#Fucked up? I don't think joking about a white person calling a non white person slurs funny and I find a lack of understanding of race in
bijoumikhawal · 1 year
For the ship ask game: Sisko/Garak, Kira/Dax, O'Brien/Bashir
Sisko/Garak: ship it!
What made you ship it? I Do Not Remember. It may have been @ectogeo-rebubbles ITPM fic and it gradually grew on me but I don't know what to do with I now.
What are your favorite things about the ship? 1. Potential analysis for a very different way of being intimate with Garak, for one. With Julian he's always performing a bit, and his intimacy with Julian is cloaked in layers of complications and subterfuge- they're both very used to performing, performance is how that communicate. I find their dialogue often very easy to write because they're both very witty and vaudevillian (it's a dynamic some of the guys from my attempt at an audio drama have lol). But with Sisko I've noticed that Garak has points where he drops the jovial attitude and is very straightforward with him, kind of like he's dropping a ruse. It's not that Sisko doesn't enjoy those mannerisms of Garak's- as I think @wanderingwriter87 pointed out, Sisko appreciates Garak's bits- or that that's false behavior from Garak, but it's a kind of unmasking Garak is not prone to allow. 2. There's a very different power dynamic between them- perhaps controversial but during the run of the show I think Garak is put in a weak position, powerwise, compared to the vast majority of other characters as an exile who does not seem to have his citizenship sorted out. Socially, however, there are ways he wields power with Julian or even like, Quark where he's clearly got an upper hand that he doesn't with Sisko, who is of the same generation as Garak. Like, Garak does very notably manipulate him, but not the way he does with other people. And 3. Comparing and contrasting the social contexts they come from. Obviously Hebitians are like, my blorbo culture, but they're both middle aged men who adore children, and are pretty family oriented! However Sisko has a pretty healthy relationship to his family and Garak's family is an... on fire dumpster. Garak is very loyal to his father and craves his love and needs his approval for survival, while also calling him a monster and wishing him dead. Sisko seems to have trouble understanding that other people have severely negative relationships to their parents that may not be able to get resolved (it happens at least twice) because his father has been a good man to him. And to top all that off, Sisko has a son who's coming into adulthood! Children are their own whole people! Family is not a physically distant concept for him!
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? I don't think there are popular opinions... maybe that I don't think Garak actually caught Sisko as off guard as people act like he did during IPTM. Like, Sisko’s anger is less about what Garak did and more about the fact that he knows what he did. Sisko knows who garak is, what he's capable of, and if not specifics of what he used to do, the kind of things he used to do. Hell, this is after Garak went to jail for trying to do mass murder. Sisko was planet side during that!
Kira/Dax: I have no hard feelings on it, but I think saying I ship it is lesbian-pair the spares type cheating. I find Kira interesting and have been trying to read more stuff about Jadzia to understand more about her, but I don't rotate them in my head as much separately or together to feel like it counts. I think I've written more like- character analysis? On Kai Winn than on Kira through my perspective of her as a martyr-that-wasn't and how I think DS9 fails to accurately understand and critique the religious context Bajor exists within. Which is funny, because I like Kira and think Winn is a super shitty person- I've mostly ended up thinking about her more because people have such bad takes about her.
O'Brien/Bashir- I don't ship it
Why don't you ship it? Honestly I genuinely think Miles is straight, I don't think his and Julian's relationship has that kind of intimacy and I struggle to understand the intimacy they do have as friends (Miles being an "everyman" means he's a bit of a "shittyman" and we'd be fine co-workers- he's a lot better than some of the people I worked with in welding, which is like winning and award for tallest dwarf- but I would not voluntarily talk to him on off hours). And frankly any openness I've had to it has been killed by the shitty and annoying behavior I've seen from Jiles fans towards their "competition". I'm sure some of it isn't like- sincere? But it's a style of humor and behavior I find rude and off-putting. Also like- I don't like how most people talking about it regard Keiko.
What would have made you like it? You could maybe analyze how Julian thinks he knows what's best for people and that makes him more inclined towards decisions in intrapersonal relationships that really are bad for everyone, I did read a ficlet like that once with it that I found compelling
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? I do think it can be an interesting analysis of repression on Miles's part and I hope people have fun with it
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aptericia · 4 months
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Not proud to be here.
Ok, here goes draft like 5 of this fucking post. I spent 4 hours tossing and turning in bed last night thinking about this, and then this morning I found a tumblr post that really helped me understand what I was trying to say.
The post talks about how aromantic "advocates" claim that "aros don't take up resources, so there's no reason not to include them!" And if that's actually what people believe, I think I can finally articulate why it is that I feel so alienated in queer spaces.
It's because aspecs in general aren't "welcomed" by much of the queer community. We're tolerated. We perhaps get the luxury of not being contradicted on our own identities, or not being specifically kicked out of LGBTQ-only spaces, but that's the whole point: what we get out of the queer "community" is people NOT doing things, not actually doing things FOR us. And that, frankly, is not enough. We deserve conversations about us. We deserve to have others consider our feelings, even when making lighthearted jokes. We deserve varied, respectful representation in media. We deserve the active deconstruction of amatonormativity in society. We deserve to have space made for us, rather than at most being told we should "go take up more space!" ourselves.
Of course, the reality is that my being aspec is a personal matter that does not inherently affect anyone else. But the same can be said for literally any queer identity. Your being gay doesn't say anything about me, so of course I shouldn't hurt you for it, but why should I help you either? Because your happiness and comfort are important. The same goes for aspecs.
And most of the time, I don't even need anyone to make space for or expend resources on me; I can live fine in everyday, non-queer-specific places without mentioning my identity at all. But it's the queer community that claims it will make that space for me, doesn't, and then acts defensive and morally pure if I call out the hypocrisy because "we're queer too, you can't erase our identities to advocate for yours!!!!"
Again, this post isn't about specifics. I have queer friends who are incredibly thoughtful and supportive about my identity, just as I have non-queer friends who are. I find more solidarity in aspec-only communities, as well as trans/genderqueer ones, although there are still many exceptions. This post is also not about amatonormative ideology, which is extremely common from queer and non-queer people alike. This post is about the reason I've felt so betrayed by the queer community.
On a personal note, I remember being so excited when I started identifying as aromantic (and later asexual). Fitting myself into labels has been a lifelong struggle for me; to this day I still can't confidently say if I'm White or PoC, neurotypical or neurodivergent, abled or disabled, cisgender or not cisgender. I continue to struggle making friends because I don't fall into social cliques. To discover that I officially, certainly, was LGBTQ+ lifted a huge weight off my shoulders. And now I'm just so sad to find that despite that, I'm still stuck in the middle. I didn't get rewarded with a community. I still feel alienated from both queer and non-queer people. I know it was silly to get my hopes up when there's such vast diversity in both groups, but it really was a disappointment. Going to my first Pride parade last year was really the moment where I realized this.
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still livid that an able-bodied trans person thought it was appropriate to minimize the harm of having your only safe bathroom be treated as exclusively for sex by people who don't need it to my fucking face, and did not apologize at any point including when i explicitly called them out and explained why that was harmful.
i'm visibly trans, and i'm also clocky. i haven't passed as cis anything since i was maybe twelve. i fully understand how hard it is to use public bathrooms as a trans person and how dangerous and painful it can be. i am still 100% more able to use a gendered bathroom than i am to get in a stall smaller than my wheelchair.
but for some reason not being able to piss is only a problem when it primarily affects white able-bodied trans people.
also, it's worth noting that disabled stalls are disproportionately used by immunocompromised people and having sex in them actively puts them in danger. having sex in any stall can put people at risk, but do you not see how it is especially fucked up to do it in a place where people whose bodies can't fight STIs are more likely to be? people who can't just pick another stall if you leave a mess, because this is the only one with a grab bar?
y'all will get annoyed when gender neutral bathrooms are treated as spots to fuck or use drugs but when it's physically impossible for disabled people to use non-disabled stalls, it's magically fine to misuse our accessibility features and crack jokes about it because it's you depriving us of our most basic rights, and you're queer, so actually it's fine and the fussy cripples need to shut up, right?
the sex we're having in your accessibility feature is a gay foursome, so it's hilarious! we painted our stairs rainbow, so stop complaining that there isn't a ramp!
[edit: this post is the context, i didn't think this would breach containment. i was a fool]
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romeulusroy · 1 year
Succession Preference: Baby Roy's Relationship (Non-Roy Characters)
Requested: loving all the baby roy content!! but i am curious: What are interactions with baby roy and greg like? does she bully him, too? does she just give him the sad “welcome to the shit show” smile? is she envious that he never had to grow up like this? - anon
A/N: These relationships are based on this particular fic/headcanon set. They're my favorite Baby Roy, and I think it really complicates some of these relationships! I know this was more of a question rather than a request, but I just couldn't get it out of my head!!! Feedback is always appreciated 💜💜💜
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Tom doesn't like you. You don't like Tom. The feelings are mutual. Not only do you think he isn't good enough for Shiv, which he's not, but you two have a lot of unspoken tension and hostility that's there just because you're you. Tom thinks you're a fuck-up. You're an addict and an alcoholic. You have been since you were a kid. With all the money and opportunities you and all your siblings have had, and yet you turn out like that? Rehab after rehab. Overdose after overdose. Not even your own father could stand you in those later years. He understands why he locked you in your room for days at a time, why he hired nanny after nanny so he wouldn't have to deal with you. Even your own mother doesn't love you. Tom thinks you shouldn't have any power in the company that you shouldn't have any say. Not after the stunts you've pulled. He still can't believe your brothers and sister still ask your thoughts and genuinely listen to you. You've shown him that you're not a Roy. You're not ready to hold that title. If anyone is, it's him. Not you. But he has to put up with you. You both resort to the silent treatment and talk behind one another backs. It's just easier this way.
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Greg likes you, at least as much as he likes your siblings. He's kinda afraid of you. He's intimidated by you, to say the least. You're an all or nothing person. Growing up, you were in the thralls of your addiction and often got him involved. Could he go into your room and get you a white circle pill from the prescription bottle in your nightstand? Could he get you another drink? Don't tell Logan. Greg wasn't sure what to do. He couldn't say no to you. He was definitely scared of you, so often he did as he was told. Now that you're sober, he's grateful you can have some type of normal relationship. Kinda. Normal for him, at least. Like your siblings, you order him around a lot. He's in the way or just around too much. Who invited Greg? You don't see him as one of your equals. He's just there, Tom's assistant, basically. When it's just you and him, you're capable of having a relationship, but as soon as Tom invited himself, you're immediately turned off. To you, he's an extension of Tom. He's the puppet to his master. You don't have a lot of respect for him either. He does as he's told. There's no fight, there's no push back. When Tom destroyed his office he just let it happen. You have your issues, but you're not a pushover.
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Marcia wants to act like your mother. She knows your mother is pretty absent and doesn't want to deal with you, contributing to your issues. She hopes that if she steps up, you'll confide in her, and you'll get your act together. She and Logan talk about your issues long before your siblings ever know. But he's not concerned. He sees no problem with it. You've gotten your temper under control. Secretly, Marcia worries, but without Logan behind her, she can do nothing. You don't like her. She's not your mother, and she never will be. Maybe she genuinely cares, maybe not. It doesn't matter to you. Years she spent watching you hurt yourself, and she did nothing. You come and go as you please. When you are home, she fears she'll have to call an ambulance every time. You and Shiv make jokes at her expense and laugh along with your brothers when they have something to say. She was an accomplice all those years, and you can't forgive her for that. She's just another one of his wives. That's it.
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Gerri is a lot like your mother figure. She has the relationship that Marcia wants. She's the one you go to when you have no one else, when your father has iced you out. She's always had a soft spot for you. You're the baby, after all. She's there for your first drink, and hopefully, your last. She watched you grow up. She watched you spiral. She knew everything Logan knew. And he knew everything. It was Gerri on the phone with you after a hospital visit, telling you that she was sorry but your father was very busy, too busy to talk to you. She was the one who called, angry, fearing the worst, while in Norway. She sat in the emergency room while you got your stomach pumped. She was there through it all. Not Logan, certainly not your own mother. She gives Roman the cold shoulder, but she can't bear to let you go. You're like one of her own. She still emails, asking how you're doing. You tell her you're still sober. You definitely go to her for all your mothering needs and approval. When she's around you understand what it would have been like had your mother actually been caring and attentive.
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Lukas likes you a lot. When you called them during their getaway to Norway, when you overdosed again and they came running to your rescue, he didn't see weakness like everyone else had. He saw power. He saw someone who had a shitty childhood and did something about it. Granted, it maybe wasn't the best thing, but you did something about it. It was a major middle finger to your father and everyone involved in the company. That takes guts. Far more guts than the rest of your family has, he thinks. You wouldn't meet until he signed the Gojo deal. It's there that he expresses interest in you. You aren't like your siblings. Look at you. You're barely clinging on. You're real. You're a real person with real faults and a hell of a history. He'd like to order you a water and hear all about it. Your siblings make sure you stay far away from him. He's screwed them over now. He is not to be trusted, especially around the baby of the family. Not now, not ever. You don't think you like him. He chose Tom for Christ's sake. Tom, of all people. His judgment must be piss poor if he chose Tom. He's not as smart as everyone thinks. That was a bad move for the future of the company.
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Stewy is actually a good friend of yours. You've known him as long as he's known Kendall. You grew up before his eyes. You guys aren't that close outside of clubs and bars. He's a bit of partier himself. Like he says, he likes bad drugs. You two would find one another at a club and spend a few hours together. This was before your family knew about your late nights. Stewy was impressed by your tolerance, forgetting you were still just a teenager. He was too messed up to remember to care. You'd get high and dance, and at the end of the night, you'd throw however much you owed him at him. Money was never an issue. He made the mistake of bringing it up to Kendall shortly after they figured out what was going on. Kendall banned Stewy from seeing you from getting near you. How could he? You partied at all the same places. You'd assured him that Kendall was just being dramatic when he said that. Stewy wasn't your only dealer, but he was the smartest. You didn't get anything laced with him. Now you're not as close. He still says hi, but he still goes out, gets fucked up. As much as you want to, you can't.
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Uncle Ewan has similar feelings towards you as Tom. He's called you a "junkie" more times than you can count. He doesn't let you defend yourself and doesn't care what your siblings have to say about it either. He doesn't see you as Logan's child or even as a Roy. As far as he's concerned, you don't exist. You don't matter. When you do see him, he always rubs your sobriety in your face. After Logan passes and you self-destruct at a club, he feels the need to ask you how much you've had to drink that day. Even at the funeral, he says he can smell an entire bar on your breath. If you weren't so afraid it would kill him, you'd punch him. Your brothers have to hold you back after a comment like that. He wasn't ever sure why Logan even had another kid. You weren't anything special to begin with. He didn't even like your mother. He knew, from the beginning, you'd be a disappointment. To Ewan, you have always been and always will be a disappointment.
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luv-gukkie · 1 year
cherry | 𖦊 : five
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pairing: yandere! taehyung x f. reader, yandere! seokjin x f. reader
genre: fluff || smut || non-idol au || yandere
summary: you’re the cherry on top of everything. the little girl in front of your parents; the gooody two-shoes of your family, friends, and everyone who knows you. so when you’re staring at the two bright, red lines on the pregnancy test. you know you’re fucked, you really do. especially when there’s not only one man, but seven.
word count: +1.1k
tags/warnings: taehyung being helpless without reader, fun!, waste of good wine, lovie-dovie things, and that’s pretty much it!
notes: i love how taehyung is so cute with reader, it makes me happy. mr. kim seokjin made an appearance! ;)
tag list: @bananamochidaisy @mageprincess7 @darkuni63 @princess-sunshyn @redeyezbloodymouth @bxcndd @iloverubberduckiez-blog
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taehyung sits on the couch with yeon-tan laying on his lap. he has a bottle of wine in his hands, unopened and eyes tired. his heart is ringing loud in his ears and he feels like he's about to die. you're nowhere to be found. it's been two hours since he called you, warning you. but it's only him in the apartment, no sound or chatter of another person to accompany him. it forms a lump in his throat because if you don't come by morning, will you continue to see him? have him pay for your things? spend time with him? what about everything you guys did together. when the bell finally dings, taehyung rushes to the door, leaving the pomeranian along with the wine behind. he hugs you as soon as the door is opened. he can smell your perfume and a mix of something else. a smell that only happens when—your voice snaps him out of daze. "tae, have you been staying up for me?" there's a pinch of worry in your voice, it softly wavers. he nods his head that is still hidden in your chest. you finally manage to enter the apartment, you have him sit while you cook his favorite food as an apology. "do you think your gonna pass?" you don't think about the lie you told earlier, letting the words fly out, "pass? what are you talking about?" you smile at him, "i think you're sleepy." taehyung just looks at you, eyebrows raised and that's when it hits you. "i'm joking!" you stutter out, face burning up from the embarrassment.
luckily, yeon-tan barks at you, distracting the both of you with his high pitched barks and swigging tail. the two of you end up in each other's arms with tannie in the middle. you play around with taehyung's hair and the little dog's tail. an old, french cartoon is playing on the television. one that taehyung loves to watch with you because he knows how much it makes you laugh. he opens the wine with ease that the cork flies out so easily. the white shirt you're wearing gets stained with the dark red splashes along with the silk, white sheets. out of the corner of your eye, you see yeon-tan run out of the room as fast as he can. you're tackled onto the bed by taehyung softly. his bare chest sticking to your t-shirt, you laugh at his face that's spilling the red vino out of his lips that form a tight-lipped smile. your sight catches the name of the black bottle that is has taehyung's hand wrapped around it, the red top shining: Pétrus and Romanée Conti. your eyes widen at the name, having heard it's taste is great but the price to it was unbelievable. half the bottle is already empty, either leaked onto the fabrics of your clothes or taehyung's bare chest or drying up onto the comforters.
taehyung laughs at your squeals to escape as he kisses your face all over until he he places one last, deep kiss into your lips. his eyebrows moving up and down, "want a drink?" you nod at the suggestion. that night, you stay in taehyung's apartment with your and his body all sticky, drinking and enjoying each other's company. almost like lovers. his fluffy hair is messed up by all the goofing around, his nose is covered by lip stick that will always be yours. while your neck is covered in one single love bite, one that taehyung pecked with passion after he was done making it. you fall asleep before him, his arms pulling you closer to him: chest to chest and legs wrapped around each other's. taehyung can almost hear his heart burst. his eyes closing with his head near your face, slightly falling into your neck.
you left taehyung's apartment after a home-made breakfast with him and a quick laundry wash. the afternoon has already come into place and your coming back home after finishing classes at your college. but a man standing at your apartment door with black hair and a bag of your favorite fast food place has you frozen on your feet. a shock on your face when he finally turns around. "i'm not too late, am i?" you giggle as you run up to him, bodies close to each other as the both of you find comfort in each other. "i brought your favorite!" he says while winking at you after entering into your apartment. "it's been so long jinnie!" you squeal, taking a large bite of the hamburger in your hand along with french fries. the place you love is always packed with busy crowds, the longest lines to order fast food. so how did he get them? oh right, kim seokjin is the son of a wealthy ceo. he can get anything he wants with a snap of his fingers. the conversation drifts smoothly between the two of you, comfort in your home. "you remodeled your apartment. it looks good." seokjin wiped the corners of his mouth with a napkin. "yeah! i saved enough money." you give him a fake smile, knowing that each penny was from the man in front of you or the other men you spend time with.
"how was your trip?" you muttered, resting on the couch upside down with a full stomach. "beautiful. the people there were nice and the food was great," he lies down next you, "but i missed a certain, special someone." he whispers to you, "a lot." your hand wraps around his shoulder, "really?" there's a knot in jin's throat as he can't believe he's right in front of you after such a long time. even if it was just two weeks. his eyes gawk at your pretty face, still youthful with happiness and ethereal. his breathing seems to stop as you come closer to him, lips too close to his. just as he's about to land a peck, your head turns to side and he catches a flash of a grin on your face. feeling a featherweight kiss on his cheek. his heart warmth's at your action. "wanna do something?" your eyes give him a questioning look. "lets watch the night sky tonight. maybe a cooking show until then?" you laugh at the uncertainty on his voice as he mentions the cooking series. "good to see you're still the same seokjin."
while you put on the show, you don't care to look at the lingering eyes on you. knowing it's just seokjin. don't care to notice how he can't keep his eyes off you or more like your phone that keeps buzzing with messages. seokjin's hand itches with a need to grab it. and he thinks he just might.
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twaigsayswhat · 7 months
HCs about the Scream (96) cast seeing FNAF
I've had some time to think abt this, so say the murders never happened and the kids are just a dumb friend group. Btw this is mindless self indulgence. (Stuilly, Tatum/Sidney yk) WARNING FOR POTENTIAL SPOILERS BELOW THE CUT!
Is actually highkey a little nervous to see it. She isn't big on scary movies but wanted to go cause it seemed good and she had a vague idea of the lore (blame Randy and Billy)
Dresses up with Tatum
Sits between Tatum and Billy
gets startled during specific scenes (iykyk) but otherwise enjoys herself.
Her favorite was probably either Max or Vanessa.
Tatum wanted to see this purely because it was a big thing. She doesn't know the lore (And prolly doesn't really care tbh).
She and Sidney dress up and Tatum goes all out. (She's prolly glam rock chica or roxy)
Is next to Sidney with her bag on the seat next to her.
Sits unphased through the suspenseful bits and thinks the movie is goofy. Is moreso glad that Sid liked it.
Thought Vanessa was hot.
Not the biggest FNAF fan but knows all the lore and is so pretentious about it.
Dresses up as either the purple guy (I really feel like he would and I don't know why...) or a security guard.
Is next to Stu with a random person on the other side.
Is inches from strangling Stu with every comment he makes throughout the film.
Doesn't get scared at all and thinks the scares are lame. (the only thing that gets him is the scene with Max)
Didn't like how the movie strayed from the lore but isn't against watching it at home to rip on it. (loved the special effects and technical work though)
Is a Mike fan, but in the non thirsty way. Also thinks Vanessa is hot.
He was ready to see this movie from the moment it was announced. Is a fnaf fan, knows the lore because of Billy and Randy. He will say things wrong around Randy to piss him off, but will ask Billy to explain it to him just to watch Billy ramble.
Dresses up as Springtrap. (come on. You know why.)
Is between Billy and Randy.
Will lean over to make comments to Randy throught the film. Let out a loud laugh when MatPat was on screen and cheered at Cory's cameo. Kept making jokes about William Afton and Shaggy, and calling Mike hot.
Thought the movie was great. Keeps saying "I always come back" whenever he enters a room though.
Die hard Doug stan. A Mike fan, but in the thirsty way
This man knows the fucking lore. He was secretly kinda excited for the film to come out. He gave Stu a crash course of the lore the month leading up to the films release.
Dressed up but very lowkey. (shirt with the color of the animatronic) Looked very out of place next to his four overdressed friends/boyfriend, but didn't mind.
Is between Stu and Sidney.
White knuckle grip on Stu's hand during the first half hour from excitement. (his face was fully stoic though)
Liked the movie enough but probably wouldn't watch it again. (He and Stu see it another six times) Thought the animatronics were cool looking though.
Liked Afton (yk why), Mike and Vanessa. (His favorite animatronic is either Bonnie or Foxy and I'll die on that hill.)
Okay thats all, sorry I'm insane.
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evilwickedme · 2 years
Hi there I would like to say I’m interested in the deadpool homophobia rant
hi there! many thanks to you
so the "deadpool homophobia rant" is... a little complicated. I'll try to keep it short because God knows I talk about Wade too much as it is on this hellsite. the point, before we go into literally any detail, is that the writing surrounding deadpool's sexuality is deeply problematic, both in its representation and its consequences in-narrative to him as a person, but I'll try to just focus on the facts.
we all know that deadpool is omni/pan, right? wrong. well, not wrong. just not... quite as solidly canon as we'd like. this is the only reference the actual word gets in canon:
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this is from the posehn & duggan 2012 run (my beloved), although don't ask me to hunt down the specific issue, please, that sounds like a nightmare. suffice it to say that it's from the letter section at the end of one of the issues and that it's the only time I can find the actual word referenced anywhere with regards to our boy. you may remember that it was confirmed at some point - yeah, in a since deleted tweet. despite being attracted to anything from aliens to death herself, wade is not allowed to go past plausible deniability when it comes to heterosexuality.
that doesn't mean that wade doesn't express attraction to men, because he does, and often.
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(from deadpool team up #887)
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(from an early issue of spider-man/deadpool. 2, I think. maybe 3)
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(from the daniel way 2008 run, again, don't make me dig up an issue please, but it's the one where he teams up with spider-man to defeat hit-monkey)
(there's also a few panels floating around online where he expresses attraction to cable but I don't have those saved on my laptop. I remember seeing one where wade fantasizes about rubbing sun screen on cable's back? but again, do not have those saved.)
anyway, the point is, wade absolutely gets to express attraction to men, and constantly. but only at his own expense. only when the joke will land. only when he gets to immediately say "no homo". only because he's already quirky and weird and insane, so of course he's also attracted to men, he's not all there, after all.
I'll try not to let this cross over to a connected but wholly separate rant about the ableism in his writing, but it's all connected, at the end of the day.
and it would be one thing if deadpool wasn't a relationship guy. but, although he's absolutely terrible at it, deadpool makes stab after stab at monogamy - always with women. he's a sleezeball, really. constantly asking women out, super and non-super, whether they're in any way interested or not. posehn & duggan pull back from this a little, and instead have him get married to shiklah, in a special issue dedicated to "every time deadpool has gotten married" (or at least thought he did). they got a bunch of previous deadpool writers and artists to contribue to the issue. somehow every single marriage was to a woman, even if she was literally an alien. bc deadpool's attraction to a woman is a tragedy, but at least it's a story; wade's attraction to a man is a joke. his one "relationship" with a man is with madcap, who abuses him from inside his head. they call it "falling in love":
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(from deadpool annual #1, from uh... 2013? 2014?)
... but madcap's nothing but horrifically abusive towards wade when they're "together" (as in fused together with madcap playing the role of "white box") and the first arc in the 2015 duggan run is madcap deliberately fucking up deadpool's life because he won't take him back. not exactly a positive canon relationship. shiklah treats wade better.
deadpool also likes to dress in a typical feminine or gay coded fashion, and it's constantly questioned or made fun of by the people around him:
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(from the deadpool musical issue)
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(I actually had to google this one, I don't know where it's from for sure but it's pre-2012 (cause... boxes) and I'm pretty sure it's from cable & deadpool. no idea beyond that what issue or anything)
we see a constant, then, of deadpool expressing attraction to men and his gnc presentation, and yet the narrative never respects him for it. it plays it for laughs, plays the plausible deniability card, and despite wade himself seemingly being comfortable with his sexuality it is never presented as a good thing or even a neutral thing. deadpool's sexuality shines through despite what seems to be the writers actively fighting against it. and it doesn't have to be this way. nobody made them write him as pan in the first place, although, yes, I'd be sad if he wasn't, and more importantly, nobody made anyone write his pansexuality like this. it's in the movies too, to a lesser extent. it's frustrating and exhausting and it's deeply homophobic.
I love wade. he deserves better.
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levbolton · 8 months
Jesus you are a really bad person. You're 23 and acting like this. "You think I don't face discrimination because my skin is pale?" I don't, actually. Imagine being this out of touch that you would complain about the police not enacting action on your behalf angainst a person of color and then say you suffer from being white. Disgusting.
Why are you trying to silence my own struggles as a eaterns european in western europe? Do you live in a social bubble? When you people think of romanian you think of stealing wallets jokes, of beggars, of scammers. Westeners refuse to employ me and my people or take us seriously just because of our nationality. Or they employ us, and they pay uq just the bare minimum for overwork, this is what happened with my mother. Human trafficking happens, they take tomanians, don’t allow them a place to sleep, and have them sleeping on building sites and work non stop! And this is just the tip of the iceberg you dipshit. So again, who are you to silence my own experiences?
Just shut up. (« BaD pErSoN » my ass.)
Oh wait you’re talking about my neighbours
THE ONES THAT KEEP ME AWAKE AT MIDNIGHT, what if I also start playing music so loud people can’t sleep? Or talk so loudly i others hear me?
I tried 3 times to tell her « ma’am, this is an old building, the isolation isn’t that great so could you speak less loudly? »
Not to mention i was studying for my last bachelors exams and she made it more difficult
Why are you on anon? Come on, show yourself otherwise you’re just a clown that doesn’t deserve any attention, don’t just play the twitter idiot
3 years ago I had noisy neighbours with kids making noise at night from running inside the house, of course we fucking complained to the police for that and ofc they got moved, but you know what?! They were also romanians. If you’re noisy and have a nasty personality i’m going to complain abt you no matter your ethnicity or skin color. Get that inside your head for once
Why did i have to wait 2 months to call the police? Why did i have to have that patience if i wasn’t trying to be an understanding person? 2 whole months, noise every night and i accepted that but everything has its limit
Our neighbour that lives in front of us is a muslim man, we have another poc neighbour on the 1st floor. But they are nice people, they don’t scream and we always chat when we cross paths. All the apartments are occupied, everyone has their own life so why am I to suffer from someone who just doesn’t know how to modulate her voice past bedtime?
I wish you this kind of neighbours if you’re so understanding, I’m not, I’m a tired person after being at university 10h (and 2 for transit). If i’m home I want silence, not to hear my neighbour’s screams and music at 10-11pm and midnight. Get it inside youe head
You’re annoying stupid anon
Here’s an article in case you’re capable of reading (you’ve proven you aren’t but let’s be hopeful)
And ofc a wiki page that has even more sources
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mdhwrites · 1 year
what are your thoughts on luz insisting on calling philip 'belos'? as a trans person it felt like a weird decision cause he specifically asked to be called philip. what makes it worse is he is depicted as an evil monster/irredeemable for being so "two-faced" which is not great when he says something that most definitely does not sound cis
i'm inclined to believe this wasn't intentional malice on the part of the show writers cause honestly they probably forgot he said that or just didn't put too much thought into the dialogue when they were writing it. regardless it still came off as slightly irritating to me. i like ur takes so im curious what u think
So first I just want to throw out that despite the fact that I'm pushing myself more and more to be inclusive, transgender identity and characters is one of those things I'm not comfortable doing myself. I still argue with myself about a joke with Daina in Rich Witch that has spoiler explanations/justifications. It's not because I'm anti-trans either. Trans rights are human rights. Period. But like… There's a reason Juro Rigged Pets, literally started the day I chose to stop watching TOH or close to that, is a converted fic because I want to use the community as a soundboard for not fucking up with my first enby character because Luz is non-binary in that one.
And if you're going "Wait, why are you okay with writing sapphics then?" Well, my personal reasoning is that I see love as love and that that emotion is fairly universal, even if the expression is going to change due to gender. There is still an emotional in for me to write them, I've been exposed to a LOT more sapphic emotions and talking than I have anything about trans identity and in general I just like writing and hanging out with girls more. Not even from a "Hurr hurr, I'm a straight white dude" perspective but more from a "I like that these people seem to be capable of being more mature, emotional and honest than a lot of the guys my age seem to be." I literally spent lunch most of the time in High School with only girls around me. I just don't know if I have a comfortable, emotional in when it comes to gender identity. While identity is universal, questioning one's gender and how people treat you about it is not. It's just not the same from my perception as a feeling like love. Is that maybe small minded me? Maybe. I don't know. Sometimes I feel like the best I can do in a situation is admit my own ignorance and hope I learn to do better in the future. My ears are always open though to try and learn and understand better.
I say all of this because… Well I don't think I have a lot to say about your ask. I mostly agree. It's not meant to have any active malice to it even if it's a dick move by Luz. If we're charitable, it's meant to be reinforcing the point Luz makes in that scene about Belos wanting to be called a human name when he has clearly thrown away his humanity for his goals.
Which… I don't like in general. Yes, he is monstrous and has magic but it's really the only time they make the case and Belos still identifies as human more than he identifies as magical. If they were willing to interrogate it more, it'd be a cool recognition of the use of religion and the like to say you have noble goals while being the literal worst person ever but it's much more about Belos being a literal monster than his inner monstrosity in that moment. Like so much with Belos, it's an interesting idea obviously on the writer's mind but not done anything with because they won't dedicate the effort to it.
If we take it less charitably and look at Luz's character as a whole… Why should Luz care about other people's identities? Her claims of caring about other weirdos and the like never come out to anything. I've talked about before how Yesterday's Lie plus the pilot kind of implies that Luz actively chose never to make friends with nerds because they weren't special enough. That Willow and Gus only meet her requirements because they have magic.
Luz doesn't see Belos as meeting those requirements so why would she care about basic rights such as being given the name you desire? I think this is too mean of a take. I don't know if I personally agree with it but it is the unintentional effect that one can take from it just like how you feel awkward about the dead name being used at all when a preference is shown.
It's like if someone calls me Mikey. I don't like it. Someone pointed out to me that it's like a dog's name when I was a kid and ever since I've HATED being called that. Mike is fine but don't call me Mikey. If someone does, I know they don't give a shit about me and so I shouldn't give a shit about them and we better split our separate ways. Same goes for the assholes who have befriended my brother and called me shit like Chris 2 or Chris' Brother. Alright asshole, I see how little I matter so I'm just going to go now.
Hell, I gained a little bit of an identity issue with my brother when we were both in JROTC because a lot of people go by last names in that program. You have a twin, you end up getting called the same thing. Equated to each other. Etc. like that. Fun times.
But like Luz disrespecting Belos, I didn't take it as disrespectful until people started thinking I could be my brother's wrangler or that I should be matching my brother's athletic accomplishments. And that's what I feel about with Luz denying Belos the courtesy. It's kept at just the functional level of "You're the villain and this is the name you used to rise to power so I will not let you forget that," then seeming to be active malice about a person's identity and how they wish to be called.
Could it have been cut to be more comfortable to those who care deeply about dead names, identity, etc. like that? Yes. Could I imagine people with those same issues also overlooking it because at worst it's a microaggression as presented and the show is at least mostly respectful to people's identities? Also yes. So I don't really know which way to lean on it.
I wish I did. I wish I felt more comfortable with the subject. Frankly I'm paranoid about my personal stories here to give context to my perspective on these matters still being tasteless. I try not to let stuff like this stop me from giving my thoughts but…
Well, I want to be respectful. Maybe even more respectful than Luz is to others, depending on how you want to turn the globe of her character. Edit: I do want to mention that I actually have a fanfic where Luz is non-binary. I'm actually proud of how much that story will theoretically touch on identity and change frankly. At the time I also thought I had a Discord who would help me make sure to do it right/convinced me to give it a shot and didn't realize that enby people are considered on the trans spectrum. It's called Joro Rigged Pets. Like Crises Girlfriends, I plan to convert it someday after I finish it first as fanfiction. I'd love all of yours thoughts and feelings on how I'm doing it because like I said: I do try to be respectful. ========
I have a public Discord for any and all who want to join!
I also have an Amazon page for all of my original works in various forms of character focused romances from cute, teenage romance to erotica series of my past. I have an Ao3 for my fanfiction projects as well if that catches your fancy instead, If you want to hang out with me, I stream from time to time and love to chat with chat.
And finally a Twitter you can follow too!
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allamericansbitch · 1 year
(same person, again not a hate ask but a genuine attempt at conversation) because the 'problematic' people you're talking about are actors and musicians. they're not people you personally know or interact with on a daily basis, and they're not politicians or any other profession where morals genuinely have a widespread impact on people's lives. it's not that you shouldn't care if someone is good or not, but i just don't see what calling out these non-important celebs does for anyone, especially since most of these call outs aren't even for a good reason*. if you're uncomfortable with them then you have every right not to support their work, but i don't get what people get out of constantly talking abt what they've done and how problematic they are, especially since the whole entertainment is pretty fucked up and most people have a few skeletons in their closet.
like for example when people made those lists of who sided with depp or heard during that trial. who the hell cares??? especially since that whole thing was crazy and turned into a media circus anyway. most people i know irl supported depp because they genuinely and truly believed he was abused thanks to the misinformation spread on the internet - and they didn't care enough to dig any deeper bc it was just celebrity drama to them (which is very valid) - not because they were misogynists. i am by no means a depp supporter (that man makes me extremely uncomfortable), but i also don't think that someone siding with him during that trial means that they deserve to be put on a Permanently Canceled list (especially since i recall one of those names on the list was mckenna grace??? who was a 15-year-old back then???) like, constantly looking for things to cancel people for just feels like unnecessary twitter behavior.
*by good reason i mean things like percy hynes white's recent SA allegations. those are things that actually need to be called out so that the perpetrators can face real consequences for their crimes. otherwise, what do you get out of it? literally nothing other than the pretense of being Morally Right.
celebrities decisions and morals do have an impact on people's lives. i'll use the same example you did for the depp trial, the celebrities that defended him did so by liking posts or memes that mocked a women actively reliving and gaining more trauma, they made jokes and made a mockery of her and her story. they laughed at a women crying, at pictures of her bruises and injuries. even if they didn't believe her, that is an insane level of apathy and it has so many ripple affects on abuse cases moving forward. by celebrities liking those posts, their fan bases will see that they approve of it and if they agree, they will follow suit. it's a domino affect. they see a stamp of approval by someone they admire or respect and think it's okay to do the same.
It's all a trickle down affect. If someone says a slur or does something else terrible, it inspires other morally weak people to do the same. People mocking the trial inspired others to make memes of abuse. That creates an attitude that lacks seriousness and respect around abuse victims and now it's a sociably acceptable thing to mock people who come forward with abuse. When someone says a slur it inspires others do the same and makes it common. When one person does it, it creates an air of 'oh.. if they did it i can' and it grows. Peoples actions, especially famous people who's actions are global, have consequences.
you saying it's 'very valid' for people to dismiss the depp trail as just 'celebrity gossip' is also truly insane and goes to show how little you've actually looked at the bigger picture. that trail was not just 'celebrity drama'. a women got publicly mocked for sharing her story of abuse and was threatened every single day. that case and the way it was run has pushed the way the world views/sees/acts on behalf of abuse victims back decades. every women who comes forward with abuse will be not believed and labelled 'another amber heard' at least once, guaranteed. that trial opened up multiple abusers minds to try and sue their victims, see Brad Pitt and Marilyn Manson suing their victims for defamation (just like Depp) who had the courage to speak out. and thats just famous people, i guarantee there's a huge spike in defamation cases with the everyday abusers to their victims as well. describing people supporting advice abusers, or in other cases slurs, acts of racism, homophobia, etc., as nonchalantly and simply as 'most people have skeletons in their closet'... is wild and once again says something about you not thinking it's that big of a deal.
that list I made of people who vocally and actively supported depp means they spit in the face of victims, approved of the way the trial ran, and let their fanbases know it was okay. And no one is putting them in 'Permanently Canceled list' because cancel culture is a myth and no one has anything happen to them. Louis CK, you know the guy who sexual harassed multiple women, just performed a sold out show in Madison Square Garden. That man traumatized so many women and he's dong perfectly fine. All for those celebrities on that list will be perfectly fine and literally nothing will happen to them because they are on that list. It was made to inform people and say 'hey, here's a list of people who supported a victim or at least felt gross about the way the trial was handled, and here's a list of people who thought making memes of women crying on the stand and mocking abuse was funny and approve of the message that was being sent to the entire world. Do with it what you will.' Cancelling people isn't a problem at all. It's literally just asking people to take accountability for their own actions and if you see that as a problem that's on you. What's also on you is your extreme lack of empathy for victims and the people affected by these actions including (but not limited to) people of color and the lgbtq+ community. 'who the hell cares???' i do actually, and so do the people it affects. Just because you dont care about other people doesn't mean none of it matters.
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faesystem · 1 year
(Reupload from a few days ago from a sideblog that was not showing up in the tags)
I am "endo neutral" because endogenics have nothing to do with me. Non-CDD systems and singlets are pretty much the same in terms of how much I relate to them and their experiences. I do find any shared community with non-CDD systems and I do not consider our experiences conflatable. Therefore, I do not think I somehow have an authority to speak either way on whether or not they exist or whatever and I also quite frankly do not care.
I have seen the argument of "oh but if someone was aspec neutral you'd feel upset about it because how can they be neutral on who you are"
I think people who think this care a little bit too much in an entirely unhealthy way and should genuinely take a step back and talk to a professional about their black and white thinking. This is not a joke or snarky commentary, this is a genuine statement of concern.
Most people will not care what you are, but they'll care about you as a person. For example, in 2016 when gay marriage was being voted on (I'm Australian) most people did not care. But they still voted yes.
They don't give a shit about if someone is or is not gay. They do give a shit if someone's lacking rights.
Most people will not give a shit about my or anyone else's orientation. (Most adults, anyway, kids too into everyone else's business.)
A lot of people do not give a single shit about the aspec community, and that's really good. It's really good when they don't give a shit, because forcing those people to pick a side by guilting them over it is just going to make them pick the bigoted side.
Those people who don't give a shit will still care if people are being assholes. If someone were to give an aspec person shit, people who don't give a fuck will still give a fuck circumstanctually.
Someone can be neutral to you and your very specific things while not being a dogshit person who's supporting peolle being assholes to you.
Often times people who are neutral have a complex stance.
Someone could personally think that aspec people don't belong in the LGBTQ+ community but not make it my problem, and I do not care. I am alloaro for context. There's a difference between them thinking that but not really caring that much and them being an asshole every time someone aspec calls themself LGBTQ+ or aspecs are included in the community.
People cannot care about shit that has nothing to do with them.
Also, I'm not anti endo because endos aren't the problem with the endo with the endogenic community. It's the bigotry that's very very very prevelant within the endo community. If you think that it's a moral failing to not be an asshole to someone who's just living their life for how they personally percieve themselves, then you're a dick.
Do you know how many fuckers I know/knew who gave themselves sides like Sanders Sides? There's an entire fucker on tiktok who I'm convinced has DID with how he talks about his, and thousands of followers who definitely do not all have but emulate this exact thing. It's not harming anyone, they're not harming anyone, and it's also not not a thing they're doing just cause I think they can't compartmentalize themselves into different little identities with different names and personalities that they talk to.
It sure as fuck isn't CDD, but it's how they navigate the world. That's the plurality shit that endos are talking about. It's not CDD and it is my place to talk about it if they claim it is or act as though they can talk about our disorders when they don't have it, but it's not fucking nothing. It's not alters in the CDD sense but it literally does not harm me if that's how someone lives their life. The harm is the way a lot of non-CDD systems behave, but its not them considering themselves plural that's the problem. Not only are you just being an asshole, but you're detracting from the real issues and also invalidating your points because no one really wants to listen to you when such an asshole.
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tahitianmangoes · 2 years
I binged Uncoupled over 2 days which is unheard of for me as I don't usually have the staying power for TV shows and hardly ever binge watch.
I really liked it. I didn't think I would as I'm not a big fan of what I would call white American dramas but I saw that this was written by Darren Star who also write Sex And The City so I had to give it a go. SATC was something I found when I was around 14 on late night Comedy Central and although I couldn't see myself in these white, wealthy (despite what Carrie would have you believe), cis women characters, I was able to relate to aspects of them: a bit of Miranda here, a bit of Charlotte there. Of course it's all pretty dated now but still a comfort show of mine. SATC taught me about sex being normal (not talked about ever in my home), about sex positivity and about the importance of friendship - how friends can be your chosen family. I saw that very clearly in Uncoupled, too.
I loved seeing Jai Rodriguez who I've loved since OG Queer Eye. I think think pretty self aware and a lot of the jokes shouldn't be take at face value for that reason. I like that it focusses on older people and not a bunch of squeaky clean twinks. The male gay community is very often (and unfortunately so) vain; there is an emphasis on being young and skinny and beautiful and I know that exists in media in general but I often feel it's quite toxic in gay male spaces.
What I didn't like about Uncoupled was the lack of diversity which is something I look for in shows. I found the 4 black characters tokenistic at the beginning but I was glad their characters weren't as throw-away as they seemed in the earlier episodes. I do think their character development could have been done sooner, however. And I'm salty that there were 0 Asian characters but ultimately, I knew what the show was.
I've seen a lot of reviews from a few places and the majority seem to come from straight, white, cis women. I see why it would appeal to them as usually, these sorts of characters (queer men) are marketed towards them and often in heteronormative shows, there's a gay best friend getting up to hilarious hijinks somewhere. Always the side character, the comic relief. Many reviews from these people did seem to unfortunately fetishize queer male relationships. Some seemed to come from people who disliked men in general and were unhappy that a show that focussed on gay male relationships had "so many men in it" - I guess they hate women(!) But the majority of the reviews whined about the show. Whined that it wasn't "realistic" because the characters were too rich, too goodlooking, whined that it didn't feel "representative", whined that Michael was a "drama queen". Jesus fucking Christ, was SATC ever realistic or attainable to the majority of it's audience? Was Sam's sex life ever realistic? Were the clothes any of them wore ever attainable to a normal person? Could the apartments they lived in ever be lived in by a person on minimum wage? Was Carrie not over dramatic in every single episode but she was excused because she's a straight woman? We got 6 series of Carrie over reacting (not including the reboot) and she became an icon. It feels like condemning Michael for the same behaviour is perpetuating harmful stereotypes.
Saying the show is not representative of queer relationships is just misinformed. The show is literally written by a queer, Jewish man. How more realistic do you want it to get? Just because you might not understand hook-up culture or you're not a part of it does not mean that it doesn't exist. Just because you don't see yourself 100% in a character does not mean you can't relate on some aspects.
That seems to be what it boils down to. The inability to look at someone "different" and see any part of yourself in there.
Imagine complaining about not being able to see yourself represented in a piece of media, huh? Imagine not everything being for you. Imagine that.
Honestly, as a queer, mixed race, non gender conforming person I'm here to say get a fucking grip. Heteronormative, white relationships have been the norm onscreen FOREVER and Uncoupled, as I already pointed out, doesn't exactly push the envelope of diversity yet the mere mention of gay culture makes some people back away quicker than if they'd picked up a box of cockroaches. It's pathetic.
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tiangouaway · 10 days
(Some of) My Thoughts on WuWa
I've been following Wuthering Waves' production ever since April 2024, so I've been really excited for it to come out! And now that it's finally here, and I've played up to Act II (I've just met Scar and unlocked bosses), I wanna share my thoughts on it.
I really enjoy it! The biggest things for me are the echoes and Forte Circuits, as I think both are rather unique. Echoes are incredibly versatile and can make interesting builds, especially when you consider the cost mechanic. I'll admit it I didn't understand how FCs worked until I tried the character tutorials, but now that I know their ins and outs, I know how to manage them better. I really like how they're responsible for Intro Skills, another aspect I find unique. It encourages fast-switch team comps, and to bring out characters you wouldn't use that much in combat (like healers).
Not to mention the dodge mechanic! It definitely a learning curve for me since I struggle with dodging, so I get very proud when I successfully dodge a mob's attacks, hearing the sound and seeing my character in slow motion.
Honestly... it's been pretty meh so far. Of course I have a lot of questions that I know will be answered, but a lot of stuff I've done feels disconnected, and I don't really know where the story is going because of it. The "person with no memory is brought to the land for an unknown reason and must take a journey to find it" plot loses it's spectacle very quickly for me. I just hope the next story segments I play are fun, concise, and give me a better understanding of the plot.
And slightly related, but I really hope a text log is added in the future, and a story archive system overall.
Another meh for me, unfortunately. The main three (Yangyang, Chixia, and Baizhi) aren't that exciting to me, and I'm only mildly interested in the other playable characters I've met through the story. Scar is fun though! Kinda like a Disney villain (yes, I made Lion King jokes when he was on screen) mixed with a cryptic magician. Don't really care for his whole "We're not so different, you and I" bullshit he pulled with Rover in Qichi, but I'm excited to see him and his flower lady coworker.
As for the characters I haven't seen in the story, I'm mostly excited for the kids (Lingyang, Encore, and Verina), Danjin, and Yinlin. I'm already farming Lingyang and Danjin's intimacy points through the training simulations! (Though... why are they called that. "Friendship" is find, Kuro.)
The environment and Tacet Discord design is by far my favorite thing about WuWa so far!! Especially the more "modern" areas with destroyed highways and the abandoned cars. Speaking of cars, my favorite TDs are the car ones with the longs legs and act like bugs!! (Yes I forgot their names.) And the Autopuppet Scouts! Honestly, any mechanical TD is bound to win my heart. But that's not to say the natural environment are lackluster - everything is so cool to see and explore!
...wish I could say the same for the character designs. I know I sound pretty negative when it comes to the non-gameplay stuff, but a lot of it isn't clicking for me. Basically all the designs feel overdetailed, and while the mainly black/white + an accent color scheme is easy on the eyes, they all become pretty boring to me as a result. Verina is my favorite design for a reason. But I know it's to reflect the the post apocalyptic and dreary atmosphere, so I won't say much.
Aside from Scar and his coworkers. They're so fucking edgy it hurts. I love you 2013 DeviantArt "Red = Evil" faction but your main boy is ugly as fuck.
Trust me, I still have a LOT I wanna say on this, but this post is getting long enough for my liking. I'll just end this off by saying that I'm excited to see where the game goes, and I'm hoping that the lady who gave Rover their resonator power is single.
0 notes
it's spooky season, and i want to take a moment to talk to you about hispanic and latino people, and how you can better respect us!
non-hispanics/latinos heavily encouraged to take the time to read this
first, we're going to define some vocabulary since *certain* people cough white people cough don't take the time to check the definition of a word before using it!
latino refers to cultures, countries, or people from latin america! this includes most spanish-speaking countries. the most notable exclusion is spain. it is not included in the definition of latino because spain is located in europe, not latin america.
hispanic refers to cultures, countries, or people that speak spanish! this includes most latino countries. the most notable exclusion is brazil. it is excluded because spanish is not commonly spoken in brazil.
spanish can refer to 2 things: 1. the spanish language with latin roots, closely related to languages such as italian, portuguese, and french 2. the culture, country, or people of spain do not call something spanish when you actually mean hispanic or i will hunt you down <3
how can i better respect hispanics/latinos?
great question!
first things first, make sure you know your terminology. if you don't know something, ask a hispanic/latino person or google it (i'd advise asking an actual person before going to google).
another important thing is making sure that you are using respectful terminology. what do i mean by this? well first things first, don't call us slurs. i think that one's pretty obvious. but sometimes it's less obvious. for example, i'm sure a few people reading this post are going "wHy iS iT sAyiNg LaTiNo aNd nOt LaTiNx?". if you are that person, stop <3 i could rant for days about why i hate the term "latinx" but i'll keep it short: 1. latino is already inclusive of people of all genders 2. "latinx" is literally impossible to pronounce in spanish 3. spanish is a gendered language, and by creating "gender neutral" vocabulary (even though we already have it) you are fucking up the whole language
also, since it's spooky season i feel the need to bring this up: for the love of god, stop dressing up as us, ESPECIALLY if you don't know what you're doing. it's not funny. it's not cool. it's not fashionable. you are being a racist dickhead.
one more thing cause this post is getting long: don't make racist jokes about us please. nobody laughs when you mock spanish accents or when you say "i dOn'T sPeAk bUrRiTo". it's not funny. stop.
have a great day and remember to respect hispanic and latino people. our culture is so diverse and amazing, and if you take the time to appreciate and respect it, i promise you will not regret it.
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recappers-delight · 4 years
But not for the reasons you think.
How many of you watched the She-Ra panel tonight? ACTUALLY WATCHED IT?! Because I did and here's what I saw:
1. "_____ called someone the D slur"
He DID NOT call anyone that word. He used it in the context of announcing a panelist to the show. The word is IN THE TITLE of her podcast. He was literally just stating the title. That's it.
2. "Noelle said Double Trouble would be creepy around kids."
What Noelle said was that to get the inspiration for Flutterina, Double Trouble would have gone to a coffee shop, found a girl to imitate, and stare at her until they got her mannerisms down. Because of the implications here irt trans people and the stereotypes of "creeping on children", this could have been worded better. BUT this whole headcanon was in response to Noelle DEFENDING Double Trouble against the rest of the crew thinking they straight up murdered the real Flutterina. And again, problematic because of larger implications, but on the show Double Trouble IS A VILLAIN. Just because we think they're awesome doesn't mean they're not capable of shady shit. I saw very few people having a problem with this before. Other things they said about DT?
They specifically searched for a non-binary trans activist to voice the role.
Double Trouble was the whole cast's favorite character.
Everyone had a crush on them.
They support DT x Peekablue headcanon and think they should date.
3. "Noelle said Entrapta and Hordak are great representation."
Literally just did not say this. This comment was made by a fan writing in. A fan who, by the way, IS DISABLED THEMSELVES, and was writing in to thank the crew for the rep THEY saw in these characters. Noelle didn't agree or disagree at all. She goes on to give a character analysis about them both, and that's it.
4. "They made Bow's brothers slaves."
No. They didn't. It's a crew inside joke that all of Bow's brother's have pun names that rhyme with "Bow". The brother in question came from one of the other male creators making the joke "which one of Bow's brothers tills the field? Sow." Here's a pic from Noelle about the rest of the brothers.
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Because of the complicated history between black people and "farm work" it's best to not make any joke at all like this. It was tasteless and misguided, but hardly a reason to grab pitchforks. Black people have the phrase "whites gonna white" for a REASON. We know there's no such thing as an unproblematic person. Creator or otherwise. Is it still wrong? Yes. Should people strive to do and be better? Absolutely. Should allies listen when POC talk about things that make us uncomfortable, and support us when WE call it out? Please, for the love of God!!! But I do not think the level of backlash the crew-ra is getting is at all warranted.
I understand I do not speak for all black people or lesbians, and I don't speak for ANY of those other groups mentioned and possibly offended, because I am not one of them. However, I felt the need to speak for myself. I am SO SICK of everyone knee-jerk reacting to every little thing that could possibly offend someone. Noelle is not perfect, but she has done a SHIT TON of work for representation and the progression of normalizing queer, inclusive stories to younger audiences. She also went to bat for a diverse cast of characters to be voiced by a diverse cast of VA.
The truly fucked up thing? There was a question someone wrote in about how a cis, straight, white person can respectfully tell the stories of underrepresented and marginalized communities. Noelle then goes on for 5 minutes about how it's difficult, and how it's more important to hold doors open for creators who actually come from those communities to be able to have their own voices heard. And this is the woman you throw flames at? Ridiculous. Our true enemies are able to so easily conquer us, because we so easily divide ourselves.
No one owes allegiance to any one fandom or creator. But we have got to start picking our battles more carefully. If we don't, people will become desensitized to our cries when REAL threats and offenses happen. And white people? PLEASE stop being so outraged at every little "off-color" remark someone makes YOU think might offend ME. I appreciate you wanting to be an ally, but you are drowning out our voices over things that really matter. That's why we get shit like musicians and sports teams changing their "racially insensitive" names, while police are STILL killing unarmed black peple in the streets without repercussions. It shouldn't be an either/or thing, but it often is, so please focus your attention on "canceling" THAT.
TL;DR: Don't just retweet and reblog everything you see without doing your own research and forming your own opinion. Speak out against bigotry, but understand when it's time attack, and when it's time to educate. Stop holding people on so high a pedestal they have no room to grow, and can only fall. Do not speak for, or louder, than the people you say you are standing up for. We can speak for ourselves. Help amplify our voices; DO NOT BECOME OUR VOICES. And finally, because we really do just have so much bigger fish to fry:
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jupiter-ghost · 2 years
I just finished "Our Flag Means Death." I have a few, okay a LOT of things to say. I will try to articulate all of my feelings as accurately as possible. *SPOILERS AHEAD. OBVIOUSLY*
[If you don't like this show, that's okay! You don't have to watch it! But consider watching. Maybe give this post a read. But you don't have to read, and you don't have to watch. Thanks!]
-This show is beautiful
-The amount of times I cried is comparable to that of Stede himself
-Every time there was just casual gay, my fiance and I excitedly held hands and I bounced with excitement
-I would die for the cast of this show
-Being gay isn't a crime! It's not vilified. It's not a joke. It's nothing like what I grew up with. I watched something that never would've existed when I was a kid. And I'm 19. I'm young. And that's so fucking sad.
-I got to see nonbinary representation. Real. Authentic. Nonbinary. Representation. By a nonbinary actor!!! What???!!! As someone who falls under the enby/masc umbrella, I sobbed. I was so excited to see Jim just be Jim. When Nana just casually used they/them? The casual acceptance by everyone? This show NORMALIZES being nonbinary.
-The kiss between Lucius and Pete? Chefs kiss
-The fact that it was like "Yep people have sex. Get over it!"
-It addresses toxic masculinity. The amount of times a man cried on screen? I lost count. Showing characters rebelling against toxic masculinity is so very much needed in today's society.
This show has the power to change someone's life. We got casual gays. Casual gender non-conformity. This show is a love letter to anyone who doesn't fit in with the white, cis, and hetero norms. I will be telling everyone I know about this show. I will be telling my LGBTQ+ class. I will be rewatching it.
This show left my heart /full./ The only other show to do this was Good Omens. Because Good Omens also featured LGBT rep. But not like this. Not even close to this. I know that with Season Two there will be more. But this show? This is /representation/. It's an LGBT love story. It's not a joke. It's not queerbait. It's a fucking real LGBT love story between two men.
It explores conformity. It explores performing. It explores trying to pretend to be something you're not. It explores coming out of the closet and then GOING BACK BECAUSE YOU'RE TERRIFIED.
This show gave one of the realist depictions of what it's like to be LGBT through the lens of fucking pirates. (Which I mean, what gay didn't want to be a pirate as a kid? Who still doesn't? I mean personally I just think it's even more of a nod to being gay but that's just me)
I was able to look at the screen and see someone like me up there. Not just in one character either. IN 👏 THE 👏 ENTIRE 👏 FUCKING 👏 CAST 👏 (except Izzy... fuck Izzy. Actor is lovely though! Really did an excellent job at making me hate him!)
Of course, this isn't a show for kids. But this show is a perfect example of what media should be! The shows that the next generation should be able to tune in and watch (kid friendly of course.) But I mean in the terms of representation.
To the cast and crew, THANK YOU. Thank you for giving us this beautiful show. Thank you for putting minorities front and center. I can't speak anything to what it's like to be anything but white. But this show addressed racism. It showed racism, called it out, showed the fucking impact, and made it abundantly clear THAT BEING A RACIST ISN'T FUCKING OKAY.
I will have more to say on this show later. But right now I'm full of emotion, my heart is beating so fast, and I can't fully articulate everything I want to say because this show just makes me so happy I want to run around and scream and move! I am so full of love for this show, excitement for their story, and passion for all of the real and authentic representation that I can't fucking sit still. And you know that when a show has the power to make you feel like that? That strongly? That it's a good show.
If you're someone who doesn't quite get what it means to be LGBT, watch this show.
If you're part of the LGBT community, watch this show.
If you read fanfiction and would like to see that onscreen, watch this show. (I'm not kidding.)
If you're a person of color, watch this show.
If you're neurodivergent, watch this show.
If you're a minority, watch this show.
If you're a living breathing human being, watch this show.
There's something for everyone.
Watch it. Share it. Rewatch it. Spread the word.
Just please, watch this show.
HBO is waiting to see how this show performs before they renew it. Most companies do that with anything dealing with minorities. Please, please, watch this show. If you don't like it, that's perfectly okay! But at least you gave it a shot and supported the creators, cast, and crew in the process.
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