#Georgia did NOT tag him on instagram
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In case you missed Georgia's instagram story, here's the link to Wilfred's birthday badge!
And yes I saved this video, enjoy:
birthday post
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
spookyangels replied to your post "Saw this comment on Twitter tonight and I am…”
thank you for saying this I can't stand these fuckin assholes who are perfectly happy body shaming a man but oh nooo can't body shame a woman fuckin double standard bs!
I am honestly floored and flummoxed and appalled by the comments I have seen from fans yesterday and today, regarding Michael's appearance on that red carpet. In one of my previous posts, I mentioned that the suit he had on was not tailored properly, which I think is the root of the issue. But I have seen people calling AL "Barbie" and Michael "Ken," and while yes, I understand that there is a meme involved, said comments have been followed up with things like "Why is Michael just...there??" and "What has happened to your hair??" and other comments specifically (and often negatively) commenting on Michael's appearance. Meanwhile these same fans are calling Anna a "queen" and saying she looks "so amazing" and so on, and I'm legitimately at a loss as to why Michael's appearance has to be made fun of and put down in order to praise AL's appearance. For that matter, could you imagine what would possibly happen if someone said, "Anna, what has happened to your hair? We can see your roots!" or "She looks too skinny"? People would be flipping out. Not one person would take it as a joke, and the commenter(s) would be piled on in an instant. Yet somehow, for some reason, it's completely fine to do this to Michael because he is a man.
I truly wonder what it is people hope to accomplish by leaving these comments--some of them on Anna's own Instagram post, no less. Do they think she wants to hear/read them slagging off her boyfriend's looks? Or given her own history of making snarky comments about Michael's appearance (and again, if he did that to her, he would be pilloried), maybe she doesn't mind at all. In which case, I'm not sure which one is worse/better.
The double standard extends to what we saw just a few days prior to this, with Georgia's controversial Instagram caption about Birdie being a drunken accident. Everyone was commenting about how "hilarious" it was, but again, imagine if this was coming from a man. If Michael said this about Lyra, or Mabli, it would have taken on an entirely different tone and not at all gone over well...yet somehow it's absolutely fine because Georgia is a woman.
I just hope to hell Michael does not see the comment telling him to lose weight, even though that person had the unmitigated gall to leave that in response to one of his comments, with him tagged. I hope these "fans" consider that if a relationship needs to involve one or both parties putting each other down to be "interesting," then it's not an interesting relationship at all. And I hope they realize that it is not actually cute or funny to make fun of a man's appearance or weight, even if the person doing is his significant other.
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16th of December 2020
No new info.
Radio silence from cast and writers (not particularly weird given how batshit crazy fandom is as of now). People even more thirsty for content. Freaking out over 2 decades old article Misha wrote about Clinton scandal, supporting Monika Lewinsky and criticising her media bashing and victim-blaming. Twisting words and facts, saying he for sure had sexual relationships with president or he was horny for Clinton (c'mon peeps, that ain't even funny). Other people meming that content for being very ridiculous (because it is) pushing Bill Clinton tag way up high on trending list (with Misha Collins tag trending below). Tags overflowing to twitter, very unprofessional behaviour, as Misha was trying to raise awareness about voter suppression in US, and rallying for democrat Congress candidates from Georgia. Authors of SPNews are asking for caution while having fun in the internet.
Jensen started breaking his "deafening silence" by posting vid of him showering snow - which got community's approval, then he changed instagram caption, which got very mixed feelings
Misha took part in two live streams on instagram and on twitter to rally and encourage donations on Georgia's dem Congress candidates campaign. They talked about fighting with wealth consolidation, and manny problems exasturbated by covid epidemic.
Overall fandom itself seems to slide down into madness and chaos further and further. Lack of content cause regression to state resembling pre-dashcon era. Old informations are resurfacing
What will happen tomorrow?
And now a Word from writers.
As we all know It's fun and games. Till someone gets hurt. Writers are asking you to not tag Misha or Biden on social media with our inside hellsite madness. DON'T DO anything that could influence negatively on Misha Collins' - one cinnamon roll of a man - good-willed initiatives. Don't send hate or toxicity. Make something good. Donate on your local charity if you can, if not just help someone. Don't bother Misha Collins. He wrote that text because he thought that was good thing to do - to right the wrongs that many didn't see then. And now that brave act is going to be punished? By your hand? Not fandom-like at all. HE DID NOT WRONG YOU PERSONALLY - he is just a man, doing his job. We too are sorry, and angry about the ending. But it did happen and does exist, it's shape or form won't hange anymore (and any script won't change that). But we can learn from that pain and put higher standards for consumed popculture, or just become better creators. But for now leave actors alone, don't bother them online and don't simp too hard.
And now the weather
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zackcollins · 4 years
There was no specific idea requested for this, so I just kinda went with whatever came to mind. I hope this is okay!!
There’s some French because of course there is. The reader calls PLD “my sweet angel.” PLD calls the reader (the feminine version of) “my little devil.” “Merci” means “Thank you.” There’s one other French phrase used but it’s translated within the fic, so I don’t need to include it here.
Tagging: @tysojost (since this is for her)
The minute Pierre-Luc brought Georgia home you were wrapped around her little paws. You did everything for her, trying to make her transition into your household as smooth as possible. Pierre-Luc found it adorable every time he saw you curled up against Georgia on the couch or in the bed. He made sure to take a picture every time, wanting material to send to his family and friends to prove how adorable you and Georgia were together.
Phil, yours and Pierre-Luc’s other dog, took to Georgia gingerly, almost as if he was afraid he would break her. It was like that for a few days before the two finally warmed up to each other a little better. Pierre-Luc managed to get a picture of Phil and Georgia laid out together in the grass, Phil looking utterly indifferent the entire time and Georgia having the cutest expression on her face. He was so proud of it that he had you post it to his Instagram for everyone to see.
After having had Georgia for a few weeks, things had started to return to the normalcy that they had been before. Pierre-Luc was training in the mornings to prepare for the possibility that the season would resume; that left you to watch the dogs and do some chores around the house. When he was finished with his training, you always walked the dogs through the neighbourhood. That had become the daily routine ever since Georgia had been added to the household.
Today, when Pierre-Luc returned from training, he flopped down on the couch and sighed. You stopped petting Georgia and looked over at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Is everything alright?” You asked, reaching over and rubbing his knee.
Shaking his head, he ran a hand through his hair. “Not really.”
“Tell me what’s wrong, mon doux ange.”
He smiled weakly at the use of the French endearment. He ran his hand through his hair again and exhaled shakily.
“The NHL is actually going through with the plan to come back this season,” he said, voice faltering. 
You noticed his eyes were starting to get glassy and his facial expression had shifted from indifferent to distressed. You shifted closer to him and slung an arm over his shoulders, pulling him toward you. He sighed wetly when his head hit your chest. You ran a hand across his back and mumbled sweet nothings into his hair.
Pierre-Luc cried softly against your chest as you soothed your hand across his back. You brought your other hand up and carded it through his hair, carefully massaging his scalp as you went. He hummed happily and nuzzled in closer to you as you continued your actions.
“I don’t want this,” he said, voice soft, small, and muffled by your chest.
You brought your hands to his face and pulled it up to allow him to look you in the eyes. Your heart tensed and pulled when you saw how he looked. His face was covered in tear stains and dried snot. His eyes were puffy and bloodshot to the point that it made it look like he had been smoking marijuana. His beard was shiny from the tears and matted from being pressed against your chest. Even though his hair wasn’t the longest right now, there were still a few strands stuck to his forehead. You took one of your hands and brushed the hair out of his face and fixed his beard. Pierre-Luc smiled slightly, leaning into the touch.
“I know you don’t, mon doux ange,” you said, leaning forward and kissing his forehead. “I don’t either.”
“I thought I wanted this,” he mumbled, furrowing his brows and frowning. His eyes were filled with a mix of fear and sadness. “But I can’t do this… I can’t.”
You leaned forward and kissed his forehead again, running your thumbs across his cheeks. Pierre-Luc sighed, squeezing his eyes shut and biting his bottom lip. He sat like that for a moment, all the while you were soothing your thumbs across his cheeks. When he opened his eyes, some tears fell and hit your thumbs.
“Sorry,” he muttered.
Instead of answering, you pulled him in and kissed him properly. Pierre-Luc relaxed, bringing his hands to your shoulders. He cradled them as you kissed, even going so far as to rub them a couple of times. The kiss lasted what felt like an eternity; it was soft, sweet, and meaningful. It meant something; it had feelings behind it. When you pulled apart, more tears were falling down Pierre-Luc’s face but his facial expression had softened to something that appeared a little more content. 
“Merci, ma petite diablesse,” Pierre-Luc said, smiling weakly. “I needed that.”
You leaned forward and wrapped him in a hug. Pierre-Luc hugged you back, rubbing his hands across your back. You shivered and returned the favour; he shivered and squeezed you tighter. When you pulled apart, Pierre-Luc was smiling with a little more conviction.
“Mood,” he said, chuckling softly. 
You raised an eyebrow as you looked at him. All Pierre-Luc did was point over your shoulder at Georgia. When you turned to look at her, you chuckled. She was sleeping on one of the blankets, her little tongue sticking out.
“That is the biggest mood,” you said, patting Pierre-Luc on the knee. 
He stood from the couch and walked over to kneel in front of Georgia. He took his phone from his pocket and snapped a picture of her. He tapped his phone a couple of times before he slid it back into his pocket. 
Your phone buzzed in your pocket. You pulled it out and noticed the Instagram notification saying Pierre-Luc had posted to his story. 
“Did you just—?” You asked, looking up from your phone.
Pierre-Luc had a toothy grin on his face as he looked back at you. 
“Dork,” you said, sliding your phone back into your pocket. 
Pierre-Luc chuckled. “A dork that loves you.”
In that moment, your heart seized. Pierre-Luc had never brought up that word before. You had been dating for over a year so theoretically, you knew he loved you. Hearing him say it was a completely different hockey game. 
“Did… did I say something wrong?” Pierre-Luc asked, blinking owlishly at you.
“You…” you started, voice faltering a little. “You said you loved me.”
Pierre-Luc furrowed his brows and frowned. “And I do. Where’s the issue?”
“You’ve never said it before,” you mumbled.
He blinked once. Twice. Three times. Then burst out laughing. You looked at him confused, almost angry that he was laughing at this. When he stopped laughing, he looked at you. 
“Ma petite diablesse,” he said, walking on his knees to be in front of you. “I tell you I love you everyday.”
“No you do—“
“‘Je t’aime beaucoup’ means ‘I love you very much.’ I thought you knew; you always reacted positively when I said it. That’s why I didn’t say anything.”
You felt your face heating up. 
“You always seemed happy when you said it; that’s why I was happy!” You exclaimed.
Pierre-Luc chuckled, leaning up and kissing you on the nose. “We’re both fools.”
Nodding, you kicked your foot lightly into his thigh. “Fools that love each other.”
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melyaliz · 4 years
Past loves and future babies pt. 8
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Fandom: Marvel (MCU) 
Pairing: Steve Rogers x OC (Read like) 
Notes: Hey hi hello! It’s been a rough week and I kept telling myself I would get to this but with editing the novel, trying to publish/market a short story, and getting my website up this slipped through the cracks. 
And then one of my friends passed away Friday and MAN the end of August had been insane and I’m still in this weird fog of like “what is going on?”
ANYWAY! Special thank you to  @little-dark-empress and @idk123906​ of asking to join the Tag Team! 
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive
Connect with me! AO3 / Instagram / Pinterest
“Oh hello, beautiful!” Dixie sighed, throwing herself onto the bed pulling the pillow to herself. Cuddling up she let out a long sigh of pure contentment. What was it about a fresh bed after a long emotional day that just… was the most wonderful thing in the world? 
Behind her she could hear Steve chuckle. Glancing up between messy hair and fluffy cotton she could barely see him grabbing some pajama pants from the dresser. 
“Are you going to change?” he asked 
Rolling onto her back Dixie heaved a huge side. The worst thing in the world is having to leave a bed once you have curled up in it’s wonderful fluffy embrace. “I guess…” she drawled, dragging her words out as if it would extend her stay.
Something hit her and she blinked sitting up looking at an oversized tee shirt sitting in her lap. Steve had turned his pack to her gong toward the bathroom to change. Ever the gentleman as always. They were supposed to be going at it like rabbits yet he still afforded her whatever privacy he could. 
“You know what,” Dixie said, kicking off her pants and shirt before slipping on the oversized tee, “We should start buying pjs and splitting them, you can have the pants and I'll take the tops.” 
“That sounds like a good idea.” he said coming back in. The sweats hanging low on his hips showing off that beautiful torso of his. It was kind of unfair how perfect his body was really. 
“I’m nothing if filled with good ideas. Some would even say it’s my only quality.” 
Steve came and laid down next to her looking up at her from his side, his propped up by his arm. 
“I wouldn’t say that’s your only quality.” his hand brushing the hem of her shirt absentmindedly, “You’re also very caring.” 
Dixie looked down at him, her own gaze meeting those large blue eyes so focused on nothing. Lost in his own thoughts.
Then he looked up at her.
And Dixie felt the very familiar clench in her stomach where she wasn’t sure if she was going to be sick. His look was so intense. So deep and genuine it made her want to run. It’s that panic, the dred when you are in the ocean and come up for air only to see another huge wave rolling over you. That feeling of being tossed unsure what way is up as the water rushes through your ears. 
“You are just so focused,” he continued, “You have a way of just taking things as they are accepting the problem as it is before attacking it. I’ve never met anyone like that.” he wasn’t looking away, his gaze was so steady she felt like she was a deer caught in a headlights.
Why is he saying this? Why would he think that? 
“We… I... “ she looked away, the urge to leave so strong she almost did it. Why was it so hard to take a compliment? Why couldn’t she be grateful for the kind words. “You can only solve a problem if you know it’s there. Everyone knows that.”
He chuckled rolling onto his back, finally looking away from her. Breaking the spell that he had been holding over her. It was like a breath of fresh air. Slowly she was able to climb back onto shore away from those deep blue eyes. 
“I guess I do that too, but with my fists. Bucky always used to get mad at me for not backing down from any fight.” 
“See, maybe that’s why we were chosen, because we wouldn’t give up.” 
Where they even chosen? The message had been so unclear. Part of her wondered how they had actually met. What was that meet-cute that had caused that cattolious for this future savior of the universe.  
“Cool” she scooted down into the covers, not sure what to say. Cool works I guess. Pulling the covers around herself getting ready to try and sleep. Although all the exhaustion she had previously felt was suddenly gone. Her body felt like it was burning up. Buzzing with an energy that she needed to run out. 
“Thank you,” it was soft, more of a whisper, maybe more to himself than to her. 
Turning she looked at him. Eyes locking, both studying the other lit by only the bedside light. Giving them a warm golden glow. 
“Thank you” he said again gently brushing away a few strands of hair from her face. Playing with the locks watching them fall from his fingers, “For reminding me of who I was.” 
There it was again. That unbalanced. That pounding in her heart that she wasn’t sure if it was a panic attack or something else. All she could do was nod as he leaned forward gently kissing her forehead. So soft and tender. 
Her hand found his fingers just a few inches away, unsure what to do she placed her hand over his. He made the move forward twisting his plan so his larger hand was enveloping her own. Fingers intertwining he pulled her closer to him moving his body over hers. She didn’t fight him. She wasn’t even sure how. 
His body was so much bigger than hers. Something that was painfully obvious as he leaned over her kissing her nose before pulling away to look down at her. Their hands still intertwined; he pulled it toward his mouth, kissing her fingers one at a time. His eyes never leaving hers. 
Her heart, her poor heart. It wasn’t sure if it wanted to flutter with excitement or pure anxiety. As it was she vaguely wondered if she might have a heart attack. Or maybe it would drop into her stomach and bleed out. 
Their lips met in a chaste kiss. Gentle as he asked for her permission. He never went too far, always slow and hesitant waiting to see if she would pull away. 
She wanted to pull away. 
Not like this. Not after what he had said to her. Not with the way he was kissing her. It was too sweet, too tender. It was too intimate. 
She had to be so scared of being intimate with someone. 
He pulled away again and studied her. Their eyes locked, both looking for something. 
She had told him he needed to work on whatever was stopping him. But what about her? Her fears of getting hurt was making her get more hurt. It was simple, she could enjoy what this was without falling in love. All she had to do was stop thinking about it. 
After all romance, love, it is all mental. So if you say you're not in love you aren’t. 
Pushing herself forward she kissed him. Made the first move. Enjoying his taste, the feeling of his body over her. Her free hand moving to his broad shoulders gently moving over them. Pulling him closer to her. He lowered himself posisting his body between her legs as he kissed her back. 
He felt good over her, his hips gently brushing over hers slowly warming her body. All those cloudy emotions slowly being pushed away by another emotion. 
She pushed her hips up closer to his grinding up into him. She could feel his bulge through the thin material of his sweats. Letting out a soft grunt he pushing into her. Riding her panties with his own sweats. There was a slight falter and something cracked.  
Something about it made her laugh. Them dry humping like a couple of teenagers. 
Steve pulled away slightly looking down at her as she curled up giggling “I’m sorry” she said trying to pull herself together but she couldn’t help it. 
“I just… Why is this always so awkward? I just can’t see you as ” she giggled “I just” she burst out giggling again. 
Steve sighed “Maybe if we just kiss?” 
That made it worse. Maybe they would play some 90’s love ballads too? Boys to Men anyone? You know to get in the mood? 
Chuckling Steve rolled onto his back watching her a smile on his lips. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry” she giggled trying to compose herself. 
“No, I like you like this.” Steve said then propping himself up he studied her, “It’s late and there is no rush. How about I take you out on a proper date tomorrow?” 
“What?” she frowned.
“Well this isn’t working so let’s actually try to get to know each other.” he reasoned 
“That makes sense” she nodded as Steve reached out grabbing her arm pulling her close to him. Cuddling up wrapping his body around her with a new determination.  “Tomorrow I want to take you out dancing.” 
“Ok” She told him softly her fingers brushing over his strong arms that were wrapped around him. Although she was pretty sure there wasn’t a place they could do his type of dancing but she also didn’t want to say that and runin the moment. He was moving past a heartbreak. Let him believe taking someone out dancing was still a thing. 
Maybe it was. Honestly Dixie had never been to Georgia who knew what mythical date stops it held.  
This was for the future she thought softly. It was for their baby. After all, shouldn't their child know they had a good relationship. As she let her body relax in his embrace she told herself this was fine. She would be fine when he left. 
“Besides,” Steve said, “I like this” he mumbled in her hair 
“I am pretty cuddly,” Dixie giggled, poking her thick stomach only to have Steve move her finger away so he could wrap his arms tighter around her waist. 
“You really are.” 
“There is no such thing as dinner and dancing anymore” Wanda sighed as Steve stood there looking helpless. He had gathered his team together ot help him plan out the best date for dixie and they were worse than useless. Instead of being helpful Sam had started cracking jokes. Bucky had gotten mad Sam wasn't taking it seriously. Tony had just chuckled with a glass of Whiskey watching them fight. While Wanda tried her best to be helpful by shooting down every idea Steve had. 
“I promised her,” it came out more needy than he meant. He just wanted to do something nice for the pretty girl. After all Dixie had put up with so much these past few weeks. She deserved to be taken out on the town.  
“You’re little Captain Kirk isn’t going to be upset with what you do. She knows she’s here to help save the future.” Tony shrugged, “Just take her out to dinner and a movie or something.” 
“Yeah man, why dancing?” Sam asked, still unable to wrap his mind around the fact that even after all this time Steve thought there were clubs with big bands that people requested where they could dance. 
“I want her to feel special” 
“Whatever you do I think she’ll feel special that you planned it,” Wanda said softly. “I think she just wants to feel like she belongs here.” 
Steve turned to her surprised. He had never thought of that before. Dixie always seemed pretty content to just live her life. Sure she interacted with the other avengers but she normally kept to herself. Happily doing her own routine, the only person she really interacted with on a semi daily basics was the little witch.  
He was about to respond when the alarm for the base went off. The avengers looked up confused as the sirens blared lights flickering around them. 
“That’s not a good sign. Tony mumbled standing up
Dixie sighed, running her fingers through her hair as she looked over her stuff hanging in the small walk-in closet. What kind of shit does one wear to go dancing? She hadn’t really packed any club clothes and even if she had it’s not like she could picture Steve at a club. Although she also wasn’t sure what other kind of dancing they could be doing. 
Maybe she should have asked. 
Was there time to drag Wanda out to get an outfit? 
Was it even worth buying an outfit? 
Since moving in with the Avengers she had been given a small salary for… baring Mr America’s children. Honestly thinking about it now she wasn’t much more than a glorified hooker. It wasn’t like they were paying her for much other than to get pregnant. 
She really wasn’t earning her keep was she. 
Eh, money is money. 
But back to the moment at hand. 
What does one wear to a dancing date with a man who grew up in the 40’s. 
Most of her clothes consisted of leggings and jeans. Lots of fun graphic tees and a pair of leather leggings she just couldn't part with. Slowly moving stuff aside her eyes landed on that one black dress that every girl needs in her closet. The one she would use to sneak into buildings and stuff. It was but a simple sheath dress that could be dressed up or down. 
You can never go wrong with a black dress really. 
Slipping it up she studied herself in the mirror. 
It did fit her perfectly and she had been grateful when Mac had made her buy it. Guess it would help her sneak into Steve’s dick.
Although that metaphor kind of didn’t work but hey, a girl’s got to try. 
“This is going to be good” she told herself in the mirror pulling her hair back trying to decide how she wanted to wear it, “You got this Dixie, you are a fucking queen.” 
Flashing herself a smile started to unzip the dress when her phone ran. Frowning, she picked it up, seeing Mac’s name on the ID. he never called her without texting her first. Something was up. 
Something not good. 
“Hey Mac what’s going on. 
“Dixie, you have a problem.” 
As if on que the lights flickered and alarms blared over head. Quickly zipping back up her dress Dixie ran toward the door of her apartment. 
“What the fuck?” 
Forever tag:  @the-shadow-of-atlantis​​​ @coffee-randomness​​​ @0hmydeku​ @xx3fsxx​ @daisyboobear​​​  @jason-redhood​​ @hello-i-lovespiderman-blr​  @pinkwitch21 @tomhncharliep  @cdwmtjb8​ @thespacebuns​​
@itsmeeluciie​ @thefemalethatwrites​ @little-dark-empress​ @idk123906​ @evansgirl7​
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p-redux · 5 years
From Anon...
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Hi Anon, no I don’t think Sam and Gia met through the dating app, Raya. But before I get into it, just a reminder...as I’ve always said, I’m simply the messenger here. I don’t usually do a lot of “research” myself, others do or they get it sent to them, and then they pass it on to me, and I post it. Here’s what I know. A friend of mine showed me that the first time Gia “liked” anything of Sam’s was early December 2019.👇
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My guess is they then probably slid into each other’s DMs, like MANY other celebs do with each other and started talking. Then this same friend sent me this DM on February 21👇Sam finally followed Gia on Instagram on February 21.
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So, they probably talked since December 2019 and then started dating sometime in January or February, 2020. 
The picture below of Sam and Gia on the Malibu Pier is definitely NOT their first date. The casual dress, their body language, and his arm around her suggest a level of comfort and intimacy that doesn’t happen if this were the first date. 
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I venture a guess that by the time this pic was taken, Sam and Gia had probably been on a few dates together and felt close. 
You mentioned that Gia took a trip to Cartagena, Colombia in January and that she was there with a man. I went to look on IG, and if you look at the pics on her IG and then look at the accounts of the people that are in the tags, it’s clear they are all just friends. The blonde woman with her is one of her best friends. And the two guys that went with them are gay. I know this because I looked at their accounts and the guys are a couple. So the Colombia trip seems to have just been a friends trip. The last serious boyfriend Gia seems to have had was a few years back. There are pictures of them together and people saying “beautiful couple” all  the way back to 2015. He’s an actor/writer/producer. I’m not going to post those, because none of that is here or there at this point. 
So, if Gia and Sam started dating sometime between December and February, it doesn’t seem like she was dating anyone else.  As for Sam, there may have been some overlap if he did indeed go out on a few dates with Georgia, but that’s just speculation. Again, if people aren’t in a monogamous, committed serious relationship, dating multiple people and overlap is common. Nothing wrong with dating multiple people until you find someone you want to get more serious with.
As for it being quick that Sam and Gia went off on a trip to Hawaii together. If they’d been dating for at least a month or maybe longer, it’s not quick. Not when you have the money to travel. If you have money, going out of state or out of the country doesn’t seem like a big deal. It’s not like regular people who have to save for months or years to take that one big vacation. And when Sam dated Cody, she left her family on Thanksgiving and went with Sam to Tulum, Mexico, and they’d only been dating 6 weeks or so. Sam and Cody met at the People’s party in early October 2014 and by Thanksgiving week in November, they were in Mexico together. When you have money, you don’t have to stay local. 
Anyway, I think the fact that Sam has already gone away to Big Sur with Gia, and now to Hawaii, during a time when he knows he’s going to be stuck there, means he really wants to spend some time with her. And the fact that she’s older than the other women he’s dated leads me to believe they may have something special going. Who knows? We shall see. It would be ironic that after most of Sam’s girlfriends were blondes, and some “fans” wanting him to date a certain married brunette, the one he ends up with might be a fiery redhead.
As for your worry that Sam is lonely or not truly happy...Um, nope. He’s pretty well accompanied most of the time. He seems happy to me. He’s great-looking, healthy, rich, famous, has a loving mom, brother and nephew, millions of adoring fans, and can date any woman he wants now. This has got to be the best time of his life. No misery or unhappiness in sight. 
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holidaywishes · 4 years
Embers VIII
Chapter VIII: he loves you, he loves you not
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  Summary of series: Katie moves from Peachtree, Georgia, to L.A. with her son, Alex to start fresh after the death of her husband. When she meets Evan Buckley, a young firefighter, she falls fast but will her son be so quick to accept Evan into his life?
  Summary of chapter: After Katie decides she needs a break from Evan for a bit, she starts to miss him -- but doesn’t want to be the first to break the silence. When he comes to drop Christopher off for a sleepover with Alex, it’s clear to both of them that the sparks are still there.
  Warning: some angst, some fluff but other than that nothing really.
  Author’s Note: With the last chapter being a little more angsty, and me wanting this pairing to work, I wanted to get Evan and Katie back together. So, here is the resolution of the last chapter! Hope you enjoy it! Cheers, xx! 😘
  the other masterlist
Katie’s P.O.V
  You waited for Evan to call but after a few days, you realized he wasn’t going to.
  “You asked for space,” Leny said, “so he’s giving you space.”
  “I know, Mom,” you sighed, “but I guess I didn’t think he’d listen.” Your mom laughed while she prepared dinner.
  “What happened anyway?”
  “I didn’t hear him out. I saw him with his ex and I jumped to conclusions.”
  “But you weren’t talking to him before that right?”
  “Yeah, because he stood me up for work”
  “Katerina,” Leny scolded in her strong German accent, forcing you to look at her, “Evan is not Jesse.”
  “Oh mom,” you scoffed, “I know that. I didn’t think he was”
  “Who do you think you’re talking to?” she questioned, “I knew your husband. And he was great. But he was also very flaky. He loved you but he loved the Navy more.”
  “It’s just that we had made all kinds of plans for that day and at the last minute he took a shift. I’m not dumb enough to think that I’m more important than his job but I’d like to think he wants to hang out with me...“
  “Talk to him,” Leny insisted, “I think you need to be the one to call him and explain yourself. Or you’ll be waiting forever for him to get the point.” You furrowed your brow at your mom for a second before letting out a sigh and turning around to grab your phone to call Evan; taking a breath before finding his name in your contacts.
  “Ugh,” you whined, “I can’t do it. I wouldn’t even know where to start.”
  “How about ‘Evan, I’m sorry. I overreacted. Can we talk?’“ she smiled and you laughed; just then, your phone rang
  “Hello!” you answered hastily, not checking who it was, “oh, hey Eddie.” You turned away from your mom while she continued to finish your conversation with Eddie, trying her best not to sound disappointed. “Sure, Alex would love to have Christopher over for a sleepover!” You were happy that the two got along so well that you were eager to accept any opportunity for Alex to hang out with new friends, “Great!” you exclaimed after ironing out the details and agreed on a day.
  “Call him.” Your mother said one more time after you ended the call with Eddie and turned back to her
  “I’m gonna tell my son his dinner is ready” you sneered, heading down the hallway to Alex’s room, “sweetie, come for dinner.”
  “Mommy,” his little voice rang out, “is Buck coming to dinner?”
  “Not today sweetie,” you answered sadly, “why do you ask?”
  “He hasn’t been by in a long time...“
  “Well.. he’s a busy guy you know? But hey, you’ll see Eddie and Christopher real soon. Maybe Buck will show up too.”
  “YAY!” he exclaimed and ran to the table for dinner. You let out a sigh and sat down beside your son; avoiding your mothers stare that you knew would read, again, ‘Call Him.’
  “Nick, Amber,” you called to the two stars as they walked quickly ahead of you and Marie, “can we get you two to do a story here. For Nick’s Instagram?”
  “What about mine?” Amber complained
  “You can share it once he tags you”
  “No no, it’s okay,” Nick smiled, clearly smitten with Amber, “let her post the story. I really don’t mind.” Marie looked at you and mocked them with googly eyes, making you laugh to yourself. You watched as Nick and Amber set up a boomerang shot in front of a colourful wall and you smiled as you realized how happy they were together; even if Amber wouldn’t say it out loud. Once they were finished, they started down the street as you and Marie followed behind leaving a few feet between to give them space. Marie made some joke about the two of them being on a date with your children when you felt someone bump into you
  “Oh I’m so sorry,” Katie said, “I wasn’t watching where I was going. I --”
  “That’s alright,” she said and you recognized her voice even before looking up, “it was my fault really..” She stopped when she finally saw your face and you took a step back as Marie continued to walk, not realizing you had stopped so far back; she caught your eye long enough for you to tell her to keep going.
  “It’s Katie right?” she said
  “Yeah.. Abby?” you replied, pointing at Abby
  “Yeah, can we... just..” she started, pointing to the wall to move out of foot traffic, “can we talk?”
  “I’m kind of busy right now” you answered, really not wanting to talk to her
  “I know but it won’t take long. Just a quick second, I want to explain”
  “What you saw, with me and Buck. It really wasn’t what it looked like”
  “I really can’t talk about this right now”
  “Katie please,” she begged, grabbing your arm as you tried to walk away, “he loves you.“ You sighed, looking at Abby and watching her eyes beg you to stay
  “You have two minutes.“
  “I don’t know how much he told you about us, that’s a conversation for the two of you to have, but long story short -- I left,” she explained, “I needed space to find myself and I wanted to let Buck ‘off the hook’“
  “Off the hook?”
  “If you haven’t noticed, I’m a little older than he is,” she joked, “and when we met, I was going through a lot. I just didn’t think he deserved all of that drama. So, when I left, I figured he’d be fine and go back to his life. But I never called or wrote to him, so there was no real closure. For either of us.”
  “Did you get your closure?”
  “When I saw him?”
  “Or before?”
  “I did. I met someone when I was away and when that accident happened, the train derailment..”
  “I heard about that, a few months ago?” you interrupted
  “He was there. He helped me find my fiancé,” she admitted, “but after that we really didn’t talk much”
  “So, wait, he knew you’ve been back in the city for months?”
  “He didn’t mention that?” She asked and you shook your head, “I’m sorry. But I wouldn’t have reached out to him if I hadn’t seen the two of you together”
  “Not because I wanted to ruin your relationship,” she explained, noticing the expression on your face, “no no. I saw how happy he was with you and I didn’t want him to catch me and my fiancé hanging out in the city one day and have these feelings bubble up inside him. I wanted him to find the closure I did.”
  “I get it. I do. But I really have to go now” you tried, starting to walk away when Abby stopped you again
  “He loves you. I know his work can make it seem like sometimes he doesn’t but, believe me, when Buck loves someone, he loves completely.” You left it there but thought about Abby’s words all day; distracting you from all your work that you were supposed to be doing the rest of the day. When you finally picked up Alex after her school, you were able to think about something else because of how excited he was
  “So, Christopher said he’s coming over tonight and then we can go to school tomorrow and then maybe, after school, tomorrow, I can go over to his house” Alex said, rushing over his words in excitement
  “We can talk about it with his dad when he comes to drop Christopher off, okay?” You watched as he hopped along to the car, smiling to yourself at his giddiness. A few hours after you got home, and Alex had set up a fort for him and Christopher in the living room, the doorbell rang and Alex ran to the door to let him in
  “Hey hey!” you stopped him, “you don’t answer the door until you know who it is, okay?”
  “Okay!” he teased and you opened the door with a smile, expecting to see Eddie
  “Hey..” Evan greeted as Alex pushed past you to bring Christopher inside
  “Alex!” you squealed and shook your head
  “Eddie had to work last minute..” he said
  “That’s okay,” you smiled, “come in. You hungry? I just made some Chicken Fingers for the kids.” He shut the door behind him, setting down Christopher’s bag, and laughed as he followed you into the kitchen; You hadn’t realized how close he was behind you so when you turned to see where he was, you bumped into him
  “Sorry,” he smiled at the blush on your cheeks, “I guess I should’ve warned you that I was here.” Your eyes bounced back and forth between his as his hands hovered over your hips, your breathing staying steadily in your chest
  “Uhm,” you finally broke the silence, “sit. I’ll get you a plate. Wine? Beer? Juicebox?” he laughed
  “Water is fine.” He answered, his eyes trained on you so they followed you with every move you made. When you finally put the dishes in front of him, he put his hand gently on yours, “hey, calm down.”
  “Sorry. I just..” you said before taking a deep breath, “I’m nervous for some reason. I don’t know what to say.”
  “Can I say something then?”
  “Please” you smiled, leaning your arms on the counter, facing him as he spoke
  “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have bailed on our plans. I should’ve told you about Abby,“ he started and your mind wandered to what Abby said, that she had been here for months and Evan knew but you let him continue, “I wasn’t expecting to meet up with her but she wanted us to have closure. The way our relationship ended was rocky and I didn’t hear from her for a long time. I was still pretty hung up on her, even when I was with Ali”
  “So how do you feel about her, about Abby, now?”
  “Nothing.” He stated and you tilted your head as if to say ‘yeah, right,’ so he continued, “I mean, I think she’s a great person. I’m happy if we can stay friends but that’s it. I don’t have any romantic feelings for her.”
  “None at all?”
  “None.” You walked over to where Evan was sitting and leaned your hip against the side of the counter and he turned to face you. You dropped your head to the floor as you thought about what to say next
  “Good,” you smiled, lifting your head to meet his eyes, “because I kinda missed you, Buckley.” You reached out your hand to grab his but instead he pulled you in by your hips to kiss you, deep and intense; you almost didn’t pull away from him but you needed to catch your breath.
  “I hated not being around you”
  “Me too,” you laughed, "wanna stay and help me watch the kids?” He smiled, walking in front of you slightly, cocking his head back to tell her to jump on
  “I thought you’d never ask” he smiled as he gave you a piggy back ride to the next room. When the boys saw him, they jumped at his feet and he stumbled, making you fall off his back.
  “MY TURN! MY TURN!” Alex called out and you shook your head as you laughed
  “Okay, okay. Jump on” Evan exclaimed, kneeling down to let Alex climb on his back while you sat down with Christopher to finish building LEGO buildings until Evan circled around to give Christopher his piggy back ride; You turned on some music to magnify the mood in the room. When Christopher’s turn was done, you stood back up so the two boys could continue playing together.
  “They’re sweet aren’t they?” you cooed as Evan wrapped his around your waist
  “They are,” he smiled, resting his chin on your shoulder, “they’re good kids.” You finally looked at him, smiling at his acknowledgement, nudging his side jokingly, “you’re a good mom.” He added and you blushed before placing a kiss to his cheek
  “Thank you” you said
  “Thank you!” he joked, referring to the kiss, laughing when he noticed you shake her head, turning you around to face him and your arms wrapped around his neck, “I’m serious though. You’ve raised him well, single mother or not. You’re pretty great.” You tucked herself into Evan’s side as the two of you continued to watch Alex and Christopher play
  “You’re great with them too” you said and he kissed the top of your head, not saying anything else until you smiled up at him
  “I love you.” He said gently, secretly waiting for you to reciprocate it but not holding his breath
  “I love you, too.” You said and he grinned widely, kissing you deeply when he knew the kids weren’t watching
  “EW!” they both exclaimed and you laughed against Evan’s lips, as you could feel the boys watching the two of you kiss; Evan put his hands on your face and kissed you dramatically while the boys repeated their disgust, only to turn and continue to play in their fort.
  “Ew” you joked and Evan picked you up, tossing you over his shoulder to take you to the couch.
  “Alright. Time for a movie!” He exclaimed, setting you on the couch as you caught your breath, letting out a small laugh while the boys jumped up on the couch. The night ended up quiet, the two boys falling asleep on each other on the couch while watching The Secret Life of Pets, while you and Evan cuddled next to them; you couldn’t have pictured a better way for the night to end.
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lady-olive-oil · 5 years
Work Out: Chapter 2
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Writings || Florian Index || MTC ||
What up, what up! It’s ya girl Liv here with another chapter of Work Out. In this chapter we’ll go deep into Geneva’s past and her favorite past time. Let me know if ya wanna join the Lil Nasties Squad. I also added 2 new characters to the roster, one is Josephine Montoya-Wade (in MTC) and the other one, well you’ll see soon. Thanks for reading! Stay tuned from scenes for our next episode. Skating visuals linked in bold.
WC: 3.4K [I’m starting to think each chapter will be this long]
Warnings: suggestive themes, dirty flashback if ya squint
Tag Team, Lil Nasties: @maddiestundentwritergaines || @sparklemichele || @designerwriterchic || @honeychicana || @chaneajoyyy || @jojolu || @dc41896 || @titty-teetee || @inlovewithmakeupcomicsanimelove || @ljstraightnochaser || @mimigemrose || @crushed-pink-petals || @fumbling-fanfics || @madamslayyy
The sounds of 70’s to 00’s music rumbled through the rink, as skaters young and old all came together for one night in solidarity. For those who can skate that is. Others like myself however, have been in the game for years.
“Come along and ride on the fantastic voyage.” I couldn’t help but sing along to the sounds of my childhood. Seeing friends of old and new in the rink made me feel at home again. Not like good old nostalgia to make you feel at peace.
“Is that Jimmy and Trinity? The franchise let them have a break before the big match? That’s new.” Destiny got my attention by noticing two old friends of mine from the past.
I was a trainer for WWE in Orlando, years ago. I have met the past; present and the future of the company come in and out of those doors. It was a tremendous job to have right out of college, that I will forever cherish. I’ve grown close to most of everyone from all rosters. I left due to some personal reasons.
“Yeah it is. Let’s go say hi.” Maneuvering through the busy crowd I tapped the glow queen herself, and was met with an excited squeal. Thus rewarded with a loving hug with just enough force.
“Gege! It’s am so glad to see you. How’ve you been girl?” Upon giving Destiny and Cynthia their hugs as well, Jimmy and Jey both hugged us all in a group hug.
“I’ve been well, about to be blessed with a divorce soon.” Taking a swig of my Angry Orchard Rośe, I heard Trinity chuckle.
“You finally went through with it. Proud of you little sis.” Jimmy commended me, with Jey nodding in agreement.
“Thanks Uce, It’s been a long time coming too. Trust and believe me, Dede and Cyn are throwing me a divorce party. What better city to do it in, than Atlanta?” You better believe I was looking forward to that party. Nothing was going to keep me away from it.
“You know I’ll be there. Even if I have to drag Jimmy with me.” Trinity nugged her husband, who was in a deep conversation with his twin over which food is better: bacon double cheeseburger vs mozzarella sticks.
“Huh? Uh yeah Atlanta seems cool.”
“That’s funny because last time I remember, you weren’t going for my good sis to move to the ATL.” I arched a brow in mock curiosity, causing Jimmy to blush a tad.
“At first I was but then I realize she needs a lot of family around no matter what. Plus Georgia and Florida ain’t far, so we came to an agreement.” Placing a kiss on how wife’s head, made all of us smile in pure joy.
“Y’all are sickeningly cute. Let’s go skate, I gotta get my groove on.” Lacing up my white skates, the ones with the hot pink wheels, and neon green laces on them, I saw a pair of Jordan’s come into view.
“Well well well, look who showed up.” Leaning against the table, giving a glance over
“Couldn’t stand my cousin up now could I?” Michael  showed his pearly white teeth, before giving me a hug. Looking up behind him I see Florian in all his glory.
His tight black v-neck shirt; with matching jeans and red polo sneakers just made him irresistible. His hair and beard were clean cut, and what set it off was his gold link chain around his neck. If I’m being completely honest here y’all, at some point I plan on yanking on that gotdamn chain and-
“Hello gorgeous.” His deep voice broke my inner thoughts and just melted my insides. Making my body feel all warm and giddy. This man does things to me already.
“Well hello there handsome. I see my cousin let you come out and roll with the big dogs huh?” Smirking a bit as I skated around him on the rubber glow in the dark floor.
“Actually he didn’t want to come, I dragged him. He wanted to stay in all day and watch Netflix.” The way he laughed was even a magical tone. Like you could be hugged by a velvet blanket, by a cozy fire in the middle of winter.
“Oh? Damn Baraki, you don’t wanna spend time with ya cousin? I’m hurt.”
“I’m here aren’t I? Besides, had to break out my skates from retirement and help Florian buy his from Amazon. Turns out, the dude here owns a pair, without my knowing” He shrugged and stuck his tongue out at me when I flipped him off. Feeling glad that the rink had given us the party section to have us somewhat away from fans. Yet a few had asked for pictures, and I didn’t mind taking them for them.
“Yeah yeah. Anyway, Florian do you know how to skate?” I asked gently.
“Little bit. Haven’t had the time to in a while, just been training more often.” His reply was honest and sincere. Man why isn’t her dating anybody already?
“Oh really? Well I wouldn’t mind teaching you a bit.” The slight bite on my bottom lip, caused Florian to smirk at me before taking a sip of his Heineken.
“I’m sure you could.” He mumbled just enough for me to hear, letting me hold his beer so her could tie his skates up.
His arms bulged with every movement, a vein popped a few times and it just made my body hum in desire and need. That was until I felt my phone vibrated, I gave him back his beer, and watched as he skated with Michael over to the Dj booth. Checking my phone for a few updates from friends and fans of my work, I received a message from Cassie that she had arrived.
Cassie was also another childhood friend of  mine who had no issue with telling you how it is. Knowing that she moved back to the city as well, made it all better for me to have friends. My phone buzzed again, letting me know a message came again. This time I was worried. Re-reading the message, I felt my face scrunch in confusion.
Cassie: Uh Geneva don’t be alarmed but a certain blonde walked in.
What was she talking about? Responding as fast as I could, I looked around the section and saw nothing.
Me: who?
Looking at Trinity, who nodded her head in the front direction of the rink.
Trinity: she devil
Me: oh fuck
The she devil in question, was another former trainee of mine at the facility back in 2016, when I had started. She is one of the major causes of my divorce; Mandy Rose. I don’t see what the WWE universe sees in her anyway. All the while I know what I did see; Jake’s dick in her in our bed.
“Watch my back.” I told the girls, and they all looked towards where I was skating at. They soon followed me when they knew immediately where I was going. The memories came flooding back.
I haven’t spoken to Mandy sinch I quit. It was around April of last year, Wrestlemania season, when everything went down and I had filed for divorce 2 weeks later. That was the final nail in the coffin of my marriage with Jake, and I couldn’t take it anymore. With all the blatant disrespect; the awkward silences when I asked him about the finances of our joint accounts; the secret rendezvous he’d have coming home late, the high expense charges and the lying.
I thought he was different from all the others but that was lie, a bold face lie. We got married right after graduation, in 2014, two years later I started working in Orlando. The first full year on the job I introduced Jake to Mandy. It had been a whirlwind to work for WWE with my medical degree, to make sure the superstars were in tip top shape. With the constant bickering, physical altercations and accusations he threw at me, about sleeping with one of my coworkers I had to put out marriage on pause that same year.
A year of separation had put my mind into perspective and think about what I wanted out of this marriage. We had agreed to meet up at our house, I was staying at Cynthia’s at that time, for dinner to catch up. I still had a key to the condo, it was in my name, and I looked all over the house for him. What do I see walking up the stairs? Mandy riding Jake like no tomorrow. He tried to save his ass by running away from me, as I waved my steel bat at him. Mandy was long gone and laughing by then.
Putting in my resignation was hard but I had to do it. Now more than ever, I was focused on me and only me. Moving back home to New York was just the beginning. During the first few months, filing for divorce, I did go on a few dates. Only a few guys came home with me, none of them satisfied the itch I craved. Maybe Florian could be the one to fix that.
Trying not to fall while skating through the crowd, I made it to the group that just came in. Sonja Deville sported me quick and pulled me into a tight embrace. The death glare I set straight towards Mandy could be picked out of a much bigger crowd.
“Geneva! It’s been too long. How’ve you been?”
Keeping my composure I returned Sonja’s gesture.
“I’ve been well, been well. Working on my personal trainor thing, keeping the lights on. I’m always busy, plus going back to school so yeah.”
I made it my priority, to keep my bond strong with Sonja, after I left the company. When I told the MMA fighter about the scene I witnessed, she couldn’t fathom it either. She promised to keep an eye out on Mandy for me as well.
She was one of the first people, besides my crew of course, to message me about the sly matching posts on Instagram, between Florian and I. She wished us nothing but luck and invite her to the wedding in the future.
“I hear ya. I hear ya. Just to let you know, I did keep- ah hell.” An exaggerated sigh escaped Sonja’s lips, causing my face to contort in confusion.
“Uh something wrong?” I asked curiously, seeing her visibly gulp.
“Want me to be honest?”
“I expect nothing from a woman who kicked my ass in practice back in Orlando.” Earning a soft chuckle from her, she sighed and turned me around to the scene.
“That little bitch.” The growl that erupted in the back of my throat, made Sonja go wide eyed.
Before she could even finish that sentence, a let my anger skate me towards Florian. I was already attached to him and I didn’t want Mandy to ruin that for me. She was touching all over him; feeling him up, touching his face, shoving her silicone bean bags in his face and just being her trashy self. The look of discomfort shown on his face, but soon shifted once I came into view.
“Hey Florian, ready to go skate?” I intervened so fast, that you could see steam coming out of Mandy’s ears.
“Well lookie here, It’s the hag. Listen honey, he doesn’t want to skate with the likes of you. He’s having fun talking to me. Isn’t that right Florian?” Moving her hand on his chest, you could see the disagreeable expression on his face. Upon removing her hand from his chest, he stood by me and I felt my body temperature erupt in euphoria and triumph, as if I had won.
“Well I was here to skate with Geneva and her friends.”
Mandy sneered at me with her fake lips and tosses her bleach blonde hair.
“Fine, but this isn’t over Geneva. May the best woman win. Oh and Florian, I’ll catch you later.” Being the snake that she is, she leaned up on her tippy toes and placed a kiss on his cheek, before leaving with her friends. I wanted to claw at her face so bad, yet I’m surprised Florian held me back.
“It’s Genevieve to you.” I gritted through my teeth.
You see, lately I’ve been talking to Florian about myself, opening up a bit more, getting to know one another better and such. I had mentioned Mandy in the conversation, how she was one of the causes of my divorce, and how she tried to one up everyone. He knew her through a friend of theirs, they chatted and had a night together.
Although she got too clingy for  him after that and it’s not in him to just let a woman go after a night, but he needed to be away from her. By the time this all transpired, it was before his practice scenes for Creed. That’s when I met him on set a month later.
“I’m sorry that happened Geneva. Nor did I know she was coming either.” He tried to sooth and keep me calm. I had never been consoled by another man who wasn’t my father or my brothers.
Glancing up at Florian I saw hope; dedication and devotion. Some qualities I loved in any man, but this man here was something else. Collecting myself together, I took a breather and skated away from him on to the rink floor.
“It’s all good Flo.” The way I said his nickname, caused his face to heat up in embarrassment. The action caused his sweet smile to appear as he leaned against the rock wall, watching me groove to the music in place for a bit. He was entranced by just a little movement.
“So I hear that you’re, Queen of skating huh?”
“Maybe so. If you can keep up with me during this song or the next I’ll go on that date.”
“Wait wait, for real?” He arched a brow, as I nodded.
“Foreal. I’ll go on a date with you if you can keep up.” Sending off a wink before I skated off to the jumping sounds of reggae music. Moving my hips to the rhythm, I kept eye contact with him as I move to the beat.
My hips have a mind of their own, as I float across the floor and take off my jacket. I managed to hand it to Cynthia as I skated around to hand it to her and I kept going. I always felt at home here, it was never a dull moment.
Upon hearing the song change over, to Rock the Boat by the ever so great Aaliyah,I felt a pair of strong hands grace my hips. I didn’t think he’d catch up to me.
“Guess who?” His warm voice graced my left ear, and sent chills through my body, as we grooved to the music in sync. Moving my hips on instinct against him, rolling in tandem with his hands around the rink.
“So Flo got rhythm. So tell me, how do you know how to skate?”
“A movie you mentioned, that was your favorite. May have picked up a few pointers.” Grabbing my hand on cue, he twirled me around before bring me back to his strong, broad chest. I stand corrected, I was in heaven.
“You watched Roll Bounce? And you listened to me too.”
“And I’ve been skating since I was 10. So that’s just a bonus.”
Dancing on him with the music changing, made the tension grow hotter and more sensual. Lost Without You started playing and I followed Florian’s movement this time around. Hearing his gentle voice singing in my ear once more, I began to sing along with him. I haven’t felt this much emotion in so long, I’m starting to feel like this was meant to happen. The smooth gentle rocking, made me feel like I was floating. We were floating. I felt safe in his arms more than I thought. I could feel his rigid muscles through his shirt on my back, making me hold back a moan.
I know he could feel the connection as well. The grip on my hips told me otherwise. Placing my hands on top of his, I laced our fingers together before turning to skate backwards.
“White boy got some moves. I like it, you can keep up with me.” He twirled me around a bit before holding me against his chest again. I leaned my head back to look up at him a little, just to place a kiss on his chin.
“That’s not all I can do.” The deep baritone bass of his throat made me want to jump his bones right then and there.
“Oh I bet.” I teased him back by rotating my ass against him, earning a low growl to erupt from his chest. Gege can play too Flo.
The Dj let everyone know that it was time to roll out, and to drive safely. Rolling off the floor, we met up with our group and planned the next move of action to extend the night. The rink was starting to close up soon, so we all met in the parking lot.
“Girl we saw you and Florian getting down like an old southern couple.” Cynthia nugged me, giving me a sly look.
“Y’all were doing the damn thing.” Destiny winked and caused me to laugh a bit.
Cassie high fives me before heading to her car.
“Geneva, I’ll catch you later this week aight? Gotta get up for work in the morning. I’ll see if I can bring Josephine to the meeting.”
Sending her my love my regards, I placed my skates in the back of my Range Rover.
“So y’all good for some bar hopping? I know this great spot along the jersey shore.” Ryan mentioned while looking up the directions.
“I can’t. I have class in the morning and a test, I need to be sober for. Sorry guys.” Gently replying I smiled up at the crew before shrugging.
“Dang maybe next time. Oh what about our monthly couples game night? How about Monday, Geneva’s?” Destiny suggested as she headed towards her Jeep renegade.
“Couples game night? Sounds intriguing, I’m in. I’ll bring Johari, you in Florian?” An enthusiastic Michael was all anyone could handle.
Glancing over at me, he smirked gently.
“Yeah I’m down. Geneva, I’ll pick you up tomorrow from class for our date. See y’all around.” Placing a kiss on my cheek, I sighed heavily and bit my lip. This man was gonna be the death of me. The action caused him to chuckle adorably.
“Deal. See you tomorrow Flo.” Kissing his cheek, I saw his face heat up again. Seeing him walk away with my cousin, I let out a soft groan.
“Girl, you are sprung.” Cynthia smirked at me while Destiny let out a gut busting laugh.
“She got it bad.” Destiny couldn’t help herself.
“I will say this; I hate to see him go, but I love to watch him leave. His ass is sculpted like a god.” I fanned myself in the process.
Hugging my friends goodbye, before getting into my car and driving home, I glanced down at the sound of my phone going off. Glancing down for a split second, I saw the notification. I had received a text message from Florian.
Making it home safely I got ready for my shower and for bed; tying down the massive mess of my 4c curls in a silk scarf, I finally read the message. Leaning against my room door, I read it over and over again, feeling all giddy.
Can’t wait for tomorrow night gorgeous. I promise it’ll be worth it. You deserve the best and I plan on delivering. Sweet dreams my queen.
This man knew how to charm his way through anything. Getting back on track, I kept staring at the message. I had to reply and not be rude. So I kept it short and sweet, yet tasteful.
Looking forward to what you have in store handsome.
“Damn Florian. My heart is yernin for ya love..” singing gently to myself before getting into the shower, I felt powerful. Maybe this is my chance to finally be happy. To finally be free from my chains of the past. This whole turning over a new leaf thing, won’t be so bad after all.
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iamknicole · 6 years
Bloodline Family Series
Roman sat in Haleigh’s bedroom scrolling through the comments on Haleigh’s live from a few hours earlier, waiting to get word. He had her go live from her room at Milo's house in California before going out. She was there with Carlito while Ardian filmed. Kandice and the triplets were in Georgia with Apryl, Simba, Trinity and the twins. This was the perfect time to handle his business.
During her live Haleigh mentioned that she was house sitting for her parents alone and how bored she was as he told her to do. Roman knew hearing that would draw Todd to the house for her, it's what he was counting on.
A guy Roman grew up with was a police officer and was able to get Todd's information and whereabouts for him. Having that Roman asked Joe to follow Todd to make sure he would take the bait. Tama hid in the brush on the side of the house to send the signal that Todd had arrived. Jey and Jimmy were waiting in the kitchen.
The plan was for Todd to get inside the dark house, knowing he'd follow the only noise in the house to Haleigh’s bedroom and go from there. It was late night and Todd clearly felt more comfortable at this time a night.
Roman’s phone buzzed, Joe's name showed on the illuminated screen.
"He's in your neighborhood. I'll circle around and wait at the front," Joe said with a sinister tone.
"Alright. By the time you pull around, we'll be out."
Roman and Joe disconnected the call. Just as he pulled the phone away from his ear, it lit up again with a text from Tama. A simple emoji. Locking his phone, Roman pushed it into the pocket of his black joggers then got under Haleigh’s comforter.
Todd cept through the house from the back sliding door. He'd saw Haleigh’s live and planned to surprise her. He also wanted to apologize for what he did. Assaulting her wasn't in his plans, she just messed up his plans by rejecting him. He now stood outside her door, straightening his shirt and checking his breath. But he was too preoccupied with himself and his thoughts that he didn't hear Jey and Jimmy follow behind him up the stairs.
Todd eased her door open, smiling when he saw, who he thought to be, Haleigh lying in the bed. When he pulled the covers back he jumped back startled, his hand on his chest as he stared at the large figure before him. The television only lit the large room so much, but Todd saw enough to know it wasn't Haleigh.
Then, there was light.
Todd looked up then down into the eyes of Roman.
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Roman didn't say a word. His hands opened and closed at his sides as he stepped closer to the considerably smaller man.
"I..uh.. sir," Todd stuttered stepping backwards.
Roman brought his hands in front of him, cracking his knuckles, ignoring Todd's stuttering. He jumped at him making Todd turn to run away, only to run into the twins and fell on his ass. Todd stared at the three large men as they stood around him with fear in his eyes.
Jey snatched Todd up from the floor then Roman sent a punch to his temple, knocking him out cold. He slumped over in Jey's arms. The cousins laughed.
"Let's get his ass downstairs," Roman said picking up his legs.
Jimmy followed behind them cutting the television and lights off. "Should've rolled his ass down the stairs," Jimmy snickered when they got to the door.
Tama was standing on the porch waiting, Joe in the forest green SUV.
"Got his keys," Tama asked in a hushed tone.
Jimmy searched Todd's pockets for his keys then tossed them to Tama, who them jogged off the porch to Todds's mustang. After throwing him in the back, Jimmy, Jey and Roman climbed into the SUV and Joe cruised out of the neighborhood not wanting screeching tires not wanting to disturb the sleeping neighborhood and bring unwanted attention.
Cold water splashed over Todd's face, making him sputter and gasp for air. He moved backwards on the cold, hard ground.
"What," he gasped trying to breathing, "What the hell is going on?"
"Oh not sir this time," Jimmy asked standing behind him
Todd started to feel the pain in his head and remembered Roman punching him. "What do you people want with me? I didn't do anything."
"You didn't do anything," Tama repeated loudly.
Looking around, Todd realized he was inside a large, concrete warehouse and knew this wouldn't be good.
"Okay, okay," he begged, "I did it but I didn't mean to. It wasn't my fault."
Jey squatted down to Todd's level, baring his gold fronts. "So you sayin' it's my nice fault? Cause if it's not your fault then it's gotta be hers."
"N-n-no. Its...its," he stuttered staring between the men.
Jey slapped him across his face before standing to his full height. "Spit that shit out!"
Joe and Roman stood back watching Tama and the twins antagonize the smaller man. They took turns beating him, tagging in and out, making jokes as usual. Roman was trying to calm down some but he couldn't. Seeing Todd made him angry, it made him murderous.
"I'm gonna step out for a second," Roman spoke loud enough for them all to hear him, "When I get back though, I want y'all to leave us for a few. It won't take long."
They all agreed. Joe stepped towards Todd with a slight smirk on his face.
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Roman called the only person he knew could help him.
"Hey, handsome," she cooed sleepily into the phone making him crack a smile.
"What's up, beautiful," he asked leaning against the SUV.
"Nothin, pinned under your circus acts," she laughed softly.
"Better you than me. Y'all having fun?"
"Yeah. The kids loved the aquarium, we gotta go back before we come home or they'll have a fit."
Roman smiled hearing about his children and nephews. "Even Simba's mean ass?"
"Even him," she laughed, "When we were getting the twins and trips some stuff from the gift shop, he tried to sneak and buy Kennedie these cute little penguin couple stuffed animals and the matching snow globe."
"Really? Guess he's not as mean as we thought."
They laughed for a few seconds until it died down. Nothing but the trips' light snores could be heard.
"I'm doing the right thing. Right, Kandi?" He asked softly. "The way I feel is normal, isn't it?"
"She's your baby, Roman. I think any father would feel the way you do. This rage is normal. Can you live with it?"
"Yeah, Kandi. Fuck him, I just don't want Princess to be mad at me," he sighed finally getting his thought out.
Kandice knew that's what was bothering him. His kids and what they think of him mean everything to him.
"Haleigh knows how much you love her and how far that love will go. You just make sure you're as honest and transparent with her as she needs you to be. Okay?"
He nodded like she could see him. "Yeah, I got you."
"You must've heard your daddy," Kandice laughed, "You hear Melly, Ro? Calling for you. She staring at the phone smiling, eyes still closed. I'll put the phone to her ear."
"Go back to sleep, Babygirl. Daddy loves you, okay?"
Melody mumbled back making Kandice and Roman laugh. "She's sleep again. I love you, Ro. Call me when you get home."
Roman put his phone away then stepped back into the warehouse. Tama and the twins stood around watching Joe choke Todd out, they moved back when they heard him approaching. Joe dropped him from his hold. Jey let him know they would be outside when he was finished.
"As much as you say you love my daughter on her Instagram, on her Facebook, on her Twitter, you couldn't possibly love her as much as I do. When you came after her, you didn't think about her father. Her father that's willing to kill and be killed for her," Roman spoke standing over him. "You know what I've always taught her? I taught her that love doesn't hurt so she knows that what you did wasn't out of love. That was anger. But your anger is nothing compared to mine."
"I am so sorry, Mr. Reigns. I came to your house to apologize to her for what I did, sir."
"You came to apologize with condoms and two knives in your pockets? Cause that's one hell of a apology. There was rope, cuffs, and a camera in your car too," Roman chuckled. "You're that close to death and won't tell the truth. You're not a man, you're a coward. The coward I knew you were when I saw how battered you left my daughter."
"This was all a mistake," Todd cried. He stood on his knees, pleading with Roman.
"No!" Roman roared. "You fought my five foot, maybe 120 lb daughter like she was a man so you get your ass up and fight me! Get up!" Roman pulled the small man up to his feet and pushed his chest roughly.
Todd shook his head extending his hands in front of him. "Please, I don't wanna fight. Please don't do this."
Roman laughed again at him but there was nothing funny. "Please don't do this? That's the exact same thing my daughter said to you. I heard the 911 call, she screamed in pain for ten minutes begging you to stop. But did you?"
"N-n-no, sir."
"So fight me. You can fight her, you can fight me."
Todd attempted to tussle with the larger man hoping that would satisfy the large man but it didn't. Roman tossed him to the floor and knelt over him, delivering blow after blow to Todd's face. He blacked out. The only thing he could see was how Haleigh looked in the hospital bed, how she cried seeing the damage done to her face, the mirrors she'd broken, the nights she sat up in his arms crying terrified that Todd would come back.
"That's it, Uce. That's it. Back up," Jey whispered placing a hand on Roman’s shoulder. "Look at him. That's it."
Roman’s nostrils glared as he stared at each of his cousins then down at what used to be Todd. His face beaten in, barely recognizable. Roman’s breathing started to slow when he realized Todd was no longer breathing.
Joe put a strong hand on Roman’s other shoulder. "Come on, man. Let's go. Jey well take you home, we got this."
Roman took one last look at Todd before leaving the warehouse. He didn't feel guilty, he didn't feel any remorse. He felt vindicated, he felt free. He hoped Haleigh would feel the same way.
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musingsoflulu · 6 years
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cloudsplitter race recap
what a dreamy saturday we spent playing in the mountains! 
logan met me after work (which was a literal nightmare) friday evening. i made a reservation for a nearby italian restaurant so we could eat yummy pasta before heading into the small town where the race started. we ate bruschetta and portobello mushroom raviolis until we were properly stuffed and then made the drive into norton, virginia. 
we laid our stuff out for the next morning and headed to bed early. i slept terribly (i always do in hotel rooms) and had major anxiety dreams about the race- dreams about forgetting all of my gear and having to race back home to grab it, dreams about having to run in jeans (???), dreams about forgetting my gels, showing up late for the race, etc. 
when we woke up, logan told me he also had similar dreams and then said “i just realized 31 miles is a really really long way to run.” YA. THANKS. 
we put on our race gear and headed upstairs for a proper breakfast before we picked up our bibs. the restaurant was super quiet (it was 6:30 AM) except for one other guy who was clearly running one of the races too. i turned around and asked him which race he was doing- the 100 miler. it would be his 22nd 100 mile race attempt (not all of them successful) and he had also competed in utmb this past year (DNF’ed about 50k in due to vision and stomach issues). 
after breakfast, we picked up our bibs at the farmer’s market, signed in, and waited anxiously for the race to start. @iraeths tagged me in an instagram post that i saw early that morning- a well known (except apparently not to me) ultra runner, alex borsuk, was competing in her first 100 miler- at cloudsplitter. i spotted her when we were both in line for a last minute bathroom run. 
a group of guys were in front of us, teasing each other. “dude, i believe in you. just not today.” as he banged his poles on his buddy’s portapotty before going into his, logan looked at me. “glad i’m not that guy’s friend” haha.
and a few minutes later, we lined up in the covered farmer’s market garage and the boy scouts’ muskets went off and we were off on our mountain adventure. our first few miles were slow. we actually walked up our first easy hill on the road, taking our hero, tim tollefson’s advice, and saving our legs for later. the first 3 miles were straight uphill, with about 1500 feet elevation gain. but i was feeling really strong and the vert wasn’t anything we hadn’t trained on before yesterday. 
we made a wrong turn with a group around mile 3 and ended up running about 0.3 miles out of the way (oops). we realized pretty early, turned around, and got back on the course quickly. the first 9 miles were super enjoyable and fairly uneventful. no stomach issues, legs felt super fresh, logan and i were talking casually and taking pictures, just really enjoying the course. it had rained the night before and so the course was incredibly wet and muddy, but i loooove running in those conditions. nothing makes me feel more wild than mud on my calves. the gray clouds around us made the colors of the leaves pop and even though we couldn’t see many views from the top on the way up, i was still loving the cool foggy weather. truly felt like we were splitting the clouds. 
we made it to the top of high knob and hammered down the big hill to the next aid station at mile 9. from there to about mile 13, there were tons of water crossings. logan and i definitely spent too much time avoiding getting our feet wet and hopping rocks, but i didn’t care because i really didn’t think i was in any position to place. at around mile 12, another woman in a blue shirt came plowing through the river crossing we were trying to maneuver around and i looked at logan said “well then...maybe that’s what we need to do.” i started realizing “oh...she might be in the 50k...and oh, she might be looking to win it.” we hadn’t seen any other women on their way back and the turn around point was mile 15.5. seeing as how we were only 3 miles out from the turnaround, i started realizing oh hey...i might be one of the top females right now. eventually around mile 13, we saw the first woman coming back and zooming with the men (they were at mile 17). but i didn’t see any other women after that.
i followed the woman in the blue shirt closely and eventually passed her around mile 14. i started passing others too. i ended up directly behind alex borsuk for the last 0.5 miles to the turnaround point and thought “well, this is probably as close as i’ll ever get to keeping up with an elite- when they’re running more then 3x the distance i am” hahaha. when we left the aid station at the turnaround, a woman i passed going the other direction said in a french accent “you are second woman!” oh god. no pressure. 
the woman in the blue shirt was very close behind me and she definitely knew it was a race at this point. i made a stupid wrong turn (ugh why!!!) shortly after the turnaround and went maybe 0.10 miles out of the way before realizing. we caught up to blue shirt and i’m not sure if she just felt bad that i made a wrong turn or if she just didn’t want us on her ass for the next 14 miles, but she pulled to the side and let me pass. i ran slightly ahead of her for a bit and gathered she was from toronto and she had driven down with her friend the day before for the race. and the next moment, logan and i were zooming off, trying to create some distance between me and her. the next 3 miles felt wonderful and logan and i were flying down the hills and running pretty well on the flat parts. we ran through water crossings (this is a race now! no time to take care!!!) and were making great time. but around mile 17, my stomach started feeling sour and i knew i was going to have to pull over. i ran off trail and did my business as quickly as possible. when we started back, logan made a wincing noise and not looking back, i checked in and called back- “are you okay?” “yeah, my shoulder’s just feeling really tense.” i looked back then and blue shirt was gaining on us and was almost caught up to logan. and just like that, i was gone like the wind, running as fast as i could go and not knowing if logan was keeping up with me. 
i made it to the aid station at mile 19, right before the last big climb. a male runner was waiting there, i guess for a running companion to help him get through the last bit of the race, and came up to me and said “hey! you wanna be my pal?” i responded “uhhhh sure, but i’m currently sitting in second place and third is probably less than a quarter mile back.” i emptied my pack of all of my empty gel wrappers, grabbed some coke, and we set off up the last big climb. he asked “how are you feeling?” and i said “my legs feel great. i feel good mentally. but my hips are feeling beat.” he pulled out some aspirin and offered me one. I took it with gratitude (karen and georgia would have frowned at me) and slugged it down with some water. we spent all of 3 minutes on the trail together when he realized i was pulling ahead quickly. “you seem to be getting faster this last half...i’ll see you at the finish!” i felt slightly guilty for leaving him (and logan several miles ago) but my competitive nature got the best of me and i was running SCARED. despite the impressive elevation gain for the last climb, i averaged ~14-16 minute miles and made it to the top of high knob feeling awesome. an aid station volunteer met me at the very top and ran down with me to the aid station, calling out to the other volunteers the things they should be getting ready. “GINGER ALE! TURKEY SANDWICH!” i slugged the ginger ale, took 5 big bites of the sandwich, thanked them for volunteering, and was off again, down the mountain. 8:39, 8:33 splits. Hit some more uphill (”where the hell did this come from? i don’t remember this on the way out???”) and power hiked as fast as i could, knowing blue shirt was probably shortly behind me. hit mile 27 and thought “ohhh...this is unchartered territory. i’ve never run this far before!” mile 28-29 was spent running down those steep hills again and it did not feel pleasant. the mud made it all the more difficult as i was trying not to slip and fall on my ass and back. mile 30 i hit pavement again and was grinning so big as picnickers stared at me while eating their late lunch. i flew down the last big hill, 8:13 pace and crossed the finish line with some weak applause (NOT a lot of people there haha). i didn’t care. i was so proud of myself. logan and i had made a time goal- 8:00 flat. i glanced at the clock- 6:49? 6:50? i can’t remember, but i couldn’t believe i had come in sub 7. the first place female greeted me and we chatted for a bit. she was actually the wife of a professor at my undergrad alma mater. she told me she had come in 5 minutes before me, which blew me away (she had been 4 miles ahead of me when i last saw her!)
i quickly changed into dry clothes (alexi would be proud) and sat down with a warm cheese quesadilla and a Dr. Pepper as I awaited logan’s arrival. third place female finished about 10 minutes after me and i got up to congratulate her, letting her know i had run scared for the last 18 miles of that race because of her. logan came in at 7:24, looking so strong! i ran (hobbled) to the car and grabbed his clothes while he recovered. we hung around for another 40 minutes, chatting with blue shirt (who i learned was named nikki) and the female overall winner (robin). i also chatted a bit with the guy i ditched going up the last big hill, but never learned his name. everyone was so friendly, just enjoying each other’s company and talking about the beauty of the trails we just ran. 
i asked robin if there would be an awards ceremony and she said no. the race director only gave awards to first place overall male and female and that i needed to come back next year so i could win it overall. i was definitely disappointed. i’ve never been to a race where they didn’t recognize top 3 male and female. but that doesn’t take away from my effort or the beauty of the day. i apologized to logan for leaving him behind and he laughed. “that’s exactly what i wanted you to do and you know it.” 
i did know it. and that’s why i did it. he would never want me to hold myself back for him. he always wants me to reach for my full potential and that makes me love him even more, makes my heart swell just thinking about how special a love like that is. i’m so grateful for this beautiful, foggy autumn day in the mountains with him. grateful our legs carried us through it all. 
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korechthonia · 6 years
Huddle related headcanons (volume 2)
I did say Volume 2 would follow! Including the headcanon that started this adventure. Not all that PG. & obviously, spoilers.
(volume 1)
Jack Zimmerman thinks Senor Bun is the cutest thing ever. He calls him Monsieur Lapin, and speaks to him exclusively in French as part of the ongoing project to get Bitty to learn French. It... doesn’t really work (p1)
Jack specifically commissioned the toothbrush holder. Like really, do you think there are non-custom toothbrush holders with both rabbits and pies? (Bitty doesn’t know.) (p3)
HABS HAT HABS HAT HABS HAT. It is Jack’s. Bitty steals it one time for a strip tease and never gives it back. Now it makes periodic appearances for overdramatic Haus karaoke nights and when the Falconers one is probably downstairs. Jack is conditioned to be a bit weak for the bleu-blanc-rouge, so Bitty can get away with a lot when he’s wearing it. He takes full advantage. (p5)
Bitty only sets a timer when Jack’s around or he’s doing homework. Mostly he has a pretty good internal clock. The frogs bought a whole bunch of eggs mostly for protein-filled breakfasts (because they know Jack’s visiting!), but Ollie and Wicks steal a carton or two to egg the lax bros’ house. This is what earns them dibs. (p8/9)
Jack thinks Bitty’s worrying about him being hurt is adorable for about 5 minutes after he finds out that’s all there is to it. Then it’s kind of annoying. They are playing hockey, after all. But it’s okay in the end, because it leaves a little tiny scar, and Bitty likes to kiss it (and his cheekbone) frequently. (p11)
Ransom is one of those people who sleeps hot. Holster is not. Therefore, he is substantially less likely to be wrapped up in a thousand blankets when he sleeps. This is the primary reason he is Mandy and Jenny’s favourite. That he refuses to believe in them is just bonus entertainment. (p13)
In this universe or some other grown up one, Ransom and Holster are permitted to coach peewee hockey together exactly once. They are much too into each other to be any good at it. Subsequent occasions, they are very purposefully separated. (Jack coaches with Nursey, because he’s smart enough to know he’d get distracted with Bitty. Dex with Ransom, Holster with Bitty, Shitty is FORCEFULLY kept away by Lardo. The coaching staff approves.) (p15)
Dex hates C. (p16)
The dying days of summer are Kent’s favourite time of year. Still warm enough to lounge comfortably in his swimming trunks (he has at least a dozen pairs), dog tags, and a snapback, next to his pool in Vegas, still cramming in calories before the season begins but after everyone’s started to come back from their scattered locales around the world. (p21)
It’s cold enough to see each other’s breath in the car, but in Kent’s rundown old Civic in a rest stop out of town after practice, they’re in their own world, and nothing else matters. (And now I’m crying about Pimms. p24)
Georgia Martin doesn’t entirely come out to the world, just stops hiding it. She marries her college sweetheart, who, yes, plays for the Canadian team, and in her next thirst trap photoshoot (because Hilary Knight absolutely took inspiration from her), she’s wearing her ring. There’s no accompanying story for an explanation. Someone else asks her wife whose ring she’s wearing, and “George’s” is the absolute truth, but it’s a few weeks later that someone asks how her husband is that that assumption is clarified. The more quick-witted put two and two together, but to date, they haven’t done a joint interview no matter how many people ask. (George’s wife coaches the Northeastern Huskies women’s team, because research decrees this plausible.) (I love George, and Julie Chu and Caroline Ouellette, why do you ask?) (p25)
Patater is real, because Tater’s instagram icon is a cat. Also, A91Mashkov means Tater is born in 1991, and is therefore a year younger than Jack and Kent, and was drafted the following year. I would also like to submit that justincoco, AKA Justin Oluransi (yes there is contradictory evidence but it validates intention here), does not know which of the two he is referring to as his boy. This interaction goes broadly unnoticed until they are friends and he gets Tater to follow him (cue the Holsom Taters because I am Like That.) (also yes, I realise I have contradicted myself in headcanons on the same page) (i have been reminded that complex polycules mean i am not contradicting myself) (p32)
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callunavulgari · 6 years
TOP 25 FICS OF 2018
1. A Cornstalk Fiddle by @notbecauseofvictories | Devil Went Down To Georgia | The Devil/Johnny | 17k
Where Johnny goes, the Devil follows; where Johnny goes, the Devil is already there.
Heather Says: So. I never thought that my favorite fic of the entire year would be a fic written about a song - and one that I don’t even particularly like - but here I am. I read this fic the same night that I finally broke down and watched Moonlight, and ended up listening to Moonlight’s End Credits and Hello Stranger by Barbara Lewis on repeat while I finished that first chapter on my back porch. This is that perfectly atmospheric fic that you’ll find maybe once every ten years and could probably sustain you on its memory for just as long.
2. Work of All Saints by @kaikamahine | Coco | Imelda/Hector/Ernesto | 210k
Imelda Rivera (b. 1899 - d. 1969), a story that includes but is not limited to: the finest music school this side of the Santo Domingo, three traveling musicians and the mess they made of love, the twice-cursed assassination of Venustiano Carranza, all the patron saints, and ninety-six ways a man can try to cross a bridge.
Heather Says: This story blew my entire mind. It was lovely, and tragic, and hilarious, and everything that a good novel should be. The parts of this fic that map out the unseen lives of Imelda, Hector, and Ernesto, that hidden backstory that a movie can only hint about, were exquisite to the point that I was afraid getting to the point where, well, they die, would be a letdown. It really wasn’t. If anything, the story managed to get richer as it went along, until suddenly you’re in a room sobbing into a pillow at four in the morning and have to be awake in four hours. No regrets.
3. Under the Covers by @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 87k
Steve is (maybe) a little bit still in love with Nancy Wheeler and (maybe) trying to figure himself out-- between the night terrors and the babysitting and the general weirdness that is Hawkins, Indiana-- before he graduates.
Billy Hargrove fits in there somewhere (probably).
Heather Says: Under the Covers was the first Harringrove fic that actually kicked me over the edge from ‘eh this ship looks like it would have good hate sex’ and into full-fledged believer. It’s an intricately crafted look into the world of Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington post-season two and it is absolutely glorious.
4. Bloody Ruin by esama | Castlevania | Alucard/Trevor | 37k
Vampire hunter and a vampire try to get along.
Heather Says: Written before season two came out, this was one of those fics that I clicked on because the pairing interested me and I wanted to see how it worked. It did not disappoint, and even after I delved through the tag on ao3 after I marathoned season two, this is still my favorite.
5. a road less traveled and a life less led by Azzandra | Dishonored | Billie & The Outsider | 9k
She took him out of the Void, as promised. And then she kept him, she supposed.
Heather Says: You know all that fanart that started cropping up after Death of the Outsider came out? The ones where Billie and the Outsider crept around Dunwall or Karnaca stealing fish and safes and graffiti-ing buildings? The ones with that found family vibe? Yeah. This fic scratches the same itch that all that art did.
6. But I’m Not There Yet by sarahyyy | Yuri On Ice | Yuri/Otabek | 71k
“Are you not going to read the article?” she asks, flopping onto his bed. “Look who ranked second, just after Phichit Chulanont.”
Otabek reluctantly scrolls down, and oh. #2 - Yuri Plisetsky
In the embedded Instagram photo just under that subheading, a very grumpy Yuri is cuddling a very grumpy-looking cat. The caption reads: I found the cat version of me at the shelter today. #iknowisaidnomorecats #canyoublameme
Heather Says: And here, in the stupid cute category we have teenagers navigating love through social media. What’s more, there’s a companion fic.
7. flowers start to bloom in every different hue by orphan-account | Coraline | Coraline/Wybourn | 1k
Coraline grows up, gets a tattoo, and falls in love. In that order.
Heather Says: I read this fic on a slow day at work, often in quick bursts while I was waiting for the kitchen to finish my table’s food. It’s short. It’s sweet. It’s perfect. And honestly? It’s everything that I was looking for when I ventured into the Coraline tag on ao3 because I was curious.
8. Victory Conditions by @astolat | Transformers | Megatron/Optimus Prime | 37k
“Do you want me to tell you a story?” Megatron said mockingly. “You won’t like it, Prime. It’s not a very nice one.”
Heather Says: Fun fact, I’m not even in this fandom. I haven’t touched the Transformers fandom since the first movie came out in 2007 and I spent a very confusing week shipping a boy and his car. But Astolat has literally never lead me wrong, and I was having one of those bored days where nothing quite itches the right spot, so I sat down on the couch and spent two hours reading this. Worth it.
  9. just in it for the game by grim_lupine | Thor | Thor/Loki | 6k
“It's excellent rehabilitation for my image,” Loki says, widening his eyes. “They love you, and because of that they'll trust me. You wouldn't ruin this for me, would you?”
Thor glares at him.
Loki’s mouth twitches. “Also, it's the funniest thing that's ever happened to me.”
Heather Says: The Thor/Loki bug never really bit me until after Ragnorak came out. I mean, sure, I read it and it was good, but hella’s Frostiron fics basically destroyed me for any other Loki pairing. HOWEVER. Ragnorak happened and screwed that all the way up. Also, you know, this fic is absolutely lovely and was just what the doctor ordered.
10. so this guy walks into a bar by MasterOfAllImagination | Pacific Rim | Newt/Hermann | 2.5k
“Bourbon,” Hermann says, hooking his cane on the edge of the bar and sliding by degrees onto a stool.
“Straight up?” the bartender asks.
“Please.” Does he look like the kind of man who enjoys having his nostrils fumigated by undiluted whiskey? “On the rocks.”
Heather Says: I coped with Pacific Rim 2 by reading a couple AUs and a couple very, very long fics full of tragedy and math. Weirdly, the AU of a chance meeting in a bar was the one that stuck.
11. cherry pie by @brawlite & @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 133k
Billy Hargrove lives for summer. Endless sunshine, heavily chlorinated pools, roaming ice cream trucks, and unencumbered freedom? There’s nothing better.
Even being stuck in Hawkins can’t ruin the summer for him. He eats it up, devouring every day whole.
Heather Says: Yeah, okay, but this is the fic that made summer worth it. Highly recommend reading at the pool or with your feet hanging off the back porch. Every piece of this fic was dripping in summertime nostalgia. It was fan-freaking-tastic.
12. the ghost and the good queen val by Wildehack (tyleet) | Thor | Thor/Valkyrie/Loki | 27k
“What,” she says, her heart racing, “was that.”
“What was what?” Korg asks, frowning up at her. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
Valkyrie squints suspiciously at the ship.
“Oh my god,” Korg says. “You did! You saw a ghost!”
Heather Says: So, remember how I coped with Pacific Rim 2 with copious AUs? This is how I coped with Infinity War.
13. For Better or Worse by DragonBandit  | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 22k
All Damien ever wanted was someone who wanted him. All Damien deserves is to die alone, stripped bare of any of the comforts or affections of humanity, a title he willingly shed.
Mark Bryant seems to be the Universe's compromise.
Wherein Damien and Mark are soulmates, and this changes enough.
Heather Says: I think I’ve read this one three or four time this year? It’s 22k of well-written fic for a fandom that has a max of like 100 fics all with lengths that tend to vary between a couple hundred words to 2 or 3k, max. This fic is the one that really catapulted me into the fandom. 
14. in waves by @lymricks | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 38k
It’s March and it’s too cold for Billy to be shirtless and wearing shorts, but he hadn’t noticed until Harrington appeared and made him hold still. Harrington can’t seem to stop looking at the bruises. “What’s it to you if I miss a little school, Harrington?” Billy asks. He feels goosebumps rising on his skin.
“I don’t know,” Harrington snaps back, looking uncomfortable. He shifts his weight from one foot to the other. Plant your feet, Billy wants to scream at him. I’m going to bowl you over.
Heather Says: And here we have the first fic that wasn’t written by either @toast-ranger-to-a-stranger or @brawlite that made me realize that this fandom was gonna be a good one. So fantastic.
15. the cure by aquaexplicit | The Flash | Cisco/Harry | 43k
“I guess I don’t really get what you need to fix? Harrison Wells is a hot, rich genius that pays you to make cool stuff with his daughter and is totally into you. If you guys boning is the biggest problem you have, I think this officially qualifies as your best relationship ever.”
When Barry puts it like that, everything sounds so simple and not at all as angst ridden as Cisco has been suffering the past few months.
Cisco hangs up on him.
Heather Says: I remember a couple years ago, I fell absolutely head over heels for this one Sterek fic where Derek had twin toddlers and Stiles was the hired babysitter. So I think there’s something about dad + babysitter fics that get me, even if this one in particular the ‘baby’ in question is a fifteen year old genius. Still. Dad + babysitter. I don’t even know, but apparently it works for me.
16. pull out the insides by SpineAndSpite | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 3k
“Stop,” Damien says again, more insistent this time.
“I’m not doing it on purpose.” Mark's heart pounds in his ears and he sees Damien’s hands shaking. God. They shouldn’t have started talking about sex. Shouldn’t have filled in the colors and shadows to this pencil outline of a sketch forming between them. They shouldn’t have given it a name.
Heather Says: This year seems to have had a theme when it comes to fics that I’ve liked and it seems to boil down to: people who are bad for each other have sex and catch feelings. Mark/Damien is not the healthiest ship. But it also hurts in this stupidly tragic way and hell if I didn’t fall head over heels for it.
17. tell me, get my shit together by paperclipbitch | Star Wars | Han/Lando | 5k
“I thought we were actively avoiding each other after the Trandosha Shitshow,” Han says.
“We’re actively avoiding each other after the Iridonia Shitshow,” Lando corrects him, “the Trandosha Shitshow is That Which We Do Not Speak Of.”
Heather Says: So, guess what I did in the two to three hours after seeing Solo? If you guessed: ‘combed through ao3 until you ran out of fic’ ding ding ding, you are 100% correct. This one was very, very good, which makes sense, because paperclipbitch has some good shit.
18. chases, escapes, true love, miracles by pepperfield | The Flash | Cisco/Harry 55k
Just because the timeline has been restored, doesn't mean things are back to normal. Cisco's got 99 problems, and Harry Wells is approximately 38 of them.
In which Cisco makes a bunch of plans, fails most of them, narrowly avoids being disintegrated, receives a hug or two, finds his groove, and gets his man. More or less in that order.
Heather Says: This one was long and wibbly wobbly, because it was basically what season 3 should have been. But it was also really great, and had some super quality Harrisco interactions.
19. Your Pretty Little Heart by Ever-so-reylo | Star Wars | Reylo | 64k
Modern day AU in which Ben is an Alpha, Rey is an Omega, and they are way better at having sex than at communicating with each other.
Heather Says: Speaking of people who are probably a little bit bad for each other... This particular fic was new to me, not because of the um, extensive sexual content, but because I’m usually not a fan of A/B/O. But this one was extremely good, enough that I actually liked it for a/b/o aspect rather than in spite of it.
20. Draconia by perceived_nobility | The Bright Sessions | Mark/Damien | 4k
"So I was driving. One ex wife and one ex husband later, stopping at the same fucking gas stations you and I stopped at."
Heather Says: This fic actually prompted a 3 hour long conversation on the ‘adult’ Mark/Damien discord where we basically outlined an entire fic that I never got around to writing where Damien is raising a child, has a farm, and runs into Mark ten years down the ride. One day, I might write it, because vaguely domestic, meet-again-ten-years-down-the-road fics always bowl me right the fuck over and just. There needs to be more fic like this one in the world. But until then, the world can marvel at the beauty that is this one.
21. Artifice by buttpatrol | Wolf 359 | Hera/Eiffel | 23k
A story told in parts about colour palettes, identity, robot uprisings, sensational trials, space, and messy love.
Heather Says: As I’ve recently finished relistening to Wolf 359 I have a fresh appreciation for this fic, which is one of the only longer fics on ao3 that just grips you by the heart and squeezes the same way that the series does. It might have been written before the end of the series, but it’s honestly just as perfect.
22. (shoot the lights out, hide) till its bright out by lipgallagher | Stranger Things | Billy/Steve | 93k
The most dangerous thing walking around Hawkins goes by the name Billy Hargrove.
And he fucking knows it.
Heather Says: I’m kind of cheating here, because this is a series rather than a single fic, but I’m not picking just one part. I read the first four or so parts of this fic when I was visiting my family in South Carolina and spent the next few days wandering around the place half-in Steve Harrington’s headspace. It was an incredibly surreal experience, which lead to a pretty strong combination of mania, depression, and an indescribable craving for ice cream. So like, maybe don’t read this fic if you’re in a bad head space? But also it’s very good and features one of the most fucked up and intriguing Steve’s that I’ve seen yet.
23. Until My Feet Bleed and My Heart Aches by Reiya | Yuri On Ice | Yuuri/Viktor | 197k
‘…Of all the rivalries in the world of sports over the years, perhaps none has become so legendary as that of Russian figure skater Viktor Nikiforov and his rival, Japanese Yuuri Katsuki…’
Heather Says: I actually read this one on the plane ride down to South Carolina, and kind of didn’t like it at first? I’m not sure if it was just the act of putting Yuuri and Victor into the position of rivals that made me uncomfortable or the goddamn delays that turned half a day of travelling into a full one, but eventually I was able to get into and enjoyed it quite a bit. I really like the rivals to lovers trope, so I’d been looking forward to this one a lot.
24. Traveling Far by @astolat | Game of Thrones | Jaime/Brienne | 24k
Three weeks into their delightful slog across Westeros, during yet another charming day of shitting in the woods, eating half-raw squirrel, and trudging his feet bloody, the single most dour and uninteresting woman Jaime had ever met in all of Westeros stopped in the middle of a field, drew a deep breath, and said, “When I was seven, my aunt came to visit with her son. My father told me that as the daughter of the house, it was my duty to show hospitality to my guests and to be gracious to them. I wanted to make him proud. So for three weeks, I let my cousin follow me around and talk to me about spiders.”
Heather Says: I’ve become very fond of astolat’s Jaime/Brienne fics, and I think this one is my favorite yet. Featuring Starks, found family, and a whole lot of walking.
25. lilies of the valley (cover me with kisses, make my garden grow) by diasterisms | Star Wars | Reylo | 8k
Every girl is entitled to the mistake. That one colossal fuck-up that permanently alters the terrain of who you are. You'll either learn from it or you won't, so might as well have the time of your life.
Heather Says: I just. I really like flower shop AUs, and the idea of a Kylo Ren who owns a sleek flower shop being menaced by a tiny gremlin in a leather jacket just. Kills me. It was really sweet and all kinds of wonderful.
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evilispretty-dead · 6 years
So roommates part 38
It was their last day at the festival then they would be on their way to London but for now they was sat in the tents watching alex dances about of side with some of his friends both anyha and Marco laughing at him as they filled him then getting up together to join his in his silly dance as some of his friends filmed them , anyha had her hair in her face in the boomerang that they made of them as they danced “keep that and tag me” Alex asked as his friends did as asked , Alex put some videos up on his story on Instagram of all three of them and in every one anyha his her face or duck out giggling at him at his puppy dog eyes as she did this.
They was all tried when they was on the way to the airport to go to London but it was not long till they was they alex said bye to his dad and thanked him for driving them all here.
The flight to London was not that bad and the landed in the evening and they was soon in cab going back to anyha place before both the lads had to get book into their hotel room , anyha was on her phone texting her sister to let her know that they was on the way back to the flat her phone buzzed with a text back from her sister let her know that she got some friends over at the flat so anyha told her to let them know that she was coming home with some friends and not to freak out at seeing them getting a cheeky text back from her sister “just to let you know that iris has some friends over” she look over to both the lads “this is going to be fun” Marco snigged “I told her to let them know so it should be fine” she looked back at him then the all broke out laughing at the thought of walk in her flat and watch iris friends freak out upon seen Alex and Marco .
Pulling up outside of the flat they got their bags and anyha leads them in and up to her flat door letting them in , upon waking in the could hear people talking and a puppy barking as it ran to the front door anyha dropped her bags to give blue some love then picking him up walking in to the living “mum am home” she shouted as iris got up and ran over to her “hey ... hey Alex Marco” she smiled at them as she looked over to them as they walked in to the living room they looked around watching the group of friends that iris was sat with all have shocked looked on their faces then one said something about omg OMG then composed herself , a young lad got up and walked over to them “hi it nice to meet you am Harry” he held out his hand to anyha with that she handed blue over to iris to shake his hand ”hi harry” “ok everyone we seen the famous people now back to work” Iris said as she put blue down , anyha looked back at the two men she had came in with “cone on we will hang out on the rooftop” with that she led the way up to her side of the flat upstairs .
All three of where sat on the rooftop looking out over the street as the sun was getting low in the sky “we best get off to the hotel” Marco said as he looked at his phone seeing that it was almost time for them to book in to the room they said their goodbyes and anyha showed them out the door giving the both a hug and Alex got a snarky kiss on her neck as she hug him making her blush .
Alex and Marco had make it into their hotel room letting out their stuff for tomorrow as they would be at London comic con “you ready for tomorrow” Marco asked as he put what he would be wearing tomorrow as Alex set up his phone to play music in the room so they could chill out “ yer am ready for tomorrow” he smiled at him looking over his shoulder at Marco they chatttd about the plans they had for the con and after the con as they could have 3 days in London before they had the next con to go to .
The morning of the con they all met up for breakfast at some fancy place , anyha was the last of them to walk in and it was Alex that met her and ordered something for her , Alex pulled out a chair for her to sit down between Katherine and Georgia and he round his seat across from her “anyha you was amazing last night on that live stream” Georgia piped up as she looked at anyha “thank you hehe , I didn’t think you guys would see it” anyha blush looking away from Georgia as she tell her that she loved her singing and that she didn’t know that she could sing like that making anyha blush more and more .
Soon after breakfast they was split into groups and given their run sheets so they know where they had to be , so the first thing anyha had was interviewers with Alex , Marco and Alexander then they would be moving on to the panel that they had to do later today. Going through the interview was nices as their was not to much that they could answer but at the same time the was one interviewer that kept asking anyha about her love life but she just brushed it off .
After a quick lunch they was on the way to do the panel anyha standing backstage playing with her bracelet as she was freaking out as she never done something like this like yes she had been sat the others side of the panel but she never been on a panel but it was Alexander walked over to her “hey don’t freak you sat between me and Alex so you fine” he put his hand on her shoulder so that she would look at him now with a nervous smile on her face as soon she could hear the crowd go mad as they was getting ready to go out their , anyha walked out with Alex and Alexander as they wave at the crowd as they move out on to the stage taking their seats , anyha gasped as she looked out over crowd and see how many their was but at the same time she spotted her family on the front Row smirking at her and at the same time she felt Alex hand hold hers “wellcome the cast of Vikings” the crowd went wild as they was told what was going to happen and how for a special treat they would be showing the new episode of Vikings . The opening scene play out and the crowd clapped then there was a recap of what happened in the last episode then it started.
Freya walked back to her tent drinking from her cup as she went, stepping through into her tent she stripped of her her armour and laying down at the end of the bed sitting on the bed to take her boots off and leaving them at the side of the bed , she pulled back the fars and slipped under them pulling them back over her body rolling to her side culling up in a ball she fell asleep holding her sister necklace .
She felt like she was being woken up as she opened her eyes she could see that she was not in her tent but she was out in the woods filled with bright and beautiful colours sitting herself up she looked around when she heard someone giggle around she , Freya looked around to see who it was but she couldn’t see them but she know that giggle just then the voice of her sister called her name and she jumped up looking round her see where she had to run seeing something move off to the side of her she move to run after but she tripped and fell to the floor hissing in pain as she felt something grab her rolling over to see what it was she , she came face to face with bjorn but his face was covered in blood making his eyes looked like glowed blue “bjorn?” Freya was confused to why she was he was here but then his face changed to ubbe face but the eyes still looked like they glow she struggled to get away from him but he climbed up her body so to he was sitting over her as his hands slipped riding her neck the face changed again to hvitserk then last Sigurd but this time their eyes looking at her was ivar a she could see all the hate and pain in them as Sigurd put weight on her neck making it hard to breath she scratched at his hands to try and get him off her feeling about at the side of her body she felt something , Freya grabbed on to the thing under her hand and closing her eyes she hit the side of sigurds head with it feeling the weight of his body leave her with that she stabbed to her feet and just ran not looking back .
Running out to a field slowing down so that she was walking out into the field.
Tovi looked up to see Freya sleepwalking heading out to the open field jumping to her feet she shuck ubbe and bjorn awake “she dream walking” both men looked round , bjorn move the girl he was holding so that he could stand “if we can get to her before she walks out” ubbe said as he touch of running after her with bjorn and torvi behind him as the ran after Freya . Tovi call out to them that they had to get Freya as the sky had changed and the moon was full and it was being coming light .
Back to Freya dream
As she step to the edge of the tree line before walking out as the clouds move that was hiding the moon letting light fall on the field , looking across the field she seeing something on the other side then there was a flash of blue eye and they was the eyes of ivar this made her fall back and it felt like she was falling through water.
Freya woke up as she falling back as thousands of fire arrows was coming her way as she fell closing her eyes “Odin take me” she whispered as she hit the floor as thousands of arrows hit the ground she could hear her name being called
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andersonpaceny · 6 years
The Perfect Vacation || BLESSE
Airports were almost like a second home to Jesse, having been in them and through them more times than he could count. And JFK was the airport he frequented the most. From flying over to LA to do press to travelling for tours or events to just visiting his parents in Florida. When they pulled up outside the airport, in the drop off bay, he unclicked his seatbelt and turn to Blaine with a grin, "we're here." "Can I tell Georgia where you're going now?" The man sitting in the front seat asked, a tone of amusement to his voice, since Jesse had made him swear not to tell her. He shrugged, "you can tell her when we land. I don't trust her not to have an entire army of body guards waiting for me at Zurich if she finds out with enough time to organise it." He looked at his watch. They still had several hours to their flight since they had to check in early. "So at 6am tomorrow, you're safe to tell her. By then we'll have a car and since even you don't know where we're going from there, I think we'll be safe." The last thing Jesse had wanted on this trip, was an entourage. And Georgia was always so paranoid. He wanted it to be just him and Blaine, and the Swiss Alps outside their window. Nobody hanging around, no need to worry about being quiet or the awful feeling somebody was watching them. None of it. "Okay, let's go," he grabbed Blaine's hand and they got out of the car, taking their luggage out of the trunk and walking in, directing Blaine to the priority check-in line, instead of the long queue that most people were joining. The check-in process was easy, their bags were weighed and sent off (they hadn't taken much, but with their hiking gear, they'd both packed a checked bag), and then the woman was sliding their boarding passes. "There you go, sirs. You can go through customs to your left, and you can find directions to the first class lounge at the information desk if you need. Enjoy your flight."
Blaine chuckled as he too got out of he car, then held onto his suitcase and carry-on luggage. "You both shush. It's my job to call her and get nagged about it. I'm your P.A. so I'll call her... right after we're at the place where we're staying." He shook the driver's hand, then followed Jesse inside to the VIP check-in line, which made it all easy and rather fancy. Once they were inside Blaine couldn't stop gawking at everything he saw, especially when they made it to first class lounge, where they had to wait for the time to board the plane. Coffee and magazines in hand, they sat there together, him focusing on the magazine at hand while some people looked at them, or at Jesse and smiled, or waved at him, and then it wasn't long until they were finally boarding the plane, them being located in first class the first ones to come on board. "Holy cow...." he said as walked inside the first class sitting area, unable to hold back his awe any longer. "You can tell me to shut up any time you want, but this is the first time I fly first class, and this is awesome!"
Jesse chuckled and put their bags under the spacious area of their seats. "It's okay, it's adorable. You're like someone who's celebrating Christmas for the first time." Truthfully, he didn't always first class, he could never justify the need, especially when he was flying around America on such short flights. But he also had the money to spend and this was their first real trip away together. Yes, they'd been together on the tour, and they'd taken trips to Florida to visit Jesse's family, and Ohio to visit Blaine's, but there had never been anything like this. A romantic summer vacation in the Alps. This was - to Jesse at least - a big step in their relationship. So why wouldn't he want to spoil Blaine when he had the means to? So first class had been a no brainer. "Just wait until you see the wine menu." There were a couple of different seats in first class but the two that they were in were joining - of course, so they could lift up the table in the middle and virtually they ended up on a large sofa. It was soft and plush, with spacious room to move and large TV and window they could watch the take off and landing from with ease. Although they had boarded first, it didn't take long for the plane to fill up, and the pilot announced their take off and asked everyone to put on their seatbelts and prepare.
Blaine chuckled and nodded. "Yup! This is exactly how it feels like" he said chirpily, then planted a soft kiss to his cheek and made sure his bags were safely tucked under  their seats, then he turned to look at him with wide, shocked eyes. "We're having wine?" To him, it was all a discovery so far, and they were just getting started. At the pilot's signal they took their seats and he tucked his seatbelt on tight before he held onto Jesse's hand. "Here we go!" he said, almost bouncing on his seat, then took a deep breath when they plane hit the runway and finally took off with ease, his stomach dropping down inside of him as they climbed up, but he was also far too excited to actually feel scared.
Jesse looked at Blaine, confused, and nodded, "of course we're having wine. Even the economy class gets wine, although they have to buy it. We get two complimentary glasses." The take off was smooth and they watched through the window at New York getting smaller and smaller underneath them. "New York is always so beautiful from the air," he commented, the contrast of Central Park and the urban sprawl obvious. Once the ascent was compete, the cabin crew started moving around. The flight went fairly quickly, they had a couple of drinks and their meals and since it was overnight, had a little nap in the incredibly comfy seats of first class. He took a photo of him and Blaine, posting it to Instagram using the plane's wifi, knowing it would drive Georgia crazy not knowing where they were going. But he couldn't resist. Still, before long, the pilot was announcing their descent and asking everyone to return to their seats and buckle their seatbelts to prepare.
Blaine wouldn't miss the chance to take as many pictures of he could from inside the plane, and even though he tried to persuade Jesse from posting that one selfie on instagram, he was really too happy to care about Georgia's reaction. He could deal with that later.  After a couple of movies, a quick power nap and some nice breakfast (they flew through the night), it was soon time to land, and Blaine was once again on overdrive. He had to be reminfded by Jesse several times that he had to wait until the plane stopped completely to stand up from his seat, and when it finally did, he felt like everything and everyone else were moving too slow. Eventually they made it out of the plane and took the VIP access to their baggage claim, and he was bouncing a little when they finally got hold of them.
Jesse couldn't help but find Blaine absolutely adorable throughout the whole flight, but he couldn't blame him. He remembered the first time he'd flown first class, he'd been about 17 at the time and as much as he'd tried to not look as excited, he absolutely had been. But the flight was over soon enough and they departed first, and collected their bags, their two suitcases and the guitar case marked as fragile. "Is it okay?" He asked, checking the case over for damages. "Come on," he said, once he was satisfied, "let's get the car." They walked to where the car hire was and with a quick check over the license, they were being passed their keys. "I think Georgia will know where we are soon," he said, nodding over to where somebody was not so subtly taking his photo. He made a point of waving at the, amused when he noticed their face flush. "I don't know why people don't just ask, surely a selfie is better than being a stalker," he huffed, taking the keys and following the attendant out to where their care was. After loading up the luggage, they were on the road, making sure nobody was following them.
Blaine gave the guitar case a quick lookover and nodded. "Yup, seems whole." After grabbing their bags, and also picking up their hired car keys, he followed Jesse to the lot where it was parked, just beside the main gate of the airport, and he chuckled at Jesse's reaction at the people who had ajust spotted them there.  "Just ignore them, babe. Come on..." He put his bags inside the trunk and got into the car, where he quickly proceeded to post some of the pictures they had taken in the airplane, tagged with #sorrygeorgia and pressed 'post'. After that nothing else mattered, but the fact they were already in Switzerland, starting their vacation.
Jesse snorted when he saw the hashtag Blaine had taken and shook his head, "oh my god, she's going to be so mad and I don't even care. But we have to be careful. If I hurt myself or we do something stupid, she'll have me under lock and key until my next album and tour are over." It wasn't a short drive, their accommodation being just over two hours from the airport but that was exactly what Jesse had wanted. He wanted to go somewhere off the grid, where the two of them could just enjoy the peace and quiet with the views around them. He thought about coming back in the peak winter seasons, taking Blaine skiing on the busy mountains and he knew that would be amazing. But right now, he just wanted a quiet time with Blaine, where nobody would gawk at him and where he could focus on his music. They chatted, and pointed things out about the scenery, especially the Swiss Alps as they came into view.
Blaine didn't waste any chance he had of taking as many pictures as he could as they rode the long drive to where their cabin was located, which Blaine loved since that meant they could be alone and enjoy their vacation. He couldn't stop gawking at everything around him, the scenery almost too beautiful to be true. When they finally arrived to their destination it was even more perfect than what he had imagined. Mountains surrounded them evrywhere they looked and the cabin settled on a cute, much smaller mountain top, looking almost like those in the postcards. "Oh.. my god... Babe, this is so- wow...." He chuckled, then jumped into his arms. "I love it, and I love you."
Jesse was busy looking at the view - the mountains looked different in summer, but somehow more cheerful and welcoming - that he nearly missed Blaine jumping in his arms. He had fast enough reflexes though, catching up as he wrapped his arms around him and he couldn't resist spinning him around. Other than a hike or two, they really had nothing planned for the ten days they were here and Jesse was looking forward to just relaxing, spending time with Blaine without the pressures of the outside world, and writing some music. "It looks beautiful, doesn't it. Quick, smile," he pulled out his phone and held it out in front of him, snapping a quick selfie with the mountains behind them. He didn't want to post too much on Instagram until they got back, just in case, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to take as many photos as possible. "Come on, let's check it out." He grabbed Blaine's hand and tugged in him inside, finding the key where the owner said it would be, and stepping inside and revealing the large cabin, styled perfectly for the mountains.
Blaine couldn't stop gawking at everything he could as he held onto Jesse's arms, then he leaned closer and smiled brightly for the camera before he jumped back to the ground and took his hand back. "If it's anything like things here on the outside- H-Holy sh...." He blinked as he looked around at the perfectly put together cabin, its wooden interior making it warm in the winter and cool enough during the summer days. "Jesse, it's... wow, just... wow. It's so beautiful, babe..." He walked up to the door that led outside to the balcony and gasped when he saw the ful mountain scenary in front of him.
Jesse completely agreed with Blaine's reaction, despite having seen the pictures before and knowing what to expect. The place was gorgeous. It had such a warm, moutain cabin feeling to it without feeling cramped or dark. And already he could just feel the inspiration coming. The more he'd thought about it lately, the more he wasn't sure if he wanted to sign on to Apollo records after his next album, which was the last in his contract, unless they allowed for a little more freedom in his music. He wasn't some teenage boy wanting to produce popular poppy songs anymore. He'd grown as an artist and he wanted his music to reflect that. And essentially, he wanted to have at least a few songs on there that directly related to coming out, or celebrating who he was. He wasn't hiding anymore, and he wanted to show the world that he would never hide again. At least, not his sexuality. He was fully prepared to hide from the world with Blaine for the next ten days. He stepped up behind Blaine on the balcony, wrapping his arms around him and resting his chin on his shoulder. "It really is, isn't it? And just think, itOops.Jesse completely agreed with Blaine's reaction, despite having seen the pictures before and knowing what to expect. The place was gorgeous. It had such a warm, moutain cabin feeling to it without feeling cramped or dark. And already he could just feel the inspiration coming. The more he'd thought about it lately, the more he wasn't sure if he wanted to sign on to Apollo records after his next album, which was the last in his contract, unless they allowed for a little more freedom in his music. He wasn't some teenage boy wanting to produce popular poppy songs anymore. He'd grown as an artist and he wanted his music to reflect that. And essentially, he wanted to have at least a few songs on there that directly related to coming out, or celebrating who he was. He wasn't hiding anymore, and he wanted to show the world that he would never hide again. At least, not his sexuality. He was fully prepared to hide from the world with Blaine for the next ten days. He stepped up behind Blaine on the balcony, wrapping his arms around him and resting his chin on his shoulder. "It really is, isn't it? And just think, it's our view for the next ten days. Well, that and each other," he smirked, tilting his head to kiss his cheek.
Blaine was quite enraptured in the sight in front of him, so when Jesse came up from behind he was a bit startled, but he quickly calmed down and relaxed into the gentle embrace, his back leaning against Jesse's chest. "Babe, no matter how beautiful it all is, it would never distract me from looking at the thing I like to look at the most." He turned into the embrace and smiled as he kissed him, then hugged him tight before he pulled back. "Let's go check our rooms now! Oh, and the kitchen. I must see where we'll be cooking for the next days. You know me and my tummy!" He giggled, then took his hand and led him to where he believed the rooms were.
Jesse raised an eyebrow, "our rooms? Babe, I think you'll find we'll be sharing a room or I'll riot. Mmm, speaking of cooking, we'll walk into the town in a bit before it gets too late and pick up some supplies. I think it's only a small town, but I'm sure we'll be able to find something to get us by. I hope so," he chuckled. It was about 12:30pm now, so he was sure they'd want to walk in to get some food once they were done exploring and it was only a ten minute walk. Practically down the road. He followed Blaine throughout the house and they looked into the rooms. There were four bedrooms since the house was huge and laid out for a family, but the only one they cared about was the large master bedroom. It was large and beautiful, and just perfect. There was a large window and their own private balcony as well (not that technically the other balcony wasn't private for them too) and there were also tea and coffee making facilities so they didn't have to go downstairs to make coffee in the morning if they didn't want to.
Blaine chuckled and patted his butt playfully. " I meant the rooms in the house, babe. Of course we'll be sharing a bed. You think I'd let you out of my sight during our vacation together? Unlikely." When Jesse opened the door to their master bedroom he gasped and stepped inside, and if he had thought the living room was gorgeous, nothing could compare to that room. "Oh... my god. This is so awesome. Look at  the view!" he said, pointing at the window like a little kid pointing at some toy at the store. "And we can see it from the bed, how cool is that??" He was bouncing on every step he made, even spinning around as if he was in a bad reprise of The Sound of Music. "This is gonna be so magical, but yeah... Food is a must. You wanna go now then, before it gets dark?"
Jesse leaned against the door frame and smiled as he watched Blaine run around. He remembered being a teenager, touring for the first time. Staying in nice and fancy hotels. His parents had never been poor, and they'd been on the occasional holiday, but they'd never been rich either. Just comfortably middle class. And now, here he was, worth millions - if not billions - of dollars. And sites like this still shocked in sometimes, but seeing Blaine excited was worth even more. And if they could travel the world together, he would show Blaine wherever he wanted to go. He'd never wanted to live a particularly lavish life, having saved most of the money he'd made after purchasing his apartment, so even if something went horribly wrong with his career, they'd be set up. "We can use the fireplace too," he said, pushing himself off the door frame, "it still gets cold at night, even in summer. Romantic, wouldn't you say." He grabbed Blaine and pulled him in, wrapping his arms around him and kissing him deep and soundly. They stayed like that, wrapped up in each other, as moments passed before he broken the kiss. He glanced outside the window, "we do have several more hours before it gets dark. But I agree, if we go now and get what we need, we can get back and enjoy the rest of the day to ourselves."
Blaine smiled as he was pulled into Jesse's embrace, his body fitting perfectly against his as he wrapped his arms around his shoulders and let go of himself when their lips touched, always so smooth and soft and warm; he hummed softly into the kiss, savouring every drop of warmth and taste that was shared, and he even pouted a little when they pulled back, his heart beating fast inside his chest and his toes tickling inside his shoes. "How about... a cute picnic-slash-dinner or lunch, or.. brunch, what time is it?-" He chuckled, then looked at him fondly. "-by the fireplace for our first night here?"
Jesse laughed and kissed him softly on the nose. "It's about half 12. So if we take our time walking to the village, maybe see if there's a cafe for a light lunch, and then go for a walk, we'd get back here and can have an early dinner by the fireplace. Sound good?"
Blaine smiled and kissed him again before he let go of him and took his hand instead. "I like that idea! That way we could get a glimpse at this place, and if anything like you can see from afar-" He chuckled as they both made their way back into the living room, their suitcases left there to be taken care of later that day, and he grabbed his bag, which contained his passport, wallet, phone and sunglasses, before he walked to the door. "Let's go then!"
Jesse smirked at him, knowing exactly what he was talking about. There were no houses around where they were (part of the charm of why he picked the place - that and the view) and the town was far enough away that he was sure nobody would really notice them. He swung their joined hands between them, as they locked the door behind them and headed off down the path towards the village.  The views were virtually the same from their accommodation, but they still stopped multiple times to take photos and veer off path so their five minute walk turned into about twenty minutes. And the village... well. It was definitely small. The description of the property hadn't been lying. It was more of a pitstop for travelling vehicles than anything else, but there was a roadhouse/gas station and a small convenience store. Enough for them to find things to make dinner, though he was thinking they'd end up with pasta and rice. Easy and a good base for their meals. "Should we get some food? Roadhouses can serve good food sometimes. I'm starving. And then we can think about some easy stuff we can buy for dinner. We can always drive to a bigger town if we can't find stuff, but I think we'll be okay."
Blaine was in absolute of the place they were, his eyes wandering all over the place while he took a bunch  of pictures out of everything he could. It was such a nice change of pace from being, from living in a city that literally never slept, and was always on the run; and although their last vacation together had been wonderful too, to be in a town like that was the perfect place to enjoy a calm, peaceful time, with the man he adored, with no disstractions around, but them two. "Yes! Food! PLease. I'm really hungry too. Maybe some hot soup and a steak? You think they have those there?" He only had to look up to see the place where they would most likely be going.
Jesse looked at the roadhouse and shrugged, "let's find out?" He winked at Blaine and they walked inside. They could go to the convenience store later to pick up food to cook with, and anything else they wanted, like coffee. For now though, they were both hungry and some hopefully okay food was what they needed. They were greeted warmly by the man behind the counter when they entered. There were a couple of tables in the small building so they would at least be able to sit down and eat as well. They didn't have steak, or anything quite like that, but they had sandwiches, sausage rolls, soup and other similar food. "I think I'll probably have a sausage roll and a coffee." The sausage rolls sat in a heated cabinet at the front, clearly homemade with flaky pastry, and that was enough to convince him. "What do you think, babe?"
Blaine smiled warmly at the man who greeted them at the door, then after following him to their table he placed his napkin on his lap and hummed in thought for about two seconds before he spoke. "A bowl of hot soup and a roastbeef sandwich then? And some chips on the side, please?" From the corner of his eye he spotted a deliciously looking chocolate cake, covered by a plastic lid to keep it fresh, and he made a mental note to have some of that for dessert.
"I'll get us a chips to share," Jesse replied, leaning in and giving Blaine a quick kiss on the lips. He ordered their food from the counter and the man behind it rung it up. Thankfully, Jesse's card was one he could use internationally without worry, so they hadn't needed to rush and get currency before they left. The man got their food ready, passing it to Jesse once it was heated up. It was set up as a pit stop, so he was sure a lot of people got their food in takeaway bags, but the few tables that sat here for those wanting to take a break from their journey - or in their case, just enjoy lunch - was nice. "Thank you," he said, carrying the tray with the food on it over to where Blaine was sitting. "Here we go. Soup and a sandwich for you, sausage roll for me and chips to share. God, I'm starving."
Blaine was lost in thought as he looked outside a nearby window, from which he could see the mountain, beautiful and untouched, so he almost didn't notice Jesse coming back until he was actually at the table. "Oh! Yum yum, give me food!" he said making grabby hands at him, and they were soon settle down with their food at the table. He held onto Jesse's hand and gave it a quick kiss. "Bon apetite" he said, then dove right in to eat his soup before it could get cold, and he hummed at its delicious taste. "Hmm! This is very good! Not as much as my infamous chicken soup, but close second." He smiled at him and continued eating, even sinking one of the crackers the soup came with in it.
Jesse grinned when Blaine kissed his hand, bowing his head in a ridiculous gesture. He broke off a piece of his sausage roll and chewed on it thoughtfully, his stomach giving an appreciative noise. "It's not bad," he agreed, taking a chip, "I'm so hungry so it could have been awful and I probably wouldn't have minded though." He chuckled and gazed out the window. It was a rarity sometimes, for him, to be able to be so completely relaxed, without a hoard of people asking for autographs or photographs. Here it was just peaceful, and he was looking forward to just Blaine's company for the next ten days.
They continued theeir meal in relative silence, broke only by the sounds they weremaking when chewing the food, and perhaps some lively comments about the food, or the place, which Blaine was convinced they would be visiting at least one more time before leaving. It was a rarety to have such a calm time when they were out, and he appreciated that. After they were done eating and paying for their bill, and carrying a to-go cup of coffee in hand, they continued their lazy walk through town, every now and then stopping to get items they felt they might needed during their stay, just before they made it into the actual grocery store, a small place, in comparison with the ones back at home, but still with anything and everything they would like. "I vote we get some bottles of wine for the cold nights" he chimed in with a playful grin on his face.
They had a fridge and freezer back at the lodge, so they picked up a bunch of things they would need. No doubt they could come back into town if they wanted - but Jesse also wanted them to have enough supplies to last them in case they wanted a few lazy days. They also grabbed things to take on their hikes, since they'd planned on doing a couple of those. He chuckled at Blaine's wine suggestion, leaning in to kiss him quickly, "you say it like you think I'd argue with that. Wine is a perfect suggestion." They selected a couple of bottles from the limited range on offer, and made their way to the checkout, bagging up their items and loading them up on their arms for the short trek back to the lodge.
Blaine chuckled and kissed his cheek quickly. "Good man. I knew you'd see my point. Nothing like a good wine, and a warm body for the cold nights." He wiggled his eyebrows at him, then laughed and walked away to where the register was. After everything was paid up and packed they grabbed the bags and made it back to the cabin. "I'm really loving this place, babe. The quiet alone is something I'll treasure while we're here" he said as they walked through the door and headed to the kitchen to put the bags down. "I have the feeling I'll be walking with plugs in my ears from now on when we get back home." He chuckled and winked at him.
Jesse looked around and nodded, "I know what you mean. Sometimes it all just gets too much. I kind of thrive on it though... but that doesn't mean I don't want a break every so often. Something Georgia doesn't seem to get. She thinks a break is a day off in my apartment." He sighed, placing the bags down on the counter and they got to work unpacking them and putting them away. Thankfully they had a fully stocked kitchen so could pretty much cook up anything they wanted, and they'd bought enough stuff to last them a few days at least. More if they dragged it out but it wasn't like the town was far away - and it was summer so there wasn't exactly a chance of a snowstorm to trap them in. "I do want to try to get something written while I'm here... you know, a change of pace might get the creative juices flowing. Not to mention, you're here to inspire me and all but one of the songs I've written for my new album have been inspired by you so far. Well, you and just being myself."
Blaine closed the pantry once everything in place, then turned to Jesse and smiled, his arms going around his waist as he pecked his lips gently. "I'm the luckiest muse in the world then. I'm happy to be part of your life now that you're so comfortable with it. With who you are and what you feel. I have the feeling the best is yet to come, Mr. St. James, and I'll be there, pom poms and all to cheer for you, always." They shared one more kiss, then he stepped back and rubbed his hands together. "How about we drink some wine, hmm? The one you bought looks like is from a good year."
Jesse smiled into the brief kiss and nodded. "Well, you made me realise it was okay to be okay with who I am. So thank you. I don't think I can ever repay you, but writing songs is what I do so it's a start." He grabbed one of the bottles of wine they picked at random, searching through the draws for a corkscrew, luckily finding one. He popped open the bottle, and poured the two glasses, taking Blaine's and leading him to the alcove window, with a couch and a gorgeous view of the mountains. It was still the afternoon, but he could imagine sitting here and watching dusk settle over them. But for now, they sat on the couch, curled up, drinking sips of wine and soaking in the view.
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thysurveys · 6 years
813. ©
Do you know a James? Yes, my brother’s name is James.
Have you ever been to Australia? If not, would you like to? I live in Australia already.
Have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness? Yes.
If you had to choose to have a different accent than the one you have now, what accent would you choose and why? Irish or English. They seem cool.
New York or California? I’ve already been to California, so I’ll say NY.
Have you ever or do you currently live in a Gated Community? Nope.
Who was your last text from? Aaron.
Do you know how to use a DSLR camera? I do.
If you had to choose one instrument to perfect, what instrument would you choose? Guitar or piano, for sure.
Have you ever owned an Axolotl? Nope, but I remember I did want one when I was a kid. They’re pretty cool.
What has been the longest amount of time you've spent on a plane? 14 hours.
How often do you use Snapchat? Every day.
What does your last text say? It’s too long to type out.
Have you ever played Habbo? Yes, sir.
What about Runescape? Uh huh.
Post a picture of your Facebook display picture:
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Have you ever heard of the band Mumford & Sons? If yes, do you like their music? Yes. I love their music.
Have you ever kissed anyone starting with the letter A, C, N, T or K? Yes to all.
Have you ever used Valium before? Yes.
What time is it where you're from? 12:10 am.
Have you ever adopted an animal from an animal shelter? Uh huh. That’s where my fur baby is from.
Where do you usually find Surveys from? tagged/survey or tagged/surveys. Then I pick one from there usually.
Australia or New Zealand? I really want to visit NZ.
Have you ever missed a flight? Nearly when we were going to San Fran. We only just made it on time.
What is your best friend's middle name? Hugh.
How do you feel about the passing of Aretha Franklin? Sad.
Did you enjoy any of her music? I didn’t mind it.
What is your favourite film from your childhood? There’s too many! I always loved a good classic Disney film.
Kanye West or Drake? Drake.
Do you know anyone who is named after a state? Georgia and Indiana.
What was the reason for your previous doctor's visit? It was for Kev. My last visit for myself was because I was sick and in pain.
Have you ever been to an outdoor cinema? Uh huh.
Have you ever had a "bad trip"? If yes, what happened? Yes. The first time I ever smoked weed, I smoked it by myself (rookie mistake) and I had a bad trip. My paranoia went absolutely crazy.
How often do you use Instagram? I check it daily, but I don’t post often. 
Have you ever smoked a cigarette? Uh huh.
If so, do you still smoke? Yes. 
What are you up to tomorrow? I have to take Kev to cricket training in the morning, then we have a few houses to look at. 
What type of questions do you like being asked during a survey? Any. Depends on my mood.
Adam Sandler or Jim Carrey? I like them both!
What is your favourite Ben Stiller movie? I was obsessed with Meet the Parents for a while there. So, I’ll say that one.
What is your favourite Spotify playlist if you have one? My personal playlist.
Firefox or Chrome? Chrome.
Do you enjoy learning about conspiracy theories? Yes. I love them.
If so, what is your favourite? There’s many!
Do you find hand tattoos attractive on your preferred sex? Uh huh.
If you had a baby boy, what would you name him? I don’t know yet. I have a few in mind that I like.
What is your favourite Netflix original series? There’s a few. OITNB, The Sinner etc.
Have you ever owned a Tamagotchi? Yessss.
Do you have a favourite "survey blog" on Tumblr? If so, who? There are a few I like!
Would you rather be 10 minutes late or 20 minutes early? 20 minutes early. 
If you could be a member of any TV-Sitcom family, which would it be? Full House is the first one that came to mind?
Tell me about the 6th person in your contact list: She’s my brother’s ex girlfriend. And the mother of my two nephews.
Are you waiting for a text back right now? Yes.
Would you rather be able to control fire or water? I actually have no idea. Fire, maybe?
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hornsbeforehalos · 6 years
Whiskey, Sweetheart: Part 16
Pairing: Past Norman Reedus x OFC, Past JDM x OFC Warnings: RPF, Smut, Language, Breif Violence, Jealousy, Angst, Older man/Younger Woman.
Series Masterlist
Summary: After Jeffrey’s neglect pushed her away and into the arms of his best friend, Norman and Ky have to figure out if their new relationship can withstand not only the aftermath of the unspeakable crime they commited to keep her safe, but the backlash that comes from being co-workers with a very betrayed Jeffrey Dean Morgan.
A/n: This is the Sequel to Anytime, Sweetheart and The Conquests of Norman Reedus. You’ll probably be a bit confused if you haven’t read Conquests yet, though, or at least the Finale, but you could probably figure it out on your own if you don’t want to. But I don’t see why you wouldn’t want to, lol.
Everything tags:@aquivercactus@srj1990@dragongirl420@docharleythegeekqueen@jesbakescookies@make-things-beautiful2 @through-thesilver-lining@sorenmarie87 @daddy-kink-confirmed@redm81@heyitscam99@kazosa@blacklightguidesnic@fandomoniumflurry @his-paradox@keepcalmimthecupcake @ambeazyyy @starkeeper41
JDM TAGS: @jdmfanfiction @jeffreydeanneganstrash
Norman tags: @reedusteinrambles @jodiereedus22 @dollycrybaby
Whiskey, Sweetheart: @elinyaes @jml509@xagateophobiax@missghoul18@beffyblueeyes  @foreveror-never @zombeeemomeee @jackybehappy@journeyrose @alilarkin99
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Norman stared at me silently for a long time, the revelation that he was going to be a father again by a woman who just shattered his heart a hard pill to swallow. 
“How long have you known?” He finally rasped, his voice thick and gravely.
“Right after we got out of jail,” I answered, diverting my eyes from him as his eyebrows raised at the notion that it’d been that long.
“For a month?” He asked, disbelief and frustration riddled in his tone, “You didn’t tell me?”
“I wanted to tell you, Norm, I did,” I started, meeting his eyes, “I just didn’t know how.”
“How about start off by saying, ‘Hey, babe, I’m pregnant!’?” Norman sneered, turning to sit on the step he’d been kneeling on and putting his head in his hands, resting his elbows on his thighs, “Can’t believe you’ve kept this from me.”
Scoffing at him as my anger flared up again, “Oh, I’m sorry, babe, kinda hard to be enthusiastic when you’re constantly reminding me of how much you don’t want kids.”
He gritted his teeth and bit his cheek as he attempted to keep from snapping back at me, his voice coming out from behind his clenched jaw, “You should have told me, Kylin.”
“Whatever, Norm,” I sniffled as I wiped my nose on my shirt sleeve, “This is the exact reaction I expected, anyway.”
“I’m  not mad that you’re pregnant, Kylin,” Norman grunted, lifting his head up to turn his face to the side to look at me out of the corner of his eye, “I’m pissed that you waited ‘till now to tell me.”
He shifted again so he was leaning against the railing of the stairs, one foot propped up on the step he was sitting on and the other one on the one below it. He brought his gaze to mine for a moment before looking at the wall, shaking his head in frustration, “I’m pissed because you didn’t talk to me about what happened, you just blasted me on Instagram and slept with your ex. You didn’t even trust me enough to be like, ‘What the fuck?’ You just believed everything he said, just like you used to. I’m pissed because I trusted you,” His voice broke as tears resurfaced and ran down his cheek, his eyes darkening as he met my stare again, “And now I have to spend the rest of my life tied to someone I hate.”
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His words burned into me long after Jensen had found us and pulled me into his room after telling Norman he needed to leave. Jeffrey had been dealt with, how I didn’t care as long as I wasn’t going to have to see him anytime soon. I lay in Jensen’s bed for the rest of the night and the next day, him, Misha, and Rob alternating checking in on me between events they had scheduled. The news that I was pregnant had made it’s way around the group, but it was a somber celebration with the way things had ended up happening. 
“What am I gonna do, Robbie?” I asked as he wrapped his arms securely around me and pulled me into his chest, “How am I gonna do this by myself?”
“You know you’re not alone, Kay,” He argued, tightening his grip on me, “Everyone is going to be doting on them so much, you’re probably gonna have to beat people away from the poor kid.”
A smile formed on my face at the thought of Jared, Jensen and Misha playing the awesome uncles, spoiling the poor kid before sending him home to me, “You’re prolly right about that.”
“What if I’m a complete fuck up at the whole mother thing and screw the kid up entirely?” I asked after a bout of silence, my mind working in overdrive, “What if it hates me or something?”
“Oh, honey, of course they’re gonna hate you,” Rob chuckled, “All kids hate their parents at some point.” 
“Did Calvin and Audrey hate you?” I asked curiously, looking up at him from  my place on his chest.
“Ohhhhh yeah,” He sighed, his brow furrowing with disappointment “Hell, they’re grown and still hate me.”
“Huh?” I grunted as I sat up on my elbow to see his face better, “How come?”
“Just shit with Mollie. She’s officially filing for divorce this time apparently and their both pissed because they say it’s my fault.”
“What? Since when?!” I gasped, scrambling to sit up to look at him, my hands prssing against him chest, “Why didn’t you tell me?”
Shrugging, Rob twisted his lip and looked away, “You were busy all the time with Norman, and we rarely hung out anymore. I didn’t want to bother you with it.”
“I’m so sorry, babe,” I cooed, rubbing my palms down his arms to hold his hands, “I know how much she means to you.”
“She’s my wife, I mean, but we want different things. She’s busy with her law firm and I’m never home with how much I tour. She wasn’t okay with us being friends and I-”
“Wait, what? She wasn’t cool with us being friends?” I interrupted, my brows crinkling, “Since when?”
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“Since every time we split up I wound up in your bed, princess,” He smirked as he squeezed my hands, “She was jealous.”
“Of me?” I scoffed, recoiling my head in disbelief, “What the fuck? I was never trying to take you from her.”
“I know that, Ky, but I wasn’t going to lie to her about anything that happened between us. I tried explaining to her that we were just best friends who happens to sleep with each other occasionally, but she insisted that it was more.”
“You know I love you, Robbie,” I said seriously, “But I never meant to be the reason for ya’ll to divorce.”
“You’re not the only reason for it, Kay,” He assured, smirking again as he sat up against the head board more and pulled me closer to him, his blue eyes bright with affection, “And I love you too. Forever, Sweetheart.”
I knew I probably shouldn’t, that it was definitely a bad idea, but it’s not like I’d been making good choices recently anyway, so I leaned over and kissed him. It was gentle and chaste, and he kissed me back instantly, our lips molding together until the sound of a key-card beeping outside made me pull away quickly. 
“I swear to Christ I can’t leave you two alone together,” Rich snarked with a shake of his head as he strolled in, Rob and I obviously caught by our pink cheeks and averting eyes, “Somethin’ else, girl.”
“Shut your face-hole, Richie,” I sneered back, rolling my eyes, “Don’t be jealous.”
“Of Rob? Please, honey-child, if I wanted you, you’d be mine,” He winked as he sat on the edge of the bed, “But unfortunately, my wife would probably kill you and me both.”
“Oh yeah, me, you, murdered,” I giggled, sprawling out to rest my chin on Rob’s stomach as I looked up at Rich, “How’s things down there?”
“Swimmingly, but I need to steal Rob so we can close this fucker down. You feel like coming down or you staying here?”
“I’m staying here,” I sighed, rolling off of Rob and sitting back up as he moved to get off the bed and straighten himself up, “Don’t feel like fuckin’ with anybody else today.”
“It’ll get better, sweetheart, you know it.” Rich assured, rubbing his hands up my biceps before bringing me into a hug, “You and little gummybear in there are gonna be just fine.”
“I sure as shit hope so.”
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It was odd being back in Los Angeles. It’d been 3 weeks since Norman left and I had decided that I needed a break from traveling so much, but I never really felt right to be constantly at home all the time. 
It wasn’t that I was alone, either, because I certainly wasn’t. During the week, when Robbie wasn’t busy with shows or preparing for conventions, he was constantly checking in with me, making sure I didn’t need anything and even going as far as to going with me to one of my doctor’s appointments.
Gen, Danni, and Vickie made it a point to be up my ass as well, the two Texas girls insisting I Face-time with them at least once a day, where as Vicky would randomly pop in bright and early in the morning and make me go to some herbal shop with her and the kids, or do something ridiculous like goat yoga or something of the sort. While it was nice to have the distractions, my heart ached over Norman still, and I didn’t see it going away anytime soon. He’d shipped all my things that I’d left in New York and Georgia to me, and the only form of communication we had had was when I’d sent him a picture of the sonogram from the latest doctor visit, receiving a simple heart emoji back. I knew there was nothing to be said about us, and him saying he hated me still echoed through my head on a daily basis. I just hoped by the time the baby got here we’d at least be able to maintain some form of decency with each other.
I was approaching my sixteenth week, and had started to show just a slight bump. Everybody had thought it was absolutely adorable, and my mother had insisted on talking to it when I Facetimed her to tell them the news. At first they both insisted that I get on the next flight back to Dallas, but I eventually had them convinced I would be okay on my own.
I was too grown to be running to Mommy and Daddy to fix my fuck ups, anyway. 
The pulsing vibrations of my phone jarred me from a dreamless sleep, my body jerking into consciousness before scrambling to find the offending device. Groaning as I did so, I squinted my eyes open while blowing the fallen hair from my face. The contact from the law firm I had’s number displayed across the screen, and I quickly hit the accept button.
“Hello?” I greeted, trying to keep my voice from rasping with sleep.
“Ms. Ackles? This is Barbara, Mr. Walsh’s assistant?” The girl chirped in on the other side, “Sorry to have woken you?”
“No problem,” I croaked out, rollingonto my back and sitting up against the headboard, “What can I help you with?”
“Mr. Walsh wanted met to call and inform you that after speaking with Mr. Morgan and Mr. Reedus and presenting the information, The judge, with Mrs. Marcelli’s input and testimony, has decided to drop all charges and allegations towards all parties involved.” 
My mind whirled while it processed what the girl said, my eyes tearing up as I bolted forward in the bed, “Oh, shit, really? Thank you so much! Tell Mr. Walsh he’s amazing, thank you so so so much, really, like...Thank you.”
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I ended the conversation shortly after, quickly distracted by jumping for joy as I heard Vicki unlock the door with her key. She gave me a confused look as I leapt at her, my arms winding around her body and lifting her up with me as I jumped.
“You win the lottery or something?” She inquired with a snort, holding me out at arms length by the biceps, “What’s up?”
“The law firm just called, Vic, I’m good, we’re good!” I squealed, jumping up and down again. 
This time she joined me, wrapping her arms around me tightly with a huge smile on her face, “That’s fucking awesome, Kay, thank God.”
A sudden tension in my belly caused me to stop suddenly, my hand instantly covering the bump, my smile returned as I felt the movement again, this time, against my hand.
“Holy fucking shit, Vic, the baby kicked,” I squealed as I looked up to her wide eyes, snatchign her hand and replacing it for mine, “Holy shit. Come on, lil’ baby, kick for Aunt Vicki.”
Vicki moved her other hand across the small swell and pressed in slightly, cooing as she did. The fluttering feeling returned, and she gasp as she felt a strong kick against her palm, “Oh, hi there, baby!”
“Oh my god, Vic, I gotta tell-” I started, but clamped my mouth shut before I finished the sentence. A rush of anxiety flipped its way into my stomach as I silently walked into my bedroom and found my phone, picking it up and unlocking the screen before looking at Vic as she leaned against the door frame. 
“This is so shitty, Vicki,” I sighed, slumping down onto my mattress as I spun my phone in circles to distract myself, “Why does this have to be so shitty?”
“I told you a long time ago this was going to get mess, Kylin,” Vicki snorted, adjusting her glasses before crossing her arms and stepping into the room, she sat down on the edge of the bed beside me and nudged me with her arm, “You’re the one that went and made it worse.”
“Thanks for reminding me, best friend,” I snorted back, nudging her as well, “Issue is, I don’t know how to make it better.”
Vicki shrugged, patting my leg and sighing, “I dunno, girl. Send Norman a text, I guess. Just come on, we have stuff to do.”
Vicki’s ‘stuff to do’ consisted of her dragging me through some all-natural, hippie granola crunch bar store that apparently had a great deal on biodegradable diapers. I groaned loudly as she loaded up a cart full of things I apparently wasn’t going to be able to live without as we shuffled through the isles, rolling my eyes at some of the things she was getting. 
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“You’re fuckin’ ridiculous, Victoria, you know that?” I teased as my phone began to vibrate in my pocket. I pulled it out and stopped in the middle of the isle, my eyes widening instantly. 
“Who is it?” Vicki asked, her brows furrowing in concern. I flipped the phone around in her direction to show her Norman’s face flashing across the screen. Her eyebrows shot up and she motioned for me to answer it, pointing that she was going to walk a bit further ahead.
I pressed the accept button as I began slowly walking forward again, leaning into the buggy that I’d been pushing, “H-Hello?”
“Hey,” He said quietly, as if he was just as nervous, “I got your text.”
“Mmhmm,” I hummed back, looking around as I approached the section with baby clothes, “That’s good.”
“Everything’s going good so far?” He inquired sheepishly, seeming to not really know what to say, “No issues or anythin’?”
“Not that they’ve told me about,” I said absently, reaching out with my free hand to touch a shirt that was made from some organic material I couldn’t pronouce, “I find out the gender next month.”
“Hmm,” He responded quietly, and I could picture him nodding his head before he suddenly said, “Hope it’s a boy.”
A loud snort left my nose and mouth as I shook my head, throwing the tiny hemp outfit into the buggie, “I do too, actually. Lookin’ at little boy clothes right now.”
Norman let his own chuckle trail through the phone line, and I had to stop myself from saying something stupid. Humming again, I pushed the tears that were threatening to pick to the surface (stupid fucking hormones) and investigated another outfit on a rack.
“You wouldn’t...wanna go to the doctor with me to find out for sure, would you?” I asked softly, surprising myself as another flood of nerves ran through my bloodstream, “I mean, I totally get it if not, I just-”
“I dunno if I’m ready for that, Ky,” He sighed, the awkwardness creeping through thickly, “Maybe after a while.”
“Okay, yeah...” I replied easily, putting another outfit in the basket, “Yeah, sure.”
“Look, I gotta go, I just wanted to...call and check in.” Norman offered, sympathy in his voice, “Let me know if you need anything, okay?”
“Kay, thanks Norm, I-” I stuttered, catching myself and closing my mouth quickly before sighing again, “I’ll talk to you soon.”
“Bye, Whiskey.”
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