flashed over to my location in the room. When I dared to meet his gaze, it's fiery, wild with rage. But passionate, all the same. And then he does something I do not expect. He crashes his lips onto mine. Now, here's the thing. I'd always liked Stiles, and, for the longest time, I thought he was into Lydia. I thought he was strictly into girls, but that is obviously not the case. It takes me a second to realize the situation but it doesn't take me long to kiss back.
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His kiss was rough, not painfully so but enough pressure to show meaning. When he released me, he kissed me again before sighing. “(Y/n), don’t you dare say that. I can’t possibly live without you. I know this is selfish to say but, I miss Allison a lot. But the thought of losing you drives me crazy.. I’m barely holding up losing a friend like Allison. God, if I lost you, do you know what that’ll do to me?” I shake my head, wanting him to continue, and he does. “I’ll go out of my freaking mind. If I lost you- I’d- I wouldn’t be me. I wouldn’t be happy. Any sort of happy thought’s I had before, all of them had you in it. If I lost you, I’d be nothing, (Y/n)..” His tender voice broke my heart. All the barriers and bricks I laid, came crashing down. And I didn’t care. I was more than happy to open up to him. He laced his fingers with mine, pulling me over to the bed. Him sitting down first. The second he got comfortable, I worked around him, laying on his chest, still, with heavy thoughts. He pulled me closer, kissing my head, as if he somehow knew his words only went so far. Stiles took my shaky hands in his, whispering words of comfort. “I love you, (Y/n). It’s not your fault. You didn’t do this..” And before I knew it, I was out cold, feeling slightly lighter than before. 
(I hope you liked it!!) 
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Something Special
A Stiles Stilinski imagine
Resume: Lydia persuaded Y/N to buy a little something special that Stiles will not be able to resist. However, she’s not very confident when, in the evening, she decides to put the mysterious outfit on in order to please her boyfriend, which actually doesn’t need that much to be satisfied.
In which the reader wears a sexy outfit despite hating it for Stiles.
Pairing: Stiles x Reader
Word count: 1346
A/N: I always write to many words in imagines damn…
“Are you sure about that?” I sighed, nervous, the mysterious object still in my hands.
“Believe me, with that, he’ll never dare look at other girls.”
Sure of herself, my friend sent her ginger hair behind her shoulder, continuing to search among the articles of the shop we were in.
“I don’t think that’s my style …”
Indeed, it was not my style. And I didn’t think it was my boyfriend’s either. But Lydia seemed to believe it; since she was still saying that he would love it.
“No guy can resist that, Y / N. None on the planet,” she added, pinching her luscious lips before giving me a look that became desperate when she saw my facial expression.
“But …” I started before she cut me again, coming closer to put both hands firmly on my shoulders.
“Stop thinking. Stiles will love it, and it will be quite a surprise for him, especially seeing how you dress up every day … a total waste. ”
She winked and took the piece of clothes from my hands before walking towards the checkout with a walk that was both elegant and assured.
“I pay it, you have no choice!” Lydia flashed before giving me her most perverse smile that I knew.
For my part, I had to resolve myself. The red rose to my cheeks very quickly and I sighed loudly before following her, back bent, desperate. Stress was already beginning to make its way into my lower limbs, sending unpleasant tingling to my spine. I shuddered before trying the puppy eyes, my last weapon against the banshee.
“No, Y / N, you can’t make me change my mind. No, stop it. ”
Lydia handed her credit card to the cashier, and I grunted in frustration.
She had won.
Bad luck was definitely on my side, because that same day, on the evenning, I had to go to Stiles’ house to study chemistry. He had some difficulties, and as I was doing quite well in the subject, we had decided on a small study session twice a week.
The meeting time was at 19.
I was so stressed that I became confused. At 18:30, I was already in front of his house, glued to my seat, hands grabbing the steering wheel, not wanting to let go. I kept staring quickly and worriedly from his window to his front door. A stomach ache suddenly took me and cold sweat ran down my back.
That was the critical moment.
I was a little nervous every time I went to my boyfriend’s house. It was the first I had, and I was not used to letting myself go in the soft and comforting arms of the person I loved. I remembered the first time we kissed; I was so anxious and scared, afraid of not doing the right thing. But Stiles had reassured me, and everything had gone well.
More than just well, actually.
I had never been very confident with my body, but Stiles had always succeeded in reassuring me, in making my apprehensions and fears disappear. He was always replacing them with a feeling of assurance and comfort.
I raised my head, suddenly filled up with courage, and went out of my car to go towards the front door. I rang, and a few moments later, the handsomest boy I ever met opened the door with a dazzling smile that made me melt inside. I wondered again how I could deserve to have such an extraordinary person in my life.
Once in his room, Stiles grabbed his school bag and opened it to look for his textbook, but I had other ideas in mind. I slipped behind him and plastered my body against his back before putting my mouth close to his ear. My hands went by themselves against his abdomen, and he froze.
“Y / N …? What are you doing? ”
It was the first time I was taking the lead since we were together. He had every reason to be surprised, I was myself.
I took advantage of my position of dominance to whisper something in his ear.
“I have a surprise for you … chemistry can wait don’t you think?”
“Oh yes totally, chemistry can wait,” he said, swallowing, impatient.
I let go and tied a blindfold around his eyes. His lips stretched to form a smile as he put his fingers against the fabric.
“Do not take it off before I tell you!” “
“Don’t worry,” he said, laughing.
I hastened to change to put on the outfit that Lydia had bought me earlier. A light outfit; something that doesn’t cover a lot of skin. Something I’ll never dare bought myself.
It’s only when the sexy outfit was on me that I felt stupid. Stiles was waiting, patiently, sitting on his bed, legs crossed, a smile stamped in his face. And I, poor little me, had put this thing that didn’t suit me at all. The stress invaded my body again and a ball formed in my throat. I was ashamed of myself, I wasn’t made for this kind of outfit, I didn’t have a beautiful body like Lydia or Malia…
My throat tightened and I felt tears coming to my eyes. I was ridiculous; he was going to laugh at me. I thought for a moment of taking it away and doing as if nothing had happened, but when I saw him waiting, so beautiful and happy, impatient … I couldn’t do that. I couldn’t take away the smile he had. I swallowed my stress and my fears and told him that he could remove the headband with a trembling voice.
Stiles blinked several times when he saw me. He even rubbed his eyes with his hands. To be sure he wasn’t dreaming; I saw him count his fingers. For my part, I lowered my head and clasped my arms against my chest, uncomfortable and cold. I wasn’t ready to hear his comments, he…
“You’re gorgeous, Y / N …”
I raised my head, my heart missing a beat.
Stiles got up from his bed and came to lay his hands delicately against the skin of my bare arms. A shudder ran through me, and our eyes met. He smiled at me before grabbing my chin between his agile fingers and put his lips against mine, taking my breath away. Our kisses always made this impression, the impression that our breaths were only one while our mouths merged for a passionate kiss.
When our lips parted, I still had my eyes closed in the appreciation of the moment and the taste that it had. Stiles caressed my cheek with his thumb, gently, as if he was trying to chase away sad things from my soul.
“You don’t have to force yourself for me.”
His words made me open my eyes. I wanted to protest, but he put a finger on my lips to silence me.
“Babe, I love you as you are, and if you’re not comfortable in that outfit … you don’t have to wear it for me. I want you to be comfortable, and above all, happy,” He said in a low voice, very gentle, almost a whisper. That voice that I loved so much.
This time, it was a solitary tear that his thumb chased out of my cheek.
“And also … I like much more seeing you wear one of my sweaters … with nothing else underneath…”
He managed to make me laugh, something I could not believe possible for the evening, and I gave him a friendly pat on the chest before he took me in his arms.
After I put on more comfortable clothes, we spent the rest of the evening in the arms of one and the other. We even forgot the chemistry and the exam which awaited us the next day.
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docjamie · 7 years
Let’s try maybe one of my fics for now...
It’s Sterek, I apologize in advance
Stiles was snoring. Loudly. Derek was laying on his side, staring with wide eyes at his sleeping boyfriend. Stiles' mouth was gaping open, body struggling to pull in air through all the congestion. Derek sighed into a huge yawn. He knows its not Stiles' fault that they haven't had a decent night sleep since Stiles first got the flu, but damn, he was almost sleep deprived at this point. Derek gently nudged his boyfriend, and Stiles sucked in a wet breath and closed his mouth, swallowing. He turned his head to the side facing Derek, giving him a full view of the red, swollen nose and drool mixing with sweat on his cheek. Derek ached with sympathy. It was blissfully silent. Then Stiles let out a somehow even louder snore. Derek huffed and tried putting his pillow over his ears. It was no use, especially with his werewolf hearing. He felt bad, he really did. He knew Stiles felt like broiled crap but Derek was exhausted too. He delivered a swift, but light kick to Stiles' shin. The human gasped thickly and jerked upright. "Wha-za? Huh-? Wha's happenin?" Stiles slurred, eyes still closed. "You were snoring, babe. Really loud." Derek said, feeling a little guilty. "I was snorkeling." Stiles said, nodding dazedly. Derek shook his head, amused. Stiles sniffled and wiped his nose with his shirt sleeve. "Stiles, gross, use a tissue." Derek chastised softly, reaching behind him on the nightstand for the well-used box. He held it out to Stiles. Stiles glanced at the box before sucking in another breath, hand raising to his face. "IHP-SHUUH! N'TISHH! TIS-SHHOO!" Stiles jerked bodily into his hand, even his knee bent from the force of the sneezes. He slowly straightened back up, eyes watery and grabbed a couple of tissues from the box. Derek watched as Stiles turned to the side to give a gurgling nose blow before sniffling and tossed the used tissues to the floor. Stiles groaned and bonelessy laid back down on his pillow. Derek reached over and palmed Stiles' cheek and forehead. "You're still burning up. Do you need to go to the doctor?" Derek asked. Stiles sighed which made him cough. Derek sat him back up and patted the sick man's back as he barked chestily into his fist. Stiles runned his knuckles into his chest. "Want some water?" Derek asked quietly. Stiles breathed heavily, nodding before coughing again. Derek pressed a kiss to Stiles' heated forehead and slid out of the bed to venture to the kitchen fridge for a chilled water bottle. He returned shortly to see Stiles sitting with his elbow propped up on his knee, giving small wheezy coughs. "Here, sweetheart." "Thanks, Der." Stiles croaked and unscrewed the bottle to take a few pulls of the blessedly cold water. He closed the water and handed it back to Derek. Derek turned to place it on the nightstand, when he heard Stiles' breath hitch. "N'TISHH! N'TCCHT!" Stiles groaned and sniffled, resting his head back on his hand. "Bless you. I really think we should take you to the doctor, Stiles." Derek fussed. Stiles screwed his face irritability and tugged Derek's shirt to him. Confused, Derek sat on the bed. Stiles maneuvered the werewolf until Derek was laying down and Stiles melted on top of him, sighing happily. Derek snorted and rubbed Stiles' back. "Fine. Tomorrow, then." Derek said but Stiles was already snoring again.
Soooooooooooo yeah.
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