#Garmadon is so tired at this point
smallmartiniolive · 1 year
I think it’d be funny that when Harumi tries to re-summon Garmadon that she accidentally just ends up summoning Regular Sensei Garmadon TM
Harumi: … and then we can destroy your son!
Sensei Garmadon: oh ya that sounds great but can you give me one sec
Sensei Garmadon furiously dialing 9-1-1: hi hello please help I’m on park avenue on the corner of-
Bonus: Garmadon trying to blend in with the motorcycle gang but his dad senses keep giving him away
Garmadon: yea I hate that luh-loid guy but *leans forward* have you guys ever thought of unionizing because you’ve got a good thing going here and-
Garmadon: yea I’m totally down to destroy ninjago because who hasn’t! But uh have you guys thought of health benefits? At all?
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actuallyacerrr · 3 months
Can you please do a Lloyd X reader Lloyd has full control over his Oni form and he gives the reader big cuddles in private so no other ninja knows about the big cuddling because Lloyd lock his door so no one interworks the cuddling jay manage to take a photo of Lloyd and the reader cuddling and jay send the photo to garmadon and Lloyd ended up chasing jay till the reader calm him down (in this au not only does Garamond not sacrifice him self but he still has his Oni form and the other ninjas know about his Oni form and this take place a month after crystallized and when Lloyd chase jay Lloyd turns back into his human form this is just pure fluff)
I completely forgot about this request oh my. 😭 So so so sorry bout that haha. Anywayyyy this was fun to execute hehe, though not my favorite. I love writing soft and silly things oml. I needed this after this morning. I can now work on my other requests 😭
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Warm Embrace
Type ->
Pairing ->
Lloyd G. X GN!Reader
Warnings ->
Ooc Lloyd(?), Headcanons present👍, Fluff lots and lots of fluff!
Summary ->
Lloyds a big cuddle bug, does he want the rest of the ninja or even his family to know? No. Absolutely not. He’s embarrassed by it. Yet secrets are just something you can’t keep in the Ninja house hold…
853 words | Masterlist
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Peaceful, tranquil, soft. Three words you’d use to describe the scene. From the soft light filtering in, to the melody of birds songs, and the methodical rhythm of your lover’s heart beat; the rise and fall of his chest. It was not an uncommon practice between you and Lloyd. But it still posed the issue of locked doors and chatter of embarrassment. An issue you’ve grown to accept as it meant spending time with the boy you’ve grown to love.
And the best part? Double the arms, double the cuddles. He had grown to control his Oni form (he wouldn’t admit it but his dad helped a ton.) Lloyd had asked to try it out once and turns out you both enjoyed it to the point it became the common ritual of cuddling. Comfy clothing, snacks, maybe a show, and one giant Oni holding you like you’re the only thing in the world.
The big body shuffled around you, tired eyes meeting yours. a golden snout burying into your neck with a tired sigh. Reaching a hand up and stroking his hair.
“So soft..” it came out almost a whisper, a small laugh coming out with a loving smile.
Lloyd (like many other Oni) purred, his own lovingly fanged smile appearing on his snout. maneuvering you to lay on his chest with the small repetitive vibration occurring. It was one thing you tended to forget.
“Okayy you, c’mere.”
A shrieking giggle left her as he began to tickle her, unable to stop his four arms she was defenseless.
“Ch-hahaha-eater haha!”
This went on for a good five minutes till she spoke up from her laughter.
“I yield, I yield!” Her voice hoarse from laughter but bright and smiley as she calmed down, finding comfort in the room's now quiet sound. A quiet transition into simple talking.
Lloyd spoke of his day, the usual patrolling. Something stupid Kai and Cole ended up doing. Trailing on up to this one robbery they had to stop-
“-And then! One of the robbers jumped out from behind a plant and tried to ambush us!” Lloyd said, throwing his lower arms out dramatically.
“Oh really now? And what did you do to stop it?”
“Jay struck him with lightning..”
“Oh? Well that was very noble of-“ A camera clink and string of curses interrupted his retelling.
“What-?” Lloyd slipped out from under, looking at you confused with a bit of panic.
“I’m sure it’s nothing Lloyd.” He opens the door just to check, and is met with an equally panicking Jay behind the door.
“Oh- oh! Hey Lloyddd How’s it going?” You could see him hide his hands behind his back from where you sat on the bed.
“What did you see?”
“Liar.” Lloyd seemed to have caught a glimpse of something and began to chase. “Oh first spinjitzu” you laughed, worriedly. Hearing the shrieks coming from down the hall. You walk to the open door peeking out and down the hall to see a few familiar and curious but confused looking faces.
“Jay” was all they needed to hear before a disappointed Nya walked after them. You joined her, everyone else slowly filling after.
The scene the group would walk out too was Jay clinging onto a tall piece of equipment for dear life, as Lloyd was trying to find a way up. And it seemed Jay was trying to do something? frantically typing away as he screamed for Lloyd to leave him alone.
“Not until you delete that photo Jay!”
“What photo.. Wait- Jay Walker-Gordon I swear to the first spinjitzu master if you don’t delete it this instance.” You walk right up to the equipment, standing right beside Lloyd, glaring just as intense as Lloyd’s face looked embarrassed.
“.. Too late?”
“What do you mean 'too late’?”
“Jay what did you do?” The both of you spoke in sync, worried but poor Lloyd was panicking.
“I.. mayhaveaccidentallysentittoyourdad..”
You looked between the two. Lloyd looked shocked but flushed with embarrassment, then to Jay with a scared but awkward look.
“Lloyd, I’m sure we can deal with this later, maybe he won’t see for a while. It’s Jay, I'm sure his texts aren’t important, no offense Jay, to your dad. c'mon you.” Lloyd, who has since softed by you into his normal form, allowed himself to be pulled away by you and back to his room.
There they got comfortable again, Lloyd calming down while being held by the person he loved. Yeah.. thinking about it you were right. It was something that could be dealt with later.
Until the familiar buzzing of his phone was heard. Knowing immediately what it was he groaned. You just laughed smiling at the embarrassed ninja holding onto her.
His secret was out and there was nothing they could do but embrace the teasing that will no doubt follow.
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coffee-master · 4 months
Kai and Lloyd probably spend a lot of time together (season 1-2) while waiting for the Ninja to return from their missions. Is Kai a good big brother to Lloyd ? Does this somehow affect Lloyd ?
I bet this front change anything about the fact that Kai will be the most worried when Lloyd is possessed by Morro. Maybe he worried even more because he doesn’t see Lloyd as his student that needs to become the green ninja, but as a kid he wants to look after.
Kai & Llody would become very close to each other.
Kai doesn't see Lloyd as some kid of student or anything, Lloyd is just a child.
A little bratty one, but still a child. He's without his parents, so it makes Kai think that Lloyd is a little lost.
It reminds him of his chidlhood with Nya, where he had to take care of everything and grow up.
It makes Kai feel compassion towards him and can't help himself but feel like he needs to do something about this.
So during season 1 Kai is often left alone with Lloyd to babysitts him.
The situation doesn't bother him and even though he'd like to do something more to help the ninjas, he decides not to waste time and use this time productively.
He spends a lot of time with Lloyd and tires to play with him and teach something.
Lloyd isn't pleased with this at first (because he's the son of fearfull Lord Garmadon and ect..)
But one time Kai caught Lloyd not being able to tie his shoes.
The young Garmadon obviously didn't want to admit that he couldn't do it and was ignoring it. He was also lightly scared that Kai would make fun of him.
Kai noticed that and decided to show him two ways to tie his shoes as an excuse, to teach him that. Lloyd would be a little confused and then Kai suggest going to bake cookies together for everyone, to which Lloyd agreeded.
After that Lloyd started actually like Kai, listen to him, enjoy the time with him and would be nicer to him.
They'd build a bound, to other ninjas confusion.
Especially Nya's at first she woudn't understand why her brother would be so nice and carring to a little brat that broke her hair straighteners as a prank.
Later Kai & Lloyd would be even closer. To the point where Kai'd treat him like a younger brother.
But there's more.. since Kai here is the Samurai X.
Lloyd & Kai: *watch as the ninjas having fun with their weapoons and powers*
Lloyd: Uh! It's so unfair!
Kai: What?
Lloyd: Why they have all the fun and we have to stay on the Bounty? It's not fair!
Kai: Yeah, world isn't fair little guy. *ruffling his hair*
Lloyd: Hey! Don't do this!
Kai: Hah, sorry little bud.
Lloyd: I just want to help.. Why can't we fight with them?
Kai thinks what to say: ....
Kai sights: Wanna hear a secret?
Lloyd excited: A secret?!
Kai: Yeah, a secret, but it has to stay only between us, can you do it?
Lloyd: Yes!
Kai: *takes Lloyd to the Samurai X armor*
Lloyd excited & suprised as hell: YOU'RE THE SAMURAI X?
Kai: Yup.
Llyod: Cool!!! How did you do this- is That why Nya doesn't like Samurai X and thinks he's a thief of her project?
Kai not proud of himself: Kinda?
Lloyd: Hey, why didn't you tell anyone? You could just go with them on missions and..
Kai: It's complicated. Besides I wouldn't leave you alone on the boat. *smiles lightly*
Kai: Remember you can't tell anyone.
Lloyd: Even Nya?
Kai is quiet for a second: Even Nya.
Kai: Let it be a secret between us brothers. *smiles and pats him on the shoulder*
Lloyd looks at Kai completely shocked: B-brothers?
Kai smiles at him: Of course! You're my little bro.
Lloyd: *trying his best not to show how much he is touched by this*
Kai confused: You're ok Lloyd?
Lloyd: Yeah.. Hey Kai?
Kai: Hm?
Lloyd: Could I take a ride once..? *smiles*
Kai: ...
Kai: Maybe someday. *smiles*
And since that day Lloyd started calling Kai his brother.
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alienpersonnn · 1 year
I have a few ninjago hc so imma just share 'em here
When kai was little he would steal from other people for food and/or money and he'd get into a lot of trouble most of the time
On one of jays birthdays, his parents gave him a pair of goggles, they were hand made but they were actually really good and durable. Jay still keeps them and whenever he wants to make something he'd always use those goggles until it got really rusty (he still keeps them tho)
Nelson is the postmans grandson. Idk why i came up with that but oh well
The postman is fully aware that he's in a show and that the ninjas are the main characters, hence why he broke the 4th wall by saying "see you in the next season" (he was just doing it for fun since he doesn't really get to show up screen often)
The ninjas always asks zane to make ice of their drinks and at some point zane was tired of it and froze the entire glass
You can cook stuff on kais skin
Lloyd, master wu and garmadon have naturally pointy ears cuz of the oni blood. The ninjas think they looked like elves especially when lloyd grew out his hair
Kai's really good at styling hair cuz he had to raise nya; He really enjoyed styling his sisters hair until she wanted to cut it. When nya grew out her hair again kai would scold her for not taking care of it cuz it would always be a tangled mess. He would also take care of lloyds hair sometimes
Cole likes gardening and would sometimes talk about plants with zane and how to take care of them
Jay plays rhythm games! Like phigros, arcea, lanota, over rapid, etc etc. He got lloyd to play them too so sometimes they'd compete with each other by playing the same song and seeing who's score is higher
Zane is a willwood fan, his favorite album is the normal album and his favorite song is willard
Kai wears merch of himself
That's all i have rn, i might come up with more so yee
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temtoni · 1 month
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so the main lineup of my doomed AU is done YAY
if there is anything you’d like to hear about tell me bc i don’t have any idea as to what to continue with…
So first of all I might get this completely wrong since I haven’t watched crystallized in a while but i will try
-Obviously the start of crystallized already has some major changes with Nya never turning into a human again
-Therefore they also never become the public enemies nr. 1
-In the meantime it’s mostly the new ninja that figure out all the crystal king stuff and boast it all around Ninjago
-Lloyd seeing everything still pretty rational at least compared to Kai (who to be fair just lost his sister and his brothers)so he decides to check this whole crystal thing out he infiltrates the council gets recognized and so on
-Kai after a while realizes that Lloyd hasn’t been checking in as he normally would so he decides to head out to find him
-Kai finds Lloyd yada yada everything as it is in canon
-The big fight starts but the other elemental masters are already there because otherwise they wouldn’t have a chance
-Lloyd and Garmadon go on to fight the Overlord while Kai pretty much leads everyone on the ground
-More and more people show up fighting on their side, people from prime empire, the ocean even some ghosts :)
-But even with all this support the fight seems to be a stalemate until the crystal army start pushing even further
-Kai watching allies and friends alike die in front of him is able to unlock the dragon form and turn the table in their favor
-Lloyd is also successful and wins his fight
-The citizens have a big celebration through the entirety of Ninjago in honor of the Ninja and their great victory
-Sadly ever since the big battle Kai has been growing incredibly tired to the point where he can’t stand for longer than 15 minutes
-At first Wu and Misako believed that it had to do with the dragon form but then decided that it couldn’t be the cause because Lloyd also unlocked his Oni form and while being a little shaken he is completely fine
-So they decide to set of to try and figure out what exactly is happening to Kai
-What they didn’t account for was that Lloyd had Oni blood in him which allowed him to use his Oni form
-Kai on the other hand is fully human and the dragon form that he took back then wants back the control of his body
-Slowly but surely he is transforming into a dragon and not the kind in the finale of crystallized but into an actual dragon
-Things start changing his hands growing bigger, horn breaking through his skull, his pupils changing shape and color…
-And while all this is happening all Lloyd could do was watch, watch as the last brother of his slowly looses hisself
Kai even once transformed into a full dragon (the lil sketch in the top left corner) never leaves Lloyds side. Heck, he seems even more protective now or at least more threatening with his fire mane, glowing eyes and black to red scales. Lloyd believes that Kai thinks that he is his clan especially since he has dragon blood in him. But he also thinks it’s weird that whenever Misako, Wu or anyone really tries to get to the monastery without him inviting them in, Kai will either pick them up and fly them to the bottom of the mountain or just throw them off it.
Angsty enough?
Just wait till dragons rising starts and people start hunting Kai :D
If you’re wondering why Nya and Kai aren’t digitally drawn but only traditionally… digital art is hard and exhausting
because they will most definitely but it would also cause interesting interactions between him and wyldfire like her believing he is her dragon and he’s just like who is this weird child and what is she doing…
I’m not sure if I’ll do dragons rising but if the interest is there I might
I mean just imagine Aryn having the wildest theories about where the Og’s went and Lloyd just standing there trying not to destroy this little boys entire world view (like he would be pretending that kai isn’t kai and so on)
Or Zane actually being able to get to Lloyd now since the realms have merged
OH the possibilities
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Songs the Ninjago Fandom is Sleeping on.
Okay so while I do art there's only so much my chronic pain ridden hands can produce and so animatics/animations aren't really in my wheelhouse BUT I have a bunch of ideas and songs that the Ninjago fandom should use + some ideas that yall can totally use (@ me or send them to me though if you do cause I want to see them)
The Songs in question (it's be song-artist btw):
Always Gold-Radical Face: Is literally a perfect song for Wu and Garmadon, like it's literally about two opposite brothers treading wildly different paths like what more could you want
Brutus- The Buttress: Yall please I am begging that someone does something with this song relating to Morro's hatred/jealousy towards Lloyd because this song is absolutely perfect for it! Lines such as "-and if you want I'll call you king but why do I lie awake each night thinking "instead of you it should be me"" and "Please know my actions are not motivated only by envy, I to have a destiny" there are so many more but I'll let yall do the rest of the work (Also you could kinda do it with Wu and Garmadon but ehhhh)
Human Enough- ONR: This could work for multiple of the characters if you ask me but if you ship anyone with Zane or Pixal the song could totally work those two them specifically cause it talks about the singers partner/love interest being "made perfect" and idk we need more Pixal content soooo. Honestly any of the characters that get de-human-ed (for longer than one episode) would do great with this song, like Cole in his ghost arc, Nya after Seabound or Garmadon at like any point in the story. Line examples: "Cause you are made of perfect stars and I was built from broken parts" and "I'm not human enough to love yo right now/ I'm not human enough to cry or cry for" are my personal favorites.
Laplace's Angel (Hurt People? Hurt People!)-Will Wood: Lloyd, Sora or Wu (Specifically the young version of him from the Spinjitzu Brothers books) song about the weight of the world being on your shoulders and not knowing what to do and like the consequences of actions and fun stuff like that
Easier- Crane Wives: Misako, like seriously so many Crane Wives songs work well for this woman because A) her whole attempt to change destiny or B) Her failure as a mother and you know the whole kinda cheating on her husband thing, but this one specifically cause it's a song about leaving someone behind and feeling bad while also not being able to stay. Lyrics such as "If you woke and I was gone from the house that we made our home would it bend yo, break you, overtake your heart?" and "I won't move but I can't stay here. So what the hell am I supposed to do?" and "If I were someone else, would this be easier?"
Stranglers Fig- This could definitely be a Cole (specifically relating to his father and dance backstory) or Kai song, many of the lyrics involve someone being pushed to do more and more and finally snapping because they've done everything they can and there's nothing left but their desire to be better. Lyrics "You bult your kingdom around me, now I'm trapped within your walls and all I want is to be free" and "Climb me to the canopy, higher, higher 'till there's nothing left of me." and "You're the culprit so don't blame me."
And that's all for tonight cause I'm tired BUT I will be posting a couple more of these cause I have a bunch of these floating in my brain and I'd love it if some of these idea's inspire people. I really wish I could do it myself but chronic pain is a bitch so instead I'll throw it out for yall to try out! Anyways I hope you have a great day/night! Peace out!
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justtwotired · 2 months
Whispers of the night - Lloyd Garmadon x F!reader
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Part 1 - previous - next
Tag list: @cipheress-to-k-pop @whore-of-many-hot-men @bodieohbo @anyth1ngfor0urmoony @luvizuku @viannasthings
Your POV:
“I thought they said they where going to stop the self defence classes,” Millie complained as we where making our way to said class. “They’re getting tiring, I don’t like them,” she said and we chuckled.
“I think the school board decided to continue them after the whole thing at the museum,” Flora speculated, “it was in a kind of ‘you never know what might happen’ way, I think it’s great we receive these lessons,” she said and Millie sighed.
“Always the positive one, aren’t you, Flores?” She asked making the others giggle.
We entered the big classroom and took our seats, looking around at the mats on the floor which told us we where doing something fun today.
Kai soon entered the classroom aswel and started the lesson.
Every time he demonstrated something, a few girls in their class giggled and pointed, making me roll my eyes.
We eventually had to make pairs and had to try and get the other on the ground in a certain way while your partner tried to remain upright.
“No, I don’t want to spar with N/n, that’s to difficult,” Luna whined and I laughed making her glare at me. “You better go easy on me,” she pointed a threatening finger my way.
“Atta, girl,” I said with a wink and we went to stand in front of each other. “Bring it on,”
When the lesson was over, I told my friends I needed a quick moment and they waited in the doorway as I headed towards Kai, who seemed to be getting bothered by a group of girls asking him all sorts of questions.
“Where did you learn all this?” One of them asked with a sickening sweet smile.
“Oh, yeah- uh I have a sensei who taught me a lot of things, I met him when I was around fourteen or something,” he said, not really that interested to talk to the girls, somewhere this surprised me, but on the other side, he had Skylor of course.
Before they could ask another question, he noticed me and a genuine grin formed on his face.
“Trouble, I see you aren’t sleep deprived anymore,” he teased and I rolled my eyes.
“Shut up, I am never going to have a sleepover with you guys again I was exhausted,” I sighed, shaking my head. “But I am not staying here to have you bully me, I have a question,” I explained.
“Ohhh, boyfriend problems? Or other kind of problems?” He asked, making me chuckle lightly, ignoring the impatient stares from the girls.
“I am trying to find Lloyd a good Christmas present, I just can’t find anything, I really need your help,” I pouted at him, giving him the best puppy dog eyes I had.
“No need to look at me like that trouble, I’ll text you some ideas,” he patted my head making me swat his arm away. “But do remember, as long as it comes from you, Lloyd is probably going to be happy,” he said with a small wink, making me give him a grateful smile.
“Thanks Kai, I’ll see you- wait tomorrow I think? Are you coming tomorrow?” I asked curiously, we had planned to hang out but a few of the ninja couldn’t make it.
“Yeah, I’ll be there,” he said and I smiled.
“Great, bye now- also, please, take Skylor with you, I want to get to know your girlfriend, bye!” I quickly headed over to my friends and walked out of the classroom.
Did I add that last bit just to piss of those girls? Yes, yes I definitely did.
The next day, I was at school hanging out with my friends during break. We sat at our normal table in the cafeteria and we were all currently bullying Millie for being scared to ask out the girl she likes.
“Come on! Look at her, she’s so pretty, it’s not like she’d say yes, that is something only happening in my dreams,” she pointed out making Charlie groan for the hundredth time.
Though we all got distracted by a group of the same girls that stood with Kai yesterday, now standing next to our table.
Only now there were just five instead of eight. They weren’t really that popular, but they seemed to think they where, it was laughable, really.
“Can we help you?” Luna asked unamused, already completely done with the conversation that hadn’t even started yet.
“Please, we’re not here for you so don’t bother to talk to us,” the ‘leader’ of the five said. I know her name is Maggie, the others I do not really bother of learning the names.
“Why don’t you tell us what you need and then leave us alone?” I suggested, looking at them with an irritated glance.
“Just the person we needed,” she smiled ‘sweetly’ at me. “The green ninja was your bodyguard right?” She asked and I nodded with a small frown.
“Yes, that’s a good observation you have there,” I said sarcastically, making her roll her eyes.
“Do you know if he has a girlfriend?” She asked making me narrow my eyes.
“I in fact know he does,” I pointed out quickly, already hating where this conversation was going. She seemed rather surprised at my answer though.
“Well who is she?” Maggie demanded to know making me scoff. “I bet I could replace her easily,” she said and I balled my fists.
“Listen here, you misdirected goose, he has a girlfriend, and believe me, you try making a move on him- which is mostly impossible because you’d never get the chance, but say hypothetically you did get the change, she would not hesitate to rip out your eyeballs to use them as a pair of earrings,” I said, remaining eye contact as I said it.
She gave me a disturbed glance and I smile at her for a moment. “But luckily for you you probably won’t meet her,” I’m said sweetly, and like that, she left the table with an angry murmur.
With a smirk I took a bite of my food, only to notice the strange stares I got from my friends.
“What?” I asked confused as I looked around the table with light frown.
“I didn’t know greenie had a girlfriend,” James said and I shrugged with a grin.
“He has, but I never met her,” I mean, was it a total lie? “I just said that so Maggie would back off,” I shrugged making the others laugh.
Charlie clapped me on my back slightly while I bit my lip too stop the huge grin on my face from forming, trying to eat.
A week later, I laid in bed at home, cuddled up with Lloyd who was combing his fingers trough my hair while I made small circles on his hands and tracing the small scars that painted them.
I had just came back from Christmas shopping when he showed up. He’d seemed tired, so I just took him upstairs and that’s how we ended up here.
He hadn’t spoken much, and in all honesty, I felt there was something off.
“Is there something wrong?” I whispered to him and I felt him shrug. He’d been off all week, but I let it slide, giving him time, but I was starting to worry now.
“A bit,” he whispered back, pulling me closer to him, making me close my eyes.
“You wanna talk about it?” I asked softly, still tracing circles on his hands, yet he stopped combing his fingers trough my hair.
“Today a one year ago…” he started slowly, I hummed in acknowledgement, hoping it’d encourage him to continue. “Today one year ago we finally defeated Morro,” he said softly.
I froze for a second, he’d told me about Morro in short, he never wanted to talk about it, all I knew is that it was traumatic for him.
“Isn’t that a good thing?” I asked and turned to face him.
“It should be, right?” He asked with a short, humourless laugh. “But it isn’t in my mind,” he said, avoiding eye contact. “It was the first time we didn’t celebrate christmas, because I didn’t come out of my room,” he said softly.
“It took ages to get back on my feet after Morro took over,” he admitted, he wanted to talk more but hesitated, looking at me. I gave him an encouraging smile and lightly squeezed his hand.
“When they finally got me back, I was weaker than I ever had been, all the food I ate came right back out, and yet our fight with Morro still wasn’t over, so I- I just pushed trough,” he explained, his voice cracking a few times.
“You know the remaining of that story, but the aftermath,” he shook his head and I pulled him closer to me.
“You don’t have to tell me if you don’t want to,” I whispered reassuringly, combing small pieces of hair out of his face.
“I want to tell you,” he said softly and I smiled at him and kissed his forehead. “After we defeated Morro, it took two months before I was back up in my feet, we skipped Christmas and new years, I wouldn’t come out of my room, I roughly ate one meal a day, I- it was terrible, but I could leave, because what if Morro came back?” His words got stuck in his throat and the tears stuck in his eyes started falling.
My heart broke by just looking at him, I had never seen him so vulnerable. I always wondered how Lloyd could be so strong and confident with everything he’d been trough at such a young age, but now looking at him, I realised that behind all that he was still just an eighteen year old holding more trauma than he should be able to.
He sobbed and all I could do was just hold him, whisper reassuring things to him and softly stroke his back.
And even though I felt so bad for Lloyd and couldn’t help but let some tears escape my own eyes, somewhere I felt glad that he felt safe to be vulnerable with me, that he dared share these kinds of things with me.
The feeling in my stomach was unfamiliar, but what I was feeling at the moment wasn’t important, the most important thing in the world right now was the boy in my arms that was slowly drifting of to sleep trough his tears.
Lloyd POV:
Later that evening, I almost gave Nya a heart attack when I stormed into her room.
“Nya I think I made a mistake!” I cried out the moment I was in her room and she looked up from her phone with a puzzled expression.
“You couldn’t have knocked?” She asked but I didn’t listen and went to sit next to her, making her sigh. “What’s the problem, kid?” She asked and I combed a quick hand trough my hair.
I swatted it away with an angry scoff and she just laughed.
“So- today I kind of told Y/n about Morro, a-and everything,” I said and her confused expression turned soft.
“What did she say?” Nya asked, laying her phone down on the bed to point her full focus to Lloyd.
“Well- she was sweet, a nice, and she hugged me,” he explained, still looking rather anxious, which made the girl rather confused.
“That’s good right?” She asked Lloyd hesitantly nodded. “Then what’s the problem?”
“What if I scared her off?” He whispered, “she’s never seen me like that, she doesn’t know what she signed up for!” He stood up and paced the room.
“Wow, Lloyd, let’s take a breather,” Nya tried but he already went on.
“I can already imagine her sending me a text saying this won’t work out- I mean, I’d understand, I was a mess back there- she must feel freaked out right now, oh my god what have I done,” he hid his face in his hands, muttering cuss words.
“Alright, the only one freaking out right now, is you,” Nya stood up and took Lloyd’s hands. “N/n’s not like that, she’ll understand. It’s good that you’re opening up to her, she won’t mind,” she reassured softly.
“I know she’s not like that, but she can still decided she’d rather not get caught up in this mess- I mean I completely understand-” he was cut off when his Phone buzzed with a notification.
He went to grab it immediately, recognising the sound of the notification as one of Y/n’s. Before he could read it, he already turned his phone off.
“Oh god she’s going to break up with me,” he said with a shaky voice before shoving it into Nya’s hands. “Read it and tell me if it’s bad,” he said and the girl shook her head with a small frown before looking at the phone.
A smile formed onto her face when she read it and handed it to Lloyd. “Why don’t you just read it and stop worrying,” she suggested and hesitantly he took the phone.
My Trouble Magnet💕
Hi Lloyd, I wanted to see how you were doing?
Thank you for opening up to me, I’m happy you feel comfortable enough around me to do so, I wanted to say that I care about you so much and if anything is bothering you I’m here for you<3
He looked up at Nya with a smile on his face and stars in his eyes making her giggle.
Lloyd G.
Hi there princess, I’m fine I promise.
Thank you for listening to me, if I’m honest I was almost afraid I scared you off😅
My Trouble Magnet💕
You’ll have to do a lot more than that to scare me off haha
Are we still up for drinks in the park tomorrow?
Lloyd G.
Hmm that’s good to hear
And you bet, I’ll see you there :)
My Trouble Magnet💕
See you there<3
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sepublic · 3 months
I love how Wu and Lloyd, when they were younger, had a female friend who ended up using and betraying them, after hiding key info about their motives. Said former friend blames them for failing her (in a manner practically gaslighting), and is obsessed with revenge for this reason. It's like it runs in the family or something, and that makes Misako an outlier with Garmadon.
This isn't Harumi/Aspheera hate, for the record; I freaking love these characters. Which gets me to my main point about what a wasted potential it was for Crystalized (like many other things...) NOT to explore a dynamic between the two as members of C.O.C.K. because they can both relate to one another about their grudge against a member of the FSM family.
In particular, I can't help but feel like Aspheera could've played a role in Harumi's change of heart, given she was already given a surprising amount of screentime in the first half of Crystalized. Because if we're being realistic, learning the Overlord corrupted the Great Devourer in the first place wouldn't make Harumi A-okay with the ninja all of a sudden; I doubt she ever blamed them for creating it, but she still blamed the ninja for failing her. Identifying the Overlord wouldn't cause Harumi to reassign the blame to him, he'd just be another target on her list to get back at; At most, Harumi might help the ninja defeat the Overlord because only they can, and then go back to planning revenge on them right afterwards.
And that's where Aspheera comes into play, as someone who is a mirror to Harumi, who can unwittingly help her self-reflect. With Crystalized already pointing out how pathetic Aspheera's obsession with revenge is, I think Harumi recognizing the similarities she has with Aspheera would help her realize, Oh dang! Is this what I sound like? Is this who I really am? Like Pythor, she also finds Aspheera annoying, and/or her and Aspheera bond over their shared grudges.
But when C.O.C.K. needs a way into the Monastery, Aspheera reveals she knows a route and when everyone asks her how she knows this, she explains how she made a deal with the ninja, went back on it, but then Lloyd still honored the deal by helping her escape. I think that's a really important moment because it really gives an opportunity for Aspheera to self-reflect after being genuinely surprised by Lloyd's grace... Only to return to old habits by accepting the Crystal King's offer of revenge; At which point, she really did make her choice to remain bitter.
And learning how Aspheera continues to spit in the face of the ninja could make Harumi pause and ponder if this is really the kind of person she wants to be, someone who continues to trap themselves in and choose petty, miserable vengeance. In canon, she explains her motive as wanting peace through any means, even through the Crystal King, so this could be a way to explain that Harumi has actually been weaning off of the revenge angle, even if she's found a new motive to wreak havoc.
But with the Crystal King, you could set up Harumi as desperate and in despair, because he holds a lot of power over her and literally brought Harumi to life when her previous idol Garmadon got her killed. By this point, she IS tired, so a part of her really does hope that the Overlord can put an end to all of the conflict. And between this and Harumi realizing what a mess Aspheera is and how uncannily alike they are, it sets things up more for her to let go of past grievances, while also being pragmatic about a 'better world'. At that point, the revelation of the Overlord being the one who created the Great Devourer makes more sense for her arc, because now Harumi is less oriented on being personal, and instead being more practical about lessening harm.
Speaking of other dynamics that we could've seen...
Pythor and Harumi is incredibly obvious, everyone has already said it before. I really do wish they bonded over how they manipulated Lloyd at a vulnerable moment of his life, and are both people who hold that sort of emotional leverage over him; They know what makes Lloyd tick, they pretended to be a friend only to betray him, he's still a scared child in their eyes and they know how to bring out that scared child. Pythor even takes credit for Garmadon's death! Their synergy when it comes to traumatizing Lloyd is eerie.
But at the same time, the Great Devourer in the room is acknowledged with Pythor's role in the whole mess. And Crystalized could then clarify Harumi's feelings towards Pythor; Harumi could explain that Pythor and the Serpentine WERE on her list of targets and still technically are, but during the Sons of Garmadon era, she was also focused on resurrecting Garmadon. And because the ninja are heroes, that inevitably pits them against Harumi even if she didn't have a grudge, so her vendetta towards them had more opportunity to reveal itself, whereas the Serpentine, who were sitting things out, didn't invoke that rage on-screen.
But now Pythor IS here... And like with Lloyd, Harumi is pretending to be chill and demure, totally peaceful, no grudge at all! But then when she and Lloyd are alone in the jungle, she admits that she does plan to get revenge on Pythor and the Serpentine; She's made a deal with the Overlord that once his victory is secured, Harumi will be allowed to command his troops in taking vengeance upon Pythor and the Serpentine. For now, she lets Pythor think she's focused only on the ninja, so he doesn't suspect anything and doesn't attempt to sabotage the Crystal King to avoid his fate.
Conversely, Pythor admits (in Harumi's absence) that he's predicted all of this; However, he feels assured that the Overlord will choose him over Harumi. Because while Harumi only serves the Overlord because he revived her, because he has power over her, Pythor went out of his way to rescue the Overlord at a vulnerable moment in Rebooted, which led to him becoming the Golden Master.
Thus, Pythor has proven himself as unconditionally loyal, and with him having no qualms nor hesitation about destroying the ninja, he's convinced the Overlord will go back on his deal to spare Pythor anyway; And if Harumi keeps trying to do something about it, the Overlord WILL choose Pythor to keep, while casting out Harumi for defiance.
Meanwhile there's Harumi and Vangelis, who were interacting with one another even before Crystalized, and knew about it. Harumi was right there during the events of Master of the Mountain, so Vangelis has been helping her even before the Crystal King and his council were a thing, and Harumi has been funding his ivory city.
So it'd be nice to bring that up, have Vangelis and Harumi already regard one another as professional acquaintances. Vangelis knew of Harumi's survival before anyone else (sans the Overlord of course), and went with her plans even before he knew about them. Without Harumi, there wouldn't be someone paying for a vengestone operation that would require Munce and Geckle slavery. They've been partners in crime who might superficially express sympathy over whatever issues the other has going on.
Given Harumi killed the Emperor and Empress of Ninjago, how does she feel about Vangelis, another king? Does she consider all royalty to be hypocrites whose perfection is built on dark secrets? How does Vangelis regard Harumi, who killed her royal parents, and now has a daughter who he believes betrayed him? Oh god what if Vangelis adopted Harumi to replace Vania. Of course maybe Harumi has given up on the 'surrogate father' thing after both failures, but man.
Likewise, I could see Vangelis sucking up to the Overlord by constantly bringing up the fact that it was HIS Shintarin vengestone that created the Crystal Army, that's his land that's terrorizing Ninjago now. Meanwhile, Harumi brings up how she funded his kingdom, and can bring it back to glory with Vangelis once more as the leader.
Maybe Pythor and Vangelis can both compete for the Overlord's favor; Does Pythor dislike Vangelis, as someone human (or close enough to it) who imprisoned multiple inhuman species underground to achieve his perfect civilization? Maybe he sees some kinship between the Serpentine, and the Munce and Geckles. This could be an opportunity to delve into his motivations for serving the Overlord, back in Rebooted and now; Does he see the Overlord as a means for revenge, even if he was the Golden Master that his own kind dreaded? If he still claims to fight on behalf of his kind, Pythor might have thoughts about Vangelis' dynamic with the Munce and Geckles.
And that extends to his relationship with Aspheera, given they're both imprisoned Serpentine operating on vendettas, but under very different circumstances. Aspheera completely missed out on the Serpentine Wars, their entombment, their return, the Great Devourer, and reconciliation with humanity. For Aspheera, this may have all been a natural evolution of the uneasy truce between human and Serpentine that in Mambo V’s case, was very easy to interpret as violated. Even if she didn’t have any particulate spite or wariness towards humans at the time, she didn’t seem to be all too much for them either.
But now Aspheera really hates Wu. So in addition to all that, it's feasible that Aspheera, who at this point is looking for an excuse to be angry, would just feed into Pythor's larger vendetta against humanity, and participate in it. She'd see he hates Wu and encourage him. All the while, Pythor could've known Aspheera as a Serpentine legend, so that makes her his elder by technicality. Maybe he even related to her, as someone who (in the Serpentine’s version of events) got done dirty by a human!
So maybe he isn't mocking her obsession with revenge, maybe he fully agrees; Or Pythor is kind of a hypocrite who dismisses Aspheera as merely being salty over how she failed to seize power, whereas HIS rage is actually righteous and justified because it speaks on behalf of all Serpentine, never mind the fact that he's an outcast to Serpentine society now, as is Aspheera. Maybe he hears the full story from Aspheera and is disappointed she isn’t as much of a perfect victim as she claims to be, but is emboldened by how Aspheera tried to push the Serpentine into taking over Ninjago before he did.
Aspheera may or may not be ticked off by Pythor's hypocrisy and they're both awful idiots and Harumi is dreading that she's actually like them, which makes her second-guess her grudge motives so that when the Overlord's role with the Great Devourer is exposed, she doesn't even have peace as a reason to support him/oppose the ninja anymore.
As for Aspheera and Vangelis... I guess compared to Pythor and Harumi at least having more claim to sympathy, their original motives were already based in wanting more power and glory. I guess they might bond over feeling personally betrayed by one specific person they once cared about, and acting as if that person is at fault, and not their attempted power grabs; Those people being Wu and Vania respectively.
They might share in leveraging the claim that these people should be grateful to them for what they did, whereas Pythor and Harumi can't even pretend to say that to Lloyd. So Aspheera and Vangelis both wallow in self-pity and are baffled over how anyone could ever do this to them, but it's much more openly pathetic and a sham with this duo.
Tbh I don't really have anything to say about Mr. F or the Mechanic; Mr. F is silent and doesn't have a personality, just programmed loyalty to Harumi, so he's only really an extension of her. And alas the writers, despite having an opportunity to bring back the lost Echo Zane/Mr. E plotline, didn't do that by making Mr. F a different a character entirely, and having Echo interact with Jay between Seabound and Crystallized in a separate side story.
As for the Mechanic... I just feel like there's not much to talk with this dude, he's just a power-hungry thug to annoy the ninja between their actual villains. Although Prime Empire did give him a bit more motive and depth, what with his grateful reverence towards Unagami for restoring his sense of feeling. Of course, he chickened out when Unagami actually showed up, so maybe someone can bring it up to call his efficacy into question; How do they know he won't do the same when the Overlord performs a big display of power?
The Mechanic does mention allying with the Overlord for safety, so it may just be that reason, whereas Unagami was just lashing out angrily and without much rhyme or reason. I wonder if he can at least convince himself that the Overlord is what he expected out of Unagami, a savior who will make a new paradise, so maybe him and Harumi have that similarity there.
Man... Both waves of Ninjago that brought back past villains ended up being a letdown, particularly in the villain dynamic part. Day of the Departed at least has the excuse of only running the length of two standard Ninjago episodes; Crystalized ran the length of fifteen!!! That's the longest any story arc of Ninjago has gotten, even longer than Seasons 1 or 2!
But instead we had to waste several episodes on that frustrating cop and prison subplot with Hounddog McBrag, who didn't even do anything and should've been a non-issue. Between him and the mayor who disappears as soon as the Overlord actually starts attacking, and the writers should've instead allocated screentime towards fleshing out C.O.C.K., addressing the ninjas' trauma and/or dynamics with the villains, etc. I do not care at all for the rushed redemption of an annoying wannabe cowboy who doesn’t even show up to help at the end of the series.
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c-art00nish · 11 months
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Oh no! Morro died
But we already knew that ;)
More info bellow
So it's Kai's turn to tell his side of the story, but first I'm gonna lay some world rules for the au.
Here ghosts can change into looking younger, the age they died at, or the appearance they would have if they were still alive, but not older. Bascically they chose how they age.
Morro decided to look like how he died at first but later on (when he met Kai) decided to change into a young adult appearance (mostly bc Kai alway changed his appearance to 'age' as if he were still alive and Morro wanted to support him)
With that on mind here goes Kai's storyline:
So he died and went into the Departed Realm, which caused him to obviously start to panic
Another ghost finds him and takes him to the Preminent, who takes an interest in Kai due to his elemental powers, like the ones Morro has. The Preminent introduces Kai to Morro and tells Morro to train him. Kai at this point is very confused and tired, and Morro now having to take care of a child is very not happy
Their relationship is very strained and just formal until in one training session Kai makes fire, is very little and very quick to go out since he hasn't reached his full potential, but instead of being happy Kai starts to cry and Morro very panicked asks what's wrong, Kai says that if he had been able to control it while he was alive he would've been able to protect himself and his sister to which he starts to cry harder bc he misses Nya
That's when Morro decides that maybe he can focus on 1 person other than himself, he tells Kai he wanted to be strong too, but that destiny took his life away from him just like it did with Kai (projectint a bit too much Morro)
They bond and start having a more close relationship. Morro starts telling Kai stories about when he was alive (The Green Ninja, the master that had wronged him, his journey). Kai, still being a kid is 100% sure Morro should've been the green ninja, and Morro doesn't contradict, so he decides that whoever is the green ninja in the living world is inferior to Morro in every way.
Basically all pre-pilot is: Morro adopts Kai
• Pilot:
He is pretty much dead so he doesn't do much. Until. He feels something, is like a switch turned on and now he can't stop feeling dread. Nya is in danger, he can't do anything, he's dead!
But he is in the living world, he sees Nya, and skelentons, and Garmadon- (Garmadon?!). Kai is pretty much panicking and something tells hin to grap the sword and toss it to Nya. He dissapears again
The Preminent is impressed bc, how did a child just defied the realms and their barriers because his sister was in danger?
Morro is happy, but not so happy since now his student is surpasing him.. that wasn't fair
• Rise of the Serpentine:
In the Departed Realm rn it's just training arc. But with the exception that Morro is being distant with Kai.
Kai is confused and ultimately thinks it's because he could only 'go' to the living world once and never again, that Morro is dissapointed in him, he starts training harder and harder, trying to be more, but he can't, he's fire, sure it can burn high, but at the end of the day it's just fire, and water can always put it out. To which he comes back to the irony of being a freaking ghost and only can be re-killed by water. He hates being a ghost
This conflict goes to it's climax when Morro says he'll stop teaching Kai (mostly to distance himself) to which Kai is very much not happy. This evolves to a very nasty fight with Kai asking his teacher why does he want to leave, the kid asks if he wasn't good enough? ("Why can't I be the green Ninja?!") Did he didn't train enough? ("I've done all you've told me!") Didn't he do enough?! ("Why did you lie to me Wu?!")
And Morro snaps out of it, he hugs Kai and tells him that he is good enough, strong enough, that he would never leave and that Kai doesn't need to be anything else
And Kai unoocks his true potential, bringing warm to an otherwise cold and dark realm
• Legacy of the Green Ninja, Rebooted, Tournament of Elements
Training and nothing else. Also bonding
Morro, while still fixed on being the green ninja and getting revenge against Wu, is now finding that there is more to life (death in his case) than he thought, and maybe just like Kai, he is good enough already. Kai accepted his existence as a ghost, thinking that the only way of seeing Nya is either if she dies (smth that Kai is very much opposed to) or if the Preminent's plan suceeds
So life (death) is relatively good
That is until Garmadon arrives, he is chained up and brought into a chamber.
Morro just does an evil facade until Kai arrives and asks for Nya, Garmadon is very calm and asks why would he want to know, Kai explains he is his brother to which Garmadon just blinks, 1,2,3. This kid- this ghost. Is Nya's brother? The one that ran away?
And just like Morro, apparently, he met the same fate
Garmadon refuses to answer any questions, to which he surprisingly encounters a very angry Morro ready to beat the shit out of him and a very dissapointed and sad Kai
Kai leaves bowing to Garmadon and thanks him for his time, now Morro and Garmadon alone the ghost threathens to kill him for good if he hurts his kid again and- his kid?
Garmadon says that maybe there is still hope for Morro, to which the ghost refuses and leaves as well.
• Possesion:
Now in this au the Preminet managed to keep a little whole open from the portal Garmadon made for a little period of time while she told Morro what to do
They talk a little before Morro goes, Kai seeing his Sensei/Father figure a little down and uncertain about the mission, Morro's head is just racing.
Possesing the green ninja? Okay
Possesing a kid? No
Possesing a kid that's the green ninja? Uh
And to makes matters worse he can only think of Kai, he didn't want Kai to see him doing this, possesing took a lot of energy from both the ghost and the host, which caused a lot of stress and made the one in control often lash out (and he'd be damned if he lashes out at his kid)
He doesn't want to do this
And oh this is when he finally realises that he's on the wrong side of things. But it's great since he hasn't done anything yet right?
Well you see there is a reason he didn't want to get attached to anyone, it wasn't just for the aesthetic, getting attached to people means you care if they're okay or not, it means someone can use them against you
So the Preminent before sending him off threatens to hurt Kai anything were to go wrong. And thus Morro leaves
What he not expected was that the kid he wanted to protect ended up following him and saw him do all that
Now Kai already had his doubts about the Preminent, he wasn't 100% onboard with the plan but this, seeing it just made him sick
He tried reaching Morro before he could leave, but he was late, he followed the ninja into the bounty and begged for their help
All he saw after was a very angry Nya ready to splash him with a shit ton of water
Well fuck
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averygayplant · 1 year
You ever think about how, like,
themes of abandonment and found family and breaking cycles and loss and grief and realizing that having emotions is okay and that bettering yourself as a person upon realizing than you're more than your generational trauma and just overall that learning and growing from past mistakes is normal just...
Run rampant, in Ninjago?
Cuz like,
I sure fucking do-
Lloyd is the obvious example, right? He tried to continue Garmadon's legacy as an evil and deeply feared dark prince of pure evil and it just didn't work out. Instead, he broke that cycle. He created a place for himself in a dysfunctional family of other runaways and orphans and ambitious children who set out to be more than they were told they could be, found a strange team of people who all cared in their own unique ways, and ended up being exactly the opposite of everything he thought he was destined to be
Which comes with it's own problems. Cut to later, closer to the end of the series, and by then you've gotten to a point where most, if not all of Lloyd's traumas are from misdirected anger and violence, actions based in blind rage and seeking vengeance as closure. Lloyd's worst fear is being just like his dad, but... that's not quite it, is it? He's afraid of anger and how it consumes people, afraid of how easily it blinds others. He's afraid of allowing himself to feel anger because he doesn't want to be like everyone he's ever been forced to deal with on that level, and it ties into how seasons 9 and 16 both resolved.
But that.
That's just Lloyd briefly summarized.
It continues.
Zane is another good example. He had no idea who he was for a good long time, and yet he too found a new home for himself among others who seemed just as aimless, had Wu not come along and offered them his training. Even when he did find out, the others just suddenly had a lot of context to the weird things he would do and moved the fuck on, like, that fast. So fucking fast. It wasn't an issue.
But let me stop you right there.
It was usually used in gags, but it's emphasis repeatedly that Zane's primary objective is and always has been to protect others.
Translation: He was built and programmed to have a savoir complex UNRIVALED, and that makes itself PRETTY DAMN APPARENT, PRETTY DAMN FAST. Like, do I even need to give you examples? Zane actively puts himself in harms way SO OFTEN that he literally, no shit, HAS A REOCCURRING THEME THAT SIGNALS GREAT HARM HAS BEFALLEN HIM.
It's never said directly, but Zane puts himself into a lot of dangerous situations under the logic that it's better him than anyone else, his skin is made of metal and thus he's harmed the least. Which is. So bad. Like, I really hope I don't have to explain how bad that is, because wow.
This never really goes away, but he does get a lot better at thinking about the risk certain actions pose to himself. Just based on his actions during early crystallized, he now prioritizes the well being of his family above all else- even with his emotions turned so low that he's effectively only capable of taking the most logical of approaches. Breaking into the high security cell to release one of the highest priority villains of the city? That has no rhyme or reason, nor does it ensure the safety of the city- it actively endangers it.
And yet.
He does it anyway. Because of Nya.
Zane is fucking built different bro. Literally.
Oh, I'm sorry, did you think I was done?
...I mean, I am done, I'm tired and it's late and I have shit to do in the morning, but I could go on. I could. Cole and Harumi and Kai and pretty much everyone are sweating in their fucking boots right now.
I probably will.
...Later, when I have more time.
Basically, Ninjago is a fucking masterpiece and should really sacrifice their PG rating to explore some of these topics a touch better because DAMN THERE'S POTENTIAL HERE
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master-jarrus · 7 months
So finished my rewatch of all of ninjago that is easily available on Netflix (so the original, day of the departed and some of the shorts I could not watch)
Theories about dragons rising and therefore SPOILERS
While the merge would’ve happened no matter what BUT Ras and Beatrix triggered it early
Ras’s master is the overlord
Land of the Lost tells us what’s going on with the Departed Realm. It could’ve shown up on the map but once you’re in you can’t leave it creates a fog
Lloyd could’ve ended up in the land of the lost as a kid
I have decided that Spitz is actually Skales Junior but he got separate from his family during one of the events in Ninjago and they all thought he died and he lost all his memories
Fritz is a formling and judging by his hat he has a bird form. I’m hc that he got lost and stuck in the land of lost things during Zane’s reign and by the time anyone was able to remember him it was too late
Geo, is so obviously is love with Cole but I’m sorry I ship Cole and Vania and I won’t be swayed maybe they can be poly but I feel like a lot of Geo’s affection for Cole may come from him being the Son of Lilly and so he feels like he is the only one who can truly accept him
The Merge had to have messed with people’s memories because Lloyd keeps being treated like this perfect angel and no one wants to mention how much of a menace he was a child and I think Sora and Arin would greatly benefit from learning that (and not just in haha he was a menace and he’s getting payback from them. I really think it will help them in their learning)
Cole is most definitely going to be the one to find Jay
The administration is a nightmare but also far too real but maybe that’s just because I live in the US (cries in victim of capitalism)
The Administrator has to be either PIXAL or Garmadon but a fun twist would be Mindroid or Borg
Misako realistically would be dead by this point the youngest she could be before the Merge was mid 70s (I refuse to believe she and Garmadon got married before she was 20 because I’m so tired of cartoon woman being questionably young. I don’t care if that means she was late 40 early 50s when she had Lloyd it’s possible and actually not uncommon) BUT this is Ninjago so she’s probably alive and researching stuff
Also did anyone notice that the temple grave place Nya and Sora went to had a pillar that matched one in the Monastery and they show it immediately after in almost the same place I am really hopeful that’s important
PIXAL better be living her best life building stuff for fun and profit and they only thing missing is Zane and she just really misses him but otherwise everything is perfect for her and she won’t have to leave that but instead just move it to the monastery or the crossroads
The Geckle chancellor knew it was Zane he just didn’t recognize him at first and was embarrassed about it so he tried to cover it up by saying not even Zane himself could live up to Zane
Blazey H Speed/Racer 7 is Kreel change my mind
The explorers club has branched out significantly and now every major city that will allow them has a club house
The ninja are adults in this and you can’t change my mind
I think Lloyd is late 20s early 30s
I know Wu or the first spinjitzu master is probably who the big source dragon was talking about but I really hope it was the good part of Garmadon I just would really like to see that and it would also be funny if there were multiple versions of Garmadon running around because of Harumis ritual and then like the merge caused him to further split apart. It would be hilarious
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jardinvrm · 9 months
Okay I REALLY wanna know now, what was Fuyumi's punishment for Harumi? Did she make her witness horrors beyond human comprehension? or was it relatively light but with a constant reminder of what Harumi had done to make her hate her life?
Oh god so, I usually put warnings on posts that like, are awful yes but, nothing compared to this one... for a good reason, SO PLEASE BE AWARE
TW FOR: drugs, torture, implied emotional abuse
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Harumi was Fuyumi's breaking point, after crystalized Fuyumi tried, she tried so hard to let go of the past and just let C.O.C.K go, spending the rest of their lives in prison is more than enough but... Harumi had other plans
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Fuyumi wants to let go of the past, she spent most of her time sulking and drowning in grief and misery and not to mention her executing S.O.G
I didn't like the whole redemption Harumi thing in crystalized so here's my view on her: she's not redeemed and she's still pretty much the same
So Fuyumi wants to cut Harumi out of her life, she's sending Harumi to spend her entire life in prison and that's that! she's never hearing from Harumi ever again... but, that didn't go as planned
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Harumi is unfortunately, still Harumi, she would assault other inmates and due to her reputation they would just let her get away, and she obviously takes advantage of that
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Due to Fuyumi being the only family Harumi has left, the police department brought Fuyumi back in...
Fuyumi is tired, she's trying so hard to let go of the hate in her heart, she WANTS to let go of the past but she can't, because the only thing that got her here in the first place, that's still connected to the past is still tormenting her and not letting go
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Harumi just takes in the thrill and torments Fuyumi more
triggering Fuyumi on purpose and reminding her of what she did to S.O.G... yeah it's not doing so well
Harumi's mouth was literally spitting venom until Fuyumi just... snapped.
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Harumi wants Fuyumi to stay? fine! SHE'S STAYIN.
And then Fuyumi sorta started her... party of executions on C.O.C.K see here and left Harumi for the end... but she can't just leave her like that without doing something to her until she comes back after finishing the job, right???
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Harumi obviously outdo Fuyumi in everything and that includes strength, if Harumi wants to throw Fuyumi out of the window? she could!
So she started by putting Harumi in an asylum
Fuyumi orders people to create a specific drug just for this case, claiming only SHE COULD DO IT, the drug basically does this; Harumi won't be able to move a muscle, to talk, to do anything, she can only see and hear
And Fuyumi obviously gives it to her, now you can imagine how many times the needle was put in the wrong place due to Fuyumi not rlly knowing much about needles... ouch.
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Fuyumi mocks Harumi for this, she would keep mentioning Harumi's 'quiet one' nickname and mock her when she can't respond, sometimes Harumi would try blinking but Fuyumi doesn't really let anyone see her let alone focus that much on her eyes
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it gets worse actually, remember the one time Harumi recorded Lloyd and Garmadon's fight and made the entirety of Ninjago see it? yeah well...
Fuyumi does that, Fuyumi recorded what she did to each C.O.C.K member and force Harumi to watch, sometimes Fuyumi would watch and sometimes she wouldn't, that's if she had any sense of humanity left in her anyways
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Now when Fuyumi doesn't do these... things, she would just, mostly cry in Harumi's cell, like straight up sobbing and asking what happened for all this to happen and pretty much blames Harumi for everything that happened
AND THAT'S IT! honestly this seems pretty merciful compared to what Fuyumi put Pythor and Asphera through... well I can't rlly go beyond this anyways-
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criolla-star · 1 month
Overwhelmed (Vinny x Garmadon)part 43
(I suggest you check out parts 1-42 if you haven't already)
(With Lloyd, Garmadon and Wu) When Lloyd went down the elevator he couldn't quite shake the feeling that something did happen between his dad and Vinny. Who could blame him? The cameraman was acting really weird today. "Ah, Lloyd nice of you to join us" Wu said once he saw his nephew come in, he was clearly talking about the green ninja taking a while to come here. "Hah sorry, just talking to Vinny about something" Lloyd responded as he went over to the two brothers.
Hearing Vinnys' name made Garmadon tense, they had a fight one hour prior and words were exchanged between the two. "Is he better than earlier?" Wu asked clearly referencing how exhausted Vinny looked in the morning. "Yea...he still looks tired but he's more energetic, and he wanted me to tell you something dad" Lloyd replied before turning his attention over to his father. Garmadon instantly looked at his son curiously, guess Vinny really was going to avoid him. "He wanted to me to tell you that he has to start going back to work, the guy taking his place was injured...don't know why he couldn't tell you himself" Lloyd said.
The oni was suspicious about that, it could be very well true but...Vinny might just want to avoid him and have some space. "Very well....probably knew I wouldn't let him go" Garmadon responded sort of lying with the last part, he would try to prevent Vinny from going but would fail. "Did you find out why he looked so sleep deprived?" Lloyd asked, "Barely had any sleep" Garmadon responded as it was an obvious answer but....he didn't want to concern anyone.
"Interesting...well let us begin, I'm sure Lloyd doesn't want to be here all day" Wu said earning a nod from Lloyd. The oni nodded in response he really didn't want to be thinking about Vinny at the moment but he was all he could really think about at the moment. He was concerned about his physical, mental and emotional well being and you can't really blame him. Garmadon managed to shift his focus back to his son and attempted to teach him how to use his powers and not lose control while in his oni form.
They were at this for around 10 minutes till Garmadon began getting lost in his thought again and honestly is wasn't subtle it was obvious he was thinking about something else. "Brother are you feeling alright? You keep getting distracted" Wu asked worriedly thinking something was wrong with his brother. "Hmm? No...No just have a lot on my mind" the oni responded knowing very well if he attempted to lie it would be spotted from a mile away.
"Then maybe we should skip the lesson today" Wu responded, "Fine by me!" Lloyd said happily wanting to go hang out with his friends. Garmadon hesitantly nodded, he knew Wu had a point. Seeing this the green ninja instantly left, and just as the oni was going to leave Wu stopped him. "What seems to be bothering you?" Wu asked his brother curiously, "Nothing, I just have a lot on my mind" The oni responded not wanting to tell his brother about the fight he had with Vinny. "Clearly...but I haven't seen you this tense and distracted in a while, have you told Vinny?" Wu replied as he used his staff to point out Garmadons' tense shoulders. Hearing the mention of Vinny made the oni tense up more, and Wu obviously realised it.
"Oh...I see...it's about him isn't it?" Wu asked his brother, who seemed very hesitant before nodding. "Has he told you about having to leave for work...or...?" Wu asked curiously but cautiously not wanting to over step his boundaries. "We...we just got into a fight....words were exchanged..." Garmadon simply replied as he avoided eye contact with his brother. "Ah, I see...if you're comfortable maybe later you could tell me some of the things said?" Wu asked, "I-I'll...think about it..." The oni responded before leaving.
(Don't think I'll release another part today but I'll try)
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coffee-master · 4 months
How are Garmadon and Kai (master of water) ? Does anything change about their relationship?
It depends on the time.
In the Pilot, Kai clearly disliked the guy for trying to kidnapp his sister. In the season 1, when Wu took Garmadon on the Bounty, Kai didn't trust him and just had an eye on him.
But later when Garmadon was cured, they were on good terms. Maybe they weren't close or anything, but from time to time they'd talk about Lloyd. Also Garmadon & Misako were curious, why Lloyd called Kai and Nya his siblings, so they started talking more.
And since we're talking about Garmadon-
I want to talk about his and Misako's character in my AU, since their relationship is much diffrent from the canon.
I want to say that their relationship is basically based on the ship #destructivedragonshipping / #theydeservedbettershipping
So if any of you aren't familliar with it, then here's the link to the explanation [and probably the creator of this ship, sorry I'm not 100% sure] :
(btw. beautifull art..)
Ok, so since you know about what I'm talking about now, I'll continue.
In my au Misako & Garmadon met on the battle field and fell deeply in love. They both deeply loved each other and wanted to settel down and start a family.
They got married. Misako started working as an archeologist and soon they had a beautifull son together. Unfortunatelly they happily life couldn't last for too long.
Over time, the power of the snake's venom in Garmadon only grew stronger and stronger, having more and more control over Garmadon's mind and heart.
Through the years Wu & Misako fully suported him, being by his side when the worse thoughts were comming to his mind, telling him things that he should do and making him go even deeper to the dark side-
They were always by him, but the 'attacks' were unpredictable.
But with time Garmadon was slowly becomming weaker and weaker to fight 'those thoughts' inside his head.
[The Loss]
At one point, when Garmadon was the weakest a voice told him 'Steal the golden weapoons' 'Do your worst' 'Rule the world' 'You need that' 'You deserve that-'
So when the time came and as Garmadon tired to steal the weapoons, he came across his brother, who, even though he didn't want to fight him, had to fight him.
During their fight in the end Garmadon was send to the Realm of Madness, which left Wu & Misako devastated.
The whole thing had happend, when Koko was at home with Lloyd, so she didn't even knew, until Wu told her.
After that Misako's & Wu's friendship started tearing apart.
The loss of Garmadon had a big impact of both of them. Wu was broken after loosing his brother, but didn't let himself even that 'distract' him form focusing on his mission.
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Meanwhile Misako took Wu's behavior very badly, thinking he was disrespecting Garmadon and even accusing him of not loving his brother.
After that they went they separated ways and didn't talk with each other for many years. [The bad taste remained for a long time.]
[New Problems]
With Garmadon gone, Misako was devastated and sad.. But even though that pain she was strong and determined woman.
While working, taking care of young Lloyd she started looking for a way to fix everything.
Koko could work for hours at night and prepare in scrolls, prophecies and chieroglyphs a way to get back and cure her husband of that devilish poison.
She knew that with this venom with which they had been fighting together for years.. It won't let her husband life in peace.
In the meantime her identyti as the Lady Iron Dragon was revealed to the entire public in the news and all her past enemies started comming after her and Lloyd.
Misako afraid of Lloyd's safety decided to distance herself from him to ensure his safety, so she send her son to school.
She couldn't have send Lloyd to his uncle after their 'argument'. Misako continued to hold great resentment over Wu's behavior.
At the beginning it was hard for her to find a school that would accept her son. After her identity was reviled and Lloyd was known as Garmadon's son it was hard got anywhere.
Fortunately Darkley's 'nice school' was able welcomed them with open arms. Back then Misako wasn't aware of the fact this school was to teach evil.
That's also why they were very found of Lloyd the son of Garmadon.
After that Misako set out on her own 'journey' with the pain of leaving her child behind. To keep in touch she decided to write letters to her son once a week.
Originally it was supposed to be short. As soon as her enemies were gone, she'd come back for Lloyd. Unfortunately, there was no indication of this and when she came across the green ninja's prophecy, everything got even worse.
And that's the story in short.
Fun facts:
During Lloyd's life in school excitedly counting down the days until the next letter from his mother arrived.
When Misako realises that her son run away form the school, she starts to look for him, until she recived a letter form Wu that Lloyd was with him.
When Wu & Misako met again in season 2, they anger is long gone. They clearly regret how things ended up and that they didn't have a proper talk.
After Garmadon was send to the Realm of Madness, he was still able to enter their world through the shadow.. So when Lloyd was in school he often visited him.
Llody used to play with the shadow of his father not even knowing it was his father. He called him Mr. Shadow.
Garmadon often watched in silence through his shadow how Koko was overworking herself just to help him. He never dared to speak to her or make her notice him.
There were few times when he wanted to touch his wife's hair thought his shadow, but always backed out at the last moment before he could try.
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akariarda · 8 months
Garmadon taught Lloyd how to shapeshift. Lloyd doesn't really like lessons.
"Try again." Garmadon said to Lloyd as they were training. "If you ever want to achieve your true form and learn how to shapeshift, you need to focus more."
"I'm getting frustrated. I've been trying to teach you for days, but it's not working. I'm losing patience."
"I'm trying my best," Lloyd replied, also feeling tired. "It's not that easy, you know."
"You're not trying your best," Garmadon angrily responded. "You need to release more anger, more rage.
" You also need to do the opposite of what I've taught you." Wu told him.
"That's not so simple," Lloyd protested again.
"I know, Lloyd, I know," Wu said gently. "But now you need to focus on your father and listen to his lessons."
"What if I don't want anger to consume me?" Lloyd asked.
"You see, that's what I'm talking about," Garmadon said. "You're not trying your best."
"It's best if we leave you two alone," Wu said. Garmadon nodded, and Wu signaled the other ninjas to leave the room.
"Now remember all the unfair things in your life," Garmadon told Lloyd after the ninjas and Wu left.
"There is a lot..." Lloyd sadly said, clearly not wanting to talk about it.
"Let me help you," Garmadon suggested. "Remember when you were little, when Misako and I still took care of you."
"I can't remember," Lloyd said sadly.
"That's the point. Just don't be sad, be angry," Garmadon suggested. "Remember how the poison took over me, and we had to leave you alone. Then you were betrayed by that snake..."
"Pythor!" Lloyd angrily said, losing control.
"Yes, yes. Remember that I was once a Sensei and had to leave," Garmadon said, watching as Lloyd stood angrily before them.
"That's right, son," Garmadon said. "And now focus on shapeshifting. You did it!" Garmadon happily exclaimed, and everyone rushed inside.
"Seriously?" Kai asked when he saw a small mouse in the place where Lloyd was standing before. "A mouse?"
"The first transformation is a big deal for a young one," Garmadon replied.
"Yes, I think we're done for today," Lloyd said as he transformed back into his true form. "I'm tired."
"Well done, Lloyd." Wu said. "I must say, you did well today."
"He was more than good," Garmadon confirmed, patting him on the back. "Now go rest. We'll continue tomorrow."
"Okay, dad," Lloyd said, allowing the others to lead him out of the room, patting him a" congratulating him.
Tell me what you think and feel free to request.
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kyokittymeow · 9 months
(i'm so bad at titles...)
This took me way longer than it should have 😭
Anyway enjoy some fluff and comfort!
Acronix has been acting quite strangely for the past few days. He was unusually quiet, distant and even seemed a little depressed. But as soon as Krux asked him about it, he waved it off and claimed that everything was fine.
Krux was sure his brother was lying. But why? What was he hiding from him?
He didn't behave any differently today either. He shuffled around like a zombie, as if the whole world was weighing on his shoulders. Krux sighed. This has to stop, he would have to talk to him.
Krux stood in front of Acronix's door and knocked. "Can I come in?"
"Sure," was the quiet answer. He entered and spotted Acronix sitting on the bed. Krux could clearly sense that something was wrong.
Acronix looked at him questioningly as his brother sat down next to him. "Whats wrong with you?" He got straight to the point. His twin blinked in confusion. "What do you mean?" Krux sighed again. "Don't play dumb. You know exactly what I mean."
Acronix tugged at the sleeve of his sweatshirt, avoiding his gaze. "You're acting completely different than usual," he continued. "So...cheerless. Why?"
As his little brother didn't answer, he continued to ask: "You're not sick, are you?" He shook his head. "Any sign of pain?" Another headshake. "Acronix, talk to me," Krux asked gently. "I'm starting to worry about you."
Acronix pressed his knees to his chest. "I don't wanna talk about it..." The elder frowned. "Why not?" He hesitated. "You'd think it's silly." Krux's eyes widened. "Why should i?" He shrugged his shoulders.
Krux suppressed an annoyed groan. This conversation was tough. Acronix could sometimes be as stubborn as himself. It was difficult to get a proper word out of him. But he had to remain patient. He wanted to help him because he couldn't bear this sight any longer.
"You know you can talk to me about anything," Krux tried again. He smiled warmly. "Twins aren't supposed to keep secrets from each other, hm?" Acronix looked at him. He shifted unsteadily and took a deep breath. "Lately...I'm not sleeping well."
As tired and pale as his brother looked, he had almost suspected that. Otherwise he was rather hyper and could hardly sit still. But now he seemed weak and just lounged around in his bed.
"Why is that?" Krux wanted to know. Acronix hesitated again. "I...I have nightmares." The elder raised his eyebrows in surprise. "Nightmares?" The younger one hunched his shoulders. He could tell, that he didn't like talking about it.
"It's usually the same one," he began tentatively. "It's the day from forty years ago, when we traveled through the time vortex and..." he swallowed, "...I keep seeing that terrible moment in in front of me as you...are torn from my hand and...fall into the depths."
Krux shuddered slightly as this scene played in his head. He could remember every single detail as if it were just yesterday. He actually vowed never to think about it again and had hidden it in the deepest, darkest hole in his brain.
Apparently Acronix hadn't processed that day yet, which wasn't surprising. It wasn't as long ago for him as it was for Krux.
"It was my fault, wasn't it...?" his twin whispered, so quietly, that he could barely hear him. "What do you mean?" he asked confused. "It was my fault you didn't make it through the time travel," Acronix said bitterly. "If only I had held your hand tighter, none of this would have happened."
Krux frowned in concern and gently touched his shoulder. "Don't say things like that. It's not your fault." The younger looked at him sadly. "You're just saying that..."
"No, I'm not just saying that. I mean it!" His voice became serious. "It's Garmadon and Wu's fault, don't forget that."
Acronix looked away again and took a shaky breath.
"Does that bother you that much?" Krux wanted to know. His brother nodded silently.
"Why didn't you tell me this sooner?"
"I thought it wasn't that important," Acronix replied with a shrug. "And I didn't want to get on your nerves with that." The older man blinked in surprise. "Acronix, your problems are also my problems. You shouldn't keep something like that a secret from me.
"I know..." he murmured. "Sorry." He could see that he was fighting back tears.
Krux wrapped an arm around him and pulled him closer. "When did the nightmares start?"
Acronix rested his head on Krux's shoulder and thought for a moment. "I think about a week ago." He sighed heavily. "But actually, I've been feeling like shit for a while now. Ever since I came back to Ninjago."
Krux raised an eyebrow. "In what way?"
"I...I'm exhausted, confused...and just plain tired." Acronix looked up. "Don't get me wrong, I love this modern world!" There was that sparkle in his golden eyes again that always appeared when he was excited. "It's just...I'm feeling a little overwhelmed."
Krux could understand that. After all, this was all new to Acronix. This journey through time must have been tiring for him. Then there was the fight against Wu and the ninja - Acronix had to be completely shattered.
Suddenly Krux felt guilty. Why hadn't he noticed that earlier? He was so fixated on the plan to reclaim the time blades, that he hadn't even noticed how badly his brother was feeling.
"I'm sorry," Krux said sincerely. "I should have been there for you." Acronix stared at him in surprise. "You don't have to apologize! It's not your fault. I probably should have just told you earlier. But..." He trailed off and shrugged.
Krux sighed softly. "I can understand that it is not easy to talk about your problems. But you should know that you can tell me anything and that I will always listen to you."
Acronix smiled softly. "Thanks, bro. That means a lot to me." Krux patted his head. "No more secrets, okay?"
"Okaaaay...I promise."
The elder nodded contentedly. "Are you feeling better now?" His brother hesitated. "Well...a little bit...I think." Krux blinked thoughtfully. A little bit wasn't enough for him. He sighed and stood up. "Come."
Acronix looked at him confused. "If you sit in your room all the time, you won't get any better," Krux said. "You have to go outside." He grabbed his hand and pulled him up.
Acronix grumbled. "Do i have to...?" Krux grinned slyly. "Absolutely. Fresh air will do you good." With a sigh, the younger one gave in and followed him. "Fine..."
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