sebille · 29 days
so this is like the 23789742847th time where Ayla has to fix the mistakes of one of her allies by putting herself in danger while they run off huh
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mysteryshoptls · 3 months
SR Grim - Apprentice Chef Vignette
"Let's keep on doing aaallll these fun things together"
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Grim: It's… It's…
Grim: Look, [Yuu]! My super special awesome cake's finished!
The cake looks like a tuna can…
Grim: Yeah! I made it look like the most delicious thing in the world. See how even the word "tuna" looks good?
Grim: As for what I put inside the cake… That's a surprise for when we eat it! MYAHA!
Grim: I bet this is gonna be the bestest thing on the table. We gotta hurry and get it back to Ramshackle!
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[Ramshackle Dorm – Anniversary Party]
Grim: Slowly… Slowly…
Grim: Gently, gently… Careful…
We're almost back to the dorm, you got this!
Grim: Gah, carrying a cake so it doesn't collapse is so hard…!
Grim: …But all the guys we passed on the way here from the cafeteria said it totally looked tasty, yeah?
Grim: Y'know, maybe my genius ain't just in eatin' food, but makin' em, too.
Grim: Back when you and me took the Master Chef course, I thought all this work was a pain, but…
Grim: Now I'm thinkin' that it was good we did it. 'Cause now tasty things can be made into even tastier things!
Grim: Myahaha! Thanks to this cake, today's party's gonna be the cat's meow!
Grim: Ah! But that annoying guy Trein is gonna be there… He might get mad if I get too excited.
Grim: Maaan, he's always findin' things to nag me about. Like the other day, he tried scolding in me when I was runnin' in the halls.
Grim: It pissed me off, so I tried pokin' fun at him, but then he just came at me!
Grim: Obviously I ran, but that old man is faster than he looks…
Grim: And then he just caught me in no time, I wasn't expecting that. Just nabbed me by the neck.
Grim: "Try to be a bit more like Lucius," he said… But I ain't a cat, y'know!
Grim: Don't know if Trein snitched on me or what, but even Crewel got mad at me, saying "Stop causing problems."
Grim: But then Crewel whispered later, "If you're going to tease Trein-sensei, make sure you don't get caught."
Grim: Myahaha! Crewel might be a teacher, but sometimes he's got a wicked side. He gets me.
Grim: …Though, he can be a huge stickler if ya mess around in class or get bad grades.
Grim: I remember the other day was pretty scary. He had us all lined up in a row, and was grilling everyone on who spilled the chemicals on the table…
Grim: No one fessed up, and Ace and Deuce were silently keepin' their heads down, so I stayed quiet too.
Well, we all got held responsible, in the end.
Grim: Tch. Trein and Crewel are both way too strict!
Grim: I like Vargas's class the best. 'Cause I don't need to take difficult notes in his class!
Grim: Like the other day, he started going on and on, saying, "If you want to be a great mage, then you need to have muscles as rippling as mine!" or whatever…
Grim: I was just nodding along, and then class ended with just him talkin' about his own muscles. Myahaha, waaaay too easy~
Grim: …Hm? Wait a mo'.
Grim: Do you think… The reason that Vargas showed up here randomly one morning a few days ago to go exercise together…
Grim: The sun wasn't even up, it was still dark, so that was a real pain!!
Grim: …Man, I think I might like Crewel or Trein better after all, ‘cause they don't cause me problems.
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[Ramshackle Dorm – Anniversary Party]
Grim: Y'know, now that I think about it, all the profs here are really strange… Is this school really alright?
Grim: Oh. But I think the strangest guy ain't one of the teachers, but Sam. I'm sure of it!
Grim: And that's cause… Remember the other day when I lost at rock-paper-scissors and I had to go buy snacks by myself?
Grim: Before I even got inside the store, I heard Sam talkin' with someone inside.
Grim: But… When I got inside, he was all alone.
Grim: When I asked who he was chattin' with, he said his "friends on the other side," but… WHAT DOES HE MEAN FRIENDS ON THE OTHER SIDE!?
Grim: He wouldn't tell me no matter how many times I asked. It's so eerie. But man, he's got a ton of cool stuff for sale, so I keep going back.
Grim: I remember then, too, before I could say what I wanted, he already had out the perfect number of snacks I had money for.
Grim: Oh yeah, and Crowley came in the shop right after me. Looks like he's always shoppin' at the Mystery Shop, too.
Grim: He started braggin' to me that he gets to order whatever he wants.
Grim: So I told him I wanted some special tuna cans then, and he says, "This privilege is for teachers only!"
Grim: He just kept on bragging, he's the worst! Crowley's so useless!
We should be thankful, since he let us attend here.
Grim: THANKFUL!? He should be thanking me for gracing this school with my genius!
Grim: And I bet Crowley'd gobble down the whole feast we got prepped if I take my eye off him for even a second…
Grim: No way I'm gonna give him a single bite. This time I'll make sure he's jealous of me.
Grim: Hey, [Yuu]. You 'n me're gonna protect this cake with our lives!
Grim: I might not be able to rely on you to do everythin' yourself, so good things we also got those ghosts.
Grim: If all us Ramshackle folk work together, we could even take on two Crowleys. We'll stun him silent!
Grim: I bet the ghosts're feelin' real alive right now. They were really getting' excited for Founding Day.
Grim: They were all, "It's so wonderful everyone is throwing a party here at Ramshackle~"
Grim: They also said that everything's getting' amped up 'cause we came to Ramshackle.
Grim: Myahaha. So that means… All the fun and happy times are all thanks to me!
1. Exactly!
Grim: Yeah. So you just keep on following me, no worries. Grim: As the boss, it's my job to take care of my henchie!
2. I think you're going a little overboard there.
Grim: Myah!? Y-You… You don't get how good I am to ya, huh!? Grim: I'm always pushin' myself hard doin' things for ya. Like, uh… Uh… ALL SORTS OF THINGS!
Grim: So let's keep on doing aaallll these fun things together!
Grim: Ah. Looks like everyone's here.
Grim: Hey, [Yuu], open the gate. We gotta bring the cake in quick!
Grim: I bet everyone'll be so surprised and happy. Myahaha. I can't wait~!
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Requested by @butterflyremix.
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skrunksthatwunk · 9 months
one kill la kill detail that's particularly dear to me that ive never seen anyone talk about is how blatant mako's crush on ryuko is from the get-go
like, mako doesn't really go out of her way to make friends. she's sometimes friendly with people, especially when she happens to be around them (i.e. maiko, gamagori, satsuki), but we don't really see her seek out friendship in the way she does with ryuko. they meet briefly before school, but ryuko doesn't even say a word to her. but then mako does stuff like immediately eagerly waving ryuko over in class, trying to tackle-hug her, declaring them besties because they're desk neighbors. do you think she and that guy ryuko replaced were bffs bc of this? or any of the other people mako has sat next to? no. and while one could argue that maybe she tried and failed with everyone but ryuko, her persistence when it comes to ryuko (which ryuko herself comments on and which is evident before ryuko really accepts her company (i.e. before she moves in with the mankanshokus)) doesn't seem to be present with anyone else. mako knows what it's like to be lonely, but she has no reason in particular to latch on to ryuko, other than, perhaps, that shes someone she hasn't tried yet. but she meets new people pretty often, and that doesn't lead to much interest on her end.
it seems more likely that something about ryuko caught her attention from the jump, likely how cool and pretty she is (something she talks about a LOT.) she talks (with her family) about how hot ryuko's body is, how good her old pajamas look on her, compares her tit size to satsuki's (which means she was either staring at both of theirs or that she simply feels that ryuko's are bigger, likely out of loyalty or respect for her (think big dick energy)), etc etc etc. like she's always fawning over her and cheering her on and showing her off as her "bestest friend" to mikisugi and aghhhghdfhgdjdjdh she's so gay man. what the fcuk
this isn't really present throughout the series, but she's often seen blushing or sprouting nose bleeds or ogling ryuko in early episodes. like any time there's a WOAH!!! HOTTIE BOOBA NAKED crowd reaction shot there'll often be a little mako alongside the horny guys blushing or peeking between her fingers or whatever like. she checks her out
she also is immediately very welcoming and supportive of ryuko. she tells her family to leave her alone when she's talking to senketsu and that it's not that weird, defends her in the fight club episode, literally invites her to uhaul on day one (classic lesbian maneuver) like. and she's also always talking about how close ryuko and senketsu are, that ryuko and senketsu are closer to each other than anyone else, that, while she's in ryuko's corner, she never really asserts herself as ryuko's best friend, even though she's very clear that ryuko is her best friend. she thinks she comes second. she's a very good sport about it, but something about that natural assumption that she's not her #1 is a little sad to me, though maybe she's just giving ryuko space and understanding in a very generous way. again, she's very supportive. like she's always doing what she can to cheer ryuko up or help her along, like bringing her lunches and standing up for her when the students of honouji bend the rules in their favor (like in the tennis episode). she's very "ily!!!! no pressure. but you're great :D" and i love that for her (though occasionally when shit gets dire she'll put her foot down, especially as the series goes on, i.e. rebelling against satsuki, the wedding dress scene, insisting this and that about the ryuko she knows (esp right after the time skip)
she's also got her cuddly streak. about half of it's reserved for hallelujah moments but there's also the scooter ride and her calling back monster-ryuko and the post-recovery nuzzling (i love that scene ehehhehdhdhshdgcvzkzh) and the epilogue moments and her GLOMPS
anyway my point is she loves ryuko and she does from the jump and she's great and i love her and ryuko loves her too but that's a separate post and yeah!!!!! girlfriends <3
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joongbin · 10 months
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you're seungmin’s childhood friend who had been supporting him through thick and thin, seungmin hadn't thought of you as anything besides his bestest, most lovable friend he had, until one day he had felt an unfamiliar attraction toward you.
pairings ; kim seungmin x male reader
warnings ; reader is oblivious, seungmin is head over heels, one sided pining (sm).
genre ; fluff 2 angst.
inspired by im serious by day6 .. u could also listen to you were beautiful by day6 ,, set the mood up!! also idk attempted angst
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You and Seungmin were friends for as long as you could remember, right up until now. You supported him through his idol life, and even attending a few concerts just to see him.
He appreciated all of them, seeing you in the crowds just made him wanna perform better to impress you, yes, of course his members notice it, but they don't mind.
You two hung out whenever his schedule wasn't packed to the brim. You had asked him to meet up at a local coffee shop near his agency, just to catch up with the recent events in your life.
Seungmin immediately grabbed his phone, a smile on his face appearing as he looked at the notification; it was you. Changbin chuckled and nudged his shoulder.
“ (name) again? ” Changbin smirked at him, earning a slap on the shoulder from the younger male. Seungmin replied to your text swiftly with an okay and a cute emoji before leaving the agency.
He hadn't seen you in weeks since the new comeback, he was busy with music shows, collabs, interviews, and more. He was unexpectedly excited to meet you again.
Seungmin walked through the doors and saw you sitting at a table. He walked over to you, smiling brightly as he sat opposite to you.
“ Min, it's so good to see you again! How are you? ” you say, a cheerful smile appearing on your face. He'd always see this smile whenever meeting you, but for some reason, today he felt different, like butterflies were flying around in his stomach.
“ It's been good, and busy. What about you? ” Seungmin couldn't hide his feelings at all, but he didn't know what the feeling was, looking at you just made him .. feel weird.
“ I've been good. I watched .. well, most of your recent comeback videos. You were great on stage, Min. ” you complimented him, you always did, but today was different. He chuckled, looking away from your gaze.
“ Thanks. Well, um — did you order anything? ” Seungmin changed the subject, not wanting to feel such feelings anymore. You nodded.
“ Yeah, I did. Order at the counter if you want something. ” you pointed at the counter before he immediately got up to order. His face was burning up and he didn't want you to see him like that.
He ordered a simple black coffee before walking back to your table.
As you both talked for what seemed like hours, sipping drinks here and there, Seungmin's heart was aching. Aching for you.
But you didn't know that, and he didn't want you to know. He doesn't even know if you like him or not, maybe you do, or don't. He didn't wanna risk it.
As the days went by, he was left staring at the ceiling of his dorm. Asking himself, why? Why does he like you so suddenly? His heart ached as he picked up his phone and started scrolling through past messages he had with you.
“ Damn it. ” he muttered. Seungmin closed his phone and tried his best to go back to sleep.
It was the next day, and he got an unexpected message from you, one that would destroy him completely. You told him to meet you at the local coffee shop from the last time you met.
Walking toward the coffee shop, there you were, with your boyfriend of 2 years. He opened the door, waving at you.
“ Hi guys. ” Seungmin put on a smile, while you greeted him back. He wasn't listening, his heart aching as you introduced him to your boyfriend and back.
God, he was foolish. To think that he had a chance with you. As you talked, his feelings for you grew even more.
“ Min, I'm so sorry. We have to go now. ” You briefly checked your watch before smiling sweetly at your friend, patting his shoulder as he waved at you while you and your boyfriend left the shop.
Seungmin sat quietly in the shop, before abruptly leaving and going back to his dorm. He threw himself on the bed, pouring his heart out as tears stained the bedsheets.
The members were out on their own today, so he was left all alone, crying as he longed for you, but couldn't. You were someone else's.
He was happy if you were happy, but his happiness wouldn't last long. His sniffles and hiccups filled the empty room, his eyes puffy.
He loved you, but you didn't.
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dw-flagler · 3 months
something that always bothered me about the worm fanfic scene is that they always try to cram everyone together. There's always the scene where taylor meets lisa in a coffee shop or whatever. I get it, it's a fanfic, you can't just make up a character for her to meet.
But one of the things i always liked about worm was that it stayed away from the comic trope of making everyone connected. Like, if Worm was a comic book, Armsmaster would be her teacher, She'd end up being friends with Kid Win, Cherie would attend Winslow, Annette would end up being still alive and a secret agent for Cauldron but with amnesia or something, over-the-top soap opera shit, right?
What I always liked was that in Worm, Taylor's just some girl. She only knows one hero out of costume, and it's the girl who ruined her life. Her dad's just the head of hiring for the union. Her mom was just a college professor. If you asked the mayor about Danny Hebert, he'd say "who?" A lot of fanfics have him be like seinfeldian rivals with the mayor, but like he just writes petitions. If you asked Lustrum about Annette Hebert, she'd have no clue who you're talking about, because Annette was just like a member of her organization.
What I'm trying to stress, is that in superhero comics, everything's connected. Everyone knows everyone. Everyone's a super genius, or met at The Science Expo, or their dad was a famous crime fighter. Comics have all these sorts of big dramatic irony reveals. In comic books, there is never a character who's just some guy.
This sort of thing is great for making everything feel connected, and it's good for keeping out extraneous exposition.
But Worm doesn't do that. It's all just like. They're just regular ass people. Of course they don't know each other. They live in a city with 300 thousand people, none of them would have ever met each other if it weren't for capeshit.
And, I mean, it does remove a lot of the potential for shenanigans but it really does a lot to make everything feel more real.
There's also something there about capeshit being a metaphor for shared trauma where like these people would not know each-other were it not for shared trauma.
The undersiders, the great team, the bestest friend team, they don't meet if not for capeshit. They have no connection to eachother outside this. These are kids who would have never met, they would never have come within 20 degrees of separation were it not for the fact they have powers. This is integral to worm's worldbuilding. It's maybe the closest you ever get to a positive aspect of gaining powers, and yet for so many capes there is no undersiders, just the fighting and loneliness and eventual violent death.
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azure-cherie · 2 years
Some astro observations pt:4🧡
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Hello how have yall been it's been a long long time so i hope you guys enjoy this post 🥹🧡
All of the observations here are based on sidereal/vedic measurements, this is what I have observed, take what resonates I'm not a professional astrologer, do not plagiarise my work !! I recently got into composite and synastry so i included some of my observations I hope you can relate to them.
🍁Moon - mercury - jupiter conjunction can make the native really intelligent and wise , but the downfall of this placement could be that you're always required to act tough in situations where you just need to let it flow or cry it out , it's like you have to be the mom of the house , like being the person who understands, they expect you to be the bigger person all the time , truth is it's not possible, the faster you realise that you choose your battles the better for you , always choose yourself and let your emotions flow , you don't have to intellectualise everything you got this sweetheart.
With this conjugation being in 10 H you might take an overload of work at your job , being in 11th too fixated on social media ,but at the same time you will be seen as someone who is really wise and would definitely listen to you , in the 5th 😭 it's like being a mother to your mother and people around you 😭 please don't, you are meant to live a free life , however with this being in the 3 rd house can make you a great writer a philosopher , very very intelligent, in 1st house would give you a nerd vibe or just someone who is very intelligent, this in the first could give you a very youthful appearance as well , since mercury represents skin along with the Jupiter and moon gives you like , people would say that you look like the young version of your mother . In the 12 would make you really spiritual and very psychic.
🍁The glass clear skin is a very Virgo thing y'all so pretty pretty. Along with it all chitras have a pearl shine to their skin , like greyish undertone , they're very famous as well.
🍁Having pisces placements in your big three might make you kind of aloof IDC what y'all say pisces know whom to give a fuck about, they ain't dealing with your half ass convos and half ass love, they are the loveliest people alive too i mean i don't know how they manage it , in purva bhadrapada know their worth they aren't sticking with you if you backstab them , they are mostly aloof and know their game very well , Uttara Bhadrapada's are great people very misunderstood, they are just kinda there is what people say , then one day you see the wrath of their anger and suddenly they are the villain like 💀 now no one likes them , you really cannot see a queen queening than that's your problem , with revati I've only observed one boy , like if you want someone to worship you get a revati man fr , they fall so hard in love , sometimes mould themselves which is not the healthiest thing , establishment of boundaries is quite a necessary theme initially for a revati after that you can vibe with what you have made for yourself.
🍁Pushya women will not hear you degrading yourself, they are one of the bestest friends you can have , they will love you more than you love yourself, be sure that you love them that deeply as well , their beautiful heart is a beautiful centerpiece it must be preserved with care .
🍁Hello Aquarius venuses so how many lovers did you gather this week damn like y'all charismatic as hell , i know some people with this placement they have so many lovers , they're pretty unforgettable 🥹 , also a lot of Aquarius Venuses could become others muses , they have the vibe of someone poets write about .
🍁9th H synastry is so interesting, like it's so much about wisdom and teaching each other stuff growing together, loving each other , being their for one another, like the person you are having with it could be a person with heavy anger issues and you are the only one who can calm them down , this synastry is good for partnerships , like in business as well , this will lead to the growth of both of you .
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🍁Moon - sun synastry, oml 💀 initially it's great and nice and you love the play the tension, then deal with the ego clashes , i had it with an ex friend , could make you feel very unworthy, confused too but however it differs with houses as well , as for me it was my 1H moon so yeah 💀 rip my need to change myself anyway this was like when i was 13 or so , it's alright and works good if you're matured enough to handle it ig , no matter the synastry you can always work to make it in your favour .
🍁Composite moon in leo , is so good y'all see those relationships where people grow together and don't work against each other , this is that vibe , power couple, when with friends gives genuine happiness and appreciation for each other , in 2H might bring you money or you could work together for earning money , in 4H business investments, beautiful for growth .
🍁Composite moon in Taurus , i had this with two of the most closed off people I know you know what this makes them open up really easily to you like the whole world thinks they are really hard on themselves and always working but you know they love watching movies and cannot sleep without a soft toy and love heart shaped objects , how lovely is that 🥹.
🍁People with hasta placements are literally not addictied to the internet at all 😂 like please teach me too , and oftentimes they go off so that they can redirect their life , it's like initially they love being on the internet and then suddenly things happen in their life and boom they can't be found for months , but i think it's a good thing that they can focus on themselves now.
🍁Ardra woman and their joy and childlike energy and they way they love so beautiful so fierce , they are very upfront and tell you if they like you and will defend you fearlessly.
🍁Having punarvasu placements can make you very imaginative and good at writing, punarvasu placements can also deal with ardra like themes in their initial years , however due to the redirection theme of this nakshatra they go back to being soft . Also gossiping is a punarvasu sun thing not a punarvasu moon thing , you know i learnt that gossiping existed because of a punarvasu sun but then again that could be the synastry💀 .
🍁People expect Deva gana Nakshatras to be so giving oml it's just a gana no of us is a god 💀 and every Nakshatra has its good and evil side every human does , also a rakshasa gana keeps a Deva gana on their feet , like they can help them establish boundaries well , friendships between Deva and rakshasaganas are better than relationships. Manushya ganas keep vibing they can adjust with anyone which is the best part but if you're one know that your identity must only be influenced by things you wish to embody, don't just jump to get everything that attracts you , learn distinction, it's really nice to be a rakshasa gana , in this age you know how things work and can actively filter out what to fight for which is really hard for a Deva gana to do.
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🍁Sun mercury conjunction can make you good with advice, your fame could be established through the education field, you could be really good at teaching people.
🍁Jyesthas literally do not have to try , they just naturally embody royalty, glamour , beauty , they know so much and are literally so humble , also i have noticed they're always busy or maybe it's a vibe around them , their life moves pretty fast they do a lot of things .
🍁Swatis are literally so pretty, so many popular and beautiful people i know have swati placements, rahu represents the divine feminine so makes sense, ardra being famous because of their childlike nature and social skills , Swati for their beauty and glamour , shatabhisha for their skills , rahu be ruling.
🍁An Ashwini woman is the definition of sophistication , so organized so pretty, knows their stuff and are really sweet and the bestest friend you can ever have .
🍁Vishakhas have had really hard experiences with their family, they could deal with a lot of emotional baggage of their mom , however i have seen most of it healing as they reach their adult stages after being in their teenage years, all the best to you my love you are strong and never alone.
🍁Mulas are very very religious ,they could even numb themselves through religion like it's okay to work on your traumas then to pray , like definitely god will help you but you gotta help yourself first , and after being really angry in their initial life they could become a believer of peace later, they value their alone time so much, also i know two mulas who just want to go down a pilgrim path although they are like so young.
🍁Uttara Phalgunis are so nurturing and loving, they literally love everyone which also makes them prone to being exploited 🤡 stop taking advantage of my queens 👑 , they deserve the world , they could also have a golden tint to their skin and are very enthusiastic towards life , could deal through some feuds with authority figure sometimes .
Do you guys want me to study divisional charts and make a post on it , if yes which one , general suggestions are very very welcome and requested , tell me anything you'd like me to make a post on 🧡
Thank you so much for reading
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spacedys · 1 year
starboy & stargirl.
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tsukishima didn't fall in love often— hell, he rarely experienced any sort of attraction towards anyone. of course, he's had celebrity and fictional crushes before, and of course he had personal (intimacy) issues, but it wasn't a big deal, right? it wasn't required to have a girlfriend in your second year of middle school!
yet once he reached high school, he found himself single while most of the people he knew had already found themselves crushes and partners. he was an attractive, tall, smart guy — not to mention, he started playing volleyball, so obviously he got confessions and both girls and guys pining after him all the time.
but he just never felt any kind attraction towards the people that confessed to him. he would always semi-politely decline their confessions or laugh in their face due to his big ego.
the only person he's ever crushed on for so long is you; you were his best friend since the 1st grade, not bothered by his mean and snarky tendencies. you were the very rare person that stuck around, and when yamaguchi shimmied his way into your duo, you were suddenly deemed the most annoying people in your middle school; tsukishima was obviously annoying due to his sarcasm and height, you weren't as much of a problen, but you enabled him— and yamaguchi, the less annoying peacemaker that was slowly losing his sanity.
tsukishima kei, who liked you when you made fun of yamaguchi's bullies after school.
tsukishima kei, who crushed on you when you would invite him over for dinner without telling your mom.
tsukishima kei, who fell in love with you the moment you had your first witty banter 20 minutes after meeting eachother.
tsukishima kei, who fell in love with you when he caught you making food with his mother and talking to her about his childhood stories.
tsukishima kei, who no matter how much he hides it, has feelings — for you, and for others.
"tsukiiii!" you yelled, waving at him with a smile as you approach him, bottle of water in your hand. "i just wanted to wish you good luck before your big game!" you offered the lunch to him, pushing it towards him forcefully. he stared at you blankly, then back down at the food— to be fair, your cooking wasn't good but it wasn't bad either. it was in the middle and above average.
the team was just about to walk into the gym for their first game, when you had started yelling— which startled literally everyone. you swore kageyama whispered to hinata: "for a short person, they're *really* loud.."
tsukishima glared at the two, which made everyone stop in their tracks and now watch your entire interaction. a slight blush crept onto his cheeks, pushing his glasses up and glancing between the box in your hands and your face, which was giddy with excitement. he furrowed his eyebrows and frowned in faux disappointment, "why are you so excited? it's not like its your game.." he muttered, taking the lunch from you and shoving it into his bag. "you didn't have to cook anything for me."
you scoffed, a smile still playing on your lips despite his words. "i cooked it because i'm a great friend and i'm excited because you're my bestest friend and i know you'll do great! it's my signature recipe!"
"wow, i didn't know this was expired instant spicy ramen." tsukishima retorted with a snarky smirk. you rolled your eyes, standing on your toes to squish his cheeks, giggling when he pushed your wrist away. "i'll be cheering you on from the sidelines, tsuki-tsuki!"
he blushes at the nickname. "you sound so lame right now." he chokes when tanaka throws a slipper at him. "hey, stingyshima! be nicer to girls that give you lunch and cheer you on during your games! you idiot!" the older boy yells.
"sounds a lot like your sister you're talking about, ryu." sugawara whispers.
you let out a small laugh at tsukishima's annoyed expression because their loud yelling for him to be more polite, watching him sigh and push up his glasses once more. "thank.... you for the food, yn. it was very nice of you." he says blankly, his expression ever so stoic, yet the tip of his ears flushed a deep red. "you're welcome, tsuki-tsuki!" you tease, "i've gotta go now, but i have to say something first.."
you pause for dramatic effect, the widest grin on your face. tsukishima hates it when you do this. "even if you lose or win— which you will —i'll buy you dinner!" the team whistles and teases tsukishima as you say this, hinata jumping as high as he can and hitting his head on the ceiling. at this point, people were starting to stare.
a small, tiny blush rises to his pale cheeks as he watched them get excited over the mere promise of a 'date', "it's impossible to give them more of a reason to get hyped up, but i think you just did." tsukishima jokes, a proud feeling settling deep in his chest when he sees you laugh.
"what can i say? i bring the happiness out in people." you poke his cheeks, and yet again, tsukishima gently pushes your hand away. "alright, i'll go now! bye, kei!" you wave at him as you leave, off to go find a place to sit.
nishinoya and tanaka come up from behind him, tanaka throwing his arm over tsukishima's shoulder and ruffling his hair. "looks like tsuki-tsuki's got a date!" he teased, laughing when nishinoya tries to bite the poor blonde boy. "yeah, i didn't think you had any sort of rizz to pull any woman!"
tsukishima scoffs. "shut up. it's not like you guys could get anyone to crush on you with how dumb you guys look." kei mutters, pushing himself away from the chaos of the two 2nd years teasing him.
"you guys, stop, people are staring!" daichi yells.
to say that kei was surprised you watched the *entire* game was an understatement. he was even more surprised when he heard you yelling his name and wearing one of his t-shirts in the crowd mid-set, making him blush the entire time.
when karasuno had won, you were the first person to cheer for tsukishima— not them as a team, but for tsukishima.
once they packed up, you immediately raced down to talk to the blonde boy, giving hinata a high-five as you passed him. "tsukishima, you did great! i'm so proud of you!" you ran towards him, tackling him with a hug— he didn't exactly fall over, but he did stumble. "i barely did anything.." kei mumbled, the tips of his ears flushing a dark red. "you did a lot, and i'm so proud of you!"
tsukishima could feel his teammates' eyes boring at the back of his head, if he wasn't talking to you right now, he would've rolled his eyes and made a snarky remark. "thanks. you still owe me that dinner, by the way." he led you away from the team, hand intertwined with yours and bag slung over his shoulder, before you two knew it, you were walking out the door. "where are we going anyways?"
you hummed, "well, i don't really know. i'm thinking of just eating anywhere we come across." kei rolls his eyes playfully at your answer, a teasing smirk on his lips. "isn't that just your answer to everything?" he tilts his head to the side. "we could eat at your place.. or maybe, like, a burger king? oh, i know this really good place that serves amazing coffee jelly.."
kei didn't realize you had stopped walking until he looked down and saw your hands weren't intertwined with eachother, he looked back and saw you staring and pointing in the direction of a— "no." was the immediate response that left his lips when he approached you, trying his best efforts to drag you away from the cheap awful sushi restaurant.
"there!" you point, refusing to move from where you stood - as if your shoes were glued to the sidewalk.
"oh my god, no."
"keeiii, please?"
"no, yn. i know so many better places that don't serve food that taste like feet."
"but it moves around me!"
"so does normal food if you put it on wheels."
you pout up at him, "please, kei?"
and what kind of man is he to say no to something like that?
so that's how he ended up here; sat across from you in a booth, a train of sushi to his left, and the plates of food in front of the both of you. his nose scrunches up in disgust at the different desserts and platters - all sharing one quality; being weird. his expression contrasted yours which looks vaguely curious.. and also disgusted. "yn, can we please leave? we could cook these ourselves at home and they would still taste like feet."
you roll your eyes at his reaction, already digging into your food. "i dunno what you're talking about, tsuki, this is really good." you nod, taking a sip of your water. kei seems to disagree, being the drama king he is, his face scrunched in disgust the moment he swallows the food. "again, it tastes.." he coughs, "..like feet."
"i disagree!" you say in a singsong manner, your eyes scanning the room for a second before landing on a couple that looked almost like you and kei; not exactly the same appearance-wise, but the two seemed to be have the dynamic you two did. you curiously stare at them, which prompts kei to stare at them as well. "why are you looking at those strangers? if you're thinking about poisoning them, i'm sure you just have to give them this sweet, sour, bullshit." he takes another bite, despite what he says.
"do you think they're on a date?" you pause, staring back at kei. "or are they just really good friends that look like they're dating eachother? y'know, like us."
for the first time in a while, kei was rendered speechless— he stared blankly at the food, unmoving and unblinking. he didn't.. know what to say or even what to think, were you flirting? was that a serious question? what did you mean?
"what do you mean?" he asked, glancing up at you before taking another bite of the food.
"i just mean, like, do you think the girl really likes the guy but doesn't know how to tell him or ask him out? or do you think the guy doesn't like her back and is too afraid to tell her. i think if that's true, then the guy should really tell the girl right now." you shrug. your heart was beating so fast, you could barely keep up with it— you felt so nervous, like you were gonna puke and all your organs were all gonna come out of your ass and mouth.
kei's heart shattered at the latter, he hated how you could actually think something like that. "well— i think the guy thinks this entire thing is stupid and adorable. i think he also thinks it about the girl." you blush at his words, even if he was using someone else as an example, you knew he was talking about you. "i think the guy really wants to ask out the girl, but feels like the girl would hate him if he did. if the guy asked the girl out right now, do you think she would reject him?"
"i would never!" you gasp.
kei laughs a little at that, cracking that precious smile of his. "wow, i didn't know we were talking about us!" he sarcastically replies.
"i'm asking you out, kei. not the other way around, let me win this one!" you whine.
he smiles, "okay, okay.. i'll go out with you. it's pretty desperate of you though—"
"shut up!"
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© spacedys ‘23 — all work belongs to me!! do not plagiarize, copy, repost, or modify my work or content on this platform or any other form of media. reblogs & likes are highly appreciated.
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awmancreeper · 1 year
♡Lonely Boy Will Stay Lonely?. 4 - What the Duck!
--❣︎ StayC’s Y/n is notorious for being K-pop’s social butterfly and making friends comes rather easy for her. When she’s asked to be an MC for Inkigayo, one of her co-hosts doesn’t seem too pleased to be working with her. This unknown feeling sparks a drive to become the bestest of friends with him but from the looks of it, he’ll fight her the whole way there.
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!!Written parts!!
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“I swear I’m gonna need a leash for that girl, Yoon!” You called out. The guys and you split up to find her faster since the building was ginormous.
“It’s a serious question would the elevator crash?” A voice said around the corner you were about to turn.
“I gotta call her-“Your face met a chest as the air in you was knocked out. Your phone hit the ground “I’m so sorry, are you okay?” You rubbed your nose looking up. It was two tall guys, your eyes widen while your heart raised. Kai froze looking down at you, you were CUTE?!
“No freakin way!” You felt your eyes water “Hey are you okay?” Beomgyu asked as Kai bent down to pick up your phone. “I-I” Kai looked at the blonde soobin pc that you had behind your phone. “I’m sorry for bumping into you” Kai awkwardly told you handing you your phone.
“No! You can bump into me all you want- I mean! It was my fault, I shouldn’t even be here I mean it’s your company-“ you rambled as Beomgyu stroked his nonexistent chin hair trying to figure out why you looked so familiar.
“ASAP!” He yelled startling you “Huh?” “You’re StayC! ASAP!” Beomgyu said excitingly “Yeah!” “ASAP oooo” he sang dancing as you joined him happily while Kai stood to the side awkwardly.
You guys laughed “Can I get a picture with you? Tae is going to flip!” Gyu asked pulling out his phone “Uh yeah!” Beomgyu bent down next to you and took multiple photos with various angles and facial expressions.
Kai waited as you and Beomgyu chatted as if he wasn’t even there. “Hey gyu we have to g-“ “Can you send me those photos!?” You asked Beomgyu unknowingly cutting off Kai. “Yeah! What’s your number?”
“Dude we really need to-“ “You have no idea I'm such a big fan!” You told Gyu putting your number in his phone “Really?!”
“Beomgyu!” Kai yelled “Yeah?” Both of you froze as Kai looked at you both frustrated. “What it’s asap!” Beomgyu exclaimed happily while you fan-girled. “But we’re needed somewhere” Hyuka tried to remind him, beomgyu laughed “You can go without me, this guy still acts like a baby” Beomgyu teased as you laughed. Kai turned red “Maybe he wants you to walk him there” you add making Gyu laugh, Kai looked at you dumbfounded “Don’t worry Hyuka you know your way around” Gyu told him in a baby voice pinching his cheeks.
Kai swatted his hand away “Stop you're embarrassing him” you told him. Huening felt his ears burn. Who were you to tease him, he didn’t even know you. “Beomgyu let’s go” Kai said. Beomgyu’s smile dropped realizing he struck a nerve with Kai. Maybe teasing him in front of a pretty girl wasn’t the best idea. “Y-yeah”
“Hey! Can I have your number too Kai? Your sister-“ you asked happily but “No” his voice was cold. “Huh?” “You’re right, you’re not supposed to be here.” He looked at you annoyed. Your smile fell, your heart beating out of your chest this was the first time you were afraid to talk to someone “I’m sorry” you squeaked out “Dude-“ Beomgyu began but Kai spoke
“We late we don’t have time for this” was all he said before walking away. Beomgyu looked at you “It was great meeting you ASAP” he said before following Kai.
You felt like you wanted to cry. One of your idols was just mean to you
Your phone rang, it was Jungwon. You sniffed and accepted the call “Hello?” “Found her!”
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Taglist: @txtbrainrot @azinwo @mackjestic @mangobee (OPEN: comment or ask to be added)
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Playing Triaina Academy, my MC has no chill and wants to shout their love from the rooftops.
So, I gotta ask how the ROs would react to MC bragging to everyone available that they got the bestest partner to ever exist.
Thank you for reading haha. I'm sure there are plenty who can relate to your MCs plight. Let's see...
E quickly hops up behind you as you open your mouth once more, putting their hands over it before you can let loose another tyraid about the incomparable cuteness of your beloved neighbor.
"T-Thats fine! That's good! I think they get it! I-Its almost time for dinner, we should leave! Now!"
R smiles contentedly as they listen in on your boastful celebration, chuckling quietly to themselves, "It almost feels wasteful, to see so much excitement for someone as undeserving as me...I suppose I will have some large expectations to live up to."
L ducks away from the room as you make your excited announcements, fanning the heat from their face as they overhear your bragging. They can't help but smile to themselves as you talk of their superiority. "Oh, MC...if only I could find words worthy of you, I would return your praise tenfold...One day, I shall..."
V shifts their body uncomfortably as attention begins shifting onto them. They stare back at the pairs of eyes turning to them, a hand already hovering over the grip of their handgun. "Vacate the premises, before you become an obstruction to the commander.
Before you can get to the second phrase of your prepared speech on the greatness of tsunderes, a hand has already palmed your skull with enough pressure to turn a walnut to dust, dragging you outside. "What the hell do you think you're telling people? Are you that desperate to dive into your grave, dumbass? Because you're already 5 fucking feet deep, and my foot in your skull will be the last one you need."
M takes your boasts a step further, giving credence to your talk with a soft kiss in front of everyone. What the crowd doesn't witness is M's heated whispering in your ear, or their listful bedroom eyes, "If you're...that...excited...I can help...solve that...for you...you know...someplace...less crowded..."
Unfortunately, Raven had already made their rounds announcing their newfound, loving relationship with a bond that will never be broken as long as they live. When you try to give your boasts, they seem almost scared. Raven appears, waving off your confusion.
"No worries, my love! I just got a little...carried away! I was just so happy! But some people tried to ruin the occasion...you understand, don't you? I think it was just a little accident!"
S throws an arm over your shoulders, pulling you into a rambunctious side hug while in the middle of your confession, "Ya'll here that? This guy says I'm the best! Ya know what I say to that? I'd say there ain't no one I'd rather have watchin' my back. How about a toast, to good times, and better friends! Cheers!" The entire bar follows suit, cheering happily as you sink deeper into the depressive realization that this friend zone may be inescapable.
F folds their arms, staring an intense hole into you. The silence between you creates an oppressive atmosphere until they speak.
"Do you understand the fragility of the situation you've caused? Is there any sense in your head, of the target you paint on your back? Do you have any idea..." F pauses, composing the shaking in their hands and providing themselves a moment to breathe deep. Their voice is quiet and defeated, "Do you have any idea what the depth of the loss would be, should the worst come to pass due to your recklessness? Think, you fool."
----- thank ya for the ask! I hope you enjoyed reading haha
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mxdarling · 1 year
[“You’re so pretty when you smile.”]
•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
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ೃ⁀➷: summary: some students couldn't accept you enter this college with no magic, luckily deuce is there to your rescue!
ೃ⁀➷: Word count: 884
ೃ⁀➷: Reference/Inspiration: N/A
ೃ⁀➷: Event: [200 followers event]
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[note:] If there is anything else triggering here that I didn’t list in the warnings section, please tell me. I don’t condone this type of behavior, this is merely just for entertaining purposes and some sort of coping mechanism for me. If you continue to read beyond this point, ignoring my warnings, I am not responsible for your actions from here on out.
[Warnings:] bad oneshot, lowercase, maybe occ deuce, slight spoilers for prologue, yandere behavior, implied insomnia, violence, mentions of blood, bullying, mentions of deuce's delinquent era, overprotective behavior, implied burnt out, slightly naive reader, people pleaser/'yes' man reader, not-so-strong reader.
[GN reader.]
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♡˗ˏ✎*ೃ˚ :Deuce spade;
it wasn't easy being a magicless student in a magic revolved college, hell it wasn't easy being in a unknown world! you're practicably a stranger here in twisted wonderland. luckily for you, your (best) friend, DEUCE SPADE is there to back you up. sure your first meeting of each other wasn't exactly the best. considering you've only met each other due to ace being a coward and running away from his supposed punishment but you aren't ungrateful for it. that said interaction lead to you guys being the bestest of friends. you wouldn't have it any other way really.
today hasn't been that great for you. first, you woke up slightly later than usual, insisting to snooze in just for 5 minutes, turned into 10 minutes, turned into rushing out your dorm and just spriting to the school grounds. barely even made it to class, you probably looked like a mess when entering the classroom but you were simply too tired to care. dragging your tired self to your assigned seat, placing your head on the table, putting a random book in front of you. hoping your professor wouldn't be notice you sleeping in class. not that it matters anyways you couldn't sleep. the words of your professor went from one ear to the other. wait, did he say there's gonna be a quiz next week? oh god... you're gonna fail his class for sure..
the rest of today felt like a blur, you couldn't remember much of what happened. honestly it just felt like a repeat of yesterday and the day before yesterday. it was just another uneventful week day. was. you don't think you could call it uneventful after that.
you can't really recall how these incidents follow up to the situation you're in. some students in night raven college were still, precisely speaking, 'pissy' about your whole arrival to school. you know you can't help what other people think about, its something out of your control, you know that. yet you can't help but try to change their views on you. most of your efforts end in failure, sadly. but you refuse to give up, not yet at least!
the whole reason why you try to help anyone who needs it. sometimes borderlining doing everything to help this said person. it's unhealthy, your friends have told you countless of times, but bad habits die hard and you're still adjusting to this new world. surely nothing too bad would happened because of this, right....?
apparently, that was very much wrong. you curse your impulsivity for saying 'yes' with little hesitation in wanting to help your classmate with their homework. they asked you so nicely too, unlike some other students who just demand you to do it for them. you were a fool, truly. you didn't think it was a trap to get your alone and cornered at a place where no one really checks very often. you're backed against a wall with no other exists except the one that is being blocked by your classmate.
you stood no chance against them, it was clear as day. you weren't exactly physically strong nor do you have any experience of being a fight before. you shakingly put your arms in front of your face, closing your eyes and bracing yourself for heavy impact yet nothing came. in fact something touched your cheek instead. you slowly put down your arms and open your eyes to a scene you wish you didn't seen.
the classmate of yours all bloody up on the ground, you can even tell it's them anymore. then there's deuce, his right fist all bloody up, you would've assume he got injured haven't it been for your injured classmate on the ground. since when did he get here..? and how did he know you were here in the first place!? you were about to speak up but deuce beat you to it.
'prefect..? a-are you okay?? they didn't hurt you right!?'
he rushed to you with a concern look on his face. despite the violent responses he gave to your classmate, he was very gentle with you. poorly attempting to wipe off the blood from his hand on his uniform to avoid putting blood on you. he puts both his hands on your shoulders, looking you up and down to check if you had any injuries. not that you would have considering he had beaten the person before they took action but you can never be too careful, i guess. he, again, broke the silence once more to speak.
'w-why are you crying, prefect..? d-did something happened while i wasn't here..?'
you didn't even noticed tears were falling down, you tried to wipe them away but they just kept coming back. you knew deuce wouldn't hurt you, you were his friend since the start of first year. yet you can't help but let fear overtake you. you gently try to push him away from you but he wouldn't budge. instead he cupped your cheeks with both of his hands, wiping the tears that are falling down as a way to try and comfort you when really you don't want that comfort from him.
"i really can’t take it when you cry like that… smile for me, alright? you’re so pretty when you smile.."
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•❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅• •❅───✧❅✦❅✧───❅•
[a/n; how do people write oneshots so good, i'm out here crying my eyes out on how do i make this look good😭😭. rushed ending? yes and i deeply apologize for it. my brain juice is definitely gonna run out istg. enough about me complaining, thank you anon for requesting deuce with #7 for the 200 followers event! it's been a while since i've written deuce before so this is kind of a refresher for me lol. sorry again this took awhile exams were taking place and i get real tired after answering them. good thing summer break is coming so more free time for me to write your guy's requests!]
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pastafossa · 5 months
Stumbling and crashing and tripping with various crashes and a Wilhelm scream into your askbox to ask, YOU PLAY BG3????? ISN'T IT GREAT?!?!?!! I LOVE IT SO MUCH AKSHQKXBQ it's been my Focus since December!!! Who's your favorite so far?? How far are you in?? What kind of route are you doing?? Have you discovered any funny loopholes yet?? What race do you favor playing?? I LOVE to hear about other peoples playthroughs,
IT'S GODDAMN AMAZING AND I ALREADY HAVE MULTIPLE PLAYTHROUGHS PLANNED BECAUSE ONCE IS NOOOOT ENOUGH! I AM IN LOVE. Like I know these types of games (I've been a Bioware slut since KOTOR 2, so I looove this genre), and so I feel very confident saying holy shit, BG3 is one of the best! ALSO IT'S HUGE??? INSANELY HUGE??? AND FULL??? I LOVE IT SM.
Oh god favorites are hard, I'm gd attached to all of these little ducklings following my Tav. So far at least, storywise it's SCRATCH HE IS THE BESTEST BOY maaaybe Astarion. I LOVE his arc, his voicework is stunning, (I accidentally killed him with the big monastery laser and his reaction was hysterical) and his quest has been very moving. A close second is KARLACH, MY GIRL, MY FIREY BFF, like damn I HAD my little battle group (Gale + Astarion + Wyll) when I found her but I adore her so much I'm rotating Gale and Wyll to keep her permanently, SHE JUST WANTED A HUG. 😭
I'm in act 3, I just hit the city! I have no idea how but I am also STILL on my first PT after over a month of play. I love to sniff around under every nook and cranny granted, AND YET I STILL MISSED THINGS, IT'S SO BIG???
So far my route has been a chaotic good route! Outside, uh, occasional murdery hiccups goodbye creche but ya'll were assholes I've mostly managed to follow that alignment, and somehow still made friends with Lae? That was unexpected. I thought she hated my Tav's guts before she hit on her. 😂
Hilarious moments: setting off the giant laser at the monastery cause why wouldn't I grab the shiny weapon (sorry Astarion); being instakilled by Vlaakith at said monastery after basically mocking her with 'if you were really a god you'd be able to just kill someone yourself ha ha-splat'; friends telling me to talk to animals so I got excited when I saw a squirrel and ran to talk to it - it proceeded to bite me, then I failed a persuasion roll about being friends and it told me to fuck off; trying to get to that dwarf lady's husband in the Underdark and shooting an arrow at one of the mushrooms in the field he was in, thinking I could clear them one by one to get to him, only to set off a chain reaction that incinerated him and left the entire field a smoking crater (me as the explosions begin: oh, OH, oh no - wait, sir! Sir! Oh you're fine, you're - oh fuck, RUN SIR RU-shit he's dead); placing my druid in rothe/battle cow shape at the top of a ladder and charging whatever bad guy comes up so they fall back down (catchphrase: MOO, BITCH); and finally, I was having trouble with that one boss guy in the goblin camp, the one that sits on the throne. So when I saw I could get to the rafters, I painstakingly dragged every last explosive barrel and grenade I could find into the room and innocently placed them around the throne, then went up to the rafters and had Astarion shoot a fire arrow. I figured I'd at least bring the guy's health down but instead I set off the fourth of july, blasted that guy so hard he bounced around the room like a pinball before his body wound up glitch-stuck halfway through a wall, but hey, dead as a doornail sooo... it worked? Chaotic good alignment: MASTERED. 🤪
I'm playing a half-elf druid CAUSE I CAN BE AN OWLBEAR OR DINOSAUR TO FIGHT. I now have a chance to run around as a dinosaur druid with my 200 yo elf boyfriend, my BFFs, and find random bowls of poutine, this is the BEST GAME EVER. Also hilariously, I didn't check the stats closely and her intelligence wound up quite low, so she is very wise but also dumb as a bag of hammers, I love her, my first Tav is a good-hearted, unintentional bundle of chaos.
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obigem · 5 months
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It wasn't like he was expecting to be invited to the campaign meeting. She had all but shooed him away toward the lockers when they'd finally arrived, and he tried his best to stay away especially after things started rougher than he'd hoped, but that guy—Jairo Reynolds...
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He didn't like him.
And he definitely didn't like how much he seemed to like Cordelia.
What was the deal? Did he like her? Are they dating? They couldn't be, right? But he couldn't be sure. She didn't confirm or deny that they were together, so maybe—
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"Interesting," a voice said from behind him. "What are we looking at?"
Matthew nearly jumped out of his skin. "Excuse me?" Startled, he turned toward the voice.
"We're observing, right? Hmm, are we upset with them? Are they bad people? Is that why we're glaring?"
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"I'm not glaring!"
"Aren't you though? Especially when you're focused on the one in the red jacket. The one in the green too. Though not so much glaring, but there is an intensity there. Did they do something to you?"
"No! What are you, a snoop? Mind your own business."
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"A snoop? No. I guess you could say I'm not great with people, but I'm very good at observing, so I figured I'd use my best skill to make friends. I'm Dale Sigworth, by the way. Would you wanna be friends?"
"I don't need friends." Matthew scoffed.
"OK, what do you need?"
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"What do I need? Nothing from you, unless you can figure out what that guy's deal is." He nudged his head toward Jai. "Find out every last thing about him and I'll be the bestest friend you've ever had." Matthew said sarcastically.
"Really? I
do enjoy a challenge."
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"And if I'm able to do it, you'll really become my best friend?"
"Sure." Matthew waved him off.
"Then, challenege accepted! I'll put my skill to use and find out everything you want to know."
"Knock yourself out." Matthew turned to walk away.
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He didn't actually believe in Dale's abilities. It was just an easy way to get the little weirdo off his back. But eventually, he would have to figure out what Jai's intentions were and if Cordelia was interested in them. Because if she was, what was the point in him being here?
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quodekash · 1 year
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iMMEDIATE winnysatang. i love them but i genuinely dont understand why it couldnt be seanmaitee.
im gonna rewatch simm after this and write an essay about why seanmaitee should be together, just in case theres anyone who doesnt believe me
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i have so many mixed emotions rn
i love them both so much
and there's no hatred towards them at all because theyre just the actors, not the ones in charge
and i do love winnysatang and i love the chemistry they have with each other
and theyre both so pretty
and bc theyre the same actors they make me think of soundwin and soundwin make me infinitely happy
but theyre not soundwin, theyre sean and nay
and sean is desperately in love with maithee, he has been for the entire series
and, as far as we know, in canon, sean and nay have literally never interacted so why are they suddenly sticking to each others sides??? why isnt sean sticking to maitee's side?? he's always at maitee's side, always has his arm around him, always looking at him. why did his character suddenly have to change once msp came out, just for winnysatang fanservice??
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is this neurodivergent backpack-holding i see here?
"i told you to wear warm clothes" "well i wanted you to hug me more" NO YOU DONT UNDERSTAND, THATS SO STINKING CUTE
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bro theyre so in love
theyre so in love
how are they so in love
i love them
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wait a sec (lmao win/nay in that screenshot looks great)
dont tell me naysean are gonna share a tent
that doesnt make sense even without considering the ships
sean and maitee are clearly the bestest of friends
even if you were to argue that the constant arms around each other is entirely platonic, it feels a lot like a close-friends-been-close-forever-dont-want-to-let-go-and-lose-you kinda thing, so wouldnt you expect them to share a tent?????
idk man
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sean captaincy reigns supreme
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dang it
going from two people who barely know each other because of a mutual friend and then they meet for the first time and theres like immediate attraction and yadda yadda storyline
i still think i prefer seanmaithee tho
perhaps nayseanmaitee
then everyone's happy
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how is he so pretty
and gender
gimme the gender pls
i want it
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seriously, the GENDER ON THIS MAN
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...okay im starting to believe the naysean storyline
but i still want seanmaitheeeeeee
nayseanmaitee is still a strong contender tho
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sean, honey, you're not subtle
"i love him even more, every day" kluen, i love you so much. he's so whipped. hes so in love. it makes me the happy
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"or i might have been with someone new already" "then id be happy for you that you found good love" "that means you must be happy for me now" "why?" "because i found my very good love already" GI3U4EJRBGJKREBDGKHRE
what im tryna say is i love them
"when did you guys stop fighting" che???? what do you mean by that?? what happened between them??????? ANSWERS PLS
omg this started like 40 minutes ago. ive only just finished 1/4. what the hell is wrong with me
nuea and kluen are so freaking in love i love it what the hell
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lmao they pushed it onto phoon, nice
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i was pretty sure they were awake already (how the hell could one person sleep through the racket those guys were making. even if one of them slept through that, the other would like poke them and say 'we gotta wake up'
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altho the way that thats worded it sounds like he died lmao
lmao nuea and kluen just left them
dang it just naysean
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i refuse to give up on this dream
seanmaitee get together or i. die.
MINPHOOOOOOOON i love them so much
i love nuea and phoon's friendship its so wholesome and pure
everything in this show is so pure
i love it
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nueakluen are so in love i love them
how many times have i said that today
probably too many
its fine
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i think im gonna cry
no thats a lie
i know im gonna cry, for sure
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just like me with his gender
*grabby hands* gimme
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"what are you talking about" nuea, it was pretty clear. i think he just proposed to you. or like some kind of statement like 'we're absolutely getting married, that's happening'
i think theyve had a conversation about this in the past. idk if it happened in canon (i dont think it did?????) but it feels like theyve had The Marriage Conversation before
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lift and walk back into their room lmao
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captain is disappointed in his crew
"nuea, ive been rooting for you since high school" nay was the one tending at the docks or whatever and then the ship started sailing and the only one on the boat was sean and he was like 'ah shoot i better figure out how to make a ship not sink now'
i think im getting lost in the metaphor
what im tryna say is even tho nay's been there since high school, sean is still the captain
"should we jsut go to their room?" "let's go" GUYS WAIT NO-
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sorry the msp brainrot is too strong
okay now i need to prepare myself for the eclipse preview
goodness gracious im not gonna be okay
im already Not At All Okay, but its gonna be worse in a sec
sorry i just need to take some deep breaths
okay im ready
(im not ready but i have to watch this)
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oh holy hell im already about to have a breakdown
theyre on bikes
they have HATS with the SYMBOL on them
akk's waking up from a dream
"are you up, shortstop" HANG ON DID THEY SWITCH THE NICKNAMES????
"shortstop my *ss. you're shortstop" THATS WHAT I SAID
oh nooooo pls dont do a wat/sani thing, pls
do wat/namo
i want puwin's characters to be happy and gay
and sani is a teacher
its problematic
i mean it could be worse but i dont like it
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"i thought you wouldnt come" UM FLASHBACKS FROM THAT LINE??? JEEZ THAT SCARED ME
omg cowboy hats
i love them
im not good
help help
my boys
im rewatching that every single day
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liviavanrouge · 8 months
Esme Ralda Moments
Perrie: Where's Livia?
Riley: She went to the orchard
Eliza: I told her where to find that one sweet apple
Perrie: WHAT?!
Eliza: She went to get it for her brother, what's the problem
Esme: Wow...your face is just racked with guilt..
Esme: *Stares at Rollo*
Rollo: *Stares back*
Livia: Guys...
Esme: *Turns and walks away*
Livia: Esme?!
Rollo: She's rude...
Esme: I heard that!
Esme: *Stares at Leona* Hey wake up
Leona: *Snorts, flicking his tail*
Esme: *Slaps Leona* UP!
Esme: And I'd turn the tides and pummel you, lazy lion man
Leona: What
Esme: Just wanted to say Hi!
Leona: YOU!!!
Esme: Bye~~
Livia: Why is this work so hard
Esme: Maybe, it's all your talking
Esme: HEY! *Shoves Jack into a classroom*
Jack: I was in the middle of something!
Esme: SIT!
Jack: *Sits down alarmed*
Esme: Look, you have your goal is becoming strong in this corner and you have your relationship with Liv over here!
Jack: Yes...
Esme: And from what I heard you snapped at Liv and told her to screw off when she suggested you rest after you nearly collapsed from exhaustion
Jack: *Looks down guilty* I did...
Jack: *Flinches*
Esme: Livia is the bestest friend I have ever had! So if you do anything else, ANYTHING ELSE, to hurt her feelings, I'ma go destroy all them cactuses you worked so hard on! God it!
Jack: *Gulps and nod* Yes, Ma'am...
Esme: Good *Turns and walks away* See you later!
Esme: *Frowns at Livia*
Livia: What?
Esme: Your face is just filled with guilt, what did you do
Livia: .....I lost my brothers sword...
Esme: You're dead...
Esme: You know Rollo, you're terrible
Rollo: !!!?!!??!???
Esme: But since you're Livias best friend I won't critize you too much, but lets start with your tacky clothes...
Esme: Got something to say pinhead?
Esme: Collaring someone just because they didn't come back before curfew, that's pathetic...
Riddle: E-Excuse me?!
Denzel: Uh oh
Trey: Denzel, get ready to grab Riddle
Esme: And you smell like dead fish, is that your cape
Riddle: *Screeches in anger, Denzel picking him up and carrying him away*
Esme: Oh that was his breath...
Deuce: She's gonna get us collared!!!
Esme: If you never asked Rollo to tag along and I never asked him to tag along, then that's official he shouldn't have tagged along
Rollo: Quiet miss priss
Livia: Lets not fight!
Esme: He started it...
Rollo: WHAT?!
Esme: *Looks at Riddle* Hi shorty
Denzel: *Carries Riddle away*
Esme: Cya Shorty...
Esme: You know, I've never met someone who was more annoying than Rollo but then I met you
Fellow: *Stares in surprise*
Esme: *Grabs Fellow's tie, snatching him close angrily* Take advantage of my friends kindness again and I shall WHACK you with a metal baseball bat
Fellow: U-Understood!
Esme: *Stares down at Gidel, then picks him up* Mine...
Livia: *Laughs*
Fellow: Ahaha...please give him back
Esme: *Kicking the Claude Frolli statue at NBC, smearing tomatoes and plums on it* Disgusting, perverted, abusive, ugly, tyrant!!!! I COULD GO ON!!
Livia: *Stared in alarm* Oh my great seven...
@anxious-twisted-vampire @yukii0nna @writing-heiress
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azure-cherie · 1 year
𝓟𝓐𝓒:𝓜𝓮𝓼𝓼𝓪𝓰𝓮𝓼 𝓯𝓻𝓸𝓶 𝓐𝓹𝓱𝓻𝓸𝓭𝓲𝓽𝓮
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Take what resonates and leave the rest, hope this is helpful for you 💘
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Pile 1:
You guys are worrying about something too much like you're anxious maybe about some upcoming event and how you must dressup for that , use your intuition you will look amazing choose the dress according to your comfort for it is the greatest form of beauty, you can use rose water for your skin it's coming through. Recently something tragic has happened with you kind of like a tower moment you can pick up from it you know you were given this for a reason because they knew you will go past this and shine , she congratulates you for being this strong despite what others said , their words stern from their need to shame others in order to go forward, you need to be sat and think about all your actions that has led to this , you will find the key to why what has happened the way it has .
Love life :
About your love life , i been seeing a hand mirror and a man admiring the womans reflection on the mirror , she says how blessed you're gonna be with your potential partner but it has to deal with letting go of your control issues , most of your life you have operated from your masculine energy, give feminine energy a chance , learn to receive you will see how comfortable you become with yourself . They will meet you on a new moon night , in around 5-6 months , distinguish carefully who they are you have options but let your intuition decide what you already know .
Some advice :
Clean your room , it's your sanctuary and light some incense in the honour of who you pray to , change the blinds and help your friend feel confident again be a good friend don't forget them they are important .
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Pile 2 :
General :
This pile has a very soft gentle aura , like a very coquettish aura , vibe , but i believe this softness is your greatest weapon , in a world where everyone is trying to be violent your softness has a great impact on everyone around you , you are being congratulated because you have successfully healed some of your traumas and ended cycles you are ready for something new , something about your hair comes through, okay so i once saw this YouTube video which stated that hairs store memories as they grow long , it's the same for you maybe you are thinking about growing or cutting off , maybe it's better to keep it longer , long hair also promotes your ketu and henceforth your daimon divine knowledge and creativity, you must get in touch with your creative side it's time.
Love life :
Most of you are already in some relationship here like maybe in a love bond as well , your partner loves you so much right now , it's a confirmation that they adore you , something about writing letters and poetry as well aww this is extremely sweet really, and if you're not in a relationship i guess there's a secret admirer among your friends, you trust them and they're trying to hide coz they are kinda scared ah 😭
Some advice :
Something about drinking well like i get a vision of a red liquid could be red wine or something maybe you will be asked to dine with your lover it's beautiful, don't be scared , get good nutrition and yes you could have a sexual encounter soon something about red/black l*ngerie specifically.
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Pile 3:
My dear doves i think you're already close to Aphrodite in some way or other maybe you worship her or she is guiding you in either way or or some other possibility is that you already worship a deity who grants beauty and love according to your culture , i see you're already divinely blessed in that field, i see a very free , hipster spirit in your hunting things down , being a detective could be your biggest bestest qualities you're a believer that everything in the world is beautiful and it deserves to be appreciated you're a very appreciative bring , grateful as well , she loves that about you . I keep hearing the word sugar plum, plum baby 🥹 so cute .
Love life:
I feel like there's been a drought in your love life I'm sorry 😭 i know it sucks like needing someone to look after you doesn't it help but at the same time yeah you are the baddy tribe after all i don't see you being sad or repenting about it at all ✨ you understand that what's meant to come will come and while it finds it's route self love will keep you sufficient . Some possibilities would be a co worker crushing on you , something about confession on a roof top . you're gonna be okay love let them in , it's alright to break the walls around people you trust.
Some advice :
Something about planting succulents, work on your root chakra , give yourself enough rest , buy jewellery for yourself especially rose gold , something about aventurine stone . I guess it's about working for your needs and not refusing them when it comes to you.
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Pile 4 :
Go out more literally i feel like you're really stuck in your home for some reasons , and yes have a fine balance between your spiritual life and mundane life you're born as a human because you have to do the mundane as well you cannot wait on it , you have to do some things, help your mom and dad and i guess there's this something coming up idk i strongly receive that you or someone around you is going to get married soon like it's gonna be a very fruitful one , but yes maintain individualism , even if you're in a relationship now know that not all your decisions need to be based upon your lover think about what you like and what you don't , don't 🥹 do this to yourself.
Love life :
The song ivy by Frank Ocean has the line " i thought that i was dreaming the day you said you love me" it plays to me it's like a dream to be loved by you , one thing about you is that you're an amazing lover and whoever gets to be loved by you is so blessed because you literally are someone who will stay with them through their highs and lows but one thing about this is , you need to differentiate who deserves what you give and who doesn't so be really really careful, one thing about someone coming to you online or in your locality they adore you and might approach you.
Some advice:
You know you deserved better anyway everything that leaves creates room for something new , it's beautiful that you're putting efforts and don't sabotage the next person you love because your previous experiences were bad you give this a chance but only when you feel healed . You're a bad bitch you got everything
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Thank you so much to Goddess Aphrodite for her insights may they be helpful for you , all the best do tell me if they resonate with you a feedback would be really helpful.
Also like I've been planning on something like a paid reading, if you have any suggestions my ask box is open for that , though it might take some time to arrange hehe.
Thank you for reading, have a great day/night 🤍
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enchantedsoulofmine · 2 years
Vampire in love!
Stefan Salvatore x Fem!reader
The Vampire Diaries Universe
Summary: Just read it.
Warnings : Naw! Its fluffy. Some grammatical mistakes because english is not my first language.
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Calorine was your elder sister and unlike her you weren't girly, selfish and immature. You and Caroline hated each other. She hated you because you weren't cool enough and you hated her because she wasn't mature.
You liked to do things that Caroline probably hated to. Her dislikes were the things you liked. For instance, Elena and Bonnie were your best-friends and Elena was your bestest of friends, she was the one you trusted the most. And these were the reasons you and Caroline never got along.
"Another shitty day of school" you slammed your locket shut and as you turned around you were met with the face of Caroline. "Do you want me to get a heart attack Caroline?" You said,annoyed just by seeing her face. "I don't really enjoy talking to you but mum's gonna be late" Caroline said and turned on her heels. You sighed and shook your head.
As you were going towards your history class, you saw Elena going towards the men's room? You went towards her as curiosity kill the cat. "Elena,hey" you called her out which made her turn around. She looked a little worried. "Everything's okay?" You asked keeping your hand on her shoulder. "Yeah, its just Jeremy" she sighed looking down, "oh, umm... i hope he gets over drugs and... Veronica" you took a pause and then continued. "Yeah, uh... see you in class?" Elena smiled a little. You nodded before Elena went inside.
You turned around only to be bumped into a figure. "Sorry, sorry i'm so sorry" you kept apologising before you heard a deep voice "no, no its okay, i'm sorry" you looked up to a hot stranger you just bumped into. "Its alright" you smiled at him. "Here" the stranger gave you your pencil pouch which you had no idea fell on the ground. "Thanks" you smiled gratefully at him.
"Stefan Salvatore" he held out his hand and you accepted it, "Y/n Forbes" you smiled. "Are you new?" You asked as you haven't seen Stefan in the Mystic Falls before, "Yes, i just got enrolled today" he said, "I see" you shook your head. "Its time for my history class, see you later Stefan" you waved and ran towards your class.
Mr. William Tanner was giving a lecture about American history and was asking questions to the students. You were focusing on what Mr. William Tanner was teaching. Your phone dinged and you took out your phone from your pocket under your desk only to see that it was a message from Bonnie. It said--- 'a hawt-e staring @ u' you looked at it raising your eyebrows before looking around.
To your surprise, you saw the guy you bumped into outside the men's room. Stefan was staring at you smiling. You smiled back at him and waved at him as Mr. Tanner was busy writing something on the board.
"He's hot, tall and so charming" you saw Caroline standing with Bonnie as you entered the Mystic Grill. "Hey Y/n" Bonnie waved at you smiling. "Hey" you both hugged each other smiling. "who's the new guy, Caroline?" You asked crossing your arms across your chest. "His name is Stefan Salvatore" she smirked, "We're planning a june wedding, you're not invited" she pointed out, " i actually don't want to be" you faked smiled her.
"Hey Y/n" you turned around and saw that Stefan was staring at you. "Hey Stefan!" You smiled going towards him. "How're you?" You asked, "i'm good, how are you?" He smiled, "good, thanks" you grinned at him. "Hey Stefan" Caroline said smiling at him, "hey Caroline" he said. "You guys know each other?" She asked looking at you and Stefan.
"Yeah, we do" Stefan nodded. "Can i ask how?" She furrowed her eyebrows. "I bumped into him outside the men's room" you explained, "I see, anyways, are you coming to the school party tonight Stefan?" Caroline looked at him. "Yeah i'm coming" Stefan nodded smiling. "Great! See you there" Caroline beamed and went away after scowling at you.
"You know her?" Stefan asked. "Yes, unfortunately, she's my sister" you sighed leaning against the bar table. "Oh, you coming to the school party tonight?" He asked curiously, "yes i am to get bored" you both laughed a little, "do you not enjoy parties?" Stefan asked, "Not really, i just love to be with myself in peace and quietness rather than being in a loud party but just coming to the party because i finished my book and i don't have anything to do right now that's the reason i'm coming" you explained. "I can understand, i'm an anti-social that's why i really don't enjoy parties, just coming as its a new school and i wanna explore yeah!" Stefan said.
"Can we exchange our cell numbers?" You asked hesitantly to which Stefan smiled and nodded. You both exchanged your cell numbers. "See you at the party Stefan" you said and he nodded. "Bye!" You both smiled and went away.
Reblogs,feedbacks and comments please :) So, this is my first Vampire Diaries fic. My requests are open, so you can send a blurb idea in my inbox about Harry Styles, Shawn Mendes, TVD characters, Peaky Blinders characters and i'll do it :) hope you like this blurb.
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