#Fennec Albain
howlingday · 5 months
Lord Taurus
Adam: Hello, ningen~!
Adam: Ha ha... Your threats are as empty as your title.
Adam: All hail Weiss Schnee, heiress to nothing!
Adam: Well, well, this could be quite salubrious for me.
Corsac: I'm not sure I...
Fennec: ...know what that means.
Adam: It means "beneficial to one's health and well-being," you dolts!
Yang: Thanks for the assist, Ozp-AGH!
Adam: ...Oops! How rude of me. The pommel of my sword has slipped into your chest~.
Yang: Heh heh... No problem.
Adam: HURGH!
Yang: Sorry 'bout that. My fist just happened to punch your chest "on accident," too.
Harriet: It's a simple fact; I'm the fastest member of the Ace Operatives!
Adam: So you're a master of retreat, eh? You must be so proud.
Harriet: (Activates Super-Speed) Get ready for a surprise!
Adam: ...
Harriet: (Running in place) My semblance will allow me to dodge your sinister and nefarious attacks with the greatest of ease! JUST TRY AND HIT ME! (Blinks out)
Adam: ...I'm just going to let that play out.
Harriet: (Attacking Adam, Missing)
Adam: (Backhands Harriet)
Harriet: Rgh! B-But how?!
Adam: That's funny, because I was about to ask the same to you. As in, "But how do you expect such pitiful attacks could do any damage to topple a top tier titan like me?"
Adam: (Grips sword) A grievous insult I intend to pay back tenfold.
Adam: Is Yang not here yet?
Penny: No, but she's on her way!
Adam: Oh, look at that; the toy robot from Atlas. I remember watching you die on-screen before Cinder took over. I guess the Maiden's powers can bring back both the powerful AND the pathetic!
Adam: Heh heh heh... There's nothing for you to be scared of Schnee. I won't bite.
Adam: Well, well, it seems the woman of the hour has finally arrived! I've been waiting a long time for you! And I see your Schnee friend is with you, too. I would be surprised, but ningen never were good at fighting alone, were they?
Ruby: Huh? It's you...
Adam: Salutations, ningen~!
Adam: I remember when Nikos' partner was just a shrimpy, little thing. It's so touching to see boys becoming men.
Jaune: Adrian, stay back!
Adrian: But Uncle Jaune-
Jaune: You don't stand a chance against him, so just leave him to me!
Adrian: (Pouts)
Adam: What tender love~! I can barely stomach it. When I'm done with him, I'll kill the brat, too, so you can hold hands together in Hell. (Blinks out)
Jaune: Huh?!
Adam: (Behind him) NOTHING PERSONAL, KID.
Nora/Ren: JAUNE!
Jaune: AUGH! (Falls to the ground)
Adam: ...I'm sorry, but I don't think you understand how this works. Once you're on the ground and can't move, you're supposed to beg me for mercy! Say you'll do anything to spare your nephew's life!
Jaune: Ngh!
Adam: Come on! Let's hear it, boy! Cry for me! Scream! SOAK YOUR FACE IN TEARS AND TEAR OFF YOUR ARMOR IN FRUSTRATION! AHAHAHAHAHA! Not that I would let you live, but it's all part of the fun for me!
Pyrrha: (Struggling)
Adam: Oh, I do respect powerful fighters. But there's one other facet to my character, which is...
Adam: That's it, Xiao Long! Keep getting stronger! Be your best lizard!
Adam: Care to put her to the test?
Adam: (Draws blade)
Willow: (Shakes head)
Adam: (Sheathes, Ahem)
Winter: Huh?!
Ozpin: There must be something you care about! The White Fang?! Loved ones?! Memories?! Everyone has SOMETHING they want to protect-
Adam: You're pissing me off! I don't care about anything or anyone. Hm... Except for myself, of course.
Adam: I can't stand the sight of your pitiful, broken faces wearing MY masks...
Adam: (Grips handle)
Blake: (Eyes widen) EVERYONE RUN, NOW!
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Yang: You're definitely not a pushover, that's for sure. If you weren't so evil, you'd actually be a fun sparring partner. What a waste of talent.
Adam: It's exactly that kind of small-minded drivel that makes ningen like you so especially intolerable.
Adam: WAKE UP! Torture isn't any fun if I can't hear you scream! (Stabs Yang's prone body)
Adam: Attention, brothers and sisters of the White Fang...
Adam: (Points)
Penny: Huh?!
Adam: I will grant ownership of any human settlement to any one of you who can slice that Atlas toy in half!
Penny: What?!
Adam: Ha ha ha! History repeats, with only certain details that change. And when Xiao Long shows up, she'll give in to her rage again, leaving her wide-open for me cut not just her arm, but her head off, too!
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arc-misadventures · 1 year
In the dragon Faunus au, what Adam up to or is it eve in this au?
The Splintering
Upon a stage before a throng of faunas strode one, Adam Tauras: He was called many things by his enemies: radical, extremest, terrorist. But, to his fellow faunas he was much more than the lies they spread about him; for he was a leader, an equalist, a hero!
Adam: Brothers, and sisters of the, White Fang! Here is our would be king! The supposed dragon faunas. This human in sheep’s clothing’s… But, do not take that as a note of disdain towards him. For he possesses many faunas traits, unlike use who posses one trait, with some minor additional sub-traits. Jaune Arc, the Dragon King possesses five unique traits! An elongated tongue, and retractable fangs that can bite through solid metal! Retractable talons hidden within his hands, the ability to breath fire. And, based upon the reports of our field operative, his majesty is currently in the process of growing horns, these are no doubt to become a crown that signifies his rank among all faunas. As our king!
Adam: Now, many of you have no doubt heard that his majesty has made contact with, Kali Belladonna, and High Leader Khan. They are no doubt trying to sway his grace towards their side. A side of human lovers…
Angry jeers, and cries of outrage echoed throughout the hall. Some even spitting in disgust on the floor at this revolting piece of news.
Adam: I know! I know brothers, and sisters that is grave news. But, worry not! For we will not allow this to stand! For the glory of the faunas, and for the glory of our future king! All shall see the true might of the faunas! For we shall send our most valuable assists to meet with his grace, and tell him the true might of the faunas!
As, Adam step back, a pair of fox faunas step forward, one with a tail, and another with a set of ears. The Albain Brothers, Fennec, and Corsac Albain.
Fennec: Brothers, and sisters we bring forth tidings of great joy; The legend is true: The Dragon King is among us!
The crowd cheered, and howled as the news echoed throughout the crowd.
Corsac: Legends for told of his, Majesty coming, for his arrival will bring forth a golden age for all of, Remnant, and more importantly, a better age for all faunas!
Fennec: His, Majesty may have aligned himself with the more… peaceful faction of the, White Fang. But, my brother, and I shall be heading to, Beacon Academy to tell him of the glory of the faunas, so that he will know how to lead all faunas to a brighter future!
Corsac: We must move swiftly before others dig their filthy claws into his, Majesty, and spread lies to him! But, worry not brothers, and sisters, for we shall set them right!
FC: For the glory of the Faunas!
The crowd cheered, chanting, ‘Glory to the Faunas’ over, and over again. Adam let them cry out for a time before stepping forward, and silencing the crowd before him.
Adam: Now, before we make our preparations for our departure to meet out, King, is there anything you lot want to ask?
Adam’s voice demanded silence, for he knew none would dare ask anything, forhis word was law amongst his brothers, and sisters. And yet, a single hand shot up into the air. Adam gritted his teeth as he held back a snarl within his lips.
Adam: What is it…?
A faunas with white streaks in his brown hair, no doubt a squirrel, or chipmunk faunas of some kind. He held out his scroll as he yelled out his question to those before him.
WF Grunt #1: Uhh… Question! Why are the males, and the female faunas having two separate meetings?
Adam: …
Adam: Eh…?
WF Grunt #2: Yeah, why aren’t their any woman here?
Adam: There aren’t any woman here…?
WF Grunt #3: Ya, ‘der’s just a bunch of boys ‘ere.
Adam: Wasn’t word spread among the ranks about this meeting?
WF Grunt #1: Well yeah, but they told the guys to come here, and the girls to go elsewhere. Why did you do that?
Adam: I didn’t do that! Did you two do that?
Corsac: We have nothing to do with this.
Fennec: This is a matter for all faunas to attend to; why would we exclude half of our kind?
Adam’s mind raced as he look about the crowd. He had no idea why this was happening, but he knew how to find them.
Adam: Where is this meeting taking place!
WF Grunt #1: In the conference hall. I heard they needed to use the monitor in there for something.
Adam jumped off the stage, and rushed towards the hall, a few other members along with the Albain brothers chased after him.
As, Adam reached the conference hall he saw something, and someone he didn’t want to see.
Adam: Ohh… fuck…
Adam could only swear in fear as upon stage before a picture of the Dragon King, was the one person he feared about hearing about the, Dragon King.
His older sister, Eve Taurus.
Eve: Hello ladies~!
The crowd cheered as she waltz across the stage, her large breasts bouncing with every step.
Eve: Alright girls, see this handsome bastard?
Eve pointed to a smiling photo of, Jaune Arc.
Eve: This sexy son of a bitch is the, Dragon King, Jaune Arc~! A short name that rolls of the tongue, that I for one love~!
Adam: Eve?! What the hell is this?!
Eve stopped in her presentation to address the sudden interruption.
Eve: Oh hey little bro! I’ll talk to you in a moment, Mama’s busy.
Adam: With what?!
Eve: Female faunas stuff. You wouldn’t understand.
Adam: What?
Eve: Okay! I know everyone here, especially me, wants nothing more then to pounce this handsome specimen till you look like you’re three months pregnant~!
Adam: Wait what?!
Eve: But, if anyone wants a chance with this guy, all of you must learn the does, and don’ts of seducing this man.
Eve: Okay, there are a few things you must understand about the, Dragon King’s faunas traits. First off, unlike any other faunas, Jaune Arc posses several traits, and is in fact developing more as we speak.
WF Grunt #4: Seriously?!
WF Grunt #5: How many traits does he poses?!
Eve: In total, he has five traits!
WF Grunt #4: HOLY SHIT!
WF Grunt #6: We usually have one main trait, and a few sub traits! But, five traits?!
WF Grunt #5: What are his traits!
Eve: Okay! First off: He has retractable fangs, and is capable of opening his jaw very wide like many snake faunas can.
A photo of, Jaune appeared on the screen showing his mouth wide open, sharp fangs bitting down, and shattering what appeared to be chains.
Eve: See ladies, these are the fangs that our, King possesses. Notice how he is capable of biting through threw metal. So don’t try to chaining him up, he’ll just break the chain.
Eve: With this he has, my personal favourite trait, one hell of a long tongue~!
A photo appeared on the monitor of someone pulling out, Jaune’s rather long tongue from his mouth, much to his disdain.
WF Grunt #6: Holy fuck!
WF Grunt #5: I’ve seen snake faunas with shorter tongues than that!
WF Grunt #4: And, thinner ones at that…
Eve: I don’t know about you girls, but I’m for one interested in finding out what he can do with that~! Now, another one of his traits is his fire breath.
A new photo appeared showing, Jaune roasting marshmallows with his fire breath.
Eve: Now this is rather self explanatory, he can breath fire, hence the moniker of him being a dragon faunas. Just be careful, and try not to get burned. So, sorry, Trifia you won’t be able to wrap him up in your little webs, despite the fact we all know you’re the one into bondage.
Trifia: No I’m not!
The crowd soon started laughing at the poor spider girl’s expense as, Eve continued on with her presentation.
Eve: Now a lot of you feline faunas know what’s these are like. Boom! Talons!
Many of the crowd, particularly the cat faunas oohed, and awwed, at his, once again, rather unique talons.
Eve: These are your pretty standard talons, or claws, whatever you want to call them; The talons hidden under the fingernails can appear on command, yada yada yada. Moving on! Now, there isn’t a photo for this one, for this trait, for this is the trait he is currently developing: Horns. He is currently growing horns.
WF Grunt #5: Horns?
WF Grunt #7: What kind?
Eve: No idea, our sources have just reported on this as a new fact.
Adam: How the hell did you find out about all of this?! You have way more detail on his traits than I do.
Eve: Internet.
Adam: Internet, seriously?!
Eve: Yep, faunas girls like to talk about a hot man. Now quiet, Mama’s busy.
Eve: Now, like most faunas, he also has two common sub traits: A heightened sense of smell, and sight. Now the first one here, his hightten sense of smell is very, very important!
WF Grunt #6: What’s so important about that; lots of us have a good sense of smell?
Eve: Well~! Here we have the lovely Milf of Menagerie, Kali Belladonna.
WF Grunt #5: Preach it sister!
Eve: Before, Kali Belladonna met with, His Majesty, he not only sniffed her out, but he was able to identify that she was the mother of, Blake Belladonna…
Adam: My beloved!
Eve: SHUT UP! Anyway, he was able to tell that she was her mother by scent alone. And, because of his heightened sense of smell, he can easily identify… A prime mate~!
WF Grunt #7: A prime mate…
WF Grunt #6: He can find this just by our natural scent…?
WF Grunt #5: How does he do that!
Eve: Behold! Exhibit A: Deputy Headmistress of Beacon Academy, Glynda Goodwitch~! And, I gotta say, his Majesty has great taste~!
WF Grunt #8: Hello mommy~!
Eve: Based upon reports, Jaune Arc~! Ahem! His Majesty smelt her natural body odour by accident, and went into a panic attack, mostly because he didn’t know what was going on. Now, that he knows that he can sniff out prime mates he hides the fact he smelling them out. He’s not doing it intentionally, his sense of smell is just that strong. Look for his nostrils to be flaring, when they are he has picked up a tantalizing smell~! Good, or bad is the question; he used this to hunt, Adam’s little spy so be careful.
Adam: He did?!
Eve: Yeah, so get ready for, Sienna to give you lot a beat down.
Adam: Eh?
Eve: Also, Sienna has been potentially marked out as a prime mate. Again, he has such good taste.
WF Grunt #8: Can you blame him?
WF Grunt #5: I’d pick her if I could.
Eve: So ladies, now that you know his graces traits, you shall now learn how to seduce his, Grace! No shampoo, or any scented fragrance, or at the least something weak. We gotta let him smell your natural aroma to know if he’s interested.
Eve: Next, don’t come after him screaming you want his babies. He’s a family man, you’re either in it for the long haul, or not at all. His preference are more on personality than your body, but he does appear to like the thic hourglass figure, and who can blame him?
WF Grunt #7: Whoo! My odds are getting better all the time! Suck it!
Adam: Wha… Who the hell is giving you all this information?!
Eve: An information broker on the internet.
Adam: You’re paying for this?!
Eve: Hey, ThunderThighs gives good information, it’s well worth the price.
Adam: ThunderThighs?! Who the hell is that?!
Nora: ACHOO!
Jaune: Bless you. Hey, where did you get all that, Lien?
Nora: Internet.
Jaune: Internet?
Jaune: …
Jaune: You’ve been selling information about me, haven’t you?
Nora: Yes, but this is mostly from selling the photos I’ve taken of you.
Jaune: Photos? What photos?!
Nora: …
Nora: Oops…
Eve: Don’t know, don’t care. All I care about is the results, and achieving our goal.
Adam: That goal is having him lead the faunas to a brighter future?
Eve: No, the goal, at least our goal is getting into his pants!
Adam paled as he heard the crowd of woman cheer, and howl in agreement at his sisters depraved words.
Fennec: How dare you! His Majesty is far more than this!
Corsac: You should be on the ground worshiping his Majesty, with the respect, and reverence he is due!
Eve: Oh, but I will. But, while you worship him in your silly little temple, I’ll be worshiping him in the bedroom~!
The men that had trickled into the hall mouths dropped in shear shock, and horror. While the ladies in the hall burst into laughter, and cries of agreement.
Eve: Alright ladies, now you know some of the does, and don’t, there’s nothing to be said, but this: ‘Happy hunting ~!’
Adam: Serious, Eve?! The Dragon Faunas has appeared, a being that will lead the faunas into a golden age, and your more concerned about bedding him; What is wrong with you?!
Eve: You’ll never understand woman, little brother. Haa…No wonder, Blake dumped you.
Adam: What…? S-She didn’t dump me.
Eve: …
Adam: Right…?
Eve: Yeah, you just think that, Adam. Now if you’ll excuse me; Mama’s is on the hunt~!
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uncaught-coolfish · 10 months
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skittles squad pull up to the projects
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Propaganda is below the cut.
“They have such an amazing amount of tension and complex history and feelings, it makes their dynamic so fun and interesting. Plus y’know, who knows what happens in the Branwen Tribe.”
"they are doing it in front of their weird alter thing and they're bringing in a religion kink.
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electronicyarn · 10 months
A Different Shade of RWBY: Volume 2 - Chapter 18
RWBY - Blake Belladonna/Yang Xiao Long, Ruby Rose/Weiss Schnee
Read From the Beginning
What if happily ever after was just the start of something greater? What if fate was waiting right around the corner? Nearly a year after circumstances brought Yang, Blake, Weiss, and Ruby together, sinister forces will seek to tear them apart.
Read on AO3 | Read on FF.net
Out of all the places Yang thought she might end up one day, prison had been near the bottom of the list. Yet that was exactly where she found herself. She was presently flanked by a pair of guards while she walked down a hallway in an Atlas prison standing on the outskirts of the city. However, Yang hadn’t become the prison’s newest resident. Rather, she was there to talk to one of its inmates.
The guards led Yang to a sturdy door. One of them pulled out her keys and unlocked it. She said to Yang, “The prisoner’s inside. The bosses don’t like unscheduled interrogations, so fifteen minutes is all I can give you.”
“That’s fine,” Yang said. “This won’t take long.”
The guard opened the door. Yang walked into the room, and the door closed behind her. The room was stark and uninviting with concrete walls and harsh lights. There was a small window letting in a little bit of sun, but it was covered by thick metal bars. One of the walls was dominated by a large mirror. No doubt the mirror was made of one-way glass to hide an observation room on its other side. The only furnishings in the room were a single table and a few chairs. An inmate was seated at the table wearing an orange prison jumpsuit. His hands were cuffed, and the cuffs were chained to a metal loop built into the table itself.
Yang walked over to the table and sat down in a chair on the opposite side of the inmate.
The inmate looked up. His fox-like ears twitched, and his eyes lit up with malicious delight when he saw Yang. He said, “Well, well, well. This is unexpected.”
“Hello Fennec,” Yang said.
“‘Hello’? That’s it?” Fennec asked. “Surely an old friend such as myself deserves more of a greeting than that.”
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rwbybutincorrect · 2 years
Adam: Tonight, one of you will betray us.
Corsac: Is it me, Adam?
Adam: No, it’s not you.
Fennec: Is it me, Adam?
Adam: It’s not you either.
Blake: Is it me, Adam?
Adam, mockingly: Is IT mE, AdaM?
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My individual piece from the RWBY 10th Anniversary Ever Artists Collab! In an unexpected twist, I got Corsac and Fennec.
Was I sad to not get Adam? Absolutely. Did I get over that the instant I saw the Adam artist's sketch? You betcha.
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night-sky-blood-sea · 11 months
Okay but listen:
Au where Adam scapes from the mines and ends up in the brother's village. The village priest believes that he is a messenger from their god and raises him to be like a high priest or something like that. Fennec and Corsac end up obeying his orders and adoring him.
Imagine they juat fooling around in the temple and the brothers being like the biggest service tops in the world.
The priest is unaware his protegé is getting smashed every day.
Oh hello, Rosemary Baby/Midsommar/cultist horror erotica. Haven't seen you in a while >:3
trigger warnings: cultism, grooming, reference to death and gore, toxic relationship.
Anon I love your brain so much, I need more of this idea. Adam slowly losing his mind and assimilates into this closed-off village after his traumatic event in the mines, watching the worshippers around him with a blank stare who would do anything he wants them to, playing into the role of "god" for them to survive and feeling like he belongs.
Having the two devoted brother priests next to him was a good bonus as well, especially when he needed the leader of that place, the man who let him into the community who used him like those bastards in the mines had, to be dead and buried Corsac and Fennec would make it happen. Because they obey him.
Because they worship him.
Because they love him.
And why, a god must love his followers back, right? On his altar soaked with blood, they can have as much of his love as they want. They can be together like this, drenched in the fading life source of a blasphemer and laughing the night away.
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bobauthorman · 2 years
I wanted to discuss the previous leaders of the White Fang organization in RWBY, their commonalities and their differences.
I’m talking about Ghira Belladonna, Blake’s father, and Sienna Kahn, Adam Taurus’ original mentor. These two had wildly distinct methods of dealing with the oppression their fellow Faunus suffered. Both types had their plusses and minuses, but when pushed to the extreme, proved to be insufficient for solving the problem. As Blake pointed out, there are no simple answers for very complex problems.
(As an aside, I know people think CRWBY dropped the ball on the “racism in a fantasy world” concept, but I don’t think they did any worse of a job than One Piece or Discworld.)
As demonstrated in the Adam Taurus trailer, Ghira tried to solve issues peacefully, but as also shown, this passivism also meant he was unable to truly defend his people, nor were humanity truly motivated to really change how they treated faunus. And because of that, he lost the respect of the White Fang, allowing Sienna and Adam to take over the group and turn it into a terrorist sect. Ghira was effectively pushed out of the White Fang, to the point of being totally ignorant of the White Fang’s role in the Fall of Beacon. If Blake and Sun Wukong hadn’t shown up in Menagerie, it’s unlikely he would have learned anything.
That said, Sienna was not much better in running the White Fang. While she certainly was more hands-on, she made the same mistake about going too far with her chosen method. As I’ve mentioned in a different post, her allowing Adam’s violent tendencies played a huge part in why he turned wrong so quickly, and the same could be said about the White Fang as a whole. The first we hear about the group is their disrupting a peaceful rally, and Sun describes them as a cult, who try to force other faunus to follow them. Sienna makes it clear in her debut that her goal is for humans to fear faunus, and fear retribution for mistreating the species. But, the problem with the threat of force is that it only works when you are able to maintain that force. Not to mention that this violent outlook made it easy for the White Fang to manipulated by even worse groups, such as the Salem Gang.
So, essentially, neither Ghira or Sienna’s methods really did anything to solve the issue. Both versions of the White Fang were failures. So why is it that Ghira lives, and Sienna dies? Well, it’s not a simple answer like “aggression bad, passism good”. If that was true, the assassination attempt would have been foiled by everyone holding hands and signing “Kumbayah”. No, it’s a different sort of simple answer.
And the answer is love.
Whatever flaws Ghira had as a leader, he and his wife Kali were still a comforting presence enough for Blake to go see them, which led to Sun learning about the attack on Haven. And the two of them were able to save the attempt on his life committed by the Albain brothers.
Sienna, on the other hand, had no one. Adam’s rising influence in the White Fang’s ranks was best demonstrated by the Grimm masks worn by the rank and file (I contend that these masks were optional, as Blake never wore one, nor did the Albains). As Adam points out before he kills her, the White Fang already saw him as the High Leader, but Sienna clearly never caught on to what was happening until it was too late. She was literally unable to see eye to eye with her former comrades. You might say that she made the same mistake Ghira did, this happened after she sat herself on a throne, and took herself out of the action. By no longer taking part on raids, she lost the respect of the White Fang.
So, I guess the moral is, stand up for yourself, but don’t go too far, and, as always, “Trust love”.
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tumblingxelian · 2 years
Me just having a random thinking moment, but as a fun headcanon/ expansion of her character, and just judging from her outfit as leader of the White Fang, I wonder if Sienna was once some kind of religious figure among the Faunus, and she had a past relationship with the Albain Brothers that didn't go too well.
Like they were all part of the same religious groups who worshiped and studied the God of Animals and the teachings related to it, with the Shallow Sea and the Judgment of the Faunus forming the two major scriptures of that religion.
Perhaps Sienna had to step down from her religious order due to the conflict of interest with the White Fang, but did so out of necessity since she felt so strongly about Ghira's increasingly weak leadership, even if it meant going against the teachings of the God of Animals to do it, but she still keeps a variant of their order's garb for ceremonial reasons, and also to anchor herself and remind herself that her ultimate goal is the pursuit of equality, not of cruelty.
But the Albain Brothers didn't see it that way, and were the types of religious folk who either believed in the harsher of the scriptures to validate their own desire for power, or who were like certain religious groups who preached their religion, but who openly undermined and twisted those teachings for their own selfish purposes. They tried to control Sienna, but she was too strong willed and too principled to fall for their deceit, thus creating a rift between them (bonus points if they knew each other back when they were religious acolytes or something).
And then Adam came into the picture, and the rest is history.
I'm a big big fan of this kind of headcanon and often engage with very similar ideas myself and I can definitely see there being ties between her & the Albains. Also very much agreed on them wanting to control Sienna but failing and deciding Adam is an easier mark, only tro find out too late he's uncontrollable but unlike Sienna, very dumb XD
My versions of Sienna's beliefs tend to have Sienna as an ancestor worshipper and to also be trying to sort of blend and embody as many fading or lost Faunus traditions and beliefs as possible. With this likely being part of a wider movement to create a sort of united Faunus society and to preserve the many cultures that make it up.
Really good stuff, thanks for sharing!
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howlingday · 5 months
Dark Au: Can we get some Adam and/or Illa in the Au. We talked about them before and they aren't major players yet. But I would like a quick view in on them.
Ghira tapped on his desk as he read through the letters he'd received. Tragedy or no, he had an image to uphold to his community. To the people of the island, he was Ghira Belladonna, the Chieftain of Menagerie, and his people needed him to be strong. But as more and more calls for action came in, for some response to the death of his daughter, he found that his strength was failing him and so too would his composure in the public eye. If allowed, the White Fang would be able to remove him from his position, replacing him as the Chieftain for someone more attuned to the goals of the White Fang, or worse, Adam as Chieftain.
"Ghira?" He looked away from the letters, his heart breaking again at the sight of his once beautiful wife. Kali was still in her bed clothes from days ago, clutching to Blake's baby book. If it weren't for the water-proof pages, the book may have been ruined by now from the sheer amount of crying the woman holding it had done inside. "Have you heard anything from Beacon?"
"No." Ghira sighed and shook his head. "I'm starting to think they're holding my mail from me."
"They wouldn't do that, Ghira." She said, taking a bit of an aggressive step to her husband. "The people love you!"
"Some of them do." He rubbed his eyes. "But not everyone agrees with me. The White Fang-"
"Are not in Menagerie!" She shouted.
"Yes, they are!" He smashed his fist into the desk, making his wife flinch and yelp. His wrath swiftly subsided to passive tenderness, his fist quickly loosing into an outstretched hand seeking to calm his beloved. "I'm... I'm sorry." He had to restrain his voice. He'd already lost one woman to his anger, and now she... she was never coming home at this rate. "I didn't mean to yell at you."
Kali was silent for a moment, though she took soft-footed steps to him. When she was in front of him, she set the baby book on his desk, weighing down the letters he'd yet to read. "I know you didn't." She placed one hand in his, then the other on his cheek. Even when she was at her worst, Ghira still saw his beautiful Kali as a veritable goddess among mortals. She leaned close and kissed him. "I know you didn't."
She seated herself on his lap and laid her head against his chest. The thick carpet of chest hair acted as a pillow of sorts for her, bringing a sense of comfort and serenity. Memories brought her back to a time long ago, when her daughter slept against her chest, the two of them cradled in the embrace of the love of her life. She felt safe in his arms, and Blake was safe in her arms within his arms.
Ghira placed an arm around her, holding her close and giving soft, circular strokes over her shoulder. He then looked to the baby book pressed down on the remaining letters from the people of Menagerie and beyond. Pulling it close to him, he lifted the cover and decided to stroll down memory lane.
Ghira is the Chieftain of Menagerie, but for now... He decided to be a grieving father. Just for today.
"What news do you have for me?"
"High Leader Khan, it would seem..."
"...Ghira Belladonna and his wife are in grief."
"Considering the passing of his traitorous daughter, it would only make sense." Sienna rapped her fingers across the arm rest of her throne, her other hand supporting his head. "Have you found her yet?"
"Not yet High Leader. It would seem..."
"...the body has yet to be found. Very odd, High Leader."
"Keep searching." She'd forgotten what her jaw felt like when it wasn't tense. "The sooner we find Blake's body and bring it to Menagerie, the sooner we can bring back Ghira Belladonna."
"High Leader, why would we trade a traitor..."
"...for a traitor from before her, High Leader?"
"Because the sooner Ghira Belladonna is on our side, the sooner I can get our brothers and sisters out of Vale." Sienna stood from her throne. "The last thing I want is our people getting caught up in something over all of our heads. You have your orders, now leave."
"Of course, High Leader."
"Right away, High Leader."
The Albain brothers stood from their kneeling positions and smartly left the throne room. Once the doors were shut behind them, they began to speak much quieter than normal.
"Indeed, we have our orders..."
"...to be fulfilled to the letter."
The brothers nodded and made haste to the post office. There, they would speak with their informant to examine any letters to and from Ghira Belladonna. Then whatever letters they deemed necessary, they would take before speaking to their spies across the island. Finally, when they had completed their mission, they would report back to Adam Taurus.
Just as he had instructed to them long before speaking with High Leader Khan.
"You have your orders, now go."
"Why does it have to be me?" Ilia asked, raising a brow at Adam. He gave a snarl, making her cave in, physically and spiritually. "Um, f-for clarity, I mean."
"Because you're the only one who can pass for a human." Adam said after regaining his composure. "And because I said so."
Ilia looked to her bullhead ticket, her mind racing at the grocery list of objectives she was to accomplish. For a moment, she'd considered doing the same thing Blake did and leave the White Fang in the middle of her mission. Unfortunately, Adam seldom made the same mistake twice, as was evident by her chaperone, nicknamed 'Banesaw' for both his weapon and his violent tendency to overkill with collateral damage. She looked to him, and he snarled with twice the ferocity Adam gave. Again, she caved.
"Now, what are your orders?"
"Make contact with the human criminal, Roman Torchwick." Ilia gulped. "Infiltrate Beacon Academy. Locate Blake's body."
"If it exists." Adam clarified, part of him not fully convinced Blake died so easily. The caskets at the memorial service were kept closed, with only photos placed on both the caskets and the screen acting as identifiers of each initiate. Humans were too squeamish to conduct open casket funerary services. "And what else?"
"Uh..." Ilia gulped. "Report back to you?"
"One other thing." Adam held up a finger. "I'm not convinced by anything put out by the media. Everything is controlled and filtered by the oppressive human hierarchy. Therefore, I want you to collect information from an eyewitness. Someone who was there during the initiation." He slid an open folder towards her, and out slid a photo of a young man with blond hair and blue eyes.
"This is..."
"Find and interrogate Jaune Arc. By any means necessary."
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pilot-boi · 10 months
Wonder what other ghosts affect the Voices AU. Watts? Lionheart? Sienna? Fennec Albain? Amber? Vernal? Brawnz, Roy, and May Z? Pilot Boi? Fria? Nicholas Schnee? Gretchen? F Pickerel (the guy who initially captured Tyrian)? Ilia's parents? That huntsman that died in front of RNJR in Volume 4? Fox's uncle Copper? Marcus Black? Bartleby from Brunswick Farms? Ozpin (the host, not Ozma)? Forest? Curious? Neo's parents? Rhodes? Sleet? Hazel? Tock? Tukson? Clover? Vine? Sorry this is a lot.
Nah you’re good, lemme just cover them one at a time. It’s nice to see people excited
Saddle in because this going to be VERY long
Okay first of all we need to establish some ground rules. Not all deaths in Remnant create a ghost, otherwise Jaune wouldn’t be able to function ANYWHERE because if all natural deaths made a ghost the whole world would be infested
So ghosts only appear from particularly traumatic/violent deaths. AKA Grimm, usually. But if you die peacefully in your bed, you don’t make a ghost.
ALSO, if it’s been long enough, or they don’t have a reason to stay, a ghost will fade away. This process is faster for ghosts without their Aura unlocked. As they fade they become harder and harder to understand until their speech is complete unintelligible
For example, Oz and Salem’s daughters have LONG since faded. In Kuroyuri most of the citizens are still around but they’re completely unintelligible and barely corporeal, but Li is the same as the day he died because he has a “mission” to continue protecting the village
So going through the list, I can say that Fria, Nicholas Schnee, and presumably Neo’s parents wouldn’t have ghosts. They all died naturally. But all those other guys would have ghosts
Most of them continue haunting the area where they died, or go off and do their own thing
Some of them would probably follow the gang around if they could but they don’t know where the gang is. For example, Ironwood only knows where they are because he was in the inner circle and so knows the next target is Vacuo
And then there’s the ghosts that don’t follow out of choice
Pilot Boi, for example, tries to find his way back to Atlas. Bartleby continues haunting his farm even after the gang leave. Lionheart is a coward and stays in Haven Academy. The huntsman who died returns to the capital, same with Tock with her respective city. Forest and Sleet stay haunting the ruins of Mantle and Atlas, as do Amber and Tukson with Vale.
That leaves a LOT of ghosts though, so let’s cover them one at a time
Most of them, if they don’t haunt a location, follow around someone who was important to them in life, like Pyrrha does with Jaune
Watts and Ironwood both go to Vacuo, because they know that’s the next target. They bicker the whole way which is very entertaining
Hazel follows Emerald around, a sort of guardian spirit. Since he helped them escape and fought Salem for them, Jaune doesn’t see any reason to try and get him to leave. He does tell Emerald that Hazel is there, though
Fennec follows his brother around, which mostly just consists of the two of them sitting in jail. He tries to comfort his brother, but of course Corsac doesn’t know he’s there
Sienna follows Adam around, constantly berating him, and she helps Pyrrha kick his ass when he finally dies. After that she goes back to Menagerie
Vernal either follows Raven around or returns to the tribe. It’s not like she’d be lonely, there’s plenty of ghosts in the Branwens to keep her company
Brawnz, Roy, and May Z all follow Nolan to Vacuo when he goes. He doesn’t know they’re there until Jaune arrives and can tell him, and then Nolan breaks down crying because his team didn’t let him have to be alone, even after dying
Gretchen, of course, follows her twin around and the two reunite after his death. It’s the happiest and most complete Hazel has felt in decades. Jaune doesn’t even know they were siblings until after Hazel dies and they reunite. After all, she still looks seventeen
F Pickerel probably tries to follow Tyrian around, at least until he joins Salem, and then the man’s spirit is promptly banished. Gretchen she allows to stay because she knows the girl won’t try to interfere, she just wants to be with her brother, but Pickerel could be a problem
Ilia’s parents of course follow her around, from Mantle to Mistral to Menagerie and eventually to Vacuo. Not that she knows, again until Jaune gets to Vacuo and can tell her. Then she has a similar reaction to Nolan
Copper follows Fox until he joins team CFVY and finally has a family again, then the man passes on since his “nephew” is safe and loved
Marcus Black would certainly TRY to follow Mercury, at least until he gets to Everlight. Then the man almost meets a similar fate from Gretchen as Adam does at Pyrrha’s hands. Gretchen isn’t quite strong enough to get him to leave, just enough to get him to keep his distance. Once Hazel dies, though, it’s all over for him
Ozpin, of course, follows Oscar around. Jaune actually figured something is up with Oscar when they first meet because for the first time ever, someone else can hear what a ghost is saying. Only the most recent Ozcarnation remains as a spirit, and as the merge comes closer, Ozpin’s ghost starts to fade
Oz used to be able to see/hear ghosts just like Salem, but as he’s used up his magic he’s lost that ability. He DOES know that Jaune can see ghosts, because the boy makes eye contact with him and reacts when he speaks to Oscar
Rhodes would, of course, follow Cinder, but he gets similarly banished when she joins up with Salem. A Huntsman’s spirit is too dangerous to keep around
Clover follows Qrow around, trying to apologize to the man for his stupidity. The two of them reunite when Vine dies, and they actually also get to reunite with Tortuga as well. With Tortuga back it’s the first time the Ace Ops have felt whole since his death, and all three follow the remaining Ace Ops to Vacuo
And finally, the Curious Cat. CC doesn’t leave a spirit when they die, because Ascension works differently. No body left behind, so I figure also no spirit. Alyx only left one behind because she was killed and because she’s from Remnant she doesn’t ascend
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armenianwriterman · 2 months
So I knew that the VA of Bakugo also played Shay D. Mann in RWBY, so I wanted to look up the cast of My Hero Academia to see how many characters in season 1 share VAs with RWBY. Turns out to be quite a bit.
All Might -> Dr. Arthur Watts
Ochako Uraraka and Recovery Girl -> Lil' Miss Malachite, Fria and Little/Somewhat
Tenya Iida -> Klein Sieben
Mina Ashido -> Willow Schnee
Tsuyu Asui -> Sienna Khan
Denki Kaminari -> The Argus Base Guards
Fumikage Tokoyami -> Tyrian Callows
Mashirao Ojiro -> Fennec Albain
Toru Hagakure -> Trophy Wife
Momo Yaoyorozu -> Jinn
Shota Aizawa -> Clover Ebi and Roman Torchwick (3rd voice)
Midnight -> Winter Schnee
Naomasa Tsukauchi -> Henry Marigold
I imagine there's gonna be a lot more cast connections in the future, and I always have a lot of fun with finding them.
(Edit: Forgot a few names in my initial ranking)
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Case file #101: Adam Taurus
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Race: Faunus
Nationality: Atlas
Ethnicity: Mantlecean
Weapon: Wilt & Blush (note: resembles a SDC weapon prototype that was stolen about 5 years ago. The blade stores kinetic energy that is then released in the form of harsh destruction rays.)
Gender: Man
Sexuality: Gynephiliac (This information was obtained from a double agent in Menagiere)
Current Age: 21
Aura Color: Red
Handedness: Right
Complexion: Pale
Eye Color: Pale blue
Faunus trait: Bull horns (Adam has both the strength and Endurance of a Bull, according to reports.)
Occupation: White Fang Vale branch leader
Previous Occuppation: White Fang Black ops commander (Classified)
13 years ago, Adam Taurus (note: last name constructed) became the subject of a world known, yet private court case against the SDC where a brand over his left eye was used as evidence of several claims of Faunus workplace abuse. The accusers in the court case were the two leaders of the White Fang, Ghira Bête & Sienna Khan. The White Fang won the court case and an anti neo-slavery bill was passed throughout Atlas-Mantle as a result. Adam, who had recently lost his mother at the time and was a still a minor, was adopted by Sienna Khan who took him to Menagiere.
... unfortunately, 5 years ago Ghira and his wife Kali Bête were assasinated at a Faunus rally somewhere in rural Sanus. They survive by their only daughter, Blake Bête. Since then, the White Fang has cultivated a [CLASSIFIED] organization under the leadership of Sienna Khan. The leaders of the White Fang under Sienna include Adam (Vale branch leader) and Fennec & Corsac Albain (Religous leaders). Attempts by the White Fang to establish an Atlas branch have been stopped by the council (note: countinue to stop them. watch all WF gatherings in Atlas).
The White Fang has a Black Ops organization being used to carry out robberies and assasinations in all of Renment. The leader of the Black Ops is Adam Taurus, with Illia Amitola (note: needs a case file) and Blake Bête (has carried out 8 known assasinations on Faunus hate groups, currently missing, needs a case file) as sub commanders. All three serve as de-facto leaders of the White Fang in the event Sienna Khan is killed (note: Do NOT assasinate Sienna Khan, it will lead to race riots. Limit anti White Fang activity to covert operations).
Adam is wanted for the murders of 64 individuals in Atlas, all of whom are connected to the SDC (note: at least 20 were family members). If spotted, do NOT kill him, he is to be captured alive under all circumstances. Allow him to flee if he cannot be captured.
[The writing below is a transcript from a page recovered from a mansion attacked by the White Fang. It is believed to come from Adam Taurus, written by him and then stabbed to the wall.]
"...your father is a white demon. He told me he loved me and would take me to Atlas, but after I gave him what he wanted he left me down here in his mines. Adam, I need you to find your father. And when you do, I want you to kill him. And his wife. And their children. Kill every human on this earth so I can forgive giving birth to a half-"
[End of paper dialouge]
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Welcome to Round One of the RWBY I/ncest Bracket! For those participating, you will be voting for the ship you prefer. The matchups for round one and links to the polls are below the cut and will be added as they are posted.
Enabler (Ruby/Yang) vs Godcest (God of Light/God of Darkness)
Malacest (Melanie/Miltiades) vs Ancest (Ren/An)
Harvesting Moons (Ruby/Qrow) vs Liddellcest (Alyx/Lewis)
Mother Snows Best (Willow/Whitley) vs Daddy's Project (Penny/Pietro)
Schneester Love (Weiss/Winter) vs Frozen Idols (Nicholas/Winter)
Mommy Yangst (Yang/Summer) vs Frozen Heir (Jacques/Whitley)
Yangcest (Yang/Taiyang) vs Mother Fearest (Willow/Winter)
Rosecest (Ruby/Summer) vs Naughty or Ice (Weiss/Nicholas)
Branwencest (Raven/Qrow) vs Albaincest (Fennec/Corsac)
Cut Off (Weiss/Jacques) vs Rencest (Ren/Li)
Fireqracker (Yang/Qrow) vs Whitnick (Nicholas/Whitley)
Weisswhit (Weiss/Whitley) vs Northern Swans (Nicholas/Willow)
Yangry Birds (Yang/Raven) vs Distant Snow (Winter/Whitley)
Shadows of Change (Blake/Ghira) vs Planetcest (Mercury/Marcus)
Tairuby (Ruby/Taiyang) vs Done & Dusted (Jacques/Winter)
Bellacest (Blake/Kali) vs Fairest Beauty (Weiss/Willow)
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uncaught-coolfish · 1 year
in honor of yang living her best romcom life while ruby spirals in vol 9, heres my ranking of rwby siblings worst to best.
1. cinder/step sisters - i think cinder is cool for murdering her family, good for her
2. rainart twins - sir, how are you serving the lady who controlled the monsters that killed your sister. justice for gretchen, she died with the braincell, leaving her brother a dumbass
3. schneeblings - not winter mirroring jacque and slapping weiss while weiss holds a loaded gun to her brother's face, the kids are not ok someone check on the schneeblings
4. light/darkness - kinda awkward when your bickering traumatized a girl and her boyfriend so she tried to usurp your throne and then you ended up wiping out humanity haha
5. branwen twins - raven, i love you, but she really left her brother and family to play walmart wild west. what.
6. ruby/yang - for this month, we celebrate a girly who prioritizes true love while her sister is having a breakdown <3
7. albain bros - rip to fennec, they're a theater duo and it just aint the same when your brother isnt there to burn down society with you :(
8. arc siblings - jaune really out here pretending having sisters is a tragic backstory, this is why younger siblings dont deserve rights
9. malachite sisters - they share clothes and talk mad shit about people behind their back with each other, good for them
10. alyx/lewis - when he's back, he turned around and waited for alyx but she never passed through. time moves on, he's gone but his hope for his sister to reunite with him lives on in a story where she comes home. in a world about fairytale, lewis wrote a story where his sister, flaws and all, is a hero. hands down, the only siblings that matter.
😭 alyx and lewis deserved better they rlly are the best sibs now that I think about it
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