#French braided for wedding
whitefireprincess · 6 months
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Braid Babes
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sniigura-archive · 2 months
imagine that somehow adam runs into judas or lucifer, and since adam is alone standing there (he is waiting for his family) they make fun of adam thinking that his relationship with reader in college didnt work "ha!, that bitch couldnt stand youre lazy ass, i knew it" and before adam could tell them to fuck off, reader appears with all of their 8 kids that go to hug him and judas or lucifer has the most WTF face ever and adam is SOO smirking while pics one of his kids in one arm and holds reader waist with the other. This encounter fills up his ego so much worse
that inspired me to write this. it’s like roughly 5/6 years post college graduation
cw/tw: pregnancy, children
Even though it was close to dinner and bed time for the children, the sun was still mercilessly beating down on Adam. He stood under the shade of a tree, his bag laid by the tree trunk.
The boys were on the playground, while you and Eden were at the restroom right now.
„No way! Adam, is that you?“ A familiar voice called out.
Adam turned around, Judas and Lucifer were really the last people he expected to see. Great.
„ 'Sup?“ He tried to sound as casual as possible.
„Adam, my old friend, what are you up to these days?“ Lucifer asked him, taking a good look at Adam. Since Lucifer and Lilith have been completely cut off, it must be hard for them to keep tap on him.
„Eh, you know. Have been here and there.“ The last thing he wanted was to share any personal details with the demons.
Judas smirked, which was a bad sign, „You here to pick up chicks? Lots of hot single moms around.“
Ah. His wedding ring was getting cleaned right now.
„You speaking from experience?“ Adam asked him back with a raised brow.
„Sure, buddy.“ The way Adam wanted to punch Judas for calling him buddy, „It sucks being single, don’t you agree?“
Why can’t they ask if he’s still banging you like normal people?
„Daddy! Do we really have to go home now?“ The 4 year old, curly headed girl asked him while running up to Adam.
Adam immediately went to bend down, picking up his first born. He gently pushed the hair out of her little face, smiling at her. Her hair was neatly put into french braids.
„Sweetheart, when your Mommy says we have to go home it’s time to go home.“ The girl pouted at Adam’s answer, resting her head against Adam’s shoulder.
She sighed heavily and mumbled out a detached Okay. The way Lucifers and Judas mouths fell open wasn’t missed by Adam.
„The children are too quick for me now. Being outrun by toddlers is really embarrassing.“ Lucifer and Judas whipped their heads back to look at you.
Your sundress hugged every curve perfectly, while your hands rested below your very pregnant belly. You’ve perfected the waddle at this point. Brushing past Judas and Lucifer, you let Adam wrap his arm around you to give your forehead a kiss.
„You remember Lucifer and Judas, right?“ Adam said to you.
You bit your lip at that, stifling your laughter, „How’s it going guys?“
„They’re here to pick up hot single moms.“ Adam told you with laughter.
You sided eyed both of the men, while they fumbled for words.
„It’s not like that!“
„Adam is just messing around…“
The silence was painful. Adam enjoyed it tho. You shifted around on your feet, while Adam went to rub a hand over your stomach.
„…How is the family life treating you both?“ Judas asked, his eyes focused on your stomach.
„It’s good. Nothing is more satisfying.“ Adam told them.
Eden started to squirm around in Adam’s arms.
„Can we gooOooo?“ She whined, rubbing her eyes.
You and Adam nervously exchanged a look. She was close to a tantrum, since it was getting late and she was tired and hungry.
„Boys! Let’s get going!“ Adam called out to the playground.
„There are more…“ Judas mumbled under his breath.
„Lili and I are also trying for a child right now! How long did it take you guys to convince?“ Lucifer tried to keep the chat going. He couldn’t come home without information for his own wife.
„We…never really tried?“ You nervously said.
The twin boys kept digging in the sand, not a care in the world.
„I fucking swear they have selective hearing.“ Adam grumbled out.
Putting your index and thumb together, you placed them under your tongue to let out a loud whistle sound. The boys whipped their heads to you immediately and started running towards you immediately. Even Eden turned around to look at you.
„Good boys! Thank you for listening! It’s time to go home now.“ You ruffled the twins heads.
„Aww. Really?“
„Mama, five more minutes?“
„No. Get going.“ You pushed them towards the way to the car.
The boys immediately started running again, pushing each other while screeching. Eden whined some more, and Adam let her down. She immediately forced her way in between her brothers, easily out running and pushing them.
„Let’s go. I’m pretty sure I have to pee again.“ You groaned, wrapping your arm around Adam’s. Pressing your cheek against Adam’s arm you looked up to him.
„Yeah, we also need to get those little terrorists into bed. It was..Sure fucking something seeing you chumps again.“
And with that you and Adam went after your children.
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konigsblog · 6 months
Who do you think has older sibling or younger sibling energy? Maybe middle child syndrome tossed into the mix too!
well, we know that simon riley has a younger brother from his backstory, so of course he would be an older brother.
soap is a younger brother as well, perhaps a middle child. he's one of three children, having an older sister and a younger sister (or two older sisters, whatever sounds more likely).
i've seen people say that he would know how to dutch/french braid due to having sisters, and i completely agree. he knows how to treat a woman properly, otherwise he'd get his ass beat by them. he's very close with his family and his sisters always compliment you, sharing embarrassing memories where johnny has done something humiliating or stupid to rile him up.
price is an older brother, or a single child. i could see price spending his time playing football with his younger brother, usually picking on him, and making him cry. he wasn't too harsh, he just liked to roughen him up, so he wouldn't be so sensitive.
gaz, just like johnny (i notice that gaz and soap have a lot of similarities honestly!), is the youngest to three sisters. his sisters are pretty overprotective of him, and would show you the worst baby photos when you finally meet. his family is very welcoming and comforting, and his home feels warm and cozy, the presence, as well as the atmosphere. gaz knows how to treat a women correctly and knows he could always ask his sisters for any advice if he was struggling (wedding ring, proposing, or gifts.)
könig is an only child. although i could see him having multiple siblings (6-7), and perhaps that was the reason behind him wanting multiple children as an adult, but i think i'll stick to the idea of könig being an only child for this bit. definitely spent the majority of his day online playing video games, feeling alone as his mother was struggling to work multiple jobs at once.
as an adult, this made him want many children. he knew his mother could barely afford to feed two, let alone three or four, so he never blamed her for it, knowing she was trying her hardest. but considering könig has the money to do so, he wants his children to have siblings so that they'll never feel lonely and will always have a friend.
but if we're going with the idea that könig is one of many siblings (6-7), then i could see him being the middle, perhaps one of the youngest few. this could also be why he wants multiple children, because all he knows is having kids running around constantly.
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sparklypinkflightsuit · 5 months
Stars Align: Part 2
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Pairing: Bradley Bradshaw x Reader
Warnings: Angst, Eventual Smut, Fluff, Mentions of Abuse, Violence, Angry Bradley, Alcohol Misuse.
-- Part 1 Here --
18+ Only
Bradley stood looking at you in awe and shock. He couldn't believe his eyes. In front of him stood a gorgeous woman, breathtakingly beautiful, and surprisingly confident having just nearly fallen. The woman in front of him was a stark contrast to the shy girl he'd known years ago, yet she was exactly the same somehow.
"Birdy is that really you?" He blinked as his strong beefy hands held you in place.
You chuckled, your mouth curling into a grin as you looked into the familiar brown eyes that kept you sane throughout high school.
"It sure is, but I'm having a hard time believing it's you, Brad." You took in his enormous stature, tanned muscles bulging under his tight shirt sleeves, sweat glistening off of his exposed chest under the colourful lights. He now had a strong moustache, a chiselled jawline replaced his chubby cheeks, and his mop of dark hair now neat blond-chestnut curls, complimenting his sun kissed skin.
You and Bradley stared at one another for what felt like forever, before he huffed a laugh of disbelief, shook his head, and pulled you in for a hug, the familiar feeling catching you off guard and you sucked in a deep breath. He still smelled the same, like tobacco and cedar wood, just without the sweaty teen boy odour.
You gingerly wrapped your arms around him and squeezed, you forgot how much you'd missed him.
You must have been holding one another for a long time, because Gabby suddenly cleared her throat and pulled you from your bubble. You pulled away and looked at her awkwardly as she raised an eyebrow at you.
"Been here literally 2 minutes and you've already pulled." She scoffed jokingly.
You laughed, "Uhm, Gabs this is Bradley, my old best friend I was telling you about."
"Hi." Bradley smiled and stuck out a hand. She shook his hand and mouthed a not so secret 'wow' at you. You rolled your eyes and turned to Bradley.
"What are you doing here?"
"Oh, it's my friends bachelor party tonight, he's around here somewhere." Bradley scanned the room but came up short. "What about you...two?"
"I just moved here, Gabby's showing me around, I guess you could say." You chuckled awkwardly.
"I'll... let you two catch up. I need the bathroom anyway." She winked at you as she handed you her drink to watch.
"So, you're not in New York for long then I'd imagine?" You asked.
"Nah, just until after the wedding. I'm out of here Monday." He explained as you walked a little way out of the crowd to a quiet corner. You nodded.
"That's a pity, would be nice to catch up. Look Brad, I'm sorry I stopped responding to your texts, I-"
"Hey, say no more. Life gets busy, I get it." He gave you a reassuring smile. Bradley had no idea just how busy and crazy life had gotten after you moved. "While you're here, do you wanna go for a drink?"
"What you mean, like, now?" You asked. "Aren't you here with your friends? Plus I'm with Gabby, I shouldn't..."
"Okay, how about after?"
You thought for a moment, and nodded. "Yeah, okay. I'll have a few drinks with Gabs, and you can come grab me when you're finished?"
Bradley nodded and bit his lip to stop a grin, "Good. We've got a lot of catching up to do, Birdy. I've missed you." and like the old days, Bradley ruffled your hair and left. You huffed and fixed your hair just as Gabby came back from the bathroom, and you struggled to keep your focus on her for the rest of the evening.
You'd just finished getting ready, your baby pink prom dress looked super cute and your mom had loosely French Braided your unruly waves. She'd skilfully applied makeup so that your skin looked flawless and your eyes popped. You'd never felt more beautiful, and suddenly you felt less nervous. Maybe Bradley would see you and forget all about Michelle.
The doorbell rang and your dad went to answer it, you could hear him and Bradley talking about the latest football game.
"You ready?" Your mom grinned, "You look beautiful, pumpkin."
You nodded with a grin and you walked to the front door. Bradley turned as he saw you and his jaw dropped.
"Jeez, Birdy, you look pretty." He breathed.
"Oh shut up." You blushed, "You look nice too. But what's with the red tie, you look like a rooster." You teased. Bradley scoffed with mock offense.
"Right, Birdy and Rooster, get out of my house." Your dad laughed. "Have a good time, but make sure she's home by 11, son."
"Yes sir, have a good night!" Bradley waved goodbye to your parents and you shot them awkward looks, telling them to close the door and go inside.
You mom pulled your dad inside and shut the door.
Bradley helped you into his truck, carefully lifting your dress so it wouldn't rub against the dirty sides, and even went so far as to buckle you in. Your faces were inches apart, and you scanned the face you'd gotten so used to for the millionth time, only he seemed different now.
As he climbed into the front seat, he stopped to look at you for a while.
"What?" You asked, feeling self conscious suddenly.
"Nothing, you just really do look pretty. Didn't realise you could clean up so good." He grinned as he started the truck and pulled away.
You scoffed, "Speak for yourself, Bradshaw. Other than the tie you look like a real man."
"I am a real man, thank you. If only you could see what's under these pants, you'd be-"
"Ew, shut up." You smacked him playfully on the arm and Bradley laughed.
You pulled up to Michelle's house and you waited in the car as Bradley walked up the long drive to her front door. He knocked and Michelle walked out, looking stunning in a figure hugging red dress, her boobs almost spilling over the top.
You sighed as you watched Bradleys eyes light up as they walked down to the car. Michelle stopped in front of your door, looking at you expectantly. Bradley moved around her to open the back door for her to get in, but she didn't budge.
You looked at her and rolled down the window.
"Hi Michelle."
"Hello, aren't you gonna... you know?" Her voice was steely and bored.
"You want me to move?" You asked in disbelief.
"Well yeah, I am his date. What are people gonna think when they see me climbing out of the back of this thing?" she scoffed.
"Okay." You mumbled, unbuckling your seat belt.
"No, Birdy. Michelle, she's already sitting there, it's not a big deal, can't you just climb in the back? It's less than 2 minutes to the hall." Bradley argued, and you stopped in your tracks.
Michelle raised her eyebrows at him, and immediately you sensed the energy shift.
"No, it's fine." You opened the door and hopped out, Michelle immediately taking your place.
"What are you doing? That's always your spot." Bradley whispered to you as you climbed into the back.
"Keeping the peace." you whispered back.
Bradley huffed out a sigh and shook his head, crossing over to the front and climbing in.
The drive to the school hall was silent and awkward, and you noticed Bradleys eyes flitting to you in the back seat through the rear view mirror every so often.
When the car stopped, you hopped out, and Michelle waited for Bradley to cross to her end and help her out of the truck.
The three of you walked towards the school, and as more people came into view, Michelle's energy shifted again. She was all smiles as she hung on to Bradleys arm, you awkwardly falling behind.
"Smile for the camera Brad." She forced through her grin, and planted a kiss on his cheek as the school reported snapped a picture.
This would be a long evening and you knew it.
The night moved quickly, and the drinks were flowing as you and Gabby took to the dance floor. You lost yourself in the music until you were out of breath and beckoned for Gabby to join you outside, but she gestured to the guy she was dancing with. You nodded and went out to the balcony.
The night air was beginning to cool and you welcomed the goosebumps that covered your too hot skin. Your feet were killing you, so you leaned against the balcony railing to take some of the weight off of them.
As you watched the people on the street below, you gradually regained your breath. You stood up to go back inside, but you felt a body bump up against you.
"Oh sorry." you apologised for them, as you stepped away, giving the drunk man a polite nod.
"Wait, baby, where are you going? I was hoping to get to know you, been watching you all night. You dance real good." The man slurred, grabbing your wrist.
You pulled out of his grip, "Sorry I have to get back to my friend." You turned to walk inside, but he suddenly wrapped a hand around your waist and pulled his hand against your stomach until you were pressed up against him.
You writhed against him, but his grip was too strong.
"Let go." You demanded, "Get off of me." You tried to pry his hands away, but even in his drunken state he was too strong for you.
"Come on, lady, I just wanna buy you a drink, stop being such a fuckin' prude." He struggled against you, his hot breath gliding across your cheek.
"I said get OFF!" You elbowed the man in the chest and he loosened his grip as he gasped, and you went flying away from him.
For the second time that evening, you collided into someone else, and looked up to see concerned, familiar eyes. Bradley scanned your face for a second, and once he was sure you were ok, he turned his attention to the man.
An angry scowl you had only seen once before appeared on his face as she crossed the balcony and lifted the man by his shirt.
As the man dangled a couple feet off of the ground, he whimpered. Your jaw dropped at the sheer strength Bradley possessed. You guessed those muscles weren't just for show.
"If I don't see you leave in the next 2 minutes, I swear to god I'm gonna ruin that pretty boy face of yours. You touch my girl again, or any other girl while I'm around, that's end game for you, buddy. Got it?" He growled.
The man nodded, "I'm sorry, I- I didn't know she was spoken for, honest." He whimpered, and Bradley threw him to the ground.
"Get out."
The man hurried to his feet and passed you. Sure enough after a couple minutes he exited the building quickly and you watched as he ran down the street below, before turning your attention back to Bradley.
"That was incredible." You mumbled.
"Are you okay?" Bradley asked, crossing the balcony to inspect you fully. His hands smoother over your bare arms and then his hands cupped your face.
"I'm ok, Brad, he literally just grabbed me, I'm fine." You pushed his hands away.
Bradley nodded, and let out a breath of relief as his big hands ran through his curls.
"You ready to go get that drink?"
"Oh my god, Y/N! You look so pretty!" Sophie from your English class commented.
"Thanks Soph, so do you!" You turned and made pleasant conversation with Sophie and another girl, while Bradley did his rounds with Michelle and her friends. It was all fake smiles and posing for pictures, and Bradley found himself growing bored quickly.
"Hey, I'm gonna go grab some soda, you want one?" Bradley offered, and Michelle nodded, turning back to her friends.
"You look hot, girl, and so does Mr Bradshaw over there, did he get... bigger, over the summer?" Jessica asked Michelle, their whole group giggling.
Michelle rolled her eyes, "Ugh, maybe, I don't know. I'm having the worst time. His little friend is tagging along as a pity invite. It's like having his little sister along for the ride."
"Who?" Jessica asked.
"Y/N Y/L/N." she pointed to you in the corner of the room. "I doubt I'm gonna get my V card swiped tonight, wanna ditch?"
Bradley hadn't noticed when Michelle and her friends slipped out. Jessica had a fake licence, and they'd decided to buy some drinks and hit a house party instead.
When he turned around, she was gone, and he scanned the room for her. When he saw you, he immediately crossed over to you and handed you your soda.
"Thanks, 'Rooster'." You said playfully, as you opened the can.
"Have you seen Michelle anywhere?" He asked, distracted.
You shook your head, "Last place I saw her was over by the DJ booth talking to her friends. Maybe ask the DJ?"
Bradley nodded and walked over as you stood against the wall and watched your school mates dancing and chatting away.
A few minutes later, Bradley stormed over to you.
"Did you find her?" You asked over the music, Bradleys eyes were dark and his eyebrows were creased, he was pissed.
"What did you say to her?" He demanded. You straigtened.
"What do you mean?"
"What did you say to Michelle? The DJ says she was talking about you and then wanted to leave." his face was red now, and his chest was heaving.
"I didn't say anything to her, I've literally just been standing here the-"
"You must have done something. God, that's just like you, Y/N. Just because you didn't get asked to Prom you thought it would be better to scare her away so I'd be all yours instead, didn't you? Didn't you?" He demanded, and you were too shocked to say anything. Bradley took this as confirmation.
He scoffed and his hands fell to his hips as he nodded.
"Yeah, of course you did. Thanks a lot, you ruined my fucking night."
You watched as Bradley stormed out of the hall, and hot tears rolled down your face, ruining your perfect makeup.
"Y/N, are you okay?" Sophie asked, having witnessed the whole thing, gently taking your arm and pulling you to a table to sit. You wiped your eyes and nodded, your eyes trained on the door, hoping Bradley would come back in for you.
After a few minutes, Sophie having done her best to console you, you excused yourself and walked outside. You looked around for Bradley, but he wasn't among the few students and teachers outside, so you crossed the lawn and made your way down the sidewalk to where Bradley had parked the truck.
Your lip quivered as you realised, dread suddenly washing over you. Bradley had left you behind.
-- Part 3 Here --
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s-rosie · 4 months
Javery Hcssss
hi guysssss! I hope you like these hcs and enjoyed them as much as i liked making them. I took some of the tips. I got from my last post and used to them to make these. Please comment any more ways I can improve. I’m always trying to get better. Thank you.
when jameson first started dating her, she had never received romantic affection, so she had no idea to react to it and just combusted
jamie leaves the biggest and darkest hickeys on her and she sometimes doesn’t even realize until she hears snickering
at a gala, one time avery pulled jameson into the bathroom and they made out until alisa came looking for them, averys red lipstick stained his face and there was no makeup to cover it up causing alisa to just scream at them for like 20 minutes and he walked around the gala with lipstick stains on his face the rest of the night
avery once told jameson what she always wanted her first dance song to be, and a few hours later he called her to help her find her phone and her ringtone for him was that song (in my mind it is timeless by ts but you decide)
she had so much trouble showing jameson just how much she loved him at first, so she would write him letters telling him her feelings, jameson then incorporated some of the things ave wrote in the letters into his wedding vows (she also included some of things he said in his love confession in tfg in her vows (they both started sobbing and no one else knew why))
avery and jamie make each other scrapbooks about things they do together
jameson goes up randomly to ave and takes a 0.5 of her, that photo then becomes his lock screen for the day
whenever the song call me maybe comes on, jamie SCREAMS that song to ave no matter if they are in public or not
they watch disney movies and go to the parks together all the time
sometimes when it rains, they go to a secluded part of the estate and slow dance
they once got food poisoning together from a 3:00 am taco bell run and they held each other while the other threw up
when they were still in school, jamie did theatre and avery was the assistant director just so she could watch jamie preform. he also had to stage kiss and almost dropped out because he felt like he was cheating on ave. she assured him it was fine
jameson once did avery’s makeup and hair and it looked so good people thought it was professionally done
once ave asked jameson what she should get done to her nails, and he responded with something like “rounded square nude french tips” and she just sat there like “how the hell does he know that”
when jamie gives avery one of his jackets, he always pretends like he’s not cold and ave finds it adorable
jamie was once on avery’s phone and read some of the texts she sent max about him (like her absolutely thirsting for him) and he was so surprised because it was a major flip from her usual self
he always opens car doors and pulls out ave’s seat
like i said in my last hc post about them being theatre kids and dressing up like eliza and ham for halloween, he was posting stuff the whole night like “my life is going fine because elliza is in it” and she was posting stuff like “he better say no to this” while he looked over at another girl in a red dress (everyone thought it was adorable and hilarious)
jameson can sketch and draw pretty well, and ave can paint, so they once made a custom chess board
no matter if they admit it or not, they cannot sleep without each other. like if the other is out working late or sum, the one in bed cannot fall asleep.
jamie loves braiding avery’s hair and he even watches tutorials on how to make complex braids so her looks unique. when people ask who/how she did her hair, she responds with an excited “oh! it was jamie, hes the best!” and he just smiles proudly.
they make up very complicated yet super cute handshakes that they do often
they once made a tiktok of them singing promiscuous and the fans went BALLISTIC
avery once waxed jameson’s eyebrows and gave him acrylic nails for fun (he looked absolutely fabulous)
i really hope you liked theseee! please let me know how i can improve. also my inbox is open if you have any requests or recommendations. thank you so much!
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weepinglavenders · 14 days
Found Family Newt Headcannon: (Crank Palace)
•Dante and Newt often fall asleep on the couch, the boy sleeping on his chest
•Once Newt moved in fully Dante clung to him almost as much as he did with his mom, talking more around him
•The first time Dante drew a picture for Newt he cried because it said ‘brother’ above his head
•Keshia makes French toast for her boys when they’re sick
•Jackie didn’t like Newt at first, claiming that he was stealing Dante from her but once she found him crying in his room and she hugged him, realizing he was human too and they got closer
•The two kids are obsessed with Newt and when Izzy comes over to visit she gets attacked with affection
•Izzy taught Jackie how to braid hair
•Izzy and Jackie braid Newt’s hair and he usually keeps them in for a week
•Dante likes flowers and when just the two of them go on walks, him and Newt make small bouquets of flowers that they find for Keisha (she keeps them in vases around the kitchen)
•When Newt got sick it was like he was on his deathbed for the family, even though it was just the flue. Dante and Jackie would stay beside him, feeding him and drawing lots of pictures, even falling asleep with him. Keisha made his favorite foods and checked on him hourly, taking three days off work for him
•There’s a picture of all of them (including Izzy) hanging on the entry wall, Newt has a copy in his wallet
•The two kids constantly fight over who gets Newt while he reads them their bedtime story
•Keshia often wakes up to breakfast in bed on her days off, a tray full of warm food and a little bundle of flowers with a picture under her plate.
•The three of them teamed up and convinced Keshia to get them a cat (his name is Dodger)
•Keshia cried the first few times Newt slipped up and called her mom
•Izzy has multiple pictures of the four of them and the cat asleep together on the couch, all cuddling happily
•Dante thinks Thomas is amazing and clings to the boy when he comes over, and despite knowing very little about kids, he always makes room to give the little boy attention
•Thomas has a small teddy bear in his school bag that Dante and Newt picked out for him
•Keshia has a necklace of shells that Newt made her, she wears it everyday
•Newt will sit and cradle ether one of the kids if they get hurt and start crying, rocking them in his lap until they settle
•Keshia has a wedding Pinterest board made for Newt when he EVENTUALLY marries Thomas
• Minho is the cool uncle and constantly smuggles candy to the kids when he vists
•Minho has had multiple Nerf wars against Newt, Thomas, Izzy, and Sonya, one of the older boys always have Dante on their shoulders so he isn’t left out
•He’ll never admit it but Minho has fallen asleep cuddling Jackie multiple times
•Jackie is obsessed with Minho and treats him more like a brother than Thomas, she’s still shy around him
•Thomas had stayed the night and the two had woken up from Newt’s nightmare, the boy crying against his boyfriend and not noticing the little kid until he had climbed into Newt’s lap and hugged him
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mr-jack-letterman · 8 months
Even more au doodles because I have way too much free time.
This time around 🥁🥁🥁🥁🥁 Anti-Power Couple Au 🎉🎉🎉🎉 (by @starry-blue-echoes)
I think my Hol Horse bias is showing-
Anyway cute Holpol nonsense YIPPEEEE (click for better quality)
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I simultaneously love and hate the design I made for him. Cause on one hand I think he looks cool as hell but on the other he has so many details the amount of times I forgot his ear piercing/braid/stubble/bullet necklace/strings on his hat/wedding ring/which side the wrist bands went on is low-key ridiculous and completely my own fault 💀/silly
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These are the best hands I've ever drawn in my life ngl.
Fun fact: "Mon petit chou" with no context means "my little cabbage" when directly translated to English. Because you know if Polnareff is gonna call Hol a French pet name it's gonna be something simultaneously rly sweet in French but wack in English NSNDNNDD
There's more context than that behind why "my little cabbage" is considered a French term of endearment but that's an info dump for another day 😭
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I don't have much to say for this one other than the doddle of one of the Sex Pistols holding Emperor is one of my favorite things and I'm using it as a reaction image now.
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I wish I could have done more with their outfits but I just didn't have the time to design anything rly unique 😭.
I genuinely hope the random huge drops of fanart aren't overwhelming or anything for ya- I just get in a flow of doin em and don't realize how much I've done until I've ran out of scenarios to draw :') wish ya the best ✌️/gen
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resplendentoutfit · 8 months
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figure 1
James Tissot (French, 1836–1902) • The Ball • 1878
Figure 1: According to French fashionistas, Tissot got the hat all wrong. Apparently hats were inappropriate as evening wear, particularly at a ball. Indeed, when perusing fashion plates of the late 1870s, formal evening attire never included hats.
For formal evening events, hair was styled in elaborate braids, buns, and curls, often adorned with silk flower sprays and fancy clips and combs. Silk flowers were also sometimes used as embellishments for dresses.
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A Tissot creation likely inspired by the fashion plates of the day, the evening or ball dress in figure 1 features a bow right at the buttocks followed by a cascade of layered pleats, lace, and ruffles. This style was commonly referred to as The Princess Line dress. Created in Great Britain by Charles Frederick Worth in the form of Princess Alexandra's wedding dress, it soon took off as the latest dress style craze.
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French hand fan • Ivory, paper, gouache, mother-of-pearl, metal • 1860-70 • Brooklyn Museum Costume Collection at The Metropolitan Museum of Art
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Figure 2
Figure 1: In the mid 1870s, the bustle evolved into a less protruding fashion feature and eventually, toward the end of the decade gave way to the mid-bustle or natural form era. This transformation took place from 1877 through approximately 1882. Compared to the large, overstuffed bustles of the early 1870s, the Mid-Bustle, or Natural Form dress created a more vertical, slimming silhouette. The waist was undefined and embellishments began at the back of the waist, or even below it.
Figure 2: It is difficult for a fashion history novice like me to define the correct occasion for this particular dress. It's perhaps a special occasion day or afternoon dress and hence less embellished. Or perhaps the modest satin bow at the hip gives it away as just a regular day dress. In one entry at Lily Absinthe's blog, she states that a semi-train is usually indicative of a day or afternoon special occasion dress. All I know for sure is that I adore the lovely vertical pleated train!
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Princess Line dress • 1878-1880 (made) • Unknown designer and maker, likely from Great Britain • Virginia and Albert Museum
Blue and gold Jacquard-woven silk made with a fitted bodice and narrow skirt drawn back into drapes at the back, and rusched silk trim. It has elbow-length sleeves and a square neckline, which are both trimmed with machine-lace. This is a day or afternoon dress, likely worn at home. More views of this dress can be seen here.
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Attire appropriate for a hat.
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Of course, the ultra-slim silhouette of the princess dress was restrictive and necessitated increasingly tighter undergarments like corsets and girdles, further restricting movement. Poor working women who engaged in hours of manual labor could not afford either the latest fashions nor the restricted movement.
Lily Absinthe
The Metropolitan Museum of Art Costume Institute , New York City
Fashion History Timeline (FIT, Fashion Institute of Technology, New York City
V & A (Victoria & Albert Museum, London
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luc3 · 11 months
Hair. (French Folks Traditions) part 2 : love magic.
Detachable from the body, they retain its vital force. Thus, in the 17th century according to Thiers, to "make themselves loved by their husband", women took their cut hair, offered it three times in a row to the church altar with a burning candle, and then carry them on their heads.
It is common for seamstresses to place one of their hair in the hem of the wedding dress they are making, to quickly find a husband. (Brittany.)
Giving your loved one a lock of hair is not necessarily a good idea. In Picardy, it is said that the power of the bond between the two lovers would be such that one and the other would never be able to separate again, even to carry out their daily affairs.
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To make yourself loved by the man you want to have as your husband, you have to, in Paris, get 3 hairs of your loved one, braid them with 3 of your own, make a little crown that you wear bare on our chest by means of a fairly long cord passed around the neck. Once on the eve of our wedding, you will have to lock this talisman in a medallion and wear it as long as you want to be loved. (A bit the same idea as in the Grand Albert, where it involves making a tied bouquet with 5 hairs of your loved one and 3 of ours.)
For a husband or wife to be faithful, one must take a lock of their hair, burn it and spread the ashes on the wood of their bed after rubbing it with honey. Repeat the operation as necessary.
Pic : Waterhouse.
[ Excerpts taken from M.C Delmas in Dictionnaire de la France Mystérieuse. ]
Part 1 here.
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whitefireprincess · 1 year
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Braid Babes
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chic-a-gigot · 6 months
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La Mode nationale, no. 7, 17 mars 1886, Paris. Modèles de l'ancienne Maison Cheuvreux-Aubertot, 7, boulevard Poissonnière, à Paris. Bibliothèque nationale de France
No. 1. — Béarnaise. Visite en faille française veloutée, doublée merveilleux, garnie dentelles chantilly et riche galon jais. 290 fr.
No. 1. — Béarnaise. Velvety French faille visiting dress, wonderfully lined, trimmed with chantilly lace and rich jet braid. 290 fr.
No. 2. — Princesse. Robe de mariée en faille française et broderies de perles, fines, de 400 à 600 fr. Dans ce prix est compris le juponnage, le voile et la parure d'oranger complète.
No. 2. — Princess. French faille wedding dress and pearl embroidery, fine, from 400 to 600 fr. This price includes the skirting, the veil and the complete orange tree adornment.
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rere-the-writer · 2 years
NSFW Headcanons for Elijah Mikaelson being married? Can reader be a short and some kind of supernatural creature? Perhaps a Japanese supernatural creature? Thank you I just love your Headcanons for Elijah
Yes and yes starting off with SFW Headcanons
Warnings: Fluff, NSFW, Short protective wife
You met Elijah back in 1756
Your first meeting wasn't on the best terms, you tried to kill him and for Elijah it was love at first sight
Elijah learning how to court an oni, this man loves a woman that can kick his ass
Noble loving vampire and angry small oni courting is a surprise to everyone
Having a very traditional Japanese wedding, Elijah wanting to give you a piece of your homeland
Elijah finds your small horns cute and careful to not touch them seeing how sensitive they are
Elijah braiding your hair or helping putting it up
Your oni form is just gorgeous to Elijah finding your ligh blue tone lovely against his
You beating the crap out of those who threaten your husband and family
"Oni are kinda violent but my wife is a sweetheart, Hayley." "Your wife laughed while watching vampires bleed out."
Elijah is blind to whatever violence you had done not because he is foolish but because he loves you too much
Elijah will spare with you, just so you could throw him around or pin him down
This man's biggest kink is being suffocated by your thighs and he doesn't care how or why
"Will you yield?" "No." Elijah would answer muffled by your thighs
Elijah finding out just how sensitive your horns are in bed, watching you melt under him when he gently rubs a horn
Elijah takes great pleasure in seeing how small you look under him
Finding out you have bit of a size kink and Elijah is more that happy to indulge you
Elijah making you ride his face for hours since he adores being between your thighs
Choke him, Elijah will be so submissive so fast
Elijah feeding from you while in bed there is something hearing you cry out in pure pleasure when biting you
Elijah willing to go whatever pace you want, fast and rough or slow and sweet
Elijah favorite position is any one that let's him see your face
Now Elijah doesn't do public sex but if there is someone flirting or undermine him as your husband, Elijah is pulling you into the nearest room
Elijah has a small breeding kink after the birth of Hope
Call him Sir in the bedroom and watch him just lose it
Jealous primal sex when any of his brothers playfully flirts with you or if someone tries to steal you away from him
Elijah marking up your thighs both fingers prints and hickies are on your skin
"Look at you Princess, tears running down your face."
Elijah has a goal of making sure you are teary-eyed and shaking at the end of the night
You choking on him is his favorite sound other than your screams
Elijah will and has fucked you on any surface
Wearing his shirts is a sure way to turn him on
Lace and thigh highs? Yes Sir his new favorite on you
Making you ride his thigh when he is busy with paper work
You pulling his hair to make him go faster
Elijah tried tieing you down but you broke free leading to a wild night
You pouncing on Elijah if he had been gone for too long
You pinning Elijah down feeling jealous of Hayley's flirting
"Is my Princess going to cum again?"
Overstimulation is Elijah favorite thing to do to you something about seeing you so desperate was just delicious to him
You making Elijah beg to touch you when you take control
Elijah has a secret praise kink that you learned by accident
Elijah buying you French lingerie only fair seeing how he would tear off the others
Elijah just adoring you and you just loving your husband more than anything
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chwlb · 1 year
Jily. (Im not Ready for October)
James grew his hair out for Lily, and she’d always put little French braids in it before bed so he’d have curly hair in the morning (he went around telling people that he took a potion his father made that magically made his hair curly (remus didn’t let that rumor last long before dunking James’s head into water and let everyone watch as his hair dried curl-less))
When James and Lily got married Sirius asked to be a flower girl at their wedding as a joke and to his surprise Lily was the one who said yes (not James because he wanted Sirius to be best man) so then remus got elected best man and they let Sirius walk down the Isle with Fabian’s daughter Alleen.
When the preacher said “speak now or forever hold your peace” remus activity stared down everyone of their friends knowing damn well they’d try that shit as a joke, just for Lily to say “Well… Remus is pretty fit” and obviously that causes a uproar (jokingly) and Remus laughing alongside the rest of them just for James to pop up with “I know right, Almost went for him in 4th year” which left everyone bursting in laughter but him. Which led him to say “kiss your god damn wife potter”
And James bantering back
“Oh please moony, I will. All. Night. Long.”
*insert kissy kiss*
When Wiloa was little they would sneak away with their uncles to OOTP meetings and Lily would always find them, so they’d have to pull them off and lecture them about how they can’t hide away here because they could get hurt. But after a while, gave in and let them stay. Soon enough James found them and he’d always sneak them off and back home because he understood what it was like to be curious at a young age and how dangerous curiosity could be. But basically Wiloa was Jily’s practice child.
Lily would always show James muggle things. When they moved in together he stood flicking the ceiling fan on and off for about 30 minutes (while Lily recorded him like he was a cat) James had 100% become accustomed to muggle life, and at some points entirely forgot he was a wizard. (He got really excited when he remembered he was magic and could turn into a fucking deer)
James tried helping Lily become an Animagus but she couldn’t keep the leaf in her mouth past two days so she eventually just spit it out and told James “look I give up, as long as you don’t turn into a fucking elk while we’re fucking I’m good” and james’s only response was “I’m a DEAR darling get it right” in a posh mid-Atlantic accent.
When James proposed Lily made a joke about him preposing before she KNEW he was proposing so it went something like this
*at a lake during a very pretty sunset*
“Lillian, I really need to ask you something” James asked with a cherishing smile
“James, darling you can ask me anything as long as you don’t propose” She joked
She then turned around to see the look of utter shock and hurt in his eyes. And realized. He was going to propose.
“No, no, no. I didn’t say anything, what were you asking? I’ll turn back around!”
She then turned back around with a static giggle bouncing through her bones. He knew she loved him.
“Lillian,” he said while grabbing her arm and turning her around gently “My darling, you’ve made me the happiest man on earth. And I know it’s the most cliche thing to say, but my words have never heard more truth than this. I can’t bare the thought of life without the light of your eyes shining in mine. I can’t stand mornings after without your sweet touch curled next to mine. And I’ll never see another gorgeous evening like this again if your gracing beauty isn’t touching it. So Please, Lillian Jane Evans, Will you marry me? And be my wife, and I’ll be yours”
The first thing she could do was fall into his arms, and his warm gentle kiss. Tears flowed down her eyes and he placed the ring on her finger.
“Shit!” James Said unexpectedly “I forgot to get down on one fucking knee”
Lily giggle at her new found fiancé, he could be a stupid man, but he was HER stupid man.
“So, you’ll be my wife” Lily said excitedly
“What?!” James burst out laughing
“Well you said ‘be my wife, and I’ll be yours’ so I assume you’ll be my wife, correct?”
And with those words, James knew he chose the right woman.
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cressida-jayoungr · 1 year
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One Dress a Day Challenge
June: Weddings
Star Wars, Episode II: Attack of the Clones / Natalie Portman as Padmé Amidala
I'm sure everyone's heard the story by now about how the decoration for the dress was taken from an antique bedspread, mixed with 300 yards of French-knit braid created at a workshop in Sydney, Australia. That's an amazing amount of work for a dress that only appears onscreen very briefly, but it become instantly iconic, so I guess they knew what they were doing.
The decoration on the veil is described as seed pearls and "Edwardian wax flowers," but I'm not sure whether that means the wax flowers are themselves antique or whether they're just made using an Edwardian method.
In-universe, Padme apparently whipped up this wedding gown herself with the help of a former handmaiden and a sewing droid.
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readyforthegarden · 9 months
Breakable Heaven - Part Five
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Pairing: Danny Wagner x Female Reader
Synopsis: Being the maid of honor in your best friends wedding is already stressful enough without the best man being the ex-boyfriend who tore your heart to shreds. Stumbling across a dating app with dates for hire, you take a chance, inviting a perfect stranger to pretend to be your boyfriend for the weeklong celebrations. But how long can the charade last when the champagne starts pouring and feelings start growing?
Warnings: mild sports violence, talks of betrayal and cheating, drinking, kissing, finger-licking (idk any other way to describe it, yall will see what I mean), 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT!
A/N: I have played flag football exactly once in my life so parts may/will not be totally accurate but I did my best so...enjoy lmao sorry it’s a day late!!
WC: 6387
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You woke up in better spirits the next morning, Danny felt. When he walked by the bathroom after getting dressed, he had to pause, you were humming the chorus to Heat Above, and he peeked into the room. You were standing in front of the mirror, finishing up your second French braid, one already done on your left side.  Your fingers twisted and weaved the strands of hair effortlessly as you hummed, as if muscle memory from years of practice. 
Danny suddenly wanted to ask you where you learned, had you been a little girl at sleep away camp? A cheerleader who learned on the bus on the way to an away game? Or was it time spent with your mother who told you stories as she braided, as you sat in front of her cross-legged on the floor. He wanted to know everything you would tell him about yourself, craved it, nearly. Danny didn’t realize he’d been caught staring until he realized you’d stopped humming. 
“Sorry,” he blushed slightly, feeling like he was caught with his hand in the cookie jar. He met your eyes in the mirror with an apologetic smile. 
“I’m the one who should be sorry,” you replied, twisting your hair tie around the end of the braid, securing it tightly. Turning you blinked up at him. “I drooled on your pillow last night.”
Danny laughed. After coming to bed, he slid in on your side, realizing his was completely taken as you snuggled into his pillow. The smell of your lavender shampoo and conditioner had surrounded him and lulled him into a more restful sleep, thanks to his conversation with Sam. When he had woken, it was to a small, yet pleasant surprise. You had rolled again in your sleep this time coming back to your side, and you had snuggled close to Danny. He had woken up to your legs tangled with his. Your toes had been cold, like you had them out of the blanket at some point in the early morning.  
He took care to make sure they were warmed before he untangled himself from you, feeling more certain that Sam was right with his hypothesis. He shook himself from his thoughts as you spoke again.
“Actually I wanted to say sorry for how I acted last night.” You sighed, rubbing your arm anxiously. “I wasn’t upset with you or anything. I guess…I guess I just feel like we’ve gotten close in the past few days, and when I mixed up Jake and Josh, and you said it’s okay as long as it’s not to their faces…” Danny watched as you bit your lip, avoiding eye contact as your cheeks heated up. “It just reminded me that I’ll never meet them. After this week, there’s no reason for us to be together.” 
“Oh honey,” Danny sighed. There was a small pang of sadness that friendship was the only thing on your mind, but he decided that friendship was better than nothing at all. “We can still hang out after this is over. I would love that.” he watched your eyes light up.
“Really?” a small, hopeful smile graced your face. 
“Yeah, really.” Danny chuckled. “You’re not like any other I’ve worked with. Now come on, we gotta finish packing for our camp out.” 
There was a small tingling in your chest when Danny told you that you weren’t like any other he’d worked with. You’d come to terms earlier that morning that part of the reason you would miss Danny was that you had started to develop a small crush on the young man. Talking yourself through it in your head, you convinced yourself it was just because of the act the two of you were putting on. Danny was a brilliant actor, and it was like being back in the high school theater club.
Once this weekend was over, you’d lose the crush on Danny and it would be a beautiful friendship. Once you were back in your own bed in your own apartment, you would realize it was just a silly little moment, nothing more than a passing fancy. 
By the time the two of you made it down to the lobby, two vans were waiting, overnight bags being tossed into the back of each. Danny had slung yours over his shoulder and went to load it up when Olivia came around, laying a hand on your shoulder.
“Hey,” she looked slightly perplexed. “Gavin and Naomi are riding in our van, are you going to be okay with that? I know seeing her yesterday wasn’t easy.”
“I’ll be fine.” you shrugged. You watched behind her as Danny came back around the van, smiling and laughing at something Mila, another bridesmaid, had said. “I won’t be alone.”
“I’m really happy for you,” Olivia mused after she turned to see what you were looking at. “I know the breakup with Gavin was rough, but you seem to be really, really happy with Danny.”
“I am, yeah,” nodding, you felt a blush creep up your neck and to your cheeks. You were, as it turned out, happy with Danny, even if the relationship was fictitious. He was turning into a great friend, at the very least.
“And the way he looks at you? I’m the one getting married and my fiancé doesn’t even look at me like that!” Olivia giggled. “Really, I’m honestly getting a little jealous.”
“What do you mean?” you asked, trying not to seem as confused as you were. Olivia rolled her eyes, turning and looking at Danny again before coming and standing beside you.
“I mean that,” she said, nodding out to the small crowd by the van. You followed her gaze, only to see Danny looking at you from under the bill of his hat, a soft smile pulling into a crooked grin as he caught your eye. “That man is head over heels for you.”
“Stop,” you shook your head. There was a part of your heart that leapt with excitement at her words, wanting to believe that your small crush was reciprocated. But you knew better, he was doing his job, playing the role you hired him to. 
“Babe, if you ask me? I think you’ll be walking down the aisle next.” Olivia’s eyes twinkled, and you could practically see her shifting into planning mode again. 
“Don’t hold your breath,” you laughed, and Olivia frowned. You had meant it as a small joke to yourself, knowing this relationship would end shortly, but she took it as hesitancy from your past. 
“You can’t think like that.” she stepped in front of you again. “Not every guy is Gavin. And Danny seems different. You told me he was yourself.”
“Yeah,” you gave her a small, reassuring smile. 
“Alright, let’s load up!” Mike called out. Everyone dispersed to their vans. Danny let you get in before joining you in the middle, making Gavin and Naomi take the far back. Thomas and his wife climbed in next to him and you squeezed in towards the window. 
Mike got into the driver's seat, Olivia next to him in the passenger. He started the van and you watched as the vineyard passed by you slowly. Next to you, Danny was plugging his earphones into his phone, opening up the music app from the night before. Catching you look, he held out the right earbud in his large palm, gesturing for you to take it. Placing it in your ear, he did the same with the left one. 
“Can we listen to more of your band?” you asked softly. Danny smiled, nodding and looking them up again, pressing play and shuffle. You grinned, turning back towards the window, watching the scenery pass by. Out of the corner of his eye, he caught movement, and glanced over to see your knee moving up and down as you tapped your foot along to the beat. There was a smile on your face like the night before when you listened to Heat Above and Danny found himself lost in watching you experience his work.
He looked away, trying not to be caught spying on you yet again, but it was too late. In the rearview, Olivia’s bright eyes were twinkling up at him, a knowing smirk on her face. Danny blushed, focusing back on his phone screen before staring out the windshield, avoiding the mirror at all costs. However, he could keep his eyes from you, especially when you started nodding your head to The Falling Sky. 
Danny imagined what it would be like for you to see him play live. If you would enjoy it as much as you seemed to be enjoying the recordings. His imagination led him to see you in the stands, where friends and family typically sat, and he had to bite back a smile as he thought of pointing his drumstick to you, much like Jake would occasionally point his guitar towards his partner, and the smile on your face as you watched him play, and play for you.
The vision of you backstage, running towards him after a show, excited to congratulate him and jumping into his tired, sweaty arms made his heart thrum in his chest. The kisses you would pepper all over his face, telling him how wonderful he was and how you couldn’t wait to get him home. 
You’d made it through most of his discography before the van was stopped on a wide field. There were tents already set up, a large fire pit in the middle of the circle a few feet away. The turning foliage gave a breathtaking view you would never forget in your life. Danny stood next to your side, looking out towards the woods, the same glimmer in his eyes.
“I love the fall,” you sighed. “I wish it would look like this all the time.”
“Agreed,” Danny nodded. 
“Alright, we have a few activities planned for the day!” Olivia clapped her hands excitedly, drawing the attention to her as she spoke. “Go put your things in your tents and meet over by the field in ten!”
You and Danny made your way to the back of your van, and you waited for Danny to hand you your overnight bag, but he slung it over his shoulder with ease as he also carried his own. Picking a tent in the middle, you undid the zipper, ushering Danny inside before following him. You expected something of Olivia’s tastes, somehow she would weasel an actual bed into the tents, bedside tables, the works, but you were surprised to see merely a full sized air mattress, a sleeping bag adoring it with two pillows.
“This’ll be cozy.” Danny chuckled to himself, letting the overnight bags slide off his shoulders and onto the polyester floor of the tent. Nodding along, you sighed, feeling how hard the chilly ground was under your feet, even through the tent. 
“I haven’t been camping since I was a little kid.” you admitted. “And it was girl scout camp so…it wasn’t even close to this.”
“Really? No roughing it in the girl scouts?” shaking your head, Danny laughed. 
“Most tents at the campgrounds I went to were up on platforms, off the ground. And we had cots.” you laughed. “Boy scouts definitely had it rougher.”
“Yeah, we were out foraging for food, eating pine cones and hunting squirrels.” Danny made himself look tough, flexing his bicep.
“I’m so sure,” rolling your eyes, you moved to the open flap of the tent, stepping out. “Well who knows, we may need your survival instincts tonight.”
“I think I still have some hunting skills in me.” Danny followed you out, and the two of you walked back over to the field Olivia had pointed out earlier. Still talking about hunting, Danny was poised as if he were shooting a bow and arrow as you came upon the rest of the group lingering around.
Mike walked up from his and Olivia’s tent, wearing red, super short-shorts, with a white t-shirt tucked into them. His socks were pulled up his calves and a whistle hung around his neck. In his left hand was a clipboard, in the other, a bullhorn.
“Oh no,” you grimaced as he stood in front of the group and raised the bull horn to his lips.
“You all must be wondering why we’ve brought you out here from that luxurious hotel to a field in the middle of nowhere.” Mike said, his words echoing loudly. “On Saturday, Olivia and I will come together in holy matrimony. But today, we are two individuals, and we are competing against each other for the ultimate prize.”
“A blowie on the wedding night?” one of the groomsmen called you, making you roll your eyes as Olivia flipped him off.
“No, Logan,” Mike shouted in his direction, glaring. He turned back towards everyone and grinned. “Bragging rights on whose side of the wedding party was better.” Olivia took the bullhorn from Mike, grinning.
“Bridesmaids, obviously.” She gave Mike a gentle, playful shove. “We’ve devised a few games that pit the bridesmaids against the groomsmen. Dates, you are allowed to play, but you have to play on the side you came with.” Danny nudged you with his elbow, whispering a little ‘hello teammate’ before turning back and listening to the rest of Olivia and Mike’s spiel.
The games of the day were flag football, blind volleyball, and of course, beer pong. After a few moments, you were suited with a belt, three neon red flags hanging off it. Danny had matching ones himself, grinning while you swiped your thumbs across the tops of his cheeks, leaving eye black in their wake.
“There, now we look like professional athletes.” you laughed under your breath. Danny took his baseball cap, turning it around so the bill was in the back and nodded. 
“Let’s go kick some ass!” he urged.
“That’s the spirit!!” Olivia cheered, clapping her hands. “Let’s demolish them!” Lining up on the field, you stood next to Olivia, ready to play offense. Your best friend was mean-mugging her own fiance, both of them talking shit to one another.
“Why do I feel like this is just weird foreplay for them?” Danny whispered to you as they shook hands, winking at one another. 
“It probably is.” you replied with a shrug. “You have to leave their house after game night if you don’t want to have nightmares fueled by their moans.” it was Danny’s turn to grimace, sticking out his tongue like he tasted something sour. Shaking it off, he got back into formation, looking down the line of groomsmen. As his eyes traveled, they met with Gavin’s, who flickered to you and back him Danny, narrowing slightly. Danny mirrored the action, a sudden overwhelming urge to make this game a contact sport bubbling up in his stomach.
“Set, hut, hike!” Mike called, starting the first play. The movement on the field was fast, everyone getting the competitive edge as the game started. Somehow you ended up with the ball, running towards the opposite goal from where you started. A thrill ran through you as you dodged Thomas’ outstretched hand, trying to pull one of your flags, a shrill excited yip leaving your mouth as you jumped out of the way.
You surprised yourself, making it to the endzone of the field, throwing the football down onto the ground and raising your arms above your head as you and the rest of your team cheered. You were lifted into the air, Danny’s arms wrapping around you and lifting you up.
“Bridesmaids one, groomsmen a big fat zero!!” Mila lifted up her fingers in the shape of an L to her forehead, making faces at the groomsmen.
“Lucky shot.” Gavin called out. Danny couldn’t help the glare that he shot over to the man as he set you down. “Haven’t seen you run like that since junior year in college, when you streaked across the frat houses yards.” Danny moved to speak in your defense, but was surprised when you cut him off.
“Yeah? Well someone had to have the balls in our relationship, didn’t they?” you didn’t stay for a reply, instead turning with so much purpose your braids flicked out behind you, nearly whipping the air as you moved. Danny smirked at Gavin’s shocked face, raising his eyebrows challengingly before following you back to the center of the field. 
“Streaking, huh?” Danny leaned down, snickering in your ear playfully.
“Like everyone else, I made choices in college, some good, some bad.” you shot him a small glare. “Most were under the influence of Jager bombs.” Danny laughed before getting back into position, and continuing the game.
It was a little while later, one flag dangling from your belt as you’d gotten “tackled” the second time you were in position with the ball. The play was called and you ended up with it again, tucking it into your body and bolting across the field. You felt it before you saw it. Something catching your ankle and forcing you to tumble to the ground, the ball falling out of your grip and rolling away. 
“Out!” you heard someone call. “She’s out!”
“You tripped her!” rolling onto your back, you pushed yourself to a sitting position, watching Danny point angrily at Gavin as he rushed over to you. 
“She fell when I grabbed her flag!” Gavin defended. “Not my fault she’s clumsy as hell.” Danny knelt next to you, looking over your body.
“You okay?” he asked softly. Reaching up, he wiped some dirt off your cheek. 
“I’m fine,” you mumbled. “My ankle doesn’t feel great.” Danny moved his hand to the ankle you pointed to, gently squeezing. You felt a small jolt of pain, as if he were poking a bruise, and you winced. 
“I swear to god if she has to wear a cast in my wedding I will make you regret being born!” Olivia threatened Gavin off in the distance.
“Okay, let’s get you to the sidelines, honey.” Danny maneuvered himself into a crouching position, wrapping your arm around his shoulders and taking your waist with one of his, lifting you up. 
“It’s not that bad,” you protested as he moved you. Trying to put your weight on it for a step, you sucked in a sharp breath through your teeth. You quieted down as he brought you to a camping chair next to a cooler filled with drinks and water,  helping you sit. Thomas came over, taking a look at your ankle, using his medical background to see how bad it was.
“I think you’ll be okay,” he assured you. “Just a minor sprain, more like a rolled ankle. You’ll have to try and stay off it for a little bit.” Frowning, you looked up to Danny who was glaring towards where Gavin was getting a talking to from Mike while Naomi looked pissed and annoyed off to the side. Reaching out, you took his hand, tugging it and bringing his attention back to you.
“I’m fine,” you told him again. “I’m just going to have to sit out the rest of the games.”
“He tripped you,” Danny shook his head, his brows knit together in the middle of his forehead. 
“And he’ll never hear the end of it from Olivia and Mike, I promise.” Danny sucked his teeth as the game started back up, becoming more upset Gavin was still in the game.
“He wants to make this a contact sport, he’ll get a contact sport.” Danny mumbled to himself, shaking his hand loose of yours and jogging to the middle of the field. Gavin wasn’t going to get away from what he did unscathed. Danny could hear his mother in his head, reminding him in her kind voice that an eye for an eye solves nothing, but he shook the adage away. While it wouldn’t solve much, it would provide Danny with satisfaction for the time being. 
The play started, and just as he wanted, Gavin got the ball. Danny dashed after the other man, weaving in and out of the other players before launching at Gavin, reaching out for his two remaining flags, tearing them off and knocking the man hard to the ground in the process.
“What the fuck?!” Gavin growled as Danny stood back up, grinning with the flags in his hands. 
“You’re out.” Danny replied simply. “Not my fault you’re so clumsy.” Danny tossed the flags to the ground before joining you on the sidelines, catching his breath.
“Danny,” you stared up at him.
“He deserved it.” was all Danny told you before picking up a bottle of water from the cooler. While the show of masculinity should’ve made you upset and roll your eyes, you instead felt flattered that Danny stood up for you like that. You would have to have a conversation with him that it couldn’t happen again this week, you didn’t hire him to fight your ex. Just to make being around him more bearable. 
You sat out from the rest of the games, getting up a few times to walk when Thomas would advise it. By the time beer pong was over, it was getting dark, and most everyone had gathered around the firepit back at the tents, roasting weenies. You had gotten up to walk a bit, Danny watching carefully as you did a lap around the tents before coming back.
The autumn night air was chilly, and in your thin, long-sleeved t-shirt you were becoming susceptible to the cold. You had dipped into the tent, searching through your bag before realizing the hoodie you thought you had packed was still laying on the hotel bed where you set it down to make sure you’d packed your toothbrush and toothpaste.
When you came back from the tent, you were visibly shivering, even with the fire roaring in front of you. Without thinking, Danny stood up and pulled off his sweater, the soft material still warm from his body, and handed it to you.
“Put that on,” he insisted, tugging down the black t-shirt he had worn underneath it. The cream and black sweater was calling to you, practically steaming with warmth as you took it. 
“Won’t you get cold?” you asked, holding the sweater in your hands. Danny shook his head. 
“I packed another sweatshirt. You wear this while it’s still warm, and I’ll be right back.” You began to pull the cozy sweater over your head, threading your arms through the sleeves, basking in Danny’s leftover body heat. Danny came back from your tent a few moments later, tugging a black sweatshirt over his head before putting his hat back on, backwards again. He sat down on a camping chair, taking a beer from Thomas, who was passing them around. You went to find a seat yourself when hands took your waist, pulling you backwards.
 Your bottom came into contact with something firm but soft, and you turned slightly to see Danny smiling at you, having tugged you onto his lap.
“Best seat in the house, honey.” he threw you a wink before sipping his beer, making your cheeks heat up. Danny could say multiple truths at this moment. One, that he did it because he wanted to keep you warm. Two, that he did it because he wanted you on his lap so he could hold you. And three, that he did it because Gavin had been staring at you off and on all day, and he wanted to remind the dick who you were with.
As the evening wore on, skewers were passed around, along with the fixings to make smores. Danny kept a hand on your hip as you leaned forward on his lap, holding your marshmallow over the fire. You twisted the metal skewer slowly, allowing the marshmallow to brown evenly. The sleeves of his sweater had been pushed up to avoid any mess, and he couldn’t help but revel in how good you looked in it.
“Okay, is everything ready?” you leaned back, turning on his lap. Danny nodded, picking up the graham cracker adorned with a large square of chocolate. Placing the toasted marshmallow on top, you took the other part of the cracker, using the edge to scrape the melty goodness off the metal and onto the chocolate before setting the skewer down on top of the cooler next to you. Taking the small dessert, you squished the crackers down, letting the marshmallow ooze from the sides, coating your fingers. 
“You’re making a mess,” Danny laughed, taking one of your hands. His original idea was going to be grabbing a napkin for the sticky fingers you now had, but as he caught Gavin looking at you from his peripheral vision, he brought them to his mouth before looking back up at you, gently sucking the marshmallow off each one. In the glow of the fire, he couldn’t tell if you were blushing again, but your eyes were wide enough to tell him that if the sun had been out, your cheek would be even redder than before. He was quick and discreet with his movements. Someone would’ve thought, if caught, that he had just been giving quick, small kisses to your fingertips, over before it even started.
“T-Thank you,” you stuttered. Taking your hand back, you ignored the heat in your belly, whether from embarrassment or the sudden swirl of feelings that stirred up for Danny, you weren’t sure. You focused on taking a bite of the smore, biting off the corner of the small cookie sandwich. Humming to yourself, you enjoyed the delicacy, not having had a smore since you were at least a teenager, maybe younger. Turning, you silently offered it to Danny.
Danny looked up at you, ignoring the offer and instead leaned forward, tilting his head up and pressing his lips to the corner of yours. You could feel the warm tip of his tongue glide over your skin, sending a shiver down your spine. When he pulled back, his eyes sparkled mischievously. 
“You had a little chocolate there,” his crooked smile made your stomach fill with butterflies as he leaned forward again, now taking a bite of the dessert you had originally offered him. “Mm, honey, you make a perfect smore.”
“Only for you, lover.” you replied, a smirk on your lips. If he could lay it on thick, so could you. Something lit behind Danny’s eyes and the hand that held your hip tugged you back into him a bit more firmly. You took another bite of the dessert before taking the bottle of beer out of Danny’s hand, licking your lips before taking a swig to wash down the sweetness. 
Danny watched you as you did it, something setting fire to his stomach. Maybe it was the way you took the bottle without asking, as if he really was your partner and it was common place to share drinks with one another. Perhaps it was the way you’d licked your lips before pressing the mouth of the glass bottle to them so confidently. 
Whatever it was, Danny found himself completely smitten as you handed the bottle back without looking, leaning forward to talk to Mila about her debacle with her bridesmaid dress alterations. It happened a few more times, you taking swigs from Danny’s beer, as if it was the most natural thing to do. Which for lovers, it should be. Instead of your friends surrounding him, he imagined it was his. That Sam was telling you some story and you were leaning forward to listen to him, maybe Rose was at your feet, waiting for a secret graham cracker treat you’d sneak to her when Sam finally looked away. You would fit in so well with his friends, he decided.
It wasn’t until bed that you and Danny really spoke again, both facing opposite sides of the tent as you changed into pajamas. You were walking better already, but were still trying to keep your full weight off of your ankle, so you took a little extra time. 
“Thank you, by the way,” you turned your head softly, just enough to make sure he heard you, but not enough to see anything as he changed. 
“For what?”
“Well, while I don’t condone what you did to get back at Gavin, I’ve never had someone stand up for me like that before.” you tried to fight the smile at the memory of Danny practically tackling Gavin to the ground, but failed. 
“He’s an asshole,” Danny snorted quietly. He’d been done changing, waiting for your okay to turn around. “I don’t mean this as an insult, but I feel like he was one of the bad choices you made under the influence of those Jager bombs.” 
Grimacing to yourself as you tugged the warm sweater Danny had lent you back over your head, you nodded.
“The Jager definitely didn’t help.” you adjusted the hem of the sweater. “Okay, I’m good.” both of you turned around, smiling softly as a small lull filled the gap between you both. “So, you have a tattoo?” you asked, glancing down at his covered bicep. “I saw it earlier, when you gave me this sweater.” Danny smiled. 
“Yeah, two of them.” he turned and showed you the back of his ankle, where a thin, dainty rose was resting. 
“I never noticed,” you told him. “The rose is beautiful, what’s the one on your arm?” Danny went into an explanation, talking about the moon phase he was born under and what the lines represented. “Wow, that’s really cool.”
“Do you have any?”
“Mm, no.” you shook your head. “I wouldn't mind getting one one day, but I don’t know what.” you and Danny continued your conversation softly, getting into the sleeping bag. The bag was big enough there was a good deal of space between your bodies. You were both laying on your stomachs, talking quietly in the dark, pillows bunched under your chins to prop yourselves up a bit.
“You know all about my ex,” you mentioned. “Can I know a little about yours?” Danny sighed softly. “You don’t have to, I’m sorry I even asked.”
“No it’s okay,” Danny shushed your apology. “We just were clashing a lot. She would be upset that I was gone for long stretches, playing shows and touring with the band, and then would be upset if I took time off, because that meant money was going to get tight. Really, I think she loved being my girlfriend more than she loved me.”
“She’s an idiot.” you murmured, making Danny laugh softly. “What? How could she be loved by someone like you and take it for granted? You’re fake in love with me and I feel spoiled rotten.” 
“There’s this scene of people, when you’re in the music industry,” Danny started, resting his chin on his pillow and looking straight forward at the back wall of the tent. “They want to be around you for what you can give them, they want the status of dating a ‘rockstar’” Danny lifted his hands up in air quotes. “But they don’t want to deal with the actual lifestyle of being away from each other for long periods of time, or working late or when you just want to stay home for a night after going out and being followed and stalked by crazy fans.”
“It can’t be easy,” you replied back, “I’m sure you don’t want to leave someone you love either.”
“No, especially after finding out that they cheated on you with one of your buddies while you were gone.”
“What?!” Danny shushed you, and you covered your mouth as he chuckled slightly. “You too?”
“What can I say? We are kindred hearts.” your hand moved on its own, claiming a home on top of Danny’s closest one.
“Want me to body check her?” Danny laughed, turning his hand over and squeezing yours. 
“I appreciate the offer, honey, but she left town with her tail between her legs, moved back to her home state and I haven’t heard from her since.”
“Well good,” you yawned. “But if she comes back, it’s on sight.”
“Duly noted.” Danny laughed again. The two of you talked for a little longer until you started drifting off, rolling over with your back to Danny. He himself drifted in and out of sleep, every sound outside the tent snapping him awake. On one such occasion, he heard a small shudder, looking around as it sounded close, like a small animal had gotten into or was trying to get in the tent. 
Looking around, he furrowed his brow, trying to see in the dark after having his eyes closed for a while. It wasn’t until he looked down that he realized the sounds were coming from you. You were shivering again, Danny now could feel the movements on your side of the sleeping bag. Your teeth chattered softly, and he finally caved. 
“Hey,” he said softly. “Come over here.” You turned, looking at him. “Come closer, you’re freezing.” 
“I’m f-fine.” your chattering gave you away. The sleeves of his sweater were pulled over your hands as you sleepily mumbled.
“You’re not,” Danny shook his head. “I don’t mind, come on.” he watched you battle something behind your eyes before you shuffled over, pressing yourself into his chest. You sighed at the warmth, feeling it spread through you slowly as he reached behind you and zipped the sleeping bag up more, closing it up. 
“So much better,” you murmured into his chest, feeling his hands rest themselves on your back, rubbing up and down slowly. Danny felt you nuzzle your nose into his sweatshirt, smiling softly as your body stopped quaking, the muscles starting to relax.
“I think your braids aren’t helping, you need to keep the heat in. Do you mind if I?” Danny gently tugged in one of the ends of the braids, and you shook your head. His long fingers took the hair ties out, sliding them onto his wrist before they undid the plaits, working up to your scalp. You would be lying if you said it didn’t feel amazing, his warm fingers gently grazing along your scalp, undoing the weaving and fluffing your hair out around you. Once he was satisfied with his work, his arms encircled you again, hands running up and down your back. 
“Just think of that hot stone massage tomorrow,” he whispered. You moaned softly, imagining the warmth on your spine, following the path Danny’s hands were taking. “Nice and warm, soothing.”
“Mmm,” you felt sleep start to come to you, weighing down your eyelids as you burrowed as close as you could to Danny. The last traces of his cologne rested in his clothes, and the heady aroma of cedarwood and linen cushioned your slumber. Danny kept talking, faint whispers floating around you, sounding more and more distant as time slipped by. 
Danny felt your breathing even out, yet he was content to stay as he was, keeping you warm. Glancing down, he pressed a soft, sweet kiss to the top of your head. The act caused you to stir slightly, and he froze, waiting for you to wake and ask him what that was, but instead you only adjusted your body, tangling your chilly ankles with his warm ones. 
Throughout the night your bodies entangled more, and Danny’s own sought to keep the warmth it was so freely giving. When he awoke, he was flat on his back. However, you were flat in your front, splayed out on top of him, snoring lightly into the crook of his neck. One of his arms held you there, the other behind his head as an extra cushion. 
His body felt tight, and a stretch surged through him before he could stop it, his body shifting and jostling you awake. Your eyes opened, looking around disorientedly before they came to focus on him. A sleepy smile graced your features as you looked down at him. 
“G’morning,” Danny’s voice was filled with sleep still, slightly gravelly, rumbling from his chest, the feeling was something you wanted to memorize. He, on the other hand, was memorizing your smile, the way your wavy hair had frizzed slightly in the night. 
“Morning,” yawning, you propped your chin on his chest. Danny’s hand came up from your back, twisting a strand of your hair. The now loose wave spun around his finger effortlessly. 
“I like your hair like this.” Danny murmured. As you opened your mouth to respond, a soft smile forming around your words,, someone rapped their fist against the fabric of your tent. 
“Up and at ‘em!” Olivia’s voice sang out. “We have appointments!” sighing, you removed yourself from Danny, your body missing him instantly. Danny felt the loss just as badly, and had you been his really, he would’ve pulled you back to him, hunkering down into the warmth and never coming back up for air. 
Packing up, everyone piled their things back into the vans. Danny offered you an earbud again, and this time you let him play whatever he wanted, just happy to ignore Gavin and Naomi in the backseat. Getting back to the vineyard, Danny took your bag along with his, carrying them up the stairs for you.
“I’m gonna hop in the shower, then I have to meet Olivia downstairs for the spa.” you told Danny once back in your room. 
“Okay,” he nodded. “Mike asked me to run into town with him. We should be back before you guys are done, but just in case I’m still gone, I promise I didn’t just run off.” you smiled. 
“You’re the last person I would think to do that.” 
“Good,” there was another small silence, yet it didn’t feel awkward at all. You left it at that, heading into the bathroom to wash the camping events off of you. You were almost sad, taking off the sweater Danny loaned you, knowing you’d have to give it back. Folding it gently and setting it on the bathroom counter, you finished undressing before stepping into the shower, wondering if there was any way you could possibly bargain with Danny to keep it after the weekend was over.
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emdapaladima · 7 days
Padmé's Wardrobe(AOTC)
Outfit 13/13: Wedding Dress
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"Utilizing the talents of Sandra Fullerton and her incredible embroidery facility in Sydney, we appliquéd with a manual satin stitch the available embroidered sections from an antique lace bedspread onto eleven silk tulle pattern sections that would eventually become the Wedding Ensemble. As the amount of vintage fabric available was limited, Sandra's team made over 300 yards of French-knit braid for Cornely scrollwork, to combine and meld the panels. The finished dress was then studded with pearls." -Trisha Biggar, Dressing a Galaxy
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