#Fragrance/Chemical Allergies
I am literally homeless EXCLUSIVELY because ableds and disabled people without allergies cant be bothered to apply their toxic fragrance in their bedroom instead of the shared bathroom and make other equally minor changes, and disabled people whose disabilities aren't worsened by the selfishness of others and dont even prevent them from being around others are STILL out here like "uwu dont worry, ableism is NEVER your fault, it's totally fine to murder people with MCAS to spare yourself minor inconvenience"
the disability "community" is a myth. Only those with the privilege to safely interact with others get ANY help, sympathy, or even basic visibility. MCAS is a huge component of long covid so it now affects millions more (it affected 15% of the population before covid, 5x as common as autism, for example) but because no one else in the disability community can even acknowledge our existence, we'll never have any accessibility whatsoever.
Most people with MCAS have no idea they have it because of all the constant forcible erasure from other people. That means they'll never know they could be 100% fine if the people around them weren't incapable of empathy
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cat-eye-nebula · 11 months
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Synthetic scents are so bad that they’re even being called the new second-hand smoke. 95% of chemicals used in synthetic fragrances are derived from petroleum (fossil fuel). These include things like benzene derivatives (carcinogenic), aldehydes, toluene, and many other toxic chemicals linked to cancer, birth defects, central nervous system disorders and allergic reactions. -> 5 Serious Health Dangers of Synthetic Scents
⚠️Analysis of a perfume - 181 chemical substances
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nenelonomh · 2 months
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how often do you use this product you know so little about? let me educate you.
deodorant is a personal hygiene product designed to reduce or mask body odour caused by sweating and bacterial overgrowth. it makes the skin more acidic and less attractive to bacteria that cause odour. deodorants often contain antimicrobial agents to kill odour-causing bacteria and fragrances to mask any residual odour.
there are also antiperspirants, which are a subclass of deodorants. antiperspirants prevent sweating by blocking sweat glands, reducing the amount of perspiration that reaches the skin.
picking the right deodorant for your skin type
sensitive skin: look for deodorants labelled as hypoallergenic or formulated for sensitive skin. these usually contain fewer irritants and are free from alcohol and fragrances.
dry skin: opt for deodorants with moisturizing ingredients like aloe vera or glycerin to prevent further dryness.
'regular' skin: you have more flexibility and can choose from a wide range of deodorants, including those with added fragrances.
consider natural options
if you prefer to avoid synthetic chemicals, look for natural deodorants that use ingredients like baking soda, coconut oil, and essential oils.
before committing to any new products, do a patch test on a small area of your skin to check for any allergic reactions.
reading reviews can give you insights into how well a product works for others with similar skin types. some brands also offer sample sizes, so you can try them out before buying a full-sized product.
end notes
reply with which deodorant you prefer and why. these kinds of topics are often avoided, but it is important to have a general understanding.
i hope you found this interesting! ❤️ nene
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AITA for asking my mom to stop using scented bath salts?
For background, I am 35 and live with my mom and stepdad in an apartment. We split rent and utilities equitably. I am disabled and spend most of my time in my room. I have the bedroom that has its own bathroom and the rest of the apartment is functionally theirs. I have the use of the kitchen and can go hang out in the living room etc. but they control the space and it contains their belongings almost exclusively. In other words, my room is the only place that's really "mine." My mom has always enjoyed heavy fragrance products (perfumes, plug-ins, etc.) and knows I hate them. I do NOT have an allergy or any medical issue pertaining to them, I just find the smells very unpleasant and in strong enough concentrations a bit nauseating. I mostly accept her doing scent stuff in the main apartment as it doesn't affect my room, but lately she has been taking baths with a scented bath salt (in their bathroom, not mine) that has an intense, overpowering "clean" scent. I have compared it to Lysol, not sure what it's actually supposed to smell like. For reasons I cannot identify, it invades and permeates my room (even with door closed) like no other smell, at an intensity that wakes me up if I'm sleeping, makes it hard to even think straight, hurts my sinuses, and stays like that for hours. I can mitigate this somewhat by opening my window and running the fan but of course it's the middle of winter and 20 degrees outside. So I asked her to stop using this product, and suggested the same brand's fragrance-free variety. After a bit of back-and-forth she agreed to stop but said "I hope you appreciate the sacrifice I'm making, because I really like the way that bath salt makes me smell. So I'm basically giving up my happiness for yours." I said "There are lots of other ways you could make yourself smell nice, right? Maybe a body wash or lotion?" (Note: she has, for my entire life, loved and used lotions, body washes and similar products freely.) She said "No, I don't want to use those. I wanted to use the scented bath salts. But I'll stop so you can have things your way." I keep thinking about her framing this as an equation by which either I could get what I want (room not reek of chemical fragrance) or she could get what she wants (smell how she wants) and she gave up hers so I could get mine. I let the argument go because she'd agreed to what I wanted, but now I'm back and forth between thinking I'm being selfish and thinking she's being melodramatic and manipulative. It seemed more to me like asking a neighbor to turn down their very loud music (are they sacrificing their enjoyment for yours if they comply? or were they just doing something annoying and stopped when asked? is there a difference?) but maybe that's a false equivalence. AITA for getting my mom to stop using the bath salts to get her desired smell because it makes my room miserable?
What are these acronyms?
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
Story at-a-glance
Mamavation tested 65 diapers from 40 brands for PFAS "forever chemicals". 23% of products tested showed indications of PFAS, with organic fluorine levels ranging from 10 to 323 parts per million
Both disposable and reusable cloth diapers were found to contain PFAS. 17% of disposable diapers and 30% of reusable cloth diapers/accessories tested positive for organic fluorine above 10 ppm
PFAS chemicals are linked to numerous health issues, including reduced immunity, allergies, developmental problems, and increased cancer risk. Pregnant women and babies are particularly vulnerable to these effects
The study found issues with OEKO-TEX certification, as some certified products still contained PFAS. The certification's testing methods may not detect all forms of PFAS, including PTFE (Teflon)
Mamavation recommends looking for diapers that use total chlorine-free (TCF) processing, avoid fragrances and lotions, and for cloth diapers, use natural materials like organic cotton or hemp instead of synthetic waterproofing
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magpiesmiscellany · 2 months
Contact Dermatitis/Allergy Help?
After two years of red patches and swelling and flaking around my eyes I finally got approved for patch testing. (And yes, stopping my rare eye makeup use was the first thing I tried.) I found out I react badly to 3 chemicals which are apparently pretty common in health and beauty stuff as well as cleaning products.
Methyldibromo Glutaronitrile (MDBGN), Benzoic Acid, and Balsam of Peru, if that means anything to anyone?
I'm having trouble finding shampoo and conditioner that doesn't have any of them, especially since I guess one doesn't have to be listed and can just be included under fragrance?
Any suggestions for brands or places to look? I tried vanicream and it didn't actually clean my hair at all so couldn't use it regularly.
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battlestarbones · 3 months
I'm trying to get around my contact allergy to something in men's antiperspirant/deodorant (I suspect a common Manly fragrance chemical given that I can use a women's scented one) by using unscented antiperspirant and then layering Native-brand deodorant-only on top of it. I figure the crossover in fragrance chemicals used between the normal brands and the "natural" brand will be low enough I might get away with it!
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ccrowsiie · 10 months
Tips from a recovering nail biter
My lil tip for nail biters who wanna quit - scented cuticle oil. Well, cuticle oil in general, but scented cuticle oil is even better.
If you can't deal with any added fragrance, try oil blends with stronger natural scents like rosehip or essential oils (whichever ones you can tolerate, I know not all are sensitive skin/nose friendly). The idea is to pick a scent that's pleasant but not associated with food. Those fruity and bakery scents are nice but may encourage you to nibble if you already have trouble keeping your hands out of your mouth. The idea is to condition yourself to associate that particular scent with "hands away from mouth". I like typical perfume scents, so I went with jasmine and rose.
I make my own cuticle oil. It's easy, cheap and there are dozens of recipes online. Most of them are jojoba-based, but feel free to add other oils or ingredients for added benefits. If you wanna keep it simple, jojoba oil straight from the bottle will work wonders all by itself.
Try to keep some kind of cuticle balm or oil on your person at all times. Treat it like chapstick for your nails. Rub a little on your nails every time you remember, you really can't do it too much. Keep your hands clean, but don't excessively expose them to water or harsh chemicals. Use gloves when cleaning (extremely important, borderline non-negotiable), and groom your cuticles daily.
Nail hardening polishes aren't bad but they're not the best. They can help protect your nails in a pinch, but they tend to overcorrect, making your nails more prone to breaks. If you can, I recommend getting a few mani supplies instead, like polish and orange sticks/a cuticle pusher. You'll want a barrier over your nails at pretty much all times. I'm biased toward gel, so I recommend a base coat, a topcoat, and a rubber builder gel. Normal polish is perfectly fine if you don't wanna fuss with UV or have an allergy. Just get a top, a base, and whatever color you want to wear whether it's nude or something fun. I don't care if you're masc or a man. You don't need a color on your nails if you don't want it but you will need something. Top coats come in matte if you don't like shine. If you're going with gel you have to use a rubberized base coat. Most biters have thin, flat nail beds that need support as they grow out. Rubber base gels provide protection and flexibility.
Rubber base coat + (whatever color you want) + top coat = profit.
Soak the polish off and replace it when it grows out (every week or two for me, but it depends on how fast your nails grow), but make sure to give your fingers a day or overnight to breathe between sets (if you wear anything heavier than a few coats of polish). Darker colors like deep reds or black can stain pretty fast, even with a base coat. Don't be alarmed if you remove your polish to see that they're brownish. You're fine. You haven't given yourself some horrible nail disease.
If you're starting off with broken skin, protect it. Wear a bandage over your boo-boos until they've healed up. Get a pair of nippers and get into the habit of using them to clip off hang nails or peeling skin. Don't let me catch you biting them off with your teeth. No, it's not fine just because it isn't your actual nail.
Controversial, but I don't recommend running to the nail salon in your first month of recovery. Fake nails are amazing for protecting your real ones as they grow out, but if you've just decided to stop biting, I'd wait a while before getting a set. 2-4 weeks at least. You'll want to begin the process of breaking your muscle memory before spending upwards of 50 bucks on a set that you'll just be tempted to eat off. Fake nails are not a replacement chew toy, they're a shield. I also recommend that you keep them as short as you can, just barely longer than your natural nail if not the same length. It may be tempting to go for those sexy stilettos or 2-inch coffins but trust me, life is different with longer nails. You have to work your way up to that length. Even a few millimeters can make a huge difference in how you function and you don't want to risk damaging your natural nails.
I also use Hard as Hoof cream before bed and after every shower and hand wash - that's really important. You'll always want to oil up your fingies. It's about 8 dollars USD and I thiiiink you can get it at drug stores. I get mine on Amazon. It really is a wonder product for your nails and really nice on my dry ass knuckles too.
I've been a nail-biter for over 25 years and this is the farthest I've ever gone without a relapse. Seeing my bell-shaped nails slowly return to a normal shape has been so reassuring. I always believed I'd gnawed myself into ugly nails forever, but nature is finally healing.
No matter how bad your nails look, recovery is possible! Be friendly to yourself. If you've been biting for years, you won't recover in 2 weeks. It's a process, and I believe in you.
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expulence · 11 months
The benefits of using high-end beauty products🧖‍♀️:
One very, large, jagged and bitter pill to swallow is that more often than not, you reap what you sow. And in order to be your best most elevated self, you will have to invest the best. That means you'll have to pour top tier time, effort and sometimes money into become her. Although amazingly effective beauty products are available at various price points, they are a lot more abundant at a higher price point. High-end beauty products are more expensive than regular drugstore products, but there are many benefits to investing in luxury beauty. The following are just a few of the benefits of using high-end beauty products:
1. High-quality ingredients 🧪
High-end beauty products often use better quality ingredients such as hyaluronic acid, collagen, and retinol, among others. These ingredients lead to more noticeable and long-lasting results. They are also highly concentrated. So, a little truly goes a long way.
2. Better packaging 🛍
High-end beauty products come in luxurious packaging that adds to the overall experience of using the product by making it a completesensory experience. The packaging is often more sturdy and aesthetically pleasing. This visual beauty can also inspire you to actually use the product as recommended, increasing your  chances of achieving your desired results.
3. More effective 👩‍⚕️
High-end beauty products are often more effective than drugstore products. Because they contain high-quality ingredients and are made with better technology, they are more capable of achieving the results they claim. Luxury beauty brands also have stellar images and reputations to uphold, which incentivizes them to actually deliver on their promises
4. Better for sensitive skin 🧼
High-end beauty products are generally better for sensitive skin because they are often free of harsh chemicals that can irritate the skin. They are also tested for allergies and irritation reactions. Many luxury beauty products are also fragrance-free, and if they aren't, they tend to have very subtle & inoffensive scents that many can enjoy without experiencing migranes.
5. Lasts longer ⏳
As stated before, high-end beauty products generally last longer than drugstore products as a little goes a long way due to their higher potency and effectiveness. This means that they make actually be more of a justifiable expense than the cheaper options in the long run.
All in all, investing in high-end beauty products is worth it. You'll achieve the best results for your skin and feel more pampered while doing so.
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puppyexpressions · 6 months
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For some people, seasonal allergies are a real pain. Whether you’re bothered by a runny nose, itchy eyes, or endless sneezing, it can be a tough time of year to endure.
Just like their human parents, some dogs suffer from the aggravating effects of seasonal allergies as well. Besides chemicals such as those found in household cleaning products, cigarette smoke and certain perfumes, dogs can also be allergic to natural, seasonal substances. This can include plant and tree pollens, mold spores, dust, feathers and fleas.
A dog’s allergy symptoms are generally similar to those experienced by humans: the immune system overreacts to one or more offending substances, leading to itchiness and irritation. Your dog may lick or scratch themselves, develop irritated eyes, or sneeze repeatedly. Some dogs experience itchy, swollen skin, while others suffer from diarrhea and vomiting. In certain cases, a secondary infection may develop.
Here are a few things you should do to help control any discomfort your dog may be dealing with due to seasonal allergies and reduce the risk of more serious problems.
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If possible, avoid walking your dog in the early morning or late afternoon, when pollen levels are typically highest. Steer clear of fields and parks where offending plants are common.
When you return home, wipe your dog’s body and paws with a moist cloth or a hypoallergenic, fragrance-free grooming wipe from your local pet store. This will remove excess pollen and other allergens from your dog’s fur and skin without the hassle of a full bath. Pay special attention to the paws, as the sensitive skin here is often affected by allergens.
Some pet parents soak their dog’s paws in apple cider vinegar to remove pollen and other substances. If using this method, mix 2 parts water with 1 part apple cider vinegar.  Another solution is to put boots on your dog’s paws to prevent them from stepping in irritants and then tracking them into your house.
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Inside your home, regularly change air filters to cut down on airborne allergens that enter through open doors and windows. Running an air conditioner or a dehumidifier will help remove moisture from interior air, making it harder for mold to grow in your home. Minimize the amount of time your dog spends in damp environments, such as basements, bathrooms, or laundry rooms, as these places are more susceptible to mold growth. Vacuum at least once a week, and remember to clean curtains and rugs that may have picked up dust and pollen.
Protect your dog from backyard dangers. Many popular veggies like onions, garlic, tomatoes, and chives are poisonous to dogs and should be fenced off to prevent your furry friend from getting into them.
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It's important to keep the surfaces your dog sleeps on clean, as they can quickly become covered in allergens. To achieve this, wash them in hot water every week. To make the task easier, consider putting towels or blankets on top of beds and chairs, and make sure to keep any offending substances away from the surface underneath. Also, don't forget to wash any soft toys your dog plays with regularly.
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To prevent dry and itchy skin in dogs, it is recommended to bathe them more often with the advice of a veterinarian. While washing their fur, use a gentle, hypoallergenic anti-itch shampoo that contains a soothing ingredient like oatmeal, aloe, or evening primrose oil. Some dog owners prefer to give their pets a 10-minute soak in a bath mixed with a gentle moisturizing oil.
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Consider giving your furry friend a natural dietary supplement like fish oil or a fatty acid such as omega-3 or omega-6 oil to alleviate itchiness and promote healthy skin. Coconut oil has also been shown to be effective in suppressing allergic reactions and improving skin health. To ensure your dog's overall well-being, it is essential to keep their drinking water and bowl clean and free of any contaminants.
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If your dog is constantly licking, scratching, or chewing, and has red, irritated skin or hair loss, it's best to schedule an appointment with your veterinarian. Depending on the severity of the problem, a professional can provide more aggressive treatments such as antihistamines, steroids, or allergy shots, which are also known as immunotherapy.
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queen-ofnewyork · 1 year
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Review of numbuz:n's Clear Filter Sun Essence SPF50+/PA++++
numbuz:n is a Korean brand that's very customer oriented. They create products based on numbers to address many types of skin issues. Their Clear Filter Sun Essence SPF50+/PA++++ is designed to provide hydrating protection with a super light finish. The calming herbal ingredients help hydrate, protect, and relieve skin from the sun. Key ingredients include: 20.55% licorice root water (brightening, hydrating, helps protect skin from sun, scar healing, anti-inflammatory, softening), 15% centella asiatica extract (healing, antioxidant, anti-aging, soothing, strengthens skin), 14.25% houttuynia cordata extract (detoxifying, improves skin health, anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, anti-allergy), terephthalylidene dicamphor sulfonic acid (chemical filter, anti-aging, provides effective protection from UVA rays), ethylhexyl triazone (chemical filter, protects against UVB rays), niacinamide (whitening, lightening, anti-aging, rejuvenating, anti-wrinkle), aloe leaf extract (anti-aging, moisturizing, lightens blemishes and reduces acne, healing, reduces scarring), madecassoside (soothing, anti-inflammatory, healing) and hydrolyzed hyaluronic acid (designed to easier penetrate the skin, stimulates collagen synthesis, moisturizing). This product retails for between $14-20, you can get it here for $15 + shipping.
Glycyrrhiza Glabra (Licorice) Root Water (20.55%), Centella Asiatica Extract (15%), Houttuynia Cordata Extract (14.25%), Water, Dibutyl Adipate, Propanediol, Butyloctyl Salicylate, Ethylhexyl Triazone, Terephthalylidene Dicamphor Sulfonic Acid, Polymethylsilsesquioxane, Niacinamide, Tromethamine, Polyglyceryl-3 Distearate, 1,2-Hexanediol, Pentylene Glycol, Diethylamino Hydroxybenzoyl Hexyl Benzoate, Cetearyl Alcohol, Caprylyl Methicone, Polysilicone-15, Melia Azadirachta (Chinaberry) Leaf Extract, Coccinia Indica Fruit Extract, Eclipta Prostrata (False Daisy) Extract, Melia Azadirachta (Chinaberry) Flower Extract, Anastatica Hierochuntica (Rose of Jericho) Extract, Hyacinthus Orientalis (Hyacinth) Extract, Polygonatum Officinale (Solomon's Seal) Rhizome/Root Extract, Lycium Chinense Fruit Extract, Velvet Extract, Ophiopogon Japonicus (Dwarf Lilyturf) Root Extract, Polygonum Multiflorum (Tuber Fleeceflower) Root Extract, Astragalus Membranaceus Root Extract, Atractylodes Lancea Root Extract, Laminaria Japonica Extract, Ulmus Davidiana (David Elm) Root Extract, Aloe Barbadensis Leaf Extract, Viola Mandshurica Flower Extract, Dioscorea Japonica Root Extract, Sodium Hyaluronate, Glyceryl Stearate, Bis-Ethylhexyloxyphenol Methoxyphenyl Triazine, Potassium Cetyl Phosphate, Butylene Glycol, Methylpropanediol, Carbomer, Acrylates/C10-30 Alkyl Acrylate Crosspolymer, Glyceryl Stearate Citrate, Ethylhexylglycerin, Xanthan Gum, Adenosine, Polyether-1, Madecassoside, Biosaccharide Gum-1, Glycerin, Dimethylsilanol Hyaluronate, Hydrolyzed Sodium Hyaluronate, Hydrolyzed Hyaluronic Acid, Potassium Hyaluronate, Hyaluronic Acid, Sodium Hyaluronate Crosspolymer, Hydroxypropyltrimonium Hyaluronate, Sodium Hyaluronate Dimethylsilanol, Sodium Acetylated Hyaluronate
To quickly note, I received this for free from Picky and numbuz:n in exchange for my honest review.
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This product contains 50 ml (1.69 oz) and is fragrance-free.
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This sunscreen has a very lightweight, hydrating lotion texture and is tinted green.
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It blends out very easily and feels like nothing.
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It leaves skin very smooth and not tacky or sticky as it dries down, which it does very quickly.
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There is no flashback, it's very invisible and you can't detect any white residue on the skin.
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It also wears very well and layers well, I was out in the sun for most of the day and did reapply every few hours or so.
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It also wears very well under makeup, no pilling up or shifting of the makeup.
Recommended use is to take an appropriate amount and apply it evenly onto the skin. It's designed for sensitive skin, non-comedogenic, oxybenzone-free, octinoxate-free and fragrance-free. After using, this sunscreen is really impressive. The packaging is great in that the applicator is very controlled and keeps it from distributing too much product. The sunscreen itself is very gentle, soothing, hydrating and lightweight. It doesn't pill or bunch up or leave any kind of white cast. It's a great moisturizer on its own but it layers over other skincare very well. The ingredients are very sensitive skin friendly and there are no irritants, or fragrances (artificial or otherwise) and it has strong and effective UV filters. It's also very safe around the eyelids and eyes, I didn't notice any irritation in that area or any kind of tingling. The protection is long-lasting and it keeps your skin even toned, even after being out in the sun for a while. Some aspects are water resistant but this product is not marketed as such so this wouldn't be safe against sweat either. I'd recommend this to anyone, especially to people who need a gentle formula.
What I like: this sunscreen is so hydrating and plays well with other products. It doesn't pill or bunch up or leave a white cast and there's no fragrance. It's got great ingredients minus any irritants and it's very hydrating and makes a great moisturizer on its own. It's also safe around the eyes and doesn't cause any irritation. What I don't like: honestly, nothing, it's a great product.
Sensitive skin friendly
No white cast
Wears well under makeup
No irritants
Would I buy this?
Rating: 10/10
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abbeyus · 1 year
The Rise of Natural Cleaning Products: A Comprehensive Review
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When it comes to maintaining a clean and healthy living environment, the choice of cleaning products is crucial. In recent years, there has been a significant rise in the popularity of natural cleaning products supplies. These products offer a safer and more environmentally friendly alternative to traditional chemical-based cleaners. In this comprehensive review, we will delve into the world of natural cleaning products and explore their benefits, effectiveness, and how they are shaping the future of cleaning. So, let's dive in!
1. What are Natural Cleaning Products?
Natural cleaning products are cleaning solutions that are formulated using ingredients derived from natural sources such as plants, minerals, and essential oils. These products are free from harsh chemicals, toxins, and artificial fragrances that are commonly found in conventional cleaners. Instead, they harness the power of nature to provide effective and safe cleaning solutions for your home.
2. The Benefits of Natural Cleaning Products
Safer for You and the Environment: Natural cleaning products are free from toxic chemicals that can pose health risks to you, your family, and the environment. By using these products, you can reduce your exposure to harmful substances and contribute to a healthier planet.
Gentle yet Effective: Despite their gentle nature, natural cleaning products are highly effective at removing dirt, grime, and stains. They can tackle tough cleaning tasks without compromising on cleanliness and hygiene.
Allergen-Friendly: Many conventional cleaning products contain allergens and irritants that can trigger allergies or respiratory issues. Natural cleaning products, on the other hand, are often hypoallergenic and safer for individuals with sensitivities.
Eco-Friendly Packaging: In addition to their eco-friendly formulations, natural cleaning products often come in sustainable packaging. From recyclable bottles to biodegradable refill options, these products take a holistic approach to reduce waste.
3. Common Ingredients in Natural Cleaning Products
Natural cleaning products harness the power of various natural ingredients to provide effective cleaning. Here are some common ingredients you can find in these products:
Citric Acid: Derived from citrus fruits, citric acid is a natural cleaning agent that helps remove stains and dissolve mineral deposits.
Baking Soda: Known for its versatile cleaning properties, baking soda acts as a gentle abrasive and deodorizer, making it ideal for various cleaning tasks.
Essential Oils: Essential oils not only add a pleasant fragrance to natural cleaning products but also offer antimicrobial and antifungal properties. Popular choices include lavender, tea tree, and lemon oils.
Vinegar: A staple in natural cleaning, vinegar is effective at cutting through grease, disinfecting surfaces, and removing odors.
4. How to Use Natural Cleaning Products Effectively
To maximize the effectiveness of natural cleaning products, here are some tips to keep in mind:
Read and Follow Instructions: Always read the instructions provided by the manufacturer to ensure proper usage and dilution ratios.
Spot Test: Before using a new natural cleaning product on a surface, perform a spot test in an inconspicuous area to check for any adverse reactions.
Proper Ventilation: When using natural cleaning products, ensure proper ventilation by opening windows or using fans. This helps prevent the buildup of fumes.
Combine for Power: Sometimes, combining natural ingredients such as vinegar and baking soda can create powerful cleaning solutions for specific tasks.
5. Top Natural Cleaning Products Brands
When it comes to natural cleaning products, several brands have gained recognition for their commitment to sustainability and effectiveness. Here are some notable brands to explore:
Eco-Max: Known for its plant-based formulas and eco-friendly packaging, Eco-Max offers a wide range of natural cleaning products suitable for various cleaning needs.
Method: Method is a popular brand that focuses on stylish packaging and biodegradable formulations. Their products are both effective and aesthetically pleasing.
Seventh Generation: Seventh Generation is dedicated to creating cleaning products that are safe for the environment and people. They offer a wide range of natural cleaning solutions for every part of your home.
6. Natural Cleaning Products vs. Conventional Cleaners
The use of natural cleaning products presents a stark contrast to conventional cleaners. Here's how they differ:
Chemical-Free vs. Chemical-Laden: Natural cleaning products are free from harsh chemicals like ammonia, chlorine, and phthalates, which are commonly found in conventional cleaners.
Environmentally Friendly vs. Environmental Impact: Natural cleaning products are designed to minimize their environmental impact, from their ingredients to their packaging. Conventional cleaners, on the other hand, often contain ingredients that can harm aquatic life and contribute to pollution.
Health-Conscious vs. Health Risks: Natural cleaning products prioritize your health by avoiding harmful chemicals that can cause respiratory issues, allergies, or skin irritations. Conventional cleaners may pose health risks with prolonged exposure.
7. Making the Switch: Tips for Transitioning to Natural Cleaning Products
If you're considering making the switch to natural cleaning products, here are some helpful tips:
Gradual Transition: Start by replacing one or two conventional cleaning products with their natural counterparts. Gradually expand your collection as you become more comfortable with the switch.
Research and Reviews: Before purchasing natural cleaning products, do some research and read reviews to ensure their effectiveness and suitability for your cleaning needs.
DIY Options: Consider creating your own natural cleaning solutions using simple ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils. DIY cleaners can be cost-effective and customizable.
8. The Environmental Impact of Natural Cleaning Products
The rising popularity of natural cleaning products has a positive impact on the environment in several ways:
Reduced Chemical Pollution: By opting for natural cleaning products, you contribute to reducing the release of harmful chemicals into the environment, minimizing water and air pollution.
Sustainable Ingredient Sourcing: Many natural cleaning product manufacturers prioritize sustainable ingredient sourcing, which helps protect natural resources and ecosystems.
Biodegradable Formulations: Natural cleaning products often utilize biodegradable formulations that break down more easily in the environment, reducing waste and landfill accumulation.
9. DIY Natural Cleaning Recipes
Creating your own natural cleaning products can be a rewarding and cost-effective approach. Here are a few simple DIY recipes to get you started:
All-Purpose Cleaner: Mix equal parts vinegar and water in a spray bottle, and add a few drops of your favorite essential oil for a pleasant scent.
Window and Glass Cleaner: Combine one part water, one part rubbing alcohol, and a tablespoon of vinegar in a spray bottle. Shake well before use.
Scrubbing Paste: Mix baking soda with a small amount of water to create a paste. Apply it to surfaces that require extra scrubbing power, like sinks or tile grout.
10. The Future of Natural Cleaning Products
As more individuals become conscious of their environmental impact and seek healthier alternatives, the future of natural cleaning products looks promising. The industry continues to innovate, developing new formulations, packaging solutions, and sustainable practices. With increasing accessibility and consumer demand, natural cleaning products are set to become the go-to choice for conscientious cleaners worldwide.
The rise of natural cleaning products supplies has revolutionized the way we approach cleanliness and sustainability. These products offer effective cleaning solutions while minimizing the impact on our health and the environment. By harnessing the power of natural ingredients, natural cleaning products provide a safe and eco-friendly alternative to conventional cleaners. So, take a step towards a cleaner and greener home by incorporating natural cleaning products into your routine today!
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Natural cleaning products Texas
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skin-care-news · 1 year
Harmful Social Media Skincare Trends: Viral Doesn't Mean Safe
By Olivia Dawson
Social media platforms have undeniably become powerful tools for disseminating information and influencing trends, including in the realm of skincare. However, with the rise of platforms like TikTok, the proliferation of skincare advice from self-proclaimed experts and dermatology doctors has also become increasingly prevalent. Unfortunately, not all information circulating on social media is accurate or safe, and many harmful skincare trends have gained traction, often promoting practices and products that contain toxic chemicals. In this article, we will investigate the potential dangers of following these trends blindly and highlight the importance of seeking reliable skincare information from trusted sources.
The Influence of TikTok's Dermatology Doctors and Wannabe Experts:
TikTok has emerged as a breeding ground for skincare trends, thanks in part to the influence of self-proclaimed dermatology doctors and aspiring skincare experts. While some of these individuals may have legitimate qualifications, the vast majority lack the necessary expertise and medical training to provide accurate advice. They often rely on sensationalized content, quick fixes, and trendy products to attract viewership. It is essential to recognize that not everything that goes viral on social media is safe or effective when it comes to skincare.
Toxic Chemicals in Skincare Products:
One of the alarming aspects of social media skincare trends is the promotion of products containing toxic chemicals. The desire for quick results and flawless skin often leads individuals to experiment with potentially harmful ingredients without considering the long-term consequences. Substances such as hydroquinone, mercury, and certain synthetic fragrances have been linked to various adverse effects, ranging from skin irritation and allergies to more severe health issues, including hormonal disruption and organ toxicity. Despite these risks, social media influencers often endorse and popularize such products, further perpetuating harmful trends.
Harmful Skincare Practices:
Beyond the dangerous products themselves, social media platforms can also be responsible for promoting harmful skincare practices. For instance, the trend of DIY skincare recipes using household ingredients, while seemingly cost-effective and convenient, can lead to detrimental outcomes. Lemon juice, baking soda, and toothpaste are commonly suggested ingredients in these recipes, but they can cause skin irritation, inflammation, and even chemical burns. Moreover, excessive exfoliation, encouraged by some influencers, can disrupt the skin's natural barrier function, leading to increased sensitivity, dryness, and a compromised skin barrier.
The Importance of Seeking Reliable Sources:
In the age of social media, it is crucial to approach skincare trends and advice with a critical mindset. Instead of relying solely on influencers and TikTok dermatology doctors, it is essential to consult reliable sources such as board-certified dermatologists, skincare professionals, and reputable scientific studies. These experts possess the necessary knowledge and training to provide evidence-based recommendations that prioritize your skin's health and safety. Moreover, they can evaluate your unique skin type, concerns, and medical history to offer personalized guidance.
Promoting Responsible Skincare:
To safeguard yourself from the harmful effects of social media skincare trends, it is important to adopt a responsible approach to skincare. Here are some tips to keep in mind:
Verify credentials: Before following skincare advice from an influencer or self-proclaimed expert, research their qualifications and credibility. Board-certified dermatologists and trusted skincare professionals should be your primary sources of information.
Read labels: Always scrutinize the ingredient lists of skincare products you consider using. Familiarize yourself with potential toxic chemicals and opt for products with safe and proven ingredients.
Listen to your skin: Pay attention to how your skin reacts to new products or practices. If you experience any adverse effects, discontinue use immediately and consult a dermatologist.
Prioritize evidence-based information: Seek out reputable sources, such as scientific studies, professional skincare journals, and trusted skincare authorities, for accurate and reliable information. These sources undergo rigorous scientific scrutiny and provide evidence-based recommendations.
Consult a dermatologist: If you have specific skin concerns or conditions, it is best to consult a qualified dermatologist. They can assess your skin's needs, recommend appropriate treatments, and guide you towards safe and effective skincare practices.
Embrace a holistic approach: Remember that skincare is not solely about the products you use. It also encompasses lifestyle factors such as a healthy diet, hydration, stress management, and adequate sleep. Taking care of your overall well-being will contribute to healthy skin.
Educate yourself: Take the initiative to educate yourself about skincare ingredients, common skin concerns, and the science behind effective skincare practices. This knowledge will empower you to make informed decisions and protect yourself from potential harm.
While social media platforms can be valuable sources of inspiration and connection, it is crucial to approach skincare trends with caution. Viral skincare practices and products promoted by self-proclaimed experts and dermatology doctors on platforms like TikTok may not be safe or reliable. Many of these trends involve the use of products containing toxic chemicals or encourage harmful practices that can damage the skin. To prioritize your skin's health and safety, it is vital to seek information from trusted sources, such as board-certified dermatologists and reputable scientific studies. By adopting a responsible approach to skincare, you can protect yourself from the risks associated with harmful social media skincare trends and maintain a healthy, radiant complexion.
Olivia Dawson is a renowned skincare expert and writer with a passion for debunking beauty myths and promoting safe and effective skincare practices. With over a decade of experience in the industry, Olivia has gained extensive knowledge in dermatology and skincare. She holds a Master's degree in Cosmetic Science and is a licensed esthetician. Olivia's expertise lies in educating individuals about evidence-based skincare, helping them navigate through the overwhelming world of beauty trends and products. With a commitment to providing accurate and reliable information, Olivia aims to empower her readers to make informed decisions that prioritize their skin's health and well-being. Through her engaging writing style and dedication to promoting responsible skincare, Olivia has become a trusted voice in the beauty community.
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agoodshampo · 5 days
What Is Head And Toes Shampoo And Conditioner Good For
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If you're looking for a versatile personal care product, you may be curious about what is Head and Toes shampoo and conditioner good for. This all-in-one solution offers benefits for both hair and body, making it a convenient option for various users. Whether you need a practical choice for your baby or are considering its use for yourself, this guide covers everything you need to know.
Is Head to Toe Wash Suitable for Hair?
For Babies
Head-to-toe washes, such as Johnson’s Head-to-Toe Baby Wash, are specially formulated to be gentle and effective. They cleanse hair without stripping away natural oils, leaving your baby’s scalp soft and moisturized. This is especially important for newborns and infants, whose skin and hair require extra care.
For Adults
For adults, what is Head and Toes shampoo and conditioner good for? If you have short hair or don’t require specialized treatments, a head-to-toe wash can be a time-saving solution. It's gentle enough for sensitive skin and avoids harsh chemicals, making it ideal for those with allergies.
Benefits for Babies
Parents often prefer head-to-toe shampoos for their simplicity. Products like Johnson’s Top-To-Toe Wash are tear-free, ensuring a comfortable bath experience. They are hypoallergenic and free from parabens, phthalates, and dyes, making them safe for everyday use on delicate skin.
Key Benefits for Babies:
Tear-free: Prevents irritation during bath time.
Hypoallergenic: Safe for sensitive skin.
Moisturizing: Keeps hair and skin hydrated.
What Is Head And Toes Shampoo And Conditioner Good For Adults?
Adults can also reap the benefits of head-to-toe products. They are perfect for those with sensitive skin or for anyone who prefers a minimalist routine. Frequent travelers find these all-in-one products convenient, reducing the number of toiletries they need.
Why Adults Love It:
Convenience: One product for hair, face, and body.
Gentle Formula: Ideal for sensitive or dry skin.
Cost-Effective: Less need for multiple products.
Can Johnson Baby Shampoo Promote Hair Growth?
While Johnson’s Baby Shampoo is not specifically designed for hair growth, it helps maintain a healthy scalp, which is essential for strong hair. Its gentle formula cleanses without removing natural oils, keeping hair hydrated. It’s suitable for those with thin or delicate hair, as it won’t irritate the scalp.
Is It Safe to Wash My Face with Johnson’s Baby Shampoo?
Yes, Johnson’s Baby Shampoo is mild enough for facial use, making it a suitable option for those with sensitive skin. Its tear-free formula minimizes irritation, making it a good alternative to harsher facial cleansers.
Is Johnson’s Top-to-Toe Safe?
Absolutely! Johnson’s Top-to-Toe is safe for daily use on both babies and adults. Its hypoallergenic properties and lack of harsh chemicals make it a trusted choice among parents and dermatologists alike.
Customer Feedback on Johnson Head-to-Toe Baby Wash
When it comes to choosing a product, reviews are invaluable. Johnson Head-to-Toe Baby Wash receives consistent praise from parents, who appreciate its effectiveness and gentle formula.
What Users Love:
Mild, pleasant scent.
Tear-free formula perfect for babies.
Keeps skin soft and prevents dryness.
Pricing Information
The price of Johnson’s Head-to-Toe Baby Wash typically ranges from $4 to $8 for a 500ml bottle, making it an affordable option for families.
Should Adults Use Head-to-Toe Wash?
For adults, using a head-to-toe wash can be an excellent choice, especially for those with sensitive skin or those looking for a gentle, cost-effective product. Many adults have embraced Johnson’s Head-to-Toe Baby Wash for its mild nature and skin-friendly ingredients.
Johnson Baby Body Wash for Adults: A Surprising Favorite
Interestingly, Johnson Baby Body Wash has gained popularity among adults seeking gentle cleansing options. Its fragrance-free formula minimizes irritation and offers a soft, clean feel.
In summary, what is Head and Toes shampoo and conditioner good for? It serves as an excellent option for both babies and adults who want a mild, all-in-one product for their cleansing needs. With its tear-free and hypoallergenic properties, babies can enjoy a comfortable bath, while adults appreciate the convenience and gentle care it offers.
For more insights into top personal care items like Johnson’s Head-to-Toe Baby Wash, visit our website at agoodshampoo.com
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thedeoproject · 5 days
The Power of Natural Ingredients: Why You Need Citrus & Herbal Musk
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In an age when personal hygiene products are usually laced with many chemicals, it is crucial to find a deodorant that is made with natural ingredients. The Deo Project craft chemical-free, aluminIum-free, and alcohol-free formulas have come up with Citrus & Herbal Musk Roll-On. This deodorant not only keeps you fresh for long hours but it also supports body wellness without chemicals at any cost. Here are some compelling reasons why this multi-ingredient nature wonder should be your new choice.
1. Harnessing Nature's Freshness
The Citrus & Herbal Musk Roll-On is an all-day protection combination that has citrus and herbal musk fragrance. Citrus Oil is known for its natural antimicrobial properties, which help to fight odour-causing bacteria while leaving a fresh invigorating scent behind. The brightness of the citrus is balanced by the addition of an earthy undertone from herbal musk, creating a perfect aroma for both men and women.
Natural deodorants made from citrus and herbal musk provide a more authentic, nature-inspired scent. Furthermore, when you purchase the best aluminium-free deodorant you acquire a health-oriented product.
2. Say Goodbye to Harmful Chemicals
The use of Citrus & Herbal Musk Roll-On comes with one of its major benefits in the absence of toxic substances such as aluminium, parabens, and phthalates. Due to their ability to block sweat from leaving the body, most traditional deodorants contain some form of an aluminium compound which may pose health threats with time. Our brand uses natural ingredients that do not interfere with the normal functioning of the body but help to bay odour.
If you need to buy paraben-free roll-on deodorant online, then Citrus & Herbal Musk is the best choice. This deodorant is free of parabens, phthalates, and other harmful preservatives which make it safer for your skin and the environment.
3. Long-Lasting Protection Without Compromise
The Citrus & Herbal Musk is a natural deodorant that offers up to 72 hours of scent defense. It gives an ability to your skin to breathe in as a way of keeping it fresh making you have confidence all day. You can use it for any occasion like if you are going to the gym, participating in hiking activities, or simply doing some shopping.
With no use of aluminium, now when you purchase a long-lasting deodorant you do not have to compromise on safety at the expense of efficacy. With its potent protection and soft formula, the Citrus & Herbal Musk Roll-On offers the best of both worlds.
4. Ideal for Sensitive Skin
The appropriate deodorant may be difficult to find for persons who have delicate skin. Many commercial products have irritants that produce discomfort or cause allergies. However, Citrus & Herbal Musk is specifically formulated for sensitive skin. It has no harsh chemicals or artificial scents, providing effective protection without making you feel uncomfortable.
When looking for the best natural phthalate-free deodorant, the first thing to consider is those that can be soothing and protective towards your skin. Herbal & Citrus Musk's mild composition ensures that you stay fresh without having to worry about irritation or redness.
5. A Natural, Eco-Friendly Choice
The transition from using a synthetic deodorant to a natural one such as Citrus & Herbal Musk serves as an avenue to improve personal health and that of the environment too. The product contains ingredients that are responsibly sourced and does not involve animal testing thus making it suitable for those who seek vegan and environmentally friendly options in their personal care products.
In a world increasingly focused on sustainability, opting for natural products helps reduce your environmental footprint. So, when you choose to shop for organic, paraben-free deodorant, you're not just caring for your skin, but also for the environment.
The power of natural ingredients in Citrus & Herbal Musk Roll-On makes it a standout choice in the world of deodorants. By harnessing the freshness of citrus, the earthiness of herbal musk, and avoiding harmful chemicals, this deodorant offers the best of nature with long-lasting protection. If you're ready to embrace a healthier, more natural approach to body care, buy the best deodorant without aluminium and make the switch to Citrus & Herbal Musk today!
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aisharoy16 · 5 days
Why Nisargah Baby Body Wash is the Best Choice for Your Infant's Delicate Skin
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Why Nisargah Baby Body Wash is the Best Choice for Your Infant's Delicate Skin
When it comes to your baby, only the best will do, especially for their sensitive skin. Infant skin is incredibly delicate and requires extra care to avoid irritation and dryness. With numerous options available on the market, Nisargah Baby Body Wash – Nirmal Snan stands out as the ideal solution. This organic baby wash is crafted with natural ingredients that gently cleanse, hydrate, and protect your little one’s delicate skin, making it the best body wash for infants.
Why Your Baby’s Skin Needs Special Attention
A baby’s skin is thinner and more fragile than an adult’s, which makes it prone to irritation, dryness, and sensitivity. Regular skincare products, especially those containing harsh chemicals, can lead to rashes, allergies, and discomfort. This is why it’s essential to use a body wash specifically designed for infants—one that is mild, gentle, and free from harmful ingredients. Choosing the right product helps maintain the health and softness of your baby’s skin.
Nisargah Baby Body Wash: A Gentle Formula for Sensitive Skin
The Nisargah Baby Body Wash is thoughtfully formulated to suit the delicate skin of infants. Its all-natural, plant-based ingredients cleanse your baby’s skin without stripping away essential moisture. This body wash is specifically designed to protect your baby’s skin from irritation while ensuring a nourishing and soothing bath time.
What Sets Nisargah Baby Body Wash Apart: Key Ingredients
Nisargah Baby Body Wash is enriched with a blend of organic, plant-based ingredients that provide a gentle yet effective cleanse. Some of the standout ingredients include:
Aloe Vera: Known for its cooling and hydrating properties, aloe vera helps soothe irritated skin and provides lasting moisture.
Coconut Oil: A natural emollient, coconut oil nourishes the skin, keeping it soft, supple, and moisturized.
Chamomile Extract: This natural anti-inflammatory ingredient calms and protects the skin from redness, irritation, and rashes.
These ingredients work together to cleanse your baby’s skin without stripping away its natural oils, leaving it feeling fresh and nourished after each bath.
Free From Harmful Chemicals: A Safe Choice for Your Baby
One of the standout features of Nisargah Baby Body Wash is its clean, chemical-free formula. It contains no parabens, sulfates, synthetic fragrances, or dyes, which are often present in conventional baby washes. These chemicals can cause dryness, irritation, and disrupt the natural balance of a baby’s skin. Nisargah’s organic approach ensures a gentle, toxin-free bath experience for your little one.
Moisturizing Cleanse Without Stripping Natural Oils
Infant skin can easily lose moisture, which is why maintaining its natural oil balance is essential. Nisargah Baby Body Wash provides a gentle cleanse while preserving your baby’s skin’s natural oils. Unlike many conventional baby products, which can leave the skin dry, Nisargah’s formula ensures your baby’s skin stays soft, smooth, and hydrated after every wash.
Clinically Tested and Pediatrician-Recommended
Nisargah Baby Body Wash has undergone dermatological testing to ensure it’s safe for your baby’s sensitive skin. It is also approved by pediatricians, making it a trusted choice for parents who want a gentle, reliable product for their child.
What Parents Are Saying: Real Results
Parents who have used Nisargah Baby Body Wash consistently report positive results. From reduced irritation and dryness to overall softer, healthier skin, real moms and dads are noticing a difference in their baby’s skin. These testimonials reflect the trust that parents have in Nisargah to provide a safe and nurturing bath-time experience.
Conclusion: The Ideal Baby Body Wash for Delicate Skin
In summary, Nisargah Baby Body Wash is the best choice for your infant’s delicate skin. Its organic, plant-based formula gently cleanses while keeping your baby’s skin moisturized and protected. Free from harmful chemicals and enriched with natural ingredients like aloe vera and coconut oil, this body wash ensures your baby’s skin remains soft, healthy, and irritation-free.
Take the First Step Towards Healthier Skin Care for Your Baby
Ready to give your baby the best skincare possible? Try Nisargah Baby Body Wash today and experience the difference that organic, gentle care can make. Visit Ayusutra and order now to make bath time a soothing and nourishing experience for your baby.
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