#Fanartists supporting fanfic writers
fullsaviourshalt · 1 year
Me writing another huge comment as soon as the chapter gets released:
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Me stopping and thinking about what if the author thinks im annoying for doing that:
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Me seeing everyone on tumblr saying people like me are awesome and they love it when people do what I do:
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magpie-murder · 1 year
okay we need to have an intervention.
i've noticed that people don't leave the same kind of unhinged compliments under fanfics that visual artists usually receive (eg, "i want to eat your art"), so i've come up with a list that you need to start employing when your friends send you their WIPs and when your favorites update on ao3 but you're having a hard time commenting something that sounds intelligent and you still want to support them
"you're like if [famos author] (eg, Victor Hugo if the fic is angst) was into [fandom]"
"well THIS has been added to my pre-sleep daydream schedule"
"this fic invaded my mind and consumed my brain like a spore"
"yOu'Ve AlReAdY lEfT kUdOs HeRe"
"this fic has me scratching at my yellow wallpaper, it's so good"
"this fic has me checking under my floorboards for the heart of a kind man i murdered, it's so good"
"i'm making my parents read this"
"i know only one chapter is out so far, but i'm going to print this out, staple it together, and put it on my bookshelf next to the canon material"
"this fic gave me another mental illness"
(you can only do this one once) "i made an ao3 account specifically to bookmark this"
"i'm going to print this out so i can eat the words on the paper"
and a couple that are just nice (without the feral nature):
"i made a custom playlist to listen to while i read this fic"
"this fic reminds me of [song]"
"i really liked the part where [x], it really stuck with me"
"i really liked this line, [quote the line,] it was so well-written!"
artists: draw fanart of the fic!! it doesn't matter if you think your art skills are good and it doesnt matter if it's just a sketch!! let the author see it!!
make a moodboard!! for the fic!! let the author see it!!
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parablesawzine · 11 days
Hello everyone,
Thank you so much for your continued support of our little fan project- we are DELIGHTED to give you both a cover reveal (done by the wonderful @/aphotism on twitter, @bioluminesced on here! here’s the original post https://x.com/parablesawzine/status/1833571187831472461?s=46&t=4dDn2EiN_HuJzNPZ4Je99A)
Contributor spotlights can be found on our twitter page, and all of the profits we receive from sales will go directly to Care for Gaza, a charity focused on providing crucial aid to Palestinians. We look forward to hearing from you all, and seeing your reactions to all of the hard work everybody has put in! Please consider ordering a copy, supporting your favourite artists, helping people who need it AND getting yourself some one of a kind, entirely fan-produced saw merchandise ✨
Thank you again, from all of the Mods here at Parable.
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seth-shitposts · 1 year
it's alex. Before I fuck off to go write my vent fic, here are some of my suggestions to anyone else who can't get their fix from ao3. (i send my deepest support to the tired volunteers who are working so hard to keep the site safe. I hope they only get good things in life. and to those who depend on ao3 as a life line, you have my deepest condolences, i truly hope this post is of help to you.)
-if you know the tumblrs of any of your favourite writers, or any of their socials in general, go to them and go through some of their pieces and posts. Leave comments.
-Same with the fanartists. Pour love on them as well.
-at the comfortability of the writer, see if they would be willing to share snippits of works. maybe creat ficlets.
-reshare any writing (and artworks too) you come across, as well leave a comment for the creator.
-rebrowse through the tags that bring you comfort. (I know for Seth and I, we will be going through the KalluZeb tag pretty extensively)
-write/create your own snippets and post them for fellow fans to see and share as well.
-once you are able to, and of course if you can, donate to ao3. they work solely off of volunteers and they are being hit very hard right now. This goes for content creators as well, support your writers and artists however you can, give back to them. Be it in showering them in love or in tips. Give them your appreciation however you are able.
Support each other. and remember to take care of yourselves.
-Also, feel free to add to or expand upon this list, share if possible.
-Love, Alex💙
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aresmarked · 2 years
the fact it’s a for-profit writing AI really, really gets my goat, along with the feeling of bitter inevitability that’s been rising with all the troubles visual art siblings have been having. torn between ‘it’s only been a matter of time’ and ‘it never had to be like this’.
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whereistheonepiece · 1 year
People just want to passively consume art without supporting creators, huh.
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lightasthesun · 10 months
*sings* 🎶likes are okay but reblogs are slay 🎶 likes are okay but reblogs are slay 🎶likes are okay but reblogs are slay 🎶 likes are okay but reblogs are slay 🎶 likes are okay but reblogs are slay 🎶 likes are okay but reblogs are slay 🎶 likes are okay but reblogs are slay 🎶 likes are okay but reblogs are slay 🎶 likes are okay but reblogs are slay 🎶
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lullabyes22-blog · 4 months
As Arcane S2 rolls around the corner, please remember...
That however beautiful this animated endeavor is, it remains the property of corporate giants like Riot, and streaming platforms like Netflix - both of which are notorious for
a) jumping that shark on successful premises due to a superabundance of bad suggestions trickling down to the creative depts in the form of Insipid Emails from Corporate
b) milking successful premises past the point of exhaustion due to their own success and leaving their twitching, feeble, barely-breathing remains to die an unceremonious death in the shadows of media obscurity, and
c) replacing their successful creators with less creative ones to save costs, because they don't understand the value of the creative input behind the show's success.
Please consider supporting the mobilization of workers/creatives on all shows - not just Arcane - to stop corporate meddling in the form of budget cuts and unfair wages, while their CEOs + board members continue to take home billions.
Please consider both petitioning and demanding that platforms like Netflix grow a spine and phase out the 'all episodes released at once' model, which actively harms the actors, animators, writers, costume designers, set departments, VFX experts and everyone else that worked hard on the series, by cheating them out of the right to receive paychecks and residuals over the lifespan of the show, instead of the cheapened instant gratification of a single deposit.
Please consider calling out Netflix on the need to have more episodes released per season on their shows, so writers, voice-actors, sound engineers and many others will have a steady stream of payments instead of an unpredictable one, and to give the characters, and the writers who wrote them, some breathing space instead of cramming all the plot points into 9 or 10 episodes.
Please remember that the creatives are often the public face of a franchise, and are often thrown into the line of fire when narrative decisions are made behind the scenes - decisions that they do not necessarily agree with, and are often not in control of, but are forced to sell anyway, lest they be replaced.
Please remember that hateful, threatening, and abusive behavior is not what we should be about as fans - and that the creatives who work on these shows/projects often read our comments, and feel the weight of our expectations and emotions.
Please consider supporting your creatives and showrunners as individuals, not just as "the person who makes X".
Please consider getting LOUD AF on Twitter/X about the bungling of character arcs via hashtags - and directing the vitriol @ the company producing the show, not the poor creators - because corporate runs numbers on that kind of stuff, and if there's a perceived furor about certain narrative directions/plotlines, they're less likely to ignore it and more likely to cave, because of the bottom line.
Please remember that a majority of dismal creative choices have come as a result of corporate/big tech pushing the button on creative decisions - and that, in order for us to be heard, we have to use our collective voice to push back, and keep pushing back until the message sinks in.
Please remember that beyond protecting a beloved series, it's about fighting to protect the people behind it, the same way they fought for the integrity of the story, and the characters, in their telling.
And, while we're at it, please support people within fandom spaces - like fanartists and fanfic writers - who share their labor of love for free, and don't get paid a cent, except in goodwill and appreciation.
Remember that fandoms are, first and foremost, a community.
It is not about content, but people.
Let's be good to each other, and to the creatives, and keep fighting for them to be treated well by the companies and executives who make money off their labor, and profit off our love.
Some sources for funding. Feel free to add more.
The Animator Dormitory Project 2023
Grants for Writers in Need
Pen America
Entertainment Community
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dragonagefanevents · 2 months
What are Tag Games/Daily Events?
The Tumblr Dragon Age community is active every day of the week! We love to share what we're working on and support each other's creative endeavors. In order to make sure we see those posts--and to encourage our friends to share their own work--we tag each other.
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Every day has a different theme. Some work for both art and writing, and some are more geared for writing.
Last Line Monday (Writing)
Tidbit/Teaser Tuesday (Art & Writing)
WIP Wednesday (Art & Writing)
Throwback Thursday (Art & Writing)
Fan Work Friday (Art & Writing)
Friday Writing Circle (Writing)
Soundtrack Saturday (Any)
Six Sentence Sunday (Writing)
Read on for more information about what each daily theme is about, and how to get involved!
Tumblr Etiquette
These are the unspoken rules of Tumblr Tag Games:
If you are tagged by someone in their own post, reblog it with a note of support in the tags or replies!
If you were tagged by someone, tag them when you make your own post so they can see it!
If you tag someone and they make their own post, reblog it with a note of support in the tags or replies!
If someone asks not to be tagged, please do not tag them.
What does participation in the event look like?
▸ Make your post.
Maybe someone tagged you, or maybe you want to get the ball rolling! Choose the piece of your work you want to share and make a tumblr post.
▸ Ping the person who tagged you (if applicable).
If you were tagged by someone, begin with "I was tagged by @tumblr". Tagging them lets them have a chance to see what you're working on and cheer for you!
▸State what the tag event is.
Regardless, copy/paste or summarize the rules of the specific tag game, such as the ones listed at the end of this post for Last Line Monday, WIP Wednesday, etc.
▸Show us the work you wanted to share!
It's polite to put long, wordy WIPS under a "read more" cut to avoid clogging the dashboards. :)
▸End by tagging forward.
Some people choose not to tag anyone, if it's very late in the day, or if you're shy. You can always say "I tag whoever is reading this post to share their work next! Tag me so I can reblog it too :)" or something similar.
What are the tag games/daily events?
▸Last Line Monday (Writing)
Post the last line you wrote on your WIP with no context and tag forward!
▸Tidbit/Teaser Tuesday (Art & Writing)
Post a small piece of your WIP (a few sentences at most, or a cropped piece of an image) without any context, for your followers and friends to make guesses about. Tag at least one person to post their own.
▸WIP Wednesday (Art & Writing)
Share something you're proud of from a WIP, new or old, and tag forward!
▸Throwback Thursday (Art & Writing)
Share a short excerpt or a glimpse of an old work. If it's posted somewhere, put a link so we can appreciate it there, too! Don't forget to tag forward.
▸Fan Work Friday (Art & Writing)
If you’re tagged, MAKE A NEW POST to showcase one fanartist and/or fanfic for any fandom you recommend (with links), and tag someone to give their recs next!
Don’t forget to reblog the rec you were tagged in, and include these rules! :)
Bonus: Choose works by people you aren’t super tight with, or choose older works that maybe haven’t gotten some love in a while. :)
▸Friday Writing Circle (Writing)
DA Drunk Writing Circle is a casual Friday evening event for all Dragon Age writers, focused on writing small pieces based on prompts. This is NOT a tag game, but a community writing circle you can sign up for and participate WHENEVER you feel like it, with very low stakes!
▸Soundtrack Saturday
Share a song (or a few) about a canon character, an OC, a fic, or something else that you think it goes with, and tag forward!
▸Six Sentence Sunday (Writing)
Post six sentences from your WIP and tag forward!
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leaseboundweek · 5 months
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Welcome to the very first edition of official Lease Bound Week Fanfest !
In honor of Chapter 12 reaching its end, we thought it would be nice to have a little festivity with our favourite ladies !
Lease Bound Week is a fan event scheduled for May 12th - May 18th !
This event is a collaboration of fanfic writers, fanartists, essayists and more !
Each day of Lease Bound Week has 3 prompts, you can incorporate all 3 prompts or choose just one for each day.
You can submit anything you like: fanart, fanfiction, essays, cosplay, playlists, fanvideos etc.
Once you’re finished with everything, tag your post as #LeaseBoundWeek2024 or as #LeaseBoundWeek and we’ll reblog your post afterwards.
Alternatively, you can send over your work via the submit button on the blog’s main page or click the submit button in the blog’s description.
If you have any questions or concerns, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Our ask box will always be open for anyone who needs help.
In the spirit of Rusty's Male Character Policy in the canon material, we will also be focusing on fanworks with female characters. (no AGPs, no Babygirl, no Jacob) ! Let’s focus on our favourite ladies !
What can’t I post?
Hate/bashing on a character
Pornographic work
Males, whether they identify as women or not
Reposted work
Now that the ground rules have been set, let's get to what you're all waiting for: The Prompts !
DAY ONE : Confession | Kiss | AU
DAY TWO : Break Up | Hugs | Unrequited
DAY THREE : Alexis Returns | Bittersweet | Gift
DAY FOUR : Storm Blackout | Soulmate Markings | Fix-It
DAY FIVE : Nightmare | Job!Swap | Only One Bed
DAY SIX : Blaire Redemption Arc | Jealousy |Goodbyes
DAY SEVEN : Fake Dating | Bad End | Isekai
For each day: all 3 prompts can be incorporated per day but you only have to choose one
If you're not sure which character to use or if you want some inspiration for interactions, here's a very useful gif that you can either screenshot or drag to get a random character to spark your muse !
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We are so excited to see what you will come up with and hope you will enjoy this week of showing your love and support for Lease Bound !
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mollymarymarie · 1 month
Hey! Hope you're doing well! I saw on a post that you said you weren't writing wolfstar anymore. I just wanted to see if you meant like permanently? I totally understand if you are, but I wanted to ask. Hope you have a lovely day.
Yeah, that's unfortunately the case. I do love Wolfstar, I always will, and I will support my fellow fanfic writers and fanartists when I can, but I had kind of a negative experience on Tumblr regarding the fact that I still write for a series that was created by a transphobe. And I was already struggling with that on my own, so I just gave it up.
I believed that I was subverting her by using her characters to make a world more inclusive and caring and loving than the one she started, but not everyone sees it that way, and I get it. She's a garbage human. More so every day.
That being said, I would absolutely never judge anyone who remains active in that fandom, because it's a huge community full of wonderful people and I still think good comes from that. I still love all the friends I made here, but those negative comments/experiences sort of stuck with me and I just pulled back from fandom, in general.
I am still writing! (If you're into Jujutsu Kaisen and Satosugu, feel free to stick around lol) I wrote Wolfstar for so long, so exclusively, that the general dynamic and vibe of whatever I write is still going to read like Wolfstar 😂
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cluelessbees · 2 years
Reminder to please please please show support to small fanfic writers and fanartists!!
Like its 100% understandable that you would want to reblog, like, comment, kudos, and share fics and artwork from people you love but a lot of small people in the fandoms deserve the love and support too!! (Maybe even more because they don’t have an audience or anything so it’s hard for them to feel like their work is appreciated)
Especially because it’s byler week let’s make an effort to uplift small accounts as well as the big ones 🙏💙💛
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ctwinsduo · 2 months
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Call me Romeo or Icarus
I am an adult
I go by He/him, Star/stars, Fae/faer
I use tonetags bc my ass is autistic 👍
This is my DSMP sideblog, you can pry my main out of my cold dead hands /j
Fanartist and fanfic writer, I am Taxi_Dummy on ao3
Mainly post about c!wilbur, although I do dabble in other characters from time to time
Favorite duos are c!clingyduo, c!tntduo, c!twinsduo, c!alliumduo, and c!sbi in general
I prefer to write c!sbi as family
Most of my content revolves around AUs I've written with friends
I Guy Mcweirdson every character I get my hands on, taking requests for characters to creature-ify (Must be DSMP, I'm so sorry I literally do not go anywhere else)
No tagging system yet, someday I'll get one
I've been here since 2020 I've just been lurking before now
If you support cc!wilbur or cc!dream you are not welcome here. Go away.
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sarahowritesostucky · 4 months
New Follower Milestone! 🥳
Today I reached a new follower milestone and wanted to say thank you to everybody who follows me!
The number of followers I have now is more than four times the amount I had when my previous account was deleted! (and I'd thought that account had a lot!). It makes me so incredibly happy to know that so many people like to read my fanfic!
(as per usual, I will refrain from saying the actual number, as I like that Tumblr doesn't show follower counts so people can't place too much importance on them)
In addition to the exciting follower thing, I've really received so much love, encouragement and support from you guys - especially with this latest nasty barrage from the angry on the internet people™️. Every time a few nitwits get hateful and ridiculous, you guys remind me that good folks still exist and far outnumber said nitwits!
I'm going to be going on a writing binge these next few days. The schedule of projects I intend to tackle is:
Carter Academy
Temporary Custody
Hydra Sanatorium
Happy Little Family
Blood Moon Rising
Late Bloomer
And in addition, I have a commission with one of my favorite fanartists to do some art for Blood Moon Rising! I'll look into commissioning more art for other fics, and I need y'all's help to decide which fic that should be.
I've struggled big time with depression and with writer's ADD this last year, but I'd love to knock a few WIPs off my list. So wish me luck!
And thanks for reading!!!
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rosesradio · 3 months
*fanart/fanfic commissions/comms are when a fanfic writer or fanartist takes a specific request for payment. the reason the “yes” options include “as long as they don’t advertise on ao3” is due to ao3’s particular rules on that matter, meaning creators usually link back to a tumblr, which links back to some means of payment (ko-fi, venmo, etc.)
please be respectful in the notes or you will be blocked, thank you.
putting my opinion under a read more:
i have some choice words (lol) but i’ll try to keep things professional. i think fanfic is just as much of an art form as fanart (though kudos to fanartists, i could never do what you guys do). i think, as long as you don’t violate ao3’s rules, you should be able to take commissions. there are thousands of people profiting off of fanart already (& good for them!), and if you don’t like that a fanfic writer takes commissions, you can just find one of the thousands of fanfic writers that don’t take commissions.
to be honest i’ve seen a couple posts around on this subject, and the amount of frankly harsh criticism towards writers & entitlement to their works at the same time (these being the same people who scream when ao3 is down but are absolute crickets in the comments when it comes back up again)—that creates a lot more of a toxic environment in fandom than a writer wanting to make some extra money in this economy. but that’s just me 🧍
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gumnut-logic · 7 months
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
🤗 What advice would you give to new fanfic writers that are just getting started?
::rolls up sleeves and brainstorms all over the keyboard::
If you want to do it, do it. Don't hide. Everyone had to start somewhere (wanna see my first ever fic? I was 18 and the internet did not exist, also, it was really badly written; you can find my second ever written fic here - its TOS Trek). We've all been there and we are all learning. Don't be scared, Thunderfam at least is here to support. For you fanartists out there, check out How I learnt Portraiture and then check out this post to prove that I can paint, honestly, really I can :D
If you do encounter negativity - block/ban. In fandom, if you can't say something nice, shut up and go away. Don't like, don't read, and mind your own business. I'm all for self curating your online experience. The only time constructive criticism is polite is when you know the person and they've asked. Like I have several members of Thunderfam I come screaming to while writing with the question, does this suck? These are my sanity checkers - Gavii, unfortunately you have taken on this mantle and suffer on a fairly regular basis. Nutty by name and nature.
Works in Progress - anyone who has known me here at all knows I leave a wake of WiPs behind me. Some I get back to, some, not so much (I promise to pull Alex out from under that building, I do!). WiPs are part of the way an artist works (I have so many in so many media, omigod). Because fanfic is published close to the leading edge of creation, its gonna happen. Fanfic is written for fun, after all. The key is to not let them beat you up in the head. Yes, there is unfinished stuff, but it doesn't mean you can't write something else in the meantime. Don't let it stop your muse. I am notorious for unfinished stuff and the real world hates it. But this isn't the real world, THIS IS FOR FUN. I know the marketing theories and the regularity of posting and popularity and what is at stake if either not enough is published regularly or if too much unfinished stuff disappoints the reader. But again, if you let the WiPs hang around your neck too much and badger you, they will drown you. It will become a job, a burden, something you hate. So don't pressure yourself. Work with your muse and see what you can wrangle out of it...at your own pace. You might be surprised what works.
The Terry Pratchett method - I don't know if it is true or not, but there is a post flying around Tumblr somewhere that claims Terry Pratchett, famous author, only aimed to write 400 words a day. This is something I have found extremely useful. If you want to write something, don't set the bar too high so you fail. Set it at a reachable level, even 200 words or 100 words. Honestly the hardest part is actually sitting down and starting. Before you know it you will have passed your low goal and blown it out of the water 3000 words later (my highest number of words in one day was 7000 - I tend to edit as I go, so it slows me down). Rarely do we have an entire day we can write, cos life keeps getting in the way. So do it in little bits. I'm doing this method with my crochet at the moment. Lots of little bits make big bits. This is how I've written many of my longer fics. Heh, I used to have fifteen minutes in the car before work, so I'd pull up on the side of the road and write as much as I could in that time. Sometimes having a limited time helps with that as well.
But the biggest thing you can do to improve your writing is to get to know yourself very well. I'm on the autism spectrum and likely have some forms of ADHD or Executive Dysfunction (I literally cried the day I found out it had a name as to why I couldn't finish things). It's taken me years to work out how to get work out of myself. How to avoid fighting myself (a fight I never win). To learn what works best for me and how I can herd the cats in my brain into them doing what I need them to do. Find out what makes you tick. Find out what sparks your muse, what way best enables you to write. Try different times of the day, different places, bribe yourself, time limit yourself, lock the family out of the room, go to the beach, write on paper, go mobile, write on your phone, scribble notes, anything that can get your brain doing what you want it to do. Sometimes reading fic can do it, showers and manual work are great for idea sparking - let the brain idle and it comes up with all sorts of interesting things. Very late night writing can be a doozy of a trip :D Find what works then do it - until it changes and you have to find it again because yes, my brain does that too, drat it.
And that is probably enough babbling from me :D I need to go find Virgil and a pick up with his name on it...or Gordon's...it's still gelling in my brain :D
I hope this helps someone, even just a tiny bit. Writing is hard work, don't let it drown you. Also, we all have up and down days, just because something sucks today, doesn't mean it will feel the same tomorrow. Never give up, never surrender, and if you do give up on one thing....ooh, look there's another one to play with.
Thank you for asking ::squishy hugs you lots::
(who despite this will still have days where the writing will not work...in which case, I'm gonna do something else for a bit until brain decides it wants to play....stupid brain, do it on demand, you pile of goop)
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