#Fancy churches everywhere
rakiah · 2 years
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The Desirae Dorm holidays in Italy ✨
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headspace-hotel · 3 months
Chemically sterilized...or mechanically sterilized?
It is clear that applying chemicals to your yard and landscape, be it fertilizers, weed killers, or pesticides, has devastating effects to the community of life that is present in every place.
But is the terrifying decline in insects explainable by chemicals alone?
When i am in mowed environments, even those that I know have no lawn chemicals, they are almost entirely empty of life. There are a few bees and other insects on the dandelions, but not many, and the only birds I see are American robins, Grackles, and European starlings.
Even without any weed killers at all, regular mowing of a lawn type area eliminates all but a few specially adapted weeds.
The plants of a lawn where I live include: Mouse ear chickweed, Birds-eye Speedwell, Common blue violet, Dandelion, Wild Garlic, Creeping charlie, White Clover, Black Medick, Broad-leaved plantain, Mock Strawberry, Crabgrass, Small-flowered Buttercup, Ribwort Plantain, Daisy Fleabane, a few common sedges, Red Deadnettle...That sounds like a lot of plants, but the problem is, almost all of them are non-native species (Only Violets, Daisy Fleabane, and the sedges are native!) and it's. The Same. Species. Everywhere. In. Every. Place.
How come...? Because mowed turf is a really specific environment that is really specifically beneficial to a number of almost entirely European plants, and presents stressors that most plants (including almost all native north american plants) simply can't cope with.
The plants mentioned above are just the flowering weeds. The grasses themselves, the dominant component of the lawn, are essentially 100% invasive in North America, many of them virulently and destructively invasive.
Can you believe that Kentucky bluegrass isn't even native to Kentucky? Nope, it's European! The rich pasture of the Bluegrass region of Kentucky was predominantly a mix of clover, other legumes, and bamboo. The clovers—Kentucky clover, Running buffalo clover, and buffalo clover—are highly endangered now (hell, kentucky clover wasn't even DISCOVERED until 2013) and the bamboo—Giant rivercane, Arundinaria gigantea—has declined in its extent by 98%. Do European white and red clovers fulfill the niches that native clovers once did? Dunno, probably not entirely.
One of the biggest troubles with "going native" is that North America legitimately does not have native grass species that really fill the niche of lawn. Most small, underfoot grassy plants are sedges and they are made for shady environments, and they form tufts and fancy sprays, not creeping turf. Then there's prairie grasses which are 10 feet tall.
What this means, though, is that lawns don't even remotely resemble environments that our insects and birds evolved for. Forget invasive species, lawns are an invasive BIOME.
It's a terrible thing, then, that this is just what we do to whatever random land we don't cover in concrete: back yards, road margins, land outside of churches and businesses, spaces at the edges of fields, verges at bypasses and gas stations...
Mowing, in the north american biomes, selects for invasive species and promotes them while eliminating native species. There's no nice way to put it. The species that thrive under this treatment are invasive.
And unfortunately mowing is basically the only well-known and popular tool even for managing meadow and prairie type "natural" environments. If you want to prevent it from succeeding to forest, just mow it every couple of years.
This has awful results, because invasive species like Festuca arundinacea (a plant invented by actual Satan) love it and are promoted, and the native species are harmed.
Festuca arundinacea, aka Tall Fescue, btw is the main grass that you'll find in cheap seed mixes in Kentucky, but it's a horrific invasive species that chokes everything and keeps killing my native meadow plants. It has leaves like razor blades (it's cut me so deeply that it scarred) and has an endosymbiont in it that makes horses that eat it miscarry their foals.
And this stuff is ALL OVER the "prairie" areas where I work, like it's the most dominant plant by far, because it thrives on being mowed while the poor milkweeds, Rattlesnake Master and big bluestems slowly decline and suffer.
It's wild how hard it is to explain that mowing is a very specific type of stressor that many plants will respond very very negatively to. North American plants did not evolve under pressures that involved being squished, crushed, snipped to 8 inches tall uniformly and covered in a suffocating blanket of shredded plant matter. That is actually extremely bad for many of the prairie plants that are vital keystone species. Furthermore it does not control invasive species but rather promotes them.
Native insects need native plant cover. Many of them co-evolved intimately with particular host plants. Many others evolved to eat those guys. And Lord don't get me started on leaf removal, AKA the greatest folly of all humankind.
So wherever there is a mowed environment, regardless of the use of chemicals or not, the bugs don't have the structural or physical habitat characteristics they evolved for and they don't have the plant species they evolved to be dependent on.
Now let's think about three-dimensional space.
This post was inspired when I saw several red winged blackbirds in the unmowed part of a field perching on old stems of Ironweed and goldenrod. The red-winged blackbirds congregated in the unmowed part of the field, but the mowed part was empty. The space in a habitat is not just the area of the land viewed from above as though on a map. Imagine a forest, think of all the squirrels and birds nesting and sitting on branches and mosses and lichens covering the trunks and logs. The trees extend the habitat space into 3 dimensions.
Any type of plant cover is the same. A meadow where the plants grow to 3 feet tall, compared with a lawn of 6 inches tall, not only increases the quality of the habitat, it really multiplies the total available space in the habitat, because there is such a great area of stems and leaves for bugs and birds to be on. A little dandelion might form a cute little corner store for bugs, A six foot tall goldenrod? That's a bug skyscraper! It fits way more bugs.
It's not just the plants themselves, it's the fallen leaves that get trapped underneath them—tall meadow plants seem to gather and hoard fallen leaves underneath. More tall plants is also more total biomass, which is the foundation of the whole food chain!
Now consider light and shade. Even a meadow of 3ft tall plants actually shades the ground. Mosses grow enthusiastically even forming thick mats where none at all could grow in the mowed portions. And consider also amphibians. They are very sensitive to UV light, so even a frog that lives in what you see as a more "open" environment, can be protected by some tall flowers and rushes but unable to survive in mowed back yard
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nikkisheep · 5 months
To Be Alone With You (Part 4)
Anthony Bridgerton x female!sharma!sister!reader (soon)
mentions of Benedict Bridgerton x female!sharma!sister!reader
Warnings: cheating (Anthony is engaged to Edwina), SMUT!!!!!! oral (f), fingering, over stimulation, sexual tension, cursing, body worship, jealous Anthony, biting, angst at the end, hair pulling, breeding kink
Summary: Anthony finds out about your art session with Benedict and means to remind you who you belong to as you remind him who he chose to belong to.
Songs to listen to while reading: **= smut part, *=angst
**Amantes: Esme (song is in Spanish but is very soft and sets the mood)
**Take Me To Church: Hozier
**I Wanna Be Yours: Arctic Monkeys
**Shameless: Camila Cabello
**wRoNg: ZAYN
*The Great War: Taylor Swift
*Say Don't Go: Taylor Swift
Tag List: @shealuna, @m-rae23, @littlepeanut03, @aellabridgerton, @sydney-m, @faatxma, @wildthoughtnananna, @uraesthete, @themadhattersqueen, @sydney-m, @theantiquehobbit
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You watched the Lady's maids get you ready in front of a large mirror. When it came time for you to get your hair done, your best friend, Phoebe, ushered the other maids out. Phoebe was the daughter of your mother's Lady's maid. The two of you grew to be fast friends as you grew older. Phoebe hoping for marriage and you planning to find a man worthy of her.
"If you are not careful, the others will know what you and those two Bridgertons are up to," She said as she pulled your hair off your neck, revealing the bruises from your "art" session with the second son.
"Phoebe!" You gasp. "I told you that as you are my best friend, not for you to use it against me."
"Darling, I am not using it against you nor am I blaming you. Do you know how many women would kill to be in your position?" She giggled as she put your hair in the tight bun that it needed to be in.
"I would rather not be in my position if I could help it," You said while looking down at your hands.
The Bridgerton house was covered in their signature baby blues. There were flowers, candles, and other decor everywhere to be seen. All the Bridgerton brothers were decked out in their fancy suits with those beautiful neck ties. Benedict's was a soft yellow and Anthony's was a dark blue. The others wore white.
Dressed in your family's dark purple color, your mother had the neck line deeper than what is normally accepted. You knew that she just wanted to help you find a man but the only man that you really wanted was one who was engaged to marry your sister.
Moving to the drink table, you grab a cup of water. You notice that nearly everyone else had chosen the lemonade. When you turned back around from the table to the ballroom, one Colin Bridgerton was making his way to you.
Giving a short bow, Colin moved to stand beside you.
"Do tell me, Miss Sharma, how have you enchanted my two idiot brothers?" He asked with a sly smirk on his face.
"Why, I do not have the slightest idea," You reply, hoping that he wouldn't pressure.
"See, I don't know if I can accept that answer, Miss Sharma," Colin said. "It seems that their eyes have not left you since you walked into the room."
With that he left your side, only for one Anthony Bridgerton to step into his place.
"Evening, Miss Sharma."
"Viscount Bridgerton." You nod.
"How have you been?"
"I've been fine, my Lord," You quip. "How has your engagement been?"
He looked at you with a flash of hurt at the sudden mention of his engagement to your sister.
"How was the art session with my brother?" He said with a jealous undertone in his voice.
"It was wonderful. I learned a lot. A lot that some men can't teach." You walked away at the end of your sentence as you moved to the dance floor with Anthony.
The way his eyes looked at you with such passion and desire at the same time nearly dizzied you as his left hand came to rest on your waist and his right holding yours. His warm skin melted through the soft white fabric of your glove and you could feel his warmth through your gown.
Your bodies moved in waves of motion as you stared into each other's eyes, mapping out every hue of color as though this will be the last chance you would see each other. After all, this will be your last chance to see Viscount Anthony Bridgerton unwed. The last chance to be with Anthony Bridgerton. Your Anthony.
"Your gown is exquisite, Miss Sharma." Anthony moves to turn you so your back is pressed against his chest, his arm holding yours across your chest. His lips near your ear so you are the only one to hear, his warm breath fans over your exposed neck and the top of your chest as it rises and falls with the sheer excitement and nervousness that came to being this close with the Viscount, your lover in the darkest nights.
"Thank you," You said. "You don't look to bad yourself, My lord. "
"Anthony," He said. "I have told you to call me Anthony."
"My lord, I have only called you that in private." You began to become flustered with the memories of your night meetings before his engagement.
"You seem to be flustered," He says as he pulls you closer as the music stops, his lips directly beside your ear. "Tell me, do you still think of me when you are with my brother?"
You pull back quickly with surprise. You go to say something, anything but you can't seem to find the words.
"It's okay, darling. My brother is a worthy lover, however, I must make you remember who you belong to." He says before squeezing your dress to walk away to greet a man by his mother.
You sit in your room, looking out the window at the small lake outside. The night reminds you of when you first let Anthony touch you.
His skin against yours in the cool water as he moved his lips against yours in fever as he wanted to consume your every thought and replace it with him. The way he picked you up out of the water and laid you on that dock. The way he ravaged you with hunger and lust as he picked you apart and put you back together with pleasure being his glue.
Your hands start to wander up and down your body as you remembered the ways that he touched you, making you feel immense pleasure that you had never known until that night. You shake the thoughts away from your mind as it started to thunder outside, signaling a thunderstorm was about to hit. Just as a loud crash of thunder clapped, a small thud against your window sounded so much louder in the howling wind and rain. You open the window to find Anthony Bridgerton soaked head to toe in water. His hair was stuck to his face and his clothes were stuck to his body. He waved you down and you went.
"Have you gone mad?" You whisper shout.
"Mad? No. In love with you? Yes." He smiles.
"You don't mean that, My lord."
"But I do."
"You made me believe you loved me only for you to propose to Edwina. My sister!"
"I never meant to actually fall in love with you!" He yelled, hands coming to be thrown up in the air.
"So it's my fault that you love me? Is that what you are trying to tell me?"
"No! Yes! I don't know how I fell in love with you." He stared at you as the rain continued to pour around you. "I just know why I love you. Let me show you how much I love you."
"What about Edwina?"
"What of Edwina?" He asked, confused at the even mere mention of her. As if the mention of his fiancee was left a bad taste in his mouth. Not that she wasn't a lovely girl, but because she wasn't you.
"What has happened between you two?" You tremble at the thought of the two of them doing the things that you have done together.
"What do you mean by that?" He asked. "Nothing has happened."
"Have you kissed her?"
"Have you held her body close to yours?"
"Has she been given the same pleasures that you once gave me?"
"You are the only one that I have ever wanted to be with that way in a long time. I do not care for Edwina that way. When I told you that I only feel this way about you at the lake, I meant it." He said, moving to grab your hands to pull you closer to him.
His brown eyes bored into yours as he scanned your face for any resistance. He pressed his body against yours as he bent his head down to press light kisses on your neck.
"I desire you so deeply I feel it in my bones."
"I believe that may be the cold and the rain."
You lead him into the house, quietly to not wake anyone, and held his hand as he followed behind you up the stairs. As he stared at you with want, you lead him to your bedroom. He helped you run a warm bath as the two of you had been in the rain for the last hour.
You step closer to him, hands coming up to cup his jaw as you pulled him down to you level and kissed his lips. He gasped at the chill of your lips which lead you to slipping your tongue inside his warm mouth. You moaned as your hands wandered his wet body and started to slip his waistcoat off his shoulders to reach his shirt. His own hands came up to start unbuttoned his shirt before you ultimately ripped it off him.
"I quite liked that shirt," he said with a smirk.
"I'll buy you a new one," You said as you unbuttoned his pants and stripped him bare before you.
Your hands came up and started to touch his body as he kissed you, removing your wet clothes for your body. The two of you laid in the tub as the warm water surrounded you both.
Your head on his chest and his chin on the top of your head gave the two of you the feeling of closeness that you needed.
"I love you," he whispered into your hair.
"I know. I love you too."
You turned to kiss his lips and hold him close to you. Your tongues move together as if they were dancing, in secret promises of love and lust. Your hands explore each other's wet bodies as you lay in the warm water. Anthony's chest tickles your back lightly and you can't help but sigh at the thought of being like this forever.
Anthony dried you in the white fluffy towel and wrapped you up before grasping your face to kiss your lips once more. His kiss was slow, exploring your mouth as though it would be the last time, not knowing if there would ever be another time he could touch you like this, to taste you like this.
His arms came to pull you flush against his bare body as his hands caressed every inch of your skin, wanting to memorize the feel of your skin underneath his hands, to feel your warmth radiating from you.
He walks you back to your bed, never breaking the kiss until he pulls away long enough to gently push you back so you fell onto the mattress softly, swiftly landing on top of you, connecting your mouths once more. It felt like your air was stolen right out of your lungs and your body set aflame. Your legs spread to allow him to lay in between them as his hands ran down your sides as he kisses your thoughts and air away from you.
Anthony's scent filled your nose as you breathed him in. His touch washed any thought away as his lips ventured down to your neck, kissing and sucking lightly, making you sigh in content as you felt Anthony's tongue gently soothed over any bites that he left as he moved down your body.
Quiet whispers of "You're so beautiful" and "I love you" slipped into the night as Anthony kissed down your stomach and met your hips. Brown eyes met yours as he looked at you for permission. You nodded for him to continue and you closed your eyes as you awaited the blissful pleasure of his mouth on you but it never came.
"Words," His eyes said. "I want to hear you say it."
"Anthony, please! I need you!" You moan as you try to grind your hips into his face.
"I love you," was all he said before he held eye contact as his mouth opened and his tongue touched your pussy. His lips came to your clit as he closed his eyes at the sweet taste of you. He moaned softly into your cunt as you gripped his hair with one hand and the other, the bed sheet. Your hips rolled against his mouth as he pleasured you. You noticed that the bed was moving slightly as you opened your eyes and saw that he was staring at you as he ground his hips into the mattress to relieve himself some of the pressure that was torturing his cock.
"Oh my Lord!" You nearly shout as you clasp a hand over your mouth to quiet yourself.
"Do not bring my title into this bed," He grunted against your body.
You moaned at the sheer feeling of his fingers slipping into your hole, stretching you for the later events with his dick. He looked at your with admiration as he played your body like a violin. Anthony slipped from your hips as he moved himself to rest his face above yours.
"So beautiful."
"Anthony," You gasped into his mouth, panting to catch your breath.
"Does this feel good?"
You moan as his fingers brush your g-spot before curling there and massaging it.
"It does feel good, doesn't it?" He smirked. "So pretty. My pretty girl."
"Anthony," You keen. Your stomach tightening. "Please."
"My sweet girl, you don't have to beg." He looked down at your soaked pussy. "Cum."
Your orgasm wracked through you as Anthony continued to finger you through it. Waves of pleasure washed over you as over stimulation started to set in.
"Anthony," You whine.
"One more."
His fingers sped up as his search for another orgasm from you became desperate.
"Such a good girl," He praised. "My good girl. Doing everything that I tell you. Thinking that she can just fuck my brother but look who has her now. Look at how good you are being for me."
Your back arches as you let out a moan and Anthony clasps a hand over your mouth to silent you. You cum once more before Anthony moves in between your legs once again to line himself up with your entrance.
"Gonna fill you up so good," He groaned as he sunk into you. "Gonna see you so full of me, going to be dripping me for days."
You groan as he starts slowly moving against your walls as you clamp down on him, slowing his movements even further.
"I want to feel you," You moan as your arms wrap around his shoulders and pull his weight on you. You hand goes to his hair and you gasp when he thrusts deeply.
"Oh, Anthony."
"Yes, moan my name. Forget my brother. Forget any other man but me. I am the one making you feel this good." He groans into your neck as he starts to pick up pace.
"Only you, Anthony," You moan, back arching off the bed and your hips rising to meet his. "Only you make me feel this good."
His lips find yours and swallows your loud moans, keeping them for himself and only him. His hips move faster as he starts to get near his release. His thumb moves to your clit and starts to circle it as he kisses your neck and move down to your breasts, sucking softly.
"So beautiful," He moaned. "My pretty girl."
Your orgasm hit you like a train and you bite down where his shoulder meets his neck, earning a hiss from Anthony as he moved over you quickly, jack-hammering into you, trying to reach his end. You hands pull at his hair and his lips find yours.
His warmth spills inside you, your eyes rolling back as you feel him fill you completely. He falls on top of you, trying to catch his breath. You look at him in the soft moon light shining from your window. The rain was still coming down hard outside.
"I love you," You whisper.
He turns to look at you, smiling at your words.
"I love you too."
You smile before sliding closer to kiss his lips. His arms come around your body and pull you closer to his body so your legs tangled together.
"I wish we could be like this forever," You sigh, drawing circles on his chest with your finger.
"I know, I know." He sighed as he relaxed against you. "I wish it wasn't like the way it is."
You turn to look at him with a frown.
"When do you need to be back home before one of my sisters find us?"
"I can leave in about an hour," He said, looking into your eyes before kissing you softly.
"I can work with that," You smile before turning over to sleep against his chest.
"I love you, Miss Sharma."
You awoke with the other side of the bed cold. You turned over, hoping, wishing, that Anthony was still there. That he had chosen to stay, to risk being caught just so he could wake up next to you. You remember the feeling that you got when he used "Miss Sharma" rather than your name when he told you that he loved you. It was too vague for your liking. There were three "Miss Sharmas'." You sigh before getting up to start your day.
You look at his side and realize that there was a letter on your bedside table.
My Dearest, Miss Sharma
I awoke with a perplexed train of thought as I watched you blissfully sleep. I love you as deeply as the deepest parts of the oceans and even further than that. I wish there was a way for me to sleep in the same bed as you. To stay in the same home with you, to hold your love as close as I can until it was the only thing that I knew. I wish there were a way for me to undo everything that I gave done. I struggle with words compared to Benedict which on the subject of Ben, I give you my full permission to pursue him. Just because you can not find the happiness that you deserve with me, does not mean that my dear brother can not full fill that void that I have caused to be created in your soul.
I love you, Miss Sharma. How I wish I were able to say, "I love you, Mrs. Bridgerton. My viscountess." Perhaps in a different reality were I didn't propose to your sister, it would be you who I am marrying. Someone that I truly love despite that being everything I did not want when I was looking for a bride.
Yours true and with my deepest love,
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sheep-from-rad · 1 year
Stay with me, Sway with me ♡  (SAGAU) Note: This song, I love this so much. This is a request by @mehhiah, sorry it took me so long to tackle this one. Also please, if you have requests put it in the ask box so I can easily see it (also priv messages scares me sorry). Anyway, I’m absolutely involved with this song, I hope you guys enjoy it! LASTLY, MY REQUESTS ARE CURRENTLY CLOSED. Warnings: Semi-ooc (?), Prince Kaeya theory (I really love that one so I added it), bullet type, semi-yandere-ish [Masterlist 1] , [Masterlist 2]
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Ever since the traveler breaks the wall that separates their lives from the dark reality about them being trapped in a game, music together with other factors has been a part of everyone’s lives. It’s not uncommon for foreign sounding music to be played everywhere, even in churches. Traveler songs being played together with new ones, old ones getting mixed up and rewritten to fit the new ones. While aware, sometimes you just forget that they are indeed alive and can interact with you. 
    You held the broom in your hands, pressing it close to your chest imagining a microphone, the ones that you can see at concerts and live bars. You put on your headphones, eyes fixated on the task of cleaning your room before the holiday ends. “When Marimba rhythm starts to play…” 
Diluc pretends like he’s not paying attention to the song that you are currently singing. It’s not the same as the songs that he is used to hearing both from the locals and from the Bard god. It has a sensual tone on it and it bears an air of refinery that reminds him of the fallen aristocrats Mondstadts used to have. He doesn’t care about crowns and wealth but being named as an uncrowned king, he can’t help but imagine the two of us dancing in such a song. In, in his arms at the after hours of the tavern to the early hours of dawn. Maybe he’ll steal a kiss or two, that if you let him to. 
Kaeya was having a late night drink when he heard the song that you are singing. It reminds him of that time he and Rosaria got so drunk they decided to climb Albedo’s laboratory but ended up watching Eula dance in the frozen waters (she chased them afterwards and chased them at work). Nobles sure love their fancy dances and he was not safe from Crepus’s dancing lessons as well. He can imagine the two of you dancing in the empty, semi-dim ballroom. Just the two of you, with the rich robes on your body and crown on his head. If he can’t run from his fate, he might just go embrace it if it means embracing you as his own. 
Venti writes a song while he listens to you sing. He is so used to the songs of praise or song of tales but a song that tells about desire is something that is new to his ear. Serenades to exist in Teyvat but they don’t go as far as to tell the most intimate desires. They only go on the surface and barely scratch the realm of what love is supposed to feel. Tomorrow comes the musical revolution and for sure everyone who hears the song of the night will make something of the same liking. He hopes that before you descend, he will be able to write the best song that describes his whole heart. 
Ayato finds himself a little flustered by the song. Inazuma just opened again a long time ago and the only references that he has on such subjects are those written by the locals and tales of his workers. It is safe to say that Inazuma is still in the age of conservatism even though it is now slowly advancing to be able to walk at the same pace as the other nations. He can’t help but stand up and away from his work, thinking about the lyrics of the song over and over. Bards sing about their feelings and poets make poems about the things that entices their feelings, does it mean you want someone to hold you close and bend you on the dancefloor? If so, he wants to be the one to do it. 
Alhaitham was taking notes. Dances are not uncommon in Sumeru but it is also not something practiced freely until the traitorous sages fell from their thrones. Dances and arts in general are still in their toddler days and he is glad that they get references from other nations. He notes the song being sensual, a type of song that only sang on weddings or intimate dates. The type of dance that he wants to share with you. To pull you by the hand and cradle your head possessively while he glare at everyone who wants to get close. It’s not like he’s gonna let someone get close to you. Not the traveler, not the sages, and definitely not Kaveh. That or, maybe he’ll let Kaveh join in
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Taglist! @tinandabin | @chihawari |@eccedentesiast-sapphic @jaxielous |@uchihaeirin |@zuri-feather
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thatsmzbitchtoyou · 2 months
The Temptation Chapter 4
Summary: Father Barnes is devout, steadfast, and undeterred by flirtatious congregants.  So why does this fallen angel tempt him so?  You cannot serve two masters.  Will he choose God, or his heart? Priest!Bucky x curvy!reader Warnings: eventual smut; religion (yes it's a warning); mentions of past sexual assault
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Bucky had not seen or heard from Y/N since that confessional night.  He didn’t expect to, but it made him more anxious the longer he didn’t.  Would she actually come try to talk to him?  What would he say?  What would he do?  Why would he suggest that?
”Father Barnes,” Father Richards called out as Bucky was in the courtyard garden reading.
“We have a meeting set up with Miss Y/L/N and her estate lawyer tonight at 8 pm”. Bucky’s breath hitched.  “She wants to do the reading of the will here.  Hopefully Constance was quite generous to us,” he said.
”Yes, hopefully,” Bucky smiled politely.  
That night could not have come sooner.  By 7:55 Bucky was positively buzzing.  He heard the tapping of heels in the hallway and immediately stood, Father Richards following his lead.  A man walked in ahead of Y/N in a fancy suit, looking very self-important.  Y/N was looking at the floor as she walked in.  Bucky had to restrain himself from making a noise as he ogled her.  She was wearing black again, this time a low cut, lacy black shift dress that stopped mid thigh.  She had an oversized black suit jacket over it, her bare legs ending with black strappy heels on her feet.  Her pink hair was still pulled up in a scarf like the day he met her, showing off her neck and the gold chain and earrings she wore.  That damn blood red lipstick was on her lips again.  She looked like sin, and he secretly loved it.
”Welcome,” Father Richards greeted them.  “Please sit.”
The lawyer sat and before Y/N could take the other chair she stared at the desk.  “Is this a new desk?”
”Yes,” Bucky piped up, looking at her earnestly.  “The other was faulty, so I got rid of it.”
”Got rid of it?  He took the fire alarm ax to it and hacked it, saying we needed firewood!” Father Richards laughed.  The lawyer chuckled at the absurdity, but Y/N stared at Bucky.  He gave her a slight nod.  She blinked, gave him a dazed nod back and sat down.
”Well, let’s get on with it,” the lawyer started.  “Here is the last will and testament…” he droned on in legal jargon that was all gibberish to Y/N and Bucky.  They kept glancing at each other, a silent conversation seeming to happen between them.  After almost an hour, since Constance had a lot of money to spread out, he said, “Ah, here it is, after all the other charitable donations.  ‘Lastly, I leave a charitable donation of’…” he seemed to double check the number, “‘$2,000,000 to the Brooklyn parish of the New York City Catholic Church’.”  Y/N huffed a laugh, her eyes rolling.  “‘The rest of my estate, the home, the assets, and the sum of $8,887,124.36, will go to my granddaughter, Y/N Y/L/N’.  And that’s it.  Congratulations to all of you,” the lawyer stood, giving the priests and Y/N handshakes.  “Your checks will be sent to you by tomorrow morning, all other assets and the home should be in your name already, Miss Y/L/N.”
”Thank you,” Y/N gave him a nod.
”Let me show you out,” Father Richards led the lawyer out of the office, leaving Y/N and Bucky alone.  Y/N looked everywhere other than at Bucky, contemplating what she had been left with.
”Congratulations,” Bucky said, trying to break the silence.  
“The same to you,” she whispered, sparing him a glance.
”Yes, the parish will get some much needed updates with that amount.  Maybe throw some fun parties,” he tried to keep the conversation going.  Y/N just nodded.  She finally took a deep breath and looked at him.
”Could we talk?” She asked.
”Sure,” Bucky answered a little too quickly.
”Alone?” Y/N pressed.
”Yes,” Bucky said.  “We can go to the back somewhere.”
”Lead the way—“
“Miss Y/L/N, what a great blessing from Constance,” Father Richards returned, making them both jump.  “Thank you for working with us.  I know you’re not fond of us but I hope you won’t be a stranger.”
“Oh, sure, thank you Father,” Y/N gave him a quick handshake and an odd look.
“I’ll uh, show you out,” Bucky offered.
Bucky led her to the front doors.  As she stepped out he said in a low voice, “Come around the back towards the garden.  I can let you in from there.”  Y/N nodded and walked off to the left towards the back.  Bucky walked briskly through the halls towards the back of the church, past the kitchens and the nuns quarters.  Thankfully it was late enough that people weren’t milling about and he was able to get back to his personal area without being seen.  This was dangerous.  He could feel it in his bones.  And yet he kept walking.  He reached the door that connected the garden to the church and wrenched it open for her.  Y/N was already there and thanked him as she stepped in.  He led her down the last corridor that led to his room.  
She realized when she stepped in it was his personal room.  It was small, with a full sized bed, a small desk in one corner and a closet and bathroom on the opposite side.  He also had a bookshelf that was filled with books, some she recognized as books she had recommended to him, which made her smile wistfully.  Y/N could also feel the danger of this situation, but felt it was important to get it done here and now.
”You can have a seat on the bed if you’d like,” Bucky offered.  
”Thank you,” Y/N said quietly, taking a seat on the edge of his bed.  Her dress rode up a bit on her thighs, making Bucky blush and look away, feeling flustered at the fact she was here, on his bed.
”So, uh, what did you wanna talk about?” Bucky pulled the chair at the desk out and sat it in front of her so he could face her.  He kept it a couple of feet away as he sat down.
Y/N breathed deeply.  Bucky tried hard to focus on her face rather than her lace covered cleavage rising as she breathed.  “I need to tell you something.”
Bucky nodded.  This was the moment.  He still had no plan, no idea, for what he would say or do in response.
Y/N blew out a puff of air and laughed at herself then closed her eyes.  “I like you Bucky.”
“I like you, too,” he answered automatically.
“No, I…I really like you,” Y/N opened her eyes.  “In a way that I shouldn’t.”  She shifted on his bed as she looked down again.  “I want…to do things with you that you can’t do.  And because of that, I have to leave.”
“What?” Bucky’s eyebrows furrowed.  
“I’m leaving,” Y/N glanced at him.  “I’m going to renovate and keep the brownstone as a home base, but I’m going back out to do more travel photography.  I just can’t…” she paused as she looked at him.  “I can’t stay and keep running into you everywhere.  Have these coffee dates that aren’t dates.  Constantly crave something that I can’t have because you won’t choose me, and I don’t want to make you choose!” she rushed out the last part.  “You’ve been a great friend to me, and I have enjoyed these last few months I’ve been here, but I can’t do this anymore.”
She made a move like she was going to lift herself off the bed.  Bucky immediately reacted, moving from off the chair to a kneeling position in front of her, making her legs spread to accommodate him and a gasp fall from her lips. His hands cupped her cheeks like they did a few weeks back and held her there, staring into her eyes.
“Don’t,” he begged.  “Don’t leave…”
Y/N’s mouth dropped open as she watched him.  She loved the sight of him kneeling and begging before her, something she didn’t know she would be interested in but it was lighting that forbidden fire deep within her.  His big blue eyes were pleading with her.  Her face twisted into a look like she was in pain.
“I can’t stay,” she whispered, her eyes looking sad as her head tilted, nuzzling into one of his hands.  
Bucky wasn’t sure who leaned in first.  It didn’t matter.  Next thing either of them knew their lips met.  Bucky had not kissed anyone since he was a teenager, so he had forgotten the euphoric feeling, and now that he got a taste of his forbidden fruit he was insatiable.  Her lips were soft as they moved against his with desperation.  Bucky didn’t know what he was doing and followed his instincts, his hands slipping to the back of her neck to hold her close, then slipping down her back to bring her body flush with his.  Y/N’s arms wound around his neck and he felt like he was melting into her embrace.  Her fingers ran through his hair and as she scratched softly down his scalp he whimpered against her mouth.  Her legs caged his hips against his bed as her hands explored, cupping his jaw and then moving her lips away from his mouth to start kissing his cheek, then down to his neck, one hand holding his neck in place and the other ripping at his Roman collar, popping a button for her lips to gain more access to his throat, then scratching down his chest.  Bucky’s head fell back, his eyes rolling in his head as his hands found her hips then ran down her bare thighs, kneading the plushy skin.  
Bucky’s eyes landed on a cross that was hung on the opposite wall in his room that he had draped Constance’s rosary on.  He had a flash of guilt surge through him that was quickly replaced with pleasure when she sucked on his neck.  He felt like this was a whole new type of worship.  The popular song he’d heard from a few years back flashed through his mind:  “Take me to church.”  The devilish, carnal side of him knew in that moment that he would abandon the cross, abandon his promises and covenants, if it meant that his church was this: this woman, this pleasure, this sweet release.
Y/N’s lips traveled back up to his mouth.  He kissed her hungrily as she opened her mouth and her tongue licked along his bottom lip.  He opened his mouth and she dipped her tongue in, tasting him.  She let out a moan and Bucky chased the sound with his tongue.  He suddenly lifted himself up and pushed Y/N to the bed on her back, one of his knees settling between her legs right at her core, making her shiver in his arms.  He took his turn in kissing and licking down her throat until he reached her chest, burying his face into her cleavage as he smelled and kissed her.  He wanted to suffocate in her.
Y/N’s hips rocked against his knee, searching for the friction she desired.  As her head tilted back her eyes fell on the cross and rosary on his wall and she stiffened.  Bucky froze when he felt her tense up.  He looked up at her and followed her eye line to the cross.
“Stop,” she said, pushing him back by his shoulders.  Bucky immediately got up but stayed close.
“Y/N,” he started.
“This was a mistake,” Y/N muttered as she adjusted her clothes and stood up from the bed.  She grabbed her bag and started walking towards the door.
“No, Y/N wait, please!” Bucky grabbed her arm.  She wrenched it out of his hold.
“NO!  No Bucky.  This is wrong.  I’m sorry,” she paused, stifling a sob behind her hand.  “I’m sorry I tempted you.”
“What?  Y/N you didn’t tempt me.  I’m a grown man who can make my own choices, and I chose to be here, alone, with you, because I wanted to.  You didn’t make me do anything,” Bucky stood in front of her.  “I wanted that.  I want this,” he gestured between the two of them.
“It doesn’t matter,” Y/N cried.
“How could it not matter?” Bucky asked incredulously.
“Because you can’t have us both!” Y/N yelled, pointing towards the cross.  Bucky sighed defeatedly when he glanced at the cross again.  “And I won’t make you choose.”
“I just want you,” Bucky said desperately.
Y/N shook her head as she side-stepped him.  “Goodbye Bucky.”  She took her heels off so she wouldn’t make too much noise walking along the hard floors and opened his door.  “See you when I see you.”
“Y/N,” Bucky whispered but she was already halfway down the hallway, ducking around the corner and back towards the side door he’d let her in earlier.  Bucky broke down in tears for the first time in years as he watched her leave.  He closed his door and sat down beside it as he wept.  Everything he felt was too conflicting.  Devotion pulling him two different ways, the lust he’d been drunk on, the guilt eating him from the inside out, her smell still floating around the room making him aroused but devastated.  He got up and walked over to his bed, her body outline still indented into his comforter.  He fell to his knees where he’d been earlier and laid his head into the indent, his tears wetting the blanket as he breathed deeply, trying to calm the throbbing pain in his cock and his heart.  
**picture if from Pinterest, it's A.I. so there's no "artist" or "creator"**
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cerise-on-top · 4 months
helloooo! how do think Kate and Nikolai would like to get married, like type of weddings and how they’d propose. Also I adore your Kate stuff! there isn’t enought for her!
Hello! I'm not sure I'm the right person to ask this since the last wedding I went to was 17, almost 18 years ago! But I tried, even if I don't know at all what a wedding encompasses!
How Laswell and Nikolai Would Like to Get Married
Laswell: She’d try to find a special date to propose, even if she would preferably choose Christmas. However, if you don’t celebrate Christmas, then she’ll find another date, even if it’s “just” your birthday. You deserve all the good in the world and that she makes sure to give you. Your birthday will be an absolute dream, everything will be perfect and you will be cared for. However, Laswell will try to propose to you when the two of you are all alone, so she’ll either send everyone away, or drive you home and then propose to you on your doorstep. Either way, she wants you to be content and happy so that you can be positively joyful as she proposes to you. Your wedding won’t be very big, however, with only the most important people coming. She’s a CIA station chief, she’s highly sought after, so not the entire city needs to know about your arrangements and possibly get you killed during them. No, Laswell plays it safe and thus keeps it small. Although she would like to have a ceremony to commemorate this special day. Laswell isn’t a very religious person, in fact she’s not religious at all, so she doesn’t need a church wedding. If you absolutely insist, however, then she will plan one. However, she’s content with a ceremony and just a civil marriage. If you’re close with a lot of people, then it’s very likely that a lot of people will come from your side. Laswell doesn’t really have many people she’d invite to her wedding. The people she would invite likely don’t have time, so she doesn’t particularly bother. Besides, those two are very dangerous people as well, so it would likely be for the best if she doesn’t. The wedding itself would be a rather standard wedding, though. Like one you’d see on TV, so nothing too fancy. It doesn’t need to be to show how much you love each other.
Nikolai: He’d be very casual about it, waiting for a good moment to ask you for marriage. Don’t get me wrong, he has a pair of rings he’d use for such a thing, but he won’t openly propose with them. During a mellow moment where it’s evident you both love each other so dearly and are stricken with infatuation, that’s when he’ll ask you if you want to marry him. No getting down on one knee, just him lying on your chest, looking up at you and asking you, hearts in his eyes. It would take him a while to ask you for your hand in marriage, a few years, in fact, but he’ll be the one to ask. It won’t be a special date either, just whenever you’re feeling especially lovey dovey with each other. Your wedding won’t be very big either. He’s the leader of Chimera, so he needs to keep a low profile if he doesn’t want to be found out. No big or fancy ceremony, even if he will marry you in a church. Nikolai wants to have a traditional Russian wedding. One, where he pays ransom for you with the most beautiful sapphire necklace he could find. One, where he finds the most stunning crowns in all of Russia, both of which are yours. One, where he takes you through St. Petersburg to show you all the sights there are to see. Granted, he’ll be speedrunning the tour with you since he can’t afford to have the wedding last longer than two days, but he still wants to enjoy all these moments with you. He’ll tell you about all the sights there are in the city and hold your hand as well, taking pictures everywhere. He just wants to remember the sight of you wearing either a suit or a wedding dress forever, and what better way is there than by taking pictures? Although his memory is phenomenal, and he’ll remember those days forever, he still wants a few pictures here and there as a keepsake.
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lovdlydaz · 5 months
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incubus!yeonjun x black!afab!reader
“i met the devil by the window, traded my life. temptation touched my tongue, spread the wings of desire.”
warnings: talks of religious beliefs/trauma, suggestive but there’s only dirty talk, kinda sorta angst? talks of the unknown/paranormal, whatever just enjoy
a/n: hello! this will be a 6 part series with ot5, the first one will be yeonjun since he is the oldest. i’m going down by ages so soobin will be next. hope you enjoy! pt. 2 here
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you grew up in a very religious way, basically the epitome of a black christian household. your mother would hold bible studies at your house with all of her church friends, and your father was a preacher. your older brother had gotten baptized when you were 15, and he kept spitting religious facts and truths to you every second he could.
the fact was, you didn’t really believe in god as your parents thought you did. you had a bible, you had a bible app on your phone that would give you verses for the day, but it’s not like you ever read them. your bible dusted on the top of your dresser, collecting lint from every other book you had. you were a christian yes, but you were also not one.
you didn’t believe in ghosts, paranormal activity or anything of that sort. your parents always said that your childhood home was haunted, and it was the angels watching over the family that made the spirits not bother either of them. you just rolled your eyes at their bullshit, they would always say that.
however, you did always have that weird feeling that something was watching you, something you couldn’t put your finger on. it followed you everywhere, made you develop paranoia and forced you to always be cautious with everything you did.
you weren’t all that far off, either.
“why do you keep watching her, yeonjun?” soobin asked his fellow incubus, yeonjun staring through his fancy little glass that showed you on your phone at the subway station, headphones on and blasting music to help drown out the noise and the feeling of someone watching you. yeonjun just stared at your form, leaning on his hand and looking like a lovesick teenager.
“i don’t know soobin, but something about her just… makes me feel like i need to claim her. she looks so innocent and small, i need to take her.” he spoke, his voice getting darker with more syllables he spits out. soobin was a little taken aback by this, but he just chuckled and leaned back, staring at the ceiling of their little demon house. “i get that feeling yeonjun-ah, but you do understand that there are regulations to us having contact with humans?” he asked the older, making the man turn his head to him and snap his fingers, shattering the glass mirror.
“i know, i’m not that stupid. but you know, we are demons right? so there’s nothing wrong with bending the rules a little, huh?” he smirked, making soobin sigh into his hands and look up at the blonde. “don’t say that i didn’t warn you when mr. satan is on your ass about you having relations with this girl,” he exasperated, but the smaller was already gone and off somewhere.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ ⎯⎯ ୨ ୧ ⎯⎯ ੈ✩‧₊˚
it was nighttime, and you were doing your daily skin routine. you were applying all that you needed to all over your face to make it nice and shiny for the morning, and to help you sleep. you felt so much better now that you were in the comfort of your own apartment, grabbing your phone and laying down in your bed going through media. that’s when you heard it—three raps at the window. you quickly looked at your bedside window, and there was nothing there.
you got up and walked over to it, looking out of it without opening it. you were so scared, but you had to stay strong and tell yourself that you were just hearing things. until you came face to face with a demonic man staring right back at you through your window.
you screamed, grabbing the nearest object and chucking it at your window, breaking it and hitting the man in the face. he groaned and broke through the window, standing in your room while you cowered on your bed. you started to actually pray, trying to make the demon get out any way you could.
after a few minutes of praying and crying, you looked up and saw that it was still there, and just laughing at you. “god you humans are jumpy! prayers only work for ghosts and actual traditional demons, not me sweets.” he smiled, stepping one inch closer while you leaped three feet back. your back hit the wall and you slid down the wall, holding yourself and trying to calm yourself down.
that’s when yeonjun appeared in front of you and leaned down, grabbing your chin and staring at your form. your eyes were red and puffy, your big lips in a quiver as you stared back at him. he was pretty… really really handsome. you were surprised at this revelation, because you were always taught that demons were ugly and disgusting creatures who were the definition of evil. but this one was so handsome… and he looked kind, however that made just to deceive you and not actually be a kind demon.
“will you calm down now?” yeonjun inquired, giving you a small smile and a soft chuckle. your breathing had slowed down but not that much. you were still panicked that you had just witnessed a demon in your room, but he did ease you somewhat. at least he wasn’t trying to steal your soul or something. he just stared at you, hand still under your chin which you could barely notice since you were just trying to study his features.
he had soft pink skin with a rosy complexion, big pink lips and cat eyes. he had big eyebrows which oddly fit perfectly on his sculpted face with long pointy horns that were almost 5 feet in length. they were huge, but it only intrigued you more. his hands were big and veiny, and they were heavy. it made you realize that this man was a real demon, not just one from a fairytale or something. he was a real demon, and you had to take a few minutes to realize that.
however, the flapping of his large wings snapped you back into reality, making you lean back in fear. you hadn’t heard his question, so all you did was stare at him as your breath picked up again. he sighed, pressing a hand on your chest and it easily calmed your nerves, automatically making you more eased and relaxed. he chuckled, getting up and putting a hand on his hip.
“that’s much better, now… how about i introduce myself?” you nodded, getting up from the ground and sitting on the bed while he stood right in front of you. “my name is choi yeonjun, and i am a demon. that much you could probably see, but i’m not just any demon. i am an incubus, which means i feed off the sexual desire of my vic—humans. normally i feed from dreams, but i can also feed from the pure arousal of my subject. now how about you?” he asked, making you snap back into reality since you sorta zoned out on his face while he was talking.
“oh uhm—my n-name is y/n, and i’m a college student about to graduate. i’m 22 and have a job as a banking accountant, and uhm… i’m human? yeah?” you weren’t as scared anymore, but still on edge since he was just staring deep into your soul. it felt like he was feeding off you just from his eyes, which made you even more scared, you didn’t know what to do. you just kept your breathing steady, which he obviously noticed. “well, lovely introduction, i bet we could get along greatly,” he joked, smiling at your somewhat trembling form.
god, he couldn’t get enough of you. you were pretty and you looked so innocent, he wanted to just ruin you. turn you into his little toy to mess with, play with like a ragdoll and morph into what he wanted you to be. and he could, but he needed to ease you into it first. so, he leaned back against the wall, crossing his arms and staring down at you.
“you’re probably wondering how i got here, and how you’re able to see me aren’t you?” he asked, to which you nodded. “well, us demons have this special little thing where we can either let humans see us, or have them see us in their dreams but never in real life. i’ve chosen to see you since i want to get a raw reaction from you instead of in your dreams, but that’s just me. not every incubus does it my way, but they’re all old farts so it doesn’t really matter,” he chuckled softly, still staring down at you. you couldn’t really comprehend what the hell you were seeing, but seeing him looking somewhat human had your nerves calmed.
although, his explanation made you a bit confused. “how can y’all just… pick and choose who gets to see you or not?” your tone was obviously filled with confusion, but he just laughed some more. “i don’t know, demons are just weird like that i guess,” he smiled, making you softly giggle. he snapped his fingers and pointed at you, smiling while he did so. “i made you laugh! point one for yeonjun.” he smiled proudly, making you giggle again. “don’t get on your high horse about it, it was just a small laugh.” you smiled, making him cross his arms and pout.
“any laugh counts in my book, so!” he exclaimed, making you slightly punch his shoulder. then you realize—he’s hot to the touch. not hot like he had been under a blanket, hot as in he had just soaked in the sun for about 3 years. he felt like he was constantly on fire, and it scared you yet intrigued you. he was filled with mysteries, and you felt like sherlock (insert shinee joke here). however, there was one lingering question on your mind—if he was an incubus… why did he come to you specifically?
“i still have one question though…” you mumbled, his head perking up and his tail swung behind him. “what is it?” he asked. “if you’re an incubus, then why did you come to me specifically? and what are you going to do to me?” your voice had hints of fear sprinkled in it, and he could tell—you thought he was going to suck your life force out of you while you were awake. he just burst out laughing, holding his stomach while wiping his eyes. “oh wow, wow! you think i’m gonna suck your life force away? that’s the funniest thing i’ve heard in my 100+ years of living!” he chortled, making you pout.
“but isn’t that what incubi do? sucubi and incubi suck the life force out of people through their arousal—“ “traditional sucubi and incubi do that, not me hun,” he said, looking down at you with condescending eyes. “what i want to do with you is claim you. make you mine. make you scream in pleasure as i pound deep into your womb with everything i have. i want to hear you, and make sure nobody else can have you unlike me. that’s all i want.” his voice got lower and raspier, crawling towards you and sitting on his knees on the bed. you could feel your legs clench with his words, already sort of feeling the arousal begin.
“and yeah, maybe we feed off of the desire of our hosts but that doesn’t mean we always take their life force out of them. sometimes we do, sometimes we don’t. sometimes we have a sort of nifty little thing that makes our human addicted to us more than ever, that no other human could satisfy them. sometimes we can take the life force away and turn them into a demon like us. it all depends on how we feel.” he rambled on, but you were drowning out his voice. that was until he grabbed your chin and forced you to stare at him, red eyes boring down on you.
“while i would like to make you a succubus so we could be together in hell, i would also like seeing you be unsatisfied with any man that tries to fuck you, to see you struggle to cum by yourself and to have me come by your window and make sure your neighbors file 6 noise complaints by the time we’re done. wouldn’t you like that, y/n-ah?” he purred deep into your ear, making you gulp and rub your legs together more. you whimpered slightly, feeling your body grow hot but that only made him smile. “so, it’s a deal? great!” he exclaimed, smiling brightly as he pulled away from you, getting up from the bed and going back to the window.
“see you again at the same time tomorrow, y/n-ah?” he asked, slowly climbing out the window and you nodded, still speechless by what you just had been a part of. he giggled and waved, flapping his wings then disappearing into thin air. you could feel how soaked you were through your underwear and you sighed, really trying to figure out what the hell just happened to you.
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back at hell yeonjun happily flied into the house he shared with his pals, beomgyu greeting him this time. he raised his head up from his phone when he saw the smiley man come into the room, closing it and setting it down. “so? how’d it go?” he asked, yeonjun flopping onto their magic couch with a lovesick sigh. “i think it went pretty well. she was even feeling arousal before i did anything! so i say i’ve won her over,” he happily chirped, making beomgyu chuckle. “you really have a thing for humans don’t you yeonjun-hyung?” he smiled, yeonjun hitting him playfully and giggling. “not all humans, just her!” he bashed, letting soobin know it was his time to come into the room.
“you know everyone was watching you two right? even hyuka, and you know how he is about things like this, being a new incubus and all,” and that had yeonjun shocked, putting a dramatic hand over his chest and gasping. “really? guess my y/n did a pretty good job,” he proudly bellowed, making soobin roll his eyes and drink his hot coffee. “she is pretty yeonjun, but you do understand that if you put her under a spell that makes her unable to cum without the help of a demon, any demon that isn’t you can help her right?” he told the oldest, making yeonjun’s whole world come crashing down.
“hehe, funny story… i kinda did that before i left, and she didn’t notice…” he scratched the back of his neck, making soobin and beomgyu sigh. “well, you know your time on earth has started over right? so you have 5 days until you can go back, right?” he told him, yeonjun’s heart feeling a slight twinge. “so… i can’t please her until my time’s up?” he asked, soobin nodding. “don’t mean to say i told you so but… i told you so.” he giggled slyly, making the blonde boy growl.
“well then how is she supposed to get off? i can’t help her…” he mumbled, beomgyu holding his older friend in his arms. “how about this… everyone in our group can go and help her for each day you have to stay, and on the day you can come back, you can help her and—if you want—we can join you?” beomgyu suggested, making yeonjun’s bright eyes light up with joy. “you guys would really do that for me?” he asked, the two boys nodding. “i’ll convince hyuka to as well, and be there for emotional support whenever he goes!” terry called out from his room, hearing hyuka’s confused noise from his room. yeonjun just laughed some more, his smile brighter than ever.
“thanks guys, don’t know what i would do without you all,” he sighed, soobin ruffling his hair and beomgyu hugging him tighter. “it’s nothing yeonjun-ah, just what friends do right?” soobin spoke, making the fellow demon nod his head. “mhm, thanks you guys.”
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© gg 2023. dividers were made by me. do not steal, use, or repost my work without my consent. reblogging/interaction is welcomed.
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dollypopup · 6 months
fuck it, gonna do it myself since the showrunners refuse to
Colin Bridgerton Background and Headcanons
+Colin was a chubby child, but became super lanky around his pre-teens, just before he went to Eton
+He would play piano with Francesca for Mum. He always wanted to play and sing for Papa, too, but Edmund was usually with Anthony and Benedict. Still, he and Fran would sit on the shorter velvet cushion so they could reach the pedals, and they would take turns singing silly made up songs, or church hymns
+Because of his age, he was always excluded from the 'Boys' club of the family. At ten years younger than his older brothers, and not an Heir OR the Spare, this is when he started getting particularly close with his sisters, El, Daph, and Fran. He and Daphne were almost inseparable growing up.
+Colin got SEVERAL makeovers from his sisters. They always said he was just as pretty as they were, and powdered him with too much blush, bribing him with extra snacks if he wore one of their dresses. He did, of course. Those Tea Parties were fancy affairs, after all. Once, Eloise tried to braid his hair for it, too, but it was just too short
+Of all his siblings, Colin is the only one Papa ever punished physically. After Colin hit Eloise and Papa saw, he horsewhipped him in the stable. Colin is a boy, soon to be a man, Papa said, he should never lay a hand on a lady, *any* lady. Colin wonders why he cannot hit a lady, but anyone can hit him. It's the start of his hero complex and his martyr streak, too. He does not matter in the scenario, others do. He can get hurt, but others cannot.
+It's not three months after Edmund dies that Colin is sent to Eton. He's the only boy in their entire family to ever go there, and the prestige of Oxford was just unnecessarily for a third son. The funds were already put aside, Colin's traveling trunk packed, and the first year paid out. He had no choice. As a lanky, scrawny, barely 5 feet tall 12 year old boy, Colin leaves everything he has ever known behind to mourn in private, on his own, far from anything familiar
+Eton has. . .to say problems would be an understatement. Colin is under the tutelage of the harshest superintendent of the century for only one year toward the end, but it is far more than enough. The treatment is horrible. (look it up, this is historically accurate!). 'Flogging Fridays' were so harrowing, the uprisings by the students ended in stalemates and fury. In that last year, Colin had long hit his growth spurt, and resented a bully deep, *deep* in his bones. In his last year at Eton, Colin broke so many windows in the uprising that for days after, he was picking glass shards out from his clothes
+His first year at Eton was hard. Colin was small and alone and had no one in his corner. He made friends with some others, but for the most part, he was an easy target for the older boys to pick on. His name couldn't shield him from that. Being so small, even when he tried to fight back, he wasn't very successful, and most times, they would report him for violence anyway, so his choices were two fold- sit down and take it, or square up
+Colin learns to box at Eton. It isn't encouraged, surely, but one of his classmates noticed how Colin was very much not having a good time and put two and two together. He was older, a bit fatherly, almost, even though he wasn't even 18, yet. It was his last year so he was less concerned with doing things as the world expected it. Colin followed him around like a little duckling. Everywhere James went, Colin went. They sat with each other to eat dinner, then would sneak off to spar and train. He was Colin's first crush. He never told anyone, but he *is* grateful
+When Colin comes home for the first time, he *knows* everything is different. There's already a rift forming. Colin becomes a haunt in the hallway, only there in the summers and for holiday breaks. Colin becomes a ghost, half seen, wandering Aubrey Hall. Mama is over the moon, of course, as over the moon she can be still deep in grief, as is Daphne, but Fran is quieter, now, and Eloise turns away from him, frustrated at his freedoms when she gets none. Anthony has no time for him, save to ask if his studies are well, and Benedict is busy taking care of the babs
+Colin's favorite place to be when he was home was with Hyacinth. He'd sneak into the nursery and gently hold her. Though there were nurses, Colin was there so often, they swore she never cried. The truth was, Hy cried often, but Colin would notice the signs and comfort her. It made him feel better, to know there was something in this world that might need him. No one else needed him. Not Mama, not his sisters, certainly not his brothers. So, he rocks the baby sister he barely knows, and he sings her lullabies, and he cries with her, sometimes, and he's just a little less alone
+He's 14 by the time he finally starts gaining height. A late bloomer, a professor or two teases. They thought it would never come, really. He'd been a been pole for as long as anyone could remember, ever since he turned 6, but all of a sudden, he looked almost skeletal. Shooting up near an entire foot was awful. For a lot of people in his life, this was the first they'd seen him be openly miserable and snappish. Sore and frustrated, Colin had the shortest fuse he'd ever had. Oh, he had a temper. Always did. But he typically knew how to reign it in. During his growing pains, it was impossible. This is the manifest of him not sharing his food- he was constantly ravenous, and lord help anyone trying to get between him and his plate
+Colin first meets Penelope when he's 16, filled out and coming into his own, an insta-crush for Penelope, but for Colin? First thing he thought after her bonnet knocked him off his horse is that she looked like a peach. All round and pink and in her yellow dress. Colin likes peaches. So Colin likes her. It was simple as that for him
+He never got into Eloise's rivalry about Penelope. Honestly, he didn't think about her very often. Penelope seemed sweet, but she was near silent. Eloise would tell him that she wasn't that way with her, as though bragging, and Colin just shrugged. He didn't have any real interest or investment in their friendship, but he did try to be polite. The one time, Penelope stood in front of him and tried to say something for an entire minute, only to squeak and thrust out a book at him, turning tail and making off. He found it surprisingly funny. She opened up to him slowly, got more comfortable in increments, but he thinks back to that moment and remembers that she's come a long way. Would be nice to see where they end up (forshadowinggggg)
+Colin doesn't like to drink. Never carried a torch for the taste, really, but other men did it, and only in drinking did they seem to have any semblance of closeness. Colin tries it for himself. It never really works out
+Charm becomes a second skin to hide himself in. Deflecting questions to other people, remembering details about them and bringing them up, asking questions and using humor. Funny how humor lands so much easier, now. At Eton, he had no protection. (No wonder he despises a bully) But now, he was grown. Now, he was a 'man'. A conventionally attractive man (he can't really deny it). He's tall and he's finally started filling out broad and big, and he uses it to his advantage. When he talks, in his mind, somewhere, he's still that 5 foot tall boy, crying in the carriage to an unfamiliar place or grinning and bearing it his first year at school. But this time, he has a cloak to wrap around himself. This time, yes, he's softhearted and tender, but he is also beautiful and knows how to focus on someone else, and he uses it to his advantage.
+Colin understands this privilege, because for a time, he knew what it was like without it. Colin sees what happens to those who do not have it, also. For Colin, charm is the sprinkle of honey over his bitter fears and concerns. For Colin, charm is the fun party hat everyone gets to see- not that he's sad, not that he's conflicted, not that he's unsure. He's pretty. That's enough for them
+But it isn't enough for HIM. Colin grapples with his purpose because the idea that he should be content to be attractive and well off and nothing else sits unpleasantly with him. Colin wants to be a self-made man, but he is denied the opportunity. So he tries to navigate the world as it is around him, having been pre-molded and determined to a certain outcome.
+So, Colin's arc is about becoming a Man, but he is not a conventional one, so he works from example. What do Men do? Colin certainly didn't have his father to inform him, so he relies on the other men around him. Well. . .Men visit brothels and have mistresses and drink whiskey and go to clubs, but Colin doesn't want to go to a brothel, and he doesn't desire a mistress, and whiskey burns when it goes down, acrid as the smoke thick and smoggy in the clubs. So. . .what else? Well, Men get married. Men take care of a family. Men are educated.
he can do THAT
+Colin attempts to marry in Season 1 not because he is fully infatuated (he likes Marina, sure, but his eagerness is not just rooted in such) but because he is attempting to find purpose. To find meaning. To be a Man, a GOOD man. And Good Men are married, so Colin will be married. Good Men take care of their family, so Colin takes care of his family, so Colin offers to BE her family. But because these are rooted in aimless endeavors (Colin wants to be A man, but not THE man he envisions for himself), they fall apart. Now, Penelope certainly has a hand in it falling to pieces, but Colin didn't really have the right motivations to start off with, so in season 2. . .
+He's depressed. It's odd to me that others would describe season 2 as an arc in which Colin is successful. The entire time, he is in a deep depression. Colin partakes in drugs, specifically to not think about the world, or to find peace and comfort. Colin claims that no one wants to hear his stories, even if he thinks he did everything right by traveling. (Remarkable. . .yes, in the sense that I have many remarks of it). Colin drinks even though he clearly hates it, gets migraines, hangovers, grimaces at the taste, because he is looking for ESCAPE
+But Colin cannot escape. Even on a different continent, even having run, there is no where to go. His escape is not from the ton, and not even necessarily from reality, but from his own insecurities. From what he feels are his inadequacies. Good Men are married, but in Colin's mind, he abandoned Marina. Good Men take care of their family, and Colin left his. Good Men are educated, and Colin is tripping on shrooms in the middle of Cyprus, looking at the stars, wondering what he's meant to do with himself. Colin's desires to escape are deeply rooted, but Colin doesn't want to escape a PLACE. He's done that for a long time. No, Colin wants to escape a PERSON. Himself. The himself he knows himself as
+So, instead, it's easier to be someone else. Himself is messy and sensitive and needs to rehearse what he says. Himself doesn't ever say the right thing (doesn't know how) and is boring to everyone else, besides. Himself is too painful, so it's easier to be Charming Colin. Helpful Colin. Colin taking down a scheme. Colin providing for others. Because he does not matter in it. They do.
+But he DOES. Season 3 sees Colin masquerading. Successfully, of course, but nonetheless. He's half settled into himself and half settled into the persona. When Penelope gives him the cold shoulder with no explanation? Persona. When Eloise avoids him? Persona. When Fran is getting trussed up like a calf for auction on the marriage mart? Persona. Colin spends so much of his life trying to be someone else
+And then he finds out Penelope is Whistledown, and the betrayal of it rips all his talent from him. He can no longer be Happy Colin, Smiling Colin, Here, I'll Help Colin- no, now he is just angry. Sad. Upset. Hurt. Conflicted. He can only be COLIN, and he does not want her to see. Does not want her to reveal it to everyone else, that the man they saw was a sham, that deep down, he is still that boy, that boy Marina said he was, that boy chasing dreams and fantasies, that boy curled up in the cupboard, sobbing about losing his dad, that empty, hollow boy, able to offer up nothing but charm
+But they will see. She will see. And he will see, too. Just who Colin really is. Just who he can be. And just how full and rich and wonderful the reality really is, mess and all
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j0ystix · 7 months
BSD genderbend HCs for DOA and Hunting Dogs
Fyodor :
- I THINK (because we don’t know Fyodor’s Canon height) Fem fyodor is 174cm. Male Sigma is 177cm so can you imagine male Sigma leaning forward to hear what fem fyodor is saying
- With heels, Fyodor is 177cm and Dazai with heels is 180cm (bro fem dazai, male dazai are the same atp)
- I saw someone drew her with this thick white fur coat and I fell in love so yes, I am a firm believer that she has a unnecessarily large white fur coat
- she wears one long black beaded rosary necklace with
- Has unnecessarily long pointy black nails that Nikolai painted to her to stop her from biting her nails but sometimes Fyodor forgets and pokes her own eye
- has the same hair as male Fyodor
- you can’t tell if she’s wearing red lipstick or there’s blood on her lips because she’s a lip bitter
- the first introduction of Fem Fyodor we will see is her leaving a church in a white babydoll dress and black tights. She holds a rosary in her hand and there’s blood splattered on her black heels, face and hands but her dress is pristine white. She would whisper “Lord thank you for this beautiful day”. Nikolai emerged from the back in a nun outfit and blood all over her and a gun in one hand.
- Fyodor would have the sexiest Russian accent omfg
- there will be a scene where she would get catcalled by some men to smile because she looked gloomy. She proceeded to kill them with her ability
- both fyodors are extremely skinny and underweight
- finds men annoying as hell because they kept asking her to smile or commenting on her skinny stature
- wears some raggedy oversized T shirt to sleep every night and fluffy striped socks and a nightcap
- doesn’t let Nikolai put make up for her
- has never gotten her period once (Nikolai suspects she doesn’t have a womb) but it’s because she is too malnourished
Fem Nikolai :
- I think she’ll wear pants AND A BLACK CORSETT. She has two long braids and she’s pretty (and notably) cute
- 175cm
- has insanely gorgeous curly white hair that she usually lets down whenever she’s undercover
- wears both black and red lipstick. Her top lip is red and bottom lip is black
- sometimes wear too revealing clothes so Fyodor has to lent her her fury white coat
- she sleeps in her lingerie (imagine the contrast between her and fyodor)
- Nikolai likes stealing Fyodor’s ONLY T shirt that she wears to sleep
- has insane period cravings and pesters Fyodor about it
- Nikolai has two my little pony figurines who she thinks represents Fyodor and her
- Nikolai paints her nails regularly
- In the prison arc when Fyodor dies and Nikolai holds onto Fyodor’s torn arm, she would kiss Fyodor’s hand because she knew that Fyodor loved the gesture of hand kissing (I think male Fyodor is the type to kiss women’s hands)
Fem Sigma
- screams before committing an act of violence
- cannot watch horror movies
- I think she would have those cute reflective/sparkly/glittery nails
- the softest hair too
-I think fem sigma will have bodyguards because the casino is a pretty dangerous place and she’s the manager, if a conflict arises, she has to diffuse it so she needs bodyguards everywhere she goes
- she has a pocket knife with her everywhere she goes. The casino is dangerous and she has to protect herself against angry men. When she first met male Teruko, she became disdainful because Teruko is an angry male LOL
- owns a collection of hair ribbons. Nikolai plays with her hair
- had a collection of fancy earrings worth thousands
- fem sigma loves baking cookies and decorating them. She loves baking in general
- she smells like vanilla :)
- personality would be the same as male Sigma
Fem Jouno!
- has a rose on the side of her head
- 173cm
- smells like roses
- has red nails (nobody knows if it’s nail polish or blood)
-another member of the big bust committee
- always wear those dainty gold bracelets
- long eyelashes
- loves to torture men in particular because she likes men who whimper (I can imagine her bullying male Chuuya because he’s shorter than her)
- the only hunting dog that wears heels
- probably has a taser in her back pocket
- back in the criminal organisation, she was definitely a feared woman like Dazai and Chuuya
- has “ladylike” manners like she would lift her pinkie finger when drinking tea and dap napkins lightly on her lips after she eats and she can differentiate the different types of spoon
Fem Tetchou
- gotta be honest…I think make and fem tetchou looks the EXACT same
- maybe fem tetchou is slightly shorter at 169cm and maybe her hair is longer and you can see her curves a bit more but that’s it
- she dresses androgynously too like jeans and a long sleeve shirt
- has super rough hands. Jouno always screams at her calluses and calling her disgusting
- smells kinda bad LMAO jouno scolds her for this
- I don’t think she wears makeup. Like I think the other fem characters would wear noticeable lipstick but i doubt Tetchou does
- took down many men before and they all thought she was a man
- her voice is quite deep (not as deep as her male counterpart)
- really likes princess shows and novels. SHE LOVES BARBIE
- actually, she has one rose clip at the back of her head (she has a low ponytail) which matches with Jouno :) they’re both roses with thorns
- when Tetchou thought she was going to die in the hands of Kenji she would whisper “my greatest regret was that I complained about the amount of makeup you wore. I lied, I thought you looked beautiful and I would spend the rest of my life watching you powder your face.” Because I headcanon that Jouno loves to beautify herself and Tetchou is always waiting for her so Tetchou always complains that putting on makeup is unnecessary
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wenclairfamily · 6 months
"A Wednesday Addams Christmas Carol" - Fanfiction Story (For Wenclair Fans!)
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A story set twenty years in the future...
Wednesday Addams and Enid Sinclair. They were a duo that shouldn't have worked... but they did... and somehow their relationship resulted in marriage. Now, Wednesday and Enid work at their old school: Nevermore Academy as teachers, raising up an entire new generation; including their own twin seventeen year old daughters: Harmony and Ana. Harmony, who carries both of her mother's special abilities, continues to grow and explore the world with her girlfriend Megan. Ana meanwhile... is a different story...
One morning on Christmas Eve: a fresh layer of snow was laying everywhere, while the sound of Christmas carolers could be heard from a faraway distance. Harmony and Ana Addams were walking through the park together wearing winter clothes, as they were looking around at the scenery. Harmony had a small smile on her face as she said, "Wow. The town has never looked this beautiful around Christmas before. I wish Megan was here to see it." As Ana also took in the scenery, she said, "Yeah, but I think it's nice she decided to spend her Christmas with her extended family this year. It means we get one more Christmas with just the two of us and mom together before you get married." Harmony suddenly had an overwhelmed look on her face as she said, "Wow. You're right. It's also dawned on me... me and Megan need to start making some plan on what our wedding will look like." Ana smirked as she said, "Well if you want, I can officiate the wedding." A confused looking Harmony then said, "What!? Since when can you do that?" Ana continued to walk as she casually said, "Since I became an honorary priest in the catholic church. The Pope owed me a favor after I saved him from some Australian Polar Bears that were trying to swap brains with him." Harmony looked very confused for a moment... but then casually said, "Of course you did. So anyway, where's that cat of yours Ana?" As Ana turned her head in multiple directions, she said, "Yeah, I've been keeping my eye out for him, and... Wait. Hold on."
Ana then moved towards a tree where she heard meowing noises. Harmony followed, and eventually the two sisters saw behind a tree were Ana's cat and a white female cat making lovely meowing sounds at each other while they gently rubbed their heads against one another. A smiling Harmony put her hands together as she said, "Aww. How cute!" However Ana looked nervous as she said, "Oh no. Tell me that isn't the cat that belongs to..." Then Ana heard a male teenage voice yell, "Princess Snuggles!" Ana turned her head with a disgusted face, and saw a teenage boy walking towards the scene. Ana glared forward as she said, "Duncan." The teenage boy Duncan immediately saw what the two cats were doing, and quickly yelled, "Princess Snuggles, get away from that cat. He is the enemy!" Ana meanwhile took a big deep breath, and then looked straight at Duncan as she said, "Look Duncan. We may not like each other, but our two cats obviously do. So in the spirit of Christmas, lets try to make a little peace on Earth and try to get along for the sake of the love between our pets that we so love. What do you say?"
Duncan stood silent... for two seconds, before he angerly yelled, "No! You're a freak, and so is your cat!" Ana rolled her eyes and said, "So we're gonna do this the hard away." Then Ana immediately took out a taser and shoved it into Duncan's chest shocking him very hard. Duncan then fell to the ground hurt, as Ana casually said, "Okay Stormageddon the Conqueror. Lets find a nice fancy restaurant for you and Princess Snuggles to dine at." Then suddenly the sound of an explosion nearby was heard. A concerned Harmony then asked, "What was that?" Ana grinned as she said, "I don't know... but lets find out. Stormageddon the Conqueror, enjoy your date with Princess Snuggles. There's a great cat-friendly Italian place nearby you should try. We'll pick you up around six." Harmony and Ana then began to run towards the sound of the explosion as Harmony said, "It's a good thing mom and mother told us to take a long walk from the house and get some exercise today. Otherwise we might have not heard that explosion." Ana rolled her eyes as she said, "Oh, I'm pretty sure mother and mom didn't want us to take a long walk because they were concerned about our needs."
In the family home, Wednesday used her hands to pin Enid's shoulders to the wall of the bathroom. A smiling but slightly nervous Enid said, "Wednesday, what if the girls come home while we're in the middle of..." Wednesday then suddenly covered Enid's mouth with one hand as she said, "Silence. I sent them on a long walk. We'll have time." Wednesday then quickly pulled off her black dress as she kept a straight face, while Enid had great excitement on her face as she pulled off her own clothes. Wednesday then pulled off her underwear, and began to turn on the nearby shower. Meanwhile as Enid pulled off her underwear, she began to look confused as she said, "But why are we doing this around 11am? You usually prefer to have sex either early in the morning to help stimulate your senses, or late in the day to help relieve your stress levels. Getting hot and horny right before noon isn't normal for you." A now completely naked Wednesday turned to look at Enid as she said, "Enid, your questions shall only hinder this sexual encounter." Then Wednesday suddenly put on a pair of fake cat ears as she kept a very straight face while saying, "Now be a good puppy and obey your feline master." Enid's eyes suddenly lit up as he said, "My God, what is it about those cat ears that turns me on..."
Harmony and Ana were running through the woods, as Harmony yelled, "Hey. I think I see smoke. I think something crashed." A curious Ana then yelled, "I think we initially misjudged where it landed. It seems to be actually pretty close to our house." Then Harmony and Ana ran towards a smokey crater that wasn't too far from their home. Then as Harmony and Ana got close, the smoke began to disappear. Then within just a moment, Harmony and Ana realized at the center of the crater was a large red sled attached to several reindeer. Then the two teenage girls realized that sitting in the sled was a large bearded man in a red suit. A very confused and freaked out looking Ana then said, "Santa Clause?" An equally confused and freaked out Harmony then said, "What is going on here... and why did this happen so close to our house?"
Inside of the shower, Wednesday was in the middle of kissing Enid. Enid was very much enjoying herself as she said, "Mmm. Yes Wednesday. Yes, this is amazing. Although... do you smell smoke from outside? Also, did I hear a crashing sound a few minutes ago?" A nervous looking Wednesday then quickly got on her knees and brought her face to between Enid's legs. Out of instinct, Enid immediately said, "Ohhh! Yes Wednesday!"
Harmony and Ana walked carefully towards the red sled where Santa Clause was getting his bearings. Harmony then stood unsure of what to do as she said, "Hello. Who are you?" Santa smirked as he said, "Well who do you think I am? I'm Santa Clause. I was just about to begin delivering my presents to all the girls and boys around the world before my sled got brought down." A very confused Ana then stepped forward as she said, "Hold on. This doesn't make any sense. Santa Clause isn't real." Santa chuckled a bit, and then said, "Well where do you think children all over the world get their presents every year?" Harmony had a practical tone to her voice as she said, "From all the parents of the world."
Santa laughed for a moment, and then said, "You two actually believe that parents every year decide to give their kids more presents, after already losing tons of money on birthdays!? That's ridiculous! Besides, you think your mother: Wednesday Addams would have allowed you girls to receive all those colorful toys you received growing up? Not a chance! Besides, that goth gal has had it out for me for years. I've always had to be real careful delivering gifts to this house the night before Christmas every year. Now then, I wonder why I crashed so suddenly?" A look of clarity went across Harmony's face as she said, "Hold on. Our mother for years has had it out for you? I don't think your crash here was accidental."
In the bathroom, both Wednesday and Enid were now sitting up on the shower floor as a happy Enid said, "Mmm. That was amazing Wednesday." Wednesday then looked at a nearby clock in the bathroom as she said, "Indeed. Especially since the task is now done." Enid suddenly sat up straight as she glared at Wednesday while saying, "What task?" Wednesday suddenly looked a bit nervous as she said, "I mean... the task which was our sexual intercourse." Enid continued to glare at Wednesday while saying, "Oh no Wednesday Addams. You never refer to sex as merely a task. You were up to something just now. But since we were busy going at it in the shower, it had to be something you already laid out... and didn't want me to know!" Enid then quickly got up and began to put her clothes back on. Wednesday then quickly got up and began to put her own clothes back on as well. Enid then rushed over to the nearest window as she said, "Hold on! Is that Santa Clause outside our house!?"
Outside the house: Harmony and Ana were helping Santa Clause repair his sled. Ana smiled as she said, "Okay Santa. I updated your GPS, and gave all your reindeer some amazing protein shakes. You're all good to go." Then suddenly Wednesday came running out of the house holding a sword forward as she yelled with an enraged face: "Your reign of jolly ends now Saint Nick!" Enid suddenly ran out of the house and held Wednesday back as she loudly said, "Whoa! What the heck is going on!?" Santa rolled his eyes as he said, "Let me guess. You are the one that sent that missile up to make me crash." A confused Harmony then said, "Wait mother. You know Santa Clause?"
As Wednesday struggled to get free from Enid, she bitterly said, "Only by reputation. Santa Clause is one of the oldest outcasts in the world that ever attended Nevermore Academy. He had unique psychic abilities that allowed him to manipulate time and space to move across great distances within short periods, such as the entire Earth on Christmas Eve. However, rather than use his special abilities for something more productive, he's instead used his powers to perpetuate happiness around the holiday season. But after years of trying to stop his reign of good tidings to all, his time ends now!" Then Wednesday quickly broke free from Enid, and ran at Santa Clause with her sword out. However the magical reindeer quickly flew into the sky, and pulled Santa and his sled up with them. Santa laughed as he said, "Better luck next year Mrs Addams!" Once Santa and his sled were out of sight: Wednesday simply stood in front of the house, glaring up at the sky as she clenched her fists.
A short time later, Wednesday and Enid were sitting next to each other on the couch in their living room. Wednesday sat with anger on her face. Enid meanwhile starred at Wednesday with shock and disappointment as she said, "You tried to kill Santa with a missile, and tried to distract me with sex so I wouldn't stop you!? Wednesday, do you realize how this must make me feel!?" Wednesday kept a straight face as she said, "Terrible... because I wasn't able to get the job done." Enid gave a frustrating moaning noise as she covered her face for a moment. Then Enid turned to look at Wednesday as she said, "Wednesday, every year you always try to ruin Christmas for everyone! You try to convince all the volunteers from the Salvation Army outside the grocery store that their work has inconsequential impact on improving society, you're the only person in existence that's protested against the Angel Tree project because you believe none of their funding should be spent on toys due to their short span of use in a child's life, you regularly try to dump hot oil on any Christmas carolers that come to our door..." Wednesday interrupted Enid as she said, "They had it coming, considering they chose not to need heed the warning signs I put up around our property that explained quite clearly that trespassers and solicitors will be punished."
Enid grunted in frustration for a second, but then said, "The point is - you keep trying to ruin Christmas every year for all of us, and it's gone too far now. Look... I understood when I married you that we weren't going to have the kind of family I had while growing up. I understood we couldn't have a garden in the front of the house with flowers. I understood that you would train our children in the basics of assassination. I understood that Valentine's Day would forever involve corpses for some reason. But I don't get why we can never simply celebrate Christmas in this house. You've never even let me bring a dead tree in here for the holiday!" Wednesday kept a straight face as she said, "All Christmas trees are technically dead as soon as they're chopped down." Enid looked more angry as she said, "That's not the point! You never let me make Christmas cookies for the family, you never let me send out Christmas cards to the relatives, you never let me play Christmas music on the radio..." Wednesday interrupted Enid as she bitterly said, "If Mariah Carey still hasn't gotten the individual she wishes for every Christmas through song, then perhaps she should try a different tactic."
Enid tried to remain calm as she said, "Wednesday... you never even let our girls watch Christmas movies growing up." Wednesday kept a straight face as she said, "If you forgot, I did allow Harmony and Ana to watch one festive movie when they were five years old." Enid's eyes got wide with frustration as she said, "You showed them How the Grinch Stole Christmas, but then stopped the movie after the Grinch stole all the presents, telling our girls that was the movie's happy ending!" Wednesday kept a calm face as she said, "As I recall, doing that was a compromise I made with you. In addition, I still have accepted our long standing compromise that you and the girls shall exchange gifts and enjoy them on the morning of every December 25th."
Enid gave a sad sigh, and then said, "But you're never there with us opening presents Wednesday. You always spend every Christmas morning off doing whatever it is you do alone. Christmas is supposed to be about family!" Wednesday then glared at Enid once more as she said, "On the contrary, I thought Christmas was about celebrating the birth of an individual that was created to become a sacrifice due the declining quality of humanity." Enid looked a little more frustrated again, as she said, "But it's much more than that Wednesday. Look... instead of trying to destroy the holiday this year, you should really try embracing the Christmas spirit for once, and experience everything fun the season has to offer." Wednesday then glared at Enid while saying, "What? And turn our home into something akin of a cliche TV Christmas special?" Enid suddenly had an excited look in her eyes as she said, "Actually... that sounds like a lot of fun..."
Enid's Imagination...
On a large TV studio that was made to look like a living room, an announcer was heard saying to a large studio audience: "It's the Wenclair Family Christmas Special! Starring Enid and Wednesday Addams, along with their daughters: Harmony Addams, and Ana Addams. Also featuring special appearances by our planet's new warlord: Stormageddon the Conqueror. Plus, special warm family friendly Christmas songs that will be performed by KISS, the Sex Pistols, and world famous signer: John Lennon - who we brought back from the dead thanks to tonight's sponsor... the demons of hell! Plus, one super special surprise guest will be showing up at an unexpected moment, so don't touch that dial! And now here are your hosts... Enid and Wednesday!"
A smiling Enid then walked onto the TV set wearing a long white dress, while a grumpy looking Wednesday also walked onto the set wearing a long black dress. As Enid happily looked at the camera, she said, "Hello everyone. Welcome to our wonderful home! My name is Enid, and this is my wonderful wife: Wednesday! Say hello to the people at home Wednesday!" Wednesday then glared at one of the cameras as she said, "You all live meaningless lives if you can only have an ideal Christmas through vicariously experiencing it through this hollow performance." The studio audience then laughed very loudly.
A smiling Enid meanwhile continued to look at the camera as she said, "Well tonight we plan to have lots of guests come over, but I'm worried they won't make it due to all the unexpected snow that's coming down outside." Wednesday meanwhile continued to keep a straight face while saying, "A natural side effect of global warming, which our countries' leaders still seem to ignore." Then studio audience then immediately laughed loudly again. Enid meanwhile kept a happy face as she said, "Well I'm so excited to see what presents I'll get for Christmas this year. What are you hoping for Wednesday?" Wednesday gave a deadly glare at the camera as she said, "A guillotine... that I plan to use on whoever came up with the idea for this special." Then a grinning Enid said, "Well, me... I want... a hula-hoop!" The studio audience then happily laughed again.
Then suddenly Harmony and Ana appeared walking down a set of stairs, while Harmony said, "Good evening everyone!" The crowd then applauded and cheered loudly as Harmony and Ana came to the center of the stage. Enid then walked over to the girls as she said, "Hold on Harmony. You put your dress on backwards. Were you having 'intimate relations' with your girlfriend Megan just a minute ago, and put your clothes accidentally on backwards when you rushed down knowing the show was about to start?" Harmony gave a goofy smile as she said, "Maybe..." The studio audience laughed, as a grinning Enid said, "Holy guacamole Harmony. You sure are a handful. And Ana, I heard the state of Wyoming just got turned into jello. Did you cause that with another one of your wacky experiments?" Ana then also gave a goofy smile as she said, "Maybe..." The studio audience laughed once more, as a grinning Enid said, "Holy guacamole Ana. You sure are a handful." Meanwhile Wednesday looked angry as she said, "There is certainly nothing 'holy' about this experience."
Suddenly the doorbell rang, and an excited Enid said, "Oh my gosh everyone. That must be our super special surprise guest. Lets see who we're going to greet at the door." Enid opened the door, and then suddenly walking into the house was... Chewbacca as the classic Star Wars theme song played on speakers around him. Chewbacca then made many loud noises, as subtitles appeared below him saying: "It's not Christmas without Chewbacca!" The entire studio audience immediately cheered and clapped very loudly. A very happy Enid hugged Chewbacca as she said, "Chewy, it's great to see you. What would you like to do with us tonight?" Chewbacca then made several loud noises. Then a super excited Enid said, "You want us to go visit your family on your home planet and celebrate Life Day with them? Okay! That sounds like a perfect way to enjoy the holidays!"
Enid looked up with happy starry eyes, as an angry looking Wednesday said, "Enid, that's the most ridiculous fantasy that's ever been conjured in the history of existence." A smiling Enid then turned to look at Wednesday as she said, "But that's the thing Wednesday. Christmas is a time where you get to do silly ridiculous things that are reminiscent of childhood. It's a season to think about happy memories and embrace good times. I mean your parents told me that you actually did celebrate Christmas in your home when you were young, and loved getting gifts from Santa. You should recreate some of your favorite childhood memories with our girls before it's too late." Wednesday then stood up and angerly said, "It is a waste of time to re-create a childhood that can never be lived again. It is better to dwell on preparing for a future that is inevitable, versus dealing with the guaranteed failure of reconstructing the past." Then Wednesday quickly walked out of the room, while Enid sat with a worried look on her face.
An hour later: Enid, Harmony, and Ana were sitting in the kitchen eating Christmas tree shaped cookies (while Ana's cat also sat on the table eating Christmas tree shaped cat food). A smiling Ana then said, "Mmm. Mom, you make the best Christmas cookies!" A panicked looking Enid then said, "Shh! I told you... this tradition of us eating cookies on Christmas Eve is supposed to be a secret. Your mother cannot know!" A curious Harmony then said, "Mom, what's the deal with mother always trying to be so anti-Christmas? It's like she wishes the holiday didn't exist." Enid sighed, and then said, "I've been married to that woman for over seventeen years, and there are still some things I don't understand about her. I mean... your mother has certainly evolved and become much more accepting of things she never would have tolerated back when we first met. However when it comes to Christmas... she's always been a real Scrooge."
Then Ana's cat lifted it's head with a profound look on his face, and then said "Rowr." Then a wide eyed and excited Ana said, "That's a brilliant idea Stormageddon the Conqueror! We gotta Scrooge mother!" A very confused looking Enid then said, "Excuse me?" An eager looking Ana then stood up as she said, "A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens. We all know the story. It's famous because of how Scrooge's experiences with seeing his past, present, and future changed his outlook on Christmas. So we just gotta re-create that experience with mother, and then her outlook on Christmas will change." A skeptical looking Harmony then said, "Yeah... but how are we gonna pull that off?" Then Ana got out her phone as she said, "Don't worry. I know a guy in the Seance Society that owes me a favor."
That evening, Enid was walking with Wednesday down to the basement of the home. A confused looking Wednesday then said, "I am confused as to why we going down to my private area of the house together." Then Wednesday eventually saw Harmony, Ana, and Ana's cat were sitting around a large circle on the floor that had strange carvings and candles inside of it. Wednesday glared at everyone as she said, "If you are trying to force the deceased to appear before you, don't bother. I've been trying to pull that off for years and have consistently failed." Then a smiling Enid held Wednesday's hand as she said, "Oh, we're not trying to call upon the spirits of the dearly departed Wednesday. We're trying to call upon the spirits that always have been amongst the Earth, such as... the spirits of Christmas!" A wide eyed and horrified Wednesday then said, "No! You don't mean..."
Then an excited Harmony said, "Come on mother. You've always wanted me to get more in touch with my psychic abilities. So tonight I am through a special book Ana's friend gave us." Wednesday then began to walk away as she said, "No. I refuse to be a pawn in your twisted scheme." Then a grinning Ana said, "Fine. But if this whole conjuring of spirits goes wrong, it would really stink to not have an expert on these matters around to fix everything. I mean the last thing we'd want is the spirits of Christmas to accidentally get trapped in our home for all eternity." Wednesday paused for a moment... took a deep breath... and then sat down in a chair with an angry look on her face while saying, "I longed for the day my children would be as manipulative as me... but I did not foresee it would be for such horrific goals."
Harmony smiled as she held out a book over the strange circle on the floor. Harmony then focused her mind as she said, "I, Harmony Addams, member of the Addams Family clan, descendant of Goody Addams, call upon the spirits of Christmas past, present, and future to show themselves to us tonight. I now recite the ancient chant to bring forth these spirits. Venite ad nos magni spiritus Natalis Domini. Tuam sapientiam reverenter petimus. Vosmetipsos ostendite! Appare! Appare! Fa la, la, la, la, la, la, la, la!" Then suddenly a blue mist began to spin around the room. A curious Enid then said, "What's going on?" Suddenly Harmony's body began to glow as a blue energy came out of the floor and into her body. Then the mist disappeared. A worried Enid then walked towards Harmony as she said, "Harmony... are you okay?"
Harmony then turned to look at everyone with a big smile as she said, "Yes. Harmony. I am her... and yet I am not her." A confused Ana then said, "Wait. What's going on?" Harmony grinned as she said, "I'm the spirit of Christmas past. I have temporarily possessed the body of this girl. I have all her memories and personality... but also my own. Do not worry though. When I am done here, I will leave Harmony's body, and then the spirits of Christmas present and future will temporarily possess two other bodies." An excited Enid then said, "Okay. So... Spirit of Christmas Past... we're trying to help my wife Wednesday here see Christmas throughout the span of her existence. Think you and the other spirits could help us?" A smiling Harmony then said, "Ah, yes. Harmony has many memories of how her mother feels towards this season. Hmm. Well... yes! Me and my fellow spirits will indeed help your entire family see things more clearly tonight. Now, first things first... I shall show you events from long ago that you all would benefit to see." Then Harmony waved her arms around, and suddenly everyone in the room disappeared.
Wednesday, Enid, Harmony, Ana, and Ana's cat all suddenly appeared in the old Addams Family home. An excited Enid then said, "Wow Wednesday. We're in your childhood home!" A smiling Harmony then said, "Yes. Nearly thirty years ago. Don't worry though. We haven't traveled through time. We're simply witnessing the past as unseen observers. Now behold..." Then everyone saw in the living room of the old Addams Family home: Gomez, Morticia, Fester, young Pugsley, and young Wednesday were sitting around a Christmas tree. The tree has no green pines, but still had many decorations on it, along with many presents surrounding it. An excited young Pugsley then held up some bows and arrows as he said, "Wow! My own archery set! I can't wait to use this!" Then Fester happily said, "How about we go outside and you can practice hitting apples off the top of my head?" An excited young Pugsley then said, "Wow. Can I father?" A happy Gomez then said, "Of course Pugsley. But be careful. If you hit Uncle Fester by accident, that will ruin the arrow." Then as Pugsley and Fester left the room, an excited young Wednesday then jumped up as she said, "Mother! Father! Look! Santa gave me a new Marie Antoinette doll, and a new guillotine that cuts heads much faster! I can't wait till I see how quick I can chop this dolls' head off!" Meanwhile as Enid watched, she held Wednesday's hand while saying, "Look Wednesday! Little you is so happy on Christmas! See how much joy this holiday used to give you." Wednesday however had an angry look on her face... but also looked ashamed as she said, "We all have a past."
Then everyone turned their heads, as they saw the door to the home open. Then suddenly Wednesday's grandmother appeared walking into the home carrying a bag as she said, "Merry Christmas everyone!" Then a smiling young Wednesday ran towards her grandmother as she yelled, "Grandma!" Then young Wednesday hugged her grandmother tightly. Wednesday's grandmother made a warm smile as she said, "How are you doing my favorite grand-child?" A smiling young Wednesday then said, "I'm okay. But grandma, why do you say I'm your favorite grand-child? Mother and father say you love me and Pugsley equally." Wednesday's grandmother chuckled as she said, "Aw, come on. We all know that's a bunch of phony baloney. Every parent and grandparent has a favorite. Just be grateful it's you. So anyway, let me see that mouth of yours. How's it looking?" A smiling young Wednesday pointed to her mouth as she said, "I've lost three baby teeth in the last four weeks. See the holes in my mouth!" Wednesday's grandmother looked amazed as she said, "Wow Wednesday! You look uglier than ever before! I'm so proud to call you my grand-daughter. Anyway, it looks like Santa accidentally left a present for you in my room. So here's your extra Christmas gift." Then Wednesday's grandmother took out of her bag: an old record player. Young Wednesday's eyes lit up as she said, "Wow! It looks so old and gloomy! Can I play a song and dance to it?" Wednesday's grandmother chuckled as she said, "Sure. But you'll need a dance partner. Not me. I'm too old."
Then Lurch suddenly walked into the room as he said, "Uuuuuuuuh." Then an excited young Wednesday immediately jumped up and said, "Hey Lurch! Dance with me!" Then young Wednesday immediately started playing a dance song on the record player. Young Wednesday then walked over to Lurch as she said, "This is the latest. It's called the droop." Then young Wednesday started shaking her legs while waving her arms back and forth. Lurch stood looking uncertain of what to do, while Morticia (who had been watching everything) said, "Come now Lurch. I know there's that zombie girl living down the street that you've been wanting to impress. I'm sure if you learned a few dance moves, you'd give her one more reason to not return to the grave." Then a young Wednesday happily said, "Yeah. I think that zombie girl down the street is a swinger." Lurch looked confused as he said, "Swinger?" As young Wednesday continued to dance, she said, "You don't want her to think you're square do ya?" Lurch then quickly turned his head. Then an excited young Wednesday said, "Then if you learn how to dance well, she'll think you're boss." Lurch looked confused again as he said, "Boss?" A happy young Wednesday continued to dance as she said, "Neat. Groovy. Come on. Try it." Then Lurch began to attempt to copy little Wednesday's dance moves.
Meanwhile: Wednesday, Enid, Harmony, and Ana had been watching the entire scene. Everyone tried to keep a straight face... but then suddenly Enid, Harmony, and Ana's mouths burst open as they began to laugh hysterically. As tears came out of her eyes, Ana said, "Really mother? Swinger? Neat? Groovy? What century did you grow up in?" As Enid chuckled, she said, "Be nice Ana. I mean... you don't want your mother to think you're square do ya?" Then Enid fell down laughing more. Meanwhile Ana's cat ran over to the scene of young Wednesday and Lurch dancing, and then began to dance with his little paws beside them. Then Enid and Ana joined in as they began to mimic young Wednesday's dance moves. Meanwhile Wednesday glared at the scene for a moment... and then glanced at Harmony as she said, "Be honest with me. You're really the spirit of Christmas Torture, aren't you?"
Meanwhile little Wednesday ran over to her grandmother as she said, "Thank you for the record player grandma!" Then Wednesday's grandmother grinned as she said, "Oh, but there's more. I also got one more surprise gift. How would you like your very own, straight from the Tennessee prison system, electric chair!" Then Wednesday's grandmother pulled a curtain nearby, and showed hiding behind the curtain was an old rusty electric chair. A super happy Wednesday jumped up and down as she yelled, "Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh! My own electric chair!" Then young Wednesday immediately hugged her grandmother as she said, "Thank you so much! I love you grandma!" Wednesday's grandmother smiled while hugging Wednesday as she said, "I love you too Wednesday. So... how about we find your brother and test this on him." A young Wednesday grinned as she said, "Neat."
Meanwhile: Wednesday, Enid, Harmony, and Ana were still watching. As Enid put a hand on Wednesday's shoulder, she said, "Just look how happy Christmas used to make you Wednesday. Doesn't this change how feel about it now?" Wednesday then crossed her arms, and glared at Enid while saying, "No." Then Harmony smiled as she said, "Well, there's still more to see... but not with me. The rest of your journey will be led by my fellow spirits. Now... we depart." Then a blue mist began to surround the group, and suddenly they disappeared.
In a blue flash: Wednesday, Enid, Harmony, Ana, and Ana's cat all appeared in the basement of their home again. As Wednesday looked around, she sat back down in a chair while saying, "Well this is at least some improvement." Ana then walked towards Harmony as she said, "Harmony... are you back to normal?" Harmony nodded her head as she said, "Yeah. The spirit of Christmas past has left my body. But... where is the spirit of Christmas present?" Then Ana looked puzzled as she said, "Well it's not with me... and it's not with mother. So that means..." Then everyone turned their heads and looked at a grinning Enid... who then waved her hands and said, "What's up party people! I'm the spirit of Christmas present... with a big dash of Enid as well! So... who wants some gifts?" Then Enid snapped her fingers, and suddenly several wrapped gifts magically appeared in the room. A confused Harmony then said, "What's up with these?" Enid raised one eyebrow as she said, "Well I am the spirit of Christmas Present. It's a pun. Get it? Come on everyone. Check out what's inside."
Harmony then opened one gift as she said, "Let see what's in here. Hey! There are a few Christmas movie DVD's in here." Then Ana opened another gift as she said, "Yeah, along with some old Christmas music CD's. Hold on. These are copies of songs and movies we listen to and watch every Christmas when mother is gone from the house all day." Then Enid glanced at Wednesday as she said, "Come on Wednesday. Time for everyone to see what's inside your present." Then Wednesday reluctantly walked over and opened one gift before her... only for everyone to see nothing inside. A confused looking Ana then said, "I don't get it. Why is mother's present empty?" Then a bitter looking Wednesday said, "Because this is all Christmas means to me now... nothing."
Then Wednesday tore up the empty box, and threw it to the ground. Suddenly all of reality around the women came apart, and everyone saw themselves now standing in a black void. A nervous Harmony then asked, "Where are we now?" Enid kept calm as she said, "You're looking into a manifestation of what Wednesday's soul is always like on Christmas. A black void that contains nothing." Then a confused Ana asked, "But why?" A confused looking Harmony then said, "It doesn't have to be this way. Mother, before this black void appeared - you saw all the fun stuff that is always part of Christmas for the rest of the family. Don't you want to be part of that? Christmas doesn't have to be full of emptiness." Then Wednesday glared at everyone as she said, "All of you make those frivolous things part of your Christmas. But not I! End this display now spirit!" Enid sighed for a moment, and then said, "As you wish." Then a blue mist began to surround the group, and suddenly they disappeared.
In a blue flash: Wednesday, Enid, Harmony, Ana, and Ana's cat all appeared in the basement of their home again. As Enid looked around she said, "Whoa. Okay, that was weird. But I'm me again. So now I guess we're about to be visited by the spirit of Christmas Future." Wednesday rolled her eyes as she said, "This will only be remotely enjoyable if he actually chooses to show up in his traditional grim form." Then as Ana looked around she said, "Well I still feel like myself." Then a confused looking Harmony said, "Yeah. And I'm definitely still me too. But if the spirit of Christmas Future didn't possess mother, mom, me, or Ana... who did he possess?" Then suddenly the four women heard a raspy male voice say, "Well it's about time I finally get to voice my feelings to all of you doll faces." Ana suddenly had a very surprised look on her face as she said, "No way!" Then everyone turned their heads and saw Ana's cat sitting on top of a table smirking as he said, "How do you do ladies? I'm the Spirit of Christmas Future, with a mix of your feline friend's personality and memories. And by the way, the part of me that is your cool cat has so many things he's wanted to say to the lot of you dames for ages."
A super excited Ana then exclaimed, "Stormageddon the Conqueror! This is the coolest thing ever! I can't believe my best friend is now finally talking to me. This is unreal." Ana's cat smiled as he said, "Well, hey. I'm not crazy about reality, but it's still the only place to get a decent meal. But thanks for letting me know I'm your best friend Ana. I mean outside of a cat, a book is a girls' best friend. Inside of a cat though, it's too dark to read." Then a confused looking Enid asked, "What's with the way you're talking? You sound like you're from a black and white movie, or some old comic strip." Then Ana's cat raised one eyebrow as he said, "Hey. If you want to see a comic strip, you should see me in the shower." Then a curious Harmony asked, "So since you can talk now... can you tell us the full details on where you as a cat originally came from?" Ana's cat then held up one paw as he said, "Hey. The part of me that is the Spirit of Christmas Future isn't allowed to tell you anything about your cat's past. Only what he's feeling in the here and now. Those are my principles; and if you don't like them... well I have others."
Then Enid cleared her throat for a second, and then said, "Well... the part of you that is the Spirit of Christmas Future... can you show my wife her future now?" Ana's cat then glanced at Wednesday as he said, "Yes. Your gloomy loving wife. Ah, marriage is a wonderful institution... but who wants to live in an institution?" Then Wednesday rolled her eyes as she said, "This prolonged torture is sickening me." Then Ana's cat jumped over to Wednesday as he said, "Well if you're not feeling well, maybe we need a doctor. Quick! Ring the nearest golf course!" Then Wednesday angerly glared at Ana's cat as she loudly said, "Can we have this ridiculous experience expedited!?" Ana's cat then smiled as he said, "Hey! You just said the secret word! Now it's time to show all you ladies a glimpse into a possible future!" Then suddenly a blue mist surrounded everyone, and they immediately disappeared.
In a flash: Wednesday, Enid, Harmony, Ana, and Ana's cat appeared in a dark field. A concerned looking Harmony then asked, "Where are we?" Ana's cat then casually said, "The future, doll faces. Now, why don't you dames look at what's before you." Then Enid suddenly saw a dark cemetery in front of her as she said, "The cemetery!? NO!" Then Ana's cat quickly said, "Whoa! No, no! Not over there. Over there to your right." Then everyone turned their heads to the right and saw a retirement home. Enid breathed a huge sigh of relief as she said, "Ohhh. A retirement home. That makes more sense." Meanwhile Ana looked confused as she asked, "Who puts a cemetery right next to a retirement home?" Then a curious Harmony walked forward as she said, "Hold on. Everyone... is that who I think it is in that window over there?" The four women then walked over to a window close to them, and then saw sitting in a small retirement home apartment was a very old Wednesday reading a book all alone. Enid breathed a sigh of relief as she said, "Oh good. I'm so glad to see Wednesday is still alive in the future." Ana's cat then jumped on the window sill as he said, "Hey. No person goes before their time... unless the boss leaves early."
Then inside the retirement home apartment unit, three female teenage volunteers walked into the room. One of the female teens then said, "Good evening Mrs Addams. We're volunteers with the local high school. We've come to bring you some special Christmas gifts. We made them for all the residents here." Old Wednesday rolled her eyes as she said, "Christmas presents, again? You do know I could report you all for elderly abuse." Meanwhile as Enid watched through the window, she said, "Wait. I'm not here with Wednesday, but some random teenage volunteers are? What's up with that?" Then Ana's cat grinned as he said, "I don't know, but all I can say about those young ladies over there is they remind me of some girls in bikinis I saw at the beach last summer. I even took pictures of them, only to realize they weren't well developed. But hopefully when I see them again next year, puberty will take care of that." Ana looked very surprised as she said, "Stormageddon the Conqueror! How can you talk about teenage girls like that!?" Ana's cat grinned as he said, "Hey. You're only as young as the woman you feel. Wait. Those teenage girls are leaving! Hey ladies! Come back! Let me know when those outfits get too heavy for you! Rowr!"
Ana's cat then ran off, while inside the retirement home unit - an old Enid walked into the room. Old Enid then looked at old Wednesday as she said, "Hey Wednesday. I'm about to go see the girls and the grand-kids. You sure you don't want to come to the big family Christmas party?" Old Wednesday glared at old Enid as she said, "I told you. I will never participate in any ridiculous Christmas parties. I have better things to do on this day anyway." Old Enid then looked very angry as she said, "Wednesday, I've tried for decades now, but... I just don't get why you won't ever do any Christmas activities with me and the rest of our family. I guess I won't be seeing you again until New Years." Old Enid then stormed out of the apartment unit.
Meanwhile: Wednesday, Enid, Harmony, and Ana had watched the entire scene. Enid then turned to look at Wednesday as she said, "Now do you see where your choices will lead you Wednesday? You'll forever be alone on Christmas not doing the things the rest of your family likes to do. How does that make you feel?" Wednesday then crossed her arms, and kept a completely straight face as she said, "Like I won." Enid then groaned in frustration as she turned her head away. Ana's cat then walked back over to the group as he said, "Well, I lost track of those ladies. But it's okay. I still got Princess Snuggles in the present, so I'll take that." Then a worried Harmony looked at Ana's cat as she said, "Spirit of Christmas Future, I don't think this journey turned out right. My mother hasn't experienced a change of heart when it comes to Christmas."
Ana's cat made a little smile as he said, "Eh, a change of heart won't do her any good. She'll still have the same face. But I've shown all you dames what you were meant to see tonight. So it's time to go home." Ana then got on her knees to look at her cat as she said, "Okay. Well... I guess I'm never gonna really hear you speak again then." Ana's cat looked down for a moment, and then looked right at Ana as he said, "Ana... listen... the part of me that's your cat just wants you to know..." Ana then held a hand up while smiling as she said, "Stormageddon the Conqueror... you don't have to say anything." Ana's cat paused for a moment... and then made a little smile as he said, "I never did." Then a blue mist surrounded everyone, and then suddenly they disappeared.
The next day (in the present): Enid, Harmony, and Ana were sitting in the living room wearing Christmas themed pajamas as they were surrounded by wrapped presents. A smiling Enid then said, "Okay. We already called the relatives on the phone, Ana's cat is off on a little Christmas date with his lady cat friend, and we've already eaten breakfast. So... who now wants to open gifts first?" Suddenly Wednesday came down the stairs wearing a black coat. Wednesday paused as she looked at the rest of her family surrounded by gifts. The rest of the family looked back at Wednesday for a moment. Then after the moment passed... Wednesday turned her back to everyone and left out the front door. Enid sighed, and then said, "I still can't believe that after everything we went through, Wednesday didn't learn anything."
Everyone sat quiet for another moment... until Harmony suddenly broke the silence as she said, "Wait a minute. The spirits we saw last night said they would help the entire family see things more clearly. What if... we were supposed to learn something last night?" Then Ana began to ponder as she said, "Yeah. I mean... when we saw mother in the future, she was all alone... just like she is now every year." Harmony nodded her head as she said, "Yeah. Every year mother just leaves the house all alone while we celebrate Christmas... but we never go where she goes. Does anyone know what mother does while alone every Christmas?" Suddenly a look of clarity went across Enid's face as she said, "Wait. I... I think I know..."
As the cold wind blew threw the air, Wednesday Addams sat alone in a cemetery. Wednesday then starred at a tombstone in front of her, which had words engraved into it which said: "RIP - Esmeralda Eudora Addams. Mother to Gomez and Fester. Grandmother to Pugsley and Wednesday." Wednesday then put several dead flowers in front of the grave as she softly said, "Merry Christmas Grandma. I... I wish you were still here with me." Then suddenly Wednesday heard Enid's voice yell, "Wednesday!" Wednesday turned her head and saw Enid, Harmony, and Ana walking towards her. As the three women approached Wednesday, a surprised Harmony said, "Wait a minute. That's Great-Grandma Addams' grave. Also... look at the dates listed there." Then an astonished Ana said, "Wait. The day she died was... December 25th?"
Enid sat down next to Wednesday as she said, "Wednesday... why didn't you tell us?" A few tears slowly began to appear in Wednesday's eyes as she said, "Because... for many, Christmas is a day of joy and happy childhood memories. But for me... all it reminds me of is... is..." Then suddenly Wednesday broke down and burst into tears as she began to sob. Enid immediately held Wednesday close as she said, "It's okay Wednesday. We're here for you. Any time you want to be here... we'll stay with you here as long as you want." Harmony and Ana then got on the ground and put their arms around their two mothers as well. The family of four then held each other close as the chilly Christmas day slowly began to feel a little less cold.
Check out my HUGE Wenclair Series for the FULL STORY:
https://www.wattpad.com/user/WenclairFamily (T-rated version of my stories)
https://www.fanfiction.net/s/14168842/1/The-Passion-of-a-Moment-Enid-and-Wednesday-s-Family-and-Legacy (M-rated version of my stories)
https://archiveofourown.org/works/43420609 (alternate link for M-rated version of my stories)
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ladykissingfish · 10 months
Any headcannons for KisaIta?
Sure! Here’s a couple:
They like to cuddle, but only in cold weather. In warmer weather Kisame tends to sweat a lot and prefers his space.
No matter the weather, Kisame mostly prefers to sleep in his underwear, and nothing else. Itachi prefers to wear Kisame’s oversized clothes when he sleeps. Kisame likes the room to be on the chilly side, Itachi likes it warm.
They’ve only had sex a handful of times in their relationship. Sex isn’t something that either is vehemently opposed to, but it’s not something that’s a priority either. They each find it more fulfilling to focus on the non-physical aspects of their relationship.
Kisame gets upset and scolds when Itachi strains or over-exerts himself. If Itachi seems at all tired or weak Kisame will not hesitate to pick him up and carry him, no matter who else might be around to see.
They’re both very much homebodies, and prefer to chill in their house rather than go out for dates. Once a week they’ll invite the rest of the Akatsuki over for food, drinks games and/or movies.
Because of Kisame’s persistent pleading, Sasori has spent a fair amount of time researching and attempting to find a cure for Itachi’s illness. But Itachi is never made aware of this, as Kisame doesn’t wish to get his hopes up should Sasori be unable to find anything.
They fell in love with each other at pretty much the same time, but Kisame was the first to voice his affection and confess.
Both of them are really good cooks, and one of their favorite activities is to make dinner together. Kisame prefers to handle the main course and Itachi likes making dessert.
Throughout the day, Itachi needs to be reminded to drink water. Which is odd considering that Kisame is half-shark and Itachi is exposed to him hydrating himself all day long. Itachi also needs to be reminded to take his medication. Kisame can usually tell right away when Itachi hasn’t taken his pills because the brunette’s hands will be very shaky and he has trouble focusing on the conversation.
Kisame wasn’t much of a reader until he met Itachi. Whenever Itachi starts a new book he’ll always get a copy for Kisame, so that he has someone to discuss what he’s reading with.
Kisame taught Itachi how to swim, Itachi taught Kisame how to sew.
Itachi formed a bond with Samehada, and Kisame has spent a great deal of time teaching Itachi how to wield/take care of the sword should something ever happen to him.
*Modern Times: Itachi does not like to drive. He prefers to walk, or bike, or take the bus. Driving causes him a lot of anxiety. When he has to drive, he drives as slow as a little old man on his way to church. Kisame is a speed demon. He practically flies everywhere he goes yet somehow has never been caught and given a ticket. It takes a LOT to convince Itachi to get into the car with him, and then he’ll likely squeeze his eyes shut the entire ride, no matter how short the distance.
Playing with Itachi’s hair helps to soothe Kisame after a rough day. In particular he likes to braid it, although his work tends to look like something a five year old would do. Nevertheless the feeling of Kisame’s hands in his head is very relaxing to Itachi, and the gentle sensation will often cause him to doze off.
Although they’re not married, they made each other simple rings and wear them on their fingers to symbolize their commitment to each other. Kisame adores the ring Itachi gave him but felt like Itachi deserved better than the one Kisame gave him. One night Kisame got Itachi a really fancy, expensive ring and switched it out for the plainer ring while Itachi slept. When Itachi woke up and noticed, instead of being happy, he actually started to cry. He explained how much Kisame’s original ring meant to him, and wouldn’t calm down until Kisame gave it back to him.
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starryeyedadmirer · 11 months
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Can you write a short story about this picture of tyler posey please?!
✨Of course! I tried to stop myself from getting carried away with this one, because there’s so many thoughts running through my mind… and, here it is!✨
Words: 669
Tyler knows how hard you've been working lately, at your dad's restaurant... managing the place while your family is away on their group vacation, without you. He sees how stressed you are when you come home every day, and he's well aware that you have no idea what the hell you're doing. It's really tough, trying to keep the family business afloat when it's sinking so fast, and captaining the ship... what with all of the people coming in and out of the place, and your dad's incompetent crew getting high on a myriad of different drugs whenever they have a single second of free time on their hands... but coming home to your loving boyfriend makes all of your anxiety disappear. Just looking at him is enough to calm your nerves... it's like magic.
Tyler is the one thing in this crazy world that brings you peace... the only person who understands what you're going through. He's always there for you when you need him, to be a listening ear when you want to talk; a sturdy shoulder to lay your head on, in the times when you just need to rest. He's your rock... even more than he knows.
Today, just like every other day, has been hell. Sunday brunches are always bad... but today was truly something else. All of the bible-thumping church folks that you had to deal with, shoving their hypocritical judgments down your throat, just because you wore a rainbow pin on your shirt... the whiny Karens, who demanded to be seated somewhere, even when the building is filled with patrons... and the dozens of screaming children, making a mess everywhere, while their parents tried their very hardest to ignore their terrible behavior. For two weeks now, you've had to deal with the same shit, and it's really starting to take its toll on your mental health. You could hardly make it through today's brunch service... but, somehow — without ingesting any illicit substances — you came out on the other side. Just another hard shift gone by, and another service under your belt.
You weren't expecting to find anything out of the ordinary when you came home this evening... there was simply no way on God's green Earth that your heart could take another surprise. Completely exhausted, you figured that you and Tyler would just curl up together on the couch again... like you did yesterday, and the day before that... and hang out for a while. You'd tell him about how awful your time at the restaurant was, and all of the insane bullshit that you had to deal with... and, after you finished venting, you'd make sloppy love to one another on top of the cushions... but — having set your father's work bag down by the stairs, and hung your vest up on the end of the railing — you drag yourself into the joint kitchen-living area, only to find Tyler cheffing it up on the stovetop.
From the looks of it, he seems to be in the middle of preparing a big feast... and, judging by his lack of clothes — save for his apron, and chef's hat — he's nearly as naked as the day that he was born... shaking his hips to Donna Summer's She Works Hard for the Money. There are loose ingredients and exposed skin all over the place. Chopped onions, gutted green peppers, yellow fruits and vegetables, and a whole lot of ass. You definitely weren't expecting to be met with a fancy dinner after such a grueling brunch service, or to witness your boyfriend's bare behind bouncing around to an old song from the 80's.... but now, seeing it all for yourself, you're pleasantly surprised. If Tyler’s culinary exhibitionism is any indication of what’s to come later in the evening, you’re in for a good time tonight… and some much-needed stress relief. He knows exactly what you’ve been needing… always… and tonight, he’s going to give it to you… one mouthful at a time.
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ambassadorarlert · 23 days
Okay Kels, top 10 witchy tip and tricks… Go!
✨ yuhhh get into itttt ✨
warnings: talking about spirituality and witchcraft
if you’re brand new, haven’t done anything witchy ever in your life, first:
- don’t call yourself a “baby witch.” don’t infantilize yourself. you’re a bad bitch whether it’s your first day or 20384729483 day practicing. stand up. 🤨
- intentions are everything but don’t just jam shit into a cauldron and hope for the best. take the time to learn what things mean. colors, crystals, herbs. don’t overthink it, but acknowledging what your materials are used for will help you in the long run.
- your practice is your own. you can do whatever you want within reason. be careful not to appropriate.
- start a journal or document what you’ve learned. there’s no way you’re gonna be able to memorize everything, and you can easily look back for references.
- for the love of all the gods, practice fire safety. if your spell calls for you to burn something, do it outside in a fire safe container.
- start small. don’t start with jinxes/hexes/curses, you’ll hurt yourself and somebody else. start by doing mild shadow work, protection rituals, or some meditation.
- when you’re meditating, don’t try to silence your thoughts. listen to yourself.
here’s some personal things that i do:
- paying attention to the moon. track her phases and cycles. look at her when you can and say hi. i use apps to make widgets to keep up with the moon phases. knowing what phase the moon is in will explain a lot of weird shit.
- black salt in everything and everywhere. mix normal table salt and ashes from your incense, sprinkle it in every possible entrance/exit. doorframes, windows even under your doormat. Salt and smoke is very cleansing and purifying. it’ll protect your home/space from negative energies that may pass through.
- inexpensive doesn’t mean ‘cheap.’ you don’t need a whole bunch of fancy materials and herbs and oils and shit. you can go to any store and raid their herbs and spice section for a reasonable price. some things even come in bulk, like cinnamon sticks or bay leaves.
- using sigils. they can be time consuming but since it’s something you made, it can be more powerful. or, you can look up runes to correspond with your purpose.
- make a connection with your tarot/oracle cards. when you buy a new deck of tarot cards or oracle cards, bind them to you by carrying them on your person for about a week. or, you can put the pack under your pillow at night and sleep with it.
- don’t place items on the altar if they’re not being presented as an offering. it’s a simple rule and i find it rlly disrespectful bc my altar isn’t a side table to put things random things on. would you walk into a church and set your purse directly on top of their sacred textbook? probably not.
- keeping multiple brooms. use your inside broom to sweep your floors. use an outside broom to clear any porches, steps, and sidewalks from physical and spiritual debris. if you have a visitor that’s overstaying, or if you just want somebody to leave, turn your designated inside broom upside down so the bristles point to the ceiling and say nothing. they’ll leave within 10-15 minutes. (if you have a witchy friend, keep the broom out of your companies line of sight, they might peep that you’re kicking them out. 👀)
- another thing about tarot: the moon in reverse is never a good sign. it usually means that there’s someone within your circle that’s trying to cause you harm.
- hyper fixating on a particular crystals is a big indicator that a something is misaligned. look up the properties of whatever crystal you’re attracted to, because it usually is something you are needing the most. i had a phase where i was buying a LOT of carnelian— specifically red. what i really needed was a way to combat how sluggish and drained i was in that period of my life.
- understand your natal chart and know the signs of other people. I love astrology and i’m studying it a lot more and am learning just how important it is. right now i’m really trying to hone in on my Libra rising and Venus placements. ik ppl cringe at the “astrology girls” asking what ppls signs are or what times ppl were born. astrology plays a hand in all of our relationships. if you want to rlly get an understanding on why someone acts Like That, look up their Moon, Rising, and Mercury placements. If you want to see if someone is an ideal companion for you, look at their Venus placement.
lastly and most importantly remember that all the power you want and need already exists within you. reaching elbow deep and bringing the divine out of you is not an easy or clean journey but it’s worth it. I hope this helped 🖤✨
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A life-changing book!
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If only everyone could read this book, then the world would be a much better place! I genuinely believe that, too.
Escape from the 'based' and 'cringe' and 'trad' madness. Get away from the evil 'churches' of the world. No more earthly, made-up nonsense that has no basis in God, Christ, or scripture. Get a beautiful, innocent perspective from dear Anna and her best friend Fynn.
Where is God? He's in our middle. He isn't in some fancy painted picture, or in some coloured glass, he's everywhere in everyone.
I sobbed at the end of this book. Happy, sad tears. A beautiful experience I could not put down. Thank you to my dearest friend who gave it to me.
God bless!
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One of my favourite things in fiction is when a type of character that so often turns out to be a twist villain that you expect it turns out to not be villainous at all.
The Celebrity Hero, dude who looks like Superman in shining armor and is adored by everybody, and everyone is telling incredible tales of his exploits? He’s every bit as heroic and capable as people say, even if some of the stories are a bit exaggerated.
The Popular Girl, conventionally beautiful, constantly partying and crushed on by all of her classmates? She’s beloved not just because of her looks, but also because she’s genuinely the nicest person around.
The Royal Spymaster, a shady, queercoded fellow in a black cloak who has their little birds everywhere and probably does some dark magic in their basement? They’re the most idealistic and loyal protector of the people in the capital.
The Village Priest, a severe old man with a posture of a scarecrow, who looks like he’s never told a joke in his whole life? His fancy, Church-assigned residence is empty because he sold all of his furniture to help the local peasants get through a famine.
Bonus points if they turn out to be completely useless to the driving conflict and/or profoundly self-destructive because they don’t have a villainous bone in their body.
The Celebrity Hero is such a pure-hearted himbo that he’s easily tricked into believing the protagonist is a villain.
The Popular Girl, behind a smiling facade, is an absolute dysfunctional mess because she keeps making everyone’s problems her own and never opens up because she doesn’t want people to worry.
The Royal Spymaster outright refuses to believe the evidence that the king, whom they’ve known since he was a baby, has been scheming for years to backstab them because they’re one of the last obstacles on his way to absolute power.
The Village Priest is completely sidelined and a laughing stock of his horrifically corrupt Church, because he seems to be the only guy around who actually treats its tenets seriously.
etc., etc.
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thatbitcheryextras · 2 months
I would love to hear what your daily routine is: hobbies, skincare, interest, workout routines, what a day typically looks like for you, etc
typically my days are dictated by whatever "major" activity I have happening, say, classes, physical work, event, gathering, etc since usually they they have very different times, requirements, etc so general planning wouldn't work. If we take morning and evening routines they look a lot like
Wake up
Bible study (usually podcast as I drink my water, make my bed, open windows etc )
Pray, journal, check & update my to do list.
Take a walk / stretch / workout / [has to be outside my appt & as much as possible under the sun]
Shower & dress
Whatever activity waits [if no official activity then I'll probably watch a movie or read a book or meal prep or study or lazy around or whatever fits my fancy aka adhd. I'm pretty disorganized on days not centered around a major activity & I'm not capable of rest hehe)
I take my first calories / meal after 1 pm.
Night routine looks a lot like [roughly]
(Have my last calories before 9pm, usually. Ideally 8 but 9-10 works)
Listen to *usually Christian or neuroscience or psychology* podcast as I clean around (bc despite choosing my next day outfits I will leave my closet in a mess, one way or the other)
Finish up any leftover work from the day (usually work or study or project)
Update next day's to do list.
If it's past 2am, sleep. If not, pass time(books *fictional only* movies usually series etc) till its around 2am because I'm a raging insomniac that can't sleep for more than 4 hours :)
Im indoorsy as they come. Reading. I'm a novel × Manga girl. Actual Manga nerd. Anime. Rarely movie / series. Usually on my free time I'm on kindle hooked on some thriller / mindf*ck book. Thats if it's raining or I'm in uni or work. If I can be outside I'll be bowling or swimming. My friends and communities take up most of my free time so probably at church or stuffed in one of our apartments doing whatever. On weekends I have dance classes , sign language and German. Now that I think of it I never have free time haha. Unless in a car or my place.
Skincare? Cleanser , toner , moisturizer (+SPF50, during day). That's it. Make up? Tattooed my eyeliner so I just rock with the lip gloss. I have great features idk what to say. Hair? Always in braids. Always. Always. Me and my ponytail against the world. I've been wearing the same bracelet, earrings and rings for probably a year now, only take them off for cleaning. And for events. Minimalism + I'm not really a fashion girlie. :). I get my nails done every month, it's ALWAYS black henna. & yes natural nails bc I'm God's favorite with the body + features he gave me.
Workout, I move, a lot. I don't have a workout routine between taking the stairs, walking to work and school & everywhere dance classes and ADHD level fidgeting I manage to stay fit.
Im a pretty boring person it seems :(.
Simplicity + minimalism + introvercy.
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