#GN ghoul reader + Swiss
cupidssorbet · 2 years
"What a sweetheart."
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GN ghoul reader + Swiss, Rain, & Aether!(One prompt for the whole thing and just using the ghoul or he etc for Swiss and them! Because I wasn’t sure if you wanted multiple!)
Summary: Reader has been just a sweetheart lately, a really helpful ghoul!
★ Please read: ★ Like most of my prompts reader is gender neutral! It is mostly fluff! This is also a request by an Anon! Much love to them!<3
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You were rather off in your head as you carried some boxes to the given location, humming a tune to yourself as a ghoul watched from afar. Watching the quiet ghoul move stuff about doing what was asked of them without a hesitation or doubt. “What are you staring at?” Cumulus questioned him, he immediately snapped back to reality.
“It was nothing, I’m sure you don’t know what your on about.” He tried deflecting the question his eyes going back to where the ghoul had been but they were no where to be found, well that’s at least what they thought. “Really? I’m sure Cumulus knows exactly what she’s talking about!” Sunshine chimed in.
He shook his head trying to ignore the Ghoulettes reaching down to pick up one of the heavier boxes until his hand touched another (color) one, his ears perked and he looked up quickly. “Oh! Ahem, Sorry bout that I’ll just help you out and take it!” The ghoul said cheerfully picking up with box with ease before walking off. Leaving him to just stare like an idiot.
Now this wasn’t the only way this ghoul had been an absolutely helpful person causing the other ghouls heart to beat rapidly in his chest. At one point during practice when their instrument had broken some how and sister started to gripe and berate them the ghoul hopped in. “I’m sorry sister! I must’ve put the wrong instrument out, let me go get the other one.” Sister just huffed and waved them off to get it. Saving the ghouls hide from a lecture.
But of course the way the ghoul helped him could’ve just been friendly but it didn’t stop his heart from beating faster by the minute. Even when he thought he’d seen enough of the ghoul and it was just pure coincidence that they’d been there when he needed help with stuff. And it was something he’d stick too. Even when they were face to face stuck cleaning with one another because all the other ghouls had other chores to do, so you volunteered, really just to make sure it got done quickly.
But to be fair no ghoul had offered to work with him and help him out so he took it as a kind gesture as he did with every other thing you had assisted him with. The first few moments were quiet and not much talking was done until he tried to move something and almost dropped it so you quickly came to his aid. Your hands falling on his, you were focused on keeping it up but he was absolutely entranced with how fast you came to help him with no hesitation.
You were just so helpful, and something felt different with you..
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ace-of-gay · 1 year
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I currently dont have a masterlist set up for this collection but i hope you enjoy this none the less, this will eventually be posted on ao3 but i dont have an account currently
Not betad or edited
Warnings: age regression, self neglect (not eating, not sleeping, etc.) slight panicked reader but not nearly enough to be a full warning, reader is a half ghoul half human cause this is my interpretation of a fantasy universe <3, cuddles!!!
age regression is a coping that can both voluntary and/or involuntary it is entirely safe and reccomended by therapists if they believe it would be effective for said person but as mentioned for some people it is entirely unpredictable, if this makes you uncomfortable please carry on thank you <3
This was originally written for my best friend so keep in mind this is our dream and thoughts and may not fit well into the ghost universe
Word count: 2,025 words
Nameless ghouls and papa copia taking care of half ghoul reader
Having spent a restless night wasnt uncommon for your or any of the ghouls, especially when seasons and elements were changing, you spent a good few weeks of the tour in your element but the farther and farther you traveled to bring enlightenment to others around the world the more the weather seemed to shift, this most recent nights travel not only took you to a new scene and new spirit of buzzing thrill but a stiffened weight of being completely out of your element, while yes it effects all ghouls it affected you far different.
Being part ghoul meant you weren't as aware of your instincts so feeling them shift always left you in a silent suffocating shock.
With so much bustle amongst the ghouls, papa having a chipper edge to his seemingly endless worries it kept the team heightened and moving, preparing and running through the setlist, this will be the biggest show yet in a city youre entirely new to.
You hid the encroaching feeling well, never once had any of the ghouls questions any difference to your demeanor; having one responsibility after another kept you busy all day nevery staying in one area for long, earbuds in and mask upon your dome, it was same as others methods of preparing just more secluded and in your zone, if there were any changes in anything at all papa, the ghouls and ghoulettes knew that they could calmly inturupt you in your flow.
Listening to every part of the setlist through the literal audio versions of it, everything on the outside seemed normal to everyone but the electric vibrations in your joints and dull ache in your head told you plenty, to the others you were staying silent to save your voice for later so to speak but to you the weight of speaking was way heavier than your desire to ask for help or for rest.
With the show quickly approaching and you having forgotten to eat you downed not one but two energy drinks, spiking youre adrenaline temporarily in hopes itd get you through the show.
All you had to do was get through the night off of artificial energy and true passion for others joy. Just like the full ghouls you spent your time during the show in your human form but unlike them you had a harder time forcing it to stay when you were exhausted.
Papa copia unbeknownst to you had his eye on you, hes the only one who saw you this morning, the deep bags under your eyes and your ghoulish grey having a pale green seemingly sickly color easily masked by your helmet, if all went well youd rest for extra tonight but he didn't see that being the only end to the night.
You were a fan favorite, when you weren't singing backup vocals you were running around stage with your hagstorm base shredding in duos with swiss, bursts of fire being shot upwards, the only time you stay away from the edge of the stage, the light from the fire glinting against the slightly matte chrome picguard, just enough to catch you right in the eye blurring your vision with a blinding flash.
to the congregation watching below your jolts you send into moving your bass guitar looked like flare but for you it was sheer panic, the blinding flash was just enough to put you on the edge of tipping into a deeply unwanted headspace at the moment.
prancing over to where mountain is perched at his drums you take yourself out of the limelight and hide yourself in the downcast shadows from his drums, with the last three chords being extended for showmanship you give a desperate glance to papa with hope that he'll see your glance, and such he does.
You station yourself once more at your mic, you stum the starting chords and belt out backup vocals for the final song, your throat aches as your human form is slipping, your eyes having small flickers of change and a small stumble thankfully met with a stomp on the down beat.
papa makes his way your direction ending the set list with 'Darkness at the heart of my love', when it gets to the part without vocals he does hand flourishes while you play your bass passing by with his mic down "tieni duro piccolo", walking his way around the stage to stand center and finish up the song.
In a blurr of time everything felt like it was on sparks of muscle memory and you were at the front with all other ghouls taking a well deserved bow with a standing ovation for each and every single one of you.
Papa copia was the first to lead off stage letting the ghouls throw picks and a few drumsticks from mountain and what not, you didn't stay long to see everything but you did notice people throwing things onstage as gifts; off stage setting down your bass in a stand you stumble into papas open arms.
Your forehead lay gently atop his chest still in your helmet your horns sit near his collar bone shaking yohr head, "i cant papa, i cant" not entirely sure yourself what you meant he hummed in understanding and hushed you, gently rubbing your back and swaying side to side, "stai bene piccolo ghoul, you can rest now. Ive got you, matter of factly weve got you"
Finally relaxing enough to let your ghoul form fall free, your tail limp all of you is exhausted and you feel so small but people always said it was weird and not good, they never listened to you when you said it was involuntary or a coping mechanism it was just permanently bad.
"Oh piccolo, shh your thoughts are so very loud my dear, it is okay to be small, the ministry welcomes all with coping, we will care of you"
He holds you closer and tighter humming a tune, and just like that your walls had fallen, there was no more fighting it, big doe ghoulish eyes staring up at him, complete silence from you.
At this point the others had made their way backstage, dew came walking over to take over while papa helped collect all the instruments. "Dew, could you please take them to the bus? We will get everything "
《~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~♡~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~》in the bus now and changed in comfortable clothes dew led you to the ghoul pile nest, when you refused to sit down he stepped aside watching as you grab your comfort item from your personal bunk and made your way back to the nest laying in the center, followed by him curling himself around you.
The ghouls only ever took their helmets off when in a homely environment so dew having his helmet off was his symbol of saying you are safe.
Once everyone had finished packing up and putting stuff away they had all filed in slowly
Cumulus being the first to stop by you and dew at the nest, holding out a plush ghoul for you that she had picked up from the items thrown on stage, papa copia was next to stop by sitting with you and dew, you hadnt noticed until now that he was asleep holding onto you until mountain joined pulling him off of you so you could lean into papa as he held one of your comfort snacks and a juice, both already having been opened by him, he held you as you snacked.
Once you had finished he got up going to the front to drive the bus.
You were once more pulled into the cuddle pile by dewdrop his eyes open long enough to make sure all of your comfort items were tucked against your chest, between you both, "sleep little one, a tiny ghoul needs plenty of rest" soon joined by the rest you had finally fallen asleep, the ghouls were your element aswell. When finally at the hotel for the evening you were carefully awoken by papa, all the ghouls except dew had gotten up, but even he was awake, but he stayed to keep you warm, "it is time to go in, we are buddy system tonight, four ghouls in a room, each room has two king sized beds so its plentyful room"
You finally let go of dew and stretch, getting up to get ready you realize your overnight bag has already been packed and one of the taller ghouls hoodies layed out next to it, you could hear the ruckus at the front of the bus of all the other ghouls ready to bunk up in the hotel.
You slip on the hoodie which you now know belongs to swiss, his smell encapsulating your mind.
Papa comes up behind you placing a hand on your back "piccolo the ghouls have decided you can pick who youre bunking with, they want to be sure youre okay when tiny, loro ti amano"
You make your way to the front of the bus where you find the ghouls with their charm up. looking to papa followed by you tapping swiss, rain and mountain on the heads, the three stand up, mountain takes your bag and rain scurrys away and back with your mask in hand "are you able to use charm right now or is the mask a better option?" He questions
Taking a moment to test how well the charm feels, you point at the mask. Nodding he gently places it atop your head, he places his hand under your chin causing you to look up so he can buckle it up and tan pats you atop your head, swiss gently pulls the back of the hoodie at the bottom away from your back "curl your tail tiny" tucking it under the hoodie
Once in the room mountain sets down the bags he was carrying and helped take the mask off of your noggin, ruffling your hair causing you to chirp in response, rain and swiss hop on the bed closest to the door leaving the one near the window "copia is ordering food for everyone, hes getting youre favorite for you" mountain chimes, grabbing to tv channel guide and flipping through it.
"Movie?" You mumble causing all three of them to look over, normally youre completely silent when youre small, "you wanna watch a movie?" He questions flicking on the tv and sitting on the bed, he turns on Wall-E for you.
Sometime a few minutes later he feels you shuffle closer on the bed cuddling into his side with your comfort item in hand.
After dinner was delivered and eaten and the movie was over you had tucked yourself on your side of the bed you shared with mountain, rains lamp still on so he could read while swiss was practically cuddled ontop of him, every time you would shift or turn in bed they could hear it, causing them to watch you carefully when youd move or grumble is dissatisfaction.
there was just no way to get comfortable, this wasnt home or the bus, you werent wrapped in your family, you huff out rolling over to look at mountain, to your suprise he was looking right at you quizically.
You quickly curl into his side before he got the chance to say anything, "o parum ghoul, mi amor, papa is right, your thoughts really are so very loud" swiss sighs, pulling himself out of his bed followed by rain who lay on your open side and swiss next to mountain, it may not be a perfect ghoul pile but its better than before, rolling over when rain pulls out his book to read aloud, your head on his chest.
listen to the thrum and Rumble deep in his chest, your eyes fall closed but not before you wrap your tail around swiss' wrist where it resides clutched around mountain, your mind will feel fresh and lively tomorrow filed with the itmost of energy, especially after an evening full of cuddles and littlespace, rain places a gentle kiss atop your head and just like that you are asleep.
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shinnyscats · 4 months
!¡ Scenario Swiss
Versión Esp aquí !
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A wave of excited screams rises from the audience. Sweat trickles down the back of your neck, evidencing the energy you had put into the show.
The lights come on and you see how the other Ghouls begin to approach the edge of the stage to greet the fans. You don't stay behind and decide to get down from your platform to meet and joke with fans, where you dedicate some smiles and kisses that make the audience scream, which took pictures and recorded videos that you would soon see in forums.
Some fans would start pointing at you. You laugh, not knowing what they were referring to, although you soon realize what they were pointing at, or rather say, who they were pointing at.
You feel two forearms resting on your shoulders, generating enough pressure for you to fall and sit on your knees. You turn your head as best as you can and meet with Swiss's bright smile, who was looking at you with eyes that silently communicated that he was going to annoy you. He always transmitted that irritating message.
Without getting off of you, he grabs your mask tightly and pulls it close to his face. Without warning, you receive a long lick on the left side of your mask. Furrowing your eyebrows, your shoulder nimbly seeks his weak spot in his abdomen to free yourself, but it was too late. Your mask was left with drool, and fans stretched out their cell phones as they recorded everything that happened and screamed in excitement. The Ghouls that saw the act burst out laughing, and at the same time Copia turned to look at the audience with a disappointed expression, disgusted by the Ghoul's actions.
Swiss quickly gets up and walks away wanting to escape another blow. His laughter manifesting as it came out of his mouth as he waved to fans. You were going to return it to him, and you would show no mercy….
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x-reader-theater · 1 year
Unexpected Kindness
summary: While rushing through the Ministry to complete a task for Sister Imperator, Swiss scares you, and is unexpectedly kind to you.
pairing: Swiss Ghoul x Gender Neutral!Reader
category: Gen
word count: 1,413
warnings: There’s some suggestiveness in the story but nothing described. I’m thinking of making this a series that will be explicit, but there’s nothing like that yet.
Disclaimer: This story is using the fan interpretations of these characters ONLY. No real people are being used in this. I have no problem with real person fic, but I know some people do, and so I wanted to make a disclaimer for those people. 
a/n: i just really like Swiss, okay?
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You were walking through the halls of the ministry, a stack of books in your hands as your footsteps echo down the empty halls. There isn’t another member of the clergy that’s out at this hour, with how early it is in the morning.
That is, except Swiss.
You feel something long and leathery dip into the back of your pants and untuck your shirt. You feel the flat spade-head of a tail press into your bare lower back, and you jump, the books you’re holding dropping from your hands as they land on the ground with a loud THUMP that echos.
“Mother fucking Satan!” you exclaim with a hand over your heart. The tail that is around your waist tightens and you’re pulled into strong arms.
“I didn’t mean to scare you, little one,” he says into your ear. His mask, which he and all other ghouls are required to wear by Sister Imperetor, knocks against the side of your head, one of the tubes off the side squishing.
You scoff and push Swiss away. He doesn’t fight to keep you next to him, but his tail continues to stroke up and down your back. “What do you want, Swiss? I’m busy.”
You look over your shoulder and see him grin, his white teeth blinding against his dark grey skin. “I was lonely,” he says, grin becoming roguish and flirty. “You were just the first I saw…”
You roll your eyes and bend down to pick up the books that were dropped, but you just drop them again when you feel that tail slink out from underneath your shirt and swat at your backside. You yelp and turn around, glaring at him as your books drop again. “I have a hard time believing that you just happened to be awake at 6am,” you say, vitriol in your voice. You pick up the books once more and stand again, this time out of reach of Swiss’ wandering tail. “Besides,” you say, hugging the books tighter to your chest, “I don’t sleep with Ghouls. We’re not allowed.”
Swiss starts walking towards you, slinking forward, and you step back, matching him step for step, until you back hits the wall. Swiss keeps walking forward and when you shrink down, trying to get away, he places an arm above your head. You swallow as he leans in, and you can see his red eyes behind the tinted lenses of the mask.
“Just not allowed? Do you want to?” he asks quietly.
You swallow again, frozen in place, eyes boring into Swiss’ lenses, his strong arms bracketing your head, and you grip the old leather books tighter in your hands. You eyes dart down to Swiss’ exposed lips, and Swiss’ smile widens. He begins leaning in, slowly, like he’s giving you a chance to escape. But, like a deer in headlights, you’re frozen. Even your breath is frozen in your lungs. You can feel Swiss breathe against your lips, his breath smelling faintly of sulfur, but that you’ve heard tastes like the most addicting drug one could get their hands on.
A door slams down the hall and both your heads swivel towards the noise. You take the opportunity to slip out from underneath Swiss’ arms and hurry down the hall away from him and towardsyour goal. Your actual goal, not a fantasy goal.
But you running away from Swiss doesn’t actual deter him at all, and he jogs to catch up to you. He swivels himself so he’s walking backwards in front of you, a grin peaking out from underneath his full lips.
“Where are you going?” he asks slyly, hands clasped behind his back.
“To Sister Imperetor’s office,” you say, tilting your chin up slightly as you try and walk faster to get past Swiss. He doesn’t take the bait however and just moves beside you, keeping pace, his steps in perfect sync with yours.
He lets out a low whistle, “Figures she would have you working all night,” he says. “Mind if I join you? Just to walk you there, nothing else, I promise.”
You slow down, thinking on it for a moment. You haven’t been very close to any of the Ghouls, but Papa Emeritus always seems so close and they all seem to like each other more than anyone else. They seem like they have fun, which is something you’re sorely lacking right now.
“Okay,” you say slowly, suspicious of Swiss’ intentions but willing to be open.
The ghoul grins widely and his steps become less in sync with yours, a bounce added to them.
The two of you walk together through the Ministry in silence, just enjoying each other’s company as your footsteps echo off the stone of the hallway. You feel Swiss’ arm brush against yours every once in a while as you walk, but he doesn’t go further. In fact, it almost seems like every time he brushes your arm he takes a few small steps to the side, but always ends up right next to you anyways, like magnets, always drawn to each other.
Eventually, you come to the door to Sister Imperator’s office, and you both slow to a stop. Swiss stops in front of you, and you smile at him, going to reach for the handle, but Swiss’ hand on your elbow stops you. The grip isn’t hard or strong, but gentle, something you haven’t seen from Swiss before now.
“[Y/N]… after you drop these books off, you should tell Sister that you need sleep,” he says, voice soft and gentle. “You know how she pushes the other siblings of sin.”
You stare at him with wide eyes, before nodding slowly. He smiles, a closed mouth smile so different from his typical cocky grin. He squeezes your elbow and begins walking off further down the hall. You smile as you watch him go down the hall and disappear around the corner. You open the door and walk into Sister Imperator’s office with a small smile on your face.
She’s sitting at her desk, her severe face and tight bun helping her look as strict as she is.
“Was that Swiss?” she asks, still looking down at the work she’s doing on her desk.
You nod. “Yeah. He walked me over here,” you explain, your smile getting dreamier.
She doesn’t stop working as she cuts through your words. “Stay away from him. The ghouls are not meant for you.”
Your smile drops, your body tensing. “Yes, Sister,” you say, even tho your body fights against it. You clear your throat. “I have the books you requested.”
“Good, yes,” she says, waving a hand in the air. “Put them over there on that table.”
You do as she asks and set the books down on the table she gestured to with a loud slam. She doesn’t seem to notice however, still working on whatever the hell has her so busy all day.
“Sibling, I need you to go to the-”
“Actually, Sister,” you interrupt, biting your lip as you wait for her to say something. She doesn’t. “Uh, I’ve been awake for over 36 hours and haven’t had time to rest. I am asking for some time off, just enough to sleep, and then I’ll be able to help you once again,” you say, succinctly and professionally.
Sister Imperator finally stops working and looks up at you. “What a disappointment,” she says, making eye contact with you. “I gave you this position so you could show me that you were ready to move up in the Ministry, but I can see that my faith was misplaced.” She leans back in her chair and steeples her fingers in front of her thin lips. “Since you seem so attached to the Ghoul's, I’ll make you their newest handler.” Your eyes go wide but you're unable to say something as she continues forwards. “They have no sense of time and are always late to services and rituals. Maybe I'll give you a second chance if you do a good enough job.” She leans forward in her chair once more and goes back to working on whatever is on her desk as she dismissively says, “Go fetch Sister Reinhardt. Maybe she won't disappoint me.”
You nod and turn to leave the room, giving one last look back at Sister Imperator before finally leaving her office. You sigh at what happened but you can't help but be a little excited for what’s coming next.
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𝐓𝐡𝐨𝐬𝐞 𝐏𝐫𝐞𝐭𝐭𝐲 𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐬
Inspired by this video and TikTok audio. I just wanted to get out my headcanons about what would happen if you tried that on the ghouls, Copia, and definitely totally a sibling of sin Mary Goore. I will do a separate one for the ghoulettes too, I promise! Also this isn't proofread because we die like men (also I bashed all this out straight onto tumblr rather than in a word document like I usually do oops)
There's no smut in this, but it is suggestive so minors please DNI or I'm going to pull a Copia and shart in your car.
The two of you had been flirting for two or so months now, the tension between you both growing gradually as time went on. In the greatest of wisdom one could only be bestowed in the early hours of the morning, you decided that you had enough of the silly games. You both wanted each other and you knew you had feelings for them but you also were aware of the fact that they were enjoying this back and forth too much to end it any time soon. So, you were going to take matters into your own hands.
The next day, you sought them out at the place you knew you could usually find them. They raised their hand in greeting when they saw you, but you gave them no chance to say anything as you pushed them up against the nearest surface and pinned them their, a thigh between their legs and one of your hands grasping their chin to make eye contact.
"That's it," you hummed with a smile as you pressed in closer to them. "Yes, this is perfect. You just keep looking at me with those pretty eyes. Don't take your eyes off of me."
While you weren't unwelcome in the underground dens, Sodo hadn't expected to see you today. Not that he was complaining, of course. Seeing you and getting to enjoy the thrill of your back and forth flirting was his favourite part of the day, but this? Being pushed up against the kitchen counter as you commanded his attention made a flush of heat run through him at the thoughts of what else he'd like you to do to him in here. Anyone could walk in at any moment, and that just made the moment all the more delicious.
The fire ghoul's tail wrapped around your leg as his clawed hands settled on your hips. "Only if you keep looking at me like that, sugar. You might even get a kiss out of me if you lean in just a little bit closer."
He thought he got you at first, the cogs turning in your head practically visible on your face. He couldn't help but inhale your intoxicating scent - a mix of your shampoo and excitement - when you began to close the gap. Just as he was about to press his lips against yours, you moved to speak into his ear.
"Why don't we take this somewhere a little more... private? If you're down for that."
Sodo grinned as he lifted you and began to carry you towards his room, your legs wrapped around his hips and the two of you barely making it in before he attacked your lips and locked the door behind you both.
To say Aether was shocked would be an understatement. He gazed into your eyes just as you commanded, your words repeating in his head as he tried to process what was going on. It wasn't that he thought you were shy or anything like that - quite the opposite in fact. It had just never crossed his mind that you could be so forward.
It also hadn't crossed his mind how hot he'd find it.
You let out a quiet gasp when one of his hands reached round to rest on your ass, his thumb caressing back and forth as he pushed you into him. Your noses touched as neither one of you dared to look away. The quintessence ghoul felt the shift in your mood from confident and mischievous to aroused and he purred.
"What's brought this on, angel? Hm?" he asked, his voice low as his warm breath fanned against your lower face.
"Huh?" You blinked at him and he chuckled.
"What? Lost for words? Where's all that boldness from a moment ago gone? It suits you."
He relished the smirk that appeared, already hoping he'd get to see more of that more dominant side of you.
"Maybe if you weren't feeling me up and looking at me like you're about to bend me over a table I'd be able to think straight," you replied.
He quirked an eyebrow at you. "Maybe I don't want you to think about anything other than me. How does that sound?"
Your tongue brushed against his lower lip and he shuddered. "I think that sounds perfect."
As you pulled him towards his room, he couldn't help but mentally curse at how tightly you unknowingly had him wrapped around your little finger.
The first thought that round through Rain's head the moment you pinned him against the tree by the lakeside was oh. While he may have come out of his shell more over the past few years, he was still one of the more reserved ghouls at the ministry. He hadn't considered that he'd ever be in this position with you, worried that your flirting was just you being nice to him, so now he was ill-prepared for how to react if you pushed him up against something and made your interest in him so clear.
"What's wrong, Rainy?" you asked, tone lightly teasing. "Cat got your tongue?"
The water ghoul ran one of his hands through his hair as he exhaled, trying to calm down and not appear as flustered as he felt. "I wanna kiss you."
Immediately, Rain's eyes widened and he hid his face behind his hands. That was not what he'd meant to say. Now you were going to laugh at him and look at him funny and think he was weird. Great! Maybe if he wished really hard, Mountain would make a hole appear beneath him and he would vanish forever so he wouldn't have to live down the embarrassment.
"Hey, there's nothing to be ashamed of! Please don't hide from me," you cooed, trying to gently pull his hands away so you could look at him.
"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to say that. I mean, I did mean what I said. I just -"
"No need to apologise, Rainy. Please let me see you. I'm not going to laugh or think you're creepy or anything like that, I promise."
After a moment to collect himself, the ghoul dropped his hands. They were immediately replaced by yours as you placed a gentle kiss on his lips, making him blush.
"That wasn't so bad, was it? Come on, let's go sit down by the lake and we can talk."
Relieved, Rain nodded and allowed you to pull him over to the lakeside.
"You think my eyes are pretty?" Mountain asked, completely unfazed by the fact that you'd managed to pin him against the wall of the practice room. No, instead it was your words that struck him more. He was used to hearing other siblings of sin talk about how much they loved the colourful glowing eyes of the other ghouls. He was happy to be the only ghoul with eyes that didn't glow, but he sometimes felt that his eyes weren't as attractive or interesting to them because of this.
You couldn't help but laugh in surprise. "I... Mountain, I literally just pushed you up against a wall and laid it on as thick as I could and you're focused on the part about your eyes?"
When you said it out loud, he had to chuckle. "I suppose when you put it like that..."
As he trailed off, he reached up to cup the side of your face with one hand while the other rested on your shoulder. Just as you asked, he didn't take his eyes off yours for a moment. He took in every fleck of colour in your irises, every eyelash, every detail he could.
"Nobody has ever told me they think my eyes are pretty before. You're the first."
You grinned in response. "Your eyes are the prettiest out of all of them. They're so different to the others. Don't get me wrong, their eyes are interesting, but there's only so much glowing orbs in the middle of the night I can handle, you know? Your eyes are calming. They feel like home."
The earth ghoul felt himself blush. He'd admittedly never thought of that before. As an earth ghoul, his eyes didn't glow because of how accustomed he was to hunting outside and trying to blend in so he wouldn't chase away his prey. He assumed that you would find his eyes to be boring because of that.
You snapped him out of his thoughts when you turned your head to kiss the palm of his hand, finally breaking eye contact.
"Why don't we go head back to the dens? And I'll tell you all about everything else I find pretty about you."
With a hum and a kiss to your forehead, Mountain led the way, a fluttering in his stomach as you intertwined your fingers with his.
Heart thudding, Swiss forced himself not to just spill all the filthy words he wanted to say to you. He was used to being the more dominant one in relationships, always taking control and being the one to make others flustered with just a few words. Now, however, he found that he enjoyed the control being taken away form him a lot more than he originally believed. So much so, that he had to shift his position a little so that his erection wouldn't be so obvious to people walking past you both in the corridor.
"Mm, someone's feeling obedient today," you commented, smirking as you noticed him changing the way he was stood up against the wall.
"Hey, I'm always good and obedient! Just ask Papa," the multi-ghoul replied, feigning offence.
You leaned in ever so slightly, reveling in the way his breath hitched for a moment. "That's not what I've heard."
"Oh yeah? And what's that then?"
Swiss' eyes rolled into the back of his head when your lips brushed against his ear. He could smell how much you enjoyed taking charge, picking up on your feeling of satisfaction and the rush it gave you. He may not have as strong a sway over emotions as Aether did, but he could still feel everything you were feeling when you were pressed up against him like that.
"Rumour has it that Swiss likes to be a brat for Papa and doesn't like being told what to do. Is that true?"
Fuck, the way you teased him had his head swimming. "Shit, maybe. Would that be so bad?"
Relief washed through the ghoul when you leaned back, though he felt a knot form in his stomach when your thumb tugged on his bottom lip.
"Why don't you take me back to your room and I'll show you how much I hate brats that don't know their place."
He didn't know if you were just saying that because you'd figured out that he liked being treated like a naughty brat, but he certainly wasn't going to waist time complaining.
The best way to describe Copia in that moment was a beautiful, stuttering, breathless mess. Still in his Papal robes and his smudged paint from the night before, his hands gripped onto the shelves of the bookcase behind him. He hadn't expected you to come seek him out in the library, especially not before morning mass, and he was feeling conflicted about how to react. Depending on his reaction, he could end up ruining whatever the two of you had or take things past the point of return and he wasn't sure which would be better or worse.
"You're overthinking again," you stated, taking in the way his chest rose and fell with shallow breaths.
"I am not," he retorted, trying and failing to sound casual about it.
You sighed. "That wasn't very consisting, Copia. Would you like to try that again?"
The way you said his name made him want to fall to his knees before you. How did you make it sound so good coming from your lips? He hated it when other people called him that while playing the role of Papa, yet when you did it it sounded so right. So sinful.
Fuck, he was in deep shit here.
Copia's voice wavered. "Why do you have to make me feel like this, eh? What black magic is this?"
"If I'm making you uncomfortable we can drop it and pretend this didn't happen," you said, letting go of his chin and starting to back away.
You gasped when he grabbed hold of your hips, moving you back into position. "Oh no, you don't get to run away after that display. I am not uncomfortable, just... unsure."
"Ah. Because you're Papa, and I'm in a position beneath you."
"Satanas, the way you say these things! I just worry about ruining what we have by making the wrong move. That's all."
You didn't need his face to be bare to tell he was blushing, the tips of his ears reddening. Smiling, you rested your hands on his chest and kissed him, not caring if his paint transferred to your lips.
"Why don't we just take it a day at a time and figure this out together? It doesn't have to be anything more or less than what we want it to be."
Copia couldn't help but feel reassured at your words, nodding in agreement and basking in the way you beamed back at him.
𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐆𝐨𝐨𝐫𝐞
"Shit, babe, you know how to make a dead guy's blood start pumping again," he joked, hands resting firmly on your hips to stop you moving away. His little hiding spot inside the booth after confession had become a place for the two of you to hang out as of late, but the two of you had never been so close in proximity with this much sexual tension before.
He wouldn't have been opposed to having a little fumble in here.
You scoffed. "You're not dead yet, Mare. As much as you like to say vampires are dead, the fact I hear your heartbeat every time you fall asleep in my room says otherwise."
He rolled his eyes. "One day you'll actually play along with me. I thought people ate up that Twilight sparkly dead vampire shit."
"Oh yeah, because everyone wants to Creep-o Cullen with his weird habit of breaking into a seventeen year-old girl's room to stare at her while she sleeps. No thank you."
Mary laughed at that, his thumbs rubbing back and forth over your clothed waist. "Don't think that I don't know you watch me when I drift off in your room. You're just as bad as him."
He watched you bite your lip and wanted nothing more than to do that himself. Maybe even draw some blood if he bit hard enough. He didn't know if you'd be into that, but if you were into him and all his weird eccentricities then he was willing to bet you'd enjoy it just as much as he did.
"You know," you teased, "vaguely insulting me isn't the way to get into my pants. Or anyone's pants for that matter. Well, maybe Swiss' or Sodo's. They both seem like they'd like the arguing and degradation."
Mary hummed, dragging you closer so that your chest was pressed against his. "What about compliments and praise then? You've been such a good sibling of sin, haven't you? So good I could drag you away somewhere and have my way with you. Would you like that?"
Silence filled the confession booth for a moment before you burst into laughter, making him pout in irritation.
"Wow. Okay, Mare. First of all, thanks for the praise because that is actually kinda hot. But was that really the best compliment you could come up with? 'You're so good that I want to fuck you'?"
He tutted, tilting his head back to hit the wood. "Shut up. It's not my fault I can practically smell how horny you are."
You smacked his chest with a giggle. "Like your dick isn't pressing against my thigh right now, hypocrite."
Mary smiled, ducking his head to suck your bottom lip into his mouth and graze his teeth against it.
"Maybe I'm a hypocrite, but you love it all the same."
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milkywaybottles · 2 years
Hi! Could I request a swiss x gn!reader oneshot where he misses them when he is on tour and the reader surprises him at a show?
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
Of course, love! Thank you sm for the Swiss request! I've been waiting for the chance to write for him <3
Enjoy xx
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Longing - Swiss x Reader Oneshot
Word count: 2.2k
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Loving Swiss was like loving the moon, for all its beauty, knowing that by the time the sun comes up, he has to disappear. But he knew you and how you yearned to be held or laugh in his presence. For the latest Impera-tour, he had comprised a large kit consisting of many personal items.
The bag, which in itself was one of his duffel bags, consisted of two fluffy blankets that you used to cuddle with, three of his hoodies that had been covered in cologne, a handful of Polaroids, your favourite vinyls, emergency snacks and some beautiful handwritten letters, some of which had broken wax seals and others hadn’t.
You had also assembled a similar bag for him.
Nevertheless, he had ensured you were well prepared for the month period where you were very much on opposite sides of the Earth. Even the prospect caused you to ache.
Ever since Swiss bashfully asked you out at one of the rituals for the first time, you quickly learnt that touring would become the biggest challenge for any couple. As soon as you left that ritual with the biggest smile plastered on your face, the realisation hit you like a truck that he would not be joining you on the tiring flight home, nor would any of your companions.
The ritual cycle was gruelling, leaving you a dishevelled mess by the end.
So, this time around, when the ritual cycle arrived promptly on your doorstep, you knew exactly what to expect. Though, admittedly this could never take away from the raw and stinging pain you felt without him, especially when some Sister of Sin would go prodding with your heart to stir up drama. After supper, you would retreat to Swiss’ room and dive under the blanket of his four-poster bed, searching for relief.
This emotional toll was not only taken on you, but on Swiss as well.
He hadn’t recalled it as being torturous, but as he stood on stage, he decided promptly that it was inhumane to keep you from him. Every single night his eyes would sift through the crowd of faceless bodies, hoping and praying to make out yours amongst the sea. But he never did.
You always took your seat in the corner of the dining hall, preferring to keep your distance with the other Siblings of Sin. Eventually, while sitting in one of the various wooden rows for supper one stormy night, giggles had reached your ears about your dependency on Swiss. Your mouth soured, eyes set dead centre on your partially empty plate with a scroll across your lips.
“I heard they sleep in his room at night-” one Sister gossiped, holding her pale hands over her mouth as she spoke.
Another cackled, “Haven’t you seen them wear his clothes? Talk about desperate”
The words stuck to your mind, reverberating through your pounding skull. Between the booming thunder outside and the lowly chatter inside the hall, the warmth of your robe was all too comforting as you shrunk backwards into it. Their insults seemed to dissipate as you retreated into your mind, only to be broken with a startled jump.
“Ladies, don’t you have prayer duty to attend to?” Angie hissed, placing her dinner plate firmly down beside yours. At the familiar voice, your head snapped in her direction, a warm smile overtaking your mouth. “They’re just jealous” she assured, taking her seat beside you.
No matter how many times you saw her, you were constantly surprised by her beauty. Her eyes were the same colour as the bark of a tree, always sound and inviting. On occasion, a stray strand of ebony hair would fall out from underneath her coif, framing her round face.
But most importantly, Angie was your friend. She knew you better than anyone else.
“Thank you, Ange. I can normally handle one, but..” you trailed off, evidently throwing your arm up and gesturing to table that the Sisters were sitting at. Angie modestly shrugged, beginning to spoon the contents of her dinner into her mouth.
You both sat in comfortable silence for a moment, prompting you to play with the broken hem of your clothing. Angie was eager to break the silence, “Y’know, why don’t you just go surprise him? Like fly out to their venue and go from there?”. Your attention craned to her once again, your lips pressing together in thought. You shook your head twice,
"I dunno.."
But Angie's smile was wicked, and you knew you had lost.
The airport could best be described as an 'attack on the senses', leaving you baffled in its labyrinth of sounds and smells. The last thing you remembered was waving anxiously to your friend at the boarding gate as you disappeared down the hallway with a single luggage bag trailing behind you. The rest of the trip had merged into a fast-paced blur, a cloud of fuzzy disorientation that you found best not to dwell on.
With a single ticket in hand, you filed into the ritual venue with elated excitement, practically skipping your way to the barriers with urgency. The venue had yet to be filled to the brim with people, leaving vast gaps of empty space in the middle of the pit. If you had been to drop a coin, the sound would have bounced off the walls and returned back to you just as loudly. A draft swept through the venue. causing you to shiver.
When people began to fill the empty spaces, you looked down at your appearance and back up at them with a rosy face. You quickly realised that many people were dressed in a similar way to you, if not almost identical, meaning that it would make it almost impossible to spot you in a crowd of a few thousand. Feeling your face heat up in embarrassment, you turned back to the barrier and slicked your hair back, the nerves beginning to bubble in your stomach.
Before you knew it, a guitar solo from Imperium began to blare through the stadium as the lights dulled. You hummed with giddy excitement as the tune morphed into Kaisarion, and in a flash, a silhouette was projected onto the curtain. The stadium erupted in enthralled cheers and screams, practically begging to get the first sight of the ghoul.
As the curtain dropped, the crowd screamed again.
Finally, their eyes had been blessed with Aether, fire spewing behind him in a marvellous display. For the first time that evening, the stage had been lit in a milky yellow light, smoke bursting from the corner pillars. Despite the number of shows you had attended, you were always captivated by the sheer quality and creativity of it all.
Dew, Rain and Aether lined up at the front of the stage, their skills on display as they all played smoothly. You smiled at the friendly familiarity of it all. Aether and his little quirks when playing, such as the occasional extra flick of his wrist or the gesturing to the crowd. Dew and his aggressive head banging. Or Rain, rocking back and forth excessively like a rockstar.
Oh how you had missed them.
Your smile became even wider as you mouthed the lyrics, staring up at Papa with wonder-filled eyes. Marvelling at the brand new outfits, your eyes drifted to the back left of the stage, scanning for any sight of your ghoul.
Heart squeezing, your eyes were planted firmly on Swiss. You felt as though you were about to explode, cheeks red with excitement. His leg bounced at a quickening pace, hand secured on the microphone stand. Your ears perked at the sound of the backing vocals, and before long, it melded into a beautiful harmony of Swiss and the ghoulettes.
The show was pulling to a close and yet it hadn’t managed to slow at all. The crowd was still electrified and the performers just as lively as they continued with their final songs.
You had to admit that while you were completely understanding as to why, you couldn’t help but be disappointed that Swiss had yet to spot you. Being at the back, he was at a disadvantage. Rarely moving from his podium, you assured yourself that even if he didn’t spot you, you would see him later so it didn’t really matter.
With your eyes glued to your partner, you were hastily caught by surprise as you saw him leap off his podium and begin to approach the stage. Many hands were extended towards his shiny black boots as they neared the edge. Your heart must have skipped a beat when he was only a handful of metres away. You could almost feel his reassuring embrace, or his tender kisses.
Feeling the chance pass by you, you abrasively held out your arm towards him and screamed, “Swiss!”. The strumming of his guitar never halted, but he paused and his head was held high as if to smell a strong scent. Then, he spun around at the speed of light as his eyes landed squarely on you. His face was beaming with excitement as you waved furiously.
Although in an attempt not to distract from the show, he skipped over to Aether and they conversed for a moment. Despite the words not being audible over the music, you could assume what they were saying based on the fact that Aether also turned in your direction as Swiss pointed.
You were elated, truly.
Unable to wipe the content look off his face, Swiss focused back on the performance, knowing that if they just finished up, you both could be reunited once and for all.
And that’s what they did.
They carried on persistently until the curtain closed, and even that couldn't dull the roaring of the crowd. Soon, a burly security guard came to collect you and took you through the winding hallways of the venue. As you pushed through the door into the dressing room, you almost leapt towards the first ghoul you saw with desperation.
There was a certain homesickness you had been consumed by, not one which made you miss your physical home, but one which made you miss the people that made you think of home. And of course, your family made you think of home.
"(Y/N)!" a chorus of ghouls cheered. Before you could process what was happening, a pile of ghouls came tumbling towards you with speed. You winced as your body was overtaken by countless limbs, embracing you as tight as they could until your face turned purple. With one eye pried open, you could barely make out the bodies, Dew, Cirrus, Aether, Mountain, Cumulus, Rain and Sunshine.
"I'm happy to see you guys too!" you laughed.
But there was one ghoul that was missing.
Your eyes scanned over the room, the leather couch, the vanity, and even the cacti in the corner of the large room to no avail. Frowning, you turned back to the ghouls, doing your best to hide your disappointment with a content smile.
Your mind snapped.
You knew that voice anywhere.
Your heart almost leapt from your throat as you spun to the voice, which had just emerged from the other door. You gave him no time to react as you jumped at him, hugging your ghoul in your arms. The scent of musk and bourbon lingered under your nose, prompting your hold to become stronger. You felt his hand press to your hair, pulse thumping under his chest as you were pushed towards it.
An 'aww' was shared between the ghoulettes.
At last, your head dragged away from the comforting fabric of Swiss's chest to meet his sparkling eyes, filled with the softness of love. "I saw you in the crowd" he mumbled against the crown of your head, "What are you doing here?"
"I wanted to surprise you"
He grinned, canines flashing, "Well this certainly is a surprise" and placed a quick kiss on your lips.
One of his many forms of affection, while mostly gentle with you, was to pull you towards him or to stroke his tail spade up and down your calves. And it was no different that time around. As if his tail had a mind of its own, it began to drift upwards.
You smirked and shuddered, leaning into his arms to savour the moment.
Everything felt right, like puzzle pieces finally fitting together. The way your body curved perfectly around his strong stature, or the way his hand fell into yours comfortably.
“Get a room, guys” Aether called, looking up from the couch with a playful dismay.
Swiss shot deadly daggers towards his brethren, breaking away from your gaze. Like that of a snake, his tongue flicked outwards from the underneath of his helmet. “Trust me, we would if we could”. Although fiery, his tone was dripping with a smugness
Face now flushed, you left your hand on his arm assertively. He leant forwards, eliminating the gap between your lips as he caught you in a passionate tangle.
“You should surprise me more often” he remarked.
“I’ll take notes” you replied wittily.
And of course you both weren’t going to miss out on the opportunity to make up for lost time.
The prospect of returning home was far from your mind. All that remained was a deep longing for your partner.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
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secretsandwriting · 2 years
Mate [Swiss]
Ghouls biology is different from humans in many ways. One of those many ways is they need a mate and if they don't find one in a certain timeframe, instincts take over and they get one. It would however be nice if said mate got a little more warning.
Where the ghouls haven't gotten a mate in time so instincts take over and the first person they see becomes their mate.
[Dew] [Mountain] [Aether] [Rain] [Poly]
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            Why the clergy had decided to have a formal party you weren’t sure, all the other siblings of sin had spent the week after it was announced scrambling to find something to wear. Apparently it was Sister Imperators idea as a way to try and unite the ministry, a way to lessen the divide between the upper members and the siblings of sin.
            You felt out of place, dressed to match everyone else but not a big party person. Avoiding every possible one you could. Unfortunately attendance was required. One of the sisters had handed you a drink shortly after you entered making it so you wouldn’t have to face the crowd to get to the refreshment table for a while. You made your way to the edge of the room to one of the chairs set for those who wanted to sit out. 
            A few other sisters joined you shortly after and made small talk before the conversation switched to the siblings already wasted 20 minutes in. You were giggling after a comment about one of the sisters when you felt someone grab your hand. You looked up only to be met with one of the ghouls down on one knee gently pulling your hand to where his mouth would be under his mask.
            You could feel the eyes watching as you tried to process what the fuck was going on. After a few seconds he stood up and gently pulled you up out of your chair and to the dance floor where a slow song had just started. He kept you on the dance floor as long as he could but eventually you were done. 
            Some of the sisters you had become close with would stop and talk with you trying to ignore the ghoul next to you. As long as his arm was wrapped around your waist he didn’t seem to care where you stopped or who you talked to. The few times he seemed to get antsy, you just rested your hand on his and he calmed right down. 
            When the night was no longer young and exhaustion started to seep in, you decided to call it a night. Following the advice Copia had given you, you just stopped at your room to get what you would need for the night and the next day before letting Swiss lead you to his room. 
            You were able to go to the bathroom to change without much protest but Swiss did insist you wear one of his shirts. He made sure you were comfortable in the nest before tucking himself as close as he could. Despite feeling like you hadn’t slept in weeks, you couldn’t sleep. A new place and someone in the same bed. 
            So you laid in the dark observing as much of the room as you could. The purring coming from Swiss was relaxing and slowly took the edge off, making it easier for you to relax. Between the purring and Swiss’s deep breaths it only took two hours for sleep to welcome you into its arms. 
            You woke up warm and not at all ready to get out of bed but the longer you waited, the more you would have to rush around so you pried yourself out of  Swiss’s arms and dodged his attempts to grab you again to lock yourself in the bathroom to get ready for the day. When you came out, you were met with a grumpy Swiss. 
            “I’m leaving this room in 10 minutes so if you want to come with me you better hurry.” You had never seen someone get ready so fast. You grabbed some food from the kitchens and headed to start whatever the hell the process for this mate stuff was. 
            It was a lot. 
            Not only that but Swiss was apparently progressing through his instincts faster than normal? Copia wasn’t sure it was a good thing and told you to keep an eye on him just in case. So you tried to, but considering you had never dealt with ghouls before all you had to go off of was what you were told and Swiss seemed to know you were keeping an eye on him. 
            You were trained for editing videos the clergy decided to put out which wasn’t too bad except you were always given 10 different 20 minute videos which took more time to edit but it kept you occupied. Sometimes Swiss would come in and just chill in the room with you, those were always your favorite days. 
            Swiss was a bit dramatic to put it lightly, so you never knew what to expect on your weekly “fancy” date. Sometimes it was a dressy picnic at dusk ending with stargazing, Dressing up to watch the weirdest tv show you could find. 
            Swiss always seemed to try and avoid you despite his instincts. It worried all the other ghouls, whenever they would come to ask a few questions about something you would tell them, when they offered suggestions on what to do that might help, you took them. Nothing made a difference and the effects from ignoring his needs started showing. 
            Sister Imperator ended up telling you to start packing enough for yourself and Swiss for 2 months. You were given two days and in those 2 days she went over everything with you. A little “Vacation” just the two of you for the two months. Time that you would hopefully be able to figure out what was going on so Swiss could go back to his normal self. 
            Swiss didn’t like the idea but the other ghouls had helped plan it as a last ditch effort because he wouldn’t listen to anything else. On the day you were supposed to leave, Swiss was nowhere to be found. The other ghouls told you not to worry before heading off and leaving you to get a little bit of last minute advice from Copia and some more details from Sister Imperator as well as the address for the Gps. About the time you were ready, Aether and Mountain came into view carrying Swiss.
            “He left us no choice.” was the only information you were given while they put him in the car and strapped him in, once he was in you said goodbye to the ghouls before starting the long drive. You felt bad that Swiss was going against his will but according to everyone who regularly interacted with the ghouls, something was wrong and this was the only thing they could think of that might help.             Four hours of driving later, you were pulling up to a little cottage in the middle of nowhere. Swiss was still out cold and didn’t even twitch when you tried to wake him so you went to explore the house. It was small and stocked with the basics. Sister Imperator had given you some money for the necessities you would need. There was one room, a bathroom, living room, kitchen, and a pantry/laundry room. There was just enough room for two. 
            You started bringing in the luggage while debating on what to do with Swiss. You could leave him in the car but since he was here against his will that just felt wrong. You weren’t strong enough to carry him so you would have to drag him in which didn’t sound pleasant, Your best bet was trying to wake him up again. Once you got all the luggage in, you went to try to wake Swiss.
             He wasn’t really awake per say but he gained enough consciousness to stumble into the cottage leaning against you until you managed to get him to the bed where he passed out again. You made a mental note to talk to the other ghouls about being a little gentler.
            You spent the rest of the afternoon unpacking your things and making a light supper, saving some for Swiss when he eventually rose from his mini coma. You were eating on the back porch watching some ducks swim in the pond behind the cottage when you heard what you thought was Swiss stumbling around the house. You were proven correct when Swiss stumbled out with the plate you left for him.
            “Where are we?”
            “I’m not supposed to tell you.” Something you really didn’t like. This whole scenario felt wrong on so many levels and you understood the reason you were sent here was because everyone was worried Swiss was going to severely hurt himself and they didn’t want that to happen.
            “Do you need any pain medication?” He hesitated before nodding. Setting your plate to the side you went to the bathroom and grabbed him a Tylenol, 2 Ibuprofen, and a glass of water. He took them and finished his food in silence. Swiss started making his nest on the hideabed so you could have the actual bed but you pushed enough he made it in the room. 
            He didn’t talk to you for a week, coming to you for the bare minimum of what he needed. Mostly just a short hug from behind. You had expected him to be upset and for that anger to affect him majorly. You could see the physical effects. He wasn’t sleeping well, could barely keep anything down, and he was angry. It started small but the longer you were there the bigger it got. 
            He would yell over everything. The first time he had you had started crying, your natural response to being yelled at and you could see the war going on inside him between staying upset and comforting you. He stormed out of the room after that. After that you tried not to cry everytime he yelled at you but you were sure he could see the slight changes. 
            Everytime you tried saying anything about how he just kept getting worse, he just got more upset so eventually you just stopped. All you could do was watch as he got worse. Until one day, three weeks into your trip, you came back from a walk to see Swiss on the floor of the kitchen. He was unresponsive. You managed to get him to his nest but you had no idea what to do. 
            About 7 hours later and 7 phone calls with ghouls later, and you still didn’t know anything about why he would’ve collapsed despite the fact you could tell they knew but you did learn how to care for a sick or injured Ghoul. So you took one of the fastest trips to a nearby store to get everything they mentioned. 
            He woke up two days later, he was awake just long enough to drink some broth before passing out again. And that’s how the next few days went. He was only awake enough to drink some broth or to go to the bathroom, he however wasn’t capable of walking himself so you had to help him.
            Exactly a week after the first time he had woken up, he started staying awake longer and could eat things with a little more substance. The relief that filled you at that was immeasurable. When he was awake longer than just to eat and use the bathroom you’d have shows he had watched or mentioned liking on so he wasn’t just laying in silence all the time. 
            You practically lived next to his nest, the longest you left was to make food. When he was awake your chair was further back since he hadn’t wanted you that close to him, When he was asleep you were right next to him. Which led to you waking up leaning against the mattress with a hand running through your hair. Swiss was awake and watched as you stretched and tried to wake yourself up.
            “Why are you doing this? There’s no reason for it. You don’t have the same instincts.” From his tone and the way he looked like he was holding back tears you figured this was the reason behind most of the problem and that there was a story behind it. Something you might never learn judging from how he hadn’t given you any hints as to what it was.
            “Because you needed me. Sure it's definitely not what I would have planned for myself but it hasn’t been bad, so I’ve just had to get used to it. At the end of the day, I’m content and I don’t see that changing.” Swiss pulled you into the nest with him and you wrapped your arms around him, rubbing random shapes into his back while he sobbing into your neck.
            That seemed to be the turning point, he started getting better at unnatural speeds, he was clingier then he was the first few days you met him, he just genuinely seemed to be happier. It was mostly ok to deal with.
            “Swiss, I can’t make dinner with my arms stuck to my side. I’m hungry so I would like to eat so please for the love of everything unholy please sit at the table until I’m done.” You didn’t get a response or freedom from him, leaving only one option left. “If you sit at the table until I’m done I’ll sit in your lap while we eat.” It worked. 
            “I understand you want to be close but it's currently °32 degrees (°90 fahrenheit) so unless you can turn yourself into an AC don’t touch me until I cool down please and thank you.”
            Swiss drove on the way back holding your hand as long as you would let him, music blaring. When you arrived to the ministry, Swiss helped you carry in your things before chasing down the other ghouls for a little revenge for knocking him out.
            Yeah, it wasn’t perfect but it was good and getting better.
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Check out my Ao3
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endless-weightless · 1 year
Can we get more ghoul headcannons pls!! The smuttier the better 🩷
AHHHH FIRST REQUEST!! and thank you for this because I LOVE writing smutty ghoul hcs.
not rlly proofread soz
CHARACTERS: Sodo/Dewdrop, Phantom, Aether, Rain, Mountain, Swiss, Omega, Ifrit
WARNINGS/TAGS: smut (obvi), gn!reader, CNC, monsterfucking?, size kink, dacryphilia, bondage, ghouls have mating cycles now bc i said so, pegging, anal, breeding kink, bdsm
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🎸 Sodo
Will always fuck you to the point where you’re practically screaming and begging for him because he practically gets high off the ego boost.
He doesn’t mind whatsoever about having to do most if not all the work. The best reward he could ask for is seeing you all fucked out and crying his name.
When Sodo's in heat, he isn't just horny, he's also really fucking aggressive for no good reason 😭. He's snappy, grumpy, stompier than usual and it's all because he's got blue balls LMFAO.
Because of his angry mood, anything you do that pisses him off could result in some rough sex while he growls at you about how you've pissed him off. But, there's a small chance you could put him in his place because he's surprisingly into subbing when it means he gets to put up a fight (consensually, of course).
When he does sub, he's the biggest fucking brat imaginable. It's a good thing he gets so sensitive when he's punished because he cannot listen to an order for the love of everything unholy.
Hates when he can't be handsy with you. He just can't get enough of your body so if you really want to torture him then tie up his hands behind him.
🎸 Phantom
He’s super into puppy play but is absolutely terrified of admitting it and just prays that you’ll suggest something like collaring him so he can bring it up.
This hc and the next one are fem!reader (kinda?) ones but hang in there. Phantom is fucking infatuated with your tits. If your riding him he’s staring at them bouncing like he’s hypnotised.
Also loves fucking your tits regardless of their size because tits are tits and they all look beautiful (but yours are always his favourite).
So obedient it’s adorable. He never acts up around you and if he does he’s on his knees immediately and apologising profusely.
Constantly asking if you feel good even when he’s moments away from cumming and is overstimulated.
Goes non-verbal when he gets too worked up. All he can get out are whimpers, sniffles and small nods or shaking of his head. It’s hard to tell if he needs to tap out so you have to check up on him and be extra attentive.
🎸 Aether
Gets super aroused when he smells you, especially if he’s in heat.
When he’s fucking you he likes whispering in your ear about how he’s going to fuck a baby into you while you dumbly nod as his thrusts become more and more rough.
Gets a little too turned on when you wrap your hands around his horns because they just look so much bigger than your hands.
Wanna give Aether an instant boner? Wear a thin sundress or loosely buttoned shirt around him with no underwear on and watch him writhe in his seat when he picks up on the scent of your underwear being absent.
He's always down to fuck in the church part of the abbey. The risk of getting caught or being seen/heard is thrilling to him and the ministry encouraging sex is just a bonus.
Loves a good bit of cockwarming when you're both too sleepy to fuck or he just wants to torture you.
🎸 Rain
Goes absolutely feral for some sloppy and messy sex. He just loves seeing the two covered in each others cum and arousal.
Prefers being marked rather than marking you. The hickeys and bruises he gets to see the next day always make his stomach backflip as he imagines what you’ll do tonight.
Rain isn't a huge fan of seeing you in pain during sex. Him however...
It's not entirely kink related, it's kinda just a very fucked up way of showing his devotion to you that also happens to get him off.
I honestly think he wouldn't absolutely despise the idea of being caught having sex. Like in a sense where someone accidentally walks into your room while you two are fucking and not being out in public.
He's very big on you belonging to him and him belonging to you. Not in a sub/dom dynamic way but rather being each others mate. I could go on and on about him during his mating cycles but I'll save that for another fic...
🥁 Mountain
One of his favourite things to do is to use his elemental powers to grow vines to use as restraints. And if you’re into cnc or just like surprises, he’ll do it when you least expect it.
Touching his horns or tail is a dangerous game to play because it’ll always end with him above you fucking you until you see stars and there’s tears welling in your eyes.
Has a giant mirror right across from his bed that he makes you face while you fuck in reverse cowgirl just so he can see how tiny you look compared to him.
Calling him ‘sir’ is a one way ticket to overstimulation because once it slips out of you he won’t stop fucking you any time soon.
He doesn't like having to be verbal with his commands, when you see him gesture you to come sit on his lap, you better listen.
If you ever want to see him turn as submissive as he possibly can be, start scratching at the base of his horns and behind his ears. He won't go down easily but he'll still let out a few somewhat pornographic moans.
🎤 Swiss
He needs his cock stepped on every once in a while, preferably by a nice pair of stilettos or latex boots.
Practically has no limits. He’s into pretty much everything you can think of and is willing to try anything if it makes you happy and gets you off.
He’s primarily focused on your pleasure but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t like being taken care of.
Every heat cycle for Swiss turns all his dials up from 0 to 100 and it's almost scary. His urge to breed isn't even that strong, he just really needs to be fucked so he'll shut up.
He’s usually really enthusiastic about subbing, but sometimes he feels the need to be a bratty little shit so you’ll take out your anger on him and he can forget about everything wrong with the world for a solid few hours.
He's a biter, that's for sure. The intensity of the bite depends on your comfort but if you give him the green light he'll start biting so hard he draws enough blood to have you lightheaded.
🎸 Omega
Although I said Omega is a hard dom and a mean one too in my previous post about the ghouls, I don’t think he’d be opposed to subbing every once in a hunter’s moon.
Loves having you just ride his thigh while he practices guitar. He gets to see you all needy and not be able to be affectionate to him because of the obnoxious Hagström Fantomen blocking your torso from his and the lack of attention.
Wouldn’t mind cuckolding if it involved Terzo. Also wouldn’t mind if Terzo simply ordered the two of you around while he jerked off at the sight.
Him being a mean and hard dom doesn't make him cruel, he still praises you when you behave well. If you've managed to take his cock on top of the edging and torture, he'll softly smother your face and neck in kisses for doing such a good job while he continues to thrust into you.
(AFAB reader hc) If you ever find yourself horny yet on your period do not fret because Omega gives absolutely zero (0) fucks! He'll even eat you out if you want him to.
Adores roleplay, especially if it involves corruption. One of his favourite scenes to act out is for you to be an innocent mortal summoning a ghoul from hell not knowing what ghouls desire once they're on earth.
🎸 Ifrit
He already gets hard when he’s giving head but if you grab onto his horns to pull him closer and he chokes on your dick/suffocates between your thighs he might cum untouched because oh Lucifer it feels good.
He likes fucking fast and rough, regardless of the dynamic. He likes seeing the bruises, feeling that fuzziness in his limbs and not being able to think when he’s fucking.
Will randomly communicate how he's feeling throughout the day by hugging you from behind and pressing his hard, clothed cock into your backside. Zero shame whatsoever.
Loves a good bit of thigh riding. He doesn't mind who's riding who's thigh, he just likes the feeling of it.
You can always tell when he's close to cumming because his tail will start to flick erratically while his claws extend for a split second.
Ifrit isn't afraid to use his tail to jerk you off. Don't act surprised when you feel something wrap around your cock or the spade of his tail flicking over your clit.
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*
that's all lovelies!
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Gimme your most stupid ghoul headcanons possible, like Sodo is scared of idk dust particles or something funny.
“silly ghoul headcanons”
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Synopsis: It’s in the title you silly goose. Just the ghouls with their silly little shenanigans
Pairing: Nameless ghouls (platonic or romantic) x GN!reader (they/them)
Theme: fluff ✿ , crack ✦
A/N: Heres my first fanfic to my Ghost blog! I gotta thank my bestie for making this request despite the silliness in it. I hope you guys enjoy it because I certainly had fun writing it. I might make a separate version for the ghoulettes cause I love my girlies <33
I also decided to add Aether in this one cuz I love him, remember to respect both him and Phantom as ppl because we don’t support that negativity and hate 🫡
TW: Swiss and Sodo joke about sex but it’s because they’re Swiss and Sodo
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Sodo, oh dear Sodo. He can be such a silly ghoul sometimes
He likes to act like he’s all tough and that he’s hot shit, but some of his habits you can’t help but laugh at
For starters, Sodo is the type of ghoul to be scared of really dumb stuff. Take hamsters for example
Sodo has this really inexplainable fear of hamsters. One day you picked up a cute little hamster from the pet store, and he hissed and erupted in flames the moment you brought it near him
“Sodo its just a hamster—“
Aether once pranked him by putting a bunch of hamsters in his closet and he let out the most unmanly scream ever, it was funny
Oh and we all know Sodo has a habit of slapping people’s asses
It’s basically his trademark at this point
But there was this one particular time where he tried to slap your ass, but he somehow missed and accidentally slapped Copia’s ass instead
Needless to say, he spent a good while trying to explain to the unamused Papa that he didn’t mean to slap him, but the other pair of cheeks that was in front of him in that moment
He once played Five Nights At Freddy’s and he had nightmares about Freddy for a whole week
No joke, he once thought that Swiss was Freddy because he was so disoriented from a previous nightmare and he socked the poor guy in the nose
You forced him to apologize to Swiss after that
I imagine he’s also the type of ghoul to write stupid little messages and graffiti with a sharpie on his fellow ghouls faces
He once made you help him literally knock out Aether just so he could write “number one cocksucker” in big bold letters on his forehead
Needless to say, you two got chased around by the angry ghoul who was holding a fly swatter for a whole ten minutes
Also we all know damn well this man has a dirty mind
Like have you seen him on stage? Of course he does
He has a habit of slipping in sexual jokes and in innuendos every now and then, because he snickers when seeing people’s reactions
Though there was this one time where he made a comment about your ass and he got slapped across the face
Idk Sodo has a weird obsession with your ass
He has toned down on the jokes, but that doesn’t stop him from slipping up every now and then. And it’s quite obvious he won’t stop with those jokes anytime soon
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Rain is such a sweetie and we all know that
But sometimes he can be a little bit of a menace, even to you and his fellow bandmates
To start things off, we all know Rain is a clumsy little guy
Like he’s a walking talking disaster with trails of chaos in his wake. He can hold a glass for someone and drop it like not even ten seconds later
Well there was this one time where you were giving him strumming techniques for the next upcoming ritual
Sodo tapped him on the shoulder from behind to ask him for something. When Rain turned around he accidentally slapped Sodo in the face with the neck of his bass guitar
Sodo then stumbled back in pain and literally destroyed Mountain’s drum set. You were just standing there processing what just happened, and Copia just looked… disappointed.
Rain also collects a lot of plushies
He has a literal pile of squishmallows in the corner of his room. Sometimes he likes to bury himself in that little nook of his room.
He made a little pillow fort in that area for him to snuggle in. Sometimes he’ll invite you to come and watch movies with him in there
However he once impulsively bought so many plushies so they were all flooding his room. You opened the door to his room and they all came flooding out, with a very euphoric Rain on top of them
“…. Rain what are you doing?”
“Feeling great. Thank you, Y/N.”
You helped him organize all of those little plushies in his room afterwards, even giving some of them to Phantom (who was new at the time) as a little “welcome home” gift
As a water ghoul, Rain naturally enjoys water
However he has this really cute habit of splashing around in pools/tubs like he’s a bird in a birdbath, but he gets embarrassed about this fact because the ghouls tease him for it
You once caught him playing around in the a storm in such a manner, it was so cute seeing him so happy and enjoying himself
The minute he spotted you, he immediately got all embarrassed and shy, but you reassured him it was all good and that it was fine to be excited about water
Needless to say, he’s a lot more comfortable showing off that side to you now
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Oh Mountain. Sweet sweet darling Mountain
Like Rain, Mountain is a sweetie. However he tends to have his silly moments.
I’d like to imagine that Mountain often bumps his head on doorframes or walks
The fucker is really tall, I mean it’s hard to not hit something along the way.
So he has a habit of sticking his hand over his forehead to avoid bumping into anything, the poor guy
I’d also like to imagine that Mountain had that light skin stare
Like he doesn’t even mean to look creepy. He just… has a habit of zoning out, so therefore he looks like he’s staring into your soul
Though this does make him really good at staring contests. One time Swiss challenged him, and they lasted for ten minutes
Swiss needed eye drops after that
Also he deadass looks like a sleep paralysis demon when he stands
One night you couldn’t sleep so you went to the kitchen to get something to eat. Mountain happened to hear the noise your footsteps were making, so he went to check up on you
He was just standing in the doorframe… staring at you, making sure you were okay while you grabbed something from the fridge
Needless to say, when you turned around, you dropped Swiss’s leftover cheesecake you were gonna eat upon seeing the tall earth ghoul in the doorframe
Also your scream was loud as FUCK
“… I don’t know. At least you’re okay.”
He apologized to you afterwards and promised to not accidentally spook you. Because for a moment you swore you saw the hat man
Mountain also rarely gets mad, the dude is as passive as a sheep
But the moment he gets angry… hide your children
The dude is scary as hell. Like, he’s even got Papa on his knees begging for mercy
There was one particular day during practices where Sodo and Aether were arguing a little too much. It’s normal for them to banter, but this particular day was getting out of hand
Everyone was already getting upset with them, even with Papa telling the two ghouls you knock it off, but of course they wouldn’t
Well, they didn’t until a drum from Mountain’s drum set came hurling towards both ghouls. Making the fire ghoul and quintessence ghoul yelp and duck instinctively
No one had noticed the fuming earth ghoul sitting in the corner up until that point. Everyone was speechless. Your jaw was on the floor even
Needless to say, Mountain apologized yet again, but now everyone knew not to fuck with Mountain after that
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Swiss is an… interesting specimen.
For starters he was accidentally summoned,
He was summoned at the same time as Aether. And they bonked heads upon getting summoned
It was rather funny seeing Papa being so confused as to why the ritual spell summoned two ghouls, and seeing said two ghouls yell at each other for bonking heads
But it all worked out because after Swiss showed off that he can literally do fucking anything, Papa just let him stay
And Swiss was the perfect flare of spice to add to Ghost, and he’s a sweet ghoul to be around
But that doesn’t stop him from being a literal menace to society
Swiss has a really strange habit of breaking into people’s rooms and just jumping on their beds to wake them up
All while he’s obnoxiously telling them to get up, much to the other’s annoyance
You once threw him across the room for waking you up, and Swiss was just laughing so hard on the floor when he saw your reaction
Since he’s quite literally known as the Swiss Army Ghoul, he’s good at almost everything.
Including cooking. He likes to cook a lot of meals for the people living in the ministry
Bro even has a stereotypical pink “kiss the cook” apron, he got it as a birthday gift from you
But the “cook” part is crossed out with a red sharpie and instead Swiss replaced with “dick”
Why? Because it’s fucking Swiss.
He also made it a point to bake everyone’s birthday cakes, but he’ll slip in something stupid to be funny
One time Cirrus was cutting her birthday cake and she got a whole ass doll head in there, which left her very confused
Swiss isn’t allowed to make people’s birthday cakes anymore because of that
Also sometimes Swiss will get high out of nowhere
No one knows what the fuck he’s doing because this ghoul is all over the place, but when he’s high he says the most out of pocket stuff
There was this one time he messaged the ghoul group chat while taking an edible saying “this edible is weak as shit.”
But then right after that message, he attached a picture of you and sent it with the caption “I’ve always wanted to fuck them.”
You could hear Sodo’s laughter from his room after that.
And when Swiss got sobered up, you asked him about the message, but bro literally refuses to acknowledge he sent it
“Swiss did you send that message from earlier—“
“Then who did?”
“The hat man.”
“Oh so this suddenly isn’t a safe space?”
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Ah Aether. We all love Aether. I mean who doesn’t?
We all know how much of a little psycho Aether can be, but he’s a lovable psycho that just exerts a lot of fun energy
That doesn’t stop him from being a little fucker however
He likes to pull a lot of pranks with Swiss, Sodo unfortunately being his main target
So there was this one time he asked you to help him prank the poor fire ghoul, and you said yes because you felt like messing with Sodo
(And also partly because you were kinda pissed with him due to the fact that he ate your leftovers)
So the prank was to put a bunch of sticky notes in Sodo’s room that all read “big cock energy” (because of course it did)
However during the process of putting the sticky notes in the room, Sodo walked in on two idiotic fools, those fools being you and Aether of course
And it’s safe to say that for a solid twenty minutes, the two of you were running around the ministry with an angry flaming fire ghoul hot on your trail, giggling like little children
(Sodo spared you, but Aether wasn’t so lucky)
“Because I hate them less than you, NOW C’MERE—“
Aether once fell asleep with a rotten ass banana peel
Like no joke— you once walked in his room to ask for something and his whole room STANK of rancid and rotten banana
And Aether was just sitting there, confused as to why you looked like you were about to throw up on his bedroom floor
Rain had to fucking disinfect the room (with a gas mask because it smelled that bad)
Oh and you Rain breaks things? Aether is so much worse
He once tried to clean up Swiss’s mic stand for an upcoming tour and the damn thing just- fell apart
Swiss was more bewildered than upset, because how in hell does that happen?
You literally do not let him touch your equipment because he’s gonna somehow find a way to break it all
When Aether departed from Ghost you were very sad
But then he messaged the group chat with this message “I’ll miss all of you fuckers. Be nice to the new ghoul, love all of you <33 (except for you Sodo, fuck you)”
Sodo then bursted out of his room tackling Aether, but it was more so out of love rather than being an ass
Needless to say, you all still keep in touch with Aether
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Phantom!!! We all love Phantom here
Since he was newer and the one of the more recently summoned ghouls, he had a hard time fitting in
But you and the other ghouls thankfully made him feel welcome, even if it took a little more time for some other ghouls to get used to him
And because of that, it didn’t take long for Phantom to start joking in the ghoul chaos
He is literally a walking meme
Phantom is the type of guy to quote old vines and also keep up with any meme trends
Part of being the youngest ghoul I guess
He often confuses Papa with his little antics (because he’s an old man), and you’re just silently laughing at Papa’s reactions to Phantom
Also Phantom has a habit of holding things weirdly
You thought it was just his guitar? Bestie no, the dude is holding things the wrong way all the time but still somehow makes it work
Like— he holds onto a pen like it’s about to grow a pair of legs and run out of his hand, but he still somehow has the most beautiful cursive handwriting there is
“…. Phantom— what are you doing? You’re holding that pen like it’s a—“
“Hush, Y/N. I’m writing everything I want for Christmas this year.”
Phantom can also be a bit of a nerd sometimes
Like— you know those kids in school that are so dorky and have that awkward teenager energy? But you can’t be annoyed at them because they’re so cute? Yeah, that’s Phantom
Man’s will ramble about the most nerdy thing so passionately that you can’t help but listen, it’s cute seeing him get all excited over… legos or something
Oh and if someone dares to insult his passion he will spread legos all over their room
(Poor Swiss was a victim of that unfortunately)
Oh yeah he almost once accidentally vacuumed Copia’s pet rat
The dude was just trying to clean up his room, and one of the little fuckers scurried in his room, and the rat’s tail got stuck in the vacuum
Phantom’s high pitched scream upon realization was enough to have you bolting in the room to check in on the poor ghoul
And you were met with the sight of Phantom desperately trying to pull out a screaming rat from the vacuum while the ghoul was on the verge of tears because he didn’t want to get scolded
You ended up helping him because no one wants to see Phantom sad
And it’s safe to say Copia now has one pet rat with no tail.
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ghost-in-the-hall · 1 year
Slow (Phantom x GN! Reader FLUFF)
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WARNINGS: Suggestive ending, all fluff, Phantom is having his first crush since being summoned.
My Masterlist! ~ AO3 Link!
You hummed to yourself as you carefully picked the ripe berries from one of Primo's pristine strawberry plants. You waved as you saw a familiar face round the corner. "Swiss, hey!" The multi ghouls wrapped you in a side hug as he approaches you.
"(Y/N), good to see you." He flashes you a sharp smile. "Would you like some help in the garden today?" You nodded with a soft laugh.
"You know help harvesting is always appreciated." He ushers his companion forward. You recognized him as one of the new Ghouls that had just been summoned. You hadn't really gotten the chance to talk to him yet, you had only exchanged a few small waves as you passed by him in the halls, you also would always give him a warm smile in hopes he would eventually warm up to you. "Hi Phantom." You see a small grin pass over his lips as he realizes you knew his name.
"We're trying to get him more comfortable with interacting with the Siblings. I was hoping he could help you out here." Phantom shifted awkwardly in his heels, you were unable to meet his gaze.
"Of course he can, I'll bring him back down to the Ghoul's Den after we're done out here." Swiss dismissed himself with a nod and a wave, briefly stopping to whisper something in Phantom's ear before clapping him on the shoulder and walking off. "Come on, let's go get you a basket." You motioned for him to follow you. You slowed your pace to allow yourself the chance to slip beside him. "How have you been adjusting so far? I'm sure this is a pretty big change for you." His eyes darted to look at you, he seemed a bit shocked that you were able to talk to him so casually.
"It's definitely a bit of a shock." He chuckles, you try your best to hide your excited expression over his response. "I honestly feel like most of the Siblings are scared of me."
"A lot of them have never been exposed to a freshly summoned Ghoul before. I'm sure they're just a little hesitant because they're not sure how to interact with you. I, however, think you seem very sweet Phantom." You glance over at him with a smile. He just looks down at the ground, folding his hands neatly behind his back. You got him set up with his own basket of gardening tools, he listened very intently to your instructions about how to harvest the produce properly without harming the plant. He watched you closely, lavender eyes scanning over your delicate fingers as you worked. The two of you moved from plant to plant, working slowly as you took time to answer whatever questions he had for you. After a while he actually seemed to be having fun, he slowly became more relaxed in your presence. He jumped down from a low rock wall out of the flower bed, almost instinctively offering you his hand. He looked back at you, almost recoiling at his own gesture. You reached out without a moment of hesitation, your fingers gliding over his palm. He breathes out a chuckle as he notices how his hand could completely engulf yours.
"You're so small." His eyes widen slightly as he suddenly drops your hand, apologizing profusely, causing you to laugh.
"Phantom, it's okay." You motioned to his hand. "May I?" He nodded slowly, you gently grabbed his palm in both your hands, your thumbs running soothingly over his skin. You pressed your hands together, allowing him a moment to look at the size difference between the two. "Your hands are really warm, it's nice." You smile at him.
"I-um," he trails off, swallowing thickly. "Would it be alright if I saw you again?" He inches forward slightly, a nervous glint in his eyes. You nod, a smile quickly spreading across your features.
"I'd like that." Phantom hesitantly pulled his hand away from yours, allowing his touch to linger in your until the very last moment. The two of you brought your fresh produce to the kitchen before you walked with him down to the Ghoul's Den.
"I hope he didn't give you too much trouble." Swiss says with a laugh.
"He wasn't any trouble at all, I had a really nice time with you today Phantom." He nods bashfully.
"Hopefully I'll be able to see you soon." He smiles softly at you, trying to hide his fangs.
"I'm always in the library in the evenings if you'd like to come keep me company." You bite your lip to try and hide your excited smile. "I'll see you later Phantom, bye Swiss." You dismiss yourself with a wave, practically skipping back to your dorm for the night. The next night you found yourself waiting anxiously as you wondered whether or not Phantom would actually show up. You sat before a roaring fire, curled up on one of the couches in the room as you skimmed through the book you had chosen, barely able to focus on the words on the page. You sat up a bit straighter as you heard the heavy door open on the opposite side of the room. Phantom slinks out of the shadows, offering you a small wave as he steps into the soft orange glow that surrounds you.
"Would it be alright if I joined you?" You nodded, scooting over to offer him a space to sit. He was rigid as he sat down, sitting up straight as he nodded at you. "You look really pretty tonight." You can't help but blush at his statement.
"Thank you." Phantom seemed even more flustered than you felt. "I'm really happy you came." You see him swallow thickly, his gaze landing on your lips.
"I am too." He admits with a bashful chuckle. "Can I admit something?" You nod, he cautiously reaches out and takes your hands in his. "I'm still learning how to interact with humans, but I've found myself feeling very attracted to you." You felt your cheeks heat up, your eyes widened slightly at his confession. You found yourself inching closer to him, his warm breath bouncing off your lips. "Can I?" He asks softly, you could feel his lips ghost over yours he was so close. You gave his hands a gentle squeeze.
"We'll take it nice and slow, okay?" He nods in response, pausing and waiting for you to take the lead. You gently run your fingers over the exposed skin of his cheek under his mask. His eyes slid shut as your lips finally found his. His grip on your hand tightens slightly as he presses himself into you. You slowly slid your hand around to the back of his neck, you hum softly as the feeling of his soft hair brushing over your fingers. Your body jolts slightly and drops your hands to let his fingers run over your waist. He tenderly squeezes at your flesh as you pull him in as close as you could manage. You parted with soft gasps, your gaze meeting one another's as soon as your eyes opened. "You're a really good kisser." You giggle causing him to get flustered.
"I'd like to do that again if that's alright." You nod, leaning into him once more. This time Phantom's lips met yours with a greater ferocity, hands grabbing hungrily at your hips while still making sure he didn't hurt you accidentally. His lips left yours, trailing across your jaw and down your neck. He nuzzles his face against your skin, your breath shudders as you try to steady your breathing. He takes your hand, slowly bringing it up to the buckle on his mask, silently asking you to remove it. Your fingers shook as you worked at the strap, eventually sliding it out of the buckle so you were able to fully remove it. His raven hair tumbled into his face, you couldn't resist reaching out to run your fingers through the soft strands. He takes a moment to study your expression, he was met with your soft gaze that held nothing short of pure adoration. "You're… you're not scared of me?"
"No," he carefully pulled you into his lap, his head lulled into your touch as you continued to play with his hair. "I think you're very handsome." His warm lips pressed against your pulse, sending a shiver down your spine.
"(Y/N)?" You hum in response to your name. You can't help but blush as Phantom's hands slide over the curve of your ass. "How slow would you like to take things?"
Tag List: @ramblingoak @kissingghouls @spookyghostjelly @belnovacaine @iamsarahsaysso @mustluvecho @jennmakesitweird @angellayercake
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shinnyscats · 4 months
!¡ Copia x Gn!Reader
"Kinda adorable."
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A/N: Put an eye on Copia for a little while (・・) I don't know how to write him at 100%, so I apologize if it's a bit OOC, Enjoy!
Versión Esp aquí !
Tw: Gn!Reader, pronouns not specified, fluff
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"I'll be outside for several hours." He says while combing his hair back. "Don't do anything I'm responsible for." Ghouls nodded while his hands half-heartedly fixed his suit, which seemed to have been recently ironed. "And you." He says while one finger of his pointed directly in your direction "Don't cause trouble
Your eyes are roll. You? Cause trouble? Pff, not in a million years. Maybe the other day you broke the microwave because of a supposed "constant threatening noise" that it came from it, or that the day before that you climbed onto the roof trying to hide from Sodo, who you made angry all the time, almost dying trying, or that the week before they almost canceled a live show because you had broken your instrument and, trying to fix it, you caused a short circuit in the entire theater.
Well, those are small exceptions that did not have a great impact, or that's what you called them, something that Copia didn't always find very funny. It was always something new with you. Once Papa Emeritus V passed the door and closed it, it was only a matter of seconds before the other Ghouls found out about your antics..
"I told you to give it to me!" Sodo yells angrily as he tried to grab you. "I just want to play my great solo, give me five minutes, yeah?" That makes him even more angry, you didn't even have one. His legs move nimbly to match your speed, but all that effort is in vain. "Let's see, how do you play this thing?" You say to yourself, completely ignoring the fact that a Ghoul taller than you was directly in front of you, and was prepared to stop you.
Sodo reaches out to grab his guitar before it hit the ground and broke. What did reach the ground, and what caused you slight pain, was you and your head when you collided with Mountain and fell to the ground.
"Ugh, thanks.'" The shorter one said as he left the place, but not before giving you a look that indirectly communicated 'I'm going to kill you.' You were already used to that look anyways. 'Stop stealing his guitar, he'll kill us all if you even scratch it." Mountain tells you as he helps you stand up. "I didn't steal it, I borrowed it without asking." The ghoul in front of you nods while rolling his eyes with an amused smile. "Yeah, yeah, You better come to rehearse with me."
Your hand was behind your head, where you had received the impact against the ground, as you followed Mountain towards the rehearsal room. Those few minutes in which you remained silent listening to Mountain speak were the most calm sounds that the Ghoul could witness coming from you. "You're very quiet, did you hit yourself too hard?" Sorry for tha-" but, when he turns around, a disappointed expression appears on his face and a hand rises to his forehead when he sees that you weren't around.
Well,maybe you got distracted halfway when you passed by Copia's room. Maybe you entered without being heard and maybe you were rummaging through his drawers.
You laughed while seeing how many suits of the same color Papa Emeritus IV had, perhaps it was you who could not distinguish between two almost identical colors. His room was gigantic, or well, it was bigger compared to yours. The sheets on the bed were very thick, not to mention soft too. You lay down as if you didn't have obligations gripping your shoulders and sigh deeply.
Your eyes traveled around the room looking for something fun to do, until you find a very familiar white suit shining before you. That black hat was calling you, and you knew it. It didn't take long for you to decide to put on that white suit. You noticed that it wasn't too big or too small, it was almost taylor made for you.
You look at yourself in the bedroom mirror. You looked good, pretty good. You start doing the poses that Copia did during the shows, using the cane that was next to his clothes as a microphone. Humming song lyrics, you don't notice eyes behind you. You get scared and trip, colliding with the closet and causing the hat to fall on your head.
"What are you doing?" You can recognize, by the voice, that it was Copia. You weren't usually one to be embarrassed by what you did, but this did more than make your heart race. You quickly stood up, staggering, avoiding eye contact at all times for fear of worse humiliation. A few seconds of awkward silence pass, which you can't stand, and you run out of the room. You would change and return him his clothes another time. Now you just had to hope that Copia didn't take it the wrong way and that he didn't tell anyone...
However, what you didn't see was that Copia, after grabbing the papers that he had forgotten on his desk, let out a faint laugh as he shook his head.
"How adorable."
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sentientgolfball · 1 year
Writing request! Phantom being a soft little attention whore and doing everything to get the flustered GN!Reader's attention? Doesn't need be NSFW, Phantom just wants some cuddle time.
Anon I need to thank you for adding fuel to my Phantom obsession
Also ignore how long this got
Tags: none! Just good old fluff
My request are currently open !
You had gotten to dinner later than normal because of some overflow work you were assigned. Being Sister Imperator’s assistant had its perks, but most of the time it left you with a stack of paper the size of your torso. That’s how you ended up displaced in the dining hall. Where you normally sat with the other Siblings who have been at the Ministry for a decent amount of time was crowded. You couldn’t justify trying to worm your way in. So you took up an open spot with some of the newer Siblings at the end of the hall. You were engrossed in your own world trying to get your brain to stop buzzing for the better part of the meal, only occasionally answering some questions or clearing up misunderstandings that you may have overheard. That was until you heard snickering. You looked up and noticed that the ghouls of The Ghost Project were seated at a table not far from yours. You also noticed that one of them, the quintessence ghoul by the looks of it, was approaching while Dew and Swiss tried and failed to hide their amusement. 
The Siblings you were seated with forgot about any conversations that might've been going on when the ghoul came to a stop at the head of the table, his tail wagging rapidly. The mask may have hidden his face, but his mood was clear as day. Everyone at the table looked at him with wide wonder-filled eyes. You just cocked your head at him with a small smile. His tail beat faster if that was even possible. 
“I couldn’t help but overhear some of you have never seen ghoul magic before.” He smiled so wide his fangs were peeking out from his lips. Some of the Siblings made small noises in affirmation too wonderstruck to formulate a proper response. 
“Well lucky for you I learned a new trick! Do you wanna see it?” All it took was one nodding their head for him to clap his hands together “Great! I’ll need a volunteer though.” 
You had never seen people move so quickly in your life. Each one of the Siblings was leaning over one another to get closer to the ghoul in hopes they’d be picked. He just laughed and held up his hands in a passive gesture. 
“Alright okay, how about…you!”
 The ghoul motions to the Sibling closest to him. He nods his head eagerly and waits for whatever instruction. The ghoul reaches out and places a hand on his shoulder. The air smells like ozone for a brief moment and you can hear a faint static noise as you watch tiny purple sparks dance to life and connect the two. Everyone at the table seems to be holding their breath watching with an intensity you don’t even see during Black Mass. You huff a little amused laugh and eat while you watch the display. 
When the ghoul removes his hand the Sibling is staring at him in awe as he beams down at him. There’s a confused murmur through the group and out of instinct you answer their questioning 
“Telepathy. Some quint ghouls have that ability.”
 It’s almost humorous how casually you talk about demons and magic. It goes quiet for a moment. You look up from your plate to see all of the Siblings and the ghoul staring at you. His mouth was half open and it was only then did you realized you definitely just interrupted him. You panic internally for about a second before you notice his tail never stopped wagging. He made a move to walk over to your spot at the table, but he didn’t get very far before he was yanked backward with a yelp. 
“Stop bothering the Siblings and eat your food before it gets cold or else you get leftovers in the den.” You recognized the voice of Cirrus from under the mask. 
The moment he was gone, they all began questioning the man who was lucky enough to be chosen. He tried his best to describe it, but it was obvious he was floundering under the attention. You weren’t completely exhausted yet so you decided to throw him a bone and began to explain what you knew of ghoul magic and some of the things you’ve seen it do. However, the entire time you spoke you couldn’t help but notice the little quintessence ghoul hadn’t taken his eyes off you once. Every time he realized you were looking back, he would wave and smile broadly, and every single time Dew and Swiss would tease him. You couldn’t help but laugh at the display, it was pretty cute seeing how excited he got. 
After you had finished and decided you had enough conversation for one night, you stood to leave, bidding everyone at the table a nice night. You made it approximately five feet out of the dining hall before you felt a clawed hand on your wrist. You stopped and turned to face none other than the little quintessence ghoul. His purring was filling the otherwise quiet hallway. 
You cock your head with a smile not quite reaching your tired eyes.
“Need something…?”
“Phantom.” He grinned.
He trilled happily “Say it again.” 
You huffed a laugh and took your hand from his grasp “Answer my question first.” 
He took his helmet off, shook his hair out, and looked at you with bright eyes, cheeks dusted a deeper purple. 
“Can I spend the night with you?” His tail wagged as he waited for your answer. 
That was not what you were expecting him to say if you were being honest with yourself. You had been at the Ministry for years now, so random demons offering a night of sin was nothing surprising. What was surprising was just how forward he was. Usually, it took the new ghouls a bit of time to gain that level of confidence and interest in the humans of the Ministry. 
When the silence dragged his face flustered deeper. 
“That’s not what I meant dear Sibling…I mean well not unless you’re offering.” 
You smile amused at the way his voice pitched higher awkwardly, you almost feel bad for your response.
“Not tonight Phantom. I’m exhausted from work.”
“Oh! Well that’s fine we can just—“ 
“I meant no to both sweetheart.” 
The wag of his tail faltered as his purring got softer. You didn’t miss the brief flash of disappointment in his expression before he tried to hide it. He lightly shook his head causing his earrings to jingle. 
“Well…can I walk with you to your room?” 
You laughed “Sure I don’t see why not.” 
“Great!” He immediately grabbed your hand and started walking down the hallway. You gave a light tug on his hand. He looked at you with a little ‘mmrr?’ sound. 
“Uh, Phantom…my room is that way.” You pointed to the right with your other hand. 
He smiled awkwardly making a noise of affirmation and turned to the direction you pointed to and began walking with your hand still in his. He definitely has not gotten used to his otherworldly strength because he was practically dragging you behind him. Eventually, you gathered your footing and were able to walk side by side. He kept glancing at you as he walked and would startle every time you caught him. 
When you arrived at the door to your room you dropped his hand ready to say goodnight. Before you could squeak even one word out he wrapped you in a tight but quick hug. You rolled your eyes with a smile and hugged him back with a pat on his back. When he let go you opened your door and stepped in but not before turning around to him. 
“Goodnight Phantom.” 
You began to close the door and noticed that he tilted his head to keep looking at you until it was completely closed. 
You smiled at the closed door for a moment before going about your before-bed routine. You flopped onto the horde of fluffy pillows and blankets and let the events of the day replay in your head. You let out a sigh feeling content at finally having a moment to yourself. It’s not that you didn’t like sitting with the new Siblings, but it felt more like babysitting or hanging out with a coworker. Then you thought to Phantom. You smiled to yourself. New ghouls were always so much fun, they were always so curious about everything Earth had to offer. It was even better when they finally got used to the company of humans and began seeking interactions. You would be lying if you said you didn’t find his behavior a bit endearing already. You had a feeling this wouldn’t be the last time Phantom followed you back to your room. 
Turns out, that came much earlier than you expected. You had woken up a bit before your alarm and decided to just accept your fate and get up and ready for the day. When you opened your door to leave, you immediately tripped over something. The mass in front of your door let out a surprised yelp. You caught yourself before falling. When you turned around you were met with the sight of Phantom slowly sitting up rubbing sleep from his eyes.
“G’moring.” He said with a yawn that ended in a whine. 
“Phantom I did you…did you sleep there all night?” 
“Yeah, why?” He asked it so casually with a hint of genuine confusion. 
You stared at him bug-eyed
 “Why? You weren’t kicked out of the ghoul den already were you?” 
He cocked his head raising an eyebrow 
“Uhh no? I wanted to walk with you to breakfast but then I realized I didn’t know how early you got up and then I realized I usually sleep late. So naturally the solution was to sleep right here.” He emphasized his statement by tapping the floor with his tail causing the piercings to scrape against the stone. 
You laughed with a mix of amusement and disbelief “Naturally.” 
You held out your hand to him and he took it eagerly. You helped him up and he hugged you again. As you two walked to the dining hall, he wrapped his tail around your wrist. With how early it was there weren’t many people at breakfast which you didn’t mind. It was mostly older Siblings and a few Clergy ghouls. The Siblings gave you knowing looks and you just rolled your eyes in amusement. The only other band ghoul that was present was Cirrus. When she noticed the way Phantom was leaning practically on top of you she came over. 
“Bug I think you’re suffocating the dear Sibling.”
You shook your head as he whined “It’s fine Cirrus I don’t mind.” You reached up to scratch behind his pointed ears for emphasis. His tail beat heavily against the bench as a loud purr kicked up in his chest.
“Alright alright but if he does start bothering you, you know where to find me.” She said with amusement. 
“I can handle myself” you grinned at her “I know how to handle a ghoul.” 
Her tail flicked playfully behind her as she turned to go back to where she had sat. 
You finished breakfast rather quickly after that and untangled Phantom’s tail from your arm making him pout. You apologized and gave him a quick explanation of your job as Sister Imperator’s assistant and why you had to go so suddenly. He seemed to accept it despite his dejected look. You ruffled his hair and bid him a good day which caused him to brighten a bit. 
Apparently Phantom didn’t quite accept your explanation. Your task for the day, after finishing the paperwork you didn’t get to yesterday, was to run around the Ministry delivering said paperwork to whomever it applied to. Somehow every corner you turned you bumped into Phantom. At first, he would apologize, give your hand a squeeze, and then walk off to do his own chores, but after he realized you didn’t seem to be getting annoyed with the ‘coincidences’ he simply started to follow you around. He kept his distance for a bit genuinely not wanting to interfere with your job, but every time you turned and caught his eye and didn’t tell him off he would creep closer. 
By the end of the day, he was practically your personal escort, walking side by side with you asking you questions just to hear you talk with his tail curled idly around your arm. Little did you know, that soon became your new daily routine. You would wake up to him waiting eagerly outside your door so you could walk to the dining hall together. He would disappear for a bit to speed through his own chores before coming to find you no matter what task Imperator had you up to. When you finished you two would then go to the dining hall for dinner where you’d make faces and hand gestures to each other from the tables while the ghoul pack and your friends respectively tease you both. It didn’t take much longer before he started to sleep over every so often. 
As the months crawled on and the first tour date came closer you began to see less of him which made your heart oddly heavy. You tried, and failed, to not think too much about it. You obviously didn’t like him, he was just being friendly. You saw the way he interacted with the other ghouls and some other Siblings or the way he acted when you would sneak a peek at rehearsals. He was just affectionate! He liked attention! But he only walked with you. He only got up early to meet you. He only looked at you doing dinner. He only followed you back to your room. And his purring helped you sleep so much better than any weighted blanket. And the way his tail always betrayed his emotions. And how his eyes always lit up when he spotted you. And maybe your heart skipped a beat when he once confided in you after a rough rehearsal saying that you made him feel grounded. 
Aw, shit was all you could think as you felt your cheeks heat and the list of reasons grew. You shook your head slightly to clear it and returned to the task at hand. You had been working on a massive project for Imperator that needed to be finished before the band went on tour. It’s taken up practically all your time, you barely had time to get proper meals in. That also meant you’ve been having less and less time with Phantom. You could tell it was definitely affecting him just as much. The moments you two did get together he was even more clingy, if that was even possible. He also seemed more tired, he still was rather energetic, but he definitely seemed toned down. Your suspicions were confirmed when he got back from a longer-running rehearsal and his quintessence sparked to life without him even noticing. He also took to sleeping in your bed every night now, burying his face deep into the crook of your neck and passing out with his tail wrapped around your waist. 
You worked for a few more hours before leaning back in your chair to stretch. Your eye caught the clock on the wall and you cursed. It was well past midnight. Phantom’s rehearsal ended four hours ago. You found a good stopping point and quickly packed everything up and made your way to your room. You were ready to have to spend the night on your own for the first time in almost a month. You were already ragged from working all day and the idea of having your new routine, your only time with Phantom, getting disturbed made you feel even worse. You choked down the burn in your throat as you pushed your bedroom door open. 
“There’s my comet.” 
You gasped and looked up to see a rather exhausted-looking Phantom sitting happily on your bed. He was already in his pajamas and there were multiple books stacked on your nightstand. He blinked slowly and cracked a wide smile. 
You smiled in return and willed yourself not to cry in front of him. However, the way his brows knit together before standing up and walking over to you reminded you. Quintessence ghouls can feel emotions. He crushed you against his chest and kicked up a purr in his chest. You attempted to stutter out a mix of an apology and an explanation, but he just shushed you and practically threw you both backward onto your bed. You didn’t even care you were still in your day clothes, you didn’t want to move now that you were right where you wanted to be. And then you smelled it. The air had suddenly felt electric. The scent of ozone and frost filled the space. You felt a little tingle in your mind before hearing Phantom.
I’m so happy you’re here. I missed you so fucking much. I like you so fucking much. 
Your eyes snapped open. Oh. You definitely weren’t meant to hear that, at least not like this. However, your sleep-deprived mind couldn’t care less at the moment. 
“Hey.” You shifted your shoulder to get him to lift his head from your neck.
“Huh? What is it?” 
You gave him a quick, chaste kiss on his lips before pulling back and kissing his nose. 
“I missed you too.” 
It took him approximately five seconds to really understand what just happened as you sent him entirely offline. When his brain finally caught up, though, he laughed with so much genuine joy that it made your heart beat a little faster. He pulled you so impossibly close to him and peppered your whole face with kisses before leaving a long kiss on your lips. He nuzzled his face right back into your neck as you scratched between his horns. The silence was periodically broken with Phantom giggling to himself and pressing another kiss to your neck and shoulder. This went on until he ended up falling asleep with a slight smile on his face and a purr deep in his chest. 
You curled into his hold and never felt more content in your life. You closed your eyes and fell into a peaceful sleep soothed by his rumble and his weight. 
Okay. So maybe you did like him. Just a little bit.
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molly-ghuleh · 1 year
Honeysuckle - Mountain x gn!reader
Mountain's rut is coming up soon, and the only thing he can think about is you.
Contains: smut, MDNI!! ghoul heat cycles, masturbation, breeding, oral (both receiving), penetration, knotting, soft Mountain uwu, pining
Notes: Reader is intended to be gender neutral, so I tried to use non-specific anatomy as best I could. Enjoy!~ AO3 link
It’s hot. Too hot, and Mountain can’t sleep. He always gets like this just before his rut–as if his body is saying, in case you didn’t have the whole week blocked off on the calendar already, it’s happening soon–and more often than not, he ends up jerking himself off anyway.
Dew and Swiss call it his ‘pre-rut nut’. 
He feels all the aspects of a rut. His body burns, his dick is sore, and his tail whips around faster than usual, but he doesn’t have that animalistic urge to breed anything that walks yet. 
Hence, pre-rut nut. 
Mountain sighs and throws the thin blanket off his body. The cool air from the window flows over his bare chest, raising goosebumps in its wake. His nipples pebble slightly at the sensation and he shudders. He can live with hard nipples. 
His aching cock, though, is a different story. 
When he’s this close to his rut, he has to jerk off every night. During the day he can assuage his urges, distracted by his duties. But at night when he has nothing else to do, the full force of his unholy urges hit him like a tidal wave, a near-orgasm in and of itself. In the days before his rut he edges himself all day without even realizing it. Usually it’s his pants constricting around his crotch just right, or he sees a perfect ass filling out a pair of pants that makes his dick twitch, but lately… Lately, the only thoughts making his dick twitch have been of you.
Oh, Lucifer, he’d made his way down to the gardens this morning and had been greeted with an eyeful of your ass as you bent down. The sight nearly made him trip over his own tail. He just wanted to grab your hips and– 
His cock jumps in his boxers and he groans. He slips his legs out of the material but keeps them close, so he can clean himself up after he blows his load to the thought of you. 
Mountain knows it’s wrong of him to think of you this way, but sweet Satan, he can’t help it. Not when your scent is the most tantalizing thing he’s ever smelled. Whenever he’s around you, your essence wraps around him and inside him, tugging at his heart as if you know it beats only for you. Just the smell of you, so strong and enticing beneath your perfume, is enough to bring him to his knees, and it has. The first time he’d smelled your scent after a day working in the gardens together, he’d pinned one of his pillows between his knees and rutted down into it like a rabid dog. 
He briefly considers doing that now, but he decides against it. He’d ruined his pillow so thoroughly that he had to throw it out. 
Mountain wants to ruin you instead. 
He brushes his hand down his neck, over his collarbone, and down to circle one of his sensitive nipples. Oh, he just knows you’d treat him so well. Your hands, so small and soft compared to his, would explore every inch of his skin as you exposed it. Your hands would accidentally brush his nipples as you unbuttoned his shirt, but when you heard how his breath hitches at the touch, you’d do it on purpose. Maybe you’d even tilt your head down to take one of them into your pink lips and pull just to see how he’d react. Ah, the sweet little sound you’d make when Mountain’s hips grind up into yours…
Mountain palms his length, only applying a light pressure. No fingers yet, no–in his mind you’re still wearing clothes. He can’t slide himself inside you before he’s made you cum at least once. He knows his size is daunting. He’s been humbled in the past by potential partners who’d gotten one look at his hard cock and fled for the hills. But you would see it as a challenge. He can practically hear you purring into his ear, Come on Mounty, how many inches do you think I can take before I beg you to stop?
Mounty, Mounty, Mounty…
You’re the only one who calls him Mounty. Satan, it makes his knees weak. He wants to know how it sounds in his ear, against his neck, in his mouth. He wants to know how it sounds muffled around his cock. He wants to know how it sounds when he drags it out of you, the last syllable spilling from your lips in a pathetic little whine. He just knows you’d take him so well, all the way to the hilt, and past it when he’d knot you– That thought makes a low growl erupt from his chest. He finally, finally takes himself into his hand, giving himself a few slow, firm strokes. He can’t decide if he wants to imagine it’s your own hand, your lips, or your dripping hole wrapped around him, but his mind lands on your mouth. You’d insist on trying to take him as far as you can down your throat. That’s another challenge you’d pose–how long you can keep him in your mouth until your jaw starts to ache. If you can even fit him. 
But Mountain would only let you touch him after he gives you pleasure first. He wonders how you would taste at the first lick. A little salty, maybe? After your first orgasm, you’d be sweeter, slicker, and because he knows you would be so good for him he’d give you another one. He’d make you scream for him, beg him with incoherent little pleas of your nickname for him. Oh, he can almost hear you in his mind. Oh sweet Satan, Mounty, please… 
Only then would he let you test your little theory. Such a sweet thing for him, crying and drooling around his thick cock and telling him you can take more. 
Mountain grips at the sheets underneath his naked body as his hand slides languidly up and down. He knows he needs sleep, but the visions of you are too delicious to rush. No, you deserve to be revered. Worshiped like the unholy being you are. He prays to you, kneels at your altar, communes with your divinity through his lascivious fantasies of your body under his. He wants to make love to you. He wants to take you so, so slowly at first, stretching your muscles around his dick when he enters you for the first time. He wants you to feel every thick, prodding inch of him inside you. He wants to watch your body arch under him when his tip drags against the spot on your inner walls that will, eventually, make you scream his name. He wants to swallow your moans and whines of discomfort with his lips and shush you and tell you that it’s alright, the stinging stretch will go away in a few seconds. He wants to lean down to your ear and whisper that he loves you, and he wants you to say it back. 
Lucifer, he hasn’t even kissed you yet. 
Mountain would wait until you say you’re ready for him to move, and then he’d pull out nearly all the way just to angle his hips upward and push back in. He imagines the way you’d gasp in surprise that the uncomfortable stretch has turned into pleasure. You’d wrap your arms around him, tugging at the hair on the base of his skull the way you know he likes. Your fingers would brush against the base of his horns by accident. He’d shudder at the contact, rutting his hips into you harder than he meant to, and then you’d do it again on purpose. 
His free hand absently raises to his head to touch his horns the way he imagines you would. The hand wrapped around his leaking cock begins to stroke faster, harder. “Oh f-fuck, petal, that’s so good…” 
His own words echoing in his room make him blush. Mountain knows you like it when he calls you petal. You haven’t explicitly told him so, but he notices the way your eyelids flutter and your mouth quirks up whenever he says it. Once, he’d groaned with soreness from kneeling in the gardens all day and said, you’re killing me, petal. It had sounded more lewd than he’d meant. He had to pretend that he couldn’t smell your arousal suddenly flaring up in you after he’d said it, but oh, you smelled delicious then. He’d had to excuse himself for a few minutes just to rub one out to your lingering scent before he came in his pants. 
Mountain knows you like him, too. Your scent has started to change over the last few months, after you’d started working in the garden with him. You smell sweeter now. Sweeter means your heart pounds a little faster, a little harder whenever you see him. 
The endorphins your body releases at the sight of him make you smell like honeysuckle. 
He grips the base of his horn tighter and pulls. He can picture you riding him like your life depends on it, holding onto his horns for stability and because you’d know he likes that. Your lovely hips would feel so plush and warm in hands when he digs his fingers in to drag you up and down his length. You wouldn’t have to do the work, no... Mountain would take care of you. He’s the biggest, strongest ghoul, but also the most gentle. He’d lift you like you weighed nothing and guide you back down onto his cock without you having to put an ounce of effort in. He’d treat you so well, petal. So well. 
He fists his cock faster now. He can tell he’s going to cum soon, but fuck, he doesn’t want it to be over so soon. Not when his mind is conjuring such sweet pictures of you. 
The ghoul wonders how you’d sound when you get close. Are you loud? Would you get louder? Would you start to beg him to make you cum, or would you go silent? Would you whine out his name for him? His full name or the nickname you gave him? Could you cum from just his cock, or do you need him to help you? Do you need his hands? Oh, sweet thing, you can have his hands. 
He meant to tell you. He wanted to tell you how he feels about you, and then show you, and show you again. But he wants your first time together to be slow, passionate. He wants the only thing on his mind to be you. When he’s in his rut, he can only focus on his primal need to breed, and he doesn’t want that for you. Not yet. Would you like it, though? Mountain imagines what you would sound like begging him to breed you and his knot begins to swell at the base of his dick. He wants to explode inside of you, over and over, until your belly is swollen with his seed. One of his loads will take, right? It must, after he’s fucked his cum into you more times than you can count. His thick knot will keep it inside you until it takes. 
Pre-rut nut, his ass. 
Mountain moans your name like a prayer. He’s sure the other ghouls can hear him call out for you, but he doesn’t care. “Yes, petal, take my knot. I—fuck—I know you can take it all, sweet thing. You’re so good for me, taking my knot so well—”
He imagines you crying out for him, cumming on his cock so hard like he knows you can. He’s not finished yet. Not yet. Just a little longer, please—
You would bring his head down to yours and kiss him so tenderly while he thrusts into you like a man dying. You’d whisper in his ear that he feels so good, fucks you so well, and that you want him to cum inside you. Inside, Mounty, you’d plead, gasping and moaning from his cock still dragging over your walls. He obliges. 
Mountain cums with a loud groan. His hips buck up into his hand and spurts of his viable seed—wasted when it’s not buried deep inside you—land on his stomach and chest. The shocks of pleasure roll through his limbs, making his toes curl and his back arch off the mattress. He wishes he had your body to hold onto when he cums. You would anchor him to the world, even though you were the one to send him to space with pleasure in the first place. Briefly, Mountain squeezes his knot with his hand to imagine what it would feel like stuck inside you, but it’s bittersweet. The rest of his dick is exposed to the cool air of his room. No, it wouldn’t feel like this. You’d hold him inside like a warm, soft cocoon. 
He opens his eyes and the illusion fades. He’s alone in the ghoul dens without you, with drying jizz on his stomach and a rut that came two days early. 
He wants to hold you. 
He wants you close to him, to soothe his aching muscles in between the long periods of fucking you. He wants to massage you too, because he knows he’s big and you’ll be sore for days after his rut ends. Next year, he thinks ruefully. Next cycle, after he properly confesses to you, and then properly makes love to you, many times. He wants to make sure you know he adores you before fucking you like some feral beast. 
Mountain sighs and cleans himself up with his discarded boxers. He doesn’t bother putting another pair on.
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xxcallmemaryxx · 9 months
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Ghouls x GN reader
(who is suffering from horrid cramps)
(Warning: reader in a lot of pain, talks of nausea and throwing up. But nothing in detail.)
Our beautiful gentle giant, Mountain, is well prepared for this. He basically lives in the abbeys greenhouse, he is like an encyclopaedia of plant knowledge. What balms and rubs and oils he can make to help you out, you best believe he has an abundance of them stocked up. I like to think if this is a regular occurrence then Mountain has a little cupboard that keeps these remedies safe and sound for you. For whenever you need them. He takes this seriously, and he will put them on you himself if you’ll let him. Mountain absolutely tricks you into letting him rub one of the mixtures on your stomach, (you insist you can do it yourself and he knows this, but he doesn’t let up easily so he prepared to just give in) and so there the two of you lay, on your bed, as Mountain slowly massages an oil into your skin to help soothe the cramps. As much as he hates seeing you in pain, he really loves doting on you. He will make you his self made herbal teas to help as well, and he will 100% spend every minute with you making sure you’re as comfortable as possible. You’re not to move from the bed without him, not that the cramps would let you anyways…
Aether is pretty much the same in the sense he spends most of his time with you researching ways to help you feel as comfortable as possible. He keeps a heat pack on standby, he has a cupboard stocked with pain killers and anti nausea medicine and he even has Mountain make you some kind of rub to help relax the muscles where your cramps are. All in all, Aether stays calm. He knows that if he started freaking out about you being in pain then that would just make you feel worse. Of course he absolutely hates every second of it, and there’s a pit of worry and anxiety that sits at the bottom of his stomach and eats away at him throughout the duration of your cramps, but he knows you’ll be okay soon and he knows that he has to stay calm and collected for you. What kind of help would he be if he was outwardly worried the whole time? Aether likes knowing that he can be a rock for you, to keep you grounded and steady when you need it. He takes great pride in knowing you allow yourself to rely on him during this time of pain and vulnerability, and he would rather send himself back down to hell than ever betray that.
The only time Dew has ever cursed the unholy Lord below, was when he experienced this with you for the first time. You were stuck in bed, such intense nausea you needed to keep a large bucket next to you incase you couldn’t make it to the bathroom in time and you couldn’t even keep your eyes open because of how exhausted you were from the pain of the cramps. He honestly thought for a moment that you were dying and he panicked and ran to Copia for help. It took him a while to come around, and even now after being with him for ages, and going through this multiple times whilst with him, he still panics. He kind of hovers around the room, he’s unusually quiet and it’s like he’s too scared to touch you incase he somehow makes the pain worse. He gets angry for you. Angry that you, his lovely human, has to deal with this so often. He wants to take your pain, he wants to take it all away and keep it to himself and let you stay comfortable and happy. Dew will keep you as comfortable as possible, bringing you food and water so you don’t have to get up, he does not step foot out of your shared room the whole time until it’s over. His eyes stayed glued to you the whole time ready to do whatever you need him to do.
Swiss doesn’t panic when your cramps start, for he already knew it was going to happen. He can literally smell it on you, on the way your body changes and adjusts. He picks up on your body language and the way that changes during the few days beforehand. You like to tease him a little and call it his “ghoul powers”, and while yes being a ghoul has a lot to do with it, Swiss has just become so accustomed to you and your body that he just knows. So by the time the cramps have started he is mentally prepared. For the most part he lets you sleep and rest as much as possible, he understands how exhausting the constant pain is. Only waking you up to give you some more pain killers once the previous ones have worn off, and to keep you hydrated. He still makes sure you’re eating, but he never puts anything too heavy on your plate. Just incase you’re not able to keep it down, Swiss will give you lighter meals and snacks so you at least have something. During the night he really just loves to sleep next you, keeping a protective tail wrapped securely around your waist, for his own comfort to still have some kind of contact with you, and to remind you that he is right there next to you should you need him. (He doesn’t wanna cuddle up to you and risk accidentally rolling on top of you during the night) (it’s happened before) (he almost didn’t get back in bed after).
During the beginning, Rain was really no help at all. Of course you knew the things that worked for you, but Rain was just a nervous mess. The image of you in so much pain you couldn’t even move got stuck inside his head for days after, it really upset him to see you going through this. After a little while he realised he needed to snap out of it and he came to you asking you to tell him everything you needed and wanted him to do for the next time so he is better prepared and can actually be of some help to you. It took him a few months to really fall into the routine, but eventually it became like a second nature to him. He knew what positions to help you lay in to decrease the cramp intensity, he knew what painkillers worked best for you and he kept you as comfy as he possibly could. He really enjoyed knowing that you could confidently count on him when you needed him. He likes to spoil you a little bit too… he steals Mountains fluffy blanket for you, he raids the abbey kitchens and risks his tail just to bring you back some of the special snacks that are kept aside specially for the papas, he even learns how to give massages for when you’re feeling up for it. Anything he can do to help you relax and stay settled, consider it done.
Phantom freaked you out the first time he experienced this with you. After being summoned not that long ago, obviously he still had a lot to learn about humans and how they function, so you can only imagine the real fear that would have struck him when he saw how much pain you were in. It took you a minute to explain it to him, between horrid cramps and almost unbearable nausea, you did the best you could… but clearly Phantom went into freak out mode and almost lost his head trying to pull things together to look after you. You had about 7 glasses of ice water sitting at your bedside table, he panic cleaned the toilet incase you needed to empty your stomach into it (because send him back to hell if you even think for one whole second that the toilet isn’t going to be spotless before you even get near it) he ransacked the cupboard for your extra blankets and made a makeshift nest for you to lay in and throughout the entire time you weren’t well Phantom did not sleep a wink. He sat on the floor in front of you and watched you like a hawk while you slept just incase he needed to spring into action. He settled down a lot after the cramps were gone and you were back to your normal self again, but expect it to be like that every single time. He just loves you and seeing you in pain is hard for him.
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secretsandwriting · 2 years
The Little Moments [Swiss]
The little moments in which the ghouls realize that the feeling in their chest when they see you isn't just instincts anymore, it's love and their drowning in it.
A sequel of sorts to mate. Can be read alone.
[Dew] [Mountain] [Aether] [Rain] [Poly]
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            Swiss was trying to accept the Mate bond it wasn’t nearly as fast as the other ghouls but it was happening. Everyone was just glad they didn’t have to worry about him hurting himself more. The other ghouls would sit down and talk with Swiss, while no one knew why he tried so hard to break it they did know that coming out of instincts to a mate wasn’t easy and it was something they all had to come to terms with. 
            So here he was following Dew’s advice and bringing you your favorite work appropriate drink to see your reaction because Dew said the little things like bringing a drink or snack, or little kisses on the forehead were apparently things that would cause a reaction that would make his stomach go all fluttery as Dew put it. 
            Now Swiss wasn’t a fool, he knew those things affected people and all that but he wasn’t sure how much seeing it would give him that big of a reaction, sure it might make him feel nice but that was about it. 
            Swiss heard talking from your office so he knocked louder before opening the door and stepping in. You paused the video but before you could say anything you were met with a cup in front of your face. 
            “For you.” Swiss watched as you gently took the cup from him and looked into, attempting to figure out what it was before you took a sip, he could see the moment you figured out what it was. The way your eyes widened just a little bit, and the spark of excitement that brightened your face, the way the corners of your lips turned up just enough to be able to notice it, and the way your shoulders seemed to loosen up a bit.
            When you did take a sip, the spark softened into a gentle glow, the way your smile took over filling your presence with something so beautifully relaxed Swiss felt himself relaxing with you. 
            “Thank you! It’s exactly how I like it!” The smile sent his way made him realize Dew was wrong, his stomach wasn’t going all fluttery. It felt like he had just been punched in the stomach and all the wind was knocked out of his lungs. 
            When Swiss made it to practice ten minutes later, still reeling from the feeling. Dew just smirked at him from his spot on the floor. Maybe Dew knew what he was talking about, just a little.
            Swiss wanted to rip his head off his shoulders. A migraine pounded against his skull making it so the slightest of sounds made his ears ring and the faintest lights sent him reeling despite knowing it wouldn’t work, he had taken some migraine meds. After all, human medication wouldn’t help his elements being out of balance. 
            The door to the room opened and while it was darker in the hallway than normal and you had opened the door quieter than normal, it still felt like you had added more knives to the collection already in his head. While he wanted nothing more than to scream at you to leave so he could ride this out by himself, this was your room too, you were making a conscious effort to be as quiet as possible, and it was late. You had been working all day so you were probably ready for bed. It didn’t make the thought of you leaving any less nice though. 
            He felt the bed dip as you got into your spot in the nest and settled in until all he could hear from your side was your breathing. Little spikes of pain shot into his skull with every single breath and yet he found himself craving your affection. He desperately wanted to curl up into your arms and breath in your scent, for you to hold him and make the pain go away. 
            Deciding that he wasn’t going to be feeling any better any time soon so he might as well get the comfort he’s craving, he slowly moved over to where you were laying on your side and tucked himself into your chest. Both of your hands found their way into his hair and Swiss melted at the little bit of sweet relief that came with you rubbing his scalp. Your gentle message did more to help his migraine than anything else had ever done, he would have laughed if it weren’t for the rest of the pain. Who would have thought he would be close to crying over a head massage.
            “Please don’t stop.” If it hadn’t been silent in the room you would have missed it. He relaxed again when you started up again, feeling a little bad because you were probably tired and yet he was asking for more but you hadn’t said anything and just continued on his request. It was the first time Swiss had ever been able to sleep with one of his imbalance headaches.
            When he woke up in the morning with your hands still in his hair, he had never felt more grateful. He had no idea how late you had been awake and to wake up with your hands still against his head, filled his stomach with something stronger than butterflies. He was really starting to understand why the other ghouls liked having mates.
            Squirrels, he decided. You made him feel like he had squirrels going crazy in his stomach.
            Swiss sighed as he opened his guitar case, he didn’t want to be a practice today. None of the ghouls did. It was one of those dreary days that messed with all the elements somehow, making them all feel out of whack. 
            Glancing down before picking up the instrument he noticed a little orange piece of paper stuck to it. Flipping it over he was met with your handwriting.
Have a good practice, I have some snacks in my office for you when you're done!
            The little hearts in the corner and the promise of food made practice sound a little less bad. He glanced up to see all of the other ghouls holding notes of their own with their own looks of affection. 
            “It’s a conspiracy.” Dew muttered, nothing but amusement behind his words. Everyone agreed and they all tucked their notes somewhere for safekeeping. 
            When he got to your office it was empty but on your desk, was one of his favorite drink and snack with another orange note. 
Sorry I missed you! Sister Imperator called a sudden meeting and I have no idea how long it will be. Enjoy your snack I’ll see you at dinner!
            Swiss tried to ignore the disappointment that settled in his stomach. He had looked forward to seeing you at least for a minute. He ate his snack on the couch, pulling the blanket off the back to curl up under when the chill of the room got to be too much. 
            Swiss blinked awake, not sure when he had fallen asleep or what had woken him up. The sound of keyboard keys had him looking up to see you working at the computer, he stayed where he was, head resting against the back of the couch as he watched you work. The headphones you normally didn’t use covering your ears, the faint sound of music reaching Swiss’s ears. You glanced over at him and he melted into the couch at the smile you sent him as you pulled the headphones off one of your ears as you looked back at your screen.
            “Enjoy your nap?” He nodded, pulling the blanket closer around. “Dinner is in about 15 minutes so let me finish this one thing and we can go.” Swiss nodded again, a soft purr building in his chest as he realized he would gladly wait for you. It didn’t matter what for or how long, he would wait.
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inkrabbit · 2 years
What do you think the ghouls moans/general nsfw noises sound like? Who’s more quiet, who has no shame and will make sure all the other ghouls know why y’all are doing just by the sounds
oh boy oh boy. here we go. for obvious reasons, I'm tagging this as Semi 18+
He's not too loud, but he does let out a good amount of grunts and snarls to remind everyone that you belong to him
He honestly prefers it if you're the one making noise, especially if it's his name you're crying out
Don't worry, he'll make it up to you by being really gentle later
Just make sure you can hang in there whenever he senses/smells someone passing by
He'll become pretty loud when he's going through his rut, however. This means more growling and praises, but there's a good chance you'll be drowning him out with your own noises
He's pretty quiet when it comes to intimacy
It's not that he's ashamed of you two together or anything. Far from it
He just sees this as an intimate moment between you two, and he wants to keep it that way
You know how people talk about "connecting with the earth?" Yeah. That's pretty much what you're doing, and he's focused on trying to get you to connect with him spiritually as well so you two can truly become one
The time he really starts making noise is when someone gets close to you two, letting out a low rumbling growl. Unless either of you have decided to invite another ghoul for your "bonding session", Mountain has no desire to share
He tries to stay quiet. He really does, but he just can't help himself
He'll start out biting his lip and whimpering, trying to stay quiet, but he tends to lose control when he gets towards his end
You wanna hear him make noises sooner? Take control. Ride him or even get on your knees for him. You'll hear all of his noise loud and clear
You've actually had to slap a hand over his mouth before when you two were trying to discreetly have some fun in a storage closet. Spoilers: one of the other ghouls found you
He's very vocal during his rut, however. You won't get him to shut up, unless you find a way to cover that pretty mouth of his
He honestly prefers if you're the one making all of the noise, but he'll let out grunts and groans if it really turns you on
He's full of praise and full of dirty talks, and he likes to increase his volume whenever he knows there are others lingering around
He really starts moaning when you go down on him, especially when you do that little trick with your tongue he likes
If you're really embarrassed about you two being figured out, just let him know and he'll tone down his voice
But just remember that you'll also have to work at keeping quiet too
He's here to please and make sure you have a good time
You like hearing him grunt and moan? Great! He's making all of the noises he wants to
If you're too embarrassed, that's great too. He'll do his best to keep quiet by giving you extra kisses and marks
This doesn't apply when he's going through rut. He's a lot more sensitive so it's almost impossible for him to 100% keep quiet
He will, however, make sure you're both making a lot of noise if he catches someone trying to listen in. Hell, he'll probably invite them to join if you're okay with it
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